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2020-01-18, 09:20 AM

After six long weeks, this morning the crew of the Peregrine sighted land to the west. A few hours later, the Peregrine sails into a natural bay with a sandy beach within rowing distance for the ship’s boats. As the crew begins to untie one of the smaller boats to lower it into the water, the sailors pass a spyglass among themselves and finally hand it back to the captain. Captain Jacob Markosi peers at the island for a moment before grunting and handing the spyglass to expedition leader Ramona Avandth. "You should see this", he says quietly.

Ramona accepts the spyglass and peers toward the shore. When she lowers the scope, she is clearly distressed but trying to hide her worry. She approaches and motions toward the far side of the deck, away from where most of the other colonists have congregated. "Can I have a word with you?" she asks.

2020-01-18, 10:41 AM
Laurelata had been waiting for a chance to get back on dry ground. She had liked the trip on the ship, at least as soon as her seasickness had gone after a day or so. But still she would be happy to go ashore. When the expedition leader motioned for her and some others to come over, she wondered what was going on.
"What's up," she casually asked.

2020-01-18, 11:28 AM
Hewitt was thinking about his plans for the future. He wondered about the competition he would find on this new land though he also hoped this could open the possibility for investors too. It was important to find resources to fund his establishment and make deals with the local community. All this time, he had been trying to keep a low profile to avoid issues on the travel. His ears twitched as he was requested to follow Ramona. He got excited by the prospect of attention from the leader of this expedition. He waited in silence to hear what she had to say.

2020-01-18, 12:26 PM
Weeks on a boat have kept Tazmara in a mood. When she left Taggoret for the first time and saw the open sky... well that was just... unnatural. But over years, she grew used to it. The journey on the boat thrust something that seemed as vast as the sky underneath her... openness above and below. Many of the passengers spent the first weeks retching out their meals. A part of her almost wished that the same fate had struck her. Never having been on a boat and thoroughly disturbed by the whole concept, and yet... her body felt fine. The gentle sway never made her ill or even lose her balance, instead, despite her mind's protests that this was the most alien thing she had ever encountered, it was soothing. In those moments when she stared out over the endless sea and monotony quelled the tumult of her mind, she felt at peace. During this journey, the gentle rock of the boat had her sleeping more soundly than she had in her entire life.

On the deck with land in sight, Taz is eager to begin her new life. Despite the calm of her body, her mind longs for solid ground beneath her feet (and over her head for that matter). But Ramona's expression brings a frown to her face. She tries to think of an obvious source for the woman's distress, but after long seconds just asks directly, "what is wrong?"

2020-01-18, 12:50 PM
Surprised to find herself chosen for this mission, Jessica went above and beyond to share some time with everyone on the ship as they made their long journey into the sea. Some of the crew warmed to her immediately, though it always seemed a few of the more friendly men had other things on their mind that friendly banter and camaraderie. Still others remained aloof, which bothered the young priestess to no end. Very used to being well-liked, she tried hard not to take it personally when Ramona called her "soft." Still, maybe I am too soft for this, she spend many evenings wondering into the stars.

When the hard-backed leader of this wave singled her out specifically to join the small band a few extra feet from prying eyes, Jessica's eyes widened almost comically? Me? she mouthed, dumbstruck. At the woman's curt nod, she hurries forward, now clad in simple (if much too revealing) linen breeches and an uncomfortable tunic. She pries a finger into the collar of the leathery shift with a grimace, already pining for the once-supple skin being so callously hardened. The concern obvious on Ramona's face draws her attention back to the issue at hand. "How can I help?" she asks, demurely.

2020-01-18, 04:21 PM
As his iron boots stepped onto the deck Marius readjusted his armor and shield. The last weeks were exciting but trying times. Anya taught him how to sail, or at least to be a useful member of the crew. She taught him many valuable skills, day-to-day things that he never was told at home. Marius was a coddled child, and never spent much time among equals. His job was twofold. Protect his shipmates, and lead or help lead expeditions exploring the island itself.

Reaching his final destination, the young man was excited beyond belief. There had been people making landfall before him, but this was still a nearly untamed wilderness to the people of the Inner Sea. The worried words of his superior officer ruined this excitement.

Why? What is it, chief?

2020-01-19, 06:10 AM

"We have a problem." Ramona hands you the spyglass. As you take turns looking through it at the island, she continues, her voice low. "Something is wrong. There's no smoke from cook fires or the smithy. And nobody's in sight." Looking through the spyglass, you can confirm her observations. "Sailors can't keep their mouths shut. Soon all the other colonists are going to hear about this - if they can’t see for themselves already - and things could become… tense. I cannot just land people there without first checking whether it's safe... or, preferably, ensuring it's safe. How about I volunteer you for the task? You can name your conditions, as long as they are reasonable."

2020-01-19, 06:39 AM
"I have a few," Laurelata said, "I would say resources to do the job, like rations if we have to stay out a couple of days and replacement of resources we spent doing the job, for example arrows and such. Also healing should we need it. And I would like to start an inn in this colony, so if possible, first dibs on location and some help in building it."

2020-01-19, 10:55 AM
Hewitt thinks about what he could ask in this situation. Even if he was in an advantageous position, he thinks its better to work for the long term. Knowing that she was an influential person, he decides to ask for a couple of simple things. "I will gladly help. I have just a couple of requests. As a rafolk, we dont always give the best first impressions. May I ask you to give a good word with any merchants you may know of? Perhaps an introduction with ny of them if possible?"

Hewitt gives her a couple of seconds to think about it before he continues. "As for a second request, any payment you might consider fair for my services would do." Hewitt doesnt mind much payment but he knew he had to start gaining money if he was to fulfill his mission on this land.

2020-01-19, 12:22 PM
Negotiating terms? When people could be in danger? Marius is appalled, but no stranger to debating terms of engagement. How about we help you first and you make it clear to anyone in the following months that we were responsible for helping. Help build my reputation here.

Marius looks at the small rodent person. You're right, Hewitt. A bit of fair payment would be welcome too.

2020-01-19, 01:13 PM
Taz scowls, her dissappointment growing as she gazes at the colony through the spyglass searching for something, anything, to indicate what might be going on. Just my luck... a new beginning, a new problem, she thinks to herself, slightly shaking her head as she passes the spyglass on to Jessica.

Perception to search for any clue through the glass of where to start looking: [roll0]

"I am happy to help, but I don't have even have two coppers to rub together. I had expected to build up some capital working and get more basic supplies in the first weeks. So, rations, backpack, and bedroll now; fair compensation later - you are welcome to deduct the supplies from that." She pauses before adding to the colony's leader, "for what it's worth - I think this is the right call. We all need to know what is going on. We should have some way for us to signal you too... a smokestick, maybe?"

2020-01-19, 03:44 PM
Jessica takes the spyglass from the Dwarf woman with a nod and mouthed thanks, miss, before turning her gaze coastward. She peers carefully while Ramona answers her companions questions, saved for the moment from the awkwardness of potentially upstaging her companions by asking nothing in return. After all, I'm here to be helpful, and provide comfort and spiritual guidance. What better way than joining the first shore party to engender some trust?

She lowers the implement, trying hard to master her features such that the villagers aren't given any more reason to fear than they already have. She simply shakes her head to the negative at Ramona, before adding as an afterthought, "Just don't leave us there to die, if this all goes south?" With a determined expression, she hurries belowdecks to retrieve her glaive, and rejoins the group- still unarmored, but at least truly armed now.

2020-01-20, 10:16 AM
"I think you wouldn't need to stay there at night until... well, at least not today. We'll see how it goes. The ship will wait for you here and we will keep an eye on you. You can return at any time for any reason and will be provided food, healing, rest and equipment as required. No guarantees about sending in another boat if something happens to you. We might, but, on the other hand, we have to limit our losses. I will give you some healing potions and scrolls. These are yours to have however it turns out. There will be a monetary reward, which I cannot specify at the moment - It will depend on what you find and what you deal with. It looks like you'll have to trust me on that. All other requests are granted."

You get up to 200gp worth of healing potions and/or scrolls. Ramona recommends taking at least two potions, but that is your choice.
You get up to 25gp worth of mundane gear, including arrows, smokesticks and the like. You don't have to max it out right now - you can come back to the ship when you know what you actually need.

If you agree to the terms, specify what you are taking, who is taking it, and get into the boat. Two medium people to row.

2020-01-20, 12:10 PM
"Fine for me," Laurelata said. As they got their choice of equipment and healing, Laurelata only put aside some arrows for her when she came back, as taking too many arrows would be too much weight and they would only get in the way. For healing she looked at the options.
"I would go with four potions," she suggested to the others, "we can each carry one except Jessica as she has her own healing and we can use them in the worst case to put her back on her feet for extra healing where needed."

2020-01-20, 02:22 PM
Tazmara nodded, “of course. I am happy to help out.” She turns to the others and says, “we should each bring a days worth of food just in case. I don’t want to have to head back here just because I start feeling a bit peckish.” After a few moments of staring out at the colony again, she adds, “guess I should go don my armor too - who knows what we’ll find…”


After suiting up, she heads to find Brady the quartermaster. Though most call her “Bean Counter Brady,” Taz can’t bring herself to do that. "Hi Brady. Ramona wants me going ashore, and I need some supplies. I need a backpack, a silk rope - 50 ft should do, a waterskin, and a waterproof bag. A days worth of rations too, if you’d be so kind." She puts the rope and ration into the bag, adds that to the backpack and tosses the waterskin on top. She shoulders the pack with a nod to Brady, and heads topside.

13.5 gp worth of gear + 5 cp of rations.


On the deck by the boat, Taz says, “I probably could row, but,” she waves her gloved hands, “short arms,” shakes both legs in succession, “short legs. I’d probably not be the best choice.”

Once others start rowing Taz will subtly propel the boat with basic aquakinesis. There won't be any indication that she is doing anything though. From the wording in the description, I would assume that to be equivalent to having a third rower with 19 strength.

2020-01-20, 03:38 PM
Jessica nods attentively as Ramona explains their situation. Her face turns down a hair when she hears no guarantee of a rescue. With ever-increasing trepidation, she eyes the four who are apparently to become her closest companions. Silently wondering still if she's the right choice, the young priestess finds herself nodding along with Laurelata's suggestion. "That makes... sense," she says- a sudden crack in her voice betraying her unease. As the others don armor and seek after additional equipment, Jessica returns to her sleeping quarters only briefly to recover her glaive and backpack. She carefully re-binds the bag, with her perfume and pyrography kit carefully nestled into an innermost pocket, and surrounded by a bundle of clothing to keep them dry.

She returns to the deck before most of her companions, and stands at the rail near the skiff. She watches the shore with an unreadable mess of expressions. One moment she looks terrified, the next awkwardly excited, and periodically she makes obvious effort to mask her emotions- never succeeding for long.

When the other four of the shore party return, she steps awkwardly into the boat first. "I can help row," she offers, with a more forceful voice than intended- obviously, she's still struggling to figure out how she feels about this particular venture.

Jessica's probably not the strongest, but at 14 str she's above average.
She won't fight hard for the privilege, but she won't shirk away from manual labor either. I plan on commenting about the roughness of the oars against her soft hands, if given the chance. ^_~

2020-01-20, 04:59 PM
Marius was well prepared, maybe overly well. Like a student on his first day to his master, Marius brought EVERYTHING. The young man was significantly slowed down by a titanic backpack, but it didn't seem to affect him much. Sure he was slower than usual but perfectly fine otherwise.

I suggest I take Laurelata with me, and you three share another boat. This backpack will otherwise be our early doom. he jokes, patting what appears to be a complete household crammed into a bag with straps on it. At least I could convince father to leave the tent at home.

2020-01-20, 06:42 PM
Hewitt is glad to receive recognition from Marius but decides it would be for the best to thank him at a later point. As soon as Ramona shows her proposal, Hewitt tries his best to hide his surprise when he sees all the resources given at their disposal. He decided to just have the two potions for the time being. He wasnt one to go carrying more than what was necessary and he preferred to travel light. "I humbly appreciate your assistance, Miss Ramona. I am sure that with everything put at our disposal, our chances for sucess have risen."

2020-01-20, 07:26 PM
"Thank you, Jessica," Taz replies geniunely grateful, if a bit surprised that the woman would volunteer for physical labor. When Marius suggests splitting into different boats, Taz disagrees, "I think we can all easily fit in the one. Unless that pack is full of lead or gold, I think we'll float. You do look to be the strongest among us though, perhaps you'd be willing to row?"

Would you mind putting thought in italics and "speech in quotes"? I can't tell what Marius is thinking vs saying.

2020-01-21, 03:33 AM
Laurelata also grabbed her gear and put on her armour. Except for the healing potions, she only grabbed a couple of torches. Not that it was dark at the moment, but you could never be sure where and when they would end up. So it was better to be prepared. In the row boat she put herself at the pointy end and grabbed her bow, just in case.
"I'll stand guard," she said, "well, more like sit guard."
Standing in the small boat while it rowed across the waves at the beach would be difficult, but with a shortbow that wasn't a big deal.
If you could shoot one from horseback, you should be able to shoot one sitting in a boat.

2020-01-21, 10:54 AM
Hewitt remembers an important detail to consider especially since they were going into the unknown. "Oh! I almost forgot. Can you give me a minute after we reach land? I have to fetch our last team member. It wont take long, I promise. I will need to just be covered up in the meantime" Hewitt asks the rest of the group. Hewitt hadnt called for Lightburn in the days of the travel to avoid any undesirable attention but considering the situation they were in, it was better to put all the cards on the table for safety.

2020-01-21, 10:59 AM
You climb down a rope ladder into the boat. Marius and Jessica take the oars, Laurelata sits guard in the forward end, Hewitt and Tazmara sit in rear end. The bay's waters are reasonably calm and somewhat murky. The shore is approximately three hundred feet to the east, where a lonely dock is built off a sandy beach. You row the boat towards it. The are quite a few people onboard of Perigrine looking at you seemingly curious about how it will turn out. The dock is about fifty feet away when Laurelata notices two shapes down in the water just ahead of the boat and near the bottom of the bay, about ten feet under the surface, quickly overtaking the boat and turning up to surface.

Something underwater stealth: (1d20+14)[21]
Something underwater stealth: (1d20+14)[15]
Hewitt perception: (1d20+0)[13]
Tazmara perception: (1d20+5)[8]
Laurelata perception: (1d20+7)[24]
Hewitt and Tazmara are distracted, because you don't really look back under the water this close to the shore. The rowers simply do not get to see a thing.

Something underwater initiative: (1d20+2)[15]
Laurelata initiative: (1d20+9)[15]
Hewitt initiative: (1d20+2)[8]
Marius initiative: (1d20+2)[6]
Jessica initiative: (1d20+2)[22]
Tazmara initiative: (1d20+2)[14]Something octopusy and clearly smaller than yourself, if you don't count by total length.
=> Laurelata (surprise round)

2020-01-21, 12:21 PM
=> Laurelata (surprise round)

"Some sort of large squid below us," Laurelata shouted to the others as she tracked it with her bow. She knew her arrows wouldn't do much underwater, so she had to wait until it came up or moved away, tracking it, ready to let go as soon as it attacked one of them or the boat.

I'm going to ready an attack that as soon as the thing appears to attack one of the characters or the boat, I would shoot (as except against the boat it has to come up with at least some of it's arms.
Even though Laurelata doesn't have knowledge (nature) she has lived almost her entire life in a coastal town, so she should have an idea of what a squid looks like (and how to make great calamares :smallbiggrin: )

2020-01-23, 09:14 AM
The two bodies quickly surface from the murk of the water, revealing themselves to be some sort of goblin-octopus hybrids armed with barbed sharktooth spears. They attack without hesitation just as Laurelata releases the bowstring. This results in an arrow flying in one direction and a lot of spear thrusts in another direction, but as the outcome no one seems to be hurt.


These are grindylows. You know something about grindylows.Laurelata shortbow: (1d20+3)[9] for (1d6)[1]
Grindylow spear charge: (1d20+5)[9] for (1d6+1)[2]
Grindylow spear charge: (1d20+5)[11] for (1d6+1)[7]
Grindylow spear AoO: (1d20+3)[8] for (1d6+1)[6]
Grindylow spear AoO: (1d20+3)[6] for (1d6+1)[5]


Unless you keep rowing at 10 fteet per a combined move action of Marius and Jessica, we will assume that the boat will move 10 feet this round and 5 feet next round, after which it will remain stationary. Jessica's pic broke again, so she's just a letter for now.
=> Jessica and Laurelata (any order)

2020-01-23, 12:59 PM
"Just great," Laurelata muttered. They were too close to use her bow, so she dropped that in the boat, drew her rapier and tried to stab one of the two.

free action: drop bow
move action: draw rapier
standard action: attack.

to hit: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

if critical hit:
to hit: [roll2]
damage: [roll3]

2020-01-23, 08:35 PM
Jessica rises suddenly, warned by Laurelata's call. She looks around briefly, snatching her glaive from where it lies near her feet, and lashes out at the squidling on the port side of the skiff. "What the heck is that!?" she cries, startled by the creature's sudden ferocity. For what she already hopes is the last time, she lashes out with the blade, the movements instinctive.

Jessica Cooper (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1453959)
F NG Aasimar (Angel-blooded) Cleric, Level 1, Init 2, HP 9/9, DR Acid, Cold, Elec resist 5, Speed
AC 11, Touch 11, Flat-footed 10, CMD 13, Fort 3, Ref 1, Will 4, CMB +2, Base Attack Bonus 0
Glaive +2 (1d8+3, x3)
Dagger +2/+1 (1d4+1, 19-20,x2)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 16
Condition +2 CL for divination spells
Augery 2/2 (weekly)
Inner beauty: 1/1
Alter self: 1/1
Channel energy: 8/8, 1d6
Touch of good: 5/5
Bit of Luck: 5/5

Jessica is already in reach of the nearer thing. She'll move action to draw the glaive, and standard to attack:
[roll0] attack
[roll1] crit confirmation (nat 20, x3)
[roll2] damage
[roll3] crit bonus, if applicable.

2020-01-24, 10:28 AM
Laurelata draws a rapier and tries to attack the aquatic creatures. She hits only water. Jessica stands up and swings her glaive, with the same effect. The boat, driven by inertia, continues forward. As the boat brings the rowers closer to the opponents, they attack with their spears and flailing tentacles, but, luckily, to no real effect.

It's -2 to attack in melee while seated, so a miss. Standing up, as it turns up, also has its downsides.

Grindylow spear: (1d20+3)[7] for (1d6+1)[3] vs Jessica
Grindylow trip: (1d20+4)[10] vs Jessica
Grindylow spear: (1d20+3)[11] for (1d6+1)[5] vs Marius
Grindylow trip is ineffective vs Marius


Currently, only Jessica is standing.
=> Party (everyone, any order)

2020-01-24, 12:00 PM
Taz rises to her feet, balancing the boat against Jessica's own rise. As she has done often before, she lets that part of her reach within and grasp onto the elemental plane of water. As the connection forms, she grits her teeth as the power rages through her. She draws from that brief connection to the otherworldly raging torrent - and, like a dam bursting, a forceful jet of water bursts from her outstretched hand toward the goblinpus.

Move to stand (Acrobatics if needed for balance: [roll0])

Standard action: Kinetic blast (water) attack: [roll1] (+3 - 4 for enemy in melee) Damage: [roll2]

Tazmara Stonesong (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2103492)
F NG Dwarf Kineticist (Aquakineticist), Level 1, Init 2, HP 13/13, Speed 20
AC 15, Touch 12, Flat-footed 13, CMD 13, Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 1, CMB +1, Base Attack Bonus 0
PBS Water Blast +3 (1d6+6, x2)
Heavy Pick +1 (1d6+1, x4)
Studded Leather (+3 Armor, +2 Dex)
Burn 0/7

2020-01-24, 01:07 PM
Hewitt is disgusted by the view of such creatures. "Are those ugly things part of the native fauna of this region? What are they?" Hewitt replies as he draws out his scimitar. Whatever the case, he had to help get rid of those things since they were attacking them without provocation. Hopefully, magic wouldnt be necessary to deal with the foul creatures.

Using my move action to draw out my weapon. Cursed 0 BAB.

2020-01-24, 01:24 PM
Grindylows. Father told me about them, think goblin-squids. Marius says as he twohands his paddle and tries to bash one's head in.

Attack: [roll0] -2 for sitting, minus whatever nasty penalty I also have. (I assume a paddle is a club/quarterstaff).
Damage [roll1]

2020-01-25, 06:01 PM
"Just stay still already," Laurelata shouted. She stood up, trusting her natural agility to stay standing in the boat as she stabbed one of them.

move action: stand up
standard action: attack.

acrobatics to keep standing in the boat: [roll0]

to hit: [roll1]
damage: [roll2]

if critical hit:
to hit: [roll3]
damage: [roll4]

2020-01-26, 12:59 PM
Jessica narrowly avoids a spear-tip, her eyes wide as the stony weapon separates a few hairs from the side of her head. In an instant, the threat becomes real, and her eyes flicker with uncertainty as she wonders once again what in the nine hells she's actually doing in a skiff, trying to do battle with some amphibian Goblinoid. As the skiff continues to skim closer to shore, she holds her glaive warily, waiting for the right time to strike.

Jessica Cooper (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1453959)
F NG Aasimar (Angel-blooded) Cleric, Level 1, Init 2, HP 9/9, DR Acid, Cold, Elec resist 5, Speed
AC 11, Touch 11, Flat-footed 10, CMD 13, Fort 3, Ref 1, Will 4, CMB +2, Base Attack Bonus 0
Glaive +2 (1d8+3, x3)
Dagger +2/+1 (1d4+1, 19-20,x2)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 16
Condition +2 CL for divination spells
Augery 2/2 (weekly)
Inner beauty: 1/1
Alter self: 1/1
Channel energy: 8/8, 1d6
Touch of good: 5/5
Bit of Luck: 5/5

If I understand this right, the skiff will move us such that Jessica is able to attack again. At current she's too close to attack with the glaive, but will ready an action to swing (at the end of the round?) when the skiff moves us.
[roll0] glaive
[roll1] crit confirmation (if necessary; nat 20, x3)
[roll2] damage
[roll3] crit bonus

If I'm not understanding this right, and will essentially be skipping a turn, let's instead activate bit of luck on Marius, so he gets to roll twice and take the better roll on his d20. For simplicity: [roll4] (or his natural roll)

2020-02-22, 12:08 PM
Tazmara stands up and blasts a stream of water into the water near the grindylow. Hewitt gets armed, but remains sitting down. Marius swings the paddle and makes a splash as the wide end hits the water. Laurelata stands up and waves her weapon in the general direction of the grindylow as the boat slowly takes her out of reach of the creature. As the boat gradually slows down, Jessica finds herself still too close to the grindylow on the port side of the boat, so she attacks the farther grindylow on the starboard and hits him in his ugly head for 7 damage. The grindylow goes underwater, seemingly losing consciousness. The port side grindylow meanwhile uses the moment to stab Jessica in the side for 4 damage, flails some tentacles around trying to trip her without success and then goes underwater too.

Grindylow spear: (1d20+3)[17] for (1d6+1)[4] vs Jessica
Grindylow trip: (1d20+4)[5] vs Jessica


As I understand it, Tazmara, Laurelata and Jessica are standing up, Hewitt and Marius are sitting. Both grindylows are underwater, the northern one having taken 5-ft "step" down, so is somewhat deeper than the other. The southern one is seemingly unconscious. For most purposes, treat them as having improved cover and cover respectively, the northern one also having concealment.

2020-02-22, 05:36 PM
As there was currently nothing to attack, Laurelata started looking around at the water, just in case there were more coming.
"Quickly, row to the beach before they come back with some friends," she said to the rowers, holding on to her rapier for the moment but making sure her bow was also in easy reach.

2020-02-22, 06:40 PM
Hewitt isnt sure about the situation. Did those creatures just leave? He replies "Agreed. We need to move on. We are sitting ducks if we remain here."Hewitt stays on the defense, ready to attack anything if it rose above water level.

Knowing that the creature on his side of the boat was still out there, he had to take an extra measure.

Casting mage armor. AC increased to 17.
It should last for 1 hour.

2020-02-23, 08:33 AM
Marius shimmies a bit in the middle and takes both rudders. You defend the boat, I'll handle the rowing. If any of you have any clever magic tricks, now would be the time. Marius takes the second rudder, and goes.

[roll0] Profession (Sailor) is technically needed to get from 0 to 30 speed as per Naval Combat Rules (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/other-rules/ship-combat/advanced-naval-combat) An oar has AC 12, HP 10 and hardness 5 (wood).

I am of course working under the assumption I can propel a boat on my own.

2020-02-23, 12:40 PM
Jessica's breath goes out of her with an almost audible thump. She hits her bench-seat in similar fashion, dazed boy the sudden sharp pain of impact. Unaware how narrowly she may have just avoided a much worse fate, tears well up in her eyes as she struggles to focus herself on anything but the pain. Laurelata's no-nonsense command calls her attention back to the matters at hand and seem to brook no arguments. Blinking her eyes clear, she fumbles in the floor of the skiff for the oar before trying to assist Marius once more in the rowing. "Keep-" she chokes on the words. "Just keep them away from me!" With obvious effort, she puts her whole being into the task, desperate to get away from the foul creatures.

Jessica Cooper (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1453959)
F NG Aasimar (Angel-blooded) Cleric, Level 1, Init 2, HP 5/9, DR Acid, Cold, Elec resist 5, Speed
AC 11, Touch 11, Flat-footed 10, CMD 13, Fort 3, Ref 1, Will 4, CMB +2, Base Attack Bonus 0
Glaive +2 (1d8+3, x3)
Dagger +2/+1 (1d4+1, 19-20,x2)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 16
Condition +2 CL for divination spells
Augery 2/2 (weekly)
Inner beauty: 1/1
Alter self: 1/1
Channel energy: 8/8, 1d6
Touch of good: 5/5
Bit of Luck: 5/5

I'll let you address the details, as I'm not at all sure what actions or checks might apply. She lacks training for profession (sailor) or any other skills that seem directly applicable. I'll just provide (d20) [roll0] and let you work out whatever needs to be worked out. Jessica is using all of her combat action(s) to try and get rowing again.

2020-02-24, 01:01 PM
The water around the boat begins to undulate as Taz focuses to pull move from the plane of water. She channels coldly, not letting the intensity of the moment have her pull too much through herself. Instead she builds the power around her. The surface of the water begins to chaotically roil streaming about along unseen lines of power. Droplets of water coalesce from the air, joining into the frenetic dance. Everything and everyone nearby is sprayed with a light mist until all the channeled power gets pulled back through Taz. An instant passes with her skin glowing blue from the power inside her, before another, more forceful jet of water launches out into the deep at the Goblipodes.

Move action to gather power (1 burn reduced)

Standard action: Kinetic blast + push (water) attack: [roll0] (+3 - 4 for enemy in melee) Damage: [roll1]
If hit will push the Goblipus 5 ft as if subjected to a bull rush

Tazmara Stonesong (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2103492)
F NG Dwarf Kineticist (Aquakineticist), Level 1, Init 2, HP 13/13, Speed 20
AC 15, Touch 12, Flat-footed 13, CMD 13, Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 1, CMB +1, Base Attack Bonus 0
PBS Water Blast +3 (1d6+6, x2)
Heavy Pick +1 (1d6+1, x4)
Studded Leather (+3 Armor, +2 Dex)
Burn 0/7

2020-02-25, 11:08 AM
Having scared away the grindylows, who head to north-west, one dragged by the other, while remaining near the not so far sea floor, the party makes it the other way towards the solitary dock that extends from the beach into the bay. The construction is solid and looks recent, suitable for tying off a small boat, although no watercraft are readily visible. The beach inclines to the east before giving way to grass and trees. Further on in that direction, buildings and a palisade wall stand on the rise.


You can spot a canoe on the seafloor at a depth of 10 feet. It is upside-down and parallel to the northern side of the dock.
Casting mage armor. AC increased to 17.Stuff like this should probably go on the sheet unless you are going to otherwise track it and include in every in-combat post.

2020-02-25, 11:33 AM
Hewitt was the first to run to dry land. "Great! Now I can finally fetch our last team member. It will just take a minute. Then we can keep up exploring. Just keep your eyes open while I finish." Hewitt kind of regretted not summoning Lightburn beforehand but he had wanted to keep a low profile on the boat. At least, he could start the summoning ritual.

Hewitt got on his knees and started mumbling. He moved his hands every now and then while doing this. He concentrated completely into channeling Lightburn. Afterall, Lightburn could be a valuable asset especially, there could be more enemies on the way.

Stuff like this should probably go on the sheet unless you are going to otherwise track it and include in every in-combat post.

Agreed. I will keep it up in every post till the effect goes away.

Performing the ritual to summon the eidolon. It takes one minute to perform.

AC 17 due to mage armor. It should last for about an hour.

2020-02-25, 11:57 AM
As soon as the boat arrived at the pier, Laurelate jumped on land and used some rope to secure the boat. Then she got back in to get her bow.
"There's an upside-down Canoe here," she said, pointing, "maybe while Hewitt works his ritual, one of us can stand guard and the rest can try dragging it onto the shore. It might contain clues as to what happened and if nothing else, it can be salvaged in case those underwater goblins wreck our other boat. I'm not sure if they will come on land, but if we put if far enough, it should be fairly safe. I have some rope we can use if needed."

I assume there's some rope in the boat to secure it to the dock. Most of those small boats have some rope in them (I've been on enough RHIBs to know).

2020-02-25, 12:27 PM
Despite her affiinity for the water, Taz revels in having something solid beneath her feet for the first time in a month and a half. Her eyes follow Lauralata's finger to the boat underwater. "We should think before we do anything. The... grin-dee-lows," she rolls the unfamilar word over her tongue as if she has marbles in her mouth, "are a sign that the colony has likely been attacked. We may want to shore our boat, since a cut of the rope from one of the... grindylows... may leave us stranded here while we explore." With a tip of her head toward the canoe, she adds, "and I don't know if that is sea worthy. I can probably get that canoe to shore on my own, if the rest of you would keep watch. If it is stuck in the mud, I could probably get a rope around it. Might need some help dislodging it in that case."

Combination of swimming (take 10), aquakinesis currents, and aquakinetic adjustment to bouyancy should allow Taz to get the boat to shore or a rope tied around it.

2020-02-25, 01:03 PM
"Okay," Laurelata said, grabbing her bow and watching out, keeping an eye on both land and water.
"If you need them, I have rope and a grappling hook you can use," she added.

time to roll perception: [roll0]

2020-02-25, 06:56 PM
If possible, Marius tries to lug the boat onto land. They might come back and cut our ropes. he says. As Hewitt casts his spell, Marius reacts a bit wary. Uhm, Hewitt? I have read about wizards enslaving demons and similar. Are you positive, you want to do this?

His whole demeanor is critical and uneasy, but ultimatively not hostile yet. Of course Marius has told stories about how he adores the Eagle Knights who also sponsored his armor and much of his part of the expedition; the Eagle Knights, who are known enemies of slavery.

2020-02-26, 08:56 PM
Jessica makes no effort to hide her shock at the sudden violence inflicted upon her. As the party trudges ashore, she lifts her holy symbol aloft. A subtle pulse of energy emanates out from it, filling her group with a gentle sort of warmth and easing her nerves somewhat. "Why would they attack the colonists?" she stammered at Taz. "I- I didn't think there'd be so much fighting!" she admits, succeeding for the moment at holding back tears.

She stomps resolutely back into the surf to help Marius pull the skiff onto the shore- or at least as high as the pair can manage. Then, while watching Hewitt, she looks down at her hands and notices the appearance of angry red marks that will no doubt be blistering soon. Her eyebrows furrow in acknowledgement of the discomfort, and she rubs her hands together awkwardly as she looks around their landing area.
Jessica Cooper (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1453959)
F NG Aasimar (Angel-blooded) Cleric, Level 1, Init 2, HP 7/9, DR Acid, Cold, Elec resist 5, Speed
AC 11, Touch 11, Flat-footed 10, CMD 13, Fort 3, Ref 1, Will 4, CMB +2, Base Attack Bonus 0
Glaive +2 (1d8+3, x3)
Dagger +2/+1 (1d4+1, 19-20,x2)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 16
Condition +2 CL for divination spells
Augery 2/2 (weekly)
Inner beauty: 1/1
Alter self: 1/1
Channel energy: 7/8, 1d6
Touch of good: 5/5
Bit of Luck: 5/5

Using my first of 8 channels for [roll0] HP. I think only Jessica was hurt, but still. Perception to assist in keeping watch: [roll1]

2020-02-27, 11:13 AM
While Tazmara, Marius and Jessica drag the boat ashore, Hewitt has enough time to perform whatever ritual he was performing. Laurelata keeps watch, but sees nothing untoward until suddenly an obviously extraplanar black wolf appears next to Hewitt. It seems partially on fire and smoke comes out of its fur now and again, but it does not appear to be threatening anyone just yet and Hewitt seems not the least surprised. After the wolf is properly introduced, the next business seems to be getting the canoe onshore. This probably could be done with a grappling hook attached to a rope, but to prevent quite possible damage to canoe, Taz instead takes rope and dives in. She is trying to tie the rope to the canoe when a small crab-like claw appears from under it, trying to grab her. Soon after, before Tazmara could react to the surprise, a second claw appears and the claws both attempt to grab Tazmara's hand. One succeeds at pinching one of her fingers quite painfully for 1 damage.

I assume Hewitt introduces his eidolon and/or addresses Marius' questions before Tazmara goes diving.

Something stealth: (1d20+13)[26]
Tazmara perception: (1d20+5)[9]

Something init: (1d20+5)[22]
Tazmara init: (1d20+2)[4]

Something claw: (1d20+3)[13] for (1d3-2)[0]
Something claw: (1d20+3)[14] for (1d3-2)[0]
Something claw: (1d20+3)[20] for (1d3-2)[0]

Assume the depth is 5 feet at the site of the action.
=> Tazmara (and then, possibly, everybody else)

2020-02-27, 01:57 PM
The sudden pinch of her fingers nearly startles her into exhaling, but Taz catches herself and instead takes a measured assessment of the situation. One crab; damage to finger minimal; nothing here to fear. Feet firmly on the ground, she draws her trusty pick from her side and swings it under the boat attempting to skewer the creature.

From my previous post, adjusted bouyancy should put her solidly on the ground, so she should have firm footing for the attack.
Move: draw heavy pick
Standard: Attack (heavy pick) [roll0] Damage: [roll1]

Rounds of breath remaining before drowing: 33/38.

I am assuming getting down there and starting to tie it took about three rounds. The standard action drains an extra. Also, I assume from the damage roll that is 1 NL damage, yes?

Tazmara Stonesong (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2103492)
F NG Dwarf Kineticist (Aquakineticist), Level 1, Init 2, HP 13/13, NL 1, Speed 20
AC 15, Touch 12, Flat-footed 13, CMD 13, Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 1, CMB +1, Base Attack Bonus 0
PBS Water Blast +3 (1d6+6, x2)
Heavy Pick +1 (1d6+1, x4)
Studded Leather (+3 Armor, +2 Dex)
Burn 0/7

2020-02-27, 03:28 PM
If possible, Marius tries to lug the boat onto land. They might come back and cut our ropes. he says. As Hewitt casts his spell, Marius reacts a bit wary. Uhm, Hewitt? I have read about wizards enslaving demons and similar. Are you positive, you want to do this?

His whole demeanor is critical and uneasy, but ultimatively not hostile yet. Of course Marius has told stories about how he adores the Eagle Knights who also sponsored his armor and much of his part of the expedition; the Eagle Knights, who are known enemies of slavery.

Just in front of Hewitt a creature resembling a black wolf with fire around its head shaped like a mask. Hewitt addresses the issue of his teammate. "Dont worry! I can assure you that I treat Lightburn with respect and friendship though he wasnt there during our journey on boat because he can give the wrong impression with those that dont understand. He can fight pretty well though, better than myself even." Hewitt decided to leave his explanation there. "His name is Lightburn and its a pleasure to meet you all."

While Tazmara, Marius and Jessica drag the boat ashore, Hewitt has enough time to perform whatever ritual he was performing. Laurelata keeps watch, but sees nothing untoward until suddenly an obviously extraplanar black wolf appears next to Hewitt. It seems partially on fire and smoke comes out of its fur now and again, but it does not appear to be threatening anyone just yet and Hewitt seems not the least surprised. After the wolf is properly introduced, the next business seems to be getting the canoe onshore. This probably could be done with a grappling hook attached to a rope, but to prevent quite possible damage to canoe, Taz instead takes rope and dives in. She is trying to tie the rope to the canoe when a small crab-like claw appears from under it, trying to grab her. Soon after, before Tazmara could react to the surprise, a second claw appears and the claws both attempt to grab Tazmara's hand. One succeeds at pinching one of her fingers quite painfully for 1 damage.

I assume Hewitt introduces his eidolon and/or addresses Marius' questions before Tazmara goes diving.

Something stealth: (1d20+13)[26]
Tazmara perception: (1d20+5)[9]

Something init: (1d20+5)[22]
Tazmara init: (1d20+2)[4]

Something claw: (1d20+3)[13] for (1d3-2)[0]
Something claw: (1d20+3)[14] for (1d3-2)[0]
Something claw: (1d20+3)[20] for (1d3-2)[0]

Assume the depth is 5 feet at the site of the action.
=> Tazmara (and then, possibly, everybody else)

Hewitt commands Lightburn to go and assist Tazmara. Lightburn reacts as quickly as possible to show its own capabilities to the rest and prove himself a valuable asset. Fighting in the water was a specialty of his, afterall.

Lightburn has a speed of 40 both on earth and on water.
Lightburn will attack the creature grabbing Tazmara by biting it.
Bite: [roll0] Damage [roll1]

Lightburn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2095103) Outsider Eidolon 1 NG HP 11 / 11 Speed 40 ft Init 2 AC 12 Fort 3 Ref 4 Will 2 CMB +3 BAB 1 Bite 3 (1d6+2, x2) Str 14 (2) Dex 14 (2) Con 13 (1) Wis 10 (0) Int 7 (-2) Cha 11 (0)

2020-02-27, 04:17 PM
The dwarf was staying quite long under water, much longer than Laurelata herself could do, but with the others near her, she decided to stay on guard against other things that could attack them. It wasn't because all attacks had come from under water so far, that there couldn't be any others.
"Maybe we can already go and have a look at the village itself," she suggested, "with a few of us."

I keep watching for other problems, trusting the others to call when they need my help.
perception roll: [roll0]

2020-02-27, 07:39 PM
Jessica starts suddenly- she hadn't noticed Tazmara being attacked initially. She follows out back to the little dock, gripping her glaive nervously. When the odd wolf leaps into the ocean, it doesn't help visibility, but it looks like the Dwarf is handling herself alright. For the moment, she waits on the dock, just a few feet above her companion, unsure how best to help.

2020-02-28, 04:11 PM
Marius draws his weapon and charges the crab. Why don'tcha pick on someone..uh the ranger stammers double your size, eh? he tries to protect Tazmara, blocking any additional attacks while slashing the creature himself.

Attack [roll0]
Damage: [roll2]If Tazmara is attacked, using AoO to improve her AC by +2 via the aid another action/Bodyguard feat:
Miss chance [roll4] (each result giving percentage for any attack)

2020-02-29, 05:49 AM
Tazmara swings her heavy pick under the canoe. She clearly hits something, but the canoe prevents her from observing the effect other than the dissapearance of both claws. The wolf and the man jump into the water to join the fight, but achieve nothing but raising some mud from the bottom.

Everyone, including the "crab", has cover from the upside-down canoe. Unless you do something about it, only three of you (e.g. those already in the water) can fight the "crab" at the same time. Funny thing that a longsword has -2 to hit underwater and deals only half damage, as do other slashing and bludgeoning weapons, but the pick, also a swung weapon, has no penalty, because it deals piercing damage and damage type is what Pathfinder uses to differentiate. I think I won't houserule anything here, so just making you know.
=> Party

2020-02-29, 06:02 AM
"What do you have there," Laurelata shouted when she saw a number of people do something in the water, "don't punch holes in the Canoe if you can. We might need it."

She kept her guard up towards the land for now, glancing some quick peeks at the water, but nothing more.


2020-02-29, 12:55 PM
Taz waves her hand in front of Marius's face to get his attention, points to herself, then motions a lifting action. She then points to Marius, then to his weapon, then to where the crab was. She then moves to the tip of the canoe, shoves the tip of the pick under the canoe to avoid getting her fingers pinched again, and lifts up - hoping to give Marius an attack window, and maybe flip the canoe.

Adjusted bouyancy has her solidly on the ground, so she should have firm footing for the lift

Free: Communicate (maybe not really that short, but we aren't actively being attacked)
Move: Position self at tip of boat
Standard: Lift boat with pick (if strength check needed) [roll0]

Rounds of breath remaining before drowing: 31/38.

Tazmara Stonesong (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2103492)
F NG Dwarf Kineticist (Aquakineticist), Level 1, Init 2, HP 13/13, NL 1, Speed 20
AC 15, Touch 12, Flat-footed 13, CMD 13, Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 1, CMB +1, Base Attack Bonus 0
PBS Water Blast +3 (1d6+6, x2)
Heavy Pick +1 (1d6+1, x4)
Studded Leather (+3 Armor, +2 Dex)
Burn 0/7

2020-02-29, 06:42 PM
Lightburn seems annoyed about the taste of salt water in its mouth after the failed attempt to attack. Hewitt could only instruct him to keep the attack going. Since no attack was made, he assumed that at the very least, they had the upperhand.

Readied action
Attack the crabs? the moment he sees them.
Attack: [roll0] Damage [roll1]

Lightburn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2095103) Outsider Eidolon 1 NG HP 11 / 11 Speed 40 ft Init 2 AC 12 Fort 3 Ref 4 Will 2 CMB +3 BAB 1 Bite 3 (1d6+2, x2) Str 14 (2) Dex 14 (2) Con 13 (1) Wis 10 (0) Int 7 (-2) Cha 11 (0)

2020-02-29, 10:09 PM
It seemed like her companions had the matter pretty firmly handled, and Jessica couldn't see any vantage point from which to actually be helpful, anyway. Rather than jump in the ocean for fun, she keeps her position on the shore and a keen eye out for anyone-friendly or otherwise.

2020-02-29, 11:39 PM
Marius looks at Taz, tries to nod, but decides against it. The salt water burns in his eyes. He shifts his posture to get a better hit in. Not only that but he shifts over so his friends have a better attack.

Freebooter’s Bane (Ex): At 1st level, the freebooter can, as a move action, indicate an enemy in combat and rally her allies to focus on that target. The freebooter and her allies gain a +1 bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against the target. This ability applies only to allies who can see or hear the freebooter and who are within 30 feet of the freebooter at the time she activates this ability.

2020-03-01, 06:56 AM
Laurelata stands guard. She thinks she saw some movement in the window of the building to the right of the path, but she is not sure and there seems to be no more movement as she continues looking at it. Tazmara lifts the canoe revealing something not very crab-like with crab-like claws.


Lightburn tries to attack it, but only raises some more mud from the bottom. Marius seems to hit with the sword, but there is no blood in the water. The tiny creature starts to wave its claws in strange ways and emits strange noises. Lightburn tries to bite it again, this time successfully, but this does not prevent the creature from completing the spell. Those nearby suddenly feel drowsy, but, except for Marius, able to overcome the spell.

Some type of aquatic fey?Seems to be a fuath, evil gremlin with dislike of sunlight.Casts sleep.@Spore remember -2 to hit and half damage with the sword underwater.

Lightburn AoO: (1d20+3)[23] for (1d6+2)[4]
Lightburn confirm: (1d20+3)[10] for (1d6+2)[8]

Tazmara will: (1d20+1)[10]
Marius will: (1d20+2)[4] - fell asleep
Lightburn will: (1d20+2)[20]
Hewitt will: (1d20+2)[10]

Tazmara is holding the canoe up. Marius drops the sword and is asleep under the water.
=> Party

2020-03-01, 12:14 PM
With nothing much happening on shore, Jessica's attention is mostly given to the party under the surface. Things seem to be going well; Tazmara has raised the canoe to both make progress towards the initial purpose and remove the cover of whatever they're fighting. However, when Marius suddenly stops moving, something seems very wrong. It takes Jessica only a few heartbeats to decide to act, though she's not really certain how to do it best. She jumps in, behind Marius and scrambles to get ahold of his jerkin. Pulling as hard as she can manage with ungraceful urgency, she kicks against anything but him to try and make progress towards the gentle shoreline.

Not sure how best to use actions in this context. I figure at least one move action to jump in, with the probability of an associated swim check: [roll0]. If it takes two moves, or two checks: [roll1]. If it takes a standard action to "start a grapple" with Marius before being able to take the reposition maneuver, so be it. If not, she'll start repositioning him towards the surface/shoreline.

*I* have lifeguard training, so I know how to grip an unconscious swimmer and bring them to the surface, keeping them face up above the water. Jessica, however, does not- and I'm not sure how reasonable it is to act as if she does. Still, the premise of "don't let him drown" is fairly straightforward, so she's gonna try.

2020-03-01, 01:03 PM
Hewitt raises his eyebrow as he watches the strange creature that was just revealed. "The local fauna certainly knows how to leave a first impression." Hewitt jokes. Still, he was starting to wonder if both encounters with the sea creatures were related with the seemingly desolated settlement. Hewitt decided to wait until the creature was taken care of before bringing up the sbject. Meanwhile, Lightburn continued its assault against the sea creature.

Bite: [roll0] [roll1]

Lightburn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2095103) Outsider Eidolon 1 NG HP 11 / 11 Speed 40 ft Init 2 AC 12 Fort 3 Ref 4 Will 2 CMB +3 BAB 1 Bite 3 (1d6+2, x2) Str 14 (2) Dex 14 (2) Con 13 (1) Wis 10 (0) Int 7 (-2) Cha 11 (0)

2020-03-01, 03:50 PM
With the aquatic fey occupied with Lightburn, and the napping Marius rescued by Jessica, Taz focuses on the canoe. She adjusts her grip to hold the canoe tightly, then reverses her bouyancy with aquakinesis, and tryies to drag the downed vessel to the surface with her.

Adjust bouyancy to float

Rounds of breath remaining before drowing: 29/38.

Tazmara Stonesong (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2103492)
F NG Dwarf Kineticist (Aquakineticist), Level 1, Init 2, HP 13/13, NL 1, Speed 20
AC 15, Touch 12, Flat-footed 13, CMD 13, Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 1, CMB +1, Base Attack Bonus 0
PBS Water Blast +3 (1d6+6, x2)
Heavy Pick +1 (1d6+1, x4)
Studded Leather (+3 Armor, +2 Dex)
Burn 0/7

2020-03-02, 02:28 AM
"Need help," Laurelata shouted while she kept an eye out for any new movement in or around the settlement.

2020-03-02, 11:30 AM
Jessica jumps off the dock, grabs Marius and gets his head above the water. That is an easy thing to do considering the depth allows to have her own head above the water too while standing firmly on the sea floor below. Lightburn lands a solid bite on the opponent, which endures it better than Hewitt might have expected, suffering only 3 damage. Tazmara drags the lifted canoe halfway onshore, leaving its former inhabitant to those already involved, which currently constitutes mainly a lone Lightburn.

The tiny thing counterattacks Lightburn, pinching the wolf's nose painfully for 1 damage, but missing with the second claw.

The currently sleeping Marius does too. Good thing he can hold his breath for so long.
I am not sure whether holding one's breath requires conscious effort. I could perform some research and make decision, but let's say being actively saved is just as well. Two move actions do get Marius out of the water, but he seems to be safe as he is.

Two move actions to drag the canoe completely onshore, but it's not readily going anywhere if you leave it as is.

The opponent has no reach, so moves into Lightburn's square to attack, provoking an AoO from Lightburn only.

Lightburn AoO: (1d20+3)[13] (1d6+2)[7]
Opponent claw: (1d20+3)[22] for (1d3-2)[0]
Opponent claw: (1d20+3)[7] for (1d3-2)[0]

Now that the canoe is out of the way, the restriction on the number of concurrent attackers against the opponent should be considered lifted.
=> Party

2020-03-03, 11:58 AM
Hewitt waited patiently. At the very least, it seemed like the creature was under control for the moment though he hoped that the battle would resume soon. Lightburn continued his attacks, he had to take it down to prove himselfthough he was going to complain about the conditions with Hewitt later since the battle had left him with a bad taste.

[roll0] [roll1]

Lightburn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2095103) Outsider Eidolon 1 NG HP 11 / 11 Speed 40 ft Init 2 AC 12 Fort 3 Ref 4 Will 2 CMB +3 BAB 1 Bite 3 (1d6+2, x2) Str 14 (2) Dex 14 (2) Con 13 (1) Wis 10 (0) Int 7 (-2) Cha 11 (0)

2020-03-03, 03:35 PM
Since only the wolf was still fighting, Taz knew she had to get back in the fray. Taking deep gulps of air, she latches the grappling onto the canoe. She then shouts to Laurelata, "SHORE THIS," then dives back under the waves, sinking like a rock and moving back toward the fey.

Swift: hook / drop grappling
Standard: adjust bouyancy to sink to the bottom
Move: move back to the battle

Rounds of breath remaining before drowing: 37/38.
Tazmara Stonesong (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2103492)
F NG Dwarf Kineticist (Aquakineticist), Level 1, Init 2, HP 13/13, NL 1, Speed 20
AC 15, Touch 12, Flat-footed 13, CMD 13, Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 1, CMB +1, Base Attack Bonus 0
PBS Water Blast +3 (1d6+6, x2)
Heavy Pick +1 (1d6+1, x4)
Studded Leather (+3 Armor, +2 Dex)
Burn 0/7

2020-03-03, 03:43 PM
Laurelata rushed in, grabbed the rope and tried to pull the Canoe to the shore. Grunting to pull the weight the dwarf seemed to pull with ease, she tried to move the Canoe onto the sand.

Not sure if it's needed, but if it is, strenght check: [roll0]

2020-03-03, 04:28 PM
Hewitt decides it is time to assist. He goes to help with Marius and try to wake her up. Hopefully, they could get Marius back in action.

Hewitt will try to slap Marius to end the sleep while trying to avoid doing lethal damage.

2020-03-03, 08:26 PM
Jessica finishes hauling Marius far enough that waves won't put his face under water. "We've got the canoe, just get out of the water!" she calls, hoping that her companions can escape without unnecessary injury. She holds Marius' head up while Hewitt tries to wake him.

2020-03-04, 11:34 AM
The wolf bites again, for no apparent effect. Tazmara goes back underwater to re-join the fight. Laurelata drags the canoe onshore. As she does, she notices a hole in the bottom (which is now on the top since the canoe is still upside-down). Hewitt slaps Marius' face while Jessica keeps it above the water. Marius wakes up and, after a very short time, seems to come to a conclusion regarding what has happened to him and become aware of the fact that the fight's still ongoing.

Underwater, Lightburn is pinched for 1 more damage.

Opponent claw: (1d20+3)[21] for (1d3-2)[0]
Opponent claw: (1d20+3)[6] for (1d3-2)[0]
=> Party

2020-03-04, 11:27 PM
Marius wakes up, stands up and draws his next best weapon, a dagger. He thanks his father mentally for strapping him down with all those things he thought superfluous just two weeks ago. He enters melee again.

Now, let's carve this crab up. I'm hungry for some.

free action to activate freebooter's bane again.
move action to stand up.
another move action to get into melee and draw weapon
AoO to protect the next ally that could be hit: [roll0] [roll1]
Though I prefer to keep one AoO of my three for when it moves away.

2020-03-05, 12:36 AM
Hewitt ecides to head back now that he had managed to wake up his teammate. No reason to swarm the creature in the water. He would leave the job to Lightburn and the rest. Lightburn proceeds to keep attacking the creature until it could be put down or it decided to retreat.

Bite[roll0] Damage[roll1]

Lightburn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2095103) Outsider Eidolon 1 NG HP 9 / 11 Speed 40 ft Init 2 AC 12 Fort 3 Ref 4 Will 2 CMB +3 BAB 1 Bite 3 (1d6+2, x2) Str 14 (2) Dex 14 (2) Con 13 (1) Wis 10 (0) Int 7 (-2) Cha 11 (0)

2020-03-05, 01:31 AM
With the canoe onshore, Laurelata goes back to watching the village. She was sure she had seen movement earlier and she hoped that with the distraction, this person or persons would think it was safe to move again. She kept an eye out for the fight though, just in case she needed to help there.

perception to the land side mostly: [roll0]

2020-03-05, 11:54 AM
Jessica shakes her head in sad confusion as Marius charges back into the surf. "But why? IT didn't do anything but defend its little home." She watches with a sort of stoic confusion as her companions swarm amongst the waves. Unlike Laurelata, she remains mostly unaware of the state of things up the gentle slope behind her.

2020-03-05, 11:06 PM
Taz shifts her footing on the seafloor and moves to flank the creature with Marius and Lightburn. She then swings her heavy pick at the tiny crabdog fey when it is distracted by Lightburn attempts to bite it.

Move: adjust to flank with Marius
Standard: Attack w/ Heavy Pick [roll0] Damage: [roll1]

Rounds of breath remaining before drowing: 35/38.
Tazmara Stonesong (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2103492)
F NG Dwarf Kineticist (Aquakineticist), Level 1, Init 2, HP 13/13, NL 1, Speed 20
AC 15, Touch 12, Flat-footed 13, CMD 13, Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 1, CMB +1, Base Attack Bonus 0
PBS Water Blast +3 (1d6+6, x2)
Heavy Pick +1 (1d6+1, x4)
Studded Leather (+3 Armor, +2 Dex)
Burn 0/7

2020-03-06, 05:24 AM
The squids from before could also be defending themselves. By drowning ME. the ranger shouts at the amicable priest.

2020-03-06, 08:59 AM
The party fights the crabdog fey even though some question it and some look the other way. No progress is made in any of those endeavors. The crabdog fey pinches Lightburn's nose again for 1 more damage. That really starts to annoy the wolf because you only have so much of nose and you normally have better uses for it. At least Marius' intervention saves the wolf from the second attack, otherwise this fight against the tiny opponent would be even more disappointing.

Opponent claw: (1d20+3)[23] for (1d3-2)[1]
Opponent confirm: (1d20+3)[16] for (1d3-2)[-1]
Opponent claw: (1d20+3)[13] for (1d3-2)[1]
Marius aid another AoO: (1d20+5)[25] +2 to Lightburn's AC against second attack
=> Party

2020-03-07, 02:14 PM
Lightburn lets its master know about the almost complete lack of progress agaisnt the crab abomination. Lightburn was starting to think they were losing a battle even with their advantages. Hewitt decides its best to look at this from a different perspective. "I dont think we are managing anything against the creature. Does anyone know about what it is or what its weakness maybe. Or if it isnt possible for us to beat, look for an alternative.". While waiting, he commands Lightburn attack one last time. If it didnt work, he could consider suggesting retreating.

Bite: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]

Lightburn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2095103) Outsider Eidolon 1 NG HP 8 / 11 Speed 40 ft Init 2 AC 12 Fort 3 Ref 4 Will 2 CMB +3 BAB 1 Bite 3 (1d6+2, x2) Str 14 (2) Dex 14 (2) Con 13 (1) Wis 10 (0) Int 7 (-2) Cha 11 (0)

2020-03-07, 03:14 PM
"Let's try getting it out of it's comfort zone," Laurelata said. She grabbed the rope and grappling hook she had used to get the Canoe out of the water and started swinging. Then she let go, trying to hook the critter and drag it out of the water.

I'm not sure if this will work, but I'm going to try to use the grappling hook at the end of the rope to … well, grapple the critter and then drag it out of the water. I assume it's a ranged touch attack to hook the critter and then a strength check to get it out of the water. Please do add bonusses and penalties as needed. I've already added in the -2 from the ranged attack, as I assume it also counts for this type of attack.

attack roll: [roll0]
strength check: [roll1]

2020-03-08, 08:51 AM
This thing is annoying. We need to deal with it later. Go, I will hold the line. Marius says before stabbing at the creature again.


2020-03-08, 11:10 AM
Knowing that the creature seemed to be shedding the blows with ease, Taz makes one last attempt. Knowing the potency of her forceful water blasts for chipping rocks, and performing feats of strength her body could never handle, she raises her palm at the creature and channels the other worldly water jet through her. She tries to blast the creature before fleeing combat.

Standard: Attack w/ water blast [roll0] (+3-4(in melee combat)-2(underwater)) Damage: [roll1]
Move: leave battle

Rounds of breath remaining before drowing: 33/38.
Tazmara Stonesong (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2103492)
F NG Dwarf Kineticist (Aquakineticist), Level 1, Init 2, HP 13/13, NL 1, Speed 20
AC 15, Touch 12, Flat-footed 13, CMD 13, Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 1, CMB +1, Base Attack Bonus 0
PBS Water Blast +3 (1d6+6, x2)
Heavy Pick +1 (1d6+1, x4)
Studded Leather (+3 Armor, +2 Dex)
Burn 0/7

2020-03-08, 11:37 AM
The crabdog fey easily evades both Lightburn's bite and Marius' stab. Laurelata manages to land the grappling hook somewhere near it and Lightburn, but did not yank it for fear of hurting the later. A slow pull seems to do nothing much. Then Tazmara blasts a powerful jet of water right at the tiny creature, which is promptly washed away and seems to be drifting unconsciously through the water when and where the jet ends.

Combat over. Further actions?

2020-03-08, 12:56 PM
"What the crap was that," Laurelata asked as she pulled the rope and the hook back in, "the Canoe is ruined by the way. And I think I saw some movement in the village a while ago. We better proceed with the utmost caution."

She looked at the village again, trying to see what had made the movement. And then she checked in the Canoe to see if they could salvage it if needed.

perception test: [roll0]

2020-03-08, 01:12 PM
The hole in the canoe seems to be fairly local. Upon closer inspection it seems to have been made from inside with some edged weapon or tool.Other than having the hole, the canoe seems pretty solid. Definitely could be repaired given the adequate tools.

2020-03-08, 01:30 PM
Marius inspects the canoe. It can be repaired. However someone sabotaged the ships. I assume an attack with agents from within. If we find people, we have to stay cautious. Marius points at the hole in the canoe, being larger on the inside than the outside, a clear indication that it was sunk from inside.

A bit of hot tar and a few wedges, and the thing is as good as new.

Now, for the way ahead. I think we scout out the area. Anyone suited for this? I am trained as a scout. My armor makes me a bit sluggish however.

2020-03-08, 01:43 PM
"I can be quite stealthy if I have to," Laurelata said, "I can join you. And yes, we have to be careful, as there was some movement in the village."

2020-03-08, 03:14 PM
"I wouldnt say that I am trained in art of stealth. I suppose the rest of us stay here in the meantime. Lightburn could use some healing in the meantime. He took some damage from the last battle. " Hewitt replies before bringing up an important fact about their situation. "Just be sure to be careful. If what we have seen so far is any indication, there might be more enemies at the village."

2020-03-08, 06:41 PM
Marius nods at Hewitt. Yes, however you are best suited further back, my small friend. You weren't too eager in the frontlines. The ranger straps his shield to his backpack, which he leaves in the shore. Good idea, Laurelata. I take the left side, and you scout the right. We look around for about 15 minutes, then we return. You, if we do not return, you can use your hound and push onwards. If we get spotted, we signal you via whistling.

Marius bows elegantly before the half-elf: After you.

2020-03-08, 08:38 PM
After the creature falls, Taz gives a quick glance at where the fey was nestled under the canoe in case the little creature has procured anything of value. Then she surfaces and climbs back onto the dock. Within moments she is dry again and joins the others.

To Lauraleta, she says what little she knows of the creature, "that was some sort of aquatic fey, but more than that I cannot say."

To Marius, "I've always had sharp eyes, but that is where my scouting prowess ends. I could join you in case things go surface," Taz absentmindedly injects the dwarven colloquialism, "but I'm not particularly steathy."

Perception to see if there is treasure: [roll0]

2020-03-09, 02:21 AM
"Stay here with the others and secure our ride back," Laurelata told the dwarf, "but please do come running when we call."
She also left her backpack with the rest of the group, just keeping her weapons with her. Then she moved of towards the right, wanting to check out the village and the movement she had seen there. And she assumed that Marius would be more of a woodland scout where she was more of an urban scout, even though she did know how to move around in the forest. She kept her rapier drawn and ready though, just in case

Laurelata will move into the village and check it out house by house.
stealth: [roll0]
perception: [roll1]

2020-03-09, 04:56 AM
Leaving the rest of the party on the beach some 200 feet from the partially complete wall marking the edge of the village, Laurelata and Marius head uphill along the well-worn trail. Seven canvas pavilion tents were set up to the right of it, large enough to shelter two to three people each. All but two tents have collapsed due to wind, rain, and lack of maintenance. The two that remain standing lean haphazardly and do not appear to have been entered for a long time. Grass has begun to grow around them. For now, you leave them be.

The nearest building just to the right of the trail is constructed of mud bricks on a wooden frame. The western portion is of the structure is enclosed by four walls. This section has a single open window on the south side, with a canvas curtain hung across the opening. The single entrance is a wooden door, standing slightly ajar, on the southern end of the eastern face of the building. A ten-foot extension connects to the building on the east side. This extension has only a northern wall and is otherwise just a roof sheltering the space below, which is open to the outside. Underneath this cover is a forge with an exhaust flue directly above it, a worktable covered in metal scraps, a small tub of black water, and a partially sheltered anvil. Obviously, this is the village's smithy. The outdoor worktable is covered with a few blacksmithing tools and pieces of metalwork, such as weapons, tools, or farming implements abandoned halfway through being forged or repaired.

Marius hears some quiet activity inside the building.

The trail is well-worn, but seems to have been unused for the last couple of weeks.The slope is not really steep, but let's say moving uphill is still at half speed, so no running in that direction. Running in the reverse direction could be done just fine.


2020-03-09, 06:33 AM
Marius draws his sword, and peeks inside quietly.

Perception if needed [roll1]

2020-03-09, 07:16 AM
Inside the smithy building, the space is divided between personal living quarters and an indoor tool storage and work area. A pungent animal smell lingers in the air and a tussled pile of blankets on the wooden cot is soiled. The room is in a state of disarray, with tools such as tin snips, pliers, and files carelessly strewn all over. A few Medium weapons and pieces of armor are strewn among the debris.

A goblin-like creature with a long monkey-like tail is sitting on a rug in the center of the room. There are a shortspear near it and a bucket. The creature seems to be working on a piece of chain mail. It sits facing the door, but looks at its work the moment Marius peeks in, so does not appear to notice the ranger before he gets his head out of the doorway. Marius could not observe the whole of the room without opening the door further and did not take much time to observe it as it is, but he does notice at least one another similar creature sleeping on the cot, also with a shortspear near it.


2020-03-09, 07:20 AM
Laurelata, her rapier already drawn, quietly follows. She didn't hear anything, but clearly Marius had, so she waited until he came back out.

2020-03-09, 06:28 PM
Marius retreats, convening with Laurelata. Two mutated goblins. This island is weird. We should check with the others. he whispers. Have you seen anything worthwhile?

If she negates the question, he returns.

There are just two mutated goblins inside the smitty. Possibly some kind of guards. This whole island gives me the creeps. Whatever happened did go down a few weeks in the past. These tracks are not fresh.

2020-03-09, 08:01 PM
Jessica waits nervously near the shoreline. She fidgets uncomfortably, missing Hewitt's comment for a moment. While Marius and Laurelata take to the gentle slope, the summoner's words finally penetrate her dense confusion. "I- well, he wouldn't if you'd all have left that critter well enough alone!" she scowls. "Just because you have a cleric hanging around doesn't mean you should go around injuring yourselves for fun!"

Her frustration subsides somewhat as she cautiously approaches Lightburn, and begins to inspect the creature. "Gosh, you're a big guy, aren't you?" she says, treating the eidolon very much the way she would behave to a large hunting dog. "You don't seem too badly hurt, but I can maybe help if you need it..." She looks up to Hewitt. "Um. Light energy will heal him, right? I don't mean to be rude, but he seems... uhhh..." She lapses into silence, unable to find a polite way to clarify whether the eidolon is indeed alive or undead.

2020-03-09, 09:51 PM
Hewitt waits for the signal from Marius. Lightburn waited right besides him. Hewitt was petting him while getting an earful from Lightburn. Hewitt knew he needed to train in his skills using his scimitar. Hewitt took the chance to apologize. Hewitt turns his atention to Jessica when addressed.

Jessica waits nervously near the shoreline. She fidgets uncomfortably, missing Hewitt's comment for a moment. While Marius and Laurelata take to the gentle slope, the summoner's words finally penetrate her dense confusion. "I- well, he wouldn't if you'd all have left that critter well enough alone!" she scowls. "Just because you have a cleric hanging around doesn't mean you should go around injuring yourselves for fun!"

Her frustration subsides somewhat as she cautiously approaches Lightburn, and begins to inspect the creature. "Gosh, you're a big guy, aren't you?" she says, treating the eidolon very much the way she would behave to a large hunting dog. "You don't seem too badly hurt, but I can maybe help if you need it..." She looks up to Hewitt. "Um. Light energy will heal him, right? I don't mean to be rude, but he seems... uhhh..." She lapses into silence, unable to find a polite way to clarify whether the eidolon is indeed alive or undead.

"You are right. I just wanted to..." Hewitt turns to look at Lightburn and corrects himself after receiving feedback from him. "We wanted to prove ourselves useful to the team. Still, you are probably right. We probably ended up looking foolish. And in the process we made you waste valuable resources. So, in name of both of us, I would like to apologize on the matter." He adds while making a vow.

"As for the request, he heals with the same type of healing powers that can be used to heal myself." he replies. In a surprising turn, Lightburn adds. "Thanks." Hewitt knows that him blurting out anything in public was quite unusual. Knowing what Lightburn said could be seen as rude, he adds. "Thank you kindly from both of us."

2020-03-10, 02:40 AM
"Maybe these goblins were living here and they were disturbed," Laurelata said when they were back with the others, "or they were pushed here.
The fact is we don't know, but we'll have to decide what to do about them. As long as we encounter them in small numbers, we should be able to handle them I think."

2020-03-10, 08:05 AM
As Marius returns, he utters.

There are just two mutated goblins inside the smitty. Possibly some kind of guards. This whole island gives me the creeps. Whatever happened did go down a few weeks in the past. These tracks are not fresh.

After listening to the others, he half-shouts:
Can we PLEASE focus on the task at hand?

I'll say this flat-out. These are - or were - goblins. Squid-goblins. Crab-goblins. Monkey-Goblins. Something is wrong here. We may be safest in small groups, but we don't know what we will face next. But then again, there seems to be no immediate hurry, as the settlement was attacked long ago. So we should scout and keep our eyes open. We do not know what or who caused this. Is there any record of goblin tribes or other creatures on this island?

2020-03-10, 08:23 AM
Jessica listens politely as Hewitt responds, more than a hint of chagrin on her features as she feels astonishingly familiar with a similar desire to prove herself. Humbled, she nods slightly "I accept your apology, wholeheartedly."

When the little fellow answers the question she didn't quite ask, she blushes furiously, with just a hint of the beginning of tears welling up in the corners of her eyes. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean-" She lapses into an awkward silence again, still too nervous to phrase her words in a way that pleases her. She begins to approach Lightburn, more like a child approaching a big dog than anything else.
In a surprising turn, Lightburn adds. "Thanks."
Jessica literally jumps backwards, landing gracelessly on her butt in the sand, eyes wide as dinner plates. "Did- did you just-" She mouths more words, but for a moment no sounds come out. She looks, up now, to Hewitt. "He can talk!?" Blushing once more, she returns her gaze to the canine-looking eidolon. "I mean, sorry, you can talk??" Surprise melts into confusion and wonder, as she begins to interact with a being wholly unknown to her and acknowledges the truth of the matter. "I guess that'll simplify communication, huh?"

With a deliberate effort of will, Jessica turns her attention to the holy symbol and raises it high. "Here you go, uh... I guess I should just call you Lightburn, huh?" Another subtle pulse of energy beckons forth from the icon, suffusing the gathered trio and eidolon with a pleasant feeling.
2nd channel for [roll0] HP

As Marius returns, Jessica struggles to pay attention to him- still more than a little awed by Lightburn's very existence. She turns her eyes to the ground sheepishly when he raises his voice, but manages to focus on his words instead of the fantastic creature pawing the sand nearby.

She frowns at his last question. "I was trying me best to pay attention on the way here," she begins. "I'm pretty sure this colony is from the first wave of settlers, and the island was completely unknown before they arrived?" She glances around warily at their surroundings, suddenly keenly aware that her well of divine power is perhaps their only source of life-sustaining energy on the island. "If they're half as dangerous as Goblins- and maybe more so, it only makes sense for us to stay together- even if we're not very good at moving quietly..." She continues to glance about distrustfully at every tree, hillock, hovel, and wall- anything that might hide a lurking Goblin or two, mixed only with glances towards the more-veteran seeming of her companions. She settles on Marius and Laurelata.
"Should we try to root them out of the town here, or do you think there are too many for that?"

2020-03-10, 08:53 AM
"We could try," Laurelata said, "but a lot will depend on how many exactly there are. We came back as soon as we found the first ones, so there might be more. I would say we go and have a look, but make sure we always have either a quick way back to the boat or a defensible position where they can't mob us."

2020-03-10, 10:40 AM
Taz shakes her head and pedantically interjects, "these monkeys and the squids, yes, but the crab creature was a fey. Goblins aren't fey."

Taz listens to the others and then says, "Ramona tasked us with ensuring the colony is safe, so we should do that. We certainly can't leave the area with the boats moored at this dock. At least one of the gobopuses survived. Goblins... they were just a common hazard of life back in the mines. They aren't so tough in small numbers, it is when they swarm that they are..." she trails off for a moment as memory strikes an old wound. Regaining her composure, she continues, "when they vastly outnumber their attackers is when they are dangerous. They are craven, vile creatures that bicker a lot. Their propensity for discord means they tend to break off into small isolated groups in their camps. I suggest we try to isolate the small groups and take them out one-by-one before reinforcements arrive." Mostly to Jessica she adds, "goblins are truly wretched creatures. The world is much better off without them."

2020-03-10, 12:38 PM
Jessica listens politely as Hewitt responds, more than a hint of chagrin on her features as she feels astonishingly familiar with a similar desire to prove herself. Humbled, she nods slightly "I accept your apology, wholeheartedly."

When the little fellow answers the question she didn't quite ask, she blushes furiously, with just a hint of the beginning of tears welling up in the corners of her eyes. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean-" She lapses into an awkward silence again, still too nervous to phrase her words in a way that pleases her. She begins to approach Lightburn, more like a child approaching a big dog than anything else.
Jessica literally jumps backwards, landing gracelessly on her butt in the sand, eyes wide as dinner plates. "Did- did you just-" She mouths more words, but for a moment no sounds come out. She looks, up now, to Hewitt. "He can talk!?" Blushing once more, she returns her gaze to the canine-looking eidolon. "I mean, sorry, you can talk??" Surprise melts into confusion and wonder, as she begins to interact with a being wholly unknown to her and acknowledges the truth of the matter. "I guess that'll simplify communication, huh?"

With a deliberate effort of will, Jessica turns her attention to the holy symbol and raises it high. "Here you go, uh... I guess I should just call you Lightburn, huh?" Another subtle pulse of energy beckons forth from the icon, suffusing the gathered trio and eidolon with a pleasant feeling.
2nd channel for [roll0] HP

Hewitt explains about Lightburn. "He isnt the kind to speak much. He usually ask me to share his thoughts with anyone else unless he really thinks it might be necessary. It is pretty unusual for him to address anyone else at all."

He greets them when the rest of the team returns with their findings. After hearing about the situation and the connection between the creatures being confirmed. He decides to bring up a couple of important points about the mission. "Still, this leaves us with a few blank spaces to fill in so that we have the whole picture. Is everyone from the village dead? If someone survived the goblin attack, either being taken captive or if they ran away from the setting, we could get valuable information. It is also important to consider our current position. We escaped from from of the octopus goblin creature. If this was an organized ambush, there is a possibility that their leader knows about our presence and even worse, they know about the rest of the travellers. This means we dont have much time waste. We need to decide what to do in our limited time frame and take action as soon as possible."

2020-03-10, 02:29 PM
"Sounds like a good plan," Laurelata said, "let's go get these two and then we'll see afterwards. We can go like me and Marius scout a bit, then we attack what we see there, we scout a bit, we attack, and so on."

2020-03-10, 05:50 PM
Marius picks up his shield, and points his sword towards the settlement. I say we retake the settlement. Then, we can explore the surroundings. Tonight, we organise a watch. We need to track the other people. Even if they are dead, their bodies don't just vanish unless they threw them into the sea.

Marius looks a bit uneasy towards the docks, glancing over the glowing wolf as it speaks. We should flank them in two t... he pauses. Did the wolf speak just now? Hewitt, your abilites are extraordinary. What other skills does your ally have?

2020-03-10, 06:18 PM
"Slowly but surely reducing their numbers should work for our advantage, especially since we dont know their exact numbers." Hewitt adds in agreement to the established plan. After being ask about Lightburn, he decides to share the information about his partners special capabilities. "He has a pretty great sense of smell, he can swim with great skill and he can cast a single spell. A spell know to create lights of different colours that can be controlled at will. Besides that, he is a pretty decent combatant with a good eye to see in the dark."

2020-03-11, 02:18 AM
"Okay, let's go," Laurelata said, "one thing, if possible can we have one shot before people rush into melee. Makes it easier to aim."

2020-03-11, 07:33 AM
We can try to sneak as far as we can. Once we are close enough, you get a clear shot, we barge in. Lightburn? Marius adresses the eidolon. You seem fast. Can you flank along the northern side?

With these words, Marius parts the group in two parties. Lightburn, Laurelata, Jessica? You take the north, you are faster. Taz, Hewitt and me take the more direct south route. We are a bit more sluggish. All clear?

If everyone agrees, Marius takes the lead of the southern group.

2020-03-11, 12:34 PM
"Sounds like a plan." Hewitt replies. "Lightburn and mysef can keep both teams on communication since we can speak mentally to one another in case anything goes wrong." The two separate into the two teams.

2020-03-11, 02:27 PM
"Okay, let's go," Laurelata said. Moving forward, she took her team towards the north side of the smithy, going around and keeping an eye out for any other goblins or other things that might be present in any of the other houses or tents they passed. As soon as they were in place, she waited until the other team was in place.

2020-03-12, 10:42 AM
Taz nods in agreement to the plan. To the 'fast' group she says, "I'll see you on the other side of this."

Stealth: [roll0]

Realized that you might be waiting on me, but I think we have a quorum.

2020-03-12, 12:39 PM
In two groups, you sneak up onto the smithy, where Marius has seen those monkey goblins. As you approach, you neither hear nor see any bursts of activity from any building of the village, so you can only suspect that (a) nothing has changed and parcicularly (b) your close presence has not been noticed. Currently, you cannot see the inside of the building unless you move the curtain on the southern window or peek again through the eastern door. These are the only ways to access the inside of the building.

Guess where is Jessica. I'm willing to take another stab at her portrait, but this time I promise I'll copy it where I'll keep the access to it.


I've placed the monkey goblins where Marius has seen them. You can take surprise round now, then roll for initiative OR try to sneak around etc. risking to lose the surprise. Anyway, the door requires a move action to operate if you want to go through.

2020-03-12, 01:37 PM
Jessica follows in the middle of the group as they return under Marius' silent guidance.
As they take up positions around the smithy, she watches for a glance from the warrior before stepping forward to throw open the door- leaving a clear line of attack for her allies.

Ugh. I hate photobucket. I'll find the picture again.

Also, unless there's an issue, I'll use Jessica's surprise round to eat the move action so everyone else can get in without issue? I know we didn't explicitly discuss it, but it seems a reasonable strategy to have planned in advance.
Jessica Cooper (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1453959)
F NG Aasimar (Angel-blooded) Cleric, Level 1, Init 2, HP 9/9, DR Acid, Cold, Elec resist 5, Speed
AC 11, Touch 11, Flat-footed 10, CMD 13, Fort 3, Ref 1, Will 4, CMB +2, Base Attack Bonus 0
Glaive +2 (1d8+3, x3)
Dagger +2/+1 (1d4+1, 19-20,x2)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 16
Condition +2 CL for divination spells
Augery 2/2 (weekly)
Inner beauty: 1/1
Alter self: 1/1
Channel energy: 6/8, 1d6
Touch of good: 5/5
Bit of Luck: 5/5

Move action to open the door- preceded by a 5-foot step if necessary.
[roll0] initiative

2020-03-12, 03:32 PM
Since she was better in shooting anyway, she didn't mind that there was only a window on this side. She looked along the side of the building towards Marius and nodded to him. Then she took her bow, pushed the curtain slightly aside, looked in and shot an Arrow at one of the goblins inside.

surprise round: shoot one Arrow at one of the two goblins (the one farthest from the door)
shot: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]
sneak attack (as I think they are inside 30ft): [roll2]

initiative: [roll3]

2020-03-12, 09:21 PM
Hewitt decides to assist by buffing one of his companions. No point in going inside to help. "Allow me to offer you some protection. It should help against foul creatures such as them." He requests permission to cast a spell on Marius. Lightburn follows after Jessica into the house.

Hewitt uses his turn to cast Proection from evil on Marius if he accepts the suggestion.

Lihghtbunr moves behind Jessica.

2020-03-12, 10:54 PM
With her left hand, Taz pushes the curtain aside; with her right hand, she takes aim. Grasping onto the plane of water, she channels the torrent through her and unleashes a nearly supersonic jet of water at one of the gobkeys.

Initiative: [roll0]

Kinetic blast far gobkey: [roll1] Damage: [roll2]
Tazmara Stonesong (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2103492)
F NG Dwarf Kineticist (Aquakineticist), Level 1, Init 2, HP 13/13, Speed 20
AC 15, Touch 12, Flat-footed 13, CMD 13, Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 1, CMB +1, Base Attack Bonus 0
PBS Water Blast +3 (1d6+6, x2)
Heavy Pick +1 (1d6+1, x4)
Studded Leather (+3 Armor, +2 Dex)
Burn 0/7

2020-03-13, 06:14 PM
Marius draws steel and barges into the hut.

Moving to D6 through the door.

Hewitt decides to assist by buffing one of his companions. No point in going inside to help. "Allow me to offer you some protection. It should help against foul creatures such as them." He requests permission to cast a spell on Marius. Lightburn follows after Jessica into the house.

Hewitt uses his turn to cast Proection from evil on Marius if he accepts the suggestion.

Lihghtbunr moves behind Jessica.

Marius accepts for now.

2020-03-14, 11:17 AM
Jessica and Lightburn move from the northern side of the building to the eastern one, the only side that contains the door, while Laurelata moves to the southern side, the only side that contains a window. While this movement is going on, Hewitt approaches closer to Marius to cast the spell. Marius and Tazmara delay to better coordinate their assault with the rest of the party.

When everyone is almost in position, Lightburn, moving past the anvil, brushes against a hammer that is standing there on the ground with the handle leaning against the anvil. The hammer falls to the ground, making some noise, but not all that much. Hewitt barely suppresses an exclamation and proceeds to cast a spell on Marius. This involves a verbal component, so there is no longer a reason to remain stealthy. Jessica opens the door. She sees two monkey goblins inside, one of which, in the center of the room, is on his feet and armed with a shortspear. The other is sleeping on a cot with a shortspear nearby. The monkey goblin also sees Jessica and shouts a warning. Moment later, the curtain on the window is moved aside and a powerfu jet of water hits the monkey goblin, blasting him for 12 damage. From their position next to the window, Tazmara and Laurelata can see more monkey goblins than Jessica does and than Marius has advertised. A third monkey goblin is sleeping on the bunk in the north-eastern corner of the room, though now all of them seem to have awaken and are trying to reach for their weapons. Laurelata shoots an arrow into the room, quite a distance away from any of the targets and then armed Marius barges in.

Since more than just one surprise round worth of actions was posted (mainly movement to get in position), I'm rolling some stealth checks first...

Monkey goblin perception: (1d20+0)[18]
Jessica stealth: (1d20+1)[19]
Laurelata stealth: (1d20+6)[14]
Lightburn stealth: (1d20+2)[9]
Hewitt stealth: (1d20+6)[9]

Monkey goblin init: (1d20+4)[7]
Hewitt init: (1d20+2)[19]
Marius init: (1d20+2)[9]


@Spore: D6 is more like through the window. Getting there through the door would incur an AoO from the armed monkey goblin, so I am not moving you there unless you insist.
=> Party (everyone, any order, but Lightburn can perform only standard action - he lost the init, but delayed during surprise round)

2020-03-14, 11:29 AM
Just my luck," Laurelata thougth as she fired again. With one goblin more, it was imperative to finish this fight as quickly as possible.

shooting at goblin C5
attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1] ; sneak attack: [roll2]

2020-03-14, 01:26 PM
Still outside the window, Taz fires another high pressure jet of water at the gobkey rising in the back of the room.

Standard: Kinetic blast E3 gobkey: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
Tazmara Stonesong (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2103492)
F NG Dwarf Kineticist (Aquakineticist), Level 1, Init 2, HP 13/13, Speed 20
AC 15, Touch 12, Flat-footed 13, CMD 13, Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 1, CMB +1, Base Attack Bonus 0
PBS Water Blast +3 (1d6+6, x2)
Heavy Pick +1 (1d6+1, x4)
Studded Leather (+3 Armor, +2 Dex)
Burn 0/7

2020-03-15, 03:26 PM
Hewitt stays outside the house knwoing he couldnt assits more to the situation at hand. Lightburn is annoyed of not having any creature within reach but stays on the defensive in case anything decides to attack him.

Hewitt takes no actions.
Lightburn begins fighting defensively.

2020-03-15, 03:54 PM
Marius steps to the left, but tries to slash at the center goblin.


2020-03-16, 07:21 PM
Jessica steps up behind Marius. Unable to find the space to maneuver with her glaive, she lays a hand and a blessing on his back. "Shelyn smiles upon you, Marius! Fortune favors the bold!"

Jessica Cooper (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1453959)
F NG Aasimar (Angel-blooded) Cleric, Level 1, Init 2, HP 9/9, DR Acid, Cold, Elec resist 5, Speed
AC 11, Touch 11, Flat-footed 10, CMD 13, Fort 3, Ref 1, Will 4, CMB +2, Base Attack Bonus 0
Glaive +2 (1d8+3, x3)
Dagger +2/+1 (1d4+1, 19-20,x2)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 16
Condition +2 CL for divination spells
Augery 2/2 (weekly)
Inner beauty: 1/1
Alter self: 1/1
Channel energy: 6/8, 1d6
Touch of good: 5/5
Bit of Luck: 4/5

move action to ready her glaive
standard action to bless Marius with bit of luck- between now and until Jessica's next turn, anytime he rolls a d20, he rolls twice and takes the higher result.

If that's applicable to this attack (instead of next round's attack), I'll ask you to roll it, u-b.

2020-03-17, 11:29 AM
Laurelata shoots an arrow through the window and hits the western monkey goblin in the belly for 7 damage. Tazmara shoots another jet of water, at a different target this time, and hits the northern monkey goblin for 12 damage. Lightburn and Hewitt wait for a better opportunity to act. Jessica bestows on Marius a blessing of Shelyn and the man strikes the central monkey goblin down with a blow for 4 damage. Two others stand up and get themselves armed.

If that's applicable to this attack (instead of next round's attack), I'll ask you to roll it, u-b.
By default I resolve in the order of posting, but it is just that - a default. Generally, you are free to specify a different order and I am not going to penalize you just because you were busy.

Marius sword alt: (1d20+4)[18]

=> Party

2020-03-17, 12:14 PM
It went quite quickly this time, Laurelate thought as she shot again at the same goblin monkey, hoping to take it out of action this time.

shoot again at monkey C5.
attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

2020-03-17, 12:30 PM
With one Goblin quickly dispatched, and Marius stepping into the room, Jessica feels emboldened to make her own advance. Glaive held out threateningly, she steps into the smithy. After a quick glance side to side, she swipes the broad-bladed spear towards the more wounded creature.

Jessica Cooper (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1453959)
F NG Aasimar (Angel-blooded) Cleric, Level 1, Init 2, HP 9/9, DR Acid, Cold, Elec resist 5, Speed
AC 11, Touch 11, Flat-footed 10, CMD 13, Fort 3, Ref 1, Will 4, CMB +2, Base Attack Bonus 0
Glaive +2 (1d8+3, x3)
Dagger +2/+1 (1d4+1, 19-20,x2)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 16
Condition +2 CL for divination spells
Augery 2/2 (weekly)
Inner beauty: 1/1
Alter self: 1/1
Channel energy: 6/8, 1d6
Touch of good: 5/5
Bit of Luck: 4/5

[roll0] glaive attack
[roll1] crit confirm (22, x3)
[roll2] dmg
[roll3] crit bonus

2020-03-17, 12:46 PM
After pelting the far goblin with a potent blast of water, Taz launches a follow-up shot at the same gobkey.

Standard: Kinetic blast E3 gobkey: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
Tazmara Stonesong (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2103492)
F NG Dwarf Kineticist (Aquakineticist), Level 1, Init 2, HP 13/13, Speed 20
AC 15, Touch 12, Flat-footed 13, CMD 13, Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 1, CMB +1, Base Attack Bonus 0
PBS Water Blast +3 (1d6+6, x2)
Heavy Pick +1 (1d6+1, x4)
Studded Leather (+3 Armor, +2 Dex)
Burn 0/7

2020-03-17, 03:18 PM
Lightburn leaps into action and tries to bite one of the goblins. Hewiit decides to stay outside and keep watch in the meantime just in case any more enemies arrived and to avoid getting in the way of its teammates.

Bite on the C5 Goblin Monkey: [roll0] Damage:[roll1]

Lightburn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2095103) Outsider Eidolon 1 NG HP 11 / 11 Speed ft Init 2 AC 12 Fort 3 Ref 4 Will 2 CMB +3 BAB 1 Bite 3 (1d6+2, x2) Str 14 (2) Dex 14 (2) Con 13 (1) Wis 10 (0) Int 7 (-2) Cha 11 (0)

2020-03-17, 10:39 PM
Marius lunges forward and strikes the northern monkey, keeping his stance wide to dodge, block or parry any incoming attacks.


2020-03-18, 11:21 AM
Laurelata places second arrow not far from the first into the same monkey goblin for 5 damage. Jessica steps inside and swings her glaive around for no real effect. Tazmara blasts another jet of water, but this time hits only the wall as the monkey goblin is now aware of the danger coming his way and dodges it. Lightburn leaps in past Jessica but his teeth only bite empty air as the monkey goblin on the cot avoids the attack. Marius lunges at the northern monkey goblin and strikes him down for 6 damage.

The only monkey goblin left standing sees no way to escape and fights on. He stabs at Lightburn, but, as he moves, is overcome with pain from two arrows lodged in his belly and hits only empty air.

Monkey goblin shortspear two-handed: (1d20+5)[7] for (1d4+3)[7] (incl. +1 higher ground)

=> Party

2020-03-18, 11:26 AM
Marius shifts over to the last goblin. His movements are well-trained, but largely predictable. More than enough for an untrained enemy such as this however.

5ft. step towards the goblin, slashing it. [roll0]

2020-03-18, 11:36 AM
With third true strike Marius cuts down the last monkey goblin. Three swings, three goblins down - that blessing of Shelyn must be a good thing indeed. You look around and listen for a few moments, but no more opponents seem forthcoming.

2020-03-18, 11:44 AM
"Well fought, Marius!" Jessica cheers gleefully. She takes a quick stock of her allies' states, and is pleased to find no one nursing injuries or even bruises. "Well fought, everyone," she says, more quietly. "Let's see if there's anything useful to be found in here." She begins rooting about the contents of the smithy, looking more for signs or messages left by its erstwhile owners than equipment, but keeping her eyes open for either.

Once more, Jessica intones a quiet prayer, "Shelyn, guide my ally's efforts!" With a gentle touch, Marius feels the subtle sensation of warmth, a minor manifestation of divine providence.

Jessica Cooper (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1453959)
F NG Aasimar (Angel-blooded) Cleric, Level 1, Init 2, HP 9/9, DR Acid, Cold, Elec resist 5, Speed
AC 11, Touch 11, Flat-footed 10, CMD 13, Fort 3, Ref 1, Will 4, CMB +2, Base Attack Bonus 0
Glaive +2 (1d8+3, x3)
Dagger +2/+1 (1d4+1, 19-20,x2)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 16
Condition +2 CL for divination spells
Augery 2/2 (weekly)
Inner beauty: 1/1
Alter self: 1/1
Channel energy: 6/8, 1d6
Touch of good: 5/5
Bit of Luck: 4/5

Use touch of good to grant Marius +1 to hit and most other d20 checks until next turn.

Keep glaive out in the interest of AoOs, should the Goblin-monkey try to flee:
[roll0] AOO
[roll1] dmg

[roll2] crit confirm
[roll3] crit bonus dmg I guess none of that was needed.

2020-03-18, 12:17 PM
"Not a bad idea," Laurelata said, coming inside. First she checked if her arrows were still usable, as it would be difficult to row back to the ship to get more, so any she could reuse was good. Then she helped Jessica go through the room, first for anything they could use and then things that might give a clue as to what happened here.

perception check to search: [roll0]

2020-03-18, 12:52 PM
You spend some time rummaging through the smithy. You find:

a roasted parrot*
a pound of dried fruits*
a supply of medium-sized man's clothes
a full complement of assorted smithing tools and a supply of steel and coal
a masterwork medium chain shirt
a work-in-progress small chain shirt and half a bucket of rings
two masterwork medium machetes (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment/weapons/weapon-descriptions/machete/)
a masterwork darkwood buckler re-made into a small light wooden shield that could be reasonably easily re-made back if desired
40 steel arrowheads

*These are packed together in some broad leaves and are reasonably fresh, suggesting them to be the monkey goblins' packed snack.

Arrow reusable yes/no: [roll0] [roll1]

2020-03-18, 04:52 PM
"Looks nice," Laurelata said, looking at the chainshirt, "but except for this chainshirt there's nothing I can really use. At least not well. Well, anything we can't use at the moment we can just leave here. We know where it is."

2020-03-18, 09:25 PM
Hewitt enter the house after the end of the battle. He then asks Lightburn to wait outside in case any enemies arrived. After the items are found, he decides to check them out for himself. "I dont think I can use any of these for myself." Hewitt suddenly smiles. "....but we could always use the items that we dont need for revenue for our business plans." He decides to inspect the quality of the products reunited from the inspection.

Lightburn will go outside to keep watch.
Hewitt will appraise the items acquired. [roll0]

2020-03-18, 11:11 PM
Marius picks a machete up and swings it a few times. This could prove useful. To Jessica's congratulations, he smiles at her. I could've sworn I missed my first strike, when you prayed and the little bugger jumped right back into my blade's way. I'm starting to like that Shelyn gal.

The ranger looks at Laurelata. We should at least take the arrowheads for you. They are hard to come by in a jungle. I'll carry them. With all the other crap I am heaving around, the difference is nothing. Now, shall we proceed? Stay here, I will try to find the right track.

Marius goes outside, and checks the main road, then the north east for a greater bunch of human sized foot prints going out of town and into the jungle. If he does not find any, he prays against it*, but checks the shore again.

* The other direction would mean either slavery by ship or disposing of bodies.

Track/Survival: [roll0] +1 from Track, I assume I don't qualify for the Machete bonus.

2020-03-19, 04:23 AM
"Be careful," Laurelata said. If nobody took the chainshirt, she quickly swapped it out, leaving the studded leather here for pickup later. The time it took would give Marius time to scout out. If he wasn't back by then, she would go after him, concentrating mostly on the rest of the town.

I'm not sure if Marius would be back by the time I switched armours, but if not, I'll also scout the rest of the village.

stealth: [roll0]
peception: [roll1]

2020-03-19, 08:46 AM
Jessica's own search is interrupted by a questioning glance from Laurelata regarding the chain shirt. With an uneasy expression, the young priestess shakes her head. "I could probably learn how," she begins, frowning. "but I don't think I'd ever feel comfortable in armor. I know it sounds silly, but I feel like I'd better pass." She forces a smile as the archer shoulders into the mail, offering her aid to simplify the process.

At Marius' comment, Jessica absolutely beams. Grinning easily, with an authenticity that casts her vibrant emerald-hued eyes to dancing in the dim smithy, she almost giggles at the praise. "Shelyn certainly cares for her own! Perhaps she likes you, too!" She punctuates the "you" with a gentle finger on the ranger's chest, almost unreasonably pleased to have been able to help in such a tangible way.

When Marius steps outside to search for tracks, Jessica's eyes follow him with a troubled expression. She's obviously worried, though it's hard to be sure over what. She waits, impatiently, for word of his findings.

2020-03-19, 10:24 AM
Taz stares dumbfounded at Hewitt's business ambitions. Seems neither the time nor the place, she thinks as she shakes her head. Poking at the food she says, "these look like rations - perhaps these gobkeys are visiting here and not settled," she says optimistically. Then her expression turns dour as she adds, "or these things have different eating habits. I have no idea."

As Marius heads off, Taz says, "we should stick together - there may be more of these things around. I'll come with you."

Taz needs nothing. Chainshirt would be nice, but Taz can take a hit much better than Lauraleta. Shield wouldn't be something she's use.

2020-03-19, 12:11 PM
Marius, acompanied by Jessica and Tazmara, goes looking for tracks in and around the village. He finds all signs of many people leaving, entering and moving around the village. All those tracks are at least a few weeks old. Marius finds nothing abnormal in the movement patterns. There are also fresher tracks. First, monkey goblin footprints in and around the smithy. They clearly were using the smithy and the central well of the willage. Second, a 3.5 feet wide, heavy and flat trail, that corresponds to no natural creature with a set of odd, starfish-shaped footprints running down the center of the flattened trail. Marius deduces that something large and heavy was rolled away from the house A7, and that the footprints belong to whoever or whatever was pushing the object. This trail is under a week old and leads south through the gate in the palisade fence, south along the street and then east to a lone farmhouse A18.

Laurelata changes her suit of armor and goes clockwise inside the partially-complete walls of the willage. The first house to check is therefore A4. This mud wall building has a door facing east and one shuttered window. Above the door is a plain wooden sign that reads, "Tool House". The contents of this building are useful but unremarkable. Hanging on the wall from hooks and nails are an assortment of tools, such as hammers, handsaws, hatchets, machetes, trowels, and the like. Various other implements, such as makeshift ladders, barrels of tar, and shovels are stacked or otherwise arrayed about the room. Absent are tools and implements that would pertain to or be exclusively used for blacksmithing (you think you already found those in the smithy). Laurelata suddenly realizes that there is no way the original colonists could relocate successfully without taking these tools. In fact, these materials are vital to the survival of the colonists who arrived on the Peregrine. While the second wave of colonists brought some of their own tools, they made plans around these resources being available when they arrive.

Hewitt takes some time to guesstimate the findings. Apart from adventuring gear, which Hewitt estimates could be worth about of thousand gold in total, the smithy could be worth between maybe five hundred to one thousand gold, this is including the building, the forge, and tools. But there are a few important limitations of these estimates that Hewitt is aware of, but cannot immediately correct. First, the estimates are based on civilized lands prices. The supply side here in the colony is much less elastic. Second, Hewitt is not sure about property rights. Finders keepers might be a desirable outcome, but will depend on the recognition by Ramona and fellow colonists. Hewitt in particular very much doubts he could successfully claim property rights on the entire village.


Marius did not check the north-east or the shore yet, because he was busy with the trails, especially the one that leads to farmhouse. You can continue with your original plan or check that farmhouse or whatever. I will move things forward a bit more some time tomorrow.

2020-03-19, 12:36 PM
Laurelata moved on to the next house, using the same manner. Be stealthy and keep your eyes open.

I'll take the next house, which I think is A3 and then to A11. As long as she's not called by the others, she continues exploring
perception: [roll0]
stealth: [roll1]

2020-03-19, 04:30 PM
Taz stares dumbfounded at Hewitt's business ambitions. Seems neither the time nor the place, she thinks as she shakes her head. Poking at the food she says, "these look like rations - perhaps these gobkeys are visiting here and not settled," she says optimistically. Then her expression turns dour as she adds, "or these things have different eating habits. I have no idea."

As Marius heads off, Taz says, "we should stick together - there may be more of these things around. I'll come with you."

Taz needs nothing. Chainshirt would be nice, but Taz can take a hit much better than Lauraleta. Shield wouldn't be something she's use.

"Ha!" Hewitt laughs Taz´s comment off. "There is always time for business. I am already behind schedule due to being part of the second wave of settlers." Hewitt adds before going back to finish searching the quality of the product.

Hewitt takes some time to guesstimate the findings. Apart from adventuring gear, which Hewitt estimates could be worth about of thousand gold in total, the smithy could be worth between maybe five hundred to one thousand gold, this is including the building, the forge, and tools. But there are a few important limitations of these estimates that Hewitt is aware of, but cannot immediately correct. First, the estimates are based on civilized lands prices. The supply side here in the colony is much less elastic. Second, Hewitt is not sure about property rights. Finders keepers might be a desirable outcome, but will depend on the recognition by Ramona and fellow colonists. Hewitt in particular very much doubts he could successfully claim property rights on the entire village.

Hewitt is glad about the findings after having a look though he is doubtful about the outcome. Currently, he wasnt in the best position. He had to keep working in gaining the favor of the captain and hopefully a few settlers. Hopefully, he could at least keep their findings on this house. He decides to wait for the retun of the team inside the house.

2020-03-19, 04:37 PM
Marius investigates the farmhouse further.

You can roll whatever you need for that. I assume Perception? [roll0]

2020-03-20, 11:48 AM
Laurelata checks the next house clockwise from tool house. This rectangular building is constructed of mud brick walls. The building has a simple door facing east, but unlike all other buildings in the colony, it lacks any windows. A heady smell of dried plants, herbs, and dried meat lingers in the air. The door lacks a means to bar it from within. Inside, the ground has been dug out to a depth of 3 feet so that the floor is lower than the ground outside. A short flight of steps set with flat stones leads into this darkened area, lit only by any ambient light coming through the door. The building lacks interior walls except for a few short partitions, and four stout posts support the roof. The temperature is cool and the smell of rotted vegetables and meat is strong. Strings of garlic hang suspended from ceiling crossbeams alongside chunks of salted meat and bone. Debris and refuse is strewn across the floor between stacks of crates, boxes, and barrels against the walls. This is obviously the food storage and it is apparent that some of the containers have been opened, but some others remain sealed. Laurelata moves inside to more closely assess the state of the food stored. She takes off a lid from one of the boxes and is surprised by a swarm of large cockroaches crawling around inside and eating potatoes stored in the crate. She drops the lid on the floor and the cockroaches that were on the lid fall off it on the floor and on Laurelata's feet. Soon Laurelata discovers that they bite, and do it very painfully for 5 damage. More cockroaches seem to come out from the box and, Laurelata notices, there are more crawling between the containers elsewhere.

Marius goes on to investigate the farmhouse. The house is located atop a sloping hill stands somewhat apart from the rest of the colony. A stone well has been built not far from the house's front door. A large stone near the entrance is painted with the words "Levin Farm". Just south of the cottage is a tilled vegetable patch that grows wild from neglect. From the outside, it seems there is nothing unusual about the house. It has a thatched roof, a single entrance with a working door, and a few shuttered windows. The tracks lead straight to the door. Marius carefully opens the door and enters the building. He does not notice a loose floorboard, but is able to react shifting his weight back when he steps on it and does not make any excessive noise. The interior of the house contains only simple wooden furniture and an assortment of common household and personal items. This state of this house is disarray, with chairs and tables flipped over, blankets torn to shreds, and produce such as corn and melons gnawed upon and then discarded to rot on the floor. Marius looks into the bedroom and notices a creature sleeping on the bed, an open barrel of beer on the floor, and a certain stench of beer hanging tight in the room. The creature is presumably drunk and is apparently a choker - an underground predator that noramlly dwells on the outskirts of subterranean ruins or in the deep shadows of nameless cavern outposts, lurks in the darkness and lashes out with their long, rubbery arms to grasp prey as it passes by.

Hewitt waits for the others to come back to the smithy.


Cockroach swarm stealth: (1d20+14)[34]
Cockroach swarm hits for (1d6)[5] damage

Marius stealth: (1d20+4)[14] and reflex (1d20+4)[19]
Marius knowe (dungeoneering): (1d20+5)[24]


I am not providing a map for Laurelata's encounter with cockroach swarm because I don't think we really need one just yet.
=> Laurelata (Marius & co. are not currently in combat, but can start one with a surprise action)

2020-03-20, 11:55 AM
Laurelata managed not to scream, but she did move out of the house as quickly as she could, running back to the smithy, where she knew some of the group were still waiting. That swarm was something she couldn't handle at the moment. They probably would have to burn the building down to get them all.
"There are very painful cockroaches over there," she said to Hewitt, who seemed to be the only one still there.

Okay, disengagement out of combat (or whatever it was) and then back to the smithy.
3 hitpoints left. I'm not going into combat for now.
As to the other dude, Coupe the grace I would say. Easy enough.

2020-03-20, 12:01 PM
Now that Laurelata is able to breathe and think, she thinks she has seen a box labeled "Pest Control" on a shelf in tool house.

2020-03-20, 12:57 PM
Jessica finds herself following Marius, albeit at a safe distance. When the ranger leads the way into a farmhouse, she instead remains outside, not trusting herself to staying well hidden. She fidgets nervously, holding her glaive- halfway expecting to hear Marius cry out and charging inside.

For the moment, however, she just fidgets nervously. She locks eyes with Tazmara and breathes quietly "Ugh, I hope he's alright!"

2020-03-20, 11:54 PM
Taz whispers back calmly, "he seems pretty sharp. Any problems, he'll come get us or shout. Best thing we can do is be ready." She speaks with more authority than she feels in hopes of dispelling, or at least refocusing, some of the other woman's nervous energy.

2020-03-21, 06:27 AM
Marius returns outside as silent as he can. Pearls of cold sweat are on his forehead. A choker, some underground monstrosity is in there. It chokes foes. Dueling this thing is a bad choice. If we get everyone together and ambush it however, we can overwhelm it pretty quickly. One thing concerns me however. It is a creatures of caves, of the dark. What is it doing here, and in broad daylight?

2020-03-21, 11:45 PM
Taz scowls and nearly hisses her reply, "abberations... disgusting. Such abominations need to be put down." Taz thinks as to why it is here, and offers a few ideas, "maybe a choker in this part of the world has less of an aversion to the sun. Or maybe there is an entrance to the underdark near this farm. I wonder if the same underdark crosses the entire ocean to connect to here."

2020-03-22, 05:31 AM
Should we get the others? We can't risk using up more ressources, but surprising it now could mean it cannot get away. If you are up for it, I engage it, you two kill it then. Marius adds while strapping his shield on.

2020-03-22, 11:06 AM
"I am up for it, but I deal better at range. With you engaged, I'll have trouble hitting it and not you. If I can get a first shot off, I think we can do this. My clan had taught me a ton of little tricks for fighting against abberations. So I am ready," Taz says with confidence.

2020-03-23, 11:23 AM
Laurelata managed not to scream, but she did move out of the house as quickly as she could, running back to the smithy, where she knew some of the group were still waiting. That swarm was something she couldn't handle at the moment. They probably would have to burn the building down to get them all.
"There are very painful cockroaches over there," she said to Hewitt, who seemed to be the only one still there.

Okay, disengagement out of combat (or whatever it was) and then back to the smithy.
3 hitpoints left. I'm not going into combat for now.
As to the other dude, Coupe the grace I would say. Easy enough.

"Oh! Thanks . Lets reunite with the rest. Lightburn could possible be capable of helping against the insects. He is got a pretty tough skin." Hewitt replies.

2020-03-23, 11:28 AM
Jessica nods, the danger squelching her nerves like an overripe grape. "I'm... not very stealthy, but that seems like the best option. I'll wait here. As soon as you're ready, call out and I'll hurry in." With an expression of focus rather than fear, she counts under her breath while the other two companions try to spring a trap.

I really think a +1 mod isn't good enough to be worth risking waking the thing up. Much more likely to end well if you guys get a surprise round and I can get close enough to punish it for trying to stand (going from prone to standing provokes AoOs, as I recall).

2020-03-23, 11:49 AM
"Maybe it's not needed," Laurelata said, "I saw something in the shed next door called 'Pest control'. Maybe we can use that to get rid of the roaches. But I'd rather have someone else do it or get a heal first. But let's go get a look first, okay?"

If Hewitt agreed, she would guide him towards the tool shed to get the pest control box, checking for roaches or other vermin before entering. Or preferably, ask to have Lightburn go in first.

2020-03-23, 12:28 PM
There are some cockroaches outside the food house in front of the entrance, but the swarm seems not to have extended far outside of it, so tool house, at the moment, is safe. There is indeed a "Pest Control" box in the tool house. Inside the box are another box and some set of clothing. Upon closer examination, the smaller box appears locked and the set of clothing appears to be a medium-sized swarmsuit (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipmenT/goods-and-services/containers-bags-boxes-more/#TOC-Swarmsuit).

2020-03-23, 05:01 PM
Marius takes this as a yes and leads his friends inside, sneakily.


2020-03-23, 05:53 PM
Taz follows right behind Marius into the farmhouse. The "stealthy" ranger kicks over a broom as he enters which clatters onto the floor. Then his foot flips up a stray horseshoe on the ground which starts to spin loudly against the wooden floor. "STOP KICKING THINGS!" Taz softly hisses at Marius. Afraid to lose her chance at a clear shot, she moves past the ranger, and fires a jet of water at the choker from the doorway to the bedroom.

I hope you don't mind the godmod of the stealth check.
Initiative: [roll0]
Stealth: [roll1]
Kinetic blast choker: [roll2] Damage: [roll3]

This may be too many actions, if so it will roll over into her first round.
Tazmara Stonesong (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2103492)
F NG Dwarf Kineticist (Aquakineticist), Level 1, Init 2, HP 13/13, Speed 20
AC 15, Touch 12, Flat-footed 13, CMD 13, Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 1, CMB +1, Base Attack Bonus 0
PBS Water Blast +3 (1d6+6, x2)
Heavy Pick +1 (1d6+1, x4)
Studded Leather (+3 Armor, +2 Dex)
Burn 0/7

2020-03-24, 06:29 AM
"That would be useful," Laurelata said as she held up the swarmsuit to Hewitt, "and let's see what's in this box. Carefully of course, as it's probably a poison of some kind."
She first examined the box on the outside to see if she could figure out from the outside what was inside. And to see if someone had trapped it. She also checked to see if there was a key to the lock somewhere. If all questions were negative, she took out some of her tools and started working on opening the box, making sure that when she opened it, the opening was away from her so she wouldn't get caught in a cloud of poison, if that was indeed what was inside.

check the box on the outside for contents and traps: perception [roll0]

If there is no key to the box:
open the box: disable device: [roll1]
If it doesn't work the first time around, I'll simply take 20 and my time getting it open.

2020-03-24, 12:14 PM
Choker seems not to hear the blunder, but you don't hesitate to find out whether he really does. Tazmara, even moving quicker than she woud prefer, notices and avoids the loose floorboard that Marius failed to mention and moves very stealthily, so there is not much else for the choker to hear. He gets blasted by a jet of water for 8 damage and opens his eyes, which have their whites unhealthily red.

The contents of the locked box do not rattle in any way when the box is moved and there is no additional hints at what is inside. Neither there seem to be traps. Neither there seem to be a key in any sufficiently obvious place (you don't ransack the whole tool house). It takes some time, but Laurelata is able to open the box. Inside, in a neat soft packaging material, are (there is no texual commentary about what the symbols mean and what exactly the vials contain):
- a glass vial of liquid, marked with skull and bones
- a glass vial of salt, marked with skull and bones
- two glass flasks of liquid, marked with flames

Tazmara perception: (1d20+5)[19]
Choker perception: (1d20-11)[-10]
I'll treat him as helpless at the moment of Tazmara's attack, but no coup de grace on the attack from the doorway.

=> Marius and Jessica (surprise round)

2020-03-24, 01:25 PM
Jessica charges in at Tazmara's signal, dashing to her side, and intoning a quick, silent prayer.

Jessica Cooper (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1453959)
F NG Aasimar (Angel-blooded) Cleric, Level 1, Init 2, HP 9/9, DR Acid, Cold, Elec resist 5, Speed
AC 11, Touch 11, Flat-footed 10, CMD 13, Fort 3, Ref 1, Will 4, CMB +2, Base Attack Bonus 0
Glaive +2 (1d8+3, x3)
Dagger +2/+1 (1d4+1, 19-20,x2)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 16
Condition +2 CL for divination spells
Augery 2/2 (weekly)
Inner beauty: 1/1
Alter self: 1/1
Channel energy: 6/8, 1d6
Touch of good: 4/5
Bit of Luck: 4/5

Move in the doorway, into reach of the choker. Use touch of good on self for +1 to a suspected AoO when the choker rises.
[roll0] AoO
[roll1] CC (23, x3)
[roll2] dmg
[roll3] crit bonus

2020-03-24, 05:40 PM
"Great! So, what should we do about it?" Hewitt wonders about how they should use the poison. He wasnt exactly knowledgable on the subject and he could use her guidance if she had a plan on how to use it.

2020-03-25, 04:23 AM
"I have no idea," Laurelata said, "I assume that the ones with the skull and bones are poison of some kind and the ones with the flames are flammable, but without knowing what they are, there's not really a way to know how we should use them. And as long as those roaches stay inside that building, I would say leave them there. We have other things to worry about first."

2020-03-26, 06:42 AM
Taking longer than needed, Marius finally realizes they thoroughly surprised the choker despite his obvious blunders. May I? Marius says as he steps in front of Tazmara.

Moving to J15.

2020-03-26, 09:30 AM
Jessica charges in, but the position in the doorway of the choker's room turns out to be already occupied by Tazmara. Marius gets straight to the choker and tries to hit him as he quickly rises up from the bed, but does not manage to pierce his tough leathery skin. The choker quickly throws out both rubbery arm-like tentackes straight at Marius' neck. The man is able to interpose his shield to block one of the tentacles, but the other hits and grabs him by the neck, crushing it for 11 damage. Marius finds himself unable to speak and barely able to breathe.

Choker: (1d20+6)[23]
Marius: (1d20+2)[4]
Tazmara: (1d20+2)[21]
Jessica: (1d20+2)[8]

Marius sword AoO: (1d20+4)[10] for (1d8+3)[9]

Choker tentacle: (1d20+7)[19] for (1d4+3)[6] grab (1d20+8)[25] constrict (1d4+3)[4] (incl. +1 higher ground)
Choker tentacle: (1d20+7)[21] for (1d4+3)[4] grab (1d20+8)[26] constrict (1d4+3)[7] (incl. +1 higher ground)


Marius has 1 hit point left and is considered grappling with the choker
=> Tazmara, Jessica and Marius (any order)

2020-03-26, 09:53 AM
"Marius!" Jessica cries, startled by the sudden violence. She dashes under Tazmara's arms, reaches out and places her hands on the ranger's flank.

Jessica Cooper (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1453959)
F NG Aasimar (Angel-blooded) Cleric, Level 1, Init 2, HP 9/9, DR Acid, Cold, Elec resist 5, Speed
AC 11, Touch 11, Flat-footed 10, CMD 13, Fort 3, Ref 1, Will 4, CMB +2, Base Attack Bonus 0
Glaive +2 (1d8+3, x3)
Dagger +2/+1 (1d4+1, 19-20,x2)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 16
Condition +2 CL for divination spells
Augery 2/2 (weekly)
Inner beauty: 1/1
Alter self: 1/1
Channel energy: 6/8, 1d6
Touch of good: 4/5
Bit of Luck: 5/5
Bless: 1/1

move to J16, dropping the glaive outside the room.
Convert protection from evil into CLW for Marius: [roll0] HP for him

2020-03-26, 11:05 AM
Taz's eyes widen at the barrage of carefully aimed attacks, and go even wider as the tentacles coil around Marius's neck. This creature is incredibly dangerous. She pulls her pick into her hand, while her other channels another blast of water at the abhorent creature.

So my reading of the rules: since the choker did not take -20 on the grapple attempt, it is also grappled, so it has -4 dex (AC -2). Taz is firing into melee, so -4, then +1 for attacks against abberations.

Move: Draw pick
Standard: Kinetic blast choker: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
Tazmara Stonesong (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2103492)
F NG Dwarf Kineticist (Aquakineticist), Level 1, Init 2, HP 13/13, Speed 20
AC 15, Touch 12, Flat-footed 13, CMD 13, Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 1, CMB +1, Base Attack Bonus 0
PBS Water Blast +3 (1d6+6, x2)
Heavy Pick +1 (1d6+1, x4)
Studded Leather (+3 Armor, +2 Dex)
Burn 0/7

2020-03-26, 01:02 PM
"I have no idea," Laurelata said, "I assume that the ones with the skull and bones are poison of some kind and the ones with the flames are flammable, but without knowing what they are, there's not really a way to know how we should use them. And as long as those roaches stay inside that building, I would say leave them there. We have other things to worry about first."

"Well, we got what we came for. I´ll follow you to our next destination." Hewitt replies knowing there was still a lot to do before the had freed the whole place from the goblin invasion. Lightburn is still quite fresh to keep going.

2020-03-26, 01:45 PM
"Wait a moment," Laurelata said, digging in her pack for the healing potion they had been given. She quickly drank it, as she was still feeling the pain.
"That's better," she added, "okay, let's go. Stay a bit behind me, but be ready to rush in."

She moved to the building on the other side of the food shed, keeping an eye out for any roaches that might take a little walk. When she reached the building, she sneaked up to a window and looked in.

drink potion of cure light wounds: [roll0]

sneak to a window in the next building (I think it's A11 I have to look at now): [roll1]
Perception to look inside (and as elf, with low-light vision: [roll2]

2020-03-26, 05:23 PM
The ranger almost blacks out from the crushed windpipe, gasping for air. Following that, a familiar magical warmth floods his body, emanating from a small hand at his back, making it easier for the ranger to breathe again. Marius points his blade at the choker, seemingly like wanting to slice at the body amidst the tentacles.

Freebooter's Bane: +1 to attack and damage vs. the choker.

2020-03-27, 12:52 PM
Marius hits the choker with the sword and feels the grip on his neck being released. The choker'd body falls on the untidy bed and bleeds on it, twitching once or twice before becoming still.

Laurelata checks, one by one, two next buildings, which looks to be of very similar construction and, as it turns out, the purpose. These two long, rectangular buildings are constructed entirely from planks on a wooden frame, with a pitched thatched roof. Each building has two doorframes on the side of the buildings opposite the palisade, but lacks doors. Four window frames open into either side of the long walls, a few of which have no cover and others only a canvas draped across the inside. A partial view of the interior is possible from the doorways. Inside, the floors are hard-packed earth, and along the walls are wooden bunk beds. Many of the pallet beds are covered with blankets that now gather dust. Those beds have sacks or tied bundles of clothes sitting at their feet. So far, Laurelata did not checks the barracks from the inside, but even from outside, she notices some activity under a bed of the north-western barrack.

2020-03-27, 01:43 PM
Not wanting to go in on her own, Laurelata withdrew a bit and went back to Hewitt and Lightburn.
"Those are barracks," she wispered, "I noticed some activity under one of the beds, but I think we better wait for the others, unless you want to go in."

2020-03-27, 05:50 PM
Hewitt though about it for a moment. He could go but if it was a dangerous creature, he could end up putting himself on an undesirable position. On the other hand, he could send Lightburn since was better prepared to handle combat. The issue was that its apperance could end up scaring whatever was down there and if it wasnt an enemy, it could have negative consequences. They needed to save anyone who might have survived the goblin invasion. "I am not sure neither Lightburn nor myself are the best options to go check first. If this could be a potential survivor, I doubt he could react posivitely to seeing a ratfolk or my partner." He explains to Laurelata.

2020-03-27, 05:59 PM
"Let's wait for the others then," Laurelata said, looking towards the location where the others had gone and trying to see them. If she spotted one or more of them, she tried to wave to make them come over.

2020-03-28, 11:36 AM
Jessica is flooded with relief when the choker looses its grip on Marius and the ranger begins to recover his breath. "Oh, thank you, mistress!" she breathes in praise. As the trio begins to investigate the farmhouse, she frowns at the bed. "I hope whoever owns this won't be needing it soon. That will take a lot of work to clean." She shrugs away a scowl, putting the business behind her for the moment.

"Well, let's see what other clues we can find in here. This... thing's feet make sense for those tracks you mentioned, but where's the big flat thing it might have been rolling?" Taking her own cue, Jessica begins to search the farmhouse for signs of ownership or at least clues as to where they might have gone.

[roll0] perception, or taking 20 for 22, if time allows.

2020-03-28, 12:13 PM
There's a barrel of beer in the house (or, more like, half a barrel of beer now), which seems pretty roll-able. Otherwise, the interior of the house contains only simple wooden furniture and an assortment of common household and personal items. This state of this house is disarray, with chairs and tables flipped over, blankets torn to shreds, and produce such as corn and melons gnawed upon and then discarded to rot on the floor. Looking at it all over, Jessica is initially less than enthusiastic about digging through junk, junk, and formerly good items that are now junk. Being thorough about searching everything, she notices a loose floorboard that seems to bear marks of it being pulled from its place, destroying the grooves linking it to the adjacent floorboards in process, and then re-placed back. She tries to pull it out and then calls Marius to help, but the floorboard seems to be nailed back rather firmly.

Jessica strength: (1d20+2)[7]
Marius strength: (1d20+3)[9]

2020-03-28, 04:59 PM
Marius harrumphs a few times while massaging his neck, that is slowly turning a light shade of blue. Thanks, Jess. I thought it had me. He looks around the place in a brief overview, before turning to his allies. Nice shot, Taz. We should go back. I assume half the town is home to some weird creature by now.

"Looting" aka looking around a second time: Perception [roll0]

After he returns, Marius just casually mentions: We fought an abomination that almost strangled me. What have you guys been up to? even though under his surface he is a bit shaken.


2020-03-28, 05:07 PM
"I found the equipment shed and the food supply," Laurelata said, "although we can scratch that last one. It's crawling with cockroaches. Quite painfull roaches. We found some sort of poison to exterminate them, but I'm not sure how it works, so I've not done anything at the moment. They're in that one shed only and everything in there is probably ruined anyway. Oh yeah, I noticed some movement in one of the barracks."

She pointed at the building.
"It was under one of the beds, so it might actually be a survivor, but after the roaches, I thought it best to check with you first. Maybe we can find someone who can actually shed some light on what happened here."

2020-03-28, 05:51 PM
"Also, we both have returned to assist in anything that might be necessary now that we have checked everything on that other house." Hewitt replies letting the rest of the team know of his presence. Lightburn remained quiet but waited to see if any of his teammates would request his assistance.

2020-03-28, 07:09 PM
Jessica listens patiently while the others fill them in on the details. "Survivor or otherwise, I think we should start with the barracks. If it's one of the villagers, we might get some useful knowledge, and if it's not, well it's better to not have any more of those Goblins or Chokey-things behind us, if we can help it."

2020-03-29, 12:04 AM
Taz nods at Marius's compliment of her shot, but she feels more shaken. That could have gone very poorly. They were ill-equipped to handle that challenge, and had the choker been a little more alert, they may all have died.

Back with the others, Taz adds to discussion with a hint of fear in her voice, "I support going to the barracks, but I really don't think we should split up anymore. This place is very dangerous. Had things gone a little differently back there... well... separated we are much weaker."

2020-03-29, 05:38 AM
Agreed. We postpone your roach problem and check for survivors first. Marius mentions. The idea of saving someone instead of more combat drives him. While he is no stranger to warfare in theory, his mettle is still untested, and today he almost drowned and was strangled. He was a good fighter, but clearly better off with his friends.

2020-03-29, 08:39 AM
"I think we best not all barge in," Laurelata said, "we might scare the survivors, if any, to death. If one or two go in and check it out, the others can wait just outside the door, ready to rush in if it shouldn't be a survivor."

2020-03-29, 11:56 AM
Jessica frowns quietly at Laurelata's suggestion, but sees the wisdom in it. "I'll lead the way," she declares firmly. She takes a moment to make sure her allies are ready to rush in, and grips her glaive with a stoic expression. Then she steps through the open "doorway."

"Hello there!" she calls, putting a little force into the words to make sure they carry throughout. "We've been sent by the Venture Company to support the first wave of colonists. If you are one of them, or willing to provide aid, we will see to it that your help is rewarded!"

[roll0] To improve someone's attitude/start things on the right foot? I figure it's probably an enemy, but Jessica is too hopeful (naive?) to make that assumption.

Edit: man, I hate wasting a 20. D:

2020-03-29, 12:31 PM
There is some movement under the suspect bed as Jessica calls out, then is a pronounced lack of further noticeable movement, then strange movement under the bed next to Jessica. She has a moment to react.

Something init: (1d20+1)[19]
Jessica init: (1d20+2)[21] - here is a 19, not wasted :smallamused:

You probably could peek under the bed whether or not you are adjacent to it, by being crawling, prone, or similar. Or being Hewitt/Lightburn and bending your head down. I don't have a map for this one at the moment, assume Jessica is just through the doorway and the bed is to her left. Something under the bed will have cover if you are to attack it, unless you are prone, and possibly could AoO you if you move inside past Jessica.
=> Party

2020-03-29, 04:30 PM
"Um. I don't think they're friendly, guys!" Jessica eyes the nearby bed warily. She takes a quick step back from it, glad to have her glaive handy.

2020-03-29, 05:28 PM
Marius moves inside and covers Jessica's most vulnerable ... well, everything. Who let this gal in unarmored again? Marius wonders.

Come up, hands raised. Marius calls out in very broken Azlanti, something he took up the whole way there.

2020-03-29, 07:33 PM
Jessica blushes furiously behind Marius. I didn't even think to try another language!

2020-03-29, 11:54 PM
Something resembling an oversized insect head appears form under the bed and tries to bite Marius' leg. The ranger takes the leg away just in time.


It's ankheg nymph, that is a very young ankheg just past the larva stage.Ankheg typically lays maybe a dozen of eggs.Thing under the bed bite: (1d20+4)[11] for (2d4+1)[4] and (1d4)[2] acid grab (1d20+6)[26]
=> Party (everyone, any order)

2020-03-30, 04:27 AM
'Just great, another six-legged critter,' Laurelata thought as she let go with an Arrow. She had again taken a spot at one of the windows so she could look inside and help, but without having to be there. And she could also keep an eye out for things on the outside.

I take a shot at the critter. Since I don't have knowledge(arcana) I don't know what it is, only that it tried to bite Marius.
attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]
sneak attack (if applicable): [roll2]

move action: look around for other stuff coming to see what's going on: [roll3]

initiative: [roll4]

2020-03-30, 06:19 AM
Just get in here and clobber it! Marius says at the arrow that again narrowly missed his head.

move action for freebooter's bane [roll0]

Freebooter's Bane [30 ft. around Marius]
The freebooter and her allies gain a +1 bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against the target. This ability applies only to allies who can see or hear the freebooter and who are within 30 feet of the freebooter at the time she activates this ability.

2020-03-30, 11:25 AM
Seeing the creature darting back under the bed, Taz tries to even the odds. Grasping the plane of water, droplets quickly coalesce in the air. They arc and zip around the room, coating everything in a fine mist, and crashing into the making a soft noise akin to a waterfall. With her power focused, Taz ducks, shoots a jet of water past Marius and tries to flip the bed up, exposing the insect.

Move: Gather Power
(Hmmm, for the attack I did +3 -4 = -1 to hit, but the bed is not engaged in melee with Marius, so perhaps I imposed the wrong modifier)
Standard: Kinetic blast (pushing infusion): [roll0] Damage: [roll1] CMB to push: [roll2]
Tazmara Stonesong (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2103492)
F NG Dwarf Kineticist (Aquakineticist), Level 1, Init 2, HP 13/13, Speed 20
AC 15, Touch 12, Flat-footed 13, CMD 13, Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 1, CMB +1, Base Attack Bonus 0
PBS Water Blast +3 (1d6+6, x2)
Heavy Pick +1 (1d6+1, x4)
Studded Leather (+3 Armor, +2 Dex)
Burn 0/7

2020-03-30, 01:12 PM
"An ankheg nymph?! Be careful, everyone! There might be more of those things around." He warns the rest based on what he remembers of the creature before making a small rant about the situation. "Is there anything on this damned village that isnt completely disgusting? Lightburn, take it down, the hard way." Lightburn

Bite: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]

Lightburn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2095103) Outsider Eidolon 1 NG HP: 11 / 11 Speed: ft Init 2 AC 12 Fort 3 Ref 4 Will 2 CMB +3 BAB 1 Bite 3 (1d6+2, x2) Str 14 (2) Dex 14 (2) Con 13 (1) Wis 10 (0) Int 7 (-2) Cha 11 (0)

2020-03-30, 08:43 PM
Jessica almost jumps when the insect attacks Marius. If she hadn't been expecting something (but definitely not that!), she might have dropper her glaive entirely. With Marius' encouragement, she tires to do just that.

Jessica Cooper (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1453959)
F NG Aasimar (Angel-blooded) Cleric, Level 1, Init 2, HP 9/9, DR Acid, Cold, Elec resist 5, Speed
AC 11, Touch 11, Flat-footed 10, CMD 13, Fort 3, Ref 1, Will 4, CMB +2, Base Attack Bonus 0
Glaive +2 (1d8+3, x3)
Dagger +2/+1 (1d4+1, 19-20,x2)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 16
Condition +2 CL for divination spells
Augery 2/2 (weekly)
Inner beauty: 1/1
Alter self: 1/1
Channel energy: 6/8, 1d6
Touch of good: 4/5
Bit of Luck: 5/5
Bless: 1/1

5-foot step to the side, and attack with the glaive!
[roll0] attack
[roll1] CC (23, x3)
[roll2] dmg
[roll3] crit bonus

2020-03-31, 12:08 AM
After Laurelata and Marius try unsuccessfully to attack the creature covered by the bed, Tazmara decides to do away with it. She gathers some watery power and blasts the bed with a torrent of water. The bed is broken and blown away, revealing the dog-sized insect-like creature and a fresh hole in the ground of what seems to be a corresponding size. Lightburn goes past Marius and inside the barrack. As he does, he's bitten by the acid-dripping jaws of the ankheg nymph for 8 total damage and also grabbed. He fights back, landing a solid bite for 6 damage, but is then gnawed upon for 9 more damage and, with a *puff* disappears from this plane. Jessica tries to intervene with her glaive before that happens, but is unsuccessful.

Ankheg nymph bite AoO: (1d20+4)[13] for (2d4+1)[4] and (1d4)[4] acid grab (1d20+6)[19]
Ankheg nymph bite: (1d20+4)[15] for (2d4+1)[8] and (1d4)[1] acid grab (1d20+6)[24]

In the current arrangement, Marius is just past the entrance and the ankheg nymph is direcly to the left of him. Marius provides soft cover for the ankheg nymph from Jessica's attacks. Moving inside the barrack provokes AoOs as the ankheg nymph is inside next to the entrance.
=> Party (everyone, any order)

2020-03-31, 02:29 AM
Not an opportune moment to end the summon, Hewitt. Marius says.


2020-03-31, 07:56 AM
"Bah!" Jessica complains, as her training with the polearm proves insufficient. With a quiet breath, she refocuses her efforts, while slowly stepping further into the barracks. "Give them room to get in, Marius!"

Jessica Cooper (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1453959)
F NG Aasimar (Angel-blooded) Cleric, Level 1, Init 2, HP 9/9, DR Acid, Cold, Elec resist 5, Speed
AC 11, Touch 11, Flat-footed 10, CMD 13, Fort 3, Ref 1, Will 4, CMB +2, Base Attack Bonus 0
Glaive +2 (1d8+3, x3)
Dagger +2/+1 (1d4+1, 19-20,x2)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 16
Condition +2 CL for divination spells
Augery 2/2 (weekly)
Inner beauty: 1/1
Alter self: 1/1
Channel energy: 6/8, 1d6
Touch of good: 4/5
Bit of Luck: 5/5
Bless: 1/1

Attack again, then 5-foot step further into the room. I'd like to move around the creature so I can still attack next turn, but vacate a space for Marius or someone else to move further into the room without provoking AoO(s).
[roll0] attack
[roll1] CC (23, x3)
[roll2] dmg
[roll3] crit bonus

2020-03-31, 08:41 AM
"As you wish," Laurelata said. She decided to take the short way, first dropping her bow and then diving into the room trough the window. Unfortunately she hit the side and stumbled. She had to take the time to get back up and moved closer.

free action: drop bow
acrobatics to get through the window: [roll0]
rest of movement action to get into combat.

attack (with flanking and Freebooter's Bane bonus): [roll1]
damage: [roll2]
sneak attack: [roll3]

EDIT: since the rolls weren't all that good, it's move action: getting through the window
instead of attack: another move action to get into combat, so at least Marius has the flanking bonus (and drawing my weapon).

2020-03-31, 09:13 AM
Seeing Lightburn vanish in a puff, Taz's jaw drops. When Marius calls her forward, Taz replies, "uh, I think I'm more effective back here." She lines up a shot and threads the torrent past her allies and right into the ankheg's eye.

Standard: Kinetic blast: [roll0] Damage: [roll1] Crit: 7+11=18 damage if 19 hits.

@u-b: Not sure if freebooter's bane applies to kinetic blasts - a ruling from DM would nice (fb mods not included in attack above):

The freebooter and her allies gain a +1 bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against the target. This ability applies only to allies who can see or hear the freebooter and who are within 30 feet of the freebooter at the time she activates this ability.

Kinetic blasts count as a type of weapon for the purpose of feats such as Weapon Focus.

Tazmara Stonesong (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2103492)
F NG Dwarf Kineticist (Aquakineticist), Level 1, Init 2, HP 13/13, Speed 20
AC 15, Touch 12, Flat-footed 13, CMD 13, Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 1, CMB +1, Base Attack Bonus 0
PBS Water Blast +3 (1d6+6, x2)
Heavy Pick +1 (1d6+1, x4)
Studded Leather (+3 Armor, +2 Dex)
Burn 0/7

2020-03-31, 11:51 AM
"I didnt you jack!" Hewitt complains on the assumption that he was behind Lightburn´s disappearance. "He took too much damage. He wont be back until tomorrow." Hewitt was almost out of resources. He had one single casting before he was out of spells and he had just lost Lightburn. He would have to rely on the last trick at his disposal. He gathers his magical powerful to make a viper appear at his side. "Go! Attack that thing!" He points at the nymph.

Hewitt uses a standard action to use his summon monster spell like ability to summon a celestial viper.

2020-04-01, 12:44 AM
Marius swings the sword at the ankheg nymph and neatly cuts its head off the very moment that Tazmara's water blast splatters its innards all over the approaching Laurelata. The ankheg nymph is very much dead and very much all over the place. There seems to be no other movement.

2020-04-01, 03:42 AM
"Hey, watch out where you point that thing," Laurelata said while she tried to get the ankheg bits off her clothes, "I really don't need bits of whatever this was on me."

Then she started looking under the other beds, just to make sure there weren't any surprises. She kept her rapier at the ready.

I'm not sure if I need one, but in case I do, here's a perception roll: [roll0]

2020-04-01, 05:56 AM
Laurelata checks under the other beds. There is a crumbling hole in the ground where she first noticed the movement and there are some assorted bags and other containers that presumably belong to first wave's colonists, but there is clearly nothing animate anywhere in the barrack.

2020-04-01, 06:03 AM
Hold it, Hewitt. We are about done here. the young eagle knight says as the summoner starts his spell. Well, colonizing an island was going to get dirty one way or another. Marius adds in a sarcastic way. He looks for a clean cloth for the elf. I expected myself to be the first one to get dirty, not the nimble elf. Marius smiles while handing her a rag.

While looking for a rag for Laurelata, Marius checks the belongings for anything giving them a clue to where the colonists went, or anything worthwhile.

2020-04-01, 06:43 AM
Looking around through the barracks for both clues and items of value, Marius finds almost none of the former. The only thing remotely passing for a clue is that the colonists' disappearance did not involve packing their things and taking them along. Of those things that are left, Marius finds:
- over two dozen sets of spare clothing (plus some spare boots, shoes, etc.)
- the like amount of linen bedclothes and hay mattresses
- a total of 119.1 gp in gold and (mostly) silver coinage
- a well-made rabbit's foot talisman
- what seems to be a wand

Marius perception for barrack 1: (1d20+6)[20]
Marius perception for barrack 2: (1d20+6)[26]

2020-04-01, 07:31 AM
"Thanks," Laurelata said, trying to get rid of as much of the goo as she could.
"I think I found the entry hole," she said to the others, moving the bed out of the way, "at least, this is where I saw the movement the first time. If there's a big rock somewhere, we can close it up again in case its little brothers and sisters want to join."

2020-04-01, 08:16 AM
Jessica helps Laurelata to clean any offending grime, especially from her back or the backs of her arms where it's hard to see. Then, turning her attention to the hole, she gasps. "Goodness! That's... a problem... and at least the third, or fourth- if you count the vermin infesting the food stores- different kind of thing the colonists had to fight with, just to keep their beds! We should definitely try to block that hole, even if just to make them work harder to get in...." she agrees with her Elven companion. With a nervous shrug, the young priestess imagines the consequences of one of these appearing during the middle of the night and shudders. She would never have a chance. Probably neither would most of the other colonists....

"Just more questions," she mutters, looking over her companions' various findings. "I guess we keep looking in the other buildings? There's got to be something to help us figure out what happened!"

2020-04-01, 01:40 PM
Hewitt is still mad at what happened to Lightburn. "So, where should we head next to?" He replies trying his best to stay as level headed. "Hopefully, we can find outabout what happened here if we find any survivors."

2020-04-01, 02:16 PM
Happy to have contributed substantially to this battle, Tazmara grins wolf-like at Lauraleta, "I won't apologize that my bug squashing went too well! You may protest, but I'll just try to do the same thing again next time."

When Marius unearths the items, Taz asks no one in particular, while pointing to the wand and rabbit foot specifically, "do you think these could be magic?" She then, grasping her pick at the ready, peers into the hole to see if there is anything down there.

Perception: [roll0]

2020-04-01, 02:56 PM
"No problem," Laurelata said, "it was just a reaction on being splattered with goo."
She looked at the items.
"Let me have a look," she said, "I know a few minor magics and one of them is seeing if something is magical. I can't do it often, but that way the others can keep their spellcasting power for more important things."
She concentrated as she had been taught to do and checked if anything was magical.

I can use 'detect magic' once per day, so I'm doing that now, checking the items, mostly concentrating on the wand and the talisman, but making sure there's nothing else either.

2020-04-02, 12:41 AM
The hole in the ground does not appear to have an usable tunnel behind it, so maybe it's more of a single-use point where the burrowing creature emerged from the ground.

Laurelata checks for magic and indeed, both the rabbit's foot and the wand detect as magical. The first is clearly a lesser talisman of good fortune (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/r-z/talisman-lesser/), the second Laurelata fails to identify. In other news, the sleeve of Laurelata's new chain shirt that comes onto the detection cone also turns out to be magical. The spell ends before Laurelata could identify it.

Laurelata spellcraft: (1d20+4)[23] vs rabbit's foot
Laurelata spellcraft: (1d20+4)[12] vs wand

You said you mostly do the above two, so I went with full spellcraft checks once they detected as magical and that leaves not enough time to look everywhere around.

2020-04-02, 02:01 AM
Laurelata pointed to the two talisman and the wand.
"Those two are indeed magical," she said, "That one I've seen before, it's a talisman of good fortune, but I'm not sure what the wand is for. And apparently this chainmail is also magical. So be careful, there might be other magical stuff out here that we don't know about. Anything down the hole?"
The last was directed to Tazmara who had been looking into it.

2020-04-02, 08:11 AM
Maybe let Hewitt check them again. He is kinda an expert on these things. Marius says. I feel we should give the talisman to Jessica for now. She is blessed by Lady Luck, so she should always be able to confer this to us.

2020-04-02, 10:29 AM
When Hewitt asks for their next move, Jessica shrugs noncommittally. "We probably aught to just keep going around the buildings like this. The Eternal Maiden isn't really pushing me anywhere in particular, and it makes sense to leave the buildings we know are empty behind us. No sense making it easy to be ambushed."

The young priestess misses Taz' first question about magical properties, but is stirred from her own search by Laurelata's declaration of the items' magical qualities. She looks up, quietly assessing the situation as her companions discuss the best use. "Shelyn has blessed me with the ability to detect magical auras of all sorts, though I have to say I've never much studied them," she admits, with a faintly embarrassed blush. "With a little practice, I could probably help at least determine the school of magic, but I suppose that will have to wait for later."

Then Marius suggests she use the talisman, and she's turns to him in surprise. The pink flush darkens, rising attractively on her cheeks. "Oh? I- yes, I suppose I'd be happy to wear it. Seems like a helpful little talisman, though it doesn't really go with my blouse..." She looks down at her shirt with a frown, and her eyes widen as she realizes how nonsensical the objection is. The blush begins darkening rapidly, and stammers out "uh- 'm- sorry," she apologizes to no one in particular, "that's silly of me. Thank you, Marius." Looking decidedly like she doesn't trust herself to say anything more, she loops the simple cord over her head.

2020-04-02, 11:35 AM
Marius smiles at Jessica. She really is not used to being put into the spotlight like that, isn't she. A bit embarassed by the emotional thanking, the young lad responds: I did not award you a medal just now. And thank the others as well, Jess. Without Laurelata's scouting, without Hewitt's magic or Tazmara's mysticism, we would not have persevered. And our work for today is not done in the slightest. We have to check the entire village, then signal the ship to set up a base camp.

2020-04-02, 11:57 AM
Maybe let Hewitt check them again. He is kinda an expert on these things. Marius says. I feel we should give the talisman to Jessica for now. She is blessed by Lady Luck, so she should always be able to confer this to us.

"I can help pretty easily with that. I have studied the arcane arts and can detect magic auras at will." Hewitt replies. At the very least, he still could offer a few services t his disposal if there were any more enemies left. Hewitt remembers about the stuff found at the first house they visited. He probably should check out if there were magic auras after the whole situation calmed down. Afterall, if there were any other magic involed in the cretions of such items, it could raise their value.

2020-04-02, 02:01 PM
When Lauraleta asks about the hole, Taz ceases her study. "No, it looks like it mostly collapsed behind the critter. Probably worth covering it up, but if any more of these ankhegs come, I don't know what good it would do."

After Marius's accreditations for the group, Taz slaps him on the shoulder collegially, "and lets not forget your blade. And your fortitude," Taz adds the latter, but decides ot bring more attention to his ability to get choked and not die.

"I can probably squash the roaches if we want to head that way next. Just as long as we stick together, we can head wherever."

2020-04-02, 02:48 PM
"I've found some vials which I think are poison and some which I think have something flammable in it," Laurelata said, "and a protection suit against hordes of creepy-crawlies. But I have no idea on how to use that poison, or even which one it is, so I haven't used it. Not to mention that putting the food shed on fire might attract attention we can do without for now."

2020-04-03, 04:48 AM
I don't think anyone was expecting food in the storage after what we discovered about the island. She should check the remaining buildings before checking the plantations and then follow the footsteps. What do you say?

2020-04-03, 12:35 PM
Jessica's flushing only continues when Marius points out that their companions are equally as deserving. She manages to compose herself enough to stammer out "You're right. Well done, and thanks everyone."

As the talk moves on back to the probably ruined food stores and the rest of the colony, she mostly listens to them all for a moment. "I agree. Let's start with the next one over, then," she declares, pointing to the doorway by which they didn't enter. She begins to head that direction before reconsidering her own lack of protection.

For just a moment, a hint of a blush graces her cheeks once more. "Maybe you'd better go first, Marius?"

2020-04-03, 12:48 PM
"I'll join in da sneaky," Laurelata said, moving outside and as soon as Marius joined, she started to move towards the next building, trying to stay silent and to keep an eye out for any strange things. And with everything they had already seen in the village, she was sure they hadn't seen the strangest thing yet.
Arriving there she located a window and sneaked a peak inside.

stealth: [roll0]
perception: [roll1]

2020-04-03, 01:18 PM
Marius slouches over, putting his shield away to help catch himself should he stumble on the uneven ground. He leads the silent investigations.

Stealth [roll0]

2020-04-03, 01:27 PM
After you are done searching both of the barracks you move on to the next building clockwise.

This wooden-framed, mud brick structure is currently the colony’s only two-story building, as well as one of the largest structures. It has the appearance of a rural courthouse or cityhall rather than that of a residence. The front features a small porch supported by rough log pillars, with double wooden doors facing west. Numerous window frames with shutters, some of them open, wrap around the building on both floors. The roof is not thatched, but has wooden shakes instead. The construction suggests this building was intended to be a source of community pride, but it still has a rough, unfinished appearance due to lack of paint and coarse materials. A few small shrubs have been planted around it.

Laurelata comes to one of first-story windows and takes a sneak peek inside. She sees a large chamber that occupies most of the main floor, excluding something that seems to be a foyer near the entrance. This room is open to the second floor, and two flights of stairs lead to a gallery that overlooks this space, supported by columns on the main level. At the rear of the chamber against the east wall is a raised desk, like a podium. Tables and chairs are arrayed in front of it like a courtroom. The gallery above has simple wooden chairs so that citizens can observe whatever business is conducted here. Doors at the north and south ends of the main floor lead to what appears to be separate offices.

2020-04-03, 01:35 PM
Tazmara says, "a swarm suit? That would help! Back in the mines, they'd ask me to blast out the crickets when they got too dense. They didn't bite, but it was a hell of a lot faster than taking them down with a hammer. Yeah, with that, I could probably make short work of them. We can do that later though."

When the group moves on Taz follows at a distance, ready to move in at a moment's notice.

Stealth (keeping back considerably): [roll0]

Sorry, the forum kept me from posting this yesterday.

Kinetic blasts affect swarms with full damage, so I think Taz could take out the roaches.

2020-04-03, 01:41 PM
"Central part looks clear," she wispers to Marius, "but there's doors to other rooms. We best go and have a look inside. Also from the second story we can have a look across the colony."

2020-04-03, 07:47 PM
Hewitt follows the group in silenece. He didnt want to ruin the stealth so he keep his distance while keeping close enough not to lose sight of any of them.

2020-04-04, 08:46 PM
Jessica also follows carefully, several paces behind her companions for fear of giving them away. She watches Marius and Laurelata warily, trusting them but worried for their collective safety.

2020-04-05, 07:22 AM
The lower and upper floors are shown below. Black on the upper floor map signifies lack of floor. The entrance is in the center of the western side, the rest are windows. Position yourselves on or off the map and then describe how you proceed about examining the building.



2020-04-05, 07:45 AM
Marius goes to check the upper floors. He grabs his shield, expecting a few new squatters in the upper areas.

Going up the northern stairwell, checking the rooms from north to south on the upper floor.

2020-04-05, 07:58 AM
Laurelata will go around the building first, checking all the 'offices' on the ground floor through the windows before entering the building.

I will check the top office (I26 to M27) first and then go counter clockwise to all three others.

perception office 1: [roll0]
perception office 2: [roll1]
perception office 3: [roll2]
perception office 4: [roll3]

stealth to move around: [roll4]

2020-04-05, 08:37 AM
When Marius ascends more than half of the way, he notices a strange tiny construct sitting on the railing above the main hall sprout a two-bladed rotor and fly clumsily to the opposite wall, where it lands itself next to an open second story window. Laurelata hears some strange WHHRRRRR from what seems to be inside of the building, but does not see the source from where she is standing.


Something stealth: (1d20+11)[12] (@farothel oh, you are not alone; this is against your first percepton check)

=> Marius and maybe Laurelata (may be also others, if they are notified)

2020-04-05, 09:58 AM
"What the…," Laurelata said as she heard some strange noise, "There's something inside making a strange noise. Let's go have a look."
Abandoning her plan to look at each office, she moved inside to see what was going on.

2020-04-05, 12:27 PM
Marius slowly drops shield and sword, and aims his longbow at the thing.


2020-04-06, 07:02 PM
Taz hears Lauraleta's confusion, says to Jessica and Hewitt, "we should check this out - Marius could be in trouble," and heads into the building.

2020-04-06, 10:32 PM
Hewitt follows from behind. He wonders what else could be lurking behind those walls. The enemies seem to be pretty different. It makes Hewitt rethink his original idea of an organized group being necessarily behind the attack. Could it be just a coincidence?

2020-04-07, 08:27 AM
Jessica nods curtly. She follows in with quick steps, as Taz leads the way. Her eyes flick back and forth, probably more out of temerity than any honed skill of observation. Still, if there's an obvious threat, she doesn't want to be taken totally by surprise.

As she approaches the stairs, she hears the same sound Laurelata first warned them of. Her delicate eyebrows furrow, as the sound is utterly unfamiliar and confusing, especially without sight of its source.

2020-04-07, 08:49 AM
By the time most of the party reached the stairs, the WHHRRRRR sound has stopped. You see Marius upstairs shooting an arrow somewhere east. The arrow hits the wall and you see not far from the point of impact a tiny construct sitting on the wall. It spins its little propeller, emitting the WHHRRRRR sound, and, clumsily, flies out of the window and then north.

The party is mostly in S31T32 region downstairs. Initially, you can see the construct from there, and it can see you. Now the construct is out of sight of everyone except Marius somewhere AA23, at second floor height. Marius can see it through a window opening to Y25.
=> Party (everyone, any order OR you can just let it go)

2020-04-07, 10:31 AM
Laurelata wasn't sure what that thing was supposed to do, but spying was one thing that came to mind. She ran towards a north facing window and when she arrived there, she fired an Arrow at the little thing.

move action: move towards a window at the north side, or outside if that's north.
attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

2020-04-07, 04:30 PM
It is a spy! Marius shouts while loosing another arrow.

activating freebooter's bane on the people around him.


2020-04-07, 05:00 PM
Hewitt isactually a bit infatuated with the robotic creature when he lays eyes on it. "This might be the effect of seeing so many disgusting looking creatures all day but I think this one is kind of cute. I suppose there is no other way. " Hewitt sighs as he starts focusing his energy as he summons a celestial eagle. "Attack the mechanical eye sphere thing." he makes the command.

Hewitt uses his summon monster spell like ability to summon an eagle.

HP:5 AC:14
Speed 10ft., fly 80 ft. (average)
Fort +3 , Ref +4, Will +2; SR 5
Celestial – Resist acid, cold, and electricity 5
Str 10 [14], Dex 15, Con 12 [16], Int 2, Wis 15, Cha 7

Talon attack: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]

2020-04-07, 06:52 PM
"What's a spy!?" calls, unable to get a line of sight to the source of the noise. Figuring that the person it out is their best shot at taking it down, she catches up with Marius and lays another simple blessing on him.

Jessica Cooper (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1453959)
F NG Aasimar (Angel-blooded) Cleric, Level 1, Init 2, HP 9/9, DR Acid, Cold, Elec resist 5, Speed
AC 11, Touch 11, Flat-footed 10, CMD 13, Fort 3, Ref 1, Will 4, CMB +2, Base Attack Bonus 0
Glaive +2 (1d8+3, x3)
Dagger +2/+1 (1d4+1, 19-20,x2)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 16
Condition +2 CL for divination spells
Augery 2/2 (weekly)
Inner beauty: 1/1
Alter self: 1/1
Channel energy: 6/8, 1d6
Touch of good: 4/5
Bit of Luck: 3/5
Bless: 1/1

Move up to Marius
apply bit of luck.
He gets another d20: [roll0]

2020-04-08, 11:10 AM
Unclear what spy Marius is referring to, Taz searches around for a target.

Huh, notifications seemed to have stopped for me.

I don't think Taz has line of sight or is in range to hit it, but she will ready a kinetic blast attack if it comes into range.

2020-04-08, 11:58 AM
Laurelata considered getting further inside the building and to a window on the northen side, but the way seemed not exactly straight and involved a door, so she just made a step back and went straight north along the building's western wall. She saw the tiny flying thing and shot it. The impact of the arrow shook the thing mightily for 4 damage, but it seemed able to recover the correct orientation. Marius shoots too, but just hits a window frame from the inside of the building. Jessica hurried to the second floor to bestow a bit of luck on his next attack. Hewitt summons an eagle, but seems unable to to communicate to it what exactly it should be attacking. Tazmara, lacking any long-range abilities, just watched the occurring commotion.

The thing moved away quite fast, putting about 130 feet of range between it and the shooters by the moment a second pair of arrows fly. Both arrows fly past, more or less close, but not quite hitting it. Then Hewitt repeated his command again and finally the eagle got what is the thing that should be attacked. The eagle caught up with the thing very quickly and damaged its rotor for 1 damage, which seemed like enough. The thing fell to the ground some 130 feet north of the two-story house, chased down by the eagle, and then you hear and see an explosion on the ground when they next come in contact.

Hewitt handle animal: (1d20+3)[6] (this won't be required for most "normal" enemies)

And the next round:
Laurelata: (1d20-1)[5] for (1d6)[1]
Marius: (1d20+1)[11] (OR 7+1) for (1d6)[3]
Hewitt handle animal: (1d20+3)[21]
Eage charge talon: (1d20+5)[19] for (1d4)[1]

And the last round:
Explosion: (1d6)[3] damage to the eagle (the thing self-destructs)

The self-destruction happens near north edge of the map directly north of the house A10.

2020-04-08, 12:08 PM
"I guess figuring out what that was is out of the question now," Laurelata said when she saw the explosion, "What the frack is going on here with all these strange critters and now this."
She looked back to the large building.
"Well, whoever sent that thing is probably warned now," she continued, "let's have a look in the big building to see if there is some documentation about what's going on. If there is any, it will probably be there."

She headed into the big building and started to investigate all rooms inside.

2020-04-08, 01:28 PM
Jessica mostly watches while the Eagle harries the flying... thing. When it drops, she lets out a short cheer- which is in turn suddenly silenced by the explosion. Wide-eyed, she turns back to her allies in utter shock. "Uhhh..."

She nods dumbly, agreeing with Laurelata, even has her mouth refuses to cooperate.

2020-04-08, 03:09 PM
Hewitt looks a bit disappointed. "I feel this is a bit of waste. Whatever, the case is with that thing. But I suppose its for the best. We didnt really know anything about the thing and the same applies to about whoever he served to." Hewitt decides its best to finish searching the place for any threats left. He follows after Laurelata into the big building.

2020-04-08, 03:44 PM
After finally understanding what her comrades were concerned about, Taz watches events unfold in abject confusion. Finally finding some point where they both agree, Taz more or less mirrors Jessica's wide-eyed response to the explosion, "Uhhh..."

After Hewitt's comments, the dwarf finally regains her wits, "WHAT IN THE NINE HELLS WAS THAT?!? Served? Warned? What are you both talking about? It exploded! What even does that?! How? How is a thing like that even here??? What is even going on?" She takes a deep breath, pauses for about ten seconds, then continues as if her manic outburst never occurred, "yes, we should search the house." She walks into a room and begins digging around.

2020-04-08, 04:17 PM
It was some kind of machine. I would have expected anything but that with the other monsters we encountered so far. A giant insect, some zombie, anything but a flying construct. Marius checks the exploded remains.

2020-04-08, 07:41 PM
"Right?!" Jessica murmurs, offering simple but bland agreement with both Marius and Taz. "I can't help but wonder, though... I'm... Uh, I've done a little bit of research into ancient Azlanti, though there obviously isn't a lot of great information out there. But I never would have expected something uhhh mechanized? I think that's the right word..." She lapses into a thoughtful silence, for a brief moment.

"I wonder if that's something the first wave of colonists brought, or if it's something they found. I wish we could ask Miss Ramona. She certainly knows more about the first wave." The young priestess makes off to follow Taz and help with the exploration. After a few steps she stops short with a sickened expression... "or found them."