View Full Version : [Masks] Halcyon Academy

2020-01-09, 03:14 PM
It is the weekend before school started and the group has become well acquainted over the few weeks since their first encounter with Satin. Glamour thought it would be a great idea that in the last moments before school to do something together that was outside of villains and danger. The movies sounded good and luckily for them Passion had just the movie the group could all enjoy or at least thought they would.

The Halcyon grand theater was the biggest cinema in Halcyon city with 3 screening rooms seating 1000 and a smaller 2 seating 500. Glamour, Ssirana and Passion were all comfortably sat in their seats when the ads before the film started rolling. It was semi crowded in the theater, if anyone had to guess they would say around 600 of the 1000 seats were already full but in none of them sat Min-Max and Shade. Where could they be? For whatever reason the two were running late but they were close, in fact they could swear the cinema was just around the block.

The crash was loud enough that everyone could hear it well, Min-Max and Shade who had just rounded the corner were greeted with the front of the cinema completely smashed in. Multiple civilians were fleeing out the hole in the front, as far as you can tell nothing is stopping them from escaping for the time being. Panicked civilians near you who think they are a safe distance away started discussing "who were those guys? I mean those things, surely they can't be human."

For Ssirana, Glamour and Passion while the crash certainly alerted the three of you and you may have even started preparing for action, something else happened before you could move into action properly. A large metal cylinder came flying past, crashing into the screen just as the movie was starting. The level of force it was thrown was enough to split it open and popcorn kernels exploded all over the cinema. Panic instantly set in for the civilians inside and many were already rushing toward the fire exit down the bottom but it was too crowded and evacuations were slow. "Your screening is taking a temporary delay... PERMENANTLY!" a voice spoken from the entrance doors at the top of the cinema in a comically surfer accent. You can make out the silhouette of an overly muscular person in a cape with the only real light source coming from behind him.

Passion mention what movie you had wanted to go to
Ssirana is assume the mech is on hand or at least readily available soon
Min Max and Shade discuss what made you two late, can be as extreme or mundane as you want
Glamour I still assume you'll be referred to as Undisclosed Archer to the public
You can all assume nessecary hero costumes and equipment is on hand

2020-01-09, 04:40 PM
Glamour's hair and eyes change from the light and dark greens they were (matching her Spring outfit) to brilliant orange and yellow in her surprise as she tumbles over the seat in front of her and spins around. She places a hand over her eyes (as she takes cover behind the seat) and scans the room for the source of the voice or anything else out of place.

Assess the Situation: [roll0]

Question: what here is the biggest threat?

Captain Jak
2020-01-11, 10:23 AM
Shade (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24336314&postcount=3)
Potential: 1/5
Freak: +1
Danger: -1
Savior: +2
Superior: +0
Mundane: +1
❑ Fight the good fight: When you pull your punches while directly engaging a threat, you can roll + Savior instead of + Danger. If you do, you cannot choose to impress, surprise, or frighten your foe.
❑ Never give up, never surrender: When you take a powerful blow from someone with far greater power than you, use this move instead of the basic move. Roll + Savior. On a hit, you stand strong and choose one. On a 7-9, mark a condition.

• you get an opportunity or opening against your attacker
• you rally from the hit, and it inspires the team; add 1 Team to the pool
• you keep your attacker’s attention

On a miss, you go down hard but leave your opponent off balance and vulnerable.

Dani stepped out of her shadow portal and into the alleyway, letting the dark swirl dissipate into the air. They were just around the corner from the theatre; they should be able to make it in time yet!

”I’m totally blaming you for this, Max,” she told her companion, who had preceded her through the portal, as they hurried toward the mouth of the alley. "We were supposed to be keeping track of the time, and you got me distracted with your crazy stories of the nineties. The others are already going to be waiting for us!" The stories really had been fascinating, though; not only were the nineties a pretty trippy time in and of themselves, especially when recounted by someone whose memory of them hadn't been coloured by decades of experience, but hearing about Mom at her age?

Dani shook her head. Mom liking bad boys was unexpected but ultimately unsurprising – unlike herself, who is kinda quiet, not particularly forceful, and far from sure of herself, her mom has always been bold, confident, and knows what she wants. Bad boys probably appealed to her.

But...Vanilla Ice?

A rumbling crash from up ahead, cut off that train of thought, and Dani and Max emerge from the mouth of the alley to see the massive hole in the front of the theatre and plenty of panicked patrons fleeing the scene.

Dani stopped dead. Exchanged a look with Max. Ducked back into the alley.

"All right, here's what we're going to do," she told Max urgently. Maybe it was due to the recent stories that highlighted just how much her mother she isn't, but she's feeling a strong urge to be bold.

"We don't know what's going on in there, or who is left inside, so we don’t have a lot of time. We need to portal in there and intervene before anyone gets hurt; got it?" While waiting for his reply, she called forth the darkness that lay quiescent within her, rousing it to life.

Inky black tendrils spiral outward, then enfold her in their embrace. Her form became completely enshrouded in darkness, with the ends of tendrils giving her the appearance of ridiculously long, semi-animate hair rather than the cute pixie cut she preferred, and an indistinct mass of tendrils about her legs that gave her an extra six inches of height.

Truth be told, she thought the whole look was way overdone, but it's not like she got a choice in the matter.

Turning to Max, she gestured for him to get his game face on. "If we can find and hook up with the others, great." Her voice had a decidedly more ethereal quality to it, like she was speaking from two slightly separated planes of existence at once; a little creepy. "They're not going to sit still for this either." Assuming they were okay, and hadn't been at ground zero of whatever had just happened. She tried not to think about that. There was work to do, and she Had A Responsibility.

"We go in, we kick butt, we ask questions of anybody who's left standing when the dust settles. Sound like a plan?" Glancing back around the corner of the alleyway for her bearings, she called up a portal that lead to the lobby interior just on the other side of the smashed in entrance.

It was go time!

Make a Plan: 3
Situation escalates! Marking Potential

2020-01-11, 11:38 AM
Max hadn't been entirely comfortable hanging out with Dani, as she was in some ways the totem spirit for everything weird, or well... weirder, in his life now. Just a few months ago his shadowcasting friend had poked fun at him for wasting the first hour of the dance hugging the wall, but now she was gone, or at least sort of gone, and this other girl was here now, same powers and a familiar face, but she was still entirely another girl. Not that there was anything wrong with Dani, if anything, she seemed nice... it was just... SO WEIRD... and unsettling. So, as Max was prone to do when unsettled, he had let his mouth run like a leaky faucet for the better part of the pair's pre-movies afternoon, thus making the two late.

Of course, he didn't have to dwell too much on that now, with all the chaos bursting out all over around them. As he stepped back with Shade around the corner, Max swiftly shrank out of his street clothing and popped back up to full size in only the costume he wore underneath them. Giving an audible sigh as he kicked the bundle of clothes against the ally wall, he couldn't help but lament how many outfits he'd lost doing that in the past.

Unsure on whether charging the unknown persons inside the theater was the best idea,while half-heartedly nodding along with Shade's intense planning, Min-Max extended his neck to crane around and quickly scan the front of the building just to be safe. However he honestly couldn't tell if there were any other threats out there or even if any of the folks on the street looked like they were about to do something dumb... and Shade seemed very eager to portal them both inside. Pulling, his neck back in, Min-Max ultimately decided to just go all in with Shade's plan of action, "Umm... okay, sure... lets go."

Assess the Situation was a 6, so a miss. No questions answered for Max.

2020-01-12, 07:33 PM
Ssirana-115, normal-sized alien in a giant-sized world, had settled herself on Passion's armrest to wait for the film to begin, legs dangling over the edge and tentacles idly tangled around the armrest. She was already gnawing on a piece of popcorn, approximately the size of her head. Humans were very inefficient with their movies, still playing them on screens rather than streaming them to cybernetics where you could get the full suite of senses too.

Somewhere above, her mech suit hovered, silent and out of sight near the roof over the movie theatre, in case it was needed, set to notify her if anything tripped its sensors. She pinged it; it responded with all clear.

Limited; that was the word she'd use to describe humans, for the most part. Huge, lumbering, landbound; their languages were normally almost entirely vocal, without the coloured light flashes that worked as much of tone for Aalia. They couldn't fly, and absorbing the sun just gave them peeling skin and a higher chance of dermal cancer.

The purple girl gave a glance towards the others, tiny teeth taking out another chunk of popcorn. Well, maybe they weren't all bad-

A popcorn cylinder interrupted her thoughts as it crashed into the screen. Being a genius, Ssirana was able to tell immediately this wasn't just weird human cinema rituals but some kind of attack. She shot upwards until she touched against the roof. There, a tiny form, she gazed down against the scene.

Hurry up and come here! she sent to the suit, which gave acknowledges. Ah, but the civilians were blocking the fire exit. Hmm. Would it be best to take out the surfer immediately, or help the panicking herd before they started trampling each other?

She assesses the situation with a 9, asking:
how could we best end this quickly?
Such as: Is it best to help the civvies clear out first, or take the fight to the surfer directly?

2020-01-13, 01:50 AM
"I've been waiting for this since 'London Has Fallen'! The action, the adrenaline, it's gonna be great!" Riley looked down at Ssirana wrapped around the armrest, clearly engaged more with the shape and texture of her popcorn than by the ongoing previews, then over at Saoirse who stared spellbound at the Maleficent trailer. "Well, I think it's gonna be great." Just as the lights went through the final dimming and the studio logo appeared, CRASH KAPOP "AAAHHHH"

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me." For just a moment, Riley basked in the panic of the film goers scrambling over each other to the choke points of the exits. They shook their head to clear the feeling and murmured, "No. Not how I do this anymore. How do I help the situation?" Glamour had already disappeared over the next row up, and Ssirana was nowhere to be seen, let alone on the armrest. Well. That was fine. Whatever.

Riley pulled a tapered black mask from their left lapel's inside pocket and affixed it to their face. In exchange for a favor, Lovelace had made this particular mask for Terror, but modified slightly it worked just fine for Passion as well. Stripes and trim worked their way across Riley's day suit, transforming it into Passion's uniform. Passion made their way to the front of the theater, just under the wreckage of the screen, and spread their arms wide, a brilliant violet flame licking out of their eyes.

See. Here's the thing about emotions like fear. They have two sides. Poles, perhaps. The corollary to fear was comfort — and that spilled in waves over the terrified crowd. "Folks, it's gonna be all right. You'll all go faster if you go single file, got it?" Almost collectively, the crowd breathed a sigh of relief and took to the doors like they'd been drilled on it.

Letting out their own sigh, Passion turned their attention to captain contradiction up there.

When you unleash your powers to overcome an obstacle, reshape your environment, or extend your senses, roll + Freak. On a hit, you do it.
Rolled 12 (see the OOC post (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24350719&postcount=23))
Passion is reshaping the environment to be one without civilians.

2020-01-13, 02:15 PM
Cinema has Fallen

Passion had successfully calmed the crowd and they were much more manageable and easy to communicate to. The situation at the fire exit start moving considerably quicker now the crowd isn't tripping over one another to get out. However there are still people stuck in the cinema who haven't made it to the exit yet, a few only just were able to leave their seats after been calmed down. Even the other two were a bit calmer.

Glamour had a good look at the figure at the gate, he was a overly muscular man in a very poorly made luchadoor outfit with a purple and yellow color scheme. If Roisin could see this she would be so disappointed. A peculiar thing is that the man had webbing between his arms and torso? What was he going to do glide with it or something? Either way it was clear he was the biggest threat in the cinema and with a good look Glamour is able to line up a good shot despite the civilian presence.

Ssirana sat on the roof could get a good look at the place especially considering the low lighting. With Passion's great display the crowds were calmer and the threat of a trampling hazard was eliminated. It seems to be stable on that front. It seems to be quickest to engage with the surfer accented figure.

The figure swoops down from the top and with a massive THUD lands merely 3 rows up from Passion, (4 rows for Glamour). "Yo ho ho ho ho, its totally time to tear this cinema up." With focus on the man both Glamour and Ssirana notice that he doesn't seem to be focused on the crowds at all and doesn't even see the young heroes before him. However he was still a great danger to everyone and it was made alarmingly clear to everyone in his next move. Bending down and getting a good grip on the chairs, he tears them of the groundings and three of them fly over every which way. One chair is flying toward a civilian and the other toward Passion.

Ssirana is on the ceiling to its between Glamour and Passion. It is randomly selected as the man isn't targeting anyone.
1 Glamour
2 Passion

You three have 2 team

Lock, Stock, Two Ill Prepared Heroes

This is a reference as to what I mean by a walkway, its not a theatre of course it is a lobby but this should give some idea as to what I mean

Shade and Min Max make their way into the cinema and are only just through the gaping hole in the cinema front before noticing the scene. Most civilians had left that were on the the ground floor but those on the second floor walkway still lingered not finding to a suitable exit. A hulking figure in a poorly made luchador outfit of orange and blue colours was making his way up the stairs the lead to a walkway around the perimeter of the walls to second floor rooms, but what was of about him was the strange body proportions that made it clear it was no simple projectile the decimated the store front. He had a large piece of debris in his left hand and a cinema employee in his right. "Take me to the owner." He address the lady in his hand, his voice was unusually deep for holding a surfer accent. The man noticed the two heroes at the front and turned to great them. "Heroes? You lot showed up a lot quicker than we thought you would. It no matter I got some people who need saving. THEM!" Throwing the debris at the right side of the walkway's supports, with the damage dealt it was clear the whole right side could collapse any second. There were still civilians on it.

You two have 3 team

2020-01-13, 02:54 PM
Glamour is about to open her mouth to mock this guy's outfit when he starts hurling chairs around. Chairs that were bolted down into the floor!
Her bow appears in her hands, as if flowers blossoming supernaturally fast from nowhere, and as she looses she mentally pictures the arrow splitting into three to knock all three chairs off course. Instead what happens is that the arrow quickly flies over to the chair going for the civilians and knocks it off course towards the wall. But instead of pinning it or such, the arrows ricochets off of it and towards Passion.
"Duck!" Glamour calls out in warning, and thankfully Passion gets out of the way of the arrow that then knocks the chair a few feet out of the way. The arrow ricochets again, pinning the third chair into the ceiling, even though as it turns out that one wasn't a threat to anyone in the first place.

Defend: [roll0] + 1 from Passion helping (me help her) and spending 1 Team

Adding a Team to the pool for the success.

2020-01-13, 05:53 PM
Having charged in blindly with Shade, Max had been unable to simple move quickly enough to intercept the hunk of debris that the bulbous luchador had sent flying to one of the buildings second story support beams. "Not cool, dude." Without much more thought, Max darted to the right side of the theater floor while growing to tremendous portions so as to physically supplement the damage structure. He braced his body against the underside of the of awning hoping to give the civilians the opportunity to get out of immediate danger.

Defend 10, hit without exposure/escalation. Since it doesn't feel like this was very coordinated move on Max's part and he has no conditions to clear yet, Max will take Influence unless the GM decides otherwise.

Captain Jak
2020-01-14, 10:44 PM
Shade (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24336314&postcount=3)
Potential: 1/5
Freak: +1
Danger: -1
Savior: +2
Superior: +0
Mundane: +1
❑ Fight the good fight: When you pull your punches while directly engaging a threat, you can roll + Savior instead of + Danger. If you do, you cannot choose to impress, surprise, or frighten your foe.
❑ Never give up, never surrender: When you take a powerful blow from someone with far greater power than you, use this move instead of the basic move. Roll + Savior. On a hit, you stand strong and choose one. On a 7-9, mark a condition.

you get an opportunity or opening against your attacker
you rally from the hit, and it inspires the team; add 1 Team to the pool
you keep your attacker’s attention

On a miss, you go down hard but leave your opponent off balance and vulnerable.

Shade managed to keep from yelping as the debris shatters the walkway support, but it was a near thing. MinMax charged in without hesitation to shore up the architecture, his quick thinking saving injuries for certain, possibly even lives.

That just leaves their opponent for her to deal with. Easy, right?

Sweating behind her thankfully concealing shroud of shadows, she hurriedly considered her options. First things first; get the hostage away from him. Any attempt to do so with speed and force had too great a potential to injure the woman, she concluded.

Fine then. She'll just have to make him give her up.

Now...back in the day, when Nan was operating as Midnight, she often didn't have to say a word to strike fear; indeed, her very silence was often more unnerving than anything she might have said. Mom, as Twilight, had well-trained contralto that she could make into a sultry purr, a menacing growl, or a cracking whip.

Shade herself was more than familiar with the last one.

And as for Shade herself? She was 'blessed' with a high, not at all intimidating, irritatingly sweet little voice that she couldn't turn to scary no matter how she tried. So instead she had developed what she surmised was the next best thing.


"Oh, aren't you just the biggest thing!" she said in a little ethereal sing-song, ending with a giggle. "Although you can't be all that, mmm, big, if you have to hide behind this poor little woman." One can almost hear the disappointed little pout in her voice.

Gliding forward on her darkness, Shade cocked more of a hip that she actually possessed thanks to her shroud, her posture a mute challenge.

"Why don't you just…set her down and you and I can play! If you're not too scared," she added with another giggle. She really hated this part sometimes.

Especially if she succeeds in focusing his attention upon her. Considering the size of him...she could be in for a bit of trouble. However – safety of civilians first. That's the mission.

Provoke el Gordo into releasing his hostage and bringing the fight to her: [roll0]

2020-01-18, 07:04 PM
Well, there was already sufficient damage to the theatre a little bit more wouldn't really be noticed.

With a mighty crash, a black-skinned figure smashed through the ceiling of the screening room. It flared four diamond shaped wings, and a synthesised voice roared out.

"Human criminal. Surrender immediately. You have five seconds to comply."

Of course, those five seconds were in truth fill with Ssirana hurling herself though a tiny hatch that opened up on the back of the mecha. Tendrils of thick cables snaked out and connected to her nerves on the ports along her body, and it instinctily curled up as fiber-optic nerves found their commands diverted to biomechanical limbs instead.

"Time is up." Ssirana announced. One of her tools finished charging, the energies diverted and amplified through the strange half-living circuitry of the suit.

With a noise somewhat like huummff, a crushing wave of localised gravity increase slammed down on the surfer, forcing him down to his knees.

Above, Ssirana floated, the glowing eyes of the mech staring down dispassionately.
"Stupid human. You lost the moment you encountered the Aalia."
She raised a talon-tipped mecha finger and levelled it at the surfer.
"Now," she snapped to her comrades. "Finish him off!"

as per OOC thread, directly engage the foe: two successes
Create an opportunity for allies
Impress, surprise, or frighten the opposition

2020-01-19, 01:11 AM
As Passion turned away from ushering the patrons through the exits, they heard the frantic "Duck!" just in time to roll away from the furniture mayhem. Ah, chaos, excellent. Wait. No. Not excellent. But it still gave Passion a weird sort of calm. They had to dodge debris falling from the ceiling on their way towards angry surfer guy. How were they even gonna try to deal with this dude? He was already pretty riled up, so diminishing his rage might help.

The answer came in the form of Ssirana's suit, which swooped down and subdued the guy. "Now finish him off!" Passion looked up at Ssirana, a little puzzled. Was that... a good guy thing? Weird. Passion stepped directly in front of the powerhouse, straightened their uniform, and crossed their arms. The waves of gravity were a little distracting, but seemed to be safe cover. "What the hell is this even about? Your strength, you should be knockin' over transport trucks, not deconstructing some theater. Gives me the impression this is just a distraction. So, bro. What's really going on?" Passion steps aside slightly to reveal Glamour and her bow. "'Cause... it's not like you're going anywhere."

rolled 4 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24359365&postcount=26) on Pierce the Mask - gonna mark potential, and because of Wrong side of the track, I still get one question: what are you really planning?

2020-01-19, 04:23 AM
Independence Day: Aalian Resurgence
The man is taken aback when he sees the chair deflected, turning his head he saw the archer responsible. "Well if it isn't umbrella archer, I saw you on the news. Pretty crazy getting abducted by aliens or something. Pretty scary stuff for a girl to go through." He seems to be pleasantly talking to you as he begins to get a grip on the next set of chairs to fling. "Though why did you bring a bow to th..." "Human criminal. Surrender immediately. You have five seconds to comply." the man immediately looks up in terror as a real life alien was just above him. Frozen in terror he couldn't move as the timer counted down and the blast brought him to his knees.

Condition applied afraid. Mega afraid if that is possible.

H-h-heroes!? Here a-already? Ge-get away from me! Look a civilian in trouble!" A chair he had a grip on quickly flung toward... Glamour? It was off target and easy to dodge, though he made his get away out toward the lobby. To Glamour, it is clear to you that the man had not thought you were a hero, and Ssirana absolutely terrified him.

Glamour: +1 Mundane, -1 Danger.
Ssirana: +1 Freak, -1 Mundane

As the man retreated, Passion noticed a dvd fall out from his pocket. It read, "BROS OF CHAOS!!! 2: Tides of Terror. Coming to cinemas soon.". It was particularly home made and poor quality but that wasn't the strange thing about it. The picture cover is what was off, it depicted the criminal and another man in a luchador outfit riding a wave but they were completely normal. No physical abnormalities were present. It is pretty easy to put together that he assaulted the cinema because they didn't screen his trashy home made movie. You can also gather that the mans name was Mark, and the other on the cover was named Gordon. There were no last names present.

From here there is the option of staying back to help civilians or you can head to the lobby. You can move into the lobby and move in the same turn you will be on the opposite end of the lobby from Shade and Min Max. Glamour is not in danger although the next Glamour post should mention dodging the poorly aimed chair.

insert lobby related movie title here

Among the people saved Min Max met the owner of the cinema, "thank you son good to see heroes so quick on the scene. Please save me from those hooligans." The older gentleman said as he hid behind Min Max.

Shades efforts however didn't seem so well, the man sat there with a dumb founded look for a while after the taunt before a vein popped up on his forehead. "Sure yeah I'll put her down!" he dropped the lady... right up into the air... He then rushed toward Shade.

Too dumb to care: Gordon shrugs off a provoke move by marking angry. Can only be done by marking angry.
The lady is in peril.

"B-bro! Brooooo!" Mark fled out into the lobby. "Heroes in the cinema! They weren't supposed to show up this quick!

Gordon turned heel back toward Mark and they clapped their hands together. "It's fine bro, we'll just have to deal with them here before time runs out." They both turned simultaneously toward Shade and Min Max and struck poses.

Meeting up again the two heal a condition each.

Captain Jak
2020-01-19, 01:07 PM
Shade (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24336314&postcount=3)
Potential: 1/5
Freak: +1
Danger: -1
Savior: +2
Superior: +0
Mundane: +1
❑ Fight the good fight: When you pull your punches while directly engaging a threat, you can roll + Savior instead of + Danger. If you do, you cannot choose to impress, surprise, or frighten your foe.
❑ Never give up, never surrender: When you take a powerful blow from someone with far greater power than you, use this move instead of the basic move. Roll + Savior. On a hit, you stand strong and choose one. On a 7-9, mark a condition.

you get an opportunity or opening against your attacker
you rally from the hit, and it inspires the team; add 1 Team to the pool
you keep your attacker’s attention

On a miss, you go down hard but leave your opponent off balance and vulnerable.

Let's All Go To The Lobby

… safety of civilians first. That's the mission!

Shade's reaction was instinctive, her attention only peripherally on the mass of poorly-dressed man flesh heading her way. An outflung hand opened a portal directly in the woman's path, the darkness absorbing her without a sound. The other end of the portal opened beside the rest of the patrons Max had saved, the shadows stretching and clinging to the woman to arrest her velocity as she emerged, depositing her unharmed on the floor.

Letting out a relieved breath, Shade turned her attention back to the luchador to discover good news and bad news. The good news was, he hadn't charged in while she was distracted and knocked her head off; bad news, there was two of them?

"That was up, not down, you cretin," she snapped, sounding more irritated than creepy at that particular moment. "I imagine two of you means things just got twice as stupid. Oh, joy." Two of them meant even odds, and both Max and herself were hindered by the need to keep these people safe.

Where were the others? They...had the right theatre, right?

Defend hurled hostage from hitting hard and having hurtful harm happen: 10
Adding Team to the pool.

2020-01-19, 01:27 PM
"All of that was wrong!" Glamour shouts out an annoyed (and slightly amazed at the all wrongness of it) reply to Mark as she ducked under the incoming chair and vaulted over the chair ahead of her. In a smooth motion she fired an arrow directly at the DVD in Passion's hand. But instead of shattering it into pieces and cutting up Passion's hand, the arrow just vanishes into the DVD for a moment. Just long enough for her to flip over a row or two and Passion herself. Just in time for a surf board to come flying out from the DVD. A surf board Glamour landed on. And rode/flew into the back of Gordon on. The ride ends with a flipping dismount onto the popcorn machine. The surf board itself falls to the ground and shrinks back to the size of an arrow.... yet remains a surfboard.

At the same time she considers giving a one liner she is distracted from doing so by realizing that if that hadn't gone to plan she could have hurt Passion.

Got a 7 on reject Influence. Marking potential and immediately acting to prove them wrong.

Suck it, Domitian/Directly Engage: [roll0]
Resist, avoid their blows
take something from them: their dignity? (lol, if not that how about impress, surprise, or frighten the opposition I imagine surprise is the one that would most fit)

Spending Team Selfishly to improve that to a 10.

Choosing for Labels to shift after roll result.
+1 Danger, -1 Superior.

2020-01-19, 05:02 PM
Ssirana's systems picked up the questioning look Passion sent her way.

The weird surfer man immediately fell to absolute fear as Ssirana floated heroically above him. His high-pitched wail was grating to the ears.

Yes, he was a criminal and thus afraid of justice, but wasn't that a little bit too much fear? Instead of surrendering and knowing he was beaten by the superior technology and intellect of the Aalia, he tossed a chair and scrabbled away.
"https://i.imgur.com/tOQzKGG.png!" Ssirana shouted as the bad guy fled, her light briefly flaring a hellish red for the optical component of the Aalian language. "Don't run away, you cowardly human!"

Aggravated, she flew after him.She slammed through the door into the lobby, hovering up into the air.
"There's two of you?" She snapped, then noticing her other two teammates. "Shade. Min-max. You're late!"

The suit raised a hand, palm outwards. For a brief moment, a glow built up, up, to painful levels, before a eye-searing bright purple beam lashed out and neatly sliced a black gouge directly between the two posing surfer-luchador-idiots.

"This is your last chance. Surrender or-" what was a suitably heroic thing that humans would say here? She pinged her translation software. Ah, there we go. "-you will be mercilessly crushed in the iron grip of justice, puny humans!"

She hovered, awaiting their response. She readied herself to dodge and/or evapourate anything they might throw at her if they still refused to see sense.

Directly engaging: result of 11• resist or avoid their blows
• impress, surprise, or frighten the opposition

2020-01-19, 07:04 PM
Min-Max is thrown off-guard for a second when Shade uses her shadow powers to snag the lady flung into the air, as that wasn't what he'd come to expect from Twilight. Kat would always leave the catching random civilians to... uggh... Beanbag Boy or Prophesy Girl. Always with the mildly insulting alternate names. But Dani wasn't Kat... or Twilight... she was Shade. Different girl... TOTALLY different girl... why was he such a lame brain about that?

Fortunately, he didn't have to dwell on that for very long, as Glamour and Ssirana made a dramatic entrance into the lobby following after yet another weirdo Luchador guy. Glamour making a pose that reminded Max a lot of Andre and Ssirana... well... once again managing to feel like more a threat to the world than the actual bad guys. "Umm... Ssirana, nice shot... but it'd be totally awesome if you could stop referring to all the bad guys as puny humans. These frightened children here...", Max paused as his enormous eye tracked down to the grown man hiding behind him, "and umm... adults... ALSO humans."

Straining a bit under the weight of the right side of the second floor still precariously balanced upon his shoulders, "Speaking of...", Max addressed the theater owner, "uh... sir, I can't really let go of this with you guys still standing there. I know its scary, but could you maybe take your customers outside? We've got this handled... promise."

Comfort and Support the theater owner, result 10. They are an NPC, so how that plays out is up to the GM. Adding 1 Team if the theater owner opens up (presumably being brave and leading the patrons out).

2020-01-19, 07:35 PM
The ominously glowing eyes of the mecha set their sights on Max as he spoke up.
"It's a perfectly logical statement!" Ssirana argued. "Those two are puny - that one ran away as soon as I showed up and tapped him with a few gees of gravity. And they're human. Thus puny humans is a perfectly valid form of address!" she finished triumphantly. Her logic was unassailable. Her mecha adopted as much as a smug expression as possible, which was to say absolutely none at all.
"Besides," she added, "Most human children are puny, so it'd fit for them anyway. They aren't even capable of flight or heliokinesis."

2020-01-27, 02:17 AM
Passion stood there, mouth open, staring at the swinging doors Ssirana and Glamour had both just nyoomed through. They spun their head back to check on the civilians in the theater — fine, good enough. Glamour'd made sure they hadn't gotten hurt, and the surfer was gone. Passion flipped over the DVD case in their hand, a little shocked that both were... fine? This was gonna be a really weird watch, if it came down to that.

Catching the door just before it shut, Passion burst into the lobby and worked to take in the scene. Oh! Gosh! Shade and Min-Max were here! Good. That surfer guy's fear had practically vanished the moment he got near... uh. a luchador? Passion looked down at their own uniform, somewhere between a nutcracker and a matador, and realized they had nothing to say on the matter.

"Surrender or you will be mercilessly crushed in the iron grip of justice, puny humans!" echoed across the lobby from Ssirana's suit. Even a former villain could tell Ssirana might need some coaching here, but now wasn't the time. Passion tucked the DVD case into an inner jacket pocket and gathered their feelings into a ball in their gut. That ball roiled for a moment, and they released surges of it towards their teammates. Passion stood within their own circle of calm, their eyes rapidly cycling between a cloud of one color, or flames of another, or a brilliant corona of another. Bits of courage, enthusiasm, and directed fury made their ways into the hearts of the others.

no actual moves, since I'm not actually certain of the dippy duo's status/reactions. but this should be narrative justification for anyone to spend team with Passion's help.

I've been irl busy yeah, but I think I also finally figured out something else. I found it difficult to brainstorm ideas in the short moments I took to think about it, because a part of me wanted closure on the moves that the other players had taken. not sure the solution to that, but having identified it I can at least communicate the thoughts better.

2020-01-27, 02:31 PM
Not long after striking the pose, Mark was hitting in the head taking him to the floor. And then blasted with an incredibly strong laser that would have caused serious long term injuries to a normal person, at least to the uneducated person anyway. Mark fell unconscious and begun shrinking back to his original size. He was a remarkably thin man with a notably long neck, not super or anything just pretty long. If the outfit looked bad before it now looked bad and ill fitting.

Gordon was not so damaged however, but still looked in a bad state. His best and likely only friend was knocked out on the ground and he didn't even have the manager of the store to show for it. Was he really that much of a failure? But Gordon didn't have a good way to deal with his emotions and it would always just turn to anger. As his hyperventilating became more and more noticeable, he begun demolishing the cinema. Slamming the ground as hard as he could repeatedly, and then going into a ball and riding around the edges of the lobby. It was obvious at this point it was nothing but blind rage as he had little regard for even Mark who was still unconscious in the middle.

1= Min Max
2= Shade
3= Passion

Along his journey he hit Min Max.

Min Max take a powerful blow
Also yeah it looks as though the cinema is going down it could be prevented or could just evacuated. Just letting everyone know it isn't a completely unpreventable thing but probably takes more effort.

Captain Jak
2020-01-27, 09:03 PM
Shade (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24336314&postcount=3)
Potential: 1/5
Freak: +1
Danger: -1
Savior: +2
Superior: +0
Mundane: +1
❑ Fight the good fight: When you pull your punches while directly engaging a threat, you can roll + Savior instead of + Danger. If you do, you cannot choose to impress, surprise, or frighten your foe.
❑ Never give up, never surrender: When you take a powerful blow from someone with far greater power than you, use this move instead of the basic move. Roll + Savior. On a hit, you stand strong and choose one. On a 7-9, mark a condition.

you get an opportunity or opening against your attacker
you rally from the hit, and it inspires the team; add 1 Team to the pool
you keep your attacker’s attention

On a miss, you go down hard but leave your opponent off balance and vulnerable.

The appearance of the rest of their squad was a definite relief; two on two is miserable odds, and tilting things firmly back in their favour loosened the knot in her stomach…a bit. The rapid takedown of one of the Luchadors took things a bit further in that direction; until the other seemed to basically lose his mind and essentially start bringing the building down on top of them all!

"Passion, Min-Max – look out!" she cried as the Luchador rolled over the latter. "You two get anyone still in here out of here! Glamour, Ssirana, take him down!" she called out, splitting the group's focus along their varied strengths.

As for herself? She reached deep down into herself, tapping the Darkness that lurked there. Grabbing hold of it with both hands, metaphysically speaking, she pulled on it. Hard.

Tendrils of darkness lashed out of her in all directions; wrapping about support columns, splaying against the underside of walkways and bracing against walls, concession stands, and door frames. A giant, three-dimensional web of shadow woven to hold the building together against the rage of the remaining foe. The strands are flexible enough that people moving about will bend them out of the way in their passage, but through her will are keeping the building from coming apart.

...she hoped.

Unleash her shadow control to reshape her environment. [roll0] Allies spent 2 Team, bringing the total to 10.

2020-01-27, 10:19 PM
Max was relieved when the theater owner took his words to heart and cleared out of the area of danger, but didn't quite have enough time to figure out a way of safely setting down the second floor before one of the Lucha de Surf aficionados came flying at him. With his body still braced between the first and second floors of the cinema, there was just nothing Max could do to get out of the way of the oncoming humanoid wrecking ball of Mark. However, as luck would have it, years of being the chubby kid during elementary school dodge-ball matches had prepared him for this exact circumstance. Like so many cruelly aimed red rubber balls before him, Mark's slam attack though finding purchase on Max's presently oversized face, left the young man surprisingly unfazed. Of course, the fact that, unbeknownst to him, Passion was actively flooding his brain with artificial fervor and bravado probably factored in too.

While uncharacteristically upbeat about an active combat situation, Max let out a rather audible, given his present size, exhale of relief as Shade's shadow constructs literally took a weight off his shoulders, "Thanks Twi.. err... Shade, I was starting to get a neck cramp. And the lobby's already clear, so...", and he makes a haphazard swatting swipe at the man who had just literally ricocheted off of his jaw.

Max rolled exactly a 6 on taking a powerful blow, so he stands strong and marks potential.

He is contributing 1 Team to Shade's move, because even though he's not following her orders for choosing his move while amped up, he is still giving morale support for her own move.

Max's Directly Engage roll was a 6, made into a 7 by Shade offering 1 team. Max will be Creating an opportunity for your allies by swatting Mark to the floor, which either allows his teammates to do something they otherwise could not (not sure what that would be) or add 1 team back to the pool. GM's choice. Since he doesn't have enough success to also resist or avoid taking blows, Max is trading blows and since the GM is letting me choose, I'm opting to have Max straight-up mark Guilty rather than rolling for another powerful blow.