View Full Version : Vana'diel: The Final Fantasy (Windurst)

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2008-03-01, 03:01 PM

"Don't know Seggy...maybe there are other cardians that need help around. I can't see much though...either of you guys have any source of light?"

2008-03-01, 04:48 PM

"Well then we should go find them Kaaya. And no, little one. You know I don't need light. Sorry, guess I forgot to pick a torch up for ya."

2008-03-02, 01:12 PM
Pushmi Pullyu

Eventhough it's dark, Pushmi Pullyu could still see the quarterstaff in such point-blank range.

"Something mustaru have got-rot the cardian-guardians...Yagudos or...?" he squats down, trying to look for something, but of no avail.

"Umph! Mistaru Segomo, can you help-welp see are there any feathers-weathers on the floor? Or..." he reaches back for his backpack, and takes out the explosive casing Kayaa gave him, "Something like this?"

Getting quite irritated by the dark, he grumbles, "I wonder can we rip-hip one of the rune-lune tiles as torch-watch..."

2008-03-02, 04:19 PM

Segomo searches the area for any black feathers, or anything else he can find.


2008-03-03, 03:40 AM
Segomo doesn't find anything of interest in the immediate area other than the quarterstaff. The ground and the stream are otherwise completely clear.

2008-03-03, 07:45 AM

"I guess I will carry this with us. You wanna keep moving on and see if we can find those black feather guys?"

2008-03-03, 04:02 PM
I just thought to myself....wait a minute I think I have a torch...so I looked in my character and *presto* there it was


"Seggy...you won't believe this," Kaaya says chuckling to herself, "I completely forgot that I have been carrying a torch this whole time. How silly am I? Sorry, P, I guess with the big guy doing all the seeing for us I didn't even think about it." Kaaya takes out her torch, flint and steel and lights it up before taking a good look around the entire area.


2008-03-04, 07:09 AM

"Ha ha! That's my little one for ya. Shall we move on you two?"

2008-03-04, 11:27 AM
Pushmi Pullyu

Planning to rip out a light-rune, Pushmi Pullyu is already reaching for his dagger. But seeing the torch goes alive, he decides maybe to leave that for later.

"It is so-ho much better-better with the light! Lets go!"

2008-03-04, 11:53 AM

Segomo continues on down the paths ahead of him trying to find something of interest.

2008-03-05, 06:49 AM
The torch gives a much wider field of vision to both Pushmi and Kaaya, thanks to their low-light vision. Other than the quarterstaff, however, there still isn't much of interest within sight. Heading further in the same direction, the group doesn't find much until they reach another area of worked stone. It surrounds a pathway that apparently goes upward at a slight angle, which may lead to another section of the ruins. The cave stretches out further beyond this point as well, so either path could be taken by the group at this point. Both paths appear unremarkable, though there is faint light coming from up the worked stone path, suggesting that there may be more lighting runes in that direction.

2008-03-05, 08:08 PM

"Go up or stay down?"

2008-03-05, 09:40 PM

Kaaya looks at Pushmi and says, "You have a better sense of this place than we do, with those maps of yours, what do you think, P?"

2008-03-06, 01:23 PM
Pushmi Pullyu

Pushmi Pullyu shifts his eyes around, first the upper path, then the torch, then the lower path, and back to the torch.

"I think-wink we continue down first, before the torch-notch goes down. And..." he points at the quarterstaff that Segomo is holding, "This-wis just do notaru come outaru in the right-might place, I am curious-furious where the other partarus are."

2008-03-06, 10:44 PM

Segomo nods in agreement and continues down the path they were already on.

2008-03-08, 06:29 AM
After continuing through the cavern for a while, it soon becomes obvious that the area has grown smaller. You can now see the ceiling above you, as it has grown shorter. What's more, Kaaya and Pushmi Pullyu's keen senses detect a whirring sound in the distance ahead. Kaaya would recognize this as the same sound the cardian from before was making from behind the wall, though this one sounds a bit more frequent in its whirring--as if it was coming from more than one object at the same time.

I went ahead and rolled listen checks for that result.

2008-03-08, 03:01 PM

Kaaya waves Segomo to a stop and explains to him what she hears. She also looks around intently, trying to figure out where the sounds might be coming from.


2008-03-08, 03:21 PM
Pushmi Pullyu

Seeing Kayaa stops Segomo down, Pushmi Pullyu halts at the same time. He does hears something, and eventhough uncertain of what it is, he knows that...

It doesn't seem like something that should appear here...

See are there anything of interest around, particularly anything that moves.


2008-03-09, 06:36 AM
After a brief pause, four figures enter into your field of vision within the torchlight. Four cardians, each wielding a quarterstaff exactly like the one you are carrying. One moves slightly ahead of the others, and points its quarterstaff at Segomo (still in possession of the staff from before I presume), shaking it slightly, and speaks in what could pass for annoyance or anger for a cardian, "YoU!¤yOu¤HaVe¤FoUr'S¤sTaFf!!! WhErE¤iS¤fOuR?! yOu¤TeLl¤NoW,¤oR¤dIe!"

The four cardians seem slightly on edge, and seem to be shaking slightly, and their movements are very forceful and unnerving; quite different than the stoic, calm, precise cardians seen in Windurst.

2008-03-10, 07:05 AM

"Ah. We don't know where four is. We found this lying on the ground. We found another of you that seemed to be breaking behind a wall back there. We are trying to help him by finding mana orbs. We are friends"

With this, Segomo puts a big grin on his face to show that he is a friend.

2008-03-10, 10:27 AM

Kaaya holds up her hands to show that she isn't holding a weapon, but she stays tense as if expecting the worst. She repeats the words "Friends" as Segomo trys to talk down the cardians.

2008-03-11, 12:16 AM
Pushmi Pullyu

Seeing what his companions do, Pushmi Pullyu drops his longspear onto the ground.

"We are friends-bends! We heard that there-where are problems here, and come to see-wee if we can help-welp."

2008-03-12, 07:04 AM
"MaNa¤OrBs?!¤ThE¤mAnA¤oRbS¤bElOnG¤tO¤cArDiAnS!¤" the lead cardian replies. The others seem to be getting restless, and shake slightly in place, but they don't move forward. Instead, the lead one speaks again, "If¤YoU¤fOuNd¤AnOtHeR¤cArDiAn,¤AnD¤iF¤yOu¤ArE¤cArDi AnS'¤fRiEnDs,¤yOu¤MuSt¤TaKe¤Us¤To¤HiM¤iMmEdIATelY!"

2008-03-12, 01:37 PM

Kaaya looks back and forth between her two friends and replies, "Well seems like we're in for a whole family reunion. Let's take them back to the other one."

"As a fair warning, this cardian seemed pretty messed up," Kaaya says looking at the cardians before she heads back to where they found the broke down cardian.

2008-03-12, 03:46 PM

"Yes let us go and reunite you all."

Segomo allows the cardians to pass him as he guards the back of the group from attacks.

2008-03-13, 03:02 PM
Pushmi Pullyu

Seeing the cardians are willing to communicate despite seeming to be quite nervous, Pushmi Pullyu asks the lead cardian, "Is there something...real-deal bad-wad that happened to the ruin?

2008-03-16, 07:23 AM
The cardians move ahead to follow the mithra quickly as Kaaya leads them towards the removable wall where they found the other cardian. However, the apparent "leader" of the group does reply to Pushmi Pullyu's question, "RuInS¤aRe¤AnCiEnT! We¤LiVe¤HeRe. We¤ArE¤nOt¤LiKe¤ThE¤cArDiAnS¤aBoVe! JoKeR¤hAs¤ShOwN¤uS¤a¤NeW¤pAtH!!"

It doesn't take long to arrive back at the section of wall, which is the same as it was before, illluminated by a light rune. The cardians move forward to the section of wall, and stare at it, then the leader quickly turns back to face the three of you.

"OpEn¤ThIs¤At¤OnCe!" he commands.

2008-03-16, 10:01 PM

Segomo bounces forward, cracks his knuckles and pulls the wall open.


2008-03-16, 10:37 PM

After the response from the lead cardian to Pushmi's question Kaaya wonders a little bit about the intentions of these rogue cardians. she makes sure that when the door is opened that she is in between these new cardians and the one inside.

Sense Motive:[roll0]

2008-03-19, 07:11 AM
Kaaya's results
Though it's somewhat difficult for Kaaya to read the intentions of magical automatons, their words seem sincere--the cardians are behaving in a manner consistant with the fact that they do not trust you, and are quite willing to fight you if need be, but are not necessarily looking for a fight. Their concern for their comrade, at any rate, seems genuine.
As Segomo opens the wall section, the cardian that was inside immediately falls forward, as if it had been leaning on this piece of stone. Two of the cardians (not the one who had spoken, but one to each side of him) jolt forward and extend their limbs, their staves floating to the side slightly as if manipulated by some mystic force other than the cardians' actual grips. The two cardians catch their badly damaged comrade as it falls forward, sputtering something incomprehensible.

2008-03-20, 12:16 PM

Segomo leans forward to look at the fallen cardian. "Is he ok?"

2008-03-20, 08:52 PM

Kaaya is relieved that these cardians had no ill intentions and asks, "What can we do to help?"

2008-03-22, 02:52 AM
The "lead" cardian moves between the three of you and the other cardians, turning its body to face you and apparently blocking you off from moving towards their damaged comrade. "LiStEn¤WeLl! YoU¤mUsT¤lEaVe¤ThIs¤PlAcE¤iMmEdIaTeLy. BeCaUsE¤yOu¤HeLpEd¤Us¤FiNd¤FoUr,¤We¤WiLl¤AlLoW¤yOu ¤TO¤LEAvE¤uNhArMeD¤tHiS¤tImE. BuT¤oNlY¤iF¤yOu¤LeAvE¤tHeSe¤RuInS¤aT¤oNcE! If¤YoU¤fAiL¤tO¤cOmPlY, wE¤wIlL¤bE¤fOrCeD¤tO¤uSe¤MoRe¤AgGrEsSiVe¤MeAsUrEs!" The cardian follows up, shaking its quarterstaff in your direction, "AnD¤tElL¤yOuR¤mAsTeRs,¤ThE¤cArDiAnS¤oF¤tHe¤CuPs,¤B aToNs,¤SwOrDs,¤AnD¤cOiNs¤ArE¤sErVaNtS¤tO¤wInDuRsT¤ nO¤lOnGeR!"

2008-03-23, 01:23 PM

Segomo scratches his head and gets a confused look on his face. He turns to look at Kaaya and P and makes sure they see that he is confused and doesn't know what to do.

2008-03-23, 06:16 PM

Kaaya looks at her confused friend and says, "Maybe we should return to the city and give those there this message. I don't know, what do you think P?"

OOC: I can't remember what we were here for in the first place and I'm too lazy too look back through the posts....what were we here for?:smallbiggrin:

2008-03-24, 12:59 AM
Your mission was to investigate this tower and see if there was anything wrong with the magical gizmos located here. You have discovered a cracked gizmo and several broken ones deeper in, as well as the rogue cardians, goblins, and a bomb (monster).

2008-03-24, 04:43 PM
Pushmi Pullyu

Eventhough he had never fought one, just seeing the cardians' sheer size and numbers, Pushmi Pullyu knows that the problem can't be solved by brute force. Stepping forward and tilting his head up, he speaks to the lead cardian.

"Something or someone-anyone attacked the ruins? You four-tour are the cup, baton, sword, and coin? We need-heed to know that before we-me can leave."

2008-03-25, 03:51 AM
"I¤aM¤tHrEe! ThE¤tHrEe¤Of¤SwOrDs. ThEy¤ArE¤aLsO¤tHrEeS," the cardian informs Pushmi Pullyu, gesturing towards his companions, "aSiDe¤FrOm¤FoUr,¤WhO¤iS¤bAdLy¤DaMaGeD. MaNy¤DiFfErEnT¤pEoPlE¤cOmE¤hErE. gObLiN. yAguDo. TaRuTaRu. BuT¤rUiNs¤BeLoNg¤To¤CaRdIaNs¤NoW! sO¤yOu¤LeAvE!" the construct seems to be stressing the last point more strongly this time, its melodic voice hitting a sour tone as it thrusts its quarterstaff in your direction in what could be interpreted as anger.

2008-03-25, 11:04 AM

"Ok well I guess we will leave then. Come on guys" Before he can even let his companions respond, Segomo starts to walk towards the exit of the tower.

2008-03-25, 02:00 PM

Kaaya follows her large companion, wondering what might have caused these cardians to become so aggressive.

2008-03-26, 03:09 PM
Pushmi Pullyu

Staring into Three of Swords for one last time, Pushmi Pullyu turns and follow Segomo and Kayaa out.

2008-03-28, 11:25 AM

Once Segomo leaves the tower, he turns to face his companions. "That was weird, right? I don't know much about those cardians, but I think that was weird. Was it weird P?"

2008-03-28, 04:49 PM

Kaaya chimes in, "I'm new the these gear-people too, but that sure seemed odd" She waits to see what Pushmi has to say about the subject as she has started veiwing their new frined as the brain behind there little operation.

2008-03-29, 02:41 PM
Pushmi Pullyu

"I do notaru know much about them-whem either,"said Pushmi Pullyu as he shakes his head, "I guess we better-netter get back to Windstaru City fast..."

2008-03-30, 10:59 PM

Segomo nods his head in agreement, and takes the lead as they head back to the city

2008-03-30, 11:53 PM
By the time you arrive at the city gates, night has nearly fallen, and the mithran guards who stand outside Leviathan's gate (on the Sarutabaruta side) move forward cautiously as you approach, but seem relieved once they get a better look at you.

"Oh, it's only you adventurrrers from before," one of them says, nodding you on. "Rough time out there?"

2008-03-31, 01:14 PM
Pushmi Pullyu

Pushmi Pullyu actually wants to answer "bad" to the guard, but realizing that what they had discover might be something real big, the lesser the number people know it, the better.

"Yes-mess, rougher than expected-detected. Do you know would Minister Apururu still-will be in office at such-much hours?

2008-04-01, 12:10 AM

Kaaya decides to let Pushmi do the talking and stays uncharacteristically quiet as they enter the city.

2008-04-01, 12:46 AM
The mithra tilts her head slightly quizzically, her comrade folding her arms as the first one replies, The minister Apurrru...Apururrrrr...Aprrru...erm," the mithran guard cuts off her reply briefly to mutter something that was probably inappropriate about tarutaru names, provoking a chuckle and an amused expression from the second guard. The first shakes her head and quickly manages to get her act together long enough to reply again, "I do believe the ministerrr keeps working late into the night. You should be able to catch herrr at the Manustery."

2008-04-01, 07:19 PM

Segomo nods to the guards. "Thanks"

Segomo heads through the gates towards the Manustery

2008-04-01, 07:22 PM

Kaaya follows along thinking alot about the strange cardians from the ruins.

2008-04-02, 10:57 AM
Pushmi Pullyu

Pushmi Pullyu follows without a word.

2008-04-03, 12:55 AM
Heading through the gate into the city, you might notice that there are fewer people passing through Windurst Woods' winding streets at this hour. The trip to the Manustery is thus uneventful. The same tarutaru female secretary is at her desk as you arrive in the waiting area, but she seems more alert and awake than she was the last time you met. She takes notice of your arrival and calls out as you approach.

"Ah, you're finally-whinally back! The minister was starting to become very worried. I'll tell-well her that you're here," the secretary says, leaping out of her chair and walking over to a nearby door. As she opens it, she nearly runs into minister Apururu, who was again attempting to pass through at the same time.

"Oh deary-dear!" the minister cries out, though in panic from the near-collision or at the sight of your return is uncertain. She hurries towards you, speaking in a somewhat concerned fashion as she walks, "You're back! I was afraid we were going to have to send Three here to look for you!" as she says this a cardian rolls up behind her solemnly, with a quarterstaff held at its side.

2008-04-03, 01:14 PM
Pushmi Pullyu

"Well-fell emm...things gotaru rather-bother complicated..."Pushmi Pullyu keeps his eyes on the cardian for awhile, seemingly uneasy, and looks back to Apruru then continues, "We four will need-heed some time-mime to explain..."he again shifts his eyes to the cardian, this time even longer, "quite some time, better notaru bother others except we four..."

2008-04-03, 06:19 PM
Apururu seems deep in thought in response to Pushmi Pullyu's request. It isn't too much time until she seems to understand, however, and she nods, saying, "Very-wary well then, come with me. We'll discuss this matter in my office."

The tarutaru woman then turns and begins walking back into the room from whence she came, and the secretary tarutaru returns to her desk. Following Apururu, you would notice that you pass through what appears to be a large work area, with a great many books lining shelves stacked on the walls, and large tables spread throughout the room. Some of these tables are occupied by motionless cardian bodies. The previously mentioned cardian that accompanied the minister is silently following as well. Apururu ascends a spiraling ramp upwards and comes to a smaller door, which she opens. She then turns and commands the cardian, "Waitaru outside, Three."

"AfFiRmAtIvE,♣mInIsTeR," comes the cardian's melodic reply. With that the minister enters her office and positions herself behind a small, tarutaru-sized desk and turns around.

2008-04-03, 10:06 PM

"They have seized the tower!"

2008-04-04, 11:47 AM
Minister Apururu seems a bit confused. She leans forward and responds quietly, "'They?'"

2008-04-04, 10:44 PM

Kaaya follows her companions in and after Segomo's outburst decides to tell the minister the story from the beginning. "First we found some of those spinny gizmos, but they were broke. We didn't know why they were broke but they were. Then we ran into some goblins and......" Kaaya tells the whole story of their trip and some might question whether she paused to breathe any during it.

2008-04-05, 12:13 AM
Apururu remains mostly calm throughout the story until Kaaya gets to the part about being threatened by cardians. Her eyes widen at this and she jolts forward out of her chair. As soon as Kaaya finishes speaking, the minister slams her hands on the table and manages to blurt out, "You...you encountered rogue cardians?!"

Music selection: Hopelessness (http://www.mediafire.com/?ykeyur0ze0z)

After a few seconds of wide-eyed staring, the minister withdraws slightly and moves her hands to her chin. "We have had reportarus of rogue cardians before, but all teams specifically organized to confirm-conform their existence turned up nothing. However, given the size of the Horutoto ruins..." Apururu explains, looking deep in thought, "you see, we here at the Manustry use a special kind of magic to animate these dolls of straw, cloth, and other stuff--we manufacture cardians. Foreigners are often awed by the mere sight of these automatons, and even those who live in Windurst today for the most part seem to regard them as little more than amusing toy-joys or playful friends. And while it is certainly true that a cardian can make a good companion, we all seem to forget in this time of peace that the cardians are weapons of war, second only in strength to the War Warlocks of the Orastery. My f--the cardians were designed as front-line soldiers during the Crystal War. And, well..." Apururu looks away for a moment, closes her eyes, and sighs.

Then, she drops her hands to her sides and faces you all again, continuing on, "It is something of an embarrassing tale for the Manustery, but some of the old cardians malfunctioned and went rogue in the days following the end of the war. Since then there have been scattered reports of them carrying out such wickedness as attacking people and stealing mana orbs." The minister reaches into her desk and pulls out a clear, slightly darkened sphere, apparently made of glass or some similar clear material. It is slightly larger than the tarutaru's fist, and she places it on the desk. "These mana orbs are the cardian's hearts...or perhaps it might be more accurataru to say their batteries? We charge them with magical energy-synergy, and they power the cardian's movements. We charge and recharge them using the magical gizmos of Horutoto, and the ancient magical devices located therein. However..." Apururu pauses, and again looks deep in thought, her hand moving to her chin. "I don't understand. It's clear they want the mana orbs to revive their friends whose mana orbs had discharged--no doubtaru that the malfunctioning cardian you first encountered was running low on energy. But even with the mana orbs, a living mage is required to cast the magical spells needed to bring cardians to life. It would be impossible for the cardians to do it by themselves. And there's another thing that bothers me. This 'Joker' they referred to..."

The minister shakes her head, and then looks at the three of you, smliing. She says slightly more cheerfully, "Well, you'd better just letaru me worry about this matter. The traps we set up should prevent them from interfering with the central-intral dynamo, and we'll tighten security measures around the gizmos we need functioning, as well as repair the damaged ones. You must all be tired--I know it's what you adventurers come to expect, but I must apologize for putting you through all this."

2008-04-05, 11:12 AM
Pushmi Pullyu

"Would it be possible-possible that they be 'unrogued'? Say, by yagudos or goblins...?" asks Pushmi Pullyu as Apururu finishes.

2008-04-05, 01:16 PM
"Hmmm...I have my doubts that the yagudo could engineer something like this," Apururu replies, "they are a more spiritual people, and generally lack knowledge of the arcane magics we use to animate cardians. Goblins would be more likely, but something about a goblin being behind all this seems a bit 'off' to me. Goblins are generally-winerally not very ambitious, just greedy. I cannot rule out the possibility that either would be involved, but it seems more likely to me--"

Abruptly, the minister stops herself and manages a weak laugh. "Haha-ha! Well, you can-flan be sure we'll be investigating this matter thoroughly. I do have my own thoughts, but, well..." her eyes dart back and forth, and she looks very serious as she says this next bit, "...I don't think I am yet at liberty to discuss them yet. Perhaps if I had more evidence..." she leaves this thought hanging as well with a sigh. "But you three have done well. And as was promised, I do have a reward for you all."

Apururu again reaches into her desk and pulls out three bags of coins. Each contains 900 gil. She places them on her desk, in front of you three.

2008-04-05, 03:14 PM

"Evidence....we could find you more evidence. I mean, I for one am very curious about all that is going on. If you know what you need us to find, I'm sure we could. I think with Seggy and P beside me, we could crack any case," Kaaya says energetically as she takes her bag of coins.

2008-04-05, 06:37 PM
Apururu smiles at Kayaa's reaction, but replies rather simply, "As much as I appreciate the offer, I'm afraid this situation is something I'm not quite-white sure how to approach. There is...a person that I really need to talk to about this. Unfortunately, he disappeared a long time ago...it's possible he would be able to fill in some of these holes for me, if only I could talk to him." With this, the minister arises from her chair, and begins to walk towards you and the exit to her office. She stops by the door and addresses you once again, "At any rate, I cannot hold up the services of you adventurers forever. The Federation has a great need for people like you, and it would be selfish of me to have you chasing my person...al...problems."

Apururu pauses for a moment and looks a bit pained, perhaps as if she'd said something she shouldn't have. The tarutaru quickly shakes off this look and resumes her smile, and continues on, "But don't worry. We at the Manustery will continue to delve deeper-weeper into this mystery, and should the opportunity arise for us to call on the assistance of adventurers again, we'll be sure to look you all up. I'm sure we'll be seeing each other more in the near future. For now, though, I suggest you get some rest. Tomorrow will surely bring a new adventure for you, and the moogles of Vana'diel have been kind enough to set up a number of temporary rooms in the residential district for you adventurers to use free of charge. You have my word on this: we will solve this problem together. And again, you have my sincerest apologies for putting you through all this," as she says this last bit, she puts her hands together and bows apologetically, then rises back to face level (well, for tarutarus anyway), "So, until we meet again...farewell, and ta-taru!" Apururu then opens the door and quickly takes off--not running, but moving as quickly as she can without doing so--leaving the three of you simply standing in the entrance to her office.

2008-04-05, 10:37 PM

Segomo looks around at his companions, puzzled. "She seemed a bit strange there at the end. Am I the only person who noticed that?"

He says this and begins to walk out of the office towards their free beds.

2008-04-06, 11:35 AM

"Quite strange...oh well. I can't wait to see what our next adventure is. I'm sure enjoying this work. Maybe this time they'll send us to a forest....or a lake. I was getting a little tired of all that underground work. What do you think P?" Kaaya says already forgetting about the troubles of there last mission and excited about the unknown prospects in their future.

2008-04-06, 02:52 PM
Pushmi Pullyu

Seeing that the others are already leaving, Pushmi Pullyu finds no choice, but to tear out the map with the damaged gizoms marked, and leaves it on Apruru's desk, putting whatever heavy enough to keep it from blowing away.

As he gets out of the office, he bows slightly to Three, apologizing for his attitute just now. He then catches up with Segomo and Kayaa.

"Odd-mod indeed...but maybe she just do notaru want to hurt-kurt us by directly saying-laying that she need stronger adventurers for the problem-problem?"

"As for where-dare we be going next...he shrudders suddenly and continues, "Anywhere but flying would do-who, but if we are going-knowing underground again, this time-mime we must buy torches! Hoho!"

2008-04-06, 07:43 PM

"Ha Ha! You are right P. Or we could just remember that we already had them in the first place." Segomo smiles and nudges Kaaya after the last comment. "Let's go get some rest."

2008-04-07, 06:39 PM
Music selection: The Federation of Windurst (http://www.mediafire.com/?ecg23gt131y)

The Manustery is actually very close to the Windurst Woods entrance to the residential district. In fact, it is only a short walk to the north and west of the exit. Passing under an archway with the symbol of the residential district on it, you soon find yourself facing a large stone gate-like structure. In the center, there is a series of steps leading to a tunnel that is elevated about 15 feet off the ground, lit inside by ceiling-hanging lanterns.

Naturally, there are also trees overlooking the ridges that surround this small, round area which serves as the residential district's entrance, and two guards stand at the base of the steps: a mithra and a cardian. Another cardian stands near the area from which you enter, but doesn't seem to react to your approach.

The mithra, however, takes notice of your entry and waves. She then merely waits at the bottom of the steps, apparently content to leave it at that until you attempt to enter the tunnel and head into the residential area.

2008-04-07, 10:39 PM

Segomo smiles at the Mithra and procedes to enter into the residential district, hoping to get to a bed as fast as possible

2008-04-07, 11:34 PM
"Hold up there, mister, the mithra calls out, moving over in close quarters with the galka, taking on a neutral expression. She doesn't seem concerned or alarmed, more like she's going through the motions, just doing her job. She gives Segomo a good looking-over and says, "I haven't seen you arrround before. Are you new around here?" The mithra gestures behind her to the tunnel, "This is the entrance to the residential district of Windurst. I'll need to know what business you have here."

2008-04-08, 02:45 PM

Segomo looks a bit surprised by the Mithra. "Um... we are adventurers and the minister said we had some rooms set up for us. We want to rest. We are tired. That is our business."

2008-04-08, 06:05 PM
The mithra leans forward and squints her eyes at the galka, repeats, "Adventurers, huh?, and looks down and seems to notice his ring. She then lets out a hearty laugh and slaps the galka's shoulder. "Well, why didn't you say so in the first place? I was just asking because the adventurerrrs program has brought more foreign traffic to Windurst than ever, and we've got to keep an eye on people in areas like this. Pickpockets just love crowds and tourrrists, ya'know? Even us soldiers and adventurers can have our coinpurses snatched if we're not looking. Hey Seven!" the mithra calls over to the cardian, which turns to face her, and in turn, the rest of you, in response, "Why don'tcha give these herrre adventurers a quick run-down of what the moogles have set up back there?"

"Cer-TAIN-ly," responds the cardian in a echoing tenor, "THE♠moo-GLES♠of-FER♠free♠REN-tal♠ROOMS♠for♠SLEEP-ing. IN♠ad-DIT-ion,♠THEY♠can♠STORE♠your♠VAL-u-A-bles♠SAFE-ly,♠AND♠can♠AC-cept♠DE-liv-ER-ies♠ON♠your♠BE-half."

"Yeah, and thanks to their crazy powers, they can transport yourrr items between cities faster than you can cook breakfast," the mithra adds. "Real trustworthy folks, so if you ever need to put something away for safekeeping, or fear you might lose an item of value traveling somewhere dangerrrous, the moogles can hold onto it for you. Of all of Vana'diel, they seem to be the most excited about the adventurer's progrrram for some reason." With that, the guard steps back and bows. "I guess that about covers it. Enjoy yourrr stay!"

I'll go ahead and say this now so you can ready your sheets: you all receive 800 exp for the completion of your previous mission and defeating the various enemies. That should be enough to level you up and give a little extra, combined with your previous mission. Remember we're switching to a new weapon skill system with this level (it's a lot easier than before, so the switch should be very simple to mark on your sheets), so make sure to account for that. Congratulations on level 2! And don't forget you're going to be joined by a new adventurer next mission, so get ready for that!

2008-04-09, 12:30 PM
Pushmi Pullyu

"Faster-master than cooking breakfast!? Now that real-deal crazy! And thanks for the direction-direction."

Pushmi Pullyu then bows to the guard, and starts walking towards the tunnel.

2008-04-10, 11:19 AM

Segomo gets lost in thought as the Mithra begins to talk about magical transport but soon snaps out of it as he sees P start walking off. Segomo runs to catch up and takes the lead.

2008-04-10, 05:17 PM

Kaaya listens intently to the mithra and small talks for a bit before running to catch up to both the other group members.

2008-04-10, 06:43 PM
Once heading down the tunnel, you will realize that this area is almost entirely indoors. This was the standard of living in the major cities during the Crystal War era; individual homes were abandoned in favor of a massive, indoor residential building that was organized basically as massive apartment complex in the center of the city. This was necessary as the outer parts of the city were ravaged by the beastmen sieges in the worst battles of the war. In the years following the war, it is still mostly immigrants and the affluent who have managed to establish households outside of this central district, as the majority of the populace has become accustomed to these living conditions and do not seem to mind them.

However, the area is only ALMOST entirely indoors--as Windurst is a lush, vibrant area, there are many "interruptions" of the complex to outdoor areas, and though people do not live in these areas, they provide a nice breath of fresh air once in a while as you pass through. Following very obvious signs hanging near the ceiling, you eventually find your way to a door marked as the "mog house" area. Passing through a simple, though large wooden door, you enter a small office area with exits to the left and right in addition to where you came in. There are a few potted plants here, and floating behind a hole cut in the wall (apparently leading to an office area) is a moogle.

Music selection: Mog House (http://www.mediafire.com/?x0itqzz0tqd) (It's very relaxing!)

A bell sounds as you push the door open, though you don't actually see a bell anywhere. The moogle waves at you and says cheerfully, "Come in, come in, kupo! How may I help you, kupo?"

2008-04-10, 07:38 PM

Remembering that the mithra responded to his ring, Segomo shows the ring to the moogle and says "We are adventurers for Windurst and we were told there were rooms for us here."

2008-04-10, 08:02 PM
"Splendid, kupo!" the moogle replies. You suddenly notice he's wearing a small pack around his shoulder, and he yanks a much-too-large-to-fit-in-the-pack book out of it and drops it unceremoniously on the desk in front of him, and produces a writing feather-pen. "Then, I'll just need your names. If you've already been processed by the Federation, we should already have rooms set aside for you, kupo."

2008-04-12, 01:44 AM
Ya'know? In the interest of skipping a bit of repetitive talking, I'm just gonna assume the moogle gets all your names and fast-forward through this a bit, as I'm sure we're all anxious to get to the next mission and jumping through hoops is fine and all when we've got some important NPC/PC talk to have done, but right now I'm about ready to get our new player in so I'm moving forward a bit.

The moogle, after getting your names, directs you to where you will stay. Since you all finished your first mission together, you were all registered around the same time, and though each of you has a separate room, they are all fairly close together.

Walking down a hall, you'll find that each of you has a rather spacious single room set aside from you. There is a standard issue, fairly large bed in each one (seems they wanted to accommodate even galka if they stayed here), as well as a desk and some writing supplies, and a large dresser in which you could store some of your items and/or clothing. The floor is hardwood, though there is a large, thin green rug spread out in the middle, and a strange, slightly glowing potted plant in the corner.

The door is sealed with a powerful ward; only the individual the room belongs to can open the door via ordinary methods. All in all, this a safe and comfortable place to settle down.

If you want to do conversation during or in between any part of this, feel free to do so. You can even backtrack a bit if you like. When we're ready to move on to the next day, I'll fast-forward to it.

2008-04-12, 03:10 PM
Pushmi Pullyu

As Pushmi Pullyu stands and looks around his new home, he dumps down whatever weapons or luggage at the middle of the room.

"This is big-wig...splendid!" his eyes finally connects with that strange plant, and quite instinctively, he picks up his water skin on the floor, and pour whatever water onto the plant.

Seeing the last few drops go, he casually flungs the water skin aside, and heads out running to look for the others.

"Mistaru Segomo...Miss Kayaa...!"

Just ignore the above and fast-foward if necessary:smallwink:

2008-04-12, 04:44 PM

Segomo finds his room and lays down in the middle of the bed. He rests for the night and wakes up in the morning and does his morning meditations.

2008-04-12, 05:56 PM

Kaaya lays awake in bed for a long time thinking about all that went on in the ruins and talking to herself about becoming an Adventurer, but eventually she falls asleep. The next morning she pops out of bed and hurries over to Segomo's room and begins knocking on his door.

2008-04-14, 11:13 AM

Segomo continues to do his morning meditations until he hears the wild knockings on his door. He has been with Kaaya long enough to know that these were her frantic knocks. He stands up and opens the door, looks down at Kaaya and smiles.

"What is it little one? I was in the middle of my meditations."

2008-04-16, 10:47 PM

"Sorry Seggy....just excited to start a new day. Did you sleep well? What do you think our next mission will be? We should go wake up P......" Kaaya continues to speak to no one in particular as she turns to head towards Pushmi's room.

2008-04-17, 10:42 AM

Segomo just smiles at Kaaya's enthusiasm. He has always enjoyed her company. She makes his life more exciting. Segomo locks his room door and follows her to Pushmi's room

2008-04-19, 01:54 PM
Pushmi Pullyu

After wandering around a bit around the apartment complex alone last night, Pushmi Pullyu had a good night of sleep...

...with all his gears and whatever still across the floor of the room, of course.

As he wakes up the next day, the first thing is looking for his waterskin to wake himself up. He soon locates it, but finds it empty after the watering last night.

"My-why...oh well-dell, that means I will need-heed go fetch some then..."

He drags his feet towards the door and opens it, seeing Segomo and Kayaa.

"Morning-bowling, Mistaru Segomo, Miss Kayaa, are we setting out now-wow? Give me a few-whew mintues..."

You see Pushmi Pullyu's still in his adventure clothes last night, his eyes half open, and hair frizzed out.

2008-04-19, 05:38 PM

"Ha ha! Looks like you are still half asleep. We will go get some breakfast. Meet us downstairs when you are ready."

2008-04-20, 08:07 PM
Hmmm, well, if you decide to eat your own rations, that's fine, but if you ask someone (like the moogle who checked you in) where to go to eat, they'll probably recommend the Timbre Timbers Tavern in the northern Windurst Waters district, which you could reach by heading north and west from the residential area. It's near the Culinarian's Guild, so it's famous for good food, though it is sometimes crowded.

2008-04-20, 08:59 PM

"So where to guys. I'm starving and I can't wait to get this day started," Kaaya says with with a bright smile and a hop in her step.

2008-04-21, 11:48 AM

After speaking to the Moogles about where to eat, Segomo and the gang head out to the Timbre Timbers Tavern to grab some much needed home cooked food.

After engorging himself, Segomo looks to the group.

"So, what now guys? Where do you think we can find our next adventure?"

2008-04-21, 02:18 PM
Pushmi Pullyu

After taking a few mintues to wash his face and tidy himself up, Pushmi Pullyu meets up with the party and goes for breakfast.

By the time Segomo finishes his breakfast, Pushmi Pullyu is still halfway through. Looking towards Segomo's direction while taking a bite from a poached egg, an odd question pops up in his mind.

Do bigger people eat faster, or faster eaters grows bigger? Hmm...

He thoughts are interrupted as soon as Segomo raises the question, "I guess-mess we will need to find-mind that out around places where many adventurers go, maybe here or back-wack at the residence." raising his hands to call for a waiter, he added with a smile,"Lets startaru with the closest."

When the waiter arrives, Pushmi Pullyu orders another mug of tea, and asks about any rumors or news around the area.

OOC:I guess that accounts a gather information check?

2008-04-22, 06:14 PM
The waitress serving the trio is, in fact, a very young mithra--probably in her early adolescent years. She wears a modest dress that appears as a sort of quilt, and a shoulderless black top. She responds to Pushmi Pullyu's inquiry matter-of-factly, "Nya? Aren't you guys adventurrrers? I hear the Rhinostery is looking for some help...or purrrhaps it'd be better if you checked in at the guards up by Odin's Gate. I'm sure they have something for ya." With that, she runs off to fetch the tarutaru's Windurstian tea--this green tea is popular in Windurst (as the name implies).


The overall cost of this meal would amount to about 1sp (0.1gil) each, including a tip. You don't have to keep track of the minor change involved.

2008-04-23, 09:01 PM

"Either one sounds good to me. I'm ready to hit the road and begin adventuring again. Which one to you guys want to head to?"

2008-04-24, 11:26 AM

"Hmmm...I say we check with the guards at Odin's gate. I would assume the guards would hear about alot of things that are happening in the city. What do you think P?"

2008-04-24, 12:09 PM
Pushmi Pullyu

"To the guards-bards then!"

2008-04-25, 06:30 AM

Segomo pounds his hands on the table with joy as he stands up.

"Ok. Well let's go."

Segomo begins to head out the door towards Odin's Gate.

2008-04-25, 06:49 AM
Arriving at the gate, you find several guards standing by. There are a pair of tarutaru guards standing by the tunnel leading to Sarutabaruta, however, a male tarutaru in plate armor walks up to meet the three of you as you approach. He is followed by a female tarutaru in a black beret and green Federation aketon, and a female tarutaru with pale gray hair and black plated armor, as well as a cardian.

"Say," the tarutaru male says, peering slightly forward and giving you all a good-looking over, "aren't you those adventurers, ya? The ones you were talking about, Mokyokyo?"

The female tarutaru in the green aketon (the same one you met yesterday who initiated you to the adventurer's program) considers for a moment, then replies, "Yeah, I think you're rightaru." She then addresses you all directly, "Glad to see you're still going-woeing strong!"

"So," the male tarutaru begins again, cocking his head to the side and looking somewhat smug, "You're here looking for some more work, ya?"

2008-04-25, 11:24 AM

Segomo smiles at the Tarutarus.

"Well we were told we might find some work up here. We completed our last mission very easily, and I know my little mithra friend here is itching to get out and have some more adventures."

2008-04-25, 06:45 PM
"Well, it just so happens we do have a hell of a job for you guys," the lead tarutaru says, grinning with narrowed eyes.

Mokyokyo's eyes widen and she speaks up from the back, "Dagoza-Beruza, sir, are you sure that's alrightaru? That-bat assignment-"

She is cut off by the Dagoza-Beruza waving his hand and saying confidently, "They're adventurers, ya? This kind of work is what they're here for." He had glanced in her direction, but once again turns to face the three of you in reply, "You all know of the yagudo, ya? Well, as part of our peace treaty with the Theomilitary, Windurst is required to deliver offerings to them every so often. Your orders are to head to the Rhinostery and receive food and drink offerings. They are waiting for pickup, ya? Once you have the offerings, you are head to Giddeus, the yagudo stronghold on the western edge of Sarutabaruta, where you will deliver the offerings to yagudo emissaries."

He folds his arms as he continues, looking serious, "We have contacted Castle Oztroja, and the two yagudo you need to make sure receive the offerings are Ghoo Pakya and Laa Mozi. Make sure that you meet with the emissaries of these names directly, as there may be rogue yagudo who will attempt to sabotage our efforts to keep the peace. And if things get too heavy, don't be afraid to show a little muscle, ya? Don't let 'em push you around. The Federation must always appear strong to the yagudo, as strength is one of the few things the beastmen respect."

Knowledge (history) DC 10
Castle Oztroja is the yagudo capital, located in the Meriphataud Mountains. From there, the yagudo avatar, Tzee Xicu the Manifest rules over the yagudo Theomilitary.

2008-04-26, 02:45 PM
Pushmi Pullyu

"Yagudos..." as Pushmi Pullyu mutters to himself, a bead of sweat appears on his forehead, "Butaru adventurers we-me are..." he wipes it off with his hand, and takes several deep breaths, "We will show-dow them who is boss-moss! Butaru...emm...Mistaru Segomo, Miss Kayaa, do any-many of you know-ow how to speak-teak Yagudo?"

2008-04-26, 11:18 PM

Kaaya who at first seems bustling with energy, quiets down as soon as the Yagudo are spoken of. Pushmi's question brings her back to reality and she answers, "I don't speak it."

2008-04-27, 01:08 AM
Dagoza-Beruza shakes his head sagely, and gives another wave of his hand while maintaining his cocky grin. "Don't worry too much about that. The yagudo in this region almost all speak common. We and the yagudo were allies at one point in the past, after all."

DC 15 Knowledge (history or local)
He is referring to a time before the Crystal War, before the rise of Bastok and the alliance of the four nations, when San d'Oria conquered a great deal of Windurstian territory, forcing the Theomilitary and the Federation to ally and drive them out of Mindartia.

2008-04-29, 01:39 PM

"Don't look so worried P. I'm here."

To Dagoza-Beruza:
"We will be on our way then. Anything else we need to know?"

Before Dagoza-Beruza can answer, Segomo loses interest and starts heading towards the Rhinostery, completely oblivious to the fact that he asked a question.

2008-04-29, 10:22 PM
Once Segomo (and the others, I presume you'll follow) arrive at the Rhinostery on the southern edge of Waters district, you find that it is on a small island in the middle of a shallow, pond-like area. There are lilies floating here and there, and tall plants that seem to grow up from the bottom of the pond (which can easily be seen because the water is crystal clear, and the pond appears to be about two or three feet deep). Some of these plants turn a yellowish white at the top--these plants give off a gentle glow at night time. There are signs of a few scattered small fish swimming here and there.

Wooden walkways suspended about a foot above the surface of the water provide a method of transportation over and around this watery area. There is railing, though it is small, probably to prevent tarutaru children from accidentally falling in the water. The Rhinostery itself is a pair of large, stone buildings with some apparent moss growing over the top of them, with a simple wooden door at the front of each one. There is a walkway over the tops of the buildings that connects the two, though travelers can walk beneath it to the other side of the island, which has ends with another wooden walkway leading out to a platform overlooking the plants and water below. In addition, on the outer side of each building is a large set of stone steps leading up to the roofs, and there appears to be a smaller structure on the top of each building.

The Rhionstery focuses on the cultivation and properties of plants. They are responsible for growing the glowing plants that serve as streetlights in Windurst at night, as well as many other unique species of plants. They are also involved in improving the quality of plant life in the surrounding steppes of Sarutabaruta.

In front of the near wooden door as you enter from the northern walkway are two tarutaru: an apparently healthy-looking green-eyed female in a white, hooded cloak with golden and navy blue stripes down the middle as well as bright red pants, conversing with a somewhat meek and slightly scrawny-looking male tarutaru with dark purple hair, bright blue eyes, glasses, and a white woolen robe with a slit down the middle and red triangles dyed into the edges of the sleeves, hood, and the opening down his torso. The female is speaking as you approach.

"...and so you see, the Rhinostery has called you here to assistaru in a mission to Giddeus. We don't expect you to go alone, but--" suddenly, she notices the approach of the galka, the mithra, and the other male tarutaru, turning to face them. "Oh! Can I help you-too?"

The male tarutaru described in the white mage robes is our new player, Raydu-Soldu (played by Proven Paradox). The female tarutaru has introduced herself to you, Raydu-Soldu, as Kerutoto. Welcome to the game!

2008-04-29, 10:35 PM

As Kerutoto turns to greet the newcomers, Raydu turns with a small smile and steps back and gives the newcomers a light nod. "Now there's an interesting looking group. They just about HAVE to be adventurers-zers."

Woo, good to be in. You guys sure take a while to wrap up your missions, heh. Looking forward to this.

2008-04-30, 07:37 AM

To Kerutoto:
"Hello little one. Yes, we are adventurers. We were told to come here to get some offerings for the Yagudo."

To Raydu-Soldu:
"You look like a traveler little purple one. Are you going on an adventure too?"

2008-04-30, 03:06 PM
Pushmi Pullyu

"Not evasdropping on purpous-porous, but are you heading to Giddeus too?" Pushmi Pullyu takes off his beret and bows towards the taru in white robes, "I am Pushmi Pullyu, we are also heading-padding there, and I think-wink for the same reason too, mind-hind going together?"

OOC:Welcome to the game~ :smallsmile:

2008-04-30, 03:18 PM

Kaaya, beaming, acknowledges the visitor, "Oh wouldn't that be great to have another adventurer with us. We've managed pretty well just the three of us, but another pair of hands can't hurt. Oh please come with us. I would love to hear all about your travels and adventures. We just got back from the ruins and we met goblins and cardians and a bomb....it was alot of fun. But I'm sure we'll have more fun with another companion, especially to go talk to the yagudos." Kaaya quiets down a bit after mentioning the yagudos, but continues to smile expectantly waiting a reply from their new friend.

2008-04-30, 07:26 PM
Raydu seems taken aback by the newcomers' words. "Ah... You presume overmuch; I've no experience-sence in the field..." He nervously scratches the back of his head before turning to Kerutoto and saying, "Why don'taru you explain? I'm sure-sure you've more to say to them-sem anyway..."

2008-04-30, 10:02 PM
Kerutoto addresses the newcomers gently, "The gate guards sent you, did they not? I had informed them of our requestaru, though Leepe-Hoppe thought it might be best to recruit on our own...and speaking-weaking of which," the female tarutaru turns around and looks up at the roof, and yells in a somewhat annoyed voice, "Leepe-Hoppe! Our recruits are here for that mission! Get the offerings ready and bring them down here, on the double!"

A few seconds later,a male tarutaru (well, it's hard to distinguish gender at this range, but the name is masculine for tarutaru) in a brown, hooded tunic looks down over the edge and responds in a similarly annoyed tone, "Calm yourself, it's no trouble. I'll fetch the offerings on the double." After saying this, he moves away, presumably get the aforementioned offerings.

Kerutoto closes her eyes and rubs the side of her head, "Great Altana, listening to him talk gives me such a headache sometimes..." She quickly opens her eyes and addresses the adventurers before her once more, "In any case, as I'm sure you've already been informed, the yagudo emissaries from Castle Oztroja, Ghoo Pakya and Laa Mozi, are in Giddeus. As part of our seedy-treaty with the yagudo, we must deliver periodic offerings to the Theomilitary. We can't justaru send anyone, though, because despite the treaty some yagudo are known to still be hostile to citizens of the Federation and other outsiders-biders. Raydu-Soldu here is a new adventurer sent from the Aurastery, here on his first mission. Once Leepe-Hoppe arrives with the offerings--"

She is interrupted by the door swinging open with Leepe-Hoppe walking out with two carefully wrapped packages. "The contents are too delicate to carry them upstairs. But here they are; handle with care!"

Kerutoto takes the two packages from the male tarutaru, who turns and heads back up the stairway to the roof upon delivery of the packages. "Anyways, I'm sure the gate guards already told you whataru force you authorized to use if the yagudo attemptaru to interfere-beer. Once you've delivered these offerings safely, report back to Leepe-Hoppe," she nods in the direction of the stairs where the other Rhinostery worker had headed. "And remember-timber: you are representatives of the Federation, dealing with the beastmen. Don't startaru any trouble, but don't hesitate to do what you have to do to protect yourselves or the packages. The emissaries, at leastaru, should be trustworthy." She offers you the packages.

The packages weigh about 5 lb each. One is marked "Food offering," and the other "drink offering."

Also I'm repeating this for Raydu-Soldu's benefit, even though that other NPC already told the rest of you the gist of it.

2008-05-01, 01:33 PM

Segomo grabs the two offerings and places them in his pack. Being the biggest in the group, he feels like he is most apt to carry these valuable offerings.

"We will make sure we deliver these safely."

2008-05-02, 03:55 PM
Pushmi Pullyu

"These two-woo packs sure looks big, lucky-bucky we have you here, Mistaru Segomo!" Pushmi Pullyu compliments as Segomo takes the package.

He then turns to Kerutoto, So...how long-bong would it take-make to getaru to Giddeus?"

2008-05-02, 10:13 PM
"While Giddeus is just a straightaru run best-west from Odin's Gate, there are no roads that lead there, so the path is through wilderness. However, Sarutabaruta is a relatively safe region, so that shouldn't pose many problems. You know you'll see itaru when you reach a canyon-like area with a narrow entrance, and there should be plenty of yagudo around," Kerutoto explains. "I'd say the trip would take one or two hours, depending on if you encounter any resistance."

2008-05-03, 12:35 AM

"Never been a delivery boy...erm..girl. This could be fun. So is it just the three of us or are you coming to Mister....I'm sorry I didn't catch your name. We'd love for you to join us, Seggy can be quiet the bore all by himself," Kaaya says with a mocking grin towards her long time friend.

2008-05-03, 01:19 AM
Raydu steps back in an attempt to hide his annoyance at Kerutoto's complete lack of explaining why he's here. He sighs and recomposes himself, before saying, "My name is Raydu-Soldu, and I will indeed be joining you. I'm a white mage, not long out of my classes. My masters have decided thataru I've learned all I can from the classroom, and want me to getaru some field experience. I was told that your group lacks a dedicated healer, and thus I've been assigned to travel with you."

2008-05-05, 06:56 AM

"A healer? well I guess that would be good to have. Could use the back up, since I take most of the hits. Kaaya here hasn't quite learned how to fire into a close quarters fight yet and hits me every now and then." Segomo smiles at Kaaya, sending back his own light hearted insult.

2008-05-05, 12:41 PM
Pushmi Pullyu

"Mistaru Raydu-Soldu you a white mage? Splendid-candid! I am never that good-hood with magic, and it was lucky-plucky that we did notaru get-wet into too much-hutch trouble in the ruins-loons because of that."

He looks outside the Rhinostery, and sees that its shadow has shortened by a tiny bit.

"One or two hours-hours, that means-weans two of four including return. I guess-wess we will have to go now-wow?"

Any wants/needs to pick some new gear and RP the shopping, or we skip straight to the adventure?

2008-05-05, 09:43 PM

Kaaya playfully nudges Segomo after his insult and agrees that they should head off.

I don't need anything...so unless anyone else does it can be off to the adventure

2008-05-08, 12:19 AM
Kerutoto waves, giving a parting comment of, "You're free to do as you swish-wish. We have several days before the yagudo will become restless, but it'd be bestaru if we got it done as soon as possible."

I don't mind if you want to do some shopping/RPing first, but otherwise, I'll just skip on ahead next time I post (probably tomorrow).

2008-05-09, 09:15 AM

Kaaya, not looking forward to dealing with the Yagudo, but anxious to get this over with looks to the rest of the group and says, "So now's as good a time as any....does anybody need anything before we head out?"

2008-05-09, 03:51 PM
Raydu shakes his head. "I gotaru ready before I came here. I'll wait for the restaru of you, if you've more to do."

2008-05-09, 09:23 PM
Assuming you're all ready then.

Music Selection - Sarutabaruta (http://www.mediafire.com/?3j00ix0ndjz)

It's a bit windier today as you travel the open plains of western Sarutabaruta, though the weather could hardly be described as anything other than pleasant, as is the usual for this region. There's nothing especially interesting of note on the way, though to the north you will see the large hill known as the Starfall Hitchcock, where legends say that on cold nights, stars fall from the heaven and land upon the top of this hill. There is a large, strange-looking tree atop the hill, but it's been there for as long as the people of Windurst remember. There also isn't much to pick a fight with on the way, unless you want to beat up rarabs or crawlers for some reason.

Traveling west on foot for roughly an hour lands you at the Sarutabaruta outpost. Two tarutaru guards stand by, and they salute you as you approach. It is simply a relatively small and simple wooden building with crates stacked on the outside, surrounded by several sections of wooden fence and a tall guard tower which serves as a lookout post. There are two standing wooden torches in front of the door inside, and the guards stand near each of these torches. A road runs in front of the Outpost, first perpendicular to the way to Giddeus, though a split in the road does go off in that direction (though Kerutoto suggested that the road might not lead all the way to Giddeus). Beyond this road could be considered "yagudo territory," though technically the Federation still holds claim to this area.

2008-05-10, 12:06 AM
Raydu looks up to the guards at the station and smiles as they solute. He hangs towards the back of the group, hoping to let the more experienced adventurers handle things while he simply observes for now.

2008-05-11, 02:41 PM
Pushmi Pullyu

Pushmi Pullyu brings his beret to his chest, and bows back to the guards.

"Good day-bay! I heard that if me-we and my friends are to head-lead to Giddeus, we are to follow-hollow a path-bath then through the wild-mild. Do you have any-many advices?"

2008-05-11, 08:58 PM

Kaaya decides to wait until the guards answer her friends questions before talking to them herself, but you can tell the anticipation is almost killing her. As soon as they answer Pushmi's question she pummels them with anything from "How their day has been?" to "How long they have been guards?" and anything in between.

2008-05-12, 06:07 AM
The guards first respond to Pushmi-Pullyu; the one speaking is a tactician magician in standard attire, consisting of black, gold, and green robes, pantaloons, boots, gloves, and a tall, pointed, wide-brimmed hat. "Ah, heading to Giddeus, eh? I won't ask your reasons-beesons for going there, as I assume you have good reason for traveling this far out to the largest yagudo stronghold this side of the Meriphataud Mountains." He turns towards the road and points in the direction of the split. "You can follow the road westaru, and then south. The road continues for a short distance south. The path will grow-sow narrower to a series of chokes in the cliff-sides, until you start seeing carvings in the walls. That'll be-see a sign you've entered Giddeus." He turns back to face the four of you, "Now...I'd count-bount on encountering some yagudo while you're following the road. They tend to keep an eye on the path leading to Giddeus. They are not supposed to attack travelers, much less individuals on official business as I assume-sessume you all are, but...well, I'd just be ready to defend yourself if you need to. You'll probably also encounter some yagudo guards directly outside the entrance to Giddeus, but if you tell them why you came, they're a lot less likely to be hostile than any you might encounter on the way. I'd suggest you get in and out of Giddeus as quick as you can, all the same."

When Kaaya responds with her barrage of questions, the war warlock draws back a little but tries to answer with a serious, if a bit confused face. He introduces himself as Roshina-Kuleshuna, and his associate, another male tarutaru by the name of Mahien-Uhien in a green aketon with a pumped, blue hat, and matching black and brown slacks and gloves, as a Federation supplier. Apparently the two have been assigned as the primary staff to this outpost during times of peace since two years after the Crystal War. Today's been slow, though they received some new supplies this morning. Mahien-Uhien offers a limited stock of standard consumables (potions, antidotes, eye drops, echo drops) if you're interested. They also have rations. Roshina-Kuleshuna likes clear days, and Mahien-Uhien's favorite color of chocobo is green.

2008-05-12, 11:51 AM

Segomo watches in amusement as Kaaya startles the two tarutarus. She is so young and full of energy. I don't know how I got by without her jovial personality.

2008-05-12, 09:29 PM

Kaaya, happy to have made two new friends, responds, "Thanks for your help and I'm sure we'll be seeing you in the future."

DC 15 to predict weather for tomorrow

2008-05-14, 11:54 PM
Hidden Rolls

Heading west from the Outpost and following the road, there doesn't seem to be a change in the atmosphere of Sarutabaruta. Trees here are scattered and thin, so if there were yagudo around at this point, it would be very difficult for them to hide. However, as you draw closer to Giddeus, you spot the corner in the road that heads south. To the northwest of this turn in the road is a large rock formation, about 40 feet high at the highest, narrowest point, and 20 feet wide, with a narrow pillar of smoke rising from the opposite side of it. It is between 400 and 500 feet from your current position on the road, and the corner is about 300 feet in front of you. To the south is a cliffside that seems to go off to the southeast and rise higher, but at this point it has leveled off to about 30 feet above ground level, though it makes cutting off to the south to put distance between yourself and the rock formation difficult.

These rolls are rolled in advance in case I need them, for now they have no relevance.

2008-05-15, 06:58 AM

Seeing the black smoke in the distance, Segomo stops and whispers to the group.
"Do ya'll think we should check out that pillar of smoke?

2008-05-15, 08:24 AM
Raydu shakes his head and say, "We should focus-pocus on our mission. I wanna get outaru of here quickly..."

2008-05-15, 08:51 PM

Kaaya, her curiousity peeked and attention span always a bit on the short side, skips off in the direction of the smoke. "It can't hurt just to check it out. And who's know what we'll find there...someone could be in trouble, of maybe someone is having a party with a huge bonfire, or maybe..." Kaaya's voice trails off as she begins to head towards this new found mystery.

2008-05-16, 12:13 AM
Pushmi Pullyu

"Smoke-poke ataru such times, it would either-either be cooking or trouble-double, so..."

Seeing that Kayaa have already ran off towards the smoke, Pushmi Pullyu stops halfway and stares at Kayaa for awhile, and decides to follow.

2008-05-16, 08:10 AM

Glad that Kaaya decided to bounce of towards the smoke, Segomo smiles and heads her way. "Sorry Raydu, she does this sometimes." Segomo runs to catch up to Kaaya, ready to fight if anything is hostile at the smoke.

2008-05-16, 07:14 PM
Raydu's eyes widen as the others walk off the road. "Wait! Stop! You've got to be kidding me! We're on a very importantaru mission for the city of Windurst, we've been advised to complete our duty-see quickly and get out, and you're going to ignore ALL of thataru and go off the road in dangerous territory on a WHIM!? What kind of adventurers are you!?" He makes no move to get off the road.

2008-05-17, 04:27 AM
Segomo, Pushmi-Pullyu, and Kaaya get to within about 80' of the stone formation before something happens that might interest them. Segomo and Pushmi-Pullyu both detect a sort of chanting occurring from the direction of the rocks--it sounds as if it is one creature. There is also the faint cackling of fire.

Given these two sounds, it would be difficult for anything on the other side of the rocks to hear your approach.

2008-05-17, 12:10 PM
Pushmi Pullyu

Now that is this...?

Raydu's words soon interrupted Pushmi Pullyu's thoughts, however.

Turning his head to look between Raydu and the others, he decides to run back to where Raydu is."This-wis maybe reckless-tactless butaru...it is yagudo-voodoo territory so I guess we better stick-pick together, come!"

See of the chant a spellcasting ritual or something like that:

2008-05-17, 06:18 PM
Spellcraft results:
Pushmi-Pullyu cannot associate the chanting with any particular spellcasting, though it's difficult to understand exactly what is being said at this distance.

If listened to for a few moments, those who know the yagudo language would recognize that it is, in fact, in the yagudo language, though at this range the words are too garbled and mixed with the sound of the fire to be understood.

2008-05-18, 05:12 PM

Kaaya creeps in closer to the noise to get a good look at whatever is causing it. While she doesn't know the language she clearly recognizes it as Yagudo, so all the ideas of carefree exploring have left as she inches in towards the source of the noise.

Move Silently:[roll1]

2008-05-19, 02:29 PM

Upon hearing the chanting, Segomo begins to creep as quietly as he can. As Kaaya goes closer to the rock, Segomo inches behind her, not letting her out of his sight. He tries to peer around the rock but his first priority is to make sure Kaaya is protected at all costs.

Move Silently:[roll1]

2008-05-20, 12:07 AM
Segomo crushes a stray branch under his foot as the galka and the mithra attempt to keep hidden while looking around the rock formation, but there doesn't seem to be any immediate reaction from the yagudo.

When peeking around the rock, you both see:

Three yagudos gatheredaround a camp fire of sorts. There is something burning in the fire; it obviously wasn't intended as food or anything, and it would be too large and impractical to be used as fuel for the fire. Two of the yagudo are on the near side and have their backs to you, and both are sitting down. The one on the far side is facing your direction, but has not yet noticed you, and seems to be the one doing the chanting. He also holds a staff in the air, and his gaze is pointed upwards. What's more, he seems to be wearing some sort of red ceremonial mask over his beak and eyes. They don't seem to have noticed your approach.

Kayaa also sees:

One of the yagudo sitting on the near side has a club-like weapon at its side, the other appears to be unarmed. All of the yagudo wear bead necklaces, though you cannot see any other armor on them.

This happens over the course of one round.

Hidden Roll

2008-05-20, 06:55 AM
Raydu's jaw drops as the others walk away. "No, wait! Come back! We've a mission! Dammit!" He runs after them with obvious disbelief on his face.

2008-05-20, 08:09 PM

Segomo leans over and whispers to Kaaya..."What shall we do little one?"

2008-05-21, 01:20 PM
Pushmi Pullyu

Pushmi Pullyu waits for Raydu to catch up, then meets up with the party with him.

2008-05-21, 02:26 PM

Kaaya looks back at her companion and shrugs, "I'm not sure, but I can't believe they are up to any good. Let's see what P has to say."

2008-05-22, 06:33 AM

Segomo looks at P as he and Ryudo catch up. "Take a look, P. What do you think we should do? I don't think I want these guys behind us as we travel."

2008-05-22, 11:03 AM
Pushmi Pullyu

"Let me see-free." Pushmi Pullyu peeps from the side of the rock and continues, "Does notaru seems like cooking-booking fire to me..."

He move his head back to behind the rock. "More like a ritual than a beacon-deacon to me, I guess-mess that might-right take a while, and we go and do notaru disturb them, they would notaru either."

Assuming that Pushmi Pullyu will see the same thing as the others if he look from the rock.


What 'ritual' the yagudos might be doing, and does the yagudo with a red mask have special status?

Knowledge(Local):[roll1], -2 to the results if it should be a arcana check instead.

2008-05-23, 01:02 AM
Information (Pushmi Pullyu)
You don't know anything specific about the ritual, but it seems that they are probably burning some sort of offering or effigy in some sort of religious manner (Knowledge: religion could give you different information). The yagudo are a very spiritual people, and so the one in the red mask overseeing the ritual is probably a priest or acolyte (white mage)--though yagudo black magic casters have also been known to wear similar masks.

The chanting has been growing steadily lower and more sporadic since you have begun listening--the ritual may be winding down, or shifting focus.

2008-05-24, 08:53 PM

"O.k. Well if you think they will not bother us along the road, then we can leave them alone. Let's continue our mission." With this said Segomo pats his backpack where the offerings are and starts to head back towards the road, but turns and looks at Kaaya. "Let's go, little one."

2008-05-25, 03:54 PM
Pushmi Pullyu

"Yes-mess, itaru would be like disturbing someone eating-meeting if we barge-large in now, let's go."

Seeing Segomo walks away, Pushmi Pullyu follows.

2008-05-25, 04:59 PM
Raydu catches up with the rest of the group just in time for them to begin leaving. He still wears a look of disbelief on his face as they walk away. He waits for the group to put some distance between themselves and the ritual before saying, "That was completely, utterly irresponsible! We're on a mission that affects the well-being of the entire city-see of Windurst! We mustaru stick to the road!"

2008-05-25, 07:44 PM

"Well, we are adventurers and we do have curious minds. Plus I wanted to make sure that when we get into this impossible to defend area we are about to come into, we don't have anybody behind us that could attack us. Don't so much like traps. And...when Kaaya sees something new, she tends to run off towards it. You will get used to it."

2008-05-25, 10:33 PM

Kaaya seems slightly dissapointed in the lack of obvious diabolical intentions in the yagudo ritual. As the others turn to leave she stays around for a while longer hoping to catch something more sinister occuring.

2008-05-26, 10:39 AM
Gonna have to back you up just a little bit, was waiting for this but apologies on the delay in my response, I knew this would need a lot of technical input so I wanted to make sure I had time to get the whole post through.

As you begin to move away from the yagudo gathering, the yagudo who apparently wielded no weapons suddenly stands and speaks. He does not turn around immediately, but merely says loudly, "Children of Altana, do you not find it rude to sneak up on our gathering and attempt to observe us without our knowledge?"

Once this yagudo speaks, the other two suddenly snap to attention out of the daze of the ritual, and the one in the mask lets loose a squawking response that is decidedly different in tone than the voice performing the ritual, "Children of Altana? Here?! Squawk! We must slay them immediately!"

The final yagudo doesn't say anything, just lets loose an avian snarl as it grasps its club and rushes to its feet.

Music selection: Battle Theme (http://www.mediafire.com/?ajgibmmrmr0)

Battle Map
Notes on map: Acolyte is the masked yagudo. Scribe is the club-wielder, and Initiate is the unarmed yagudo.

Roll initiative if you wish, and post initial actions/reactions also if you wish with conditionals. I'll be updating this later today once I've got everything ready (dunno if any of you have drawn weapons, but I'm assuming not?).

2008-05-26, 03:27 PM
Pushmi Pullyu

"I apologize-polarize for our rudeness, but we are only here to look-hook for Ghoo Pakya and Laa Mozi, and not trouble-double."

Pushmi Pullyu swiftly draws out and load his crossbow, sidesteps to his left, and aims at the ground just inches away from the nearest Yagudo.

"But if trouble finds us, we would notaru run-pun!"

Though his voices gets louder and louder as he speaks, one could hear that there is a pinch of fear within, as he gets out of pitch as he ends the sentence.

HP:16 AC:18

Move action: Draw crossbow
Standard action: Load crossbow
Then 5ft step to the square on the left.

p.s. Nice map http://www.giantitp.com/forums/images/icons/icon14.gif

2008-05-27, 08:03 AM

HP 24
AC 22 (19+3)

Segomo doesn't really say anything he just moves in front of Kaaya and gets into a ready position.

Move:In front of Kaaya
Standard:Partial defense

2008-05-27, 09:59 PM

Kaaya draws her bow and lets out a challenging hiss of her own but she remains behing Segomo to see how the yagudo react to Pushmi's statements.


2008-05-28, 07:50 AM
Gonna go ahead and roll Initiative for Raydu so I can get a turn order going.


Turn order to come afterwards.

Turn Order:
Yagudo Acolyte
Yagudo Scribe
Yagudo Initiate

2008-05-28, 08:05 AM
Segomo moves into position and takes a defensive stance.

The mask-wearing yagudo moves in order to get a clear view of the battle, and chants an incantation quickly before gesturing toward the galka, screaming "Die!" in a somewhat distorted-sounding tone. Brilliant light energy strikes Segomo, dealing [roll0] Light damage.

[roll1] vs. DC 13
If failed, Segomo is afflicted by Dia and takes a -2 penalty to AC.

The club-wielding yagudo moves back against the stone structure and eyes the mithra and galka pair carefully. Seeing the galka attempting to protect the mithra, he points a finger at the feline warrior and unleashes a damaging wind barrage. Kayaa takes [roll2] wind damage.

Raydu-Soldu is next up.

Updated Battlemap

2008-05-28, 03:54 PM
"Dammit, dammit, DAMMIT!" Raydu shouts as the battle begins. He waves his arms about as he weaves his white magic, and as he finishes his low chant, he points to Kaaya, granting her a protective barrier of energy. ((Casting protect on Kaaya))

HP: 13/13, MP: 4/5
AC: 13, FF: 12, Touch: 12

2008-05-28, 05:31 PM

Kaaya snarling lets off two arrows towards the yagudo that attacked her.



2008-05-29, 09:52 PM
Raydu-Soldu casts his spell, and a blue prism of protective energy briefly sparkles around Kaaya before vanishing, granting her a +2 deflection bonus to AC.

Kaaya's first shot is ducked by the knife-wielding yagudo, but the second strikes the yagudo's side, causing it to keel over, gasping and clutching the wound. It appears to be quite injured, and screams at the mithra, "Cursed smoothskin!"

The unarmed yagudo slinks into position just in front of Segomo. "This battle...is a nuisance. However..." it says as it takes its position. At the 'however,' it leaps into the air and delivers a lightning fast pair of kicks.

[roll0] vs. AC 17 (19-2), if hit [roll1]
[roll2] vs. AC 17 (19-2), if hit [roll3]

Segomo takes 5 points of bludgeoning damage and is pushed back about five feet.

The yagudo lands in an aggressive stance and springs back to his feet with great agility, finishing his previous statement, "...I cannot allow my comrades to fight alone."

Pushmi-Pullyu moves into a more advantageous position, drawing and loading his crossbow as he does so.

Updated Battlemap

Round 2
Segomo is up now.

2008-05-29, 09:55 PM
The above roll failed, so here's a reroll: [roll0]

2008-05-31, 12:50 PM

Segomo takes a five foot step forward and lets the Yagudo have two punches to the face.



2008-05-31, 02:14 PM

Kaaya lets loose two more arrows at the closest yagudo.

Attacking the one in melee with Segomo unless already down
(yea for no more penalties for firing into melee:smallbiggrin:)



2008-06-01, 01:51 PM
The first of Segomo's attacks is easily dodged by the initiate, but the second jab connects in the birdlike creature's gut, provoking a grunt from the beastman.

The masked yagudo waves his staff and turns to his ally, chanting a strange hymn. Light energy surges through his ally's body, healing its wounds. The beastman appears to be completely healed.


The scribe chants a quick curse, pointing its dagger at the galka before him. Dark energy swarms around Segomo's eyes, attempting to obscure his vision.


However, the monk easily shakes off this affliction, and is unaffected.

Raydu-Soldu is up next. The only change in the battlemap so far is that Segomo has moved 5 feet forward.

2008-06-02, 11:41 AM
Raydu keeps his eyes on the group, ready to act should one of them become badly injured.

I'mma hold my action until someone gets to, say, 60% max HP, at which point I'll cast Cure on the injured person.

Pre-emptive roll: Cure: (1d8+4=10) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1613401/)

2008-06-02, 11:00 PM
Forgot to mention; Segomo takes 1 point of light damage on the yagudo acolyte's turn from Dia (ongoing damage effect). If I'm right, Segomo is at 15/24 HP, while Kayaa is at 11/17.

Raydu-Soldu conserves his resources, waiting for an opportunity to heal.

The unarmed yagudo reaches back briefly before slashing its claws forward, delivering a pair of unarmed attacks.

[roll0] vs. AC 17, if hit [roll1] slashing and piercing.
[roll2] vs. AC 17, if hit [roll3] slashing and piercing.

However, neither connects. The yagudo maintains melee combat with the galka, and adopts a steady fighting stance.

Pushmi-Pullyu is up next, no changes to battlemap.

Battlemap Repost:

2008-06-04, 03:17 PM
Pushmi Pullyu

"You trouble-double maker!"

Pushmi Pullyu runs up, and and takes aim at the knife-wielding Yagudo.

Move 2 squares up towards the upper-left, and take ready action to fire at the scribe if he casts a spell.


2008-06-05, 12:06 AM
Kaaya can't quite seem to draw a proper aim on the shifty yagudo, as its movements are quick and it dodges her shots easily.

Pushmi-Pullyu moves accross the battlefield, towards the yagudo hostiles.

Segomo is up next. Battlemap updated:

I think everything is now up to date on the map and proper, but tell me if I got a move wrong somewhere.

2008-06-06, 07:25 AM

Segomo again swings twice at the Yagudo in front of him.



2008-06-08, 02:18 PM
Sorry about the delay, I tried to update yesterday but couldn't quite get on the forums.

Segomo's first strike hits the yagudo square in the beak, and it's bleeding now. It doesn't seem to react too much to this, and manages to jerk to the side of the galka's second blow.

The yagudo acolyte turns its attention to the bloodied initiate, and points its staff forward with a strange hymn escaping from behind its mask. Holy energy surges into the unarmed yagudo, and its wounds completely close up.


Afterwards, the masked yagudo moves forward, to 10' to the west of Segomo.

The scribe too casts a spell, and Pushmi-Pully's crossbow bolt flies, but just slashes through the yagudo's feathers, barely missing the body. The yagudo lets loose another blast of wind, this time targeting the galka. Segomo takes [roll1] wind damage.

Raydu-Soldu responds with a cure spell on Segomo, healing the monk of 10 points of damage.

Kayaa is up.

Updated Battlemap

2008-06-12, 02:38 AM
Gonna wait a bit longer on Kaaya, if no action has been posted by late tomorrow I'll go ahead and move the round forward (I'll just have her do what I think she'd think was in her best interests in that case).

2008-06-12, 11:41 PM
Kaaya, having little luck hitting the unarmed yagudo, turns to the approaching staff-wielding yagudo and fires off a pair of arrows.



The first arrow strikes amazingly true and sticks into the yagudo's upper chest, just barely missing its neck, provoking a startled cry from the beastman. The second arrow misses its mark, however.

The yagudo initiate sizes up the galka before him, feeling rejuvenated thanks to his partner's healing, and then strikes with a pair of unarmed attacks.



However, both strikes are clumsy and easily miss Segomo.

Pushmi-Pullyu is up.

Battlemap unchanged, see above post.

Not sure on Kaaya, send a PM, but seems her last board activity was a little while ago, so we'll see...in any case, don't be afraid to post actions in advance with conditionals!

2008-06-13, 07:50 AM
Raydu continues as he had before, watching the combatants with a grim expression and preparing to heal any of this allies who are harmed. ((Same as the last time when my turn rolls around.))

2008-06-14, 01:18 PM
Pushmi Pullyu

Pushmi Pullyu flings his crossbow onto the ground, then draws a spear from his back and charges the initiate.

Sorry for the inactivity, was sick, or either the board was down when I feel well.

Action:Drop crossbow, walk to the square behind Segomo and draw out a spear on the way, then attack the initiate.


2008-06-15, 05:53 AM
No worries, I think everyone who was gone is back now. No problems on the absences, life happens sometimes. I've also had the forums down at the time I was going to update once or twice, as well (not enough to be especially annoying, but just thought I'd mention that). By the way Pushmi-Pullyu, I'm going to assume that your spear is actually a longspear, since you clearly intended to have a reach weapon, but as far as I can tell looking at the weapons list (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/equipment/weapons.htm), a spear is not a reach weapon. It's only a 6lb/3gil difference, so not a big deal, just need to update the sheet to match I'd assume, unless you want to stick with the spear (in which case I'll need you to change your action).

Pushmi-Pullyu moves into position behind his galka ally, and lunges forward with his polearm, attempting to drive it into the yagudo, but the strike is wild and misses the bird-man's thin frame.

Segomo is up now.


2008-06-15, 11:19 PM

Segomo screams out with frustration at how this fight is going. He takes a deep breath and lets loose three quick shots.

Using Combo Weapon skill: 5 tp (started out with 1 and hit twice plus been hit twice) (so minus 3 on each attack but +4 because of extra TP used)


2008-06-17, 11:58 PM
The yagudo recoils from Segomo's series of attacks, as all three connect rather solidly. As the final blow lands, the yagudo staggers in place. He doesn't fall forward, but he is hunched over and breathing heavily. He looks nigh-incapable of further combat. The beastman holds up a hand weakly, palm-forward, gasping, "Ack...stay your attack, mighty one, I submit..." As it finishes these words, it drops to its knees and places both hands on the ground, a clear sign of submission.

Segomo takes 1 point of light damage from Dia.

The masked yagudo screams at its flailing companion, "Coward! Fight to the end, scour these wretches from the face of Vana'diel, or bring shame to the manifest! Kyaaaaaah!" With these final words, the yagudo flings itself forward and brings its staff crashing down in a brutal arc towards Pushmi-Pullyu.

[roll0] vs. AC 18, if hit [roll1] bludgeoning

However, it misses by a fairly large margin as the tarutaru slides out of the path of the descending staff.

The furthest yagudo, looks very nervous suddenly, and focuses its next attack on the one who'd just laid low his comrade, attempting again to blind the monk.

[roll2] vs. DC 13, if failed takes a -2 penalty on further attack rolls.

The black magic-casting yagudo now seems panicked by the current situation, and begins to flee desperately off to the west (not towards Giddeus, I might add, perhaps because you are currently blocking the way to Giddeus).

Raydu-Soldu waits in reserve, readying his healing magic in case it is needed.

Kaaya is up.


Sorry about this delayed update, my bad, my bad. I need to check this more often. I've been working hard on an update to Vana'diel to 4th Edition (don't panic, I'm not yet sure how I want to implement it into this game and it will be a long while before it's done anyway), so maybe I'll begin to post some of that around soon.

2008-06-18, 01:16 AM

Kaaya shifts her position to get a better shot off at the yagudo who attacked Pushmi and fires two more arrows.

Five foot step down on the map



2008-06-19, 06:43 AM
Kaaya's first shot flies over the masked yagudo's head, but the second strikes solidly in the beastman's side. Didn't seem that your roll quite worked, so rerolling here. That yagudo responds with a spitting curse, and it isn't looking too healthy anymore.

The unarmed yagudo doesn't seem interested in continuing to fight, and simply steps back away from the galka before sitting down in its space, crossing its legs.

Pushmi-Pullyu is up.

Battle Map
The unarmed yagudo is considered prone as it is sitting down.

2008-06-19, 11:01 PM
Pushmi Pullyu

Pushmi Pullyu leaps back, and thrusts his longspear at the initiate.

Attack the initiate.


2008-06-21, 05:05 AM
I assume you mean the acolyte, since you can't quite reach the initiate by leaping back and he's pretty much given up anyway? If you did really want to attack the initiate (unarmed yagudo, sitting down), tell me and I'll change this.

Though the acolyte seems like quick dodger, Pushmi-Pullyu's stab just barely strikes true and rips into the yagudo's side, provoking a screech of rage from the masked beastman and a splash of blood. Though the blow wasn't particuarly damaging, the series of wounds that have been placed on this yagudo are taking its toll, and it doesn't seem like it will hold out much longer.

Segomo is up.


2008-06-21, 01:02 PM
((If the acolyte Pushmi attacked is still up by the time Raydu's turn rolls around))

Raydu turns to the injured yagudo, mutters a small prayer, and claps his hands loudly, causing a bright flash of light to engulf his target.

Casting Banish.

Banish damage: (1d4 1=5) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1635509/)

((If the yagudo is down by then, he'll just do what he did the last two rounds instead; delay until someone needs healing))

2008-06-21, 06:11 PM

Segomo takes two swings at the new combatant.



2008-06-22, 05:31 AM
Segomo isn't quite able to land a hit on the agile yagudo, who manages to slip under the monk's blows.

The acolyte in turn moves carefully in pursuit of Pushmi-Pullyu, and screeches something unintelligible as he attempts to bludgeon the red mage once more.

[roll0] If Hit, [roll1] Bludgeoning

However, it can't seem to hit the small tarutaru target either.

The scribe tears off to the west and he is quickly becoming a speck in the distance.

He used run so he moved 120' away. He's pretty far off the map now, due west.

Raydu-Soldu prepares a quick spell, and a burst of divine energy smites the masked yagudo. It staggers, then falls forward on its face, gurgling as it hits the ground with a soft thud.

Combat is effectively over now, unless you intend to pursue the fleeing yagudo (but he has a significant head start right now). (Maybe) Final Battle map to follow.

Battle Map

2008-06-22, 04:48 PM

Kaaya lines up her sights on the fleeing Yagudo and fires off two arrows in his direction.

Attack:[roll0] -2 for range included

Attack:[roll2] -2 for range included

2008-06-24, 02:56 AM
The first arrow miraculously finds its mark, but the second falls a good distance short. It's difficult to judge the beastman's reaction as this range, but it does seem to stagger a bit, quite obviously affected by the arrow.

The sitting yagudo, still quite conscious and alert, doesn't seem to be paying much attention to the fleeing one. In fact, he doesn't seem to be doing anything at all.

Pushmi-Pullyu is up now.

2008-06-24, 01:50 PM
Pushmi Pullyu

Seeing the skirmish virtually comes to an end, Pushmi Pullyu kneels down and check out the wounds of the Yagudo acolyte.

OOC:Heal check(untrained) to stabilize the Acolyte:

He turns to the initate, "Tell-well us where we can find-mind Ghoo Pakya and Laa Mozi, then bring-wing your companion away!"

2008-06-26, 08:02 AM
The initiate regards Pushmi-Pullyu with a decidedly neutral and nonthreatening expression. He slowly rises, as if the current state of his body won't allow him to move any faster. Then he replies, "Those two...I apologize, I cannot answer that immediately before I know your intent. I will not aid in their assassination, if that is your aim. If you can offer proof that your intentions are peaceful, then I'll tell you how to find them."

The scribe is still running like mad, but Segomo can act before he does if the combat is to continue.

2008-06-26, 09:17 PM

"We mean them no harm. We are simply here to provide an offering."

Segomo takes off his pack and shows the defeated yagudo the offerings they were delivering.

"What was it that you were doing out here?

2008-06-26, 09:50 PM
Behind the group, Raydu is softly seething with anger, muttering under his breath and glaring at his companions. "THIS is EXACTLY why you DON'T get off the DAMNED ROAD! A delicate diplomatic mission is putaru in jeopardy just to SATE YOUR CURIOSITY, and we end up FIGHTING the very group WE'RE SUPPOSED TO BE TREATING WITH! UNBELIEVABLE!"

2008-06-26, 10:51 PM
The initiate doesn't seem disturbed by Raydu-Soldu's outburst. Instead, he has a look at the offerings, nods, and replies in the common language, "I suspected something of the sort. We've come out to make a ritual offering to the Manifest. It was overseen by our priest," with this, the bird-man nods to the unconscious yagudo sprawled out nearby, "however, that one is a bit...overzealous, and my other associate isn't exactly the accepting type either." With this, the unarmed yagudo sighs and decides to answer the original question, "I can see your feelings are much like mine...it was unfortunate that a fight had to come of this. The two you seek are emissaries from Castle Oztroja who arrived recently. They are waiting just inside the winding canyons of Giddeus, to the south," with this, he points further down along the dirt road. "If you were being trailed, you would've already been attacked by now, so I would assume that this is not the case. I do suggest that you proceed swiftly, however, before you encounter more of my kin. The ones stationed outside Giddeus have been instructed to help this matter proceed smoothly, and they will not defy the Manifest's will, no matter their personal beliefs. So long as you do exactly as they say, you should be able to deliver the offerings and return safely."

2008-06-27, 04:34 PM

"Thank you for the directions and advice. We appreciate it. Sorry our curiosity caused a fight. We were simply eager to see what the smoke was. We will cause you no more harm. Let us get back to our mission."

2008-06-27, 10:40 PM

Kaaya keeps quiet throughout the conversation. She does her best to look a little ashamed even though by her recollection she did nothing wrong.

2008-06-27, 10:53 PM
Raydu seems to have calmed down a bit. He looks everyone (including the Yagudo) and asks, "Who needs healing?"

2008-06-28, 07:44 AM
"I will be fine," the unarmed yagudo replies, and then he points towards his comrade who is still lying on the ground bleeding and says, "but I would appreciate it if you would close his wounds and stop him from bleeding. Though it's probably best not to awaken him just yet, lest he try to attack again."

2008-06-28, 02:11 PM
Pushmi Pullyu

Pushmi Pullyu removes the long strips of cloth bundled around the head of one of his torches, and binds them around the wounds of the acolyte. Confirming that there seems no more bleeding wounds, he scoops some soil with one hand, and rubs his palms to remove the blood on them.

"He should-would be ok right now, just make sure-pure you do notaru do itaru too rough-tough when you move him."

2008-06-30, 05:43 AM
The yagudo who is still conscious and present takes careful steps towards his comrade (he might be a bit more hurt than he's letting on), and then kneels down to check him. He nods. "I give you thanks for aiding him," he says simply.

2008-06-30, 01:09 PM

"Let's get back to our mission"

Segomo turns towards the cliffs and heads off.

2008-06-30, 10:32 PM

Putting the whole episode behind her Kaaya bounces off after her long time friend.

2008-07-02, 07:11 AM
Following the road south presents you with no further obstacles. It's not a terribly long walk before you notice that the high stone cliff sides to the east and west are growing closer, and your passage is becoming more narrow. By the time you reach the apparent entrance to Giddeus, the pass is scarcely 60 feet from cliff to cliff.

In front of you are what appear to be makeshift ramparts made of clay, which are lined with crudely-crafted steel spikes on the top. You suspect that there might be steel "wiring" beneath the clay that functions as a skeleton of sort for their construction. They form an extremely narrow passage, about ten feet accross.

You cannot see what is immediately behind the ramparts, but it appears that the path doesn't grow much narrower ahead, and it forks in two separate directions about 230' from your current position. The area appears to be deserted, despite the promises of guards from both the yagudo initiate and the outpost guards.

2008-07-03, 02:49 PM
Pushmi Pullyu

"Unless everyone is off-loff for lunch, this seems-deems too quiet. I will-nill go getaru a better look."

Pushmi Pullyu then runs to behind one of the ramparts, and see if there are any ramps or stairs that leads to their top. If not, he would sling his crossbow to his back, and climb up to have a better view.


2008-07-04, 02:57 PM
Raydu gives a short bow to the Yagudo that remained standing before falling in behind the others, muttering the entire way under his breath about how that whole thing could have been avoided.

When they come to the ramparts, he frowns at the lack of guards and nods to Pushmi's words. He speaks softly, visibly and audibly nervous that the guards they were expecting were nowhere to be seen. "This makes me nervous... I hope things aren't as wrong-song as they seem..."

((Sorry I haven't been keeping up as much lately: most of the time when I go to check my subscribed threads, I get something about the servers being too busy. It makes it hard to keep up.))

2008-07-05, 05:21 AM
While Pushmi-Pullyu is successful in climbing up onto one of the ramparts, he makes enough noise that it causes alert to the yagudo guards standing behind the ramparts. And so they approach through the middle of the two, each holding a great katana in their hands.

These yagudo must be the guards you've heard about. They wear bead necklaces like the ones you saw before, but they also wear horned adornments made of some sort of thick cloth on their heads, which give them the appearance of having a pair of horns (the cloth is the same color as their grayish feathers). Around its ankles and forearms are white wrappings. One of the yagudo breaks its battle stance and holds up its hand, as if to halt the group of you.

"Smoothskins, kyah-kyah. Not welcome further to here. Much danger for travelers, kyah." he says in the common language.

However, aside from these guards, from his vantage point Pushmi-Pullyu can't spot anything else of note, other than a very small stream running through the rocky ground in the distance.

Sorry about getting late to this, holiday preparations interfered a bit but I'm back now.

2008-07-06, 12:33 AM

Kaaya puffs herself up trying to look bigger than she is and replies, "We not worried about any danger. We're here to deliver the offerings." She tries to look very confident but avoids the eyes of both of the yagudo.

2008-07-06, 03:42 AM
The one that spoke before makes a face that might pass for a sneer and hisses a bit. "Kyah, then you come from Windurst on business? Kyah-ha-ha, then you allowed to proceed," the two yagudo stand to the sides, allowing narrow passage between them. "Proceed straight ahead to the first fork. Take left route, to the west, kyah-kyah. You reach an altar, emissaries are there. They take offerings, kyah. Once done, must depart immediately. Understood, kyah-kyah?"

2008-07-07, 01:43 AM

"We will do as you say, but may I ask, why is it so dangerous for us?"

2008-07-07, 01:02 PM
Raydu silently places his palm over his face as Segomo asks his question. He keeps his mouth shut, however; wouldn't do the let these guards know that they'd just gotten done fighting some of their people over a misunderstanding after all.

2008-07-08, 06:45 AM
The yagudo templar can only laugh at Segomo's question. "Kyah-ha-ha-ha-ha! Much danger for travelers here--because of us. We not take kindly to intruders on our sacred ground, the yagudo stops talking and holds up a hand, waving his finger. "However, you here on business agreed upon between the manifest's divine army and your federation. So, you are protected for your visit here. However, linger too much," it makes a cutting motion over its throat with its free hand to strengthen the point, "and you place yourself in even greater danger, kyah."

2008-07-08, 10:43 AM
"In other words, we need to get in, hand off the offering, and get out. Be quick, be careful, and no. Side. Trips." The flustered white mage directs those last words to his companions with more than a little force. He turns back to the guards, gives them a quick bow, and says, "Thank you for your help. With any luck we will be outaru of your lands quickly." With that, he turns to his companions and begins trying to usher them onwards.

2008-07-09, 11:15 PM

Kaaya grins at Raydu as he admonishes the group, oblivious to her own part in his frustration, but she continues on with him when he begins to head off. She looks over to Segomo and says, "Now this sure has been interesting. You know I've never much liked the Yagudo, but talking to a few of them they don't seem all that bad. Maybe we're just seeing the better ones." At that she gets a thoughtful look for a moment, but then shrugs and begins skipping along down the trail.

2008-07-11, 02:23 AM

Segomo listens to Kaaya and smiles. "Yes little one, I believe we have talked to some of the nicer Yagudo. Except for that priest. He seemed to be a little upset." Segomo smiles again, and rubs Kaaya on the head as they are walking towards the fork in the road

2008-07-24, 12:03 AM
Heading down the path to the fork, and then following the directions you have received, you pass over some very shallow running water and pass through what seems to be a very narrow canyon, carved meticulously from clay and earth by the yagudo. You notice above, there are tree branches, and occasionally, beehives, high above the path. After a brief walk, you round a corner to another open area.

This area is cut by a u-shaped pool with ankle-deep water (for yagudo, slightly below the knee for tarutaru), shaped around a stone altar. Behind the altar appears to be a cave that leads down into the ground, and there are trees and other shallow pools scattered throughout the open area. Standing in front of the altar is a pair of yagudo, both wearing elaborate and subtlety different headdresses of sorts, decorated with colored feathers (they appear to be from greater birds, or cockatrices). Other than that, they wear only bead necklaces of the yagudo. There are four other yagudo wearing simpler gear (only bead necklaces and wrappings around the forearms and ankles) on the far west side of the clearing, and though they seemed to be facing towards the wall when you arrived, they have since turned to face you and are now moving towards you at a relaxed pace.

One of the yagudo standing before the altar is the first to speak, "You...you come bringing the offerings, then, servants of Windurst?"

2008-07-24, 06:18 PM
Raydu gives a respectful bow and says, "Indeed we do." He looks over his shoulder to whoever is carrying the offering.

2008-07-24, 10:07 PM

"We sure do have an offering. It has been quite an experience getting here....you see on the way..." Kaaya starts but after a gentle nudge from Segomo she stops short.

2008-07-27, 02:07 PM

Seeing Kaaya start to go on one of her never ending stories, Segomo gently nudges her. He looks down at her and gives her a smile. Hearing Raydu talk about the offering, Segomo reaches into his backpack and pulls out the offering given to him. "I believe this is for you." He offers the offerings to the yagudo

2008-07-29, 08:25 AM
Pushmi Pullyu

Pushmi Pullyu bows as Segomo hands over the offerings, then with his head still fixed forward, rolls his eyes sideways to take a peep at the four approaching Yagudos.

Sorry for the absence, comp's motherboard fried up.

2008-07-30, 01:48 AM
The yagudo who spoke holds up his hand at the other yagudo approaching, and they halt in their steps. Then he moves forward, looks at the offerings, and takes them. The two decorated yagudo move to the alter and examine the offerings thoroughly, then wave dismissively, provoking a nod from one of the other yagudo. That yagudo turns to you and says rather simply, "Kyah...it seems that we have all that we need, now. Kyah, you'd do well to head back home as swiftly as possible. Go."

2008-07-30, 08:30 PM
Without a word, Raydu nods, turns, and begins moving towards the exit, occasionally looking over his shoulder to make sure the others are following him.

2008-07-31, 12:38 AM

Kaaya looks on with anticipation and is clearly upset when they are dismissed so quickly. She open her mouth as if to speak but is tugged away by her large guardian.

2008-07-31, 01:09 AM

Knowing that Kaaya would probably be anxious, Segomo grabs onto her and leads her away from the yagudos. "Let us go little one."

2008-08-02, 04:54 PM
Pushmi Pullyu

Pushmi Pullyu bows to the Yagudo that just talked, and follows the rest of the party away.

2008-08-04, 05:43 AM
Heading away from the yagudo is probably a good idea, as most of them seem rather rattled merely by your presence. Heading away from Giddeus leaves you with no more resistance, and should you so choose, you can probably head straight back to Windurst. Though where you go once you arrive back in the city is up to you.

My apologies for being slow, but a lot of things have come up recently (mostly school-related as it's time to get ready for the fall semester and I've been putting it off too long now), so I might be slow on the updates. I'll still be going now and then though, so keep an eye out.

2008-08-06, 06:55 AM

Kaaya gets more bounce in her step the closer they arrive to the city. She keeps questioning her three companions about what they think their next job will be. She talks excitedly about their new lives as adventurers all the way back to the adventurer's headquarters.

2008-08-08, 12:59 PM
Pushmi Pullyu

"More dealings-wheelings with other races maybe? We have dealt-wilt with goblins and yagudos, then...emm...I do notaru know?"

2008-08-09, 03:10 AM
Raydu sighs as he walks. "We'll find out soon enough I suppose. Y'know, I never did getaru a summary of what you three did before I joined you. Was that the kind of thing-sing you've done before?"

2008-08-17, 07:46 AM

Kaaya, happy to have someone listening, goes in to a rather rounds about explanation of their adventures so far. About exploring the underground ruins and the broken gizmos and running into the goblins and machines down there.

2008-08-27, 08:33 AM

As the group heads back to the city, Segomo says "Maybe we should go visit the Minister to see if there is anything we can do"