View Full Version : Zombie infestations?

2007-10-21, 08:55 PM
Okay this has been ragging my mind for a while and I can't find any answers, so why is it if one or a small group of zombies are relatively harmless due to the fact of them being A. noisy with their moaning, and B. slow (meaning it's easy to get away) is a large zombie army capable of being made?

anyone got an answer?

Em Blackleaf
2007-10-21, 08:58 PM
If Krimm Blackleaf is in charge, yes. :smalltongue:

2007-10-21, 08:59 PM
panic and enclosed spaces.

Also the reasons for the initial zombies. If it was widespread enough, a zombie army would be created in the first batch.

Green Bean
2007-10-21, 09:02 PM
Well, remember that it always takes the first half of the movie for the world at large to find out about the zombie infestation. While there are small numbers, they tend to hide out in crypts, or haunted houses, preying on those foolish enough to go inside, and those who come looking for them, and so on. Once there's enough, they can go after isolated households. Zombies do seem to show a little bit of intelligence when hunting their prey; when surrounding buildings, they tend to cut off all the exits. It doesn't matter how fast you can run if the only place you can go is closer to the zombies. Sewers are also a good idea. You can get into crowded places, such as the mall, without being spotted. Eventually, you have them in large enough numbers that no one can really get away.

Or, you can just use fast zombies.

2007-10-21, 09:04 PM
I want somebody to explain why most zombie movies have only humans being zombified. What about every other dead thing on earth? And how.....squishy...... does the body still have to be for it to work?

2007-10-21, 09:05 PM

*takes down notes for his own evil warlord plans* keep talking.

2007-10-21, 09:07 PM
Who cares? The real thing to do is to rain death upon them with shotguns and bazookas. Pretty hard to keep moving when the body is nothing but a pile of so much rotting ground meat.

And if they never grew into large armies, it wouldn't be a very good movie, now would it?

2007-10-21, 09:11 PM
And if they never grew into large armies, it wouldn't be a very good movie, now would it?

*ponders the concept of ninja zombies*

Raiser Blade
2007-10-21, 09:15 PM
Hey Tom it's Bob
From the office down the hall
Good to see you buddy how've you been

Everything's okay with me
Except that i'm a zombie now
I really wish you'd let us in

I think i speak for all of us
When i say we understand
Why you folks might hesitate

To submit to our demands
But here's an FYI
You're all gonna die screaming...

2007-10-21, 09:17 PM
yeah except maybe 1-2 of them are completely destroyed via bazooka, and the other 9-10 of them still have a couple of limbs on them.

also a shotgun isn't going to go much unless you are within20 yard or closers due to the spread of the shot, unless you are ofcourse using slugs in which you will need to hit the head. If you don't believe me I own two remington shotguns, a 4 shell semi-auto 20 gauge and a 5 shell pump-action 12 gauge (870 civilian pattern)

Also bazooka's are terribaly ineffective, it takes 15-20 seconds to change out a canister in a two man team, over a 30 by yourself.

trust me there is a giant thread arguing about this.

2007-10-21, 09:21 PM
The ripping zombies to shreds bit I was thinking of using fragmentation grenades.

2007-10-21, 09:28 PM
dude you even know what a frag grenade does? it sends tons of litle shards out, it's effective range of severing someing is 3-6 feet while the shrapnel can have an effective wounding range of 8-40 yards counting on grenade we are talking about. The whole idea behind it is to cause massive amounts of deep small penetrations inorder to make someone bleed to death, completely useless against zombies since they don't bleed out.

please if your going to talk about what you are going to use for weapons, know what your talking about.

2007-10-21, 09:30 PM
Yeah, my knowledge of what would work in the zombie apocalypse is rather slight. Time for plan B: Chainsaws and fire axes.:smallwink:

2007-10-21, 09:37 PM
... no comment about zombie melee

go buy yourself the zombie survival guide okay? that will give you some fun facts.

2007-10-21, 09:49 PM
what about snipes like a few army guys could have snipes and they could head shot them and they could have shotguns so if the zombies got close to them they could pwn them:smallbiggrin: . What about a flamethrower:smallconfused: ? Burn baby Burn:smallcool:

2007-10-21, 10:01 PM
Well, the problem with a zombie infestation is that
1. it generally starts as a virus or something that can affect a large number of people.
2. Initially, nobody knows that they are zombies, and attempts to help them, thus spreading the disease.
3. The people who are most likely to be attacked and thus become zombies while trying to peacefully subdue them are the ones who could find a cure or maintain order, preventing either and furthering zombie chaos.

Consider: If someone were to see someone staggering around moaning, they might go and ask if they need help. Zombie then bites him. Person calls cops, and in the ensuing struggle, three cops are bitten before the zombie can be subdued and brought to a doctor. If the zombie is improperly restrained he could also bite the doctor. Assuming that at that point the zombie is put out of commision somehow, one zombie has infected five people. Now consider that zombieism is generally a disease which can effect a large number of people to start. And that diseases need a period to incubate, so that infected members of society can endure and still spread the plague, so that someone might go to bed with their wife who has a cold, and wake up to find her gnawing on his arm.

So, all things considered, zombies can easily amass small armies.

Raven T.
2007-10-21, 10:18 PM
go buy yourself the zombie survival guide okay? that will give you some fun facts.

...or it may just save your life!

This message brought to you by the Zombie Preparedness League of America.

2007-10-21, 10:49 PM
Because is they ransack your NecroTech buildings you're screwed.
Real Answer: Because they can't die. They may never be able to catch up with you, but you'll still have to live your entire life on the run.

2007-10-21, 10:52 PM
All we wanna do is eat your brains!
We're not unreasonable, I mean, no one's gonna eat your eyes.
All we wanna do is eat your brains!
We're at an impasse here, maybe we should compromise.

So tell me, Tarmag, since all our normal go-to's for zombie warfare: shotguns, grenades, and chainsaws, are gone; what would you advise for zombie survival?

Is an assault rifle or sniper rifle our only hope? what about flamethrowers and firebombs?

I ask because I'd rather be prepared when the inevitable happens.

Raven T.
2007-10-21, 11:19 PM
Flamethrowers are too bulky and unwieldy for a zombie invasion.

A simple bolt-action deer rifle, a .22 rimfire in a pinch...go for "one shot, one kill." Make sure you can get silencers for them. Train with a melee weapon suitable for severing the head or smashing through the temple to destroy the brain in case you get trapped...a machete, crowbar, or even a battle-ready katana will work.

2007-10-21, 11:28 PM
Hmmm, if a piercing bullet to the brain will take out a zombie (which it seems is the best wisdom we have) wouldn't that mean a piercing melee weapon would also be useful. A rapier through the eye, say, or up under the chin?

Or are our bullets working through rapid expansion of liquids in the body (I'm not exactly sure how that works, and if it would work on zombiers)?

Raven T.
2007-10-21, 11:48 PM
A rapier through the eye IS valid, but an extremely difficult feat to pull off (according to the Survival Guide, it has only been achieved once by a master fencer.)

The only way to kill a zombie is to destroy the brain where the virus takes hold.

2007-10-21, 11:56 PM
many zombie problems are created en mass. umbrella used a nerve agent to make a lot, quickly via the air. 28 days later had a long time to stew as people figured out the problem. and so on.

2007-10-22, 12:18 AM
*ponders the concept of ninja zombies*

Presenting the Inverse Inverse Ninja Law (http://drmcninja.com/page.php?pageNum=18&issue=8)

2007-10-22, 01:35 AM
Fighting in general is a bad idea during the zombie apocalypse. To survive you have to keep moving.

The biggest threat to a survivor during the zombie apocalypse is boredom. Too many people want to go out and start splattering zombie heads.

The crowbar is your best friend during the zombie apocalypse.

Other survivors are more of a threat to you than the zeds.

Blades don't need reloading.

If you must carry a gun, save one bullet for yourself.

2007-10-22, 01:36 AM
I am so, so sorry >.<


Also: I know they're slow and dumb, but they're also relentless. I don't like zombies :smalleek: :smallfrown:

The Orange Zergling
2007-10-22, 02:03 AM
Hint, chainsaws are bad. They're noisy, heavy, require gas, and are too hard to use effectively.

2007-10-22, 02:05 AM
Tip # 1:Find a shotgun and plenty of ammo
TIP # 2: Find a group of other zombie survivors you want the following in your group:
-Someone hawt who isn’t a total slut.
-Someone semi-hawt who is a bit of a slut.
- A jerk
- A token black guy
- A nerd
- A rich older man or woman.
- A crazy guy who has seen Rambo a bit too many times
You’ll want at least 4 out of 7 of these people with you any more than that and they'll die in the first zombie assault.
Tip # 3: Start mackin’ on the hawt girl/guy. Be nice, save their life. Remember you aren’t after sex. (that comes later)
Tip # 4: Stay the hell away from the black guy. He’s already dead.
Tip # 5: Expect the semi-hawt slut to die with the first person she does something erotic with. Don’t let that be you!
Tip# 6: Staying in one place isn’t a good idea, no matter how much the jerk tells you it is.
Tip# 7: You’ll need a cool catch phrase to survive.
Tip # 8: They’re under the floors! Look out!
Tip # 9: You’ll need some kind of concrete goal. Perhaps a scientific way to get rid of the zombies. Be sure to get the way from the nerd who’s about to turn into a zombie… then kill him.
Tip # 10: Oh **** fast zombies! Don’t run, find high ground.
Tip # 11: Remember 1-3 people will survive this. The hawt girl/guy is one of them—if you are hawt and not a skank, congratulations on surviving the zompoclypse. If not, then follow tip # 3 even if you have to sacrifice yourself for them, you might get plot armor it’s your only hope. The third person is probably some annoying kid who you want to ditch, but don’t do this, even the hawt girl/guy can lose plot armor for this move.

2007-10-22, 06:54 AM
[QUOTE=Sisqui;3390271]I want somebody to explain why most zombie movies have only humans being zombified.QUOTE]


- In 28 Days Later Rage (the zombie virus) is actually a disease which only affects primates.

- In most magic zombie things it only works on humans because the spell only affects humans.

- In that film where demons possess dead bodies it is because no relf-respecting demon would take the form of something without opposable thumbs... except possibly a bear.

- In Dawn of the Dead, I can't remember.

Oooh, and WWZ also helps with fighting of Zombies, though it gives out memoirs of how people did fight them off, rather than giving explicit instruction.

2007-10-22, 07:02 AM
Well if last night's LARP proved anything, it's that you should swing a 5ft foam greatsword around yelling "double knockback" continuously. That seemed to get rid of large numbers of them.

2007-10-22, 07:30 AM
I advise reading 'World War Z'...I can't remember the author right now. If you pm me I'll reply with all the detaily things in it. Very good book about zombies...And a war that started because of them. Very, very good, infact...

2007-10-22, 07:36 AM
An entire thread dedicated to how to kill zombies effectively....


@^Theres good zombie lit? THE APOCALYPSE!!!!!!!!!

2007-10-22, 08:29 AM
You've gotta be careful if you're relying on weapons that require fuel. It's good to have them in case of emergency, but you should count on something more to hand. Also, they're dead. If you can find somewhere to hang out for years, like taking a mobile home to somewhere or, I dunno. Then just wait it out. The flesh keeps rotting once they're dead, hence the smell and the butt ugly look. I think it takes about 3 years for muscles to deteriorate, but you've also got to take into account other survivors who lastsed a while but not quite so long. But they'll generally be small pockets of society. But as long as you keep paying attention to the land scape, in an open area it's hard for them to sneak up on you.

I know the mobile home thing is a bit fuzzy, but I'm guessing most of the forum is American. I'm from the UK so I'm gonna run to the countryside and hide in a castle. We've got loads :p It'll possibly need re-fortifying, but it's a big ass rock designed for siege warfare.

Btw, the guy who wrote zombie survival guide and world war z was Max Brooks

2007-10-22, 08:43 AM
I know the mobile home thing is a bit fuzzy, but I'm guessing most of the forum is American. I'm from the UK so I'm gonna run to the countryside and hide in a castle. We've got loads :p It'll possibly need re-fortifying, but it's a big ass rock designed for siege warfare.

Btw, the guy who wrote zombie survival guide and world war z was Max Brooks

I'm from Australia, so there :P I just find some kangaroos and jump about...

And yes, it does seem that World War Z was written by Max Brooks, thank you.

Raven T.
2007-10-22, 08:51 AM
I already know a guy who's got a place I can crash during a zombie invasion. It's out in West Virginia (and let the jokes start....now) if I make it that far. Some days, I just think I should paint Zombie Food on my forehead and call it a day.

Archonic Energy
2007-10-22, 09:00 AM
An entire thread dedicated to how to kill zombies effectively....

3 words

Heavy Artillery Support.

2007-10-22, 09:33 AM
Incidently, can zombies swim? For that matter can they drown? Or would their lungs fill with water and then they'll just lurch along the bottom?

Also the best places to be are either on an aircraft carrier, or in a nuclear sub. Lots of supplies, the ability to stay the hell away from everywhere for years, and lots of big weapons. Up in space like in the day after tomorrow isn't very good, as you can't get down without ground support and you run out of everything quickly.

2007-10-22, 09:49 AM
Incidently, can zombies swim? For that matter can they drown? Or would their lungs fill with water and then they'll just lurch along the bottom?

Explained in that wonderous book, world war z, they just lurch along the bottom of the ocean...And then pop up on the land, on the beach type things...

The UnderKing
2007-10-22, 10:04 AM
I have both World War Z and the Zombie Survival Guide. I also have a copy of the U.S. armed forces survival guide. It helps fill in some of the gaps and helps you deal with live people better in a Zombie situation.

My parents are from Pennslyvannia and were in their twentys when Geogre Romero was making his movies. They lived in the next town over from were he filmed Dawn and Night of the living dead. In fact my dad knows a few guys who were zombies in the films. I have seen the "Night" house and been in the "Dawn" mall, even though they remodeled it.

And oddly enough, we live in Minnesota now, and my mother bought a set of two cool looking lamps from a garage sale. And as I was watching Night I saw that very same style lamps! And then they used one to kill a Zombie! I knew then that I has ready for the Zombie invasion!!!

2007-10-22, 10:12 AM
I submit that in lieu of guns and artillery, we use LOGIC to defeat the undead hoards!

Prove to the zombie that his existance is a physical impossibility! After all, if you think, therefore you are...

Be sure to give him a brief lesson in biology, which is sure to prove that the zombie virus cannot possibly reanimate his being.

If the zombie is magical, explain to him how magic violates the laws of physics, starting with the Second Law of Thermal dynamics.

Then all you have to do is sit back and watch as the zombie disappears in a puff of logic.

Failing that, you should probably shoot him.

2007-10-22, 05:00 PM
Incidently, can zombies swim? For that matter can they drown? Or would their lungs fill with water and then they'll just lurch along the bottom?

I think due to the gas released from rotting they float. Or can float. But I guess if bodies floated we wouldn't need divers to find them

2007-10-22, 05:15 PM
I submit that in lieu of guns and artillery, we use LOGIC to defeat the undead hoards!

Prove to the zombie that his existance is a physical impossibility! After all, if you think, therefore you are...

Be sure to give him a brief lesson in biology, which is sure to prove that the zombie virus cannot possibly reanimate his being.

If the zombie is magical, explain to him how magic violates the laws of physics, starting with the Second Law of Thermal dynamics.

Then all you have to do is sit back and watch as the zombie disappears in a puff of logic.

Failing that, you should probably shoot him.

My point exactly, you beat me to it though...

2007-10-22, 05:36 PM
step one: find full-body set of plate mail. lets see you bite through that, corpse-boys!

step two: find flails for breaking zombie heads.

2007-10-22, 05:40 PM
step one: find full-body set of plate mail. lets see you bite through that, corpse-boys!

step two: find flails for breaking zombie heads.

Gotta disagree with ya, chief. First of all, finding a full body set of plate mail would be rather difficult. It's not impossible, but it's not exactly something that's readily available. Making your way through a zed-ridden city to get to a museum in an attempt to loot said armor is dangerous in itself, and it's likely that 150 people that had the same idea as you have already made it to the museum and looted what they could.

Secondly, going out and busting zombie heads, especially with a weapon that you're not familiar with, is an incredibly bad idea. Remember, boredom is the number one killer during the zombie apocalypse. One cut, one small little bite, one splatter of zombie matter onto any part of your body that is scraped, cut, or otherwise acts as an opening to your innards equals doom.

2007-10-22, 05:44 PM
hire underlings to deal with zombie issue and get on with army of giant slug monsters which will soon rule the world... MWAHAHAHAHA!

2007-10-22, 05:50 PM
When fighting normal humans, you hits the people to make them fall down.
When fighting zombies, you hits the people in the head to make them fall down.
I know it's complicated, but you can figure it out. I did.

2007-10-22, 06:17 PM
I would go with get a sniper rifle and pick them off from far away also you want to build land mines and plant them around your safe site as well as grenades and other explosives.

And if all else fails keep that one last bullet for your self.

2007-10-23, 02:25 AM
I have always been annoyed with the survival guide's discouragement of combat. If you kill one zed, then you maintain equilibrium. If you kill more, then you start reducing the zombie head count. Outbreaks wouldn't spread quite as fast if people didn't react with such fear.

A group of semi-competent,semi-prepared individuals could do alright hunting zeds.

Some rules:
Stay mobile
Always have mêlée weapons ready
Stay long range when possible
Never leave your fallen to get back up

The Orange Zergling
2007-10-23, 02:44 AM
I submit that in lieu of guns and artillery, we use LOGIC to defeat the undead hoards!

Prove to the zombie that his existance is a physical impossibility! After all, if you think, therefore you are...

Be sure to give him a brief lesson in biology, which is sure to prove that the zombie virus cannot possibly reanimate his being.

If the zombie is magical, explain to him how magic violates the laws of physics, starting with the Second Law of Thermal dynamics.

Then all you have to do is sit back and watch as the zombie disappears in a puff of logic.

Failing that, you should probably shoot him.

What if they're headcrab zombies?

2007-10-23, 09:47 PM
ok u need to keep on move do not kill zombs only if u have to because if u kill one more will come. u have to keep on moveing as long as u can and u should find some other people it would be safer. 6 (or more) guns are better then 1. and u should pack light because if u have to run like hell u dont want 20 pounds of suff on u. u should have 1 or 2 long range guns and 1 or 2 close weps on u at all time. like a shotgun or like a crowbar. and u shouldnt go out alone always have some one go with u when u go out to look for some thing(like food or other people) and u shouldnt get the people you are staying with mad( because they might leave u for dead one day). If there is no way to save some one shoot them so they will not turn into a zomb.

2007-10-23, 10:28 PM
What if they're headcrab zombies?

Set them on fire. Or, if there are only a few, run circles around them while throwing a piece of lumber at their heads over and over. Once, as an experiment, I broke a pallet with the Gravity Gun over and over until I got a splinter too small to break anymore. I took a zombie out with it in about 20 headshots. If that'll kill a headcrab zombie, anything will.

2007-10-23, 10:55 PM
Silly, silly peoples :smallbiggrin:
Horror movie rule number one: The slower it is the faster it will catch you

Great examples are Jason, the zombies from "Night of the Living Dead" and The Blob!:smalltongue:

2007-10-23, 11:09 PM
Okay this has been ragging my mind for a while and I can't find any answers, so why is it if one or a small group of zombies are relatively harmless due to the fact of them being A. noisy with their moaning, and B. slow (meaning it's easy to get away) is a large zombie army capable of being made?

anyone got an answer?

Because the infection manifests as a fever, and so the patient dies and rises in a hospital bed biting everyone.