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View Full Version : D&D 5e/Next Homebrew advice

2020-01-07, 07:58 AM
Hello everyone, i am aware, that this might not be the right place to ask about this but I need your advice:

Are there some general rules/advices on how to create homebrew classes/races?

I would really love to experiment about that but I am not sure on how to tell if an idea is balanced or not.

Please lend me your knowledge

2020-01-07, 08:19 AM
They are in the DMG, there is also a homebrew forum where you will probably get more help.

And I use the existing stuff as a guideline for homebrew I do myself.

For stuff my players get online I use mathematics to determine if they are on curve with the game or not.

I also have a guy in one of my groups that make charts for the DM to see how close the homebrew items he creat to the existing items(he work as algorithm guy, I don't know how to call it in English).

A link to the homebrew forum:

I don't know how you can get your thread moved there. Maybe the mods can help.

2020-01-07, 08:21 AM
Many people use the detect balance spreadsheet found here to judge the balance of a homebrew race.


As for classes, I would try out subclasses first. They are a lot simpler and can cover many of the themes you are trying to fill. You are welcome to look into the guide where I have analyzed much of the official content for subclasses and talked about how WotC is handling things.

2020-01-07, 01:02 PM
Hello everyone, i am aware, that this might not be the right place to ask about this but I need your advice:

Are there some general rules/advices on how to create homebrew classes/races?

I would really love to experiment about that but I am not sure on how to tell if an idea is balanced or not.

Please lend me your knowledge

My groups and I do a lot of games with homebrew and. I'll give you the biggest pieces of advice that I can.

1: Balance doesn't matter as long as everyone is on the same playing field. If everyone is broken, then its ok. So if you make something stronger than an option out there, but it's on par with another option, that's fine. It's hard to make a feat as weak or weaker than weapon master after all.

2: Have fun with it. Just because an idea isn't part of D&D, doesn't mean it shouldn't be. We have robots and spaceships in D&D, go nuts.

3: KISS... Keep it simple, stupid. At least at first. Do a bunch of small brewing and then work your way up.

2020-01-07, 03:36 PM
What did you have in mind? These homebrew forums are a good place for testing the waters, we can give you a hand.