View Full Version : Xanathar's Lost Notes To Everything Else - Divine Herald

Sparky McDibben
2020-01-05, 04:14 PM
Has anyone played with the Divine Herald rogue subclass from the Xanathar's Lost Notes to Everything Else supplement on DMsGuild? I'm intrigued by the idea of a 1/3 divine caster.

Specific Questions:

1) What spell selections would you take for this character? The progression is identical to Arcane Trickster, but uses the cleric spell list, does away with the spell school restriction and the mage hand requirements.

2) What bonds or flaws would you take for this character? Obviously there's the "urchin adopted by the kindly priest" trope, but what else would y'all use?

3) What character concepts would you come up with? "Holy Assassin" and "Temple Reclamation Specialist" both come to mind, but what else?

4) From a DM perspective, what would you have this subclass say about your world? Are there orders of holy rogues? Do they act as sanctified killers? Or are they a shadowy inquisition, going undercover to break up demonic cults before they can attempt a dark ritual?

5) The subclass has an interesting ability:

"At 13th level, your fire of your faith makes you difficult to extinguish. When you are reduced to 0 hit points and don’t die outright, you can make a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw. If you succeed, you can immediately roll any number of Hit Dice and regain hit points equal to the result. After the saving throw succeeds, you can’t cast a spell or use this feature again until you finish a long rest."

This looks kind of like it makes you a mini-barbarian? What do y'all think? It also looks like it would open up some interesting options for roleplaying, as your deity gives you a quest or maybe an omen/portent.

2020-01-06, 12:08 AM
4) From a DM perspective, what would you have this subclass say about your world? Are there orders of holy rogues? Do they act as sanctified killers? Or are they a shadowy inquisition, going undercover to break up demonic cults before they can attempt a dark ritual?

These are already good ideas, but I don't think such a character still needs to be involved within an organized religion, right? Maybe the character doesn't even like doing the gods' work? I'm thinking stuff like the movies Constantin or Equilibrium.

Sparky McDibben
2020-01-06, 08:40 AM
Like they draw on an entire pantheon? I love this; so the gods start bullying them with omens and portents when something needs doing?