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2020-01-18, 03:24 PM
My friend is starting up a shorter length game likely 3 or 4 sessions with us all being up and coming Dwarven mafioso's. My first plan of a grappling rogue was thrown out the window with another player already planning to fill the role.
So I have come to you all asking what I should play. Sadly no grey or Warding dwarves and I am assuming a dps machine won't be very useful as the dm runs high intrigue games.

Sparky McDibben
2020-01-18, 03:57 PM
Honestly, the DPR monster sounds like a perfectly viable build. Maybe your guy is a straight up hit man, like the dad from Boondock Saints. They've got one rule (like, "no women, no kids," or, "I gotta look a man in the eye when I kill 'em.") and they never break it. Look to Boondock Saints or the Professional for inspiration. Make sure you pick a couple skills you can use in social situations (Insight, Deception, or Persuasion are all good calls), but the rogue is such a solidly built class you can do just about anything with it and stay relevant.

2020-01-18, 06:04 PM
As almost any class, you could be an information broker. Between adventures, work in a trade where you can abuse client trust to learn secrets for sale or personal use. Perhaps a lawyer or private investigator or servant trusted alone near important documents and incriminating items. Thematically, you could BE part of the intrigue in your campaign. Proficiency with Thieves' Tools, Investigation, and Deception would all help your character fill this role.

If you really want to be a Machiavellian mastermind, or a dwarven Professor Moriarty, consider the Noble background, with the alternate Retainers option. This gives you three NPC stooges who will probably be willing to do your dirty work as long as it isn't too dangerous. Divination magic, a Familiar, or proficiency with a Poisoner's Kit would all fit well with this.

2020-01-18, 07:41 PM
An Order Cleric.

Consider, for a moment, the mages of the Wheel of Time series. They take a magical oath that prevents them from telling a lie to someone they believe isn't associated with the Big Bad. They did this to gain the public's trust, but they instead ended up finding ways of phrasing things ambiguously, never telling the truth, and using snippets of real information as a currency in a complex bartering system of spies. And sure enough, people trust them less despite being forced to tell the truth.

Honesty does not mean you're honest. In the mafia, I'd imagine there are plenty of people who'd like an Order Cleric on their side.

2020-01-19, 01:21 AM
An Order Cleric.

Consider, for a moment, the mages of the Wheel of Time series. They take a magical oath that prevents them from telling a lie to someone they believe isn't associated with the Big Bad. They did this to gain the public's trust, but they instead ended up finding ways of phrasing things ambiguously, never telling the truth, and using snippets of real information as a currency in a complex bartering system of spies. And sure enough, people trust them less despite being forced to tell the truth.

Honesty does not mean you're honest. In the mafia, I'd imagine there are plenty of people who'd like an Order Cleric on their side.
This is honestly a great idea and I think I'm gonna go with it.

2020-01-19, 05:31 AM
Is it too late to suggest this (https://mfov.magehandpress.com/2018/04/beard-bard.html)? If you're going to be twirling your moustache, you may as well draw magical power from it! :smalltongue:

2020-01-19, 11:07 AM
This is honestly a great idea and I think I'm gonna go with it.

Another option is a whisper bard. Or glamour bard. Both are good at manipulating people behind thenscene. Howver, being full casters theyre also fairly solid when fighting breaks out