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2020-01-20, 10:42 AM
Brassville Mesa, the Snares

Outside the Governor's villa are a pair of hobgoblin guards dressed in their parade armour, bayonets glittering atop their muskets and braided elf-hair trophies pinned to their chests like medals. One of them flashes you a toothy smile and nods his head, ushering you into the atrium before double-timing it off to announce your arrival. The stonework is impeccable, sealing in every ounce of warm air given off by the brazier at the center of the room. Murals on the walls depict various hero-gods and legendary battles, most prominent among them the founding myth of the Khanate.

When the Governor arrives, he is as you remember him - a leather tunic beneath a chain shirt, and tattooed muscles beneath that. Weathered orange face and hoary mane alike parted by a vicious scar that runs from behind one ear, across the scalp and over the opposite eye. The product of a Davling axe, from the good old days when he was still spry enough to lead from the front. He has left his sword off for this meeting, wearing only the ceremonial whip that is the insignia of his rank. You are invited in for a light meal of bread and candied peppers from the central provinces while he explains the matter at hand.

It resolves that there has been a series of disturbances at the Blue Mesa mines, culminating in the collapse of the entrance and a cessation of all ore extraction. Several miners are missing, presumed to be trapped somewhere within, but efforts to dig out the entrance proceed at an acceptable pace. The problem is that the mine overseers disagree on the cause of the disruptions: one reports that there have been sightings of some sort of 'mine spirit' which has been interfering with work, while the other claims that this is is all a ruse perpetrated by rebellious dwarven workers. You are asked to discover the truth of the matter and deal with any other obstacles to ore extraction. His generosity, he adds, will be consummate with your speed and efficiency.

((There is time for questions, if you have any. If not, you may plot your route to the mine as you see fit, using the maps in the OOC thread.))

2020-01-20, 11:21 AM
Aurora heads straight over to the mines. When she arrives, she quickly seeks out the mine overseers. Towering far above everybody at the mine, she casts an imposing profile. When she finally locates the overseers, she cuts straight to the point, "I was sent by the Governer to see how to return this operation to working order. Where were the miners digging last? How many are there? What are their names and their reputations? One of you claims this may be a worker rebellion, so I need to know what I'd be walking into. Time is of the essence, both for your workers and my paycheck, so don't screw around, as I would be most unhappy."

Aurora also asks if she might borrow a mining pick if she is to enter the mines

Roll for Diplomacy to improve mood of overseers, so that they might be more forthright (does not gain bonus from Student of Philosophy) [roll0]
Sense Motive to determine how forthright they are being with their response [roll1]
If I detect dishonesty or if they seem to be concealing something, Intimidate check to scare some sense into them [roll2]

**Two notes. First, I am of the giant subtype, though not fully grown. Dwarves might have a natural emnity towards me due to their racial hatred. Not sure how that would affect our dealings. Second is that I have a very high carrying capacity due to the Giant talent from the Brute Sphere, so I suspect I could do a decent job removing rubble (and since I am not fully grown, I suspect I could fit in places normal giants could not, though I am still limited being over 7 ft tall).

2020-01-20, 01:10 PM
Vhale contemplates a pepper in his hand as the governor finishes. "Have there been any previous reports of disturbances in the mine prior to this? Did the report include any description of the missing miners?"

2020-01-21, 06:57 PM
Nemora looks ill at ease and out of place in the civilized settings of Brassville.

"I can tell you, I wish to conclude our business as quickly as possible, Honorable Governor." Nemora says haughtily, preening herself. "What can you tell us of this mining spirit? What do your spies know of rebel factions in the mines? Do you have any leads, or do you wish to indiscriminately point us at your people?"

Rolling knowledges, spiritualism tradition allows the best of two rolls and untrained checks for knowledges.

Knowledge Nature (mine spirits): [roll0]
Knowledge Nature (mine spirits): [roll1]

Knowledge Religion (mine spirits): [roll2]
Knowledge Religion (mine spirits): [roll3]

Knowledge Local (Rebel Factions): [roll4]
Knowledge Local (Rebel Factions): [roll5]

2020-01-21, 08:14 PM
Governor Miacylo does not receive reports on day to day incidents like lost tools, missed shifts and spilled mercury. That is what overseers are for, after all. The only incident of note that he recalls from his reports was a single report of theft two weeks back of an estimated ten to twenty pounds of silver grains from the refining office. The silver was not recovered, but the increased guard presence appears to have put a stop to whoever it was.

The report indicates that there are eleven people missing, eight dwarves and three hobgoblins. All of the dwarves and two of the hobgoblins were members of mining teams who were working in the mine at the time of the collapse, and the last of the hobgoblins was an apprentice alchemist who had been seconded to one of the teams for sample collection and other alchemist business - Ali was not entirely clear during the report on what that involved. Many of the miners are petty criminals or debtors who were sentenced to hard labour. The Governor suspects that if Ali is right about the workers, it will be these convicts who are the ringleaders of the plot.

As far as the mine spirit goes, the stories go that those who 'disrespect' the mine are visited by indistinct nightmares, almost always featuring a yellow flower with three petals. Afterwards, if the miner returns to the mines, they find themselves alone and paralyzed while some massive beast with tremendous claws, like a lobster or a crab, sifts their their belongings. Sometimes it takes things, but most often it just grunts and chortles from behind them before slinking away into the darkness and letting them go with just a warning. Needless to say, neither Nemora nor the spirits recognize any such creature.

The trip over to Blue Mesa cuts across Fruit Peak (a pungent experience, even in this weather) and the eastern half of the Bend where the livestock are braided with the traditional family beards, even though the dwarves are not. Though never intended for someone quite as powerfully built as Aurora, the bridges survive your passage for now. Once at the mines, Overseer Gianglo straightens up and grins at Aurora's words, while Overseer Iythik openly scowls. The excavations head brings you over to a map of the mines and explains:

"We operate a classic gallery mine out here. Straight shaft to the bottom of the mesa, then numbered tunnels leading out in every direction according to where the best ore is. Tunnel Team Five and the Exploratory Dig Team were in the mine at the time of the collapse, alongside one of Marin's meddling book jockeys. Team Five has my best workers - docile, despite their strength and easily lead by their foregoblin. The ones you're looking for are that Exploratory Team. Idiots, criminals and screw-ups the lot of them, not trustworthy enough for an existing dig. With the alchemist there contradicting the foregoblin I have supervising them, it is no wonder that they thought they could get away with something like this!"

Marin interrupts with an illustration of something called a 'Chuul (https://i.pinimg.com/originals/0d/81/b1/0d81b1b428202cc9a5004fb1257a43ce.jpg)' from one of her texts on aberrant biology. "The miners, before the collapse, had reported being paralyzed and getting poked at with pincers. The dwarves dubbed it the 'mine spirit' of course, unimaginative primitives as they are, but I know an Underdark creature when I hear of one. Chuuls have paralytic tentacles and pincer-like grasping appendages just like the dwarves described. Doubtlessly, the miners breached a cavern of the Underdark and didn't tell anyone, allowing the creature to crawl up into the mines."

Ali disputes this claim and the two fall into a brief argument before Aurora gets them back on task with a glare. It is clear that both believe their own take on matters and think that the other is a useless idiot who is obviously the true source of the problem.

Either way, they both agree that the ore crane and the stairs down the central shaft have both been completely smashed, resulting in a tangle of wooden debris half way down the mine. Currently, the only viable way out is to lower you down on ropes and have you navigate through one of the side galleries around the blockage. Alternatively, you can wait until the stairs are repaired (an estimated three days) and go down that way. Regardless of your choice, the overseers are happy to supply you with picks, lanterns, rope and even a map from the supply office if any such things are needed.

2020-01-22, 02:40 AM
Aurora graciously accepts the spelunking gear the dwarves provide her, sans the lantern as for her it is not necessary, and she would not have to worry about burning away oxygen in the event of a cave-in or accidentally igniting a natural gas deposit. She takes an extra length of rope and some pitons for redundancy in case something goes awry.

She deliberates as to whether she should wait for any others the Governer will send in or if she should proceed alone. On the one hand, they are a bit slow on the uptake as well as physically slower than her, but given the description of the Chuul, she reasons it would be prudent for some back-up despite the wait.

She waits outside of where she met with the overseers, crossing her arms in impatience, but does allow the others in the Governer's employ to catch up.

When I referenced the group being physically slower, it was in reference to my fast Movement (from the Conscript options). As it stands, I believe I can outpace the rest of the party, along with her having the Run feat from the Athletics Sphere. This would play into her preferring to work solo and having issues adapting to a team-based mindset. Still, she is not an idiot, and will not risk being helpless against a monster in the event it sneaks up on her.

2020-01-22, 07:57 AM
Vhale confers with the others dispatched by the governor, "I would move that we go down now. Anyone alive down there may not be in three days."

2020-01-22, 07:03 PM
Showing up fashionably late, was a kitsune, tails flowing in on after her. She moved with the grace of a martial artist, though seemly a little lackadaisically, trails of cherry scented smoke from her pipe dancing with her. "Oh.. Hello there... Is this where... the mission is?" she asks, each group of words having large gaps of silence as she eyes the others with the governor. "Yes.. Time is of... the essence..."

2020-01-23, 08:17 AM
Nemora eyes one of the canaries Aurora is fumbling with and her stomach rumbles slightly. She puts rope, pitons, hammer, pick and shovel in her haversack, as well as surprisingly several feet of wooden braces. She dons a miner's cap, but illuminates it with a Light Cantrip rather than a candle.

"What was the dispute the alchemist had with the foregoblin?" she asks casually.

2020-01-23, 02:14 PM
Ali snorts. "What isn't their dispute? Those alchemists are always delaying excavations, or demanding that I excavate hundred tons of empty rock on little more than a hunch and some silver dust. If they weren't needed to run the amalgamation vats, I would have thrown them off a cliff years ago."

((OOC: At this point, I'm assuming that everyone is at the mine and planning to go down as a single group. If you disagree with this plan, say something!))

2020-01-23, 08:33 PM
With the others finally arriving, Aurora tosses the pack of gear she had been granted over her shoulder, while she held the canary cage in her other hand. "Now that everybody is here, we should head into the mine. Hopefully, you all can keep up."

Aurora heads into the mine, not requiring any torches or the like. As she makes it to the shaft, she looks for a stable stalagmite to secure her rope. She then starts to knot it for grip and lowers it down. Assuming the others are right behind her, she begins to descend, hooking the canary to her back. When she gets to the bottom, she sets the canary cage down as she goes to examine the debris blocking the one path. She analyzed it to determine if she can clear it.

If I can take 10 on the climb check, it would be 23.
If I need to roll, [roll]1d20+13[/b], and I should note that, unless you want to house-rule it, skill checks neither critically hit nor critically miss.
When I land, if I can take 20 on analyzing the debris, it would be 30
If not, Perception [roll]1d20+10[/b]
Trying to see if it is stable enough to pick apart without causing further problems. My heavy and "lift over head" weight is 920 lbs, and push/pull is 4,600 lbs.

2020-01-24, 07:37 AM
A small smile appears on Vhale's face. As far as anyone has seen, he is simply a physically unassuming hobgoblin. "Keep up?'

He spends a moment looking at the canary, then sprouts a pair of feathered wings and glides gracefully down the shaft.mimicry talent, full round to get avian transformation for 1 hour or until used again. Blank form on self, keeping appearance, adding wings. Wings at CL 3 negate falling damage and allow gliding (not true flight)

2020-02-24, 11:29 AM
Following up with the others, the kitsune had assumed her fox form, acting silently for the moment.

2020-02-24, 02:51 PM
The splintered wreckage of the ore crane can't realistically be removed from the mine by a single person rappelling up and down the shaft on a rope. Even though Aurora is easily strong enough to lift it all in a single heave, neither the rope nor the rock looks sturdy enough to hoist it nearly three hundred feet up to the surface. Most of it goes into a side passage for now, where the miners can deal with it later. Vhale is the first one through the newly opened gap, floating like a feather caught by a passing breeze. There is a lantern down there, left resting while still lit atop a mine cart filled with ore. It is hard to tell if anyone (or anything, for that matter) is moving down there, as the flickering of the lantern's flame has the shadows of the mine dancing and swaying in the darkness.


As the rest of the team arrives at the bottom of the shaft, Hana detects a faint whiff of old blood among the normal mine-scents of lime-water, dwarf-sweat and blasting powder. Smeared onto the wall is a message, "TURN BACK - POISON", with the last line of the final character trailing off - as if the writer had collapsed after finishing it. Unfortunately, the writer, whoever they are, has vanished.

As the rest of the team arrives at the bottom of the shaft, Hana detects a faint whiff of old blood among the normal mine-scents of lime-water, dwarf-sweat and blasting powder. Someone had gotten half way through writing a message on the wall in blood, "DONT TRUST MEM-" before being interrupted. The presumptive author lies on the ground before you - a dwarf with miner's coveralls and a freshly broken neck.

You immediately startle, noticing and only just barely fighting off some sort of telepathic attack. Some sort of compulsion relating to the writing, intensely alien and hard to follow the logic of. None of the others seem to have been affected, and the only people you can see are your team and the dead dwarf.

What do you all do?

2020-02-24, 10:54 PM
After shifting the blockage, Aurora advances into the side tunnel the new opening, keeping her wits about her and analyzing the space for any threats, be they from enemies or structural weaknesses. Also making sure to check the status of the canary she has been carrying with her.

Perception check looking for traps, potential instability in the tunnels and open space, and for enemies lurking in the darkness (my Darkvision is 90 ft, so I get a bit more range than the others).

Perception [roll0]

2020-02-25, 07:39 AM

Vhale reabsorbs his wings. Shaking his head, he quickly looks around. Finding nothing obvious, he points to the sanguine message, "Someone kindly check for enchantments."

2020-02-27, 02:26 PM

Nemora calls to herself a Spirit of Air, and communes with the spirit as to the truth of whether the air in the mine is indeed poisonous.

Using Spiritualism to get Nature Sphere - Air, and combine it with my Divination Sphere to see if the mines air is poisoned.
Knowledge Arcana: [roll0] +2

2020-03-04, 08:15 AM
Hana for the moment follows mostly silently with the rest of the group, using her limited telekinesis to lift herself up and move along while still in her fox form trying to pose as a familiar of the others.