View Full Version : Player Help i need help making a dancing soulknife master thrower dervish

2020-01-07, 04:13 PM
basically what i want is a character that has a mindblade, can dance during a fight and have some ranged potential.

due to the last thread i started which got me a lot of ideas and a final build i am hoping for some new thoughts for a new game i am going to be playing in.

stuff to know:

36 point buy
13th level
free +3 level adjustment (unknown if i can have racial hitdice but i expect i can take them as monster levels
13th level wealth according to DMG
must have a mindblade
must have ranks in perform dance

2020-01-07, 05:51 PM
The only thing I'll point out is that soul knives and master thrower are hard to pair without bloodstorm blade or some other way of getting a fast returning weapon.

You can mimic the whole soul knife shtick with psychic warrior, call weaponry, and the alternate class feature soulbound weapon(found in an online article).
Also of note psywar can get a power for fast returning in complete psy. Best yet, you do not have to wait for wacky class features to do neat things.

2020-01-07, 07:07 PM
well i am being allowed to take the mind daggers feat from dragon mag which is why i was wondering what else there was but i will look into the bloodstorm blade as well, thanks