View Full Version : Pathfinder Character died in fun circumstances, making new one and would like help

2020-01-17, 12:17 AM
Ok so my previous character was a NG drow necromancer that I hard coded as evil, but in actuality he never did anything evil in game. Eventually mid fight against a homebrew creature with a murderous command aura (each round, dc 15 save or suffer effect of the spell, everyone in 60 ft), other player took the opportunity to attack me while Was moving to heal the party animal companion with a wand and crit. This was after I was already damaged and such. Got knocked down to 1 hp. Not positive one, but 1 damage away from dying. Got stabilized, but the aura finished me off. So now the other player took a hit to their alignment. Hopefully they are now evil for murdering and betraying a party member.

The new character is going to be a cleric, brother of the wizard, and is probs going to be NE but I want the party to think that they are good aligned. Anyone know an archetype or such where clerics can cast morally opposed spells or otherwise do things restricted towards good clerics? Im thinking merciful healer which locks channel energy into positive channel energy, but doesn't have an alignment restriction. So worship an evil god with the healer domain, and bing bang boom.

2020-01-17, 03:38 AM
Does it have to be a cleric? An easier way to do this might be being a sorcerer instead, who fakes being a cleric with the False Priest (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/prestige-classes/other-paizo/e-h/false-priest/) PrC and False Casting (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/false-casting/) feat. Then you won't have to worry about aligned spells or channeling the wrong kind of energy at all. If you go with this, you can use Prestigious Spellcaster to repair the casting progression back to full.

2020-01-17, 05:03 AM
if you go with that direction there is also a false priest sorcerer archetype, so you can be a false priest/false priest and take the false casting feat, and then take a bloodline with a divine-ish feeling (celestial or destined, I guess?)

2020-01-17, 09:35 AM
Wait, what?

Other party member hit you due to an enchantment, not of his own free will, and he took an alignment hit?

Wait, what - the second.
You were evil, pretending to be good. So even if he did hit you willingly, you were evil...

2020-01-17, 11:15 AM
Other party member hit you due to an enchantment, not of his own free will, and he took an alignment hit?

I agree, this doesn't feel right.

Now, if the character was a paladin or some other strict class then they might fall for doing that (Atonement says this explicitly) but the alignment as a whole shifting feels drastic.

2020-01-17, 11:27 AM
I agree, this doesn't feel right.

Now, if the character was a paladin or some other strict class then they might fall for doing that (Atonement says this explicitly) but the alignment as a whole shifting feels drastic.

Also agree. mehs' account is a bit vague, but I read another player "took the opportunity" and "the aura finished me off" as attacking due to compulsion. Now, even if it's part of Atonement to allow to atone for compulsion-induced actions, which may allow for nice roleplaying, I'd say that a compulsion effect (such as Murderous Command) by definition robs you of at least a degree of agency (which I'd read as also not violating a Paladin's code, due to the "if she ever willingly commits an evil act" clause) and as such the alignment hit is entirely uncalled for.

Kris Moonhand
2020-01-17, 08:04 PM
Yeah, Murderous Command doesn't cause you to take AoOs on your allies, this whole thing seems janky.

2020-01-18, 08:52 AM
Wait, what?

Other party member hit you due to an enchantment, not of his own free will, and he took an alignment hit?

Wait, what - the second.
You were evil, pretending to be good. So even if he did hit you willingly, you were evil...

I was Neutral good, while as the player and ooc I was hamming up "drow necromancer" but I still only did good aligned actions in game. The other player took advantage of the aura effect to hit me even though they were not under the effect of the aura.
To reemphasize, they purposefully hit me and used the excuse of "was effected by the aura" so that the other characters wouldn't know what they did. The animal companion was the one who coup de graced me.
The alignment hit was because "purposefully attacking a teammate mid fight for no actual reason, leading to them being killed due to inability to defend themselves". Trying to stab the party healer in the back during a fight seems to be pretty evil to me at least. I don't know the extent of the alignment hit other than that it is a mark against them.

2020-01-18, 01:23 PM
OK, that makes much more sense than your OP.

Only remaining question is if he actually thought you were evil. If so, he executed an innocent man out of (false) good intentions. Definitely something that could require an atonement.

Only possibly something that would cause an alignment shift. I could see an argument for shifting in several directions as well. Move evil for the kill. Move lawful to make sure he never does that again without actual evidence (and maybe even a trial). Move even farther good (even becoming non-violent) due to overreaction. But that all depends on the table (and the player in question), so a move towards evil might be completely reasonable.

Kris Moonhand
2020-01-19, 07:37 AM
Going back to the actual original question of the thread, you could be a Life Oracle. Oracles aren't restricted by alignment when it comes to their spells (including whether they get cure or inflict spells), and the Life Mystery can give a positive channel regardless of alignment. As well, maybe using the Spirit Guide archetype so no one notices you only cast the same couple of spells each day. Or just using the Shaman class, now that I think about it. Though the Shaman list is a bit different from the Cleric/Oracle list, so Spirit Guide Oracle might be better for you, depending on how you feel about it.

2020-01-19, 01:51 PM
I was Neutral good, while as the player and ooc I was hamming up "drow necromancer" but I still only did good aligned actions in game. The other player took advantage of the aura effect to hit me even though they were not under the effect of the aura.
To reemphasize, they purposefully hit me and used the excuse of "was effected by the aura" so that the other characters wouldn't know what they did. The animal companion was the one who coup de graced me.
The alignment hit was because "purposefully attacking a teammate mid fight for no actual reason, leading to them being killed due to inability to defend themselves". Trying to stab the party healer in the back during a fight seems to be pretty evil to me at least. I don't know the extent of the alignment hit other than that it is a mark against them.

This just gets weirder and weirder for me :smallconfused::smallconfused:

I assume "only good aligned actions" means your necromancer didn't actually do any necromancy, but I'll put that debate aside for a moment. Where was the GM in all this? Did they say to that player "your character isn't affected by the aura" and he said "I know, but I'm going to kill the drow anyway?" Or did they tell the player they were affected, only to go "sike! Alignment hit!" after the attack resolved? Either way, this whole scenario feels off to me.

Going back to the actual original question of the thread, you could be a Life Oracle. Oracles aren't restricted by alignment when it comes to their spells (including whether they get cure or inflict spells), and the Life Mystery can give a positive channel regardless of alignment. As well, maybe using the Spirit Guide archetype so no one notices you only cast the same couple of spells each day. Or just using the Shaman class, now that I think about it. Though the Shaman list is a bit different from the Cleric/Oracle list, so Spirit Guide Oracle might be better for you, depending on how you feel about it.

^ If you absolutely have to be evil aligned, I'd go this route. I think neutral might fit your concept better though.

2020-01-26, 08:01 PM
This just gets weirder and weirder for me :smallconfused::smallconfused:

I assume "only good aligned actions" means your necromancer didn't actually do any necromancy, but I'll put that debate aside for a moment. Where was the GM in all this? Did they say to that player "your character isn't affected by the aura" and he said "I know, but I'm going to kill the drow anyway?" Or did they tell the player they were affected, only to go "sike! Alignment hit!" after the attack resolved? Either way, this whole scenario feels off to me.

The player knew that they were not currently under the affect of the aura when they decided to attack me. With my necromancer, we were too low level to access the animate dead spells so that never came up, though he did have command undead and used that on some of a zombie horde and an undead elk he found. He didn't cast any evil align spells and the most arguably evil aligned thing he did the entire time was say that he wanted to take the giant very obviously evil crystal causing an undead blizzard curse back to the underdark as a souvenir/tourist attraction.