View Full Version : DM Help Turning dragon duel into a lv. 6 encounter?

2020-01-18, 02:06 AM
In my next D&D session, my level 6 players will be ferried across the continent by an ancient red dragon. Along the way, this famous dragon will have to pass close to the territory of another equally powerful and equally famous red dragon. I intend for the two dragons to circle, roar, etc.

Initially, I intended for the encounter to be only cinematic, because I couldn't think of any way the players could deal with such a dragon. Now, however, I think the encounter could be a cool and memorable one IF I can find a way to make the player characters matter in a dragon fight.

What ideas do you guys have? How can level 6 characters help their dragon drive off the rival dragon?

Here are some good ideas, in case anyone is interested in making such an encounter for themselves:

The friendly dragon has an item or ability that allows it to block fire attacks with its body as a reaction.

The friendly dragon is wearing a purpose-built saddle, which can protect players from fire if they spend their action to hide.

The hostile dragon televises its intention to breathe fire the turn before, warning players.

The friendly dragon's maneuvers only allow the hostile dragon to make a single attack against any one player each turn.

The party is prompted to bring a small siege machine which fires bolas or chains to hinder the hostile dragon.

Working together, the party can damage the hostile dragon's wing, hindering its maneuverability.

The hostile dragon wears a favorite item, which it is willing to take risks to protect or retrieve.

The hostile dragon has a favored relative, and will not interfere if tricked into believing that relative is involved.

The hostile dragon can be persuaded, IF the offer appeals to its ego enough.

The friendly dragon's presence grants the players immunity to, or advantage on saves against, the hostile dragon's Frightful Presence.

The players can use ready actions with appropriate tactics to interfere with the hostile dragon's vision, hindering its attacks.

The players can collectively shift their weight, improving the friendly dragon's maneuverability.

The players can simply attack with ranged weapons, albeit somewhat ineffective.

The friendly dragon predicts the encounter and advises the players how to prepare.

If the players do poorly, the friendly dragon is shamefully driven off, ruining the party's relationship with it.

If losing, the players can abandon their dragon using slowfall or the like, delaying their quest and angering the friendly dragon.

The hostile dragon will accept surrender, in exchange for several YEARS of personal servitude. The friendly dragon abandons the party.

The hostile dragon has brought minions, which attempt to board the friendly dragon. The players fight them off.

The players may board the hostile dragon. Hopefully they have a way to get back.

A reckless maneuver damages both dragon's wings. Grounded and embarrassed, both dragons slink away.

The players can locate advantageous terrain: thermals, stone spires, clouds. Giving their dragon the option to outmaneuver the other.

2020-01-18, 11:33 AM
If the other ancient red notices passengers interfering in the duel, the passengers will be ash guaranteed. However the players should be involved or they will get bored.

If someone in the group has feather fall, their taxi dragon can ask if they have some way to keep from falling to their doom. He would (assuming yes) respond "Good" before dumping them off his back. Failing that, perhaps the dragon can cast feather fall on them. While safely falling 60 ft per round, they can snipe or buff etc at a distance, safely out of breath range as the dragons also descend, locked in melee.

Some kind of fire immunity imparted to all the players would work too but that's a little unsatisfying and hard to explain. (Maybe some potion that can change them temporarily into Devils but keeps their class abilities?)

2020-01-18, 01:07 PM
If the other ancient red notices passengers interfering in the duel, the passengers will be ash guaranteed. However the players should be involved or they will get bored.

If someone in the group has feather fall, their taxi dragon can ask if they have some way to keep from falling to their doom. He would (assuming yes) respond "Good" before dumping them off his back. Failing that, perhaps the dragon can cast feather fall on them. While safely falling 60 ft per round, they can snipe or buff etc at a distance, safely out of breath range as the dragons also descend, locked in melee.

Some kind of fire immunity imparted to all the players would work too but that's a little unsatisfying and hard to explain. (Maybe some potion that can change them temporarily into Devils but keeps their class abilities?)

These are good points and ideas. For the players to contribute in an ongoing way, fire immunity would be a requirement, or they would be screwed. The dragon dropping them would also be appropriate, but would probably only give a couple turns of useful actions.

One powerful option available to me is that the friendly dragon has known this trip was coming for years. The friendly dragon could have prepared quite well to protect the party. Also, I have realized that I can GIVE my players options. This enemy dragon is a famous figure, why not give them political/psychological means of manipulating him?

2020-01-18, 10:54 PM
I think you're going about this all wrong. If you want the encounter, have it but leave it to the players to figure out what they can do to matter. Including potentially trying to defuse it.

2020-01-20, 06:17 PM
Minions? Maybe the dragon's clutch just hatched and now the PCs have to fight a given number of wyrmlings?

Dragon cultists? Red dragons, being greedy and all, actively cultivated the worship of a cult in the area and now you have to bring down some of their cultists?

Skill challenge? Tell the players they can make skill rolls to help their dragon out; if they succeed the skill challenge, they can force the other dragon away and give themselves a bit of loot the dragon was planning on adding to its hoard?

Fable Wright
2020-01-20, 06:35 PM
Dragons, as we all know, settle disputes via Thu'um discussions so intense that the dragons appear to be spitting fire at one another, and demonstrate superiority through ad-libbing powerful messages to the rhythm of debate.

I believe that those mortals who imitate the God-lizards' techniques call this a 'rap-off'.

The fatality rate for these is usually low, but they're often rather memorable. Especially with dragons involved.