View Full Version : (IC) Final Emblem: Dawn of Fate 1

2020-01-16, 06:46 PM
The first in-character thread of Final Emblem: Dawn of Fate.

The world of Fate started as many worlds of life do, as a rock, gathering mass. Eventually, it's molten hot exterior began to cool and the primordial waters came rushing in. A universal energy flowed through the rock which became a planet and she opened her eyes as her life truly began. She was Sothis and she lived alone in the void of space. Others like her lived too far and a lifeless rock was all she had within her orbit. So she made the dragons, strong and powerful people that knew and loved her.

It was this way for a long time, but in the void, Sothis could sense a negative life force, distant but present. In a hole of space came an ark. Refugees from another world. The dragons and Sothis welcomed these varied people. The dragons made room for the new people who commanded powerful magics. The new people settled, began to change, and weaken in magic. A group stayed together in order to preserve their original culture and biology. Those became known as the Ancients. The other people became Hume, Roegadyn, Veira, Seeq, Moogles, Burmecian, Varg, and many other forms. Each forming a new identity. The people would give Sothis a different name, Fate, and they all lived in peace. Until war was discovered.

History forgets exactly why, but the Ancients and the Dragons went to war. The line was drawn and the peoples of Fate were forced to pick a side. The Ancient War devastated both sides to near extinction but ended as both sides lost the ability to keep up. The peoples of Fate decided on peace without the Ancients or Dragons. And thus began the new age.

The world of Fate, year 1012 ARC.
An uprising lead by Nemesis, King of Liberation, violently cut through the continent of Fódlan, leading to the divine heroine, Seiros, defeating him in single combat on Tailtean Plains. Seiros aided by the Ten Elites and Four Saints brought peace to the land and the people formed a church in their honor with Sothis as its creation goddess.

The world of Fate, year 2007 ARC

A world teeming with life and culture, but a world marred by conflict. A world where magic and technology exist side-by-side. Various races and cultures thrive across several lands, but monsters claim the wilds. Espers are personifications of the various elements and aspects of natural. They dwell in the depths of the forests, oceans, and mountains.

Mako is the lifestream of the planet that keeps the land alive. The Junon continent, the Shinra Electric Company drains Mako from the earth for profit. Eco-terrorists, AVALANCHE, fight against Shinra's expansion in the Coral continent and continued pollution.

On the continent of Fódlan, the Adrestian Empire seeks to spread ceaselessly using their Magitek. Holy Kingdom of Faerghus and The Leicester Alliance hold back the Empire while serving the Church of Seiros and their own interests.

East of Fódlan is the Nohr-Hoshido continent, where warring kingdoms, Nohr and Hoshido rally neighboring countries fight against the other.

West of Fódlan is Firago-Doma continent, where the Adrestian Empire conquered. Rebel kingdoms fight to reclaim their independence.

Garden dispatches mercenaries around the world to fight for whoever is paying from the island of Balamb.

In all of this, you are a band of small-time mercenaries, this era's version of the adventurer. You and your captain are climbing the ominous Mt. Nibel from Rocket Town to Nibelheim to meet back up with the rest of your company.

April 7, 17:24

A brawny man in field plate mail with a shield and lance on his back. A head of dirty blonde hair and a trimmed beard from his battle worn face with a scar on his left cheek. He led a ragtag looking group up a steep trail.


"I'm getting too old for traping up mountains like this." Captain Jeralt Eisner groaned.

He looked back to his younger allies. "I would have paid for that airship ride if that pilot wasn't already drunk." He sighed. "Some people." He said as he put something away into his bag.

You smell a whiff of whiskey as Jeralt puts away a flask.

Darius Vibrtrar
2020-01-22, 10:04 AM
A woman wearing a suit of armor is colored black and sealed with a final lacquer finish. The centerpiece of the o-yoroi armor is a cuirass consisting of two parts—a separate reinforcement for the right side called a waidate, and a kikko cuirass. The upper part of the waidate consists of a leather-covered iron plate. The cuirass’s leather shoulder straps—called watagami—are likewise armored with metal plates. Affixed to the cuirass are a number of supplementary pieces, including wide lamellar shoulder guards, a kikko sleeve for the shield arm, lacquered iron greaves worn over padded silk leggings, and a groin protector. The signature component of each suit of armor is the tiered kabuto helmet and its accompanying ho-ate mask. The Ho-ate mask is made of hardened leather and is fashioned into fearsome visages of a Dog with three faces. The Ho-Ate is currently loosened and resting on the woman's chest as she followed. She carries a Very Well Crafted Knights Sword with her, a Green colored Materia Set in its Pommel.

Sai calls out, almost in complaint, but concern in her tone. "How long will this journey take?"


2020-01-22, 12:38 PM
Behind Sai comes a Burmecian young adult. The tall humanoid rat wore a brown wide brimmed hat with holes where his long ears could poke through. His porcelain-white skin was offset by his bright red eyes and brown hair. He wore a Mythril Chain Shirt over a loose shirt, gray in color and dark blue denim shorts. Like most Burmecians, he doesn't wear shoes, but instead sock-like coverings that left his heels and clawed toes exposed. His waist was circled by a leather belt that served as a bandolier, bullets stored in loops all around it. Attached to this belt were holsters for his weapons, a revolver pistol-knife transforming Gunblade, an ornate pistol-grip dagger with an image of a rat with a crown on it's head engraved on the side of the blade, and a very simple looking pistol that looked like it was from an earlier age and ready to fall apart at any time. There were also two small pockets on the back of this belt for gunsmithing supplies.

"Quit complaining Sai. The captain is right, better to take the long way 'round than be smashed into the side of the mountain because our pilot was too drunk to fly straight."

STDM Grizzly Ad
2020-01-22, 12:44 PM
With a hiss and a gurgle and a plume of white steam a small vehicle clamored along the trail. Its steel feet clanged against the stones in the ground and its pistons pumped but the mechanism stayed steady. Atop it rode a pair of leather clad moogles. The captain of the craft, Moz, was a thick thighed female with a modest overbust corset and a caplets over her shoulders, both in a deep honeyed brown tone. A brass chain traced across her chest to a pocket watch tucked in a small pocket riveted to the front of her corset. A tool belt hung around her waist full of various tools and her eyes were hidden behind the thick frames of a carefully crafted set of multi-lenzed brass goggles. Her long ears and pom waggled from side to side as the quad-mech shifted with each forceful step. Her white fur was soiled with soot and grease and her gaze flicked around nervously at her surroundings. What had her brother gotten them into this time? Her brother? Yes, Mogrick rode shotgun, belted into his seat atop the walker. He wore a shin-length trench coat and a well worn stovepipe hat, in a matching brown color and in the band of his hat was tucked the ace of spades from a set of playing cards. A bullet hole pierced the large black spade at the center. He passed the time by shuffling a deck of cards, or passing a coin along his fingers while he chewed on a tooth pick. His posture was relaxed and carefree. He kept his ears and pom tucked under his hat and his ash-gray fur was neatly groomed. The two seemed to be polar opposites on the scale of anxiousness.

Andrew Markham
2020-01-22, 02:49 PM
Walking next to Sai is Ivory Thunder, a 7'2" pale-skinned Rogaedyn. His bulging muscles are barely contained within his armor of hundreds of metal scales, forming a symbol over his chest. Ivory has bright red hair and green eyes. He wears a katana on his side and a nodachi on his back. There is a small symbol engraved on the back of his left hand.


https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/s960x960/83837765_10158099414634319_3147164232768815104_o.j pg?_nc_cat=109&_nc_ohc=CAiWENrnX3gAX9LSMmi&_nc_ht=scontent-iad3-1.xx&_nc_tp=1002&oh=60e8509495a09cd39600a993ad0f2970&oe=5E987481

At Sai's comment, Ivory scratches his side and groans in annoyance. "Agreed! This tour has been SO boring! When are we gonna see some action, boss?" he calls out to Jeralt.

2020-01-22, 10:29 PM
The gruff captain looked back in front and then scanned the landscape. "Since Shinra built thst Mako reactor out here, the wildlife has become... scarce. There was never much plant life aside from root vegetables... and it was a lot colder... So at this pace, we got another few hours. We'll get there by 2400 for sure." Jeralt said to Sai.

He looked back to Tybalt. "What was that *******'s name? Highwind was it? Remember him."

"Thunder, were it 20 years ago, we'd be fighting mako powered mountain goats. You don't want to meet one of those. Bastard ate my shield." Jeralt explained.

All of you start at Support Rank C with Captain Jeralt Eisner. If he's not busy, you can call him for help on a mission. If you like a character, work on a relationship with them.

Andrew Markham
2020-01-22, 11:05 PM
Ivory laughs, three loud grunt-like laughs, and slaps his belly. "I'd love to see that!" Then, aside to Sai, he mutters, "Hell, I could go for some wild creatures right about now..eh Sai?"

Raising his voice again, he calls, "So what are we gonna do when we get there, Boss?"

STDM Grizzly Ad
2020-01-22, 11:22 PM
At Ivory's jovial acceptance of the mako goats Mogrick edges up the brim of his hat to look around. "I'm glad somebody thinks that sounds like s good time, kupo. Good to know who to stay behind."

2020-01-23, 12:19 AM
"Ahh, but did they know any interesting magic? Also, goats are delicious!" Onyx said cheerfully, automatically signing her words as she spoke. The tall, black-and-gray varg strode along with confident ease. Her heavy curves were wrapped in the typical black and blue uniform of her job, the outfit worn tight, her long, fluffy tail pushing aside her cape. Her hat was tucked into her belt, as she hated wearing it over her ears. She ran a clawed hand through her thick mane of hair as she looked down at her little sister, amber eyes warm.

The significantly shorter teen varg watched her sister closely as she spoke. Her build was the opposite of her sister's; slim and willowy with barely any curve to her. Her thin white fur was extremely short, except for the long, straight, silk-like hair that flowed from her head to the base of her tail, which looked more like the tail of an angora cat than a wolf. Her blue eyes swiftly combed the surrounding faces, seeking speakers, and observing them closely while they talked. Her orange-trimmed green uniform was carefully tailored to flatter her small frame. Despite her petite size and frail appearance, she had no trouble keeping pace with her sister's strong lope.
What does it matter if they had magic if they're not around to copy? Opal signed.

Because we might see them somewhere else! Onyx signed back.

Darius Vibrtrar
2020-01-23, 08:23 AM
Sai's eyes went wide at the sound of animals in the area, her gaze went around seeking out any animals.

[roll0] Perception.

"Goats are loving creatures, with a love of odd food, especially if they are scrap goats... They shake their tiny tails when happy.... theres a type of goat that falls over, when it gets scared. Goats can get super affectionate."

Sai talks, as if to no one, about her goat facts. She looks over to Ivory and elbows him.

"Dont get too itchy for a fight when we dont need one. Sometimes we can succeed with words alone. "

Sai nods to Opal, agreeing with her, but looks sad that the goats are gone.

"Captain, youve been... unusually quiet about the nature of our mission, what are we expected to do once we reach our destination?"

Sai pauses as she tilts her head from one side to the next.

"Theres an Animal up ahead... its growling."

2020-01-23, 08:41 AM
"Once we get to Nibelheim, we're rendezvous with my kid and horse. After that..." Jeralt sighed and scratched the back of his head. "We've been offered a job as a standing militia for the town of Coral. Shinra has sent in their security there to settle an... uprising. I want to see the situation there before I decide. I don't want to mix it up with Shinra though, but the people need help." He explained.

2020-01-23, 08:50 AM
“Shinra,” Tybalt muttered, “Great. Do we know if they’re sending SOLDIER or Turks? Dealing with either would be very difficult. Not saying impossible but I hope we’ll get a little extra hazard pay if that’s the case.”

2020-01-23, 09:28 AM
Jeralt halted as he looked ahead of them and threw a raised fist signal. "Wolves ahead and something else." He warned.

He looked back to Tybalt. "My intel says it's just ShinSect. SOLDIER is busy on exotic monster duty. The Turks... we never know what they are up to."

He looked to Onyx and Opal. "Wolves ahead. Also, monsters." He signed.

Darius Vibrtrar
2020-01-23, 10:03 AM
Sai's eyes go wide as she becomes visibly excited.


She pulls out some jerky from her pack and holds it in her hand, keeping an eye out to try and feed the animals.

[roll0] Handle Animal.

Andrew Markham
2020-01-23, 10:06 AM
Ivory draws his Nodachi and looks in the direction Jeralt indicated. "Excellent!" he says with exuberance. Then he takes a step back and gestures dramatically at Sai. "Oh, my bad. You, uh...you wanna try some words on 'em first?" The Roegadyn has a smirk on his face, obviously hoping she will fail.

2020-01-23, 10:52 AM
Tybalt looked at the others, "It's the 'something else' that has me concerned. If you'd like captain, I can scout ahead real quick," the Burmecian offered.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2020-01-23, 11:12 AM
"Already on it" Moz' small voice pipes up as she releases a tiny drone into the air, it climbs in altitude as it zips forward guided by its multiple propellers.

[roll0] perception(+2 vs traps)

2020-01-23, 11:21 AM
"Hold up, Tybalt." Jeralt ordered, giving Moz an approving point.

STDM Grizzly Ad
2020-01-23, 11:50 AM
Moz pressed two fingers of her left hand to her temple and reported "one Wolf, four Gremlins, four Red Eyes. Diplomacy is probably not an option. Kupo" She released her fingers and drew a pristinely polished pistol from behind her back. "Just say the word."

The drone banked and reversed flying directly back to her.

Mogrick unbuckled his seatbelts and gave his cards a quick shuffle. "Gremlins?! They're out to ruin my run of good luck. Can't let em do that. Kupo."
"Luck? They're clearly after machines to sabotage. Nobody wants your silly dice."

Darius Vibrtrar
2020-01-23, 12:24 PM
Sai lets out a breath and frowns as she draws her Knights blade.

"I hope we can do without hurting the wolf, the others.... if they rush toward death... that is their choice. "

2020-01-23, 12:38 PM
"Only one wolf? Isn't that odd. Though they work in packs," Tybalt commented, drawing his gunblade, "Unless these Gremlins tamed it as well as the other monsters. Don't worry Moz, we won't let them touch your babies," he grinned.

Andrew Markham
2020-01-23, 12:39 PM
Thunder removes a hand from his massive nodachi and, consciously being sensitive, taps Sai on the back twice. "Don't worry, Sai. You can take the gremlins. We'll just leave the wolf out of sight, yeah?"

2020-01-23, 12:56 PM
Both vargs' tails lifted until they stuck straight out behind them.

Onyx looked excited. "Ahriman? I don't even need to scan that to know I can learn from it!" she looked back at Tybalt and shrugged.
"If it was just the wolf, I wouldn't find it strange; a lone wolf is probably a dispersing youngling looking to start its own pack. With other creatures though, it's either tame or ensorcelled."

<Be careful,> Opal signed, <We are a large group that most would avoid, so if something feels confident enough to attack us, they probably have reason to think they can win. Best not to assume everything you meet is stupid,> the petite varg warned.

2020-01-23, 10:52 PM
Taking up the rear of the group was Yuushi, likely sticking to the rear to both watch behind them, and to avoid conversing. A slightly tattered, grey cloak covered their armor, the only piece being readily visible was a helm that was round and flared out as it went down, with two dragon-like horns sticking out from the top sides of it. What could be seen of the rest of Yuushi's armor was plate-like and looked to be likely from the regions of Doma or Hoshido going by the aesthetic. It looked faded from travel, but well-maintained. However any identifying markings looked to be gone either from weathering or worn off from use. At their side under the cloak, a sheathed katana could be seen, and looked to be far less weathered than the armor, but definitely far from brand new. Despite the plain mask Yuushi always wore, they seemed alert. With the talk and attention the rest of the group was showing, Yuushi just calmly, and quietly, placed a hand on the grip of their sword, just to be ready in case things were to get rough suddenly.