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2020-01-22, 04:08 AM
Total War: Cut your Teeth

I promise this is the last time you are going to see this bad map.

Turn One: Let there be Light

When Am first came to the world it was said he descended in a pillar of light fifty footsteps wide. A man with the body of blisteringly bright white light instructed them to build a great building on that spot to share the teachings of Am with the other humans of the nearby tribe but not to venture into the mountains or forests where Am's light couldn't reach.

Further west in the foothills of Mount Olympus Ata-Am came in the form of fire when the huge volcano exploded erupting fire and lava out in all directions. A great serpentine lizard told the local tribal warriors that the lava and fire would cool and on the fertile ground they would be able to feed themselves for ever more. They were told to worship the destructional power of Ata-Am's light and never to venture out of the land the lava has touched.

The Northern Orc tribes pass down generational stories of creatures that breath fire, create thunder and lightning. The goblins say Am-cha appeared as will-o-wisp, missionaries arriving in Broceliande from the Bridal Islands say they were visited by the Lion God, the northern wizards believe in an ancient wizard capable of Amish magic and Barrow say the vengeful god Aaaaaagh-aham arrived in a ball of screaming flame that descended from the sky and shook the earth.

Many of these civilizations have long since forgotten these stories--most see them as just that, stories, but some still believe. All was good: the people grew crops, cut lumber and caught fish. Centuries passed--fire stopped being seen as a magical power brought by Am himself and quietly the world settled into an age of blissful ignorance. To the East fishermen grew ever bolder in how far they dared to sail and rumor of their discovery spread across Am that new lands full of beautiful brides had been discovered. Sailors came back with golden haired men and women to parade as their prize from the promise land.

A new age of discovery began to question all the truths that Am had told them. For he had told them there was only one land but this had clearly been a lie. Man began to venture deep into the Darkest woods, venture towards the frozen tundras, climb the Olympus mountains, sail farther and dig deep into the earth. Each passing year new rumors spread across their ever expanding colonies of each others discoveries: beautiful lithe forest people, hair covered snow dwellers and whole cities of short bearded people who lived underground. At first each new culture greeted them with surprise and a warm welcome as they too had also been visited by Am, given fire and told about their solitude within the world but had now been united with their long lost cousins.

When the first boats came ashore on the most distant and largest island of the world they believed that anyone they might meet would greet them with open arms. Generation after generation of Man, Dwarf, Elf and the many other races of the world they now knew as Ambride had lived in peace and each new discovered race had been welcomed into their rich and diverse culture with open arms.

But that was not the case as the first men stepped ashore on Barrow with their torches held aloft to attempt to shed some light upon the land they had just arrived. A hail of arrows clattered against their boats and screams of anger and fear erupted from the far forest line as some strange bestial creatures charged them. Am once had come here too and his gift of fire had wiped out whole villages of native Barrow. The next time he visited what was left of the tribe killed him.

The men and women fled to their boat as their friends and family were butchered around them clutching at their wounds. Those that were uninjured did their best to help but by the time the boats were leaving barely half the crew were aboard and of that half at least another half were already dead. Am taught that the dead must be buried or burned and that they can never be cast into water for that is how disease is spread and without earth or wishing to risk burning them aboard their wooden boats they sailed with a cargo hold full of dead.

By the time they reached the Bride islands almost all had perished but a small tribe found their plague ship just in-time for one of the last survivors to tell them of the new land and its hostile people. He begged them to spread news to every corner of Ambride to avoid any other senseless death and they did. With it they spread the same plague that the dying man had passed on. In a single generation the whole of Ambride collapsed in on itself and what remained of the few surviving tribes closed their doors to the outside world out of fear of what they might catch.

Barrow, a unified state under a single leader that coordinated the various tribes against another potential invader, launched an attack on what they believed were more hostile followers of Am who wished to trick them and found themselves invading villages filled with nothing but corpses. By the time they returned to their homelands they too carried the plague that would almost wipe out their people. The unified state of Barrow also fell to the plague returning to small isolated tribes even more suspicious of outsiders than they had been before.

Since the outbreak a century has passed and almost all who remembered the plague are now long dead, the teachings of Am are barely myth and legend and only the youngest and most foolish dare to venture to distant lands. At the most western northern tip of Am a huge ancient mechanical sundial tracks the time and date with perfect accuracy. Currently just as the sun begins to climb over the horizon of the most northern west oceans it ticks from the 999th day to the 1000th. Exactly a millennium since Am arrived.

And there was Light.

The earth shook all across Am as centuries of pressure finally released and thousands of tons of lava was thrown violently into the air. Mount Olympus, having not erupted since ancient history, shone like a burning candle for all of the western world to see.

Moments later as the sunrise traveled east across the world an impossibly tall pillar of light, at least fifty footsteps across, descended upon the centre of Am City and perfectly outlined the Walled Citadel of the Radiant Order of the First Flame. All across the western world and even the Bridal Islands it stood as an impossible curtain of light hanging in the shadowy night sky.

As the day break reached Barrow they too were greeted with their own miracle. A screaming roaring fireball tore through the nightsky and the ground buckled where it landed. The whole continent of Barrow felt the world tremble and as they arose to see what had happened the sickly pale glow of strange light can be seen in the thick clouds of dirt and ash it threw up into the air.

The world, in a matter of hours, was thrown into complete panic. Civilizations and nations that had not opened their doors since the beginning of the great plague threw them open. Some believe these miracles mark the return of Am, others believe they are a message it is safe and that the plague is over, very few believe these events to just be incredible coincidences but no matter which belief is held each and every nation knows something significant is happening. The world has changed.

OOC: Every nation saw at least two of these miracles--which ever two are closest. As a rough guide: nations between A-C saw the Volcano and the Meteor, nations between E-M saw the Volcano and the Pillar of Light, nations after N also saw the Volcano and the Meteor. Let me know via OOC if you aren't sure which one you should have seen.


To the far south of Barrow you know there is a huge mountain range known as the Skarred Mountains. Within its deep rock core a pre-plague nation of militaristic dwarves had sealed themselves in to see out the plague. With the recent commotion they are now once again active and on the march: vast armies of Dwarf Soldiers have begun marching north towards the crater.

North meadows with the remains of huge hand crafted stones long since forgotten by history.

On the East Coast of the northernmost Bridal Island, Widow, the Bureau of Advanced Demonology, Golemcrafters & Useful Yslantean Sorcery stretches across the area known as Siren’s Coast. A beacon of magical experimentation and advancement seemingly with very few ethical concerns when it comes to either.

There are rumors within staff and students of a recently discovered cave entrance that extends deep into the islands bedrock. Clearly not natural the walls of the tunnel are smooth as glass and descend at a fixed angle in a very straight line.

Nearby to the East, on Gold Digger’s Coast, there are rumours of a vast and quickly accelerating sink-hole.
At the south eastern most tip of Am within a great temperate forest lies the duchy of Broceliande. The largest concentrations of peasant workers on Am, if not the whole world, and everyday cutting down more forest to expand their farmland even further.

There is an ever growing terror within the wood working peasants that whenever they venture into the woods they see flickers of movement at the edges of their vision. They are sure they are being watched. Very recently two woodsmen have gone missing.

Much further into these forests, almost reaching the very south coast, it is rumoured Roland, one of the Duke's bastard sons, originally rode out of the forest riding a Black Unicorn. Sailors and fishermen along this coast have spotted large black shapes moving in the forest.

To the North the Walking Scourge have settled in an area now known as the Barren Waste. Whilst the rest of the world closed their doors this nation seemingly threw them open. It took some time for the living to realize that the shambling corpses were in fact a single group acting under the banner of a nation. Second only to the military powerhouse of Skarred Dwarves this shambling legion of poorly equipped and undisciplined corpses are a military power not to take for granted.

At the furthest west coast of Am a troope of Knights, known as the Knights Null, are searching for their Ancestral Home from which the left generations ago. The Knights Null are folk heroes across Am, second only to the Radiant Order of the First Flame, stories tell of them distributing wealth to the poor, saving lost maidens and destroying banditory wherever they went.

It is rumored that, finally, they have discovered the ancient civilization their ancestors originally set out from generations ago whether or not it will have survived or they will be welcomed kindly no one is yet sure.

Further north east the Knights have spotted a colossal man-made structure on the northern coast of Am.
At the most southern east tip of Am, The Aldaine Coast, a small chain of walled cities and towns form the Aldaine Confederate Republic. Not particularly known for excelling in any one particular area the Aldaine Confederate are famous for being a comfortable place to live where citizens are treated fairly and have access to pre-plague luxuries such as art and theatre.

Whilst the Adventurers Guild is credited with clearing all major wildlife threats within the Republics jurisdiction there are rumours of an old enemy that was not completely vanquished. Recently it has been discovered that his fortress tower was under their noses the whole time: carved into the cliff face of the coast below them.

To the north east where southern Am rivers reach the sea a vast flood plain of swaps stretches across the south coast.
The last remaining bastion of the Church of Am the, once most powerful and far reaching organization in the world, reside within their walled citadel at the centre of the ruins of the City of Am. Whilst their power has been slashed dramatically their reputation is still very much intact.
On the South East coast of Am, the north east of the ruined City of Am, The Walking Scourge have settled in an area now known as the Barren Waste. Whilst the rest of the world closed their doors this nation seemingly threw them open. It took some time for the living to realize that the shambling corpses were in fact a single group acting under the banner of a nation. Second only to the military powerhouse of Skarred Dwarves this shambling legion of poorly equipped and undisciplined corpses are a military power not to take for granted.

At the very far east of the ruined City of Am the port city of Dunhold was allegedly the landing point of the Barrow Invasion. Breaking into the fortified coastal keeps that defended Am’s major rivers into the heart of the City of Am the forces of Barrow found themselves stricken by a foul disease that halted their advance and they sealed themselves inside the captured keeps. To this day Dunhold has not yet been reopened.

To the north the vast equatorial jungles of Am. Originally the home of various other race’s capital cities, perhaps they too have ruined cities within them.

To the south within a great temperate forest lies the duchy of Broceliande. The largest concentrations of peasant workers on Am, if not the whole world, and everyday cutting down more forest to expand their farmland even further.

To the east the last remaining bastion of the Church of Am the, once most powerful and far reaching organization in the world, reside within their walled citadel at the centre of the ruins of the City of Am. Whilst their power has been slashed dramatically their reputation is still very much intact.
At the centre of the world surrounded by waves the Bridal Islands vary from tiny rocks to demi-continents but the most famous of them all are The Twins. The first islands to be discovered by Am and the most romanticized place in the world. Stories speak of pirates spanning the whole spectrum of morality. Sometimes brutally attacking small coastal communities and other times rescuing sea damaged vessels from an otherwise watery death.

Story of a captain hitting a rock and sinking his ship off the coast of The Spinster has spread like wildfire around the islands. He is insistent that it was the tip of a wizards tower poking right up out of the sea but those are being passed off as the stories of a drunk and incapable sea rat.

To the South, on the southern most island Courting, the bay of Blind Dates sits in perpetual mist.
Towards the North of Barrow within the marshy bogland of Mirebarrow a small yet mighty tribe of forrigers brave the inhospitable and desolate land. Simply to survive in these parts is testament to their hardiness and it is believed some old magic deep within the land has enhanced this yet further.

Recently a large section of bog has begun to drain mysteriously to reveal the cracked dome roof of some long since sunken building.

At the very northern tip of Barrow where the swamp meets the sea there is rumors of a large rock that moves.
No one outside the Crow Speakers know of the Crow Speakers.

Recently the eyes and ears of the Crow Speakers can discovered a long lost shipwreck from Am. Believed to have been part of the Am expeditionary fleet that originally intended to bring missionaries to Barrow but was met with violence. This long wrecked ship was never fully explored before the Plague arrived.

To the east, on the Skarred foothills, a vast floodplane extends east to the sea. Rolling meadows are sliced into fertile strips of land by the rolling rivers from the Skarred Mountains. Strewn across these meadows are the huge hand crafted stones long since forgotten by history. Perhaps once they stood as some sort of monument.
No one outside The Sons of Ata-Am know of The Sons of Ata-Am.

A scout returned from pilgrimage to the Temple of the Setting Sun. For the first time since the Great Plague the doors are once again open.

To the North a new river has been born as water bubbles from underground from some newly created spring.

To the North East, a single solitary mountain stands separate to the long chain, at its peak an ever present black storm cloud.
No one outside the Orcs of the Misty Valley know of the Orcs of the Misty Valley

At the very bottom of the Misty Valley a waterfall plunges from a high cliff into the river below: behind this waterfall a cave entrance has been discovered. The water drenched floor and quarts walls of this cave reflect and refract light in strange and disconcerting ways.

To the North East, a single solitary mountain stands separate to the long chain, at its peak an ever present black storm cloud.

2020-01-22, 04:29 AM
G7 Ruined City of Am - Citadel of Am - Radiant Order of the First Flame
https://gamepedia.cursecdn.com/pathofexile_gamepedia/thumb/2/25/Innocence.png/186px-Innocence.png?version=d7d9cd775cf2f2a6dd8f782b964b 4129

In the beginning there was Darkness,
Am brought the light.
We were warned not to stray out of his light,
We did not listen.
As recompense a plague was dealt,

In this new darkest night,
We are the light.
-Am's Prayer

In the central hall of Light the Father of Light leafed through several tomes. The dawn ceremony was the most sacred time for Am's children and the whole Radiant Order of the First Flame gathered each morning to welcome Am's light at the beginning of each day. He could not decide between the prayer of vigilant radiance or psalms of a healing dawn. The undead scourge was growing ever more active to the east and he worried an army might arrive at their gates any day. To the south east those who manned the walls could see fires and patrols: Broceliande. Perhaps the duchy, a former nation of Am, still survived.

Each and every day there was mounting pressure to open the gates and march out to meet the world: each priest was a soldier of the light and wished to spread that light to the world with flame or sword.

At first he thought dawn had come early: perhaps he had become so lost in thought that the sands of time had slipped away without him realizing, but none of his congregation had arrived, and then the light became blindingly intense. The large circular domed ceiling of the great hall seemed to glow with heat and each beautiful stained glass window became impossible to see as pure white light poured in. The First Flame swelled and grew as it empowered by the impossible radiance that now filled the hall.

As it grew in size and high it formed a six foot tall human form and stepped forward from the fireplace to stand before the Father of Light.
"Greetings, my child. I believe you know me as Am."

--- Moral 6 - Reputation 10 ---

A small group of strange warriors wearing oiled silver chainmail, polished bronze breastplate and a beautifully embroidered white, yellow and orange tabard strolls through the Barren Waste. Each carries a flaming torch held aloft above their heads. They make no effort to kill any of the undead walkers, probably because they fear catching whatever plague they still carry, but they cut down any undead that make an attempt to attack them.
If they meet anyone or thing that seems intelligent enough to speak with they do so.
"I am a Brother of the Radiant Order of the First Flame. Am's light has returned to the world. I am its bearer and I carry it with me. The Radiant Order of the First Flame wishes to offer its assistance in purging the curse that plagues your land. The scrolls suggest this land was once ruled by a noble house of Am's Children before the Plague came. What became of those children? Why do the dead walk?"
A small group of strange warriors wearing oiled silver chainmail, polished bronze breastplate and a beautifully embroidered white, yellow and orange tabard strolls through the Barren Waste. Each carries a flaming torch held aloft above their heads. The approach the gates of your nation and call out to be allowed within.
"I am a Brother of the Radiant Order of the First Flame. Am's light has returned to the world. I am its bearer and I carry it with me. The Radiant Order of the First Flame believes you to be the descendants of Am's Children and patrons to The Radiant Order of the First Flame. The scrolls suggest we once had a mutually beneficial alliance before the Plague came to these lands."

2020-01-22, 12:13 PM
The Walking Scourge

The Lich King Gustavus paced along the parapets of Cairnhold, deep in thought at the strange events recently witnessed. He remembered vague legends from his life, along with rare snippets of other memories, but all were faded by time and he had come to think of them as simple fantasy of a better time. But the pillar of light descending on the nearby Citadel lined up too perfectly with the histories he now remembered being taught as a child.

Perhaps Am had returned. But what would he think of the House of Pendraste now, and the monsters they had become? His next actions would be crucial for the survival of his followers, his house and his land.

Morale: 6 | Reputation: 2

As the warriors of the Radiant Order make their way into the Barren Wastes, no undead move to attack them. They simply ignore the warriors and continue about their normal 'lives'. The warriors witness skeletal merchants plying wares, zombie children playing tag, and farmers tending to crops as bare as their bones.

Eventually, they find themselves before a pair of skeletal guards wearing rusting chainmail and carrying spears. When they announce their presence, one of the guards makes a saluting gesture with his spear and shield, and then moves to lead them toward the castle occupying the center of the territory. They are led inside, and into the throne room.

The room itself bears all the signs of having been a once resplendent lord's hall. Banners displaying faded heraldry line the top of the walls, and numerous tables fill the room. Skeletons, zombies and ghouls dressed in the tattered remains of fine clothes mingle throughout the chamber. At the head of the room, seated upon a massive chair, is an armored figure. Unlike the other undead guards they had seen, his armor was clean and well maintained.

"Welcome to Cairnhold, brothers of the Radiant Order. I am Lich King Gustavus of the Walking Scourge; known as Lord Gustavus Pendraste in life. This land was once, and still is, ruled by the noble house you seek." He gestures to the undead courtiers in the room, who now seem to be quite interested in observing the newcomers. "And there you find the rest of those children of that noble house."

He pauses for a moment, and then seems to realize something. "My apologies, guests. I should have offered you refreshment after your journey into my lands. I'm afraid it has been some while since I have hosted any visitors, and I must apologize once again for food and drink is not something I have needed to keep in stock for some while and thus have nothing to offer."

"As to why the dead walk... In truth, even I do not know. I seem to have faded memories, as though through a haze, of laying in my death bed and suffering from the plague that destroyed our lands. The next I knew, however, I arose as I am now."

2020-01-22, 12:29 PM
The entire village was shaken those who where not already awake found them selves now rudely awakened. As the ground shook the skulls of the Ancestors totem seemed to whisper. The many ancient voices "Amlie,Amlie."Many of the orcs already at the village center preparing for the ceremony of the new year heard the whisperings.

Gasps an murmuring passed among the crowd of orcs. Soon a young orc made a run for Chief Brogars dwelling. He shouted as he ran. " Chief Brogar Chief Brogar the ancestors have spoken." Two orcs guarding the entrance of Chief Brogar stopped the young orc. The guard "what is the many of this boy? Why do you dare disturb Chief Brogar?" The young orc " the ancestors have spoken. The ancestors have spoken." Soon the crowd its self had formed out side the Chiefs little fort.

One of the guards was sent to get Chief Brogar. Who was in the process of getting ready for the ceremony. The guard" Chief chief you must come at once. The ancestors have spoken an now a crowd has gathered. They seek your council great Chief." Chief Brogar was caught of guard by what he just heard. Thinking to him self the dead have never spoken before. Chief Brogar calmly asked "what have our ancestors said?" The guard "the crowd has said they spoke Amlie,Amlie." Brogar frowned for a second. "Go an call for Gromac. I seek his council."

Brogar soon made his way on top of the wall of his fort to address the crowd. Chief Brogar looked over the crowd an spoke." I have been told the Ancestors have spoken the name of the ancient trickster Amlie. Do not fear. This trickster does not have power over us. Our ancestors survived his lies and destruction as shall we. The crowd murmured as the Chief made his way done from the wall and back to his house. He instructed a guard. "Go an call my council we have much to do."

Arsward the hunter stockings his prey. From one high mountain cliff to the next was about to throw his Spear a great rumbling startled the mountain ram. Before Arsward could throw his spear the ram was gone. He looked to the southwest and could see dark clouds an lightning over the Great Mountain called Olympus. He had seen storms over Olympus before but not like this. Arsward decided he should return to the village an report what he saw to Chief Brogar

Gromac the shaman was up before the sun and high up in the mountains looking for ingredients for his potions. Some of this only growing at higher altitude. Just as he knelt down to serch the vegetation for insects and plants the sky became bright the morning plants opened up. Then it was dark agin before the sun began to rise.Soon Gromac was on his way to tell Chief Brogar what he had seen.

2020-01-22, 10:00 PM
Aldaine Confederate Republic

There was a stage play being put on by some less than competent players when what would be documented as the Day of Omens occurred. Silent Shadow let out a loud yawn as the chorus, in perfect cacophony, went into yet another verse about the virtues of the hero of the tale. Or was it the negative traits of the villain? She barely cared, and considering that Throg and Mathias were both sleeping, while Bertram and Krista were quietly talking to one another. Something about "prodigious and bountiful omens". She turned away from the stage, then winced as a bright light in the distance blossomed into view. She turned her head to stare at it, along with the entire crowd. The play, with their backs to the event, kept morosely going. "Throg, Mathias, wake up!" She reached out and shook both of them. "Olympus is exploding!" Now the entire Society was staring in the distance at the belching fire and pluming smoke that began to fill the horizon.

All across Aldaine, the people stared to the north east at the erupting volcano with awe and wonder. The western half of the nation, however, all stared to the west, as a streak of light filled the sky, followed by a brilliant flash. Almost at once people began to panic. Their heroes could fight any monster, brave any danger, but what could they do when the earth wept fire and the sky itself was falling? Every citizen took these events in their own negative direction- Moradin, father of all dwarves, had stoked his forge to burn the world down, or Correllon, the first elf, had fired the sky shattering stone from their bow to crack the earth like an egg. Everyone had their own theory about the dooms that must be coming, except the followers of Am. Mostly country farmers who depended on clear, sunny days for their crops to flourish, Am's followers saw a third sign- beautiful blue skies. They all knew that nothing too terrible could be happening while Am smiled down on their fields like the affectionate father figure they prayed to, and continued on with their day's chores, their faith in bloom.

Back in the capitol, the Society met in their chambers in the massive baroque building that adjoined the senate. It was one part refined room for great and powerful people, one part messy clubhouse to people who never felt comfortable with their meteoric rise to power and position. After two hours of hushed discussion, Throg bellowing, Krista praying, and overall indecision, it was Bertram who brought them all together, just like in the good old days.

"My friends, something great is afoot in the world. These two events happening at virtually the same time must mean SOMETHING. And for the good of Aldaine and the rest of the world, the Society must ride again!". Silent Shadow grinned. "We're getting the band back together, then? For one more tour?" Mathias smiled, though in a more subdued fashion. "Such events may send ripples and waves in the very fabric of magic in this world. I wouldn't miss this for all the eels in the ocean!" Krista lifted her holy symbol, which bore the flaming sun of Am, and uttered a blessing over them all. Throg, always the pragmatist, simply lifted his axe. "We ride for the volcano. Society, gear up!"

2020-01-23, 12:31 AM
The Bureau of Applied Demonology, Golemcrafting, and Useful Yslantean Sorcery

Lazlo Kornel was somewhat annoyed. He had been sound asleep when he had been waked suddenly by a loud boom, followed by the sound of every window in the manor rattling. And a few breaking. At first, he'd assumed the alchemywerks had exploded again, but to his surprise there was no flames or explosions to the south. Then one of his servants came and told him that they had seen a fireball streaking across the night sky, from west to east. Very unusual.
Shelly had seen the whole thing. She and a few apprentices had been in one of the city graveyards, looking for some additional ingredients, when the sky flared up and the fireball seared a path across the night sky. From her tower in the heart of Caer Ys, Maelys Dahut also saw the whole thing, and shook her head sadly. A few hours later found Shelly and Lazlo were standing on Lazlo's balcony, talking about what they had seen. To everyone's surprise, in the west, they could see a strange pillar of light emanating from the sun, pointing to a spot far over the horizon. They watched in silence for a while, until Lazlo had a servant bring out a map and a compass. "That's in the direction of the holy city" he said after studying the map. "Let's have a meeting over lunch to discuss what in the name of Am is happening," he said.

Lunchtime found five people sitting around a table in Lazlo's manor. The most senior members of the BADGUYS organization. Even Maelys had left her tower to attend, showing just how serious the matter was. A demonic imp, dressed in a weird simulacrum of a maid's uniform brought drinks and plates of food to the table. "I see you've got that thing cooking for us now," said Shelly in a neutral tone.
"Oh, hardly. I still have my normal cook. Demons don't handle cooking very well. They don't like to be told what to do, especially not by cookbooks. Perhaps if I bound the demon to the cookbook itself... but I digress. I think we all know why we're here. Maelys. Has your scrying shown anything of interest?"
Maelys shrugged. "I will not look upon the radiance of the sun with my normal eyes, much less with my astral eye. I did look upon where the starstone fell to earth. It lies in a smoking ruin, its secrets bared to the world. And I saw some of the Svartálfar... the dwarves, you would call them, I saw them marching north. Perhaps they seek the secret of the starstone even now."
"Oh? It's just lying there? Man, I'd love to get some samples of it. I wonder what sort of things we could make from it? I bet it's got some of the universal catalyst in it. We should check it out!" said Brother Montressor, excitedly.
"Do you suppose it's safe to travel again? The plague's died down?" asked Lazlo. Montressor merely shrugged at that.
"We got problems right here ya know" interrupted Big Lugh. "They was digging out a wine cellar back in town and came across some weird caves, like. Oughter figure out what's down there, ya ken?"
"I suppose it could be a magical illusion of some sort. Or an experiment. Nothing to do with us..." said Lazlo.
"No. It's real." Maelys seemed to brook no argument.
"But you haven't scryed it yourself..."
"It's real," she said again, more firmly.
"All this is academic" said Shelly. "We have no ships. Maybe a few dozen fishing vessels, but I wouldn't cross the stormy seas in one of them. It will take time to build something capable of that."
"You could fly across the sky in a mortar" said Big Lugh. Shelly glared at him.
"Wow, I didn't know you could do that," said Montressor, surprised. Shelly glared at him, too. "So we're stuck, then."
There was a long pause as everyone stared at their empty plates. The demon returned in a puff of brimstone smoke and began clearing the table. Nobody spoke for a while.
Finally, Maelys said, "The Morvarc'h once answered my call and bore me across the sea. I suppose, if it is urgent, I can beg for its blessing once again. But it should be urgent."
"Look into please," said Lazlo. "I suspected we would leave today with more questions than answers, but such is the way of the world."

2020-01-23, 02:20 AM
The Leader of the group of warriors is doing his level best not to be disgusted and offended by the very presence of the undead creatures. His fellow warriors, a relatively small group in comparison to the legion of undead surrounding them, are doing their best but failing more than their leader. Stood before the Lich King in his throne room the first holds his lit torch up in an examining manner, scanning walls and banners for any sign of familiar iconography.

"We have provision enough."
He spoke matter-of-fact.
"The light of Am has left this place. Your churches have been left to crumble and I see no effort to maintain vigil to our Radiant Father."

He had seen the miracle pillar of light. There had been suspicions that the world might fail to maintain the shrines of Am but this was far worse than he had expected. They had hoped to find surviving humans huddled together against the undead threat and those people could be saved by putting the foul undead to sword and flame. Not, this.
"There must have been survivors, living ones, within your territory not all could have died. Did you kill them to make more of your kind?"

2020-01-23, 04:47 AM

Deep in the center of the Grey Glades, Livos sat in the center of his ritual circle, listening. His morning rites now complete, his offering given for the day, he allowed the birds who'd been watching from the branches to drift down and pick at the sacrifice. Today was a good day for pickings - his gift was a young calf from the Thyrsa farmstead, who'd been born with a twisted leg and would never make it through the winter. He'd acquired it as thanks for restoring their youngest after an unfortunate incident with a couple of wolves. Now, though, it was pickings for the crows as they chattered.

The glade was momentarily lit brightly, as the meteor streaked overhead. Then, a moment of ominous silence, before the shockwave hit. Birds tumbled through the air, feathers scattered to the wind. The trees bent and the mist disappeared for a moment as the blast shook the continent. Then the light faded and the glade returned to stillness, except for the frenzied cawing of the birds. More soon arrived, some from nearby, others from further afield.

Livos took a moment to gather himself and thanked the crow who brought him a scrap of paper, hastily scrawled and grasped in a claw. Amax had, of course, been the first to respond. We must convene, tonight. The world has been awoken from its slumber.

Livos rolled his eyes - Amax always had a taste for the dramatic. Then he opened his mind to the creatures, breathing in their thoughts and helping them to organise them as they expressed their alarm.

"Giant glowing rock, smashed into the ground, northeast of here! Many blown out of the sky - nests nearby shattered!"

"Bright lights and much activity across the world - fire bursting from the ground and light from the sky, across the sea."

"Iron gates in the mountains have opened - dwarves emerging! Their eyeballs are well protected."

The old man shook his head to clear the bird-thoughts from it, and stood. The villages would want reassurance after events like this, and the shockwave could have hurt someone. The other elders would want to convene, and soon. Amax's note was already in his hand - the others would follow quickly. Livos carefully circled around his messengers and their feast, and reached out to touch the largest bird. He pressed his own message into its claws, gave it a quick mental impression of Amax, and sent it on its way with an eyeball as a reward for its service. Convene at dusk. Inform the others - I am with the villagers. Look to the east - we should take action to prevent war. If the dwarves are moving, we cannot be known to them.

2020-01-23, 11:58 AM
"Quite right, we have not maintained vigil to Am, and have allowed the churches, like most of our infrastructure, to crumble. An unfortunate consequence of...being dead. Lumber grows crooked here, and zombies make poor quarry workers. Besides, Am appears to have abandoned these lands, so why worship one who no longer cares about your people?"

The Lich King had also seen the pillar of light, though he was not yet convinced it wasn't simply a trick by the Radiant Order.

"Those who survived the plague continued to live among their past friends, family and neighbors. They raised families of their own, and the descendants of the survivors can still be found living throughout my duchy. Two of my advisers are living, and perhaps you shall meet them someday."

While it would be much easier to simply cut down these impudent commoners making assumptions about his land and his people, starting a war just yet wasn't something he intended to do.

"When our citizens eventually die, however, they have the advantage of it not needing to be permanent."

2020-01-23, 05:52 PM
At the dawn of history wise Am spoke to the barbarians of the ashen plain saying unto them "Yours is the land of ashes. Do not abandon it for greener pastures. Beware the smoke of the mountain, for it brings death". The mountain was smoking again, after so long asleep. This called for an Inquisition to determine the will of the smoke and whether the Sons of Ata-Am would need to take a pilgrimage to the mountain peaks to wait out the time of death.

The people gathered their supplies, the priests held their meetings, and the nation of Ata-Am prepared for the coming time of change.

2020-01-23, 06:02 PM

The comet shook the skies, the earth trembled, and even the unshakable barrowfolks went to their knees in terror and awe at the sight of nature's wrath. It must have been a similar portent, they murmured frantically, that which had driven their ancestors into such hostile surroundings.

Beneath a pale sun and gray skies, two cloaked silhouettes confer in hushed tones. A lithe, athletic figure reports deferently to another, curved under the weight of years.
"Our Watchers have returned, and they have spoken of another portent. The Great Doors are now open." The elder does not reply, but the other senses its inquiring gaze, scarcely concealed by the heavy robe covering its features. "And out came scores of short, stubby men, more than we ever found traces of in our excavations. ..they are not of ours."The elder stirs, finally. "You somehow assumed they would be, despite no tangible evidence. Quite disappointing of you, frankly. Only through careful observation can we reach such conclusions." The woman bites her tongue, well and truly chastised. "This changes nothing. We were aware of the existence of such specimens before. Now we learn they weren't driven to extinction. This is an unique case study, and as such - " "They make for the crater, with great haste".

2020-01-24, 02:16 AM
"Am is the sun. If you only believe in it when you can see the light, you'll never make it through the night."
He spoke in the same tone as a teacher drilling a student.
"The third prayer of Am, you should know it. Perhaps this is why flesh still clings to my bones and Am has let yours peel away."

He gestured for one of his attendants to give him something and a moment later another unlit torch was drawn and lit from his own.
"We carry with us torches lit from the First Flame. Take this torch and return it to your churches. Let Am's light once again fall on Cairnhold."

If the torch was accepted he would continue.
"In exchange you will take us to these survivors. I am sure they are eager to see friendly faces."

2020-01-24, 09:48 AM
For a couple of days, a pair of crows are seen circling above Twilight Hollow. They seem content to watch the inhabitants from high vantage points and observe for a little while, until an authority figure makes themselves known and receives some form of deference from the other humans. Once someone noticeable is visible, the birds swoop down to in front of them. One caws loudly at the leader - the other drops a small leather cylinder at their feet. It contains a rolled piece of parchment, carefully written on in blue ink.

The burning light of Am has returned to the lands across the sea. Last time it touched our shores, death and destruction followed soon after. Already the church seeks to unite nations and take action in the world once more. If their goals align with those of Am in ages past, we of Barrow should be concerned. While we have been happy to remain distant until now - and it appears Mirebarrow is of a similar opinion - the threat of war now hangs over us, and so we feel it is time to speak again.

Our military and economic power is not capable of standing alone against the burning heat of Am. Would you be interested in working with us to prepare for the inevitable destruction when it reaches our shores? There are trade routes, old ones, which connect all the way from Mirebarrow to the Grey Glades. We would be happy to make more use of them.

The letter is signed with a stylized sketch of a crow's feather.

The two birds look expectantly at the recipient for a moment before taking off. They circle for a couple of days waiting for a reply.

2020-01-24, 10:01 AM
The knights null

In the knights' lands like in many others, the talk of the day was of the recent calamities, The roaring mountain of fire, the cauldron that the main Thauldren linked to their mother godess came to life, Just as the far continent was struck by a cataclismic fist from up above.

The lower class Phei and goblin workers prayed to their useless deities, their Amian, their wisps and other such nonsense. Low key merchants starting selling doomsday amulates, and those with actual power over local trade discussed the implications.

Higher up, the Thaunder lords gathered, those keen in divination, those who spoke with Sart gave their portents, dire ones. This was a trickle of magic that escaped from Sart's wall, and it was but a sign that after hours debate came to mean a simple thing: it was time for the knights to reclaim Thaunder's peaks.

2020-01-24, 10:39 AM
The Walking Scourge

"Or perhaps you were simply lucky that the plague didn't make it over the walls of the citadel you hid within while refusing to help the afflicted. I suppose it's all a matter of perception."

At the offer of a torch, the Lich King nods to one of the undead courtiers who is wearing the rag-tag robes of a priest of Am. The ghoul-priest steps forward, takes the torch, and leaves through a side door of the great hall.

"If Am has, indeed, returned to this world, the Walking Scourge and duchy of Cairnhold is willing to resume the worship we once did, though we may need assistance in properly reconstructing our houses of worship. As to taking you on a tour of our countryside and allowing you to visit each town along the way... No. We barely know you nor your intentions, and thus allowing you to travel beyond this introduction would seem imprudent at this time.

Perhaps you shall prove yourselves to be good-hearted and neighbors seeking peace, but from the condescending tones and manner in which you and your men keep looking at my people, I have little reason to believe that to be the case...yet."

"I'm sure your leaders would not yet be willing to allow the undead to walk freely throughout your lands, either."

The undead leader nods to one of his attendants, and the skeleton walks out of the room with the audible clatter of bones.

"However, I will offer a counter suggestion. You may ask whatever you want of Ambassador Yannafrey, and should you be willing, she will accompany you back to your citadel to meet the leader of your order."

2020-01-24, 09:59 PM
Ata-Am Mid Turn Push

Internet ate post
- Golden Sun goes to the Citadel with 2 Military and 6 reputation to investigate and get what he can.
- The Executioner goes to the spring with 2 economy and 2 military to increase economy by bringing water to the parched homeland.
- The Firekeeper uses 4 magic to improve the military by making arms for a citizens militia
- The Judge takes 3 espionage to investigate the volcano to the SW.
- The Inquisitor sits at home with 1 military and does his job of keeping the morals strong.

The pilgrim had returned. For the first time since great purge after the start of the plague contact with another group was possible. The question emerging from the discussions of the priests was not if a delegate should be sent but who. Eventually it was decided to send the Golden Sun, a symbol of the shining glory that comes from obeying the Law, along with an honor-guard, to discover what had become of the inhabitants of the Citadel.

Many were the changes in this time of wonders. The Sons of Ata-Am were always thirsty for new sources of clean water. Ata-Am had taught the people that abandoning the ashlands led to death, but the people had always gathered resources from the lands below their mountain caves. The Executioner, the executive leader of the militant orders, led his troops to guard the gatherers on their journey, and to analyze the land for changes.

With the opening of the gates, the recordkeepers were reminded of the days at the end of the plague period, just before the great purge. Not all men followed the Laws of Ata-Am. In those days there were bands of wanderers who stole from the people and brought death, as lawbreakers do. The high priests decided that the old arts of combat needed to be revived, and that the Firekeeper was the most well versed in these ancient arts. With his knowlege of fire and stone and metal he would rekindle the forges of war and prepare arms for the Lawkeepers, those who defended the creches from roving death.

To the north was an endless storm. Ata-Am had taught the people to hide from the wind and the rain and the skyfire. To the south, the mountain awoke and emitted its toxic gasses. It was decided that the awakening mountain needed to be investigate and the the Inquisitor and his scouts would collect data from the mountain and return. The record keepers would compare the data to the ancient records to determine the will of the fire mountain and predict what it would do next. Would the people need to seek the high ground, or pull the livestock into the creche to protect from fire and ash?

2020-01-25, 04:27 AM
Joyous Garde, the capital
The Day of Wonders
Have some theme music (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zClE067Q4vs)

Even as the sun set in the west, the whole city was alive with activity. The new duke, young Roland Pendraste, had been crowned ruler of all Broceliande before the altar of the city's Lion Temple. The streets thronged with people as the parade marched from the temple district to the Ducal Palace. Noble pages, along with boys and girls from the city's best blood, came with wreathes about their heads, throwing flower petals before the parade. Then came a column of knights in full livery astride their chargers, metal plate and mail glinting and glittering with the torches and evening light. Then came the priests. Some wore black and blue and orange raiments, and were dedicated to the Lion of Night. Others wore white and red, to show their dedication to Am Firebringer, god-hero and ancient king. Still others wore green and blue and gold, for Broceliande's old gods. They swung incense and carried torches, and many of the common people knelt for blessings as they passed.

Then, finally, came the Duke. He was astride a great black charger, and over his shoulders was draped the purple ceremonial robes of the ducal office, flecked with gold. On his head was a crown of gold, and on his face was a winning smile.

Then, just as the sun fully dipped below the horizon and the whole sky darkened, it started getting brighter again. It took a moment for people to notice.

Everything stopped. The music, the chanting, the cheering, the drums all ceased as people gazed, awestruck, as what seemed to be the sun rising in the west continued to climb upward, showing itself to be not the sun at all but a great pillar of light reaching up, and up, and up to the stars. Priests of Am and many of the common people knelt or prostrated before it. "The gods!", cries erupted, "the great gods speak!" Others cried out devotions to Holy King Am, or the sun god Elmal. Amidst the increasing frenzy of the crowd, Duke Roland and retainers quietly slipped away to the palace. There was clearly much to discuss.

A few hours later the Duke and his key ministers sat around a table in the Duke's personal chambers. Servants had come, let food and drink, and been dismissed. This was a delicate time, as all beginnings are.

"It seems to me," said Roland, pouring himself perhaps a bit too much wine, "that events like these are either from nature or the gods. If they're natural, the people seem to insist that they're divine anyhow, and it's not our place to contradict them. And if they are from the gods, then it is up the priests of the gods to interpret them." He looked over to his cardinal.

Cardinal Philemon Fox, a graying man in the black robes of a priest of the Lion God, nodded. "It seems to me," the old priest said, "that these events coinciding with your coronation point to its fortuitous nature." He smiled knowlingly. "We are clearly favored by your rule, Your Grace."

"There are reports coming in," another man at the table, Felix Glorieux, spoke up, "of undead activity to our north. They don't seem…hostile. They seem to be organized, like a people or a nation."

"Organized or not, the dead walking is a fearsome thing to contend with," said yet another man--Wolfgang Regardie, the court magician. "If the spirits of our ancestors are not at rest, then they must be appeased."

"It gets worse," said another man, "there are rumblings in the Southern Wood."

Candles were fetched letters were drawn up. It was going to be a long night.

A knight liveried in the red and blue of Broceliande approaches the Cairnhold, or wherever would be most appropriate. He holds aloft the colors of the House of Pendraste. He also holds wheat and holly--supposed, in folklore, to be a sort of flag of truce when treating with the supernatural.

"Hail, honored dead! Why do you rest not in your graves, your spirits departing to the next life? What does your coming portend for this world and for your living kinsmen to the south?"

Honored Priests of Am, Keepers of the Sacred Flame, Sages of Old, Consolation of Mankind,

We, Roland Pendraste, Duke of Broceliande in Am's Name and by the Lion God's Grace, Guardian of the Ammic Traditions, etc., desire to consult Am's blessed priesthood regarding the omens that have shaken the world of late, and to ascertain what these mean for the good of his own nation and for the common welfare of all. We should also desire to consult with the Priesthood regarding the extraordinary event of the rising of the dead to the North--both as to what it may mean, what their nature may be, and what approach ought to be taken by we mortals in the wake of such an amazing and dreadful event. If it should please the priesthood, we shall make pilgrimage to Am's Holy City to pay homage to the Holy King of our ancestors and to speak to and receive instruction from Am's priests.

In the Faith and Tradition of Am Fire-Giver,

Roland Pendraste, Duke of Broceliande

2020-01-26, 02:51 AM
"One does not usually speak with corpses. I am sure you might understand such reluctance."

The soldier eyes the skeleton up and down.
"Provided that Ambassador Yannafrey is of the living. It is agreeable."

"However, we are already expecting pilgrims to make their way towards the First Flame."
He rubbed his forehead in contemplation.
"We have made contact with the former kingdom to your south. Should they be agreeable the Church of Am could organize a more private meeting between our three peoples."
OOC: Not sure if you missed the first message so I will repeat it and then add to the bottom.

A small group of strange warriors wearing oiled silver chainmail, polished bronze breastplate and a beautifully embroidered white, yellow and orange tabard strolls through the Barren Waste. Each carries a flaming torch held aloft above their heads. The approach the gates of your nation and call out to be allowed within.
"I am a Brother of the Radiant Order of the First Flame. Am's light has returned to the world. I am its bearer and I carry it with me. The Radiant Order of the First Flame believes you to be the descendants of Am's Children and patrons to The Radiant Order of the First Flame. The scrolls suggest we once had a mutually beneficial alliance before the Plague came to these lands."

He takes the letter, leaves, and returns the next day.

"A visit to our city is agreeable. The Father of Light is willing to meet all of Am's children."

"However, we are already expecting pilgrims to make their way towards the First Flame."
The warrior spoke in more hushed tones.
"We have made contact with the former kingdom to your north. Should they be agreeable the Church of Am could organize a more private meeting between our three peoples."

2020-01-26, 08:16 AM

The elder pauses, and his gaze follows the jet black dots in the skies above the settlement. These do not look like native fauna at all. They look like carrion birds, but circling unnaturally over the healthy.
"You may want to look into this, First Speaker. Dismissed".

The crows cause quite a stir in Twilight Hollow when they drop their package right at the feet of Chieftain Tario. His guard precedes him as he reaches down, swiftly absconding the leather case.
The following day, at midnight, the very same guard hurls the cylinder in the skies above.

"We do not know of the threat you speak of. Perhaps if the archives of your people contain such evidence you should be willing to share it with our own. Under these conditions we should be honored to commence cooperating and foster trade."

2020-01-27, 12:56 AM
The Society was still excitedly "gearing up" when the next boot dropped in world events, quickly followed by another. All in all it was a very eventful day, and not in a pleasant, busy kind of way, but in an exciting, perhaps we're all in trouble kind of way.

First one of Silent Shadows agents rushed into her apartment, nearly catching her changing into her combat leathers. "Madame, we have a new development. Xarnath has been located. He's got a hide out dug into the cliffs of Jorova, not five miles from that city state. He was hiding right under our noses the whole time!" Silent Shadow took a moment to collect herself, but in that flash of seconds rage played across her features. "Send rangers to chat a course into that complex. People with climbing experience. But don't send anyone in yet. The Society will handle this one personally." Once the agent had left, she reached deep into her shirt and retrieved a small locket. Opening it up, she stared at it for several minutes before hurriedly stowing it back where it came from. "For you, Andrew."

While the spymaster of the nation was occupied, Throg was approached by a lieutenant in the Aldaine Citizen's Militia. "Sir." He stood the straightest attention he possibly could, obviously awed to be in the presence of the Hero of Hartswood. Throg, for his part, rolled his eyes and stood up. "Speak if you must." The lieutenant barely relaxed his body as he gave his report. "Sir, rangers on the shores to the west report the dwarves of the Skarred Mountains are on the march. They are heading for the crater that... falling star made." Throg rubbed at his face, wondering again why they considered him a leader. "Send a dwarf. The surliest, most honorable sunnuvab*tch you can find. Send him and one of human merchants who has a silver tongue, but the sense not to wag it too much. Offer.. wait, let me write this down..." The officer looked stunned. "You can write, sir? I thought..." Throg had to restrain himself from braining the impudent twit. "I learned, you idiot! Years ago. How dumb do you people think I really am?" He shoved a written note into the soldiers hand. "Have them pass along THAT message. And whatever they do, don't provoke them!"

Meanwhile, Bertram idly flicked coins into separate piles, sorting the various Aldaine coins into their respective piles. He always did this when he was nervous. Whether it was measured in tons or single coins, handling money always made him feel calmer in times of trouble. The Crowns were most plentiful gold in the Republic, but Dragons were heavier and worth substantially more. He sighed when he thought of how much time was wasted on conversions between merchants. The arguments. The failed deals. Suddenly it struck him, with nearly the impact of the meteor that fell to the west. He quickly began scribbling message after message, all in variation of the same message. When he was done, he called in a bard who owed him a favor. "Take these. Give them to travelers heading out into the wilds. Post them wherever there are signs of people larger than a village. We need gold, not farm animals! And spread this throughout the Republic as well! A gold ring here and there may be small, but it all adds up! Now go!"

Silver for gold! The Republic National Bank of Aldaine is trading for gold! Will pay 5% over standard weight and karat value, but upwards of 15% for bulk amounts. Will pay silver, copper, iron, services, or other trade goods! Tell us what you need and make us an offer, we are willing to deal! Serious inquiries only.

2020-01-27, 11:20 PM
A small group of strange warriors wearing oiled silver chainmail, polished bronze breastplate and a beautifully embroidered white, yellow and orange tabard strolls through the Barren Waste. Each carries a flaming torch held aloft above their heads. The approach the gates of your nation and call out to be allowed within.
"I am a Brother of the Radiant Order of the First Flame. Am's light has returned to the world. I am its bearer and I carry it with me. Word has reached us of your people and we bring Am's light to light your path."
The Dwarf sent to the Barrow Dwarves returns clean shaven, stripped of weapons and armour, and badly beaten. The human doesn't return at all.

2020-02-23, 05:56 AM
Unfortunately our histories are not recorded in a manner which is easily verifiable. However, if you are interested in rock solid evidence of this information, the dwarves of the Iron Custodians have long memories and a tendency to record their history in stone, we believe. Getting information off them may prove challenging, however.

2020-02-26, 12:03 AM
Aldaine Republic

"But I must go! Xarnath's undead would be weakened by the light of Am!" Krista protested as the rest of the Society finished gearing up for their excursion. First it was for the volcano, now it was to meet Xarnath and put him down for good. Throg tried to be diplomatic. "Krista, the volcano needs investigating too. And we probably won't be the only ones going there to check it out. We need you to be there as an ambassador to Aldaine interests in the area. We had to pay enough gold to fund a small army to the last dwarf who tried, and now the clans are calling for blood. Besides, Mathias..." The old wizard broke in at that moment as he adjusted his pointy hat and tucked his spell book under his arm. "Mathias will blast any undead minions to mince before they get to us or our forces!" Silent Shadow placed a hand on the Sister's arm. "We'll be ok, Kris. We just need someone at the volcano in case anyone else shows up to make sure there isn't a fight. We certainly can't send Bertram, he's busy scheming and counting coins. Aldaine needs a lot of things done right now, and we've only got so many members. Just scout it out for us, keep your forces alive, and smile those pearly whites at anyone who comes from afar." The Sister was about to raise fresh protest when a messenger arrived and whispered in her ear. Her eyes went wide and she left immediately without arguing another word.

Sister Krista herself rode out to the city gate on a fast horse, and she was there to welcome the light bearer when he was admitted inside. "Am's light guides us all. You are welcome here. I also walk in the light of Am, though many here worship in their own way. I can't stay long due to pressing business elsewhere, but I can certainly lead a brother in the faith to those in the city who can show you all Aldaine has to offer to friendly neighbors." She stepped down from her horse and walked alongside the light bearer to better converse with him while she escorted him to the capital to meet with diplomats.