View Full Version : Player Help defence-focused monk prestige class

King of Nowhere
2020-01-17, 12:54 PM
the title says most of it.
I am playing a monk whose primary drive is to be as hard to hurt as possible. in addition to that, i have a bfc (trip) build.
i guess most of you would call the optimization level of my table medium or low, though we mostly want to stay away from the crazy rocket tag or 5d chess that comes with high op.

So, I'm level 16, and would like a second prestige class (first one is shintao) simply for the +2 to all saving throws.
of course, i would also want it to do something else useful.
if there is a choice, i prefer abilities that fit with my build. greater damage or attack powers are not my goal (i already talked with my dm to trade away the unarmed damage increase from prc in exchange for keeping spell resistance increase, as part of my build concept), and so are other unrelated abilities like wild shape.

Can you guys recommend some good prestige class that i could take?

I've been trying my google-fu, but with no avail. there was a list of all prestige classes, with links, that i remember looking at one year ago, but the page no longer exhist. As for this forum, any search on the lines of "monk guide" gave me results on why exactly monks are bad (yes, i know it pretty well, having played one from level 1 to 16), why they are not so bad as it looks like (which i also know well), and, most importantly, how you can do something that outperforms the monk in his core attributes with different classes (which completely misses the point; monk is a jack-of-all-trades, and i like it that way)

2020-01-17, 01:29 PM
Fist of Zuoken (www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/prestigeClasses/psionicFist.htm) (XPH) gives you access to psychic warrior powers (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powerList.htm#psychicWarriorPowers), which include a lot of really great defensive abilities like force screen, inertial armor, empty mind, defensive precognition, detect hostile intent, and one of my personal favorites, empathic transfer, hostile, which, as a monk, you can deliver with a punch instead of a touch.

Another decent option would be tattooed monk (CW). It has some nice defenses. I'm a fan of using the alter self tattoo to turn into things with ridiculously high natural armor bonuses.

2020-01-17, 01:45 PM
Fist of the Forest can be nice, depending on your Constitution and if your DM interprets their Con to AC as stacking with the Monk's Wis to AC. You wouldn't benefit as much from the increase in dice pool damage, since you are already a higher level monk.

2020-01-17, 01:56 PM
What feats do you already have? Since you're already level 16, qualifying for anything (if you don't already meet the prereqs) is probably going to be very difficult.

EDIT: Maybe kind of outside-the-box, but possibly consider multiclassing to Favored Soul? It has all good saving throws, and having a bit of minor spellcasting never hurts. Compatible with the fluff for Shintao, too.

King of Nowhere
2020-01-17, 02:07 PM
What feats do you already have? Since you're already level 16, qualifying for anything (if you don't already meet the prereqs) is probably going to be very difficult.

we are not strict with this. we started this campaign 3 years ago with much less mechanical knowledge and without clear ideas for high level build, so of course we don't qualify for much.
the last time this was an issue, the dm let me swap one of my feats for a different one to qualify.

i don't remember all my feats, but among them are mage slayer, pierce magical concealment, improved trip, improved grapple, dodge, martial study, martial stance, weapon focus.

EDIT: one major problem with all monk-oriented material is that apparently the creators assume that duplicating a low level spell is a good class feature. as if i didn't have magic items, nor could ask my fellow casters to save one slot or two to buff me.
there's so much garbage out there.
CON to AC is pretty nice, though

2020-01-17, 05:16 PM
Another way besides Fist of Zuoken to get Psychic Warrior powers is just to multiclass into Psychic Warrior. With Tashalatora letting it advance monk abilities, it's very similar to a prestige class (with 2 feat taxes too, how realistic!) despite mechanically not being one.

2020-01-17, 05:52 PM
Survivor? :smalltongue: