View Full Version : You are the Hunted [BoL] - Game Thread

2020-01-21, 08:40 AM
Map (http://www.archive.org/details/barbarians-of-lemuria-map)
Rules (http://www.archive.org/details/barbarians-of-lemuria-rpg)
The hot red summer sun stands halfway up the cloudless blue sky. In Halakh, high in the foothills of the Beshaaroon, the heat is not oppressive - just a comfortable warmth. To the southwest, in the scrublands where the Beshaar roam, mirages shimmer and the ground is parched. To the southeast and east and northeast, in the prairies upland from the Fire Coast and the Kasht swamp, tall grasses sway in a gentle breeze. To the north and to the west, the mountains loom brown-peaked and blue sided in the haze.

Your head throbs, your eyes burn, and your body aches. You have a thirst like the scrublands. You have just awoken stretched out on the floor of the Withered Hand, a tavern of low repute in the more dangerous part of Halakh. Looking around, you see other winners with whom you spent some time last night rejoicing in the lottery results.

1. You started last night's celebrations with a purse of coins. Now you have a handful. How did you revel?

2. You have two days to get out of Halakh. Some options:

flee eastward into the farming villages of Kasht, or farther east to roam with the nomadic hunters of the trackless swamps;
go north through the mountains and down the river to Malakut;
get into the western peaks where tribesmen and bandits lurk;
go south and join the Beshaar wanderers who trade in salt and gold scooped from the desert;
what else can you think of?

What do you do this morning?

There does not necessarily have to be a "group" or "party" though we will keep all our narration in this single thread for entertainment value.

This Game Thread will combine IC and OOC posting. Please use [ b ][ i ]this font [ right ]-aligned for OOC. Please use quotes for dialog. Please don't use color as for some reason I have some difficulty reading colored text. Please use plain text for IC dialog and actions. I made a separate thread for Dice Rolls (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?606873-You-are-the-Hunted-BoL-Dice-Rolls). I also will post character sheets in this first post.

Character Sheets






Hero Points

Arcane Power

Weaponry: Khastok (d6+2, +5 to-hit), Cudgel (d6+1, +5 to-hit)
Protection: Chainmail Bikini (1), Leather Greaves (1)
Items: 2 days' rations, a fistful of coins (-1 to bartering rolls on all but rations)
Languages: Lemurian (spoken/written)

Roll a bonus die when tracking, trapping, hunting, or carrying out other similar activities (not fighting) in a jungle environment. Born deep in the jungles of Qush, Ea spent many of her childhood days hunting, foraging, trapping, and building shelter from the elements. Though she has been away for many moons, the Qushan barbarian still remembers how to swing from vines and which berries to eat.

+2 to LB. An oracle was summoned at Ea's birth, and foretold of a great calamity. Sure enough, her family's hut was ransacked the following night by panthers. Ea was unharmed. A storm wrecked the ship she was serving on in Satarla. Ea was unharmed.

In situations where good looks may be important, roll an extra die. There is something many find seductive about the tall, muscular barbarian with her snowy hair and icy gaze, perhaps making them reluctant to reveal her location to her hunters. A little vainglorious, Ea is aware of her looks, and has used them to swindle and get her way.

Cerulean Strength
+1 Strength, maximum raised to 6 from 5. Ea is a large woman, thickly-corded muscle lining her body. It has been rumored that the blood of giants runs in her family's bloodline...but it is also rumored Ea was raised by Grooths.


Country Bumpkin
You take a penalty die in city survival tasks. As a native of the Qushan jungles, Ea is unused to life in civilization, finding the customs strange, even after her time spent among the Halakhi and in Satarla. There is just something about the Qushan that stands out to city-dwellers.

Fear of Reptiles
There is something that you have a great and irrational fear of. Roll a penalty die in the presence of (or when confronted by) your phobia. As a native of the Qushan jungles, Ea has often come toe-to-toe with dinosaurs and reptiles, hunting them for sustenance and glory. But having seen her kinsmen devoured by a massive chark has given Ea a fear of reptiles, causing her breath to catch and knees to buckle at the memory.

Hunted (Halakhi Nobility)
Placed in the most dangerous game of her life, the hunter is now the hunted. Ea must make use of her wit and talents to escape from the Halakhi and regain her freedom, or die trying.

Physical Description: Ea is a tall, muscular young woman with tanned skin covered in tattoos, a mane of silver-white hair, and icy blue eyes.

Backstory: Ea was born to a tribe of nomadic barbarians who traveled the Qush and Qo jungles, hunting and warring with neighboring tribes, on a cloudless night, when the stars of Hurm's castle lit the sky. As custom to her tribe, the local druid portended her fate, reading a destiny of death and triumph. Soon after, a wild grooth tore through her parents' hut, killing everyone in sight before it slunk off into the night. No one knows how Ea was spared, but through much deliberation, it was deemed that she was protected by the gods. Ea was then raised by the tribe's hunters and warriors, learning to track and scout, lay traps, and trade with other tribes. Participating in many raids on rival chieftains, Ea earned her first trophy, the jade war-club of Utu, by breaking his skull with the cudgel. Passing into adulthood and becoming a full member of the tribe, Ea was then sent on her final raid, one that separated her from her tribe. Hunting a jungle-dragon is no easy, and some would venture possible, feat. Ea found firsthand how difficult it can be when her kin were eaten by the colossal beast, their spears and clubs barely penetrating its hide. Ea fought the beast for an entire day, pushed back and giving ground until she was pressed to the edge of a cliff. With one swipe of its tail, the massive beast knocked the Qushan barbarian over, where she awoke some time later on the sands of a beach, surrounded by men in strange garb calling themselves pirates. Forced to battle one of their prisoners--a mutineer--for her life, Ea prayed to Hurm for strength, and managed to break the mutineer's neck and secure her own place aboard the vessel. For months Ea served aboard The Manta, learning the intricacies of rigging and sailing, and also about the land of Lemuria, and how much more there was to the world than her jungles. Finding life as a pirate little different than as a barbarian, Ea sailed along to Lysor, Parsool, Urceb, and even Zalut, before a sudden storm and a colossal beast that none anticipated tore the Manta piece by piece. Once again lost at sea, the Qushan swam for days, before finding herself in a port where she could buy passage to Malakut. There in the city, the barbarian chose to sell her muscle in war against Halakh, seeing it as one more raid. What Ea didn't expect was to be captured by the enemy and forced to serve in shame. Rebellious to a fault, and a danger to her buyers and would-be masters, Ea was sold to the gladiatorial pits, where she was given a choice: face their captive jungle-dragon, or participate in their hunt, as their monthly lottery had just begun, and there were lords who were dying to seek vengeance against the Qushan savage. Ea smiled.




Hero Points

Arcane Power

Weaponry: Bow (d6, +6 to hit), Spear (d6, +3 to hit, +6 when thrown)
Protection: Battle Harness (1), Bracers (1)
Items: Waterskin, rucksack with two days rations, a fistful of coins (-1 to bartering rolls on all but rations), quiver with twenty arrows
Languages: Lemurian (Written/Spoken. Dialects: Eastern Qo Tribes, Malakut, Halakh), Grooth, Beshaari


Keen EyesightRoll one extra die on mind checks to perceive with eyesight. Korok was apprenticed to his tribe's healer for most of his childhood, and developed a good eye for picking out medicinal herbs and plants out of the riot of colors composing the interior jungles of Qo.

Keen HearingRoll one extra die on mind checks to perceive with hearing. Surviving the jungles of Qo requires constant alertness to danger, which meant learning to recognize the sounds of approaching predators amidst the squawking of birds and buzzing of insects.

SneakyRoll an extra die where stealth is important. Already adept at avoiding breaking branches or rustling leaves when traveling through Qo, training with the Thieves' Guild of Malakut taught Korok the art of moving quietly in urban environments as well.


LandlubberRoll an extra die on all activities undertaken while at sea. The most Korok's ever seen of the sea is the river to the east of Malakut. Burdened with a sensitive stomach, he'd surely be terribly seasick on any ocean-going vessel.

Hunted (Halakhi Nobility)Maybe Korok's boasts about having the favor of Piandra have a hint of truth to them, given his luck in winning the monthly lottery. Of course, this turn of affairs could easily prove to be very unfortunate for him if he can't get away from his pursuers in time...

Physical Description: Korok is a tall and lean young man, with dark skin, black hair, and purple eyes marking him of Shamballan descent.

Backstory: Korok was born to the Yu, a minor tribe of barbarians living on the eastern fringes of the Jungles of Qo, descendants of the great city of Shamballah on the opposite side of the jungle. As the only son of the tribe's herbalist and healer, it was always expected of him that he'd take up his father's trade. Although Korok learned quickly, studying herb-lore and medicine bored him. He wanted to be a hunter and accomplish great deeds such as were sang of in his tribe's legends. After years of practicing archery and spear-throwing, he finally managed to convince an elder to let him go on a hunt. That was when disaster struck. Korok shot and killed a wounded boar when it came rushing out of the trees at him, which was soon followed by a pair of grooth hunters. They believed that they were entitled to the kill, having done most of the work bringing it down, while Korok's opinion was that the killing shot decided everything, and therefore the boar was *his*! In the ensuing altercation, Korok ended up killing one of the grooth. This upset the uneasy peace the Yu tribe had with the grooth, and precipitated a number of skirmishes which lead to the death of several important figures in Korok's tribe. The blame for the incident was layed squarely upon Korok's shoulders, and he found himself exiled.

Unsure of what to do next, Korok figured that he could try to become a healer in the city of Malakut, which his tribe sometimes traded with. He quickly discovered that the people of the city were entirely unwilling to trust the medical ability of an illiterate barbarian, and soon turned to pick-pocketing to survive. The infamous Thieves' Guild of Malakut noticed him and offered him a place in their ranks, at the same time warning him of the consequences should he continue to operate in the city without their approval. Korok accepted the offer and became trained as a thief, and participated in a series of increasingly daring heists upon the local merchants and nobles of Malakut. In his spare time, Korok learned to read and developed a better understanding of 'civilized' medicine, which he used to treat fellow thieves who were injured during work.

Eventually, Korok's pride once again got the better of him. Tired of having to give the guild a large portion of his cut, he struck out on his own and traveled to the city of Halakh to act as an independent thief. But, alone and inexperienced with the city, he was soon caught and made a slave as punishment. For several months, he toiled from dawn to dusk in the desert heat, laying down bricks and hauling marble blocks to construct the sorts of palaces and mansions he used to rob. He managed to pick up the Beshaari language from a few other slaves, and was working on a scheme to escape when fate intervened and he was chosen for the monthly lottery.






Hero Points

Arcane Power

Weaponry: Machete (1d6+2, +) Garrote(1d6+1,+4)
Protection: Boots, Bracers
Items: 2 days' rations, a fistful of coins (-1 to bartering rolls on all but rations)
Languages: Lemurian (Spoken/Written)

Born Sailor
He was literally born on a shallow draft boat, travelling down the

Whether dodging pirates, tariff watchmen, overzealous captains or just staying light on his feet to keep up in the rigging he has had plenty of time to learn the arts of staying out of the way.

Haklaton Agility
Though not of the Winged Folk he spent much time in the foothills of the Axos, where his agility was tested trying to navigate rapids or climb up through waterfalls. For all the time that has passed he is still very light on his feet.


Fear: Fire

Hunted: (Halakhi Nobility)

Physical Description:


The Walrus
2020-01-21, 03:10 PM
Korok groaned and slowly sat up, taking in his surroundings as he waited for the pulsing ache in his head to subside enough to think.

...what had he been doing last night? Gradually the memories came back to him. He had declared that his fortune in the lottery merited holding a "festival to Piandra", which consisted mostly of Korok bouncing from tavern to tavern, showing off his luck by taking increasingly dangerous bets from his fellow revelers. He recalled having thrown darts while blindfolded, rapidly stabbing the space between his fingers with a knife using his off hand, and picking up a scorpion's tail with his teeth. Korok shook his head (very gently to avoid further aggravation), amazed at his own stupidity. It was a small miracle that he still had all his fingers! ...wait, did he still have - okay, yes, good.

Amidst the revelry, Korok had also let slip his plans for the following day to a few of his 'newfound friends' after swearing them to secrecy. He had, he had said in hushed whispers, a lover within the ranks of the Jemadar guard in Malakut, who would shelter him within the palace if only he could reach her in time. Therefore, he would be departing for Malakut as quickly as possible come the morrow. It was a complete and utter lie, of course. But, if the story got out to his pursuers (and Korok had told the tale to enough loose-lipped drunkards to be almost sure it would) there was a slim chance that they would actually believe it, and maybe even get themselves killed by the Jemadar guard whilst breaking into the palace. Which would be hilarious. But even if they didn't buy the part about the lover, Korok at least hoped to misdirect them into thinking he was heading to Malakut.

Which left open the question of where Korok was actually going to go. South to the desert didn't seem like such a good idea - he wasn't familiar with that type of terrain while the assassins after him almost certainly were. He could go east to the swamps, but in his time spent studying medicine he had learned of a number of debilitating afflictions one could contract merely by breathing in the fetid swamp air, and had no desire to gain first-hand experience of any of them. That left west, into the mountains, where there was a chance Korok might find tribes sympathetic to a slave fleeing the Halakh nobility.

Ideally, Korok would not be making this journey alone. But who could he trust? Any of the other slaves coming to on the floor of the Withered Hand could secretly be a spy for the nobles. Shaking off the last of the hangover, Korok gathered his things (resisting the urge to gather a few of somebody else's things as well), got to his feet, and took another look around the tavern.

Ah, over there! That tall woman with the white hair, carrying the traditional Malakut fighting spear! She certainly seemed very foreign, not the sort of inconspicuous local who might be a spy. And if he left town with her, it might add to the plausibility of his story of going to Malakut, since Korok assumed from the spear that that was were she had came from, recently. He casually wandered over to her and struck up a conversation.

"Ah, I couldn't help but notice that you carry the Khastok, the great fighting spear of Malakut!" he said, then lowered his voice and leaned closer to her, giving her a sly conspiratorial look. "As it so happens, I too was planning on heading to that fine city. Perhaps we could travel together? If so, let us find somewhere to discuss our plans in privacy. I strongly suspect there's a spy among this lot," he whispered, gesturing at the rabble around him.

2020-01-21, 06:17 PM
A fine start!

One house rule I am considering - damage from Brawling bypasses armor? The garotte idea made me wonder whether this might make sense. Another example would be the poniards of the medieval battlefield, which were used in grapples to penetrate the openings of "full" plate. Please let me know what you think.

Other past revelers already were moving about. One, a balding man who limped on a twisted leg, seemed unlikely to survive the outcome of the lottery. As he passed out the doorway into the streets, his slumped shoulders suggested his awareness of that probability. Another was a slender young man with effete mannerisms and plucked eyebrows. He was simpering at a thick-chested, heavy-browed man who, like all the rest of the erstwhile celebrants, wore a thin bronze collar from which dangled a bronze square incused with the date of the lottery: 1 First Summer, 603. On 1 First Summer, 604, all those still wearing that pendant would be free citizens of Halakh. The heavy-browed man, who was old enough to be the catamite's father, affected indifference.

There were three others still sleeping - a Beshaari tumbler clad in her silken romper, her kinky black hair like a cloud on the dark arm curled under her head; a man of middle years who looked Lysorian with his fair skin and reddish hair and beard; and a man unmistakably having Cerulean blood, wearing only a tidy loincloth and the manumission collar, his skin tinged blue and his muscles prominent.

2020-01-21, 06:40 PM
edit: I like the idea of brawling bypassing armor. It accounts for things like headshots and grappling, and makes it feel like a more viable method of combat, but also makes it more dangerous for both parties.

I vote for taking along the Lysorian and the Cerulean! Also, that old man seems like a spellcaster, he's gotta be.

Ea groaned softly as she stirred from her slumber, spitting the sour taste of cheap wine and her own sleeping salivations to the floor as she checked her gear. It seemed that she was lucky enough to still hold on to her weaponry, the jade club that had served her well still ticked into the thong of her mail bikini, and her spear still resting in its place upon the wall beside the little space of floor she'd claimed for the night. Checking her coinpurse, the Qushan noticed it was quite lighter than the day before. The slosh of liquor in the tall, dark woman's belly and the sting of a fresh tattoo scarred into her right bicep serving as reminders of the night's festivities.

Standing slowly, Ea pushed aside the roll of furs and considered it a moment, tucking it under her arm. A souvenir that would surely serve her in her journey. The Beshaari nobles of Halakh may have been foolhardy in considering the Qushan barbarian for their little game, she pondered, considering her options. She could surely return to Malakut and seek shelter among the mercenaries there that had abandoned her...or she could take her revenge. But where from there? Surely, the hunt would not end. She would have to put distance between her and her pursuers. The silvery-haired woman snorted as she was approached by the Shamballan man nearby, a coy smile spreading across her lips. "You think it a good idea to travel to Malakut?" She asked, matching Korok's hushed whispers. Nodding her head in no particular direction, Ea adjusted her grip on her khastok and cleared her throat. "We leave now, then. Put as much distance between us and the mountain as we can. The hunt offers no bell. It began the moment we accepted the offer. We gain advantage in the trees, so I say we gather our tribe and run." At her last words, the tall woman looked back to the other participants. "But keep that concern of yours, kinsman."

2020-01-21, 08:46 PM
The limping bald man - Malakuti, perhaps - had brushed aside the woven linen door curtain and stepped out onto the dry clay street some moments earlier. He might still be recalled if Ea acted swiftly. The Lysorian and the Cerulean slumbered. The burly big-browed man sat on the floor with his naked back against the cool mud brick wall, thick bare arms crossed on his raised knees, brown linen kilt bunched at his waist. He was brown-skinned and hairy, so that a cruel gossip might have said he was a cross-bred Grooth. He continued not to respond to the effete young man, who knelt with one gentle hand touching the older man's arm for emphasis while whispering in his ear.

The Beshaari tumbler stretched herself awake and yawned, then twisted abruptly to her feet and touched her toes. She wore at the back of her waist, through a braided rope belt, a knife ten inches long. Two smaller knives were caught in ribbons at her inner thighs. Her dark skin glistened with the remnants of oil from her past performances.

What do you do? Whom do you approach? Whom do you ignore? We'll cut scene soon.

The Walrus
2020-01-21, 10:48 PM
Yeah, I'm also in favor of brawling bypassing armor, given that it currently doesn't have much to recommend it. I do think that it'd probably make sense for the natural armor of beasts to still work against it though - you're not going to be strangling or punching e.g. an alligator to death anytime soon.

Also, am I correct in assuming that today is 1 First Summer 604? I also have a question about the bronze collars we're wearing - do they have a lock that can be picked, or are they fastened by some other means? If the latter, Korok might want to buy/barter/steal a tool to remove them real quickly before leaving the city.

Definitely agree with taking the Cerulean - we can always use more meat shields - but I'm not sure what the Lysorian would add to the party. Judging by city stereotypes, he might be a healer, but Korok already has that skill, and if he's middle aged he might slow the group down considerably, given that a party has to move at the speed of its slowest member. I'd favor taking the Beshaari tumbler instead, for those situations where a high appeal score is needed - or where we need someone nimble and Korok doesn't feel like risking his own hide - even though she's honestly like spy suspect #2 right now.

As for the limping old man, if he's a magician, he's probably not a very powerful one given that he was a slave. He's suspect #1 for being a spy for me right now, actually.

Edit: Note that when we change scenes, as soon as the party gets out of sight of the city, Korok is planning on calling for a halt and explaining his scheme of misdirection, with the hopes of persuading the group to veer off to the western Besharoon mountains instead.

Korok wasn't exactly thrilled with the idea of traveling with more people, believing that a smaller group could move quicker and attract less attention (although that might already be a lost cause given the Qushan woman's exotic look, and his own purple eyes). However, he had to admit that splitting night watch shifts between just two people wouldn't leave him much time to sleep each night, and could quickly lead to exhaustion. So, who to pick? Who to trust? He guessed that any competent spy wouldn't spend valuable information-gathering time snoozing away, which would seem to point to the Beshaari woman, the Cerulean, or the Lysorian. (Assuming, of course, that none of them were just pretending to sleep, but Korok uneasily discarded the notion as too paranoid.) Of those, he immediately dismissed the Lysorian for being too old. The other two though, seemed to have potential. That Cerulean man would certainly be helpful to have around in a fight, and with his long legs could probably keep up with the group well. The Beshaari tumbler was probably also nimble enough to make the pace, and could potentially help the group out if a negotiating situation arose with the sort of people who were liable to persuasion by a nubile young dancer. (Of course, Korok's judgement was entirely unclouded by this factor!)

In response to Ea's words, Korok turned and said, "Well spoken, although I'd prefer to keep our 'tribe' on the smaller side - five at most, preferably four - and limited to those who can contribute something useful and won't slow us down. Perhaps I can persuade that Beshaari woman to join us, while you talk to whoever you wish to recruit - although my suggestion would be the man of Cerulean descent." He figured that the tall Qushan woman, who seemed half-Cerulean herself judging by her size, might do well at convincing him.

Korok wandered over to the lithe young tumbler and addressed her in the Beshaari tongue: "Good morning, my fair lady! I commend you on your wise decision to not get quite as drunk as the rest of us," he remarked, chuckling. Her graceful movements upon awakening certainly didn't seem to suggest a hangover. "Let me cut to the point: the tall silver-haired woman over there and I have decided to travel together to increase our odds of surviving the noble assassins surely already plotting our demise. What would you say to coming with us? We'll be setting a fast pace, but you seem agile enough to keep up."

2020-01-22, 08:19 AM
"Thank you," the young woman replied in Beshaari. She smiled with just the faintest crinkling at the corners of her eyes. "My name is Sima. As you can see, I'm simply a tumbling girl from Mrs. Liddy's Famous Troop. Let's talk about plans in a more private place. Your new friend looks capable. Was she a Jemadar? What are your names? What was your own trade, before?" She moved toward Ea. "Hi! My name is Sima. I like your spear. Were you a Jemadar?"

It is 2 First Summer 603. A day less than a year that you must survive to earn your freedom.

The bronze collars are bent into place. They have a gap at the back. They could be pried off by a blacksmith.

You've seen the Famous Troop perform in the public square before criminals have been committed to Nemmeroth. Their acrobatic dancing is quite captivating.

Very annoyed with forum. "The server is too busy at the moment. Please try again later." 503 errors, Over and over.

The Walrus
2020-01-22, 09:05 PM
Korok smiled back at the woman, and tried to respond to her barrage of questions as best as possible.

"My name? There are some who know me as Korok the Keen. To others, Korok the Clever. But you can simply call me Korok. As for my vocation... I used to be but a humble physician, until I was wrongfully convicted and made to undergo an involuntary career change to brick-layer and stone-hauler. We'll find somewhere quiet to discuss plans as soon as we finish assembling our traveling party."

Did Sima switch to speaking in Lemurian when she addressed Ea?

Also, yeah, I may have spoken too soon when I said that the 503 errors were mostly on weekends. To be honest I've only come back to this site recently from a long hiatus, so I'm not very familiar with what's been going on around here. Looking at the board help forum, the issue's been ongoing since the beginning the December, which doesn't bode well for it getting resolved quickly. So I guess I'd be fine with switching to the unseen servant forums if everyone else is.

Edit: Okay, I've created an account for the unseen servant forums and die roller, although I'm not sure how long it'll take for my initial post in the introduction thread to pass through moderation.

2020-01-23, 07:48 AM
Good question about language choice. That matters in this setting.

Sima spoke Beshaari when she addressed Ea. However, Ea has the Sailor career, which could have exposed her to many different languages. She has two additional language slots (1 for each rank in Sailor). Is one of them Beshaari?

The Lysorian rolled over onto his other side. His simple white slave tunic was stained at the chest and waist with patches and streaks of orange brick dust. He had big hands and muscular arms and legs, with wiry curls of auburn hair. He briefly drew his knees up to his chest, then woke. He said something in the Lysorian dialect.

Rolls (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24365200&postcount=4)

"Good morning," Korok heard. He recognized the man's voice from conversations overheard in the water line during work hours. Before winning the lottery, the Lysorian had been plotting to truly escape.

Ea heard a confusing noise that sounded like someone speaking Lemurian with a bizarre speech impediment. She was sure with practice she could understand it. Perhaps she had heard it before while sailing on the Manta.

I wouldn't require a whole language slot be spent to understand a dialect of Lemurian.

The 503s / server too busy stuff is getting intolerable. I'm working to get a new forum set up on unseenservant and will copy over all our posts when it is ready, then I'll let everyone know to transition.

2020-01-23, 11:58 AM
The new game thread is here (http://www.unseenservant.us/forum/viewtopic.php?f=863&t=9404).