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2020-01-11, 04:41 PM
Chronicles of A Twisted Ascension

"Per me, si va tra la perduta gente...

Per me, si va ne la città dolente..."

- Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy

I am going to assume you are already well acquainted with the glorious City Halmathan, dubbed by its people and foreigners alike as The City of Power. Few kingdoms around the world can boast of such title and those are far, far away from here. Nevertheless, Halmathan remains. And it has for a thousand years. Guided in virtue by the Airdan Royal family, the grand eight churches and the world renowned Runestone Academy, considered worldwide the foremost school of the arcane arts. The Great Fire not withstanding, everything is as it should be...

Until a year ago.

King Marcus Airdan is gone. The last lineage of the legendary Barbarian Queen Maira. The ruler dubbed as the Man of the People, beloved by all... he's gone. An avid hunter since his early years, his majesty knew that hunting within the city would incite the ire of the druidic community and so, he took a small group of his closest and most trusted men north, beyond the gate that separates civilization from the untamed wilds and never returned.

Did he go out with a hunting party? Who went with him? Why so lightly guarded? We do not know. We know there have been attempts to find him, more magical than mundane, but so far, his absence is heartfelt upon the City of Power.

Especially when we consider who he left in charge during his absence.

Being single, King Marcus has no family of his own. He is well acquainted and in very good terms with various high priests of the eight churches, most notably those of Heiorneous, Pelor and Kord. To have any of them take over the City for a short amount of time would not be a problem, other than finding his majesty. But instead, in an act that nobody ever suspected and expected, King Marcus granted steward powers in a document signed by his own hand to the least likely man someone such as he would relate to.

Enter His Holiness, Grand Inquisitor Connor of the Cudgel.

Nobody knows where Connor came from. He is a Cuthbertine, that much is clear. He may be known within the upper echelons of his church, but outside the cathedral, nobody knew of his existence until he himself stepped forth, waving the document tightly clenched in his hand. Connor immediately replaced Inquisitor Calchis and assumed the powers of Steward of the City. This, naturally, was contested by every major faction in Halmathan.

The document itself was passed from church to church. Even Runestone itself. Diviners upon diviners attempting to find any glaring flaw- a sign of fraud, but alas...

The document is legitimate. The Grand Inquisitor, satisfied with the results, keeps such document well guarded and was quick to act upon his new powers.

Within a month of his rise to power as steward, Connor enacted the Olidammaran Purge. It was his belief that those who follow a god of Trickery and Theft were, as the symbol of their god dictates, masquerading. Assassins and cutthroats of the worst caliber, Connor passed swift judgement upon an entire church and one fateful night, every last Olidammaran was taken in shackles and chains to the foreboding Castello di Santa Noria, were no one is said to leave. A prison of the old days. Empty for centuries... until now.

The fate of the Olidammaran High Priest, Roland is left up to speculation. Some say he resisted arrest and was slain on the spot. Others say he submitted and bowed his head in defeat as Inquisitor Dalpinian, Connor's protege and known within the City of Power as Halmathan's Sword of Justice dragged him all the way to the castello, a triumphant and smug smile on his face.

For those with a semblance of optimism, Roland is alive... somewhere. Not that this last idea is spoken out loud, of course- Connor despises Olidammarans and has nothing but contempt for any who would support their cause. And when you are target of His Holiness' contempt, there is only one place to go.

Surprisingly enough, the populace at large didn't react as badly. Shocked? Sure. It's a church that has been around for hundreds of years but at the end of the day... do you enjoy being robbed?

It would be around this time that Rashema's Marina, which has the lighthouse to Fharlanghn, would extinguish its perpetual light- Ravenna the Walker is gone. Perhaps Connor purged her flock as well? He had no problem seizing her temple "for the City", though.

This brings us to Connor's next edict: The King's Campaign.

Every self respecting Halmathan wants their king back. He is not only the rightful ruler and descendant to the one who freed these lands a thousand years ago, but he was a genuinely nice chap. This notion is one shared by His Holiness as well and represented in a hefty tax raise on all goods purchased and sold in the City. Many may not agree with it, but armies cannot be simply whisked out of thin air. They require money. An expedition of such epic proportions carries a toll that everyone must be willing to pay, for the good of the City.

With the Olidammarans gone and taxes sky high and funding the king's eventual rescue, Connor set his eyes on a blemish to the City of Power. One that could not be ignored: Magic.

A city with a million people. And all it takes isn one unhinged wizard to bring it all crumbling down. Can't have that happen. Won't have that happen. And yes, Magic is present in the churches, because such Craft comes in both arcane and divine flavors, but it was arcanists who felt Connor's wrath the most.

For starters, Magic is outlawed in the City. Be it a wizard, sorcerer, priest and anything in between, if you're casting out in the street or demonstrate unnatural powers already upon your body, you will be arrested. You will be swiftly charged and may God help you, because you will spend the rest of your days with the Olidammarans.

You would think that all these acts would not go unnoticed by the other churches. You would be right. Sir Randolph Brunhausser of the church of the Archpaladin marched with his own army to Connor's Palace of Justice, ready to go fetch the king himself. Connor would not have it. It is unknown what these two men spoke of behind closed doors, but today, Sir Randolph and his mighty contingent waste away in their own temple under a lockdown. This has earned the holy warrior the monicker of The Caged Bear.

As for practicing Magic, it still happens... within allowed and legal spots in the City. This includes any holy church ground and of course, Runestone Academy. This last one was hit particularly bad. A school for those gifted in all matters arcane has Connor's Royal Guards patrolling campus day and night. A cynical move on the Royal Guards' behalf- since they trained at Runestone as well before attaining such lofty title. Problem is, Runestone is a school, not a house of hospice. Many who would not be arrested have had to enroll at the Academy- not a cheap place to live in.

Of course, any savvy caster would find a way to practice their craft outside Connor's rules, right? Sort of.

Not long after Connor's ban on magic, gigantic floating machines descended from the clouds, chugging black smoke. Not unlike a giant fat metal whale. These are Connor's Eyes in the Sky. Over a dozen of these contraptions fly sluggishly above the City of Power. How were they built? By whom? What can they do?

You are welcome to go ask His Holiness about those particulars. Truth is, no crimes have been reported since their appearance. If any caster has fooled those Eyes, they aren't telling and since flight of any kind is prohibited, who will go up there and inspect them?

So where can casters go and be themselves? Runestone is constantly watched and has become basically a glorified prison. Connor's propaganda has made the populace view casters with distrust, fear and hate.

So go to a place where his Eyes care not to watch.

The Mercy, burnt down fifteen years ago may be a part of Halmathan, but nobody has any interest in the slums. Warlords? Thieves? Rogue casters...assassins. Let them stay there. Let them rot. We are in the City safe. And to make that point abundantly clear, Connor began building the Wall of Separation- which is exactly what it means.

Keep the Mercyfolk away from the City. If there's a wall between them and us, they don't exist, right?

The Church of Pelor and Ehlonna had different views on the matter. It is said the wall was only half built because both High Father Jace and Lady Silvarel stood in the way of the masons, their presence enough to drive them back. Connor may be a Steward, but not a stupid one. Even he would not go against two of the oldest and most powerful church leaders in the City, after all. And so, the wall remains, half completed. Needless to say, Connor's wrath and hatred for both aasimar and wood elf may have grown exponentially, but we'll never know for certain.

What is known is that a few months ago, a lowly dwarf from the lands of Suel made his way to Halmathan. A follower of Phaulkon and just as good with the bow as his archer god. Borazon of Suel, he was called. Or as the City would learn later, Father Borazon the Merciful. The first and only priest to willingly establish a mission in the Mercy. hardly a church- the dwarf brought along only two of his compatriots, but the church leaders welcomed him with open arms and recognized him as one of their own.

But why would anyone want to establish a church in a place like that?

2020-01-12, 05:08 AM
just a placemark so i can track the thread

2020-01-13, 07:04 PM
@Davish: It is another grey morning in the City of Power.

Hard to tell if it's the coming of winter or the shadow of one of his Holiness' Eyes in the Sky, chugging amidst the clouds above and blanketing it all with black smoke. Truth be told, it doesn't matter at this point: with the king missing, Grand Inquisitor Connor has reluctantly accepted the mantle as Steward and his actions are for the good of everybody. So what if the skies are overcast? What transpires above matters little to you and everyone here below.

In fact, as you walk down the Royal District after your morning stroll, past the churches of Heironeous and Pelor, you can already set sights upon the Palace of Justice:


This is St. Cuthbert's Cathedral in Halmathan and home to His Holiness. Laws are passed here daily in a fair and swift motion, as all things ought to be. Connor had the name of palace of Justice instated to hammer home the idea that the Law is not absent, king or no king. Needless to say, being invited to this place is not something your typical citizen would relish. Connor and his inquisitors make sure that any who come here, rightfully charged, receive due and lawful punishment. Funny how the amount of lawbreakers seem to have swelled since his coming to power. Having said that, the City has never felt safer.

And you, being a loyal Cuthbertine, have nothing to fear as you ascend the stone steps of the gothic cathedral and eye a black carriage with the symbol of the Cudgel on its side and a small contingent of Royal Guards. These men, trained at Runestone in the art of both blade and spell, are said to be Halmathan's ultimate line of defense. The king rarely sent them out on any missions.

Connor on the other hand, seems quite fond of them and makes sure their presence is seen as much as possible in the City. A way to maintain order, or so you have been told.

But that isn't the reason why you are here this morning. The night prior Lord Davrem, who has watched your growth from simple inn keeper boy to immaculate Lawbringer, has tasked you with a very important mission:

To have an audience with Inquisitor Dalpinian.

Halmathan's Sword of Justice is Connor's protege. Said to be a peerless follower of the Cudgel, Inquisitor Dalpinian was the man who took down the Olidammarans, always treacherous in their ways, those of murder and evil. Unlike his Holiness, Dalpinian is a tad more public of a figure. Forever protected by a human wall of Royal Guards, the Sword of Justice is as reviled as he is admired in the City of Power. But none of that matters now as you walk into the dimly lit hallways, adorned with stern looking angel statues which seem to follow your every step as these echo through the tall hallways and your eyes wander at the gigantic gold framed paintings of His Holiness, many which depict him astride a white horse with Halmathan off in the distance.

You need a map to find your way to Dalpinian's chambers, where Cuthbertine Guards have you remove every last weapon and trinket of power before you are asked to show a letter penned by Davrem himself and are made to wait around ten minutes outside before the doors open slowly and the guards lead you inside a grand room with polished marble floors and a large white statue inside sculpted to show a herculean angel stabbing a serpent that bears the mask of Olidammara placed in a most tactless manner to the right of the room.

At least ten Cuthberetine Guards stand at attention in this grand room and about fifty paces away, seated on a black desk with a stack of documents and multiple ink vials, you see the man himself:


Inquisitor Dalpinian. The man barely looks up from his work and raises his hand for you to stop at the door.

"That's close enough. Taskmaster Davrem speaks volumes about you...uhhh... ""

Dalpinian snaps his fingers in quick succession as one of the guards hands him a note pad and the Sword of Justice takes a sip from his coffee as he locks eyes with you.

"Davish Battleborn? That's your name? Okay..*sigh*. I have a long day ahead of me so this will be quick:

You may have noticed a carriage outside the Palace of Justice. His Holiness has found a traitor in the City and because of his infinite wisdom, has managed to route this snake before it could poison us all. The prisoner is in the carriage already. You are to ride with this traitor to her final destination- The Castello di Santa Noria and deliver her to the good graces of Warden Clavius. Your arrival and name have already been notified.""

Dalpinian waits only a few seconds for the information to sink in as he sips his coffee and raises an eyebrow.

"Unless you have other more pressing matters, Mister Battleborn?"

2020-01-13, 08:09 PM
@Remiel: It's hard to meditate out in the open when rain drops patter against your face.

Although you cannot see them, you are quite certain those metal things are ambling above Glenndale right now. It's the smoke they trail. Sinks down into the forest and permeates its stink. The druidic community has not taken this well at all, as is to be expected.

But what are they going to do? Rampage through the City in bestial form, clawing and biting and squacking at the source of the problem? Truth be told, that almost happened once. You weren't around for it, but it had something to do with Connor apprehending Lady Silvarel and taking her in chains out of this very forest. Something about an alleged terrorist attack conducted by druids who opposed his rule. Whether this attack happened. Whether the druids were responsible... it mattered not to Connor, who is said to harbor great disdain against the Lady of the Green Meadows.

Thankfully, the situation was dissolved. Lady Silvarel was released and Connor issued an apology... of sorts. As for the entire druidic community who was about to leap on the Inquisitor's throat, they were all persuaded by one single voice, as this one is heard through the thicket and steps forth while wiping away the dew from her face:


Claudia Latonia, Loremaster of the Glen and Lady Silvarel's closest attendant in the entire Ehlonnian faith in Halmathan. As a druid, you are fast. Able to assume the forms of various beasts, your speed is said to be unparalleled...

Except for Claudia. Although she is frail and taken more into the reading of copious amounts of books, the Loremaster of the Glen underwent special training by Silvarel herself... and some say, Silvarel's own mentors. Whoever they may be. It has been sung that Claudia ran across Glenndale Park in a record time of under an hour. No small feat, considering she ran barefoot and without the aid of her mystic training or assistance from her peers. This is not something Claudia likes to brag about- in fact, she is quick to dismiss the story as just that, but you have seen her make quick dashes through the woods and can attest firsthand that she is indeed fast.

Claudia bows respectfully to you and then kneels on the green grass, passing her hand over the ground, furrowing her brow at first, but just as quickly smiling kindly to you.

"Remiel van Oak, I hope I have not interrupted your meditation this lovely... morning. I was wondering if you had seen Lady Silvarel around? Maybe last night? I, well... it is becoming harder to keep track of her around Glenndale. It is a big forest and...""

It is then that a female's voice can be heard from above, booming around the City of Power. It has become common since Connor's stewardship to have the Eyes in the Sky broadcast messages heard city wide, as Claudia squints her eyes at the rain falling from above.

"... and remember: The Olidammaran threat is an enemy we must all rally against. Together, as proud Halmathans. Only under His Holiness' sacred guidance can we hope to achieve peace and prosperity from those who would sow Chaos and Destruction.

Have a lawful and blessed day..."

Claudia clenches her fists and looks up at the sky, which has turned into a downpour.

"What more lies can such a man weave?"

2020-01-13, 10:03 PM
@Laura: The rain washes over your face as your axe cuts down the last training dummy in Kord's training arena.

Thirty odd splintered bodies strewn around you. Not bad for some early morning exercise. Normally, you wouldn't even be allowed to practice here, given that those who wear the cloth are given explicit permission to train in this hallowed ground. But given that Connor has seized so many places and made them outposts of sorts for his militia, the kordite faith and specifically, Father Bhagazzin, saw in you the making of a true follower of The Brawler and how could he deny one of his own hospice in a house of freedom such as this one?

But the elation of your training is cut short as those damn voices from Connor's Eyes echo from above, like vigilant inspiring angels to the ignorant masses below. And it is then that your attention drifts towards the entrance to the kordite temple, as a well known figure hails you as he nods at the wooden dummies around you:


Father Bhagazzin the Blunt, high priest of the church of Kord in Halmathan.

Of the legendary eight church leaders in the City of Power, Bhagazzin is said to be the mightiest of them all when it comes to raw physical strength. Many have attempted to match him over the years. With only King Marcus reaching an as of yet hotly debated stalemate. Bhagazzin may be a dwarf, but his allegiance and devotion to the Brawler is clear, as is his allegiance to his tenets. Reason why out of all the church leaders in Halmathan, he is the most vocal against His Holiness. Especially after the Olidammaran purge, since it is said that he was in very good terms with the elusive Roland.

"Hey, Wildstar! Try not to wreck the entire place, will you? That's my job! Now get in here before you catch a cold. Food's ready and there's something here for you.""

The mess hall is packed with the followers of Kord, who utter a simple prayer before diving in with wild abandon as they stuff their mouths with generous portions of bacon, eggs, bread and wash it down with jugs of milk and orange juice. The better to start the day before training outside and beating the snot out of each other barehanded. The kordite way.

Bhagazzin wipes some scarmbled egg from his beard with the back of his hand and digs into his pocket, retrieving a dirty envelope.

"This got in last night, but you were already asleep. It's a letter from...oh""

Maybe it's the fact that you fight like everybody here. Your training is nearly identical to those seated with you, but unlike them...

You cannot read. In the heat of drinking, eating and pushing one's body to the limit, such nuances are easily overlooked, as Bhagazzin goes red in the face, clears his throat and opens the envelope, giving it a quick skim and raising an eyebrow.

"They send their regards. want to know how you're doing here on this side...hmmm. They're, no... she is asking for your help. Clarity. That's the name."

Clarity. You know one by the name of Clarity. Clarity Clemens. A kordite holy warrior and versed with some of those tricks wizards use. She left Halmathan soon after Connor rose to power. In battle, Clarity is a powerhouse, but she never made contact after she left the City, except citing the one place where she'd be:

The other side, as Bhagazzin read. The Mercy.

2020-01-14, 11:02 AM
With a bit of pep in my step, I hustle down the boulevard on my way to the Palace of Justice, summoned this morning in haste by Davrem, for an audience with none other than the Most High Inquisitor Dalpinian. While always aware of my surroundings, it is as if I've walked the entire way here in a dream, I remember as much of the journey. I recognize one of the guards at the entrance, "Ho Regnald, The Light illumine ye, and the Law protect ye this day!" Of course I have no time for idle banter, and have passed on before Regnald even has a chance to respond, if he is so inclined to do so at all while standing post.

There have been times in the past where I have of course been in the Great Cudgel's Church on errand, but never before summoned to the Executive wing. It takes quite a while to wind through the various hallways and staircases before I find myself outside His Holiness's chamber, where I present my summoning papers to the attendant. I am forced to strip myself bare, laying aside all worldly items so that I may gain audience within. As it should be. I am not offended, for I walk in the Light. I use the time I'm given to compose myself, to tamp down any hero worship that may come out once I'm granted audience within.

Finally, the doors open and one of the Royals bids me enter. I take but a few steps into the room, and there before me is Inquisitor Dalpinian himself, seated atop his desk, seemingly awaiting me. I quickly drop a knee to the ground, pressing my fist to the floor, and intone thusly, " High Inquisitor, I have been summoned, I stand ready to serve" I look up to see that I was right to go no further, for Dalpinian has a hand up to stop me had I done so. Rising back to my feet, His Holiness informs me that the carriage below holds a Lawbreaker, and I am charged to remand them into custody of the Warden Clavius.

"Yes sir, at once, so shall it be done, and by your leave may i withdraw?"

2020-01-14, 11:37 AM
@Einkil: It's a single drop of rain that seeps in from above and lands on your anvil, causing steam to blind you fro a brief second before you feed the fires of the forge.

The array of weapons placed around the smithy isn't as impressive today. Not as it was a few years ago when you came to Halmathan. Back then, you arrived with the Craft and Urgency of a smith devoted. You knew this City had use for your tools. Tools they would pay handsomely for. And then money that you would send back home for the war effort.

The situation back home is dire. There is a full scale war and every last copper counts. This City has an overabundance of resources and money. They also have vast armies. Each church has a regiment of holy warriors at their disposal. Never mind the Royal and City Guard, with the former being praised as one man armies trained in church, barrack and the arcane itself.

For all their might, you could have asked Halmathan to join in the war effort, but the City of Power has no interest in warfare, merely protecting its borders. They haven't been at war for ages and with the vast amounts of power here, who would seek to bring trouble here?

Of course, any chance to practice your craft as a smith died in the embers of Connor's ascent to power. The precious resources used to forge the many weapons and armor your people and those in the city might need have been seized by His Holiness. There are weapons, of course. And armor, but those are for Connor's militia. Hell, even the mighty paladins of Heironeous, under Sir Randolph's graces have been effectively nullified. The Grand Inquisitor keeps them in their own temple. Although you haven't had an audience with Connor of the Cudgel, you have spoken to the few paladins at the house of Heironeous, who have mentioned that they are being kept in reserve here in the City, in case of trouble...

But no trouble has surfaced. The mighty soldiers have grown fat and complacent. No sundered swords and splintered shields to repair, improve. Sir Randolph himself, one of the most powerful holy men you have met topside... he is rarely seen these days. Who knows how he spends his days in his private chambers. Old as he may be for a human, his strength and devotion to the Archpaladin cannot be ignored.

Nor can his generosity. When business began going south for you, it was he who invited you and others of your homeland to live in his temple. There are no established churches to Moradin here, but both your god and his share the same ethos and metaphysical home, so you and small contingent of Khedeshian soldiers found hospice when none other would grant them.

Still, you need to help your homeland and delving into the old archives when not working on the forge, you found something interesting about this city's history:


Halmathan used machines of war. Old ones, mind you. It is true that the City of Power has now began replacing the horse drawn carriage with metal contraptions that spew smoke in their wake. Transport vehicles that litter the streets and seemingly increase in number by the day. However, if there are still remnants of those war machines of days old and none hold authority over them... maybe you can use them.

A smith is also a religious figure in dwarven culture. So it came as no surprise when, in an exalted and elated speech, you roused your compatriots to venture forth, past the Wall of Separation and bring back such desired materials. Enough, according to your calculations, to get you back home to Khedesh with enough to end the conflict once and for all. Except...

None of your compatriots ever returned. The City is big, yes. But they know the main streets. True that the district beyond the wall is not mapped, but if your vision is true, they ought to find the old machines, at least half buried, and strip them accordingly.

This was over a month ago and since, dreams haunt you every night. You sent those brave men out there and in the dark, their cries keep you awake in the middle of the night. Their forms enveloped in shadow and a feeling of dread that has weighed upon you since.

2020-01-14, 11:55 AM
@Davish: Dalpinian draws a smug smile as you kneel before him and look at your reflection on the marble floor.

"As it should be, Mister Battleborn. A word of caution, though:

This snake you will be taking is extremely venomous. Do not be enthralled by anything it has to say. Monsters are duplicitous by nature. She is no exception. If necessary, subdue her for the duration of the ride. But do not end its life. His Holiness wants her to suffer for her treason.

You are dismissed."

Dalpinian goes back to reviewing the copious amounts of documents and you are escorted out of his office and given back your belongings. Once outside the Palace of Justice, the rain has turned to a nasty downpour as one of the lower ranking guards props an umbrella and walks with you to the carriage as the Royal Guards, astride their steeds, watch you from behind their visors and you get inside the vehicle, sitting across the venomous snake as the whip is heard outside and the carriage begins its slow ride outside the City and towards the Castello.


She doesn't look dangerous as you sit across the carriage from her. Her hands are bound tight by iron cuffs and you can see a slight blemish on her right cheek. A foreigner by the color of her skin. That is no surprise- Halmathan has people from all over the world coming here to make a living. It's how the City has swelled so much financially.

The woman looks out the window as the rain patters against it and then looks at you for a few seconds, her eyes locking in with yours, followed by a kind but pained smile.

"Good morning, sir. You are the one to take me to my new home? That is odd indeed. I would not have expected someone like you to fulfill his will."

2020-01-14, 11:43 PM
Five long years it had been since Einkil left his home in service to his king and the war. His brother and sisters were often finding themselves at the forefront of battle and with no skill for long drawn out battles Einkil put his skills to work. Eventually the mines and resources close to home would dry up and when that happened the kingdom would have to rely on trade if the war lasted to long, and so he had taken the mission to seek out aid and resources in the Great City of power.

Each one of those first few years had been meet with relative success. He was not sending home loads of ore and gold as he expected or wanted, however the work he was doing in the city was honest and steady. That was of course until recently, seeing the single drop of rain touch his forge as it created a mist of blinding steam for a few moments he knew it was a sign from the Soulforger.

Weeks ago he had found a new way to help the war, perhaps even end it, and as such had asked those brave warriors who had been with him to go and investigate his findings. He had expected them back weeks ago, but given it was in the district known as the Mercy had held out hope that they would return. “Mountain Father guide those brave souls home to your halls where they may find their mugs never empty.” The priest says as he plays with the runestone given to him by his mother, said to be blessed by the Soul Forger himself.

Looking around at the drey weather outside he notes no one is out training, ever since the new laws had come into effect those who were meant to fight and protect others had been kept locked away in reserve. However an army that does not practice gets lazy and fat, something he began to notice the longer he stayed in the temple. To keep himself in shape he stuck to his studies and praise, working the forge each day even if it was only to keep up his own skills it was better than wasting away, and helped him try to interrupt the meaning of his nightmares, sent to him by the Soul Forger himself.

With this sign that the souls were lost he knew he had to find their body’s and return them to the stone as was proper burial. However in truth he had little information that he had not given the trained soldiers that had set off and not returned. Rushing in foolishly would only get him killed he knew with certainty as each of those brave souls was twice the fighter he ever was. And so for the first time since he had arrived in the city of power he stepped away from his forge after finishing all the work he had to do and made his way to see the only person he knew topside that may be able to help him, Sir Randolph.

Walking the halls of the great temple in nothing but a simple set of pants, his work apron, a pair of black gloves, and his hammer strapped to his belt he began his search. Greeting the soldiers he knew in the temple and asking them how their day was and if they had seen the Great bear this day.

“You’re getting as fat as my uncle!” he called out to one of the paladins he knew well, walking up to the man and grabbing him by the forearm. “Tell me with all your lumbering around have you by any chance seen the Great Bear?” he asks, referring to what he called Sir Randolph.

2020-01-15, 12:45 AM
@Einkil: The forge is now lit by dying embers.

The rune casts off the dying light from the forge as you wipe your eyes clean from the steam that blew in your face as you recall the names of those under your care:

Thidratin Chainbranch, a master with the urgrosh.

Skassuk Dragonbrewer, said to be a virtuoso with both blade and song.

Berdur Bronzedigger, a juggernaut in battle that made giants run for the hills.

Kikruil Ashflayer, one of the few in your company to have followed the Sublime Way. Some might even say a grand master of one its more obscure disciplines.

Fisgrohilda Largesunder, beautiful Frisgol, as the company referred to her. Always at the forefront of the battle. A shield unbroken.

Motroumora Windaxe, unlike the others, Motroumora was an earthquake in the quiet bowels of the earth. Her singular style with battle axes spelled swift death to many who opposed the clan.

These fine soldiers were no mere cadets. Khedesh sent them with you here because they knew you'd need ample protection and in return, you would be their spiritual leader. Their loyalty to King and Country is unwavering. None of them would ever even consider desertion, that much is clear. Which means that their prolonged absence has only one possible outcome:

They are dead. You sent them to retrieve supplies and something must've gone wrong. But nobody you know could even lay a hand on these men and women. They were considered elite back in Khedesh. However, the last few nights...

You leave the forge and look out the empty training ground, drenched in rain as the Heironean soldiers, wearing simple garments, read up on their holy texts or play cards to pass the long dreary days.

You need to find their bodies. Give them rightful rest. But if you go there alone... you will end up like them. Gone and forgotten in this strange city. No, you need guidance. Someone who knows this place better than you.

Sir Randolph Brunhausser. Halmathan's Roaring Bear. He should be able to provide insight for your current plight.

One of the soldiers puts down a diary he was writing and tilts his head sideways as you address his body shape.

"Packed a few pounds? Sure, but that goes away with a little exercise. That square shape you have, though... So, you want to see Sir Randolph? He is in his private chambers. You can go look for him, but I cannot guarantee he'll want to see you or anyone for that matter:

Our Champion has become quite the introvert since the Grand Inquisitor spoke to him, so go knock on his door at your own discretion.""

2020-01-15, 01:24 AM
Before he leaves his forge he makes a simple metal band for his wrist made of plain iron, nothing stood out about the piece as he worked it into shape to become a metal band. Dipping it into a pan of oil he keeps by the side of his work station he slowly pulls the metal out and inspects the work. It was not pretty, or glorious, it was not made to inspire awe when looked at, but instead to be an ugly reminder to himself from this day until he found each of his friends bodies and returned them to the ground that it was his fault what had happened to them.

Taking out a small engraving tool and his hammer he carves the names of each of the six soldiers into the band of metal before slipping it onto his forearm, just above the elbow.

As one of the soldiers calls him square the young dwarf looks down, his beard and apron obscuring much of his figure. "Aye as square as a granite pillar which is the foundation of a building and bears the weight of the rest of the building." he replies kindly to the man, taking the back and forth banter in good humor. However when he is informed that Sir Randolph is in his private chambers he thanks the soldier before heading in that direction.

A few times he stops himself in the middle of the halls, his dwarven pride struggling to ask for help of any kind. However even after five years he felt like an outsider in some of the parts of the city, never mind that walled section where the poor lived. His kin deserved to be found and given the proper rights even if it meant he would have to ask for help on where to look for them, and how best to get a team together to aid him in his search. No doubt had he done this the first time, asked all the dwarven gods to show him the grand design of this place they were going into as well as the dangers perhaps they would still all be alive and the seven of them would already be back on their way home.

Instead he was here, a month later, alone and standing before the door of his host about to ask for a favor of sorts. If Sir Randolph's information helped him in any way he would be in the man's debt until he could find a way to repay the six lives he owed. And so with gruff determination on his face he raised his hairy ash covered knuckles to the door and knocked, waiting for some kind of reply.

2020-01-15, 04:53 AM
Laura smiles to herself with satisfaction as she breathes heavily from the morning's exertions. Not so long ago it would be rare that she'd find herself awake at this hour. But then not so long ago her usual nightly activities wouldn't have come with such a high risk of falling foul of the cudgel. Father Bhagazzin had shown her great kindness in affording her the protection of the church of Kord, and she in turn has tried hard to be worthy of his favour, even if she does still have the occasional slip up.

The intrusion of Connor's Eyes is an irritation as she towels off the light sheen of moisture that had accumulated during her drills, as much from sweat as from the light rain. But the Eyes are quickly forgotten as Father Bhagazzin calls her in for breakfast.

"Maybe if you built it stronger it wouldn't be so easy to wreck!" Laura calls back with a wide grin, falling easily into their usual banter. She jogs over to the mighty dwarf, towering over him and yet still feeling small in comparison.

She towels off her hair on the way to breakfast, then tucks in with just as much gusto as the others. She looks up from a plate of bacon and eggs with interest as Father Bhagazzin pulls out the letter. She's touched by his concern to spare her feelings, but waves swiftly for him to go on.

Perhaps she never had an education in the first place, but she's recently come to suspect she lacks more than just the know-how; although she can identify individual letters but when it comes to reading the letters just won't sit in order on the page for her. In any case she's not at all self-conscious about it, simply fillng it under things she can't do: like casting spells; forging armor; or wiggling her ears.

She stands abruptly as Father Bhagazzin reaches the conclusion of the letter, knocking the bench back to the consternation of several nearby acolytes. "Clarity needs my help in the Mercy?! Did she say where exactly?"

2020-01-15, 09:37 AM
Good day sir.

Withdrawing, Davish steps into the outer room and quickly dons his equipment with practised hands. A final once over to ensure all is in it's place and he's off, back the way he came. As he walks hastily down the hallways, any servants in his way move to the sides of the hall, such is the compelling nature of his smoldering eyes, and the set of his posture.

Arriving back at the entrance in no time, he is escorted to the carriage and enters the compartment, there to see his charge, an outlander woman, who for the moment appears to be somewhat meek. The carriage begins moving almost immediately after he enters, and it is then the Lawbreaker chooses to speak.

"Good morning, sir. You are the one to take me to my new home? That is odd indeed. I would not have expected someone like you to fulfill his will."

With a small sigh, and a tone as if explaining something to a child for the upteenth time, Davish answers her.

I serve the Law. The Law is an inviolate thing clearly stating that you may do this, you may not do that. If you choose to violate it, you have no one, and nothing to blame but yourself for the predicament you then place yourself in. Without Law, there is Anarchy, without Order, Chaos. An agent of Chaos is to be shown no mercy. Many choose to believe the Law is not black and white, that there are shades of grey to be had. I think you are one such as thought this as well, otherwise you wouldn't be here now.

Even bound, some have caused trouble in the past, Davish checks her bonds while explaining this, and then sits back from her as though coiled for instant action should the need arise.

2020-01-15, 02:39 PM
@Laura: The man may be shorter than you, but make no mistake:

Before Connor came to power, it was not uncommon for the walls and streets outside the Kordite temple to be utterly demolished. The reason was simple:

Because of Bhagazzin. The dwarf, a true follower of Kord, enjoys a healthy competition whenever possible. This includes wrestling matches. The Blunt Father will remove any and all trinkets of power and engage with his opponent on fair and equal ground. This usually ends with the rival being lifted off the ground, spun over the dwarf's head and then thrown like shot put across the temple grounds, tearing down a few walls in the process.

Make no mistake: this isn't done out of malice. If anything, those who enter the arena and fight Bhagazzin is because he either invited them to do so, or because he has taken a liking to them. This is something their rivals will come to learn when they wake up a week later in the kordite infirmary.

Of course, that was then. Now, Connor forbids any kind of behavior that may disrupt the peace. Plus, whereas Bhagazzin could use the powers of his god to fix any broken walls and streets before, with the City's ban on magic now, he cannot afford to be tearing down walls, lest the temple coffers dry up rather fast.

Once at the table, Bhagazzin hands you the envelope and watches you get up in a frenzy, causing the dwarf to laugh heartily.

"That Clarity? Oh, I know her. So she decided to move beyond the wall? Smart girl. Tough one, too. But if she's asking for you to meet up with her, must be for a reason.

As for where to find her? Hmmm... she doesn't say here, but I knew the place before it burnt down and have it on good authority of a spot where you might find her.

For one, there's the Ludus Magnus Colosseum, built to honor Queen Maira. It was recently cleaned of some brigands, or so I have been told. It's no church, but it holds great significance to the kordite faith. Clarity could be there.

Or... well, there is a Church Leader in the Mercy: Father Borazon the Merciful. A dwarf like myself and follower of Phaulkon, father to our god. I recall when he arrived here, we had a sparring match. Sent the boy flying through three city blocks. It was glorious! He is as much a church leader as myself and the others. Finding him in there should not be difficult and by default, Clarity.

I hope he's expanded his mission to a much larger congregation, though."

@Einkil: The soldier keeps writing on his diary as you explain the intricacies of dwarven views and how his comment has been turned nimbly against him.

".....ooookay. Carry on, then.""

You're a dwarf. A smith dwarf to boot. These lazy human soldiers could not stand against you. Hell, you could even take on the entire Heironean Church with your Hammer and bring them down by the dozens within seconds...

An idea. And just that, washed just as quickly from your mind like soiled ale down a dry gullet.

The tapestries leading to Sir Randolph's chambers depict a repeating motif- that of a young knight astride a white horse. A golden nimbus around his head at all times. The language used on the tapestry isn't one you are familiar with, but clearly a religious figure of great importance within the church of Heironeous, given the amount of votive candles set at the base of each, wafting incense down the corridor before you stop, hands covered in soot and with a dirty apron and knock on his door before a gruff voice answers from within:

Who disturbs me?! Was I not clear?

@Davish: You could slap this traitor and knock her out cold with the back of your hand and it would be legally justified.

The carriage is already moving through town. the mounted guard makes sure traffic is reduced to a minimum- who wants to be on the way of an official carriage, anyways? That's just asking to be arrested.

And so, you humor this snake by pointing out your stance in this city versus hers. There are only absolutes, no grey areas. No place for Chaos, only Order. And to those who would disobey Order, there would be no...

"You are so incredibly wrong, young man.""

The woman may be cuffed and at your mercy, but her words do not belie fear of any kind as she looks out the window at the passing buildings.

"Where I come from, my family saw to The Law. We understand very well how it operates and know that Law must be tempered with Mercy, Compassion...""

The woman looks out at the mounted guards bearing the symbol of the Cudgel.

"...and Sanity. It doesn't matter what happens to me- my fate is sealed. Know that I do not blame you for being the one to deliver me there. But I have been told somewhere, sometime ago, that I am somewhat good judging other people's character. You aren't an inquisitor, are you? You speak like one, true. But that's less of a zealous fervor and more like a blind following. Maybe it's those Eyes above? Have they stripped us of the need to see?""

The carriage comes to a stop at the north gate while this one slowly opens leading out to the old roads that will lead to St. Noria's Castello.

"You wish to see Order restored, young man? You won't ever find that in this City. Not now."

2020-01-15, 03:22 PM
Laura looks down at her hands pressing down where they'd slammed against the table, as if surprised to see them there. She leans back and brushes some wayward hairs out of her face, taking an excuse to look anywhere but at Bhagazzin.

"Clarity is... a friend."

She grimaces. She's a bad liar and she doesn't truly think Bhagazzin will judge. "An ex," she admits. For a moment Laura indulges in memories. Tenderness. Fun. Heights of passion. A stupid mistake... ...many mistakes. A blazing argument. A wistful parting.

Neither the first nor the last.

Laura brings herself back to the present with a sigh.

"Clarity wouldn't ask for my help unless she was desperate. I think I should go to her, damn Connor's wall. By your leave, father?"

2020-01-15, 04:10 PM
Sneaking up on Remiel is hard. However, he couldn't hear a cracking branch, the rustling of leaves or anything else that could indicate she was about to appear.

Then suddenly she stood there and he shuddered out of his meditation, immediately ready for self-defense, just as he had learned early on.

One blink later, he recognized her.

"My Lady Claudia!" he bowed long and low.
He let her speak - of course he let her speak! He listened quietly.

And then she was interrupted: by the stinking eyes in the sky, spreading propaganda like poison.

When this annoyance ceased again (unfortunately only for a short time) and Lady Claudia stopped talking, Remiel allowed himself to take the floor

"Pardon me, Mylady, but I haven't seen Lady Silvarel for six days. However, I've been to the south-eastern part of the forest - examining the trees I'd recently planted."

He was tempted to respond to Lady Claudia's comment about the lies, but bit his lips. It was not his place.

2020-01-15, 05:09 PM
@Remiel: Claudia blushes as you bow deeply and wipes the rain from her hair.

"No need for formalities with me Remiel, please! I am only Lady Silvarel's attendant. So you haven't seen her in six days? Odd, she usually announces herself to me when she isn't meditating deep within Glenndale. For her to be absent so long, hmmm....""

Claudia is visibly mad at the announcement from above, but just as quickly dismisses it, lest you catch a glimpse of her displeasure. Ehlonnian priestesses aren't known for being violent or demonstrating it by action or expression. That isn't to say they are easy marks. When push comes to shove, even someone as calm as Claudia can become a beast. Hell, if the stories are to be believed, Lady Silvarel herself can become a veritable storm in the extremely rare instances when she is said to have been angered.

The Loremaster of the Glen turns her gaze to a tree as she examines the bark.

"He blames the Olidammarans for what ails our fair City. Truth be told, I am not convinced the Olidammarans are the blame. Not at all. If seeing is believing, what I saw is nothing a bunch of rogues could ever conjure up. But for that I need more insight into this situation. Time draws near and Lady Silvarel... she must be trying to...""

Claudia snaps out of a trance like state and looks at you.

"Remiel, can I ask a kindness of you? It involves leaving Glenndale, though. If you cannot, I will understand."

@Laura: Bhagazzin chugs an entire jug of milk and raises a red eyebrow at your outburst but mentions nothing of it as your mind goes back to Clarity...

Whatever relation you may have had with her- mistake or not. It is not the kind one can forget so easily. If ever. The church of Kord would never condemn this, of course. In fact, no church would object to it, but Connor...

He would find a way to cast any sort of relationship such as yours and Clarity's as an unlawful abomination of sorts. He hasn't done so yet... that you know of. But he is not known for being a tolerant man. Mages can give good credence to that.

Bhagazzin finishes his breakfast and walks with you outside the temple of Kord, hailing one of those metal contraptions that have begun to replace the horse drawn carriage as it screeches to a halt and the man inside gulps as the dwarven high priest looks inside the window and hands him a couple of gold coins.

"Take this lady to the wall. This should be enough.""

Bhagazzin turns around and gives you a wink as he opens the door for you and slams it once you're inside.

"I gave the man enough to get you to the wall. Getting back here... that's on your own coin. Send my love to Clarity when you see her, okay?""

The vehicle is big, but not as big to fit your decidedly bigger frame than that of the cabbie, who messes around with a few levers and steps on a pad as more smoke comes out the rear of this metal coffin and off you go.

Back when the King was around, these things were an unusual sight. A novelty. People would ride on horseback around the City of Power or take a carriage. The latter was a free service, paid for by the City.

But not anymore. The King's Campaign demands a tithe sacrifice from everyone. The streets are packed with more of these metal vehicles and whatever idle chat the cabbie is doling out, you're having none of it before an hour goes by and the vehicle stops far, far away from the Kordite temple and any known landmarks, sandwiched between two giant buildings and a contingent of City Guards as the man turns around to look at you.

"End of the road, lady. This is it.""

The vehicle is quick to turn tail and the guards look at you with raised eyebrows, but do not object to you walking in. Although, what catches your attention is that there is no wall. Or rather, it has been covered:


White tents, stretching out for several blocks in a labyrinthine fashion. The guards watch you walk in, but do not follow, except to guide you in the right direction. This becomes particular clear when your sight fixes on several silhouettes on another tent. You can only see shadows, but one of them seems to be laid down on a cot as another restrains him and a third draws a blade, a sound you know all too well as a quick conversation can be eavesdropped.

Early symptoms. She can be cured!

You have your orders and I have mine... step aside, nurse. This is far more efficient...heh!

Before you can guess the outcome, one of the guards points the other way and urges you to keep moving before a scrawnly short man in a white robe looks up at you and then at the guard. And then at you.

"Uhhh... you want to go in there? To the Mercy?""

2020-01-15, 11:31 PM
Walk along the halls leading to Sir Randolph's chamber he noticed the tapestry's, beautiful but over time they would fall apart unlike a carving in stone that could last centuries in the right conditions. Taking a moment, he tries to determine who the figure is before continuing on his path.


As the gruff voice comes through the door asking who it was and was he not clear Einkil calls back in a calm voice. "It is Einkil Durthane. As for being clear, I have not seen you outside as of late so I do not know what you would be referring to." Einkil says plainly. "It has been a month now however and my men have not returned from their mission. I wanted to let you know before I departed that I will be leaving soon to go and find them. Even if it is only their bodies, so that they may be given proper rites. As a general of many warriors I believe you can understand this." Einkil says from the closed door waiting to see if it got a response.

2020-01-16, 12:23 AM
@Einkil: Tapestries are nice, but...

Time will undo them. Cloth wastes away under the harsh weather here. Stone on the other hand... nothing breaks stone. As for the man depicted on them? Given the imagery around him, a saint of the Heironean church, most likely. Every faith has its own cadre of champions and holy figures. Some more obscure than others and so, the name of that particular figure eludes you.

The voice listens to what you have to say and is followed by heavy footsteps towards the door as the scent of incense wafts strongly from the other side before the door opens slowly and reveals the imposing figure standing in front of you:


Sir Randolph Brunhausser, High Priest of the Church of the Archpaladin. The Roaring Bear of Furyondy.

Mighty as he may be, the man looks wasted away. It would appear he hasn't slept in a long time as his massive frame stands at the thresh hold to his room and looks down upon you with a frown.

"You are the Moradin smith, yes. Of course. I told my men that I was not to be disturbed. I would have assumed that this notice would have been extended to my guests too. So you are leaving us? Pity. I could have used a smith of your caliber. Were my men in need of shields and swords and helms... and you mention your men are gone? I recall a company of dwarves staying here. Yours, I presume. And you lost them...hmmm.""

The old warrior does not move from the thresh hold, but looks down at you, shaking his head.

"If you are to leave, give me the names of those you have lost. And as a general of many wars, boy, I will give you one piece of advice:

Go back to your homeland and mourn your fallen there. If they are gone in this City and you plan to find them, who will mourn you? Take my wisdom or don't. If it's any consolation, may Heironeous watch over you, Einkil Durthane.""

And having said that, Sir Randolph takes a good look at you and turns his back before the door slams in your face.

2020-01-16, 01:23 AM
As Sir Randolph opens the door Einkil gives him a proper bow for someone of his station before listening to what the man had to say. "I was their spiritual leader in this land and was tasked by my king to send home whatever aid and resources I could. My men died in service to our king as you seem to wish to do for your own." the dwarfs notes with respect at the man who seemed broken at not being able to go to his kings aid, he himself had no idea how that felt, but could see the loss effecting him. "I will head your advise and send the names of those who have fallen back home, along with my own on the off chance I do not return. However duty demands I at least try to return their souls to the stone. Last I knew they were walking into that broken district looking for something I found in the libraries about a machine used long ago or not, its to vague, by this city to protect its people. They were to gather the remains if they belonged to no one and return. I plan to pray over the best way to find my friends this day and come the morning will be setting out." he says, though it is clear even from his own voice he agrees with the older paladin, that he no doubt would be lost to this city if he tried.

"A word of passing from one man of the cloth to another. The bear eats all spring and summer, preparing for the winter storm. When at last spring comes again the mighty bear is ready and strong. Survive the winter Great bear of Hamalthan and when spring comes if I still live we will dine together on fine dwarven ale and roasted roathe smothered in mushrooms and gravy."

2020-01-16, 02:53 AM
You claim to have represented the Law in whatever far off realm you came from before choosing to reside here in the City of Power. You profess to have been adjudged the ability to determine one's character from a moment's conversation as though through some inborn divination. I would think one who had once upheld the Law as you so claim would know that I would take your ramblings as nothing other then another in a long line of the convicted who profess to never have committed a crime at all, as though the totality of criminals lack any guilt at all. Surely you must have heard this very same argument innumerable times before?

I am no Inquisitor, but there are many ranks and positions within the Cudgel's Flock. It is not zealotry or blind fanaticism to believe in right and justice and law and order. No less so than it is to believe in their opposites. All it takes for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing. i will NOT stand by and let the wicked rise to power, nor keep the rightful from their places either.

All this is said in the same bored tone as though it should be readily apparent to anything with some fragment of intelligence in their heads.

2020-01-16, 02:57 AM
@Einkil: You are somewhat old by dwarven standards.

This man is an eminence amongst the tall folk. A revered mystic, holy warrior and military genius. Traits recognized for years.

Considering all that, how can one fathom how he must feel when he is denied to do the one thing he would die for- to rescue his liege?

You simply cannot. You can try to empathize, but both are worlds apart. Still, some traits are shared and before the Roaring Bear slams the door in your face and gives you perhaps the best possible advice to keep your hide intact, you mention the reason you sent those dwarves and the Caged Bear has last words for you, something more than his initial blessing and well wishing.

“The machines your men sought... I have seen them. But that was years ago. Halmathan has no need for them.

I cannot say the same for those beyond the wall you want to visit. And now, Moradin’s smith, I have my own mission to attend to.”

That door shall remain close for the rest of the day. Possibly the whole week. Human guests tend to get the message rather fast...

Does that apply to those of dwarven stock?

2020-01-16, 05:37 AM
"No halfway intelligent thief would overthrow a regency that somehow allows him to pursue his profession. If I may be so bold as to say so."

Remiel stopped his bowing immediately when she demanded it.
He had never been a friend of the Code of Conduct they had taught him painfully. But even decades later, he still subconsciously acts according to the rules of the monastery. The indoctrination was apparently successful. Another reason why he ran away at the time.

"Tell me, Lady Claudia, what can I do for you?"

2020-01-16, 08:08 AM
Laura bids a fond farewell to her mentor as she hops up easily into the metal carriage, stowing her axe and bow on the roof rack rather than taking them into the cramped confines. The journey is less than comfortable with many lesser bumps and knocks as the carriage rattles along, but she barely notices that or the cabbie's inane chatter either, lost as she is in her own thoughts. Although the journey is a long one it hardly seems like any time has passed before the cabbie is breaking her reverie to tell her they've arrived.

At the sight of the tents and the checkpoint guards she thanks the cabbie and cautiously collects her axe and bow. These tents are clearly unusual and the guard presence makes her wary. According any misunderstandings with the guards is part of why she'd accepted father Bhagazzin's hospitality in the first place.

Stating her intention to enter the mercy she follows as directed. At one point her preternaturally sharp hearing picks up something about a cure... Is all this to contain some sort of outbreak in the Mercy?

The sound of a blade being drawn and the ruthless laughter of its owner make her tense, but an insistent prod in her back keeps her moving. Laura grits her teath and briefly considers sticking the prodding digit someplace uncomfortable, but even if she could overcome the guards what could she do? Cure the patient herself? Hells no. And there'd be more guards along shortly; that's the problem with guards.

So she keeps walking until they come to the scrawny man in the white robe.

"Uhhh... you want to go in there? To the Mercy?"

"That's right. My friend's in there. Is there going to be a problem with that?" she asks, gesturing to take in all... this.

2020-01-16, 01:35 PM
@Davish: What is it with these people?

This pathetic woman says a lot of things, but it won't matter soon: she is going where she rightfully belongs as you look out the window and are jostled a bit as the carriage drives on through the old road towards the castello.

"I never mentioned divination of any sort, just a mere character trait. Time under his umbrella has made you paranoid. But not only you, others under his banner too. I could tell you that I have committed no crime at all. That I am innocent. That the scales of right and wrong in the City have grossly toppled... but it will not change your view, cemented in your belief in the Law. In what is right, as you claim.""

The rain increases in strength as visibility out the window becomes almost nil and the woman looks at her cuffed hands.

"You may not be an inquisitor as you claim, but you certainly share their wisdom, correct? Then illuminate me on the following:

It has been a year and some since the King went missing. Your city has one of the world's greatest armies, there is no doubt about that. You have an army of paladins at your disposal. Never mind Runestone academy, home to extraordinary mages. Willing men and women eager to rescue their rightful ruler in a heart beat and yet...

Connor keeps one in lock down and the other under penance of fear and arrest. This doesn't strike you as odd? A man who in his own words 'reluctantly took on the mantle of steward'? Or is it reluctance to let go of said mantle? You know, I had a dear friend of mine delve too deep into things His Holiness wished kept secret. That much I know firsthand. Most likely these words will ring on deaf ears, but again, my character trait shines through, even in this dark morning.

Have you been to the area beyond the wall? Connor was very adamant in finishing it a few months ago. Something that had been stalled for months he rushed to finish in a day. Ever wonder why? Brigands? Those would never dare cross into the City proper, wall or not. So why the rush?""

The carriage stops and you can already see your destination:


The Castello di Santa Noria. Halmathan's oldest prison. This foreboding building was built centuries ago to keep the worst of the worst. A maximum security prison. The City has jails, but these are far smaller in size. Local ones per district and for minor crimes.

This place is reserved for the vilest of them all. It was built purposefully outside the City because, rumor has it, the cries of the inmates at night haunted the sleep of everyone for miles. Some have likened it to Hell on Earth, but their claims have no weight:

No one who has ever been sent inside has made it out. It's a one way trip. Before the king's disappearance, this place was pretty much empty. Today, though...

One of the guards on horseback blows a large horn to announce their arrival and a draw bridge lowers and a portcullis rises as the carriage rides inside the courtyard.

Immediately your attention goes to a contingent of guards positioned at ground level and on the parapets above. An ominous shape shrouded in clouds lingers above the castello- one of His Holiness' Eyes, no doubt as the vehicle comes to a stop and you are sent to escort the prisoner outside... before deep growls can be heard amidst the pouring rain and four shapes circle the carriage:


These hounds are big. As big as a warhorse. The guards with you reach for their blades as the prisoner you escorted steps out and squints her eyes at the beasts amidst the rain when a toxic male voice can be heard amidst the growls.

His Holiness be blessed! At last, the almighty Na'wa al-Habai, delivered on my doorstep...hehehehhehehehee!

The hounds sit on their haunches as a figure walks outside, with a guard walking beside him and holding a large black umbrella to shelter him from the rain:


You have never met this guy. Not until today. This is Warden Clavius, castellan of St. Noria. You will not find him in the City. He enjoys his humble abode here. And lives to fulfill his sacred duty as he walks up to the woman, who does not hide her disgust as he grabs her cuffed hands and plants a kiss on them, licking his lips as he meets eyes with her.

"Simply delicious. The last noble sent here was such a bore! I am told you people from the Sea of Sands are used to endure pain under such unforgiving sun.

This just makes my creative juices flow...yummy..hhehehhehee.hahhahahahahahahaaaa! Ahh... guards! Take the high priestess inside. I will be having a chat with her shortly.""

Na'wa, as her name has been revealed, simply looks at you before the prison guards drag her inside into the dark and the Warden looks at you, while taking out a silk handkerchief and sniffing it loudly.

"You have done well to bring her here, boy. It is His Holiness' job to send the law breakers here.

It is my job to make sure they stay here...and learn. This is a house of knowledge, after all. And since there is nothing else for you and your company to do...""

The hounds get back up and growl at you as the warden waves his hand dismissively.

"I have no further use for your presence. You can inform His Holiness that she is now under my gracious auspices. Best be on your way:

My hounds haven't had breakfast yet.""

@Remiel: All those years training and learning the old etiquette.

Druids seldom have use for such pleasantries. There are ranks amongst your order, of course, but rarely are they addressed in such formal way. Claudia being a clear example.

The Loremaster of the Glen nods in approval to your words.

"Your words ring true, Remiel. Too bad that the truth is now illegal, it would seem. We were on good terms with the Olidammarans, mischievous as they are wont to be, but never did we harbor ill will towards them. Not in the way he has acted against them. In so doing, I am afraid Balance is breaking. Lady Silvarel mentioned this to me briefly before her incarceration, but never did elaborate further on it.

I will find the High Priestess. Or she will find me, as is usually the case. But there is another lady of the cloth that I wish found. A dear friend of mine. One who, like me, saw things that I never thought possible.

Perhaps the last cleric of Fharlanghn left in this City. Her name is Calliope Fareyes, an Ambularet Per Pade, a high ranking title amongst the faith of Lady Ravenna. Calliope mentioned to me that something was amiss beyond the wall. Something sinister, something dangerous. When last we met, it was brief and she was barely alive.

I returned here after tending to her wounds, but she remained in the old burned district. Her aim was to help those over there but more importantly: she said she had found something. Something that has the potential to be devastating not only to the Mercy, but I fear Halmathan as a whole. I beseech you, because I cannot leave Glenndale and risk Connor attempting to seize it should Lady Silvarel remain in hiding:

Please, find my friend. Find Calliope and learn what she has.""

@Laura: Could you break the guard's arms? Yes.

Could you break an entire squad of these badge wearing thugs? Absolutely, but eventually, you'd get tired and they'd overwhelm you. Whatever was discussed and done in the nearby tent is something to consider in the near future. None of this has ever been even mentioned in the City. Definitely not in Kord's temple.

And so, when the meek little man asks if you really want to go inside, you tower over him and shed any doubt in your answer as he gulps and gestures to a long tunnel.

"Your friend is... fine. Hey, I'm not paid to keep you out of that place. Have fun, madam...""

The guards do not follow as you make your way alone through the makeshift tunnel of fabric and immediately the foul stench of garbage and sewage invades your nostrils before you walk out to The Mercy and take a look around:


It's ruined, alright. The infamous Great Fire did its job. Although buildings still remain somewhat intact, they are forever blackened and scorched. Garbage piles in towers rivaling those of the buildings themselves and the rain hitting the ground increases the nasty smell.

There are people here, but not so much in the open. Most you can catch huddling inside the buildings- who wants to get wet, after all. As for where to go... it's anybody's guess. This district was said to be the biggest in the City and it has been unattended for over a decade.

2020-01-16, 02:12 PM
"I will! So Calliope Fareyes-- I'm interested in how she can help us."

It didn't take Remiel long to pack his belongings - he had almost everything he owned with him.
He pricked 3 fist-sized pieces of grass out of the ground and put them into the pockets of his coat. As he patted them a little later, he said with a smile, "it's always good to have some home with you!"

Staff in hand and backpack strapped on, he looked up. "Do you know, Lady Claudia, why I prefer the rain these says? It washes away the soot and makes the forest and its inhabitants shine again in all its glory!" He winked at her and headed to Mercy.

2020-01-16, 05:17 PM
@Remiel: A patch of good green grass for the long road ahead.

Claudia smiles as she wipes the rain from her eyes, seeking shelter under a tree.

"Calliope is a very talented priestess, Remiel. Devoted to the teachings of the Traveler, but also to helping her fellow Man. Without a church to call her home, she must've decided to go aid those less fortunate beyond Connor's horrid wall. I can only hope she is fine and well... she has too.

And you, Remiel: if you cannot find her, please, and I cannot stress this enough- please return here at once. Glenndale will always provide shelter for you. I do not know how bad things are over there in the last decade or so, but they must not be like here. Even before Connor took office.

May Ehlonna watch over you.""

Claudia may not want to get herself wet, but you don't mind. The rain washes away all impurities. Especially those left behind by those blasted Eyes in the Sky and their smoke.

It doesn't take long for the green hills to turn into pavement and pretty fountains as you make your way to the more urban area of Glenndale. It is a park, after all. Open to the public. There's a large lagoon for couples to row boats across its shores. A multitude of cafes ran by the Ehlonnian church, a way to get more money into their coffers and of course, street vendors, pandering cheap snacks and tasteless souvenirs...

And they are all closed right now on account of the rain. Who wants to take a stroll and get drenched?

It's then that you reach Glenndale Park's main gate. Beyond that, the City proper and of course, Connor's ban comes into full effect. That may be the reason why a large number of druids choose to stay in the park. Practice their craft in peace, not be harassed by the police and possibly arrested. Such is the way of the City now.

And of course, a parade of umbrellas and hurried pedestrians nearly knock you over as people have to get ready for their daily chores. You need money to live in the City. And the only honest way to get it is by working. None of that killing and looting shenanigans from some old coloring book.

Normally, you would just fly to the Wall and over it. You still can, of course. Connor's Laws haven't dampened your druidic training. But since he took office, you know of no one. Not a single druid or practitioner of any mystic arts, that has been seen floating even an inch off the ground since he banned all manner of flight.

It's loud horns and noxious smoke that cause you to look at the streets as several vehicles have parked by the entrance to Glenndale:


Steam powered carriages. The "car".

These will eventually replace more traditional modes of transportation. Sure, they get people where they want to go faster, but that smoke they trail... not good.

Plus, they aren't free. The City has imposed a tariff on anyone using them to move around Halmathan. Part of the King's Campaign Tax. Every copper counts, as they say.

There is of course the old fashioned walk. It's free and not illegal, but who knows how long it will take you to get to the wall. That place is as far removed from Glenndale as you can imagine.

2020-01-16, 05:27 PM
"What are you paid to do?" Laura asks, her simmering anger over the overheard incident adding a withering property to the gaze she pins the man with. She waits just long enough for a reply, but if they're not going to stop her she isn't going to hang around.

Entering The Mercy properly she takes a moment to let the rain wash away her anger, its refreshing drops drenching her face and hair, and it's not long before she's smiling again. Father Bhagazzin warned her against the rain earlier, but in her experience a little water never did anyone any harm. Large droplets soon roll down her waxed leather cloak and pool in her unused hood. This district may be forbidden, but in fact being out from Connor's restrictive control feels freeing - like a load lifted.

Taking stock of her environs it's clear she's going to need some directions, so she picks a likely looking group of people and walks over to enquire.

"Hey! Do you know where I can find the Ludus Magnus Colloseum? Or Father Borazon?"

2020-01-16, 06:30 PM
@Laura: The scrawny little man looks at the guards behind you and gulps before smiling crookedly.

"I'm paid to keep the City safe, lady. What else? Have fun at The Mercy..""

This place may be dilapidated. In ruins. Littered with garbage, but there is one thing absent from it all:

Connor. No scent of that sanctimonious bastard and his inane laws to push you down. Of course, the district is massive. Roads- if some can even be called that- have been blocked by debris crumbled over the years. Essentially, you can make your way around this place by traversing the old buildings. Some are missing large chunks of wall, leaving rebar studded holes that emulate gaping mouths.

And of course, amidst the falling rain and as you make your way into the abandoned district, it's impossible for your senses not to pick up people watching you from dark damp corners. They most likely saw someone of your stature walk in, not a common sight these days.

And below a haphazard tin roof facing the brunt of the pit patter of rain, you watch a huddled group of hobos dressed in dirty tunics gathered around a drum barrel. This one has a few dying embers on it as the men and women, dirty as they come, attempt to breathe life into the fire as a few rotate what looks like..no. It's a rat. A dead rat stuck through a stick as they attempt to cook it over the flaming barrel.

The group watches you walk towards them and immediately a few retreat, taking their precious food with them as a couple walk around you and size you up, but do not attack as you greet them.

"Hey yourself! Hell, I thought you Bonnie come back from the dead. You're looking for the Ludus Magnus? That's Kurgen's turf, miss. You sure you want to go there?""

Another hobo shakes his head.

"Nah. Kurgen bit it big time. He's gone. Dead as they come. That place is far from here, lady. But with Kurgen dead, who knows who took up the place now. Some say it's, well...hhehehhee..'haunted'. If you can believe that.""

On the matter of Borazon, the group looks at each other and shrugs.

"That's the dwarf with the bow? Heard he's like some big shot back in the City. Mustn't be so much here, since he left. Who knows and who cares, right? But if you want to know more, go check out the Bitter Coffee.

Nana may be able to tell you more and we can take you there... for some coin, mayhaps?"

2020-01-16, 11:52 PM
Hearing that Halmathan had no need of the machines he had read about, but that those behind the wall might was troubling, though would explain why his men had been missing for so long. They could easily fight something they knew or another person with ease. However a strange machine was an entirely different story, they did not feel like people did nor did they bleed as far as the dwarf could tell from what little he had read. Fighting them he summarized would be similar to fighting an elemental or golem.

Taking the advice given to him he leaves the now closed door and returns to his forge where he had left the rest of his gear. Speaking in Terran to his hammer the entire time. "I know what the man said, and I know he is smarter then I. But it would be the same as if you were left alone, someone would eventually come and find you. It is only proper you know. What kind of spiritual leader to the Soulforger would I be if I did not try to find these men and return their bodies to the stone?" he questions the Galeb Duhr residing inside his hammer.

It was as he arrived at the forge that he realized a rather large problem. He had never spent the gold to buy a bag of holding in all his years in the city due to the group having one they all used and having spent most of his times indoors. He did not need his armor or shield in such places as the city and would often walk around as he was now. Something he doubted if half the stories were true he could do in the Mercy. However showing a great deal of wealth was not wise either. Sure his armor looked dirty and covered in dirt, but that was how it was made to look, designed expertly by his own hands to emulate the earth itself constantly around him. Not a single item he wore would go unnoticed in a place full of thieves and cutthroats and he knew without them he could be in very real danger.

Shouting out a dwarven curse Einkil donned his armor, which took a great deal of time as he had to do most of it himself, and strapped his shield to his back. Placing his worn backpack beneath the shield he checks the light brown gem is still on the necklace he always keeps on him, as well as the scale he wore said to be from a Bulette that increased his natural protection. Lastly he wrapped his cloak of bear fur around himself before at last placing his helm atop his head. "Yup I look like a target all right. Let's just hope I don't run into whatever the others did on this short recon mission." he says once more in Terran before making his way to the gate to the place he had called his home for a while now.

Once outside he begins trying to hail a cab, looking first for one drawn by a horse, however if one cannot be found trusting the strange new contraption instead they called the future.

2020-01-17, 03:53 AM
@Einkil: So there were machines here.

Well, not here in Halmathan, but on the other side of the wall. In all your years here, you never really bothered to dig into this City's history regarding warfare- there was no war then. And there sure isn't one now. Yes, people still needed weapons- if only for decor. Dwarven craftsmanship does not go unnoticed.

But with the new regime, who needs those anymore? The City is as safe as it can be. But does the same apply to The Mercy? If any of those machines are still ticking and manned by someone there and your company ran afoul of them, could they deal with such a foe?

Flesh can bleed by a precise and well placed cut. A good whack from a hammer can knock a foe unconscious...

The same cannot be said about an enemy that was never alive to begin with. These theories swirl in your mind as you descend to the forge and dust off your armor and shield. return to Khedesh and mourn the fallen? It's doable. Who would blame you if you were to do that? Their memory would still be honored with the highest dwarven traditions, but...

Your kind is stubborn. Some would say dangerously so. Verify what haunts your mind. Put these ghosts that gnaw your mind at peace and in so doing, your own conscience. Sir Randolph and his paladins have been most generous to you, but staying idle will not help your cause and those of your comrades. And so, you begin donning the heavy armor, fashioned after the oldest caves in the world as pieces of crumbling rock seem to roll down your spaulders, only to be absorbed back into the metal.

What little you know of this place is that it's a den of thieves. Whatever look you may have, you'll be a new face in a ruined hungry corner of this City. Your hammer alone is likely to catch attention from the crowd and why didn't you or any in your company purchase a bag to stow away all this?!

Hopefully the bear cloak is enough to hide your armor and earthen trappings... but it's not. If anything, it makes you look even fancier. Awesome.

The paladins watch you go and shake your hand firmly, some even patting you on the back.

Don't be a stranger, Moradin Son!

May the Archpaladin and the Soul Forger grant you strength and wisdom on your journeys.

You still look like a square... but a damn mighty one. Don't let anyone give you hell out there, okay?

Sir Randolph isn't there to say good bye to you. He already did earlier and who knows what he's doing cooped up in his room all day and night. He and his order may be on lock down, but not you, as the gates close behind you and the rain immediately drenches your cloak as you walk down the street looking to hail a cab, but preferably a carriage. Horses are rarely if ever seen back in your homeland. They don't do well underground. Makes the animals go crazy and disoriented.

Also, humans are rude. At least three times you were about to board a carriage when some fool would shove you aside or use their longer legs to sprint towards the vehicle, leaving you cursing in terran under your breath as you walk a few more blocks under the rain before you catch sight of an old carriage. The horse is just done feeding off a bucket as the coach man picks it up and stashes it in the trunk as he opens the door for you and is about to help you up, but decides not to, since you look awfully heavy with all that armor on.

"Where to, sir... the Mercy? Really? Okay, then!'''

The ride is a long one. The temple of Heironeous is in the Royal District and you're crossing the entire City... with traffic from those smoke belching machines that cause you, the coachman and even the horse to cough in their wake.

A bit over an hour before the carriage stops in an alley and the coachman squeezes his cape from all the water that's soaked in.

"This is as far as I can take you, sir. One gold.""

Transportation used to be free here. But it's all for the King's Campaign. And who doesn't want to see the King back?

The horse neighs wildly and nearly causes the coachman to fall off his seat before he whips the animal back in place and after being paid, is quick to turn his carriage around and drive back to cleaner and safer streets as you find yourself walking into long corridors made of white fabric. Tents, but arranged like a maze. The smell of blood is strong here as City Guards watch your every move and shake their head before you even consider asking anything about the smell and stains in some of the tents.

Just keep walking. Eyes straight.

And then you reach a meek scrawny man dressed in a white tunic. No religious symbols on him, but he is flanked by a small group of guards as he scratches his balding head and walks up to you. Not as tall as the rest. Just slightly taller than you, in fact. A short one among the tall folk, as he looks at one of the guards and points at you.

"You think it's the rainwater? Living under power lines...ha! Okay, sir dwarf. Welcome to Halmathan's dumpster. By Law, I have to ask you:

Do you really want to go in there?"

2020-01-17, 04:32 AM
It is difficult to know whether the lady spoke truth, or was simply trying to weasel her way out of something. She appeared to have accepted her fate as inevitable. It has never been my belief to follow blindly, nor accept things the way they are presented. Look at my own life, had I not challenged things, i would be but a mere innkeeper's son still sitting on a stool on rowdy nights trying to keep the customers from killing each other, or pinching the help. I don't know anyone in the diplomatic quarter to ask about this Na'wa al-Habai, nor to inquire about the nature of the Sand Sea. That can be left for another time. Since the evening meal is still quite a ways off, perhaps I can visit the wall however, and speak to some of the guard there as to the status of the outer lands.

Driver, take me to the Wall.

2020-01-17, 04:59 AM
Laura isn't at all shocked by the roasted rat. In fact it brings back some pleasant memories. It's hard to beat a good rat roast when you're starving. She has a kindly attitude towards folk just trying to survive the way she once did.

"Relax, I'm not here to take your rat. I'm just looking for my friend. I heard she might be at the colloseum, or that Father Borazon might know something. I'm not afraid of this Kurgen, or of ghosts. You say Nana might be able to help me? I'll make it worth your while."

She reaches under her heavy cloak to withdraw a generous (though not ridiculous) inducement from her coin purse. She may have sympathy for these people, but she knows enough of their tricks from first hand experience to keep her valuables under close scrutiny while dealing with them.

2020-01-17, 11:17 AM
Remiel wanted to get to his destination as quickly as possible: Mercy. But the burned district was far away and shapechanging was not an option. Still, there was no question that he would ever sit in one of these stinking vehicles.

The stench, the many many people who ignored each other (except him. They gawked at him) and did not care for their fellow man, the destruction of nature, yes, its complete abstinence, and worst of all: the noise. The unendurable constant noise. And when you think it can't get any louder, something even louder appears somewhere. Another reason why he had left town.

He looked around and found a good old, ordinary carriage across the street. Quickly Remiel crossed the road and greeted first the horse, then the coachman: "Greetings, coachman! A beautiful horse you have there. Tell me, can you take me to the edge of town, to the Great Wall? And how much is it?"

2020-01-17, 02:13 PM
@Remiel: Crossing a street in the middle of traffic is rarely a good idea.

The horns blaring in your ears, intertwined by a bevy of insults are one of the many reasons “progress” in this City should be greatly evaluated.

The coach man shushes the other cabbies around him and motions for you to open the door and get inside.

“Sir, you could have hailed me from the park. It’s dangerous to cross the street so recklessly!

I can get you as close to the wall as I’m allowed, sir. It will be one gold piece, though.”

You knew it would cost you. Just not how much. Still, it’s to bring back the king, so every penny counts.

The ride is long. The City is big, but with an over abundance of vehicles- both horse and steam powered- getting to your destination takes a bit over an hour before the carriers has to swerve as another one rides at top speed past you, causing both coachmen to exchange rude pleasantries before your ride comes to a stop in front of two massive buildings and the entrance to a complex set of.... medical tents?

“Have a good one, sir.”

The coachman is quick to turn tail and head back to the City proper. You came all the way here for your own reasons, which matter little to the City Guard as they lead you through a maze of white cloth stained occasionally with red as coughing can be heard from other tents, but the guards don’t let you stop and take a gander.

The guard asks you to stop within the twisting tent tunnels as you hear a distant conversation. A mumbling between two people.

Once the conversation dies, the guard leads you to a man made tunnel and a scrawny short man in white surrounded by more guards as he slaps his face in disbelief.

“Did I miss the memo? Or are you guys pulling a fast one on me? Anyways...”

The man looks up at you and sighs while rolling his eyes.

“Okay, sir. By Law I must ask if you really want to go into The Mercy. Why would you is beyond my understanding and care, but it’s what I’m being paid.”

@Davish: The Law is absolute...

Of that you are certain of it. However, there is a reason why Lady Justice has a blindfold.

The accused is now prisoner in the Castello, a place she will never leave. Her name and homeland are unknown to you. Something to inquire about at a later time. Perhaps her words were minced with lies. Perhaps they are too good a lie. Enough to have you go deep in thought as you order the coach man to take you to the wall the moment you leave St. Noria’s.

The coachman looks at you with a slight bit of trepidation but dares not question someone such as yourself.

Once in the City, with the northern gate safely shut, the coachman sighs as the rain doesn’t give up and takes a different route than the mounted Royal Guards, whom all were headed to the Palace of Justice.

They do not pursue, instead they watch you get lost in the rain and traffic, most likely fearful of engaging you.

It takes nearly two hours to reach the Wall. Or most likely a giant checkpoint of white tents that stretches several blocks.

Having the emblem of the Cudgel on the carriage, this one carries clout over any other used for public transportation.

Enough for one of the City Guards to open the door for you and raise an eyebrow as you step out.

“Uhhhh... excuse me sir. Are you supposed to be here?”

2020-01-17, 02:47 PM
Thank you, Sir, and have a good day. Remiel is glad that the ride didn't took longer than about an hour. He hands over the goldpiece and turns around to the tents.

To claim that the greeting was cold would be exaggerated. But since he's not here for kindness, but to go to Mercy, it doesn't really matter.

The way through the tents was confusing, but Remiel tried not to lose his bearings [Survival [roll0] ]. Just as he tried to understand what was being said [Listen [roll1] ].

When the little one stood in front of him, Remiel only replied "yes, I want to"

2020-01-17, 05:01 PM
@Laura: These people must think you want their food.

That may have been true many years ago, when you lived as a street urchin in the streets, fighting for your next meal, if there was one to be had.

You enjoy the blessings of the house of Kord. Plenty of food to pass around there. Maybe one day this place will receive its due break, but for now you need to find people.

They talk about some Kurgen guy. Not a problem.

They mention ghosts? If such a thing existed... not a problem either.

But standing in the rain will get you nowhere and coin speaks louder than any word. A single silver is enough to catch their attention and best manners as two of them bow profusely while one pockets the silver piece and lead you deeper into The Mercy.

A bunch of people watch you as they seek shelter from the rain and it becomes apparent that despite the place being in ruins, it’s far worse as some buildings look recently boarded- badly boarded. But most buildings have a broad red stroke painted on the door as some beggars stand a prudent distance away from these homes, rudimentary weapons ready.

The beggars you hired lead you about twenty or thirty blocks in. Not a direct path by any means before they stop at a curiously tidy looking inn with a wooden sign barely clinging to the wall as the rain keeps pouring down mercilessly.

“That’s the Bitter Coffee. Inside you’ll find Nana Rose, the owner. And be watchful with what you say or do:

Nana doesn’t like violence in her joint. See ya around.”

2020-01-17, 05:42 PM
@Remiel: So long, equine buddy. May your master take you to safer places than this one.

Why would they have tents like this in the City? Who knows, but navigating through them, daunting as it may seem, should be easy for you. Just get familiar with the signs:

A smudge of blood over there.

A bloody handprint a few meters in to the right.

What seems like blood stained footsteps leading to another tent further down and to the left.

A claw mark against a tent that has been badly patched further in.

This, of course, assuming they don’t clean the stains and reorganize the tents- these are makeshift checkpoints. Easily assembled and disassembled.

The guards escort you all the way and your keen hearing catches on to someone responding about the Mercy and entrance to it.

When your turn comes around, the tunic wearing fellow shrugs and points to a single long tunnel.

“That’s the way, if you want it so badly. Have fun...”

No guards to follow. No more check points. And once you exit, the awful stench of a City abandoned to its cruel fate.

The Mercy is huge. Who knows where to start looking, but at least Connor’s presence here will not impede your investigation.

2020-01-18, 12:19 AM
As he is departing he exchanges pleasantries with each of those he passes, promising to return in the morning if he was able and still alive.

Catching a carriage had to be the worst thing he had ever tried. Each time he was about to get close to one another person got their first. If only his short dwarven legs could move a bit faster. Can't they see I called that damn carriage over here first. By the gods they have no manners or respect. he says in terran, speaking to his hammer, though not looking down at it. At last drenched from head to toe, which wasn't saying much given his height, he finally spotted a carriage with no one around. "Oh thank Moradin!" he says in common as he gets to the carriage. " I was afraid I was going to be to late and someone would have gotten to you first." he says panting a bit as he had jogged half the way there just to make sure no one got there first.

"Oh I'm just as surprised as you are Sir. In all the years I have lived in this fine city of yours I never thought I would have to go to that part of town." the dwarf replies to the carriage driver, agreeing that it was an odd place to ask to go.

Having been raised all his life in mountain cavern's around a forge almost day and night you would think he would be used to smoke by now. However as the acidic tasting smoke blew into Einkil's face he found himself chocking on it. "I must say I have worked the forge my whole life and never smelt a smoke like that. What is it?" he asks, wrinkling his nose up in disgust of the smell.

As they arrive at their destination at last Einkil gets out of the carriage and smile's, that is until he is reminded it is raining by the *dink* like sound the water kept making each time it splashed against his armor. "My god sir you have been out in the rain with your fine steed all day, here take this for your responsibility to the people." he says taking out a second gold coin and handing the two of them to the driver. No one should have to work in the freezing cold with rain soaking through their clothes and not be rewarded for their sacrifice. As Mordain believed there was nothing finer then an honest day of work, and no higher calling then serving your community or clan.

As he arrives at the place he notices all the strange white tents and is about to ask a question before the guards tell him to just keep walking and not ask questions. Odd, perhaps they have a waiting room for us to ask our questions? And what is with all this blood, were they attacked? the dwarf thinks to himself, after all he had not heard anything like this on the great flying things in the sky. Twists and turns, roundabouts, it was clear a person could get lost trying to traverse this alone, and more then once he thanked the guards for pointing him in the right direction.

When at last he came to the man at the desk with the group of guards he smiles, though it quickly turns to a look of loss as he is reminded why he is here. "Greetings sir, in all honesty I would like nothing more to be back home in my nice war bed, spending time with my family. However my kin came here a month ago and have not been heard from since. As their spiritual leader I was tasked with retrieving their bodies for proper burial." he answers honestly to the short fellow behind the desk. "I just have a few questions if you do not mind before I enter. I understand you are a busy man and am willing to pay for your time." he says pulling out a gold coin.

"While walking through these tents I noticed blood stains here and there as well as a few claw marks, I had heard the Mercy was a vile and dangerous place where cutthroats and thieves live but we are still in the city proper, what is going on? Are they attacking you here trying to get free?" he asks, generally concerned for the men and women serving here at this checkpoint.

Will save other questions for after he answers this one.

2020-01-18, 01:11 AM
@Einkil: The coachman coughs loudly at your question and covers his mouth and nose while keeping his eyes on the road.


And that's all he has to say about that. The extra coin is, of course, received. Who would deny a tip after all? And then you are led through the maze of medical tents, raising more questions that you had considered to ask. Except when you reach the man at the end of the maze, surrounded by a small group of well fit guards.

The man raises an eyebrow as you begin to inform him your reasons for coming here. The guards can be heard sighing loudly and the this is echoed by the short man, who grabs a pen and you can see he's not even writing anything on the paper, clearly not amused by this while mock scribbling.

"Look, your life story must be something amazing to share in some cave drinking ale or whatever it is you people like. I am a public servant and to be perfectly frank, I could not care one iota about your kin and whatever insane reason you may have to come to this place.""

The man stops scribbling and then looks at you, squinting his beady eyes.

"I must also remind you that as a public official of the City of Halmathan, you offering me money could be considered a bribe. That, unless you have been living under a rock- and who knows if that's the actual case- is illegal. So, just because I am this close from snapping due to the goddamn weather we're having this morning, I am going to ask you one last time:

Are you going in, or not? A simple question that DOES NOT require a question as an answer.""

2020-01-18, 04:45 AM
No sooner has the driver let him know that they had reached their destination, but the door opens and a member of the Guard is questioning him as to his supposed purpose for being here.

Guardsman Private, do you think I would be here for some reason if I didn't need to be? Since the door is open already, Davish jumps out and calls up to the driver. Driver, you will await my return. Of course you shouldn't suffer needlessly in your service. You may await me inside the carriage so as to stay dry, and be comfortable. This Guard will see that you aren't hasseled, and he'll send a runner to see that you're fed. Should there be a bill for any of that, I expect one to be presented to ME upon my return. With a meaningful glance at the Private to ensure he understands his compliance is expected, Davish has a final note before setting off.

The servants of the Law are needed everywhere in our city Private, as you yourself no doubt know. Serve with honor and distinction, and this won't be the only post you ever know, but serve with decency as well.

Walking away from the carriage, Davish heads into the frothing mass of humanity and tents in front of him to see what there is to see, and hear what there is to hear.

2020-01-18, 07:11 AM
Finally, the first stage goal is reached: Remiel has left the city behind.

He had left Glenndale several times since joining the circle, but never the city itself.

And although the stench was even stronger here - different, but stronger - Remiel felt much more comfortable here. Everything was burnt and run down, there was rubbish, debris, leftover food and excrement everywhere. But it was easier to bear than this noise and the artificial stench from the Eyes in the Sky and the cars.

Right, the absence of Eye in the Sky! Mercy was a lawless room! But this also meant that the ban on flying was lifted! Remiel immediately went down on his knees, jumped up and used the acceleration to rise into the air, transformed into a falcon.

He didn't fly too high - he didn't want to attract too much attention from inside the wall. He noticed that the inhabitants of the city were more likely to be locked in than the inhabitants of The Mercy locked out. At least that's what it seemed like.

He flew a loop, looked for signs of life and let out a single, loud call from the falcon. If a priestess of Fharlanghn is out here somewhere, she'll have heard it. Let's hope so.

2020-01-18, 11:27 AM
As the public official mentioned that offering him a coin for a moment of his time could be considered a bribe Einkil is caught off guard. He understood why the others were swiftly moving him along, but this man had a desk and had spoken to him so he had assumed he was the person you would ask your questions. "I am sorry, I assumed that because you are the first person to speak since I arrived in the tent and you had such a nice desk that you would be the person to answer any questions someone passing through would have. Deepest apologizes." he says to the man behind the desk.

"Yes I will be entering the Mercy." the dwarf says to the man, not wanting to get in anymore trouble for an odd rule he didn't know about. He will then follow or go where he is directed.

2020-01-18, 12:38 PM
Laura walks with the beggars for a few blocks, taking in her surroundings. The red marks on doors she finds particularly intriguing, as they must have some meaning simply unknown to a newcomer to the district. The rain doesn't bother her at all, never once raising her hood against it, and by the time they reach the Bitter Coffee her hair and face are properly soaked, though the quality of her cape has kept the rest of her warm and dry.

"Not my sort of place then," she laments half to herself as the beggars warn her against violence. It hasn't escaped her notice that they haven't been quite as lucky in the waterproof clothing department though. "I'll keep your advice in mind. Thanks for showing me the way. Get yourselves something to warm up and get dry!" she instructs, generously giving each of those who accompanied her another tip.

Then she enters the Bitter Coffee.

2020-01-18, 04:01 PM
@Davish: The coachman is more than happy to seek shelter from the unending rain as he gets inside and you look down at the City Guard, informing him that your driver is to be fed on your account and letting the coach man know to wait right here for you.

The guard stands at attention as you mention the highest tenets of the Law, to serve with honor and distinction and...

My men are well aware of Honor and Distinction. Of duty to this City...

The soldier turns towards the tents and gulps as he remains perfectly rigid and a figure walks out to meet you, the rain plinking off his armor:


This man seems to command respect from the soldiers here, that much is clear, as he looks behind you at the carriage with the symbol of the Cudgel emblazoned on its side and then at you, squarely in the eye.

"What I was not aware of was that His Holiness would be sending someone to my jurisdiction. I am always notified of this in advance. I am Sergeant Andlas of the 65th Division. Who are you and why are you here?""

@Einkil: The man listens to you keep talking and does a gesture with his hand, much like an opening mouth suddenly shutting up.

"How bloody difficult was it to answer that question, huh? Have fun doing whatever it is you're doing in there. Good riddance."

The guards simply point towards a long tunnel and do not follow you as you can hear the short man complain about the damn weather and why he has to be here dealing with idiots and what not, but his voice and that of the soldiers is quickly drowned by the ever falling rain as your nose is invaded with the smell of garbage and waste as you exit the tunnel and become drenched again, squinting in the rain as you are greeted by gigantic old broken buildings.

Any semblance of a road is piled by more garbage and detritus. You can see some people further ahead in the rain, but no one to greet you or hand you a map to find your way around. They say this place used to be Halmathan's largest district, so where to begin?

@Remiel: The smell isn't exactly the best, but...

You flex your knees a bit and take a sprint through the dirty puddles of The Mercy as your sight is fixed on the grey skies above and your body suffers a radical transformation. Your body reduces in size and your hair turns to dark brown feathers as a beak stretches your face as your eyes become keener and before you know it, flight.

Druids and other practitioners of The Craft can fly in Glenndale, but with Connor's Eyes floating above, everyone is a bit weary to fly too high. Who knows what those things can do, especially when Connor was very specific that using Magic of any kind in the City would face swift consequences, or something along those lines...

But here? Connor cares not for this place. No surprise then, that many who use the Art fled here when the Magic Ban was instated in the City, druids included. But even as you flap your wings and get drenched by the rain and catch the air currents to swoop around, this place is gigantic. The rain doesn't make it easier to see too far, as you fly past several buildings and take a passing glance at figures inside, behind badly boarded windows and let out a screech. If Calliope Fareyes is nearby, she certainly must've heard it and been able to recognize you and...

It's a sudden cold that washes over you. Not the current weather, though. Something else that nearly causes you to plummet as a faint female's voice can be heard laughing amidst the drenched ruins of The Mercy, a distant echo just as quickly gone before you realize you're about to hit the ground and take flight again, shaking the rain off your feather head and then catch a somewhat familiar sight below:


What is that woman doing here?

This happened a year ago and some odd months. Before Connor was even a thing.

That hulking woman showed up one day at Glenndale, away from the park section open to the public and decided to train with a mean looking axe on the trees.

Needless to say, this did not bode well with the druids as a few showed up and stopped her by words first before showing her one of the old parchments that dictate that no trees are to be logged down.

Who knows what went on in her mind that she shoved the young acolyte onto the ground and things would've escalated further, had Claudia herself not intervened and calmed her before leading her out of the woods. You were watching this whole ordeal, of course. But not in the guise of a man, ready to pounce on her if she turned really violent.

Did she decide to move here? She seems to have a small posse with her as she walks into a semi clean building within this filth.

@Laura: Why are there red markings on these buildings?

Who knows. This place may belong to the City, but only in name. It's a completely different place now, with its own customs. And so, you reach the Bitter Coffee and hand the beggars another shiny silver piece, lamenting that violence isn't welcome here. You could use some violence. Wooden dummies only go so far. Not very reactive.

The beggars are long gone and disappear amidst the soaked streets as you turn the knob and the door creaks as you take in your surroundings.

A somewhat big place. Bunch of tables with the chairs propped on top as three young men wearing aprons mop the floor and turn their attention to you as your hulking frame enters the tavern and they cautiously lay their mops against the table and place their hands in their pockets, staring at each other before a cough can be heard at the end of the room, behind the bar and you raise an eyebrow at a gnome:


As ugly as winter and just as old, this gnome serves herself a drink on a mug and puts out her smoke on a wet plate.

"Easy, guys. I don't think she's here for trouble... you aren;t here for trouble, are you dearie?""

2020-01-18, 04:56 PM
As Einkil exits the tunnel he is reminded why no one comes here, if you didn't get mugged or murdered by those who called this place home, there was a good chance you could catch a disease. The place was filthy, and the smell was even worse then it looked if that was to be believed. A building could easily be repaired with the right amount of skill and magic, but that smell, ugh, he shudders as he finds a rag and covers his nose with it.

Hand on his hammer at all times to make sure it does not get stolen, the lone dwarf begins making his way around the first mile of the tunnel entrance, looking for landmarks and other signs he could use to guide him in this broken down labyrinth of buildings. He would be cordial with any he meet as to not pick a fight, however he would make sure he was not surrounded at any time either.

2020-01-18, 05:36 PM
"I'm not looking for trouble," Laura replies. "Although I sometimes find it anyway," she admits honestly with a pained expression, hoping this isn't over-sharing.

"I'm only here because I'm looking for my friend, Clarity Clemens. I heard she might be at the Ludus Magnus Colloseum, or that Father Borazon might know where she is. And the guys who brought me here said Nana would know how to get to them. You are Nana, right? I'm Laura Wildstar."

"What's with all the red paint on the buildings round here by the way?" she asks.

2020-01-18, 07:14 PM
@Laura: The old gnome sips from her mug and beckons you to approach the bar and take a grab a stool as she listens to your tale.

"Laura Wildstar... never heard a name like that here before. You must be new. From the other side? Heh! Have things gone so down the toilet with that idiot that everyone is flocking here now? You're here to make coin? There's a few people I may know who would hire muscle like yours.

And yes, I am Nana Rose, proprietor of the Bitter Coffee. Last reputable and only standing shop in the entire Mercy since the Great Fire.

Oh! You're looking for Clarity? Of course I know her. Sweet girl, the Clemens child. She sometimes stops here to check on things. Make sure nobody's trying to raise trouble, but she's been absent for awhile. Last I heard, she was doing some clean up jobs alongside a local here, Lendra. Hard to find good honest folk on both sides of the wall, so I aid them as much as I can- with free food.

The Ludus Magnus is not a place I would recommend you go on your own, Laura. You seem pretty strong, but I heard that place has been overrun. Most likely the reason Clarity has been gone for awhile. Some new group. The... something something... ehhh. Hand. It has a name that ends with Hand. I don't know much about them. Gangs rise and fall here every day. Most are petty and not worth notice, but these must've gained Clarity's attention, since she mentioned she was going to 'deal with them'.

That was awhile back, though."

When you mention Borazon, Nana Rose puts down her mug and shakes her head.

"He's gone, Wildstar. And best leave it at that.""

On the mention of the red paint, Nana refills her mug and goes grim before downing the entire cup.

"Sick houses, child. The red paint means that there are sick inside. And if that's the case, stay away from those.""

@Einkil: If only you had an entire team of dwarven engineers.

It would take months. Maybe a year tops, but you could fix these buildings. Bring them back to their former glory or hell, even add some dwarven aesthetic to them. Would definitely improve the look.

But never the smell. This place is a city wide latrine! How could anyone live here? More reason to find your compatriots' remains and get out of The Mercy asap.

Hammer held firmly in one hand, shield in the other, you trudge through the dirt puddles as the rain keeps pattering on your head when you turn the corner of an alley and small bits of concrete trail down on your head as the building shakes, not unlike a small earthquake, a sensation quickly gone as your dwarven ears catch a conversation a few feet away, just right of the alley you were about to go into.

I...urghhhh! I'm sorry! We had to make a run for it! But we brought most of them intact! Please let me go!

Roll a Spot & Listen

2020-01-18, 08:06 PM
Never letting down his guard, Einkil makes very slow progress through the Mercy, trusting his ties to the earth to warn him of dangers before he can ever spot them. So when the small bits of concrete begin to slam into his helmet he curses in dwarven about people not walking on solid earth like they were meant to. Looking at the structure that just seemed to move as if a small earthquake hit it he tries to see if it was stable enough to stand next to or if he should immediately get clear of the building.

Using Search check to notice if their is new construction here or unsafe stone surfaces, shaky stone ceilings, and the like. [roll0]

Listening to the conversation he speaks in Terran to his hammer, asking it to lend him its sense's momentarily as he tries to see how many people are in the ally he was about to turn into. With his back up against the wall, effectively hiding the bear cloak from view under the mountain like terrain of his armor he tries to listen to the conversation more, hoping he could have a clue of what was going on here.

Move to use Earth Sense I can tell how many people are around me in a 20ft. radius, just not their exact location. Think less accurate sonar.

Listen Check [roll1]

Spot Check [roll2]

2020-01-19, 01:46 AM
Sergeant, I am Marshal Davish. I'm not here on orders from the High Inquisitor, I was engaged in another matter that has been settled. I'm here to inspect this site and the Mercy beyond in my capacity as an officer in the Service, not to unduly interfere with you or your men in any way. Pardon if my appearance has pulled you from your duties. A respectful bow follows this.

Perhaps a few short words, or if you have more pressing matters, you could point me in the direction of anyone who may be able to answer some cursory questions?

2020-01-19, 02:12 AM
"What's Chopper doing here?" Since none of the druids knew the name of the madwoman with the axe who wanted to cut down their forest, they only called her Chopper when this incident was discussed.

Now she was here too. Why? What's she doing here?
The house where she disappeared caught his attention because it was in good condition compared to the rest of the houses here.

He sat down on a roof ridge and watched the entrance door for a little longer (depending on how busy it was, maybe an hour?). There wasn't as much going on as at the meeting place at midsummer, but occasionally people came and left the house. All safe and sound. It seemed to be a place from which there was no immediate danger.

Perhaps the best place to start his search.

He flew to the ground, changed back his appearance and entered the house.

2020-01-19, 05:43 AM
@Davish: Sergeant Andlas looks at the Cuthbertine carriage as you bow to him and the man raises an eyebrow.

"Marshal Davish, well met. I still fail to see why you are here, though. The City announced some time ago what transpired here:

An Olidammaran terrorist plot. A splinter faction from those assassins hides in The Mercy and attempted against the City of Power. His Holiness has already taken measures- the 65th division.

You want to ask questions? That would be me, marshal. However, unless you can produce a legal document that entitles you to such action, what transpires here is in a need to know basis. By decree of His Holiness. Of course, if you wish to venture into The Mercy itself, I cannot stop you in that regard. But be warned:

You will be going alone. The 65th Division has no jurisdiction beyond that wall."

@Remiel: Chopper Girl...

No trees for her to cut down in this wasted urban sprawl, so why move here? Still, that building looks cleaner than any other you have flown over and as you perch across the cracked wet street, the rain drenching your feathers, you keen your eyes and finally land in an alley nearby and shift back to your human form, walking inside.

The place is largely empty, except for a few bus boys mopping the floor and cleaning the tables. Chopper is at the far end of the tavern talking it up with a very old and most unattractive gnome wench, who raises her small hand and waves at you.

"Morning, young man! Have I seen you before? We'll be open in an hour still, but I might have some leftovers from the night prior, if you can spare the coppers, that is.""

@Laura: Nana has given you information.

Not a bunch of it, but enough to possibly find Clarity as she sheds some more grim news on what happens here and then the door opens and a curious figure comes in:


Never seen this guy before. And apparently, neither has Nana.

@Einkil: This damn place!

Not only does it smell, but it's crumbling down, given the small pieces of rubble that bonk off your helmet. However, given your acute stonemason senses, you can tell this building is stable. It's not going down anytime soon.

Now, you could turn back. Find another route in this city sized dump, but nooooo... let's take a listen and use your dwarf granted senses to see how many people are on the corner deep into the alley.

Your senses are good, but limited. That alley must be longer than a mere twenty feet, so it's impossible to know how many unless you poke your square head and take a look.

You can hear some words said, mostly that of the man from the beginning, followed by a woman's:

You have failed Her for the last time. Forgiveness... is a trait that lasts only so long. If it's any consolation, I am sorry. I really am...

It's a cry of sheer fear from the man as his cries seem to be heard farther and farther away, as if carried by the rain itself and then he's heard no more.

A sigh can be heard from the alley a few seconds later from the woman as she seems to walk further away from you when your senses pick up a presence... right behind you.

Your Hammer is quick to swing before a nimble figure dodges at the last second and the Galeb Duhr strikes the wall as the figure immediately places her hand on your bearded mouth and places her other hand on her own, using her index to do a silent shhh sound:


A human... and most unusually dressed. Her hand remains covering your mouth and she shakes her head slowly as she points at the alley, carefully removing her hand from your mouth, trusting you'll get the message.

2020-01-19, 05:57 AM
Laura's face falls at the news about Borazon. "Oh. I'm sorry to hear that. My mentor Bhagazzin was quite fond of him I believe."

Laura wrings the water out of her hair in the doorway before crossing to take the proffered stool.

"Yes, I'm from the other side. Life under Connor is pretty stifling. I don't leave the compound of the Temple of Kord much these days... Too much chance of finding trouble. It's much less oppressive here! I'm not averse to earning some change, but for the moment I'm just looking for Clarity. She sent me a letter asking for my help but didn't say where."

Laura sighs. This is getting complicated quite fast. "Do you know where I might find Lendra? If Father Borazon is gone and it isn't a good idea to go to the colloseum alone..."

The door opens and Laura turns curiously to see who's there. Impressive!

"Would having him help?" she asks Nana aside.

2020-01-19, 06:21 AM
@Laura: Not that many leads to follow and the information given seems to lead to dead ends as Nana cleans her glass with an old dirty rag.

"Stifling is one way to put it, child. I still don't understand why the other big shots in Halmathan haven't put that cheating scumbag in his place. I am sure Bhagazzin would like nothing more than to punch that snake clear across the City. And he could too: that dwarf is a titan in disguise, I'm telling you. You seem to like trouble. Well, all you have to do is walk around here in a few hours or after sundown- trouble will come looking for you, guaranteed. These guys, I swear. They see a lone woman in the street and think they can thieve her coin. Then they come crying here:

Nana! That woman broke my arm!

The witch made me dance like some pansy with my buddy for hours!

I ended up giving my money to her??? HOW!?

Hey, if you're going to do a job, know your mark, you know what I'm saying? As for Lendra? Hmmm... she lives in an old farm house. Well, what passes for a farm house here. The soil is so polluted, it's a miracle anything would grow in the first place. It's a bit far from here and although you may not find her at the house, her mentor, Vargas certainly will be there. A retired soldier and somewhat of a hermit, but he won't be aggressive... provided he's sober. Guy drinks way too much. As for going alone? I don't advise it, Wildstar. You're seem strong, but there are some here who can surprise you unless you have proper back up.""

And speaking of that, the door opens and Nana greets the shaggy looking man, drenched from head to toe as she keeps waving and smiling, but addressing you.

"I know him as much as I know you, child."

2020-01-19, 09:30 AM
Remiel raised his hand in greeting and as a sign that the gnome could stop waving, Remiel had noticed her.

He joined the two ladies. He was careful not to get too close to Laura to provoke her, but he kept the distance small enough that she would have problems if she suddenly wanted to pull her axe and attack him.

"Greetings and good morning! Thanks, I don't need anything. Except perhaps some information" he reached into his pocket, picked up a handful of coins and placed them on the counter in front of the gnome. This, he thinks, is the usual procedure for services like this.

"Calliope Fareyes, a servant of Fharlanghn, do you know her? Do you know where I can find her, or find someone else who might know?"

2020-01-19, 10:05 AM
"I guess it's missing person's day today!" Laura jokes, smiling at the new arrival. She holds out her hand.

"I'm also here looking for someone, though I haven't heard of your girl before. Calliope Fareyes, was it? I'm looking for someone called Clarity Clemens. My name's Laura Wildstar. Perhaps we could help each other? Nana - this is Nana Rose by the way; this is her shop - says it isn't safe to go alone round here, and you look like you can handle yourself."

2020-01-19, 01:17 PM
@Remiel: The old gnome watches you spill a handful of coins on the table, a normal procedure for a place such as this after asking your questions.

The gnome smiles back and keeps waving like a fool at you.

“Greetings! Put that money back in your pocket right now. Unless you want to order something, throwing money on my counter without even saying your name and asking questions is rather rude, young man.”

The gnome’s smile wanes until you have retrieved your coin and then smiles again and gives you a wink.

“Just because I live here, doesn’t mean I’m going to slobber before money. Sometimes just asking politely is more than enough. Plus a name to go along with it, okay?

As for that name? Yes, I know Calliope. In fact, she slept in the cellar one night, right over there, below the tables. She was fresh out of the wall and seemed very lost. Eventually she met with a group of people both from here and beyond Halmathan. In fact, she attained somewhat of a status here.

She was one of the people involved in the defeat of the Cold Hammers, lead by Kurgen and later...”

Nana goes silent as she looks at the people working here for her and sighs deeply.

“.... she also helped during the House of Knowledge incident. After that, Calliope Fareyes decided to lend her expertise as a priestess and help any and all she could in The Mercy. For free. A noble soul for place many would say lack it.

But that was over a month ago. I haven’t seen her since. She did say she was a priestess of the Traveler, so maybe she simply finished her job here and kept walking? I sure hope that’s the case...”

@Laura: Nana chuckles a bit at your comment, attempting to hide a bit of sorrow.

“If I had a gold piece for everyone that’s gone missing... I’d still stay here. What, give my money to that crook beyond the wall? Pass!

I like you, Wildstar. Maybe this fresh soaked face here can give you a hand. If he made it here alone, who knows what the two of you can get done?”

2020-01-19, 02:20 PM
"Oh, okay, I apologize." He quickly put his coins back in his pocket and apologized. It was a serious apology, he didn't mean to be rude. "I thought it was customary".

A little embarrassed he continued: "My name is Remiel. Calliope and I have a mutual friend who asked me to find her.
You have made me curious about this incident, please tell me more. And a tea, please."

2020-01-19, 02:46 PM
Laura looks at Remiel, then down at her outstretched hand left hanging in mid air. After a moment's shocked indignation, she pantomimes the exchange she'd clearly been expecting.

"Why hello Laura! Delighted to make your acquaintance!"

"The pleasure is all mine! Hey, wanna go find those people we're missing?"

"A capital idea! Why, together the two of us are certain to crush whatever it is keeping our friends indisposed!"

"My thoughts exactly! Let's get started at once!"

She's still smiling, but it's become kinda fixed and insincere.

2020-01-19, 02:49 PM
Well at least if I am going to get mugged in this place I don't need to worry about the bloody building falling down on me. the gruff dwarven smith thinks to himself as he determines the building was stable enough, for now at least. I'm surprised these buildings are still standing though, must have rather solid bones holding them together to still be up after so long of not being tended to properly. he thinks to himself, impressed with whoever designed the buildings to have made something that would still be standing after all these years of neglect.

As he hears the second person's voice and what they were talking about Einkil immediately thinks Bloody thieves. Go on and get rid of yourselves, help clean this place up. as he hears the mans scream go further and further away. He is about to leave himself when he detects someone behind him, How the bloody... he begins to think as he swings out with his trusted friend Galeb Duhr only to watch the figure dodge the hammer nimbly. About to raise his shield and launch a bolt into her he turns to the last place he saw her when a hand covers his mouth. Getting ready to bite the figure for daring to do such a thing he stops himself short as she indicates to be quite. Raising a black bushy eyebrow at the figure who seems odd, even by human standards before nodding. With her hand removed he remains silent watching her carefully not sure what to make of this.

He's unsure if he should trust her, but given he just heard the person murdered in the alley he is willing to go with it for now [roll0]

2020-01-19, 03:37 PM
It's ... umm ... I'm ... but...
Laura's outrage was understandable and she actually reacted quite calmly. It was just, he didn't know how to act towards her. After all, she once was practically destroying his home...

On the other hand, the notches in the tree have healed, everything as before.
And in a way, this woman was interesting and maybe it made sense to team up with her, if only temporarily.

"Remiel, hello!" he looked for her hand and this time it was him who shook it. Her handshake was firm. "She's tough," he thought.
A quick exchange of looks between Laura and Nana, a shy scratch on his head and he asked Laura "um, would you like something to drink?“ He still shook her hand.

2020-01-19, 04:51 PM
@Remiel: What a way to start out in this place.

Insulting the barkeep by throwing money at her and leaving a potential ally hanging with the handshake, something your hopefully quick to remedy as Nana takes a copper from you and pockets it as she turns her back to both.

"There was a great Chinese Tea House down the block... fifteen years ago. It's burnt down now. We serve coffee here, hence the name of the place. And if you're aching for something stronger, alcohol. You'd be surprised how many come in for their early Breakfast of Champions, so I keep the barrels full even at this hour."

The gnome is quick to heat the water and after a few minutes, places a semi clean mug in front of you with a brackish liquid inside and the strong scent of coffee invading your nostrils.

"I'll let you decide what it tastes like. But you wanted to know about the incident? I guess I can make time before this place gets packed."

@Laura & Remiel: Nana serves herself a cup of coffee and hands Laura a free one as the bus boys finish mopping and nod to Nana before leaving the place, making sure to glance at you both before heading out.

"Almost a year ago, a group of good folk from the City and beyond took down one of The Mercy's biggest tyrants- Boss Sarjon. I won't go into details about that, since it's not relevant to the tale. What is relevant, is that one of those who deposed him was a noble from a far away land. A royal, from what little I learned about her lineage.

Her name was Princess Keéra, and she was one of the rare good souls to come around here. Not only did she rid us of Sarjon, but before leaving back to her homeland, she donated a large amount of money to build the House of Knowledge. Basically a school. Many here have grown up without proper education and with Connor and his stupid laws past the Wall, many found it easier to resort to a life of crime here. It was her wish to stop that gradually by turning the House of Knowledge not only into a school, but also a hospice. A safe haven from the many cutthroats that hide in alleys after dark.

Leaving in charge of such a House was a young girl from The Mercy. An orphan like many here after the Great Fire. Her name was Hannah Bartell and although she may not have been a pretentious wizard or a zealous priest, she had the drive to learn and teach. Many groups here took it upon themselves to protect Hannah and the House of Knowledge, seeing it as a true bastion against the ever present malice this place attracts.

And for a time, it worked.""

Nana takes a big sip from her mug and exhales loudly before continuing with her tale.

"Warlords here are like the hydra from myth- cut one head off, two more grow in its place. It wouldn't take long for another group to rise and threaten The Mercy, attempting to subdue all other factions. Some say they even had access to machines from the old days, making them an actual threat. Enough to unite warring factions against this common foe.

The day came and war in The Mercy took place. Many of course flocked to the House of Knowledge, were they knew they'd be safe... and here's where the tale takes on a grim side.

I had gathered a lot of people in here, suspecting something may be wrong with the old school house. Sadly, I was right. At least four dozen people became trapped in that place and something crept in. I don't know what it was, but the cries of panic and pain were heard for miles in The Mercy. Those who were fighting the war against the new warlord, weary and tired, ran to assist and it must've been bad enough that The Exalted Highfather Jace of Pelor flew all the way here to lend a hand.

The House of Knowledge was burnt down to the ground. Its remains can still be visited a few blocks away from here. The dead from both the war and what transpired in that House hit us hard to this very day. It must've reached Connor's ears as well since he decided to establish a blockade of sorts right outside the wall...and blame it on the Olidammarans, of course. Always the Olidammarans because who else would do that, right?""

@Einkil: Despite their age and neglect, these buildings still stand.

And then you hear some talk. Thieves arguing with each other as one is apparently taken out and before you have a chance to eavesdrop some more and leave, your senses catch on to a nimble figure behind you, covering your mouth with her dirty hand.

You could bite it, like some rabid animal, but then she is as quick to remove it and makes no sound as she asks you to be quiet...and begins to draw a finely wrought dagger.

You are being mugged. This thief has decided to come after you in the Mercy, most likely the fate of your companions too.

2020-01-19, 06:01 PM
"Nice try lady, you will not find me as easy to mug as others." the dwarf growls under his breath as he levels his shield and places his back to the wall, making it impossible for her to get behind him. With only one avenue of attack, the dwarf prepares for the coming assault in a full defensive posture waiting for his chance to strike with his hammer that was obscured by the shield he carried.

Total defense Action to boost his AC by 4 for a total of 27

2020-01-19, 06:17 PM
@Einkil: As long as you have the strength of the Soul Forger...

No one will ever get the jump on you. Definitely not this petty thief dressed like some carnival clown as she draws a dagger and her eyes widen in fear as you speak and she is quick to shake her head, looking around as the building you place yourself against rumbles violently and in an explosion of debris, a lightning fast hand grabs you by the throat and effortlessly lifts you up from the ground by at least three feet.

With your windpipes starting to give in, you are shaken around violently and your helmet jostles around before you get a glimpse of your attacker:

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/6f131d22-7974-4793-9db3-2160376b5c72/d9fp5h5-08f71c64-805e-4cbb-95f4-9b45c8674ab5.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ IUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQz NzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZT BkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6 W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzZmMTMxZDIyLTc5NzQtNDc5My05ZG IzLTIxNjAzNzZiNWM3MlwvZDlmcDVoNS0wOGY3MWM2NC04MDVl LTRjYmItOTVmNC05YjQ1Yzg2NzRhYjUuanBnIn1dXSwiYXVkIj pbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.SGtWpOFz q37gKiUvfBgzZvdVPzTWbLTTegKb88VQVow

A woman? But you didn't even sense her approaching as she shakes you a bit more and tilts her head sideways, taking a good look at you in your defenseless state.

Grapple & Initiative

2020-01-19, 06:29 PM
A second one, what in the bloody hell is going on here." Einkil thinks to himself as he is lifted up into the air. Kicking his feet in vain as he tries to find some kind of purchase as the air is slowly being crushed out of him. Where the hell did this woman come from, and how was she lifting him so effortlessly, she looked like any other thief, no strength behind them all speed. Yet she was lifting him and all his gear up as if they were a toy.

Trying to direct his shield in her direction he fires off one of the spikes hoping to catch her off guard long enough for him to break free and make a run for it.

The shield can shoot spikes and while not mechanically helpful it makes sense he would try something to get her to loosen her grip enough to get free.

Grapple Check [roll0]
Init [roll1]

2020-01-19, 06:51 PM
@Einkil: Who has strength like this?

Dressed in nothing but a tattered cloak, this woman has not only bypassed your senses, but lifted you off the ground like a newborn pup and is quite intent on crushing your neck right here and now as you grit your teeth and try to break free, but you might as well be trying to shove a mountain. Strength like the one this seemingly feeble woman has is unheard off. Only one thing you can do now.

Your lift your shield right in her face as a swarm of stone projectiles fly towards her. This should give her reason to...

In an impossible feat, the woman uses her other free hand and time seems to slow down for everyone as she simply swats the spines away with the back of her hand, causing them to regain speed and embed themselves on the alley.

And then, she bashes your body thrice against the wall, never letting go of your neck, as every last bone on your body cries in agony and the building shakes and crumbles after each bashing, leaving dwarf sized holes on the wall.

The first thief dashes towards her and manages to avoid the woman's hand as she sticks her dagger into the arm holding you, causing your body to drop like a bag of rocks on the floor.

The hooded figure doesn't even seem to bleed, as she looks at the dagger dig deep into her arm with more curiosity than anger before the blonde thief looks up at the buildings and you watch several figures descend on crude ropes further down the alley and the woman begins barking orders.

"Grab the case!

Secure an escape!

Davorin, light them up!"

A gruff voice can be heard from one of the buildings above:

Aye! Careful down there!

The hooded figure turns her gaze at the men who have descended while the blonde thief looks at you.

"Run, dwarf... RUN!"

2020-01-19, 07:34 PM
What in the name of the six is going on here! Einkil thinks to himself as he prays to the six Dwarven gods to see him through this. No wonder that man had tried to build a wall for this place, it was a bunch of murders who had powers well beyond comprehension. He thinks as the shards slow down and his few thoughts of being able to get free of these two muggers begins to leave him. Is this the fate his men befell, mugged on their way to gather the parts he had asked for?

It is after those thoughts anything but pain leaves his mind as he is slammed over and over again into the building he had been using as cover. Then he was on the floor, what was going on? A dagger was in one woman's arm and she wasn't even bleeding and the first mugger was telling him to run and talking to other people. None of this made any sense, however at this point he didn't think it would matter if it did or didn't. Survival the only thing on his mind the dwarf did the only thing his mind could think of at the moment and ran as fast and as far away as his broken and beaten body would allow.

2020-01-19, 08:12 PM
@Einkil: Everything happened so fast...

Barely able to speak by that woman's hold on your throat and seconds later being slammed repeatedly against a building like a rag doll. You are a strong dwarf- maybe not as strong as those in your company- but definitely stronger than your average mystic. And even for you, lifting someone wearing as much stone and metal would be a feat worthy for the record books.

Who knows what the other people are doing further down the alley or what the blonde woman is saying, but one thing is clear to you: run.

With a loud grunt, you get up as the hooded woman turns her back to you and the thief and begins walking towards the other men, being lead to the middle of the alley and don't even think twice as you head the opposite way.

The smell of smoke fills your nostrils as the rain keeps pounding on your broken body and beside you, the woman breathes heavily as she goes into a sprint, looking back at the alley as this one first lets off a bright light, followed by a tremendous din and then...

A tremendous explosion knocks both of you several feet away and break through an old wall as you crash through several pieces of rotten furniture as the woman does her best to barrel roll, but she too skids on the ground and crashes against an old filthy bed as copious amounts of dust cause both to cough uncontrollably before the wind outside drives it away.

The woman grits her teeth as she gets up and leans against the wall, holding her arm which has been dislocated and tugs at it with force, causing tears to roll down her cheeks, followed by some very loud expletives, but once she's done cursing, she limps towards you and offers her hand for you to get up.

"Could've been worse. Who are you and why the hell are you here? You could've been killed!"

2020-01-19, 08:56 PM
"Oh by Moradin who let these people have explosives?" Einkil says as he first sees the bright light and begins to try and run faster, looking for some sort of cover to hide behind. However by the time he finds something it is already to late as the shock wave from the explosion sends him flying forward and he once more goes flying through a wall.

Coughing up dust Einkil looks around himself, to the rotten furniture all around in the building to the woman who he quite frankly didn't know how to take. Was she trying to mug him, save him, kill him? Honestly he wasn't even sure if she knew after that explosion as he slowly makes his way to his feet, trying his best to hide his aching body and the pain from his three broken ribs.

"Who am I, I could ask you the same thing, going around waving daggers at people." Einkil says looking a bird with its feathers all ruffled up. "From the looks of it you were trying to kill me, if you wanted me to be quite maybe you shouldn't have pulled out the dagger." he says as a sharp pain goes through his left shoulder and he grunts in pain. "Honestly I don't know whether to thank you or curse you." he admits honestly. "The name is Einkil Durthane however, and yours?" he asks, hoping for at least a momentary parlay with his would be mugger as they were both badly wounded.

2020-01-19, 09:29 PM
@Einkil: The last thing you thought this morning was how to avoid an explosion and prior to that, how not to be choked to death by some super woman.

Your body badly broken, you ignore the woman’s help and can feel your broken ribs jagging against each other due to your dwarven pride.

And then the woman sits on the broken bed and retrieves a small round stone as she addresses your words.

“Waving daggers... what? Seriously?! I know dwarves and they aren’t as dense. I wasn’t waving the dagger at you, moron. I was ready to strike the enemy when you stumbled in with that pile of rocks on you, as subtle and nimble as a drunken bear at a glass factory.

Also, I lost my dagger when I stuck her hand. Hand that was holding you by the neck? You might remember? The whole you going blue due to lack of oxygen? Yeah...”

The woman sits on the edge of the bed and winces due to her battered body.

“At least she’s down. Nobody survives a damn building dropped on you, last I checked. And no, you paranoid clumsy turtle: I’m not a mugger.

Name’s Sedge. I’m guessing you’re new here? I would have to say a hard yes on that one.”

2020-01-19, 11:50 PM
Einkil listens to the woman's words and agrees she did help save him and in the process lose her dagger. "If the city was how it was a few years ago I would say I will craft you a new one, just tell me what it used to do. However resources have become scare since the King's Campaign." the dwarf says, showing he was not oblivious to the kindness she had done for her by saving him and would give her a new dagger if he had the resources.

"Yes I am new here Sedge, looking for my kin. Everything we hear on the other side is that only murder's and muggers live here so when you pulled out the dagger on me how was I supposed to know you were going for the other one?" he asks, after all he had never been to the Mercy and only knew what he had seen from his point of view. "As for the building...I really hope that did the trick otherwise I do not want to be in this place anymore." he says with a shudder at the thought of that woman getting back up and crawling out of the debris.

"So if your not a mugger, who was that person, and who were those people with you? I heard gangs rule the Mercy, and from the sounds you were calling the shots there." he say, not offensively, merely pointing out what he had observed thus far.

Looking to her wounds he pulls out his holy symbol and shows it to her. "Are there any sanctioned magic places on this side of the wall? If so I can tend to your wounds. Least I can do for the confusion and you saving me back there saying at the moment I cannot replace your dagger."

2020-01-20, 12:26 AM
@Einkil: Sedge looks out the hole both burst through and a few blocks towards the ruins that used to be the building that collapsed on that woman.

"You're a smith? I knew one here. A good one too. Not a dwarf. Just as stubborn, though. I think that trick actually worked. I would not want that thing coming after us. I don't think it survived the collapse. For now... we are safe.

And did you mention the King's Campaign? That's still a thing beyond the wall? And they say the thieves are all here. Comedy gold. As for what my dagger can do, hmmm. Let's see:

It can cut. Yeah, that's what daggers do. A slash or even a thrust, depending on how you handle the blade. Crazy, am I right?"

Sedge walks out the ruined door of the apartment both fell through and the door knob gets stuck in her hand, causing the rogue to kick the old wooden door out as she limps a bit under the rain.

"They aren't wrong, you know? Thieves and muggers. You'll find those here. Difference is that those we can tell apart with ease in The Mercy. They don't hide behind a badge or holy symbol. As for your kin...

You have my sympathies. We have all lost someone in this place. Welcome to the club, I suppose. As for what was I doing there and that person? Well, it's complicated, but the short version is that we're trying to stop the smuggling of, well... something in here. I can only hope the others got it before the explosion. That woman with the hood. I do not know her name, but I know she is related to a lot of bad stuff happening here for quite some time.

She doesn't seem like a warlord or a thief. Something far worse. Far more dangerous. Reason why I chose to use explosives. And I called the shots because I came up with the plan, dwarf. I don't run a guild or brotherhood or syndicate. I work alone... except when I need more people for the job.

Those I had helping me with are from the Fraternal Order of Cobblers. They deal with smuggling and contraband, so this job was right up their alley.

So as you can see, it pays off to know people in a place like this."

It doesn't take long for a group of hooded brigands to hail Sedge via whistling as she limps a few feet towards them and then laughs at your offer.

"You really are new here, aren't you? The Mercy is off grounds to Connor and his laws. If anything, one could say there's too much magic. Take that as a blessing or a curse."

The woman instinctively reaches for her dagger, only to realize it isn't with her anymore as you show her the holy symbol.

"Oh boy. You are going to be picked clean out here. Einkil, was it? Walk with us. I'll take you somewhere safe. Also, if you are going to stay here, travel light. Because all that you're wearing? Might as well have a sign that says "Please Rob Me".

2020-01-20, 10:14 AM
Remiel listened carefully. From time to time he drank his coffee - and it tasted good! By the time Nana had finished her story, his cup was empty, too.

"What a tragedy! A place that would help end the misery here, break the vicious circle --- wait! Suppose that was exactly the plan! To destroy the school so you can't get an education, and no education means more violence, theft and so on. You know what I'm getting at? Keeping you small makes others bigger, justifies the wall, allows the use of Eye in the Sky..."

It was only a hunch, but here he could pronounce it. At home, it was impossible. There were eyes and ears everywhere.

"I have two more questions: first, do you know where Calliope went after the incident and second, how dangerous is it out here on the streets? What I've heard - and which, as we know, is not always true - is that people are attacked here almost constantly; that the only language spoken outside is that of violence. Is that true?"

2020-01-20, 10:32 AM
"That's more like it!" Laura grins as Remiel takes her hand at last.

"um, would you like something to drink?“

"Frequently, but I'm sorted for now," she winks cheekily, raising the cup she'd been given by Nana. Whatever the coffee tastes like, Laura gives every indication she's enjoying it as she listens to Nana's tale of the House of Knowledge and how it all went wrong. She trusts this is an back note to the situation shell be dealing with here in the Mercy whilst looking for Clarity.

"So are there any leads on where we might start looking for Calliope?" Laura asks, already having mentally teamed herself up with Remiel and backing up his question.

"As you arrived Nana was telling me about a farmhouse where I might find some associates of Clarity," she explains to Remiel.

"Apparently it's a fair distance from here, but it's a solid lead. If Nana knows anything about your misper we could check it out on the way? I think we've inconvenienced her long enough this close to opening time." She smiles warmly at the old gnome, truly grateful for her help.

2020-01-20, 04:02 PM
@Remiel: Nana nods at your words and begins wiping the counter clean.

"Tragedy is an understatement. We are still feeling the repercussions from that fated day. I like your theory, boy. And you're right: can't say that past the wall. Truth be told, Connor wanted his damn wall done way before the incident and did not finish it only because other church heads stepped in. This incident just gave him reason to reinforce the entrance. You may have seen the tents coming in? That's where they 'sanitize' people who try to leave. Whatever that may mean.

As for those damn Eyes? Bastard had them pop out of nowhere almost immediately after he got the steward job. Who builds things like that in such short notice?"

The gnome wench puts her hands together and looks thoughtfully at the ceiling, trying to remember anything regarding your questions.

"Calliope became a wandering priestess. I guess it's tied to her faith. I heard she was offering free services to those in need in the Mercy after the attack on the House of Knowledge. Her travels must've taken her far and wide in the district, since she never came back here again.

As for how dangerous is it here? Not going to lie: very. But if that were the case, there wouldn't be people left and everyone would be dead. No, there are people here who actually serve as 'police', if you will. Vigilante groups who don't want to thieve you for your coin and cut your life short. Some actually help me here. I have a few patrons whom I know can't fend for themselves, so these men and women gladly escort them to their homes at night, just to be safe.

Other than that, there's signs. Some groups paint signs on walls. These indicate the beginning and ending of their turf locales. Know how to find them and you can hopefully walk around the area. No need to get into trouble... more trouble."

Nana looks at both you and Laura and leans closer.

"There are two places though, were you shouldn't go. Where no amount of vigilantes will make a difference. Commit this information to heart and mind:

Camazotz' Den. If you see large swaths of green? Trees that have overgrown and broken buildings? Turn back immediately. Thankfully, that place is very far away, so it shouldn't be an issue. But best be warned.

And the second is the sewers. Those are far more immediate because there are manholes scattered around The Mercy. Whatever you do- if you appreciate your life as it is now- never venture down into the sewers because...""

It is then that people begin coming in as nana waves at them and looks at both of you.

"Well, story time is over kids. Welcome to the Mercy and all that jazz. Hope you find what you're looking for...

And not the other way around.""

2020-01-21, 04:15 AM
Nana, thank you! Hadn't expected such a warm welcome here in Mercy.

And Laura, since you have a precise spot where to search for Clarity, do you mind if I come with you? Do you know where to go? Do you have a map? Nana, do you have a map?

2020-01-21, 04:48 AM
@Remiel: Nana smiles and keeps waving at the hungry and thirsty patrons who are quick to grab a chair and take out either a deck of cards or a bag of dice.

“You won’t find everyone here as warm and welcoming, Remiel. Keep your wits about you and you should be fine.

There used to be maps for Hope’s Caress- that’s the name this place had before the Fire. Now everyone calls it The Mercy.

Over time, the streets and plazas and well known landmarks have eroded through time or been vandalized enough. Besides, I don’t have a map, but I know of someone that may get you there. A fine sort that answers to money and booze. Lately less of one and more of the other.

He should be here later throughout the day. If you don’t wish to wait, leave the Coffee and take a left. Keep walking until you reach a plaza with broken statue of a man on horseback.

From there, take a flight if stairs down and you’ll be near St. George’s Bridge...“

Nana pauses as she walks around the bar to greet the patrons.

“Sorry to make it confusing, but that place isn’t close. Worse comes that you get lost, ask around for the Vargas Farm. Most people know of it, but be ready for a long trek.”

2020-01-21, 09:43 AM
Do I have a writ of excecution signed by a higher authority? No I do not. As I stated, I'm here acting under my general orders, and on my own authority. If you would prefer I draw my own conclusions without your input, that is fine with me.
I shan't stand further in the way of your duties, and I don't require escort beyond the wall, and would not have asked for it from you had I!! This last is said with a bit of wounded shock, as though Davish is some babe in swaddling clothes that needs a sitter.

With a mental note that there surely must be something going on if there's even this much of a cover up about it, Davish nod's respectfully to the Sergeant one final time, I bid you good day sir. Walking further in the direction he was headed before being stopped, again, Davish once again sets out to see and hear what there is to see and hear. This time with an inkling of suspicion in his motives.

apologies for the delay, i work the first half of the week, 12 hr days, and it's been a hectic week already..

2020-01-21, 01:36 PM
@Davish: How dare they get in your way?

By sheer strength alone, you would outrank this sergeant, but Andlas simply looks at you and then at the Cuthbertine carriage behind you.

“I have my orders, marshal. If you wish to contest or overwrite them, go through the proper channels. Again, if you wish to access the area beyond the wall, you can. But that’s all we can do to assist. By orders of His Holiness.”

He will let you through, just not look around. Ask questions, which is what you wanted.

And as you get ready to do just that, a pain is felt in the back of your head. A mental strike against your brain as the voice of Dalpinian himself rings painfully clear in your mind, using the powers reserved for priests of his stature:

Battleborn! Report to the Palace of Justice immediately! And bring the carriage with you. At once!

2020-01-21, 11:44 PM
Had my home game last night so wasn't able to post between that and work

Agreeing that for the moment the two were safe Einkil began to lower his guard only slightly, he was still in an unfamiliar place, and had almost died not even an hour in. "Why would it not be a thing? Your king is missing, should we not fund such an expedition? If it was my own king my entire people would be on a war path to get to him." Einkil says finding it surprising humans did not have the same sort of mentality. Whatever it took to keep your king alive and bring him back, that was what was important. Wealth could always be earned again, but a king without an heir would throw an entire nation into chaos.

"So none magical then...If I find the materials I will craft one for you as payment for the one you lost then." Einkil says as if it is that simple before he realizes a very big flaw in his plan. "How would I bring it to you however? I am unfamiliar with this place, and rather not chance dying again." he states very clear he is willing to repay his debt, but not die for it.

For the rest of the time he listens to all he is told, soaking in the information from a local, and accepting her concordances for his loss. "I planned on coming here with far less then this honestly, however had nowhere to store it that I knew it would be safe. And given those I traveled with had our magical bag of holding I had to carry it the old fashioned way." Einkil admits agreeing that walking around as he was did paint a target on his back for thieves, however at the moment he had no way to change that. So when the offer to walk with her to someplace safe is given he nods in acceptance. "The strongest bonds are forged in war, and the tools of war are made by fire." he says, in his own way saying he trusted her for now given they had in a manner of speaking shared a battle together, even if it was mostly fleeing on his part.

2020-01-22, 01:54 AM
@Einkil: Sedge wipes the rain from her eyes as she descends a small slope of debris to meet the group and looks up at you, expecting your stocky body to roll down unceremoniously.

"You are new, but not only to The Mercy.

This place. It has been like this for years, even before Connor. Sure, we were able to move back and forth freely with the City, but what you see didn't happen during the King's absence. Should he be brought back? I guess so. Never met the guy, so why should I loosen my purse for an unknown? That being said, I hear he was a nice guy. Better than the one currently on the throne. You know? I try not to get involved in politics over there.

Hard to keep my mind wrapped around what happens there when I have more immediate concerns like getting stabbed here. Also, I heard there was an expedition. Just that Connor shut it down, so...""

Sedge simply shrugs at the notion of getting the rightful ruler back. Humans and their short lives. Maybe it twists their perspective for the long run. Hell, you'd have a million forges blazing should your king go missing. Make the entire world tremble under the weight of stone and metal as banners of war marched across the globe the moment the stone throne was empty and devoid of a real crown.

The woman raises an eyebrow as you mention repaying her actions by making a dagger.

"Wait, that was no bluff? You are a smith? Well, of course it was no bluff... I thought it was just some badly set up ruse, with the look and walk and talk. Hmm.. I think it might've been magical? As to where can you find me?""

Sedge's lithe frame looms over you as she leans over you and squints her eyes, locking them with yours.

"You won't find me. I'll find you...""

The woman keeps a straight serious face for about five seconds and then smiles devilishly and gives you a wink as she she continues walking by your side, leading you to her small patrol of scoundrels.

"A magical bag of holding to travel with... wow! Okay, a quick lesson if you are going to spend time in The Mercy for awhile:

Avoid talking like that. Because if someone heard you say those words, you'll get cut, coin or not""

Once with the group of hooded hooligans, Sedge speaks to them in a language you have never heard before. Sounds like the Common tongue, but altered. A variant of it. Some words you might make out, but they speak it so fast, you might as well be in another country altogether. Which incidentally, you are.

The fact that you are unaware of what is being spoken may or may not go unnoticed by Sedge and her friends, but they do not excuse themselves for it before the group stops in front of a semi clean establishment. An inn of sorts which, despite the hour and rain, has a few dirty patrons flocking in.

Sedge points at the place and places her hand on your stony clad shoulder.

"That's the Bitter Coffee, safest place an outsider like you will find here. Mention my name to Nana Rose, the owner, and you'll be fine.""

Sedge looks at you as the rain falls upon both and places her hands in her pocket as she begins to walk away.

"if the strongest bonds are forged in war, Einkil. You're about to make a bunch of friends in this place. Good luck finding your kin, dwarf...""

And having said that, sedge walks out of sight amidst the ever pouring rain.

2020-01-22, 10:30 AM
A shock like lightning courses through his veins, and with a rapid about face, fit for any parade ground, Davish is running back towards the carriage.

Driver, ROUST!!

I've been summoned back to the Palace of Justice! Move your hindquarters man, the High Inquisitor waits for no one!!! Leaping into the front seat a half a heartbeat behind the driver, Davish nearly grabs the reins himself. Run them the whole way if they'll survive it driver. We'll not have an escort, but any who stand in our way will feel Nirvana's Kiss! Without even a single backwards glance at SGT Andlas still standing in the rain, Davish let's sound a mighty yell.


2020-01-22, 01:04 PM
@Davish: Rarely do priests or anyone with a modicum of mystic flair gets ahold of you.

Unheard of is for Halmathan’s Sword of Justice to reach you directly. He does not sound happy, that much is clear.

Sergeant Andlas watches you rush to the carriage as the coachman, nervous and quite frightened, jumbles opening the door before you jump on the coach man’s seat and whip the horses into action.

The last thing you see is the good sergeant walking back inside the mess of tents before turning to look at you.

But no time to ponder on that as the horses trample along, causing the carriage to nearly keel over as the prayers from the coachman inside can be heard as he’s jostled around, unaware of what exactly is going on.

Nirvana held high with one hand. Reins pulled tightly with another, you ride across the City of Power, a madman possessed as threats are spewed, horses neigh uncontrollably and pedestrians and vehicles alike either dart out of the way or skid through the soaked streets.

Pretty sure you heard some cars crash behind you... but no time!

No time indeed. By your count, under an hour. Not bad, but the horses are nearly dead as the poor coachman stumbles out of the carriage and spews his entire breakfast on the hallowed steps of the Palace of Justice, much to the disgust of the guards as one is quick to hand him a mop.

The others have no time for pleasantries as they escort you at a hustle towards Dalpinian’s chambers and another group of guards ask you to remove your weapons and any trinkets of power before being allowed inside.

Dalpinian, surrounded by his contingent of Royal Guards, raises his hand for you to stop fifty paces away from him, just like before.

Unlike last time, he isn’t looking absentmindedly at his notes or sipping coffee:

His attention is directly focused on you.

“Mister Battleborn... is this hallowed institution a joke to you? Do you believe you can take City property for a joy ride on a whim?

What were you told at the Castello, Mister Battleborn?”

2020-01-22, 04:15 PM
Laura smacks her lips happily as she finishes her coffee, placing the cup carefully back on the counter.

"I'd be happy to have the company," she replies to Remiel. "And with Nana's guidance we should be able to find the place ourselves. I promise I'll help you find Calliope as the opportunity arises."

"Thank you for your hospitality," she addresses Nana as she gets up to leave. "I'll be sure to come back when I get the chance."

2020-01-22, 06:32 PM
@Laura: The coffee tastes just as advertised.

A much needed jolt if you’re going to be trekking through The Mercy without a guide. Nana gave you the most basic of directions. Landmarks. Names... but no map.

Nana waves good bye to both as the patrons flock at the tables.

“A pleasure, child. Come back anytime and don’t forget what I told you. Take care you two!

And good luck...”

Ideally, you should be back at tjis spot a little after noon.

@Remiel & Laura: The moment you leave the Bitter Coffee, you are drenched.

Of course you are. Damn rain hasn’t subsided. Hopefully you can traverse the Mercy easily enough given Nana’s directions...

And then you spot someone who definitely doesn’t fit in this place:


It’s a dwarf, that much is clear. But he looks like the poster child for dwarves all over. Hell, even his armor seems made if special stone, same fir his Hammer, which carries an unsettling carved face... if you look well enough.

Despite the guy looking like a tank, though. He looks like he’s been through the grinder.

2020-01-22, 06:59 PM
"How can an expedition to go save ones king be shut down by a city steward while they ask for coin to fund an expedition to save the king? the dwarf says very much confused by what she had said, it had to be a misunderstanding of her not knowing politics or some sort as a Steward should not have the power to stop a search for the true king as far as he was aware. "Without a king on the throne the Steward and thus his line would rule until an heir to the throne was found with legitimate claims. Think of it this way, the king never did anything for the Mercy that you are aware of, however he also never did anything to hamper it either as the tents and such seem to be. If the king is gone to long what is to stop more changes happening to the Mercy and it's people?" the dwarf asks, trying to put it into perspective that she may understand, though given how she said she stayed out of politics it may be lost altogether upon her.

As the eccentric human woman says she would find him instead of him finding her when her dagger was ready he simply nods. No point in arguing when he couldn't really find his way around this place anyways. It was a lot easier for her no doubt to hear word about him walking around the ruins then it was for him to find her if she didn't want to be found.

"Is everyone here as strong as that last woman we meet? The one you dropped a building on?" Einkil asks as she warns him about talking about magical items, or for that matter anything that might cost a bit of money. "The hammer and stuff isn't just for show after all, just...well that was a very difficult situation. I'm used to fighting in formation with other soldiers not one on one and such when the enemy has overwhelming strength. And I have fought giants before, so that woman was something else."

As the group walk and talk he notices they seem to be speaking in a language he doesn't understand, just when he thinks it may be common they would say something that made no sense in any form of sentence. Humans and all their fancy ways of saying the bloody same thing, am I right? he says in Terran to his hammer, not expecting a response, but simply being polite given the circumstances. So when the group arrives at the semi clean establishment it takes him a few minutes to realize Sedge was speaking to him again. "Right, Bitter Coffee, Nana Rose, and its safe for newcomers like me. Good to know, if I were to head back to the wall where would I go? After all I do not plan on staying past nightfall in an unfamiliar place where I do not understand the rules." he admits to Sedge so she knew he would not be sleeping in this district until he felt safe someplace.

As Sedge begins to walk away the dwarf calls out "And may the stone always rise up to meet your feet." before he begins heading into the establishment. Trying to get past two more dirty looking Mercyfolk so he could get into the place. Who knows, maybe his kin had stopped off here along the way, and if not it would not be bad to try and commit this place to memory so he could travel here and use it as a starting point each day he came to the Mercy.

2020-01-22, 07:58 PM
@Einkil: Wait what?

So all the taxes to finance the King's rescue are used for... not rescuing the king? That doesn't make a lick of sense!

Sedge shrugs and limps a bit as she kicks a small pebble out of her way.

"That is a very good question, dwarf. I don't go to the City. I used to, a while back. But when Connor rose to power and unmade the Olidammaran church, I knew I'd be safer here. And that's not saying much. How does the King's Campaign work? No clue. If so curious you are, go ask the Steward himself. Not a visit I'd recommend, though.

I heard he absolutely hates my type...and yours. As for the future of this place? He may find it hard to establish his forces here. Hasn't tried since he rose to power, preferring to wall us out. Or in, depending on your point of view.""

Regarding the strength of that woman, Sedge shakes her head.

"There are some strong people in The Mercy. A few less now, after some skirmishes. But strength like the one she demonstrated I only know of one who came close.

Some warlord who took over a faction a few months ago. Called himself Brother Gram, loyal servant to The Queen. Mean and utterly crazy son of a bitch. He actually declared war on the Mercy and would have made it his own, had we all not banded together against him. Those who took the fight directly to him spoke of how he lifted a building and threw it on them, killing several in the process.

The fact that he had access to old Halmathan war machines didn't make our job any easier. Thankfully, we persevered. Somehow. So, I used that same tactic against that crazy woman from the alley. I know she has been doing sinister stuff around The Mercy and has shown strength like that Gram guy. So, I gave it a go and trapped her under a building.

I doubt she survived that, so we should be fine. Not that my job is done here anyways, but that's my own to see through.""

On the matters of fighting, Sedge gives you a pained chuckle.

"Formation? Like those little tin soldiers kids play with? That may work over there, past the wall. Here, standing in formation is asking to die horribly when some mad wizard decides to blow you up in a group. Subterfuge and stealth is how we fight here, Einkil. Not everyone is good at it. But that's why The Mercy has a ton of buildings to hide in while the fight wages outside... unless we drop it with explosives... but that's a first. Don't take it as the norm here."

Once you can see the semi clean building, The Bitter Coffee, Sedge looks up at the grey skies as her face becomes drenched and then at you.

"Getting in here is easy, dwarf. They will let you in, that much I know. Just a simple question at the door and in you come.

Leaving The Mercy, though? That's a different story altogether. The one those bastards in the tents don't say. They are convinced we are all sick. If you try getting back to the City, expect a bunch of tests? I think those who have made it through and back mentioned that. They didn't go into detail as to what, but lately, less and less people leave The Mercy. So who knows, you might be stuck here awhile.

I didn't make that rule. So don't look at me like that, dwarf."

Sedge looks at your battered body and then at the Bitter Coffee.

"You know, had you not stalled her by being her choke toy for a few seconds, perhaps we wouldn't have had time to set the explosives and trap her. So consider your debt to me paid, dwarf.

I am sure I can find a dagger sooner or later..""

Sedge takes a few steps forward and nearly collapses, were it not for one of the brigands holding her as she nods in appreciation to him and turns around, doing an overly courteous bow.

"And may Trithereon watch over you, dwarf. Good luck. And be safe.""

Crazy woman with her crazy talk. But all things considered, it could be worse. You could be dead in an alley, with no one to mourn you, like Sir Randolph mentioned back at the Temple of the Archpaladin.

Barely glancing at the dirty hippie and another woman mugger with an axe, you make your way inside the establishment, as your nose catches the scent of strong coffee and an extremely old wrinkled hairy gnome bar wench who serves a glass of who knows what to a patron and smiles wide at you, waving her chubby wrinkled hand.

"Bunch of new faces here today. What happened to you? Decided to lay down in traffic?"

2020-01-23, 12:21 AM
"I'm acting on behalf of me own country Sedge, going up and asking such questions would no doubt only cause worse problems as a foreign power is questioning what they are doing. Best to leave it to those who are politicians that are natives from Hamalthan. It will look less...insulting that way I believe." Einkil says not wishing to visit the steward of this city. The man had to have gotten the job for a reason after all, best not to ask him questions that would take to long to explain to him, an outsider to this land.

"I don't believe I follow Sedge, he doesn't like your type or mine? Humans and Dwarves, seems a bit of an odd thing not to like. Also sounds more racist then a dwarven council with an elf in the room." he says before laughing at his own joke. "Why go into an enemies stronghold and give them something to unite behind when you can instead lay siege to them and allow them to fight among themselves for the few resources available to them. It's a common warfare tactic, no doubt he is simply waiting until anything he might consider enough of a threat to be gone before sending his own men in. After all as far as I know there are no maps of the Mercy and the people here know how to best use their surroundings to their advantage. If it is a bunch of muggers and murderers it would be foolish to send an army in for a gurrelia warfare battle." Einkil explains to Sedge, having learned tactics about war, though in his case against orcs and goblins, while in church.

Listening about others in the Mercy who had shown this type of power he is not surprised to hear that the old machines of war he was looking for had been used by a group in the Mercy, just as the Roaring bear had said they no doubt would be. It did tell him a few things though, this Gram person had to find the machine somewhere, and it either still worked or someone in the Mercy knew how to make it work. "You say this Gram had an old war machine, I thought they no longer worked. Do you know where he found it or where one could find others?"
he asks, his stony face showing more emotion then he no doubt intended. "Also about how long ago was this, my kin came to the Mercy about a month ago, did this battle take place around then?" he asks, hoping the answer was no but having to be sure.

Trying to hide how excited he is to hear the news about the machines as its his first solid lead [roll0]

"So I have to worry about being mugged and crazy mages? Here I thought it all I had to worry about was petty criminals, from what your telling me those to crazy to function inside the city with magical abilities came here to a new playground with no rules." it is very clear Einkil is very worried about this, it was not a crime to have magic in his eyes, however it had to be tended to properly it was very easy to begin using magic to simply get what you wanted and blowing up anything that got in your way of doing just that. "At least no falling buildings, so if I die its from a crazy person. Bright side I'll no doubt see the person who killed me before I die." the dwarf says very uneasy about this.

"Wait what do you mean they may not let me leave? Where am I supposed to stay?" Einkil says borderline panicking now. He knew things would be bad in the Mercy, after all the law didn't come to these parts of town. Then he had almost been killed by a woman with the strength of a giant at the least. Now he couldn't even leave the Mercy to go and sleep in the safety of the city, where would he find a place to sleep safely here where he knew no one and next to nothing besides the place was run by what seemed like a bunch of anarchist. "You keep telling yourself that Sedge, I owe you a debt and it will be payed. Now go get that looked at and be safe. After all if you die who's to make sure I don't?" he says trying to make her laugh before they go their separate ways.

"You could say I ran into a building a few times." Einkil says honestly taking a seat at the bar. "Sedge told me to ask for a Nana Rose, said because I was new here I should at least learn the ropes." he says taking off one of his gauntlets to shake the old gnomes hand. "The name is Einkil, Einkil Durthane by the way." he offers kindly, keeping an eye on his hammer strapped to his side to make sure it didn't vanish.

2020-01-23, 01:19 AM
@Einkil: Sedge smiles smugly and raises an eyebrow at your comment.

"Common sense isn't lost on you, dwarf. I have heard of some people who have gone to do just that at The Palace of Justice...

I don't think it went well for them. As for the fact he doesn't like us. It's not that he doesn't like humans Einkil. Last I checked, he is one himself. Connor hates those who follow a code other than his own and that of his church. People who don't adhere to his ridiculous and oppressive laws. Those who question him. As for dwarves... a racist? Most likely. I don't know much about the guy other than that he is very much disliked in both sides of the wall. Difference is that those here can be a lot more vocal without fear of repercussion.""

When talk shifts back to those with superior strength and more importantly, the war machines he used to try and subjugate The Mercy, Sedge squints her eyes and and smiles as you try and put on your best poker face.


"Some old factory that used to make them years ago, before the Great Fire. But good luck finding any- we turned them into scrap and smelted them when the war was won. Those things cannot bleed, but they sure could bleed us. We already have to fend against our fellow man. Do we really need mad machines running rampant? As for your kin... no. Given what you told me, they would've come in after the attack. A fair amount of time after. So that wouldn't be the reason for them missing.""

When talk goes to muggers and magic, Sedge nods.

"Why, yes. Connor put a giant ban on Magic across the wall. I am sure some bowed their heads and remain quiet. But not everyone. This is Halmathan's biggest district. No Eyes to watch over it or the City Guard to comb street by street. This is the perfect refuge for any practitioner of the 'forbidden arts' to make it their home. Some are actually okay people. Others are hermits, who wish to remain isolated.

A few others though... they can be a problem. Rogues, which make the majority of The Mercy, can rarely stand up to a mage. especially if this one is powerful. So small mage lead gangs spring up from time to time. And why the worried face? Aren't you a priest or something? I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure priests can wreck mages any time of the day. Or so I've been told.

As for where to stay for the night?""

Sedge points her finger at an old building and then circles around, pointing at everyone you can see amidst the falling rain.

"They are all free. They are old, and somewhat broken. Scorched since the Fire, but you'd be surprised how sturdy they are. Granted, you may have to share one of the rooms with squatters, but if your legs carry you fast enough, you can find a room and, if you're lucky, barricade it with any furniture that may have been left behind and you shouldn't even be noticed. In that regards, it beats staying at an inn- it's free."

Once at the entrance to The Bitter Coffee, Sedge gives you an approving look and walks away. Everything that had to be said, was said already.

And when you leave the pouring streets and sit at the bar, your armor dipping all over the wooden floor, the old gnome cleans a glass with a dirty rag and listens to what you have to say, smiling kindly.

"I am Nana Rose, proprietor of the Bitter Coffee. That's a very dwarven name you got, Einkil. And you say Sedge sent you? The Mercy Diplomat. A new face and you want to learn the ropes...

Which ropes in particular, Durthane?"

2020-01-23, 06:46 AM
"Wow, that guy looks like he's been hit by a car," Laura comments to Remiel once they're standing out in the street again. Once again she doesn't raise her hood against the rain, even sticking her tongue out to catch a few drops.

"So Nana said to take a left and keep going until we find the man on horseback. Avoid the sewers, doors marked with red, and anywhere overgrown with an abundance of green. Should be easy enough!"

Laura pauses uncertainly, weighing up whether to let Remiel in on her secret before they have to start depending on each other. In the end prudence wins out.

"By the way if you see any signs that say anything important, such as Keep Out! Domain of Angharrad The Despoiler! or Caution! Razor-Jays! do me a favour and let me know?" she says quietly. "I'm not so good with the reading."

2020-01-23, 08:51 AM
"You think so? I think it's more like he was hit by a mountain.“

With a simple, nonjudgmental "sure," he dismissed the matter. There was nothing wrong with not being able to read. But admirable was her courage to confide in him, a stranger, and ask for help.

What bothered him, no, disturbed, was her way of approaching things. They knew each other now for what, 30 minutes? And she was so carefree. She immediately offered to help. She didn't take his misstep at first. She opened up to him, seemingly unconditionally. She was just being nice.
And that's what disturbed him. He couldn't handle it. It seems that people who spend most of their time up in trees forget how to interact with people.

He was the one who was prejudiced against Laura, against Nana, against the dwarf, against everything and everyone outside his forest.

Education is power, they say, but he could still learn a lot from her, the uneducated!

When they walked a few steps aside, he casually said, "I know you, well, at least I've seen you before. But especially your axe. Hahahaha. Over a year ago you came to visit us with it in Glenndale.
Seems like you've done pretty good since then.“

2020-01-23, 10:21 AM
a Man must face whatever came his way, on his feet

High Inquisitor I meant no offense in my actions. The prisoner made statements against Lord Connor and the Church, but they were not the usual ramblings of those who are merely attempting to escape their fates. This one seemed....resigned to her fate, accepting of it even. The Law must be represented first and foremost by truth, and it is this precept that led me to divert the carriage to the wall, not ambition for a place above my station. The carriage was there, as was I, so I used the tool at my disposal. I apologize for this if it was an overstep, but I would return to the wall to continue if it meant I had to walk there the entire way. SGT Andlas of the 65th Division seems to have all in order, but he stated as much that no one is allowed to ask any questions about what goes on, only to pass through his post to the Mercy beyond. The truth can not abide a cover up, and it is for that reason that I wish to investigate the area beyond the wall. It seems a lawless land, and by the cudgel, none are above the Law, even if the Law must come to them!


Those left to their own in the Mercy may be plotting still against the City, and the lawless will take advantage if there is no one to stand in their way. I am a simple man, but I would do my duty.

holding Dalpinian's gaze steady with his own, he had said his piece, in so many words as the moment allowed, now to face whatever the judgement was, as a Man.

2020-01-23, 05:17 PM
@Davish: Dalpinian listens to what you have to say and raises a hand, signaling for you to stop.

"Mister Battleborn, I was very clear regarding the prisoner and her transfer to St. Noria. If needed, you were given explicit permission by me to subdue her for the duration of the ride. It would seem Taskmaster Davren's assessment of your character was flawed.

He will answer for that shortly. You never did answer my question, though- what were you told at the Castello when you delivered the prisoner? You were to report here immediately! I have an extremely busy schedule, Mister Battleborn. This City does not run by itself. His Holiness trusts in my judgement to make sure the gears run smoothly. So imagine my surprise when I was distracted from my very important duties and Warden Clavius himself had to send for me, and let me know his gratitude for sending that snake to him. Something I absolutely wanted to avoid!

As for The Mercy, why do you think His Holiness built the Wall of Separation, marshal? We are well aware of the situation beyond it, reason why it exists. And reason why the 65th Division is stationed there. As a follower of the Law that you claim to be, this is information you should be well acquainted with:

The Eyes in the Sky broadcast this daily for a reason. His Holiness himself deployed the 65th to the wall's edge. The populace needs to know they are safe. That their tax money is put to good use. That is it.

You taking the Cuthbertine carriage to inspect things on your own accord- regardless of your motives- is a gross example of vigilantism. This too should be very clear to you by now that it is illegal to commit to such acts. An outstanding offense. Very much punishable...""

Dalpinian reaches for his gavel and takes a momentary pause, as he lowers his head and shuts his eyes for a few seconds before smiling if only the slightest, leaving the gavel untouched.

"Mister Battleborn, you ought to be thankful that it is I you are answering to and not His Holiness. If so driven you are to bring the law to such lawless land, the City will not stop you.

However, your actions earlier hold grievous weight against you. A way to wash this trespass may be within your reach. Your zealous drive is admirable and we believe it can be put to good use. There is one individual who thinks himself above the Law, in the very district you wish to visit so fondly.

A lowly wretch- a halfling. Goes by the name of Roscoe Underhill. One of the last remnants of the sinister Olidammaran Church, thankfully disbanded so long ago. We have known for awhile that a splinter faction hides in those ruins, plotting against the City. Wishing its demise. His Holiness and those loyal to him must remain here and keep the City safe, but...

A lone blade. Unknown and with impeccable training. Adept at hunting down criminals... you may just be what this City needs. And in so doing, give you purpose and redemption. Of course, your investigation will be limited to finding, apprehending and bringing this halfling here. Sergeant Andlas will be notified of your arrival back at the wall and will allow you straight access to The Mercy. From there, you are on your own. Unaffiliated with the City. Unaffiliated with this church. Do you understand?

If you are, I am sure carriages and taxis will ferry you to the wall for a modest price. And now...""

Dalpinian waves his hand in your direction dismissively as the guards open the doors for you.

"I am done with you. For now. Have a lawful and blessed day, marshal...""

2020-01-23, 11:59 PM
"The law is there to serve man, and for the most part protect the common people. Now I'm not saying everything makes sense that has been going on, however I also don't know everything going on in this city. For example the ban on magic makes sense, anyone could try and use magic to get items for cheaper then they are really worth with a spell. And if all these mad mages lived in the city before the ban it makes sense to place the ban into effect. Labeling a whole church or those who do not follow the same rules as you seems a bit prejudice however. After all look at Moradin and Heirneous. They both have the same morals on some things, however have different views on how to go about doing them. To be a steward in theory means being above any one religion and its doctrine and instead looking at all those of the community." Einkil says, though he would never say such a thing to the steward. "If the man is so hated by all the people how is he still in power? I mean on the other side of the wall you hear a complaint every now and then on having a hard time with the taxes or finding something you need, but nothing else really."

"My people are at war with an usper to one of our allies from the Sea of Sands, the Jade Empire. Up until recently me and my kin have been doing our best to send back weapons, armor, food, and gold to support the war the best we can. However if one of these machines was found and still able to be used in some compacity I am sure my government would reward someone handsomely for it. All the lives it could save. But you say they were all destroyed, so where did my kin disappear to?" he asks more to himself then Sedge.

"I am a priest yes, however most of my teachings deal with the forge and working the earth or the items around me. Not directly fighting. It is one of the reasons I was sent with my friends. They were each skilled warriors in their own rights and could cut down hundreds of enemies on their own. It is why I came searching for their bodies as I can see no other reason why I have not heard from them in the past month unless something happened to them. And between these mages you talk about and that woman I could see them running into danger if it was to protect someone they thought deserved their protection." he says knowing his men would not leave someone behind to die that was a simple innocent. "While I am in the Mercy looking for my kin's bodies if you ever need my aid in dealing with a mage that threatens the lives of the good people you are talking about I will lend what aid I can." Einkil promises, not liking the idea of mages left unchecked to do whatever they want.

"I would have to find a way to secure myself so no one could attack me in my sleep like the last time, however it is good to know most of these buildings are empty. It means if I cannot get out I will have to find a place to set up shop until I find my kin then."
he says looking around. "Do you know of any buildings that once held a smithy that has been left alone? If so I will try to set up shop there." Einkil says after all it was always wise to have a place you always went to rest your head. And if he kept the furnace running hot enough it would be a good weapon against anyone trying to attack him.

Once inside the bitter coffee Einkil simply sits down at the bar and listens to the older gnome woman. "The ones that will stop me from getting stabbed for...well any reason." he says, remembering what sedge had said about talking about magical stuff. "Also is there any chance you saw a group of six dwarven warriors about a month back? They would look like me, just well a lot less beaten up if I had to guess." he says with a bit of a chuckle, wondering if his friends had been directed here as he had by one of the inhabitants of the Mercy.

2020-01-24, 02:25 AM
@Laura: The rain water tastes good.

The moment it mixes with the broken asphalt at your feet and forms into puddles, though... best not be lapping that off the ground as you don't even bother to squeeze the water off your hair, since it is a long walk to the Vargas Farmhouse. But at least Nana gave you clear instructions:

Avoid houses painted with a dash of red.

Don't check the sewers.

Avoid overly green areas.

Easy. In fact, there is very little green here. Mostly grays and browns. If this place was caught by a fire so long ago, the earth was scorched enough for nothing to flourish and yet, it's packed with people, a few who notice you due to stature and strength, making sure to keep their distance as a few hooded hobos, haunched and seeking shelter under a few broken buildings, shake rusty cans, causing a single coin inside to rattle about, but they are a fair distance away from you, when you look down at Remiel and bite your lower lip before letting him know to inform you of any signs. Written signs.

@Remiel: Laura can't read...

Maybe that's why she lashed out at the druids in Glenndale so long ago? You aren't one to judge, of course. But in this day and age. In a City known worldwide as The City of Power... being an illiterate?

The druids you know all know how to read and write. Some may not be polyglots of renown, but more than a few take to the scholarly act of transcribing their mystic prowess onto paper. Much like the wizards at Runestone Academy. Who knows if Laura has been on the receiving end for cruel jokes on that regard alone. People can be mean, after all. And although her axe may cleave bone and her arrows pierce flesh, there is nothing more hurtful than well placed words peppered with malice.

And getting that idea off your mind and hers, you step on a short pot hole on the road and drench your leg with putrid water, causing you to nearly trip before you let her know that you are aware of who she was. if not by name, by face and demeanor.

And although she cannot read, you can, as several buildings have posters badly nailed and being nearly washed away by the rain and wind. a quick glance reveals a list of names, followed by a brief description, such as gender and age, with a surprising amount of children on it. None of the names resonate with you, but what reads in big bold letters above these lists, repeated along the walls is the same:


@Laura & Remiel: Nana mentioned to take a left as soon as you left her tavern.

But it's not a straight path left, as the roads here twist and turn and several times you find yourself walking back to the Bitter Coffee before scratching your heads and after several minutes, finding a round plaza littered with trash and the statue of a noble warrior on horseback. For Remiel who can read, the plaza has a broken sign where words faintly read:

Ashford Plaza

Back in its heyday, it must've quite the sight. Enough to attract the attention of the mercyfolk here, who have taken stripped away the plaque at its base, as well as some obvious vandalism on the warrior's helm, leaving him effaced and unknown.

Not far away from the plaza, you find a set of stairs leading down and giving you much needed shelter from the rain. A short tunnel that ends with a flight of stairs leading up. A drain pipe, big enough for a man to get through, can be seen on one side of the tunnel, at its base. The bars of the drain pipe have been removed. Who knows how long ago, but what is more disconcerting are claw marks on the walls.

Remiel saw one back at the tents, but those were man sized. These look much larger and have left deep indentations on solid stone. Impossible to tell who or what made them, though.

And after about ten minutes, you reach a river of dark green waters. the rain swells its sides considerably and although both could cross it by simply swimming across, a large solid bridge crosses the river several feet away.

of note, something catches your eyes. On the banks of this river:


Red flowers... and they have flourished here in abundance along the river bank. Perhaps there is hope for this place after all. Nature always finds a way.

And then you approach the massive bridge and watch a few support columns- it would seem this bridge remains partially standing. The columns have graffiti art on them:


Well drawn. and it doesn't wash away with the rain. Halmathan has an art district, filled with the City's bohemian community. As was to be expected, street art became a great attraction. A way to bring color to the City and in some cases make a statement.

Connor immediately had those walls painted over. It was said he found it an abomination and an eyesore and vowed to arrest anyone caught doing it again. If any artists in the City had the audacity to go against his wishes, who knows.

What you do know is that the same image is repeated over and over in every column leading to the bridge and as you get closer, it becomes apparent that walking over the bridge is an impossibility- it has collapsed, but not entirely.

A tunnel can be seen right beneath it, hopefully leading to your destination.

@Einkil: There is much for you to say.

A treatise on the use of The Law. On how it protects and affects its people. On the misuse of Magic and proper handling of it, which would require a lengthy discussion among those with both the power and knowledge to enact upon these laws in a most fair manner. Then there's the obvious prejudice against a church. A discussion needs to be had about that. Make it lengthy and overburdened with documents and discussions and traditions and...

Sedge walks like a sleepwalker, snoring after every step she takes before opening a single eye and feigning a yawn.

"Not a smith. Don't know where to find a forge. For a slow dwarf, you have a lot to say. Focus, Einkil. One thing at a time. I am sure your friends would want to be found, right?"

Everything that had to be said, was said already.

You are sure to find someone here who wants to sit down and debate this for hours on end. Form a committee. A committee of dwarves, dammit! And once at the Bitter Coffee, Nana Rose, a few feet shorter than you, stands on a stool behind the bar and eyes your trappings, raising an eyebrow at your Hammer as she nods in appreciation.

"You don't get those here. You're an outsider, aren't you? Don't have to reply if you feel uncomfortable- I don't judge. Will you be having anything to drink? Eat?""

Nana looks at the tables, filling up with Mercy patrons and points to one of the bigger ones.

"A group of dwarves came here awhile back, yes. All very military looking. Well trained. Very thirsty too. They each drank a full tankard of ale. mentioned something about a finding parts. I told them that mining was impossible here because there are no mines, but they insisted that it wasn't mines they were looking for, but scrap metal. That they had a divine vision by their leader to retrieve it and get back to the City with it...""

The gnome's smile quickly disappears as the belching and talking of the patrons behind rise to an uncomfortable degree.

"I told them to return to the City, that they would find nothing here, but they were driven. Your kind gets an idea in their head and it's impossible to change it. That I know too well. One of them, a woman, if I'm not mistaken. I overheard them talk at the table while they drank that they found information about a rich deposit of metal and goods for their cause. They never said what the cause was, but they did mention where they were headed:

The Devil's Hatch. One of the main sewer entrances in The Mercy. How did they get that information? I do not know, but upon hearing that, I slammed my hand on the counter to get their attention and forbid them to go there... to little success.

Those dwarves paid for the tankards and then some and marched out in a hurry. I am sorry, Einkil. if they were your friends... I am sorry for your loss.""

2020-01-24, 05:04 AM
Once more into the anteroom to redress, once more to walk down the halls, once more to stop and talk with his friend at the entrance. For perhaps the last time. On the way, a stop by the Taskmaster's office to pen a note, give fair warning, and some apology for perhaps bringing Delpinian's wrath upon him, but also a small explanation of his actions and justifications. Then to the outside, and to hail a cab to take him to the Merl.

Not even waiting for the man to give him the fair, he tosses him 2 gold and climbs in the back, there to ponder what has happened this dark night. His mood is like the storm outside, a flashing tempest of natural forces warring for control. The entire trip home slides by as if it had never even happened, so engrossed in inner turmoil is Davish. Upon arriving, he quickly heads inside, there to speak with his da, also for perhaps the last time. As always, the man of the house was found in the common room, entertaining the evenings guests. With a glance and a flash of a signal, his da bids him wait in the office. Walking thru the kitchen on the way there to grab a mug of hot brandy, and bid Cook a fine hello, for she has always been like a second mother to him, Davish sits down upon the bench in his da's office, there to await his sire.

Half a mug later, his da walks in, and Davish simply points him to the seat behind his desk. As is their custom, he tells of what has transpired this night, and his fear that he may be walking to his death, but he will face it like a Man, as his da has taught him. I don't know what shall await me on the other side of the wall, and less so what may face me here upon my return, if there is to be one, but I wouldn't leave you penniless in my absence. Davish pulls a heavy purse out of his bag, the clink of many coins within make a tinkling sound as he sets it upon the desk. His da won't look at it now, but later will find that there is a 1,000 gold within, plenty to help keep the Inn afloat, should any need arise, or to pay for protection in his absence, also if need be. Finally, the telling is complete, his course is set. Standing now, a quick embrace, and a clasping of hands, and it is time. Without a look back, Davish leaves.

A final stop by the forge, there to collect his tools and throw them into his knapsack. One final stop before the Wall. Davish must know something about his quarry beyond a name, so he heads for an information broker, one of the heads of a local brotherhood of bounty hunters, there to see what can be learned of this Roscoe Underhill.

2020-01-24, 06:36 AM
Hit by a mountain? Laura tilts her head in amused agreement. But the dwarf is soon forgotten as they start walking in the direction of the plaza and Remiel strikes up a conversation.

"I know you, well, at least I've seen you before. But especially your axe. Hahahaha. Over a year ago you came to visit us with it in Glenndale. Seems like you've done pretty good since then."

Laura misses half a step, suddenly embarrassed. "Oh, you were there for that?" She's quiet for a moment as she recalls the details and connects the implications in her head.

"And that's why you didn't respond to me at first when we met just now," she concludes, putting two and two together.

"I didn't intend for things to get out of hand like that. I just... I'm quite impulsive sometimes and I'd just got a new axe and is really sharp and I wanted to test it on something that wouldn't blunt the edge and a groove of trees larger than I could put my arms around seemed like just the thing," she blurts out, colouring slightly as she recalls her mistake.

"It didn't occur to me until afterwards that the trees might be sacred or important to anyone - and it should have! - but I was only thinking about how awesome my new axe was and then that guy came over and yelled at me and called me stupid for not reading the signs and I'm not I just can't read and it's not like I haven't tried to learn its just that the letters don't seem to sit still for me the way they do for other people and I was defensive and embarrassed and insulted and... and I kind of lost my temper with him," Laura explains in a rush.

"I didn't mean any harm. I'm actually pretty glad that woman came over and calmed everything down. She was very understanding. I actually made some donations to the Elhonnians later to make amends. But I guess that wasn't exactly the best first impression, huh?" Laura laughs self deprecatingly.

"I suppose I am doing better since then. It isn't exactly thrilling to be mostly confined to the grounds of Kord's Temple since Connor's ascension, and I'm making less money of course, but it keeps me from falling foul of The Cudgel and the daily drills are invigorating. It's helped me be a little more focused, I guess? Father Bhaggazin had been very generous. I know he's got a fearsome reputation, but he's just a big teddy bear really."

The colour in Laura's cheeks fade as she gets onto a less embarrassing topic, even beginning to smile again fondly at the thought of her mentor.

"But then I got a letter from Clarity - Father Bhagazzin read it for me -" she forestalls any questioning, "-and you just kind of have to drop everything and go and help someone you care about," she finishes.

In her rambling it seems like they've come up on the river. "Hey look, these are cool!" Laura exclaims, plucking one of the beautiful red flowers and braiding it into her hair like a bow. "What do you think?" she laughs, twirling for her audience, until she catches sight of the bridge and stops, immediately distracted.

"Some sort of gang mark?" she asks of the painted cockerels.
"I guess we're not going that way, the bridge is all collapsed. Do you think that tunnel counts as part of the sewers? I mean, I figure we're both able to swim across if necessary, but why get soaked through if we don't have to?"

2020-01-25, 12:44 AM
"Aye they would, but if it has been a month if they are alive it is by some miracle I do not yet understand. Add in the rain touched my forge this day, a sign from the soul forger that their life was gone. So unless his vision could be hindered in some way they are dead. Rushing in will only get myself killed as well which will help no one as then none of our spirits will be able to rest with ease." Einkil explains to Sedge. "I ask about a smithy because I would feel comfortable sleeping in one, and they are mostly set up the same way meaning I would know how to use my magic to reinforce it to best protect myself when resting. And one must rest otherwise they make mistakes, it only takes one crack in a blade, one chink in a suit of armor, for the item to fail. I cannot fail in my endevor, and as such I must be as patient as the stone while still keeping the goal in mind."

"That I be, Nana Rose. I will have a mug of ale, and whatever you are serving, though please do not tell me what it is. Easier to eat." He says kindly hoping she would understand. He trusted he could stomach most things that could pass for food, but he rather not know what it was if he didn't have to. After all it didn't seem like a burnt down district would have a butcher shop.

Eye's alight with hope, Einkil leans in as she tells her story. "Please can you tell me how long ago they were here? Did they say anything else?" he asks his voice filled with a bit of excitement as it was his first lead on his kin. However when she tells him where they went he looks very much confused. "Nana Rose I was their spiritual leader, however I did not give them these directions to this place you speak of. A month ago they left the city in search of items that could be of use to our people back home that I had read about and I told them where to look from what I had seen. Never before however have I heard of this place, the Devil's Hatch, nor would I send them into a place so named without my aid." he says sounding concerned. Why would they not go where he had said and instead to this place? His directions had seemed rather clear from the other side of the wall, follow this street to this place, turn here, follow the direction this statues sword was pointing. However as he came to the Mercy himself he soon began to realize directions like that would mean nothing when the place was an utter wasteland unlike those written before the fire.

"Thank you Nana, however as their spiritual leader, as well as their only kin on this side of the world I must find their bodies and return them to the earth. And before you forbid me from going anywhere know that my duty demands it. Though I am not foolish enough to think I can save my friends who were far more powerful then I alone. I will need resources, people of similar capabilities, and more knowledge about this place and why you forbade them from going then I do now. I know nothing of this side of the wall Nana Rose, it is like walking into a whole new city. As such I wish to learn so that I do not make foolish mistakes a child would this way my chances of success are higher. Can you help me with any of these?" he asks politely, making it clear he had to do his duty however he was willing to learn and prepare for the dangers he may face.

2020-01-25, 04:07 AM
@Davish: Back outside, to walk the immense halls of the palace of Justice.

Taskmaster Davren greets you with a smile, which quickly fades when you inform him of what has transpired this morning. The man has always vouched for you, putting his neck on the line. And now, because of your actions, Dalpinian may set his wrath upon the old lord.

Your mentor places his hand on your shoulder and smiles warmly.

This man has served in the Church of the Cudgel for years, back when High Inquisitor Calchis presided over it. Over the years, he has garnered more than a fair reputation amongst the Cuthbertines, particularly its militia. Although Dalpinian is Connor's protege, it would be very difficult for him to act with malice against Davren. The man has an impeccable record...

He will be fine. He has to.

No umbrellas to shelter you from the rain as you step outside the Palace of Justice and hear a crackling boom from the skies above. This rain may last the entire damn day, as you hail a cab towards the Merl. And although still early and not noon yet, the smell of warm food wafts from the kitchen as you poke your head inside and hail Cook, who despite her years, is one of the best chefs in the entire City. No fancy schools for her, like so many pretentious young cooks that claim to have served at the Royal Palace. More so now, that there isn't anyone to confirm or deny their credentials and will pay a king's ransom for a halfling sized portion of celery with some fancy design on a gigantic plate, the better to justify the price.

None of them hold a candle to Cook, who pinches your cheeks and remarks on how skinny you are, promising one of her specialties, the Moules-frites, steamed to perfection and with caramelized onions and basil sprinkled fries with that extra pinch of salt. The mussels are always fresh, catch of the day.

But that knot in your stomach has cut your hunger away as you open the pantry and take out a bottle of brandy, causing Cook to shake her head as she instructs the young aspiring cooks how to cut the and prepare the food for lunch time.

Once your father has excused himself from the guest room, he joins you in the study and pours himself not one, but two glasses as you let him know what you're doing and where. He doesn't even look at the bag, placed on the table. His eyes are fixed on his boy, now a Man. But despite the passage of time. No matter how much stronger you are than him, you are his son. And few things are as painful as letting their son go. Especially for what may very well be the last time. So it is no surprise that the embrace is a strong and lengthy one, almost as he doesn't want to let go, but accepts your duty in a most bittersweet fashion as his handshake- firm enough to rival yours- is that last contact you have with your father before you turn your back on him and glance at the patrons, who have no clue what transpired behind closed doors, already warming up their gullets with warm liquor to awaken an appetite.

Father will be fine. He has to.

Not much of a parting gift, but he does pay for your ferry to Sir Jory's House of Fine Gentlemen.

Sir Jory was a hunter. Long ago, before your time. He is no longer alive, but his legacy lives on. Many who would take on the mantle of "hounds" find the House of Gentlemen a place of camaraderie, fine spirits and of course, a bounty board.

This one has been mostly empty for awhile now. Connor solved all crimes in the City, blessed be His Holiness. That isn't to say that some old hounds are not unfamiliar with names from before, when criminals and lawbreakers ran amuck here, prime targets for the old and new bounty hunters. And so, you ask around about your quarry, which raises a few eyebrows and some responses:

I heard he was killed during the Olidammaran Purge.

I heard he was The Laughing Shadow's right hand. Some say he killed the High priest of that church and then planned to take over.

Quite! I heard he was the reason for The Purge on those thieves, selling off his own to save his hide. And they talk about honor amongst thieves. Now that's a joke I'll drink to!

You reap what you sow, is what I say! Serves them right, if you ask me. I wish His Holiness would have hired me for help during that raid.

You are all wrong: the little rat escaped. I was told he took with him every last gold piece in that church of theirs, hired a ship and took off to the tropics in the middle of the night, amidst the arrests and mayhem. Now they say he owns three islands to his name and lives off like some king in the south seas.

Who knows what's true and what's just drunken ramblings, but few of the things mentioned here coincide with what you were told. Then again, these are men who, like you, have dedicated their lives to hunt down law breakers... for a price.

@Laura: Who cares about some battered old smelly dwarf.

Bhagazzin being the exception, of course. The Kordite High Priest may be a power house in the battlefield. Enough for Connor to have only faced him once. At the door to of the Kordite Temple, since Bhagazzin didn't allow him entrance to Hallowed Ground... or so you heard.

In the rare instances when the Cudgel visits Kord's House, it's under representation of frail Dalpinian, who is always surrounded by a phalanx of the City's mightiest elite soldiers, lest Bhagazzin became enraged and threw a boulder at the man.

As for the incident back at Glenndale... yeah.

Remiel doesn't need to know your whole life's story. Reading is not something you know how to do. The words become an incomprehensible mess. An annoying blur of ink on paper that swirls around. That druid at Glenddale didn't know better, but that is no excuse for you to have attempted to cut trees down. And the outburst. Good thing Claudia arrived before things got really ugly. And although you may not have a lot of coin to spare, some of it reached the Ehlonnian Church. A way to apologize for your rude trespass.

But now you're here, not in the City. Your friend Clarity needs your help and things in the City are too stifling right now. here you can flex your muscles. Put down those that are giving her trouble. Wreck some...

Oooohhh! Pretty flowers!

You walk up to the muddy banks of the brackish green river, which flows wildly due to the inclement weather and pluck one of the red flowers, braiding it into your hair as you twirl around in front of the druid, in perhaps the very few in stances of you showing some giddy lady like behavior.

And then your attention goes to the painted birds on the columns leading to the dilapidated bridge. the entrance below it is not a sewer, but a tunnel. Not unlike you and Remiel passed through earlier, but bigger in size.

@Remiel: Who knew Chopper Girl had a more dainty side?

She twirls around with that flower in her hair and a slight tingling sensation invades your entire body. Perhaps the weather as of late, getting colder. And as you look past Laura and the flowers, you try to assess the river's width.

Given the torrential rain, you can't see the shore beyond. At a guess, a good fifty or eighty feet of both swimming before you can see the shore across. Maybe.

@Einkil: Nana Rose takes her time preparing your meal, but the dirty flagon of ale is immediately clasped between your hands. The food arrives... and it looks like a scrawny rabbit, with a baked potato on the side.

"It's our special- Mercy Mystery Meat. Just a copper for this delicacy. Can't beat that price anywhere else. Mark my words... and wait:

YOU were their spiritual leader? I may not be a dwarf, or a priest. But I know a lot of both. A priest sending his troops without him... why? What drove you to send those fine men and women here?!""

In your mind, you gave your squad directions... or did you?

You have never set foot on The Mercy until today. heard of it? Yes, in passing. But why bother learning about a place like this when you had something good going on back in The City, with your forge. It wasn't until Connor rose to power that resources over there became scarce. And so, guided only by what you can somewhat adequately place as a vision, roused your soldiers down at the forge and bringing down your hammer on the anvil, sparked on them the mission. A most holy of holies- to loot scrap metal in a forgotten and unknown district.

Directions were given, of course:

Take that road.

Turn left at that building.

Open the door with a doorknob.

How much clearer can you get? These thoughts run through your mind as Nana shakes her head in very clear disapproval.

"Why not join them? Those dwarves looked like warriors. And although well trained, as you claim them to be, they can't patch their own injuries. You damn right better retrieve them boy, but...""

The gnome crosses her arms and looks at you again squarely in the eye.

"They went to the Devil's Hatch. That is the main entrance to the sewers here and last I knew, it was blocked. No entry. That being said, money here, like anywhere in the world, goes a long way. Look, you may be feeling bad about sending them here, but to go down there alone.... I do not recommend it.

I am not going to go into detail, Einkil. Just know that there are things down there. Things you haven't seen and don't want to see. Ever. Nothing but grief awaits you below the streets of The Mercy, boy. People have gone down there before. Few have returned and you can bet money they do not wish to go back down there. That being said, you have your duty to fulfill, yes? The clan is first and foremost. I know the dwarven mantra regarding that.

Like I said, none here will go down with you, but I met two that aren't from here. They seem to be on a rescue mission. Not unlike yours. Looking for people missing. Kindred goals...and maybe kindred spirits? I warned them to stay away from the sewers too, because I don't like sending people to their deaths.

That being said, I can vouch that one of them is very strong. She is a Kordite, so you should expect her to be very strong. True to her patron deity and Halmathan's Church Leader.

I have no idea what the other one does.

Again, I do not condone one, three or twenty to go down there. I wish you to know this in advance, because few will be as concerned for strangers in this place. So, the decision is yours. You may be a child to me, but a grown man to the rest.

If you wish to find them, they took off not long before you walked in here. But...""

Nana looks at your armor and Hammer and shield and short stocky legs.

"They're tall folk. Humans. By now, they must've covered several blocks and must be far away from here. However, if you have the coin, I can offer you the same service I offered them- to have a guide here."

2020-01-26, 04:53 AM
"You see these lists here, Laura? All missing persons, mostly children. Terrible!"

Suddenly they were back at the "Bitter Coffee". How can that be, he never gets lost.

Yes, the unfamiliar, urban environment was harder to distinguish than different trees in the forest, and since it was raining so hard, the sun and therefore the direction was not visible. Nevertheless, a druid shouldn't get lost.

And that's why you didn't respond to me at first when we met just now
"I mean... it's just, um... I didn't know you. Or I just knew you as the slightly crazy ax-wielding woman. And so I was a little more reserved...
But like I said, the notch in the tree is closed and everything else is just fine, right?“

As they walked on, they discovered these flowers on the bank of the river. Remiel tried to remember if he knew this sort (Knowledge Nature [roll0]), but Laura had already picked one and stuck it in her hair. "You look good, um, I mean, the flower looks good on you..." he said shy (Depending on whether Remiel can remember, e.g. whether the flower is poisonous or not, he adds "however, this flower is poisonous and therefore rather unsuitable as hair ornament. Wait, I'll take it").

Then they reached the broken bridge and Laura mentioned to walk through the tunnel. "We don't have to swim, or walk underneath..."

Remiel made a few gestures, spoke something in druidic and suddenly a huge owl flew up. It landed in front of him and as a greeting he caress it and said in sylcanic "Thank you for answering my call, friend owl! Would you please take my friend here to the other side of the river?"

Casting Summon Natures Ally 3 instead of Call Lightning

2020-01-26, 05:45 AM
No answers at Jory's, just more questions. Outside, it's time to hail a cab, and get on with it. It's a long slow ride to the Wall this time around. Getting out several hundred feet back, to take it all in, and to make the final approach on foot. No haughty speeches about duty and honor to hand out this time. No direct challenge it appears from Andlas, just that same measured stare from his tent as I walk through the encampment. Perhaps a Guard is tasked to follow me, I care not, and for once don't bother to check my backtrail. Onward through the place, eventually arriving at an old man, robed, sitting at a table before the opening to the Mercy. With a hand up to forestall any challenge, the answer is given in passing.

Yes, yes, i mean to go thru

Down the walkway, through the tunnel, and out the other side on a mission with clear expectations, and no meaningful intelligence beyond a name.

Am I simply supposed to round up all the halflings and make one of them tell me where this guy is? I don't even know what he looks like, only a name, and names can be changed easily. This is a fools errand, and I'm the fool!!!

I haven't been here since I was a boy on errand. I shall have to see how things stand now, and if necessary, protect myself.

2020-01-26, 12:52 PM
@Davish: This rain seems to have no end in sight.

It's a few blocks before the mess of tents as the City Guards recognize you and wordlessly, one walks with you, guiding you through the maze.

Surprisingly, the tents looks, well.. normal. Nothing out of the ordinary. Nobody to be seen that would cause you to ask any questions. Guards are posted every so many paces, but the tents looks all white. All clean.

All closed.

The good sergeant Andlas is nowhere to be seen, but he must've been notified of your arrival and most likely told that you are to head straight to The Mercy, which you do.

The short man in robes barely has a chance to speak before you walk right past him and announce that yes: you are going through. This causes the man to look at the guards and shrugs as you leave Halmathan behind and walk alone through the makeshift tunnel of white cloth.

The rain pounds on you once more as you step out onto the old ruined district of The Mercy. The place stinks and seems impossibly big. No one near to greet you in this place. No formalities. Dalpinian gave you a name, race, occupation and orders on what to do regarding them.

The fine hounds at Sir Jory's will not be able to provide any relevant information. They are too busy getting drunk in the City and reminiscing about the old days, when Law breakers could be hunted down back there.

But here? Who knows what's going on here? Where to begin your investigation? Can it even be done? Where to even begin?

@Remiel: Laura may not be able to read, but you can.

A missing person's poster. People go missing in the City as well. It is unfortunate, but these are very odd cases and rarely are they advertised like this, with a piece of paper on a wall. The authorities have ways to find people and bring them back to their families, safe and sound...

But here, in a lawless district. Who is the authority in this place? Why are so many people missing. and children especially? Is anyone doing anything about this? Other than putting up posters, that is.

Once at the brackish green river, you look at the flowers and watch Laura pluck one and adorn her head with it. She looks... she looks good.

But these flowers... never have you seen this variety. Definitely not in Glenndale. And druids there have a habit of creating beautiful gardens with a palette of colors given the flowers they grown. None like this one, though. If anything, given the pollution this place has, no flowers ought to grow here.

Having said that, Nature always finds a way.

Going under the bridge seems risky. You could swim across the river and Laura seems strong enough to get herself across with a few strokes, but what about if you try neither of those options?

Cracking your neck and fingers, you stand at the edge of the river and look up at the ever raining grey skies of The Mercy and shut your eyes as you ask one of Ehlonna's Champions to swoop in and grant you much needed assistance as Laura adjusts her flower and pays little attention to your words, which she cannot possibly understand.

It's a whistling that can be heard coming from somewhere, followed by the flapping of feathers above and a majestic feathered hunter lands nearby, tilting its head at both:


This should be big enough and strong enough to carry Laura across the river as a tingling sensation invades your body quickly...and is just as quick to leave.

@Laura: That's a big owl.

Those you have never seen back in the City. Maybe deeper in Glenndale, but flying like that through the tall buildings? Never.

Must've taken Remiel quite a bit to do whatever he did, since you point out that he's bleeding through the nose. A small trickle. One even the druid hasn't felt apparently.

Remiel takes [roll0] damage

2020-01-26, 05:21 PM
As the dirty mug arrives filled with ale Einkil waits for Nana Rose to turn around before quickly praying over the cup in a quite, but firm voice.

"Oh Great Father let this ale be as pure as that found in your most holy realm."

A moment later he begins to down the ale, sure that it is clean. "I have not had rabbit in quite some time, this will be enjoyable indeed." he says picking up the scrawny looking rabbit and tearing into it with a gusto, only putting it down to drink large portions of ale. While he listens to Nana Rose.

As he finishes his meal, he cleans the parts that have fallen onto his beard, picking the obvious bits of "rabbit" out when he hears how could she let his men go without him. "I was at the forge when the Soulforger sent me the vision of where to find what we were looking for, and thus I sent to them. Previously we had been researching about the items in question so that we could return home with little results until a day before that when I came across an old book detailing what we were after but didn't have a name for. So when I had the vision I called the others to me before I could forget it.

They believed it was best not to wait and depart immediately so that we could arrive home quicker. Given how late it was and where they wished to go I advised against it and asked them to wait, they decided it was best however they go in quickly find where we all needed to go exactly as I only had rough directions from the vision in the flames, and then we would all go together. That was a month ago Nana Rose, and you say they were going to someplace called the Devil's Hatch because they found a big haul is odd to me as well. Should I have gone with them even though it was late, yes however that is the past and all I can do is try and rectify it." Einkil says as he is being told things he already knows, something that is making him annoyed and uncomfortable at the situation. However he was a guest here using another name as a reference and would not be a bad guest.

Listening as she goes on to tell him that there was no way anyone would willingly go down into the sewers that lived in the Mercy he was starting to believe he would have to do it alone when she tells him that another group of people had recently traveled across the wall. It was not a large amount as he had hoped, however it was better then going alone if what she said was true and no one returned from the place. "I am no fool to wander around a ruined city as big as this alone without knowing where to go. I will take your advice and hire a guide if you have one nearby. I just hope the others you say were here are willing to help, otherwise it will have been a waste." he says waiting for her to say a price for the guide before pulling out exactly that much, not a copper more as he did not wish to show he had a great deal of wealth.

2020-01-26, 06:15 PM
Laura winces at Remiel's description of her as a crazy girl with an axe. After all it's not that far off the mark really. And her eyes widen slightly in disbelief when he says the notches in the trees have healed. Mighty as the trees in the grove were it was an extremely sharp axe with an exceptional amount of muscle and weight behind it. Surely no mortal tree could recover from such scars as if they were nothing, and Laura almost accuses Remiel of pulling her leg. But then she remembers that those weren't exactly normal trees and that druids are supposedly able to use healing magic as well, so perhaps the trees have healed after all.

"I'm glad," she says simply with a grateful smile.

The Druidic mumbo-jumbo... Laura can't follow exactly what Remiel is doing, but it certainly gets results! That... is a big owl. Laura regards it in blank-faced wonder as she copies Remiel's motion to caress the giant bird!

"I didn't know they came this big! She's gorgeous!" Laura enthuses. "She is a she, right? I mean I don't really know how to tell with owls, but I feel like she's a she." Then Laura realises that she's going to get to fly and she becomes even more excitable! "I'm going to get to fly! Oh my Kord, best day ever! I've always wanted to know what it was like! I'll just... uh... I'll just climb up here?"

Laura struggles up onto the owl's back awkwardly. Owls have quite a steep back, so it's not particularly easy. She grabs onto feathers and ones of the owl's ears, though she quickly apologises and his the owl is forbearing. She soon gets herself more settled. "Ok I'm ready! Are you joining us too... Uh... Remiel? You've got a little something on your face there..."

2020-01-26, 07:09 PM
@Einkil: Rabbit tastes good. A bit chewy, though.

Nana doesn't seem to have heard your small prayer to the Soul Forger as she has her back to you and the patrons make enough noise, but she is quick to place her attention on you and what you have to say as she raises an eyebrow.

"You sent a group of clueless dwarves here based off... a vision? And you waited an entire month before you decided they had to be rescued. Color me dumbstruck. Several times. With that hammer of yours.

Look, you may have to do something to be in good terms with your Almighty. Truth be told, you mentioned only a fool would come here alone.""

Nana looks around the tavern and then at both empty stools beside you.

"You're here alone, so that makes you... what, exactly? But I am sure you have had time to reflect on this and why would a lowly bar wench like myself give you any more hell for it? You need a guide. Otherwise, you won't last long here. Of that I am most certain. He should be here any time now. You can finish your meal in peace in the meantime. The others are strangers to this place, like you. Maybe they'll accept your offer. Maybe they won't. That's up to you."

Nana tends to the other patrons as several of them glance at you and speak in that tongue Sedge was using before focusing on their drinks, meals and games of chance as dirty coin goes from one hand to another.

And it's nearly twenty minutes before a lanky fellow makes his way to the already crowded pub, zig zagging around the tables with the grace of a mongoose on a hunt as Nana cleans a glass for him and hails the man over:


"Get your skinny hide here, boy! What are you having?""

The lanky man pats a few patrons on the shoulder and slides towards the stool next to you, barely giving you a glance as he smiles at Nana and shakes his head with a proud smile.

"Coffee, please. No sugar.""

The gnome nods in approval and serves the man a hot brew.

"How many days sober so far?""

"A month and three. I told you I quit, Nana.""

The bar wench looks at you and then at him.

"A good thing you have your wits about you, boy. This fellow is from the other side of the wall. Name's Einkil. He wants a...well.. a tour guide. I knew you'd be coming around sooner or later and the others would just cut him for whatever coin he carries.""

The man burns his tongue with the coffee and puts his mug down, giving you a quick stare.

"That looks heavy. all that armor and that Hammer... hmmm. Hello, Einkil. My name's Drakan.""

The man smiles at Nana and gives her a wink before looking back at you.

"And I'm your tour guide in Beautiful Mercy. Where's he going?""

"The Vargas Farmhouse. Two more from the other side were headed there. Just get him there in one piece and...""

Drakan taps his fingers on the counter and looks at you, while addressing Nana.

"That place is far from here. Not exactly a straight path. Plus there's the Roosters to deal with, hmmm..

Einkil, is it? How much do you have? Trips like these aren't for free, you know?"

@Laura: So your axe didn't cut any trees... good. Sort of.

Your axe is sharp. Sharp enough to have reduced those dummies back in Kord's temple to splinters. The same should apply to the trees they were made of, but according to Remiel, they are fine. Who knows if the trees there are special or whatnot. Some drunken bard once sang that druids could actually become trees, so maybe that's why they rushed at you like mad fools the moment you began swinging.

And then your new druid travel buddy hoots at the rain and causes a beautiful giant owl to fly down and land as majestically as he can before you. Your own aerial carriage. Connor would throw a fit if he saw any of these back in the City, but he's not here and who is to deny you the chance to become ruler of the skies?

The concept of riding a giant bird is beautiful. Poetic, even. Worthy of ballads and works of art to adorn lavish palaces.

The execution is a monumental mess. Yes, this large sack of feathers may be able to carry you, but it's not a horse. Remiel did not give it a saddle and more than a few times, the owl tries to bite your hand off as you tug at his feathers and fall flat on your bum on the muddy ground as the owl hoots and blinks twice, looking in the other direction before you tug at his feathers once more and a single tear drops down his eye as you manage to, in the most awkward fashion, hold on to the giant feathery tuft that is the druid's forest friend.

It's no royal cavalry, but those don't fly. Now hopefully you don't fall off the bird mid flight as this one takes a few steps forward and hoots in Remiel's direction as you let him know he's got something in his face and a wet flap of wings propels the owl upwards.

The winds smack your face and hair as you cling to the poor owl and this one hoots as loudly as possible as you ride him like a feathered buckaroo across what looks now like an immense river. Wider than what you or Remiel had suspected before the owl lands unceremoniously on the ground and rolls on the other side of the muddy bank with you rolling right beside him.

Can't see Remiel from here, but the owl is, like you, completely drenched and covered in mud as he shakes his head and feathers and bathes you in another thick layer of mercy mud.

There are more flowers on this side of the river and you can see the end of the bridge, with some faint light coming from this end.

What is far more immediate is a small house boat. This one looks old and has a rusted chain keeping it anchored to the muddy bank. There is no name on the boat, but every possible window has been boarded up tight.

2020-01-26, 11:36 PM
"It makes me a dwarf with no allies in this city and far from home looking for the bodies of those he came to this city with." Einkil says slowly getting more and more annoyed with this person before him. People had gone on quests for far less than a vision from their gods before, and his men were the best of the best. He had no reason to doubt their capabilities. However once more he bites down what he is thinking as he instead takes a very large bite out of his rabbit, before stuffing mashed potatoes into his mouth to keep quite.

When she offers him peace and quite while he waits for his guide he simply nods agreeing that a bit of peace would give him time to calm down. With his time to himself he speaks to his hammer in Terran, noting strange language all these people seemed to speak, almost like broken common, but not quite. Explaining their surroundings to the creature that dwelled within his hammer, and what it was like outside.

It is nearly a half hour later when he is introduced to his guide, he looked more likely to pick his pockets and leave him lost in some random part of town then lead him where he wanted to go. Moving around like a mongoose looking to steal an egg from an unsuspecting person he pays close attention to the man as he sits besides him and Nana Rose introduces them to each other. "It's not as heavy as it looks, and won't slow me down anymore then if I were not in it if thats what your wondering." Einkil says extending his hand out in greeting to the man introducing himself. "Greetings Drakan, Nana Rose said you could show me to a place some others from the other side of the wall were heading." Einkil says, letting the Gnome who knew more about this then him explain the rest.

"I have coin, as for these chicken's, if your really scared of a few birds I'll just chase them off." he says confused at why these humans would be afraid of a few birds. He had never eaten a rooster before, however it couldn't be much different then chicken after all. However he was uncomfortable saying how much he had without first hearing how much it would cost to travel there. "Those carriage things cost a whole gold to cross a few districts, would the same suffice here?" he asks, not however pulling out a coin.

2020-01-27, 12:06 AM
Nosebleed? Something's wrong! He had never had a nosebleed after performing magic before.

A little amused, a little frightened about Laura's clumsiness, Remiel stood there motionless. When he wanted to help shortly afterwards, Laura and the owl had already arranged themselves and they flew away.
Thereupon he took the shape of a falcon again and followed them.

When he landed on the other bank, he saw them both rolling around in the mud. First he ran to... left right left right... to the owl to thank it again, then he released it again into the wide, rainy sky.

Now he had time to take full care of Laura. Remiel reached out his hand to her. He helped her up and then tried to free her from the mud without touching her feminine parts. "Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry! I should have told you how... or the rope maybe... let me help... that, that... ooooh, I'm sooo sorry!"

2020-01-27, 12:28 AM
@Einkil: Talk about pouring salt on the wound.

What could this little wrinkled hideous gnome wench know about dwarven customs? About the divine zeal and omniscient glare of the Soul Forger, that only those handful chosen can even peek into? This is a holy crusade! Fools go out to garner fame and fortune. Few ever consider to leave a mark on History. But that's not you:

You are a dwarf smith! Incredibly important back home. The flame that ignites the forge. Incenses dwarven men and women deep beneath the halls of the earth and rouse them into battle! The Hammer that strikes the anvil and causes the Earth to shake under a hundred banners...

The lone hammer without a forge to call his own. Alone in a strange city.

The only thing even remotely close to allies here are the paladins in the church of Heironeous. And they are on lock down. What would your mother say if she knew you were traipsing around thief slums, getting chummy with cutthroats?

But that's where you are now. And Nana may have read this in your face as she decides to leave you and your thoughts alone for a few minutes when a lanky pick pocket makes its way to the bar and seems to be on pretty good terms with the owner as he sips his hot coffee, blowing on it occasionally and listens to the business proposal. But as the conversation goes on, you raise a bushy eyebrow and clean some scraps off your beard, remarking on simple farm birds and how can they possibly be a problem.

Drakan sips his coffee for a few seconds and Nana is caught mid way wiping the counter clean as both look at you for a few seconds in abject silence, then their eyes lock and Drakan laughs, spilling his coffee on his shirt, which causes him to curse and laugh at the same time while the gnome hands him a rag.

"Damn, you are new here. I thought Nana was setting me up for a joke... well done! Einkil, The Roosters are a gang. One of the biggest this side of The Mercy. Tough bastards. Thankfully, I happen to know their leader. Let's just say they owe me... err us, a favor or two. You can go alone, but I doubt you'll make it far. You are unknown here, an easy target. No repercussions if you end up with a dagger stuck in your head, left in some gutter...""

Nana clears her throat and Drakan goes a bit less somber with the talk.

"Which doesn't have to happen if you're with me! Now wait a minute; you are comparing my services to the carriages out there, past the Wall? Not bad, but tell me:

Has your life been in jeopardy when you ride one of those a few blocks? Because last I checked, Connor keeps all those nice clean people over there safe.

That's not the case here. People can just disappear after taking a few steps in the wrong direction. Hell, good as I am, I work best alone. So I'll have to carry you- not literally, of course- that would give me a hernia the size of Halmathan, but I think you get the picture, right?""

Drakan finishes his coffee and taps his fingers against the counter and then places the empty mug down.

"Four gold. That's two to get you to the farm and your friends. Two to get you back here. Won't find a better deal, you can ask around..."

2020-01-27, 09:51 AM
With no clear direction, any direction is correct. Davish turns left, and heads deeper into the Mercy.

2020-01-27, 04:51 PM
Laura laughs as Remiel fumbles for a way to help her up. That flight was exhilarating (even if it was crazy!) and she's perfectly content to just lie in the mud for a moment and savour the experience she's just had. After all, who gets to actually fly? Sure, it ended in mud and a few bruises, but such are as nothing to a regular brawler.

After a few moments she takes pity on him with an amused smile. "Just take my hand," she says as she allows herself to be helped up. "Don't overcomplicate it. There we go. Thanks!"

She takes a moment to shake a little bit of the mud off. Being so wet it's more dirty water than mud and the worst of it doesn't really adhere. But even drenched with hair straggling, flower askew and dirt on her face she looks completely unbothered and in her element.

"So this is as far as Nana directed us. She said to ask around once we got this far. Do you reckon there's anyone in that houseboat over there?"

2020-01-27, 07:05 PM
@Davish: The smell of this place...

It is god awful. How can anyone live here? Choose to live here? Regardless, you have a mission. Not much of a lead, really. No contacts on this side of the wall. Alone and with only your training to keep you safe, you take a coin toss and head left.

The tall scorched buildings meet you with silent gazes as you walk through the cracked wet streets. Puddles big enough to sink you in are best avoided. Nobody has bothered to fix these streets in years, that much is clear. What is also clear is that the people in this place are avoiding you. You can see shapes huddling in the buildings around you. Also, you can hear coughing. Lots of it.

Given the state of this place, who knows how many are sick and without proper medical attention. But none of them come and greet you. None of them answer any calls for direction. They just stare and hide in the shadows.

Going left may have been your initial idea, but this district, much like the tents outside it, are a maze. Turn left, then a right, choose which path to take at a broken intersection...

No landmarks that you can identify with as the rain keeps pouring down on you relentlessly and then your nose picks up a worse smell- death.

This causes you to stop before a pile of burnt bodies, assembled gruesomely out on the rain. Impossible to tell who these people were, but by their looks, they seem to have had an agonizing death before being put to the pyre. Dozens upon dozens of them.

And all of them in front of an equally burnt building


Who knows what this place used to be, but it looks destroyed- more so than the other buildings in this already ruined district.

@Laura: Lord of the Skies!... for a few seconds.

Granted, it may not have been the most gracious of flights, but who can claim to have ridden an owl before? As you sit on the muddy bank and watch the owl flutter its soppy wet feathers, you catch sight of the old boat house, marooned for who knows how long and boarded up and let Remiel know, except...

Remiel isn't here. In the chaos ensuing getting up on the owl and flying over and then rolling around the rain and mud, the druid never made it with you atop his avian friend.

Not that he would've been able to- it's a big bird, true. But you getting to ride it was a colossal problem. Let alone having two riders of roughly the same size. No, the druid must've been kicked by the wing flaps and remained on the other side of the river, hopeful you would make it intact here.

2020-01-27, 08:53 PM
@Remiel: Perhaps a different bird?

Too late now. Laura seems to enjoy the flight, whereas others would be quite reluctant to get on top of a giant owl. But she makes it across and then it’s your turn.

Like before, your body goes through a radical change and assume an avian form, flapping your wings as you cross the river.

It is impossible not to feel light headed as your vision becomes blurry and you nearly plummet into the water, having a rough landing while Laura laughs it off, covered in mud and you wave the owl good bye, something the bird is more than happy to oblige with.

But now where to go?

2020-01-28, 02:36 PM
"True, she told us the way to the bridge and no further... And here we are. Do you think this houseboat is inhabited?"

When he had finished his question, he noticed that he was still holding Laura's hand. He blushed and quickly pulled his hand back.

2020-01-28, 04:52 PM
So Remiel's caught an attraction to Laura? Wow dude, that's unfortunate. Girl leaves a trail of shattered relationships and broken hearts wherever she goes. But of course you don't know that yet. Perhaps you hope she didn't notice your awkwardness? No such luck. More than four-score flings have left her highly attuned to when other people are digging on her. Laura holds Remiel's gaze with a coquettish smile for as long as he holds her hand and a few seconds longer. Wow, sparky!

But for now she's just teasing. Maybe Remiel hasn't reached her bar yet. Or maybe it's just not the time, being in the rain and the mud. She turns and starts walking towards the houseboat.

"Who knows?" she replies to his question. "Only one way to find out. Hey, I don't suppose you see any red markings?"

Laura walks up to the houseboat and looks for a door to knock on.

2020-01-28, 05:59 PM
@Laura: Almost adorable, really.

This guy is sending vibes your way? He has a lot of learning yet to do. Animals are known to mate. Some are said to even perform silly dances in order to garner amorous attention...

Remiel may have spent too much time with the animals at Glenndale. His awkwardness is felt heavier that this rain.

At least he’s trying.

You then avert your gaze to the old boathouse and ask Remiel to alert you to any red markings on it as you examine the side closest to you upon landing.

There are no doors. A latch, but it has been boarded from your side in a most sturdy way. Same for any windows.

It’s going around the old vessel that you stop in your tracks.

The boathouse has nearly keeled over as river and rain both wash into it.

A hole. Twice as big as you. Something burst out of this place, as the smell of blood cannot be masked by the inclement weather.

2020-02-22, 01:10 PM
Laura's axe finds her hands in an instant, the warrior woman coming alert to the slightest sound.

"Remiel! There's a lot of blood, and I think something broke out of here!"

She approaches the hole cautiously, trying to get a glimpse inside.

2020-02-22, 01:42 PM
@Laura: Remiel's amusing yet poor attempts at courtship will have to be cast aside for now.

With the owl gone, you walk around the broken boat house and immediately smell the stench of death coming from inside. Even this rain hasn't managed to wash it away, torrential as it is and so, you grip your axe, awaiting the worst and let the druid know of your findings.

With such a big hole on the side of the boathouse and this one being marooned next to the river and the rain, this vessel is about to be carried away by the river's current. And were it not for the old rusted anchor that weighs it down, it would have already. Not that there's any salvaging it- the hole has allowed water to seep in and you find yourself knee deep in it as you approach the boat house and take a look at your surroundings.

Blood has stained the walls inside of this boat house. Pieces of furniture and other mundane house items float on the water, now completely ruined. A framed painting has been badly weathered by time and rain and depicts two young men. Nearly identical in appearance to each other. The painting itself barely hangs by a nail before it will eventually fall onto the water and be washed away with everything else.

A thick set of chains can be observed nailed to the far side of the boat house's interior. These looked strong... until they were shattered. A metal safe, partially submerged under water, has not been washed away by the currents, given its apparent hefty weight.

2020-02-22, 09:37 PM
As the man introduced to him as Drakan explains that these Roosters were a gang the dwarf is even more confused, who would be afraid of a common farm animal? Better to call oneself the Foaming Badgers, at least they when angered were dangerous. However he was not in the position to point out such facts and as such left it alone. "I have already encountered some of the Mercy's...hospitality. And if that is what I have to look forward to the in the rest of this place its a wonder no one simply leaves instead of worrying about who's going to have to drop a building to stop some crazy person." he points out.

"If you are referring to how loud my armor would normally be, I prepare a spell each day so that it no longer makes noise for a good amount of the day. And while by no means will I be as good as someone who often is used to sneaking around, I will not be as big of a burden as a normal person clad in heavy armor banging around." he reassures Drakan. "As for asking around, I know no one here besides Nana, and that's only because I was told to speak with her by the someone named Sedge. So asking around is as likely to get me stabbed in an alley as trusting you, no offense." it is a few minutes more before he finally answers, mulling it over in his head, however at the end of the day he didn't know the land he was in, no landmarks, he was likely to be attacked alone so even if he was with just this one person his odds were better. And if it was a betrayal he was decently sure he could at least take this one on. Who knew about the next person offering to help him. "I accept your terms Drakan, however only three if there is no trouble." he counters, trying to make it seem like he had very little gold, add in that if the job was simple and no threat to the man's life there was no need to pay four gold.

2020-02-22, 10:22 PM
@Einkil: So many names for a gang you can think of... and these people call themselves The Roosters?

Drakan raises his eyebrow as you mention the Mercy hospitality, but is quite taken back when you mention whose.

"You know Sedge? Well, you are a lucky if clueless dwarf, Einkil. As for crazies, you sure they are only in this side of the wall? Because last I checked, biggest and kookiest quack in all of Halmathan sits on the throne right now. But yeah, this place has its fair share of crazy people. Some you can't even talk down from slitting your throat or worse...""

The lanky man winks at Nana and then listens to your offer while rubbing his pointy chin for a few seconds.

"Deal. Three will get you where you want. Cash first, please.""

2020-02-22, 10:43 PM
"I meet her yes, and she is the one that pointed me here after a misunderstanding on my part. Long story, if you want while we travel I'll tell you it." he offers politely. "You mean Connor? They guy is trying to fund bringing back the king what's wrong with that? My nation would move mountains' literally, to save our own king, King Ragrak I, I see no reason why your own people wouldn't feel the same. Then again I have not lived here long, even in the city proper but to dwarves clan and honor mean all. It is why I am here looking for my kin, and before that why me and my kin were here sending weapons and armor back to our homeland as well as gold to help with the war efforts."

Pulling out the three gold pieces from his coin purse and handing them over to Drakan. "Whenever you are ready good sir lead the way." he says dropping the coin into the man's hand and following him when he was ready to go.

Once outside he kneels in prayer for a brief moment in the muddy, trash filled streets, and begins to pray as he tries to bury his hand it seems into the mud. "Great father hear my plea and answer me. I must move as if I were weightless, unburdened by the mountain I carry upon my shoulders to remind me of home. Please lighten my load for a short time and allow your servant to go forth unhindered."

As the last word leaves mouth a soft rumbling can be heard for a brief moment before it stops, and as he rises his armor does not clank and bang like it normally would. "If you wish I can confere the ability to your own armor if you are even wearing any." Einkil says unsure if Drakan was even wearing any armor.

For the next 11 hours he and Drakan suffer no ACP from any armor they wear that they are proficient in on hide and move silently checks.

2020-02-22, 11:25 PM
@Einkil: Drakan's hand is lightning fast.

The moment you show him the three shining gold pieces, these disappear from your stubby armor clad hands and disappear under the lanky rogue's clenched fist before they drop into a small pouch wrapped around his belt as he finishes his coffee in a hurry and points to the door, getting off the stool and looking back at Nana, who waves back at him.

"Send my regards to the big man, Drakan. And you, Einkil... be safe.""

Once outside, Drakan looks up at the grey skies and curses loud enough for you top listen.

"Wish I had brought an umbrella from the den and... what're you doing? Oh....!""

With the rain peltering your helmet and shoulders, you ask The Soul Forger to make you as nimble as the shadows that live in this ruined district. That the weight of the world you carry, a symbol of beautiful Khedesh, may be a burden for you in this place no longer.

Drakan crosses his arms as you intone the mystic prayer and nods as you walk towards him.

"Hadn't taken you for a priest. What with all that armor. I know a few priests. None that walk as heavy as you. So, I have never seen them use that spell. But I have seen them pray before. Just like you. Many times. You can keep that blessing to yourself:

I don't favor heavy plate on my back.""

Drakan walks you through the puddles of stinky water and trash filled alleys that are The Mercy. Hard to find your way back from this place. The guy is quick and sometimes, it seems like he's gone entirely from sight before poking his head around a corner and urging you to keep up the pace.

What is apparent is that there are a myriad of posters. Most of them washed away or removed from the walls of The Mercy. These are prints. repeated over and over. The word MISSING can be seen in big bold above a bunch of names you do not recognize. At a quick glance, names and age are given. Some may be actually kids. This isn't ignored by your guide, who rips a poster from the wall and rolls it while storing it under his vest.

This doesn't stop you from having a chat with the rogue as both finally walk side by side and he offers his own nugget of advice to your comments.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to about Sedge, Einkil- I know her. Friend of my people. We care much for her, as do other factions here. She did earn the tile of Mercy Diplomat for a reason. Sat at our table many times.

How long have you lived in Halmathan, dwarf? Connor is not a good person. Take it from me. I have seen how much he cares about his fellow man. Son of a bitch is perhaps one of the worst I have met in my life. Tied close with another bitch I have had the displeasure of dealing with..

As for the King's Campaign. You mean the scam? I lived past the wall, you know? I wasn't born here in The Mercy. Circumstances brought me to this place. So I can tell you fully well that Halmathan has ways to get the King back. Hell, they could've brought him back a year ago when he went missing. You speak of your own king. We had much love for ours too. Not some mad despot with bigoted views.

Reason why many found refuge here. Is it better? No. But I don't have to deal with that bastard every day and his damn Eyes and stupid laws that mean to help his pockets and nobody else.""

On the matter of finding your kin, both of you reach a garbage strewn plaza with a statue depicting a man astride a horse. Either the weather, time, or pickpockets..., maybe a mix of it all, have stripped most of it apart, but the frame still resembles recognizable as Drakan asks you to take a seat by a dirty drenched bench and walks towards the statue.

"Hold that thought, Einkil- I have to pay my respects to this one and its own kin...""

Even with the rain pouring down, you can tell what Drakan is doing as he turns his back to you and you hear him unzip his pants in front of the statue...

The guy's urinating.

The smell of this place is bad enough to now have to blend in with that, but the guy had to go. You do catch a sign around this trash laden plaza that reads the name Ashford on it. Not a name that rings any bells. regarding your guide's public practices, this place already smells like a toilet, so....

Drakan zips his pants up and rubs his hands together with the oncoming rain pour to wash them as he spits at the statue and walks back towards you, smiling as he mockingly stretches his hand to you.

"Shall we continue? We aren't far...heh.""

Once both resume walking, Drakan listens to your reasons being here.

"Your family is here? In The Mercy? Why? I know you mentioned finding weapons to send back home, but here? The only weapons you're bound to find will likely be stuck in between your ribs by someone who already owns them.""

After nearly an hour walking, you stop at an imposing if broken down bridge with a mighty river running beneath it. The smell is nearly unbearable as you notice red paint on several columns resembling roosters and Drakan sighs deeply.

"I know what the loss of kin means, dwarf. Not an easy wound to patch. I hope you find them. But for now...

We have Roosters to talk to. Act on your best behavior, okay?"

2020-02-23, 02:28 AM
His head was spinning and his heart was beating stronger. Sweaty hands and a light pull in his stomach. Plus the nosebleed from earlier... Must be this desolate place.

Remiel had simply been too busy with trees for too long. And the women of Glenndale were like sisters to him. Or he was like a brother to them.

He was still thinking about her, that strong, independent woman, that strange feeling when he held her hand longer than necessary, her face and how she put the flower in her hair --- when she suddenly called out his name. Deadly serious. Focused. Ready.

With a few quick steps, he was back at her side. Holding his Quarterstaff with both hands, he stood beside her and nodded to her as a sign that he was ready.

2020-02-23, 03:25 AM
@Remiel: Time for pleasantries and possible courtship will have to wait.

There are many beautiful druids in Glenndale. Amongst them, is Lady Silvarel. Elusive as she may be, sonnets have been composed in her honor and if the tales are to be believed, King Marcus himself once tried to woo her one moonlit night at the park... to no success.

For all his legendary strength, King Marcus Airdan is no druid and so, Lady Silvarel simply flew off into the night under an avian guise.

Of course, this is merely a tale. It’s validity cannot be confirmed since one of the protagonists in this tale is rarely found amidst the giant expanse that is Glenndale Park.

And the other has been gone for a year and then some.

Then there is Laura, with a beauty to match her strength... and very light hearted! The sisters at Glenndale view you as a sibling, but perhaps beyond the thicket...

No time to day dream, as Laura’s voice loses its playful tone and lets you know something is amiss in this old boat house and you walk through the muddy river bank to meet up with her.

A giant hole. Maybe some animal broke through? An old house boat like this. Abandoned and marooned... any beast you know of could claw or bite its way out.

But that stench... blood. What happened in this place? Not a soul around or inside to give you answers.

2020-02-23, 05:47 PM
So despite her lack of education, Laura isn't stupid. There's a sickness in The Mercy that the guards will kill to contain. The boarded up houses are supposed to contain the illness. But that is not what's happened here. Something big and dangerous had been chained up here, and that doesn't add up. Curiosity overcomes her.

Laura nods in return to Remiel's nod, and then begins to wade into the houseboat, confident he's got her back. She'll look around for anything that might explain this, and if nothing obvious presents itself she'll try and retrieve the safe.

2020-02-23, 06:56 PM
@Laura: Literate or not, it's obvious what's going on here.

The guards at the Mercy's entrance wouldn't go into detail, but you heard actions taken behind bloody tents. Nana at the Bitter Coffee mentioned sick folk here. Marked houses...

This boat house isn't marked, but something definitely got out. Given the shattered chains, nothing good for this place. And so, despite what instinct might dictate and with Remiel at your back, you wade inside.

The boathouse isn't very big. Impossible to tell how many it may house comfortably, since it's partially flooded thanks to the hole on its side. For all intents and purposes, this place is done for. The fact it hasn't been dragged by the river's current is a miracle. But just a matter of time, should the weather get worse throughout the day.

Given that most of the interior is ruined, bits and pieces of broken furniture brush past your knees as you make your way inside. These being vomited towards the river and gone downstream, who knows where.

The water is too muddy and murky to take a detailed look beneath its surface, but things brush past your legs as you make your way inside the boat house, most likely bits and pieces of this derelict home, washed beneath the current.

A short flight of stairs leads to a broken second floor. Inaccessible now. Most likely a bedroom of sorts and then your eyes fix on the only thing that hasn't been weathered down or washed away:

The safe.

The odd painting watches you in silence as you wade towards the metal box and place your arms around it. It's big enough to require both hands to carry it out. Problem is, this thing is heavy. Thankfully, a kordite such as yourself should not be burdened by this in any way, as you put your back into it and feel the heavy box begin to lift...

Only for a red light to light from beneath the water around the safe and you. This light is followed by fierce bubbles and culminates in a loud watery explosion that attempts to knock you back...and Remiel, since he decided to follow close.

[roll0] fire and [roll1] piercing damage in a 10 foot radius, centered on the box. Reflex DC 12 for half damage. Since the water has ruined the trap, any fire damage dealt can be reduced to 1/4 with a successful save.

2020-02-23, 11:45 PM
[roll0] vs DC12
Thanks to evasion, l think hope this is manageable

Remiel has Laura's back. He follows her into the boat and to the safe. As she bends down to pick it up, he watches to make sure they're not ambushed.

Until suddenly the water at her feet begins to boil. With ease he makes a jump outside the danger zone.

What, what... what was that?

2020-02-24, 03:16 AM
@Remiel: You are perhaps one of Halmathan's mightiest druids...

And a monk a close second.

Laura is too affixed in hoisting up the half submerged metal box when time slows down to a crawl and your monastic training kicks in. The bubbling water. The lights. The shuddering of the entire house boat...

You both walked into a trap, that much is certain. As the explosion begins, you are quick to hold on to Laura's mighty shoulder and clench it with as much strength as you can muster, already making a mad dash towards the hole left behind by whoever lived here as pieces of driftwood fling around you and with a primeval roar, you leap out with Laura, much larger than you, as heavy as a rag doll.

The after shock sends both of you flying towards the river bank, covered in mud from head to toe as you look behind and watch the house boat, already in a derelict state before you walked in, succumb to the trap and being dragged towards the river in pieces as smoke trails upwards and meshes with the rain.

You made it out alive, yes... but what about her?

@Laura: What just happened?

It takes a second and a half for your body to register the scorching and puncturing pain. All this followed by a disjoined shoulder, thanks to Remiel's strength to drag you out in one bounding leap as both roll and slide on the muddy river bank and you blink twice as the house boat sinks in pieces in the river, trailing smoke and flames.

But explosion or not, your hands have not let go of that which you went in for.

The safe has been blackened by the blast, but it hasn't broken or dented. Not as far as you can tell.

Hopefully whatever's inside is just as safe.

2020-02-24, 04:02 AM
"What the f-?!"

For a moment Laura doesn't know what has happened, her world consumed by steam and shrapnel and pain and sliding mud. But taking a beating is no excuse for letting your guard down, and even before she regains her bearings she's back on her feet looking for the next threat, the heavy safe brandished like a weapon.

As the houseboat sinks and no follow up attack comes she gradually she relaxes. Her legs are a mess - her leather trousers shredded by the blast and red blood trickling down into the mud from myriad tiny cuts and blisters. The worst is the heaviness in her shoulder, which speaks of a familiar injury. But despite the violence of the blast and her inability to avoid it overall she's had worse.

"Remiel, are you ok? That trap was unexpected."

2020-02-24, 10:10 AM
"Yeah, um, thanks. I'm good, um...
If there was any clue what was in the houseboat, I guess it's gone now," said Remiel, looking down at the river where the boat was before.
Only now he looks at Laura. "Laura! Oh my goodness! How what where... do you need help? You're bleeding everywhere! Let me, uh, let me take a closer look“. He knelt down in front of her in the mud, threw his rucksack next to him and looked for his little bag, the one with bandages. "Oh man! I forgot that. Crap! Anyway... May I?" He carefully checked Laura's legs for major injuries

Heal check: [roll0]

2020-02-24, 10:22 AM
"It's not that bad. Really," Laura deflects, setting the safe down in the mud beside Remiel's pack. "If you want to check that's fine. But first... Here, hold my arm. Firmly."

2020-02-24, 11:09 AM
Your Arm? He looks up Your shoulder is disjoined... but you know that already. And you know what to do... Ok, I hold it!

2020-02-24, 12:40 PM
"Thanks," Laura smiles gratefully as Remiel takes her arm and she starts to psych herself up. This is going to smart. "Ok, here goes! Hff! Hff! Hnnngh!" Her shoulder rotates and cracks back into place with a thunk.

"Ow! Yes, I think that got it." She windmills her shoulder experimentally and it moves freely. "Yes that's better. Thanks! It happens occasionally. I took a heavy hit there a few years back and ever since I've been a bit prone."

"So, uh, do you still want to take a look at my legs? I don't suppose you have any druidy healing prayers, do you?"

Her eyes stray to the safe even as she talks of her injuries, the pain easily ignored for the moment. "I wonder whether all that was worth it. Are you any good at picking locks?"

2020-02-24, 01:32 PM
"Please sit down!" Again he kneels down and tells her to sit in front of him on the safe if she wants her wounds treated.

Only now does he realize that these are not just minor cuts. Some splinters have hit Laura worse.
He changed his position so that he was sitting opposite her.
At this point he was extremely professional. No shame, no palpitations - there was a wounded woman to be treated.

"Put your legs on my thighs, your wounds must first be cleaned." Neither the rain nor the river water could be trusted very much. Clean water was needed.

Once again he stretched out his fingers, let them crack and then rubbed them together. Then he stretched out his arms and held his palms just above Laura's legs. He muttered 3 druidic syllables and clear water came out of his hands. It might have stung a little, but he assumed that Laura would be able to stand it with ease.

Her legs were now free of the dirt. Thereupon he spoke again something druid, his hands began to radiate warmth and Laura's wounds closed.

Casting Create Water and then Cure Moderate Wounds, healing Laura for [roll0]

2020-02-24, 04:14 PM
@Remiel: Many in the City view druids as "those folk with forest magic".

They aren't wrong. The power of Nature is intrinsically tied to that of a druid. And in this city, Nature comes in the form of a forest stuck in the middle of an urban mess.

Those who practice your craft have been usually viewed with fear. And can you blame them?

An insane man driven by Pagan Powers compelled by its own sadistic volition to become a beast? Ripping throats left and right, feeding off the corpses in an orgy of blood?

Those last words were uttered by His Holiness shortly after failing to seize the park from Lady Silvarel, or so you were told. Even before Connor, druids have been viewed in not the brightest light. Nobody likes to be attacked by a wild animal. Yes, the community as a whole has over the years demonstrated that isn't the case. The Ehlonnian church has been a huge advocate for non violence for years and people have reacted to this positively by flocking to Glenndale, bereft of tall tale fears.

Connor fanning the flames of fear have caused some to look at you with doubt, apprehension and caution. But for the most part, your community has instilled a feeling of protection to those who don't walk your path.

Naturally, the idea of a druid to the common man is that they are able to turn into animals. That is true, but it's not all of it. Druids are in tune with Nature and because of that, they are able to serve rather well in the medical field. In fact, druids have an unmatched knowledge of medicinal properties found throughout the world. And because they spend time in the wilds, they have firsthand knowledge of how to deal with injuries at a moment's notice.

And although Laura has a rougher way to deal with her own injury by having you hold her arm and putting it back in its socket, you can only wonder how a woman as strong as her got injured in such a way that it hasn't healed.

Still, burns and cuts? You can deal with those. Just as Laura became serious about going to that house, so are you serious about treating to her wounds, asking the warrior to sit down and sit still as you watch the house drift down towards the river and then call upon the powers of Nature to cleanse the water you are to use on Laura and the ability soothe the cuts and burns all over her.

And as you lower your head in quick prayer, a tingle invades your body as you place your in a cup shape and watch pure water form around it as you spill it on Laura's burning wounds.

This is followed by a more powerful jolt to your body as your now clean hands clutch Laura's legs and bestow upon her incredible curative properties, which cause your body to tingle and even shudder somewhat.

Remiel takes [roll0] damage

@Laura: There goes the house...

The safe is blackened and covered in mud on the sides, but the top has been washed away by the ever pounding rain that hints at never stopping for the entire damn day.

It doesn't seem broken. Not as far as you can tell. The wincing pain that invades your body as Remiel does his druid thing stings at first, but like all good medicine, it tastes bad for your body to be good.

And whether Remiel can pick a lock or not, maybe he wasn't that fortunate with the blast earlier, since the druid has a trickle of blood flowing down his nose again.

2020-02-24, 04:59 PM
Laura raises her eyebrows at Remiel's serious tone, but she lets herself be handled as the druid treats her wounds, watching with curiosity as he performs his craft. She doesn't flinch when he bathes her burns in cool water, nor at the warmth of his healing spells. Though her injuries aren't healed entirely, they do look and feel much improved, no longer red, sore and open, but pink and well on their way to healing naturally.

"Thank you," Laura says softly, slightly subdued at the magic expended on her behalf. Sure, summoning an owl is impressive, but there's something about seeing your wounds close before your eyes that tends to give one pause.

But all at once she's looking at him sharply and with concern. "Er, your nose... again..."

2020-02-24, 05:52 PM
As the two leave Einkil turns back to regard the old gnome called Nana before holding up his hand and waving goodbye. "With luck I'll be back, and if not, well the beer was good." he says before following Drakan.

AS the dwarven priest finishes his prayer he listens to Drakan's reaction to his spell and how he didn't take the man for a priest due to the armor and nods in amusement. "Most people look only with their eyes and see only what is at the surface. However if one digs deep enough into the earth they can find many riches and wonders." he explains, "As for the armor, I crafted most of what you see me with myself. I am a priest of the Soul Forger and spend more of my time crafting then I do adventuring. Thus the choice of spell, I know my armor well as if it were a second skin and as such I know where it is weak." he explains regarding how loud walking in such heavy plate could be.

As the two travel down the streets of the Mercy the many posters with name's of missing people does not go unnoticed by the dwarf, and when they stop and Drakan pulls one of these posters off the walls and pockets it he looks to the man with a raised eyebrow. "It seems that their are a lot more people missing here then my own companions. But from what I gathered gangs run this place, so paying the gangs would keep you protected and not paying them people would still know what happened to you. So how is it people are just vanishing?" he asks curious how in such a large, run down, trash filled, part of the city people could go missing with ease.

"Let's just say fresh to the Mercy I began to search the district in sections, a mile at a time for any sign's of my people. While doing so I ran into Sedge and thought she was going to mug me with her dagger pointing at me and all, it wasn't until after the other woman slammed my head into a column a few dozen times that I realized she wasn't trying to mug me but telling me to be silent. Then well a building fell and she sent me to the Bitter Coffee to look for leads." he says giving the short version of what happened.

"I was in the city for roughly a year or two before your king went missing. And while it was a lot easier to find work and resources when the king was in power, the reasons I heard for the tax increases sounded right coming from a military point of view. After all those flying things began to be made, and magic was banned in the markets at first so no one could be cheated out of a deal. From a dwarf's point of view it all made sense. Tighten security, gather funds to send an army to retrieve one's king. Arrest anyone who tried to stop you from bringing back the king. On that side of the wall we hear everyone overhear is a cutthroat or thief, and well since I arrived most of the rumors seem to be true. Well then again no one has tried to steal from me yet to my knowledge, but I have been attacked and you and Nana made it clear walking around I would be attacked and picked clean.

"If so many of you loved your king and wished to see him returned in replace of the Steward, why not go out in search of him instead of going to a broken down part of the city? It makes no sense from my point of view as an outsider, perhaps you could explain it. After all you used to live on the other side you say." he explains, waiting patiently for an answer.

As they stop at a statue of some person astride a horse the dwarf nods, thinking the man is about to pray and turns around to give him his privacy. However when the smell of such vulgar stuff reaches his nose he cannot help but call out. "What in the bloody nine hells are you doing, if theirs a statue the person must have been important. You couldn't have done that somewhere else?" he says sounding horrified at the defacing of ones ancestors. "Yes please let's move on. And next time can you find something that is not a statue of an ancestor, or a person...." he adds unsure just where he would draw the line of where to go to the bathroom.

"While in the temple of Heirneous I found a text referring to, tools, my people could use to help in the war effort. It wasn't much, we were expecting to find bits and pieces, however given our best smiths such things would have gone a long way in helping them recreate it. So my kin came here to gather what they could, what happened after I am unsure as it was supposed to be a quick recovery mission." he explains not wanting to fully go into detail unless he had to.

"Coming from they guy that peed on a statue, it should be easy to be on my best behavior." Einkil replies following Drakan's lead.

2020-02-24, 07:35 PM
@Einkil: The rain patters on your armor relentlessly as your guide takes you through twists and turns in The Mercy, broken and as dirty as they come.

Drakan stops to listen to your tale about the bounty's of the earth and laughs as he steps hard on a dirty puddle, splashing brown water around both.

"Not here you won't! If you decide to delve into the bowels of The Mercy, the only wonder you may find is a swift and painless death. If there are any riches down here, well... let's say I rather stay poor. So a priest of the Soul Forger, eh? I know a priest, but he rarely speaks of other religions, except those found in the City. I'm guessing that's the title for a god of dwarves? There's a few I know here, but none are of the religious type to strike that kind of conversation.

And you're a smith? Nice. I knew a smith. Damn good one too. Not a dwarf, though. And if you say that armor of yours is like a second skin, hold on to it tight:

Some here might want to try it on. And they aren't known for asking permission beforehand.""

When both reach a wall filled with missing people posters, Drakan takes one and listens to your ideas regarding this place.

"You are right. Gangs run this place. Some are better outfitted than others. Protection rackets are a thing, but few have the coin to buy themselves protection, so many pledge their blade to one group or another.""

Drakan looks at the wall filled with posters and shakes his head.

"People have been missing for a long, long time. Both innocents and gang members. Some of us have attempted to keep people safe, but The Mercy is big. Biggest district in the entire City. Can't keep eyes everywhere all the time.

Also... it's not wise to pursue those who go missing, dwarf. You want to find your friends, yes? Pray to your soul forger they are here, and not below. Let's move on.""

Regarding Sedge and you being thrown against a column, the lanky man takes a look at your battered armor.

"I wasn't going to ask... but you say it was a woman? Care to tell me if she had a name? I know a few people here. None that can do what you described. As for the King's Campaign? You are right about one thing:

They should arrest anyone trying to stop the king from coming back. Problem is, how do you arrest the man on the golden throne, huh? You are a military man, right? What would you do if your king went missing? Wait an entire year? How's that for military tactics?

And why has nobody tried going to get the king back? They have, or so I've been told. Guess what: those guys are missing too. I don't know all the answers to your questions because I am here and those who look after Halmathan's 'safety' keep themselves surprisingly quiet.""

Once at the place, you are absolutely disgusted by the man's public manners and let him know as Drakan wipes his hands clean and looks up at the old statue.

"Not my ancestor...and by the looks of him, not yours either. Maybe the guy was important. A long time ago. Whatever legacy he must've left behind... deserves a good piss. That's all I have to say about that.

And you mention tools. In The Mercy. Hmmm... you chose a strange place to come mining, dwarf. besides, last I checked, isn't the temple of Heironeous on lock down or something? I heard they keep Randolph on a tight leash."

And finally, you reach a gigantic broken down bridge with tall columns showing red cockerels as Drakan walks with a casual stride, hands in his pockets towards the tunnel while he winks at you.

"Can't promise I won't. Nana's coffee is very strong. Oh, hey fellas!""

It doesn't take long for half a dozen burly men to approach both of you:


They may not be as well armored as you, but they look strong and mean. Your guide does a mock salute to them and points at the tunnel with a wide grin on his face.

"We need to go through, brick heads. By order of His Majesty. This here is the royal ring bearer. They keep them short so us royals look important, you know? So if we can just squeeze by and...""

The thugs get in Drakan's face and begin surrounding both as one twirls the club and your guide keeps his smile on as his stance adopts a slight change, looking up at the burly men before a female's voice can be heard from the tunnels, commanding and strong, which causes the men to back off, but not much.

And then a woman clad in black walks forward, followed by men not unlike your guide and looks at both of you from head to toe:


"Drakan the Drunk... a little far off from your turf, aren't you? What business do you have here? Men! Keep your weapons aimed at them... not taking my chances.""

Drakan relaxes his stance and pats one of the thugs on the chest.

"Feeding them well! Why so aggressive, Commandant? We are passing through, is all. I mean no ill will, you have my word.""

The Commandant doesn't even break a smile while she looks at you.

"The word of an Olidammaran is a clear as the mud we stand on. What about you dwarf? Who are you and why are you here?""

2020-02-25, 12:09 AM
"We have a saying back home for those who seek high risk and high reward you know. Chasing an Umberhulk, for wherever one goes you can always find precious minerals. As for what lies below us, well given how it looks up here I cannot imagine below is any cleaner. No doubt anyone would die of some disease from simply trying unless protected properly." Einkil points out, though he is pretty sure that would not be a quick or painless death. Must hurt less then getting stabbed to death from behind. he says to himself with an internal shrug.

"Moradin, the Soul Forger is the creator of dwarves, just as some speculate Pelor could be for humans. Us dwarves are mostly private I have no doubt they either pray to their ancestors or have simply lost touch with the stone. After all it is said if one is born under the blue sky they start to slowly lose their earth sense. Thankfully for me I got it in spades, me mother says I was born on the plane of earth. And if I concentrate just enough I can sense people around me." he explains, offering up a possible reason why the dwarves Drakan knew didn't talk about religion.

"These here are dwarvencraft items, a step up from your standard masterwork item. If they wish to take my armor I will be dead in a gutter before with their friends surrounding me, their skulls caved in by Graund." he says proudly tapping his warhammer.

"From what Nana says they went below, or at least near the main pipe Drakan. It's why I am seeking these other new people that came to the Mercy, I figure I help them they help me. Makes my chances better, though if you could tell me whats down their that has you so worried it may help me better understand why they haven't reported back yet." Einkil adds curious why this human was so afraid of the sewers.

When the topic changes to that strange woman the dwarf only shakes his head no. "Didn't have time to ask her name while she was lifting me up and slamming me into a wall like a toy. And trust me with this armor on its no easy task. Best I could tell you is that the person she was talking to said some other person had failed some lady for the last time. That's when everything about went to hell." Einkil explains to Drakan sorry he couldn't be more helpful. "I'm sure if you ask sedge or the Fraternal Order of Cobblers who they dropped a building on they may tell you." he adds hoping to give the man a lead.

"As a military person I know my people would mobilize immediately if we knew our king went missing. I mean most clans returned home to Khedesh when King Ragrak I called us for war to help our allies. If we didn't know where he was our scouts would go out looking while our priest's tried to divine the answer, and those with ties to other nations tried to use them for aid. Humans are unlike dwarves in many ways though, you replace kings quickly and often rebel if you do not like one if my history is as good as I believe. You say people have tried to go save the king and simply haven't returned. That is either a good sign, or a very bad one. Its like having a pet inside a wooden box. You do not know if its dead or alive until you open the box, at the moment everyone has the box and is waiting for someone to open it. If someone returns they will bring news, or the king, if no one comes we don't know so he is both alive and dead at the same time. Tell me humans like to mate often, did he not have any heirs? From what I understand he liked people greatly meaning he should have at least one."

"The bear waits for winter to end so that he may awaken in spring once more as mighty and grand as previously. I am sure when the gates of the temple open once more he will be at the head leading an army to find the king. However like all bears he must wait for winter to pass and food to become plentiful once more." Einkil says referring to the funds needed to raise an army and march it onto the field. One had to have supply lines, healers, smiths to fix broken weapons and armor, scouts. Simply walking out into the land with an army was as likely to get you killed as going alone to your enemies home.

"I thought you said they were friends?" Einkil says as the two begin to be surrounded and his hand rests upon his hammers grip, ready to spring into action just as his guide seemed to be. However he was told to relax and so the dwarf would let Drakan try diplomacy first, after all this was not his home it was Drakan's. Looking up slightly to take in the newest member to join those against him he notices all the Roosters around him seem to follow her commands. She was clearly the leader and had their respect, something it didn't seem she had for his guide. "I am Einkil Durthane and I'm here seeking two others that passed this way recently looking to garner their aid. I see no reason for our blades to cross." Einkil says keeping his hand firmly on his hammer, however not making any attempt to pull it out or use it unless someone tried to attack him first.

2020-02-25, 12:50 AM
When he was done with his magic, he could feel the heaviness. It spread throughout his body. It must be this cursed place. Then Laura makes him aware of the nosebleed.

He rolled over on his back and layed there for a while. The rain splashed into his face and washed away the blood - no problem, it wasn't an open wound.

"I have the assumption that casting here is much more strenuous than in Glenndale. Nosebleeds are not a typical side effect, you know?
And in answer to your previous question: No, I'm sorry, I can't pick locks. But finding someone who can shouldn't be too hard around here, huh?"

2020-02-25, 01:25 AM
@Einkil: Drakan shrugs his shoulders when you give him a piece of dwarven wisdom.

"High risk and reward? Dwarf, we aren't in some fairy tale here. There are no white knights to ride into the sunset. No towers with pretty princesses waiting to be rescued...

We are surviving here. Hell, if I wake up on my cot come the morrow, that's the biggest reward I can get! So don't get any fancy ideas. Don't get yourself killed. Because trust me- no one will grieve you here.""

On the matter of dogma, Drakan snaps his fingers and nods.

"Yeah, Pelor, of course! Biggest church in Halmathan. You haven't met their people? Some are rather chill. Long white robes and easy to reach pockets...heh! I saw the High Father once. From afar. The man was flying. But you won't see that anymore. Connor made sure of that with his no fly rule.""

When talk comes about your craft and the fate that would befall those that even tried taking your possessions, your guide pats you on the back.

"A bone fide bad ass, eh? For a second there, you reminded me of a dwarf I knew. A mercenary. Tough son of a bitch. Weirdest accent I ever heard. in fact, I doubt anyone he traveled with knew what he was saying half the time, but it didn't matter. The bastard was a demon with an axe and then...""

The rain keeps falling on both as Drakan looks at you and your Hammer, going silent for a few seconds.

"...then he was gone. Nana told you where your friends are and we're going the exact opposite way? If it's where I think it is, actually, that's not a bad idea, all things considered. Look, the sewers are bad. But it's not the smell or waste or any potential disease you may catch...

It's loss, Einkil. You are going to lose. Not in the way you are thinking right now. A different kind of loss. One that will break you. It's what she does. I will not speak further about that. Take that as my warning, free of charge. And about those women you mentioned? If you see her again, run the opposite way. That's a twofer I just gave you. Don't squander it.""

As both approach the bridge, Drakan chuckles at your mention of Sir Randolph and comparing him to a bear.

"That's what he's called right? But I think he's known as The Caged Bear now. Winter, Summer, Spring... he's not getting out of that place any time soon. You just wait and see."

And when the thugs approach both, Drakan looks at one and keeps his rat smile.

"Passing acquaintances? That's kind of a friend, right?""

The woman is clearly giving orders around here as you stand as tall as you can be and announce your name firmly, like a true dwarf. This causes her to cross her arms as her thugs take a single step back, giving both some breathing room.

"A dwarf with manners. What a change of pace from the usual here. I am Commandant Daratra of the Order of The Roosters...""

Drakan does his best to stifle a cackling laugh at the mention of her rank and affiliation. Something Daratra notices and keens her eyes at the rogue before setting them back on you.

"You seek two people that came through here? You wish to garner their aid? Sorry to disappoint, Thurbane. None have come through here. I am afraid you made your way here for nothing. Turn around and have the Drunk get you somewhere safe...""

Daratra turns her back to you and the thugs sneer at both as they wait for you to turn tail when Drakan smiles and shakes his head, raising his voice.

"Commandant, with all due respect someone like you deserves, you called me an Olidammaran in a mocking tone earlier. A drunk even, but I have been sober for over a month now. That may not matter to you or your goons, but guess what- being sober means that I remember things more clearly now:

Like the fact that it was an Olidammaran that put an end to Gram's mad schemes? You know, the guy who took over your fine organization? Just saying. Because he did and would have killed everyone here had we not stepped in...and now I believe this is the part where you stab me to death?""

Drakan stands perfectly still while the goon's eyes widen with rage and their faces go red with anger as the Commandant stands still under the rain, her back turned to both for a full minute.

"You have much to learn from being a diplomat like Sedge, Drunk. I knew in the back of my mind that one day your people would come to brush it in my face. Ask for a favor. This is it.""

Daratra turns around to look at both of you and then looks at her thugs.

"You two may pass through. I won't ask for your weapons, but know that any sudden moves will be met swiftly. You have been spotted way before reaching this bridge. Follow me."

The tunnel is dark, save for drum barrels lit with whatever scarce wood can be found here to provide warmth. Raggedy tents have been placed along the tunnel sides as families watch you walk by. Some are cooking. Others are trying to make their children be quiet as Daratra walks past and nods to them.

Many tents have loud coughing coming from them before the Commandant stops and looks at both.

"You mentioned two? Not long before you arrived two were spotted by my scouts crossing the river, not far from the bridge. Not long before you two came here, an explosion from the other side of the tunnel. Reason why my men are on high alert. Most likely from those two. I was about to dispatch a patrol, but recent circumstances must have me here with all available men and blades."

2020-02-25, 01:47 AM
"Can you think of any reason that might be?" Laura asks. She doesn't know much about magic, but why would it be different in the mercy to the rest of the city? Maybe that's important.

Anyway. Wounds healed as much as they're going to be, she springs up off the safe. "Well we could go and find someone, but I thought maybe I'd try my adamantine lockpick here first!" She pats her mighty axe proudly. "Goes through metals like butter."

She takes a small test-swing at corner, trying to carve open the safe without damaging the contents.

Axe Hardness 26
Ignores hardness of other objects 19 or less.
Max non-crit damage without power attack is 22.

2020-02-25, 02:37 AM
@Remiel: You have heard of feats of magic so powerful, they have ended the caster’s own life.

But those are legends. Tales of old. The magic spoken of there was earth shattering...

Conjuring clean water and mending a few bruises is far from any epic tale you may have read as a child ir heard around the druidic circles at Glenndale.

As you lay on the river bank and get drenched, you have to wonder what may have caused this... a curse? Is this place blighted in some way? A question for a later time, as you turn your head to let Laura know that you are many things, but not a master of unlocking.

@Laura: But you are.

You may not have those teeny tiny tools rogues use to pry open a lock, true...

But you don’t need to. All you need is to open the safe. The particulars aren’t important. Opening the safe is. It’s a heavy box, sure. But there is yet any metal on earth that can withstand adamantine.

And so, you knock on the metal box a few times to see how hard it is before Remiel rolls a few feet away on the mud and down comes your axe, hungry for action.

Once, twice...

Thrice does the charm, as the axe embeds on the side of the safe and with a mighty kick, you push a side of the box away looking inside for its hard earned contents.

A small black pouch, no bigger than your hand...

Resting on top of an old leather bound book.

Wait, what?

2020-02-25, 04:59 AM
Laura winks roguishly at Remiel as the back of the safe comes loose with her kick and slides some distance in the slimy mud.

"Ok, let's see what we've got." She picks up the pouch and the book and, with a slight hesitation and an embarrassed grimace, passes the book to Remiel, glad she'd already explained. Curiously she upturns the pouch and shakes it out onto her raised palm.

2020-02-25, 05:50 AM
@Laura: You need a rogue... why?

With your axe, there is absolutely no door or lock that cannot be sundered and kicked in. Brute force prevails today...

And then the smile turns to a frown as you see a book- your one weakness. Remiel can figure out what';s in it as the druid takes the leather bound book and gets to seeing what exactly is written in it.

As for you, time to collect.

with one hand outstretched and the other placing the pouch upside down, you wait for the river of coins to flow onto the palm of your hand, only for a single heavy item to plop on your hand:


The hell? What kind of joke is this? It doesn't feel squishy, but rather a copy of the real thing. Made of glass.

2020-02-25, 10:54 AM
Bah our women run into battle just as we men do where I am from. And a white knight is throwing away half of who he is. Their is no light without darkness, and no darkness without light, if you focus only on a single half of your being you ignore your full potential." Einkil says mindfully. " If you are sworn to protect something you cannot stop halfway. Show mercy when it is appropriate, fight honorably against an honorable opponent, however don't be so blind to think everyone you meet is just like you. If your foe fights without honor do not show him your back, instead beat him into submission and offer him mercy when you are sure he is no longer a threat." he says thinking only fools would follow a humans idea of a white knight, even the elves were weird with their obsession with doing everything in a certain way. If the enemy didn't follow the rules why would you handicap yourself against them and only fight with half of yourself?

"As for fancy towers, I mean with magic anything is possible, and I have talent when dealing with the earth. I could make a tower, but it would take time and I would need to know I was safe during that time. As well as the reason the tower was being made." the dwarf says with a smirk, "Then you can put your princess in it, or Nana." he adds with a chuckle given how everyone seemed to respect the woman keeping her locked away safe in a tower made sense.

"I don't have much in common with the faith of Pelor. It is only when their people choose to go below ground to try and fight off the enemies that hide in the deeper depths of the earth my people and theirs really see eye to eye. Not saying a healer is not userful, just what good is someone who can heal but not fight? They are experts in their craft and thus have my respect, but I could never spend any deal of time with them. We would have nothing to talk about." Einkil admits, he had a hard time speaking with most people for long periods of time, never mind someone who knew only the injuries of war.

Hearing that another dwarf had been here, a mercenary was promising, however when he hears that the man was gone like so many others his idea of recruiting him vanished as quickly as it had appeared. "If I see a woman that survived a building being dropped on her I'm not going to run away, I'm going to go back home and come back with lots of dwarven explosives." he says making it clear he had no intentions of trying to fight someone who could survive a building falling on them fairly. "As for the rest I will keep it in mind, I take it you have lost something their however and will pry no more." the dwarf says, understanding ones want for privacy.

Einkil simply grumbles as Drakan explains that these Roosters were not really friends, more like people he knew. "Well your friends seem happy to introduce the two of us to their friends." he says indicating the weapons in their hands, crude and simple. Most could possibly break against his armor, however those that didn't would hurt.

As Drakan begins going back and forth the dwarf whispers under his breath "I thought we weren't trying to make them mad and we were supposed to be on our best behavior?" he says eyeing the very angry thugs surrounding him and feeling the weight of his hammer in his hand, knowing he probably wouldn't have time to reach his shield if a fight started this close. And so he lets his sense's widen out around him, looking for any other hidden thugs in hiding wanting to have a correct count of how many people were about to kill them for Drakan's response.

So when Daratra speaks once more the dwarf is completely caught off guard that she was in fact letting them pass and not ordering her men to kill them. Tilting his head slightly in a sign of respect, that still kept all the thugs within his view Einkil calls out. "Thank you Commandant Daratra for your hospitality." and removes his hand from his hammer, trusting that for now they were safe, and instead focuses all of his energy into sensing his surroundings at all times to see if their was anything hidden his eyes didn't see as they moved.

Spot [roll0]
Listen [roll1]
Stonecunning to tell if the tunnel they are in is secure and not going to fall anytime soon. (Search check) [roll2]

As the group enter the tunnel Einkil's eyes adjust to the new amount of light and sift to seeing things in black and white as the fires where to few to help him see that well, and this would be a good place for an ambush. However as he walked around he noticed children and families living here, some cooking and others just seeming to try and stay out of the way of these strangers. It made the dwarf sad for those here who lived in such conditions, he had heard everyone on this side of the wall was a thief and cutthroat, however here were children and families just trying to get by. And then their were the closed tents with people coughing within, no doubt this place's filth had made them sick, and with no clean water or proper healers they would likely die.

"Thank you Commandant Daratra for telling me this, more then likely those would be the two. I hope they didn't cause your people any trouble, in truth I only seek them out as Nana told me to. However you say you and your men are needed here, is everything okay?" If someone wishes to bring harm to innocent children and their families I cannot stand by and allow it and offer to delay for a short time in finding the others if it will help protect the children." he says looking at the children worried that they may be hurt or something.

2020-02-25, 12:02 PM
"I must confess, I've never done any magic outside of Glenndale - yet. Maybe that's why?"

"In our forest, we have very little metal, and even fewer locks..."

Remiel rolls to the side as Laura begins to swing her axe. He's seen what she's capable of doing with it. And, in fact, she hacks the safe open. Unbelievable.

Disinterested, Laura throws the book at him. There's no way to tell from the outside what kind of book it is. "It says Barrin on it. Possibly a name."

He flicks through it, picking up some written words: "seems to be a diary..."
Stunned by the fragmentary information he has just read, he hastily flips back to the beginning and reads everything through carefully. He sits bent over the book so that the pages do not get wet. When he's finished, he starts again, just to make sure it really says what he'd just read.

Finished again he puts the book into his Bag of Holding, stands up, takes a deep breath and makes a step towards Laura
"Laura, we have to be on our guard. Very strange things are going on here. The Mercy is definitely not a safe place. In this diary here, this Barrin is talking about some kind of secret smuggling. They have something to do with strange transformations. Diabolic transformation and cannibalism. I haven't quite understood all that yet.

However, there are a few names mentioned, and none of them bodes well. If you hear them, be even more alert!
Arnie or Arnost
And some guy with a scarf and a sailor hat

What the hell is going on?"

2020-02-25, 02:03 PM
Well the eye is unexpected! Laura examines it whilst Remiel reads. It certainly is life-like! But as she can't figure anything special about it she quickly decides whoever owned the houseboat just wanted to keep their spare eye somewhere safe. And why wouldn't they? It's a very high quality eye!

Nevertheless, Laura's own examinations take less time than Remiel's and she's soon fidgeting with the eye, rolling it back and forth in her hands and tossing it in the air. At one point she holds it up in place of one of her own! "Hey Remiel! Violet or brown?" she asks mock curiously. She continues to fidget until Remiel is done, whereupon she puts the eye back in its pouch and stores it in a pocket.

"Ok, so disappearances, diabolic transformations, and some names to run away from very fast or maybe at with an axe," she comments, agreeing that things here are weird. "If we can find Clarity she might have a better idea of what's going on here. Nana said to ask around for the farmhouse once we're across the river, so I guess we need to find someone to ask!"

With half a glance to see if Remiel is following Laura sets off away from the river, on the lookout for any locals.

2020-02-25, 02:50 PM
@Einkil: Drakan looks down and listens to your counter argument.

“Don’t get me wrong: women here? The ones I know? I’m glad I’m on their good side. As for half potential and all that, I rather be alive. Thanks but no thanks. Getting killed here is not a way I’d like to go.

But I guess you have your dwarven honor and all that. It won’t matter once I get you where you want. You seem like the kind of guy too stubborn to listen. That’s fine by me... as long as I’m not around.”

On the subject of raising towers and using your Soul Forger’s blessings, Drakan looks visibly uncomfortable.

“Don’t. Just... don’t use the M word here. Yes, it’s a thing and a lot of people use it. But the word itself. Having a grown ass man - or dwarf - with a full beard and armor using it just gets the folks around here aching for a stabbin’.

... and good luck putting Nana in a tower. That old gnome is tougher than she looks.”

When talk shifts to a fellow dwarf here. A mercenary warrior, no less. A capable hand to aid your cause... gone.

And it would appear these losses have somehow impacted your guide at some level, causing Drakan to look up at the rainy skies.

“Don’t pry... wisest thing I’ve heard you say so far, dwarf.”

And then you meet The Roosters and their leader, Commandant Daratra.

Whatever happened here before must’ve been very important for her to allow both passage. The thugs follow both of you into the tunnel, but they aren’t the inly ones as hidden figures very close by are trailing you and your guide.

It is clear given your acute vision that there are many sick in this tunnel. A few can be seen beyond the rags they use for tents. Some are badly bandaged.

Others have been laid to rest as what you can guess are their family members, surround the person with small votive candles.

Daratra points at tge other end of the tunnel while more of her men assist those coughing and others take point using both melee and ranged weaponry.

“You are not staying here, Thurbane. So thanking me for hospitality is a moot point. You are getting a free pass through our home. Nothing more.”

The Commandant keeps her finger pointed at the other side of the tunnel when you ask what’s going on here and her scowl intensifies.

“A matter that concerns us and us alone. Your exit is that way.”

2020-02-25, 04:54 PM
@Laura: Not what you expected after having an explosion blow up in your face, but...

It's a good looking eye. Whoever crafted it must've been a damn good artisan, as you play around with it and even toss it up in the air and catch it, looking at Remiel with the fake eye juxtaposed in front of yours, asking for an opinion on which color would suit you best.

The druid doesn't seem too interested in the eye itself, but far more in what was in that book. Mention of names and all matter of dangers... whatever.

There is a reason why you are considered one of Kord's finest warriors. It is true that you are not ordained like Bhagazzin, but your strength is definitely one defining feature that cannot be ignored. If anyone here tries to bring trouble your way, they will regret it.

Pocketing the eye, you walk away from the river bank and barely glance at Remiel- Clarity will be able to shed more answers than whatever he found in that old book. Now time to keep moving...

But where? The Mercy spreads infinitely beyond the river bank and because of the rain, not many faces to be seen out right now as you walk through tight alleys with tall scorched buildings as the smell of waste wafts into your nose. Aimless with your Nature loving ally.

Remiel and Laura roll a Spot & Listen

2020-02-25, 11:44 PM
@Laura: Who knows how much longer you and Remiel need to traverse before finding Clarity.

Nana gave you directions. Not the best, clearly. But at least you got as far as she mentioned- past the bridge. No mention of explosive safes, though. But here you are.

It is then that your eyes wander at the buildings around you and plastered on thickly boarded windows you can see a vivid red streak of paint. These are repeated on several windows on both sides of the alley and any doors into the buildings themselves have been boarded up tight from the outside.

You have already seen that upon arriving at The Mercy, but what catches your attention the most is the sudden sound of buzzing wings. Not unlike those of a bee or fly, but way bugger given their drone.

Can’t see the source of the buzzing- the heavy rain makes it impossible to discern what it is, but just as you heard them. They are gone.

And past the alley, behind a pile of crates and an overturned wheel barrow, the cries of someone. A woman, by the sound of it.

2020-02-26, 06:23 AM
Remiel jumps up, grabs his backpack and follows Laura. "It's odd that this explosion didn't cause any more sensation - or any sensation at all".

At about the same moment as Laura, Remiel puts his head to the side and listens to the humming. But as fast as it appeared, it disappeared again. One eye contact and shoulder shrug later, they hear something again - screams.

He takes his stick firmly in his hand and asks Laura "shall we?“

2020-02-26, 10:16 AM
"Pretty sure we were meant to avoid neighbourhoods like this," Laura gestures at all the boarded painted windows. "Let's not hang around."

True to her words she walks quickly and purposefully, although careful not to outpace her companion.

Like Remiel she hears the buzzing overhead, but without being able to see the source there's no point focussing on something you can't interact with. So she keeps alert and moving. And then they come to the cart and the screams.

"Shall we?" Remiel asks but Laura is already sprinting towards the cries.

2020-02-26, 01:06 PM
This Lady it seems is not a friend of talking. So... let's go! he thought and followed her

2020-02-26, 01:56 PM
@Laura & Remiel: Whatever caused that droning sound is gone. Not a concern right now.

Boarded up houses and streaks of red on them are, as the barbarian is quick to make her way through the alley while keeping an eye on the druid behind.

It is by the time you reach the end of the alley that you find a curious and unsettling sight.

The floor has been stained with blood. This one leaves traces on the ground and up the walls in several directions.

Leaning in a fetal position against the alley wall is a young lady. Dressed in simple garb, just as stained as the walls and floor around her.

The young lass has her eyes wide open with tears running down her cheeks and although both tower above her, shock seems to have taken over since she sobs, but does not react.

2020-02-26, 02:34 PM
Laura clears the cart in a single bound, pulling up sharp with her axe hefted defensively between the young woman and the alley at large. She looks around quickly, trying to see where the blood leads to.

"What happened? Where are you injured?" she asks.

2020-02-26, 03:11 PM
@Laura: Moving the cart aside is an easy task.

The blood trails on the ground and walls up the buildings. With the rain pouring down relentlessly, it’s not possible to follow a concise track.

The young woman looks up at you and brushes away the tears as her eyes wander around the blood on the floor.

“They were taken... I never saw them. They just... they were taken!”

The woman feels around her body and shakes her head.

“No. Not hurt... not hurt.”

2020-02-26, 03:27 PM
While Laura talks with the girl, Remiel is having her back, like before. He looks around and whispers “I know no animal capable doing this“

The girl isn't injured. She has a shock, of course, but there's nothing Laura and himself can do for her now.

He looks in the sky, trying to make out the sun (for orientation) and thinks of the direction they should go. A farm is outside of the city. When he's imagine now a fictional map, where he entered The Mercy, the direction and distance he flew to meet Nana and Laura, again direction and distance they passed now, then he might get a hint of the direction in which they should continue walking. [OOC: into the direction the entrance is most far away].

Roll if needed: [roll0]

2020-02-26, 05:22 PM
@Remiel: Who knows what made this mess, but being part time animal yourself, you know of none that can wreak carnage this way.

Laura can tend to the woman if she wishes to. She claims she’s not hurt, just shocked. Nothing you can do in that department.

What you can do is try to orient yourself and find this farm. Nana did say it was a farm, after all. The issue here, as you look up at the skies and get your face soaked are the following:

1. It has been raining all morning and it doesn’t seem to go away any time soon. The thick clouds block out the sun. Well enough to prevent you from accurately pinpointing it.

2. A farm is indeed outside a city. Yet the Mercy is the City’s biggest urban district and a farm is in it. Explain that.

3. You did fly upon entering the Mercy, but after that, you have gone on foot, following Nana’s directions. Even with them, you git lost a few times, walking around in circles before finding the bridge.

4. Your survival instincts would be of much better use in a Natural environment. This place may be scorched and old and derelict, but it’s very much urban in scale and make.

And finally:

5. You have no map or guide for this goddamn district.

2020-02-26, 11:38 PM
"You cannot run from everything Drakan, eventually you must draw a line in the sand or be washed away with the waves. Living to fight another day when you have no chance of winning is a wise course of action only when it is an action able to be taken. Would you for instance run if a child were in danger?" the dwarf asks, trying to get a judge of the mans character.

"You are the second person to tell me that, but I don't understand exactly why. I know why on the other side of the wall, its simply against the law, however I didn't think anyone followed that law here, or well any law from what the stories say." Einkil asks generally curious as to why saying the "M" word was so bad. "As for the gnome, she looks like she has been alive as long as my mother if not longer, surely you jest." the dwarf says not being able to picture the old gnome he had seen being able to put up any kind of fight besides perhaps with a soup ladle.

"I wish you luck in your endevors then, and here, for the children." he says handing her a small bag of coins, though not opening the bag allowing her to use it as she saw fit.

Contains 25gp

And with that he makes his way to the other side of the tunnel following the way he is told to the exit, and once more into the cold, damp rain.

2020-02-27, 04:37 AM
@Einkil: Drakan listens to your words and shrugs.

"I'm running if it means I'll live another day, dwarf. I'm no paladin or soul forger smith, chosen by some higher power. I'm a scoundrel. And you know what? So are those that I call my family. You have your creed, I have mine.

As for your example... haven't been in a situation like that yet. Will let you know when it happens.""

On the subject of Magic, Drakan shudders all over.

"It's not illegal here, Einkil. There are laws here. These change from gang to gang, so take them as laws as much as you will. But that word in particular, it makes people here angry.

Fifteen years of misery and hardship. People have bled, sweat and died in this place trying to make a living. As honest as they can. Then some idiot from Runestone comes over and waves his hand like a smug fool, mocking everyone's efforts and seeing it all as a laughable situation that can be fixed by snapping their fingers.

Then it's their necks that get snapped.

Don't get me wrong, I do not hate it, much less refuse it. I told you earlier that I know a man of your talents and whom I am well acquainted with. But it's just that cringe inducing 'I can fix it with my Magic... weeeeee!!!' That will get you punched in the face repeated times and left in a gutter. And that's if you're lucky. I know of mages that came here awhile back and boasted about magic this and spell books that and then splat went their heads.

There are many who practice what you do here. Not all are looking for The Mercy's best interest and they will use those abilities to submit those who don't have it. Now you're probably going to say:

"Then we stop them all and give magic a good name. The dwarf way, aye!"

Nah. People just don't like them. Mind you, a lot of people I know, know how to use it. It's just that they don't flaunt or talk all damn day about it."

On the subject of Nana, Drakan laughs.

"Ever since I moved here, Einkil. I have seen warlords come and go. Some are low life thugs who manage to cow a few kids to pick pockets- barely a threat.

Others were very real dangers to the entire Mercy. Enough to get factions to band together and yet... none of them has ever attempted to make a move on Nana. Who knows why, but that's a fact you can take to the bank."

Once in the Rooster's Tunnel home, you watch the many sick settled in dirty tents around you. The coughing is fierce. As a priest yourself and with some passing knowledge of medicine- since your devotion is to the forge more than the body- you can hazard a guess that unless they get some real professional treatment, many here may not even last the night.

Men and women can fend for themselves. They are grown and strong. They can fight it off... but children? Even dwarf infants must be sheltered from the weather back home. Cared for to grow up to become able soldiers for the kingdom.

And, so, you hand Commandant Daratra a pouch as she walks up to you and then looks at Drakan, who shrugs and shakes his head before turning her gaze upon you. Her scowl never once changing as she locks eyes with you for almost a minute. her hand goes up and down and a few times, before shaking and taking the pouch. The pain is palpable as she looks at one of the tents and listens to a child cry as his mother tries to hush him. Not in front of important people. It's rude and inappropriate.

"For the children, then. Drakan, where did you say you were headed?""

The rogue walks with you and shakes his head.

"I never said.""

The Commandant conceals the pouch and walks past both back deeper into the tunnel as her thugs walk you towards the exit.

"Of course you didn't. Thurbane, may Dalt grace you on your journey. Good bye."

The thugs won't leave the tunnel- why get wet again? But Drakan and you do, as your armor begins splattering rain water all over the place and your beard gets soggy while both of you trudge through the mud and your guide turns back to look at the tunnel.

"I don't know how much you gave her, but I have a good ear for coin in pouches. Daratra... she is a very proud woman. Too proud for her own good, I'd reckon. She would accept our help only when things were already looking bad and it was pretty obvious she was going to get her people killed. In the end, she never acknowledged it. Not to me, at least.""

Drakan cracks his neck and keeps walking.

"Not that it matters anyhow. We got through. And in one piece. So I'll chalk that up to good luck. Now we should make our way through a few more blocks and then towards the Vargas Farm. Been there once myself, but only in passing. Place is owned by some old soldier. Retired guard from back in the City. Oh, yeah...

A half orc. Just so you know in advance since I think dwarves don't get along with them? I mean, here in the City it doesn't matter, but you're more of a traditionalist, right? So fair warning before you get in his face and smack him with your hammer."

Both leave the river and bridge and walk through more drenched dirty alleys. The windows have been boarded up and some spot red streaks as Drakan urges you to remain as quiet as possible and to hustle moving through.

It's as you walk past one of the boarded windows that a low growl can be heard from within and the rogue's eyes widen, giving you a stern look as he points decidedly onward, with a general's conviction.

Once past the alley, Drakan leans down on the ground against a building and looks back at the alley, reaching for one of his daggers but not unsheathing it.

"I guess we can take a break for now. Long legs get tired for a longer time.""

2020-02-27, 05:10 AM
Laura relaxes a little as it's clear there's no immediate threat, and tries to comfort the girl.

"Who was taken?" she asks as sensitively as she can manage. "By what? Look, I don't think this neighborhood is safe. We'll protect you as best we can but we don't know what we're up against. Can you walk? I can carry you if you can't. Is there somewhere safe we can take you? We're trying to find the Vargas farm, but we can take a short detour to see you safe."

"My name's Laura by the way. And this is Remiel."

2020-02-27, 06:03 AM
The stench of death in this place is overwhelming. Not even the torrential downpour can quite block it out. Led by his nose to what could only be described as a pyre, Davish comes upon the remains of a large number of people. Impossible to say what or why or when, only that it happened. And directly in front of the pyre, what appears to be a burned out church. In his experience, the purging destruction of a fire's wrath leaves little in the way of clues, but any information is more than he has now. With a quick glance around for any surviving signs to provide context, Davish steps into the interior, there to see what may be seen.

Search [roll0]
Spot [roll1]

2020-02-27, 03:33 PM
While trying to orientate himself in this desolate area, Remiel had to realize that he had no idea where he was. This damned continuous rain and the resulting absence of the sun or the unrecognizable position of the sun drove him crazy!

He found his way in every forest - he could distinguish every tree by its bark. But the houses here all looked the same! How should one find one's way around here?

Because of the young woman, Remiel didn't want to turn into a bird, she was disturbed enough - and Laura didn't know about his abilities yet.

Then he heard Laura ask the girl if she knew the way to the farm! Hope germinated!

2020-02-27, 03:45 PM
@Davish: Who knows what this building used to be for.

But you know a pyre all too well. Who knows how many were exhumed here or why, but it definitely doesn’t help the image this place already has beyond the wall.

The dead will remain that way. Who knows how long they have been charred. If this district is anything like what The Eyes claim, anything of value or importance has already been picked clean by the cutthroats that dwell here.

Best to check the actual church.

Or what remains of it. There are no walls left, only a charred skeleton of what used to be a house as you step on mud and crunch on old wooden boards before you cross a mock threshold.

Probably the main room before this place burnt down. Due to the rain, heavy as it is, you can’t see anyone around. Chances are they can’t see you either and again- who would want to hang around here?

It is then that you kneel down as your boot taps a hard surface and run your hand around the edges...

A trap door. Big enough for a grown man. Well concealed by the debris, mud and rain.

@Laura: No threats here. For now, this girl is safe. Shocked, sure. But safe.

The young woman listens to your words and looks at you and Remiel, far more concerned with finding a way back than anything, and she slowly gets back on her feet, wiping the tears iff her eyes.

“My friends. We were doing a scavenger run and then... they were gone. Too fast. Blood all over... sorry I can’t tell you more.”

The young miss’ eyes widen upon your words.

“You’ll protect me? Really? Miss, you are a godsend! And you say The Vargas Farm? Of course I know it! I can get you there. My home isn’t far and my family must be awfully worried by now.”

The girl bows as respectfully as she can to both you and Remiel.

“A pleasure to meet you and thank you again, Laura and Remiel.

I am Cordelia.”

2020-02-27, 04:15 PM
"You know where the farm is? Ah, that's great," Laura smiles encouragingly.

"I'm sorry about your friends, Cordelia. I'm genuinely sorry we didn't arrive a little sooner. But we'll see you safely home and any directions to the farm would be much appreciated." Laura glances at Remiel for confirmation, but from what she's learned of him in the short time she's known him she doesn't think he'll object.

"We should get moving. I don't think we should linger here."

2020-02-27, 04:52 PM
@Laura: Cordelia returns the smile as the rain washes over her face and she brushes her hair aside, looking up at you since you are obviously taller than her.

“I will mourn them properly when I get home to my family, Miss Laura. Had you not arrived in time, who knows if I’d be gone too...”

Cordelia looks at the blood stains on the ground and points further into The Mercy.

“The farm isn’t too far away. We’ll need to take a tunnel, but it’s safe. Safer than walking out in the open in this horrid rain. Shall we?”

@Laura & Remiel: The Trek is as sinuous as a snake, but young Cordelia clearly knows her way around The Mercy, stopping a few times for both to catch up while striking some conversation.

“So, ummm.... not my place to ask, but... are you two working for any of the groups here? Kurgen’s, The Roosters... Society?”

2020-02-28, 04:43 AM
As expected, the fire has taken everything, although there appears to be one surprise left.

Having found a hidden door among the refuse, Davish takes a brief moment to clear the surrounding area clear of debris before trying to open the hatch. With a word spoken to bring his shield to bear, he tenses for any surprises, and hopes for the best.

should there be no surprises, Davish will of course plunge into the opening, after attempting to camouflage the entrance while leaving it open...

2020-02-28, 05:45 AM
@Davish: The fire burned down everything here...

Well, almost everything. It would seem that there is a room beneath this place, untouched by the fire as you clear out the debris and and find that there used to be a place for a lock, but this one is missing, allowing for you to easily open the trap door with a creaky sound and making sure nobody's around, look below and take notice of a rung ladder leading down into the dark, with the exception of a very, very small light source at the bottom.

Bringing your shield by your side, you make sure once more that nobody's watching and begin the slow descent.

The rung ladder holds your weight... for about a few seconds.

You haven't even begun going down five feet when a few rungs break due to time and weight and you drop down ten feet as pieces of the rung ladder fall way too close to your face as you look up at the trap door. Still open, but the fall aches a bit.

[roll0] fall damage

It's not that bad, but using the rung ladder is not possible now as you take on your surroundings.

This is a cellar. Not very big and made of stone walls and a short ten foot ceiling. The room itself is very small too. A couple of shelves have been splintered and broken beyond repair, as perishables used for food lie rotten all around you on the floor.

A pair of shackles can be seen affixed to the far wall opposite you. These hang in silence as a single oil lamp rests on an old wooden desk with a couple of moths still flying around its flickering source. Of note, the walls have been scribbled with vertical lines. A sequence of four, crossed by a fifth. This pattern is repeated several times along the walls of the cellar as you approach the desk and find nothing of value except an old leather bound book covered in ashes.

2020-02-28, 07:21 AM
tumble to negate falling damage


2020-02-28, 10:59 AM
“No, we aren't associated with any of these groups. We're from the other side of the wall. Random strangers, searching for someone we lost.“
Remiel answered in a more bothered and angry voice than he wanted to, but walking between houses, getting more lost than he still was, made him upset.

2020-02-28, 01:09 PM
Laura on the otherhand relaxes further as the probability of imminent hostility seems to recede. She takes the lead and sets a swift pace, though again being careful not to outpace and stock close to the others. The rain has long since plastered her hair to her face, but she isn't bothered. She still hasn't gotten over how free it feels not to have to worry about Connor's eyes in the sky and she's happy to chat.

"Yeah, that's right. We're not from The Mercy. I got a letter from my friend Clarity asking for my help and so here I am. I met Remiel on the way. He's looking for a powerful druid lady called Silvarel. Bit of a coincidence!" Laura chuckles.

"How about you Cordelia? Do you normally have to smuggle? Past whom? The gangs? It doesn't seem like there's much in the way of authority this side of the wall."

2020-02-28, 03:18 PM
@Laura & Remiel: The bridge is nowhere near sight at this point.

Cordelia is a good guide- she takes you through a multitude of twisting alleys, but other than the occasional red streak on a door or window, you aren't being harassed by anyone before she answers your questions and squeezes the rain out of her hair.

"Clarity? I think I may have heard that name. She's like a warrior, I think? I am sorry- not much time to figure faces and names here. No idea on who this Silvarel is either, for that matter.

And you're not from The Mercy? That is a relief. I am doubly grateful. And no, Miss- I am not a smuggler. I was scavenging. Seems all the best things have been picked clean. As for gangs? No. My family keeps me safe. I have nothing to fear with them by my side."

Eventually, Cordelia stops at the entrance to a tunnel, covered by moss on its outer edges. Not unlike the one you saw at the bridge. Unlike that one, there are no rivers to bypass it as Cordelia rummages through her pack and takes out a simple torch, which she is quick to light up as she takes a few steps inside and turns around to look at both.

"The Vargas farm isn't far. I will get you there safe.""

2020-02-28, 03:51 PM
“That's too good to be true - something's wrong here“ Remiel thought and touched the moss on the wall. A well known feeling. Nature, life, security.

Trying to hide his bad feelings but sharpening his senses, he follows the ladies into the tunnels

2020-02-28, 04:29 PM
@Remiel: Why look at a gift horse in the mouth?

So far, you traversing through The Mercy has gotten you lost, but with the exception of Laura's lust for other people's belongings, you are pretty much unscathed. Never mind not being attacked.

Who would? Laura's presence alone is enough to give any rag tag ruffian here pause... and that's before you decide to show them what you're capable of.

Still, something doesn't add up as you follow Cordelia into the tunnel and run your hand against the green moss growing on the outer brim of this place.

It's a light sting. Not enough to cause bodily harm. But something is... off. Can't quite put your finger on it.

@Laura & Remiel: The tunnel is long, but a direct path. Cordelia hums a light tune as she stops at intervals to grant you light from her waning torch and the sound of rain ceases altogether.

"I told you this was a better path than having to suffer through that horrid rain. We are very close now. Follow me.""

At long last you exit the tunnel with Cordelia putting out her torch and you take in your new surroundings:


This is still The Mercy? It's gigantic. The district is already big, but this section seems twice its size. Nature seems to have taken over this entire place, most likely adding to its sheer volume.

Even stranger than this place is the fact that it stopped raining, true... but it's twilight. You haven't walked that many hours in the District, especially since you left very early in the morning. A vague outline of a full moon can be seen from the purple and grey clouds above as Cordelia smiles and points deeper in.

"This way to the Vargas Farm. We are very close!"

2020-02-28, 04:54 PM
"Wait, what's going on? How is this possible? One minute it was raining like pouring, and now? Now I can see the moon? What is this place?"

Visibly shocked and unable to sort out his emotions, Remiel becomes aware of his own inability to interact with other people. There is a reason he prefers the company of trees.

He certainly enjoys the sight of the moon. A familiar sight. He radiates peace. Remiel stops. He stops and looks at the moon. The first familiar sight today.

Shortly afterwards he walks on, after Laura, she, who manages with her ease to wipe away the dirt and light up the darkness. He follows her.

2020-02-28, 06:48 PM
"Ah, right. I'm sorry I misunderstood," Laura replies cheerily. "I guess most people here are salvagers of some kind?"

The subject of family goes unremarked. Coincidence?

"Yeah, Clarity can handle herself. I don't really know why she came out here, but she said she needs my help with something, so I'm here for her."

When they step out into the new neighborhood Laura pauses briefly to take it all in, amazed by the sights of the overgrown buildings.

"So the fields are vertical?" Laura guesses. "That's how there's enough space for a farm inside the city, right?"

2020-02-28, 11:56 PM
Listening to Drakan's words the dwarf couldn't say he liked the answer the man had given him, however he was at least honest and up front about it which let the dwarf know where he stood. Another body in the way between him and whatever he was running from if it came to it, and the dwarf knew he wouldn't be able to keep up with the nimble rogue if it came to that.

On the subject of magic he could see where Drakan was coming from and it did make sense. No crafter would look at a piece made by magic and think it was progress or helpful, just that it had no soul in it. No love was put into creating it as if it were done by a persons own two hands. So why would people thinking magic could fix a place when the people themselves didn't seem to want to fix it. Magic was a tool, not a crutch to be leaned on for every situation and he could respect the people here for having that kind of point of view. "I believe I understand Drakan. It is like if I were to spend weeks at the forge crafting something with my own two hands vs someone who simply willed it into being." he says seeing if his guide agreed it was similar to that.

At the information that not a single soul has ever tried to make a move on Nana no matter how powerful the group the dwarf seems a bit surprised. Normally the only people who are left alone in war are the ones controlling who fights where, could this old women in fact be the criminal kingpin behind all the gangs? Pitting them against each other so that they are to busy fighting each other that they don't work together to try and make their homes a better place? Most people did seem to have a strange amount of respect for her and from what he had just heard there really wasn't a reason why. Something to keep an eye on for sure.

"Doing a good deed should not need to be thanked for, whatever it is you did I would advise letting it go if she is as you say. The more you try to push the issue the more annoyed and angry she will get, she knows what you did, and no doubt her people do as well. Leave it at that Drakan and I suspect you will sleep a lot easier. As for the bag, children should not have to suffer. They should see the life through mostly carefree eyes. Whatever I gave them it is to help make sure they have a life, grown adults can fend for ourselves. Children need our protection though." he says leaving it at that.

"I am going to anothers home uninvited looking for aid from people I do not know on the direction of a gnome I know nothing about in a land I know even less about. I know enough to not start a fight on someone else's property. Tradition covers many things, including how to treat someone in their own home. Could be a goblin's house, it is still their home and unless they threaten me or my kin where my life is in danger it is looked down upon to strike at them." he informs Drakan, hoping the rogue would understand that while out in the wilderness what he said could be true, in a persons home was another matter.

As the two walk down the dirty ally Einkil notes the many boarded up houses with red streaks on them. It is when he is about to ask what it all meant when Drakan urges him to be quite and follow. And so trusting the rogue to do what was best to keep himself alive he did the same, following the man in utter silence. It is not until they stop to take a break that he finally raises the question that had been burning in the back of his mind their very long walk, or so it seemed, through the ally. "Why were those houses boarded up? What do the red streaks mean? And what was that thing groaning, had you not stopped me I would have thought it was someone who needed help." he points out, clearly out of his element and needing at least a few answers if they were both going to travel in the Mercy and not get each other killed accidentally.

2020-02-29, 02:38 AM
@Laura: Talk about a change of scenery.

The smell this place radiates is odd. You have been to Glenndale- well of course you have. But, the scent here is weird. The fronds and moss and branches twist around in bizarre ways around the buildings like snakes about to constrict their prey. The fact that it's twilight here is indeed odd, but makes for a beautiful if eerie sight to behold as Cordelia turns around to look at both you and the druid, pointing towards what looks like it was an apartment complex with a large swimming pool. This one has been filled to the brim with putrid green water and floating patches of moss as she stops at its edge and your guide smiles wide, bowing to both you and Remiel.

"Salvagers? I suppose you could say that, Miss. Truth be told, it has been a long time since anyone came here. Of their own choice. My family will be overjoyed to have you here, make no mistake of that.""

@Remiel: Who has the power to alter the sky in this way?

Doesn't matter, as you follow both women deeper in this green urban jungle and immediately your extreme keen senses catch sound of things moving above you, on the massive twisted branches. You eyes as a man can barely make humanoid shapes. darting fast and silent above. But not only on the branches above, but also in the alleys next to the apartment complex Cordelia has led you to.

It is then that a sinister power takes over both you and the kordite. Something about this place. You felt it slightly at the entrance, but now it permeates around you and causes both to cough as Cordelia takes a few steps back and her smiles takes on a wicked semblance.

@Laura & Remiel: What is happening to you?

A surge unlike you never felt before has taken ahold of body and mind. Seeping in like a disease of sorts. One with potentially fatal results.

Both Remiel & Laura roll a Fortitude DC 17. Results to be revealed depending on your rolls.

It is then that Cordelia laughs and her body becomes engulfed in the shadows that embrace this urban thicket. When the shadows recede, assuming the form of ghostly bats that disappear into the twilight sky, you see a very different person than the one you found sobbing in the alley:


"I cannot believe you fell for this! All the better- since you were so eager to get to The Vargas farm, you would follow blindly anyone who'd offer help. I was scavenging back there, but for food. Too bad all those in The Mercy are tainted and dirty. Ruins the taste.

But you two? Fresh off clean Halmathan. Not a clue about your surroundings. You, Laura, with all those muscles. They love that part. Chewy but so nutritious. And here I thought we'd have to go deeper into gang territory. But what do you know:

You are not with any of them. Nobody knows you're here and so, nobody will come to your aid. Now, family, come get it!""

It is then that screeches and growls can be heard from the shadows as one , two...eight lanky looking figures leap from the trees and land about ten feet away from both, effectively creating a circle of sorts, with you at its center:


What in God's name are these things? Disgusting to the core. Salivating as they snap their jaws at thin air, licking their bloody lips. Eager for a taste as they sharpen their claws and sneer in your direction.

Knowledge Nature (Trained) to ID them

Cordelia chuckles and keens her eyes at both of you.

"I did mention you'd meet my family. Here are some of my younger kin. Look at it this way:

You will have fed the pack for a few days. Making them stronger. Your travels here were not in vain after all. You served your purpose to the very end!""

Cordelia [roll0]

Uglies x8 [roll1]

@Einkil: Run to live another day...

Sadly, this is pretty much what you expected from a rogue. Lanky and long limbed, this guy would outrun you easily. Most likely ill fitted for a fight. Then again, few rogues are. Being sneaky is their whole schtick.

And when Drakan explains his reason on why Magic here is not exactly cheered upon, you begin to understand a little better. Even going as far as using your own skills at the forge. A laborious task that takes days if not weeks... only for some guy to whisk the exact same item out of thin air, robbing you of your hard earned work.

"Yeah! Exactly! You are starting to get it. Again, I don't deny m...m... *sigh* ...magic- when it helps me, of course. But to those that do it, don't be some smug ass and think you saved everyone. Hell, i have seen mages running to us "normals" when the going got rough and none of their fancy tricks worked. Talk about getting not only a slice, but the entire humble pie.""

Then you listen to Drakan's passing take about Nana.

You met a woman that had the strength of ten able warriors. Lifted you up and smashed you against a column several times as if you were some bearded grumbling rag doll. It took a series of explosions to drop a building on her and put her out for good..

And she wouldn't go against Nana, old as Time itself and wrinkled beyond repair? You may be a dwarf with strong connections to the earth, but even you can smell this is beyond fishy.

Maybe she's a mastermind of sorts? A gang leader? Nay, a kingpin?! If so, maybe His Holiness walling them all up here wasn't such a bad idea, but time will tell. Nana isn't your objective now.

Once out of the Rooster Tunnel, Drakan looks at you as the rain keeps pelting both and you give your own piece of advice regarding Daratra and her behavior, causing the rogue to raise his hands.

"Whoa, there! I never said I wanted recognition. Look, I'm not exactly someone people ought to know about. The more unknown I am? The better. I did remark that she was too proud for her own good. Because of her inability to deal with this in the first place, before it got out of hand is what caused all this mess. That's what I think and I'm sticking to that. But yeah, that was a good move on your behalf. Helping those children? Who knows- The Roosters I knew were evil a**holes who wanted us all killed. I was told that under Daratra, they weren't always that way..and hopefully they remain that way.

Still, watch your back if you decide to stay here longer. Growing a conscience doesn't always mean that old habits will be washed away. Sure, they might not stick it to you. But fast hands abound here, so...""

On the matter of the Vargas Farm, your guide breathes a sigh of relief.

"Good! Last thing I need is some dwarf going all berserk because of some old book that says they're hated enemies. And although I doubt you'll find goblins here, I heard he's not the brute people make half orcs to be. The man is known around here as a seasoned and well read soldier. An old soldier, but one worthy of respect.

Maybe both of you can find common ground there, since he was militia...and so are you, right?"

It is when Drakan urges to to move quick and silently that you sit beside him as he rests his legs and pepper him with questions about what just happened back there and what it is you heard.

Drakan goes grim as he looks back at the alley you rushed from and cleans his dagger, although it was clean in the first place since he never unsheathed it.

"They are sick people, Einkil. The Mercy is filled with all manner of sicknesses, but that's the worse. There is no cure. The red streaks means sick are inside. or... infected, as some have gone to call them. And believe me dwarf:

Had you gone in there, it would be you who needed help. I thought the factions here were dealing with this spread, but each handles their own sick in their own way. I am not putting my neck out for those inside. Neither should you, since if they see you, it's your neck they'll go for. Hopefully those boarded windows keep them locked up. For now.""

Drakan gets up and stretches his limbs.

"The Vargas Farm is a few blocks away. We aren't far. I hope your friends found their way there before us. They did have a head start, after all."

2020-02-29, 06:44 AM
"The entire time I was on the other side of the wall two things were always told to us, cutthroats and thieves, and since I arrived well everyone reminds me on this side that everyone here either wants to kill you or take your money. I doubt I will forget it anytime soon." the dwarf says with a knowing look. "Good thing a contract is a contract, or else I would have to worry about my few coins I have left going missing." he says half jokingly to Drakan, as they both knew Drakan could easily escape the dwarf who had no idea where he was. The trick was however that then he would be alone just like Einkil in a territory not his own.

"Anyone who has lived a life of war and lived long enough to become old is worth listening to, even an enemy given the right circumstances. After all they didn't live to the age they are for no reason." the dwarf says agreeing that anyone that old had to be wise and learned to some extent, even if it was only in a very select scope of topics. "I was more research and development then field combat if that's what you are asking. However I was trained as all dwarven children when they come of age on the topics of war and how to fight. And unlike most soldiers I know my gear better then anyone else. They are extensions of my being unlike someone who simply buys and picks up a weapon. I crafted each piece and know their weights, measurements, and abilities as if they were my own." he explains to Drakan.

Hearing about this so called sickness and that it had no cure was odd to the dwarf, he was no healer by any means however from what he understood their was a cure for everything if you had the right herbs and such. "If they are sick, or infected why are the windows boarded up? Is it a fever that makes them delirious and attack anyone they see?" he asks, hoping to better understand what to look out for. "And are their any signs to tell if a person is sick if they were not in one of these homes for instance?" he asks, after all if the Mercy was as big as people say it would be hard to keep track of everyone that got sick. Someone would eventually get out, or worse break out.

"Head start, longer legs, and didn't have to meet Commandant Daratra and her men." the dwarf corrects, but agrees those he was told to find should be there well before him given all the setbacks he had on his way.

2020-02-29, 12:09 PM
@Laura: Whatever this is, it's affecting your entire body as this one becomes rigid and sluggish!

Cordelia tilts her head sideways and crosses her arms as the beasts snarl several feet away from you, drawing ever close.

"Interesting. For all those muscles, I would have thought you'd be able to shrug it off better than Remiel. I guess I was mistaken. Doesn't matter though-

Even a stiff like you ought to make a good meal.""

Laura is under the effect of a Slow spell. A reminder of the effects so you can list them under the conditions section on your sheet.

A slowed creature can take only a single move action or standard action each turn, but not both (nor may it take full-round actions). Additionally, it takes a -1 penalty on attack rolls, AC, and Reflex saves. A slowed creature moves at half its normal speed (round down to the next 5-foot increment), which affects the creature’s jumping distance as normal for decreased speed.

Effect lasts for an extended period of time or until somehow removed.

@Remiel: Cordelia watches Laura's body become a lot less nimble. almost as if she were glued to the very ground and then raises an eyebrow at you as the beasts snarl and snap their jaws at both you and the kordite.

"You like this one, don't you? She has a rather fetching face. I might have to keep it as a memento, assuming they don't chew it off first....""

Laura may have been affected by this, but not you. Your monastic training and plethora of trinkets have made sure of that. But what exactly are those things with Cordelia?

And then your druidic knowledge kicks in and grip on your quarterstaff.

These things... they were once people. Like Laura and yourself. However, they have become feral. This is a very rare phenomenon that never occurs in an urban area, much less to a human being.

In the most remote wild lands, some animals will become tougher and stronger. More vicious than their kin. This is a response to their environment, normally. Other times, such change is attributed to another more obscure source.

Regardless, a feral creature is considered an apex predator among its kind. Strong and wildly ferocious, they are rare in the extreme and none have ever been documented here. Reason why not much more information can be gleaned from them other than this, except for the fact that no man has ever been recorded to have become one.

Round 1

@Laura & Remiel: Cordelia snaps her right hand and a small black wand slides into her palm as black feathers surround her and she begins levitating ten feet off the ground, effectively gaining flight as she looks down at both.

"Tear them apart....""

And then she seemingly vanishes amidst the twilight urban forest.

Hide [roll0]

Move Silently [roll1]

... but leave the best portions unspoiled.

The feral creatures roar and claw at the ground, while others stamp their feet, eager to get the jump on both of you and feed at their heart's content.

Remiel *
The Pack x8

*When your name is bolded, that means it is your turn.

2020-02-29, 01:18 PM
"I knew it! Remiel you fool! How could you blindly walk into a trap like that?
No matter. Make the best of it! The ugly ones or after the girl? Wait, what? Laura?"
While Remiel is still thinking about what to shapechange into and who to attack first, he notices Laura suddenly becoming slow and lethargic. No no no no, she must be fully there! He knows what has to be done, although he's still unsure why casting is so exhausting here.

He clamps his staff under his arm, rubs his hands together and speaks something in Druidic. Then he touches Laura on her forehead to give her back her freedom of movement.

Then he positions himself in fighting posture, ready to repel the enemies.

Casting Freedom of movement on Laura. Not hampered for 90 minutes. (Standard action)
As his move action, he takes back his staff in both hands.

2020-02-29, 01:24 PM
@Einkil: Drakan looks at his daggers, safely sheathed.

"It wasn't always a place of cutthroats and thieves, or so I am told. Used to be one of Halmathan's finest districts. Then there was a fire, and it all went to hell. Are there cutthroats and muggers here? Of course. But don't be fooled into believing that the only crooks are on this side of the wall. There are many ways to visit pain and suffering- a shiv to the ribs is nothing compared to what I have seen from 'the clean side of the road'.

So you're a smith, I know. You mentioned it before. It's just that with all that armor on, you come off as a soldier yourself. In my experience, an enemy is always strong. Not always old, though. I doubt you will face a worthy foe here. Not that I would recommend it. Just find your missing friends and get out of this place.""

When matters of the disease come into the conversation, your guide keeps walking as the rain does not seem to give pause in the slightest.

"Like I said, Einkil: no cure. I mean, there is early prevention. If you know to look for the symptoms and there's a healer nearby who knows about this. Problem is:

The Mercy doesn't have an abundance of healers. This place is huge and although there are factions, not everyone wants to share their life story with others. When this disease struck and people realized how bad it was, they resorted to the quickest method.""

Drakan takes out his arm and with his other, does a mock chop move.

"Imagine going to see the doctor because you have a cold and then you're beheaded... just in case? Yeah, you wouldn't want to go see a doctor then, would you? Some believe the sick are best sealed off. That like a cold, it will go away.

It doesn't. Those who contact this disease. They don't become delirious, Einkil:

They die. And then they get up and start killing. So yeah, that's our problem. That's the disease. I have seen some cases. One I know was actually saved, but only because it was the right conditions. A bite or scratch is all it takes. Not everyone knows of it. Many carry on after being attacked and shrug it off as some crazy person. Then they are gone.

When they are seen again, they aren't the same person they were before. In the Mercy, it's very easy to hunker down and go unnoticed if you want to. So take that as yet another warning from your illustrious guide.""

After a few blocks, Drakan points at a rough patch of land, less than a hundred feet around a dilapidated squat house with a smoke spewing chimney can be seen no more than a few hundred feet away. The patch of land has a few crops, but these don't look ripe or even edible, given the tremendous amounts of pollution around it.

A shape can be seen resting on the rooftop of the house, but hard to tell what it is from a distance as Drakan points at it.

"The Vargas Farm. That's where you wanted to go, right? Here we are. And now, my job is done. Einkil, be safe. I hope you find your friends...""

Drakan takes a look at you for a few seconds and nods.

"Yeah... I hope you do. Good luck. May Olidammara smile upon you, dwarf.""

And having said that, your guide walks away back through the soaked alleys of The Mercy, leaving you alone.

2020-02-29, 01:47 PM
@Remiel: Something in your gut told you this was a bad idea...

And yet you followed. And now your guts may end up spilled all over this damn place because of your folly.

The woman is seemingly gone. You will have a chance to deal with her later, but those Feral creatures are a very close threat. And although you could attack them now, Laura is not in top condition. Alone, you could probably take on these creatures, but you can only fight so many before they leap upon her...

You need Laura as fluid and as deadly as the day you saw her in Glenndale. And so, you approach the kordite and press your hand against her shoulder, bestowing upon her a most powerful mystic art. One that will allow her to move unimpeded. very useful when traveling through thick woods.

She is free of this place's strange hold, but bestowing this blessing upon her takes a toll on you.

[roll0] damage

@Laura: Whatever happened to your body has quickly been removed by Remiel as you watch Cordelia disappear above.

That witch will get her due comeuppance. But right now, you best be on your guard as four of these creatures dash at you. First running on all fours, then leaping into the air and clawing or biting your flesh, whichever works best for them.

[roll1] if it hits, [roll2] damage

[roll3] if it hits, [roll4] damage

[roll5] if it hits, [roll6] damage

[roll7] if it hits, [roll8] damage

@Remiel: The creatures watch Laura being swarmed as Cordelia's voice can be heard above.

A caster? Here? Oh, Remiel... how bad for you. Pin him!

The other four creatures run towards you, like with Laura, but their claws are outstretched as they pounce upon you, confident in their success.

Unlike with Laura, these things are attempting to hold you down and kill you at the same time!

[roll9] if it hits, [roll10] damage plus improved grab [roll11]

[roll12] if it hits, [roll13] damage plus improved grab [roll14]

[roll15] if it hits, [roll16] damage plus improved grab [roll17]

[roll18] if it hits, [roll19] damage plus improved grab [roll20]

Pack x8

2020-03-01, 02:28 AM
The hatch opens without the expected explosion, showing naught but a ladder descending to the area below. Slinging his shield back into place, Davish starts down the rungs. After only a few feet of travel, they give out and he finds himself plummeting to the ground below. Years of training kick in as his knees bend and his upper body begins contorting into a ball. Hitting the ground, Davish executes a perfect roll and comes up on his feet with a flourish. Finding himself in what looks like a basement office, he pokes around but finds nothing of apparent value beyond an old leather book. Pausing momentarily to read it, Davish then stuffs it into his haversack before setting out to see if he can somehow get out of this mess he's found himself in.

first off, we'll try a running jump to get back into the hatch and then climb up chimney style by bracing against the walls.

jump: [roll0]
climb: [roll1]

if we can get into the chimney, but can't move vertically, i'll use a charge of the anklets of translocation to teleport 10ft up and out of the chimney, landing on the ground next to it, or as far away as possible.

if there isn't enough room to get a running start, i probably can't make the dc needed for a standing jump, and if that or the above fails, i'll try taking 20 to search the room for another exit

my search is crap, so that'd be a 22.

if neither of those work out, then it'll be on to plan c, depending on what happens.

2020-03-01, 04:42 AM
@Davish: A trap door not booby trapped?

Well, not entirely. Be it by design or simply time, the rung ladder gives in as you climb down, but your training and quick reflexes have you land safely on the cellar floor, with rain pouring in from above, since the door was left open while pieces of the ladder noisily clank on the floor.

Whatever this book is, it will have to be read with more attention later as you focus now on how to escape this cellar. A running start might work. The trap door is high up, not that high that someone with your set of skills cannot reach it. Barring that, there are your anklets that...

And then dust falls on your face as heavy footsteps are heard above. Someone is approaching and has not bothered to make themselves hidden in any way before a rope ladder unfurls down the trap door and a strong male voice can be heard:

Climb up!

2020-03-01, 04:59 AM
Never look a gift horse in the mouth his Da was fond of saying, but what exactly is a gift horse? No matter. Better to choose the battleground when given the opportunity.

With a final glance around this secluded spot, Davish quickly scales the rope ladder, climbing out to face his rescuer, or perhaps his opponent.

2020-03-01, 06:45 AM
@Davish: Why question Providence?

Maybe because this a scum filled slum, filled with murderers. Still, whoever that person is, they are helping you get out.

A better place to fight him should it be an opponent. Given what few people you have seen here, you could probably take on several at once. Enough to give these bottom feeders a reason or two to stay out of your way and extend their life a bit.

And so, you climb the rope ladder and as soon as your weight is on it, a tremendous strength begins pulling you up as the rain peppers your eyes and by sheer instinct, you perform an acrobatic away from your deceitful rescuer and take a look at him:


This is... unexpected.

The man is tall. Taller than you. Doesn’t dress in rags, but finely wrought armor. Unlike any you have seen here.

Two things apart from his height and proverbial strength stand out.

First is a wicked looking chain. You have seen these in battle, but this man’s seems different in design. The fact they are wrapped around his arms and deal no damage to him is noteworthy.

The same can be said for some minute motes of light around his head as the giant among men kneels and begins pulling back the rope ladder as the rain plunks off his armor.

“Why are you here? In this place... and down there?”

2020-03-01, 11:31 AM
"Truth be told, it has been a long time since anyone came here. Of their own choice. My family will be overjoyed to have you here, make no mistake of that."

Wait, what?!

It all happens at once - the feeling of being almost stunned, Cordelia's betrayal, and the ferals leaping from the trees. Laura chokes back a curse. She feels her temper rising, but an icy chill stays her rage. This is not a good situation and she needs to keep her wits about her.

"How dare you Cordelia! We were trying to help you! And I would have regardless of whether you knew where the farm was! You think you can just take advantage?!"

Laura exhales slightly as Remiel's touch restores the lightness in her limbs. She smiles coldly as she flexes a bicep ready to receive the ferals' charge. Her uncanny reflexes fend allow her to fend off one of the beasts, but there are a lot of them and despite her efforts they get a few good hits in. Laura snarls at them, bearing her teeth and roaring from the bottom of her lungs.


Intimidating Roar
Not an action: All within 30ft WILL DC22 or shaken for 11 rounds.

"BIG Mistake Cordelia! What happens now is I KILL your family and escape this pathetic trap! And later when I've found my friend made sure she's ok, I'm coming for you! You hear me?! I'm coming back FOR YOU!!"

With a click of her heels Laura vanishes, reappearing 10ft away outside the constraining circle towards the tunnel where they entered, adjacent to just one feral hemming Remiel in, her axe already swinging hard.

Swift action: Activate anklets of translocation. Teleport 10ft.
Attack: [roll0](-5PA)
Damage: [roll1](+10PA)

"Come on Remiel, time to go. Can you get out of there by yourself or do you need a hand?

Tumble 5ft to not provoke AoO (assuming the feral survived). [roll2]
Move: 35ft towards tunnel entrance.

2020-03-01, 03:35 PM
@Laura: How could she do that...

It's only a mocking laughter from the shadows above as Cordelia listens to your threats.

Oh, but you have helped me, Laura! The pack needs to feed. And who am I to refuse two willing entrees such as yourself and Remiel? Hehehehehee... you think you can kill my family, girl?

You think you can get out of here?

You need to keep your temper down, despite the pain visited upon your body and so with a loud growl from your own vocal chords, many of these creatures feel your wrath as very real. Then, you strike one of the creatures next to you and activate your anklets, enveloped in blue light as you swoosh back ten feet. Still close to one of the creatures, but not the entire mob as you attempt to make an acrobatic display that sadly, allows one of the denizens here to attempt a scratch at you, shaken as it were.

[roll0] if hit, Laura takes
[roll1] damage

You got away, but not by far. As you look back, the beast you cut down is still alive. Badly hurt. In fact, any other person would not be standing after a slash like that...

But this isn't a normal situation.

Round 2

@Remiel & Laura: Cordelia appears thirty feet up in the air and has dashed closer to the exit Laura mentioned when she aims her hand down at both and a single ember scorches itself into being.

"You are not getting away. I cannot fathom burning the pack...

Thankfully, I don't have to. You could have ended your life here in silence. Instead, you chose to fight. Now your death will be that more painful because of it!"

The ember increases in size from the tip of Cordelia's finger and two fiery colored rays strike each of you squarely in the chest. Each bares a frightening skull like face before hitting you point blank. This witch has managed to strike both of you at the same time? How? And why do you feel weaker because of it?

But no time to deal with that. It's a painfully burning sensation that invades your entire body. Immolating you from inside... and leaving you emptier somehow.

[roll2] Ranged Touch attack. If it hits, Laura takes [roll3] x1.5 fire damage and 1 negative level*. No save.

Total empowered fire damage for Laura: 31 fire damage

[roll4] Ranged Touch attack. If it hits, Remiel takes [roll5] x1.5 fire damage and 1 negative level*. No save

Total empowered fire damage for Remiel: 36 fire damage

*Negative Levels:

An affected opponent takes a –1 penalty on all skill checks and ability checks, attack rolls, and saving throws, and loses 5 hit points and one effective level or Hit Die (whenever level is used in a die roll or calculation) for each negative level. A spellcaster loses one spell slot of the highest level of spells she can cast and (if applicable) one prepared spell of that level.

Pack x8

2020-03-01, 07:43 PM
Greetings Stranger, I thank you for your assistance. My name is Davish Battleborn, and I am on pilgrimage to this quarter to offer what succor I might to its residents. Having no clear direction, I saw this pyre here and decided to investigate these premises to see if any clues might be gained as to it's reason for being. I happened to stumble upon this hatchway, and had only just gone below when you arrived to render your timely aid. Mayhaps you might be able to fill me in on the current situation in these parts, as you seem a capable fellow?

2020-03-01, 08:35 PM
@Davish: The giant of a man begins pulling up the rope ladder as you give him your best as to why you are here.

Once the rope is tucked away, the man looks down at the dark cellar and shuts the trap door. Hard.

And then he stands in place as the rain plinks and planks off his armor while he locks eyes with you.

“Who seeks to provide succor in a cellar? And a pilgrimage? Here? This is no holy land and although my stay has been briefer than most, I can tell you this:

Nobody will want a stranger’s help, Davish Battleborn. Do yourself a favor and go back from whence you came. Respect the fallen in this place and never visit this broken house again.”

The man crosses his arms and awaits your response. But more than likely, your retreat.

2020-03-02, 09:54 AM
This is a fight, that shouldn't be fought today. Getting save out of this place is most important now!
He bows down and within a split second, he changed his shape into that of a panther and withdrawed. He slipped through the gap between the ferals, and while moving further he twists as good as possible, to avoid getting hit by them.

shapechange into a panther: +4str, +4 Nat AC, base land speed 50ft and the mobility feat.
One (diagonal?) hex is unoccupied, right? Withdrawin there -> no AoO
Then tumbling past the other two
Tumble1 vs DC 15 [roll0]
Tumble2 vs DC 20 [roll1]

If tumble isn't successful, mobility kicks in. With the increased nat. AC and mobility (+4AC vs AoO while moving) but reduced WIS and everything through shapechange, my AC (vs AoOs) now is 26.

Tumbling is with 1/2 speed. Is it the whole movement or just the hex I tumbled? But at least I'm moving 50ft [base 50ft, withdraw double, tumble half] into the direction Remiel thinks is the exit (survival 26 - roll OC)

2020-03-02, 10:52 AM
Death is lighter than a feather, Duty heavier than a mountain.

Standing just as resolute as this stranger, Davish meets his eye, and holds his gaze level.

I saw a light below. Which meant that at least not long ago someone was here. There was no challenge to my opening the hatch, so investigation seemed the best course of action. continuing on with patience seeping into his voice. All lands are holy, they need not be pristine to be such. And all deserve the choice to accept or deny assistance. If 99 refuse, and 1 accepts, it will be a successful journey. My duty is in part to offer that choice. I have no reason to return to this place, that said, obscuring a crime is in itself a crime. I mean to discover what happened here, and if need be bring those responsible to Justice. Do you mean to stand in the way of that, or to instead shed some light on it, as you seem to have some knowledge of it?

finally with some resignation in his tone, Besides, I can't go back, at least not yet...

2020-03-02, 05:46 PM
@Davish: He may be bigger than you, but that doesn't mean you are going to back down.

The man listens to your words and places his boot on the trap door, while his arms remain crossed.

"You come to a new place- in pilgrimage, no less- and decide upon yourself to sneak into someone's home? Derelict as it may be now, this was a House. And a home should be respected.

So what are you then? A pilgrim or an investigator? You speak of duty... under whose authority? And a crime? You switch back and forth between roles, Davish Battleborn...""

The man turns his back to you and starts walking away.

"That makes you just a bad liar and like many here, a thief looking to strip apart what remains of this place. Not unlike a vulture, pecking at the remains. And you bring Justice into this? A poor choice of words in this place bereft of it. You and I have nothing in common. Nothing to discuss.

Be on your way, Davish. I am sure there are other places you can find around here to fulfill your desires for loot and pillaging. But not this one."

@Remiel: This isn't looking good.

If you had other people here to assist you, perhaps you'd have a better chance. But right now, it's only you and Laura. These creatures will not stop until you are their lunch. You need to make an escape, but where to...

And amidst the roars and screeches of these feral men, your mind backtracks and you make a mental path of where the tunnel was. These things weren't greeting you there. Not at the entrance. If you can outpace them, you may be able to reach the tunnel and get back to the slums of The Mercy, but you'll have to run faster than your natural form allows you to.

Facing the monstrous denizens of this place, you utter a low growl yourself and immediately adopt a sleek feline form. The panther. Revered in some cultures as a deity and apex predator.

The creatures step back a feet while Cordelia watches from above.

"A druid? I thought they were all gone... do not be afraid! He is still just a man- just as easy a prey."

With a primal growl, you sidestep one of the creatures and cause it to claw at the ground before you dash past the other two, who attempt to give you a good swipe.

Claw 1: [roll0] if hit, Remiel takes [roll1] damage

Claw 2: [roll2] if hit, Remiel takes [roll3] damage

And so you sprint, getting as much distance as you can from these creatures, while looking back at Laura, left behind with all of them and crazy Cordelia.

The witch points at you as three of the creatures roar towards the foliage above.

"Get him! He is not to escape this place alive!""

The beast men get on all fours just like you and take off in a deadly sprint towards you. Leaping over your sleek frame and coming down with claws and sharp teeth, aiming to bring you down and hold you in place for good this time.

1st Charge: [roll4] if hit, Remiel takes [roll5] damage plus improved grab DC [roll6]

2nd Charge: [roll7] if hit, Remiel takes [roll8] damage plus improved grab DC [roll9]

3rd Charge: [roll10] if hit, Remiel takes [roll11] damage plus improved grab DC [roll12]

@Laura: Cordelia looks back at you as the five remaining creatures encircle you. A few actually getting into flanking positions.

"Remiel has abandoned you. I had heard tales that druids were cowards. It is in their nature, no? Oh, Laura. Don't look at me that way... It tenses your face muscles. Makes you a lot chewier.

Rip her apart."

And so, these things obey. Now within close proximity of you, they are free to go wild as claws dash everywhere, attempting to fulfill Cordelia's wishes.

(1d20+5)[13] if hit, Laura takes (2d6+8)[17] damage

(1d20+5)[8] if hit, Laura takes (2d6+8)[11] damage

(1d20+5)[24] if hit, Laura takes (2d6+8)[20] damage

(1d20+7)[24] if hit, Laura takes (2d6+8)[18] damage

(1d20+7)[12] if hit, Laura takes (2d6+8)[15] damage

Cordelia watches from above and brushes away her white hair to the side.

"Too easy."

Pack x8

2020-03-02, 07:27 PM
"I only know what I have seen, and thus far this side of the wall has been less hospitable to me and my kin then the other side of the wall. Who knows maybe it's just depends on your talents is all. As for thieves on that side of the wall, at least you have an idea who they are as they tend to stick out." the dwarf says having an image of what a thief should look like and most of the people in the Mercy seemed to fall into what he would classify as thief looking.

"Let's hope the people who plan to stick a dagger in my ribs get the same impression then no?" the dwarf says thinking it would be safer for the two of them if most people thought he was exactly what he looked like, a heavily armored warrior. Which in a way his magic did seem to gear more towards such things as enchanting weapons and armor much like a warrior would carry. "Someone or something got my kin, and each alone could have taken on a small platoon of trained warriors so I suspect someone or a few someones here will easily be able to deal with me. It's just making sure I don't run into them, again at least. I don't have any bombs to bring down a building after all." he adds as an after thought.

Einkil listens closely about this disease and seems very concerned. "It sounds like necromantic magic, yet you say people contract it after they are scratched or bitten by another who died from it? Does armor like my own offer any protection from such things? After all it would be hard for someone to find exposed flesh besides my face." the dwarf remarks about his suit of armor asking his guide if there was any way to defend against those infected. "After all if we have to run I know you can outdistance me and I don't blame you if this disease is as bad as you say. I just want to know my chances. As for beheading, better to be killed then hurt someone you care about. The clan always comes first." he replies never once believing the individual was above the clan unless they were a paragon or a living ancestor like their great king.

As they arrive at the Vargas Farm Einkil notes no one else seems to be here besides the man on the roof. He had been expecting two other people to be here, that's what he had been told at least, so where were they? "Where are the people who were coming to the farm? I thought Nana said they were coming here. Wait your leaving, I paid you to take me here and back, not just here." the dwarf says realizing almost to late as Drakan starts to leave. "Finding my friends will do me no good if I get lost walking around trying to find my way back. I don't see the two people Nana said were on their way here, and I paid to get here and back to meet them. You have been honest so far so I don't want to say this is a scam but something doesn't seem right. I mean we heard the two people were coming here from Nana, the Commandant said two people were coming this direction roughly when we saw her, and I doubt you are all working together on a large scam as she really didn't seem to like anyone. They should have been here a short time before us, or at least we should have heard them. Is there anywhere else they could be near here if they didn't have a guide?" he asks.

2020-03-02, 08:49 PM
@Einkil: Drakan shakes his head on your assessment of thieves.

“Best thief is the one who walks around you all day and sticks it to you with a smile while you ask for another, with an even dumber smile.

You don’t get those here. But they are the best... or worst, depending on whose getting shafted.”

Regarding your kin, your guide wipes the ever coming rain off his eyes.

“You seem pretty grim for a dwarf priest. Aren’t priests supposed to have faith or something? Bring hope to the masses and all that? You have no idea they are dead and have made it all the way here ... because of a hunch? Good luck with the rest of your life if that’s the case.”

On the matter of the disease plaguing The Mercy, Drakan shrugs.

“I am no doctor, priest or crazy mage. If you walk around in that walking armory of yours... yeah, I guess. You should be fine. But why tempt fate?”

Once at the entrance to the farm, you turn around to look at Drakan and feel the earth shatter slightly beneath your boots as the rogue walks away.

“I asked for four. You got stingy and gave me three. I told you for three I’d get you here. And I have, dwarf.

As for a welcoming committee? Maybe you expected balloons? A parade? Look around- we’ve been walking for hours under heavy rain.”

And then he says no more and disappears amidst the alleys.

2020-03-02, 09:55 PM
"I will have to take your word on that Drakan, in my culture their are few who become thieves and those who do are mostly shunned by society. So one as you describe is to far out of my understanding to even fathom." Einkil explains not able to comprehend the idea put forth by Drakan, after all who would ask to be robbed again, or stabbed for that matter?

"I listen to the signs given to me and follow them where I am told." the dwarf says as he pulls out the runestone his mother gave him for a second to remind him of his duty and people before returning it to its hidden slot inside his gauntlet. "If the ore is bad you don't keep working with it and hope it becomes better, you scrap the project and begin anew. Their is no point in wasting time in pleasantries and falsehoods when everything else points in a completely different direction. Do I want to find my kin alive and well, certainly, however given the signs received from the soul forger, and what I have witnessed here myself the evidence does not point in that direction. Us dwarves are realistic, if we are going to die we rather be told to our faces and know that we buying time for others to live, not that reinforcements will be coming when we all know none are really on their way. False hope is a fools tool, only the weak believe a lie told to them when they know that it is not true." he says thinking back to the many fond memories he had shared with his brothers and sisters in arms while they had been in the city of power. When he returned home he would make sure their stories were told and statues were made in their honor.

"Don't want to tempt fate, just want to know what my chances are if one of those things breaks out and my options are outrun the person in front of me or try and find a place to dig in and try to stop myself from being surrounded. Because let's be serious even without this armor you are faster then I am." Einkil notes, seeing no point in painting a pretty picture over facts. Drakan had said he would flee to fight another day, meaning if one of these infected came Einkil would most likely be on his own.

Anger and fury burned within the dwarf at this seeming double cross. That old gnome had told him two people were coming to this place that could help him look for his friends, and this man had agreed to get him here and back for three coins if there was no trouble. Yet now he said he only agreed to get him here for three. Biting back his fury the dwarf only watches the thief as he leaves, waiting for him to be gone before turning back towards the farmhouse and making his way over. "Hello, do you happen to be the owner of this land?" Einkil calls out to the figure on the roof after making his way closer, hands raised away from his weapons to show he meant no ill harm.

2020-03-02, 11:01 PM
@Einkil: Drakan takes a look at you while the rain keeps pouring down and taps your metal shoulder.

"Crazy enough to be left alone. See you around, dwarf. Or maybe not."

Your former guide doesn't address your avalanche of questions. He already delivered. Whether you like what you got, is a different matter entirely. Maybe you'll bump into him again. Perhaps once you find your kin. Give them a dwarven burial, with all the accolades they deserve.

After all, how can The Soul Forger and you, his greatest artisan on earth, be mistaken?

Things lanky fools like Drakan will never understand as you make your way up the short hill that is The Vargas Farm and call out to the person on the roof.

Not much of a farm, really. It's a house. Incredible that such a place has survived in a jungle of concrete. There is a small patch of land, but barely any greens to grow. The windows are spilling rain water from the shingles above as the shape on the roof gets up and shakes rain water all over the roof, splashing you with it before a pair of gigantic wings emerge from its back and before you lands a menacing beast:

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/94381123-82f4-4a9c-95cc-82a60015797b/d1jbzh1-9226bada-f054-469f-9ebe-f3192bff4c56.jpg/v1/fill/w_800,h_625,q_75,strp/hippogryph_by_charreed.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiL CJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxOD g5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwic3ViIjoidXJu OmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMC IsImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25z Il0sIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiIvZi85NDM4MTEyMy04MmY0LT RhOWMtOTVjYy04MmE2MDAxNTc5N2IvZDFqYnpoMS05MjI2YmFk YS1mMDU0LTQ2OWYtOWViZS1mMzE5MmJmZjRjNTYuanBnIiwid2 lkdGgiOiI8PTgwMCIsImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9NjI1In1dXX0.rm5G MW8Fy56hj3u_3gx7_urV0VdJ-9nuhAL_2O-jbMU

As big as a war horse. Maybe a tad bigger, but a beast unlike any you have seen here or beneath the earth at home. The creature gets in your face and shrieks as loud as it can, nearly breaking your ear drums before it adopts a combat stance and lifts its wings, covering the house and interposing itself between it and you.

What follows immediately is the sound of footsteps from inside and the sound of blades being unsheathed as the door opens abruptly and a woman brushes the beast aside, blade in hand:


"Now I got you, you rotten bastard...oh!""

The beast keeps screeching in your face before the woman gives you a look from head to toe and places her hand around the creature's beak, shutting it up.

"Thank you for the alarm. Try and be louder next time? My left ear still works.""

It's another female that can be heard from inside the house.

Is everything okay? Are we getting into another...

The woman looks at you for a few seconds and pats the creature on the back of its head.

"No. We won't have to. But it's not whom I expected...

Who are you?"

2020-03-02, 11:46 PM
At Drakan's comment Einkil makes no sign of the openness he had before with the man. Up until this point he had trusted the thief to at least honor their business transaction, but as it became clear he had changed the agreement and would only stay for more money the dwarf knew that in the end he could not trust the man. He had a better chance of being shown honor from Commandant Daratra then he did a thief who would not finish his contract. And thus the dwarf had no words for Drakan as the rain pelted away at his metal armor and he watched the rogue leave.

Looking around the farm the dwarf notes the rather lack luster amount of things growing here, even he had seen more grow in a cave then what he had seen in this place. The mushrooms were edible, unlike what he was looking at on the farm. That is when the shape on the roof stands up and the dwarf realizes this may not be the place he was asked to be led, instead he was brought to some beasts nest to be a snack. As the creature lands before him he reaches for his shield trying to snap it in front of him as the ear piercing screech of this beast seems to go right through his skull.

Its massive frame towering over him, and its claws didn't look like they were for shaking a persons hands. As it lifts its wings up the dwarf snatches out his hammer, ready to rise the hammer up as the creature descends upon him hoping to use its own force to knock it back at the least. It is as he waits for the beast to strike the sounds of blades being drawn reaches his ears, if only barely over the screeching of the beast in his face as he readies himself to fight whatever foul foes try to attack him. He would not be some creatures meal.

So when the woman steps out in full armor looking very much like a knight he is a bit caught off guard, however his eyes keep darting to the strange beast that seems to at least be listening to her for now. "The name is Einkil Durthane, I don't know who you people are but I won't be that things food." the dwarf says, keeping his eyes constantly on the winged beast, backing up every time it seems to inch closer. "Some woman in a bar told me that two people at some farm could help me and had me pay some fellow named Drakan to take me there. Judging by the looks of the house and that winged monstrosity I take it this isn't a farm." the dwarf says clearly nervous of how much of a threat he was in right now and unsure what was going on.

2020-03-03, 02:56 AM
@Einkil: A thief will always be just that.

You were clear about this business transaction. Very clear. But that lanky good for nothing had other plans. If you see him again, maybe you'll have to teach him a lesson or two regarding how to honor a bargain, dwarf style.

But that will have to wait, as a feathery beast gets ready to pounce on you and before you can bash its beak with your shield, a warrior woman dressed as a knight walks out of the decrepit house and puts the beast at ease, but not you. Expecting an attack from this thing and mentioning to her you won't be its meal, to which the woman chuckles as the beast wretches and gives you a stare down.

"He's going to eat you? Ha! That's rich. Larry here is my mount...""

Larry. The beast has a name ...and it's Larry.

Larry wretches at the mention of eating you and turns his head away from the woman, flapping his wing against her face, causing some feathers to get caught in her mouth as she spits them out and pats the beast on the head.

"Familiar. Sorry, he is quite sensible about that. Thank you, Larry, you may go back up to the roof and keep a good eye out for our friends and fiends. And you are Einkil Thurbane.

So let me get this straight: a woman at a bar told you to come to the middle of ass nowhere- to a farm- where you could find help...and you got Drakan the Drunk to bring you here. Wow.

You know, perhaps it would be wise to not heed advise from women at bars. And you had Drakan bring you all the way here? Little rat is braver than I thought."

The woman stretches her hand to shake yours.

"Clarity Clemens, warrior of Kord. You aren't from around here, obviously. Warrior? Hmmm...""

Clarity inspects you for awhile and a smile shows on her face.

"A priest! Who am I to question Providence? Get in...but rub your boots on the mat first. You're dragging mud.""

Clarity walks in first and stops for a few seconds, making sure you actually rub your boots on a very dirty floor mat before allowing you inside.

The house is small and very old. A couple of windows have been shut and candles have been places on the sills inside, wafting incense. The same type you'd find in a church. A low table has been placed in the biggest room of the house with a map sprawled over it and an old many times patched over couch is the only place to sit down, apart from two stools.

A fireplace gives off some heat as a pot has been hung above it, wafting the scent of tea around the house while Clarity invites you to take a seat.

Of note is a very old and worn tapestry with an unusual symbol:


Knowledge religion (trained) to ID it

"It may not look like a farm- and it isn't. But those who live here have decided, unlike the vast majority of people in The Mercy, that a diet based solely on rat is definitely not good for you. And so, they grow their own crops. Not that the land here is good for growing anything, but people get crafty over the years.

And Larry is not a monstrosity. He's a Hippogriff. Noble and heraldic creatures. Never seen one?"

A cough can be heard behind one of two doors at the end of the living room and the same woman's voice can be heard again.

No worries! He's just purging. He'll be fine!

Clarity looks mildly concerned at those words and teases her hand on the hilt of her blade.

"We have a guest! A dwarf by the name of...""

I heard, hun! This house isn't very big. Did he clean his boots on the mat?

Clarity sighs and grabs a stool , urging you to sit down on the couch, but weary that your armor and weight might break it.

"Okay, Einkil Thurbane. I know you're a priest. And I know you aren't a vile one. Had that been the case, you wouldn't be in this house right now. You need help and so do we. There's a group of jasidians hiding in the old Ludus Magnus. I normally don't have quarrel with followers of the Ruby Sorceress, but these guys are bad news. Lendra- that's the farm's owner- and myself attempted to take them down, but had to retreat.

So, I sent a letter to a... friend back in Halmathan. Laura Wildstar, a warrior of Kord. I can safely say that when it comes to raw strength, she may even match Bhagazzin himself in battle, but...

Laura hasn't shown up. I sent in my letter for her to go to the Bitter Coffee- a safe place for people to get drunk and not stab and thieve each other, but that was hours ago and I don't know if she even made it here. With her by my side, we could put down that group immediately. I was about to leave for the Bitter Coffee when, well... things happened. Not worth talking about. But you are here? And a priest. Hold on. Sit tight."

Clarity gives you one more look for a few seconds and then heads to the room next to the one where some strong coughing can be heard, followed by a low prayer and from the room the kordite went in, the sound of drawers being opened and closed in a noisy frenzy before she comes out a few minutes later with an old rolled up scroll in her hands and stretches it on the table, asking you to come see it.

"A friend of mine held on to it before... before she was gone. It's a Sending scroll. Priests know how to use it. You are a priest, so...

Okay, I mentioned I'd help you. But I need your help first. If Laura is in the Mercy. Or if she has denied my letter, I need to know so I don't wait any longer. I know how this scroll works- you need to have an idea of what the person looks like, hmmm...""

Clarity stands up straight and raises her hand a few inches off her head.

"She's that tall, more or less. Very strong. Hmmm.... Long blond hair? Unless she dyed it, but she wouldn't do that. Oh! Violet eyes. That's one of the features that distinguish her the most. I know it's not much, but she likes axes? I'm grasping at straws here, but I really need her assistance if I'm off to cleanse that place.

If you can reach her, please- ask her where she is and that you're here with me. can you do that, Einkil?""

The coughing from the closed room intensifies as Clarity looks at the door and back at you.

"This cannot be any more urgent."

2020-03-03, 10:16 AM
A man can be many things at once Stranger. Just because he might be a sword, doesn't also mean he can't be a shield. I would think one such as you would know that, but perhaps I am wrong in that assumption. You obviously care for this place beyond a casual feeling for the sanctity of a home, but I'll not press further than to say that if you truly cared, that instead of pushing away, you might invite in Davish lets the stranger go without anything further, then after making sure the stranger has left, turns and heads in the other direction, making sure to see that he isn't followed.

2020-03-03, 05:39 PM
@Davish: The man listens to your words and lowers his head, his back still turned to you.

"A man can be many things, Davish. That is true. In a den of thieves like this one, though... hard to find people of the caliber you speak of. Especially when you dove down uninvited to loot, something you most likely did. I am not going to fight you, Battleborn. If only because I do not wish to stain this place even further.

May Tarmuid grant you guidance in your path and more importantly, on your choice of words.""

This man is not going to lend assistance to you and best leave him alone as you leave the charred skeleton of a house. He doesn't seem to be following and if he did, you just might be able to not only see him, but hear his towering frame. He did not bother to conceal his footsteps when you were in the cellar and given what he's wearing, it is doubtful he'd be able to conceal them anywhere else for that matter.

Nothing for you to do but go the opposite direction and keep on getting lost in this dump.

And lost you are. The tall scorched buildings and twisting alleys don't offer much in the way of a guide post. People can be seen, but they rather not interact with you and more than a few are outright rude before you find yourself walking by a mountain of debris- on e of these buildings must've collapsed.

Roll a Spot & Listen

2020-03-03, 06:42 PM
"Well Larry looks like he could eat a horse with those talons, never mind a dwarf." the dwarf says as he notes the creatures reaction to hearing that Einkil thought the thing wanted to eat him. "oh please feathers, I saw the way you were eyeing me, snapping your beak like you were." the dwarf says before listening to the knight state that Larry was her mount. "You ride upon that feathered monster? And I thought following Bullet's was hard. How do you even ride a thing like that." he says not understanding how one would stay on when the creature took to the air and decided to flip around, in truth the whole idea was making him sick thinking about it. Being so high up in the sky, spinning in circles and such. No best to stay on the ground where it was nice and safe.

"At the time I it was the best lead I had. That old gnome tricked me good it seems, and the other one, Drakan, got my coin for only half the job no less." he says agreeing that is was no the best idea to take advice from those at a bar, however he had at the time no better option. "Aye I be a priest of Moradin Lady Clarity Clemens, and I'll go in if you promise to call of your attack...Larry." the dwarf says trying his best not to call it a beast again. "I was under the impression an old orc ran this place however so imagine my surprise to find a human knight and her....feathered friend." he says not knowing what to call the thing on the roof as he cleaned his boots of on the mat outside before stepping in.

As he enters the house two things become apparent to him, the first it was simply put four walls and a roof. Not really big enough to accommodate a group this size. And second if he sat on that couch it would either fall apart, best to stand for now. Looking around he notes religious candles which was odd to find in such a place, however then again one had to make due with what they had. And the smell of tea, not his drink of preference, but not something he was unfamiliar with either. Looking around his eyes notice a tapestry with a strange symbol on it and he quickly tries to remember if he had seen it before during a history class or something else as he waits for his host to say why she had asked him inside.


"Rat's not the worst thing I have eaten over the years to be honest. Umber hulk is far more chewy, and the taste. Let's just say rotten cabbage tastes better." the dwarf shares as he hears about the plight of the farmers and how they were trying to do something besides eat rat. "And if you don't want to eat rat why stay here if you know nothing can grow, well nothing that seems edible at least?" he asks remembering the vegetables he had seen outside. "Larry is what humans here think of as noble? Hippogriff is something I have never heard of, then again if I named half the creatures I am used to dealing with I doubt you would know them either. For me a noble boar will do just fine as a mount, and if it dies you have a feast in its honor." the dwarf says, thinking about roasted boar meat over a fire at that moment, with a nice juicy apple in its mouth, covered in lard and cooked until its nice and brown.

When the sounds from the other room come in one of the warnings Drakan gave him causes him to look concerned even more so when the knight seems to reach for her blade. " I may be new here but um, he didn't get bit or scratched recently right?" the dwarf asks looking at the knight with a mild sense of concern on his face, is this why she had let him in? To help her deal with one of the infected?

"I think I'll stand if thats all right Clarity. No offense I do not know you people and you do not know me. But I do hear someone sick in the room next door. You say he's not sick that's your thing. But me, I'm staying standing where I don't need to worry about being attacked while I'm sitting." he says looking to the closed door before calling out. "No offense, just got ripped off twice so far, rather not go for three times."

Listening to the story Clarity tells the dwarf smirks at the name of the establishment she told her friend to go to. "If your friend is as unlucky as I, no doubt she made it to the bar and got told by the owner like me to hire a guide and that guide simply didn't bring them here, fast cash, a simple few turns and lose her." the dwarf says knowing he was fully lost on how to get back to anywhere from where he was now.

As the knight takes off once more he waits in silence, listening as the coughing grows worst, and he looks at the door when she comes out as if to say are we dealing with that problem before he follows her to the table. Listening to her request and seeing the scroll the dwarf sees little reason not to help. "It seems you are in luck, when I arrived at the bitter coffee I saw someone matching that description leaving with some strange looking hippy fellow. Those were the two I would take it Nana sent me to follow if they were on their way here. Hold on a moment, what exactly do you want me to say to her, and I will try to use the scroll. No promise's on it working though." he says waiting for her reply before sending the message she had asked to her friend Laura Wildstar.

"Laura Wildstar, this is a friend of Clarity. Where are you I am at the farm with her and she ask's for your aid." he sends hoping the spell would work, but unsure.

As the coughing gets louder Einkil looks to his hammer. "If it is out of fear of what the man is about to become, or to much love to put him down I will do it for you." Einkil says looking at the door, noting that no one else seemed to be doing anything about the very sick person on the other side.

2020-03-03, 10:23 PM
@Davish: No wonder His Holiness walled up this place.

Not only are the locals uncooperative, but the place is literally falling apart here. With nobody to perform routine maintenance, it's only a matter until...

It may be the rain falling down perpetually on the entire City, but a slight cold rushes over you and presence can be felt extremely close to you as light footsteps make their way towards you and rom a dark alley a figure emerges with a wan smile:

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/6f131d22-7974-4793-9db3-2160376b5c72/d9fp5h5-08f71c64-805e-4cbb-95f4-9b45c8674ab5.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ IUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQz NzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZT BkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6 W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzZmMTMxZDIyLTc5NzQtNDc5My05ZG IzLTIxNjAzNzZiNWM3MlwvZDlmcDVoNS0wOGY3MWM2NC04MDVl LTRjYmItOTVmNC05YjQ1Yzg2NzRhYjUuanBnIn1dXSwiYXVkIj pbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.SGtWpOFz q37gKiUvfBgzZvdVPzTWbLTTegKb88VQVow

A woman. Dressed much like everybody here, in rags. Albeit taller than many you have met here, except perhaps for that man with the chains as she takes a single step forward and tilts her head sideways.

"You aren't from around here, are you... Davish Battleborn? No need to be alarmed- I heard your name back when you were having an argument with the ilumian. They aren't much for words, are they? You seem to be focused by stare alone, but not in direction.""

The woman takes a few steps closer and seems to be giving you a thorough look.

"What brings you here? Perhaps all you need is a guiding hand.""

@Einkil: That's it. Keep pestering the feathered monstrosity.

Clarity shakes her head upon your remarks about Larry.

"He lets me ride him, yes. But I would appreciate if you stop calling my familiar a monster? He isn't one. You need some training. It's not unlike riding a horse. One with wings.

And Moradin, you say? Of course, the dwarf and the heavy armor and hammer. Hey, I'm not complaining here. It's a godsend. Larry won't attack you, Einkil. And dispense with the pleasantries. Clarity is fine.""

Before walking in, Clarity looks at the house as Larry roosts back on the rooftop and nods.

"A half orc, but yes. An old soldier from back before the new regime. His daughter and him own this house. As for a gnome? You mean Nana? No, she would not trick you. Not you, at least. I cannot vouch for Drakan, though. Why didn't you tell me earlier it was her and not some random woman at some random bar? Makes for speedier explanations.""

Once inside the very humble home, you eyes avert towards the worn tapestry hanging by a few rusty nails and recall what you learned back home about the faiths of man above ground.

That is the triskelion, symbol of Trithereon the Summoner.

Despite his title, Trithereon is far more associated with Liberty, Retribution and Self Defense. His dogma is simple and direct:

All deserve life and the ability to choose their own place in the world, and those who would place others in shackles or control them with oppressive laws must be toppled. Train the common folk to defend themselves and their property should another wish to take their freedoms. If you are wronged, you have the right to exact vengeance yourself, especially if none will help you.

Needless to say, a few on the other side of the wall might disagree with this dogma. But Halmathan is known for being a melting pot not only of races and cultures, but also creeds.

Clarity winces at your mention of culinary tastes once inside.

"Uhhh... we don't eat that. Umber..whatever it's called. I would not advise you to eat rats, Einkil. Despite popular opinion, they aren't good for you. They carry diseases and have a horrible taste. As for the farm? Not mine. Vargas and Lendra have lived here for years and they manage. I told you earlier- in the face of adversity, people get crafty.

And if you want to ride a boar and eat it later, I am sure Glenndale has a pack of them running around. Take my sarcasm as... you know what? Don't go hunting boar there. Better that way. Deal?""

When the coughing is heard in the other room, you refuse to take a seat and are reminded of Drakan's words as Clarity takes her hand away from the hilt and shakes her head.

"Just a cold. Weather is getting bad. No reason to worry. You'll be fine."

When Clarity returns with the scroll, she describes this Laura as best she can. It's a long shot- you have never met Wildstar before and Clarity is not the best at describing her, but a woman with violet eyes s rare enough to hopefully warrant a reply from this person as Clarity paces back and forth around the house and you remain standing in front of the table and place your stubby hands on the old parchment and after ten solid minutes, this one turns to fine dust as Clarity places her hands together.

"Did she reply? What she say?"

But suddenly, the woman's hopeful eyes turn solemn as you once again bring up the issue of the coughing next door and what to do about it, prompting Clarity to stand in front of you, effectively blocking your line of sight to the door.

"How utterly insensible and rude can you be, dwarf? Left stranded here in the middle of nowhere, invited in... and you suggest killing your host? I will pretend I did not hear this and you will not ever mention such thing again. Understood?"

2020-03-04, 04:15 AM
Laura reels under the avalanche of blows! These things are fast! Faster than she expected. But she's still standing! Just.

"Come on Remiel, we have to get out of here!" She calls out. With a click of her heels she once more teleports out of immediate reach. This time it's enough to put 10ft between her and the nearest creature.

With a brief respite she searches the battlefield for the companion who's twice saved her life. Is that... Is that a panther grappled by that fiend?

"No..." she breathed. It has be Remiel, the druid in some alternate form grappled and helpless. And between them a sea of creatures. Desperately she thinks of anything, anything at all she could do to help him! But she can neither reach him nor do anything to save even if she could. Nothing to be done except die together. Except... Except no. She won't waste this gift

Laura takes a step back.

"Remiel I'm sorry... And thank you."

She turns on her heel and sprints. Back the way they came, she thinks, but anywhere but here. As she runs tears stream down her face. It's weakness and she hates herself for it. For not being strong enough to save Remiel. For leading him on this doomed adventure to his impending death. Rage rises in her breast to battle back the despair and this time she lets it, bringing strength and steadiness back to her battered limbs. She will survive! Even if it takes a miracle!

"Laura Wildstar, this is a friend of Clarity. Where are you I am at the farm with her and she ask's for your aid."

A voice in her head? Could it really be? Or is this another trick by that witch Cordelia? Laura's mind is fogged by anger, but hadn't she just asked for a miracle? She decides to trust it. It's not like her situation could get any more desperate.

"Clarity! Cordelia tricked us!" Laura yells in response. "They got Remiel! I'm hurt bad..." she chokes. "I must be nearby! At the night and green! Come quick!"

She doesn't know how much of that got through or if it is enough, but it'll have to do as she focuses on sprinting for her life. Maybe help will come, maybe it won't. But she has got to get away from here!
Swift action to teleport 10ft.
Then Rage.
Full round action to sprint as fast as possible. Base speed is 40ft, so running is 160ft.

She'll try and go back the way she came. Breaking line of sight to Cordelia such that it stays broken is also important.

2020-03-04, 04:49 AM
@Laura: This is a nightmare!

Remiel, with his awkward behavior, but good intentions. Trying to strike a conversation and maybe...maybe something more. The guy probably never left Glenndale before and this must be his first time doing anything close to a mission and now...

It's a blue nimbus of light that surrounds you and you back up from the pack attempting to disembowel you as you awaken the rage within you and sprint as fast as you can, avoiding the pack that has pinned down Remiel, now in a panther's guise as tears roll down your eyes and avoid the druid's gaze altogether while Cordelia claps from above.

"That's it, Laura. RUN! Run as fast as your legs can carry you! It makes this hunt a lot more enjoyable. Try not to get too lost, girl:

I have one to finish off before I go after you...""

Leaving Remiel and the beasts behind, you try to figure out where exactly is the damn tunnel. You have covered a lot of ground. Possibly enough to even out run those things.

You can't keep running forever. Eventually, even the impressive stamina Kord has graced you with will wane and you'll be left at Cordelia's cruel mercy...

And then, an unfamiliar gruff voice rings through your mind. One that mentions a very familiar name- Clarity!

Question fate at this pivotal time? No. No time to do that as you reply to whoever it is and round a corner, catching your breath but still hearing the growls and screeches way far behind.

Round 3

Held down at the Death's edge, Cordelia flies above you, a mere twenty feet over your mangled feline body as the Feral Men hold you down tight with their claws and sheer body weight.

"Remiel the druid... left all alone. I do not not know what drove you to come to The Mercy. It doesn't matter now. Whatever lofty goals you had. Any dreams of fame and fortune. Heroism...""

Cordelia aims her index at you while the beasts hold you down against the ground and a single black scarab crawls from beneath the witch's sleeve, buzzing around her finger before more and more begin flying from her body like shadows, converging on her fingertip as her eyes widen with manic glee.

"It all ends here!""

It's a focused black chitinous blast that strikes your panther body on the back as the insects immediately burrow into your body, causing you to growl in pain and agony for one last time as you watch your claws turns to those of a man and your head drops on the mossy floor.

Ranged Touch Attack (1d20+10)[20] if hit, Remiel takes (4d6+6)[23] *1.5 plus [roll0] sneak attack damage.

Total Doom Scarab damage vs Remiel: 39 damage

Everything goes red and blurry and before you lose consciousness, the last thing you can hear Cordelia say:

Feast on him. The girl is mine...

Claudia, Laura... this is good bye.


@Laura: The last thing you hear is Remiel's death rattle, followed by distant roars and the crunching of bones and spilling of blood and other things too gruesome to conjure right now.

But Cordelia's voice is heard loud and clear amidst this forest of death:

I'm coming for you, Laura! Just you and me...hehhehehheheee!



@Einkil: Regardless of your views on this woman and this dirty shack, this Laura girl replies, ringing painfully in the back of your head:

Clarity! Cordelia tricked us! They got Remiel! I'm hurt bad...I must be nearby! At the night and green! Come quick!

2020-03-04, 05:29 AM
Laura keeps running. Keep sprinting. Break line of sight. Those are her only thoughts as she runs.

Another 160ft. I don't know what the terrain looks like here, or if there are any exits other that the way we came in by, but I hope what I'm attempting is obvious. Get away. Stop Cordelia from being able to target her.

Quite glad the fly spell doesn't allow its users to run. At least I hope that's the fly spell.

2020-03-04, 06:10 AM
@Laura: You need to get out of here!

The crunching slurping sounds are not ceasing- Remiel’s remains have kept the pack busy... for now.

No time to dwell on that as you make your way across some vine covered alleys and nearly trip on several roots before you stop at a crossroad of sorts.

The street breaks into two branching paths, left and right. You may or may not recall going through here since Cordelia was acting as guide and really there wasn’t reason to pay attention.

Alternatively, you could hunker down in one of the buildings. Is it ideal? Debatable, but it is dark and who knows if you can find cover or a hiding spot from this witch and her freaks.

There is another alternative, though:

A man hole. The lid is on and vines have grown over it, but you should be able to pry it open. That would lead you into the sewers and hopefully, away from this damn place.

Round 4

Although you can’t see her, you can hear her far off in the distance:

Lauraaaaaa..... oh Lauraaaaaa?! Heheheheee.... Hahahaaaa! Where are you hiding??? I know you’re still here somewhere, girl.

Come out and give up. The pack has had its fill. Let’s have some tea and crumpets and laugh it out, what do you say?

Her voice sounds distant... but who knows for how long.



2020-03-04, 12:38 PM
Tea and Crumpets? Hard No to that!

Laura knows she can't run forever, and the longer she runs the more likely she is to blunder into something nasty. But Cordelia still sounds way too close.

The manhole cover is rejected out of hand. For one thing there'll be evidence it's been disturbed. For two having forgotten the warning about the greenery Laura isn't about to forget the warning about the sewers. And for three if Clarity comes looking Laura wants to be somewhere she's likely to hear.

The buildings are a more promising prospect on all three counts. Though she keeps running for the moment she starts paying attention to potential hiding spots - particularly open windows about 10 to 18ft off the ground that she could reasonably reach by jumping.

Picking a direction entirely at random, she goes right.

2020-03-04, 09:54 PM
"Well I don't know what to call him. Well besides Larry." Einkil says before she tells him what the creature was called. "Hippogriff, odd name, I see why you called him Larry." Einkil says looking at the creature that was no longer trying to kill him and while still not wishing to fight it, he was more curious about what these strange creatures could do. After all she said it was like a flying horse, and he knew what a horse was.

"To me she was a random woman at a random bar, just someone called Sedge told me to go there and talk to her is all. Said it was the best chance of finding my own friends." he explains to Clarity though he does relax when she informs him he is at the right place. "Took me here for 3 gold, was supposed to be here and back, but now I know better then to trust Drakan saying you are the second person to call him a drunk and out of the two people to do so you seem a lot less judgemental." he says to her.

"I see someone is a follower of Trithereon the Summoner in this household. Not the first thing I expected to see this side of the wall after all the stories I have heard, but it is definitely the most comforting thing I have seen. It means that their are still good people in the Mercy." he says to no one in particular as he makes his way around the humble home.

"So do those flying bird things that poop all over the place, at least with the rats if you raise them yourself you don't have to worry about diseases as much. Not saying I would however there is a business for everyone, and rats are common enough to find. And some grow bigger then those rabbit things you humans eat." he explains. "If I have to gamble between a rat and unripe polluted fruit no offense but I'll take the rat. At least I know what I'm dying from with it." "Crafty, I saw those plants outside, they were not what I would call edible and us dwarves live off of different kinds of mushrooms depending on how deep into the mountain we go."

"I have no want to go to that tree filled place, I lose my sense of direction never mind all the people who look at you funny when you start talking about using a tree as a handle for a weapon...I thought they were going to kill me that day." the dwarf says, having never realized he no doubt was only still alive because his allies had been with him that day.

"I was told there is a disease going around this whole district that is contracted from a bite or scratch from someone else who has it. The early warning signs, and I saw you go towards your own blade. You may see it as rude however I'm only being cautious. I don't want to end up dead because of not paying attention to something that I was told to be wary of." the dwarf says when a voice comes through his head.

"Hold that argument I think it's your friend. Let's see.

Clarity! Cordelia tricked us! They got Remiel! I'm hurt bad...I must be nearby! At the night and green! Come quick!"

he says relaying the message to her. "Does it make any sense to you? I don't know any of these people and last time I checked it was raining but still midafternoon the latest. And well we are in a city besides the park I don't know of any green places here." he explains wondering if she had an idea of what was going on.

2020-03-04, 11:49 PM
@Laura: There is no way you will ever sit down with that killer for tea and crumpets.

If you were only at full strength. Had you listened to Remiel's mumblings about this place... but too late about that as you keep running and notice a few different avenues to hopefully avoid Cordelia.

The man hole is definitely going to be ruled out. You already ignored Nana's warnings once. Not going to do so again.

The buildings here might offer a form of refuge. Either by going in through the weak looking doors or leaping onto a window above. The roots that permeate this place can be used as a springboard or walkway of sorts... if you're nimble enough. Climbing them isn't out of the question either...

But you need to be seen. Not by Cordelia, but by Clarity. Seen and heard. If whoever spoke to your kind is a friend- a real one- then perhaps there is a chance as sweat runs down your temple and look at both paths before lowering your head and dashing to the right, running as fast as your legs can carry you. The rage within you still burns bright... but not forever.

Round 5

It's a large fiery explosion a few blocks back from your previous location as the streets shake and Cordelia's voice can be heard shouting above it all.

Getting tired of this cat and mouse game, Laura...where are you?!

The witch is getting desperate. She's blowing apart chunks of this place to take you down.

It is then that disturbingly man sized mushrooms force themselves out of the ground and walls of this overgrown district and look at each other before setting their... eyes? Yes, they have eyes. And they are fixed on you:


The fungi watches you run past them and open their wide mouths, emitting a piercing shriek that nearly drives you deaf and causes a few brittle windows to crash from the buildings around you as Cordelia's laughter can be heard a few blocks back.

Laura! You have awakened the alarm? You make this too easy for me. Now I got you!



@Einkil: Clarity watches Larry roost above and shakes her head.

"Hippogryph is his kind. Just like a bear, a horse...a boar? It's their race. Larry is his name. And you, although she was a random woman at a random bar... you listened to her blindly. Never mind took her advice. I don't know where it is you're from, but people here tend to use their insight and better judgement when meeting strangers at bars that get them stranded in places like this. Chalk it up to good luck on your side because it was Nana.

Again, I can't vouch for Drakan, but he did get you here, didn't he? The guy could've stuck you dead in an alley and taken everything you own. So there's that nugget for to wring your mind around."

Upon glancing at the tapestry, Clarity nods.

"You know of him? Is he revered back where you live? There are a few of us here that aren't bent on bringing misery to the downtrodden, Einkil. We aren't many, that's for sure. But we try. Call it a test of virtue...and patience.""

On the matter of your culinary preferences, Clarity chokes a bit.

"You would rather eat rat over unripe fruit? You're being narrow- you only see two choices on the menu. I'd go for option C. As for diseases: hey knock yourself out. Once we're done doing what we need to do, I am sure you can get yourself a plate full of rats to celebrate. Go nuts.

I like mushrooms. They have them in the City. Some are really good as a side dish. One of the things you miss when having to taste the Mercy delicacies, that's for sure.""

On the matter of Glenndale, Clarity stifles a loud laugh.

"Hey, at least you aren't packing an axe! When we meet Laura, remind me to ask her to tell you the story. Forests aren't so bad. I used to go to Glenndale a lot back in the day. A very serene place. Calms the nerves. Larry used to love roosting on the boughs of the tallest trees.""

But then the topic goes sour as you bring up the infection and the coughing from the other room, causing the knight to stand between you and it.

"Have you seen this place? There's a lot of diseases. Those rats you mentioned earlier? The ones you'd rather eat. They are riddled with disease. Whatever scratch and bite disease you speak of... that isn't of a concern here and now. You know, you are extremely paranoid and observant for someone who, again, came here on the whim of a bar wench you've never met. So let's just give it a rest...""

But before Clarity can finish speaking, you raise your gauntlet and turn your back to her, lowering your head as the answer rings loud, clear, and very much desperate. Something you are quick to relay to the woman as her face goes white as a sheet and her eyes widen in fear and later turn to solemn purpose as she heads out the door and urges you to follow outside into the rain while the other occupant can be heard calling out to her.

Already leaving? Let me get my gear and...

"No! I want you to stay here and watch over Vargas. He needs you now. I won't be gone for long...and I won't be alone. Need to pay a visit to Cordelia.""

WAIT! Did you just say Cor...

Clarity shuts the door hard and once out in the rain with you, she whistles for Larry to descend, quickly shaking his feathers and splashing both of you with even more rain water.

"That girl... why the hell would she end up with Cordelia of all people? Einkil, we are going to rescue my friend. You help me with that, and you will have an ally the likes you have never been graced with before. On my word as a kordite.

Cordelia is known as the Pack Leader of the Hungry Maw, who serve under one of The Mercy's worst- Asgrim, devourer of Men. They lair not far from here, in Camazotz Den. The locals here know better and avoid that place. Those who live there... they are cannibals and have lost all traces of humanity."

Clarity punches the wall beside the door as Larry gets closer to her and butt his feathered head against her shoulder.

"And Laura is trapped there! If she replied to you, that means she's alive. But I don't know for how long.""

Clarity is quick, despite her armor, to climb on Larry's back and stretches her hand to you as her familiar's eyes widen and you can hear him gulp.

"On foot, we will never get there on time. Take my hand and get on!"

2020-03-05, 05:00 AM
Of course there's be screaming mushrooms. Why not? Laura groans.

So running into something happened a little sooner than she'd hoped. At least Cordelia sounds far enough away that she probably only has the screams to go on, so getting out of sight immediately is critical.

Laura dives through an open window on the right. She needs to find somewhere to go to ground or she'll eventually blunder into something crippling, but this is much too close to the alarm. She withdraws deep into the building looking for a back exit.

2020-03-05, 04:01 PM
@Laura: Damn this place!

Remiel is dead. You have a psychotic witch chasing you in a forest of death filled with monsters and now...

Screaming mushrooms. Because why not?

Can’t allow them to give off your location to Cordelia. Need to find another route before the adrenaline running through your body expires. If that happens and you’re still in this place with no exit in sight...

No time to think about that. Escape is all that matters. And so, you dash right through a loosely boarded window, crashing inside as the shrieks continue outside and look around.

Vine wrapped columns dot this place. Because the entire are is in twilight and there is no artificial illumination, the interior is pitch black, but you can discern a staircase leading up.

The alternative is to brave through the building in sheer darkness.

Round 6

The shrieking has stopped outside... and Cordelia can be heard no more.



2020-03-05, 07:47 PM
"Better judgement and insight almost turned me into paste on a building by some woman with superhuman strength. I trusted the one who told me to go to the bar and speak with the gnome enough given she had saved my life here already not to doubt her." the dwarf says in explanation as to why he trusted the old gnome even though she was a complete stranger.

"He could have tried yes, as could have others before him. I doubt he liked his chances though, at least alone." the dwarf says suspecting that if Drakan wasn't alone and had friends he could have tried just that. "As for the god of retribution being worshiped back home I cannot say I have meet someone who has worshipped him, though thats not to say it is impossible. I believe he and Valkauna may have similar beliefs though. In truth most dwarves know their place in society and do not question it. Some seek vengeance, but few seek to openly rebel against the lawful government. We have never really had a king that would make us wish to." he says not able to think of a time in history dwarves had ever rebelled against their own rulers. "Then again we dwarves focus on the clan over the individual and look at the long term where as most humans I have meet focus on what is best for them, not saying all mind you." he adds looking to her and the tapestry as if to prove his point.

"As to a test of virtue and patience, I have seen few people who look like anything more then thieves and fewer buildings to house and protect those who would wish to make this place better. A people who cannot learn are doomed to simply be led by the person with the best offer as they cannot think for themselves. And to learn one must have a safe place to do so for the young. All I have seen so far is places to hide that are sound but not protected from the elements, and buildings boarded up with infected inside. Not ideal conditions if you ask me, so who are these people you say that wish to help others as I would be willing to make this place safer if it's true." Einkil says, after all if the district was safer it would be easier for him to do what he needed to do.

"If given a menu with two options you must pick one of the two. If there is a third option I have yet to hear it." Einkil says not disagreeing that rat wasn't the best thing on the menu but it wasn't the worst he could think of either. "I would offer to go get some if I end up living long enough, however from the looks of it they are no longer letting people cross from this side to the other." Einkil says a bit annoyed as it meant he would have to find another way out of the Mercy eventually. "That said I agree, and a fine dwarven alcohol made from mushrooms is just as good as any human one if made by the right hands. I was trained in one of the churches known for such ale." the dwarf says proudly, remembering the days he used to wake up to fermenting mushrooms.

"As a smith I have always found putting hammer to iron is a good way to relieve stress and find peace. I guess I could see why some people would like walking around trees, picking out what kind you want to make a bed out of and such." he says before raising his eyebrow about a story. "When we meet up with your friend I will remember to do so for a tale." he nods in agreement.

As the two make their way outside Einkil listens intently to the information he is told. "So your friend went to go see a cannibal? Lovely, good thing this armor is thick but just to be sure." he says adding a few spells to the armor to make it stronger. "Wait you want me to get on Larry? I'm with him on this, can he even carry...." however before he can even finish the statement he is hefted onto the hippogriff and holding on for dear life.

"Oh Moradin please don't let me die falling from this creature to the ground." he says in prayer hoping not to fall to his death.

MAgic Vestment +3 enhancement bonus to AC for 11 hours
Greater Magic Weapon +3 Enchanment bonus to Weapon attack and damage rolls for 11 hours

2020-03-05, 09:18 PM
@Einkil: Clarity raises an eyebrow upon your mentioning of past encounters with women here.

"A woman threw you against a wall? I am strong. Stronger than most at Kord's temple, but even I cannot throw people through walls. I guess that is something for you to find out sometime later. There are strong people in The Mercy, but none with this so called 'super human strength' you speak of.

None that I have had the chance to meet, at least.""

On the matter of Drakan's trustworthiness... none to be found there. A thief is a thief. The only reason he didn't mug you was because he didn't have numbers on his side. Besides, a man like him may be faster than you, but that toothpick he carries for a weapon wouldn't even leave a dent on your unbreakable armor, a second skin of raw solid stone.

On the matter of gods, you mention Valkauna, a lesser dwarven goddess. Not as relevant as the others in the Morndinsamman, but she does carry the role of an Oath Bearer. Maybe there's a smidge of similarity between her and Trithereon, but that's pushing the envelope a bit much.

"So dwarves know their place? They never strive to be more? No disrespect, it's just that I have never been to dwarf lands before. Halmathan is more of a dog eat dog kind of city. People want to rise above their status. No problem with that.

The issue is how you go about it. As for safe havens here? Can't say a lot of places are safe. There used to be one, but it's burnt down. The area around the Bitter Coffee- that's Nana's joint. It's relatively safe. It's a lot more crowded than deeper into The Mercy. Some factions actually help people so they don't go astray- free of charge.

But that's more of an exception than a hard and fast rule here. You wish to make this place safe? The Mercy? Heh... that's one tall order, dwarf. This place has been flooded with all manner of undesirables for over a decade. Connor's ban on those who practice The Craft has led many here... and they have their own plans for this place.

Those few that still hold some sort of ideal try to make this place a little better. Will we ever cleanse it completely? Let's be realistic here- not in our lifetime. But at least we can make it a little more tolerable and a lot more forgiving for those who end up having to live here.""

On the matter of a metaphorical menu, Clarity shrugs.

"Only got option A and B? You make option C. And as for mushroom liquor, can't say I have tried that and...

Wait, what? They aren't letting people back to Halmathan? That son of a bitch! I haven't been that close to the exit in awhile. Haven't had the need to. He can't keep everyone in here... *sigh*. Something for me to focus on later. After we have dealt with our jasidian problem.""

On the matter of finding peace and serenity, Clarity pats her own head.

"You find your center of calm while hammering an anvil? That would give me a massive headache. But to each their own, I suppose.""

But then things get a lot more serious when you let Clarity know Laura's current situation and even Larry agrees that you shouldn't be riding him, as the warrior of Kord helps you up with both hands.

"Damn, you are heavy. How much are you carrying there? Your entire forge in a bag? Larry, you okay?""

The hippogryph let's out an angry squawk while Clarity pats him on the head.

"That's my boy. Einkil, hold on to me and don't look down. Larry, we fly!""

The feathered fiend shakes all over and brushes off rain water from his body before you begin bouncing up and down as the beast takes a running start and you find your grip around Clarity getting tighter before the rain feels like ice daggers against your face and beard. It;s the feeling of weightlessness and the fact that your feet have left the safety of the earth itself as you open one eye for a faction of a second and watch the old farm house getting smaller and smaller below you before Clarity grunts as you hug on to her with all your might.

"I take it it's your first time? Don't be afraid, dwarf. I won't let you fall...""

It's a sudden descent that even causes Clarity to gasp before Larry resumes a somewhat steady altitude and you can swear the beast is laughing as Clarity holds on to the reins.

"It's just a wind pocket! Nothing to be alarmed about. Happens all the time with bad weather. Just don't let go of me, okay? As for Laura befriending a cannibal? Not likely. She's strong, but a bit naive. Someone like her alone in this place can be easily picked...

But we'll get her out. Cordelia is bad news, but she's not my main concern over there.""

Time literally flies past before You dare open an eye and watch Larry descend towards a tunnel as your vision adjusts to the dark and can see it's lined with moss. And before you exit the tunnel, you can already see an entirely new city covered in green. To call it a forest wouldn't be too much of a stretch, except there is no rain here.

It's covered in twilight.

Larry flies low to the ground and bumps you off unceremoniously at the tunnel's edge, an expression of utter relief on his face as the kordite checks her gear and points to the green urban sprawl.

"Camazotz Den. Not a place you ever want to come visit. I am already going to be risking a lot by going in there, so I need you to stay here. Larry is strong, but I can't carry three on his back.

I am going to go find Laura. Get her to ride with me and we're flying back here. There might be a chance I am going to be chased. That's where you come in:

I need you to secure this exit, you got it? The moment you see me fly past you or hear my voice, shut this entrance. Use your hammer if you have to.""

Clarity gives you a wink and her body and that of the flying beast become engulfed in a light golden nimbus as the sounds of a clock winding rapidly can be heard around her and she's off, much faster than before before getting lost in the twilight urban jungle.

And you are left alone. At the entrance to a twilight city filled with man eating monsters... what can possibly go wrong?

2020-03-05, 11:09 PM
"Picked up and threw me into it a few times before getting stabbed and letting me go, and honestly I don't think it's because she was hurt. More intrigued she got hurt from how she was looking at the wound." Einkil replies honestly, having no reason to lie about such a thing. "Take it from me you don't want to meet her, because if you do she survived a building being dropped on her and honestly I don't even want to see her then." the dwarf says, thinking about the amount of raw power needed to survive a building falling on top of you.

"When we are young we go through schooling, and most of us do find our profession, or what we are best at. A warrior who chooses to bake bread is still a warrior so why give up what you are good at? Just as a priest is always a priest even if he starts doing other things. People are who they are meant to be, they can either accept their roles or fight against them. Not to say a dwarf warrior doesn't want to be the best there is, just there are a lot less, adventurous types if you get what I mean." he says hoping his explanation would make sense. "I have gathered that about humans, elves seem to stick to their own weird traditions, but at least they have some rhyme to them. Humans though they see something they want and try to do it even if they physically cannot. Might be why many great wizards are humans though." he admits, after all it took an imagination to overcome the impossible and make it possible.

"You say you have like minded individuals do you not? And what are gangs besides like minded individuals who band together for a greater purpose? Just instead of harming people you would be helping them. Mining takes time, so to would cleaning up the Mercy if all the stories are true. And so what if it is not done in your lifetime, don't you want your children or grandchildren to live in a better world however then the one you had to?" he asks, an early thing taught to dwarves that the person must always think about what is best for the clan long term, even if it meant going against common practices.

"I can't say for certain, however the person at the checkpoint seemed very willing to let people in. However when I asked if I could come back he didn't want to answer the question, only insisted on if I was sure I wanted to enter." Einkil replies, letting her know it wasn't 100% accurate, just what he had observed. "And why does it matter what's going on out there if you are trying to make this place better? Will marching over their and making a scene really help or simply make things worse?" the dwarf points out suspecting if Clarity went their would be a lot less talking and a lot more fighting.

"When one can find the rhtym of the swing and the song of the iron being worked it can be quite relaxing. Taking apart the layers of an object to make it what it was meant to be all along. And the songs we have, oh great songs of hammer and steel, fire and blood." Einkil says, seeming a bit more energetic at even the thought. " I could be at my anvil for days trying to solve a problem or think of the correct solution to a puzzle. Hammering away the entire time, helps me think." he says seeming almost cheery at the idea of being at an anvil.

"My forge wouldn't fit in my bag, never mind the ancestral one I had to leave back home. I just have what was needed, armor, weapon, and shield. Nothing to fancy, if anything this is traveling light. You should have seen Motroumora Windaxe or Fisgrohilda Largesunder when they were ready for war. A true sight of beauty and fine dwarven craftsmanship." he said think of two of his mighty companions he was seeking here in the Mercy.

"Look down, why how high are we...." it is at that moment Larry takes off and Einkil holds on for dear life, praying to all the dwarven gods for saftey as the creature seems intent on shaking him off. This however only makes him wrap his arms around tighter to Clarity and close his eyes tighter as his hands begin to go numb between the icy daggers slamming into them and the blood trying to circulate to them through his iron tight death grip. "There's something worse then cannibals, well besides being this high up in the air."
he says looking down for a moment. "Oh Moradin save me, I think I'm going to be sick." Einkil says as he see show far away the ground is and thinks about letting go for a second to toss his lunch before instead leaning over slightly. "sorry to whoever down there." the dwarf calls out as he has his eyes closed tight once more.

As Larry descends and bumps him off Einkil goes rolling to the ground, stopping a few feet short of the cave exit. "Right so don't draw to much attention to myself and wall of this the moment I see you pass me, I think I can do that." he says looking from one side of the exit to the other trying to get an idea of how long it would be and if his spell could cover the entire exit in one casting or if he would simply have to try his best to block the most that he could. "Good luck with the cannibal's I'll stay right here till you get back." he says, waiting until her and Larry are off of the ground before he hides in the shadows of the tunnel, keeping an eye out for anything coming his way.

Hide [roll0]
Move Silently [roll1]
Spot [roll2]
Listen [roll3]

2020-03-06, 12:55 AM
@Einkil: Clarity rubs her chin at your comment on your assailant.

"If there is someone like the one you describe, I have yet to run into her. Good thing you gave me this warning: something else to look after when I patrol The Mercy... and she had a building dropped on her? Doubtful she is alive after that, Einkil. You'd have to be incredibly strong or not even human anymore to endure that.

As for your culture, I guess I'll have to visit your homeland one day and see for myself, won't I? Halmathan is big, but I can't stay here forever. A thought for another day. For now, we have work to do and keep these streets as clean as they can be.""

On the matter of getting everyone together, Clarity sighs.

"It's not that easy, Einkil. People here aren't like your clans. I mean, they are. In that they form gangs. Clans, at least in some form. Each gang has a different view on how to run The Mercy. Believe it or not, those who live here, want things to stay the same. They are glad Connor allows them to reign here without laws. Not everyone, of course. But a very big chunk. Not many here are trained scholars or people of virtue.

Many don't even know how to read. They are born here learning first how to thieve. Reading and writing a very distant second. Have these groups banded together for a common ground? Yes, once. Not too long ago. And once that issue was taken care of, they returned back to their ways. Besides, say you did manage to unite them... to what end? There's a wall that separates us from the rest of the City. The man in charge now would not allow them to cross. Calls everyone a murderer and a cutthroat of the worst kind...

And yes, I know you will side with him because of Drakan, but one lanky rogue and his club doesn't the entire of The Mercy make. There are good people here. But each one has a different way of running things. Best I can do is try to avoid as much bloodshed as possible... unless warranted. As is the case of why I had Laura come here.

Marching to the wall and making demands resulted in dead people last I heard. I won't go that route."

Once out in the rain, you reminisce about the days at The Forge, back in your home land. Now those were good times. You and your Galeb Duhr, clashing stone against fiery steel in the bowels of the earth, resonating amongst all the caves of the clans, creating Music the Mordinsamman themselves would dance to.

But such happy thoughts are long gone when you find yourself who knows how many feet up in the air, clutching to Clarity as if she were Life given flesh. Hope against the cruel winds of the hateful sky.

And as your breakfast flies out of your mouth below, a prayer to the poor fool who chanced to look up to the skies for inspiration of some sort.

It's with a loud clanky thud that you perform a poor barrel roll on the moss covered tunnel and Clarity lets you know of her rescue plan, assuring her you'll be as quiet as a mouse, and then off she goes into this twilight covered city with Larry...

So how long are they going to take? Although you aren't inside Camazotz Den, you are its very edge. Something about this place doesn't feel good. Forests are already checked on your list of places to avoid, but something about this place... it doesn't bode well as you look at the tunnel's circumference- big, but not that big. About twenty feet across. You should be able to wall it up once Clarity returns with her friend.

For now, best to remain hidden. Like a shadow in the Underdark. Unseen...unheard. And of course, your eyes and ears propped up to best pick up signs of any hostiles. Clarity mentioned cannibals. There is no way you're going to be someone's meal here.

And then, while you hunker down, an unseen master of stealth, a swarm of bats screech from above the tunnel and fly towards the twilight city, causing a mere annoyance to your impeccable focus.

Move Silently [roll0]

Hide [roll1]

If not detected by Einkil, flatfooted attack, tail sting [roll2] if it hits, [roll3] damage plus poison DC 15, initial and secondary damage 1 minute later is [roll4] Dexterity damage.

Whether struck or not, you turn around and grip your hammer as you come face to face with one ugly critter:


It's a foot taller than you. But the fact he's hunched over brings him more or less down to your size. Size is all you and it have in common with it, though. This thing looks like a bat, but if a bat and a human mated... that's most likely what you'd get. All manners of nasty as it screeches in your face and his tail whips excitedly back and forth behind him as his leathery wings, connected to his arms, flap inwards and outwards in a frenzy of joy:

It found its dinner. This gruesome thing must've flown in undetected when Clarity left your side. You don't have your men by your side. No sedge and her explosives. No Drakan- who would likely run away...and no Clarity.

Bat Creature [roll5]

2020-03-06, 01:31 AM
Davish stops his wandering when a women steps from the shadows and addresses him directly. Then she steps closer and alarm bells go off in his head. He takes as many steps back to create space between them should he need to react.

I do not like being stalked stranger. However, only a fool refuses aid when it is given in earnest. First, your name and profession if you would? then perhaps you could explain what you mean more clearly?

2020-03-06, 01:41 AM
@Davish: You were the one supposed to be doing the following, not the other way around.

You have heard for years that this place is not safe. Even more so now that the Wall of Separation exists. All manner of scum call this place home. And none of them with virtuous intentions.

And so, you quickly back step from the woman, who watches this and stops walking, staying several feet away as you ask a bunch of questions from her.

"Stalking? Is that what you perceive? And why so alarmed? You showed none of that when confronted by a man in full armor and chains. I am unarmed, and my profession? None. I am here to help. help those who might face danger in this most inhospitable place.""

The woman does not take another step closer, but smiles beneath her hood.

"Your focus and resolve seem to be changing by the expression on your face to something else. Why?

As for my name? You may call me Kara."

2020-03-06, 04:50 AM
Well Kara, caution is warranted until there is a reason to not be cautious. And I have yet to see any proof of others offering actual aid to those in this quarter, so you'll pardon my obvious disbelief towards that statement. Perhaps you are as you say, but if so, why sulk about in the shadows sneaking about, instead of simply walking in the light? How is one to seek out your "help" if they are unable to find you in the shadows. You say i need a guiding hand, what is it you would guide me towards I wonder?

2020-03-06, 05:04 AM
@Davish: Kara listens to your words and looks around the many alleys that make The Mercy.

“Impossible not to give the impression of sulking when this district is built the way it is. Whereas others have refused to grant you aid and been rude and threatening, you would question the one person who treats you the opposite?

There is little light due to the rain, in case you did not notice.”

Kara takes a single step towards you and tilts her head sideways, clearly examining you.

“There are few here willing to grant help. You have seen this firsthand, Davish. But every once in awhile, Fate favors the Lost.

Where can I guide you? You tell me where you are headed, and we can start from there.”

2020-03-06, 05:13 AM
It is in my nature to question things until i understand them. Perhaps you could show me to those that require some of this aid you speak of. Or those that know of those that require it. I have come to help, I just know not where to apply the bandage to begin the healing. On the way, perhaps you could fill me in on some of the news of the area, I have been away a long time.

2020-03-06, 06:46 AM
"I would advise going when we are not at war then, at the moment we are like a hive of bees that has had its nest kicked. Our nearest ally, the Jade empire has been attacked and we have leapt to their aid. It is why I came to Hamalthan with my companions, to help fund the war by getting gold and resources here to send back home. When the king was here that was easy, everyone always needed dwarven steel, even if only for a decorative piece. Now, few people see the need to spend money on such things and as such my work and skills go unused." he admits to Clarity as they stand around waiting for her friend to reply to the message he sent.

"And what happens when that hole in the wall is not their any longer as a source to go steal from? It has been how long since the fire, most resources have to be used up by now meaning the last of the stuff worth stealing is from the other side. When that is no longer an option they turn on each other and steal, this breeds content and distrust and weakens their clans as they go to war over slights. In the end what is left is a place derived of the living as everyone will have killed each other. Then the people on the other side of the wall will move in, when everyone is either dead or hungry, they will start destroying what can't be used and rebuilding slowly, always keeping a strong perimeter to keep out those they do not wish in. Thus the people of the Mercy will die." Einkil says, as if it were written in stone and if they continued on their path all that was left was for them to die. "The people of the Mercy may not want change, but if they want to survive and their families to carry on they need to change their ways. Their are enough things in this place from diseases to cutthroats that want to kill them, they shouldn't make it easier. If needed keep the gangs, but find a way to get them to at least sit down and talk. Call it a democracy where they decide together what is best, sure some will not agree at first. But when they see gang's working together and becoming stronger because of it and not stabbing each other in the back more will join, slowly but surely as everyone is always looking for the winning dog in this race and strength in numbers is normally the winning dog." Einkil explains to Clarity. They had a way to make the Mercy safer for all, so that one day perhaps people would not have to steal to survive while still using the tools they had at their disposal, all they needed was a few groups to take that leap and begin the cycle. "As for what to do after that, look outside, their is a farm, not a good one at the moment but given enough time who knows. Have people start making farms to grow their own food, and raising rats and other animals you can find here for a food source as well. It will be hard, however anything worth doing is always hard. But if you succeed you now have, food, clothing, and maybe even medicine." he explains, "Not bad for a dwarf thinking on his feet now is it? oh and mushrooms as they are easy to grow." he adds at the end knowing it might be a selling point for her.

While waiting inside the tunnel the happy gloomy old dwarf hides in the shadows, sneaking around to his eyes and ears as good as Drakan. All this however comes to an end as something shoots out of the darkness behind him as something scratches across his neck. "What in the bloody nine hells was that?" he says holding up his gauntled hand with his hammer in it to make sure the cut wasn't to deep. However as he did so an ugly bat like thing came into view. "Hey you know dwarves are not on the menu, to chewy, not good meat." the dwarf says raising his shield and allowing his sense's to expand into the darkness and make sure this was the only enemy around him.

Move action to use his tremorsense that only tells him if things are near him not pinpoint them
Fort DC 15 [roll0] +2 vs poisons due to being a dwarf
Initiative [roll1]

Einkil takes a total of 2 damage from the attack and has 45 points remaining on his Greater Iron Ward Diamond before it has been used for the day.

2020-03-06, 06:59 AM
Laura falters briefly as she comes up against the darkness, something she hasn't considered, halting her heedless sprint. Trying to think whilst also not letting go of the fury currently sustaining her injured frame is difficult.

Blundering on into the dark is a recipe for disaster. She'd blunder into something that could injure her beyond her ability to recover or cause a noise that would attract Cordelia.

Staying still also isn't an option. Though the darkness may help to conceal her position she's still too close to the alarm and Cordelia has already demonstrated her willingness to bombard potential hiding places, something Laura is confident she can't endure.

That leaves the stairs. Laura picks her way across the room and up to the next level, moving quietly and cautiously, keeping as much distance between herself and the vines as possible. She's officially reached the point of trusting nothing. Maybe there'll be a route to the back of the building on the upper floors. At least it ought to be difficult for someone outside to make anything out in the dark interior.

2020-03-06, 12:11 PM
@Davish: Kara doesn't seem much fazed by the rain, despite getting her rags drenched as she stands a few feet away from you and nods in appreciation.

"An inquisitive mind. It is rare to find those anywhere. There is no doubt you will reach some level of understanding. As for those who seek aid? Yes, I can get you to seek such people, if so driven you are to assist."

Kara walks closer to you and tilts her head sideways as she points towards one of the many alleys.

"Apply the bandage. Heal the wounded. A most noble cause. Follow me and you shall find yourself questioning no longer, Davish Battleborn.""

@Einkil: Maybe Clarity will see ways in a more dwarven manner.

These gangs... not too different from clans. All these people need is an Ollam to unite them. You are no Ollam yourself, but people like Clarity or Sedge could fill that role here.

Maybe once this problem is sorted out and you find your kin and discover their fates, it can be another task for you to assist in here... after you send your comrades' bodies back to your homeland and secure more resources to aid in the war, of course.

And once Clarity is gone, you attempt to emulate lanky Drakan and for a few minutes, it seems to work...

Until a sharp sting can be felt on the back of your head as your incredibly tough dwarven body resists obvious toxins left in the wound. Turning around to your assailant, you see that this thing isn't human- Clarity wasn't lying about the creatures that live here. as to what it is? a bat, like so many you have seen back home in the tunnels your clan calls a home.

But never one with the build of a man as it shrieks loudly in your face at your comment about being too chewy.

Round 1

This thing just throws itself at you. Clawing your face, trying to bite it...and using that dreaded stinger it has to strike you in your ribs.

Bite [roll0] if hit, Einkil takes [roll1] damage

1st Claw [roll2] if hit, Einkil takes [roll3] damage

2nd Claw [roll4] if hit, Einkil takes [roll5] damage

Tail Sting [roll6] if hit, Einkil takes [roll7] damage plus poison Fortitude DC 15 or take [roll8] Dexterity damage and the same damage 1 minute later as secondary.

Hits fast and a lot... but doesn't sting as much as it can. Should go down easily.

Bat Creature

2020-03-06, 12:28 PM
Thoughts on how to make this place more dwarven, and thus better, flow through Einkil's mind. So lost is he in fact that he doesn't notice the manbat thing until it has attacked him. "Hey we just meet, no teeth." Einkil says as he lifts his shield up in time to block the creatures attack, if only barely as it bites onto the edge of his shield pulling it to the side as one of its claws comes in scratching at his armor. However thanks to the crystal in his armor he avoids the deadly pain of the attack as he takes on a more cautious approach and bats the second claw attack away with his shield once more.

It's that damn tail however that once more slips by his defenses as Einkil goes to block where the attack is coming from, only for it to swiftly slip under his defense and strike at his knee. "Arrgh!!!" the dwarf roars back before he shuts his mouth remembering that he didn't want to draw attention to himself as he tries to resist the poison flowing through his blood, all the while lashing out with his hammer trying to strike the bloody bat down.

Fort Save DC 15 [roll0]

Fighting Defensively as a full round Action (-4 to attack, +2 dodge bonus to AC for 1 round)

Attack 1 [roll1] Damage [roll2] + [roll3] Fire damage

Attack 2 [roll4] Damage [roll5] + [roll6] fire damage

1 round later the creature takes an additional [roll7] fire damage if any of his two attacks hit( doesn't matter how many times he is hit still only 1d6

37 points left of DR before Greater Iron Ward Diamond stops working for the day

AC is 27 until next turn

2020-03-06, 12:52 PM
@Laura: Outside there's some light, but in here...

Even with a full moon outside this strange place, the interior of these buildings are pitch black. Without a way to see your way, you may trigger something unpleasant and definitely deadly.

Your adrenaline is still going, but it won't last forever, as you ascend the stairs and find the railing damp and mossy as your hand actually breaks a portion of the railing before ascending to the top and looking around.

It's a rooftop. Covered in vines like every building in this damn place. Either you go back downstairs, or you can try jumping to the adjacent buildings. The closest one is a mere fifteen foot jump across. Something you should definitely be able to make and...

And suddenly a swarm of dark emerald colored bats swarm you as they bite into you, but don't really deal any damage before flying away into the night sky and evaporating from existence.

(1d20+10)[20], Freedom of Movement is gone

You aren't hurt, but your body doesn't feel as fluid as before.

And it is then that a deep laughter- very different from Cordelia's- can be heard in the distance.

Round 7

That laughter hasn't ceased. And it keeps getting closer, but from which direction?

Cordelia makes no sound whatsoever. Can't catch sight of her either.


@Einkil: Don't make a sound. Try and bring it down as fast as possible.

A task easier said than done. Your armor is unbreakable. Even if this thing attacked you a thousand times, it would never be able to breach it. And to prove a point, you stand your ground, as form as the stone that birthed you and adopt a perfectly defensive stance while bashing the beast with your hammer.

The creature is nimble, though. As it ducks and weaves while your hammer trails some wisps of fair in its wake.

Round 2

The bat creature looks at the scratches on your armor but no blood. Something that infuriates it as it dives in, eager to remedy that.

Bite [roll0] if hit, Einkil takes [roll1] damage

1st Claw [roll2] if hit, Einkil takes [roll3] damage

2nd Claw [roll4] if hit, Einkil takes [roll5] damage

Tail Sting [roll6] if hit, Einkil takes [roll7] damage plus poison DC 15 of take [roll8] Dexterity damage

Yeah... he's not breaking your defense anytime soon. But you need to get on the offensive. Although you are trying to fight as quietly as possible, this thing screeches as loud as it can.

Bat Creature

2020-03-06, 01:23 PM
Gesturing for Kara to lead the way, Davish follows a few steps behind. If you'll lead, I shall follow, for now.

let's attempt a sense motive

and, i'll also try to see if kara steps around anything deliberately, and also do the same


Please,while we walk, some news of this quarter would be a welcome respite from the silence i've received so far.

2020-03-06, 02:20 PM
@Davish: Kara walks past you and you can see a smile draw beneath her hood as her tattered cloak brushes against your far more expensive and powerful gear.

This woman... she seems on the level. She hasn't demonstrated any hostility towards you. Her words sound genuine. For now, you got yourself a guide in this accursed place.

But still, best have her lead as you stay a few paces behind.

A broken roof gutter sprays a bunch of water on your shoulder as Kara keeps walking ahead of you through the dirty alleys of The Mercy, taking a turn here and there, avoiding contact with potential muggers as she addresses your questions.

"This district used to be Halmathan's biggest, Davish. Its most prosperous. Unfortunately, violence and chaos have shaped it into what it is now. A cesspool of brigands and outlaws. All vying for control when they themselves cannot even grasp such concept.""

Kara stops and looks to her right before taking another alley and waiting for you to follow.

"Thankfully, there is one who is willing to rectify all of it. An end to strife and struggle. No more quarrel. No more differences...""

The woman stops in her tracks and lowers her head for a few seconds in silence before quickly turning around to look at you and extending her right hand out.

"A safe haven isn't far from here, Davish Battleborn. You will find more answers there, but for now...

What you picked up in the cellar, please."

2020-03-06, 06:01 PM
Einkil follows the bat like creature in their dance, as each trades blows with the other trying to test the defenses of the other. "Not so easy to draw blood from the mountain now is it? Let me introduce you to another child of stone." the dwarf says as he swings with his Galeb Duhr warhammer, keeping his shield at the ready for any kind of counter attack.

+2 to AC, -4 to attack for 1 round

Attack 1 [roll0] Damage [roll1] + [roll2] fire damage
Attack 2 [roll3] Damage [roll4] + [roll5] Fire damage

If either attack hits the manbat takes [roll6] fire damage next round due to being burned by the fire
AC 27 until next turn
37 points left of DR before Greater Iron Ward Diamond stops working for the day

2020-03-06, 06:53 PM
@Einkil: This thing will not lay a single claw on you again.

Graund ignites in your hand and you strike at the beast twice, with this one dodging one of your heavier blows and then your bearded face draws a smile as you catch it unawares and bring the hammer home, nearly breaking his...jaw?

The hammer strikes. This surprises the creature very much so as flames from your weapon dance upon its body, but don't really cause a single singe. The blow from your hammer would've dislocated a man's jaw. Probably even killed him.

Not here, as the creature merely scratches the tiniest of bruises and screeches with unbridled anger at the top of its lungs.

Round 3

Like an unmovable mountain, you once again adopt a defensive position as the creature rubs his chin and feels the bruise again before grinning devilishly at you and flapping his wings, propelling himself back at least thirty feet and deeper into Camazotz Den, giving you a chance to punish him for his poor military tactics.

vs. The Bat Creature

He must've realized the futility of fighting you, a mighty smith of the City of...

Something's wrong with this thing.

The creature's gullet begins to expand and toxic green sigils surround his entire body and his eyes roll backwards as foam comes frothing from the sides of his mouth before he vomits a green spit that corrodes your entire armor and skin!

[roll0] acid damage, Reflex DC 17 for half damage.

The creature's eye return to normal as it screeches triumphantly and you can watch those green sigils not going away, causing this beast to glow in a manner most unnatural.

Bat Creature

2020-03-06, 07:41 PM
As the hammer connects with the manbat Einkil smiles as he sees victory going his way, no mortal he knew could survive such a hit. However when the creature seems surprised, but not really hurt by the blow, and the flames from his mighty hammer seem not to fave it the dwarf grows frustrated. Bloody thing why won't you just leave me alone, shoo. he thinks as the creature begins to fly away. Taking a swing at it for good measure to remind it not to come back the dwarf seems proud of himself, holding the line and such and begins to puff out his chest when he watches the creature turn back to look at him from in the sky and turn green. "By Moradin what is that thing doing?" he asks before he wishes he didn't. Lifting his shield to deflect the worst of the acid away from him he looks up at the flying bat annoyed. Damn thing was just taunting him now. Well two can play at that game. Hold still you flying turd. he thinks as he places his shield in front of him, lines up the shot and speaks the word errupt in terran as a stalagmite flies from his shield hurtling towards the bat trying to drop it out of the sky. With his attack done he takes a tactical retreat into the tunnel hoping that it would either lose intrest or have to come to him if he restricted its movement.

AoO [roll0] Damage [roll1] + [roll2] fire (on the off chance its not immune and I roll good)

Spined shield attack (Standard action) [roll3] Damage [roll4] piercing 1/3 remaining

HP 114/125
AC 25
37 points left of DR before Greater Iron Ward Diamond stops working for the day

Move action to move 20ft. deeper into the tunnel to try and block line of effect after firing the shield spine

2020-03-06, 09:14 PM
@Einkil: Out of all times, you needed this flying nuisance coming to pester you.

Your Hammer and its flames seem to have very little effect on this thing. What exactly is it, is something unknown to you at this time. And as you swing Graund, the bat like creature simply sneers in your face as it propels itself back and then discharges highly acidic vomit from its mouth as you take cover behind your mighty shield as you immediately turn a knob on the shield's interior and assume a kneeling position.

It's a quick utterance in terran as a single spike flies from the mouth etched on the shield's front and flies straight at the beast...

Only for this one to perform a somersault mid air and completely avoid your projectile.

No time to hang around. if it wants a fight, it will have to be on your terms as you retreat, shield raised and locking eyes on this glowing green bat winged menace.

Round 4

It's a loud screech from the beast as it flaps its wings once, then twice and thrice, propelling itself like a glowing vitriolic comet straight towards your face, fangs wide open.

[roll0] if it hit, Einkil takes [roll1] damage

Bat Creature


2020-03-06, 11:05 PM
"I'll give you this much you little devil, your very nimble. So how about a truce, you don't eat me I don't hit you?" the dwarf says trying to reason with the creature only to see it dive bomb at him. Trying to lift his shield back up into a defensive stance in time the creature is able to sink its fangs into his armor, a minor wound however if it kept this up he would be in trouble.

"I really didn't want to do this, but your leaving me with few choices here you know." the dwarf says as he stops fighting defensively and goes on the offense, trying to attack the creature now while it was low before it took off into the air again. He would have to time his strikes perfectly to avoid the beast.

Attack 1 [roll0] Damage [roll1] Fire [roll2]
Attack 2 [roll3] Damage [roll4] Fire [roll5]

If either attack hits the creature takes [roll6] fire damage next round

AC 25 for this turn as not fighting defensively
HP 109/125
32 points left of DR before Greater Iron Ward Diamond stops working for the day

2020-03-06, 11:26 PM
@Einkil: This thing is becoming more and more of an annoyance.

Your body and armor are tough, but this bat fiend has gotten a good bite on your shoulder, past your seemingly impenetrable shield. No time to wait for Clarity. Defense has to take a step down and give way to sheer offense.

And so Graund is once more brought to battle. The creature sidesteps at the last second but you have already studied its moves, bashing it in the stomach as flames surround the creature and its shrieks in pain. Good, but...

That green toxic color around him isn't only for show. The moment your hammer strikes, you hurt it, although not as much. Problem is, so are you as your impossibly heavy gauntlet begins to corrode with the acid that coats this beast.

[roll0] acid damage, no save

It is at that moment that his green aura disappears and the creature shrieks loudly in your face. An annoyance more than a real threat.

Round 5

The creature has been hurt. But so are you as acrid smoke trails off your hand and the beast flaps its wings and flies back thirty feet, allowing you for another chance to strike.

vs. The Bat Creature

And whether you strike it or not, this one twirls in mid air as those green sigils begin to appear all around its body, focusing on its face as they crate some sort of skeletal green face paint.

You watch its gullet engorge again as his eyes roll back and foam begins to roll from the sides of his mouth before it vomits yet another corrosive spit at you!

[roll1] acid damage. Reflex DC 17 for half

Like before, those green sigils remain on it, giving the beast a sickly green glow.

Bat Creature


2020-03-06, 11:42 PM
"I warned you this wouldn't be an easy meal. Wait what." the dwarf says as acid begins to burn into his gauntlet. Quickly flicking his wrist to get the acid off before it does to much damage the dwarf swings his hammer at the bats spine trying to break it before it can get away again as he has an idea what it is about to do next.

[roll0] 13 damage rolled in OOC

As it reaches the max height the ceiling of the tunnel will allow the dwarf raises his shield already knowing what is coming next as the acid sprays down onto his shield and he avoids most of the attack. If he was going to stop this creature he would have to level the playing field. And so kneeling in the muddy water the priest begins to pray. "Great soulforger hear the cry of thy servant. Send forth your holy hammer to smite down this enemy of your faithful follower. Let it not find retreat or mercy from your gaze." as he says this a ghostly hammer materializes on the side of the man bat's head and tries to slam into it's neck hoping to stop it from being able to use its acid attack.

Standard to cast spiritual weapon

Spiritual weapon materializes on the side of it and attacks [roll1] Damage [roll2]
AC 25
HP 87/125
32 points left of DR before Greater Iron Ward Diamond stops working for the day

With his prayer done the dwarf waits for the next attack he knows is about to come. If he could counter it, he would have the upper hand.

2020-03-07, 12:37 AM
@Einkil: The hell if you're going to end as lunch for this flying rat!

The hammer strikes the beast's spine as he flies away and then you watch his gullet begin to swell up again and brace for the worst, hiding behind your shield and adopting a tortoise formation as your brave shield takes the brunt of this corrosive spray and you watch your gauntlet having lost a small chunk of it and showing the flesh beneath.

Enough games.

You are not going to waste anymore time with this creature. Time for this foul being to know what it's like to face Divine Wrath!

Intoning a prayer to The Soul Forger, you cause a nimbus of sunlight to appear over head the creature, as it screeches in pain and tries to swat it away. This gives you enough distraction for a beautiful spectral hammer to descend from amongst the clouds as the portal closes and as the creature screeches in what can only be described as relief, its eyes widen in disbelief and pain as the blow from the Soul Forger's hammer wallops the creature to the ground, as it lands one one knee and places its claws on the back of its head, looking at black ichor.

It has been made to bled. More than any of your hammer strikes, doused in flame.

It may not speak your tongue, but as it whimpers and looks at the spiritual weapon floating above him and then at you, it snarls and screeches as loud as it can before it extends its leathery wings and darts off towards Camazotz Den, getting lost in the distant twilight.

Damn beast!

Who knows what would've happened if it stayed longer. Could you have bested it alone? Perhaps. Perhaps it knew it too and so, it chose to retreat. No point staying here any longer... where in the hell is Clarity and her friend?

@Laura: Okay... you don't feel as fluid anymore.

Where did those bats come from? They didn't look like any bats you have seen before. No matter, time to make a jump to the next building, might as well aim for one of the lower windows rather than the next rooftop. You should be able to make the jump. Just take a few steps back, bend your knees a bit and...

It is then that the entire building you stand on shakes as something massive lands several feet away from you- a great sword.

No great sword you have ever seen. This weapon is your size. Maybe a bit bigger. And it's covered in caked blood, but whose is it?

It's a gigantic shadow that raises a cloud of debris as the building sinks from the explosive landing by several feet as you manage your best to remain on the rooftop and as the smoke clears, you need to look up to see the owner of this weapon:


By Kord almighty... what the hell is this thing?!

A ten foot tall monstrosity with leathern wings and a hideous bat face. It wears a black breast plate covered in multiple scratches and blood stains. A wicked tail with a stinger whips behind him excitedly. It's body is built like a true warrior. No signs of weakness anywhere you can see. Like you, raw muscle as it grabs the great sword with one hand and raises it off the building while looking down at you and speaking in a bestial tone, given the nature of this place.

"Cordelia makes so much noise! She brings in two mortals for us to devour and yet, she can't catch one? I sensed a very powerful opponent around here...

What a disappointing catch. No matter. I was getting hungry already and...""

It is then that Cordelia herself rises behind the monstrosity and gulps as she bows to the creature.

"Lord Räum! I wasn't expecting you here! I was in pursuit of Laura and...""

Räum laughs loudly as he clutches the hilt of his blade with one claw.

"Laura! What a very human name. I hate these people. Humans. so weak and yet..ohhh... so delicious. To crunch a body lie hers with my fangs...hehehehhe...oh!

I saw the pack earlier- they have eaten the other one, leaving only bare bones. I don't eat bones. I prefer meat. And judging by you, Laura. You are the kind that fights to the end, don't you?""

Cordelia crosses her arms and retreats back, clearly outranked here. While Räum stands tall and proud, wings stretched and you can tell he has lowered his defenses, leaving himself exposed as he pats his hart with his claw.

"Strong warrior like yourself must have some pride. Unless you want to die now, eaten in seconds, prove your worth and strike me. I am open. Give me a good match and who knows:

I might let you leave with your life."

Cordelia chuckles beneath her mask and keeps her arms crossed, but how are you going to get out of this one?

2020-03-07, 04:10 AM
Kara, Prove ownership of the item, and it shall be yours, otherwise I must keep it to return it to it's proper place

with that, Davish sets himself for whatever may happen next, ready as always for what comes. He has made his choice, and having done so, is at peace with himself in this moment.

2020-03-07, 05:53 AM
@Davish: Kara lowers her head as you deny her request and remains perfectly still under the falling rain as you proclaim that it will be returned to its rightful owner and go a separate route.

And you have taken a mere steps when a grey and red blur appears before you and Kara pops right in your face. Immediately her hand reaches for your neck and in a split second, you find yourself being lifted off the ground effortlessly by this woman, who looks up at you through her hood and her expression goes grim.

"The fact you have stated that there is something is enough to prove you did in fact pilfer, Davish. This needn't get bloody. Give it to me and you walk out of this.""

How did she move so fast? And that grip of hers... it's like a damn vise! But what to do?

Roll a grapple check and initiative

2020-03-07, 06:38 AM
@Nuramon: Despite the inclement rain, you feel no need to carry an umbrella as you sit on one of the benches at the Rashema's Marina Pier.

The amount of ships, big and small, line the pier as sailors from all over the world dock in and unload goods from around the globe. To be expected- Halmathan has one of the biggest ports and the one with the most traffic when it comes to trade. Even with the New regime in place and his Majesty gone, the church of Muquol has managed to keep business flowing.

The Lighthouse of Fharlanghn, once the hub of the followers of the walker in the Horizon, has been seized by the City. With no religious figure to claim authority over it, His Holiness decided to evict any remaining followers of your god and appropriated the place for the City... which is a way to say, for himself.

Unlike the Olidammarans, Connor did not send your people to jail. He never really had any interest in the workings of the Fharlanghnites and they never have messed in his affairs. Still, it's a very nice lighthouse and from what you have heard, he enjoys making people's life miserable. So, those who practice your faith did what they do best- they moved on.

Where did they go? Good question. The followers of the Walker on the Horizon are said to be nomadic in nature, as per your god's dogma. Be it traveling known paths or discovering new ones, they are always on the road.

Without a home for yourself, your friend and mentor with the blade, Julius, has been kind enough to let you use a room in his house. The man isn't rich, but he wouldn't let a good friend like you starve on the streets.

As you watch the ships dock, you try to catch sight of any bearing your countries flag. The Battle of Kurkuma Hills may be over, but that was the last time you were on your homeland. Across the world, far from here.

The shiny deserts of the Sea of Sands. A land blessed with bounty, riches and beauty Halmathan could only aspire to have... or at least it was until a few years ago.

War has broken in your land. As a result, many have migrated here, escaping the horrors of this conflict. The City opened its arms wide to the refugees and many have made lives of their own here. In fact, rumor has it that one of the royal family back home made it here. You have yet to meet this person. Who knows if he or she would even know who you are. They say this noble may be the last in the Royal Family of the Jade Empire and is now being tended to in Halmathan's Royal palace, no less. Fitting for someone of such station.

But that isn't the reason for you to be seated at the pier this morning.

Julius was cryptic regarding this before he went to punch his card at the City Guard:

Someone very important will meet you at Rashema's. Sit by the fourth bench closest to the Lighthouse and wait...

He would disclose no more and the man was in a hurry. And while those damn Eyes in the Sky spout their morning nonsense for the entire City to hear, extolling the virtues of His Holiness and how practitioners of magic are nothing more than devil worshippers, you find a white seagull land a few feet from.

Followed by another. And then another...and another.

The sea birds remain quiet and you feel a light presence sitting next to you as your eyes widen at who it is:


Impossible... she went missing over a year ago. But the clothes. The eyes. the fact she only wears a single sandal...

Lady Ravenna The Walker, High Priestess of Fharlanghn and one of the Grand Eight in Halmathan.

The woman takes in the maritime air and gives you a warm smile.

"Please do not say my name, boy. Your reaction is enough. How are things doing in my beautiful and yet torn City?"

2020-03-07, 06:38 AM




2020-03-07, 06:50 AM
@Davish: Where is this woman getting this strength?

Try as you might. For all your strength and training. You might as well be trying to alter the tides with both hands tied behind your back. An impossible endeavor.

Kara remains silent and watches you struggle, tilting her head sideways.

Round 1

"Perhaps you need an incentive, Davish Battleborn...""

Kara grips you tighter by the neck, nearly crushing your windpipe and runs at incredible speeds through an old building, using you as a battering ram. The concrete and rebar give way as your body is put to the test and against a massive load bearing column, Kara embeds your entire frame, causing debris to fall around and copious amounts of dust to fall on your head.

"Last chance, Davish. I do not wish to end you, but your focus is misguided. Relieve yourself of such burden and live to see another day."


2020-03-07, 09:05 AM
There were no objections in principle: Looking out to sea was one of Nuramon's favorite pastimes. Sitting there and watching the waves, doing nothing, switching off - he could enjoy this.
But he hated to wait. Waiting and then not even knowing what for. Julius, the old sourpuss, was once again short-tempered.

"Sit by the fourth bench closest to the Lighthouse and wait"

Nuramon preferred the sixth bank, which was in the shade for a longer time and you could see the incoming ships a little earlier.

He did as he was told. And now he was sitting here, looking out at the sea and could not let his mind go. Unusual, unpleasant.

But suddenly a seagull landed beside him
"Greetings, Seagull! Where are you going? Sorry I didn't bring you any bread.
Oh, another one? Three, four... what?"

And then SHE sat there. He had heard many stories about her, a few paintings with her, he had seen (which is why he recognized her now), but never before face to face.

When she was not yet considered to be gone and he visited the lighthouse again, she was always too busy to receive him, or even on the road herself.

And now she was sitting next to him. It had to be her. Her typical appearance, these clothes, the single sandal - it had to be her.

And just to be sure, he was about to ask if it was her, with all her titles, when she interrupted him and asked him to let that be exactly that.

"How things are doing, you ask?"
His eyes and ears were everywhere. He knew that direct criticism of him was a death sentence. And he didn't want to endanger them with his statements.
"Well, it's raining," he pretended it was bothering him. "The big dark clouds there, annoying". He didn't mean the clouds...
"When you abandon a house, it doesn't take long for the cockroaches to move in." He didn't mean real cockroaches either.

He was a little hesitant. "What do you want from me?" Such a salutation to her? That's just not done. Disrespecting her like that. Yet it was part of the disguise. He hoped she could forgive him.

2020-03-07, 10:35 AM
As the manbat flies away Einkil grins, he had been worried for a few seconds, however with his god by his side he knew he could not fail. "Thank you Moradin for helping me your faithful servant drive back the servants of chaos and evil. Now please let your weapon guard my back as I prepare to close part of this portal."

With the immediate threat gone, Einkil looks to Graund. "Thank you friend for your aid, for a second there I was starting to get worried." the dwarf says before intoning a soft prayer and channeling one of his lesser spells into one of a more curative nature.

Turning Ebon eyes into Cure Light wounds [roll0] hp gained. Not much but I'm being cautious at the moment still.

New total 94/125hp

2020-03-07, 11:29 AM
Davish is wholly unaccustomed to being manhandled in such a thorough manner, and it takes the pounding of several retaining walls, and a beam or two to get past his initial shock at it. Amidst the blizzard of dust and dirt swirling through the air, a decision is made. When the charge is finally done, and Kara has spoken, Davish taps his foot upon the ground and instantly appears 10 ft away. He makes no move to draw Nirvana, even though it would spring to his hand with but a thought to do so. Instead, he holds his hand up instead.

Peace Kara, a moment to catch my breath please. The first thing I took was knowledge of this symbol, which was drawn repeatedly upon the walls. At this, Davish bends down and places his fingers upon the newly fallen dust and drags out 4 marks, crossed by a fifth.

The second, a diary of sorts, and a confession. yet it is addressed to whomever should find it, and therefor was not stealing nor pilfering, for I am not a thief. I believe it was the author's intent for it to be taken, and perhaps for a series of wrongs to be set aright. Without knowing your intent, I couldn't in good conscious just hand it over. If you are determined to take it by force, as you have shown, I must be equally determined to stop you. It may be the death of me, but a Man has his Duty. I see no problem sharing this information with you, but the book must remain with me for the time being, now, what say you?

2020-03-07, 11:34 AM
Laura tries to master her confusion as she steps out onto the vine choked roof hundreds of feet in the air! How long have I been climbing?! A moment of distraction is all it takes for disaster to befall, as a swarm of magical bats descend on her as if from nowhere, stripping away the magic freedom given by Remiel at so high a price. Laughter soon follows, and this can only mean discovery.

Desperately Laura paces the roof looking for an escape. The nearby roofs offer no cover... There! Windows on a lower level! But just as she steels herself for the leap the building shakes with an almighty crash signalling the arrival of an enormous monster! She raises her axe defensively and grits her teeth.

"Don't be too hard on Cordelia," Laura grinds out, only barely suppressing the rage burns within her even more brightly at getting caught so easily. "It was a good ambush and she tried her best. Or you know, eat her for her failure. I'd be cool with that."

This is basically an impossible situation. Could she jump to another building? Yes, absolutely. But she'd almost certainly be followed by a spell she couldn't dodge. Laura fully believes that if she tries to escape she'll be eaten. And there's no possible way she can win a fight against two opponents this strong.

"I'd rather live to fight another day! I'm at the end of my strength and can hardly stand against you both. But I can't get away either." She sighs, glancing down to the street hundreds of feet below. A couple of pebbles dislodged by her footing tumble into the void. Better to die than be killed? She contemplates throwing herself off just to spite her tormentors, but the rage in her rebels. Her grip on her axe tightens and she settles into a combat stance.

"So I have no choice! If you want a proper fight you'll just have to let me live!"

Springing forward Laura crosses the distance to Raum in a moment, her guard completely open as she focuses entirely on putting maximum power behind her swings.

Heedless charge + Pounce
Attack [roll0] BaB +11, STR +10, Enhancement +3, -1 NL, +2 Charge
Damage: [roll1] STR +15, Power Attack +22, Enhancement +3

Attack [roll2] BaB +6, STR +10, Enhancement +3, -1 NL, +2 Charge
Damage: [roll3] STR +15, Power Attack +22, Enhancement +3

Attack [roll4] BaB +1, STR +10, Enhancement +3, -1 NL, +2 Charge
Damage: [roll5] STR +15, Power Attack +22, Enhancement +3

AC penalty-11

Her best effort completed, Laura stands defiantly to await her fate. There's no point defending. If Raum decides he wants her dead then that's it.

2020-03-07, 03:43 PM
@Einkil: Finally, it is gone...

As long as you faith never wavers, you should have nothing to fear. The creature left you a few wounds, but nothing really to be concerned about- he looked a lot more shaken than you, hence his retreat.

Still, best to patch yourself a bit should it be foolish enough to return. But where is that kordite?

@Laura: Where did those bats come from?

And how did you get to the rooftop so fast? have you been running wildly in the dark to miss so many beats? No matter, a well placed jump will get you to the next building. You have made leaps like this before, it shouldn't be too...


And then that gigantic monster, Räum, lands on the rooftop with you. An imposing and terrifying beast, it speaks rather well in the language of Men, although who knows how many it had to eat to learn it, given what he's saying.

Can an enemy like this even be killed? Only one way to find out as Cordelia makes her appearance and you invite the idea of having her eaten for failing to catch you, just like she did with noble Remiel.

Cordelia is taken aback and you can see her eyes widen with rage ...and no small amount of fear.

"How dare you! Insolent brat! You have ran through our home long enough. Be thankful Lord Räum is such a...hehehhehehehee ... forgiving soul!""

Well, this is it. You could jump off the building's edge. Crash your body below and deny these monsters their hunt. You could lay down your axe and kneel, accepting your fate to be devoured by this beast...

But as Räum watches you below him, you grip the axe with both hands and feel Kord's Wrath course through your veins. A stampede with a destructive force that may very well rival this creature's arrival to the scene as Cordelia watches with shock, grateful to be aloft and Räum keeps his defenses lowered as his eyes keen on you.

Why isn't he protecting himself? Even you know it is unwise to face a challenger with your strength like this. It's like he's actually begging for you to rush him.

No. Not begging...


This thing is big. Bigger than you. Too late to process the intricacies of combat as Räum's claw comes at you lightning fast and impales you, before smacking you on the ground face down and lifting you up, all in the blink of an eye.

(1d20+24)[44] if hit, Laura takes (1d8+12)[19] and if also grapple check (1d20+28)[46]

Critical damage, since the attack confirmed: 31 damage to Laura

The strength this monster has is unlike any you have ever seen! Maybe he even surpasses Bhagazzin on that regard alone as your entire body feels crushed and defeated as Cordelia casually hovers close to you and Räum breathes a gout of hot air from his nostrils straight to your face.

"Humans are just that, Cordelia. Weak and predictable. She actually thought I would give her a fair fight? Hahahahahahahaa!""

Strength waning. Surge of adrenaline quickly fading away... you lift your gaze and look at Räum directly in the eyes while Cordelia flies next to you and points her gloved finger in your direction, an ember orb beginning to take shape.

"Well, Laura, it's been a blast. Be sure to let Remiel know in the after life that he tasted... mildly well. Three out of five stars. Would recommend.""

Räum begins to laugh as the ember increases in size, with Cordelia clearly taking as much joy in this as the monster and that's when a voice can be heard close by amidst the twilight. One you haven't heard in a while:

You guys ought to know better about us- we are anything BUT weak and predictable.

And since you asked for someone to hit you, who am I to refuse?

Räum's eyes widen in pain as a golden glow, not unlike Dawn itself encompasses the rooftop, causing Cordelia to avert her eyes before a torrent of blood gushes forth, but not from you, but Räum.

Someone cut him from the abdomen all the way to his clavicle, a deep gash imbued with sunlight itself as the vague shape of a warrior can be seen behind the strike, as a bigger shape with wings bashes Räum squarely in the chest, causing the beast to lose his balance and roar in pain and anger as his grip on you loosens and you drop on the floor, covered in blood from head to toe before watching Räum loses his balance and swats Cordelia as she spirals towards the streets below, cursing at you and their attacker before her explosion goes off on her and Räum rather than you as both collapse and crash and are seen no more.

It is only as the light dissipates and the warrior lands on the rooftop beside you that you get a better look at your savior:


"Are you happy to see me... or are you happy to see me? Laura...""

Clarity made it! She doesn't look well. battered, but not as much as you. Her loyal mount Larry seems dizzy after that attack while the holy warrior of Kord dismounts and kneels before you, caressing your bloodied face.

"Let's try not to meet in man eating caves next time, how's that? Here, I think you need this more than I."

It's a warm soothing touch that brings you back to somewhat of a fighting condition and although not fully patched, at least you aren't as battered as before.

10 HP healed

Clarity brushes your hair and helps you back on your feet and looks around the place you both are and gives you a wink and a smile.

"Well, how's life treating you? I'm just, you know... surviving.""

2020-03-07, 05:34 PM
In the brief moment before Raum plucks her out of the air Laura realises she should have known. Her face slams into the roof as the breath is driven from her, every bone screaming in agony. She could just give in; succumb to the inevitable. Yet some inner strength is not yet exhausted! Willing her protesting lungs to drag in one more breath even as Raum drags her upright for the finishing blow. Somehow she's managed to keep hold of her axe, but she has no leverage.

No! I will not die! I will not die!!

She beats a free arm against Raum's immobile wall of muscle. She becomes aware of the glowing orb forming at the end of Cordelia's glove.

"Well, Laura, it's been a blast. Be sure to let Remiel know in the after life that he tasted... mildly well. Three out of five stars. Would recommend."

Laura kicks weakly. It has no effect. "S... Screw... You!" she chokes.

You guys ought to know better about us- we are anything BUT weak and predictable. And since you asked for someone to hit you, who am I to refuse?

The voice of an angel! The ground rises up to meet her. Raum must have lost his grip. Painfully Laura levers herself back to her knees, to the most fantastic view in The Mercy.

"Are you happy to see me... or are you happy to see me? Laura..."

Laura smiles up at her saviour. "You are the most beautiful sight I've ever seen," she says sincerely, shivering as Clarity touches her face and her wounds close. Laura leans into Clarity's hand briefly as she brushes her hair out of her face. She lets herself be helped to her feet, but even so she can barely stand.

"Hey bud," she greets Larry, patting him half affectionately and half-deliriously.

"Well, how's life treating you? I'm just, you know... surviving."

This makes Laura laugh. She looks down at her battered body, and then at Clarity's. Wonderful Clarity, whom she'd come all this way to find. Who'd found her. The spark of her rage gutters and dies. Everything goes fuzzy as she collapses into Clarity's arms.

2020-03-07, 07:27 PM
@Nuramon: Of all the people you would meet here, Lady Ravenna would certainly be the very last.

The Sandaled Walker of Fharlanghn is, among the Grand Eight Leaders of Halmathan the one people know the least about. Even among the other Church leaders, she is somewhat of a mystery. Practicing the tenets of her god, Ravenna is the least likely to be found in her temple... or even in Halmathan as a whole.

Ravenna, like any faithful of the Walker in the Horizon, travels. And she travels often. Where she goes? Nobody knows. What is known is that she always returns to the Light House. Or at least did... until a year ago.

Who knows what bad blood resulted between her and Connor, but Lady Ravenna simply ceased to be seen in the City altogether. And yet, here she is, seated right next to you as she takes in the port air and looks at the Light House several feet away.

"A building does not a Home make. And yes, the rain is some many degrees of awful, isn't it? It's those thick grey clouds- won't let the sun shine through. Not for awhile, at least.""

Ravenna takes out a soggy piece of bread and tears it apart, tossing it to the gulls nearby who greedily eat it up.

"Halmathan's Rightful ruler must be brought back. Were this not to happen, the balance that holds this dear City and possibly more will be spun into ruin. Puppets and puppeteers, all of them. They each believe to pull the strings.

A mind who showed promise now promises naught but Despair and Loss...""

Ravenna goes quiet for a few seconds while the gulls finish eating the bread crumbs and pats your hand.

"The lighthouse is empty, but we are all its beacons. And we must shed light to things covered for way too long, in paths were others fear to tread. I have a request for you, Nuramon:

Find the old scribe from the days when the written word in Halmathan held weight. A man by the name of Corwin Knell. He now resides with the Mask of Light & Shadow in the forgotten Mercy. Find this man and we might still have a chance to save not only this land, but others beyond.""

Ravenna remains quiet for almost a minute as the gulls finish eating the soggy bread and all of them squawk and take flight as a large wave not too far from you washes above a bunch of burly sailors, sending their crates overboard as the men blame each other and haul ropes to bring the cargo back onto the pier, causing The Sandaled Walker to get up from the bench.

"It would appear my time here is up. I wish you safe and bountiful travels, boy. And one final piece of advice:

Fear the False Queen and Pity the Foolish Zealot.""

Having said that, Ravenna walks into the heavy crowd in the pier and disappears amongst them.

@Davish: The hell?

Where is Kara drawing strength from? You would need at least three different items upon you to accomplish such a feat. She carries nothing but rags. But if she believes she's got ahold of you, she is mistaken.

Kara looks at the column with a semi perfect indentation of your body and merely turns her head slightly behind as you disappear from her grasp in blue arcane flames, asking for a breather as you explain to her the symbols you found in the cellar, drawing them upon the ground.

"Those are days, Davish. Typically marks left by prisoners to count their sentence. Days, months...years. You found a diary and a confession... that is all?""

Kara goes silent for a few seconds and lowers her hood before she raises her head again and takes a step closer towards you.

"You cannot stop me, Davish. Nothing you can muster can, you pathetic little...""

Kara holds her face and she seems to struggle before she takes a knee and points towards an alley and people, shuddering all over.

"Run, Battleborn... run as fast as you can!""

@Laura: Well, it was a good run...

Bastard tricked you into charging him, but he's not as strong, despite holding you up like a rag doll in his hand. Were you in better shape... had you others for back up.

And it is then that in a golden flash, your prayers are answered as Räum is cut by an unseen force and topples off the building to his death, dragging Cordelia with him as you collapse on the rooftop and barely manage to see your savior.

Clarity Clemens. A more accurate depiction of an Angel could not exist as she fixes your hair and bestows a sliver of her power into healing your wounds. Larry shakes his head after being dizzy from ramming into Räum and bows respectfully to you before Claritry;s face is the last thing you see and can hear:

My sleeping beauty. Larry, I believe it's time we...

What follows as you open your eyes is exactly what you deserve after so many hardships.

Bereft from your trappings, you wear a beautiful long white tunic, as does Clarity, while both ride Larry, adorned with a golden wreath as you fly over beautiful red, purple and white hills, as patches of untamed woodlands greet you below and the sun slowly set in the horizon.

A multitude of fireflies rise to the occasion and burst in all manner of awe inspiring colors around the three of you, granting gthis one moment the beauty and reverence it so much deserves.

Chirping birds sing in unison and escort all three as Larry sings along with them and Clarity nods as you partake in a dance with them, traveling along the clouds as light as a feather. All the while Clarity laughs, you laugh. Everyone's laughing.

Everything's fine with the world.

@Einkil: Pacing back and forth, you might as well end up digging a tunnel back home with your boots.

It is then that your dwarven eyes, far better adjusted to the dark, catch sight of...Clarity?

Not only her, but the the twilight skies of this place light up as a multitude of fireballs go off around the kordite, who struggles to maintain altitude with Larry as a bunch of grotesque looking creatures- gangly in appearance, latch on to the hippogriff and this one has to bash into buildings to shake them off.

A few wrestle on top of Larry and try to take someone Clarity has brought with her- looks like some bloody body bag, but Clarity isn't about to give up before she punches one and elbows the other, causing the beasts to fall of her mount.

Beyond the tunnel, you can see dozens if not hundreds of more of those gangly creatures coming out of the old buildings and leaping from one to the other, trying to jump onto Larry, who looks far more beaten than when you first met him at the farm house.

But none of those are the worst, as a gigantic man bat crushes a building with ease and uses a few others as a spring board while it flaps his wings to gain altitude and catch on to the Kordite, causing Larry to flap his wings harder as Clarity points at the tunnel and catches sight of you, while holding the body bag with her other hand.

"Einkil! Shu..... goddammit! GET OFF!""

It's one of the gangly creatures that jumps onto Clarity and with a head butt the kordite sends the creature screaming down towards the streets, trampled by his hungry brethren, who care only about getting them.

Larry screeches loudly and dive bombs towards the tunnel as Clarity, the body bag and the feathered beast dash past you and the Kordite aims at the tunnel, where you can see the horse of creatures and the very big one roaring and flying, leaping and running towards you.

"Shut it! Shut the damn hole!!!"

2020-03-07, 10:14 PM
The first few minutes after the bat had left him alone were not to bad, it allowed Einkil time to study the tunnel and look for the weak points that were load bearing. He used this time to shape the stonework and weaken a section of the wall to collapse if to much force hit it. This way if his own stone wall failed to stop what was coming through the tunnel collapsing in part should.

Basically taking 20 as he has all the time in the world and search with his stonecunning to find the weakpoint/load bearing part of the tunnel and using stone shape to weaken it just enough that if some kind of force hits the walls it will shake out the small amount still holding it together causing a domino effect. Doubt it will collapse the whole tunnel, but it should buy time after they breach through/during them breaking through the wall of stone he is going to set up to block the exit.

Basically if a creature tries to break the wall of stone its going to hit it with a lot of force, that force causes vibrations which knock the one piece holding the tunnel opening up or something similar which causes it to collapse partially. Not a perfect plan but its what he has on short term notice.

The next five however were very tense as more then once he thought about just walling up the place and leaving. Surely it would not take this long to fly around looking for someone. However as it approaches the ten minute mark Einkil is greeted with an amazing sight, Clarity was finally on her way back. Everything however changed the moment he saw all the friends she was bringing with her. "What the bloody hell does she think she's doing?" the dwarf says as he stands at the ready to create the wall and stop the hoard from passing once she flies past. That's when he sees another one of those bat's, just larger and gulps. "**** looks like the little guy had friends." Einkil swears as he waits for a split second before Clarity is about to pass through the opening of the tunnel as he begins intoning the spell. The moment she passes through the tunnel a wall of pure stone is rising up out of the ground and sealing off the hoard of monsters from them. However this does not stop the dwarf as he begins running, "Get moving Clarity, let's just say while you were making friends I was busy rigging the place to fall down if they try and break through the wall." he says moving as fast as his dwarven legs will carry him.

Using Wall of stone, and assuming it is a 20ft wide opening 10ft high. If so he can make it an 8 inch thick wall of stone blocking the entrance to the tunnel and the hoard from getting to them.