View Full Version : Invictus - Survivors of Tidebroke (IC)

2020-01-04, 10:07 AM

As the the sun begins to set ahead of you to the west, smoke rises behind you to the east. Tidebroke has been sacked. As you look around you realize that there are five of you that have banded together over the past few hours or so. One way or another you've been fighting and fleeing for the better part of the past 8 hours. Some of that fighting was with those around you now. Some of these people you have known or worked with in the past. Perhaps some you have see around Tidebroke and the surrounding areas, and others perhaps are strangers. Nonetheless, darkness approaches and while the Krieg are mostly celebrating and reveling in their victory, plenty of unsavory characters will surely be hunting this area looking for stragglers and easy pickings as they flee.

Highway men looking for wealth, slavers looking for new "wares", beasts and monstrous beasts looking for a meal... its is a rough time to be displaced.

The sounds of moaning and screaming can be heard behind you. People yelling for help or searching for missing family members can be heard in various directions. For at least a few moments you have time to stop, catch your breath, drink some water, and for the first time all day, make a plan.

Everyone is covered in blood, whether their own or someone else's, soot, sweat, and dirt. From the days events of fighting, fleeing, and escaping, everyone has the fatigued (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/Conditions/#Fatigued) condition . There is at most 15 minutes of daylight remaining.

You are in a rather thick coniferous forest, about 3 miles due west of Tidebroke. The terrain has gentle rolling hills and the trees do a good job of obscuring your field of view. There is a dirt wagon trail that you can follow that appears to go due west.

Knowledge Geography DC 10 This path will take you to the Daltonian port city of Braxton about 45 miles away.
Knowledge Geography DC 15 There is a path south of here that will continue to the southwest and take you to the Dalton capitol of Culhaven about 50 miles away. To get to Culhaven, you have to follow the paths through the mountains which are narrow bottlenecks. There is a path south west of here that will lead to the Dalton fishing town of Capefall about 35 miles away.

Profession Soldier DC 12 The roads are the quickest path, but it is also what the highwaymen, slavers, and monsters will be targeting. This doesn't mean you have to avoid them, but perhaps use it to your advantage.

OOC: Please take this time to IC decide or discuss where to go or what ot do. It would also be appropriate to discuss this in the OOC or discord and then make a post in IC to speed things along.

2020-01-04, 02:40 PM
Wethun held a hand to his face and cursed again as the burnt, cracked skin wept tears of blood. The damned fires of hell take all the Krieg bastards. He surveyed the woods about and listened. Nothing to close, the Krieg had their blood up and were busy slaking their various lusts. If he and this ramshackle group could just keep moving...maybe they could make it out of this alive.”The Krieg are slaves taking and looting best to stay from the roads. Keep to the woods and hills. The woman said earlier that we were 50 miles or so from Culhaven. I agree, the trees and hills match a map I scoured for three days ago. If we move quiet, and light no fires, we might just be able to link up with what remains of the army from this cursed place. Collect our pays and see what God has in store for us, eh? He winced now and again as he spoke, and gestures to Sif when he mentioned her knowledge of the area.

”I’m bone tired, I’m sure we all are...but we are to closed to those raiding bastards to sleep. Gotta move, gotta get past any patrols they got looming for stragglers...then like as not, probably gonna have to gut a wolf or two.” He grumbles and struggles to redress the wound on his face. He was lucky he hasn’t lost the eye, but that red wet ragged burn, covered here and thief in flaps of blacked skin was the least of his worries. Just needed to stay awake...the pain would help with that.

2020-01-05, 01:07 AM

Fion completes his scouting of the immediate area, and sits beside Wethun, the hand that carries the bow trembling slightly. A stray drop of water falls on his face and Fion springs up, shaking his fist at the sky

"Stop that! I am mighty angry with you, Almighty, do you ken? We should have won!"

Shaking his fist once more, he sits back down and looks around. He takes fresh bandages and bandages Wethun's face better.

"The man here is right. Take a breather and we should move on, and fastly. Take to the woods, find an isolated place and rest there. I will cover our tracks.

I say we move southly. Take the news to Capefall.But we must move, outside the trails and do it now. I can see in the dark better than any Krieg.

Everyone ken? Now up. We should move, like Westlanders with their neighbors' goats in their back: Quickly, quietly and with certain death waiting at every step."

He stands up, passing a hand over his tired face. He then stares angrily at the sky

"And you! No rain until we find a spot, you hear?"

2020-01-05, 05:47 PM
Norwood stands grumpily, he wasn't Ken about going somewhere that might try to put him back on the front lines, but what else was he supposed to do? A rich brat who liked to gamble and play pranks would get caught in a matter of hours. Norwood wasn't much of a planner and the other survivors had a plan.

He reshoulders his bag, checking his gear like a good soldier should. It was trained into him now. He wondered if he would every dinner on the Panaash meats again. His mind was blank, sometimes he had flashes of his old life, vandalism, theft or just minor bits of mayhem with the squad. Then it was to the Krieg assault, of running away as fast as he could. The next moment he was thinking about what life would have been like had he been more like his sister. She wasn't slogging in retreat from some bloodthirsty Kriegs, Norwood bet that she was dining on the Panaash meats right now, with a glass of fine red wine to wash it down.

Yep, here we go again." he says with a groan. "To Capefall I guess."

2020-01-05, 10:14 PM
Hot tears of anger streaking his mud and blood-stained face, Kenith rises from the battlefield. His god had left him.

One by one, the men assigned to him, his squad, had fallen to the Krieg horde. And he had been able to do nothing about it. The last of them lay in the much at his feet. Trying to use his god's power to heal him had failed. That was how he knew. Well, that and his abject failure in leading his men. It was a good thing he had fallen in with Wethun and Fion, or he would likely be dead along with his men.

And now the rest of these misfits and stragglers had joined with them. And he knew he should report to his billet in Braxton. But he felt strongly that his duty was to these men and women who had stood shoulder to shoulder with him over the last hours seeking not to win, but to survive...

"Wethun is right. We have to let others know of this. And Fion is also right. Capefall is the closest and most likley target of the Kriegs." He looked at each of them, judging their resolve. They weren't even close to soldiers, but they could fight. And they WOULD fight. They had proven that tonight.

"Fion, will you guide us safely to Capefall? And after that, we can decide how to go forward." One step at a time, for now...

2020-01-06, 04:20 PM
Sif tuts. "It would be more proper to curse the Keeper at times like this," she says, though despite her religious attire there's no bite to the admonishment. As she speaks, she softly touches what appears to be scabbed-up gash on one cheekbone, following it and nodding when she's done - because it's fake. While she has acquired her share of scrapes and bruises, and it's been far too long since she's slept, Sif's most visible wound is the last remaining part of the disguise she had shed when entering the woods. She watches Fion bandaging Wethun's face carefully, then gives a slight, approving nod before turning to speak to the group as a whole. "As long as our tracks are covered, it should be safe a bit further into the woods. It's hardly a place I'd expect to see a Krieger when there's a city to plunder," she agrees, rising to her feet. "Off we go, then."

2020-01-06, 06:06 PM
The group pushes for about 15 minutes to get off of the roadway and in the direction of Capefall. As a group you spot a small thicket of pines saplings around around a large wayward that is hollow on the inside. It is cramped, but will provide shelter and camouflage for five people if they choose to pack in there closely. Otherwise the group can push on and look for something else.

2020-01-07, 09:09 AM

After walking besides the group to cover their tracks, Fion scouts around the location and turns to the others.

"This would be nice. But I think it is too close to the road. I would ken that we need at least one hours distance.

I say, stay here and hide. I will go out hunting and scouting for a couple of hours. See if I find anything better"

Fion will go hunting and scouting for two hours, to see if there is a better spot or something to eat. Can move at half speed when doing that.
Survival [roll0]

EDIT: I can find food and water for me and five people. Waiting to see if there was a better spot in two miles - 2 hrs walk- radius

2020-01-07, 05:36 PM
Fion leaves the others at the Wayward Pine and sets out on his own. After about 10 minutes it is thoroughly dark. He can continue if he likes, but he will have to decide between finding a light sources and stumbling around in the darkness. The moon is not yet up and it is not exceptionally bright.

2020-01-07, 05:54 PM
He trudged beside the others, trying his best to move quick, and quiet. His wounds were fresh enough that he was failing in that attempt. He needed something to take the edge off his pains. He looked for herbs or plants that might provide that relief as the party moved.”Keep an eye out for Willow or feverfew on your scouting. I could use a nibble of each to ease this pain in my...” Wethun gestured towards his face and back.

“I’m sure I’ll be fine, but I’ll move quicker with a bit of herbal assistance.” He grunts as he climbs over a log to settle in for the night.

2020-01-08, 01:46 AM
Without a second thought, Norwood drops his bag and slumps down against a tree, rubbing his acheing limbs. He waves as Fion heads off in search of a better campsite.

"Right then, lemme know when it's my turn to keep watch. Oh and if the Kriegs find us, just let me sleep, it'll be good practice for when I die." he closes his eyes, one thing he learned quickly as a conscript was that you had to take sleep whenever you could get it, whether it was three minutes in between waves of assault or the leftover 2 minutes you had during meal time after scarfing down your rations.

I wish it was easier to have a rude character without seeming rude to other players:smallconfused:

2020-01-08, 03:11 AM
Kenith stops as the others enter the thicket. "Pile in and get some rest, I'll take the first watch." He settles his cloak over his armor a little better, then leans back against one of the larger saplings and watches Fion slip further into the forest. I wish I could move like that. He's a ghost...

2020-01-08, 08:51 AM
Fion continues his loop around, his heart of the fey low-light vision helps him navigate using the light from the stars. As he travels through he is able to find a few wild turnips, a tree dropping acorns early and a small blackberry bush that hasn't had all of the blackberries eaten off by various animals. Fion gets about a mile away from the Wayward Pine and finds a small rock outcropping. It is impossible to tell how far it continues back, but it should at the least hold 5 weary warriors. About 1/4 a mile away from the outcropping is a small creek with clear running water.

The rest of the group settles in with Kenith keeping watch first. The wayward pine is surprisingly comfortable and those who try are asleep within moments.

About 45 minutes into the watch, Kenith faintly hears the sounds approaching camp. He can tell something is coming through the forest and it is not trying to remain quiet. (I rolled perception for you). At the rate it is going now, whatever it is will come into view with the next 30 seconds. The other three can be awakened with a yell in one round though it may alert whatever is approaching to your existence. You can also spend one round per person to silently wake them up. You can also choose not to act.

2020-01-08, 11:27 PM
Kenith quietly draws his sword, slipping further back into the trees as the sounds come closer. He is prepared to intercept whatever it is if it appears to be aware of his companions in the tree. Otherwise, he will react based on the apparent intoent of the intruder.

2020-01-09, 12:25 PM
Kenith hears heavy walking and the sound of feet crunching on pine needles, making zero attempt at being quiet. The sound is coming toward the wayward pine. As it gets closer, Kenith can hear occasional murmuring and cursing to no one in particular. Eventually a lone man comes into view, trudging forward through the woods with his eyes at his feet, complete oblivious to Kenith or the others nestled away in the tree. He is a portly, middle aged man in rather nice clothes that have been torn and muddied.

The man can be heard to continue swearing to himself and talking about "stupid brigands, vulking scum of the earth, taking my wagon, piking burkes saying I'm lucky to keep my life, gotta freakin' mind to go back and give'em the what for I tell ya, but no, gonna walk back to Capefall and hire some goons, have them come back for me wagon, yeah that's how I'll get those vulking brigands..." If you do not speak to him, it is obvious he will continue on without even noticing you.

Anyone who wishes can hear the man ranting and be able to awaken if you wish. Or you can remain asleep.

2020-01-09, 06:23 PM
"Do wake me, though," Sif requests as she settles down to sleep, following Norwood's words. Despite the conditions, she falls asleep quickly, accompanied by the usual collection of dreams that will all vanish in the morning, ones that turn slightly, like a branch disturbed by the wind, but don't end as a few snippets of the man's grumblings are repeated in her mind.

2020-01-10, 01:10 PM
Norwood lazilly opens one eye as if to preserve the sleeping state he was in at the intruders, boisterous entrance. He grumbles and then stands back up.

"Oi people are trying to sleep here," he hisses at the man. "Read the room made out of trees." he grabs his flail and looks to see who else was awake. This man obviously had no clue how close he was to the Kriegs, but if he was caught by them he could reveal where they were. This dude is going to get us all killed. "If you understand sit down before things get worse."

2020-01-10, 08:06 PM
Wethun grunts as he wakes and rolls to his side. As the voice nears his nerves get the better of him. He curses softly and readies his weapon as he stares towards the coming voice. Aa Norwood begins speaking to the approaching figure, Wethun tries to slink off into the shadows a bit. Never can be too careful.


2020-01-11, 12:54 AM

Despite sleeping heavily, Fion opens his eyes when he hears the noise. He gets up and picks his bow. After a while, he gets up and goes to the rumbling man.

"By the Lord and Savior, shut it! You will get us all killed! Sit here by the fire. Shush! Have some water.

What happened, you gibbering madman?"

2020-01-11, 01:40 PM
The mans turns and is startled as he is yelled at by a handful of people he had no clue were near him. "Aaaahahah!" He says as he fumbles for the dagger at his belt. He finally gets it out and holds it between all of you and him with both hands, quite obviously not adept in its use. "Stay back, or gut the lot of ya! I"m a fierce swordsman I am!" After hearing the comments and being invited to sit by the fire (we have a fire? ok) he relents. "Oh, you're... you're not vulking Krieg raiders or highwaymen scum?!?! Oh, praise the creator."

The portly man shuffles over to the fire and holds his hands out in front it for warmth. "Me name is Oswald. Oswald of Capefall, a merchant and trader of some renowned... I'm sure you've heard of me. Anyway, my men and I were preparing my cart for travel from Tidebroke back home when the assault began. The wagon was ready so I told my men it was time to go. They said they had to stay and defend the city, so I did the sensible thing and left. I made it out, and things were looking good, but I ran across a group of vulking highwaymen scum... they said I had to pay a toll to continue. I asked how much and they said my wagon and all my silver would do. Told me I was lucky to keep my life. So now I have to go back to Capefall, get my savings, and hire men to go back and get my stuff back... or at least get revenge. No one embarasses Oswald of Capefall and lives to tell the tale!"

Finally taking a minute to read group he ask. "Wait you all look capable. I'll pay you 100 silver each to escort me back to the toll, kill the brigans and get my cart and stuff back, and then see me safely to Capefall. Whatdaya say?"

2020-01-12, 10:31 PM
Kenith watches as his companions come awake and the grumbling manstumbles upon their camp. Apparently, he had come here quite by accident. Once Fion had invited him into camp, Kenith decided to follow, just in case. Keeping his weapon in hand, he trails in quietly to see what the man is about.

2020-01-13, 06:13 AM

"What the blazing saints..."

Fion startles as Kenith detaches from the shadows.

"You almost gave me a heart attack there, holy man.

Stand over there, mister famous Ostwald. Warm yourself in that blanket and have some water. Me and these capable cutthroats have to ken your words"

After the merchant has calmed a bit and is out of earshot, Fion talks quietly to the others.

"What say you? I ken the idea. We need gold and I have a lot of pent up anger to vent in highwaymen. I detest the buggers. Plus, we will be going to Tidebroke after all, and the thieves might have supplies they will not need after we are done with them."

2020-01-13, 08:49 PM
Wethun sheathes his blade and returns to the light of the fire. He nods agreement and moves to stand beside his other two companions. ”Guess it makes as much sense as anything else. Seems like something for the morning though, eh?”

2020-01-14, 12:37 AM
"Great, but we are adding the cost of water and shelter to the tab." Norwood grumbles. "With our luck we would probably run into the highway men anyways so at least now we can get paid to kill them. Just gotta make sure we don't raise too much of a fuss that we attract the Kriegs, I still feel like we are too close to them."

2020-01-14, 08:08 PM
The group seems mostly decided on helping the man. Whether it is due to pragmatism from not wanting to potentially encounter them anyway and not get paid for it, for altruism of helping someone in need, or simply for the chance at killing it somewhat undecided.

The group decides to eat what Fion brought back and settle in for a night. With no fire and concealed by the small thicket of trees surrounding the wayward pine, the group is able to get much need rest and sustenance. As the group awakes, surprisingly refreshed, there is a light fog in the pre-dawn hours as the first rays of the sun crest the horizon.

The forest is bountiful so finding enough sustenance for the group is easy.

Oswald is able to be awakened from his loud snoring and frequent flatulence. He obviously did NOT take a turn at keep watching last night.

He estimates highwaymen's toll is about 3 miles away. The group should make it there in about an hour without pushing themselves too hard.

Do you intend to just walk up, scout, disguise yourselves, or something else?

2020-01-15, 02:18 AM
Norwood looked up to the morning sun, he breathed in deep the smell of the fog that surrounds them. His mind goes through the last few days of his upturned life and he sighs realizing again that he would likely never return to his old easygoing life.

He does just his part in getting ready to head out, wondering if this would be the day he would die, fighting some worthless peasant highwaymen for a worthless peasant trader, all in the name of 100 silver coins. This was the coin his father could make in a day sitting at his desk and ordering a noble brat turned intern to push some papers. That's life I guess, just jumping from one cesshole to another, hopefully the next one will be shallower though.

When he had the opportunity he began to question the trader, information was always key. "So what kinda numbers are we looking at here? Did they have bows and stuff? I've been shot once before, I'd rather not go through that again."

2020-01-15, 03:06 AM

Fion wakes up nice and refreshed. He looks at the bright new morning and smiles. He looks up at the sky

"This is nice, Allmightly! This is more like it!"

He stretches and light up his pipe, nodding to his comrades. Using his pipe as a pointer, he dives into the conversation.

"Yes, say some things so we ken. How many were they, what were their weapons, stuff like that."

He then looks at the others

"And then, I say I go scouting a bit ahead. Is there anyone else who can walk silent-like? I go ahead, scout for a hundred steps, come back and get you. Repeat until I make contact. Then we plan"

2020-01-15, 11:06 AM
"And you said they were Kriegers, right?" Sif asks, adding to Norwood's questions as she begins to consider a plan. "I can play a good Kriegerin - could be good for getting one or two of them to walk into an ambush, before we deal with the rest."

2020-01-15, 01:52 PM
Kenith wakes before dawn and moves to the edge of the trees. He kneels and draws the symbol of his god in the dirt, because he had lost his holy symbol at Tidebroke during the fighting. After an hour of prayer and singing the hymns of the Church, he rises, even more certain that his god had deserted him.

He sees the others are beginning to wake as he returns to camp. Sitting down, he begins checking his weapons and armor, preparing for the day. He looks up as comrades start questioning the trader, "I still think we should hurry to Capefall and warn the folks there as quickly as possible. But if we are holding to this plan, then Fion has the right of it. We must assess the enemy's strengths and weaknesses in order to create the best outcome for us all."

2020-01-15, 06:39 PM
Oswald gets up slow but answers as pressed. "Well, the only weapon I worried about was the one pointed at my face. It was big, vulking huge I tell ya! The size of a tree! I swear. I mean, it looked the size of a tree being shoved in my face and all. And it was sharp, I mean, I think it was sharp. It looked sharp... yeah I bet it was sharp. I wasn't really counting'em when they robbed me... but it was at least..." Them man takes a moment to count on his fingers and then stops scratches head and recounts. "At least four... probably not more than 7... yea definitely note more than that."

"Krieger? No, they wasn't Krieger's, I be dead if they was. These was just bandits, highwaymen, scoundrels... vulking opportunistic bastards. The one I heard talking was definitely Daltonian... I know it. I can lead ya's there when ya ready"


Are you content with the mans answers or do you wish to question him more before setting out?

2020-01-16, 10:27 PM
”Aye. Let’s get moving towards some glory then. But maybe send Fion our ahead, he’s keen to sneaking.” Wethun moves to ready his gear for what ever March lay ahead of the little group.

2020-01-17, 11:08 AM
Kenith looks around at the group. They are all nodding or speaking up in agreement. That left only one thing to do. "Then it's settled. We will take your offer. Fion, do as you said.
The rest of us will follow behind and be ready to resppnd on a moment. Let's break camp."

2020-01-17, 11:02 PM
The group sets off and makes decent time. After a while Oswald points ahead. "Me thinks they are just over that hill and around the curve. Twas coming from the other direction I was, but think maybe they have a camp in the woods over yonder."

There is smoke coming from that area, though realistically smoke is everywhere with the various farms and most of Tidebroke on fire still in the distance.

A little recon shows that there are at least four people, armed about as you would expect some low level thugs and highway men to be armed. It is hard to know if there are more inside their tents or not.

Three are in the camp with one being closer to the road, keeping an eye out for those coming up the road from Tidebroke. There is one small cart that is likely Oswald's near the camp. Three horses and a donkey are tied up as well.

You can get within 100ft without need any stealth checks. Any closer and rolls are required.

2020-01-18, 02:48 AM

Fion comes back from scouting with a wolfish grin on his face.

"It seems there are four tents, and one of them is the lookout. I ken we can get to 100 steps before we need to be silent-like. Is anyone of you good at silent-walking?

I ken I can have two arrows on him before he screams from 100 steps away. But If I am on the wrong, then we may have a fight in our hands.

What I ken is: We get close to 100 steps. I shoot him, and then you charge like the capable lads you are, while I put arrows to anyone that does not surrender.

How does that ken to you?"

2020-01-19, 08:03 PM
"We weren't coming here to tickle them, a fight is all we are ever going to get." Norwood says bleakly while unslinging his flail and making sure his net was all ready.

His father would have had guards that were about enough to prevent these kinds of entanglements long before they ever happened. Norwood wondered what they would have done in this situation.

2020-01-20, 06:50 AM
"Just one lookout?" Sif raises an eyebrow. "I'm afraid I'll be of poor help in a fight, but if we aren't set on trying to kill him where he stands, I would have the same plan. A story about an injured, rich woman collapsed just up the road ought to be fine bait. If we're lucky, he'll be greedy enough to try and do it alone. You all can hide by the road, and we'll lead them into a trap before swinging back around for an attack. How does that sound?"

2020-01-20, 09:08 AM
”Divide and conquer, I like it. Let’s hope it doesn’t turn into an ambush on us when we come back for the rest.. Me it’s smiles grimly as he tightens the buckle on his armor.

2020-01-20, 01:48 PM
The group seems split on their decision, with half wanting to fire at the lookout from range while charging the remainder, while the other half wants to use some deception and lure the man from his post.

A final battle plan will need to be decided upon to prevent half charing in while the other half is trying to set up a ruse.

2020-01-21, 12:18 AM

'And if he the others are his kin and wakes them up? Let's just shoot the bastard and see. The wilderness is no place for cons.

But it is no place for indecision even more. Next time, we must have a plan before seeing the target. Let's toss a coin. Heads we shoot'

Fion takes out a coin and spins it in the air, catching in the back of his hand and revealing it.

[roll0] 1=shoot 2=bluff

"It seems it is your way then. Go, I will cover you"

2020-01-21, 05:12 PM
The group holds waiting on the ploy to begin.

Everyone is able to safely side skirt the encampment, which isn't exactly hidden. There are three visible highwaymen, sitting in a circle around a fire talking and eating.

The lone guard has his back to the camp and is looking up the road back towards Tidebroke.

There is probably 150 feet between the guard and the camp.

There may be others in the camp either behind trees, or in tents, but there is no way to know without getting closer.

2020-01-22, 10:06 AM
"Coming up with a plan before you know what you're dealing with? I'd call that a poor move," Sif says, raising an eyebrow.


Once it's decided, Sif prepares herself for her role a bit - makes sure the false wound is still present, that her traveling clothes are properly ruffled, then heads forwards once the others are in position, taking a few moments to quietly jog in place before going.

"Oh, thank the Creator!" Sif pants, waving as the lookout comes into view. "We need help - just," she pauses to take a breath. "She's not far, just a bit down the road - please, she needs help, and she won't leave the gold behind, please help me."

If a check for the disguise is needed, Sif's normal bonus is +10, +15 if we include the +5 for 'minor details only'.

And Bluff, to sell the story/act: [roll0] including the +2 from Subjective Truth; if this succeeds he also takes a -2 penalty against further Bluffs for 24 hours, due to Natural Born Liar.

2020-01-22, 01:45 PM
Kenith adjusted his hand on his weapon to make sure his grip did not slip. While he would have preferred the 'charge' option, he understood what the girl was trying to do. And if it didn't work? Well surely trained warriors could handle a few brigands, right?

Now, if the fat merchant wasn't just luring THEM into a trap...

2020-01-22, 05:43 PM
The lookout seems inquisitive at first but says nothing. He struggles, quite poorly, to hide his excitement about the prospect of an easy mark. "That's terrible ma'am. I'll sure come help you. Don't you worry one bit." The tall, lanky human turns and lets out a loud, shrill, whistle while facing his camp. "We'll come take good care of her." He looks back to the camp. "Hurry up boys, a lady needs our help getting to safety." He almost chuckles at the irony of his words but somehow stifles the laughter.

The camp is moving, with five people approaching the lookout. You are confident there are no others in the camp now.

They are probably still 100ft away from the lookout.

2020-01-22, 07:50 PM
Norwood smirked at the ruse, thinking for a moment how in his old days, they would have charged headfirst into a rope that his buddies had strung up while others waited to throw pig slop. Simpler times now they were running headlong into there death, If we are lucky, these guys don't seem too bright.

With his flail in one hand and his net in the other, Norwood tried to pick out his target, someone slow who would do stupid things under pressure.

Ready an action to throw the net onto the beefiest slowest looking thug when everyone else attacks.

Net has a range of 10' the closer I can throw to that the better

[roll0] -2 for each range increment after 10

2020-01-22, 07:55 PM
”Seems like this will be an interesting evening. Gonna splay our in the path, eh? Should be a fine night for certain.” Wethun grumbles and loosens tight muscles with a few stretches before grumbling away and down of the rode. He readies his Stonebow and places his spear in the dirt beside him. He’ld get one shot and one throw before getting in the scrum.

2020-01-23, 12:39 PM

"The riddled-brained lady did!

Let them pass us. Hide. We will jump them from behind."

Fion looks for a suitable place to hide, one that would also provide cover and be hard to come at.

Stealth [roll0]

EDIT: Our rolls are less than stellar, so far

2020-01-26, 05:25 PM
The lookout follows right behind with the other five highwaymen towing along behind. They are not even remotely paying attention other than plodding along, weapons in hand.

The do not see the others as they pass, only the mark who is easily deceiving them.

Lead them where you will.