View Full Version : Bloody Streets IC

2020-01-20, 02:31 PM
Ravnica, the plane city, a city full of splendor, wonders, violence and conflict. Conflict among the guilds that threatens to bring this wonderful city to their ruin.

We travel to the Ravnican depths, their ruins, and home to the Golgari Swarm, tasked to manage Ravnican wastes and corpses, the Golgari Swarm has become hateful and distrusful of surface dwellers, and a group of such surface dwellers is now caught in a fight, lost in the labirinth that only Golgari would be able to undertand.

They are now lost, alone, desperate and facing a Group of Kraul Warriors, who can't understand their words nor would they care for it.

How did they get lost here? What are these people after?... Will they see the surface ever again?????


The Ruins are dark, but have glowing fungus growing all along it, making it still visible. You now find yourselves in a long cave with a "river" flowing at your left side. A bout 20 feet in front of you (Following the river flow) are 4 Kraul warriors armed with spears and running towards you.

So, a few details we must resolve
-Who are you?
-How did you get lost in the Golgari Ruins

And.... Initiative, there is a fight after all.

The 4 Kraul warriors share an initiative and is: [roll0]

2020-01-21, 01:41 PM
Ovlan hadn't been prepared for the map to lead them into an ambush, but he'd never faced a foe he couldn't adapt to and overcome. The allies at his side (Ovlan had suggested they call themselves World Task Force, but the final vote was pending) were skilled as well. This wouldn't be difficult. Holdfast and Upwell! We'll beat these rot-lovers with ease. Focusing on the cold core of his being that had come since his transformation, the mutant unleashes a frozen shard from the orb in his hand.

Using Ice Knife on a target within 5 feet of another foe, preferably in the middle if that would put the target within 5 feet of two or more foes.
Attack Roll [roll0]
Confirmed Hit damage (Piercing) [roll1]
Cold damage on target+ all within a 5 foot radius [roll2]
The cold damage isn't dependant on the attack roll, it's a Dex save DC 12

2020-01-21, 01:56 PM
it affects 3 of the Kraul Warriors

Here's an image of a Kraul warrior in case you want.



So the one who got hit passes the Saving throw, while the others fail

The frozen shard hits on its target exploding upon impact. 3 out of the 4 Warriors were affected by it, which only angers them more as they charge.

Man on Fire
2020-01-21, 05:25 PM
Heeeelooooo Golgari! The sound of sick guitar riff echoed through the underground, as Elias, an outlandish dressed Goblin, took the center stage...safely in the back of the group. We're the Most Honotable Troubleshooting company and tonight we're sjooting small flies. I mean, look at this guy, he's clearly not packing much in any of those twig arms. For a worker drone he sure doesn't lift. But enough about that, give a warm welcome to my pall Brok, exterminator extraordinare. Get'em buddy

vicious mockery on most damaged enemy, inspiration to Brok

2020-01-21, 05:31 PM
Let's roll that wis saving throw!!


If the kraul fails.... [roll1]

The middle warrior suffers a headache as he continues to run.

2020-01-21, 08:05 PM
Sven looks to the little goblin next to him and says, "Ha! Sorry my friend but I do enjoy the sound of 'world task force' much better."

But of course his attention was needed elsewhere. Dang dirty 'ol map, leading us to our doom, now we're getting jumped by insectoids. Sven takes a deep breath through his long trunk and stares down his enemies. He stands stalwartly as he points his Izzet insignia, an item he holds very dear to his heart as it channels his divine connection with Niv, toward one of the Kraul and begins chanting a spell in a warped, heavenly speech. An undulating orb of chirping, red energy appears before Sven's insignia and flies towards the Kraul.

CHAOS BOLT!! one first level spell slot spent, so let's hope I don't miss lol
To Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2]
Either one of the d8's determine what energy is used: 1acid, 2cold, 3fire, 4force, 5lightning, 6poison, 7psychic, 8thunder
EDIT: If a 12 hopefully hits *crossing fingers* XD I'm gunna choose Fire damage for the spell over thunder.

If both d8's are the same, the bolt chains to another enemy within 30ft and another attack is made. I don't see a third chain happening except being really lucky so I'm at least adding a second set of attack and damage rolls.
To Hit: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4] + [roll5]

2020-01-21, 11:48 PM
Sven's bolt miss any important place on the warrior body. 2 of the Kraul warriors take flight with insect wings and manage to position themselves to attack Ovlan, the remaining two Attack Brok who is in front of them

Attacks on Brok (Advantage because of Pack tactics)

[roll0] If it hits :[roll1]
[roll2] If it hits: [roll3]

Attacks on Ovlan (Advantage because of Pack tactics)

[roll4] If it hits :[roll5]

2020-01-21, 11:53 PM
I goofed on an attack on Ovlan, I'll roll it again.

[roll0] If it hits: [roll1]

2020-01-22, 12:39 AM
Broktar is a little slow taking in his surroundings, irritated as he was that the map had been wrong. He was even more annoyed by his goblin companion's showing off before a battle. He nearly rolled his eyes. Then he got stabbed. Twice. Irritation flared into pure rage in mere moments as the pale minotaur's pink eyes opened wide, his nostrils flared, and every muscle on his body began to stand out. That... hurt. I WILL END YOU!with a bellowing cry Brok unsheathes his great sword and begins swinging it in a huge arc. Spectral mists begin to form around the warrior's body as he lashes out, attempting to crush a Kraul, just as Carcass advertised.

Entering a rage seems like a good introduction to Brok. Swinging the sword- [roll0] and [roll1] Damage.
EDIT- MAXIMUM DAMAGE SWING on the first attack. Looks like we're lucky on this one, folks! If the Kraul survives it takes significant penalties if it attacks anyone else. Disadvantage and Resistance to damage.

2020-01-22, 01:20 AM
The two warriors pierce Ovlan's scaled hide and he cries out in pain. Worry not, comrades! I've just the thing for this. Try to hit the conscious ones, Broktar. Carefully maneuvering so as not to give another opening, the grey-blue Simic hybrid falls back to his allies. The orb alights, showing an image like the night sky. Ovlan lets out the low, sad sound of a whale's lullaby as he works his magic again.

Disengage Action, falling to the back line and behind his good friend Sven if possible. Quickened Sleep at level 2 for a bonus action. I want to try to catch as many of the Kraul as possible without hitting an ally, priority on the most injured ones since this is most likely to work on them.


2020-01-22, 01:27 AM
The sound of Ovlan's sad lullaby causes the kraul who was hit by Broktar and one of the Kraul that attacked Ovlan to fall asleep.

Man on Fire
2020-01-22, 07:04 PM
"We'll look at that, someone here doesn't appreciate a good lullaby. You keep up that attitude and you're gonna end like an anthil near a wasp nest. Eaten. No offense to your deceased relatives, of course." Elias focuses his efforts on the remaining opponnent, while his own music slows down to become a backround for the whale song of his ally

vicious mockery on the last one standing

2020-01-22, 07:11 PM
"We'll look at that, someone here doesn't appreciate a good lullaby. You keep up that attitude and you're gonna end like an anthil near a wasp nest. Eaten. No offense to your deceased relatives, of course." Elias focuses his efforts on the remaining opponnent, while his own music slows down to become a backround for the whale song of his ally

vicious mockery on the last one standing

There are 2 standing yet

I'll asume that you are attacking the one who is more hurt, which is one of the Warriors who attacked Ovlan

[roll0] if the kraul fails [roll1]

2020-01-22, 08:57 PM
"Drat!!" Sven cursed aloud with a trumpet from his trunk. "Do we not mean to offended their ancestors, Elias? Ha!" He replies to the musical goblin by his side.

Sven then turns his attention to the other Kraul and yet again points his Izzet insignia toward him. Sven's trunk even raises to point at the insectoid and speaks his warped heavenly tongue once more. An eerie sound of a church bell tolling surrounds the Kraul.

Using my cantrip, Toll the Dead on the Kraul opposite the one being mocked. Wisdom save vs DC 13

2020-01-22, 09:02 PM
"Drat!!" Sven cursed aloud with a trumpet from his trunk. "Do we not mean to offended their ancestors, Elias? Ha!" He replies to the musical goblin by his side.

Sven then turns his attention to the other Kraul and yet again points his Izzet insignia toward him. Sven's trunk even raises to point at the insectoid and speaks his warped heavenly tongue once more. An eerie sound of a church bell rolling surrounds the Kraul.

Using my cantrip, Toll the Dead on the Kraul opposite the one being mocked. Wisdom save vs DC 13

[roll0] and if it fails: [roll1] (Hasn't been damaged yet, so only a d8)

2020-01-22, 09:06 PM
As both Kraul warriors realize they are being attacked with spells, they wake up their sleeping companions hoping to overrun their opponents later.

2020-01-22, 09:14 PM
Brok bellows again, as if he is offended the kraul have taken a nap before him instead of just DYING. He raises his sword high and attempts to bring it down in a mortal blow against the same kraul he has already attacked. As he does, a ghostly spears seem to jab out of his body like spines, a small Legion's worth of Boros weapons. They don't act offensively, however, instead trying to keep the insect's weapons away from his comrades.

To hit- [roll0] and damage [roll1] EDIT- Critical hit! Rolling another 2d6 in OOC forum.

2020-01-22, 09:27 PM

The Kraul warrior explodes ina horrible mess, the other warriors make a horrible skreech in anger.

2020-01-22, 10:06 PM
DON'T BE ANGRY! SOON YOU WILL JOIN YOUR FRIEND! Brok twisted his blade in the corpse of the Kraul before lifting the gore coated blade to ready himself for more combat.

2020-01-23, 12:19 AM
Sven stares down the Kraul he attacked before, still aiming his insignia, "You'll pay for messing with the WTF! Yeah that sounded good, right guys?" And he finishes with his magical words as he casts his necrotic spell once more.

DC 13 vs Wisdom
Rolled the save for you in the ooc. It definitely saved with an 18 :/

Man on Fire
2020-01-23, 02:03 PM
"Amateur." Elias rolls his eyes at Sven's insult. "Watch the master at work. Hey you!" He calls on one of the remaining Krauls, the one that looks the weakest. Allow me to intrudce myself. He says as he starts rocking on his guitar to a demonic tune

My name is Madness
And I'm the light you need in darkness
You can't escape from me
'Cause i'm Madness
And I will tear your soul apart
We die as one
As one

Crown of Madness on one of the Krauls

2020-01-23, 02:23 PM
When the spell begins taking effect in one of the Kraul warriors, Elias feels how it becomes rejected by a stronger mind... Like dealing with a mind which is actually multiple minds.... all 3 Kraul scream at him at the same time in anger.

Hive Mind. The kraul is immune to the charmed and frightened conditions while within 30 feet of at least one other kraul.

2020-01-23, 02:58 PM
Bleeding steadily from his wounds, Ovlan places a hand on Sven for supportI've decided I don't like these bugs He raises the orb again, it flashes a blue-white and another shard of ice flies toward the Kraul

Ice Knife, same strategy as before, trying to catch at least two of them


Save damage [roll2]

2020-01-23, 06:19 PM
the kraul warrior engaed with Brok attacks him

Attacks on Brok
If it hits [roll1]

The remaining Kraul warriors use their flight abilities to manuever around Sven and get to attack Ovlan

Attacks on Ovlan
[roll]2d20b1+4 If it hits 1d8+2
[roll]2d20b1+4 If it hits 1d8+2

2020-01-23, 06:31 PM
I made a mistake on the attacks on Ovlan, so here goes again

2d20b1+4 If it hits [roll0]
2d20b1+4 If it hits [roll1]

2020-01-23, 06:36 PM
ugh, sorryI didn't realize the mistake until now, at the very least the Damage was well rolled before so I will only roll the Attacks.
[roll0] +4
[roll1] +4

2020-01-23, 07:29 PM
In a single minded rage, Brok swings his greatsword at the Kraul who failed to strike him, his blood lust blinding him to the threats behind him attacking his comrades.

To hit- [roll0] and damage [roll1]

2020-01-23, 07:47 PM
An amazingly powerful attack causes a second kraul warrior to fall to Broktar's Rage.

2020-01-24, 01:29 PM
The first kraul spear may not have killed him, but as the second pierces his back, Ovlan breathes his last. A defiant, confident smile still on his face, the Simic hits the tunnel floor with a thud.

2020-01-24, 02:03 PM
"Curse these fools." Sven mutters more to himself than anyone. Seeing Ovlan fall from his wounds put his mind in overdrive. Things were looking more dire but the WTF still seemed to have the upper hand as yet another Kraul falls as well. And Sven was a healer, this is what he was here for if nothing else.

"Broktar! Cover me please! Ovlan is down!" Sven trumpets with a booming voice throughout the area.

Sven swings his body around to face Ovlan, trying to shield him from further harm with his large elephant physique. He leans down, places the Izzet insignia on Ovlan's forehead and begins chanting a prayer and making odd hand gestures. "Oh great and powerful Niv, gift my friend with life, as I have gifted my life to you." A golden-red glow emanates from Sven's hands he places them on Ovlan's chest. The magic spreads throughout Ovlan's body and Sven stands up straight, scooping his holy symbol back into his palm as he does.

Gain HP = [roll0]

Man on Fire
2020-01-24, 02:28 PM
With his previous performance being dismissed and joke about the tough crowd dying as fast as he has seen his ally fall, Elias steps up and starts rocking even harder.

New arrival, our survival
still not certain
What's a virtue, where do you go to
when you're hurting?

It's a weakness, it's a sickness
in the gene pool
Show no mercy, people here say
"Kill the damned fool"
This illness is like a monster that is
eating us alive

Hold on, be strong
So right, so wrong
With all of our senses
All of our defenses
Hold on, be strong

Casting Hold Person on one of the remaining opponents, the one with least hp or closest to Ovlan and inspiration to Ovlan himself.

2020-01-24, 02:40 PM
Kraul save:
save your inspiration point as Ovlan is already dead, you can redirect it if you wish.

The kraul warrior who was the target of the spell shakes off the effects due most probably to the thrill of the hunt.

Man on Fire
2020-01-24, 09:16 PM
Redirecting it to Sven then.

2020-01-26, 03:14 PM
Sven, realizing that his divine magic alone would not be able to save his friend, had no choice but to power through. Inspired by Elias' song, Sven knew he could end these. It would just take a bit. Elias was on to something; we need inspiration, guidance.

Sven stares down the Kraul who took down Ovlan as he points the Izzet insignia at it. He needed divine guidance. "Niv's Guiding Bolt!" He shouts and a firey flash of light zaps from his holy symbol towards the Kraul.

Guiding Bolt! 1st lvl spell slot. Hopefully this will put the dude down lol

To hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] radiant

If my roll to hit is like another 12 or 13 I'm gunna use that inspiration to definitely try to hit. I will roll that below. Otherwise count the roll below as void please lol
Inspiration: [roll2]
*Sigh* that's definitely not what I wanted.

2020-01-26, 03:40 PM
As the beam from Gideon's spell goes wide both kraul warriors take flight and jump on Elias.

[roll0] +4 if it hits [roll1]
[roll2] +4 if it hits [roll3]

Man on Fire
2020-01-26, 10:42 PM
"That **cking hurt! Do you think that/s funny? You do, don't you? The sight of pain makes you wanna burst out laughing, you sick freak!" Elias pushes towards, still playing as he once again changes the tune

"I like the kick in the face
And the things you do to me
I love the way that it hurts
I don't miss you, I miss the misery"

Casting Hideous Laughter on one of the Krauls, the one who dealt more damage.

2020-01-26, 11:09 PM
Broktar realizes the Kraul in front of him are dead, so he rapidly turns and charges at the remaining Kraul, still not realizing that one of his companions is lying on the ground. Raising his greatsword high, he brings it down in a wide slash, meaning to decapitate the insect, then smash at it with his horns as he bellows in rage.

To hit- [roll0] and damage [roll1] If I hit, I'm going to use Hammering Horns to push the Kraul 10 ft to the side away from Elias, DC 13 to resist.

2020-01-26, 11:48 PM
Broktar realizes the Kraul in front of him are dead, so he rapidly turns and charges at the remaining Kraul, still not realizing that one of his companions is lying on the ground. Raising his greatsword high, he brings it down in a wide slash, meaning to decapitate the insect, then smash at it with his horns as he bellows in rage.

To hit- [roll0] and damage [roll1] If I hit, I'm going to use Hammering Horns to push the Kraul 10 ft to the side away from Elias, DC 13 to resist.

One more Kraul falls to Broktar's force

Damn!! Brok is on fire xD

2020-01-27, 12:24 AM
Sven reaffirms his faith once more, digging deep for the power to vanquish these insectoids for food. Tapping into his true arcane magic, he aims his holy symbol at the final Kraul and yells with a trumpet, "Niv's Magic Missile!" 3 darts made of red force fly true and hone in on the final Kraul.

Magic Missile is sure gunna hit the damn mofo XD [roll0] points of force damage all on the final dude. Sven is fed up with their bull**** lmfao

2020-01-27, 01:46 PM
Sven reaffirms his faith once more, digging deep for the power to vanquish these insectoids for food. Tapping into his true arcane magic, he aims his holy symbol at the final Kraul and yells with a trumpet, "Niv's Magic Missile!" 3 darts made of red force fly true and hone in on the final Kraul.

Magic Missile is sure gunna hit the damn mofo XD [roll0] points of force damage all on the final dude. Sven is fed up with their bull**** lmfao

The last Kraul warrior get impacted by the Magic missiles, which ends up their life. Nowthe group find themselves in the middle of the dark cave they started the fight... But one of them is no more.

Man on Fire
2020-01-27, 07:17 PM
With the battle ending Elias puts his guitar down and walks towards the corpse of his friend and kneels next to it. Then he angrily punches the dead body in the torso with his weak Goblin fist. "Dammit, Ovlan! That wasn't the deal!" He yells. "The plan was to go in, take everyone down, get the target and get out, not dying, you stupid, stupid, stupid...." He punches the corpse few more times, tears running down his cheeks, his punches not strong to even leave a mark. After a moment he stops and just sits there in silence, breathing heavily. Once he finishes he gets up and wipes his face with the back of his sleeve. "Brok, take him. We're aborting the expedition." He says, without even looking at other two.

2020-01-27, 09:28 PM
A part of Broktar wanted to snap at Elias, tell him he followed no one's orders. But along with the exhaustion of coming down from a rage, the gravity of the situation hit the minotaur harder than a Kraul ever could. He stepped forward and looked down at Ovlan, his features somber. I failed him.. He didn't argue about the plan, either, because he had come to the same conclusion- the mission was a wash. With a man down barely within the Golgari's front door, to push onward would be brave, but ultimately suicidal. So Brok simply scooped his fallen companion over his shoulder, carrying him solemnly after Elias.