View Full Version : Wakanda on Thursdays

2020-01-03, 11:08 PM
Tilde and Matan, Tu'ka and Verf, Oxalis, and Illa all summit the cliff face, leaving the putrid and poisonous jungle room to sprawl beneath them. The door before them sits closed, but oddly placed in space, with a clear view around all sides.

They know that this prison is adapting to them. Shifting to contain its inhabitants. Up till now, they had only glimpsed their own corpses after defeating their rooms. Now, they have left Jupiter to rot in the cavernous gorge below. The first permanent casualty of their mission.

Welcome to the forum, guys! Please let me know if you have any questions and I'll be happy to help.

2020-01-04, 10:56 PM
"Guys! Before we leave we should check for a not-Jupiter body. I don't think this was a Jupiter room. Kylie? Can you check the room for another dead body before we leave? Not the one we made glow and threw into the pit."

2020-01-05, 10:17 PM
The little green Absinthe Fairy nods the affirmative before zipping off to search through the steaming jungle. In short order, she returns with a jovial nod.

"Found him!" she chimes like the gentle tinkle of bottle glass on a very full shelf.

She points to Tu'ka, "Looks diff'rent. Like he got all full o' somethin' nasty an' then died from it."

She clutches her throat and begins gagging in mimed choking before keeling over in mid-air, tongue lolling out of her tiny mouth, crossed eyes unfocused.

Tuka & Verf
2020-01-07, 03:15 PM
Can you show me where this body is my new friend?

2020-01-07, 03:30 PM
"Suresure!" the little fae nods happily, before spinning around Tu'ka's head like a coked-out firefly. Tu'ka carefully webs his way down the cliff and creeps carefully through the dangerous room. She leads him through the venomous and poisonous flora to the body.

It's clearly him, though the corpse is bloated with blood and suffering from advanced decay in the sweltering room. He notes several scars that he doesn't have and a streak of white in the body's hair that he's too young to have yet. Still, it's him.

Tuka & Verf
2020-01-07, 05:09 PM
"Oh **** that IS me" Tuka proceeds to carefully search his dead self's body. Perception: 1d20+9

Tuka & Verf
2020-01-07, 08:14 PM
Perception: [roll0]

2020-01-08, 09:59 AM
Tuka very carefully peels back the layers of clothing, seeing that a fine, poisonous moss has grown over a large percentage of his corpse's skin.

Intent not to disturb it, he take his time and finds several pieces of his own equipment, old and worn through. Like how his gear might look in thirty years, with constant use and repair. Still, there are some items that are serviceable and some newer items that he doesn't immediately recognize.

Tuka finds:

Flint and Steel
Magnifying glass
Chalk x2

Ioun Torch (https://www.aonprd.com/MagicWondrousDisplay.aspx?FinalName=Ioun%20Torch)
Feychild Necklace (https://aonprd.com/MagicWondrousDisplay.aspx?FinalName=Feychild%20Nec klace)
Instant Bridge (https://aonprd.com/MagicWondrousDisplay.aspx?FinalName=Instant%20Brid ge)
Pipes of Haunting (https://aonprd.com/MagicWondrousDisplay.aspx?FinalName=Pipes%20of%20H aunting)
Martyr's Tear (https://www.aonprd.com/MagicWondrousDisplay.aspx?FinalName=Martyr%27s%20T ear)

The last thing Tuka is able to recover is a small, tin case. Almost like a snuffbox or a case some solicitors in big cities use to carry business cards. Inside the case is a folded piece of parchment. Unfolding and reading the perilously crumbly paper, Tuka notices his own handwriting in cramped, tiny letters. Like he was trying to conserve space and ink. The crumbling paper and smudges make some parts illegible.

"If you [illegible] reading this, I am dead. We have all died. We are all trapped. This prison [illegible] imprisoned in space, but also in time. Old Mage Jatembe [illegible]. It learns. I have found [illegible] than a hundred times [illegible] stopped counting. The others [illegible] friends. Verf. [illegible] find the center. [illegible] Fallen Eye of God. [illegible] others here. [illegible] searching for us [illegible] keep trying. [illegible] traps and monsters [illegible] water. Find food. [illegible] hungry."

Tuka & Verf
2020-01-09, 01:46 PM
Tuka carefully folds up the note and places it back in its tin, then stores it and the rest of the items and equipment he salvaged in his pack and heads back to the group. Upon rejoining the party, Tuka pulls out the note and shows it to the rest of the group.

2020-01-14, 07:18 PM
Tilda...save the science elf!

2020-01-16, 08:20 AM
After defeating the rust monster, Tilda takes a minutes and sips some absinthe, thinking. The little girl died, the halfling cried ... Tilda realizes that she's already made her decision and just needs to admit it to herself. Kov has been helpful to them despite seeming to be stuck in a groundhog day loop. Not wanting to draw it out any longer, Tilda decides to save their new acquaintance Kov. Speaking quietly to Kov - Are we able to give the little girl something or make her sleep so that she doesn't know what's happening? Have we done that before?

2020-01-16, 09:19 AM
Kov nods sagely.

"You've done this before. Dreamlilly from the forest room. Where you said you found Tuka. That ought to do the trick."

2020-01-16, 09:44 AM
Hm ... dreamlily huh. Does it actually work or does she know what I'm going to do?

Knowledge Nature [roll0]

2020-01-16, 10:27 AM
Kov shrugs, "She knows what the tea will do. But she's drunk it before. It's kinder than the alternative."

Tilda knows Dreamlilly. It's a rare flower that usually grows in the Feywild, but sometimes sprouts on the burial mounds of maidens who passed away in their sleep. It's a white blossom with blue dots that is easy to see. You steep the whole petals with hot water and drink the tea to induce a deep and pleasant sleep. A stronger tea made from mashed petals in hot water induces a near comatose slumber.

2020-01-17, 01:49 PM
Kylie, can you go try to find some Dreamlily in the plant room? It's a white blossom with blue dots that are easy to see. Don't take too long but see if you can find more than one. If you can only find one blossom, it's ok.

Quietly to the group: We'll flip a coin for the lovers. They both seem equally adamant that we save the other. Maybe they'd be willing to drink the tea if Kylie finds some Dreamlily so that they won't have to watch the other die.