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View Full Version : Battle Master Maneuvers - best tactics and why

da newt
2020-01-10, 10:22 AM
What are the best maneuvers to use when, how, and why? What are your clever ways to get the most bang for the buck?

2020-01-10, 10:33 AM
Quite a few different trains of thought on BM maneuvers.
My favorite are goading, menacing, and precision.

Goading and menacing are in a very short list of ways to control enemies without magic.
Attack bonuses are rare and the fact it is hard to waste makes precision a solid all around pick.

One of my players is using a ranged based BM who uses goading and tripping to act like a tank.

2020-01-10, 11:03 AM
Disarming attack is pretty good if you have a free hand available to pick up the enemy's weapon (and your DM lets you pick it up immediately).
Bonus points for disarming the wizard's arcane focus and limiting their spells.

Trip attack is pretty good when tacked on to an opportunity attack.

Trip attack and Precision attack are both good for GWM builds. Same for PAM+Sentinel builds.

Pushing attack is good if there are environmental hazards.

Commander's strike is great if you have a rogue ally.

Riposte is great for Swashbuckler/Battlemaster builds.

Willie the Duck
2020-01-10, 11:24 AM
A lot of it depends on what else you are going to do with your character.

For example, Trip, Disarm, Menacing, and Goading are all great if your ASI/Feat strategy is to maximize your Str or Dex first. Firstly because your Save DCs will be higher, and because they are great 'change the nature of the fight' abilities when you have chosen not to gain any of those types of abilities through feats.

On the other hand, if you focus on feats first, and thus might have lower to-hit and the like, then precision and trip* (for advantage) are great ways to hit more with your attack.
*Notice that trip is included twice? That's because it is pretty darn good... right up until enemies stop qualifying

So long as you are front-line enough to be regularly attacked (and if you are a fighter, even an archery focused one, this is a likely case), and provided you do not have PAM or Sentinel or other great routine uses of your reaction (less universal, since these are both great), then reposte is a great idea).

If your DM considers the new options in the recent UA, then Brace (good alternative to reposte), Snipe, and Restraining Strike are all good, as well as the skill-booster one that fits your character (or Ambush for any character since everyone likes initiative boosts).

2020-01-10, 11:44 AM
Precision is the best maneuver for DPR. Especially if you use SS or GWM.

2020-01-10, 12:33 PM
my table's rogue loves my commanded strike...

goad is great on a ranged BM

2020-01-10, 12:34 PM
It doesn't hurt to try Disarm Maneuver against a strength based foe. If it works great, but in the more likely case not you still do extra damage. However, use it against rogues to stop their sneak attack but more importantly spellcasters to force them to drop wands and staves.

2020-01-10, 06:09 PM
I have goading, precision and commander's strike on my Xbow expert/Sharpshooter fighter. Goading can be very effective since the target can't attack anyone but you or they have disadvantage ... but you are some distance away as a ranged attacker.

2020-01-10, 06:29 PM
As others have said, it really depends on the role you want to fill.

My Tabaxi with Crossbow Expert loved Goading Attack; the target had the choice of attacking my nearby allies at disadvantage or wading 45 feet through my allies to reach me.

2020-01-10, 07:21 PM
Good choices all around being mentioned here, but there's nothing quite as satisfying as landing a trip attack on a flying target.

On my swashbuckler/battlemaster, two favorites are riposte and pushing. When your sneak attack schtick requires you to be 1v1 with a baddie, there's a pure joy that comes in running up to a pair of enemies, throwing one back, then turning around to sneak attack shank the one you were really after.

2020-01-10, 10:17 PM
Good choices all around being mentioned here, but there's nothing quite as satisfying as landing a trip attack on a flying target.

Damn, this just reminded me that our Hoard of the Dragon Queen campaign never got far enough for me to Eldritch Smite a dragon. I was so looking forward to it...

2020-01-11, 01:26 AM
I normally recommend either Goading/Menacing and Precision as your first two picks, with your third pick being more specific to your build. Riposte is great for Heavy Armor Sword & Board, while Commanders Strike is great with a Rogue in the party.

Whatever you do, I always recommend taking precision attack and at least one maneuver that adds damage. Turning a miss into a hit is really powerful.