View Full Version : Adventuring in the Days of Yore

Droid Tony
2020-01-02, 09:19 PM
For the past several days, you have been traveling a road that winds lazily across the rolling grasslands of the Greenfields. Sundown is approaching when you top a rise and see the hamlet of Greenest, is barely a dot on the map, just a few short miles away

As you enter the hamlet you notice the following locations: a village hall, a jail, a general store, a shrine, a blacksmith and an inn. With the sun low in the sky, there are only a couple people around, mostly at the Inn, called Simply The Nest.

Just a simple introduction to get started. Please make an introduction post each for your characters.

And the main OOC Thread: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?605780-Adventuring-in-the-Days-of-Yore(OOC)&p=24336027#post24336027

2020-01-03, 12:14 AM
Walking into own taking note of the terrain where each building is located and what it's purpose was before deciding to go into the local tavern whose name plate simply read The Nest. Walking in taking a seat near the back with her back to the wall where she can clearly see all who enter and exit the tavern. She goes about ordering a meal and drink. (ooc desription: 5'8" athletic build, Dark blonde feathers, tan skin where it shows with piercing green eyes) Perception to notice things & people [roll0]

2020-01-03, 02:18 AM
In the tavern Alara approaches the patron "May I get something to eat and some tea?" Standing about 5 ft tall with brown hair and golden eyes she is sill rather young for a wood elf. Most of her hair is puled back reveling her pointed ears, she is dressed in leather armor with trousers. However, she does not have the accent common to elves, or carry herself like an elf. In fact the way she holds herself not really even lady like.

2020-01-03, 04:04 AM
Ralik (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2087170)

A medium sized human wearing a dark cloak pulls back the hood as he enters the Inn, revealing tangled brown hair and two vertical red stripes tattooed on his face, each one covering one of his eyes. He smiles when he sees the others, orders food and a drink and joins them at the back table. He eats with the uncivilized manners of a local peasant, not even hiding that he is putting a few pieces of extra bread in his pockets. He is quiet, but friendly, as he catches up with his friends.

2020-01-03, 01:10 PM
Well met my friends, thank you for saving a seat for me, now is there room for us to sleep here or are we under the stars once more? Innkeeper, an ale for my thirst and a chicken for my hunger. Stone said as he set his maul down next to his chair as he unslung his shield and pack, readjusting his two hand axes that were holstered over his chainmail. His dwarven hands cracked as he popped each knuckle. He tucked his black braided beard into his armor as he waited for the food and drink to appear.

Droid Tony
2020-01-03, 07:53 PM
The Nest is a small inn with an attached tavern, and is a quite typical country building. It's all one floor and made of all wood. There are several large windows, with no glass, but wooden shutters. The tavern common area has several long tables and a couple small tables, with chairs and stools scattered around. Old bird nests, with rock eggs and stuffed birds makes up the decor of the Nest.

Several people, local farmer looking types, fill most of the room. Sitting and talking and drinking after th

The Keeper is an older human, who gives an nod, smile and quick hello to everyone who walks in the door way.

With in a couple moments a young human server brings over four bowls of chicken, and ale, a tea and two hard ciders.

The Nest looks like a typical country inn/tavern. Everything about the Nest, and the people in it...excpet for your group, looks quite normal and mundane.

2020-01-03, 08:32 PM
Stone digs into his soup and finishes his ale.We need to find lodgings and work, I'm coming to end of my funds. Any ideas?

2020-01-03, 11:29 PM
Alara takes a sip of tea. "Perhaps the local authority has some work."

2020-01-04, 04:30 AM

Ambix is the last to enter and seat down. As he gets in, he takes out a small sponge-like twig, and carefully sweeps his clothes. The dust and stains disappear in a second. He then sits down and looks around.

"What a quaint little village. But anything beats sleeping on the ground again."

As the food comes, he accepts the fowl but takes out his own cuttlery - an actual plate, metal fork, spoon and knife- and places his food there. He also takes out a special towl, which he puts over his feet. Drinking just water, he also takes out a small silver glass and pours some of his brandy in it. The ritual is very familiar to all his companions.

As he eats - his elbows close to his body and with minuscule bites - Ambix nods when he hears about work.

"This seems to be a village that does not suffer from the caliber of problems we are usually called to address. But it never hurts to ask."

2020-01-04, 06:48 AM

Ralik eats his fowl without utensils or really manners at all. When Ambix arrives Ralik greets him in a way that, while friendly, is more subdued than his greetings for the others. Over the years he has found that Ambix doesn't appreciate the enthusiastic handshakes and bear hugs common to the humans in this area. Nonetheless, Ralik has found Ambix to be a steady and true friend, just like the others.

"There are almost always problems under the surface if we look for them, though. Let's get rooms here tonight and explore the town tomorrow."

Droid Tony
2020-01-04, 09:56 PM
The townsfolk do notice your group, but keep their distance and only take an occasonal look. The keeper and the server are quick to refil any drink and tke away any used plate.

After about an hour, a human male in plain, but not well worn or wored clothing approches the group.

"Well met travelers. I hope you are enjoying your stay in out small spot. I'm Evendur Lewin, the local lord of sorts.

I don't wish to intrude, but I can't help but notice that you all might be the type of folks to help us out with a bit of a problem we have."

Evendur Lewin makes breef eye contact with each person, but most of the time keeps his eyes on the maul next to Stone's chair.

2020-01-05, 12:48 AM
listening to the man who did not appear lord like, Well Sir, why not regal us with your tale and we can discuss options from there.

2020-01-05, 05:23 AM
Ralik (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2087170)

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Lewin. Please, join us. The chicken and ale are delicious." He pulls over a chair for the visitor and asks the server for an extra bowl of chicken and an ale for the new guest.

"How can we be of service?"

2020-01-05, 12:20 PM
Stone Stone looks over at his maul as the lord continued to to gaze upon its glory. She'sa fine friend to all who treat her respectfully, but she's a cruel mistress to those that don't. So sorry, Stone, investigator for hire.

Droid Tony
2020-01-05, 12:36 PM
Evendur Lewin "Oh I have have no need of food or drink or to sit. Our little place has a small problem...well a big problem. An oger. He moved into the area last week. At first it was not so bad, he stole some crops, a couple chickens, and even a cow. But a day ago...well, he tried to grab a lass off one of the farms. She got away by hiding, but we are worried things might keep getting worse.

We are simple folk, farmers and such. We can't handel such a monster. So it sure was a good sight when I saw you folks walk into our village. You look like the sort of folks that can help us out.

We, really don't have much money. But I can offer free room and board here at the Nest for all the rest of your days. And I do have two potions of healing.

What say you?"

2020-01-05, 05:33 PM
Ralik (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2087170)

Without any humor or malice, just simple curiosity, Ralik asks the lord a single question as if he were a waiter taking a dinner order.

"Sir, would you prefer the ogre be driven away, captured, killed, or tortured and dismembered?"

Droid Tony
2020-01-05, 05:52 PM
Evendur Lewin "I'm fine with him just being sent away. He lived somewhere else before afterall. He might be a monster, but I don't wish for his death. But I know ogres can be stubborn, so, you know if you have to take him down...well I'd pick our village over him any day."

2020-01-05, 05:58 PM
"I am sure we can resolve this without resorting to undue cruelty." says Alara as she raises an eyebrow at Ralik's rather drastic suggestions.

2020-01-06, 04:39 AM

Ambix was done with his meal when the mayor of the village came. Without missing a beat, he cleaned his plate using the same alchemical procedure as before and stowed it away.

Listening to the proposal, he nods once, the serious and immobile expression never leaving his face.

Room and board, plus two potions is not bad

, he thinks. With a glance around, he speaks. His voice is surprisingly deep and steady.

'It seems we may come to an agreement. However, we will require access to the people who saw the ogre. Also, we will keep whatever of interest we may find'

2020-01-06, 09:51 AM
looking at her friends and the mayor. chiming in.. And if the ogre does not wish to relocate quietly, then we are not responsable for any damages that occur in getting it dealt with.

2020-01-06, 10:30 AM
Ralik (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2087170)

Ralik replies in the same businesslike tone he used before.

"Lord Lewin. I have no wish to torture the ogre and I’m glad to hear that your desire is the safety of your village and not revenge. But we will need to kill the ogre. We cannot drive it off and have it terrorize another village. Do you know where we can find the monster?"

Droid Tony
2020-01-06, 05:29 PM
Evendur Lewin "Well, sure you can speak with anyone. The ogre has not stolen anything other then food...and likely that is eaten. Anything else you find is yours.

Ah, well, damage...maybe you can at least try to keep it all out of the village. Fight it in a field.

The ogre lives in a cave about a mile north of here. A little way north of town the land gets hilly, that is where some caves are, and the ogre cave. "

2020-01-06, 06:06 PM
Don't you worry, the mistress and I will soon meet this here ogre and send him packing. Stone says as he grasps his maul in his hands.

2020-01-06, 07:15 PM
Ralik (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2087170)

Ralik continues the conversation with Lord Lewin.

“Once an ogre starts trying to steal children, there is no hope of rehabilitation. His violence will only escalate. Is there someone who could show us which cave? If they need us to, we could escort them back to town before we confront the ogre.”

Nature or history check to recall any information about ogres, especially the best time to attack them and anything about their lairs that might be useful (advantage due to favored enemy). If you allow it to be a survival check, then the bonus would be +4.

[roll0] +1 = 11 (or 14 if survival is ok)

Droid Tony
2020-01-06, 07:58 PM
Evendur Lewin "I can ask Fenderus Caliper to show you the cave. He is the wildwalker that tracked the ogre there.

Ogres are big, ugly, greedy humanoids that live by ambushes, raids, and theft. They are both Ill-tempered and nasty. A blight on any land they inhabit, ogres are unrepentantly evil, not for any philosophical or moral reason, but for the sheer, repugnant joy of it.

Ogres dwell in the dark shadows and dank caves of many of mountain ranges. Ogres are most active at dusk and early evening.

An Ogre lair is not much more then a spot where the ogre stops to sleep.

2020-01-06, 08:44 PM
Ralik (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2087170)

To the lord, "Could you have him meet us here in the morning?"

To the table, "Ogres are big, ugly, and greedy, living by ambushes, raids, and theft. They are both Ill-tempered and nasty. A blight on any land they inhabit, ogres are unrepentantly evil, just for the sheer, repugnant joy of it. They dwell in the dark shadows and dank caves of many of mountain ranges. Since Ogres are most active at dusk and early evening, we should have our best chance finding him in his lair in the early morning. Is everyone ok if we go first thing tomorrow morning when Mr. Caliper arrives? If so, I suggest we get a good night sleep tonight."

"Good evening Lord Lewin."

Ralik then walks over to the innkeeper to see about getting rooms for the night.

2020-01-06, 09:04 PM
Ralik, while a confrontation with the ogre may yet be, fighting it in its lair is unwise. let us draw it out while it is exhausted and tired do not allow it to sleep the night, for that fight it would be much more difficult than if we go there while it is short on rest to attack it.

2020-01-06, 09:48 PM
Ralik (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2087170)

Ralik looks at Zuzu, a little confused. "Zuzu, do you want to go tonight then? In the dark?"

He smiles at her, "I'm in. Let's go."

2020-01-07, 10:13 AM

Kastor looks around, unblinking and serious, his hands clasped together. He addresses his comrades in arms.

"I think we are rushing things...again. Please consider.

First, how come an unrepentant blight upon the land has only stolen food? Where is the slaughter that should accompany such an evil creature?

Second. How come a small human child escaped a full ogre?

And third. Why travel in a land we don't know and fight, if we have to, by night? Let us adjurn for the night. Let us locate the cave tomorrow, and set a trap.

But now, I am very curious to see what that human child that was almost taken has to say.

Mayor Evendur, please escort me to this human child."

2020-01-07, 10:26 AM

While he doesn't know if the gnome considers himself the group's leader, Ralik trusts his judgement and intellect.

"Sure thing boss," he says without any irony, "We should all go with you. Maybe we can talk to Fenderus Caliper after the child. Hopefully he has been inside the cave and can describe its layout."

The others have heard Ralik call Ambix boss before many times and are not surprised by this title. In the past, when confronted about this, Ralik just shrugged his shoulders.

2020-01-07, 03:12 PM
Stone Stone looked at his companions, advise was wisely given and he cared not when he would attack, only that battle would come soon, followed by glory. You are right, morning is the best time to draw him out and to have the sun at your at back.

Droid Tony
2020-01-07, 03:56 PM
Evendur Lewin "As I said, free room and board here at the Nest. Rooms, three to ten are empty.

I can get both Fenderus and Surina here within say, an hour. I shall return. "

Evendur makes a quick nod, and heads out the door.

Douven Padraig "I'm Douven Padraig, the Keeper and owner of the Nest. As the Lord said, feel free to use any room from three to ten. We don't have keys, but each room has a cross board on the inside of the door.

And if you need or want anything, just ask."

2020-01-07, 08:45 PM
thinking about what the gnome has said, Okay Kastor we will do it your way then, turning to follow Kastor and Ralik

2020-01-07, 11:30 PM
To Douven Padraig "Thank you for your hospitality, which room has the best window, I wish to see the sky at night."

2020-01-08, 03:13 AM

When he hears the Boss nickname, Kastor cracks a small smile.They had talked about this with Ralik, but the man was determined. When others join him, Kastor looks around with an expression of mild surprise.

"It was only a suggestion, my friends. I certainly would not want to impose my curiosity to you. But I am certainly glad for the company. Mayor Lewin, please lead the way."

Droid Tony
2020-01-08, 03:39 PM
Douven Padraig "I guess all the windows are about the same...you want to see the stars, you should just go outside."

Evendur Lewin returns just under an hour latter with another human male and a young teen female, both in commoner clothing.

Douven Padraig goes to each room and gathers everyone back into the common room.

Evendur Lewin "This is Fenderus and Surina."

Surina "Well met all. My tale is simple enough. I was gattering grasshoppers in the south fallow feild when the oger came upon me. I ran. I hid myself on the ground and covred myself with dirt and grass. It did not find, me and went away."

Fenderus Caliper "I trap and hunt. So I am out in the wild a lot. Found the oger trail, not like that is hard. And I followed the trail back to the cave a bit north of here. "

2020-01-08, 11:19 PM
Surina "Well met all. My tale is simple enough. I was gattering grasshoppers in the south fallow feild when the oger came upon me. I ran. I hid myself on the ground and covred myself with dirt and grass. It did not find, me and went away."

At what point did you notice the ogre, how far away was it from you, could you tell what it was doing. from the time you hid and when you came out of hiding how much time had passed?

Fenderus Caliper "I trap and hunt. So I am out in the wild a lot. Found the oger trail, not like that is hard. And I followed the trail back to the cave a bit north of here.

'what can you say about the trail, the cave area and the surrounding terrain?

2020-01-09, 02:31 AM
Alara checks to see if she forgot to get out of wildshape, nope she did not currently look like a wolf.
She shrugs and goes off to hear what Fenderus and Surina say.

2020-01-09, 08:13 AM
[B]Fenderus Caliper "I trap and hunt. So I am out in the wild a lot. Found the oger trail, not like that is hard. And I followed the trail back to the cave a bit north of here. "

Ralik (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2087170)

"Would you mind guiding us there in the morning? Perhaps we could leave just before sunrise. Had you ever been in that cave before the ogre arrived? If so, what does the inside look like? How big is it? How tall is the ceiling?"

2020-01-09, 01:17 PM

As the child comes, Ambix prepares his al-chemical toy. A tiny little clockwork dragon walks and breathes fire for a while. When he is sure he has the child's attention, Ambix sits in front of her and says

"Well met Surina. I want you to remember correctly, please. Did the ogre chase you? Did it try to find you? Did he attack you?

Can you remember?"

Droid Tony
2020-01-09, 09:56 PM
Surina listens to her questions.

Surina "I first noticed the ogre when it made a grunt from the otherside of the field. I guess I stayed hidden for about an hour.

The oger did chase me. It did not hit or grab me, but he tried."

Fenderus Caliper "It was a trail..footprints and broken plants. The area around the caves is rocky.

I'd just rather avoid the ogre and the cave if that is good with you. It's not hard to find. And sure, I've been in the cave lots of times before. It's a round cave, I guess, maybe twice my height, so like ten or twelve feet.

2020-01-11, 01:24 AM
"I have done a fair bit of tracking, I am sure that with the directions you have provided we can find this cave."

2020-01-11, 06:51 AM
Fenderus Caliper "It was a trail..footprints and broken plants. The area around the caves is rocky.

I'd just rather avoid the ogre and the cave if that is good with you. It's not hard to find. And sure, I've been in the cave lots of times before. It's a round cave, I guess, maybe twice my height, so like ten or twelve feet.

Ralik (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2087170)

After listening to Mr. Caliper describe the directions with Alara, Ralik agrees that finding the cave should be easy. He shakes the man's hand and thanks him for the information, offering to buy him a drink for his troubles, and sharing stories with him if Mr. Caliper is interested.

Once Mr. Caliper and the child leave, Ralik recommends to the others that we all rest and leave at first light so we can arrive at the cave at sunrise, making a plan on the way. If no one has any objections, he goes off to his room. In the morning, he arises early to make sure everyone else has time to get ready.

Droid Tony
2020-01-12, 10:28 AM
As a small village, people don't stay up much past subset. Soon enough all the folk head to bed.

The night passes quietly.

Soon enough the sun starts to rise in the east....

2020-01-12, 04:23 PM
Alara awakens from her trance in the middle of the night and climbs onto the roof of the building to keep watch for the ogre. She prepares her spells and comes down before dawn to get an early breakfast so that they may set out at first light. She eats it on the roof enjoying the sunrise.

Have slippers of spider climb.

2020-01-12, 06:27 PM
Ralik (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2087170)

Ralik wakes before sunrise, gathers his belongings and wakes the others. Alara is not in her room, but as an elf, she frequently doesn't stay still through the night. She always turns up. While he waits for the others to get ready, he checks to see if the kitchen is open, gets breakfast for everyone and picks up the chicken they need to draw out the ogre.

If she hasn't returned by the time he gets back from the kitchen, Ralik goes outside and calls her name to see if she is near.

Once everyone is ready and gathered, he leads the way to the cave based on the directions he was given last night, looking for signs of a trail along the way and remaining alert for danger.

Survival [roll0] Edit: Forgot about advantage, rolled it in OOC thread, use 24
Perception [roll1]

2020-01-12, 07:29 PM
When she hears her name called by Ralik she comes back down and gets ready to set off.

Once they are a ways out of town she takes the form of a large black timbre-wolf.

Wildshape into dire wolf, MM page 321.
Perception or survival roll, they have the same modifier.
Advantage if wolves Keen Hearing and Smell apply:

2020-01-13, 09:50 AM
after being woken, with the smell of hot fresh food, Zuzu makes her way into the kitchen for breakfast, noticing Ralik packing up several chickens.
quickly eating, she wanders out, making sure her gun & blade were ready for the ogre. thinking about the directions given to the cave.
Survival [roll0] , perception [roll1]

2020-01-13, 12:36 PM
Stone awoke to the knock at his door. He stretched, got dressed, braided his beard ready for battle and ate in silence. He went outside with the others, shield on his back, his two hand axes on his belt and his Maul over his shoulder. He took his usual marching position right front.

Droid Tony
2020-01-13, 04:37 PM
Finding the ogre trail is easy enough once anyone heads north of town. Flattened plants, big foot prints and broken branches make for a big trail.

The trail leads right to a cave:


Just outside the cave are three goblins, two are standing holding spears, and the third is seatead trying to make a small cooking fire. Each goblin has crude hide armor on, as well as scraps of tied clothing. Each has a club and a spear.

2020-01-13, 07:49 PM
Ralik (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2087170)

Ralik crouches down behind the rocks, motioning for the others to stop and hide. There are three goblins with spears and five of us. He holds up 3 fingers for the others in case they didn't see the cave, and tries to quietly draw his bow to attack 2 of the goblins, waiting for the others to join him or stop him.

2020-01-13, 10:42 PM
Alara, while still in the form of a wolf, whimpers then hops around and chases her tail.

Attempting to convey leading the goblins on a marry chase. This wolf form has a 50 ft move speed, the goblins will be rolling saves against exhaustion after a few rounds per rules on consecutive dash actions in a chase in the DMG. Get them away from the cave so as to not disturb the ogre and tire them out before engaging in combat.

2020-01-14, 01:57 AM

Ambix was up early in the morning, making his potions and elixirs in his room. After he was done, he went for a hearty breakfast - the most important meal of the day, after all- and joined the others on the walk to the cave.

As they near the cave, Ambix whispers at the others

"Should we ask them to surrender?"

Droid Tony
2020-01-14, 03:32 PM
The two goblins with spears walk around a bit, keeping a vague sort of watch around the cave. The third goblin stacks some wood, for the third time as you are all watching. Once the goblin has a pile of wood, he hits some rocks together and makes a small spark. The spark lights a bit of wood, for a second, then goes out. The goblin then tries hitting the rocks together again.

2020-01-14, 09:19 PM
Ralik (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2087170)

Ralik stays hidden and keeps an eye on the goblins while the others quietly discuss a plan. He keeps his bow ready with a notched arrow in order to shoot quickly in case the goblins become alerted to our presence. Continuing to monitor the goblins, he scans the area to see if there are any other potential threats.

2020-01-15, 05:44 PM
Zuzu shifting quietly as she draws her sword and pistol, ready when you are

2020-01-15, 06:09 PM
Stone moves to the right side of the cave opening, readying his Maul for when he can close enough to strike.about 50 feet

Droid Tony
2020-01-15, 06:45 PM
Other then the three goblins, there is nothing else right around the cave entrance that looks to be a threat.

The two goblins do look around, but show no signs of seeing any of your group or reacting.

2020-01-17, 06:30 AM
Ralik (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2087170)

Now that everyone is ready, as everyone prepares their actions, Ralik is the first to rise. He quickly shoots two arrows at the goblins, aiming first for the one making the fire and then for the farthest goblin standing guard.

Attack without sharpshooter:
To Hit [roll0] (advantage [roll1] since they haven't acted)
Damage [roll2] (+3 Dex, +2 Humanoid)

2nd Attack in 1st round from gloomstalker, without sharpshooter:
To Hit [roll3] (advantage [roll4])
Damage [roll5] (Edit2: forgot to add gloom stalker damage +5 rolled in OOC for total of 12 damage)

Edit: I likely hit but I might not have killed both of them with those low damage rolls.

2020-01-17, 10:11 PM
*On Zuzu's action
Flying speed is 30ft (charge if able) to the goblin closest to the cave entrance
Attack: Longsword [roll0] Attack with Advantage (1d20+4)[13] ( rolled in ooc )
confirm crit [roll1] damage [roll2]

2020-01-17, 11:08 PM
In the form of a large black timber wolf Alara charges forward towards one of the goblins.

Dire Wold form 37/37 HP, 14 AC
Attack [roll0]
Advantage [roll1]
Damage [roll2]
Target must succeed a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.

2020-01-18, 02:51 AM

Seeing the others charge, Ambix tugs his gloves tighter and sends a vial of acid hurling at the goblins, aiming at the space between them.

Casting Acid Splash at the space between the goblins, Save vs Dex or 1d6 dmg to all goblins in 5ft.

Droid Tony
2020-01-18, 05:36 PM
Both of Ralik's arrows hit the two goblins, just below the neck in the chest. Both goblins scream loudly, but don't fall to the ground.

Zuzu's Longsword swings over the goblins head and does not connect.

Alara wolf charges forward, but the goblin quickly sidesteps out of the way.

Ambix's vial of acid explodes behind the goblins:


Two of the goblins avoid the acid, but the third one gets burned on the back of thier head and back.

2020-01-18, 05:42 PM
Stone moves and swings at the closest goblin. [roll0] [roll1]
Roll for advantage

Droid Tony
2020-01-19, 08:14 PM
Stone swings and hits the closest goblin! The crushing blow kills the goblin...

Round 2

The two remaing goblins both Disengage, turn and run into the cave.

2020-01-22, 12:44 PM
Ralik (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2087170)

Ralik moves up to the other party members at the mouth of the cave, frustrated that neither of his arrows dropped one of the goblins. If he can still see either of the remaining goblins using his darkvision to see into the darkness of the cave, he attacks again, shooting an arrow at the goblin.

Attack without sharpshooter:
To Hit [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2020-01-22, 02:19 PM
Well this is a sticky situation, I say we scout the area for a back way in, or to see if they have another way out. We could try and smoke them out? Stone says looking the group over.

Droid Tony
2020-01-22, 09:56 PM
Ralik's arrow catches one of the goblins allready in the cave. Lodging deep into the goblins back, the arrow drops the goblin to the ground as it lets out a loud dying scream.

2020-01-22, 10:57 PM
Alara moves in and tries to take out the last goblin before it gets too far into the cave.

Dire Wold form 37/37 HP, 14 AC
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Target must succeed a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.

Droid Tony
2020-01-23, 04:39 PM
Wolf Alara moves and attacks, but misses the fleeing goblin.

2020-01-23, 07:05 PM
*Zuzu's round 2
Flying speed is 30ft move to the closest goblin
Attack: Longsword [roll0]
confirm crit [roll1] damage [roll2]

Droid Tony
2020-01-24, 06:21 PM
Zuzu flies over and catches the last of the three goblins and with a good sword swing kills it.....

.........Just as a loud, monstrious, inhuman roar comes from deeper in the cave.

2020-01-24, 06:43 PM

Stone readies his Maul and yells into the cave in his big bass voice. Retreat, grab our wounded, quickly now lads.

Stone readies his Maul as an hold action, only act if someone besides Zuzu comes out..

2020-01-25, 01:01 AM
Alara picks up the dead goblin between her massive fangs and hurries out of the cave.
She gestures with a flick of her head for to the others to grab the remaining goblins.
If the goblins are not outside the cave the ogre might be confused.
Then goes to find somewhere out of sight to hide.

2020-01-26, 01:57 PM
Ralik (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2087170)

Happy that we took out all of the goblins, but concerned for what else might be in the cave besides a single ogre, Ralik moves behind Stone and Alara, keeping his bow ready to shoot if anything emerges from the cave.

"If the ogre doesn't come out in a few minutes, we can either all go in together or I can go in and try to draw him out."

(Edited for Ambix's departure)

Droid Tony
2020-01-26, 06:04 PM
The loud, monstrious, inhuman roar gets louder as the ogre moves out of the cave.

This hulking giant, with dead yellow skin, standing approximately ten feet tall but hunched by arms as thick as logs, swings a massive club from side to side. It's body is ugly and warty, but also an inbred mountains of monstrous muscles. It's bloodshot eyes, under it's long, greasy hair of blackish-blue, fixed upon its target: Stone.


2020-01-26, 06:37 PM
Ralik (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2087170)

Ralik unleashes an arrow at the ogre, aiming for his head and upper chest, immediately drawing another arrow for his next attack.

"Go back to hell, you rotten pig!" he yells in between attacks. But despite the courage in that remark, he backs up another 20' to keep Stone between himself and the beast.

Initiative: [roll0], advantage [roll1]

Attack with sharpshooter:
To Hit [roll2] (advantage [roll3] if I beat its initiative)
Damage [roll4] (+3 Dex, +2 Humanoid, +10 sharpshooter)

2nd Attack from gloomstalker with sharpshooter:
To Hit [roll5] (advantage [roll6] if I beat its initiative)
Damage [roll7]

2020-01-26, 09:10 PM
Zuzu grabs the goblin she had slain and rushes out of the cave on hearing the noise of the ogre, looking for a place to get out of sight quickly.
droping the goblin out of sight and aims her pistol in the direction of the cave waiting for the ogre to show its ugly head

2020-01-26, 09:13 PM
The loud, monstrious, inhuman roar gets louder as the ogre moves out of the cave.

This hulking giant, with dead yellow skin, standing approximately ten feet tall but hunched by arms as thick as logs, swings a massive club from side to side. It's body is ugly and warty, but also an inbred mountains of monstrous muscles. It's bloodshot eyes, under it's long, greasy hair of blackish-blue, fixed upon its target: Stone.


Zuzu's Action vs. Ogre
+1 Pistol [roll0] vs touch ac
Damage [roll1]

2020-01-27, 05:24 PM
Stone swings his Maul with a precise shot to the ogre.1d20+3 +1d8

I guess I have to do it separately

Hmm 1d20+3

2020-01-28, 01:10 AM
Alara thinks to herself "So much for plans and preparation, looks like this is going to be a straight up fight."

She moves out to block the ogre's path back into the cave and tries to take a bite out of a leg.

Dire Wold form 37/37 HP, 14 AC
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Target must succeed a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.