View Full Version : Player Help Demigod in a "Percy Jackson" styled game - Need some inspiration

2020-01-23, 05:17 AM
Hello! Our group has a new GM stepping up to the plate who is a big fan of both Percy Jackson books and Greek mythology overall and has decided to run such a game where the NPCs have no levels and the Demigods (players included) have class levels.

While the 12 Olympians would be easy (Zeus - Storm Sorcerer or Tempest Cleric / Athena - Battle Master Fighter / Apollo - Light Cleric/ etc.) they're also kinda predictable and I think I wanna avoid predictable.

I've been somewhat considering a child of Nyx, but I'm not convinced she was promiscuous enough to be off having bastard children, and while something like a Way of Shadow Monk kinda sorta fits the theme, it also leaves something to be desired? Thoughts?

What Greek god would you pick as a parent and how would you build your demigod child?


2020-01-23, 08:06 AM
Hermes - Arcane Trickster, Shepherd Druid
Apollo - Arcane Archer, Archery Battlemaster
Artemis - Any Ranger (but especially Archery Rangers )
Ares - Anyone with a weapon...
Dionysus - Druid, Nature Cleric
Zeus - Blue/Bronze Draconic Sorcerer
Hera - I'm struggling some here
Poseidon - Caviler Fighter, Sea Sorcerer (UA), Storm Sorcerer
Demeter - Land Druid
Athena - Battlemaster fighter, War Cleric, War Wizard
Aphrodite - Bards
Hephaestus - Forge Cleric, Guild Artisan Background, Red/Brass Draconic Sorcerer
Hestia - Devotion Paladin?

Those are what I see from the major dieties. It may be easier if you give us a character concept and we work backwards.

Regarding Nyx: Shadow Sorcerer, Way of the Shadow Monk, Any Rogue
Thanatos would make for an interesting grave domain cleric.

2020-01-24, 02:04 AM
A Nyx kid would definitely read as a Shadow Sorcerer to me. Potentially a GOOlock or Hexblade too.

Deimos would make for a neat Whispers Bard or maybe a Conquest Paladin. Morpheus could be a Glamour Bard or a Feylock. An odd but cool take on Nemesis could be a Redemption Paladin, but a more classic take could be a Barbarian or Shadow Monk.