View Full Version : Pathfinder Sleeping Goddess disciple shopping

2020-01-03, 06:17 PM
I have a 5th-level atstreidi medic as part of a campaign meant to highlight the identity of psionics. To that end, I've swapped Iron Tortoise for Sleeping Goddess, and have the ability to augment maneuvers from that discipline with 2 power points at a time, from my daily allotment of 19.

My big question is, what ought I do for equipment past a handy haversack kit, +1 armour, and a masterwork bow?

My remaining budget is 5600 gp, and I will be using the weapon boosts from Sleeping Goddess to make up for lack of a paid-for melee weapon. Notable abilities that change how my character contributes to a dungeon environment compared to a basic NPC warrior include: Constant spider climb, ability to sense the hit point status of those nearby, healing someone at touch range as a swift action for 15 hit points or 4 ability damage (multiple times per combat), ability to mindlink the party for an hour a couple times per day, flat disease and poison immunity, only 2 hours of sleep (not unlike a ring of sustenance but not explicitly like it either), 25% fortification or +10% fortification, and proficiency with the elven curve blade (allowing its use with Sleeping Goddess virtual weapon boosts, so I can attack with Dexterity in melee and still deal enough damage sometimes to get past DR 5).

The campaign seems to be starting off in Golarion's Darklands, for what that's worth.

Notably: I will not budge on baseline weapon and armour selection (spending can go up, within reason; I'm far more likely to favour psionic effects like putting energy on my bow (as far outside my price range as it is) than generally useful abilities like seeking; if you think it's universally good, I've already thought about it and written down how I'm feeling about it), and particular items I've already noted from prior suggestions include "masterwork tools for discipline skills", a blade with effortless lace, COWPIS, practically any other ioun stone and the wayfinder alongside, and simple +numbers items like a headband of inspired wisdom, belt of incredible dexterity, ring of protection or cloak of resistance.

With all that pickiness handled, I ask one more thing: Please name source titles. I have a far better gaming experience if something is open in my PDF reader than in my browser.

2020-01-03, 07:09 PM
Have you looked at the gear guide? A ton of useful stuff.


2020-01-03, 08:19 PM
Another useful guide is Shax's guide (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?148101-3-x-Shax-s-Indispensible-Haversack-(Equipment-Handbook)) for what to put in your haversack.