View Full Version : Clothing for shapeshifters?

2020-01-21, 01:22 AM
While some methods of shapeshifting cause your gear to merge into your body, reappearing when you change back, other methods of shapeshifting don't affect your gear. And even then, sometimes you just want to change your appearance (perhaps to throw off pursuit), which is tricky if your clothing still looks the same. Your new form might have different dimensions, too, being taller or shorter, thinner or thiccer.

IIRC, the general rule is that magic items will reshape to fit the wearer (unless there is a reason they wouldn't), which at least allows you to get around shapeshifting into someone/something with different measurements. So getting magical clothing/armor (e.g. Clothes of Mending [XGtE]) would be a good first step. But what if you want to actually change your outfit entirely without having to carry around multiple sets of clothes? The Cloak of Many Fashions [XGtE] seems to fit the bill, but it's only the cloak, not your entire outfit.

I know the Disguise Self spell can probably get the job done. But this only works so long as no one touches you (or sees through the illusion).

What other strategies could be used to get a complete change of outfit easily in almost any situation? Two types of examples I'm thinking of are (a) changing your entire appearance so anyone looking for you loses the trail (in which case, any clothes will do, so long as they're different), and (b) taking someone else's appearance so you can pass yourself off as them (in which case, you need that person's specific outfit).

2020-01-21, 01:48 AM
Shiftweave from Eberron is similar to the Cloak of Many Fasions, but contains 5 whole outfits that can be switched betwee as bonus action.

2020-01-21, 02:23 AM
Shiftweave from Eberron is similar to the Cloak of Many Fasions, but contains 5 whole outfits that can be switched betwee as bonus action.
Nicely spotted, I missed this one. Unfortunately, you have to pre-program the outfits into the item when it is made, so you can't steal someone else's look. You might also run out of outfits if trying to evade someone searching for you. This would probably combine well with the Cloak of Many Fashions, as you can make the cloak look like whatever you want, giving you some flexibility.

It also occurred to me that you could use Prestidigitation to change the color of part of your clothing. You can even use this to add specific symbols or logos, like the emblem of the city guard or a noble house.

So what you might do is program two or three of the most commonly seen outfits into your Shiftweave clothing. You can use Prestidigitation to make them whatever color you want, and put on the finishing touch with the Cloak of Many Fashions. This might be sufficient to have a near endless supply of different outfits to use to evade detection. Basically, the medieval equivalent of a t-shirt and jeans that can be any color/brand (with Presti), plus a magical hoodie that can change color and styles.

If you have Mending, you can damage or repair your clothes to change your look. Run around the corner with ripped clothing, walk out with clean and undamaged clothing, or vice versa.

2020-01-21, 01:07 PM
My last Changeling Rogue had a set of Glamoured Studded Leather, which requires a bonus action to "cause the armor to assume the appearance of a normal set of clothing or some other kind of armor." The appearance is described as being illusory but unlike Disguise Self the item provides no guidance as to how "real" the illusion actually is, i.e. does it hold up to physical inspection or not?

Alternatively there is the Hat of Disguise, but this just grants the attuned wearer access to the Disguise Self spell.

Other tricks I've used include a reversible cloak and a selection of props concealed on my character for quick changes (pipe, eye patch, cloth/knitted cap etc.). Depending on your DM and how involved your props may be you might want proficiency with a disguise kit. Putting on an eye patch is one thing, but making sure your fake nose looks real is quite another.

2020-01-22, 09:05 AM
My changeling whisper bard does this:

program two or three of the most commonly seen outfits into your Shiftweave clothing. You can use Prestidigitation to make them whatever color you want, and put on the finishing touch with the Cloak of Many Fashions.

Plus this:

a selection of props concealed on my character for quick changes (pipe, eye patch, cloth/knitted cap etc.)

Plus this homebrew item my DM gave me:


In addition, I'm looking for a portable hole to use as a jump-in closet for more elaborate costume changes...

2020-01-22, 10:07 AM
may want to get a duration and a cancellation clause or two for that ring so you don't just write your character out of the campaign!

2020-01-22, 02:41 PM
Wear multiple thin layers of cloaks or dresses, in varying lengths like a cloth matryoshka doll. Ideally something you can don or doff easily.

Shapeshift to a form appropriate to a lower layer, then discard or stow the upper ones. For example, discarding a monk habit to reveal a barmaid's uniform or scholar's robe.

Moving from a shorter form to a much taller one might involve folding the lower layer (perhaps using sewing or buttons, or a seam-ripper to quickly undo the binding) or using something like a tunic or skirt for the lower layer.

Obviously takes some forethought to make outfits and disguises match while fitting the requirements.

2020-01-22, 03:02 PM
For generic disguise: don't wear a lot of flashy clothes/armor and make sure at least some of it can be doffed and discarded quickly. For instance, that halfling couldn't possibly be that gnome we were looking for in disguise, the gnome was wearing a cap and a blue vest. Their shirts and pants might be the same color, but gray/tan/brown is pretty standard commoner clothes coloring. You might also keep a couple small items handy that can make you even less interesting on first glance. A hood or in the previous example having the hat be part of your disguise rather than your initial appearance will help distract from your face possibly giving you a second to slip away as their gaze passes you rather than immediately recognizing you as a nearby creature.

For disguises as other people... use Disguise Self? It's honestly the best option if you're caught out without your guise's proper attire. If you have the proper clothes Alter Self is probably a better option, since it stands up to the touch-test, but beyond previously mentioned items and higher level illusions, Disguise Self really is everything you need for a quick change to specific clothes.

2020-01-23, 02:56 AM

Your comment reminded me of this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUqeBMP8nEg) I've seen some time ago. It could be used as a source of tips for disguises, including changing disguise quickly on the move.

2020-01-23, 07:17 AM
may want to get a duration and a cancellation clause or two for that ring so you don't just write your character out of the campaign!It's worded a bit awkwardly, but it's actually the ring that transforms into the object. Useful if you want to copy someone's signature object like a hat or a shield.

2020-01-23, 11:41 AM
Prestidigitation (changing color or soiling/cleaning) is something else that can help a bit.

2023-03-15, 04:36 AM
While some methods of shapeshifting cause your gear to merge into your body, reappearing when you change back, other methods of shapeshifting don't affect your gear. And even then, sometimes you just want to change your appearance (perhaps to throw off pursuit), which is tricky if your clothing still looks the same. Your new form might have different dimensions, too, being taller or shorter, thinner or thiccer.

IIRC, the general rule is that magic items will reshape to fit the wearer (unless there is a reason they wouldn't), which at least allows you to get around shapeshifting into someone/something with different measurements. So getting magical clothing/armor (e.g. Clothes of Mending [XGtE]) would be a good first step. But what if you want to actually change your outfit entirely without having to carry around multiple sets of clothes? The Cloak of Many Fashions [XGtE] seems to fit the bill, but it's only the cloak, not your entire outfit.

I know the Disguise Self spell can probably get the job done. But this only works so long as no one touches you (or sees through the illusion).

What other strategies could be used to get a complete change of outfit easily in almost any situation? Two types of examples I'm thinking of are (a) changing your entire appearance so anyone looking for you loses the trail (in which case, any clothes will do, so long as they're different), and (b) taking someone else's appearance so you can pass yourself off as them (in which case, you need that person's specific outfit).

You could use a Disguise Kit.

Often, the trick is less to completely change your outfir, and more to change the parts of the outfit that people notice in a hurry or at a casual glance.

Or in other words, "this likely won't hold up to close inspection, so don't put yourself in a situation where there will be one if you can avoid it".

Most likely, guards who are running after a tiefling in a black cloak won't look twice at the lizardfolk with a bright purple backpack and a hat with a parrot feather in it, even if both of them wear a white shirt and grey pants

2023-03-15, 08:48 AM
Keep in mind that large riding/traveling cloaks were popular in the "generic medieval fantasy period". Those cover almost the entire body, and can be two-sided, with different colors.

This would allow you to quickly and non-magically switch from a black cloak to a green cloak, and back. And they wouldn't be able to see much, if any, of your underlying clothes, so if needed could also be ditched for a third "costume change".
