View Full Version : Are cows overpowered?

2020-01-08, 04:09 AM
I mean, assuming they use the stats of bison, as suggested? That's a CR 2 monster right there, purchasable for only 10 gp. Like, you normally gotta be a 4th level druid to get one of these as an animal companion. And then there's magebred cows, which are only 10 gp more than a normal cow, but have an extra +2 to hit, +4 damage, and +5 AC, and they can be trained for combat riding in only a week and still have two tricks to spare afterwards.

Like. For the price of one riding dog...you can buy fifteen cows. I'm just saying.

Please phrase all responses in the form of cow puns.

2020-01-08, 04:27 AM
I mean, I really want to see the lv 2 Cowlord in action, but I think you would need more than 10gp per cow to pull it off.
Cows are, inherently, timid animals, and won't spontaneously attack anyone in most cases. So I guess we are looking at training them for war, or purchasing a trained one. That costs 100gp + 75*HDgp = 475 gp. Training them by yourself is a 25 DC Handle Animal check AND a 30 DC one, plus 14 months of work.
That said, for under 500 gp you could get a WarCow that's relevant up until the middle levels, and that's undoubtedly awesome.

P.S: Sorry for lack of moo-puns, english is not my native language and none came to mind. Have a terrible joke instead:
What do you get from a pampered cow? Spoiled milk!

Lvl 2 Expert
2020-01-08, 04:35 AM
Please phrase all responses in the form of cow puns.

Cowabunga, dude?

2020-01-08, 04:59 AM
I can’t help but think that if a player herd about this and cowed a DM into letting this horn in on a game, players will wind up just milking it for all it’s worth, driving a campaign to udder destruction. The next time the Red Hand of Doom has a beef with your PCs’ home, they’ll find the steaks are more than they can handle once players discover it behooves them to Summon the Great Herd rather than gather an army. Of course, once the tactic is re-vealed, one might expect the invaders to start their own line of bull, and your players may wish they cud take back their decision to try something so cheesy....

2020-01-08, 05:01 AM
There are those who have realised the potential of oxes and a bit of black onyx (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?325177-Cattle-Driving-Necromancers-Bizarre-Campaign-Journal). For that matter the illusion that contains us all may be powered by the Mootrix, so I've heard.

2020-01-08, 05:19 AM
I mean, I really want to see the lv 2 Cowlord in action, but I think you would need more than 10gp per cow to pull it off.
Cows are, inherently, timid animals, and won't spontaneously attack anyone in most cases. So I guess we are looking at training them for war, or purchasing a trained one. That costs 100gp + 75*HDgp = 475 gp. Training them by yourself is a 25 DC Handle Animal check AND a 30 DC one, plus 14 months of work.
Bull! You don't need to train them for war, only for combat. Cows can learn up to six tricks, and it takes one week of training per trick. That's six weeks to max them out, with a Handle Animal DC of no more than 20. Magebred cows can do it even faster than that.

2020-01-08, 05:26 AM
Sooo. Draconic cows, anyone?

2020-01-08, 05:54 AM
Bull! You don't need to train them for war, only for combat. Cows can learn up to six tricks, and it takes one week of training per trick. That's six weeks to max them out, with a Handle Animal DC of no more than 20. Magebred cows can do it even faster than that.

Well, that's outright scary then.

Only other objection that comes to mind is that dairy cows are considerably smaller than bisons, in the range of 1m shorter tail-to-head and >50cm shorter in height, making them slightly shorter than horses, which ride on the edge between medium and large.
So if we consider cows to be medium size, then they'll no longer fit the definition of "other large herd animals" in the bison's page.

2020-01-08, 06:09 AM
Only other objection that comes to mind is that dairy cows are considerably smaller than bisons, in the range of 1m shorter tail-to-head and >50cm shorter in height, making them slightly shorter than horses, which ride on the edge between medium and large.
So if we consider cows to be medium size, then they'll no longer fit the definition of "other large herd animals" in the bison's page.

For a quadruped, "the edge between medium and large" is 8 ft long from tip of nose to base of tail.

It's also, IMO, 4 ft high (at the shoulder?), rather than 8 as it is for bipeds.

And for weight, 500 lb.

For an adult cow to be less than 800 lb would be extremely unusual. The smallest modern dairy cow breed is the Jersey, which is typically 900 pounds at maturity. The biggest - the Holstein, is typically 1500 pounds.

Medieval cows might have been smaller than Jerseys - but I doubt they were only 500 pounds or so.

2020-01-08, 06:23 AM
Speaking of battle cows, cow fights are a thing. Like, there's events in Switzerland where people breed and train cows for fighting and then let them compete in contests for prizes.

2020-01-08, 06:32 AM
According to Wikipedia, 880 pounds is the minimum size you would expect for an adult bison (presumably, female and just reached maturity?)

So, adult bisons start at low-end Jersey sized.

2020-01-08, 06:35 AM
Well all punning aside, I can only assume that D&D priced cows as livestock/draft animals, not as war animals, because even oxen typically don’t seem to have been used much in war other than as supply-train animals. (Notable exception: good ol’ wacky Hannibal, Second Punic War, Battle of Ager Falernus (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Ager_Falernus), and even there the oxen were part of a nighttime diversion ploy.)

If D&D pricing is supposed to reflect real-world utility of an animal, but under D&D RAW any animal can be trained for any purpose, then arguably either the pricing is wrong or the DM has to enforce the fluff in the Bison entry over the strict crunch of Handle Animal. The latter requires DM intervention on the “I want the rules to be consistent with my world” level, whereas the former is more “I guess I have to make the world more consistent with the rules,” e.g. a world without a significant beef or cow-dairy presence because cows are now more valuable than horses.

2020-01-08, 06:42 AM
For a quadruped, "the edge between medium and large" is 8 ft long from tip of nose to base of tail.

It's also, IMO, 4 ft high (at the shoulder?), rather than 8 as it is for bipeds.

And for weight, 500 lb.

For an adult cow to be less than 800 lb would be extremely unusual. The smallest modern dairy cow breed is the Jersey, which is typically 900 pounds at maturity. The biggest - the Holstein, is typically 1500 pounds.

Medieval cows might have been smaller than Jerseys - but I doubt they were only 500 pounds or so.

Well, that's that then. I misread the chart I was looking at and read average length as 6.2 instead of 8.2 feet. Also did not account for weight.

I believe we can collectively agree that cows are, in fact, overpowered. Having a lv3 campaign starting soon, this is very important news :smallbiggrin:

2020-01-08, 07:04 AM
Having a lv3 campaign starting soon, this is very important news :smallbiggrin:

I expect at least one player to quit role playing forever in shame of having been TPK'd by a herd of cows. Some things are too much for even a hardened adventurer.

2020-01-08, 07:53 AM
The only thing keeping the mooing horde under control is that they don't often realize what a thousand pounds of ruminant can do to a person. You are proposing removing the only safety the humanoid races have from beefy doom. This idea clearly leads to a post-apocalyptic setting where trained war-bulls led a bovine revolt and trampled civilization under their hooves.

2020-01-08, 08:23 AM
The only thing keeping the mooing horde under control is that they don't often realize what a thousand pounds of ruminant can do to a person. You are proposing removing the only safety the humanoid races have from beefy doom. This idea clearly leads to a post-apocalyptic setting where trained war-bulls led a bovine revolt and trampled civilization under their hooves.

I think this was predicted by Gary Larson in "Unnatural Selections."

2020-01-08, 08:38 AM
Can you train them to spy for you, too?

“Curse you, heroes! How did you hear about that?!”

“Oh, I just heard it through the bovine.”

2020-01-08, 09:51 AM
Given the incredibly low cost, I think it would behoove anyone interested in attempting this udder catastrophe of an idea to go ahead and spring for the magebred cows. The increased combat effectiveness is absolutely worth the extra 10 go per cow, I think.

Plus I love the mental image of the mage in question when they receive the invoice.

"They want me to breed how many cows?":smallbiggrin:

2020-01-08, 10:06 AM
Sorry to ruin the mooed, but...

You think cows are overpowered for the cost? Try an awakened warbeast devastation vermin. A mere 9,925 gp for a literal epic 131 HD Colossal creature with humanlike Intelligence.

2020-01-08, 10:50 AM
I mean, assuming they use the stats of bison, as suggested? That's a CR 2 monster right there, purchasable for only 10 gp. Like, you normally gotta be a 4th level druid to get one of these as an animal companion. And then there's magebred cows, which are only 10 gp more than a normal cow, but have an extra +2 to hit, +4 damage, and +5 AC, and they can be trained for combat riding in only a week and still have two tricks to spare afterwards.

Like. For the price of one riding dog...you can buy fifteen cows. I'm just saying.

Please phrase all responses in the form of cow puns.

Well, before you milk this for all it's worth, the exact sentence is "the bison's statistics can be used for almost any large herd animal." Given that bison are typically larger than cattle, that "almost" clause might get invoked by your GM and have their stats reduced somewhat if you're truly trying to buy cows.

Assuming you get away with transferring the stats exactly though - absolutely, if you could somehow train cows for battle they would be terrifying. Presumably these battle-cows would not be dehorned like dairy cows usually are either, so they would keep their gore attack as well. I don't know if cows were every historically trained for combat, but D&D doesn't have to worry about such trivial things.

2020-01-08, 10:52 AM
You think cows are overpowered for the cost? Try an awakened warbeast devastation vermin. A mere 9,925 gp for a literal epic 131 HD Colossal creature with humanlike Intelligence.

Sure, but by the time the vermin guy has found the animal, money and training needed the cow guy has already taken over the world by bovine might.

2020-01-08, 10:52 AM
So on a side note Weed in the Legendary Moonlight Sculptor has a bull as a mount and often threatens to turn it into steaks if the bull doesn't do its job as a mount. Anyways seems pretty reasonable that a bull would be CR 2 though I think the answer might be to make another cow monster entry that is associated with that price. On a side note where does that price come from?

Also you could have similar abuse with mules though they aren't quite as powerful...

2020-01-08, 10:59 AM
So if one casts "summon nature's ally" to get cows or casts "summon monster" to get celestial or fiendish cows, is that a case of bovine intervention?

I had heard historical tales of warriors following a cow and conquering wherever the cow went. I had not considered that the cow might be more than just a figurehead leader.

2020-01-08, 11:09 AM
It behooves me to inform you that the cows from the secret cow level in diablo 2 have been statted, so there is a weird precedent.

2020-01-08, 11:35 AM
Some years ago in our group several castings of summon monster got us about 9 celestial bison that were used as part of an ambush attack. We were somewhere sneaking around inside an evil temple and came across a large room with lots of curtains and several priests. We stayed in a hallway, threw down the spells, and had the bison charging around during the ensuing fight.

The slaves we were trying to rescue were udderly smooshed by the third pass, but spilled milk and all that. More importantly we won the fight.

2020-01-08, 11:55 AM
You could Awaken a cow, too. That could be the tipping point of real bovine power. Just think of it. Warblade cows - with White Raven charge maneuvers. Totemist cows, with wacky blue soulmelds. Druid cows who shoot other cows at you, and use Plant Growth to raise the most delicious grass ever. Psionic cows who mind control you into being their servants.

2020-01-08, 12:02 PM
Shared furry barbarians riding cows into battle!

2020-01-08, 12:15 PM
You could Awaken a cow, too. That could be the tipping point of real bovine power. Just think of it. Warblade cows - with White Raven charge maneuvers. Totemist cows, with wacky blue soulmelds. Druid cows who shoot other cows at you, and use Plant Growth to raise the most delicious grass ever. Psionic cows who mind control you into being their servants.

Thrallherd would be appropriate.

2020-01-08, 12:26 PM
I can’t help but think that if a player herd about this and cowed a DM into letting this horn in on a game, players will wind up just milking it for all it’s worth, driving a campaign to udder destruction. The next time the Red Hand of Doom has a beef with your PCs’ home, they’ll find the steaks are more than they can handle once players discover it behooves them to Summon the Great Herd rather than gather an army. Of course, once the tactic is re-vealed, one might expect the invaders to start their own line of bull, and your players may wish they cud take back their decision to try something so cheesy....

My cowboy hat's off to you, good sir, for this beautiful effort to meat the OP's requests. Seriously, well-done.

2020-01-08, 12:43 PM
Seriously, well-done.I prefer medium-well.

2020-01-08, 01:07 PM
Ya all who think it behooves ye to misuse The Herd for your nefarious cheesy purposes, see the reason why noone emsses with the Powerr of Mooo:


2020-01-08, 01:15 PM
Ya all who think it behooves ye to misuse The Herd for your nefarious cheesy purposes, see the reason why noone emsses with the Powerr of Mooo:


Counterpoint: As usual, wizards are the exception (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=au3-hk-pXsM) :smalltongue:

2020-01-08, 01:20 PM
I mean, I really want to see the lv 2 Cowlord in action, but I think you would need more than 10gp per cow to pull it off.
Cows are, inherently, timid animals, and won't spontaneously attack anyone in most cases. So I guess we are looking at training them for war, or purchasing a trained one. That costs 100gp + 75*HDgp = 475 gp. Training them by yourself is a 25 DC Handle Animal check AND a 30 DC one, plus 14 months of work.
That said, for under 500 gp you could get a WarCow that's relevant up until the middle levels, and that's undoubtedly awesome.

P.S: Sorry for lack of moo-puns, english is not my native language and none came to mind. Have a terrible joke instead:
What do you get from a pampered cow? Spoiled milk!
As a Wisconsinite, I can assure you that cattle are not even remotely "timid." They are way too big to be afraid of anything and, when threatened, will much sooner react with aggression than fear. Farmers have to be careful and watchful around their own herd because many of them have been gored, or worse, by an angry cow. Do not f*** with cattle. They will end you.

2020-01-08, 01:25 PM
Shared furry barbarians riding cows into battle!

DO NOT google shared furry riding cows.

2020-01-08, 01:44 PM
I prefer medium-well.

I'm just a fan of such a rare preparation of humorous bull.

More seriously, the training of 10 gp "cows" (using bison stats) as suitable war-beasts is up there with the commoner goatherd idea I had a while back, and could potentially be ground up to high level.

2020-01-08, 01:46 PM
As a Wisconsinite, I can assure you that cattle are not even remotely "timid." They are way too big to be afraid of anything and, when threatened, will much sooner react with aggression than fear. Farmers have to be careful and watchful around their own herd because many of them have been gored, or worse, by an angry cow. Do not f*** with cattle. They will end you.In other words, don't have a cow, because the cows are not in the mooed.

2020-01-08, 02:21 PM
The only thing keeping the mooing horde under control is that they don't often realize what a thousand pounds of ruminant can do to a person. You are proposing removing the only safety the humanoid races have from beefy doom. This idea clearly leads to a post-apocalyptic setting where trained war-bulls led a bovine revolt and trampled civilization under their hooves.
"Herd of cows? Of course I've hearrrghh!"
—Last words of Shecky the Barbarian upon entering the Secret Cow Level

Well, before you milk this for all it's worth, the exact sentence is "the bison's statistics can be used for almost any large herd animal." Given that bison are typically larger than cattle, that "almost" clause might get invoked by your GM and have their stats reduced somewhat if you're truly trying to buy cows.
If it's moo-seful, divine minions of Hathor can wild shape into cows, and it says to use the bison statblock for them.

2020-01-08, 03:23 PM
You could Awaken a cow, too. That could be the tipping point of real bovine power. Just think of it. Warblade cows - with White Raven charge maneuvers. Totemist cows, with wacky blue soulmelds. Druid cows who shoot other cows at you, and use Plant Growth to raise the most delicious grass ever. Psionic cows who mind control you into being their servants.


Also relevant:

2020-01-08, 03:41 PM
Where are the prices for animals? Also, wouldn't awakened animals be kinda miffed by being bought and sold like, well, cattle?

2020-01-08, 03:42 PM
Well, from what I've herd, this all makes a lot of sense. If one is taking stock of cows, even if only leisurely grazing over the rules, they must come to this simple realization. . . HAVE COWS; GET CHEESE. I won't steer you wrong, cows are great. Even more so if you are milking templates for all they are worth. Cows are the Bos.

2020-01-08, 03:57 PM
Where are the prices for animals? Also, wouldn't awakened animals be kinda miffed by being bought and sold like, well, cattle?

Possibly. It could also be that they like being bought and sold. They may even have competitions between them over who can fetch the highest price. They may demand a percentage though.

2020-01-08, 05:15 PM
Possibly. It could also be that they like being bought and sold. They may even have competitions between them over who can fetch the highest price. They may demand a percentage though.

I'm amused by the notion of a cattle-rustling gang which is led by Awakened cows with their human lackeys. The boss cows do compete to see who can fetch the highest prices, but the real scam is when they use the herd mentality of their unawakened brethren in the new place to lead the herd away, to where their lackeys await to finalize the theft.

2020-01-08, 05:40 PM
This reminds me of the battle of Lufse in War of Omens:

"Castellan Verat: Cattle? All we have is Cattle?

C: How are we going to fight an army with Cattle?!


Listrata: Just let us pass, and we'll spare you and your... herd.

C: The only way you're getting through is bloodied and under hoof.


C: Mooooooo!

L: You're a madman.

C: Mad like a cow, wench!


L: Adding cows to your ranks? How appropriate, you fight like one.


C: You seem frustrated.

C: How about a warm glass of milk?

L: Would that I could boil you in it.


L: You coward! You rustic! You're as like to trample your own men as mine!

C: Doesn't that make us brave?

L: We'd thought we'd meet warriors, not shepherds."

But yes, it does seem pretty OP. Good find.

2020-01-08, 06:20 PM
So, at what WBL can we afford our own cloven hooved BoVD Hivemind here?

That and what . brand . of animal cruelty flavored evil will be used to get said hivemind up and stampeding?

To whoever's mentioned ranching undead moo machines there's a thread in my sig that lists all the templates (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?372681-How-do-template-stacked-Animals-compare-to-more-common-corpses-for-necromancy) that can go on an animal without changing its type; including Half-Machine (Dungeon #91 pg106)!!

2020-01-08, 06:33 PM
You may call me The Mad Cow. :biggrin:

2020-01-08, 07:31 PM
I mean, assuming they use the stats of bison, as suggested? That's a CR 2 monster right there, purchasable for only 10 gp. Like, you normally gotta be a 4th level druid to get one of these as an animal companion. And then there's magebred cows, which are only 10 gp more than a normal cow, but have an extra +2 to hit, +4 damage, and +5 AC, and they can be trained for combat riding in only a week and still have two tricks to spare afterwards.

Like. For the price of one riding dog...you can buy fifteen cows. I'm just saying.

Please phrase all responses in the form of cow puns.

Wow! You you just made my dream of a majestic paladin on his battle cow a real thing.

2020-01-08, 08:29 PM
Wow! You you just made my dream of a majestic paladin on his battle cow a real thing.

Question: What is an awakened cow paladin's mount?

2020-01-08, 10:10 PM
Question: What is an awakened cow paladin's mount?

When I first read that, I read it as awkward. So... I don't know about an awakened cow, but if an awkward cow were to become a paladin, its mount would be a cow.

...It's awkward.

2020-01-08, 11:32 PM
Question: What is an awakened cow paladin's mount?



2020-01-08, 11:36 PM
I don't see how you can let this abuse get past in any DM's table. Do you yak about how awesome this find is and how it can improve the campaign setting, do you buffalo the poor DM into letting you use it, do you cry foul against the yoke of oppressive railroading, or do you hide it in your character sheet until the game starts?

Question: What is an awakened cow paladin's mount?
Any mount that you can get from World of Warcraft (https://wow.gamepedia.com/Sunwalkers). Pwrsonally, I prefer my cow riding some yak mounts, my werewolf riding some wolf mounts, and my panda riding some bear mounts.

2020-01-08, 11:53 PM
Milktank said hi! :biggrin:

Anyway all jokes aside. I don't think cows are overpowered at all.

2020-01-09, 12:00 AM
Bull! You don't need to train them for war, only for combat. Cows can learn up to six tricks, and it takes one week of training per trick. That's six weeks to max them out, with a Handle Animal DC of no more than 20. Magebred cows can do it even faster than that.

Can someone explain to me the difference between "train for war" and "train for combat"?

2020-01-09, 12:02 AM
Can someone explain to me the difference between "train for war" and "train for combat"?

I don't think there's no difference. Both of them are the same to me. :confused:

2020-01-09, 02:09 AM
My cowboy hat's off to you, good sir, for this beautiful effort to meat the OP's requests. Seriously, well-done.

*takes bow, spurs jangling* It did occur to me just how many bovine puns there were, and I was wondering how many folks would Where’s-Waldo through that groanfest. When the OP openly actually invited it, I figured I’d just have a field day and graze my way through as many puns as I could rustle together....

More seriously, I learned a bit more about real life oxen than I knew before, including that they typically really are stronger and slower than work horses, but I’m guessing that they really don’t train up the same way for battle or they presumably would have been utilized that way more often.

2020-01-09, 04:00 AM
Can someone explain to me the difference between "train for war" and "train for combat"?

The only possible interpretation I can think of is that "train for combat" would focus on the cow fighting as an individual while "train for war" would focus on the cow fighting as part of a unit.

Now, what that would mean mechanically or what it has to do with the original point, I'm even less sure...

2020-01-09, 04:14 AM
Where are the prices for animals? Also, wouldn't awakened animals be kinda miffed by being bought and sold like, well, cattle?

There're a lot in the equipment section of the PHB. Even more in the Arms & Equipment Guide.

2020-01-09, 04:14 AM
The only possible interpretation I can think of is that "train for combat" would focus on the cow fighting as an individual while "train for war" would focus on the cow fighting as part of a unit.

Now, what that would mean mechanically or what it has to do with the original point, I'm even less sure...

I think trained for war is a template.

2020-01-09, 04:15 AM
I think trained for war is a template.

Yep, Warbeast is a template from MMII that can be added to domesticated animals of at least Medium size (so no chickens, to my everlasting disappointment) with 2 months training and a DC 20 Animal Handling check. Or to wild animals that have been tamed with a DC of 20+HD of animal.

2020-01-09, 06:04 AM
Yep, Warbeast is a template from MMII that can be added to domesticated animals of at least Medium size (so no chickens, to my everlasting disappointment) with 2 months training and a DC 20 Animal Handling check. Or to wild animals that have been tamed with a DC of 20+HD of animal.

That's incorrect, warbeast is added through selective breeding, not training, but warbeasts are more difficult to train, and thus have different rules on their training, which is often misconstrued as the ability to simply "train" an animal to be a warbeast. That would be like saying you can "train" a heavy horse, into a heavy warhorse (as the template specifically says you cannot add warbeast to a warhorse, because it's already an example of a warbeast), but a heavy horse and a heavy warhorse are actually just straight up different breeds of horse. You can train a heavy horse for combat, but you can't turn one into a warbeast.

As an aside, training a riding dog "for war" gives it the trip special ability, but you definitely don't need to give it the warbeast template to gain that, so "training for war" is definitely distinct from giving something the warbeast template.

2020-01-09, 08:24 AM
Yep, Warbeast is a template from MMII that can be added to domesticated animals of at least Medium size (so no chickens, to my everlasting disappointment) with 2 months training and a DC 20 Animal Handling check. Or to wild animals that have been tamed with a DC of 20+HD of animal.

Medium only makes me sad. It would have been great for a DFI bard build I am toying with if it worked on weasels. Such a shame. :smallsigh:

2020-01-09, 08:29 AM
Yep, Warbeast is a template from MMII that can be added to domesticated animals of at least Medium size (so no chickens, to my everlasting disappointment)Refluffed deinonychus? Too big to fly, has lethal spurs, and has actual feathers (as deinonychus should have had).

Ot maybe use the chocobo from Dragon Magazine.

Medium only makes me sad. It would have been great for a DFI bard build I am toying with if it worked on weasels. Such a shame. :smallsigh:Dire weasels are still a thing. Also, I wonder if you could somehow manage to make a swarm count as its total size, rather than the size of its constituent parts. I'd suggest a were-swarm-of-weasels, but that wouldn't work, either.

2020-01-09, 08:37 AM
Refluffed deinonychus? Too big to fly, has lethal spurs, and has actual feathers (as deinonychus should have had).

Ot maybe use the chocobo from Dragon Magazine.

Dire weasels are still a thing. Also, I wonder if you could somehow manage to make a swarm count as its total size, rather than the size of its constituent parts. I'd suggest a were-swarm-of-weasels, but that wouldn't work, either.

Dire don't work with my plan. Gnome dfi bard, taking the feat that gets 2 hd worth of critters to snag a bunch of weasels for their attach ability. Add on Snowflake weasel wardance feat for flavor :smallbiggrin:

2020-01-09, 08:26 PM
This conversation has been legendairy.

2020-01-09, 08:51 PM
This conversation has been legendairy.

It's quite the barn burner

2020-01-09, 08:54 PM
Get along little doggie, we're going to get our cowboys and cowgirls on. :biggrin:

2020-01-10, 07:44 AM
May be time to put it out to pasture.

2020-01-10, 08:03 AM
May be time to put it out to pasture.

Are you saying it's time to mooove on?

2020-01-10, 08:52 AM
Are you saying it's time to mooove on?

We have milked it for all its worth. The only things left are udder-ly cheesy puns.

Though perhaps if we ruminate on it...

2020-01-10, 10:38 AM
Got milk? :biggrin:

2020-01-10, 12:28 PM
We have milked it for all its worth. The only things left are udder-ly cheesy puns.

Though perhaps if we ruminate on it...

Well, the puns were part of the original topic. If we stop saying them, the mods might have a cow and pun-ish us.

2020-01-10, 12:36 PM
This thread is hilarious! :biggrin:

2020-01-10, 12:41 PM
This thread is hilarious! :biggrin:Don't have a cow, man.

(Ironic, cow'nsidering.)

2020-01-10, 12:54 PM
Rihanna released a new song called Moo.

It goes like this: Moo, moo, moo, moo, moo, moo, moo, moo. :biggrin:

2020-01-13, 02:30 AM
This is Udder BS.

I just started a new world campaign where they will spacejammer to the dark side of the moon only to find the cows that jumped over it.

But this now allows me to have a cow army on the planet with a Knight leading it. I shall name the cow knight “Sir Loin” and he will be the most famous knight in history!

2020-01-13, 09:12 AM
I like to moo it, moo it.
He likes to moo it, moo it.
She likes to moo it, moo it.
We like to moo it, moo it!

2020-01-13, 10:49 AM
This is Udder BS.

I just started a new world campaign where they will spacejammer to the dark side of the moon only to find the cows that jumped over it.

But this now allows me to have a cow army on the planet with a Knight leading it. I shall name the cow knight “Sir Loin” and he will be the most famous knight in history!

Will the Spelljammer vessel be named "The Cat and the Fiddle," under Captain Diddle-diddle?

2020-01-13, 04:14 PM
Metamagic Mod: I don't want to rain on anyone's parade, but if you want to make a thread full of cow puns, there are better places to do than here.