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View Full Version : Help with a magic hater

2007-10-22, 05:12 AM
I have a friend who loves DND to death but HATES all magic with a passion.
Its gotten a little better but any time he DMs were always in a world where magic is frowned upon. The slightest use of it usually gets you thrown in jail or stabbed.

How would you convince him that magic doesnt take away from the glory of a fighter?

2007-10-22, 05:13 AM
Show him the Duskblade class from the PHB2, it's a great class that combines melee fighting with spell-hurling.

2007-10-22, 05:17 AM
play with a mage player who isnt all about just him. Have the group balance itself and help each other instead of trying to completly dominate.

2007-10-22, 05:19 AM
Break his spirit with a CoDzilla/Batman triple tag-team!

2007-10-22, 05:22 AM
Are we talking about spellcasting only, or 'anything not found in medieval Europe' when magic is discussed?

The second is integral to D&D, you are playing a significantly different game if there are no fantastical elements. And frankly, if the DM lets you play a class but punishes you for doing so, they suck as DM.

Last thing: if he's worried they'll take away the glory of the fighter, then...why not add glory to the fighter?

2007-10-22, 06:01 AM
And frankly, if the DM lets you play a class but punishes you for doing so, they suck as DM.
You mean, like all the hated classes in the Dark Sun official setting?

2007-10-22, 06:05 AM
You mean, like all the hated classes in the Dark Sun official setting?

Not familiar with them. But isn't that just making more headaches for yourself as DM if you allow the players to use them? The drama from social strife for just one player has never in my experience improved a game (entire parties are a different story).

If the DM chooses to use that list and will be enforcing it, the players at least know precisely what to expect, it's right there in the book. But I wouldn't play one, and I'd be annoyed by it regardless.

2007-10-22, 07:41 AM
How is this different from letting a player play an assassin or thief or forger?

Obviously, it's illegal, and if caught there will be dire consequences. If you are not caught, there can be great profit.
It's not punishing mages to make magic illegal just like murder or treason or forgery. Now, if he's making mage-catchers ridiculously competent, then he's doing it all wrong.

2007-10-22, 08:53 AM
There are various low magic worlds he can play in - I think Midnight is a good one.

Or you can let him play a Warlock or other pseudo-caster. They have the fun of magic, but none of the bookkeeping.

2007-10-22, 10:46 AM
That's the world he wants to live in, and set his campaign in. It's like having a dnd game based in Salem during the witch hunts. It makes for great roleplaying opportunity, really.

2007-10-22, 10:48 AM
You know, you could always hang low and be an
"archer" until you're high enough level to screw with your opposition with magic.

Captain van der Decken
2007-10-22, 10:52 AM
Don't get caught. Invest some o' those skill ranks in bluff.

Seems like fun to me, really, unless he's using some ridiculously good mage-catchers.

Lord Xaedien
2007-10-22, 10:54 AM
Midnight it one of the best campaign settings I have ever played in, and magic is frowned upon... in that you will probably be killed. That being said, the game does a good job of balancing risk vs. reward for magic, which I honestly cant say normal D&D does enough of for me. I strongly encourage checking the setting out. You only need the core rulebook, and there is a great SRD site out there....PM me if you want more info.

2007-10-22, 11:37 AM
Yeah, I would tend to agree that this isn't actually a problem, it's a preference. It would only be a problem if he was attempting to force other people to run their games that way. If, on the other hand, he sucks as a DM and his Adventures are not fun for you, then your only real option is to stop playing them.

2007-10-22, 11:45 AM
It really depends on whether the DM is fair about adjudicating the law. If the law is that wizards are burned at the stake, but the DM allows the PC wizard a reasonable shot at avoiding being burned while still getting to use his class abilities, that could make for an excellent game. On the other hand, if the authorities somehow "just know" whenever you use magic and show up instantly to subdue and arrest you, that's a problem.

2007-10-22, 03:21 PM
How would you convince him that magic doesnt take away from the glory of a fighter?
Play other game. Magic in D&D is utterly broken.
Just kidding.
Get the group talk to him how you all enjoy playing casters. Just because he doesn't like it doesn't mean he needs to be mean to the group. If he wants low-level magic/high fantasy, get into an agreement.
Also, show him Tome of Battle, that makes meelers more powerful, to balance the spellcasting of wizards/clerics/etc.

2007-10-22, 03:22 PM
It really depends on whether the DM is fair about adjudicating the law. If the law is that wizards are burned at the stake, but the DM allows the PC wizard a reasonable shot at avoiding being burned while still getting to use his class abilities, that could make for an excellent game. On the other hand, if the authorities somehow "just know" whenever you use magic and show up instantly to subdue and arrest you, that's a problem.

One simple solution: a 5th level kobold wizard.

2007-10-22, 03:25 PM
One simple solution: a 5th level kobold wizard.

damn, ninja'd!

2007-10-22, 05:08 PM
I play using the Ravenloft setting a lot.

Wizards and non-humans are feared and hated in Ravenloft. Even clerics who can cast spells are worrisome to the average Ravenloft peasant.

Personally I like it better that way. Magic is supposed to be myserious and strange; not like in FR or Eberron where every tom **** and harry has three magical rings and a self-propelled wagon.

2007-10-22, 08:29 PM
Well ive noticed it really depends on what your doing. If your just being the good ol' buff bot wizard then he has no problem with you. Unless you really annoy him somehow like my double specialized illusion wizard. If you like to blast things there is a good chance that some peasant will remember seeing you shoot a fireball on the battle field and when you come to town again there will be a sword waiting for your belly.

2007-10-22, 08:38 PM
Well, the destruction of public property is quite unlawful. I don't see how that was uncalled for. That's why save or die/suck are subtler yet more effective than area damage.

2007-10-22, 09:44 PM
I play using the Ravenloft setting a lot.

Wizards and non-humans are feared and hated in Ravenloft. Even clerics who can cast spells are worrisome to the average Ravenloft peasant.

Start the National Association for the Advancement of Caster People and campaign for equal rights for all sentient beings, whether they can cast magic or not.

2007-10-23, 12:56 AM
If he hates casters so much whip up a ToB class and proceed to dominate any foe foolish enough to oppose you. You may want to avoid some of the desert wind and shadow hand maneuvers but the rest should be good to go.

While strictly not as powerful as a full caster you would probably avoid a lot of the "He's/She's a witch! Burn him/her!," at least until you're able to do things powerful enough to frighten away the angry mod.