View Full Version : Got any good stories internet users?

2020-01-04, 06:16 PM
I'm currently really bored of Searching the web for Homebrew sub classes.
I am also doing this for person entertanement and hopes of other people being entertaned too.

2020-01-05, 03:27 PM
What's wrong with published and playtest subclasses? Unless you've already played them all, there are plenty of interesting and fun race/backround/class combinations that would be fun to play. In my opinion, official > homebrew because most DM's do not know enough about game design to balance their homebrew properly.

2020-01-07, 03:35 PM
In my opinion, official > homebrew because most DM's do not know enough about game design to balance their homebrew properly. That's two of us.

2020-01-08, 02:37 AM
A brief story of how to deal 167 damage in one attack at level 8.

So a little info on the party.

Fluffy - Assassin Rogue Tabaxi
Phineas - Grave Cleric Human
Naivarra - Hexblade Sorlock Half-Elf
Aleistar - Divine Soul Sorcadin (Aisemer sp?)
Jeb - Diviner Wizard Svirfneblin

Diviner rolled a nat 20 for Portent.

The encounter began with Fluffy running up to steal a skull off a fence post that immediately starts wailing alerting everything in earshot that we're here... Jeb politely asks if she knows what curiosity will do to her.

The scarecrows animate and start attacking. Everything is pretty boring until Baba Lysaga comes in on a flying Giant's skull.

Finger of Death gets cast by Baba Lysaga for piddly damage. This is the first and last successful action she makes.

Naivarra throws Hex on her, giving disadvantage to strength checks, and fires some EB her way.

Jeb who has a strength score of 6 knows that he's the only one that can physically reach Baba Lysaga. Casts Misty Step to appear behind Baba Lysaga in the skull and takes the attack action to shove. Rolling a 20 for a final score of 18 Jeb wins the contest shoving Baba Lysaga out of the skull to land prone on the ground.

Naivarra uses relentless hex to teleport to Baba Lysaga and ready actions a Booming Blade (Greatsword) telling Phineas to "Do the thing" (with doing the thing as the trigger for the ready action)

Phineas uses channel divinity Path to the Grave. Naivarra uses her reaction to cast the booming Blade. Jeb uses Portent to make the attack roll a nat 20. Naivarra uses a level 4 Eldritch Smite. Total damage is 4d6 (Greatsword) + 2d6 (hex) + 10d8 (Eldritch Smite) + 2d8 (booming blade). After adding the damage up to 81, path to the Grave causes vulnerability to all damage, doubling that to 162, plus Naivarra's Cha mid of +5 to 167. Baba Lysaga is beyond obliterated.

Unrelated turns left out of the action. Baba Lysaga was in combat for a total of 3 rounds. One finger of Death and 2 counterspelled attempts to cast.

I greatly enjoyed the teamwork (and luck on that strength contest from the str 6 wizard) on that trivialization of a combat.

Also to those saying Official is superior to Homebrew because people don't know how to balance, you're right to an extent. WotC gives some questionable material themselves. Healing Spirit and Hexblade come to mind as candidates. Homebrew can be phenomenal if you take the time to do the math and determine if it is in line with other abilities. Not everyone is good at this though, so I understand your apprehensive approach. Also don't mistake familiarity for balance. Expecting healing Spirit to be able to trivialize out of combat healing needs doesn't make it balanced against other healing, just that someone printed it in a book and you have seen it in action already.
Note that I'm not saying you don't understand what balance means, I'm just pointing out that SOME people don't. I don't know either of you so I don't know which group you fall in.