View Full Version : Genie in a bottle

2020-01-14, 06:31 PM
So the new Genie Warlock has an interesting 1st level power.

While you are tethered to a creature, you gain the following benefits:• You gain a bonus to your Wisdom (Perception) checks equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of +1).
• When you can cast a spell, you can deliver the spell from your space or the bound creature’s space.

Now the second aspect got me thinking at 1st level you can tether to a team mate, and then start casting Swordburst or Thunderclap at the team mates location. Thus safely standing at the back and blowing all the enemies up around your strong powerful meatshield. How these are not touch spells they can be any spell you know.

As your level you could take pact of the chain, and then have your invisible imp deliver the spells.
What other combinations can you think of, what other ways can this be used?

2020-01-14, 06:47 PM
Considering it's a 1st level ability, you could combine it with a Evoker's Sculpt Spells and things like Lightening Bolt to clear the area. Beyond muliclassing, there aren't a ton of great uses for this beyond the obvious (getting around cover, extending range by a bit, etc.) It has a physical description so there isn't a lot of roleplay potential (unless you're trying to pull one over on some extremely stupid people). Is there an ability anywhere that allows you to deflect spell attacks (like Deflect Missiles but for magic)?