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2020-01-06, 03:28 AM
When the Reincarnation Wars came, everything turned into madness. The fighting between those with powers led to a dystopian apocalypse. Most of the fighting has moved off of our earth in response to rising tensions with pro-human militant organizations. Society hasn’t fully recovered. The Pro-Human organizations are ruling large chunks of the world with an iron fist, cracking down on and hunting the Reincarnated. You all are the last remaining ones who either woke too late to join the action or never saw any interest in the wars in the first place.

You have each received an anonymous letter in the mail telling you a specific time and place to meet. Dark alleys and abandoned buildings and similar locations are the trend. You have all for your own reasons decided to go to the meeting locations. Once there, you find a door with a note marked “Welcome. Come on inside.”

Crossing through the door, you find yourself in a room all of you are familiar with, in reputation if nothing else. The Oval Office of the White House of the United States of America. Through the windows, you can see the swaths of destruction torn through D.C. yet somehow, the oval office is completely in tact and impeccably clean. Rumor has been for years now that D.C. was abandoned. Most countries have fallen into one level of anarchy or another, and the United States was no different. With you stand 11 others who look like they are no more in charge of the situation than you. There is a long table in the back with sandwiches and drinks and a radio in the corner is softly playing Blue Suede shoes by Elvis.

This is one of the most mundane sights you have seen since the wars started. Once all of you arrive, a hole in the floor opens and a man in a black suit and sunglasses smiles and says, “Your host will be with you in just a few moments. Please take the time to become acquainted with one another and sample the refreshments.

Please spoiler your character sheets in this thread.

2020-01-06, 04:12 AM
Colt wasn't much hungry after the journey there. Though he did help himself to a cooled cola, and made his way back to Hannah. As far as he was concerned she was the defacto leader here and he was just along for the ride.

Colt will use this text colour
Hey pretty interested in this I'll post my idea now and flash it out a bit later when I have the time.

Name: Colt Walker
Age: 22
Home: Some small town, Texas
Profession: Farm hand/high school student (depends on how long the whole post apocalypse thing has been going for)
Any relevant details:
A modern cowboy style character who rides a horse.

Colt grew up in a small town in Texas and just a year out of high school working on the family farm he wondered if that's all life had in store for him. That's when the apocalypse started. At first he holed up in Austin with most others from the state, until he found out about his power. Well it was one power, one to create a magic gun from thin air but he also got a wealth of knowledge and an unhelpful smoking habit. Colt soon set out on his own with nothing but his horse, guitar and the clothes on his back promising to bring back help to his family.

Colt was quickly seduced by the wanderer lifestyle, no responsibility, no worries and all the money in the world if you didn't mind legality or a bit of cheating. See after the apocalypse many people got the nature of gift he had. What else would they do than start making gangs, gambling rings and other criminal networks. Some even thought themselves god and made it known in some towns. I didnt matter to Colt if someone was willing to pay the job would get done sooner or later. Colt was having a blast either on the run or about to, it was truly a cowboys wonderland and its spanned the country (except Louisiana you don't want to know what he did there)

It wasn't until he met Hannah Archer on his journeys that he heard of the resistance but after some discussion he left thinking that was just crazy talk after all this time. It wasn't until a year later that he got a hit contract on Hannah that he would see her again. Not having caught their name the first time. Colt disregarded the contract and joined up not letting them know one of them was in his crosshairs moments before.

Overall Colt keeps a cocky and positive disposition but it sometimes falls when he thinks about back home and if it was already to late with the time he wasted.

How does Colt keep up with very little power:
"I reckon that's best explained with a story. Out in a small Nevada town, a man sit upon a melted throne is a scrapyard. He called himself the Lord of Flame and was always seen engulfed in them, a real theatrical kind of guy. But too bad for him I was too, when he slept I stuck a bomb up... well you know where and moved him onto his throne in front of his followers. By the time dawn came I stood a bit back from the throne and yelled "DRAW!". He woke up in a blaze and a split second later he popped like a balloon. He he it was a hoot, it was so funny hell I did the bounty for free. My point is the same as his followers learned that day, it may be apocalypse but gods don't walk among us just yet. They're humans and humans can always be taken down sooner or later. The big bass don't know I've chosen a side yet still thinking I work for the highest bidder so I have the element of surprise. Also I have kept a few tabs on some of them so I know a bit about them."

Hol Horse (Jojos bizarre adventure, Power: Emperor can materialize a gun in his hand and completely control 1 bullet if not actively firing, also charisma, ladies man and can fit in with villains if need be)

John Denver (real world, Power: singing and guitar playing)

Frenchie (The Boys, Power: tech wiz, bit of a ladies man, good at leveling the playing field with the gods among us)


Musical theme: Tusk by Fleetwood Mac

Alignment (cause I thought it would be interesting): Probably true neutral because he follows the rules of the group but doesn't hesitate to break them if he think they're misguided. He's also generally helps people in need but doesn't mind cheating people out of some cash they don't need.

Have a couple of other ideas if this doesn't suit

"Pleasure to meet y'all. The names Colt, Colt Walker." After a simple introduction he took the time to sit back on the nearest chair and get a read of the room. There was no special coherency to anyone, clothing varied from striking to strikingly mundane. Did one of the guys still have a work uniform on? Keeping something like that after all these years forced Colt to restrain a laugh.

2020-01-06, 04:30 AM
Name: Ellen Foxworthy
Age: 18
Home: What used to be New York City.
Profession: Freedom Fighter
Any relevant details: Looks like this. (https://i.imgur.com/3LP9INr.jpg) One of the front line fighters for the forces of Good through the last couple years of the war since turning 16 and awakening the soul of Park Il-Pyo, who is remarkably hard to kill. As the conflict turned nasty and she awakened her less flashy souls, Ellen began to focus on defending Innocents instead of waging a coordinated war effort, setting up hidden, self sufficient communities that were safe from Raiders.
Souls: Park Il-Pyo (God of Highschool): Superhuman physical abilities and martial arts skills, as well as borrowed power from the Nine Tails Guardian, which allows him to enter a transformation that increases his strength and speed even further and allows pyrokinesis. Transforming puts strain on the body, with the power allowed and strain taken both directly linked to the number of tails manifested. May also be able to undo seals/curses, unsure.

Agatha Heterodyne (Girl Genius): Connecting the mind to the Madness Place through a Spark, allowing the creation of mad science based devices, medicines, techniques, etc. Madness is a very apt term, though; a Spark in the Madness Place is dangerously manic, prone to lashing out at Interlopers and rarely able to keep exactly on task, though whatever they make tends to be useful to them after they come out of the Madness Place.

Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden (The Dresden Files): PI training, Listening (the ability to block out other senses to enhance hearing), and wizardry. Magic can do a lot, but there's still conservation of energy to deal with, just with other kinds of energy. Dark magic is addictive and corruptive, and needs to be consciously avoided.

One could be forgiven for underestimating the young woman who spoke next, though one did so at their peril: anyone who had been active in New York recently might recognize the lithe girl with the hip-length blonde hair as one of the most prolific and effective benefactors of peaceful reincarnated settlements in the New York area, a master of defensive magic and mad science.

Anyone who had been active in New York two years ago would definitely recognize the Nine Tails Guardian, Ellen Foxworthy. She'd been a sight on the battlefield before she up and quit.

Elf talks in #8292b3, like this.

She raises a can of Coke in a mock toast at Colt's introduction, matching it with an understated one of her own. "Nice to meet you, Colt. I'm Elf." She drinks her cola and smirks the kind of smirk that says "I know something you don't."

Lord Raziere
2020-01-06, 04:54 AM
Jade warps in from Obito's dimension, swirling out of it and looking at the other people here.
"Hey. I'm Jade Refera. Nice to meet you both.
She takes a soda and sips it, the red head looking at them with her steely gaze.
"The nine Tails guardian. I remember you."
She comments. Remembers Elf from the same battle she herself broke free from the other sides control. The best day she had since the entire world gone from bad to worse and she had been turned into a weapon. But hey at least now she can use her new powers for good now. they might recognize her as a terrifying mind controlled weapon, a terror in war as she teleported across the battlefield and slaughtered people with a vast armory of weapons and bullet hell blasts.

OOC: she speaks with 66cc66

Name: Jade Refera
Age: 19-24, depends on how long the war was
Home: Some Big City, USA
Profession: Former Teen Rebel/Protector of the Weak
Any relevant details:
Jade is a tomboyish redhead with green eyes with a gaze of steel. She wears a black leather jacket over a white shirt, with blue pants and boots.

In high school she was wild and rebellious, being a delinquent, caring more about watching anime and playing videogames than her studies. She beat up bullies in the hall, gang members in the streets and went to sleep at an orphanage in the city. She thought herself a nobody who would amount to nothing and thus had no hope for her future. When the reincarnation wars broke out, she was kidnapped by a an evil mad scientist experimenting with the power of reincarnation.
The scientist through some method, figured out her reincarnated souls due to the theme the first three she was most likely to awaken followed: as unfortunate people who end up being used as powerful weapons for another's ends and becoming terrifying villains of destruction despite the goodness inside them. Exploiting this fate, her powers were forced out to be awakened and she was forced to be an enslaved weapon for the villains side of the reincarnation war by the scientists technology and causing a terrible amount of destruction and many deaths as a result. However after a recent battle through pure willpower and determination alone she broke free of his control, (hopefully) killed the scientist to be free and now seeks to rebuild her life with her new opportunity- as well as fix a world of superpowers gone mad.

Erza Scarlet (Fairy Tale)
Powers Granted: Requip, Ezra's physical abilities, tons of armor and weapons to use, telekinesis,
Obito Uchiha (Naruto)
Powers granted: Kamui (teleportation, intangibility, pocket dimension), fire release jutsu, wood release jutsu, chakra sensing, some earth jutsu, some water jutsu, great taijutsu, hashirama cells, great regeneration and durability, basic academy jutsu
Asriel Dreamurr (Undertale)
Power granted: Various rainbow-themed attacks, plant-based abilities, chaos sabers, chaos buster, determination-themed abilities, hopes and dreams themed powers,

....Honestly can't think of any right now.

2020-01-06, 06:00 AM
Charlotte helped herself to a few sandwiches and a drink, it had been a while since she'd had a good meal, since she'd awakened to her powers she had little need to actually eat but still prefered to sate her appetite rather than starve. In the last few weeks, she'd only been able to get small meals from those she'd helped out as they were rationing their food as most of the infrastructure that had kept the country well had been destroyed as a side-effect of Reincarnated either exerting control over it and others destroying it to break the former's hold over the area.

"Never thought I'd ever wind up in the White House, I thought it had been wrecked with the rest of America" Charlotte says as she takes a seat before digging into the food and drink she'd grabbed. "I'm Charlotte Prescott, so what were you all up to while the whole war was going on? I didn't have much time to hear what was going on around the world and was doing my best to help out those who couldn't fight back with protecting what was theirs"

Name: Charlotte Trescott
Age: 25
Sex: Female
Relevant Details: Physically, Charlotte is in pretty good shape. She is tall with pale skin, blonde hair that goes down to the middle of her back and green eyes. She has some muscle from carrying around heavy boxes of components she would take home to work on. Charlotte can be rather rude to those who don't follow her train of thought. Those who do follow her train of thought find her to be a great person to hang out with
Profession: University Student
Home: Sydney, Australia

When the apocalypse happened decided that she would best be of use to others by helping them with any broken-down items that would help alleviate their fears about what was going on outside their door. In exchange for this help, all she asked was some food to tide her over until the next time she ran into someone in need of her help.


Kiryu Sento, Kamen Rider Build (https://kamenrider.fandom.com/wiki/Sento_Kiryu) Powers granted: genius-level intellect, martial arts, supersonic reaction speed
Nanoha Takamachi, Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS (https://nanoha.fandom.com/wiki/Nanoha_Takamachi) Powers granted: Telepathy, ranged magic attacks
Fafnir, Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid (https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Fafnir_(Miss_Kobayashi%27s_Dragon_Maid)) Powers granted: regeneration, curse-making, self-sustenance

Charlotte speaks in purple/#800080

2020-01-06, 06:39 AM
Already having eaten three of the sandwiches, and working on his forth, Carlos isn't paying as much attention to the others as he probably should be. He's still sweating profusely because he ran directly here from the airport to save money instead of calling a cab or renting a vehicle. Finally he looks up, and with a mouthful of mediocre sandwich he says, "I have to be honest, I never expected to be in this room. I used to see it on TV before the war... wait... was I supposed to pay for these sandwiches?" He looks around nervously, checking for cameras, and considers lying about the original number of sandwiches. "None of you saw me eating those, got it?"

Name:Carlos Hernandez

Age: 35 years

Home: Mexico City, Mexico

Profession: Vacuum cleaner salesman

Any relevant details: He speaks with a somewhat heavy Mexican accent if speaking English, but can speak Spanish fluently. Knows everything there is to know about vacuum cleaners. He mostly cares for himself before looking after others and has been very confident in his abilities since he got them, truly believing that no other abilities could rival his. Most of the time he keeps this thought to himself, though, as he really wouldn't want to make anyone feel bad. He is very cheap and avoids spending money wherever he can because as a child his parents taught him to be very grateful for and careful with what he has. He isn't very smart though, truth be told, but hey, what can ya do?


Okuyasu Nijimura (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Okuyasu Nijimura has the ability to summon an entity called "the hand" that is linked to him and can't go very far away from him at all. It has the ability to effectively remove whatever makes contact with its right hand from existence in accordance with Okuyasu's will. Objects that are subjected to the ability appear as if an extremely sharp blade had sliced clean through them. In terms of personality, Okuyasu is very slow-witted and overconfident, which often makes it difficult for him to use The Hand to his advantage.)

Rash (Battle Toads Games, Rash is remarkably fast and can turn his feet and hands into various weapons and/or a spring. He is also an anthropomorphic frog with sunglasses who can ride a motorcycle. He is the self-proclaimed coolest toad and is, for a lack of better words, similar to Michelangelo from TMNT in regards to his general disposition.)

Yamcha (Dragon Ball, Yamcha can shoot beams and balls of energy with ki and is just generally much more powerful than the average human; personality-wise he is pretty overconfident in his abilities and dies often.)
Carlos speaks in #cc99ff because lavender is just objectively the best color.

2020-01-06, 11:20 AM
Name: Doctor George James Mordrid

Age: 34 years old

Home: The Ruins of Phoenix, Arizona

Profession: Counselor/Cultural Anthropologist (Formerly), Elder (Current)

Any relevant details: Doctor George James Mordrid has doctorates in cultural anthropology, psychology and philosophy. This man is very intelligent, empathetic and polite. As an educated person he managed to help many people with their studies, and since he had a lot of money, and enjoys high class pleasures and parties, he was thought of as a snob before the destruction of the multiverse.

Now that the Apocalypse has fallen on the world, George James Mordrid has been using his gifted intellect to lead entire settlements of survivors.


Odin (MCU)

Andre Linoge (Storm Of The Century)

Raiden (Mortal Kombat)

"Sandwiches! I'm having some. Whomever has this must be rich by our standards."
"It's a good thing that I don't need to eat as much as I used to just to survive. Sometimes I don't even eat, so someone else can."
"Also, I have a sneaking suspicion, Carlos that even though you probably are eating too soon, it's kind of okay because you probably don't need to pay for it."

2020-01-06, 12:01 PM
At first he had considered sending Shielder Temperance, or even Lancer Emperor, to the meeting. Perks of being a 'necromancer' and all, but ultimately he had decided that if someone had bypassed Caster Lover and Assassin Death security to get a handwritten letter to the Gardens of Babylon then that took some skilled balls. And Ronin respected that, and had decided to honor it with a personal visit.

The man was wearing a dark blue long coat with rhomboid decorations in white at the coat's trailing edge. Under it he wore a black turtle neck jersey with obvious leather hostlers, an upside down plain trench knife (one of Assassin Death's tools) at his right side and an angry looking gun at his left. He is wearing some old used jeans, held in place with a black belt, carved with golden rhombus, from which two small crystal skulls hang as if they were simple key chains. When he moves it is apparent that there is another scabbard at his back. He is also wearing high military boots, again with another knife. His face is framed by some reading glasses that he uses as a diadem holding his brown hair back, it somehow gives him a regal appearance as if it was a crown. It's not the only piece of jewelry he is wearing, he has a golden earring on his left ear and a plain steel ring in each finger.

He walks easily as a cat uncaring of what's around in a relaxed garb. His hands are on his pockets when not going to caress the radio with an old fondness.

If someone were to look at him with The Sight, they would see him as a King, regal and proud. He looks pretty much the same but his skin is darker, a tanned brown, his hair is snow white and his eyes are pools of molten gold. But more importantly they would see his entourage. Standing on his shadow are... people or spirits. Men and women, for lack of a better word, all garbed with a long coat like the one Ronin wears. But that's not the only similitude their hair is also white, their skin tan and their eyes golden. In fact each look like Ronin in their own manner as if they were family or as if they were copies of himself accentuating more one aspect of his self. Right now there were four of them, beyond Ronin. Archer Strength was a woman of voluptuous proportions holding a quiver packed with arrows and a long bow over her shoulder. Ruler Priestess was a smaller woman with a more classic beauty more petite woman standing firm behind Ronin with a raised standard. Rider Chariot was a tall and well built man, he walked easily with a shield and a sword at his back. In contrast Shielder Temperance who could have been who could have been confused for a boy despite being a petite girl held her shield with studied care.

Of course someone would need to see spirits to perceive the passengers in Ronin's shadow without him having manifested them.

"I am Ronin," he introduces himself to no one in particular. Then looking at Charlote, he smiles. "I was in jail."

Name: Ronin Lowell
Age: 32
Home: Hanging Gardens of Babylon (https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Hanging_Gardens_of_Babylon) (when in the real world), Velvet Room (https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/Velvet_Room) (when in the cognitive world)
Profession: Engineer Vigilante Convict Shadow Monarch
Any relevant details: Ronin (http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/18228308/images/1331058981886.jpg)'s life hasn't always been easy. When he awoke to his powers he tried to some good. A great power carries a great responsibility, right? Evil wins if good does nothing, so fight the good fight, right? Right... no.

Turns out that being described as a "necromancer" jives people the wrong way. He spent a long time at the shadow, with the full perks and hospitality of penitentiary solitary confinement. While his body got stuck there his mind though explored. Wandered. He retreated into himself, into his mind, and from there into the mind of others. While the world was falling no one ever wondered why everyone around Ronin's prison appeared to be happier, more hopeful, convinced that things would turn ok in the end.

When hell broke loose there were many that broke out of prison. No violent criminal would escape Ronin's prison. He would walk out followed with an army of shadows and soon would raise into the air in a luxurious palace. The gardens are a sight of beauty as they travel around the glove and wherever it casts it's shadow people feel the spark of hope a bit again.

Sung Jin-Woo (https://solo-leveling.fandom.com/wiki/Sung_Jin-Woo) The original shadow monarch and from where Ronin got his necromancer's powers. Jin-Woo is a cool reserved guy that still remembers weakness, and has trained and pushed himself towards the peak of power. With that same drive he has pushed Ronin into turning his body a very efficient machine. He brings to the mix the capacity to raise shadows from the remains or objects of the deceased.

Gilgamesh (https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Gilgamesh) The most... boisterous of Ronin's inheritances. Solitary confinement and leaving himself with only the shadow's within for company has meant that Gil's has had the most impact on Ronin's mind. He has taught him how to be a king, as well as given him access to the vault's of Babylon from where Ronin has extracted and armed many of the shadows that now follow him.

Ren Amamiya (https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/Protagonist_(Persona_5)) Codename Joker, the phantom thief of hearts. He is the inheritance that has had the most impact on Ronin's soul, on his most basic goals. It is by his influence that Ronin and his shadows traverse the shadow realm of the people's mind to root out the evilness and the darkness inside. He has also led to Ronin to the Velvet Room where he has refined most of his shadows into something more.

Both Jin-Woo and Ren are summoners, Jin-Woo being the more classical necromancer raising shadows from 'remains' (he has raised knights from pieces of their armor). Ren instead brings forth persona's (a manifestation of his personality) from the sea of souls, the collective unconscious of humanity. Gilgamesh is himself a summon, from the throne of heroes, a spot outside of the circle of reincarnation where the world creates copies of heroes who can be summoned back to the world.

Ronin's Entourage are a mix of servant, persona and shadow. In particular they come from the Sea of Souls (the collective unconscious) not the Throne of Heroes given bodies through Ronin's shadows and outfitted with the equipment and noble phantasm's coming from Gilgamesh treasury (which holds a copy of each and every noble phantasm). They are then fused (Ren can fuse the personas) and Caster Fortune gives them a makeover and empowerment. The idea is to have one per major tarot Arcana as the persona's follow those for their differences. Still not all of them will be available as they are doing other things for Ronin, some being in the Hanging Gardens, other within the Gate of Babylon, others within the Velvet Room, others traveling America gathering supplies/adventuring, or adventuring in the cognitive realm.

Ronin fights mostly through his summons although he is a skilled 'rogue' (and is outfitted in a LOT of powerful magical gear that makes him a very good mage).

The current entourage, the ones adventuring with him right now, are:
Archer Strength: Heracles (https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/True_Archer_(Heracles))/Raikou (https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Berserker_(Fate/Grand_Order_-_Raikou))
Ruler Priestess: Jeanne d'Arc (https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Ruler_(Fate/Apocrypha))/Florence Nightingale (https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Berserker_(Fate/Grand_Order_-_Nightingale))
Rider Chariot: Achilles (https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Rider_of_Red)/Richard I (https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Saber_(Fate/strange_fake))
Shielder Temperance: Artoria (https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Saber_(Fate/stay_night))/Galahad (https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Galahad)

Other members of the entourage mentioned above:
Lancer Emperor: Romulus (https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Lancer_(Fate/Grand_Order_-_Romulus))/Iskandar (https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Rider_(Fate/Zero)) (is temporarily in charge of ruling in the Hanging Gardens, with Ronin Absent)
Caster Lover: Semiramis (https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Assassin_of_Red)/Nero (https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Playable_Saber_(Fate/Extra)) (managing the day to day life of the Hanging Gardens)
Assassin Death: Hassan (https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Assassin_(Fate/Grand_Order_-_King_Hassan))/Jack the Ripper (https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/False_Berserker) (in charge of security in the Hanging Gardens)
Caster Fortune: Scherezade (https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Caster_(Fate/Grand_Order_-_Scheherazade))/Alexandre Dumas (https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/False_Caster) (managing the Velvet Rooms and turning the personas into easing them on using the others noble phantasms and making them closer to servants)

2020-01-06, 12:59 PM
Name: Hannah Archer
Theme: Force Of Nature
Age: 27
Height: 5’10”
Weight: 140 lbs
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Blue
Home: Los Angeles, California, USA
Profession: "Escort"


Any relevant details: Prior to the end of the world, and her awakening as a reincarnation, Hannah worked as a professional escort in LA. She was kind of a burn out, one of any number of kids who made their journey to the west coast looking for fame and fortune, but never quite getting their big break. Following the apocolypse, she awakened to her past lives and the souls she carries, a spirit of nature and the unbridled power of the wilds which course through her.

If you have ever heard someone say 'more power than you know what to do with' you probably understand the feeling that Hannah has, wielding her new capacity as the avatar of flora and fauna. So she's taken to wandering the wasteland as she works to understand herself and her powers, helping to rekindle life where she can and rebuke those who would exploit what little life remains on the barren world. With her power, she believes she can restore the planet to what it once was, given enough time, but she is fearful that she is not yet ready to begin such an undertaking, and that it would be a wasted effort if the forces of darkness which had brought about such destruction were not resolved first, or else they would be free to undo any work at restoration she might begin.

To that end, she has been seeking out other reincarnated like herself, and attempting to gather them into a resistance force, so that they could present a united front in the defense of the world that she is now very much a part of.

Akash'Thriya (https://sentinelswiki.com/index.php?title=Akash%27Thriya#tab=Comic_Books:_Ak ash_27Thriya) (Sentinels Of The Multiverse)
Storm (https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Ororo_Munroe_(Earth-616)) (Marvel Comics)
Vixen (https://dc.fandom.com/wiki/Mari_McCabe_(Prime_Earth)) (DC Comics)

Hannah Will Speak In Green (008000)

The trip east had been a long one, mostly because getting anywhere these days seemed to take a long time. It wasn't the travel itself that was difficult. She could make good time when she choose to, her abilities were more than sufficient to navigate by. But that would mean passing over the people on the ground, and Hannah wasn't much good at that part. Wherever she traveled, there were small towns working to rebuild, and they were filled with good people who were struggling. So she helped them. A rainstorm to bring life to failing crops in the Midwest. An earthquake to scatter a bandit camp in Appalachia. Tracking a convoy of lost medical somewhere along the Atlantic coast. She did what she could, and hoped it would be enough.

Seemed like a job at times, a weird one sure, but still a job. There were parts she liked, and parts she didn't. Mostly, Hannah kept herself busy because it helped her stay connected. She had been around the nation, meeting up others like herself, who had reincarnated with Power. Everyone coped differently. For her, it was difficult to keep her perspectives from drifting. Her lives, her past selves were more wild, more connected to the flow and cycles of nature than they were to people. It was a pull that tugged at her, a drift away from being Hannah Archer the human, and towards something more ... primal.

Hannah had never much liked who she ended up being, before the world ended. But that didn't mean she wanted to lose that and become something else. She feared that drifting to far into the wilds would mean that she, Hannah, would end up hollowed out. A empty shell that was filled with all these powers and all these lives, and none of them were her anymore.

Hannah had met other's like herself, some of them were in the room here. And the idea of Hannah loosing her ties to humanity should be a very sombering thought. Because she wasn't sure who would be able to stop her if that happened.

The meeting, the here and now, came back to her senses when Colt made a comment, giving introductions. The assembled crowd did likewise, offering names a few comments. Hannah tried to make notes of the new faces, since she wasn't great with names and wouldn't recall them if she didn't put an effort towards doing so. When the circle came round to her, she gave a wave "Hey there. Some of you already know me, but for those who don't, I'm Hannah, it's nice to meet you". She had automatically slipped into her 'escort voice'. The kind of generic niceness you use to make a positive impression without really committing to being friendly. It was a presentation that threaded the needle between being friendly and being polite, so that you could later decide how you wanted the conversation to go. The sort of thing, once upon a time, she relied on when fielding potential clients. Good first impression, easy exit strategy. All of which was basically automatic, and probably passed by without notice.

2020-01-06, 01:57 PM
Carlos breathes a deep sigh of relief when he hears George's comment about sandwich availability. Upon seeing Ronin walk in with what appeared to be a large group of warriors and magic users, not realizing what they were, pointed at them and remarked, "Hey, how are we supposed to fit all these people in this small room? On that note, how many more people are gonna join us? It's like a circus in here!" He finishes his fourth sandwich and realizes that nearly everyone has given a proper introduction besides him, and he didn't want to ruin his first impression on everyone or be rude in any way, so he says, "Oh, I'm Carlos by the way; I sell vacuum cleaners and vacuum cleaner accessories."

Name:Carlos Hernandez

Age: 35 years

Home: Mexico City, Mexico

Profession: Vacuum cleaner salesman

Any relevant details: He speaks with a somewhat heavy Mexican accent if speaking English, but can speak Spanish fluently. Knows everything there is to know about vacuum cleaners. He mostly cares for himself before looking after others and has been very confident in his abilities since he got them, truly believing that no other abilities could rival his. Most of the time he keeps this thought to himself, though, as he really wouldn't want to make anyone feel bad. He is very cheap and avoids spending money wherever he can because as a child his parents taught him to be very grateful for and careful with what he has. He isn't very smart though, truth be told, but hey, what can ya do?


Okuyasu Nijimura (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Okuyasu Nijimura has the ability to summon an entity called "the hand" that is linked to him and can't go very far away from him at all. It has the ability to effectively remove whatever makes contact with its right hand from existence in accordance with Okuyasu's will. Objects that are subjected to the ability appear as if an extremely sharp blade had sliced clean through them. In terms of personality, Okuyasu is very slow-witted and overconfident, which often makes it difficult for him to use The Hand to his advantage.)

Rash (Battle Toads Games, Rash is remarkably fast and can turn his feet and hands into various weapons and/or a spring. He is also an anthropomorphic frog with sunglasses who can ride a motorcycle. He is the self-proclaimed coolest toad and is, for a lack of better words, similar to Michelangelo from TMNT in regards to his general disposition.)

Yamcha (Dragon Ball, Yamcha can shoot beams and balls of energy with ki and is just generally much more powerful than the average human; personality-wise he is pretty overconfident in his abilities and dies often.)

2020-01-06, 04:07 PM
A garish blob of red and green drifts into view outside the window. On closer observation, the green splotch seems to be from a sloshing, swampy mixture inside of a thick glass sphere, centered between a pair of drone turbines and two bright red metal pods. Individually, the pods might look at home in a gimmicky car lot or hanging from the side of an aircraft carrier, but altogether the contraption resembles a truck-sized, legless wasp.

After hovering around for a few moments, it finally circles to the other side of the building and finds place to land. It takes another several minutes for its occupant to get out, walk around to the entrance, follow the hand-drawn signs pointing the way through the halls to the meeting place, and get to the room.

Mina isn't nearly as impressive as her ride might have indicated.

Name: Mina Takumi
Home: Pacific Oil Platform
In the years leading up to the war, rising ocean levels and naval tensions led to the creation of several so-called floating cities, groups of carrier ships and drilling platforms where families could live their lives without ever setting foot on dry land. The one where I grew up is a fair bit East of Hachijo.
Appearance: H: 165cm, W: 60kg, E: Brn, Hair: Blk, Bld: O
My body is short and muscular, shaped by a fishy diet and a lifetime of swimming and climbing ladders. My shoulders are probably my best feature, so I keep my hair short enough not to touch them. I still have tan lines on my neck from time spent outside in a wetsuit.
Profession: Nautical Psientist
It seems that the reincarnation phenomenon doesn't only encompass souls with similar personalities. My instinct, from a modern perspective, was to say this means that nurture is more important than nature, and I must have become very different people because of circumstances or because of how I was raised, and that I'm lucky to have a family that helped me to be a good person this time around. That instinct... well, it isn't wrong, exactly, but there is obviously more to it than that. If anything, my soul has followed a natural progression from one life to the next.
Futaba Sakura (Persona 5) - Human, Paranormal Hacker
Ivo Robotnik (Sonic Mania) - Human?, Automaton Architect
Erika Hikami (Pokémon Red) - Human, Cryptid Gardener

EDIT: Pamela was seduced and then poisoned by a professor, taken in by promises of new discoveries that would save the world from industrial doom. She couldn't forgive herself for letting a man take advantage of her when she was vulnerable, so she twisted her reality until she became a toxic seductress in a world where the ends justified the means. As her powers grew stronger and her crimes more heinous, her mind struggled to justify it; her cognition became shadowy and trope-laden as though her life was rewritten several times. When this was not enough and she was finally killed, her soul erroneously concluded that the problem was with her original convictions. If it wanted power, it needed to join the side of the men and machines.
Ivo ran roughshod over the natural world, stole lives as though he had a right to them, and forged his reality into a metal utopia where an omniscient king commanded bustling robot subjects. If Ivy's palace was cartoonish and inconsistent, Robotnik's was even worse. It's hard to know how many of his inventions were built in reality and how many were shadows born to some cognitive factory in the metaverse. Given the ways that the cognitive world and the real world can interact, these aren't mutually exclusive. Either way, his empire would collapse when the core powering it was stolen or destroyed.
Wakaba's soul by now knew it needed to avoid these fates. She's the reason I have the vocabulary to write all of this. What's left of her cognition is sparse, carefully curated to avoid corruption from selfish desires. She still had regrets. If she'd taken one vacation to spend time with her daughter, she might not have been ghost-murdered to leave Futaba an orphan in a doomed world. But that kind of results-oriented thinking is wrong. You can do everything right and still lose. Star Trek taught me that much.
So, assuming my read on this isn't completely off... I guess I must have come back somewhere isolated, intending to live a private life and mind my own business? Except I couldn't do that, because the floating city is effectively two naval bases orbiting a boom town. I adapted to thrive in my environment, though. I made friends and watched a lot of old TV shows and videogames. I swim and dive and climb and speak English, I graduated college without really picking a specialty, I helped update the algae farm to support 3 tiers, and as a result of excessive demand for candidates, I was then recruited to work full time studying the Reincarnation phenomenon. Just in time for it to turn into a worldwide disaster!

In the prelude to the war, Mina's team collaborated with a faraway team in America to examine the reincarnation phenomenon. They started with its apparent roots in cognition and psychology, developed the technology to see into the cognitive world, and examined the broken barriers that allowed it to impose itself on reality. As the US became embroiled in conflicts external and internal, Mina lost contact with the American team. Under the leadership of Rotem Sigmund, the Americans went on in the practical but depraved direction that Jade Refera would see.

Mina's team, meanwhile, developed a theory of awakening based on dives in a cognitive bathysphere. They discovered that the cognitive elements responsible - the super-powered "Souls" - often take root in a dark part of the psyche and become malignant, disposing the host to violent and selfish behavior. By now, they had already discovered Mina's status as a potential Incarnate. Fearing for her sanity, Mina plumbed the depths of her own psyche to tame the palaces of her other selves before they had a chance to overwhelm her. The adventure was a surprising success, likely owing to the particular experience Wakaba held within her. She became awakened to three souls and restored the sanity they had lost in life, in exchange for some intangible fraction of their power.

While this was going on, the phenomenon continued to grow more prevalent and powerful worldwide, and swiftly brought about the reality we know today. Before they could develop their findings into a more general treatment for other Incarnates, the team was disbanded and evacuated in one of a series of disasters. In the chaos, the team decided to leave Mina behind, marking her as, 'missing.' This was no act of malice; by this point, Japan had instituted a policy of, 'containment,' for incarnates, meaning that Mina would be arrested and confined as soon as she got to the mainland.

Here on the platform, she knows her way around. She can continue her research. She can grow and fish build everything she needs to get by.


Who is she kidding? It's still basically prison.

A short and stocky Japanese woman looks from the towering blondes and redheads to the drawling cowboys to the improbably extra gothic magician that Ronin presents himself as. This is America alright. Of course, Mina herself is wearing a loose teal D3L1C1OUS C4NDY R3D t-shirt dress draped over a diver's wetsuit, complete with goggles hanging around her neck. She has no business accusing anyone else of looking like they're in costume.

"Um, hello. Sorry I'm late. I didn't realize how far it was, and I had to... well, anyway, just, sorry." She bows her head a couple times in apology as she steps into the room. She seems exhausted, but continues to pace around rather than take a seat.

2020-01-06, 06:09 PM
"I was in jail." Colt had overheard this from Ronin addressing someone else. About time someone who had a good story to tell, "We've all been there" Colt said jovially. "So what did they do you in for explosions? gun fights? theft?" he was suddenly taken a back by his ghoulish entourage but when back to his joking tone soon after "passing the pet ghost limit?" Of course it was a lame joke but Colt couldn't help but give himself a short chuckle.

2020-01-06, 06:14 PM
"You are not the last one here and for that. I thought stealth and making sure I was not fallowed was better than being on time. You can call me Ron, or would you prefer if my muscles do the talking."

As a tall and balled muscular man walks inform the shadows of the doorway and into the room.

Name: Ron Armstrong
Age: 30
Home: Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Profession: Auto Mechanic. Armature boxer.
Any relevant details: He is a 6’3 muscular balled man. With green eyes. before the war, he was an auto mechanic and trained in boxer to keep in shape. he was brought from his own world into this one, mostly to fight in the war. told that he can return home after it. During the war, he fought, more to survive if anything. Now he is just trying to survive. He is a drifter. Sort of like a wandering Ronan or cowboy.

Jotaro Kujo (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure)
Alex Armstrong. FMA.
Naofumi Rise of the Shield Hero.

2020-01-06, 07:23 PM
"Hey there. Some of you already know me, but for those who don't, I'm Hannah, it's nice to meet you". She had automatically slipped into her 'escort voice'. The kind of generic niceness you use to make a positive impression without really committing to being friendly. It was a presentation that threaded the needle between being friendly and being polite, so that you could later decide how you wanted the conversation to go. The sort of thing, once upon a time, she relied on when fielding potential clients. Good first impression, easy exit strategy. All of which was basically automatic, and probably passed by without notice.

Ronin glanced at the redhead and decided that he liked her voice.

Upon seeing Ronin walk in with what appeared to be a large group of warriors and magic users, not realizing what they were, pointed at them and remarked, "Hey, how are we supposed to fit all these people in this small room? On that note, how many more people are gonna join us? It's like a circus in here!"

"I was in jail." Colt had overheard this from Ronin addressing someone else. About time someone who had a good story to tell, "We've all been there" Colt said jovially. "So what did they do you in for explosions? gun fights? theft?" he was suddenly taken a back by his ghoulish entourage but when back to his joking tone soon after "passing the pet ghost limit?" Of course it was a lame joke but Colt couldn't help but give himself a short chuckle.

He looked at the two men realizing that both of them had seen his shadows and that both of them had Personas behind them, or something very very similar. All the more power to being sneaky, Ronin laughed mentally, and felt a cold glare from Shielder Temperance "Master you shouldn't have expected that we would remain unseen." the voice was inside Ronin's head, it was a part of his own psyche. At first, when he was in solitary he had wondered if he was developing some weird schizophrenia, he had stopped wondering, so he simply mentally replied "Carlos comment still has merit, if you were physical you would take actual space.". Sure, that was the whole reason, no more reason. It was Rider Chariot who chimed in with a mental grin that would have made the Chesire cat proud "Sure, and you didn't order Lancer Judgement and Avenger Hanged to sneak in the Metaverse and wait at the equivalent to this spot here, sure you didn't.".

This time, aloud and to the choir. "Yeah, something like that. Long story short, ghost limit is zero, ectomancers are underappreciated."

Lancer Judgement Nitocris (https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Caster_(Fate/Grand_Order_-_Nitocris))/Scathach (https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Lancer_(Fate/Grand_Order_-_Sc%C3%A1thach)) (Ronin's main transporter between the Metaverse or conceptual world and the material realm, she can open a gate that communicates both)
Avenger Hanged Edmond Dantes (https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Avenger_(Fate/Grand_Order_-_Edmond_Dant%C3%A8s)#King%20of%20the%20Cavern%20Ed mond%20Dant%C3%A8s%20%E2%96%BE)/Moriarty (https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Archer_(Fate/Grand_Order_-_Moriarty)) (Ronin's main explorer of the cognitive world, being an expert on propitiating events by making minor adjustments to the psyches of apparently unrelated people)

2020-01-06, 08:02 PM
Ron looking around the room says "Ok, Given that we are not here for a social call. I assume that this is some sort of job our mutual benefactor has planed. So should we start with our names and powers, Or do you want to wait for him to tell us the Job first ?" As he waits for the others to respond.

2020-01-06, 10:54 PM
Ron looking around the room says "Ok, Given that we are not here for a social call. I assume that this is some sort of job our mutual benefactor has planed. So should we start with our names and powers, Or do you want to wait for him to tell us the Job first ?" As he waits for the others to respond.

"I'm so glad that you've asked. I think we should do something to break the ice. I am George James Mordrid. The Governor, for lack of better word, for the Phoenix Valley area in Arizona."
"My reincarnations were Odin, a God, and father of Thor, Andre Linoge, the warlock, and of course, Raiden, the Thunder God."
"Whom are the rest of you?"

Lord Raziere
2020-01-07, 03:08 AM
She says in response
"My name is Jade Refera. My reincarnations are Erza Scarlet, Obito Uchiha and Asriel Dreamurr. I'm nothing much but a brawler who got turned into this reincarnation super-weapon enslaved to some amd scientist, broke free from his control and killed him recently. I'm not good for much other than fighting those who need it and teleporting around, but I'll do my best."
She could already tell some of them were far better than her at social skills, some better at the smart stuff. Good, she was tough and determined, but something like this needed more than just that.

2020-01-07, 04:17 AM
"Huh. That actually explains a lot. Well, since my old unwitting sparring partner let the cat out of the bag, the whole 'just Elf' bit ain't gonna fly after all, so I might as well join in on sharing time." Ellen says, rolling her shoulders and letting her hair fade to white, a little pair of fox ears popping up from her head and red markings appearing around her eyes. "Ellen Foxworthy, and yes, I get the irony, currently home to the disembodied spirits of a motley crew of iconoclasts consisting of Park Il-Pyo, Agatha Heterodyne, and Harry Dresden." She sketched a sarcastic bow and let the Nine Tails' borrowed power bleed away, her hair darkening back to blond and the ears disappearing in a flicker of orange fire.

2020-01-07, 04:31 AM
Curious, Mina lifts up her goggles to look at Ronin at the mention of ghosts. Her expression sours. She pulls the goggles back down, crosses her arms and avoids eye contact after that, rapping her fingers impatiently.

That is, up until Jade introduces herself.

Mina looks up as she processes what she just heard. Her eyes lock with Jade's, then widen in what can only be panic before turning away again. "Um. I... I'm sorry." Her fingers speed up and she swallows something in the back of her throat. "What was his name? The one who... did that to you."

She continues staring through the table beside her, long enough that her eyes start to tear up. She thinks she already knows the answer. Someone she'd written to. Someone she'd collaborated with. An academic pen pal in the US who was very interested in what triggers so-called Awakenings, to whom Mina had helpfully suggested trauma.

2020-01-07, 05:16 AM
Colt took a double take at Ronins response, honestly the ghost limit thing was just a joke. His first thought was to regard him as one of those fake psychic weirdos but considering he could see them too it was best to keep his mouth shut.

As introductions were thrown around, Colt recognized a few names. Nine tails and Jade were legends in their own right, he heard the tales when passing through New York. Though he didnt stay long enough to see them in person like he is now. If he remembered correctly he got some handsome pay from the pro human groups there for a few well placed explosives. Probably best to keep his mouth shut about that too.

"I have a stand named Emperor which allows me to manifest a gun with special magic properties. This is among other abilities but that's all I'm willing to say." A complete bluff of course aside from that he had no other powers. But keeping secrets on all of that stuff kept him safe.

Lord Raziere
2020-01-07, 05:33 AM
Curious, Mina lifts up her goggles to look at Ronin at the mention of ghosts. Her expression sours. She pulls the goggles back down, crosses her arms and avoids eye contact after that, rapping her fingers impatiently.

That is, up until Jade introduces herself.

Mina looks up as she processes what she just heard. Her eyes lock with Jade's, then widen in what can only be panic before turning away again. "Um. I... I'm sorry." Her fingers speed up and she swallows something in the back of her throat. "What was his name? The one who... did that to you."

She continues staring through the table beside her, long enough that her eyes start to tear up. She thinks she already knows the answer. Someone she'd written to. Someone she'd collaborated with. An academic pen pal in the US who was very interested in what triggers so-called Awakenings, to whom Mina had helpfully suggested trauma.

(I'm just gonna confirm this, since I never really had a good idea about it and details like this are good to fill in when another player has abetter idea.)

"....from your response it seems to matter more to you than to me. I was just angry and didn't feel like being someone's tool for seizing power. Though considering the massive varying number of powers coming as a result of these reincarnations, to comic book levels of weird, I wouldn't be surprised if he was somehow alive. I mean, if he figured out how to bring out reincarnations in me, that can't be normal can it and who is to say he is the only one?"
She thinks about it, trying to remember
"I think he said his name was-"
She says the name of whoever Mina wrote to.
"...But don't worry about it. My life wasn't the luckiest BEFORE the awakenings anyways. I'm kind of used to things being screwed up, I'm tough like that. Though this is far more screwed up than usual."

2020-01-07, 05:38 AM
Charlotte leaned back in the chair she'd commandeered and said in reply to George's question about who they were, "For those of you who arrived after Ronin I'm Charlotte Trescott and I'm the reincarnation of the dragon Fafnir, Nanoha Takamachi, and Sento Kiryu. These lives give me a vast knowledge of curses, advanced knowledge of various fields of science, and am able to move at supersonic speed either whilst flying or while on the ground to name a few of their abilities."

2020-01-07, 06:15 AM
Ron looking around the room says "Ok, Given that we are not here for a social call. I assume that this is some sort of job our mutual benefactor has planed. So should we start with our names and powers, Or do you want to wait for him to tell us the Job first ?" As he waits for the others to respond.

A thought materialized deep within Ronin's mind "I rule". It was a simple thought, a short spike of regalness, that tried to push Ronin to speak. To open his mouth and assess dominance. These mongrels were discussing their legends like they weren't pale imitations of his.

Curious, Mina lifts up her goggles to look at Ronin at the mention of ghosts. Her expression sours. She pulls the goggles back down, crosses her arms and avoids eye contact after that, rapping her fingers impatiently.

He feels Mina's observant eyes upon him. And he feels all the more his need to assess dominance. His mind rushes. And like when he was in solitary just with the voices of his reincarnations his mind inflames with thought. A king that needs to tell others that he is a king is no King.

"I have a stand named Emperor which allows me to manifest a gun with special magic properties. This is among other abilities but that's all I'm willing to say." A complete bluff of course aside from that he had no other powers. But keeping secrets on all of that stuff kept him safe.

His train of thought is interrupted by Colt.

"Trust only gets so far. I can respect that Colt. Not showing all your cards and blabbering your names at the earliest opportunity. I also have a... stand, or something akin to it. I call them persona." Well he had several, including one he called Lancer Emperor, but as Colt said there was no point in telling more. "Archer Strength" That was obviously not it's true name, but there was no need to reveal that.

As he called a woman materialized from Ronin's shadow. Her face resembled Ronin, if Ronin was a beautiful muscular woman of tan skin, golden eyes and white hair. She was lasciviously gorgeous, with a body that had curves and muscle that could be barely hidden under the long coat she wore that looked like a copy of Ronin's own. She carried her weapons with ease, a quiver at her back with a long bow and a collection of arrows.

"My King is the Shadow Monarch." The woman spoke, and Ronin did an effort not to roll his eyes. "He rules over the floating garden city, you might have seen it on your travels. And he is a master of the third magic." She looks at Colt. "My King doesn't want to turn this into a pissing contest. But what do you say, my bow against your stand's gun?"

2020-01-07, 12:54 PM
Name: Victor Singh
Age: 37
Home: Mumbai, India
Profession: Communications coordinator for a major children's charity
Any relevant details: Skinny Indian man, almost 6 foot tall, dresses well but not ostentatious.
Homelander (https://the-boys.fandom.com/wiki/Homelander)(The Boys)
Lord Zedd (https://powerrangers.fandom.com/wiki/Lord_Zedd) (Mighty Morphing Power Rangers)
Ozymandias (https://watchmen.fandom.com/wiki/Adrian_Veidt)(Watchmen, not the Doomsday Clock comic version)

The man who enters looks a survivor of a horror movie. His old worn work suit now riddled with bullet holes and tears, his hair in disarray as a beard has grown long from weeks without a razer. He stares down at his hands which is covered in dried blood. What’s clear, from a look at his undamaged body, is that none of the blood is his.

“They were just children…Why couldn’t they leave alone…” He muttered in Hindi, not even paying attention to the others in the room. Eventually he looks up and blinks in surprise.

“The White house?” He notes in clear and fluent English. “Why am I in America? How am I in America? And who are you people?”

2020-01-07, 01:32 PM
after listing to the others. Ron takes off his coat. Revelling that he has the body of a bodybuilder. With two metal gauntlets with arcane symbols on his hands and a spool of rope around his left arm. As he says "We were all summoned here. I am Ron. You will find my reincarnations give me advantages in Close quarters combat. My reincarnations are Alex Louis Armstrong. The strong arm Alchemist. Jotaro Kujo and use the stand Star Platinum and the world. And I have a lot of tactical options with my third Naofumi Iwatani. As to why? We have yet to find out."

As he takes various bodybuilder poses.

Name: Ron Armstrong
Age: 30
Home: Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Profession: Auto Mechanic. Armature boxer.
Any relevant details: He is a 6’3 muscular balled man. With green eyes. before the war, he was an auto mechanic and trained in boxer to keep in shape. he was brought from his own world into this one, mostly to fight in the war. told that he can return home after it. During the war, he fought, more to survive if anything. Now he is just trying to survive. He is a drifter. Sort of like a wandering Ronan or cowboy.

Jotaro Kujo (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure) (https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Jotaro_Kujo)
Alex Armstrong. FMA. (https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Alex_Louis_Armstrong)
Naofumi Rise of the Shield Hero.

OCC man I am almost starting to sound like Rogal Dorn form if the emperor had a text to speak device. YESS lol.

2020-01-07, 02:57 PM
As the woman appeared and gave her speech, Colt stopped drinking and put down his cola. "How bout against this bottle cap?" Colt said flicking the colas cap from between his thumb and fore finger at the woman. He never had much respect for the 'kings' of the new world and he had less for those that followed in tow. His next words spoke past her and directly to Ronin. "Too high n mighty to present yourself directly Mr Monarch? You might be gettin yourself in a twist about kingliness because of some powers but I don't recognize no rulers in this world." He broke the serious tone back to his upbeat joking tone with a laugh. "He hee, I hope you still know your heart beats like the rest of us."

Colt considering the conversation over learned back more on his chair and returned to enjoying his cold beverage.

2020-01-07, 04:09 PM
The bow makes a metallic noise when pulled two thick arrows are knocked and being pulled back before Ronin puts a hand on Archer's arm stopping her from pulling to the bow's utter length. His eyes fix on hers and they are hard as steel, there are so very few humans left than killing one for a petty insult is wasteful.

"Your recognition is irrelevant Colt. If kingship was based on recognition, or election, believe me I wouldn't have recognized myself and saved myself a lot of trouble." Archer looks appalled at that. "Take it as a job description if that would make you feel better."

Lord Raziere
2020-01-07, 04:28 PM
"Hah! By that logic, I'm a goat princess, but you don't see me acting like it. Maybe I should become queen of goats, rule my stubborn kingdom kindly caprines. But it also makes me the Uchiha heir. Maybe I can be the queen of....Uchiha Goats. The Goatchiha Clan will save the universe. just you watch."
Jade jokes, not really caring about nobility and is actually kind of a rebel towards authority, but hey she likes cracking jokes and being a trickster or prankster even better.

2020-01-07, 04:40 PM
With Star Platinum coming into full display behind him. As Ron says "Stand down both of you. Fighting between your selves will not solve anything. Also, one thing I noticed is we most of us fought for the losing side of the war. Meaning that for most of us have rivals and enemies that would love to have us dead. I for one would prefer to keep them very disappointed." As he stands between the two.

2020-01-07, 04:42 PM
With Star Platinum coming into full display behind him. As Ron says "Stand down both of you. Fighting between your selves will not solve anything. Also, one thing I noticed is we most of us fought for the losing side of the war. Meaning that for most of us have rivals and enemies that would love to have us dead. I for one would prefer to keep them very disappointed." As he stands between the two.

"I have a fully powerful clairvoyance. It's unlikely that this has been set up by enemies. "
"There is no one trying to kill us, at least not right now."

Lord Raziere
2020-01-07, 04:49 PM
"Ron's right, we don't have time or space to fight. Don't make me teleport any of you to obito's dimension for a time out."
She turns to other newcomers, like Victor and Charlotte
"so hey, we're here to meet to do something good about this. You, bloody man, please don't cause trouble, we're not here to fight. I'm Jade, the rest can introduce themselves to you on their own time. Charlotte, glad to have another knowledgeable scientific person. I'm a good fighter but not much else, unfortunately. We should figure out how many people have certain talents and such."
She thinks out loud.
"keep ourselves organized to a degree..."

2020-01-07, 05:15 PM
The lady with the goggles blinks and looks up. It looks like Jade really is over whatever Rotem Sigmund did all that time ago. Mina decides that she should probably get over it, too. There's too much going on to get into her long backstory right now anyway.

"Wait. Mr. Ronin, did you not call us here? If it wasn't you, and it can't be the person I thought it was... then who did?"

2020-01-07, 05:42 PM
"All hail queen of the goats" Colt let out a chuckle then raised his glass to it in appreciation of a good joke. And then Star Platinum came out.

Colt of course had never seen this purple human thing in his life but the first and only thing that came into his mind upon seeing it was pain. "Ho ho, now holding your horses who said anything about fighting. I was just poking a little fun thats all." Colt looked past Ron toward Star Platinum and offhandedly pointed at it. "Now if you could put the pain train away it would be much appreciated."

2020-01-07, 05:53 PM
"I suppose you're right George, as anyone who would want to kill us would be thrilled to hear if either one or both of you are killed here so you two should have this contest when both are more level-headed than you are right now, I'd say it would be an amazing event for all to see." Charlotte says shooting a harder look at Archer Strength than at Colt and then turned to Mina and said, "Actually we're still waiting for our host to arrive, shortly after a few of us arrived we were met by a man in a black suit who said to wait here and get acquainted in the meantime"

2020-01-07, 06:20 PM
With his Stan disappearing behind him. Ron looks to take a set as he says "It is an interesting group they have assembled with a mix of combat, strategists and infiltrators. I wonder what the true objectives that our mystery host is after." As he hopefully finds a seat.

2020-01-07, 06:41 PM
The lady with the goggles blinks and looks up. It looks like Jade really is over whatever Rotem Sigmund did all that time ago. Mina decides that she should probably get over it, too. There's too much going on to get into her long backstory right now anyway.

"Wait. Mr. Ronin, did you not call us here? If it wasn't you, and it can't be the person I thought it was... then who did?"
Carlos thinks for a second then looks up at Mina. "Wait, guys, she makes a good point there. Who was it that wanted us here in the first place? Come to think of it, why us? This is hurting my head..."

2020-01-07, 06:42 PM
"Hah! By that logic, I'm a goat princess, but you don't see me acting like it. Maybe I should become queen of goats, rule my stubborn kingdom kindly caprines. But it also makes me the Uchiha heir. Maybe I can be the queen of....Uchiha Goats. The Goatchiha Clan will save the universe. just you watch."
Jade jokes, not really caring about nobility and is actually kind of a rebel towards authority, but hey she likes cracking jokes and being a trickster or prankster even better.

Ronin shrugs, like saying if the goats want you to be your queen more power to them.

With Star Platinum coming into full display behind him. As Ron says "Stand down both of you. Fighting between your selves will not solve anything. Also, one thing I noticed is we most of us fought for the losing side of the war. Meaning that for most of us have rivals and enemies that would love to have us dead. I for one would prefer to keep them very disappointed." As he stands between the two.

"I suppose you're right George, as anyone who would want to kill us would be thrilled to hear if either one or both of you are killed here so you two should have this contest when both are more level-headed than you are right now, I'd say it would be an amazing event for all to see." Charlotte says shooting a harder look at Archer Strength than at Colt

Archer Strength disappears, well dematerializes, and returns to the cognitive realm. On one side he wanted Lancer Emperor to be here, he was more of a diplomat than he was, but these... people would most likely find it funny. Alas, poor Yorick.

The lady with the goggles blinks and looks up. It looks like Jade really is over whatever Rotem Sigmund did all that time ago. Mina decides that she should probably get over it, too. There's too much going on to get into her long backstory right now anyway.

"Wait. Ronin, did you not call us here? If it wasn't you, and it can't be the person I thought it was... then who did?"

then turned to Mina and said, "Actually we're still waiting for our host to arrive, shortly after a few of us arrived we were met by a man in a black suit who said to wait here and get acquainted in the meantime"

Ronin nods as if to reafirm what Charlotte said.

I would have rather called us to a greener place.

He adds in fluent japanese.

2020-01-07, 06:44 PM
The lady with the goggles blinks and looks up. It looks like Jade really is over whatever Rotem Sigmund did all that time ago. Mina decides that she should probably get over it, too. There's too much going on to get into her long backstory right now anyway.

"Wait. Mr. Ronin, did you not call us here? If it wasn't you, and it can't be the person I thought it was... then who did?"
Carlos thinks for a second then looks up at Mina. "Wait, guys, she makes a good point there. Who was it that wanted us here in the first place? Come to think of it, why us? This is hurting my head..."

2020-01-07, 08:11 PM
Carlos begins eating another sandwich.

Lord Raziere
2020-01-07, 09:10 PM
Carlos thinks for a second then looks up at Mina. "Wait, guys, she makes a good point there. Who was it that wanted us here in the first place? Come to think of it, why us? This is hurting my head..."

"Well if we're getting suspicious either the former president some person in the former government who is close to it, or someone with some power that can replicate the Oval Office down to every minute detail who fancies themselves something like it in this anarchy filled world. Or someone with space warping powers who likes the idea of being president. Or is just using the office as a symbol of leadership to focus on important issues? We can only speculate based upon where we are and how we got here that some space warping is involved and their psychology is tied up in this. After all, thats the only meaning it has if the governments no longer exist."
Jade says analyzing it.
"Maybe food conjuring as well? or just store of food former government kept for itself? Clearly they must think themselves important to call twelve or so of us here to do something about this, though its not like the world doesn't need it. The only question is if the person is legit and has good reasoning behind it or is just being....delusional."

2020-01-07, 10:29 PM
Ron nods in agreement as he says "It is good to see someone is as caution as I am."

2020-01-08, 12:23 AM
"I must say, after eating two sandwiches I am definitely feeling good. Now, if only that host were to arrive soon . . . "
"Does anyone know any interesting games we could play while we're waiting?"

Lord Raziere
2020-01-08, 04:33 AM
"I must say, after eating two sandwiches I am definitely feeling good. Now, if only that host were to arrive soon . . . "
"Does anyone know any interesting games we could play while we're waiting?"

"I can literally teleport anywhere and civilization has fallen, I could like, take any card or board game we want in like, minutes. Had to resort to taking mangas and books since the Kamui dimension has no way to power electronics. Though if we don't want to do that, we could play a riddles game."
She says leaning against a wall.

2020-01-08, 05:14 AM
"You know I could kill for a pack of cards right now. The last time I played cards was..." Colt tried to think back to when it was but realised he had been off it too long it all just slipped his mind. "Well I can't remember to well when it was. Point is it's been a while."

2020-01-08, 07:31 AM
Ronin listens to the others and keeps quiet, eventually he finds a corner of the room against which to rest his back and simply thinks. In the Hanging Gardens things aren't so bad. Of course having fertile ground from the gardens, that had had a great deal of it's surface repurposed into orchards helped. And while the gates of Babylon contained many weapons it also contained other more mundane, and useful, treasures like the Bale of Inexhaustibility. With it people could be fed, even if it was a bit plain. Archer Hierophant had also done a wonderful job when it came to furbishing the city with ingenious technology mixing what was from before the fall with what could have been if magic had been more available. He would probably take it as an interesting challenge to provide power and electricity to this Kamui's dimension, whatever that was.

That train of thought led Ronin to a different idea, Jade was a teleporter, and had traveled quite far. He would need to speak to his people to protect against teleporting agents. At first he had thought that whomever had carried the invitation simply infiltrated with some of the merchants or refugees that traveled to the city. It had seemed the simplest option but perhaps he had misjudged the chance of powers being involved.

2020-01-08, 07:38 AM
After a bit of time to greet one another and eat, the desk lowered and another figure was raised into the room.

"Greetings all. I hope you all are enjoying your refreshments. First let's establish who I am. Officially I am the second assistant secretary to the former president's chief of staff. Or rather was. As far as we can tell, I am the closest person we have found to belonging in the line of succession. So technically I suppose I am acting emergency president of the United States." He pauses to look at the room, smile on his face. He is a young awkward looking man. Probably not old enough to function as president. After feeling the shock has died down he continues. "We have been tracking most of you for a while. You are some of the last remaining warriors left in the Reincarnation wars. Primarily because you all awoke too late or have been avoiding the wars. Well I'm here to offer you all the chance to do something with your powers. Who wants to save the multiverse?" He says it with a chipper voice and it's clear he is excited. He looks between you, as if expecting you all to roar with applause and start cheering.

2020-01-08, 08:15 AM
After a bit of time to greet one another and eat, the desk lowered and another figure was raised into the room.

"Greetings all. I hope you all are enjoying your refreshments. First let's establish who I am. Officially I am the second assistant secretary to the former president's chief of staff. Or rather was. As far as we can tell, I am the closest person we have found to belonging in the line of succession. So technically I suppose I am acting emergency president of the United States." He pauses to look at the room, smile on his face. He is a young awkward looking man. Probably not old enough to function as president. After feeling the shock has died down he continues. "We have been tracking most of you for a while. You are some of the last remaining warriors left in the Reincarnation wars. Primarily because you all awoke too late or have been avoiding the wars. Well I'm here to offer you all the chance to do something with your powers. Who wants to save the multiverse?" He says it with a chipper voice and it's clear he is excited. He looks between you, as if expecting you all to roar with applause and start cheering.

"Uh, I'm surprised you had the courage to out yourself like that. Anyone could just waltz in, kill you for the food, thank you and then leave."
"But yes, I would like to do something to help, but who's going to take care of the Phoenix Valley while I'm gone?"

Lord Raziere
2020-01-08, 11:20 AM
By all the gods, he was an up-jumped secretary clinging to the last form of order he had in this world. They were doomed. She decides to ignore the technical president and says
"....Anyways, if we're going to play cards while we discuss what to about this, we're probably going to need a few packs? Just a sec..."
She warps away in a spiral, then soon returns also in a spiral, carrying a few generic deck of playing cards and bag of poker chips she snagged from a casino.
"In case we'd like to bet. Its not as if its worth anything other than the value we give it."
She will sit down and play whatever game people want, dealing as needed.
"The way I see it, this guys here called us because he clearly doesn't know what else to do. Lets be real: second secretary whatever? He's probably out of his depth. I don't think anyone is quite ready for what has happened to the world, much less someone who had probably never expected to wind up in this position, with none of our powers. He's probably hoping we'll like, solve all his problems and restore the US with our god powers or something. and while I agree that whatever government to set up after this should be democratic, thats kind of way down the list of our problems.

Now he said something about saving the multiverse. Thats a tall order. First of all, do we even know what happened to the multiverse? Whats going on? We kind of need to know exactly HOW this all went wrong if we want to fix it. Who is doing this, assuming its not just some multi-cosmic apocalyptic meta-anomaly or whatever you call it. If the threat is on this big of a scale, we're looking at some pretty dangerous stuff to say the least. Do we even HAVE the power to fix something that big right now? What can we do? We're talking about saving an incomprehensibly vast reality when we have yet to fix our own little speck in space? Talk about putting the cart before the horse.

Furthermore can we even guarantee Earth's safety if something threatening universes upon universe of things is our foe? We don't know what might be left in the aftermath of such a conflict even if we can get powerful enough to win. We don't know our capabilities, what the capabilities of thing causing this, whats actually happening, there is just a lot of unknowns here that need investigating. So question is, how do we start investigating, and problems can we fix with the information we have? Cause the problem I see is that Earth needs some law and order even if I'm personally a free spirit, and given the situation, we'll have to make whatever works to get us through it until we can focus on properly doing it, can't exactly play lawmaker or set up a bureaucracy while we're making sure existence stays existing. sure this US remnant is here, but can it actually establish some working order so that we don't have to micromanage Earth and fight off this existential threat at the same time? Questions that need answering.

But then again, my viewpoint is limited. Your all a bunch of people probably smarter, more sociable or more experienced than me. If you have solutions, best you say them. All I know is that this guy-"
She points at the president, such as he was.
"-probably doesn't have any, other than to call us. Lets not get our hopes up for answers from him, shall we?"

2020-01-08, 12:00 PM
Looking at the man calling himself the president, then at the others he walks up to Jade saying "If you want to play along with this fine. I for one think that this might be trap down the road. but if we play our cards right we might get through it."

As he leans up against the wall then looking at the so-called president says "I take it you have a plan. or could at least show us the problem?"

2020-01-08, 02:01 PM
The second assistant undersecretary listens with a smile on his face, his eyes only twitching a little at comments about how he has no idea what to do.

"Well you see, things are a bit more complicated than you know but we do have some information to provide. Some of the information is considered classified, but if there is one group of people or one circumstance where formalities like that should be waived, it is you and it is now." He laughs a little before moving on.

"So please try to avoid sharing what you can from this meeting. I am one of many impromptu acting leaders from throughout the world. The UK has a distant cousin thrice removed or something to the royal throne. Mexico has one of their former diplomats. France has established the janitor of Palais Bourbon as their temporary head. Austrailian however seems to be functioning nearly at full capacity in terms of surviving government officials. Their country is torn to shreds like the rest of us but their government officials are relatively unhurt. There are of course more but we can get into that later if needed. Most of us have been in communication and developing a plan. The United States has been elected to spear head the operation, with the expectation that should this fail, we would take all of the blame. Now are there any immediate questions before we move on to the tour and presentation portion of our event? Most of the details, such as the problem and specifics of our plan will need to wait until we are in the security of the bunker and able to give a proper presentation. I can answer any less sensitive questions before we start. I expect you are all as excited as I am to see what we can accomplish if we put our minds together and work as a team."

2020-01-08, 02:06 PM
The second assistant undersecretary listens with a smile on his face, his eyes only twitching a little at comments about how he has no idea what to do.

"Well you see, things are a bit more complicated than you know but we do have some information to provide. Some of the information is considered classified, but if there is one group of people or one circumstance where formalities like that should be waived, it is you and it is now." He laughs a little before moving on.

"So please try to avoid sharing what you can from this meeting. I am one of many impromptu acting leaders from throughout the world. The UK has a distant cousin thrice removed or something to the royal throne. Mexico has one of their former diplomats. France has established the janitor of Palais Bourbon as their temporary head. Austrailian however seems to be functioning nearly at full capacity in terms of surviving government officials. Their country is torn to shreds like the rest of us but their government officials are relatively unhurt. There are of course more but we can get into that later if needed. Most of us have been in communication and developing a plan. The United States has been elected to spear head the operation, with the expectation that should this fail, we would take all of the blame. Now are there any immediate questions before we move on to the tour and presentation portion of our event? Most of the details, such as the problem and specifics of our plan will need to wait until we are in the security of the bunker and able to give a proper presentation. I can answer any less sensitive questions before we start. I expect you are all as excited as I am to see what we can accomplish if we put our minds together and work as a team."

"Well that's interesting. How can we trust being away from our responsibilities, specifically mine, while we're off trying to save the Multiverse? I'm the unofficial Governor of the Phoenix Valley, I have over three hundred thousand people to lead."

2020-01-08, 02:14 PM
"Well that's interesting. How can we trust being away from our responsibilities, specifically mine, while we're off trying to save the Multiverse? I'm the unofficial Governor of the Phoenix Valley, I have over three hundred thousand people to lead."

"Ah yes right. Well as the old saying goes, we shall start by getting our house in order. So I don't expect any of you to go off trying to solve all of this in some obscure interdemensional scale. Step one of the plan is to begin with getting earth back into proper order. You all are our best defenders and without more, I fear we cannot spare you yet. If I am being honest, most of the others only really care about putting earth back to how it was but I worry that if we don't follow up by fixing everyone else then things will bleed back here again."

2020-01-08, 02:39 PM
Colt gave out a sigh looking at the chips, "ya know Jade you could have just gotten real money instead." But it was no big deal and Colt quickly picked up a deck and begun shuffling.

"Its a pleasure to serve Mr err... President. It's about time we got the country back in working order. But as Jade mention an election should be held after. As for payment I would like piece of land, I'll hand you the details later. Anyway who's in for poker?"

2020-01-08, 04:18 PM
"If they've been tracking us without us knowing that they have been doing so I'd say they have more resources than we know and can see that the problem they're facing needs people like us as it is beyond their means to resolve." Charlotte says "Of course an election should be held once the country is in a stable condition I'm sure our host here would feel much more comfortable back in his position before the apocalypse." So Mr President lead the way to the bunker I'd like to hear what the first step of the plan is"

2020-01-08, 05:17 PM
Ronin waits and listens he stands by his part of the wall, arms crossed, resting, thinking about all the implications of free teleportation. He can teleport but only through exchanging place through his shadows. He reviewed his conversation up to that point, had Jade given any pointer that she had seen the personas behind himself? No, not really, but others had. And others might be problematic if he went all sneaky leaving a rider on Jade's shadow. Probably they had only perceived the full fledged personas, they would probably miss a shadow soldier, or two, of course there was the of chance that they didn't. He made a mental note, just in case he needed it. And for the moment decided to not risk the potential confrontation.

He came out of his own train of thought as the heir apparent made his speech. And hearing Jade's response he was almost tempted to just push for the confrontation, and consequences be damned. The woman was a loose canon. He certainly didn't like her, but kept quiet as the others spoke.

When mentions about going to the bunker he interrupted his silence with a reassuring tone.

"Just to be frank Mr Heir, I can understand that you are under a lot of unexpected pressure, and you have my sympathies for that. I appreciate it took some effort and skills to gather the people here, and to maintain communication across countries. It probably is your job now, but I doubt it is what you signed for. So if the world needs help, and you have a fair idea of what it needs help with I'll be happy to listen, and happy to help it what I hear sounds sensible. Still just to be clear, I am not joining the Patriotic Act parade that everyone seems to be parroting. You are not asking for help to reinstate the United States of America as they were before the Reincarnation Wars are you?"

There is just the edge of amicable warning in the last question by Ronin. Anyone who called him here had surely read his judicial record. When the state of emergency was declared after people started reincarnating Ronin had been sent into solitary confinement by the state without trial or thought.

Lord Raziere
2020-01-08, 05:34 PM
"Fine, I'll get some real money next time, its not as if this'll be the last time we'll play poker to take a break or anything. Besides if no one's using poker chips I can use them as throwing fodder without wasting real money."
she says, and looks at the president having a modicum of respect for someone enduring someone like her being rude at them with grace while going in for poker.
"also who says we're working FOR you? I mean yeah I'll do it, there is not much else for us to do and its the right thing, but we should keep in mind that just because we're cooperating doesn't mean we're obeying, nor are we ruling, at least thats my stance. Whatever government or governments arise from this should be able to function without us both so its stands on its feet and so we don't get used as tools.

Anyways, if we need to get to the bunker to discuss this fully....well I've got no demands to slow that down. After all this, a multiverse sounds a great place to travel through, why be tied down when I can see the worlds, experience all that I can, I'm powerful enough that position and place in society doesn't really matter to me.

As for a trap....well....we're like twelve people with the power of like superheroes or something? what could they possibly do to us? If they had the means to entrap us, we wouldn't be needed in the first place, they'd have a more powerful band of more loyal awakened to do this instead. Occam's razor says this is desperation not some insidious conspiracy. And really, I don't particularly care if some old government gets resurrected or if we figure out some other way of nailing things down, if you want to rule Earth and have to deal with all its problems thats your prerogative.

Me, even if I want to save the multiverse the last thing I want to do is like, solve all its problems for it afterwards in some god-like tyranny. Humanity and probably a lot of other people got along fine for thousands of years without superhuman beings trying to determine their fate for them, and those sort of societal things are better solved through collective action anyways and I'm just an individual. A powerful one, but still an individual. Better that people get stable enough to figure out things themselves."

2020-01-08, 08:46 PM
"Um, excuse me, I have a couple of questions," says Mina, raising her hand. She doesn't really have an opinion on the political side of things... or rather, she does, but does not consider it strong or important enough to mention right now.

"When you say the multiverse, do you mean the types of dimensions that Ronin and Jade mentioned, or have you actually encountered full-fledged alternate Earths? And when you say we're going to save it, what exactly do you mean to save it from?"

2020-01-08, 10:33 PM
Carlos shuffles toward Colt, (he tries his best to be sneaky, but fails miserably) and whispers in his ear "Hey, I don't know about this guy, he seems like he could be an enemy stand user." He then looks at the knockoff Barack Obama and smiles as big of a fake smile as he possibly could, and shoots a couple finger guns at him while saying, "Mr. president! What an amazing job opportunity you've given us! What's the pay like? Actually, it doesn't matter, I'm happy to serve Earth anyway of course!" He continues to say stuff along these lines, and while he's doing it, he slowly brings out his stand,「The Hand」, to find out if the president can see it. Before he gets the chance to comment on it, Carlos stops smiling and asks, "Say, you never told us if you had any powers yourself, did you? Why is that?" Carlos begins eating his sixth sandwich menacingly.

2020-01-08, 10:40 PM
"Um, excuse me, I have a couple of questions," says Mina, raising her hand. She doesn't really have an opinion on the political side of things... or rather, she does, but does not consider it strong or important enough to mention right now.

"When you say the multiverse, do you mean the types of dimensions that Ronin and Jade mentioned, or have you actually encountered full-fledged alternate Earths? And when you say we're going to save it, what exactly do you mean to save it from?"

Carlos shuffles toward Colt, (he tries his best to be sneaky, but fails miserably) and whispers in his ear "Hey, I don't know about this guy, he seems like he could be an enemy stand user." He then looks at the knockoff Barack Obama and smiles as big of a fake smile as he possibly could, and shoots a couple finger guns at him while saying, "Mr. president! What an amazing job opportunity you've given us! What's the pay like? Actually, it doesn't matter, I'm happy to serve Earth anyway of course!" He continues to say stuff along these lines, and while he's doing it, he slowly brings out his stand,「The Hand」, to find out if the president can see it. Before he gets the chance to comment on it, Carlos stops smiling and asks, "Say, you never told us if you had any powers yourself, did you? Why is that?" Carlos begins eating his sixth sandwich menacingly.

"Yeah. I agree with both of them. I may be clairvoyant but I'm not omniscient."
"Tell us a little more about this, I can't just abandon my responsibilities to the transitional government like this, I need incentive, what I am being requested to do must be expounded on."
"See, I have an inkling that this is very important. To an extent I don't see anything wrong with what you're doing. I can sense that you are being honest, but there's so little to be honest about, if I don't have more information, I'm going to just leave."

2020-01-08, 11:32 PM
Walking over and picking up his coat he Ron says "OK, Let's get this trip to the bunker over with and this better be good."

Lord Raziere
2020-01-09, 01:52 AM
Jade warps the cards and poker chips back to kamui dimension and follows them wherever the bunker is.
"To be fair, if they weren't suspicious, I'd probably would be. Come on, if they want to explain in the bunker, lets go to the bunker. If we're really suspicious its a trap, I can go in first and check around with my intangibility."

2020-01-09, 04:49 AM
"And I was just dealing em too." Colt said in the most mild amount of frustration as all the cards warped out of this very really. Though he was amused by Carlos's whispers of suspicion, so he cracked a coke open and approached. "Take this to the bunker you'll need it after all those sandwiches he here. Also got some of the good stuff if you need to calm down a bit." Colt shook the hip flask he kept in his pocket in his other hand. "Ain't too many Stand users out there, aside from the two of you I've only seen two others." Colt stood around looking ready to head to whatever bunker was needed.

2020-01-09, 04:50 AM
Seeing that she's not going to get the answers she wants until everyone is in the bunker, Mina shrugs and follows the group. "It's fine, thank you. Somehow I'm not too worried about traps will all of you around. ...um, should we put away the rest of the snacks or anything?"

2020-01-09, 06:02 AM
"Let's see folks. Well, an election sounds like an excellent idea. The issue is we don't have a way to properly conduct one until we get this mess sorted out. In truth I am functioning more as an ambassador than a true president. As far as how it will be done, it seems likely that most world governments will need to be replaced or restructured due to the extenuating circumstances. I expect the public will be more than eager to rally behind and of you, should you have opinions on how to proceed in the aftermath. The other world leaders, such that they are, and I are prepared to face whatever changes my come. Personally, however, I believe many of them expect to remain in control once their role in things is revealed." He shrugged and seemed to relax some as people seemed willing to hear hik

"Now, before we enter the bunker I want to clarify, your participation is not mandatory. No one is going to try to force you. That said, if you truly have no interest in this, please leave now. It will not be quite as easy once we descend. Many of your powers may be nullified moving forward. I doubt all of them will but at the very least I doubt you will be able to teleport out in a blink."

After a pause to let anyone back out, he claps his hands excitedly. "Then let us descend." At those words, the entire floor of the room began lowering into the ground. It takes less than a minute before you find yourself in a massive multifloor dome. There are caves, tunnels, and hallways branching out all over the place though many are blocked by debris or sealed off with caution tape. A few have armed guards. The dome itself is a hive of surveillance. Everywhere you look there are screens. Most of which were off or broken but many still showed images and footage from various parts of the world from security cameras, satellites, and other sources that aren't readily apparent. You see a few dozen people milling about. Some at massive computer terminals, scanning various feeds and others with hard hats or tool belts working on various things to try to put the place back together.

For the first time, the acting president looked truly calm. "Welcome to Eden, where we will be helping restart the world. It used to have a name like the Nest or Perch or something similarly Eagle related but none of us would have ever been allowed in there. That was a different time."

When the elevator floor stops, he walks you over to a section off to the side with a number of computer monitors and a dozen chairs. He picks up some kind of small device and clicks it. Instantly, all (or nearly all of you) recognize what is happening. The "leader of the free world" is about to give a power point presentation.

"Feel free to take a seat if you desire." The screens all light up with one big question: What is the multiverse? "Since one of you have already put out some theories, we can skip straight to me telling you. To the best of what we can tell, the multiverse is an infinite number of linked universes with various connections and linked points. Each one is a little different. In some cases though being a little different from one universe might make it vastly different than ours. We believe that links between the universes exist in some way because it seems as though most of our supposed works of fiction that we have partaken in over the years have been coming out as partially, if not fully represented by other dimensions that we have discovered. It is likely that the Reincarnation system is the root of things such as George Lucas coming up with Star Wars or Stan Lee and his wonderful world of Marvel. Normally, despite these connections, the multiverse has firm barriers keeping them separated from each other. About eight years ago, however, something caused these barriers to weaken. The most obvious result of this is the Reincarnation Wars."

As he talks, the screen changes with various abstract universe pictures and even pictures of Star Wars and Iron Man posters before going into pictures of the battles and destruction that came with the wars. "Let's see, that just about covers the basics of the multiverse. It should be noted that much of this is speculation and has no definitive proof. I assume none of you need me to rehash the details of the wars but that's the background we have available. Before we move on to the current issues we face and our plans for dealing with them, are there any questions?"

2020-01-09, 11:44 AM
Ron came and listened to the slide show as he Crossed his arms. Something about what this paper pusher was saying felt oddly familiar. right now he just could not put his finger on what it was. But all he knows is that one of his reincarnations has a feeling that this can get worse. As a mental image of a beautiful girl with long black hair. She wears a jet black kimono with silver embroidery like those worn during a funeral. In Japan. She has pale skin and Red Eyes. Ron shakes his head. He knows one of his own reincarnations has a bad feeling about this maybe that is enough, for now.

Lord Raziere
2020-01-09, 12:19 PM
"Well....huh straight up "fictional" universe being real. Well...thats great for me. I'm nothing but a pop-cultural reference nerd. speaking of which, Mina you got Harry dresden right? He should have a lot of pop-cultural knowledge too, he is a little outdated because he couldn't use modern electronics but its a source."
Though the fact that this means people like Zeref, Kaguya and so on existed sent a little shiver down her spine. Thankfully one of the more tricky foes to beat was Obito, one of her own souls so...that was a good thing.
"No questions for me."
She'll have to compile more even fictional media to read, hopefully she can find enough novelizations and book adaptations to be a source of stuff to read figure out what people do what. She might also have to make a system to identify powers based on various clues.

2020-01-09, 02:45 PM
"Well giving an infinite number of possibilities, of the multiverse. Who can't say that one's person science fiction is another man's science? Given how some of our powers work." As he points at one of his transmutations circles.

then looking at the paper pusher "Anyway, it not like there are raids going on with monster and red skies. and short term open portals?"

2020-01-09, 03:53 PM
Mina stares wide-eyed through the presentation and remains silent for a while at the end. Her mind races, trying to put this multiverse theory together with what she already knows.

"Hm? No, I think that was Ms. Fox," she says when Jade snaps her out of her reverie. "I don't think I've mentioned mine. It would take time to explain, and they don't have magic powers like most of yours seem to."

"I had always thought the souls' resemblance to fiction was an expression of unconscious myths and archetypes. If their experiences represent real places and events..." Mina trails off. She expected to end the sentence with some important conclusion, but none of the implications that come to mind make any sense. She decides to just ask another question instead.

"You said that the universes connect at certain points. Does that mean you've found a portal or something?"

2020-01-09, 05:28 PM
Ronin sits down in silence. His eyes are closed as he listens. While on the outside he seems pretty relaxed on the inside he is checking. He is straining his powers against the barriers in the place. Trying to understand how they are impeded. He can feel the Personas that are with him normally, he can feel with some effort, Lancer Judgement and Archer Hanged beyond the veil into the cognitive realm. He can hardly reach out towards Lancer Emperor and the others that are back in the gardens, he doesn't really want to risk an exchange with them being so far, but... yeah the bunker seems to have proper isolation against teleportation. What worries him the most is how he can no longer feel Rider Star or Foreigner Moon, the cognitive world explorers. The bunker clearly provided a damper on his powers and although he felt a bit incomplete not being able to reach out to those parts of him he knew that they were mostly sure.

He opened his eyes and breathed in the presentation and the atmosphere. Portals.

When he had freed himself from prison, built the Gardens, claimed the velvet room, and he had more or less averted the immediate crisis he had put Caster Magician to work on two tasks. The first was to find places of magic. Ronin knew all too well what portals connecting this world to others could do, on one of his past lives he had been at the forefront of what stood between this world and others through portals. On that life the easiest way to identify a portal, other than seeing it, was by the magical emissions it produced. Caster Magician with Archer Hierophant had worked on reverse engineering the technology that had allowed to identify the reincarnated people to be able to identify sites of power. They hadn't found any portal and Ronin had relaxed somehow, allowing Caster Magician to focus more on his second task, to learn and teach magic.

Now with the chances of portals existing the Gardens would focus all the resources they could muster to locate them, still, they didn't have access to what Mr. Heir and Eden had, so it might be best to collaborate.

"My people have developed a detector reverse engineering the tools that were used to detect the reincarnated people. It should theoretically allow to detect the discrepancy in physics that would allow magic and other unusual phenomena and help locate potential portals. We have tested it in the are within our influence but we have not found any such portal. Our area of influence though is lesser than what you have access to. So if you have found any portal I would appreciate if my people can test our theoretical detector. In case it works I can lend you my chief of Technological research to integrate it with your technology."

OOC: Sung Jin-Woo comes from an earth where he got "reincarnated" with the powers of another, and there were a lot of portals. Portals from which orcs, giants, giant ants, dragons, and other monsters of mass destruction came out. He is concerned with portals. The portal detector doesn't really need to work but I feel that it is something that he would have been alert to, after all portals caused a lot of problems in his earth.

More Personas (By the way if you feel like using them as NPCs at some point feel free)
Rider Star Francis Drake (https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Rider_(Fate/Extra))/Cristopher Columbus (https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Rider_(Fate/Grand_Order_-_Columbus)) Main explorer of the Cognitive Realm, going to where no (wo)man has gone before.
Foreigner Moon Abigail Williams (https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Foreigner_(Fate/Grand_Order_-_Abigail))/Katsuhika Hokusai (https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Foreigner_(Fate/Grand_Order_-_Hokusai)) She is in charge of trying to make sense of the bizarro level of weird that sometimes is encountered in the cognitive realm, since Rider Star is normally in the fringes of the cognitive realm she is with her.
Caster Magician Merlin (https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Caster_(Fate/Grand_Order_-_Merlin))/Solomon (https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Caster_(Fate/Grand_Order_-_Solomon)) Head of magical research within the Gardens, one of the initial projects as explained above was to look for magical sites that could be useful.
Archer Hierophant Nikola Tesla (https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Archer_(Fate/Grand_Order_-_Tesla))/Charles Babbage (https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Caster_(Fate/Grand_Order_-_Babbage)) Head of technological research, has worked pretty hard in integrating the technology from the Age of Gods from within the Gate of Babylon with the modern day technology.

2020-01-09, 05:57 PM
"We can already scan to estimate someone's reincarnation potential," adds Mina. "Or rather, I guess I should say I can. The original research scanner was developed years ago, but I didn't make the portable version in my goggles until after that was shut down. I can write up a schematic or build more if anyone needs them."

2020-01-09, 08:45 PM
Carlos hears Colt's offer and accepts it, while mumbling to himself grumpily.

2020-01-09, 09:11 PM
"Yeah thats the spirit" Colt takes a swig himself "after hearing all that I'm glad I brought it with me." Colt was clearly making a joke at the situation and the 'acting presidents address' to try and cheer up his sandwich loving acquaintance.

2020-01-10, 06:27 AM
The President nods to your comments with a serious face. "Since the main concern seems to be portals, it is likely best to move on to the next topic."

With a click you all see "So where does this leave us? Let's RECAP!" Another click and the screen says:
RECAP: Priorities for saving the multiverse.

"So here is where we get to our plan, if you want to call it that. We have gathered you here to RECAP. In that order. We want you all to be ready to respond to any emergencies. Whether that is to natural disasters which our emergency response services used to handle, dangerous beings coming through the portals that have been sparadically popping up or more domestic threats. The portals them selves have been opening randomly for various amounts of time ranging from seconds to hours. They are sometimes where you might expect; the pyramids, stone henge, et cetera. Sometimes it's nowhere but inside a zoo or an alley or the middle of the ocean. Any resources you all have to help us learn more about them would be welcome, and we have people working on the major spots I mentioned but we have yet to make any hard discoveries. Anyways, let's continue with the priorities. Elimination. This is a rather unpleasant one. This is likely where you all will begin." He stops his clicking here on a slide of various robots and Android's from pup culture. "Not all of the other people who share your gifts are gone. Many have been laying low. Some have begun teaming up with radical groups. The biggest threat we fear currently is not from people with powers but people with knowledge. We have seen several test runs of various robots used in fiction to control metahuman populations as well as regular humans. There have been droids, terminators, sentinels, even one attempt at a deranged inspector gadget. This far we have been able to eliminate these threats before they have become a true issue. However, each time they have improved and far faster than we have. We are hoping that you all will be able to help us locate the source or sources of these machines and if necessary, eliminate those involved. However if not necessary then we would much rather you Contain them. We would like to avoid more bloodshed but we may need to contain any humans or reincarnates that attempt to engage in wanton destruction. Aquisition revolves around another complicated process. We believe there is some form of artifact that is in control of the boundaries around the world that separates it from others and that it has been tampered with. In order to help out a stop to the madness that has been unleashed, we believe it will be crucial to find and recover or repair this artifact. Then Preserve. These problems, especially the last one, seem to be occuring all over the multiverse. To help maintain our world, once we get it properly under control, we will need to help the others throughout the multiverse return to a similar state of control. We can go into more details about specific threats once we begin but this is the baseline for our plan. Now, let's see those questions.

Any time during that speech, if anyone tries to but in, he begins speaking quickly to maintain his momentum. At the final words he chuckles but you can see in his eyes that he is worried about what you all are going to say.

Lord Raziere
2020-01-10, 04:50 PM
Jade waits patiently through the speech. When it ends she says
"Alright. Kill the robots and the people making them, as well as potentially dangerous reincarnated. Got it. Though while I assume they're all weapons, I reserve the right to investigate them for further information on possible edge cases, to avoid bloodshed of course, as well as get weaknesses, information in general, all that jazz, knowing that you may not need to fight a foe is just as important as knowing how to fight them."
After all she does possess the abilities of a quite skillful ninja with the magical power to disguise myself as anyone and teleport anywhere, and eyes that allow her to perceive more than most so she can scout this stuff out. This rapid response stuff sounds exactly up her alley in general though.
"As for the artifact....I see. Admittedly I have not tried to teleport to other worlds outside my Kamui pocket dimension which is how my teleportation functions, I will assume its somehow within Earth's closed off area somehow if what you say is true. My Kamui teleportation might be vital in some rapid response cases, but I don't know how many people I can teleport at one time. It may be possible to teleport eleven people besides myself, but Obito only used it to teleport himself most of the time, its possible to teleport at least one another person with it, but I'm not sure if it can be extended."
She says thinking.

2020-01-10, 05:54 PM
Mina can't help but roll her eyes at the strained acronym, but she knows how it is. Her team came up with some silly names for cognitive syndromes back in the day.

"Well, if you can take one person, or even your equipment, you're already extending it," she says to Jade. "We can probably come up with something. Have you ever tried transporting a vehicle?"

"Besides that, I'd like to help with the machines as well. If no culprit has claimed credit for them, it may be the work of someone with involuntary power expression."

They called that one RIPE for short. It's pretty self-explanatory, but Mina suddenly feels self-conscious anyway, like maybe she should back up and explain. She's not sure of her priorities, either. Part of her wants to focus all of her attention on fixing the barrier and ignore everything else, but another part of her is skeptical of whether it's even a good idea at this point.

2020-01-10, 10:14 PM
"I'd be able to help with the contain part of this whole plan and one of my suites of powers has multiple experiences in immobilisation and acquisition of powerful artifacts and those using them" Charlotte says once the whole presentation has finished.

"It would be better to capture those making the robots rather than killing them as they might be working together as killing them would just alert their allies to us and send them underground where it would be much harder to find them" Charlotte continues when the idea of killing the instigators is brought up.

2020-01-10, 11:44 PM
Ron nods to some of his companion's ideas. Be himself had a few for the termination robots. As he had encountered one before. As he was listening to the others. As he was a combat option it will be a case of sending him into battle. he did not mind. so far. As he whispers to Jade.

"Can you scan the paper mind? What do you think could he be like us as well ?" As he leans forward and puts his hand so the man could not read his lips.

2020-01-10, 11:47 PM
"I can magically just turn machines on and off. This should be a piece of cake." George states as a matter of fact. I'm not sure how many I can do this to at the same time, however. Hopefully, we can just take me to whatever location the enemy is and I'll just shut everything down. This would be ideal."

2020-01-11, 04:19 AM
"You say that, Mr. George, but not everything that looks like a robot is strictly mechanical," says Mina. "They might be shadows or animals shaped into that form by their current master. I could just be paranoid, but you should at least have a backup plan."

2020-01-11, 07:03 AM
Ellen speaks up after remaining pensive for a while, addressing their host. "So, what's the actual play here? Where do you sit in this plan? It's all well and good to dump an acronym and a vague set of goals into our laps, but if you thought twelve of the most personally powerful individuals left on Earth were just going to hop to like good little soldiers I think you're operating under some false assumptions. We won't be able to get anything done without some kind of command structure to organize our efforts, and you have invited into your bunker a group of twelve people who are the least likely to ever slot neatly into one of those."

Lord Raziere
2020-01-11, 02:26 PM
"Can you scan the paper mind? What do you think could he be like us as well ?" As he leans forward and puts his hand so the man could not read his lips.

"Power-dampening field remember? I can't use things in here, and that includes my sharingan."
She whispers back, then says more clearly and loudly.
"Yeah, I agree with Ellen, you may have good information we didn't have and some direction of where to go, but it sounds we don't have any actual detailed idea of who the big power players on Earth are, or what they're up to other than the fact that they're all making robots which while concerning we don't know WHY they're doing that aside from presumably making an army because why not make one? it sounds like there is multiple different factions and they're not necessarily all going for the same thing. I mean I'm not THAT surprised, given the state of civilization right now, whats left of the government is probably pretty in shambles. But still one would think we'd have a better idea of whats happening than "some dudes are making robots somewhere also a thing is blocking us off from everything else."

And yeah, even if you could slot us in, your command structure and your available manpower is probably shot to hell. Though I do admit the bunkers an impressive display of tech if it can suppress us. you think we can make a jail from this tech?"
She gets up thinking and pacing.
"Thing is right now, if we're going to be working together, there needs to be trust. I won't ever be some soldier for you, the only reason I'm here letting myself be vulnerable is that fighting someone who just wants to help fix the world is stupid and you could potentially be useful with whatever resources you have left, so I have to put my trust in you. This power-dampening thing? Tells me you don't trust us.

You can act like a smiling president all you want for all I care, maybe this is how you cope with the loss of your entire nation and your leader and so on, I won't judge. But some of us are more suspicious. Some of us might think we're signing up with a guy who isn't being honest with us and hiding behind a bunch of pre-civilization fall nonsense designed for something that sounds like we're being educated for a corporate job. Especially when you no longer have the masses of people that you need to impress and reassure with this kind of song and dance.

Point is, your doing things that seem suspicious to some of us. we're currently in an unequal relationship. Personally I just see a man who is trying to do the best he can with what he is got after a lot of bad days and isn't trusting us enough to be honest and say things a little more straight out without the bull, maybe. but I could be wrong and that wrong could take the form of something harmful to us. The only question is, Mr. President...."
She locks her steely gaze of green eyes with him, if he looks her eyes he will see infinite determination within, one who has experienced pain and trauma in their life but unbroken by it, a free spirit fighting to survive no matter what,But also someone who didn't like evil or cruelty and did her best to get rid of it even if she didn't like order all that much-this isn't a soul's power. This is just Jade.
"....do you want me to be proven wrong?"

2020-01-12, 02:11 AM
Seeing Jade's stare at the President he decided to speak up. "Now I think some of us a being a little... intense. How many times do you get to travel to alternate dimensions it sounds like fun to me and saving the world is good too. Mr President point me to the first portal you've got." Turning toward the rest of the reincarnated and addressed them. "I'm heading off the question is who's going to join my posse and round up these villains."

2020-01-12, 04:00 AM
I'm okay with the power dampening field if it acts as a Faraday shield, keeps anyone wanting to know what we're going to do from spying on us and using the information they learned create countermeasures to our plans, but if it just keeps us from using our powers with no regards to anyone on the outside I'd be less trusting." Charlotte says when Jade brings up her distrust of the acting President. When Colt says that he's going to leave she stands up and says, "I'll join you in heading for the first area, can't do anything to help the Earth if we stay here sitting on our hands"

2020-01-12, 04:11 AM
Knowing that Colt is the only one in the room to have offered Carlos a drink, and knowing that Colt is a stand user just like him as well, he thinks he would probably be safest with him. Plus, he has TWO whole powers that he kept a secret, which must mean they're ultra powerful or something! "Well, I hope I can take all the robot scraps and turn a profit then, right?" Carlos sees this as an opportunity to show off his cool powers and tries to use them to erase the air between him and Colt and effectively teleport closer to him to show his newfound allegiance.

2020-01-12, 05:31 AM
Knowing that Colt is the only one in the room to have offered Carlos a drink, and knowing that Colt is a stand user just like him as well, he thinks he would probably be safest with him. Plus, he has TWO whole powers that he kept a secret, which must mean they're ultra powerful or something! "Well, I hope I can take all the robot scraps and turn a profit then, right?" Carlos sees this as an opportunity to show off his cool powers and tries to use them to erase the air between him and Colt and effectively teleport closer to him to show his newfound allegiance.

Suddenly, Ellen was just a little closer than polite conversational distance to Carlos, eyes alight with a terrible fire of scientific curiosity. "That. What was that?" Elf asked, smiling. "It wasn't teleportation, I saw you cross the intervening distance, but you didn't move at all. It was some kind of slide. And it wasn't magic, I would have felt that." The blonde took a deep breath and visibly reined herself in, shutting her eyes and stepping out of the stand user's personal space. "Sorry, I get a bit excited about the discovery of new phenomena. But before you try to render some kind of profit out of those robots I'll need to look at them, determine where and how they're being manufactured, try to track down the source that way."

2020-01-12, 01:16 PM
Colt looked over the crew which was so quickly assembled. He was glad Carlos was coming along, and the display of his stand made it well known ot was going to be a good adventure. As for the other two he hadn't spoken to them much. He heard the legend of the Nine Tales but frankly he expected her to be... older. And the other was a complete mystery to him outside of her, British accent? Honestly he couldn't place it.

None the less it looked like a good group and Colt was more than ready to get into this crazy presidential plan. Cracking a smile he let out "now that's a crew. Mr President fire up that portal do dad or whatever you've got."

Lord Raziere
2020-01-12, 04:33 PM
That didn't go as expected. Hm. She rounds on Colt and starts walking slowly over to him.
"I fail to see how a reality-threatening evil and all the world going to ruin is "fun". Seems like a pretty big jerk thing to a little insane to focus on, in my personal opinion. One would think being a little intense is warranted given the circumstances. If things were different I'd probably be off exploring and having fun with my powers myself, but there are things more important than my selfish desires right now. As for this, I don't distrust the president. Thats other peoples problems. I truly think that he is a good guy just not telling us everything. I just y'know, have ears and eyes and observed multiple people in this group expressing concerns about him, and pointing out that while I'm not, inclined to it, other people are, thats just a fact."
She crosses her arms
"and really I'm not going to join your little group- I'm clearly too 'intense' for you, and I like my freedom. Would you prefer a teddy bear to go with you instead? Cause acting president isn't some child to be coddled, he is a leader and if he isn't prepared to face the most intense situation and determine the fate of so many lives-well thats a bad place to be in isn't it?

Cause let me tell ya, this "intensity"? is just me and who I am. You can't afford to be picky. None of us can. Reality is in danger, I'm not going treat that as a fun matter and potentially let people die because of it. and now your planning on running off with barely a plan so you can feel better about yourself because your impatient. Thing is, I don't know if I can trust ANY of you with power, you might in your seeking of thrills decide to something stupid, are you going to force me to come along keep you from doing something like that, or are you going to speak with me and be reasonable like an adult?"

2020-01-12, 05:00 PM
Colt listened fully to the speech and came to reply. Taking off his hat and dusting it off over his knee. "He heee, hell I guess we can agree to disagree. Alternate worlds, danger and saving the multiverse seem like a hoot to me. As for leading I don't got no interest in any of that and I ain't forcing anyone to follow. Bottom line is I trust the stand in President and I'm good to get into this mess head first. Those who want to join me are welcome and those who don't are as well, everyone is free to make their own choices. No I don't got a plan either and I prefer to not have one at the moment because I don't know what lies on the other end of that gateway. Colt let out a visible laugh not in a mocking tone at all but more laughing at his own joke before hes said it. "Though I'll take a teddy bear if you've got one on ya."

Replying in Mina (post below). "Communication sounds good I'll take one of them do hickeys if you got one to spare. Charlotte or Ellen I'll assume one of you will be able to tinker with it to work when we cross over I'm a bit useless when it comes to inter dimensional tech."

2020-01-12, 05:00 PM
Part of Mina wants to intervene and stop this shouting match. But, on the other hand, why should she? She's not their kindergarten teacher. She just stands back and waits for an opportunity to catch Colt's group before they leave.

"Wait! Before you go, you should take a satellite uplink so we can communicate." She turns to acting president what's-his-face. "You said you were coordinating with another group in Australia, so you must have something like that, right? If you don't have any portable ones, I have two extras in my car."

2020-01-12, 05:20 PM
Ronin raises an eyebrow as Carlos Persona, well Stand, warps or perhaps erases the space between where it was and where it is. That's... dangerous. Teleportation, where teleportation shouldn't be possible is powerful, but what else could the Persona, Stand, erase? Had Carlos given a name of his powers? Yeah he probably should have paid attention to them.

What he had actually been paying some attention was the new discussion that they had after the heir had quieted down. Making them all work on the same direction was going to be complicated. What could they rule if they couldn't rule themselves? Acting like children without direction. What should he do? What would have he done on a past life? Gilgamesh would have imposed his will on those around himself. Jin-Woo would have gone for the robots, grow in power and make them join his army. Ren... there was an artifact that needed stealing, and that was what he would have done. But Ronin was them and not them.

Ronin stretched himself, sitting with a straight back on the chair. It was a conference room chair but he used it like a throne.

When he spoke he did it with a firm voice, and while he was calm he projected the voice around the room.

"Before you guys go. Remember that what we ultimately need is information. If you find something report back. Also, in case technology doesn't work. Do you think it would be a good idea if I attach one of my Shadows to you? I can use them as a link to you and find you or come to your aid if necessary."

Lord Raziere
2020-01-12, 05:29 PM
"The fate of reality is not an "agree to disagree" matter. We either work together, or we all die. I don't do social idiocy, I don't do pleasantries, I don't do unnecessarily nonsense when the world is in danger. So are you going to acknowledge the freaking stakes, or are you going to keep staying in your goddamn fantasyland? Don't think I'm letting you out of my sight if your going to continue like this."
"agree to disagree" is just one of the reasons why she hates humanity. She hates that its all relative and subjective. She hates that people drown good people actually good things in "well its all relative". or doing nonsense like this for kicks while people are suffering. Something small as pizza she could understand, but the world? Colt's clearly impulsive, she can't trust him until she knows he won't screw things up.

2020-01-12, 06:16 PM
Ronin raises an eyebrow as Carlos Persona, well Stand, warps or perhaps erases the space between where it was and where it is. That's... dangerous. Teleportation, where teleportation shouldn't be possible is powerful, but what else could the Persona, Stand, erase? Had Carlos given a name of his powers? Yeah he probably should have paid attention to them.

What he had actually been paying some attention was the new discussion that they had after the heir had quieted down. Making them all work on the same direction was going to be complicated. What could they rule if they couldn't rule themselves? Acting like children without direction. What should he do? What would have he done on a past life? Gilgamesh would have imposed his will on those around himself. Jin-Woo would have gone for the robots, grow in power and make them join his army. Ren... there was an artifact that needed stealing, and that was what he would have done. But Ronin was them and not them.

Ronin stretched himself, sitting with a straight back on the chair. It was a conference room chair but he used it like a throne.

When he spoke he did it with a firm voice, and while he was calm he projected the voice around the room.

"Before you guys go. Remember that what we ultimately need is information. If you find something report back. Also, in case technology doesn't work. Do you think it would be a good idea if I attach one of my Shadows to you? I can use them as a link to you and find you or come to your aid if necessary."

"I'm not sure that's wise. If I get in a fight there's going to be a lot of fire and magic going around, and I'm not sure of the life expectancy of any construct attached to me once I set myself on fire."

2020-01-12, 07:24 PM
"I'm not sure that's wise. If I get in a fight there's going to be a lot of fire and magic going around, and I'm not sure of the life expectancy of any construct attached to me once I set myself on fire."

Ronin shakes his head slightly.

"As long as you cast a shadow there won't be a problem."

For now Ronin keeps quiet about Jade's tirade but keeps an eye on her as she seems to grow increasingly angry.

2020-01-12, 08:25 PM
"I'd be able to do a few modifications to the devices quite easily and improve them if we encounter anything that would affect them Charlotte says when the idea of modifying the comms equipment comes up, but when Jade starts off at Colt she turns to her and says, "Jade you maybe should calm down a bit because from what I have seen from both of you you seem to be the one being unreasonable, not him. Needless to say, thus far my opinion of you has been going down the more you went off against him, it would be best to just let this disagreement go until we know more about him than the little we've seen thus far"

2020-01-12, 09:10 PM
Ronin shakes his head slightly.

"As long as you cast a shadow there won't be a problem."

For now Ronin keeps quiet about Jade's tirade but keeps an eye on her as she seems to grow increasingly angry.

Ellen scratches the back of her head sheepishly. "I mean, I wasn't kidding about setting myself on fire. I haven't exactly checked, but I'm pretty sure that I don't cast shadows when I am the light source, and especially if I have to jump kick somebody." She shifts slightly, trying to make sure nobody's standing between her and Jade.

If the girl starts to do anything silly, Ellen wants a clear run at her. It'll be like finding something familiar in an unfamiliar place.

Lord Raziere
2020-01-12, 09:47 PM
"I'd be able to do a few modifications to the devices quite easily and improve them if we encounter anything that would affect them Charlotte says when the idea of modifying the comms equipment comes up, but when Jade starts off at Colt she turns to her and says, "Jade you maybe should calm down a bit because from what I have seen from both of you you seem to be the one being unreasonable, not him. Needless to say, thus far my opinion of you has been going down the more you went off against him, it would be best to just let this disagreement go until we know more about him than the little we've seen thus far"

"Everything you know and love, the reality we live in, might die or be conquered, I'm saying we shouldn't be reckless about this and work together, and I'm the one thats unreasonable for pointing that out? I don't think I am. Okay, I'm finding someone sane to talk to, apparently having perspective is bad now."
She didn't raise her voice the whole time. Her face been completely stoic during the entire exchange.
She begins walking out. Of course humanity would reject the truth even all of civilization has fallen, she thinks. None of them want to really fix things, they want to play at being an adventurer or be some tyrannical god king that would get corrupted by their power so she'd have to overthrow them when they do so. Why bother teaming up with people who won't listen?

2020-01-13, 02:50 AM
The president seems rather taken off guard and unsure of himself when people instantly start becoming somewhat hostile and splitting up. His eyes flashed around the room as different people took their stands but kept centering back on Jade.

"Everything you know and love, the reality we live in, might die or be conquered, I'm saying we shouldn't be reckless about this and work together, and I'm the one thats unreasonable for pointing that out? I don't think I am. Okay, I'm finding someone sane to talk to, apparently having perspective is bad now."

At this last comment, the president collapses into a chair. His shoulders slump and he leans forward a bit, head facing the ground. "You are right. This is serious business. I don't want you to think I don't know that. You don't trust me and say you won't follow me. That's the thing though, I didn't sign up to be followed. Not yet at least. I was supposed to finish my internship, then run for like a local school board. Then maybe try for a seat at congress. You say I don't trust you because of all of this?" He gestures around him. "We met here because, it was the most secure place I have. It's the only secure place I have. In the days leading up to the wars, we got help from some of reincarnated. They helped us with magic and tech to make this bunker to protect the office of the president. But he is gone now. Most everyone involved is. We aren't even positive everything here still works. So tell me this, if I brought you here, to the only place that I might still be able to do some good, how can you think I don't trust you. Even with your powers dampened, for whatever that is worth, odds are any of you could kill me before I can stand up from this chair."

For a long moment he is silent and you can make out his body shaking softly. Then he wipes his eyes on his sleeves and makes eye contact. "You all asked for a command structure. I brought you here to share my knowledge and ask for help but if you feel you need a commander, then I am your Commander and Chief. If you will follow me, I will lead you as best I can but let's not act like I have any real power here. None of you are beholden to me any more than you wish to be."

He begins looking to the rest of the room with a stern gaze that can't quite stay fully controlled. His voice cracks a bit here and there as he speaks. "L-l-let's see if I can hit the highlights. The goal is to capture people causing trouble. Like you said it might not be their fault and we don't know their goals. Killing is only higher on the l-l-list because if we need to kill them, it will take priority. As far as l-l-leads, we have a few ideas of how to track down the sources of robots as well as the artifact we need. There is a room down the hall over there that should have any communication devices you may need, anything else, feel free to ask me or somebody here. You will be taken back to the top whenever you wish. From there, we will pass information along through the coms. Since you all felt like splitting up, perhaps each group can go to one of the locations we are monitoring and see what you can gather."

With that he hunkers back down into his slouch, not making eye contact. "If that's all okay with all of you... Oh and you can keep anything you manage to take from the bad guys of course."

2020-01-13, 05:01 AM
With that he hunkers back down into his slouch, not making eye contact. "If that's all okay with all of you... Oh and you can keep anything you manage to take from the bad guys of course."
Carlos hasn't been very focused on what Jade has been yelling about this whole time, or the fate of the universe in general, he just doesn't think it concerns him. This statement from the acting POTUS, though, makes his eyes light up as he thinks of all the scrap metal and alien machinery there would be to harvest and make a quick buck off of. He remembers what Elf said earlier, though, and glances at her to see if she noticed the potential to research robot bells and whistles, and/or to see if she is in the proper state of mind to possibly strike some sort of business deal...

After that, he thinks back to when Ronin was offering up one of his ghost/stand/shadow things... he called them personas, right? Anyway, he reconsiders his offer and thinks it would probably benefit him a good deal, what with the extra firepower and ability to communicate magically and all. He looks at Ronin and says, "Hey, I tend to cast a shadow, I'll take one of your, uh, ghost friends with me if you'll let me, even if I still don't fully know how they work..."

2020-01-13, 05:15 AM
As the conversation draws to its unfortunate conclusion, Mina idly raises her goggles to her eyes.

First she scans the nervous Mister Secretary to confirm his story. Zero active reincarnations, about two potential ones. The numbers are based on an n-minus-1-dimensional projection of a preconscious cognitive presence and can't pretend to be a Dragonball-style power level or anything, but it's enough for our purposes right now. No magic. He's scared of us for a reason.

She then glances at Ronin, as much to confirm that the anti-magic environment isn't messing up her measurements as to see if his spectral entourage is still there.

Then, of course, she looks down the hallway at Jade, who may or may not have been listening to Mr. Secretary and may or may not have a destination in mind as she walks away. Is there, like, a service tunnel down here? Maybe a fire exit? Hopefully at least a fire exit. Mina decides to finish here quickly and follow her out if she's really leaving.

She takes off the goggles again. "For what it's worth, sir," she says to Mister Secretary, "I understand that you're in over your head. We all are. We just have different ways of dealing with it."

"I have two questions before I go. What is your name, and how did you find us?"

2020-01-13, 06:47 AM
"Everything you know and love, the reality we live in, might die or be conquered, I'm saying we shouldn't be reckless about this and work together, and I'm the one thats unreasonable for pointing that out? I don't think I am. Okay, I'm finding someone sane to talk to, apparently having perspective is bad now."
She didn't raise her voice the whole time. Her face been completely stoic during the entire exchange.
She begins walking out. Of course humanity would reject the truth even all of civilization has fallen, she thinks. None of them want to really fix things, they want to play at being an adventurer or be some tyrannical god king that would get corrupted by their power so she'd have to overthrow them when they do so. Why bother teaming up with people who won't listen?

Carlos hasn't been very focused on what Jade has been yelling about this whole time, or the fate of the universe in general, he just doesn't think it concerns him. This statement from the acting POTUS, though, makes his eyes light up as he thinks of all the scrap metal and alien machinery there would be to harvest and make a quick buck off of. He remembers what Elf said earlier, though, and glances at her to see if she noticed the potential to research robot bells and whistles, and/or to see if she is in the proper state of mind to possibly strike some sort of business deal...

After that, he thinks back to when Ronin was offering up one of his ghost/stand/shadow things... he called them personas, right? Anyway, he reconsiders his offer and thinks it would probably benefit him a good deal, what with the extra firepower and ability to communicate magically and all. He looks at Ronin and says, "Hey, I tend to cast a shadow, I'll take one of your, uh, ghost friends with me if you'll let me, even if I still don't fully know how they work..."

Ronin is distracted with Jade's explosion. He stands but doesn't reach for her, looking at Carlos he nods. A shadow raises from his, it's humanoid, and looks substantial cast in dark smoke. It carries what appears to be a flintlock and there is a saber at it's belt. It presents it's flintlock to Ronin standing firm, before Ronin nods towards Carlos. It then moves towards Carlos with surely grandiose steps and does a martial salute, before knightly kneeling on the man's shadow and disappearing. Another shadow sprang from Ronin while everyone was focused on the first one, a much smaller one, the size and shape of a tiny mouse. In fact it probably had been a mouse at some point, now it was only a whisper of darkness. It runs stealthily towards Jade and hides in her shadow. Mina having been looking at Ronin through her glasses probably spotted the mouse, the shadows look in the cognitive realm as they do on the material. Others hopefully got distracted by the Shadow with Carlos bombastic display.

The shadows weren't as substantial as Ronin's entourage, but they were much more cost effective. Servants took mana for simply being summoned, Personas took mana for using their abilities... Shadows didn't. Shadows only incurred a, small, cost of mana if Ronin had to recreate them after they had been destroyed. A shadow posed no problem or danger to any of the ones gathered there. But Ronin wasn't called a necromancer for nothing, he had raised many shadows. His most powerful shadows had been merged with the Personas and Servants turning into something new. His least powerful shadows were still useful as scouts, guards, and communication means. And the average shadows... well they were as strong as a very determined undying untiring human, and most of the threats of the wasted world didn't require more.

"He won't be able to fight off anything that you can't, but as long as he is in your shadow he is safe. Shadows of his level understand English but cannot speak, still they are pretty alert and can communicate more or less with gestures and hand signs. He also can communicate empathically with me, so if he gets stressed or scared I can make a pretty good guess of what is going on. I can also then use him as a pathway, and communicate with you if needed. I instructed him to be safe and stay alive but to follow your instructions to the best of his abilities otherwise. He will keep me posted on your position, and more or less current disposition, just so you are aware. He cannot read your thoughts nor anything like that, and he is explicitly instructed to respect your privacy, so if you want him to share anything other than how you are or where you are let him know. Feel free to call him shadow, or whatever nickname works for you."

2020-01-13, 06:48 AM
Exiting his more combative stance, Colt was glad Charlotte intervened. She hadn't calmed the situation particularly but was able to conclude it. Colt one he had a bad habit of winding up people in an argument rather than concluding it. And as it stood he was ready for a fight if Jade attempted to keep him here, one he would certainly lose but you have to stand for some things. Either way he was glad Charlotte would be on his team for the time being.

Returning to his more upbeat personality he strolled over to the acting president and patted him on the back. "This'll be sorted in no time Mr President then we think about rebuilding this place ha ha. As for payment I'd like ownership of whatever remains of my home town but we can stress about those details later I've got to gear up." Colt continued on into the communications room but not before turning to Ronin on his way out. "You should've given Carlos that bow lady me and her get along real well." He begun laughing at his own jokes again.

Once inside the communications room he looked at all the gadgets and frankly he had no idea what he was doing. He'd need help from Ellen or Charlotte but he didnt want to need their help again so quickly after the argument that just ending. So he resorted to fumbling with the stuff trying to at least look like he knew what he was doing.

Lord Raziere
2020-01-13, 02:57 PM
She stops and turns, speaking stoically, much more withdrawn now.
"Fine. I'll stay. But I meant what I said. I think your a good man, Mr. President, its others that I heard that were being distrustful of you. why would I think someone with a damaged power structure and so clearly trying to come up with a solution, be trying to set a trap? It makes no sense. You simply do not seem the type- its Charlotte who talked about this potentially be a trap, and Colt who asked me to try and read whatever a paper mind is to see if your reincarnated, if I recall correctly, though I seem to have misinterpreted his intent.

Though I do apologize for clearly scaring you. I will try to be more....restrained from now on."
She falls silent, not trusting her to have an opinion in a group that clearly doesn't think highly of her.

2020-01-13, 04:35 PM
She stops and turns, speaking stoically, much more withdrawn now.
"Fine. I'll stay. But I meant what I said. I think your a good man, Mr. President, its others that I heard that were being distrustful of you. why would I think someone with a damaged power structure and so clearly trying to come up with a solution, be trying to set a trap? It makes no sense. You simply do not seem the type- its Charlotte who talked about this potentially be a trap, and Colt who asked me to try and read whatever a paper mind is to see if your reincarnated, if I recall correctly, though I seem to have misinterpreted his intent.

Though I do apologize for clearly scaring you. I will try to be more....restrained from now on."
She falls silent, not trusting her to have an opinion in a group that clearly doesn't think highly of her.

Ronin walks towards Jade and sits by her. Then in a conversational tone with a straight face.

"Goats are lucky to have you as their Queen. Do you feel better now that you got it out of your system?"

OoC: Ronin is joking with the first sentence, he is trying to defuse the situation (not insult Jade), just in case it's not clear enough.

Lord Raziere
2020-01-13, 05:31 PM
"...Sorry. The "fun" part just reminded me of a character I watched named Goku who had a....cavalier attitude towards the safety of the planet he protected. Who I now know is a person that exists or existed at one point somewhere in the multiverse. that terrifies and alarms me."
She is still speaking in a monotone.
"would anyone still want a teddy bear, when we get out of the anti-power whatever field? I actually have one. consider it a gift from the goat queen"
She tries to joke.

2020-01-13, 05:50 PM
"...Sorry. The "fun" part just reminded me of a character I watched named Goku who had a....cavalier attitude towards the safety of the planet he protected. Who I now know is a person that exists or existed at one point somewhere in the multiverse. that terrifies and alarms me."
She is still speaking in a monotone.
"would anyone still want a teddy bear, when we get out of the anti-power whatever field? I actually have one. consider it a gift from the goat queen"
She tries to joke.

Ronin smiles lightly, nodding encouragingly towards Jade.

"I'll take that teddy bear from a queen to a king. First step for a safe and sound sleep, get some stuffed company."

He looks towards the president.

"Mr. Heir, while I trust that the information that you have shared with us is as far as you know correct and whole I feel I need more intel. I don't want to undermine you, that last speech was pretty good, so why don't you request me from a leader to another to go and check if we can identify / predict where portals might spring up? Once that's under way we can start planning on containing portals as they spring through a rapid response force. Does that sound reasonable?"

Lord Raziere
2020-01-15, 01:57 AM
While she listens to what the president says, she thinks to herself, figuring she might as well try and puzzle out the situation and reassess things. The earth is ruled by chunks of pro-human organizations. Why did that fact bug her? Why did they all have have the same stance? That wasn't how humans worked in her experience. humans were messy, rowdy creatures at the best of times and even if there pro-reincarnated sides, humans were hardly that binary in their stance. Especially on an issue that covered the entire world. She imagined that human cultures would hardly react all the same to people gaining these powers. So why were they all uniform in what they believed in? Why did the reincarnated lose all across the board? She suspected something was behind that. It was too coordinated. As if someone was trying to get rid of the reincarnated, probably edging things in favor of keeping Earth weak. Which told her that someone subtle, manipulative and intelligent might be behind it-they were even smart enough to make it several organizations rather than one, to keep it within realms of plausibility.
She doubted anyone would believe her especially after that outburst though. She would need more evidence to support this theory. Though the fact that Earth is contained and walled off could support this: block off the reincarnated then make conditions to kill them all while they are inside with this war. That is a logical plan to make sure the reincarnated don't try to get out and spread to other worlds to wreak havoc. The whole situation matches a contain-and-kill strategy. She would have to find evidence of the enemy leaders being manipulated into their positions or making a deal with a common entity.
The robots however don't fit into that, so obviously its a separate thing, the reincarnated themselves fighting back. the entity trying to kill and contain probably wouldn't like robots running around trying to upgrade themselves into some form of godhood either.
As for portals, thats odd. That doesn't match up with kill-and-contain theory. If the portals are all coming in, it might be a modification to the plan to kill the reincarnated by sending more forces in. She'd have to get a hold of the forces that come through, what their motivations are.
"I volunteer to be apart of that rapid response for the portals. I have a...guess a hunch, that needs confirming if we can get some enemies to interrogate."
Is all she says.

2020-01-15, 02:23 AM
Colt eventually got frustrated not being able to sort out his communication device and swiped up four devices for the team. He was sure the team could sort it out on the road. "Alrighty then I reckon we could be just right to head out. Mr President is there a map of portal locations, robots or what not? I reckon it's about time for action."

2020-01-15, 12:45 PM
Looking at the options Rob just says " I will see what missions the others want to do and then I will join what mission needs the more combat support."

2020-01-16, 03:39 AM
"Whichever mission needs me more is the one I'll go on" Charlotte says as she follows the others into the room where the communicators were being kept in.

2020-01-16, 07:05 AM
The Nest with the president.

The President watches nodding as people file out of the room.
"Oh my, where are my manners? My name is Lamar Owens. We actually found you all ages ago but the machine built for us leading up to th wars was destroyed. We have only just begun repairing it enough to get your locations."

In the Communications Room

You enter to find a young man and woman surrounded by screens talking hurriedly. Around the room are various packs and small items of tech. "What on Earth?" the girl exclaims.

The guy shrugs takes a bite of his apple. "Not much we can do until we equip the troops. Welcome Team! Everyone feel free to grab a pack from the table. Each contains a map of incidents, colorcoded by type, a water bottle, compass, in ear communicator, taser, granola bar, a pistol, condoms and a desert eagle with a couple extra clips. There are also ala carte options if you wish. Also, no rush or anything but we have a few minor incidents happening now. Do take your pick. If you want to go fight the demon horses terrorizing Kentucky, please stand off to the right. If you are more interested in the robots that just popped up in Seattle, please step to the right. If you have another idea or want to see if a third monster pops up or just don't feel like it, please remain here in the middle with us. Any questions?"

2020-01-16, 02:02 PM
Colt took a moment to inspect his back pack, then went to stand over by the demon horse assembly point.

2020-01-16, 02:07 PM
Robert stays quite as he says "I think I will go play with the demon horses. As this should be easy enough I will see if I can bring back a few."
As he picks up a bag then looks at the girl and says "You would not happen to have some chalk in your labs?" As he awaits a response.

2020-01-16, 04:59 PM
"Right now?" Mina sighs as she looks over the maps. She doesn't mean to come off as callous, but she was hoping to get some sleep at some point. "I'm afraid to ask, but what would you normally do with this information? You didn't maintain this monitoring system just for us. I guess you're a sort of... military dispatch?"

2020-01-16, 05:42 PM
Robert stays quite as he says "I think I will go play with the demon horses. As this should be easy enough I will see if I can bring back a few."
As he picks up a bag then looks at the girl and says "You would not happen to have some chalk in your labs?" As he awaits a response.

The young man takes another bite of his *******. "You looking for sidewalk chalk or blackboard chalk? Does color matter?" He then starts digging through a drawer.

"Right now?" Mina sighs as she looks over the maps. She doesn't mean to come off as callous, but she was hoping to get some sleep at some point. "I'm afraid to ask, but what would you normally do with this information? You didn't maintain this monitoring system just for us. I guess you're a sort of... military dispatch?"

"Well we used to be," says the girl, not glancing away from the screens. She looks like she may be ill. "With already dwindling resources, monsters and robots tend to be very bad for maintaining troops. Part of why we chose now to recruit you is because we don't have enough people to even attempt containment anymore. Just small evac teams. President Owens really didn't want to bring people into this who didn't sign up. But he had to do something. Wow, that is nasty..."

2020-01-16, 08:04 PM
It takes a moment for Mina to evaluate the map on display. She never really thought about American geography much. Seattle is about where she thought it was, but she always thought Kentucky was closer to Texas.

After staring distantly at the young dispatcher and her sprawling network of keyboards and monitors for what feels like a long time, some nearby movement snaps Mina out of her reverie. She picks up a set of electronics, a water bottle, and a couple of snacks. She doesn't need to keep more weapons around. The equipment in her flying truck is dangerous enough as it is.

"OK, let's get moving," she says as she joins Jade and Ronin absentmindedly.

Lord Raziere
2020-01-16, 08:19 PM
"....Demon horses that sounds ridi-wait. oh no."
she says, realizing the potential implications while walks to the kentucky teleporter, hoping her fears were wrong. She eyes the supplies with a raised eyebrow.
"Well at least I figured out the first thing about society we should probably restore: actual cooking and good food."
she takes everything but the granola bar. She had been scavenging and stockpiling her own food sure, and her combat abilities made hunting and making fire easy, but a granola bar was beneath her.

2020-01-16, 11:58 PM
looking at the man Rob says "make no difference to me it is sometimes good to have a backup way to draw alchemist circles. and there are other uses for chalk with the if one thinks of it. I wonder what Macgyver he would do with this tool kit, I wonder if she survived the war."

2020-01-17, 06:08 AM
In the Communications Room

You enter to find a young man and woman surrounded by screens talking hurriedly. Around the room are various packs and small items of tech. "What on Earth?" the girl exclaims.

The guy shrugs takes a bite of his apple. "Not much we can do until we equip the troops. Welcome Team! Everyone feel free to grab a pack from the table. Each contains a map of incidents, colorcoded by type, a water bottle, compass, in ear communicator, taser, granola bar, a pistol, condoms and a desert eagle with a couple extra clips. There are also ala carte options if you wish. Also, no rush or anything but we have a few minor incidents happening now. Do take your pick. If you want to go fight the demon horses terrorizing Kentucky, please stand off to the right. If you are more interested in the robots that just popped up in Seattle, please step to the right. If you have another idea or want to see if a third monster pops up or just don't feel like it, please remain here in the middle with us. Any questions?"

Ronin opens the offered pack, grabs the map, the compass, the communicator, and the condoms. Leaving the rest behind. If Mina's discarded condoms are also available he grabs them too.

[COLOR="#66cc66"]"Well at least I figured out the first thing about society we should probably restore: actual cooking and good food."
she takes everything but the granola bar. She had been scavenging and stockpiling her own food sure, and her combat abilities made hunting and making fire easy, but a granola bar was beneath her.

"Cooking is feasible. I can get you some good home grown food. But try to keep ecstatic lively apocalypse survivors who thought they were going to die from making hungry winy snotty apocalypse survivors without contraceptives."

He smiles at that and it's the first time that there is some warmth in his lips.

"Jade you are probably going to get there the fastest. Do you think you can take Mina with you? I'll get us some proper food and then rendezvous with you girls."

He also wanted to grab some stuff from the Gardens, Lancer Emperor for one.

2020-01-17, 06:46 AM
Listening to Ronin, Mina's mind immediately decides that that explains why those were on the standard supply list, except wait, no, that was clearly a joke, and then she remembers hearing once that they had always been in the military kits, and then she tries not to think about it anymore because eww.

"They had that sandwich spread, too... I just figured that you must have had food covered, since America has so much farmland," she says. "But yeah! Um, if we can stop out back for a second first, I should probably get you an extra pair of these goggles from my car, so we can all see the same cognitive world in case it comes up. It would be nice if we could bring the whole vehicle, but we can deal with that later if we need it."

Mina looks at Jade meaningfully like she wants to say something else, too, but it's... hard to articulate. It's easier to focus on the mission.

2020-01-17, 01:53 PM
"The Robots sound like they should be my first enemy. I can turn technology off with at will through the power of thought alone. I think I will engage the enemy with whomever decides to fight the tin cans other than me. By the way, maybe the most technologically apt should accompany me as well. Despite my nifty ability to manipulate technology through thought alone, I'm not a scientist."

Lord Raziere
2020-01-17, 02:52 PM
Jade says to Ronin
"I'll be sure to let the relevant people know."
Personally her tastes didn't run towards making that result, so it wasn't a problem for her.
"Ok Mina, if your ready, come outside, I don't want to chance my teleportation with the....power-dampening field. I don't know how these things interact and for all we know something could go wrong and we don't have time to test. and just to let you all know anyone who is going after the demon horses: there MIGHT be a possibility that these are just ponies, y'know from My Little Pony, but just corrupted by something evil. after all, the cute and more pure something looks while good, the more demonic and corrupted it looks when forced to be bad by some evil miasma thing, and evil supervillain types just love making you fight things that should by all rights never be in one. So prepare to try break them out of it, just in case.

As for vehicle....sounds like an idea. I mean there is no shortage of cars, the only problem is fueling them, so....might have to go a little more low tech. Assuming no crazy inventor powers solves it."
She will go outside to the back to get the goggles, and when they are out there she says while holding out her hand to Mina, noticing her expression.
"...whats up? we ready?"

She will teleport them if Mina grabs her hand, and will go into the Kamui dimension- a dark skied place full of grey cubes that Jade seems to have stockpiled various things for many situations, such as books, weapons (with an odd amount of mall katanas), preserved food, sticks and rocks, various handheld electronics and batteries to power them, and so on- and then suddenly they will be in kentucky. For that is how her teleportation worked: move to Kamui, move back to world at a different point. She didn't like telling the specifics of the ability for obvious reasons as she doesn't know how it could be used against her.

2020-01-17, 04:21 PM
Robert stays quite as he says "I think I will go play with the demon horses. As this should be easy enough I will see if I can bring back a few."
As he picks up a bag then looks at the girl and says "You would not happen to have some chalk in your labs?" As he awaits a response.

OoC: Sorry man, missed that post.

Ronin walks towards Rob. "Are you geared up? I need to make a stop before I catch up with the girls but if you are coming I can take you there.". With the man on tow he walks outside.

He is relieved once he feels his connection fully to Lancer Judgement and Avenger Hanged, sending mental notes to them. Avenger Hanged is to stay put, to keep watch in the cognitive realm to make sure nothing funny happens. Lancer Judgement though... opens a small gate, just enough to step through and just long enough to step through. It appears as a wound in reality, a perfectly defined oval shape beyond which is a shadowed warped reflection of the real world. And from it another of Ronin's entourage appears. Another woman that again has similar factions to Ronin but cast on brown skin, white hair and golden eyes. It could have been Archer Strength's younger sister being less... stocked on muscle and carries a red spear. She joins Ronin's entourage standing on his shadow.

Ronin offers Robert a hand. "Come closer. Just one quick stop and we are going to Kentucky."

If/Once Rob takes the offered hand Ronin mutters one word. Surprisingly all of his entourage members gather up to touch him (Robert being able to see them as he can see stands).


Where he had been standing instead appears another of his entourage members, this one is a tall man, his body is covered in what appears to be an armor with hissing pistons and dangerously looking coils. His face again looks like Ronin's but cast in a much more serious look, again with brown skin, golden eyes, and white hair. Archer Hierophant starts walking towards the base.


Hanging Gardens of Babylon (Lab)

Ronin and Robert though are now standing in what looks like a well equipped arcane lab. The sides of the lab are packed with several mechanical projects that could have been taken out from a steampunk convention. Most of which are either unfinished, or too arcane to easily identify what's their true purpose. But some look enough like guns, swords, or pieces of armor to give a clue as to what they are. The biggest thing in the room is a tesla coil, with sometimes sudden lightning sparks hitting quartz like clear crystals at ground level, the crystals are connected to what look like very odd and old looking mechanical computer that makes tickling metallic sounds connected to a modern flat screen display showing several readings. Connected to the computer there also two long cables being held by a young man on a white coat that is working on what appears to be an examination table. The man turns himself dropping one of the cables and drawing an scalpel. He stops just before throwing in. His skin is once again tan, his eyes are golden and his hair is white.

"You might be king but this is my lab, don't just appear while I am working."

Behind him there is a male's body with his chest open as if ready to autopsy. The body though moves, and his eyes follow with mild disinterest the new arrivals. To a trained alchemist it's easy to tell that it is not a living body, but a copy. An homunculus. More interestingly still there is a red light coming from the body's chest. A small philosopher's stone.

"It was the fastest way in. I'll be out in a moment."

"Just watch your step and don't touch anything."

Says the man in the white coat, Caster Devil, while going back to work, pressing the ends of the cables to the body and checking the readings on the screen.

Ronin looks towards Rob with an apologetic look.

"Don't mind him. It won't be long, if you find something useful feel free to borrow it."

As he finishes saying that his entourage disperses, leaving him to follow his telepathic commands.

Washington DC

Archer Hierophant walks towards the bunker and as he approaches it his coils start spinning more slowly. He looks at a small screen on his gauntlet, makes a note, and then pushes a button. The coils stop spinning altogether and white steam starts pouring out of a small chimney at his back. He walks into the bunker.

"My master commanded me to try and help you integrate technology and magic, as well as help with the development of portal prediction tools."

Caster Devil Paracelsus (https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Caster_(Fate/Prototype:_Fragments))/Dr Jekyll (https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Assassin_(Fate/Grand_Order_-_Dr._Jekyll)) works with Archer Hierophant on the technological research. While Archer Hierophant focuses on mechanical development Caster Devil is focused on biological research. All the bodies of the entourage members have been made by him.

2020-01-17, 05:50 PM
Charlotte grabs the supplies that were being provided for the group before saying, "I see quite a few of us going for the devil horses, so I'll go help deal with the robots, might even get some components for some ideas I've had from them"

2020-01-17, 06:52 PM
Once they find the stairs, or elevator, or whichever exit the funky bunker has maintained, Mina leads Jade to the huge red wasp-looking thing that she had flown to get here. The turbines are stowed sideways against the glass greenhouse that would be its thorax, reducing its profile somewhat. It looks like it could take to the highway about as well as a semi truck.

"I have fuel taken care of. The leaves and algae in the bubble store enough solar energy to..." Mina hesitates for a second. "Well, it probably falls under the umbrella of crazy inventor powers, I guess."

A brown monkey with a red beacon on its head peeks out through the cockpit's window.


"Hello Aiai. Could you open the rear door, please?"

The monkey salutes excitedly. "Aye aye!"

A hatch on the wasp's abdomen unseals with a hiss and a clunk. The inside is stacked with color-coded cubic containers, save for one corner reserved for a swivel chair and a computer terminal. Mina runs her finger through the air as she remembers what she's looking for and where she put it.

"You're right, you know," she says abruptly as she pulls out one of the red boxes. "You didn't ask for this, but you turned it around and used it for good anyway. Myself, I've always thought of this reincarnation like it's a disease. Like as long as I had it, I was just a time bomb waiting to go off and hurt everyone around me."

She hands Jade a pair of goggles, like her own but with a green shell to match Jade's color scheme.

"You took responsibility, while I just sat there afraid of making a mistake. So when I look at you, and Colt, and Ronin and everyone else..." She sighs. "I don't know. I feel like I really screwed up, I guess. Sorry, I'm not sure where I was going with this."

Lord Raziere
2020-01-17, 09:40 PM
She considers Mina' words, wistfully looking around and rambling on in response.
"Hey, at least you recognize the danger. thats better than someone being irresponsible enough to use it without for whatever selfish desire they might have- though I was probably unfair to Colt admittedly, he doesn't seem like the type, and I focus on the dark side of things too much sometimes, partly because of my own personality and probably because of....well...lets just say there are downsides to the Sharingan.

a person doing nothing with power is at least someone who isn't actively making the world worse with it. All thats really needed for someone like that is to figure out a positive direction and how to motivate someone to go in that direction instead of going nowhere. Given that your in a group trying to save the world, I'd hardly worry about that, you in fact have your work cut out for you."
She gestures to the inventions around them as she puts on the goggles, in case her Sharingan doesn't work for seeing whatever.
"This here? Something I cannot do. Making full use of your tech alone could probably do wonders to aid us and humanity. I can probably beat up whatever bad guys come my way, but I can't go into a town and fix their power generator or figure out how to provide them a new source of food, or teach them how to fix things themselves- all I can do is scavenge up books with static knowledge and teach people how to defend themselves or hunt after saving them from some raider or thug.

Basically? There needs to be people who can think about after the big bad guys dead and how to restore or even on what came before, and I'm probably not that person. The most I could do would be become a warlord, knock sense into people so they follow me and try to find other people to fix problems that need fixing hoping that knowledgeable people like doctors, scientists and so on survived the war. and despite how serious I am....I don't want to be an authority. being bound by responsibility...ordering others to do stuff....aren't things I like doing even if they are needed. I'd rather just....come in fix the problem then let people be so they can get on with their lives. Every time someone in history tried to control too much about the world....it just ended up causing something bad to happen."
She shakes her head, realizing she was rambling.
"Sorry. Tried to reassure you then started rambling. So teleport just us or this big wasp as well?"

2020-01-17, 11:13 PM
"Oh, it's fine! It's kind of what I needed, actually," Mina smiles. "Um, it would be convenient if you could take the whole wasp. I'm not sure how stressful it might be. Also, what is a sherringhen?"

2020-01-17, 11:51 PM
Looking to Ronin when asked if he was ready to go.
He is not too surprised to see the Laboratory. Robert looks at the lab worker and sees the glow of the stone. Knowing full well what he is looking at. His eyes narrow. As his body mussels tightening as if ready to fight as he says “Homunculus.”

As there are moral and ethical ramifications of attempting to toy with human life as well as the considerable danger involved with dealing in Human Transmutation. As he waits for the creatures next move. After being called out for what it was.

2020-01-18, 12:09 AM
"Just bring me back an intact robot or two, I have to see what's going on with this guy over here and a fight with some demon horses sounds like a good stress test," Ellen says to the people moving to combat the robots, picking up her backpack, examining the contents, and furrowing her brow. "Hmm... If I use that, and that, and then use that for power..." she mutters to herself, producing a case of jeweler's tools from a pocket, appropriate to the scale of the communications devices. She pops the in-ear communicator open and looks up at the government issue apple-eating guy. "You got wristwatches? Those cheap solar powered digital ones? Need something to make an interface out of," she says, almost looking past him, a half-mad smirk on her face as her hands tinker with her communicator, without deigning to actually look at what she's doing.

2020-01-18, 05:52 AM
Looking to Ronin when asked if he was ready to go.
He is not too surprised to see the Laboratory. Robert looks at the lab worker and sees the glow of the stone. Knowing full well what he is looking at. His eyes narrow. As his body mussels tightening as if ready to fight as he says “Homunculus.”

As there are moral and ethical ramifications of attempting to toy with human life as well as the considerable danger involved with dealing in Human Transmutation. As he waits for the creatures next move. After being called out for what it was.

The homunculus on the table doesn't do much. Nor for his part Caster Devil that is busy working on the magic circuits. Ronin though feels like Robert's comment carried a question.

"Yes, shadows cost no mana or negligible mana but Personas, like your Stand, do take a toil on mana when using their powers. Not to speak of the cost they take when they are empowered as actual servants. So in order to reduce the mana expenditure we have been working on using homunculus to reduce the cost. We are still working on improving the magic circuits efficiency, they get quite burned out quickly. But overall it's worth it."

As he speaks another of Ronin's entourage comes towards them a large man, with a strongly built body that would come close to Robert's. Lancer Emperor doesn't bother with the long coats that most of the entourage wear and instead has his tan chiseled chest bare. He carries a backpack on one hand and a spear on the other. Having seen the homunculus, hearing Ronin's comments, and seing the similitude between Ronin and every member of his entourage it should be easy to realize that they are all homunculus of the man.

"Homunculus act as batteries, each carries a Philosopher's Stone that has been charged with mana." He points at the Tesla Coil. "That is gathering ambient mana and condensing it. Pretty useful if I say so myself, of course I don't really know why it works. But Archer Hierophant and Caster Devil have been working on it. I am sure they can give you some demonstration later."

Lord Raziere
2020-01-18, 07:21 AM
"Oh, it's fine! It's kind of what I needed, actually," Mina smiles. "Um, it would be convenient if you could take the whole wasp. I'm not sure how stressful it might be. Also, what is a sherringhen?"

"Long story short: its magical hax eyeballs I have from a reincarnation, and lot of their abilities are unlocked through trauma and are just powered by the users negative emotions in general. Most of the users from its world of origin weren't the most psychologically sound people as a result."
She says shrugging.
"Case in point: the teleportation ability I'm using exists because some guy saw his crush die during a war. Not really relevant right now other than to say I wouldn't be surprised if the sharingan was influencing my mind by pumping hate energy into me. I can hardly say its the only thing in my life thats screwed up though."
She looks at the wasp around her.
"Speaking of that guy, the most I remember him teleporting with him is two people. So...the ship might be straining....might?"
She thinks: How powerful was Obito again? It wasn't exactly clear. Due to the nature of his powerset, and the way he fought and operated, and the fact that he hoarded so many things to help him, made it very hard to gauge how powerful he actually was. Though if he could expand his kamui teleportation to cover an entire wasp ship, wouldn't he just use it to like, just teleport in houses to drop on people? but he was a subtle guy who did stuff from the shadows, so he would never try that in the first place. now he does have big chakra reserves due to the hashirama cells, with feats on par with kages, so.....if kages can summon giant frogs and snakes to fight each other using normal space-time jutsu anyone can learn, why not be able teleport a big wasp-ship using his unique hax eyes? Yeah, the summoning technique was a comparable feat, so it should be possible.
"Okay after some thought, I think its possible. Might take some chakra, but possible."
Her eyes flash red, tomoe spinning in her irises a bigger hole than most opens up besides the big wasp and sucks it in a spiral, the ship and space itself shaking and trembling a little she she does so, for a moment they are in the kamui dimension.....then they appear from a similar spiral in kentucky before it can fall on the cubes and Jade breathes.
"Okay yeah....that....was not insignificant....but I still have energy to fight.
It is clear however that this was not the intended use for the kamui though- it seemed to work easier for more personal scale objects and people. Then Jade realized she miscalculated: this wasn't comparable to summoning jutsu, it was comparable to doing summoning jutsu twice: once to get to Kamui, twice to get back to the normal world. Yeah no wonder its a bit of a drain. Still it was possible, so better than she thought it'd be.

2020-01-18, 12:13 PM
Still on guard. He says “I understand the stone, Due to the absolute law of alchemy being equivalent exchange, the stone gives the illusion that someone is able to override that law. Being that it is an illusion, the powers of the stone itself are not unlimited, and only appears to allow an alchemist to bypass equivalent exchange as long as the stone retains its power. I also know that it takes a transmutation of about a million living human souls to make a Philosophers stone. As well as might understand my objections to the use of Human transmutation. I also take it you have seen The Gate with a stone? But we can discuss Science and philosphy later, are you ready to go.” As he offers him a hand.

2020-01-18, 02:48 PM

Part of Mina is glad for the subject change as Jade moves on from more of her traumatic backstory to something about chakras and then sucks everything into her eyeball. Mina just barely manages to switch on the ship's diagnostic sensors before space and time stretch enough to swallow it up.

At the end of their transdimensional trip, Mina stumbles and catches herself against the side of the wasp, blinking through some combination of vertigo and sensory overload. She probably looks more drained from it than Jade does, but the way Jade looks and how she's really doing aren't necessarily a one-to-one match. "Are you sure? I have a cot in here if you need to lie down... We still need to wait for Ronin anyway, right?"

She says that, but if Jade just zapped them to the exact coordinates on the map, who knows what kind of brawl might be raging around them as she speaks. Mina looks around to assess their surroundings and the local weather conditions.

2020-01-18, 04:45 PM
Sorry I haven't posted in a fat minute, I'l' try to be better about it.

Carlos has been anxiously looking between demon horse land and robot land for quite a while now, and after minutes of consideration, he says, "Ok, well, the demon horses might mess around with my energy based powers and I might not be able to connect with everything... and robots are just robots... is there enough space in robot arena for me to move around?" He thinks to himself after saying this, and realizes that (even though he's never been in a real fight before) he could easily smash some stupid robots, they're probably tiny! "Actually, never mind that. I'm going with the robot zone."

Lord Raziere
2020-01-18, 06:40 PM
"...Its not that tiring, but sure. other shinobi have summoned big monsters and kept on fighting without tiring despite how much energy it takes, and I have like, super-stamina from at least two sources."
The third soul she didn't use unless she absolutely needed to. She nevertheless sits down on the cot, and it probably wasn't exact coordinates- she still had a human mind, and it wasn't like she had a GPS.
"Hey just to get this out of the way while we wait, if we run into normal human raiders or bandits at some point, do you want me to take care of all of them or just half, and do you want them alive or dead? Just to be clear in case you don't want me killing them or something."
She normally just defaulted to killing them because scum like that didn't really deserve life, its not as if prisons were maintained in the apocalypse and she didn't want to think about alternative methods of punishment that were crueler than death- cutting off hands in a world like this is basically a death sentence anyways- but she could stick to being nonlethal and taking their weapons if need be. and of course one of the weirder ironies of life is that she saw people using prisons as fortresses and communal homes instead once or twice. How people strangely repurpose things.

2020-01-18, 08:16 PM
Mina sits down and starts tapping away at the terminal, hoping to discern the main sources of turbulence based on the sensor data. At the mention of bandit murder, her hands freeze and her eyes go wide.

"Uh... has that... been a problem?" she asks sheepishly without turning to face Jade. Of course that's a dumb question. She slowly resumes tapping at her signal processing task. "I don't know. I haven't really thought about it. I've never..."

She's about to say, 'I've never killed before,' but that would imply an innocence she can't claim to have. She's violently silenced the shadows in the corners of her soul. She's had visions of poisoning, strangulation and tortuous absorption from the inside out. She's speared fish that she'd half-suspected were sentient.

She sighs. "I've never personally killed a human being before, and I was kind of hoping to avoid doing that for the foreseeable future. So, if it comes up... I don't know. I guess it depends on the circumstances."

2020-01-19, 06:55 AM
Still on guard. He says “I understand the stone, Due to the absolute law of alchemy being equivalent exchange, the stone gives the illusion that someone is able to override that law. Being that it is an illusion, the powers of the stone itself are not unlimited, and only appears to allow an alchemist to bypass equivalent exchange as long as the stone retains its power. I also know that it takes a transmutation of about a million living human souls to make a Philosophers stone. As well as might understand my objections to the use of Human transmutation. I also take it you have seen The Gate with a stone? But we can discuss Science and philosphy later, are you ready to go.” As he offers him a hand.

Ronin shakes his head. "I do not deal in living souls. There are very few of us left to go around killing millions. Archer Hierophant has worked really hard in accumulating mana from the environment, and I suspect that the portals are here to pump mana into the environment and make people more magical. Caster Devil has worked on batteries for that mana, the most versatile way to accumulate it are philosopher stones."

He takes Robert's offered hand. And the entourage members gather on top of his shadow turning into translucent figments of themselves as they merge into his mind.

"Let's discuss philosophy later, after I test my theory with portals. Now... Exchange."

Suddenly they are no longer in the hanging gardens of Babylon but are standing real close to Jade and Mira.

"I got us some food, and another companion."

Lord Raziere
2020-01-19, 08:02 PM
Jade stands up.
"Very well, lets get going."
She set off towards the coordinates given with the fastest means she can. They had wasted too much time already and she needed to check out the situation and assess it to see what they were dealing with so she teleports herself then tries to keep out of sight or at least out of focus to see what is going on with these demon horses, by using a jutsu to rapidly tunnel underground and pop her head back up to look periodically if nothing else can hide her, and extending her chakra sensing and turning on her sharingan to see if whatever magical energies they have can be picked up using it or saw using her eyes- obito can both sense and see chakra after all with these abilities, the question is if other energies can be considered equivalent enough to picked up as well.

2020-01-27, 07:49 PM
Turning to the others that would be joining her in taking on the devil horses Charlotte says, "Shall we get going then? Those horses won't stay where they are waiting for us to go deal with them"Giving this a bump as no one's posted for a while

2020-02-29, 02:34 PM
((An out of character bump since this hasn't been posted in for a month))

Lord Raziere
2020-03-03, 01:36 AM
((OOC: I was checking in, but didn't know what to do, what do we do?))

2020-03-11, 02:15 PM
((All further IC posts re-direct to here))

2020-03-11, 09:19 PM
Sirens Blaring
Suddenly, the sirens in the White House and throughout the preceding area of the President's Compound blared. Every man at arms and every one of the President's personnel were busy defending themselves and him as well. Terminators, yes, the metal skeletons from their name sake franchise, Terminator were gathered in an attempt to wipe out the last vestige's of the American Government. Turning to the nearby protagonists, he had a concerned look on his face. "We had to cancel your leave. We're kind of tied up trying to survive for now."
"Could you please take care of this problem for us?"

2020-03-11, 11:30 PM
Charlotte heads for the nearest door that would get her to where the robots were attacking and as she goes says, "I'm all for doing that for you, I've had to deal with killer robots on many occasions in the past might as well not break that streak now."

2020-03-12, 11:27 AM
A man in his early thirties, with graying hair and beard, shakes his head in disdain. "Robots," he says, his tone flat. "I'll handle this."

He strides out of the room: with every Terminator he comes across, he raises his right hand and makes a fist, whereupon they start locking up into the fetal position, unable to move their limbs. Then once he passes them, they start dragging along the floor behind him.

Name: Matthew Gold
Theme: Metal/Magnetism
Sex: Male
Age: 31
Personality: Meticulous and hard-working
Appearance: Tall, broad of shoulder, graying hair
Past Lives/Souls: Max Eisenhardt (https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Max_Eisenhardt_(Earth-616)) (Magneto); Rashek (https://coppermind.net/wiki/Rashek) (the Lord Ruler); Max Anders (https://worm.fandom.com/wiki/Kaiser) (Kaiser), from Worm (https://worm.fandom.com/wiki/Worm_Wiki).

2020-03-12, 07:43 PM
As everyone rushes outside to battle the oncoming robot menace, someone may look put among the army of skeletal Terminators and happen upon a strange sight. A single man, dressed and painted entirely in silver, walking forward in a poor imitation of a robot, a kazoo in his mouth faintly buzzing with every step forward. The most bizarre and inexplicable thing about it though, is the fact that not a single Terminator seems to have noticed or care about the blatant oddity among there ranks.

If anyone did happen to spy Seymour, he would instantly look their way, and with a smile, wave robotically at them for a moment, laughing loudly in his mind at the absurdity of the situation.


Name:Seymour Hughe Jebuttes
Sex: Male
Age: 26
Personality: A wacky zany smart aleck who tries not to take anything to seriously. His favorite thing is to see people smile.
Appearance: 5'9" Green Eyes, short red hair, typically wears a simple blue long sleeve shirt and khaki cargo pants, but will take any and every opportunity to change costumes.
Past Lives/Souls: The Mask(Dark Horse Comics), Pinkamena Diane Pie(My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic), Wade 'Deadpool' Wilson(Marvel)

Seymour doesn't actually remember most of his life up to this point. He isn't even sure his name is what it is. Flashes of memories, of pain and loss, fights and betrayal, and dozens upon dozens of voices in his head has robbed him of his true identity. He doesn't care much about it though, he just sees the constant devastation of the world and smiles, knowing there is no point in being angry about it. Why not have some fun with it? Especially if you're like him and got these crazy abilities from who really knows where.

Lord Raziere
2020-03-12, 07:45 PM
Jade receives the message by ear communicator and warps back to the white house through the kamui appearing suddenly and looks at the terminators that Matthew is dragging behind him, he sees a redhead girl in her twenties wearing a tough biker jacket just teleport in.
"Huh, terminators. this feels oddly familiar for some reason."
she looks at Matthew
"I'm sorry, whats your name again? Still getting everyone's names down. Nice job with those metal powers, I don't even seem to be needed if you can do this. The names Jade."
she looks at Seymour
"...Huh. Either someone decided to be creative with their robot, or a some robot-guy street performer is really good at what they do."

2020-03-12, 09:34 PM
The man, who is quite stocky and tall, shrugs, as he halts in his methodical attack on the metal humanoids. "I am Matthew Gold," he replies, his tone without much emotion. "This..." He makes a gesture with his hand, and the lump of disabled terminators behind him lurch upwards for a moment before coming crashing down on the floor, "... I am told it is the power of Magneto. Some comic book character, I gather. I never read comics. I can create magnetic fields, twist them, move them, strengthen and weaken them. Against an army of metal... I alone am enough." The arrogance in that statement seems to surprise him for a minute, then he shakes his head, as if to clear it.

"I'm no warrior, but at least against these machines, I can do something."

He barely deigns to give Seymour a glance, seemingly not amused by the man's antics. "He isn't made of metal. Why he's dressed up in that moronic getup, who knows," the man tells Jade with a shrug.

Lord Raziere
2020-03-12, 10:04 PM
"Nice to meet you Matthew. Ah, Magneto that makes sense. I know a little of him. at least the movie versions."
She considers the army before her. Since Mattehew doesn't seem to be doing anything about them...
"Hey you in the top hat, if your not an enemy get out of there. I don't want to hurt you when I blast these things with fire, well, or fight them in general."
She could just send Seymour to the kamui dimension and get to destroying, but given that Matthew is right beside her and could probably take care of this if they attack, she is no rush and sending someone to a pocket dimension is kind of rude.

2020-03-13, 04:21 AM
After Jade calls out to the silvered man in the field of robots, a friendly arm comes to rest on her and Matthew's shoulders. "Aaaaaw, You care about me. How sweet!" Seymour now stands between the magnetic master and the kamui ninja, dressed in his normal outfit of a blue longsleeved shirt and khaki cargo pants. A quick glance back to field will show his silver costume crumpled on the ground.

With a strong and slightly disturbing laugh, he steps back and begins to loosen his body, his stretches slowly becoming more ridiculous as time goes on. "So what's the plan good looking? Magnet over here gonna be on clean up duty or are we gonna have some FUN!" His wide smile has not once left his face.

2020-03-13, 05:19 AM
"Looks like we don't have to rescue your crazy ass from out of their midst," Charlotte says as she walks up behind the group placing a device on her waist and soon after she is covered in an armor that is half grey and half orange with the grey going down from the left shoulder down to the right leg, "I'll help him out a bit though, don't want him to overexert himself just yet"

Once she'd said that she raised her gun and spinning the chamber five times and pulling the trigger sends out 50 bullets which each hit twenty-five robots. Each one hit would have a large hole blasted through their torso and their head would would be gone.

2020-03-13, 05:46 AM

A man emerges from Jade's shadow.

He is wearing a dark blue long coat with rhomboid decorations in white at the coat's trailing edge. Under it he wears a black turtle neck jersey with obvious leather hostlers, an upside down plain trench knife (one of Assassin Death's tools) at his right side and an angry looking gun at his left. He is wearing some old used jeans, held in place with a black belt, carved with golden rhombus, from which two small crystal skulls hang as if they were simple key chains. When he moves it is apparent that there is another scabbard at his back. He is also wearing high military boots, again with another knife. His face is framed by some reading glasses that he uses as a diadem holding his brown hair back, it somehow gives him a regal appearance as if it was a crown. It's not the only piece of jewelry he is wearing, he has a golden earring on his left ear and a plain steel ring in each finger.

One of his hands is resting over his shoulder carrying a half opened backpack filled with good looking sandwiches.

"Hi again. Everyone." He gives a short nod towards Charlotte and Jade. And looks briefly at Matthew before sighing at Seymour.

"Rise" At his command several shadows spring from his, forming into humanoid shapes. They are garbed in long dusters with a hood covering their features, but appear to be entirely made of shadow. They carry shadow arquebuses or knifes and they start fighting against the Terminators. When one falls it soon reappears from Ronin's shadow charging back into combat.

"I am Ronin." He offers his free hand to Matthew quite unconcerned with the fight around them.

Post edited as there were no fallen terminators yet, and well, I am not too certain I can raise them.

Lord Raziere
2020-03-13, 06:38 AM
She says to Seymour.
"Well your a person. Why wouldn't I care?"
Jade turns to a different group of terminators and her hands flash through a bunch of hand signs while she gathers her chakra into her lungs.
"Great Fireball Technique"
A massive fireball blast engulfs them in an inferno, hot enough to melt metal to slag and make them to the floor in white-hot puddles of molten metal. Then she begins using her long range eye to remotely teleport bits of molten metal into other terminators insides to destroy them from the inside out, cleaning up the molten puddles as eyes turned green to crimson dart back and back forth at her targets to seal their doom.
"As for the plan well....I think we're handling it well so far? I think these are basically fodder."

2020-03-13, 08:01 AM
The master of magnetism raises an eyebrow at Jade. "Oh? There are movies? I wish I had seen them. I still don't know the full extent of my abilities..."

Matthew hesitates a moment then shakes Ronin's hand. His palm is rough; clearly that of a man used to manual labor. He is wearing regular clothes: a long black leather duster over a dark red shirt and faded black jeans, with a leather belt and a pair of workman's boots.

"What are those... things?" he asks, nodding towards the shadowy forms.

He glances at Jade. "An army of skeletal robots and you think they're fodder?" He snorts. "I think these powers might have gone to your head."

Do note that Matt hasn't actually destroyed any of the Terminators he took down: he just immobilized them and dragged them along.

Book Wombat
2020-03-13, 08:28 AM
"Oh well, seems like there's not much I can help with here at the moment." Jack mutters as he wanders off towards the fallen robots and absorbs them to analyse their weaknesses.

U]Name:[/U] Jack Will
Theme: Jack of All Trades
Sex: Male
Age: 20
Personality: Rather quiet he spends most of his time doodling and reading and hardly gets himself involved with the "outside" world due to various reasons.
Appearance: He had originally black hair and eyes but now since the Happening (as he calls it) they both randomly changes colour, though it's usually bluish. He's quite small with a small build at around 1.5 m (4'9")
Past Lives/Souls:
-Rimeru Tempest (That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime) - Most important skill(s): Great Sage, Predator, Slime Storage, Mimic, Slime Body
-Eragon (The Inheritance Cycle) - M i s: Magic, Knowledge of the Ancient Language, Mind-manipulation, Thought-magic
-Levy McGarden (Fairy Tail) - M i s: Word Magic (Solid Script)

2020-03-13, 08:39 AM
Seymour's jaw drops at the impressive sight of the three attacks. Literally, it stretches until his chin bounces on the ground. "Well then...." He kinda deflates a little and curls up and scratches the ground. "Kinda eliminates all the fun when you can wipe them out like that.......wait, fodder?" He bounces back up with a big smile. "That means these guys are totally a distraction right? I mean, Skynet had to have known what that president guy told you all right? Seymour laughs and pulls out a pair of long katana from his cargo shorts before charging forward at the Terminators. "C'mon real challenge! You gotta be right around a corner! he cries out at he slices through the head of a bot.

2020-03-13, 12:43 PM
One part of Phoebe remembered these robots. Dark and stormy night as a first-year college student, holed up in her dorm trying to find something to do on a Saturday, and the movies had come on. Good enough trashy action flicks, she supposed. But the Terminators, even alone, were supposed to be unstoppable, and this was an army.

Another part of her remembered something someone else had said, once. Broken fingers, billowing smoke, half the battlefield a shimmering glacier, and the words: It's your power, isn't it?

And it was.

Most of the others (she'd come back to that in a moment) had shunted the robots left and right; the few who hadn't broken formation were in the middle of getting immolated or sliced to pieces. But a new squadron was entering from the far end of the struggle, eyes and weapons gleaming. Taking a deep breath, Phoebe pointed two fingers like a gun, and a cobalt-hot arrow of flame darted forward, taking the shape of an eagle as it flew. Where it burned nothing remained; the latest of the Terminators clattered apart in smoldering pieces.

The rest of the Reincarnated feel Phoebe's voice in their head a few seconds later: There's got to be a pattern to this attack, right? Does anybody else have some way of finding out what's coming next?

Name: Phoebe Jackdal
Theme: The mentors of old have one last student to teach.
Sex: Female
Age: 23
Personality: Intelligent, soft-spoken, and calm, but with something of a righteous streak and a willingness to stoop low to do what's necessary.
Appearance: On the shorter and lankier side. Long dark hair, fair skin, piercing green eyes.
Past Lives/Souls: Gaius Sextus (https://codexalera.fandom.com/wiki/Gaius_Sextus) (Codex Alera), Toshinori Yagi / All Might (https://bokunoheroacademia.fandom.com/wiki/Toshinori_Yagi) (My Hero Academia), Charles Xavier / Professor X (https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Charles_Xavier_(Earth-616)) (X-Men)

2020-03-13, 01:03 PM
The master of magnetism raises an eyebrow at Jade. "Oh? There are movies? I wish I had seen them. I still don't know the full extent of my abilities..."

Matthew hesitates a moment then shakes Ronin's hand. His palm is rough; clearly that of a man used to manual labor. He is wearing regular clothes: a long black leather duster over a dark red shirt and faded black jeans, with a leather belt and a pair of workman's boots.

"What are those... things?" he asks, nodding towards the shadowy forms.

He glances at Jade. "An army of skeletal robots and you think they're fodder?" He snorts. "I think these powers might have gone to your head."

Do note that Matt hasn't actually destroyed any of the Terminators he took down: he just immobilized them and dragged them along.

"Short story, an army of shadow's. Seemed appropriate to deal with an army of skeletal robots."

"Oh well, seems like there's not much I can help with here at the moment." Jack mutters as he wanders off towards the fallen robots and absorbs them to analyse their weaknesses.

U]Name:[/U] Jack Will
Theme: Jack of All Trades
Sex: Male
Age: 20
Personality: Rather quiet he spends most of his time doodling and reading and hardly gets himself involved with the "outside" world due to various reasons.
Appearance: He had originally black hair and eyes but now since the Happening (as he calls it) they both randomly changes colour, though it's usually bluish. He's quite small with a small build at around 1.5 m (4'9")
Past Lives/Souls:
-Rimeru Tempest (That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime) - Most important skill(s): Great Sage, Predator, Slime Storage, Mimic, Slime Body
-Eragon (The Inheritance Cycle) - M i s: Magic, Knowledge of the Ancient Language, Mind-manipulation, Thought-magic
-Levy McGarden (Fairy Tail) - M i s: Word Magic (Solid Script)

"Hey." Ronin talks in Jack's direction and signals one of the downed Terminator's nearby. "Would you mind grabbing me a pair of undamaged skulls? They've got pretty good computers."

Looking back at Matthew.

"How familiar are you with magic and how it works?"

One part of Phoebe remembered these robots. Dark and stormy night as a first-year college student, holed up in her dorm trying to find something to do on a Saturday, and the movies had come on. Good enough trashy action flicks, she supposed. But the Terminators, even alone, were supposed to be unstoppable, and this was an army.

Another part of her remembered something someone else had said, once. Broken fingers, billowing smoke, half the battlefield a shimmering glacier, and the words: It's your power, isn't it?

And it was.

Most of the others (she'd come back to that in a moment) had shunted the robots left and right; the few who hadn't broken formation were in the middle of getting immolated or sliced to pieces. But a new squadron was entering from the far end of the struggle, eyes and weapons gleaming. Taking a deep breath, Phoebe pointed two fingers like a gun, and a cobalt-hot arrow of flame darted forward, taking the shape of an eagle as it flew. Where it burned nothing remained; the latest of the Terminators clattered apart in smoldering pieces.

The rest of the Reincarnated feel Phoebe's voice in their head a few seconds later: There's got to be a pattern to this attack, right? Does anybody else have some way of finding out what's coming next?

Name: Phoebe Jackdal
Theme: The mentors of old have one last student to teach.
Sex: Female
Age: 23
Personality: Intelligent, soft-spoken, and calm, but with something of a righteous streak and a willingness to stoop low to do what's necessary.
Appearance: On the shorter and lankier side. Long dark hair, fair skin, piercing green eyes.
Past Lives/Souls: Gaius Sextus (https://codexalera.fandom.com/wiki/Gaius_Sextus) (Codex Alera), Toshinori Yagi / All Might (https://bokunoheroacademia.fandom.com/wiki/Toshinori_Yagi) (My Hero Academia), Charles Xavier / Professor X (https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Charles_Xavier_(Earth-616)) (X-Men)

Ronin feels the telepathic whisper in his mind and his persona's reply to it all too happy of having someone else to talk to.
"A telepath! How wonderful!" The thoughts come disconnected. "I am sure that whatever comes next will show itself soon." Even their volume is different. Can't raise them, they aren't alive." But it is clear that they are coming from Ronin's head "We could hack into them, with time and tools.

2020-03-13, 01:24 PM
George James Mordrid
After George is done gutting a Terminator of all it's circuitry, he turns around to one of the other protagonists.
"Look, I think we should brace ourselves. This isn't just Skynet and Terminators anymore. We're going to have to worry about Sentinels, of all things. In case any of you want to know about what that is, it's a lot of robots that were created to hunt down people with super powers."

2020-03-13, 04:17 PM
Matthew raises his eyebrows. " Magic? I'm not," he replies flatly, then he shivers. "Though I do have some of my own."

He pulls up his sleeves and exposes some of his forearm, which is covered in metal armbands of different types of metal: gold, steel, iron, copper, brass, zinc, tin, and a few other alloys not as recognizable -- more than a dozen, in all.

"These allow me to store and tap various attributes. I can store, say, health -- which makes me weak and feeble for as long as I store it -- then later I can tap health if I get injured, allowing me to heal rapidly. It's a kind of magic known to its users as feruchemy."

He smirks. "Rashek -- the entity that gave me this power -- used it to rule over a continent for a millennia, in conjunction with another magic known as allomancy." He withdraws a small vital from inside his vest, which is filled with a liquid and some small metal flakes. "I can consume different kinds of metal and draw power from them. This is pewter... It lets me grow strong."

He replaces the vial in his vest. "Why do you ask about magic?"

When Phoebe speaks in their heads, Matt's eyes widen in shock. "Charles...?" he whispers, seemingly without realizing it. He reaches out towards a Terminator and its head tears off, then the metal twists and groans, before forming into a shining helmet, that settles slowly on Matthew's head... Which anyone who has seen the movies recognizes as Magneto's signature helmet, albeit without color.

He glares around, trying to figure out who spoke via the telepathy. "Do. Not. Ever. Do. That. Again," he snarls viciously, and if she tries... She can't. Whatever he did to the metal, the helmet shields against telepathic influence.

2020-03-13, 05:48 PM
Woah! That's a new voice! Welcome to my head whoever you are! What? A new friend? Yay! Hi new friend! I'm Pinkie Pie! Hey Hey! Pinkie cmon, I'm trying to do my katana bizz right now. You can make friends AFTER we brutally tear apart more robo booty aaaaaw, cmonWadejustforaminutepleeeeeeeease Wait, what's going on? Oh right!

Seymour hacks and slashes through scores of Terminators, laughing hysterically as his acrobatic attacks meet their Mark's. He eventually makes his way near where George is kindly remodeling a bot's innards for it. "Cmon guy, the Xmen kicked the Sentinel's robotic booties, and they only had their own powers. How bad could they really be?"

Totally setting up to get knocked down here

2020-03-13, 07:27 PM
Arthur Maddicks

"I'll be heading to guard Mr. President." Arthur bangs his chest and four more of him appear. "The rest of you go see what you can do about the terminators."

They sneak out of the building as carefully as they can while Arthur Prime turns his attention to finding and protecting Mr. President. Each holds a bow and pulls a cloak up over their heads as they go.

Age 30
Appearance: Indistinct white male of average size. Outside of the green eyes and hair of course. Wears
Personality: Careful and chaotic maybe? Let's see how it goes.
Souls: multiple man (marvel), beast boy (DC), dragonborn (Skyrim)

Lord Raziere
2020-03-13, 08:17 PM
Jade Refera
"Ah yes, Sentinels. knew these were fodder. Look, terminators like these? they're low end power as far as...the universes? are concerned."
She says as she teleports behind a terminator and tears off its head with superhuman strength and speed from two different souls.
"If normal humans can find ways of taking them out, its not that much of a problem for people like us. I mean yeah don't get careless...."
She proceeds to teleport a katana into her hand from the kamui dimension, channeling chakra through it she speeds towards another group of terminators slicing and dicing them up into pieces while phasing through any attacks they make back, darting back and forth as she cuts them up and finishes.
"...But generally? For people wielding literal superhero powers, terminators and other robots like this are just one step up from common crooks. sure they're dangerous, but they're not something we can't deal with, as we're demonstrating right now."
She dashes forward to slice through more, flicking her intangibility while she cuts through them like a dervish.

2020-03-14, 12:55 AM
Seamus Driscoll
The scruffy guy grabbing a backpack looks around alarmed. He had been putting sandwiches into napkins and stuffing his pockets and backpack when the alarms went off. He ducks down behind cover, desperately searching through the rucksack for the desert eagle they mentioned. He grabs another backpack and starts transferring it's contents over.

He is muttering to himself with a strong hint of irish accent... "Wha'the fook am oi doin' here, wha'the fook am oi doin' here,..."

2020-03-14, 02:11 PM
Matthew raises his eyebrows. " Magic? I'm not," he replies flatly, then he shivers. "Though I do have some of my own."

He pulls up his sleeves and exposes some of his forearm, which is covered in metal armbands of different types of metal: gold, steel, iron, copper, brass, zinc, tin, and a few other alloys not as recognizable -- more than a dozen, in all.

"These allow me to store and tap various attributes. I can store, say, health -- which makes me weak and feeble for as long as I store it -- then later I can tap health if I get injured, allowing me to heal rapidly. It's a kind of magic known to its users as feruchemy."

He smirks. "Rashek -- the entity that gave me this power -- used it to rule over a continent for a millennia, in conjunction with another magic known as allomancy." He withdraws a small vital from inside his vest, which is filled with a liquid and some small metal flakes. "I can consume different kinds of metal and draw power from them. This is pewter... It lets me grow strong."

He replaces the vial in his vest. "Why do you ask about magic?"

When Phoebe speaks in their heads, Matt's eyes widen in shock. "Charles...?" he whispers, seemingly without realizing it. He reaches out towards a Terminator and its head tears off, then the metal twists and groans, before forming into a shining helmet, that settles slowly on Matthew's head... Which anyone who has seen the movies recognizes as Magneto's signature helmet, albeit without color.

He glares around, trying to figure out who spoke via the telepathy. "Do. Not. Ever. Do. That. Again," he snarls viciously, and if she tries... She can't. Whatever he did to the metal, the helmet shields against telepathic influence.

On Matthew displaying the bracelets Ronin pulls down his glasses and looks at the metal. "Interesting. The armbands appear to work as a power storage device. And you say you can consume metal for power? Have you tried consuming empowered metal? What happens?"

He pulls back the glasses and massages the bridge of his nose, as if fighting back a headache.

"Was just wondering if I should give a longer explanation about the shadows, nothing more really." He shrugs. "Most people don't really care and are all too quick to call me necromancer."

As the shadows start running out of terminators to fight, as more of the reincarnated join the frail, they start looting the fallen terminators. Like a pack of locust they start taking them apart.

The space besides Ronin ripples and golden waves expand from a point forming a portal towards the shadows carrying pieces of the terminators move. Looking at it from the right angle shows a room beyond it. The room is peerless, with thick carpets that cover the floor, dark desks brimming with flowers, and bookshelves filled with rows of old tomes and prized artifacts. The shadows deposit some of the broken terminators there, amid the carpets before going back to continue the looting.

"Do you mind if I take one of the ones you incapacitated? Good computers are hard to come by in this day and age. I'll trade you something useful."

George James Mordrid
After George is done gutting a Terminator of all it's circuitry, he turns around to one of the other protagonists.
"Look, I think we should brace ourselves. This isn't just Skynet and Terminators anymore. We're going to have to worry about Sentinels, of all things. In case any of you want to know about what that is, it's a lot of robots that were created to hunt down people with super powers."

Jade Refera
"Ah yes, Sentinels. knew these were fodder. Look, terminators like these? they're low end power as far as...the universes? are concerned."
She says as she teleports behind a terminator and tears off its head with superhuman strength and speed from two different souls.
"If normal humans can find ways of taking them out, its not that much of a problem for people like us. I mean yeah don't get careless...."
She proceeds to teleport a katana into her hand from the kamui dimension, channeling chakra through it she speeds towards another group of terminators slicing and dicing them up into pieces while phasing through any attacks they make back, darting back and forth as she cuts them up and finishes.
"...But generally? For people wielding literal superhero powers, terminators and other robots like this are just one step up from common crooks. sure they're dangerous, but they're not something we can't deal with, as we're demonstrating right now."
She dashes forward to slice through more, flicking her intangibility while she cuts through them like a dervish.

Hearing the talk about Sentinels Ronin is distracted from all the looting that his shadows are doing.

"What's a Sentinel? And more importantly, how do we kill them?"

Book Wombat
2020-03-14, 03:11 PM
"Do you mind if I take one of the ones you incapacitated? Good computers are hard to come by in this day and age. I'll trade you something useful."

"I can make as many as you want as long as I have the materials, so no need to worry about that Ronin" Jack calls over, finished with his scavenging.

From his newfound knowledge of their vulnerable locations he mutters Kveykva orya., some Black Lightning and Lightning bolt causing a mass of arrows and lances of lightning to shoot towards the nearest robots frying them.

Seeking the minds of nearby allies he says I'm immune to heat, cold and somewhat to physical damage so don't worry about me being in the field of fire.

I'll use the [Fonts] [Verdana] for the Ancient Language, [Comic Sans MS] for Solid Script and [System] for Skills. Telepathy will be in italics

2020-03-14, 06:13 PM
Matt raises an eyebrow. "You're quick. Not bad. Burning invested metal gives a power boost; Rashek calls it compounding. Oh yes -- the underlying energy that powers the magic is called investiture. Anything that is empowered by it is invested. I mentioned storing health earlier? If I consume metal invested with health and burn it, I get an abundance of health in return, even though the allomanctic property of the metal isn't the same as the feruchemical one. I can store this excess health in another metalmind -- that's what he calls the armbands -- without spending any time being weak. The same principle applies for all of the other metals."

He nods slowly when Ronin mentions explaining about his shadows. "Before all this, I preferred the real world to fiction," he admits with a wry smile. "But now fiction is the real world. It is... somewhat overwhelming. Knowing how things work... it helps." He then tilts his head. "Necromancy... but you could create shadows of machines? How does that work?"

He glances at the disabled Terminators and shrugs. "Feel free to take whatever you want. The only reason I didn't crush them outright is that doing so is too much effort. Easier to just neutralize them." He winces. "Doubt that's going to work on the Sentinels..."

2020-03-14, 07:24 PM
Sentinel Incursion
Suddenly, outside the building of the White House, the security force of the President's weapons were currently totally impotent against the defenses of the Meta Human hunting A.Is known as Sentinels. A robotic voice could be heard from several of them speaking in unison. "Surrender yourselves peacefully, and you will be apprehended without lethal force."

Lord Raziere
2020-03-14, 07:49 PM
Jade Refera
"Y'know do the compounding thing with gold and you can miles hundredlives it, real good regeneration if we can find a good supply."
She calls back then the Sentinel comes
"Careful with Sentinels, they're from a long franchise, so this could be any number of versions."
She instantly teleports to where she heard the voice of the Sentinel and looks up at it, The typical Sentinel is supposed be three stories tall, fire energy blasts and detect mutants. However one of the other commonalities was the imitation of humanoid body structure and function. So she teleports up to the giant robot's left eye and slashes it with a single diagonal strike then leaps over and chops her katana upon the second to try and blind the metal colossus. At the very least she can gather information on how these sentinels work.
"Ah shut it, ya stupid eugenicist tin cans."

2020-03-14, 08:13 PM
Matt raises an eyebrow. "You're quick. Not bad. Burning invested metal gives a power boost; Rashek calls it compounding. Oh yes -- the underlying energy that powers the magic is called investiture. Anything that is empowered by it is invested. I mentioned storing health earlier? If I consume metal invested with health and burn it, I get an abundance of health in return, even though the allomanctic property of the metal isn't the same as the feruchemical one. I can store this excess health in another metalmind -- that's what he calls the armbands -- without spending any time being weak. The same principle applies for all of the other metals."

He nods slowly when Ronin mentions explaining about his shadows. "Before all this, I preferred the real world to fiction," he admits with a wry smile. "But now fiction is the real world. It is... somewhat overwhelming. Knowing how things work... it helps." He then tilts his head. "Necromancy... but you could create shadows of machines? How does that work?"

"Thanks, I have been working a lot on thinking about powers interactions. And I am kind of working on a unified theory of magic."

Ronin geeks a little with a genuine smile. And gets lost in the explanation.

"Long story short, I am not animating them per se. I am hijacking their magical residual energy before it disperses. Investing it with some of my own power and claiming it as my own. Their mana was invested into them till they died so it remembers their shape and their more basic instincts.

If it disperses... well I can tap the Sea of Souls, the collective unconscious for humanity's memories of them, but yeah they need to be memorable for that to work. Or reach to the Throne of Heroes which is like an akashic archive with records of Heroes, but for that I need a proper catalyst, and a lot of power."

"I can make as many as you want as long as I have the materials, so no need to worry about that Ronin" Jack calls over, finished with his scavenging.

He glances at the disabled Terminators and shrugs. "Feel free to take whatever you want. The only reason I didn't crush them outright is that doing so is too much effort. Easier to just neutralize them." He winces. "Doubt that's going to work on the Sentinels..."

"Thanks" he says as the shadows take several of the disabled terminators inside the gate of Babylon. "The computers are useful but if I am being entirely honest I want the terminators. One of my past lives was... Sort of a collector and not having stuff from other realities kind of makes me feel that the collection is incomplete."

2020-03-14, 10:32 PM
Everyone with an earpiece hears split-second crackle of static. Anyone with an AR setup - such as the fancy goggles Jade recently received - can also see a holographic image of a woman with a red shirt and goggles sitting in what appears to be the driver's seat of an English semi-truck. Mina has reestablished contact!

"Hey! Is everyone okay?" She leans forward and pokes at some manner of control panel off-screen. "I'm still in Kentucky, but I can kind of see what's going on, now. It looks like someone took out the slowly-trundling skeleton men in a hurry. I'm detecting a few more signatures inside the compound... human-sized, with some kind of magnetic interference thing going on. All headed straight for the briefing room."

2020-03-15, 03:51 AM
Seamus Driscoll
Seamus looks at the gun in his hand.. "magnetic interference.. Bollocks"
Looking around he sees a humble wooden chair. With a strength borne of desperation he wrenches off a leg. Luckily it snaps cleanly leaving a suprisingly symmetrical point. "bugger me... We are being attacked by the fooking cybermen and I have a pointy wooden stick." He starts edging towards the door, ready to stab the first cyberman that comes through.

2020-03-15, 09:05 PM
Carlos, having spaced out for a while now out of shock, finds 3 juice boxes cleverly hidden in his pocket and drinks them. This activates his "sugar rush" ability, which boosts his strength and anger, his pupils and irises disappearing as a result. He then proceeds to jump from sentinel to sentinel, recklessly erasing and/or punching whatever is within teleporting distance and resembles a robot. Then he remembers that shadow dude that Ronin lent him back at the white house, and attempts to put him to use by yelling, "HEY, SHADOW GUY, START KILLING THE ROBOTS!" Shadow guy silently complies, and begins to gracefully swing his sword at the enemy, creating a poetic contrast between Carlos' careless fighting style and the shadow's elegant and calculated movements. Both are equally effective.

2020-03-16, 04:47 AM
Sentinel Incursion
Suddenly, outside the building of the White House, the security force of the President's weapons were currently totally impotent against the defenses of the Meta Human hunting A.Is known as Sentinels. A robotic voice could be heard from several of them speaking in unison. "Surrender yourselves peacefully, and you will be apprehended without lethal force."

Jade Refera
"Ah shut it, ya stupid eugenicist tin cans."

Ronin smiles as Jade robs the Sentinels of all the dreadful seriousness they could have pushed for.

Everyone with an earpiece hears split-second crackle of static. Anyone with an AR setup - such as the fancy goggles Jade recently received - can also see a holographic image of a woman with a red shirt and goggles sitting in what appears to be the driver's seat of an English semi-truck. Mina has reestablished contact!

"Hey! Is everyone okay?" She leans forward and pokes at some manner of control panel off-screen. "I'm still in Kentucky, but I can kind of see what's going on, now. It looks like someone took out the slowly-trundling skeleton men in a hurry. I'm detecting a few more signatures inside the compound... human-sized, with some kind of magnetic interference thing going on. All headed straight for the briefing room."

Ronin presses a hand to his earpiece.

"Mina! So glad to hear back from you. Sorry I rushed back here and didn't bring you with us. Ok, got it."

There was some benefits to using the human shape. People were familiar with it, so when you did something unnatural like a robot, it had an extra fear factor. The dissonance of seeing a metal monster instead of a human could momentarily paralyze the observer's hind brain. For his part, since he dealt with conceptual shadows, it was a matter of availability. Homo homini lupus and all that. Still, while being a very good pattern design there were some limitations. Corners had been cut when designing humans. Four limbs were enough to get by, with two limbs dedicated to mobility they could walk on an upright position and have a higher field of vision. But it made them rather vulnerable at the knees.

And thus the shadows that had been looting the fallen terminators till a moment ago started moving. Covering the corridors of the ruins. Sneaking on the humanoid sized sentinels where they couldn't use ranged weapons. Their strategy is simple. Sneak, go for the knees, run, repeat.

Meanwhile Ronin turns to Matthew.

"Mission control tells me that they are resistant to magnetism, just so you know."


Suddenly Ronin is surrounded by four figures. They look way more substantial than the shadows. There are three women and a man. While their facial features are similar to Ronin's they all have tan skin, white hair, and golden eyes. They are all garbed in a longcoat like Ronin's and carry tools of war. Archer Strength was a woman of voluptuous proportions holding a quiver packed with arrows and a long bow over her shoulder. Ruler Priestess was a smaller woman with a more classic beauty more petite woman standing firm behind Ronin with a raised standard. Rider Chariot was a tall and well built man, he walked easily with a shield and a sword at his back. In contrast Shielder Temperance who could have been who could have been confused for a boy despite being a petite girl held her shield with studied care.

"Shielder Temperance, go assist Mr. Heir (the President), we cannot have him fall here. Would be bad for morale. Rider Chariot, ditto with the lab, Archer Hierophant should be there I don't want the research on portals failing on wrong hands. Archer Strength, outside there are some colossus go wild. Ruler Priestess, protect everyone in this room."

Ronin had been speaking for the benefit of everyone, he could have commanded his entourage telepathically. All the commanded leave to their tasks.

Seamus Driscoll
Seamus looks at the gun in his hand.. "magnetic interference.. Bollocks"
Looking around he sees a humble wooden chair. With a strength borne of desperation he wrenches off a leg. Luckily it snaps cleanly leaving a suprisingly symmetrical point. "bugger me... We are being attacked by the fooking cybermen and I have a pointy wooden stick." He starts edging towards the door, ready to stab the first cyberman that comes through.

Ruler Priestess a petite woman with tan skin, white hair and golden eyes stands besides Seamus. She reassuringly puts a hand at his arm. She is carrying a spear with a white pennon. When she speaks there is warm caring in her voice.

"Are you okay?"

Lord Raziere
2020-03-16, 06:54 AM
Jade Refera
"I mean thats basically what you do right?"
She leaps to another sentinel
"you round up mutants for the marvel universes human government and contain them for their purposes. But we all know that wouldn't be sustainable."
She allows her voice to make the blind sentinel blast its counterpart in the head, turning intangible so it goes right through her and destroys the head.
"So its more probable that they'd just....make the captured mutants breed so that they would make some stupid mutant army loyal to the government that would probably quickly become some elite mutant noble class in a couple generations who make sure to only marry other mutants, so really the X-Men are fighting against genetics-based oppression but not in the way they think: they're actually fighting to make sure mutants don't become a new kind of government-sanctioned nobility that hurts normal people."
She leaps to another sentinel as she says this and lets the blind sentinel punch the third one while she rambles on about this while intangible.
"Thats my headcanon at least. It even obeys the horseshoe principle in comparison to Magneto by making him and the more extreme parts of the marvel government not so different despite their seemingly opposing ideologies and sides-no offense Matthew."
She says while tricking the blind sentinel into destroying a fourth one, leading it around with her voice.

2020-03-16, 11:59 AM
"'Resistance' is a relative term," Matthew replies in a dry tone. He withdraws a pair of vials from his vest and drinks the contents of both, then tosses the vials aside. "Magnetism isn't the only way in which I can manipulate metal... just the most direct one." Metal debris from destroyed Terminators start floating up into the air, then launches at the Sentinels, as if fired from a cannon. At the same time, each of the Sentinels are yanked down towards him, holding them in place.

He smirks at Jade. "None taken. I may have the man's soul, but I am not him."

2020-03-16, 12:59 PM
"Are we really sure who any of us are anymore?" Phoebe asks as she drops from a windstream into the grass next to Matthew, facing the Sentinels. She can feel the fear of one of her past incarnations at seeing these beings, who had hunted his kind to the ends of the earth too many times to count. His powers were useless against them, most were.

But the Sentinels had never had to contend with Gaius Sextus, First Lord of Alera. Phoebe whips a hand in a diagonal arc as she shouts a battle cry in accented Latin, and the nearest three of the colossal robots come apart like cheap toys as her metalcrafting rips through them, distorting angles, unwinding fixed points, and tearing apart circuitry. "This is still a diverting tactic," She says once the carnage has passed, "Surely they didn't think these things would stand up against people with our level of firepower."

2020-03-16, 08:14 PM
"Are we really sure who any of us are anymore?" Phoebe asks as she drops from a windstream into the grass next to Matthew, facing the Sentinels. She can feel the fear of one of her past incarnations at seeing these beings, who had hunted his kind to the ends of the earth too many times to count. His powers were useless against them, most were.

But the Sentinels had never had to contend with Gaius Sextus, First Lord of Alera. Phoebe whips a hand in a diagonal arc as she shouts a battle cry in accented Latin, and the nearest three of the colossal robots come apart like cheap toys as her metalcrafting rips through them, distorting angles, unwinding fixed points, and tearing apart circuitry. "This is still a diverting tactic," She says once the carnage has passed, "Surely they didn't think these things would stand up against people with our level of firepower."

In the distance, those with the ability to monitor and sense such things notice that there are currently scores of Sentinels around thirty feet high. These same sentinels are all ready to destroy the White House and everyone in it. "Surrender The President", one of them speak.

Lord Raziere
2020-03-16, 09:09 PM
Jade Refera
She finds herself standing upon a sentinel's nose as its pulled down towards Matthew and lands next to him, saying
"I know, but I hoped there was a little Magneto in there howling in range at the insinuation and wanted to make sure you weren't as well."
A thought crosses her mind and her eyes widened.
"Wait by saying that headcanon out loud, did I just create a new version of the X-Men story? Is there a new X-men universe out there where that was the sentinels real purpose? If the fictional universes are real, do we create them? Oh no, what if I did and condemned millions of people to that? Uh that story ends by the X-men saving the day from the evil people as always, and Jean Grey hooks up with Storm in the process somehow! Yeah, its all prevented. Its all fine."
She blinks
"....I'm just going file this minor existential crisis away for later aaand...get back to destroying things."
He eyes return to her normal gaze of steel and she leaps away to destroy another sentinel by phasing through its head and leaving a grenade inside while she soars out the other side and the head explodes behind her. She gazes out at the rest of the sentinels, detecting hem with her chakra sensing.
"Okay yeah there are scores of these sentinels in the distance. I'm going to do something about that."
All this time she has only been using Obito's soul. It was good for surgical stuff as he had a lot of defensive capability and power without needing to be destructive. But sometimes she needs more brute force. Thats when she calls upon the power of Erza Scarlet.
"Requip: Heaven's Wheel Armor."
Her clothes are replaced with the ridiculous anime armor and Erza's music begins to play (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMUV4TXalkk), and now she looks like some steel angel of war who flies forth into the air as she summons a ludicrous amount of swords- about 200 if we're being precise- all controlled by telekinesis as charges towards them on the air shouting
"No. The President sleeps with who consents! He is not breeding stock you sick robots! He is more than a piece of DNA!"
She says half-jokingly while slicing at robots with air pressure and firing swords at them as she charges into battle to slice up as many as possible with the strength of a woman who has faced 100 monsters alone and mind fearlessly set on destroying the enemy.

2020-03-17, 04:34 AM
"This doesn't make any sense!" says Mina, staring into her readings and only occasionally glancing at a generated visualization of the scene everyone else is presently experiencing. "More of the big ones, about a hundred of them! They're coming in from all directions, and I can't trace a teleport. It's like they're just... spontaneously spawning around the square?"

"Uu... Ukii!" The little pet monkey in the passenger seat holds up a pair of headphones for Mina to hear. The Sentinels' demand does not clarify matters much.

"I don't get it. Jade, you sound like you know a lot about Sentinels, why would they want the president? He's not a mutant or anything, we checked!" She reaches out and scrolls through a few different information overlays for the holographic battlefield. Our heroes dispatch another few hostiles only for replacements to arrive on the periphery of her view. "There's no way they were originally working with those skeletons, either. They must have been brought in by someone like us, someone with a political agenda. I'll keep trying to trace a source!"

2020-03-17, 05:04 AM
Jade Refera
She finds herself standing upon a sentinel's nose as its pulled down towards Matthew and lands next to him, saying
"I know, but I hoped there was a little Magneto in there howling in range at the insinuation and wanted to make sure you weren't as well."
A thought crosses her mind and her eyes widened.
"Wait by saying that headcanon out loud, did I just create a new version of the X-Men story? Is there a new X-men universe out there where that was the sentinels real purpose? If the fictional universes are real, do we create them? Oh no, what if I did and condemned millions of people to that? Uh that story ends by the X-men saving the day from the evil people as always, and Jean Grey hooks up with Storm in the process somehow! Yeah, its all prevented. Its all fine."
She blinks
"....I'm just going file this minor existential crisis away for later aaand...get back to destroying things."
He eyes return to her normal gaze of steel and she leaps away to destroy another sentinel by phasing through its head and leaving a grenade inside while she soars out the other side and the head explodes behind her. She gazes out at the rest of the sentinels, detecting hem with her chakra sensing.
"Okay yeah there are scores of these sentinels in the distance. I'm going to do something about that."
All this time she has only been using Obito's soul. It was good for surgical stuff as he had a lot of defensive capability and power without needing to be destructive. But sometimes she needs more brute force. Thats when she calls upon the power of Erza Scarlet.
"Requip: Heaven's Wheel Armor."
Her clothes are replaced with the ridiculous anime armor and Erza's music begins to play (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMUV4TXalkk), and now she looks like some steel angel of war who flies forth into the air as she summons a ludicrous amount of swords- about 200 if we're being precise- all controlled by telekinesis as charges towards them on the air shouting
"No. The President sleeps with who consents! He is not breeding stock you sick robots! He is more than a piece of DNA!"
She says half-jokingly while slicing at robots with air pressure and firing swords at them as she charges into battle to slice up as many as possible with the strength of a woman who has faced 100 monsters alone and mind fearlessly set on destroying the enemy.

On the ground outside of the White House there is another woman. A tall, voluptuous woman that could have been a perverted anatomists dream. Her left arm stretched forward, holding a terse bow, her right arm a blur reaching for and releasing arrows. The bowstring hummed a grave chord as arrows bloated the sky.

Normal arrows wouldn't even scratch a Sentinel, just as normal arrows shouldn't have bested the Hydra. It didn't matter to Archer Strength, on another life, on another legend, she had devised a style to exterminate her enemies no matter how many times they resurrected. The arrows were hitting the Sentinels with a tremendous force, making the giants stumble.

Archer Strength was covering for Jade, attacking at any Sentinel who approached her from a blindspot or that tried to attack her after she moved.

2020-03-17, 01:57 PM
Seymour was still near the back, cleaning up the few remaining Terminators. With a grin and a bad accent, he finishes off the last one in sight. "You won't be back." With a cackle, he turns around to rejoin the others and...SPLAT! A Sentinel steps directly onto the cocky bugger, squashing him underneath with a big red stain left on the ground.

It takes several steps forward, almost reaching the White House. But before one of the capable fighters intercept it, loud metallic bangs can be heard almost climbing up the inside of the Sentinel's body, ending in the head with a big boom! Where it's massive head once was, is now Seymour's.

"WOW! WHAT A RUSH! HaHA. Hey you guys! How do I look?" The Sentinel body flexes at everyone.

2020-03-17, 03:10 PM
Aiai directs Mina's attention to another audio feed, and she zooms in on a visual of a giant sentinel with an unaccountably dapper human head.

"Who is that guy?" she asks, adding the visual of Seymour to the AR feed. "He showed up at the same time as the enemies... He's not controlling them, is he?"

Lord Raziere
2020-03-17, 09:21 PM
"This doesn't make any sense!" says Mina, staring into her readings and only occasionally glancing at a generated visualization of the scene everyone else is presently experiencing. "More of the big ones, about a hundred of them! They're coming in from all directions, and I can't trace a teleport. It's like they're just... spontaneously spawning around the square?"

"Uu... Ukii!" The little pet monkey in the passenger seat holds up a pair of headphones for Mina to hear. The Sentinels' demand does not clarify matters much.

"I don't get it. Jade, you sound like you know a lot about Sentinels, why would they want the president? He's not a mutant or anything, we checked!" She reaches out and scrolls through a few different information overlays for the holographic battlefield. Our heroes dispatch another few hostiles only for replacements to arrive on the periphery of her view. "There's no way they were originally working with those skeletons, either. They must have been brought in by someone like us, someone with a political agenda. I'll keep trying to trace a source!"

"It was a joke Mina. Sentinels are standard X-men foe whenever public opinion turns against mutants in the comics so they are sent to round up mutants in the comics but its never specified for what. Don't worry about it, I'm just a huge nerd whose mind goes weird places. Also that guy...I think he just...has cartoon powers, don't worry about it. If he was an enemy we'd be in big trouble, anyone with cartoon powers is dangerous to face and he isn't attacking us."
She says through the goggles, not having the time or heart to tell the archer back there that between her Obito Souls many defensive abilities- chakra sensing making her able to detect attacks from behind, sharingan speeding up her perception of time so that everything is slow motion and tracking everything, years of shinobi training and intangibility that is capable of being continuously held for five minutes without stopping- she basically can perfectly time her intangibility flickers to evade any attack from any angle, Obito is defensive hax incarnate and this is just his first line of protection. She does however appreciate the thought and the archer is still helping out.
"As for the President, I think its pretty obvious they just want to take him because he is a symbol of the old order, that could remind people to stop being post-apocalyptic raider jerkbags and start being civilized again and whoever controls that symbol can do whatever they want with that. If they're worried enough to go after him like this, then he is probably competent enough to pull that off, or at least the President is still a symbol potent enough to spark it. You let us know when you get something, sooner we find the source, the sooner me or Ronin can teleport to it and cut it off."
She air-slashes one of the sentinel's heads off then flies between two others turning intangible to make them blast each other down while firing her various other swords the rest around her.

2020-03-18, 11:07 AM
Holographic Projection
Several men, and two women in lab coats can be seen in a holographic projection hovering above the White House, and a smaller projection can be seen inside. "We'd like to introduce ourselves, we are the Technocracy. We've come to the conclusion that we can't fight you properly without destroying what's left of the entire country at this moment. Therefore we propose a ceasefire."

"We need to speak with the President, and by extension, the rest of you. We promise we aren't card carrying monsters in Human skin."

2020-03-18, 11:29 AM
Holographic Projection
Several men, and two women in lab coats can be seen in a holographic projection hovering above the White House, and a smaller projection can be seen inside. "We'd like to introduce ourselves, we are the Technocracy. We've come to the conclusion that we can't fight you properly without destroying what's left of the entire country at this moment. Therefore we propose a ceasefire."

"We need to speak with the President, and by extension, the rest of you. We promise we aren't card carrying monsters in Human skin."

"Go on then. Keep speaking. You are doing that just fine right now." says Ronin as his shadows start poaching some of the fallen Sentinels in the same manner they collected fallen terminators.

More softly, in barely a whisper, that probably can only be caught up by Mina on the headphone.

"Can you check from wherever they are emitting?"

2020-03-18, 11:33 AM
"Go on then. Keep speaking. You are doing that just fine right now." says Ronin as his shadows start poaching some of the fallen Sentinels in the same manner they collected fallen terminators.

More softly, in barely a whisper, that probably can only be caught up by Mina on the headphone.

"Can you check from wherever they are emitting?"

The voices all speak in unison, with a mixture of feminine and masculine.
"The reason we needed to take the President rather than just ask him to come, or meet is out of practicality. We needed to exert our force over the remaining American forces to make a point. A point which now seems almost non-existent. You see. The Technocracy is working to safeguard the remaining the Human species. We did hear you mention that we were probably going to try and make an army, and that's true. We needed to study meta human genes and mutagenic traits, in addition to safe guarding the remaining Human governments across the planet.."

The voices, all speaking in unison, despite only one man in the projection speaking, now changes into just one.
"What we need is a compromise. Perhaps just a cooperative between our factions, rather than domination of any kind could be reached?" The man speaking has his brown eyes, brown hair and a brown beard with no moustache. He is, like the others, in a lab coat. "We apologize for our heavy handed measures, but the Technocracy works by cooperation between council members."

Lord Raziere
2020-03-18, 01:22 PM
Jade Refera
She narrows her eyes
"The Technocracy? your ruled by tech? as in robots? I don't know, the way you keep sending them out to die for you sounds like an anthrocracy to me if your preserving humans and are humans communicating to us. You sure your terminology is correct?"
She says suspiciously.
"And define "study of meta human genes". What form does this take?"
She swears to.....gods? If they start talking about breeding and all her jokes about eugenicist tin cans turn out to be true, she is going to burn this Technocracy to the ground. also what kind of negotiations start with "promise we aren't card carrying monsters"? That is a horrible foot to start off on. Something seems off here.

2020-03-18, 01:29 PM
Jade Refera
She narrows her eyes
"The Technocracy? your ruled by tech? as in robots? I don't know, the way you keep sending them out to die for you sounds like an anthrocracy to me if your preserving humans and are humans communicating to us. You sure your terminology is correct?"
She says suspiciously.
"And define "study of meta human genes". What form does this take?"
She swears to.....gods? If they start talking about breeding and all her jokes about eugenicist tin cans turn out to be true, she is going to burn this Technocracy to the ground. also what kind of negotiations start with "promise we aren't card carrying monsters"? That is a horrible foot to start off on. Something seems off here.

"The terminology may be weird but the premise is simple, we desire to use science and technology to save the world from the ongoing anarchy that is plaguing it day by day."
"As to the Metahuman Genes, we believe that everyone in the world can reincarnate. The problem is most people don't, with some experiments, hopefully voluntary ones, we could figure out how to awaken the ability for ordinary people to become empowered. We need an army of people to help police the world, bring back law and order."

2020-03-18, 02:19 PM
Matthew snorts. "You are living in a dream world, if you think you can impose 'law and order' on people with abilities like ours. I would have been able to destroy the entire military from before, by myself. You want to corral people like us? That isn't going to happen. Eventually someone will reincarnate with the powers of a god, and any attempt to control them will be met with extreme prejudice."

He shakes his head. "I don't trust anyone with the ability to empower people with abilities like these, let alone a shadowy cabal of technocrats."

2020-03-18, 03:03 PM
Matthew snorts. "You are living in a dream world, if you think you can impose 'law and order' on people with abilities like ours. I would have been able to destroy the entire military from before, by myself. You want to corral people like us? That isn't going to happen. Eventually someone will reincarnate with the powers of a god, and any attempt to control them will be met with extreme prejudice."

He shakes his head. "I don't trust anyone with the ability to empower people with abilities like these, let alone a shadowy cabal of technocrats."

"Well, some of us are more trustworthy than others, but we at the Technocracy possess some minds that are supernaturally bright. We are loyal to each other, even if we sometimes make stupid decisions. Anyway I, Doctor Lecturn, as the opposing vote for the assault on the capital building, have convinced the others by text to post pone any further attacks for at least another seven days, they, and I, by extension, will adhere to this promise."

"You have at least another seven days to make your decision."

2020-03-18, 05:25 PM
"An army?" Mina's eyes dart between several displays as she exercises her other selves' hacking skills. "This is bad. If they're forcing open new reincarnations, then spontaneous ones will get worse and worse..."

She's too focused on her work to articulate her concerns more precisely than that, but even if she could, it wouldn't add much. Even with all of the time and effort she spent studying reincarnation, she can only claim to have a surface-level understanding of the phenomenon. A child's understanding, really.

"Anyway, that holo-transmission was easy enough to trace. They beamed it directly from a floating city in the Pacific."

She says, 'floating city,' like it's an everyday term. Japan has had a weird thirty years or so.

"Actually, is that Kure Atoll? I thought they abandoned it after it sank below sea level. I guess that's what gave these technocrats a chance to move in."

2020-03-18, 07:25 PM
"An army?" Mina's eyes dart between several displays as she exercises her other selves' hacking skills. "This is bad. If they're forcing open new reincarnations, then spontaneous ones will get worse and worse..."

She's too focused on her work to articulate her concerns more precisely than that, but even if she could, it wouldn't add much. Even with all of the time and effort she spent studying reincarnation, she can only claim to have a surface-level understanding of the phenomenon. A child's understanding, really.

"Anyway, that holo-transmission was easy enough to trace. They beamed it directly from a floating city in the Pacific."

She says, 'floating city,' like it's an everyday term. Japan has had a weird thirty years or so.

"Actually, is that Kure Atoll? I thought they abandoned it after it sank below sea level. I guess that's what gave these technocrats a chance to move in."

George James Mordrid
"The Technocracy is telling the truth." George states. "I can tell."
"There is something else though, that we need to worry about. I would suggest that we all help the wounded around the area and do some reconnaissance before moving on to investigate the portals, however."

2020-03-18, 08:24 PM
Must have missed the post saying that we have restarted sorry

Ron uses his Alcomey to make a bunker of his own so the wounded have an area to fall back into.out of the line of weapons fire. As he says to the group would you like me to start working on a tunnel or something?

Lord Raziere
2020-03-18, 09:12 PM
Jade Refera
"I mean the best case scenario of a world of increasing reincarnated would be something like My Hero Academia but even that took centuries of chaos to achieve which halted technological progress, and MHA powers are very much street level. I have no doubts that I'm like, more powerful than most named MHA characters and those are supposed to be the top end of their world."
She says flying around slicing through any sentinel if they are still attacking, and if they're not she teleports back to the rest of the group.
"More likely its gonna be as Matthew says, sooner or later someone is going to get the powers of something ridiculous and just destroy everything, probably by accident because they don't know what the hell they're doing. Like a Dragon Ball Z character or higher end DC heroes. Heck maybe even some Marvel characters, we already got a couple of those around. I don't like the idea of being paranoid of any random person on the suspicion that they could be a god-level threat."

Book Wombat
2020-03-20, 11:22 AM
"That or some kind power nullification field in neutral areas. Problem is when someone finds a way to ignore or disable it," Jack comments "the very thought of organizing a society with people like us would be a nightmare."

Lord Raziere
2020-03-20, 04:01 PM
Jade Refera
"and thats assuming that all powers are as controllable as ours, or aren't the ones that come with downsides. Imagine someone who inherits the soul of a vampire: they might acquire a thirst for blood and a weakness to sunlight through no fault of their own. Imagine someone who inherits the soul of something like a dragon: are they cursed to be one as a result, since their advantages are a natural part of their biology thats always on? there might a bunch of people who just acquire "powers" that are more curses than benefits, maybe even drive them to monstrous acts just to survive.

and thats assuming no one has a problem with it: we already have a post-apocalyptic Earth full of organizations that are anti-reincarnated. the hate might only increase when more people started showing powers and not all of them acquiring beneficial ones. things are already in shambles from the powers existing as they are, spreading it even more might just destroy any hope of society altogether, or even humanity still existing as humanity.

there are also the numerous fictional inventors and mad scientists to consider: they might make even more things like sentinels or worse. do we really want comic book style science empowering people on top of the reincarnation? like what if someone figures out how to replicate The Hulk? what if someone invents any number of nightmare sci-fi scenarios that fiction has dreamed up? We're not just talking about one off superpowers, we're talking about people who could make problems that can spread out of our control, as these sentinels demonstrate. problems that no power null field could solve. and thats not including literal reality warpers and wizards that can just make whatever they want happen."
She sighs and shakes her head.
"The more I think about it, the more I see all the ways empowering humanity like this can go horribly wrong. it would be one thing if it was just one or two powers all across the board because then we'd be able to come up with consistent rules to use them safely and responsibly, but the endless possibilities make that unfeasible. no matter how gradual we do it, reincarnated powers are a lottery and we could get duds and cursed people as much as we could use out of it. We could only roll that dice so many times before it comes up snake eyes. We're already lucky we have usable powers in the first place. I don't feel like pushing that luck."
She considers the people around her, looking around.
"So yeah, I'm against it. Too many potential victims in too many ways. I have demon horses to look into, so I'll get back to this conversation whenever on the general assumption that we're going to stop this stupid Technocracy and their nonsensical plan. Just because they aren't mustache twirling villains doesn't mean they aren't playing with fire."
She teleports back to Mina.

2020-03-20, 07:15 PM
Listening to the two talks Rong says "There is no easy answer. and we are not all-knowing. But all we can do is make our choices and take responsibility for the end results both good and the bad. But I think this is a debate for another place and time."

2020-03-21, 12:42 AM
George James Mordrid
“Okay, now what? Should we move on and find this Technocracy now ? I vote that we either all go or at least half go now. We were needed to guard the President, maybe he should not be left alone?”

2020-03-21, 05:25 AM
Kentucky Derby of the Apocalypse

"Well... Uwah!"

Mina is about to say something to Jade when Jade suddenly warps outside her window, causing her to flinch and send a keyboard sliding on top of AiAi.

"Oh! Um, hi. I was going to say, I do know some of the negative effects of power expression, and some of the pathological theory my team put together from our original research, if you want to talk about it." She mutes herself on the communicator to avoid getting into too many conversations at once, and runs a local scan for horse-related phenomena while she's at it. "The stuff you said about curses is true, but when it happens it's kind of... psychosomatic. There are RIPE expressions that can cause something to manifest unconsciously, so you don't know what's causing the problem. Then there are ALICE expressions, where someone might take on another personality entirely and get whatever traits come with it."

The acronyms that Mina's team developed never really had time to make it into the common Reincarnation discourse, but they're not terribly hard to pick up on. If Sigmund ever mentioned those terms in front of Jade, she probably had the gist of them already.

"The point is, if you want to save someone from a reincarnation curse, you should be able to. If traditional treatment doesn't work, then by finding their shadows in the cognitive world, which is- hm?"

It's about at this point that her tech pings a phenomenon that may or may not be some kind of horrifying doom portal.

"That must be the portal! But, it's pretty far from the coordinates they gave us - about 60 miles due West, and moving fast. Are these horses towing the portal with them somehow?"

Lord Raziere
2020-03-21, 05:52 AM
She considers this.
"Okay, but what about some gaining passive trait like a vampire burning up in sunlight? Wouldn't they just burn up because they just have the vampires abilities and therefore all the weaknesses that come with it? Like matthew has magneto's powers, thats a genetic trait. say I had the soul of a dragon would I turn into one, or am I simply able to turn into one on my own will unless the two conditions you talk about interfere? I know I have a soul of a goat-monster person but I also have a two humans so I can't be sure. "

2020-03-21, 10:47 AM
Watching Jade teleport away Ronin smiles. He still finds most of her... prattling exhausting but when at first he had simply considered her idealistically entitled he started to appreciate that under all that bluster and bravado she had a point.

He reaches for his earpiece.

"I'll be there shortly. Let me arrange an escort for the president just in case."

George James Mordrid
“Okay, now what? Should we move on and find this Technocracy now ? I vote that we either all go or at least half go now. We were needed to guard the President, maybe he should not be left alone?”

"Find the technocracy and then what? I fundamentally disagree with what they are trying to do. But they are humans. After the wars there aren't that many left. If they come after me, or mine, I'll fight them. But if they ask for a grace period of a week I won't rain murder at their door. Call me naive if you want. I'll leave some of my shadows with the heir and then go deal with the portals."

The shadows and the entourage gather back, they are joined by another member of the entourage. Archer Hierophant is tall and big on top of his coat he wears a harness with coils that sometimes cackle with static. He is carrying a device.

"I looked into what they are doing with their portal detectors some interesting ideas. I also left them some of our theorems in case they want to test them."

Ronin nods and takes the device, he examines it and then puts it in a holster in the interior of his long coat.

"Shielder Temperance, take twenty of the troopers and keep eyes on the Heir. I want a trooper shadowing him permanently."

Shielder Temperance leaves with twenty of the shadows, the other shadows and the members of the entourage disappear into Ronin's shadow. Then he turns to the other reincarnated.

"I am not going to stop you from going after the Technocrazy, if that's what you want to do. I am going to go with Jade though. I can take probably two of you with me. If you want to join us."

2020-03-21, 11:31 AM
Watching Jade teleport away Ronin smiles. He still finds most of her... prattling exhausting but when at first he had simply considered her idealistically entitled he started to appreciate that under all that bluster and bravado she had a point.

He reaches for his earpiece.

"I'll be there shortly. Let me arrange an escort for the president just in case."

"Find the technocracy and then what? I fundamentally disagree with what they are trying to do. But they are humans. After the wars there aren't that many left. If they come after me, or mine, I'll fight them. But if they ask for a grace period of a week I won't rain murder at their door. Call me naive if you want. I'll leave some of my shadows with the heir and then go deal with the portals."

The shadows and the entourage gather back, they are joined by another member of the entourage. Archer Hierophant is tall and big on top of his coat he wears a harness with coils that sometimes cackle with static. He is carrying a device.

"I looked into what they are doing with their portal detectors some interesting ideas. I also left them some of our theorems in case they want to test them."

Ronin nods and takes the device, he examines it and then puts it in a holster in the interior of his long coat.

"Shielder Temperance, take twenty of the troopers and keep eyes on the Heir. I want a trooper shadowing him permanently."

Shielder Temperance leaves with twenty of the shadows, the other shadows and the members of the entourage disappear into Ronin's shadow. Then he turns to the other reincarnated.

"I am not going to stop you from going after the Technocrazy, if that's what you want to do. I am going to go with Jade though. I can take probably two of you with me. If you want to join us."

"Actually, I think I'll stay behind and protect the President. I have pretty strong clairvoyance, I can see if I can prevent anything from happening to him." The President nods. "Maybe that would be a good idea."

Book Wombat
2020-03-21, 02:37 PM
"Sure, I'll come along." Jack responds, "Sounds more interesting than staying here and I'm not that good at teleportation. Some objects yes, but people? Never tried and don't want to, could kill me if I'm not careful. Do you have some kind of weight limit? I can change my weight if needed."

While talking Jack concentrates on making weapon, instinctively creating a hand-and-a-half sword which plops out of his partially liquefied arm, That feels better, having a weapon should help.

2020-03-21, 04:04 PM
Jade & Mina: Kentucky

"It shouldn't matter. If you express with a dragon form, for example, the power of your own soul is always enough to change back into a human, even if you have the souls of fifty dragons."

Mina has a few different things to say about this, and isn't sure which line of conversation to pursue first. While she's deciding, she swipes away some extraneous holographic displays and presses a button to start up her wasp-shaped flying truck. The air is briefly filled with the high-pitched whines of gyroscopes and super-capacitors, followed by a hydraulic hiss as the parking brakes release. "Hop in! We're going to the highway."

The wasp lifts up and pursues the moving signal from above. If Ronin and Jack come to join them, it will be a tight squeeze unless someone rides in the trailer.

"A person's cognition carries a lot of power, even without any reincarnations. If we could harness that, it might be the key to sealing them back off for good. I felt like I was on the verge of a breakthrough, but I never quite got it before the project was shut down, and I was scared to dive any deeper alone."

2020-03-21, 08:12 PM
Matthew nods at Ronin. "If you can take me along, I'd appreciate it. None of my abilities permit me to, well, teleport. Though I could fly."

He glances at Jack, then shrugs. "I can grow lighter as well, if weight is a factor."

Lord Raziere
2020-03-21, 08:35 PM
She thinks while she requips back to her normal clothes.
"Glad that at least one pessimistic speculation of mine is wrong then. Still feels like playing roulette with peoples lives though. Doesn't feel right."
Even if they did as ethically as they could with volunteers, a training process and so on its still a lot of danger and risk they don't have time for when civilization hasn't gotten back on its feet yet when there were more consistent and safer way of powering humanity considering they had literally all of fiction to work with. At the very least its putting the cart before the horse. but she doesn't say this out loud. She got the sense from Rong that some people still don't like her or her logic, or at least how its presented. She'll need to be more careful as to how she expresses whats right or wrong in the future or people will start spouting subjectivist nonsense at her. Nonetheless, she can't afford to be indecisive with matters like this. Or make decisions merely based on whether people like her or not, nor can she afford to think of morality as merely a matter of opinion. The world and possibly reality is at stake. Against such massive, sheer scales as that, one needs all the thought, logic, conviction, and decisiveness they can bring to bear or they will break or wallow in uncertainty. People might dislike her for such a mindset but she much prefers it to the alternative: despair.
"Thanks for telling me about ALICE and RIPE. I believe my Asriel soul will be able do something about those to help people suffering them."
She will teleport in a random dresden files book from kamui to read while the wasp pursues.

2020-03-22, 03:19 AM
"Oh! No, I mean, obviously the whole thing is bad in the first place, and trying to trigger more reincarnations is wrong. That's why I wanted to stop it. I just figured, you know, since you were... talking about it..."

Mina is a nerd, too. Just the other kind of nerd. The lonely and terrified kind. The kind who has to constantly ingratiate herself to a group because she doesn't have another tribe to fall back on, and who isn't very good at it. She's more sensitive than Jade may have given her credit, too. She can sense that Jade is uncomfortable with something about her, and that in turn makes Mina agitated because she can't nail down what the problem is.

She turns her attention to her steering and her radar, trying not to overthink this conversation any more than she already has.

Lord Raziere
2020-03-22, 04:58 AM
"Heh, your cute when your nervous."
She gets flustered so easily, Jade observes as she wryly smiles at Mina. If there weren't important world-saving stuff to do....she pushes it to the side. Probably would never happen.
"Well if you really want to talk about it more, we can. More you know right?"
She closes the Dresden files book and leans back
"I'll listen. If there is anything factually wrong I said back there, I'd love to know. Make sure I have a better idea of what to do about reincarnated so I don't do something stupid in ignorance. After all I said all knowing very little how it actually works and just assuming the worst. Who knows? maybe its possible to make a reincarnated society work with enough time and effort-I just doubt we have that kind of time. or enough people to make the effort."
She thinks a little.
"I just...want to know because I'm a very determined person. The souls I have, only enhance that further. I'm carrying around souls who have stopped at nothing to achieve their goals and have fought to survive through crazy anime battles without fear or doubt. When I set my mind on something, I'm likely to do anything to make it happen. Its best that I'm pointed in the right direction to do that. Of course as you saw earlier the downside is that it can be off-putting to others and come off as a bit....hard and abrasive, and more than one evil has been born from someone unable to give up, as my own souls demonstrate. When others seem more relaxed about this and seem to be able to take all this in stride for some reason."

2020-03-22, 07:32 AM
"Sure, I'll come along." Jack responds, "Sounds more interesting than staying here and I'm not that good at teleportation. Some objects yes, but people? Never tried and don't want to, could kill me if I'm not careful. Do you have some kind of weight limit? I can change my weight if needed."

While talking Jack concentrates on making weapon, instinctively creating a hand-and-a-half sword which plops out of his partially liquefied arm, That feels better, having a weapon should help.

Matthew nods at Ronin. "If you can take me along, I'd appreciate it. None of my abilities permit me to, well, teleport. Though I could fly."

He glances at Jack, then shrugs. "I can grow lighter as well, if weight is a factor."

"That would help. I think the limit is actually a conceptual one, what I conceive as possible. Haven't tested it much. Still less weight, and less volume if you can do that too will be helpful."

He extends his arms wide.

"Come, you need to be close."

After they join him he hugs them and says.


The three of them raise from Mina's shadow crowding the space within the waspmobile.

"Hi everyone. Mina, this are Jack and Matthew. Volunteered to help. Have you located the gate? The portal?"

Book Wombat
2020-03-22, 03:08 PM
With a slight pop Jack bursts into a black mist which funnels into a mouse which has appeared in his place and hops onto Ronin's arms.
"That should be small enough." he communicates telepathically.

"Interesting transport, mind if I analyse it later?" he asks Mina as they're shadow-stepped in to the wasp.

Jack will be passively reading surface thoughts of anybody whose minds are not protected to make sure nobody wants to hurt him or his companions. Most normal humans probably don't have protection but I'm guessing a few Reincarnated have Mind-protection.

2020-03-22, 10:58 PM

The Wasp lurches downward as Ronin and Matthew push out of Mina's seat and shove her face into the controls. This cab is in no way equipped to house five adults safely; it was already pushing our luck that there was room up here for Jade. It is only thanks to Jack's shape-shifting foresight that Mina has enough wiggle room to recover and pull back up.

"Wh... what?" She takes a second to process the questions once she's done not crashing. "Um, right! I've detected an anomaly that is probably the portal, but it's moving at about 100 kilometers per hour, so we're pursuing it at about double that speed, which should catch us up in about... twenty minutes, now." She gestures to a holographic display of a radar laid out over an old road map, bouncing it up and down a bit to draw attention to it. "...and if you want to analyze the wasp... sure? Also, um, hi."

Lord Raziere
2020-03-23, 12:12 AM
Mina is cute. Its too bad she probably doesn't return the attraction. No! stop focusing on that. The world is at stake. Reality is at stake. I must have a mind of steel, disciplined, tough, unstoppable. I hope that doing so won't cause others to reject me or worse, turn on me. The way I communicate doesn't seem to make friends, and they might see me as extreme in my morality if I'm not careful. Its too bad any answer I would've had is gone because they arrived, even if it was funny. I miss actual anime, the closest I can get now is whatever manga I scavenge up.

Jade since she is probably in the other seat just finds the whole exchange amusing and chuckles a little, between her own compliment and two people showing up out of nowhere it seems the two others showing up was what threw her off but she liked to think her compliment did it to. It wasn't like she was in any danger because of own teleportation powers they were all close enough she could teleport them all to Kamui if it ever came to it.
"Heheheh. Might have to invent something more spacious Mina. Or if you guys want I can just teleport a couple of you guys to my Kamui and you can chill there, see all the things I've stored up and collected, then teleport you in whenever this lands."

2020-03-23, 06:17 AM
Jack will be passively reading surface thoughts of anybody whose minds are not protected to make sure nobody wants to hurt him or his companions. Most normal humans probably don't have protection but I'm guessing a few Reincarnated have Mind-protection.

Ronin is pretty much schizophrenic you hear a lot of voices having disjointed conversations on his mind. There is some coherence and focus, but there is a lot of noise. They pick on stupid stuff for the most part. One appears to be doing a full analysis of the wasp, another one is speculating on how many demon horses he needs to pull a chariot, a third is considering surfing on top of the wasp firing arrows at the horsies... It gets better once his entourage disperses, but there is still the occasional echo

Ronin looks down, taken aback by the sudden surprise on Mina. He didn't intend to startle her.

"I am sorry... Let me make some extra room."

He reaches to the scabbard at his back and pulls a strange weapon. It looks like the golden love child of a short sword and a safe key. He pushes it against the empty space besides one of the walls. The air ripples around the tool waves trimmed with gold disperse as if someone had thrown a stone into a pond. The instrument holstered inside his duster, and probably some more of Mina's give a startled warning as the portal opens inside the Wasp.

Beyond it there is an exuberant room, floors neatly decorated with tessellate mosaics, a stone fountain in the shape of a marble Venus holding a jar, colorful birds chirping in the water. Further aback luscious greenery in fine pots. He walks in breathing in and stretching his shoulders.

"Should I get you anything? Mina can I bribe you to turn on the autopilot with some food? Jade, would you like to come in, or you know, you could go to Kamui, I am sure it's nicer this time of the year."

Once inside he puts away the key of the king's law. His entourage appears from his shadow and before they disperse to do their own thing Ronin pats Archer Hierophant on the shoulder.

"The enemies we fought in the white house, I put their remains in one of the lower rooms, go see if there is something we can use them for."

2020-03-23, 04:19 PM
Kentucky Derby

The area isn't like a Post Apocalyptic location, it looks, well, actually kind of like that, only all the buildings are well furnished and good as new, except that there are skeletal horses, skeleton people and nightmares, some form of mythological monster that these people are all riding. At this Kentucky Derby, there are many security guards dressed in the ordinary security guard uniforms, looking at the protagonists. Their weapons are not drawn, and they seem to be enjoying themselves thoroughly.

Lord Raziere
2020-03-23, 04:35 PM
Jade (In Transit)
She follows Ronin into the....key pocket dimension.
"Ah yes, seasons. Pocket dimensions outside space totally have those. I was just offering, didn't know you had a keyblade. Besides, kamui's just a bunch of grey cubes and the void which I put stuff in and set up a camp inside, this is nicer."
The endless. black. murky void. No wonder Obito never made it his new home, even as a villain he probably figured going mad from the minimalist landscape and isolation wouldn't be worth it to be safe from his enemies. She had to spruce it up just to make it bearable to live in. She sits down, putting her hands behind her head and relaxing
"So. Ronin. Interesting name. What possessed your parents to name you "wandering lordless samurai"? Did you just introduce yourself as Ron to everyone in school so that no one would make fun of you?"

Jade: Kentucky Derby
Assuming they have landed here and looking at this Jade just blinks
"....We're just looking. This seems to some sort of horse racing place?"
On one hand, glad it wasn't ponies since they didn't need to caught up in this mess. On other hand not sure if these guys are cool? They don't seem to be harming people. On one hand, fiction was full of undead who were generally harmful to everyone, on the other hand skeletons were often portrayed more sympathetically because of how funny they can be and their needless nature- she has an undertale soul that can attest to that- but on a third hand, fiction was full of stupid twists where something is seemingly harmless but turns out to be evil all along which makes this whole thing harder than it has any right to be.

2020-03-23, 05:18 PM
Mina doesn't usually think in words, but Jack finds her to be pretty straightforward nonetheless. Her surface thoughts include ideas of how to reduce turbulence, a list of vaguely horse-shaped monsters, an intimidating silhouette of Ronin surrounded by shadows, and a mental image of Jade blushing and avoiding eye contact.

Mina asks the robot monkey to take over and joins the group in Ronin's palace, but she doesn't even have time to comment on it before she gets a call on her headset.

"AiAi? Are you just making sure the communicator works? It should, I designed it to- wait, what?" She waves her hands around frenetically, pulling up the radar in her AR display. "Guys, the portal suddenly stopped moving! We're right on top of it, so get ready!"


When the group arrives, the scene is decidedly less dramatic than Mina pictured in her head, but that only puts her more on edge. A banner for the Kentucky Derby hangs overhead, putting the otherwise out-of-character title card into context.

"We detected a supernatural anomaly that hit this area a few minutes ago. Everyone here could be in danger!"

2020-03-24, 05:33 AM
Jade (In Transit)
She follows Ronin into the....key pocket dimension.
"Ah yes, seasons. Pocket dimensions outside space totally have those. I was just offering, didn't know you had a keyblade. Besides, kamui's just a bunch of grey cubes and the void which I put stuff in and set up a camp inside, this is nicer."
The endless. black. murky void. No wonder Obito never made it his new home, even as a villain he probably figured going mad from the minimalist landscape and isolation wouldn't be worth it to be safe from his enemies. She had to spruce it up just to make it bearable to live in. She sits down, putting her hands behind her head and relaxing
"So. Ronin. Interesting name. What possessed your parents to name you "wandering lordless samurai"? Did you just introduce yourself as Ron to everyone in school so that no one would make fun of you?"

"Thanks, the collection is rather incomplete now that there are several other realities. But this once housed every treasure in the world and all the bases for the the human knowledge and their intellect. If you need a book." He says pointing to the Butcher's book that Jade was reading. "I can lend you a copy, as long as it was written in our reality."

A woman, another of the entourage member's with tan skin, white hair and golden eyes walks towards Ronin with a pile of ledgers and documents. Her proportions are classically perfect, her beauty is that of a caring mother and a considerate lover. When she smiles there is je ne sais quoi behind it reminiscent of the Mona Lisa.

Ronin pays attention to her signing some of the papers and reviewing numbers and stuff.

"Is Archer Hierophant with the Terminators and Sentinels?"

The woman nods.

"Yes he is. He says the terminators use very interesting sources of power, and that the antimagnetic shells of the sentinels probably can be used for something."


Ronin turns to the group and sits close to the fountain dipping his fingers in the water. The woman, Caster Hermit, remains close by. She seems attracted to Mina, throwing glances at her from time to time.

"As to the name, yeah. My dad was a big fan of old movies. He wanted to call me Yojimbo. Mom would't have any of it. But eventually compromised in Ronin. Trust me growing up in a trailer park near the bayous it wasn't the weirdest name."


When reaching the derby several of the entourage members rejoin with Ronin. Archer Strength, Rider Chariot, Ruler Priestess, and Caster Hermit (which gets Ronin to raise an eyebrow).

Getting to the ground Ronin looks around and smiles crookedly. Skeletons. Yes. Throw skeletons to a necromancer. That's an even better idea than throwing metallic terminators against Matthew.

"If it's a race I want to run." Rider Chariot manifests besides Ronin.

Lord Raziere
2020-03-24, 06:23 AM
Jade Refera
Jade tries to the put Caster Hermit's glances at Mina out of her mind by focusing on the task at hand. Unfortunately she has only seen Unlimited blade Works and no Persona at all, so she can only kind of sort of recognize the servants. and guess that they're from the unvierse.
"Well I don't know exactly what this is, but I can tell you what this isn't: an anime. Too many skeletons, and those skeletons are acting too much like normal people. Skeletons walking around as if its normal is a very western media idea. horse racing derby? very western media. But no one is being funny and putting themselves back together in some silly fashion so its probably from something more low-key. Nor are the skeletons trying to attack or do anything creepy so probably not some obscure gothic horror thing. Um....I'd guess some sort of urban fantasy thing, but they generally keep their magic secret and this is too open. It could be magical realism or a satire, but I'm not sure. whatever this is, its probably very wild west/day of the dead influenced. the only thing missing is sugar skulls and other decorations."
She says, analyzing it as best she can.
"Whatever it is, I haven't seen this. So it could be any number of things really. We need to investigate. Your right Ronin you could shut this place down in an instant, the question do you need to? And how do we find that out? I could disguise as anyone and go through walls to scout this place out. any better ideas?"

2020-03-24, 07:36 AM
Jade Refera
Jade tries to the put Caster Hermit's glances at Mina out of her mind by focusing on the task at hand. Unfortunately she has only seen Unlimited blade Works and no Persona at all, so she can only kind of sort of recognize the servants. and guess that they're from the unvierse.
"Well I don't know exactly what this is, but I can tell you what this isn't: an anime. Too many skeletons, and those skeletons are acting too much like normal people. Skeletons walking around as if its normal is a very western media idea. horse racing derby? very western media. But no one is being funny and putting themselves back together in some silly fashion so its probably from something more low-key. Nor are the skeletons trying to attack or do anything creepy so probably not some obscure gothic horror thing. Um....I'd guess some sort of urban fantasy thing, but they generally keep their magic secret and this is too open. It could be magical realism or a satire, but I'm not sure. whatever this is, its probably very wild west/day of the dead influenced. the only thing missing is sugar skulls and other decorations."
She says, analyzing it as best she can.
"Whatever it is, I haven't seen this. So it could be any number of things really. We need to investigate. Your right Ronin you could shut this place down in an instant, the question do you need to? And how do we find that out? I could disguise as anyone and go through walls to scout this place out. any better ideas?"

Ronin rolls his eyes at Jade and smiles.

"Overthinking much are you? Life doesn't need to follow narrative conventions. The Reincarnation Wars were long ago, this might just be people dealing with their luck as best as they can."

While Ronin is speaking Rider Chariot just advances to one of the guards.

"Hey this is a race right, where do I sign? I haven't run in too long. Come on. Bring me your very best jockeys."

Ronin looks at him then back at Jade, Mina and the others.

"Well, Rider Chariot wants to compete. If they let him that would be a way in. Mina can you help pinpoint the portal and maybe we could go infiltrate there?"

Caster Hermit is based on Sherlock Holmes (https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Ruler_(Fate/Grand_Order_-_Holmes))/Leonardo da Vinci (https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Caster_(Fate/Grand_Order_-_da_Vinci)), she is in charge of cataloging stuff within the gates of Babylon, which by the way was the place everyone was shortly before. Her interest in Mina is simply due to her arcana being the Hermit (https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/Hermit_Arcana) (which is compatible with Futaba's one of Mina's previous lives). Aren't they (https://static.zerochan.net/Fate.Grand.Order.full.2376115.jpg) the cutest thing ever.

Both Jin-Woo and Ren are summoners, Jin-Woo being the more classical necromancer raising shadows from 'remains' (he has raised knights from pieces of their armor). Ren instead brings forth persona's (a manifestation of his personality) from the sea of souls, the collective unconscious of humanity. Gilgamesh is himself a summon, from the throne of heroes, a spot outside of the circle of reincarnation where the world creates copies of heroes who can be summoned back to the world.

Ronin's Entourage are a mix of servant, persona and shadow. In particular they come from the Sea of Souls (the collective unconscious) not the Throne of Heroes given bodies through Ronin's shadows and outfitted with the equipment and noble phantasm's coming from Gilgamesh treasury (which holds a copy of each and every noble phantasm). They are then fused (Ren can fuse the personas) and Caster Fortune gives them a makeover and empowerment. The idea is to have one per major tarot Arcana as the persona's follow those for their differences. Still not all of them will be available as they are doing other things for Ronin, some being in the Hanging Gardens, other within the Gate of Babylon, others within the Velvet Room, others traveling America gathering supplies/adventuring, or adventuring in the cognitive realm.

Ronin fights mostly through his summons although he is a skilled 'rogue' (and is outfitted in a LOT of powerful magical gear that makes him a very good mage).

The current entourage, the ones adventuring with him right now, are:
Archer Strength: Heracles (https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/True_Archer_(Heracles))/Raikou (https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Berserker_(Fate/Grand_Order_-_Raikou))
Ruler Priestess: Jeanne d'Arc (https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Ruler_(Fate/Apocrypha))/Florence Nightingale (https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Berserker_(Fate/Grand_Order_-_Nightingale))
Rider Chariot: Achilles (https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Rider_of_Red)/Richard I (https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Saber_(Fate/strange_fake))
Shielder Temperance: Artoria (https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Saber_(Fate/stay_night))/Galahad (https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Galahad)

Other members of the entourage mentioned above:
Lancer Emperor: Romulus (https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Lancer_(Fate/Grand_Order_-_Romulus))/Iskandar (https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Rider_(Fate/Zero)) (is temporarily in charge of ruling in the Hanging Gardens, with Ronin Absent)
Caster Lover: Semiramis (https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Assassin_of_Red)/Nero (https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Playable_Saber_(Fate/Extra)) (managing the day to day life of the Hanging Gardens)
Assassin Death: Hassan (https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Assassin_(Fate/Grand_Order_-_King_Hassan))/Jack the Ripper (https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/False_Berserker) (in charge of security in the Hanging Gardens)
Caster Fortune: Scherezade (https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Caster_(Fate/Grand_Order_-_Scheherazade))/Alexandre Dumas (https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/False_Caster) (managing the Velvet Rooms and turning the personas into easing them on using the others noble phantasms and making them closer to servants)

2020-03-24, 09:17 AM
Matthew pulls out several vials from his vest and duster, then shrugs off the duster and puts it on the edge of the fountain, for lack of a better place. He then drinks the fluid in the vials, making a slight face.

Then he closes his eyes, concentrating, before metal erupts out of seemingly nowhere around him, forming a full suit of armor. His helmet gains a visor, hiding his face. Then he rises into the air.

He lands beside Ronin with a soft thud. "Moving skeletons," he muses, his voice muted. "Cannot say I ever fancied facing the living dead. I suppose this is your wheelhouse?"

2020-03-24, 02:47 PM
Ronin rolls his eyes at Jade and smiles.

"Overthinking much are you? Life doesn't need to follow narrative conventions. The Reincarnation Wars were long ago, this might just be people dealing with their luck as best as they can."

While Ronin is speaking Rider Chariot just advances to one of the guards.

"Hey this is a race right, where do I sign? I haven't run in too long. Come on. Bring me your very best jockeys."

Ronin looks at him then back at Jade, Mina and the others.

"Well, Rider Chariot wants to compete. If they let him that would be a way in. Mina can you help pinpoint the portal and maybe we could go infiltrate there?"

Caster Hermit is based on Sherlock Holmes (https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Ruler_(Fate/Grand_Order_-_Holmes))/Leonardo da Vinci (https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Caster_(Fate/Grand_Order_-_da_Vinci)), she is in charge of cataloging stuff within the gates of Babylon, which by the way was the place everyone was shortly before. Her interest in Mina is simply due to her arcana being the Hermit (https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/Hermit_Arcana) (which is compatible with Futaba's one of Mina's previous lives). Aren't they (https://static.zerochan.net/Fate.Grand.Order.full.2376115.jpg) the cutest thing ever.

"Oh, mortals. You're welcome to serve, spectate or buy and sell here, as well as bet. Unfortunately, Boss doesn't want any of you competing. He claims it's for ethical reasons."

2020-03-24, 03:08 PM
Matthew pulls out several vials from his vest and duster, then shrugs off the duster and puts it on the edge of the fountain, for lack of a better place. He then drinks the fluid in the vials, making a slight face.

Then he closes his eyes, concentrating, before metal erupts out of seemingly nowhere around him, forming a full suit of armor. His helmet gains a visor, hiding his face. Then he rises into the air.

He lands beside Ronin with a soft thud. "Moving skeletons," he muses, his voice muted. "Cannot say I ever fancied facing the living dead. I suppose this is your wheelhouse?"

Ronin looks at the armored man and raises his thumb at Matthew.

"Nice outfit, yeah, pretty much. They'll likely give me as much trouble as you got with the terminators."

"Oh, mortals. You're welcome to serve, spectate or buy and sell here, as well as bet. Unfortunately, Boss doesn't want any of you competing. He claims it's for ethical reasons."

"Look skelie, I don't effing care about your ethical reasons. You can very much take a bone and stick it up your arse or my king might very well make you do it just for funsies. But I am going to race. So if it's your boss who needs greasing get your boss here, or get me to your boss and we will get a nice and proper race."

Rider Chariot is getting very close to the skeleton guard that wants to keep him from competing.

OoC: I am assuming that it was a skeleton who spoke, don't really know.

Book Wombat
2020-03-24, 03:13 PM
Hopping out of the wasp, Jack takes his preferred form, causing black strands of fog to erupt and condense onto his skin, forming a vaguely humanoid shape before shaping fully. Ahhh, that feels better," he says while stretching. Turning to Mina, he asks So you said there was a portal around here?

2020-03-24, 03:17 PM
Ronin looks at the armored man and raises his thumb at Matthew.

"Nice outfit, yeah, pretty much. They'll likely give me as much trouble as you got with the terminators."

"Look skelie, I don't effing care about your ethical reasons. You can very much take a bone and stick it up your arse or my king might very well make you do it just for funsies. But I am going to race. So if it's your boss who needs greasing get your boss here, or get me to your boss and we will get a nice and proper race."

Rider Chariot is getting very close to the skeleton guard that wants to keep him from competing.

OoC: I am assuming that it was a skeleton who spoke, don't really know.

"Eh, okay. You'd better come up to the office, he doesn't like coming down just for any plebe." He beckons for you to come with his skeletal finger.

Lord Raziere
2020-03-24, 03:22 PM
She stares at Ronin thoughts flashing through her head that Jack would pick up upon:
We don't follow narrative conventions, but the universes they come from might. Do we know if these skeletons are from THIS Earth, or from an exaggerated fictional one? Its not as if you don't have a bunch of literal living ideas that you summon. Beings that do things sometimes considered impossible even by their own rules and have personalities so exaggerated or cartoonish that they can't naturally exist. Your non-overthinking explanation does not cover everything.
As for overthinking, I'd rather do that than charge in recklessly. I know the costs of thoughtless heroism and determination, never giving up without analyzing or considering my options. I mean how do you even know your right? You don't know the rules of how all this works either-unless your withholding vital information. We literally have discovered that reality is a lot stranger and varied than we ever imagined. I can't take anything for granted, can't trust that any of this will remain stable, consistent or sane. Every new world we encounter is a change in rules. Meaning narrowing down what rules are being followed is vitally important so that one can be aware of them- and possibly, even exploit them. Like a local culture, or ecology. Unless something comes along to conveniently set some reality-wide metaphysics in stone through explanation, I can't assume anything and have figure out what the rules are from observation like usual.
Heck, Obito's a guy who tried to trap everyone in a world of perfect illusions to try and achieve world peace. I have to take it on faith that you all actually exist and are not some conjuration of some powerful illusionist since I was strapped to a table and the result of the experiment was actually all this reincarnated nonsense instead of something else equally varied and nonsensical. I have to take it on faith that the world won't be blown up in the next minute because of some passing reality warper snapping their fingers. I get what your saying, but unless there is some wider logic or consistency I'm ignorant of or isn't explained to me about this grand absurd world we now live in, I have to observe and figure things out or I feel like I'm going in blind.
but she doesn't say any of that, she remembers the last two times she tried to explain herself and the first went horribly wrong, and the second was lukewarm despite agreement. Why make the same mistake a third time? She grunts and says
"....I'm not going to explain myself then since ya don't want it, ya clown car of spirits and shadows. If you think you see enough, I'm not going to disabuse you of the notion."
They had things to do anyways, so she just follows along keeping observant of her surroundings. When she gets to the skeleton guard she asks
"Oh? what ethical reasons are these? Do you not know these reasons? I'd actually be interested in knowing them in detail, is this so dangerous that only skeletons can race it safely? Also what exactly is available to buy here?"
She will follow the skeleton to see the manager if needed or allowed to.

2020-03-24, 04:10 PM
She stares at Ronin thoughts flashing through her head that Jack would pick up upon:
We don't follow narrative conventions, but the universes they come from might. Do we know if these skeletons are from THIS Earth, or from an exaggerated fictional one? Its not as if you don't have a bunch of literal living ideas that you summon. Beings that do things sometimes considered impossible even by their own rules and have personalities so exaggerated or cartoonish that they can't naturally exist. Your non-overthinking explanation does not cover everything.
As for overthinking, I'd rather do that than charge in recklessly. I know the costs of thoughtless heroism and determination, never giving up without analyzing or considering my options. I mean how do you even know your right? You don't know the rules of how all this works either-unless your withholding vital information. We literally have discovered that reality is a lot stranger and varied than we ever imagined. I can't take anything for granted, can't trust that any of this will remain stable, consistent or sane. Every new world we encounter is a change in rules. Meaning narrowing down what rules are being followed is vitally important so that one can be aware of them- and possibly, even exploit them. Like a local culture, or ecology. Unless something comes along to conveniently set some reality-wide metaphysics in stone through explanation, I can't assume anything and have figure out what the rules are from observation like usual.
Heck, Obito's a guy who tried to trap everyone in a world of perfect illusions to try and achieve world peace. I have to take it on faith that you all actually exist and are not some conjuration of some powerful illusionist since I was strapped to a table and the result of the experiment was actually all this reincarnated nonsense instead of something else equally varied and nonsensical. I have to take it on faith that the world won't be blown up in the next minute because of some passing reality warper snapping their fingers. I get what your saying, but unless there is some wider logic or consistency I'm ignorant of or isn't explained to me about this grand absurd world we now live in, I have to observe and figure things out or I feel like I'm going in blind.
but she doesn't say any of that, she remembers the last two times she tried to explain herself and the first went horribly wrong, and the second was lukewarm despite agreement. Why make the same mistake a third time? She grunts and says
"....I'm not going to explain myself then since ya don't want it, ya clown car of spirits and shadows. If you think you see enough, I'm not going to disabuse you of the notion."
They had things to do anyways, so she just follows along keeping observant of her surroundings. When she gets to the skeleton guard she asks
"Oh? what ethical reasons are these? Do you not know these reasons? I'd actually be interested in knowing them in detail, is this so dangerous that only skeletons can race it safely? Also what exactly is available to buy here?"
She will follow the skeleton to see the manager if needed or allowed to.

"Well, people of this dimension as we understand it, are struggling to survive. We are dead already, so if we die we just reassemble. If you die though, it's one death closer to annihilation for your entire species. Boss says that it's unreasonable to allow anyone to risk their lives based on these reasons alone."

Lord Raziere
2020-03-24, 04:42 PM
"Well, people of this dimension as we understand it, are struggling to survive. We are dead already, so if we die we just reassemble. If you die though, it's one death closer to annihilation for your entire species. Boss says that it's unreasonable to allow anyone to risk their lives based on these reasons alone."

"Quite the long term view. Providing entertainment without risking their lives, allowing some sort of economy. I like it. See ya, have a good day."
She will turn and walk back to the rest of the group satisfied with the answer but will assist with any further investigation nonetheless while looking at whats on sale. Unless they find hard evidence of something horrible going on, she doesn't see any reason to meddle with this place.

2020-03-24, 05:17 PM
"Well, people of this dimension as we understand it, are struggling to survive. We are dead already, so if we die we just reassemble. If you die though, it's one death closer to annihilation for your entire species. Boss says that it's unreasonable to allow anyone to risk their lives based on these reasons alone."

"That sounds reasonable and fair. But don't worry about me my boss can bring me back if there is any issue."

She stares at Ronin thoughts flashing through her head that Jack would pick up upon:
We don't follow narrative conventions, but the universes they come from might. Do we know if these skeletons are from THIS Earth, or from an exaggerated fictional one? Its not as if you don't have a bunch of literal living ideas that you summon. Beings that do things sometimes considered impossible even by their own rules and have personalities so exaggerated or cartoonish that they can't naturally exist. Your non-overthinking explanation does not cover everything.
As for overthinking, I'd rather do that than charge in recklessly. I know the costs of thoughtless heroism and determination, never giving up without analyzing or considering my options. I mean how do you even know your right? You don't know the rules of how all this works either-unless your withholding vital information. We literally have discovered that reality is a lot stranger and varied than we ever imagined. I can't take anything for granted, can't trust that any of this will remain stable, consistent or sane. Every new world we encounter is a change in rules. Meaning narrowing down what rules are being followed is vitally important so that one can be aware of them- and possibly, even exploit them. Like a local culture, or ecology. Unless something comes along to conveniently set some reality-wide metaphysics in stone through explanation, I can't assume anything and have figure out what the rules are from observation like usual.
Heck, Obito's a guy who tried to trap everyone in a world of perfect illusions to try and achieve world peace. I have to take it on faith that you all actually exist and are not some conjuration of some powerful illusionist since I was strapped to a table and the result of the experiment was actually all this reincarnated nonsense instead of something else equally varied and nonsensical. I have to take it on faith that the world won't be blown up in the next minute because of some passing reality warper snapping their fingers. I get what your saying, but unless there is some wider logic or consistency I'm ignorant of or isn't explained to me about this grand absurd world we now live in, I have to observe and figure things out or I feel like I'm going in blind.
but she doesn't say any of that, she remembers the last two times she tried to explain herself and the first went horribly wrong, and the second was lukewarm despite agreement. Why make the same mistake a third time? She grunts and says
"....I'm not going to explain myself then since ya don't want it, ya clown car of spirits and shadows. If you think you see enough, I'm not going to disabuse you of the notion."

Ronin feels something reminiscent of killing intent coming from Jade in droves. When she comes back from talking with the skeleton guard he approaches here. Talking in a soft calm voice.

"I am sorry. We are all different people and we all deal with the changes around us differently. When it hit the fan I was deprived of my freedom so I had to accept things as they came. I didn't mean to... silence you. You are the resident media expert, so after talking with them what do you think? How do you want to proceed?"

Ronin is honestly trying to reconcile. He is loudmouthed and doesn't think too much about what he says but he is earnest.

Lord Raziere
2020-03-24, 07:16 PM
"Sigh....Ronin I know your just....being friendly.... I just have my own issues and its best to not unload them. Especially considering how poor it seems to go when I do so. I've talked with them, the rules seem in place because they don't want humans dying in the long term since we're a struggling to survive, while the skeletons can rebuild themselves if they crash or whatever during the race. So....makes sense to me? It sounds like humans might be considered a bit of endangered species in that respect? I personally wouldn't meddle with these guys unless we get hard evidence they're doing something horrible."
She says shrugging.

2020-03-25, 04:30 AM
Matthew listens to the others, then shrugs. "If we can be certain of anything, it's that we can't take anything for granted," he says, flatly. "As much as I don't want to admit it, we need some kind of stability. The technocrats had that much right, even if their actual plan seems insane. But our first step must be to identify those we do not have to fight."

He motions at the skeletal guards. "Other than their somewhat macabre appearance, they haven't been hostile yet. That's probably a good sign? Let's not antagonize them needlessly."

2020-03-25, 03:28 PM
Mina finally speaks up, still uneasy but more curious than scared at this point. "Um, I'm sorry, I'm still kind of new at this... does this sort of thing happen often in America lately? Monsters just appearing and... coexisting like this?"

Jack detects a stray memory of friendly cartoon skeletons, and a wistful thought of escaping to the human world in peace... wait, what? Why was Mina thinking of that? She must just be thinking of the way pokémon are often friendly towards humans.

2020-03-25, 04:23 PM
"Well looks like a few of us have gone to deal with the devil horses in Kentucky, so shall the rest of us go deal with the army of robots that's popped up in Seattle, see whether it's connected to the Technocracy" Charlotte says as some of the group teleports away to deal with the devil horses.
"Do you guys have any transport of your own you can use to get to Seattle? If not I have a way for you to get there if not"

Lord Raziere
2020-03-26, 06:43 AM
Jade Refera
"I mean it depends on the form of media. the more lighthearted and idealistic the story, the more probable it is, while cynical ones its less probable, with horror being the exact opposite of this happening. Like in a horror movie, its usually only one monster and your not supposed to see them for long periods of time. Thats why I think there is something urban fantasy about this, because its the kind of genre skeletons like these would come from: they're sensible, they have modern technology and ethics, they aren't running at us like stupid weapons made by a necromancer, and if they are real people who have been made this way then- wait. what am I doing?"
She goes back up to the nearest skeleton and asks
"Hey pardon me if I'm being rude, but I have a question: how did you become a skeleton in the first place? I apologize if you get that a lot or brings up bad memories, its just that you don't see this every day and I want to know how this happened."

2020-03-26, 10:59 AM
Jade Refera
"I mean it depends on the form of media. the more lighthearted and idealistic the story, the more probable it is, while cynical ones its less probable, with horror being the exact opposite of this happening. Like in a horror movie, its usually only one monster and your not supposed to see them for long periods of time. Thats why I think there is something urban fantasy about this, because its the kind of genre skeletons like these would come from: they're sensible, they have modern technology and ethics, they aren't running at us like stupid weapons made by a necromancer, and if they are real people who have been made this way then- wait. what am I doing?"
She goes back up to the nearest skeleton and asks
"Hey pardon me if I'm being rude, but I have a question: how did you become a skeleton in the first place? I apologize if you get that a lot or brings up bad memories, its just that you don't see this every day and I want to know how this happened."

"Ah, you must be new in town, since you asked so nicely I"ll give you a little more information than what you're asking." A female skeleton merchant observes. "Well the truth is that we come from another dimension. It happened at around the same time that your Apocalypse did. I died on the other side of the dimension from an invasion of our world. Our own armies are still fighting back on the other world while we wait here to return. You see, we were supposed to be civilians sent here, but things didn't work out too well for us. I was supposed to be left behind but my relatives took me so I could be buried. Most of us here either got a disease, starved or were killed by raiders. A few of us from the other world are still alive, and since the Derby was abandoned, we're kind of using the area as it's own settlement. If you'll notice, there are walls around this Derby. That's why the security were so concerned, you appeared right in the walls."

"The Derby is now it's own little city."

Lord Raziere
2020-03-26, 12:19 PM
Jade Refera
That simultaneously told her more than she thought while also being completely useless. Great.
".....Do you have any recollection of any specific being that did this to all of you? war and other dimensions don't exactly explain why your a skeleton. It explains why your here, but I'm sorry it doesn't explain why your a skeleton, which is what I'm asking about."

2020-03-26, 12:25 PM
Jade Refera
That simultaneously told her more than she thought while also being completely useless. Great.
".....Do you have any recollection of any specific being that did this to all of you? war and other dimensions don't exactly explain why your a skeleton. It explains why your here, but I'm sorry it doesn't explain why your a skeleton, which is what I'm asking about."

"Oh. Well in the other world, on death, people transform into something else. The invaders are kicking everyone out though, even the dead. So on our transformations we kind of just change into skeletons. Not all the dead go here, obviously, though."

2020-03-26, 02:41 PM
"So, hold on, you said there is some kind of war on your world?" says Mina. The part of her that's like Futaba latches on to a part of the story that sounds like it might be a quest line. "If we can help drive out the raiders, then maybe you'll be able to go home!"

2020-03-26, 02:45 PM
"So, hold on, you said there is some kind of war on your world?" says Mina. The part of her that's like Futaba latches on to a part of the story that sounds like it might be a quest line. "If we can help drive out the raiders, then maybe you'll be able to go home!"

"Well how is that going to happen? You're almost extinct. Few of your governments are still here, and some of them are brand new bastards."
"But yeah, if you think you could that would be incredible."

2020-03-26, 04:23 PM
"Great!" Mina says with uncharacteristic enthusiasm. She turns to her comrades, who are probably already on board for this ridiculous plan, but she nonetheless feels the need to justify it with an explanation.

"Guys, this could be our chance! If we can fix whatever caused their portal to open from the other side, it should close behind them. Then the real world will be a little more secure!"

Lord Raziere
2020-03-26, 05:08 PM
Jade Refera
"Well stopping a war is fine by me, question is if the war is in another world, and if by stopping it we close the portal....well I know Obito has teleported people across dimensions in a certain battle and even teleported his own dead soul out of the afterlife for a few seconds so, possible, I even know how he did it, I just haven't done it before. but I can get us back when it closes."
She was kind of disappointed that she couldn't figure out anything more specific but she guessed the circumstances were understandable.

2020-03-26, 05:12 PM
"Great!" Mina says with uncharacteristic enthusiasm. She turns to her comrades, who are probably already on board for this ridiculous plan, but she nonetheless feels the need to justify it with an explanation.

"Guys, this could be our chance! If we can fix whatever caused their portal to open from the other side, it should close behind them. Then the real world will be a little more secure!"

Ronin had stepped back thinking and listening. His arms were crossed across his chest. Being a necromancer the more he knows about how this skeletons work the better. Maybe he can learn something useful.

I am in. I have an army after all.

Jade Refera
"Well stopping a war is fine by me, question is if the war is in another world, and if by stopping it we close the portal....well I know Obito has teleported people across dimensions in a certain battle and even teleported his own dead soul out of the afterlife for a few seconds so, possible, I even know how he did it, I just haven't done it before. but I can get us back when it closes."
She was kind of disappointed that she couldn't figure out anything more specific but she guessed the circumstances were understandable.

That's a fair point. Ronin looks at Jade then at Mina.

I think the conceptual realm, the metaverse should allow us to traverse the different dimensions. Mina you are the expert, could that work? I mean if simply teleporting through kamui fails.

2020-03-26, 06:29 PM
"I'd be lying if I said it wasn't a risk," says Mina. "These alternate universes don't all work the same way, necessarily. But we have to start somewhere, and this whole situation just screams, 'palace,' to me."

She's pretty sure that someone else here will know what she means by that, if only because Ronin talks about the cognitive world so much.

2020-03-28, 03:59 PM
Robot Portal
At the robot portal, the protagonists discover what appears to be a large army of stereo typical, old fashioned sci fi robots attacking an out post of several hundred American soldiers. The battle seems to be at a stale mate for now but the soldiers are outnumbered.

Lord Raziere
2020-03-29, 11:44 AM
As she starts walking towards the derby Portal alongside the rest of them she asks
"Wait my Sharingan makes illusions by manipulating the energy within one's mind, if this conceptual realm is what I think it is: a realm of ideas, would that not be just a giant mind to manipulate or something? Or am I wrong?"

2020-03-29, 03:53 PM
"Um. I've never had anything like that, so I don't know?" Mina stares into the middle distance as she tries to think of something analogous. "Depending on the kind of energy you're using, it might turn out that the illusions you make become real there."

Speaking of illusions, Mina is reminded of something. Maybe the treasure will work there too? If I can't bring in the whole ship, I should go get it to check.

2020-03-30, 09:11 PM
Kentucky Derby
Out of the thousands of tents surrounded by big thick, metallic walls, there were actually more than a handful of buildings constructed. The Derby was like a fortress. Suddenly, all activity stopped. Within moments a portal opened, and a small entourage of soldiers entered. One of the men, who looked like he was a man of rank, took his loud speaker in one hand, and spoke so that anyone within a certain range could hear him.

"The invasion is coming. They're going to flood the Derby with soldiers. Get any still living folk out of here and get out of here! They will be here by this time tomorrow."

Lord Raziere
2020-03-30, 11:31 PM
She quickly ducks around a corner, forming a couple hand seals whispering
"transformation technique"
And turns herself into a skeleton soldier in a puff of smoke, then beckons the rest of them into her private spot
"Sorry, don't know how to do you guys. Unless you can convince them to let you stay, I can teleport you in the kamui dimension while I keep myself here, then let you out when its time to fight. I won't be able to do it while in the open, and do we want to let them know we're reincarnated? They don't seem to know what those are."
She will teleport anyone who says yes to the kamui dimension: They will end up in a place with seemingly endless grey cubes forming the ground and a black void of a sky. It is filled with various comic books, books and manga in one corner that Jade has gathered for entertainment and self-education, various mundane weapons she has gathered for combat in another area, and what looks like a bunch of reusable water bottles and canned or preserved food and wood for a fire and campfire with cooking utensils in another area.
There is only a single sleeping bag, unfortunately. also the playing cards she showed earlier are here along with things like chess, as well as the katana that she used to fight the sentinels, though it seems to be only one of many mall katanas she has gathered. It also seems at some point she gathered dvds and videogames, a player, consoles and a tv to try watch anime at some point, but couldn't figure out a power source and seemed to gather them just to make sure they weren't lost, as well as laptop that didn't seem to work. There were also various other mundane tools she just seemed to gather just because they might be useful in some situation some day and piles of clothes she liked. There were also a couple of strange chains and giant shuriken that didn't look mundane at all.

In general it looks like a cross between a post-apocalypse survivor's camp and a nerds room.

2020-03-31, 07:21 AM
Ronin shakes his head.

"I am staying. I can help you deal with any skeleton that gets too quippy. And after all I am mostly dead."

Nothing ominous, no shadows gathering, no regalia of death forming around Ronin. No grandiose displays of the necromancer. It's just a remark said with a carefree smile. Not far though Rider Chariot who had been looking for a race shivers.

"As to using the conceptual realm to change the physical realm through illusions. Maybe...? Who knows. We could try. Something like inception. That's a good movie. Have you seen that one? What do you think is he in the real world or not at the end?"

Book Wombat
2020-03-31, 01:20 PM
"If they can't see me, they can't really tell me to go." Jack replies as he turns invisible, "I think the real world is the one you believe in, in Inception he's in his "real world" at the end. Though truth to be told, I have no clue."

Jack's invisibility is caused by bending light around him, it's not perfect though and some shadows may appear.

2020-03-31, 02:18 PM
"Couldn't we, um, just ask them if we can go through?" Mina asks as Jade jumps straight to disguised infiltration. "That shopkeeper seemed okay with it..."

Mina approaches one of the uniformed skellies. "Um, excuse me! Could you tell us more about this invasion you're expecting? How is you're world bridged to ours such that you're being pushed through it? If we had the means, could we go through to your side and try to stop the invasion?"