View Full Version : House Rule Sticky?

2020-01-19, 04:10 PM
Why don't we have a sticky for houserules like we do for homebrew?

2020-01-19, 05:03 PM
Because house rules are technically homebrew?

2020-01-20, 03:12 AM
Because house rules are technically homebrew?

Not really.

Most houserules tend to ignore things, even if people don't realize it.

Like, ignoring that friendly and non-friendly creatures cause partial cover to targets of attacks.

So many people think the Archery style is a free +2 to attacks when in actuality targets will typically have partial cover (+2 AC) really, really, easily.

Other times houserules aren't so much as adding things, but allowing other things to be used in other places. Like, free feats for everyone at level 1. That's not specifically homebrewing something into the game, or out of the game, but modifying a rule.

While homebrew may be modifying the game, it's typically adding things that aren't even there to begin with.

2020-01-20, 12:25 PM
Personally, I just wouldn't care to read through a thread of posts talking about how/why they ignore certain rules and create new ones. That's all homebrew to me, and I prefer playing and DMing as close to RAW as possible to create a consistent experience for everyone.

2020-01-21, 02:53 AM
While homebrew may be modifying the game, it's typically adding things that aren't even there to begin with.
I think the distinction can be a bit fuzzy. Most of us would probably agree that homebrew adds new content, while house rules simply modify the existing rules. However, we could probably find examples of homebrew that does nothing but modify existing rules (perhaps extensively, but scope shouldn't be the factor here), as well as house rules that introduce new content. I'd probably also agree with nickl_2000 that house rules are actually a subset of homebrew.

I think what most of us think of when it comes to house rules are akin to rules errata: short rules changes that are seldom longer than one or two paragraphs, and more often just one or two lines.

"Monk weapons count as finesse weapons for Sneak Attack and Defensive Duelist," is a house rule. "Everyone gets a free feat at 1st level," is a house rule. Something like a crit failure table probably shouldn't be a house rule, but often gets treated as such. The wild magic system I was working on a while back is definitely not a house rule, it falls squarely into homebrew territory, even though it is just "rules" and not content, like items or monsters.

To the OP, I could see having a list of common house rules, such as starting with a free feat. The problem is that I don't expect much consensus as to which house rules are "common".

On an unrelated note, writing out "houserule" a lot of times without the space between makes it start to look like the name of the setting for a Zelda knock off. "Lank, only you can save Houserule from the evil Grannondolf."

2020-01-21, 03:26 PM
I mean it'd be hard to organize. If you sorted by author you'd have to read each post, but you could sort it by content, such as TWF, feat changes, rulings, class changes....

I mention it because I am always looking at houserules. So much that I had to pare back many ideas and simplify others, to make it easier and to keep the game recognizable. But it would be great if, when looking for (for example) and equipment slot brew, I would have a bunch to examine and compare, a lot easier than googling, reviewing 15 different sites, half of which aren't even close to what I'm looking for

Thank you everyone for your responses. I'll probably just repost in homebrew