View Full Version : Extinction Curse- The Show Must Go On!

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2020-02-23, 01:06 PM
It's been almost 6 days since you arrived in Abberton. Far from the relative bustle of Escadar, and even more starkly removed from the cosmopolitan Absalom on the Isle of Kortos, emotions run the gamut throughout the camp of the Circus of Wayward Wonders. Wayward, indeed, but a far cry better than continuing to toil under the lash of Mistress Dusklight.

Still, everyone starts somewhere, and while many of the troupe are experienced performers and fairly veteran circus goers, the troupe as a whole is an infant. Nobody knows the Circus of Wayward Wonders, so the time has come to make a name for yourself, starting here in Abberton.

A handful of performers are completing their final rehearsals or last touch-ups on their costumes and equipment, as the afternoon sun begins to fade into ruddy evening. Someone already lit the bonfire between Myron "The Thunder" Stendhal's wagon and the small pool that provides a convenient gathering place for the members of the circus. Myron himself (who serves as the troupe's Ringleader) has already finished his own preparations and sits on a stump warming a wooden spit of some sort of meat over the fledgling blaze. Every few moments, he interrupts his tending of the flames to offer passing greetings to those still bustling about their last-minute arrangements. After a time, the broad-shouldered man leans back and takes a bite from his roast; a faint trickle of juice escapes his lips to trickle onto his chin.

Welcome to the Extinction Curse! This post serves as a backdrop on which we can begin roleplaying the characters and NPCs, before the action begins in earnest. Please feel free to have your characters arrive in whatever order is convenient for the players, and feel free to initiate conversation with Myron or any of the other circus folks- both those you know of and those you don't, yet. I'll be compiling some additional information here (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1T1fcZMfowBlBfpdJvPCV2eZM2tbSCqRtLJwIv5wpkKM/edit#gid=1618708599) over the next couple days, but there is more than enough room in a traveling circus of 20+ carts for family members, friends, and any other NPCs you'd like to have exist in our little slice of Golarion. Onward!

When a bright blue snake with scaled wings suddenly flies up to Myron and gets within a hand's width from his nose, hissing loudly, the big man jerks backwards, falling off the stump with a loud grunt. HAHAHAHAHA!!! cries Gigglespit Baderiggo Humbleback from his hiding place in the trees, immediately giving himself away. "That was a good one, Sssss! Hah!" he says, wiping tears from his eyes as he saunters up to help the ringleader off the ground. Handing the big man his food, still clean since Sssss caught it as the man dropped it, "Giggles" continues to laugh.

"I'll bet you never saw a flying snake before, huh? Oooh...I'll be right back!" he says, as something in the distance catches his eye and he darts away, the victim of his antics immediately forgotten. As the child-sized blue fey runs off, his snake flies to catch him, wrapping itself securely around his torso and blending into the small man's unusual colors. From somewhere in the circus tents can be heard the lead clown calling, "Gigglespit! Come get your makeup on! Whoever heard of a bright blue clown, anyway?! Where is he? Ugh!"

A burly, scaly character watches the scene with no apparent mirth. The newcomer is tall, powerfully built, clad in a crocodile skin vest. The strong tail, long enough to rest on the ground should its owner choose to use it that way, adorned with a colorful quilt woven form slender marsh reeds, the dark olive colored scales, sharp claws, snake-like snout and pale brown, reptilian eyes mark the creature as an iruxi - a member of one of the small lizardfolk clans that inhabit islets around the Isle of Kortos. With such people, it is not always easy to guess the gender, but a learned person would say that her crimson-colored neck frill and orange-y, unusually long dorsal spines indicate a female.

She turns back to the earlier subject of her attention. "Here, Ozkrak, come to Mum, little one..." The animal thus named is a small, sleek dinosaur, equipped with vicious, snapping jaws and feet that end in large talons.

As the light through the open tent flap fades, only a haphazard assortment of flickering candles illuminate Pip's work. His hands move deftly over the surface of a hat, where a multicolored pattern of abstract shapes is nearly complete. It is undoubtedly gaudy, but intentionally so, perfect for a clown. The fabric of the tent door rustles and two heads peek inside. "Are you almost done? This is taking foreeevvveer!", moans the shorter of the two, Dean. "Always so impatient, as your grandfather would say: Hurry not worry not.", Tweedle says, cuffing Dean lightly. "We want everything to go right for your first show."

"Itff almofft weady" Pip mumbles through the array of sewing needles clamped between his teeth. Pip spits out the needles and continues: "I don't want the head clown mad at me for you two missing makeup call, so get yourselves over there, I'll be over with Dean's hat in no time, the crowd is going to love it!"

The Thunder, as he was colloquially known, pulls himself off the ground with more grace than his size would suggest probable. Still, it's hardly the first time he's been the butt of a practical joke, though most of the troupe has learned over time that it's better to pick softer targets. He narrows his eyes in a playful threat towards the blue Gnome, and sends a wink flying towards "Giggles" as the latter flies off to some other antic. A deep, pleasant, amused chuckle follows the scampering clown as the Ringleader no doubt begins plotting his revenge.

For just a few moments, Thunder makes eye contact with Keshkharu. Whether it's awareness of the Iruxi way of limited intimacy- of which even glances can often count- or his own discomfort, the human is the first to look back away, awkwardly but politely.

"Ugggh fiiiiiiiine!" exclaims the younger clown, Dean. Almost dragged by his cohort Tweedle, the pair half-skips, half-runs- leaving the tent flap flowing in a light breeze- to the narrow slit in the back of the grand tent where actors, performers, and other workers gather in preparation for their own tasks. Other than an appallingly normal shock of bundled brunette atop Dean's head, the pair looks every bit the colorful compatriots of a clown troupe. They almost collide with a blur of blue, inexplicably headed in a different direction. "Giggles, you're coming, right?!" the more responsible of the pair asks.

"What? Coming where? Will it be fun?" responds Giggles as he jumps and turns in midair to face Tweedle. "Oh, is that 'Dump' calling for me? What time is it...? Oh, we'll be late, come on!" he says, grabbing Tweedle, Dean, and looking for Dump as he starts merrily chanting, "How d'ya do and shake 'ands, shake 'ands, shake 'ands - that's manners!" and dives into the tent to get ready for the clown rehearsal.

Once inside he runs at a full sprint to where the clowns are preparing their makeup. He plops onto the floor and is all-but-naked moments later. Then several of the more matronly clowns surround him and liberally paint the traditional white base of clown makeup on his skin while he holds his breath. In less time than one might imagine he is done and throwing on the accouterments of the troupe, his speed and enthusiasm unmatched by those nearby. Moments later he is fully ready and dashing towards the exit again. He doesn't make it, though, as Dumple Jacobs, one of the senior clowns, intercepts him with a sigh that suggests this is a frequently performed dance between the two. "Aw, Dump! I'm ready! I was just going to go watch the Flamboni Sisters! The cute one seems to be taking a liking to me and offered to teach me some juggling tricks - I could use them next time someone falls and they need a distraction...?"

The portly Dwarf, "Dump" Jacobs looks at Gigglespit with a shocked expression. "That's- that's actually an astonishingly reasonable idea! I'm proud of you, Giggles!" He takes a moment to take stock of the no-longer-fully-blue Gnome and frowns appraisingly. "And you are ready..." His eyes narrow suspiciously as he begrudging steps aside, allowing the Gnome to scamper towards the opening. "Just be sure you're back in place in time!"

Jacobs shakes his head at Giggles, wondering for not the first nor last time what he's going to do with the little menace.

2020-02-23, 01:21 PM
"K! Sound good. Hey, I think there's a dwarf - one of the riggers - hanging out with the jugglers. He looks pretty strong...I wonder if he could juggle full-sized logs?" says Giggles as he skips away. Once outside the tent he turns in the direction of the Flamboni Sisters and slows his skipping down enough to pick up three smooth rocks. "These should be about right..." he sing-songs to himself before starting to hum a tuneless song. "I wonder if that dwarf is nice..."

Pip steps confidently into the doorway of the clown tent, striking a pose that he hopes will turn the busy clowns' attention to him. The effect is diminished by the fact that his 3ft stature fills not even half of the opening but he doesn't appear to notice. He saunters into the tent, making sure that his self proclaimed masterpiece of hattery is prominently visible. "Oh Dean, have I got something for you!" he calls out, almost tripping over a box on the ground. "No clown should have to suffer such boring brown locks!" His speech is interrupted by muttered cursing as he stubs his toe on a coat rack. "Without further ado, I present to you.." He begins, making sure that Dean is looking at him, "your marvelous new hat!" With a flourish, Pip tosses the hat like a frisbee, aiming for the top of Dean's dissheveled head.

Leaning against one of the wagons, Tessara looks up to watch the clowns scamper off with a gentle smile for their ever-present antics. A throwing knife continues to twirl absentmindedly in midair a few inches above her fingers as she crosses the campground towards Myron.

She is slender and of average height, and although she has patiently explained her mixed heritage many times there are still those among the troupe who still perceive her as a full-blooded elf. Not that I could blame them, she muses - few except other elves could spot the faint signs of her human heritage. By far her most conspicuous features, however, are the dusky blue-gray skin and stark white hair that denote her drow ancestry. The other circus performers have learned to tolerate her exotic appearance as one of their own, but the prospect of going out in front of unfamiliar - and perhaps unfriendly - crowds weighs on her mind as she addresses the ringleader.

"Hey, boss - big night tonight, huh? First show as the Wayward Wonders... Any idea what kind of turnout we're expecting? Anything I can do to help get ready? Maybe I should go check on...?" Catching herself rambling she sighs, and the throwing knife slowly spins to a halt back in her hand. "Sorry. It's just nerves, I guess. I know we've rehearsed and nothing should go wrong, but I'm just not used to being out in front of so many, well, people!"

The Gnome skips away, as always, to mixed reactions.

Dean is being put upon severely by a pleasantly plump Dwarven woman, utterly insistent upon perfecting his makeup. With a matronly demeanor, she keeps the youngster in place while she frets over every little mar, smoothing lines and highlighting the precise places to accentuate the comically-colored features. Dean wriggles to no avail as Pip calls for him- "Don' you think 'bout it, boy!"- but the woman looks up over his seated head. As the colorful hat twirls ever closer, time almost seems to slow. She grabs Dean by the fake flower protruding from his lapel and shoves the chair back. Leaning precariously on two legs, the clown's head reaches precisely the right placement for the hat to alight on top of his brown locks. With just a quick tip to straighten it, the matron beams. "Lovely work, Pip! As always, just lovely! I don't know how we ever managed before you came along!" Bubbling joyfully with her work, she returns to the business of makeup while her husband Jacobs paces nearer the curtain leading to the crowd.

Already, the murmurs reach backstage. It's almost an hour before showtime yet, and the crowd has begun to gather!


The Thunder sighs as Tessara addresses him, unsure if she's teasing or not. "I'm just the loudest one of us- not the boss! Besides, you should know The Professor runs everything but the show, itself! If he hadn't burnt everything out eating all those flaming torches over the years, he'd probably be standing center ring instead of me!" He chortles loudly, and shakes his head gently- it's a jest, but one with much truth. He leans forward conspiratorially, sending a thin stream of beef juice dripping off his chin into the fire-heated coals. "If the rumors are to be believed, even the mayor himself plans to come! We haven't seen anything like this, before!" He leans back, looking skyward with a peaceful expression. Though no doubt the butterflies have begun flapping in his gut as well, he's as comfortable here as a pig in mud.

He looks back down at the half-Drow. "Oh, plenty will go wrong! That's show business!" His booming laughter no doubt can be heard backstage, fifty paces away.

Vorgrok stumps gracelessly up to the ringleader, standing just beyond the elbows of the man and the blue-gray-skinned half-elven woman before clearing his throat.

His earthy, brown complexion and bright orange beard (which strongly resembles an inverted, shrunken mirror of the bonfire before them) combine with his short, "even for a dwarf" but broad, "even for a dwarf" stature to create an almost comical juxtaposition with the slender woman. "Tent's built, riggin's tight. Ever'thin's solid." The short grunted phrases are businesslike, just barely this side of rude. "I got 'em built, canvas and hide. Tonight?" The dwarf raises one eyebrow questioningly at Myron.

"Good, good," the showman nods. Chewing slowly as the Dwarf continues his curt description, a bone-deep sigh of contentment issues forth from The Thunder. He tosses the now empty wooden spit into the blaze, and furrows his brows thoughtfully. He doesn't bother to ask if Vorgrok thinks himself ready- he knows well enough to know he'd only ask if he was confident. "I think not yet," the ringleader rumbles. "This being our first real headliner, I plan to stick with the more established acts." The response may not be what he was hoping, but Vorgrok is certainly not surprised- he's heard enough rumors and it's no secret that the circus needs to open with a win, here.

The only real question is what order Myron will announce, and he never shares those details. On the (now) rare occasion that anyone bothers to ask, they're invariable met with a blank stare as one of the more veteran performers explains that The Thunder thinks it's bad luck to plan too much in advance. Better to play the audience, one recalls from many past, faux pensive evenings by the fireside.

The dwarf grunts noncommittally, but his raised eyebrow sinks into an expression of annoyance. With a curt nod to the ringleader (and a stoic, sidelong glance at the half-elf) he stumps heavily over to an upturned wooden basket around the fire, setting himself unceremoniously upon it to lean forward and gaze into the bonfire. In its flickering light, the sweat of the day's exertions seems to outline his muscled build, and after loudly cracking the knuckles of both hands, he rests his chin upon one conspicuously large fist.

When Giggles inevitably wanders away from where he is supposed to be he finds himself drawn back to the fire by the smell of food. As he walks into the circle of light and sees the company kept by Myron he chuckles to himself before announcing his presence with a limerick, sung at the top of his lungs:

"A wonderful bird is the pelican,
His bill will hold more than his belican,
He can take in his beak
Enough food for a week
But I'm damned if I see how the helican!"

Then, smiling as he takes a seat next to the ringleader, he asks, "Got any more of that food? I'm hungry!"

With her usual patience and dedication, Keshkaru finishes her daily exercise and rehearsal with Ozkrak. The raptor is twitchy and touchy today, perhaps as she feels the nervous anticipation in the air. For her part, the iruxi takes this with calm. She knows the show will never happen the same way twice, and sometimes conditions will be great, other times less so. She walks across the circus grounds, Ozkrak on her heels, and brings her back to her cage, making sure the dinosaur has just the appropriate amount of fresh meat ready for dinner - never too much, as this makes her sluggish, and that won't do on the big day, but not too little, since no one wants a starving carnivorous reptile in the vicinity of an excited crowd.

Satisfied with her work, the iruxi woman walks back to the bonfire area, getting there just as Giggles declaims his ditty. She sits next to him. "As always, your oratory is perfect to whip an appetite, my friend. It feels like snack time indeed!"

"Yes, but-" Tessara's reply is cut short by Giggles' rambunctious singing. "How can you be hungry again, Giggles? I saw you stuffing your face at lunch just a few hours ago! And yet you never seem to get any bigger... are you sure you don't have an extra-dimensional portal you've been hiding it in?" she teases the gnome good-naturedly. She casts a curious glance towards Vorgrok before returning her attention to Myron. "Sorry, Bo-, err, Thunder. Even the mayor, huh? That's great news - if we can generate enough buzz tonight we may be able to pack the house for the rest of our stay here! Um, speaking of which - how long are we staying here? And who's up first tonight? I know you like playing these things close to the vest, but surely this is close enough! C'mon, spill!"

Pip’s face is covered by a huge grin as he skips out of the tent, a spring in his step. Now, time to do something about his grumbling stomach, he hadn’t eaten all day. his nose twitches as the scent of cooked meat wafts towards him on a slight breeze as if calling his name. Without a second thought Pip makes a beeline toward the sounds of conversation and the dancing shadows cast by the fire.
There are already quite a few gathered there when Pip arrives. He surreptitiously heads for the food, trying not to interrupt.

The Thunder snorts happily at Giggle's rendition, before fixing the Gnome with an astonishingly piercing gaze. "Sounds like someone else I know," he mutters with a falsely unsure expression. At the blue fellow's question, he waves a hand at the small cart of partially-seared meats- covered with a fine netting a few paces off to the side. "You'll have to cook it yourself, but the Professor doesn't want anyone hungry tonight. He had all this bought from the local butcher. Not his best cuts, but we don't have to buy dinner tonight, so I'm not complaining!" Keshkaru follows Giggles after noticing the source of the uncooked shish-kabobs.

Tessara's question earns a pensive glance from the Thunder. Myron glances upwards, obviously considering his answer carefully. "Truth be told, I hadn't much thought of it, lass." he begins. "Can't be more than a week though. Even the best shows get dull with repetition, and we haven't got enough acts to keep things totally fresh for more than a couple nights." With a thoughtful frown, he places a rough, calloused hand on his chin. "Might stretch it to three without too much trouble, but..." He lets the words linger. Obviously the circus won't stay too long, but the details remain inconclusive.

Finally, as she presses about details for the evening's show, Myron only smiles. "Ah, ah! You'll have to do better than that to get me bandying about with ill omens!" He smiles and banters a few minutes longer as the others cook their meals. Several other performers come and go over maybe half an hour. Axel eats readily, but complains that he never gets a chance to perform for a real crowd. Elizia eats only half of a single spit- "Won't do fer my nerves to play on a full stomach. Won't do at 'll!" she proclaims as she scampers back to her wagon to get dressed. Myron leaves a few minutes after, to prepare himself in his own wagon just off to the side of the fire. You wonder if he can hear the carousing as a shout rings out- "You best be in your places on time!" A few performers take the commentary as rebuffment, and quickly depart. The sun begins to dive beneath the grand tent, and Jacobs steps out of the worker's entrance. "Places, places! Let's GO!"

With one final glance at the fire and unfinished meats, the performers get up and head for the tent. It's showtime!

2020-02-24, 04:48 PM
Giggles takes several of the cuts of meat (much more than it looks like he should be able to eat alone), cooks them, and then begins eating. He shares some with his winged snake, but continues to stuff his face until all his food is gone. Then with a loud belch he laughs and bows to the gathered performers before skipping back towards the gathering clowns. "Break a leg, everyone!"

2020-02-24, 09:05 PM
Pip gleefully hefts a chunk of meat from the cart in each of his small fists and takes large slurping bites from the uncooked flesh, juices running down his chin. Pip has never been to a circus before and watching the various performers practice has built up no small measure of excitement within him. Not yet knowing any tricks yet himself, Pip's role in this particular performance is complete, its end marked with a hat.

Once his feast is complete Pip heads for the big tent where tonight's event will be held. He has cobbled together a simple winch and knotted rope to assist his ascent into the back rafters of the tent where he plans perch, hopefully unseen by the guests below. Pip never actually asked permission to do this, but there was no way that he was going to miss the first show. Besides, it was dim and shadowy up there, no one would even know.

2020-02-25, 09:00 AM
Keshkaru eats slowly and deliberately, as is the way of her people. When Giggles yells an encouragement around, she attempts a wink in his direction to signal understanding... But, her reptilian eyelid being a semi-transparent membrane, the effect is likely lost on onlookers.

She goes to her tent, and dons the scene costume - a fierce looking assemblage of leather from a variety of alligator species, covering her arms, shoulders, torso and thighs, but leaving her lower legs, tail and back exposed. It is decorated with sewn motifs made from snake and frog skin in lighter tones, showing symbols of the hunt, fishing, and the war history of her tribe.

Then she goes to retrieve Ozkrak from her cage, and joins the other performers backstage, waiting to know if she'll be called for tonight's show.

2020-02-25, 10:36 AM
Tessara joins the small crowd assembling backstage, counting and double-counting the throwing knives tucked into her sleeves and belt. She's still unused to the gaudy costume Pip has prepared for her: a purple and black dress with silver ornamentation and ridiculous lacy "wings" protruding from the shoulders. But, as The Thunder has explained to her multiple times, it's what the crowd will expect from an act entitled "The Deadly Drow Dagger Damsel". She winces, recalling. Got to have a word with him about that name...

2020-02-26, 08:46 PM
Vorgrok is among the last to leave the fire and its combination of warmth, pleasant smells, and meat. With several other riggers and laborers, he meanders backstage, through the performer's door, to the smaller benches where circus workers are welcome to sit. It's not the best views, mostly from behind and to the side of the various acts, but it's free entertainment- and usually good! (It's above these benches that Pip has rigged his perch, though over a bit for better views and because he can)

Giggles joins the clowns, ready to stir up the crowd and also prepared to save a struggling act with outrageous displays of... well, shenanigans. En masse. It has always worked before, but as the performers get better, it seems they're needed less and less for that purpose. As a result, Myron has begun inviting the clowns to perform during the show in earnest. Only time will tell what he wants to do, tonight. It's a big night, after all.

Tessara and Keshkaru wait near the rear entrance, trying to hide and manage their nerves. He may like this last-second announcement method, and there's no denying the energy it creates, but much of that energy comes as a result of anxiety in the performers. Still, though he may deny it, The Thunder is the de facto boss- and no one else would claim to know better how to run a show. Not even the Professor.

The Circus of Wayward Wonders performs in an enormous tent, capable of holding hundreds of people- and it's a good thing, as it seems the entire population of Abberton has turned out for the show. Many of the town's most prominent citizens, including the mayor, are among the throng jostling for seats, peering in curiosity at the three rings that fill the center of the tent, and waiting excitedly for the show to begin.

Finally, the time for the show to begin arrives, and the lights go down. The audience settles into their seats... but The Thunder doesn't show. A few performers poke their heads outside the tent to judge the time and perhaps look towards his wagon, and come back in shrugging and shaking their heads. A few seconds turns into a minute, then two, and several people begin pacing backstage. By the sounds of it (and sight, to those willing to peek at the crowd), the gathered populace is ready for a show. Cheers and jeers mingle as the delay continues. Concern outweighs caution and reason, and though they can't quite explain why, Pip and Vorgrok find themselves hurrying out the back tent to find their emcee. As they approach, the rear curtain opens and they find themselves face to face with -the Professor?! With an expression of fear and anxiety easily outmatching the performers, he hurries in past them. He glances past the curtain at the crowd gathered, wide eyed.

With a visible show of effort, he turns back to the performers, stagehands, and the few present riggers. "Myron is dead," he says with no small amount of emotion. As many performers gasp or cry out, he raises his hands to wave them down. "Myron is dead, but have you seen that crowd? We've never had the tent packed this full, and by the Gods we all need to eat. There's a show to put on, and we have to find a way to do it. We'll look after The Thunder later." Shock struggles to demand the attention of the gathered circus acts, but reason wins the day. While the crowd threatens mutiny at any moment, The Professor looks increasingly urgent. "Well, what are you all standing around for? Send in the clowns!"

Quick to follow the Professor's advice, the circus clowns immediately bound through the curtain and into the three rings, to uproarious cheers from the audience. Just before ducking through the curtain, Giggles feels a hand clamp down on his shoulder. "Not you, little one," The Professor mutters. The grip is surprisingly firm for the frail old man, and his expression brooks no dissent. "You may not know it, but I think you've seen enough to know how to piece this together. I need your help."

Alrighty, time for the metaphorical rubber to meet the road! The clowns have bought you all some time, but The Professor is too far removed from the workings of the actual show to make any decisions (which is totally not just a convenient excuse). It falls to you all (through DarkOne) to decide the order of events. You may need to review the various rules (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XQvJhaBjeYSXbye7Vy2SKXxAivgkQvxx/view) for putting on a show (page 4), and the available tricks (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1T1fcZMfowBlBfpdJvPCV2eZM2tbSCqRtLJwIv5wpkKM/edit#gid=1618708599) (circus roster tab). For now, I need posts involving:
1) your reactions to the news of The Thunder's sudden death
2) a decision on which of the available 8 or 9 tricks (depending on signature trick details) you will collectively decide to send in first. Only one trick for the first act of the show.

2020-02-27, 12:30 AM
Pip can feel a surge of adrenaline at the Professor's words and various potential scenarios begin flashing through his head. Maybe Myron choked on a chunk of meat, maybe an assassin sent by that horrible cat-woman murdered him, maybe the professor poisoned him, or maybe his heart just gave out. Was anyone else in danger? What should he do? Pip hadn't known Myron long enough to truly care for him, but Myron had certainly been headed in that direction. After all, food and shelter are well established paths to a goblin's good graces.

"Vorgrok! You're not going on tonight right? We need to hurry and make sure no one disturbs the body before we can try to get an idea of what killed him. Whatever it was might happen again and we need to be ready."

2020-02-27, 10:22 AM
For a long moment Gigglespit stares into space, shocked by the Professor's words. Then, with a grand flourish he invokes a cantrip, quickly cleaning off his clown makeup. "I need a ringleader-suit, fast!" he says, looking around. "I think I remember one we had made for a comedy skit where I would go out into the ring and mimic Myron behind his back while dressed like him - it should be with the clowns' costumes. And we need a show order...Pip, wait! We may need that act that Vorgrok has practiced! ...Now the clowns can keep this up for only a couple of minutes and we need to hit things hard coming out of the gates..."

Settling down on his heels, the again-blue gnome takes a stick from nearby and starts making notes in the sand. "We have about a dozen different big-tricks, so lets plan on three rounds of performance with a short break between acts. The first round can be three performances - good ones! - followed by a mix of four in the middle. Then we finish with five in the last round with a finale of one performance in each of the rings simultaneously!" As he speaks, it is clear that Giggles is getting excited about this opportunity and mentally/emotionally tabled the tragedy of Myron's death. Looking at the others gathered around he asks, "What do you all think?"

Several moments later he is wearing an excellent, miniturized ringleader outfit and doing vocal warmups as he strums his guitar energetically with his pick - a small tooth supposedly from a blue dragon. "During the second act I could sing a song - can anyone help with some special effects, like an illusion or two to add some extra humor to it?"

I think we should start with a flashy PC trick in act 1, plus two of the above-average NPCs tricks. Act 2 should be a little slower, a little more experimental - possibly including Vorgrok's juggling/drumming act and a song by Gigglespit. Act 3 should include our best PC tricks, probably Keshkaru's animal handling and Tessara's knife throwing/illusions, building up to a climax with at least two, preferably three performances going on at once.

I recommend players take and quote this list as we decide the details:

Act 1
Flashy PC trick
NPC trick 1
NPC trick 2

Act 2
Vorgrok's juggling/drumming
NPC trick 3
NPC trick 4
Gigglespit's song

Act 3
NPC trick 5
NPC trick 6
Keshkaru's animal handling
Tessara's knife throwing/illusions
(Best) NPC trick 7

Red tricks would take place at the same time.

I think it would make sense for Giggles to perform a comedy song, similar to this (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYJzsunO9yY) only more lighthearted. A Performance skill check with opportunitied for Costar actions. How does that sound?

2020-02-27, 04:38 PM
Whatever she may feel with the news of Myron's untimely death, Keshkaru's outward demeanor fails to register any great emotion. While not exactly apathetic, her reaction remains rather muted. "That is a surprising and unfortunate development. We will want to know what happened to him..." she begins, before Gigglespit takes the conversation over.

She listens to the gnome, and interjects with a typically practical perspective. "My friend, I appreciate that you're prepared to take responsibility, that is brave, and greatly welcome. But, er... Maybe it is a little risky, in the midst of the present circumstances, to greatly change the number and organization of our acts. Everyone here is accustomed to the traditional four : The opening, the build-up, the big number, and the finale on three rings. May I suggest it could be prudent to stick to this, for now? We can make changes in the future, but before that we may want to have a couple of full dress rehearsals with the sequence you suggest... except not tonight?"

2020-02-27, 06:41 PM
Giggle scratches his head and thinks for a moment. "That makes sense too," he concedes. "Well, let's have the Kanbali's open up the show...we need something flashy but not too flashy. Then we give Axel a chance to perform with a really good act to follow, just in case. For the big number we could let Mordaine have the spotlight - I would have suggested Elizia, but she is likely to be too upset, as close as she was to Myron..."

For a moment the little blue gnome trails off, his thoughts on their deceased friend. Then with a shake of his head he continues, "Then we finish with Keshkaru, Tessara, and me...how about that?"

I don't know what else to pair with Axel, but it should be a solid trick. Maybe the Flamboni Sisters? I know they don't have a trick in the AP material, but they could reasonably work to pick up the pace if the bird-thing doesn't go too smoothly.

2020-02-27, 10:00 PM
Tessara's hand flies to her mouth at the tragic news and she's fighting back tears through most of the Professor's exposition. The end of Gigglespit's plan finally pierces through her shock when she hears her own name being called. "What? I, uh - oh, yes! Yes, I can go on at the end... and I can assist with some magical effects in the meantime. That seems like a good plan..." She looks around a moment, and then casts dancing lights to animate a trio of whirling red, blue, and greed orbs above Gigglespit's head. "Ready when you are!"

2020-02-27, 11:21 PM
Vorgrok freezes, still as a stone, for several heartbeats at the shocking news of Myron's demise. Eyes narrowing in confusion and suspicion, the burly dwarf scowls at nothing in particular, shaking his head to marshal his thoughts.

"Vorgrok! You're not going on tonight right? We need to hurry and make sure no one disturbs the body before we can try to get an idea of what killed him. Whatever it was might happen again and we need to be ready."

His eyes locking onto the speaker as a sudden point of solidity in the chaos, Vorgrok nods his assent before casting his eyes about, landing on a heavy mallet, apparently misplaced after the assembling of the tent. Hefting it in a satisfied manner in his two thick fists, he stalks out toward Myron's tent, eyes casting dark glances in all directions...

2020-02-29, 08:31 PM
Vorgrok and Pip brush past the rest of the group, stepping back into the fading sunset while Giggles, Tessara, and Keshkaru set themselves to the task of running the circus.

The unlikely duo of Dwarf and Goblin hurry to Myron's wagon, only to find the door locked. At first, they're doubtful of The Professor's claims, as The Thunder is well known for keeping his privacy, and using the lock liberally when he's "home." However, after a brief and cursory inspection, they find his body alongside his wagon on the far side from the tent. His face now locked forever in a grimace of horrible pain, his once bulky form contorts painfully in the wet grass.

Back in the tent, the trio of Gnome, Half-Drow, and Iruxi discuss in hushed tones who should be sent in first. The crowd laughs uproariously at the antics of the clowns- apparently not too shabby despite the absence of their most... flighty performer. Still, they're just a distraction. The show awaits!

So what I need from you three is a decision from the 9 available tricks which one will go on first and the associated skill checks (as given on the cards, or in accordance with your signature trick). In addition, a few of the acts have issues you may have to resolve. We'll burn those bridges when we get there!

2020-02-29, 09:08 PM
Giggles looks at those gathered around and gestures dramatically at one of the onlookers. "Go tell the Feather-Fall Five that they are on next and to break a leg!" he orders, the decisiveness in his tone leaving little room to argue. "Everyone else, get ready to give all the support you can! If you aren't next to perform, cheer your colleagues on from your seats - encourage the crowd to have a good time and make some noise! In the meanwhile, I need to see Axel right now! Get that boy here and someone give him a pull of courage! Tonight is going to be his first night out in front of the public!

Now go!"

I think this is Diplomacy, but I would be trying to argue for Performance (Inspirational Speaker) if I could. FarmerBink, add 3 to my roll if I can use Performance for this check...

[roll0] to motivate and inspire everyone to make this happen!

2020-02-29, 10:45 PM
At Giggle's command, more than a handful of workers begin bustling to their tasks. The Gnome may not know all the ins and outs, but the riggers who set up the tightropes and nets for the Kanbalis know their roles- and hop to it with aplomb. The quintet already dressed in their leotards and well made-up begin stretching, providing both a sneak-peak and a sometimes compelling distraction to the other performers gathered behind the curtain. They're heading out to take their places when one of the riggers bolts into the backstage area. Wringing his hands nervously, he approaches the Kanbali patriarch, with a significant problem, that he brings to Giggles.

"Jem says our nets have been sabotaged! We left Dusklight for a reason, you know. Tightropes can be dangerous! I don't want my girls out there risking life and limb, again, after all this!"

The nets have been chewed through by rats- in reliably vital places. It's quite unusual for rats to behave like this, but all the signs are there- errant teeth marks on leather reinforcement and all the cuts are rough.
There are a few ways to solve this, but at the end of the day, DarkOne *may* have already done it.
The rub: the nets have big holes, making them ineffective, at best, safety measures. There is no time to mend them before the act begins (in a couple minutes)
The Kanbali's will either have to be convinced to perform without the nets (a diplomacy check), or they won't perform. Even so, performing without the nets makes the act both more dangerous and more exciting. If he likes, I will assign DarkOne's existing diplomacy check to that effort, but there may be relevant RP to be had.

Finally, assuming they perform more or less as planned, I'll need someone to decide how many times they will perform the trick (up to 3 times, with cumulative -5 penalties to the same check), and roll the checks (and potential injury check in the case of a critical failure).

2020-03-01, 04:40 PM
Gigglespit listens intently to the elder Kanbalis before nodding seriously. "Of course, you are right...but what if this isn't a coincidence? We did leave Dusklight for a reason, and the safety of your family is important, but so is the success of this circus. Tonight will be a great triumph, but we need your family to start it! I will be standing by to administer first aid personally - including some curative magic I reserve only for emergencies. Next show we will not only have the nets mended, but we will keep them guarded and safe to ensure this won't happen again.

Please, apologize for me to the others, but reassure them that we need them to perform - now - and will ensure their safety from this point on. Please!"

2020-03-01, 05:18 PM
"Giggles is right. We need everyone to perform. Please do not let us down, with Myron gone... We must stick together.

And I do understand the risks. Before they enter, I will give Gozreh's blessing to each to the girls, so his protection may extend upon them. And if anyone falls, I too have healing magic at hand. We shall not let any saboteur destroy the Wayward Wonders."

Keshkaru's tone isn't exactly warm, but her determination is readily apparent.

Aid Giggles: Diplomacy [roll]1d20+5/[roll]

Rolled in OOC : 7 - ouch

Edited post below after rolling 26 on Nature check in OOC

Having said her piece, the iruxi goes to check on the nets. "Rats did this. Very strange. The teeth marks are obvious, I think, but the pattern seems... designed to render the nets useless. Someone wants us to fail tonight."

2020-03-01, 10:35 PM
Pip glances around, wary of any lingering danger. He was no doctor but Myron's corpse certainly didn't scream "natural causes". Seeing nothing concerning enough to outweigh his curiosity, he crouches down at Myron's side and begins to run his hands over the body checking the flesh for wounds. The first step to understanding what happened was to figure out what exactly did Myron in.

Medicine [roll0]

2020-03-02, 08:00 AM
Keshkaru's assessment of the nets falls on willing ears. Despite the oddities, something about the probable existence of a rival to beat puts some extra steel into the Kanbali clan's patriarch. His jaw sets with determination which a short command- in Mwangi- quickly sends cascading through the rest of his family. It takes little encouragement from Giggles to set the Feather-Fall Five on a course for the center ring, where the riggers are just bolting the upright ladders into place.

Thanks to the news about an opponent (which they assume to be tied to Mistress Dusklight, but time will perhaps tell), the Kanbali clan gets a circumstantial +2 to their skill checks. Remember, repeated use of the same skill for a single trick results in cumulative -5 penalties (much like additional attack rolls). I'm perfectly happy to manage contingencies, but someone needs to roll the checks XD. If you want me to do it I can, but I won't without being given the go-ahead.

Pip doesn't want to spend too much time on matters outside his expertise, but nonetheless wants to get some actionable info on Myron's death. He notices quickly that the man's legs are swollen- so much so that he can't actually roll his pant legs up or pull them off to see the skin beneath. Otherwise, perhaps surprisingly, he doesn't appear to have fought back very much. Either the pain was too great to focus his efforts or he died quickly. Perhaps a combination of both. At this point, Pip doesn't know what might have killed him, however- only that it's probable any notable injuries will be found on his legs.

2020-03-02, 12:55 PM
Seeing that his and Keshkaru's words have had the needed effect, Giggles nods happily and smiles. As he is about to walk out to watch the show he stops, a thought having invaded his distracted mind. "Someone will need to announce the acts...and I'm dressed up like the ring-leader..." he mutters, as if only now realizing what he has set himself up to do. Turning back to those assembled, he says, "I'm about to go out there and get this whole thing rolling - Keshkaru and Tessara, can you keep everyone moving and have the next several acts ready to go? Someone needs to get Axel and his birds ready and dressed - I'll bet he wasn't expecting to perform tonight! I'll be back after announcing the Feather-Fall Five!"

Giggles takes a moment to watch the clowns, a wistful smile on his face as he recognizes the antics. Then, at just the right moment (when the crowd is laughing and the clowns are regrouping) he strides confidently out into the center ring and with a voice ringing like a trumpet announces, "Ladies and gentlemen! Give it up for the clowns - they have given up for you, it's only fair!" and motions for the clowns to make an exit. Then, gesturing grandly he introduces himself, saying, "My name is Gigglespit Baderiggo Humbleback, and tonight I have the honor of introducing our fine show to you, the lovely people of Abberton. We wish to thank you heartily for your attendance tonight and encourage you to sit back and enjoy the show!

And now, give your attention to the most talented and fantastic family you may ever meet. Hailing from far-off Mwangi, behold the fearless, free-falling, fabulous Feather-Fall Five!"

If I am jumping the gun, please let me know and I will edit/redact my post. If this is right, then carry on...

I would argue that FarmerBink should roll NPC skill trick dice rolls. That will help to keep things moving, and I am fine with it.

For Giggles' introduction, here is a Performance roll: [roll0]

2020-03-02, 07:42 PM
Turning back to those assembled, he says, "I'm about to go out there and get this whole thing rolling - Keshkaru and Tessara, can you keep everyone moving and have the next several acts ready to go? Someone needs to get Axel and his birds ready and dressed - I'll bet he wasn't expecting to perform tonight! I'll be back after announcing the Feather-Fall Five!"

"Y-yes, of course!" The news about the defective nets, and Keskaru's suspicion of a saboteur on top of everything else, have rattled Tessara greatly and it's taking everything she's got to hold herself together. "I'll go find Axel. Axel! Get me Axel! Come on, you're up next! Get ready!" She darts through the assembled performers backstage, expecting to find the young man near the cages housing his birds.

2020-03-02, 11:27 PM
Uncomfortable with the unusual responsibility, Keshkaru nevertheless tries her best to step up to the plate. "For the build-up, we need a second number at the same time. The Flamboni? They juggle with fire, and Axel is a bit new... We don't want his birds to take fright. So... next to him I think the best option is Mordaine the Magician, an act that doesn't make too much noise.

After that we have the big one. Giggles wanted to spare Elizia, I'll take his wisdom on that... I know! The dwarf throwers! That always impresses the kids and makes their parents laugh... What do you think?", she asks Tessara, before she goes to check out on Mordaine.

2020-03-03, 11:16 AM
Tessara has no difficulty finding Axel. The teenager is gathered backstage with most of the other performers, huddled beneath his over-sized cape (under which there is plenty of room for both his birds and a small perch under each arm). He fidgets with a treat while staring into the middle distance, still shaken up over the news of Myron's sudden death. He looks up at the Half-Drow with an incredulous expression. "Wait, you actually want me to perform?!" He's pleased, but totally incapable of hiding his surprise. He jumps up eagerly to follow her back to the immediate staging area.

Axel is actually hiding one thing very well: he's terrified of performing in front of people.

Keshkaru, however, can't find Mordaine. Recalling her well-known ego, she instead begins searching for Mordaine's assistant, who waits seated by the passage back to the camp. The thin fellow frowns at Keshkaru's request. "You know how she is," he mutters. "I'll tell her, but she won't be happy to be in the build-up instead of the feature act." He rises and hurries out, presumably to the magician's wagon.

Keshkaru recalls more than a few conflicts between Myron and Mordaine regarding her position in the show. She often submitted to his plan, but always took convincing, unless she was the single performer in the 3rd act.

2020-03-03, 12:19 PM
Keshkaru follows the man, expecting a difficult discussion with Mordaine...

I assume Keshkaru gets admitted in her presence :smalltongue:

"We need your talent at this particular moment, and for a specific reason, Mordaine. Axel is new, and so are his birds. He's going to be nervous. I'm sure having a seasoned performer like you in the next ring will steady his nerves. Your role is doubly important here, to make not just one, but the two of you a resounding success!"

Assuming this is a Diplomacy roll [roll0]

2020-03-03, 03:42 PM
Vorgrok scans the surroundings as Pip looks into Myron's condition... but only a few seconds pass before he gives a disapproving grunt at the goblin's seeming scattered attention. "Eh, lemme look." he blurts out, dropping the heavy mallet to the ground and kneeling to scrutinize the deceased.

Medicine check rolled in OOC: 12
Survival check to notice tracks or something?? [roll0]

2020-03-03, 07:02 PM
He looks up at the Half-Drow with an incredulous expression. "Wait, you actually want me to perform?!" He's pleased, but totally incapable of hiding his surprise. He jumps up eagerly to follow her back to the immediate staging area.

"Yes, of course! We all know how hard you've been practicing, and the crowd is going to love it!" Something about Axel's demeanor catches her attention and she recalls that this will be the young man's first time performing in front of such a large crowd. "Look, there's nothing to be worried about," she continue in a lower and, she hopes, reassuring tone. "Everyone gets the jitters right before they go on. But remember you've done this dozens of times in rehearsal - it'll be just like that! If it helps you can think of me and all the rest of us who'll be backstage, cheering you on! You can do it - you're gonna be great!"

Performance check in OOC was 17 (success)

If an additional roll is needed, [roll0]
+7 for Performance, +4 for Diplomacy

2020-03-03, 08:17 PM
Behind Myron's wagon, Pip and Vorgrok are still searching for answers. With no other course immediately available, the pair cuts his trousers loose to reveal thighs and calves covered in thick purple welts. Closer inspection reveals a pair of injuries in the darkest center of each welt- fang marks. There's no doubt the venom coursing through his veins is what killed him- painfully, as attested by his permanent grimace. However, there are a lot of bites. How would Myron have found himself waist-deep in angry, venomous serpents in or near his own wagon? And why would they have kept biting so much?

Unfortunately, Vorgrok's expertise in tracking doesn't reveal much. He can tell that there was a lot of action in the immediate area, as there are footprints and animal tracks overlapping and half-marring each other at every pace. He can't quite tell what it should mean, though.

Under the big top, riggers are setting up Mordaine's tank on one side while another crew rapidly hauls together a handful of interlocking stages to give Axel extra height. It's fascinating work to anyone who isn't a rigger or otherwise preoccupied with the acrobatics taking place on the tightropes in the center ring- which is most everyone at the moment. The more seasoned circus-goers are quite aware at the lack of support such professionals receive. Show business...

A few dozen paces away, Axel eagerly follows Tessara, eating up her words with an expression that flutters between eager anticipation and marked stomach unease with almost impressive rapidity. While he waits in the staging area, Mordaine walks in, all pomp and attitude. Her sparkling white dress (triple-layered, as it will shortly be submerged in water and this is a family show) reveals an athletic, attractive form. Her fair, delicate features are framed in long, flowing blonde- almost white hair. When Axel notices who he is to perform beside, his eyes widen like dinner plates, and a thin vein threatens to burst from his forehead. Thanks to Keshkaru's masterful ego-stroking, the seasoned performer favors Axel with a smile and a delicate nod. "Sweet child, you knew Myron was just testing you, right? He always knew you had it in you; he just wanted to make sure you were ready to throw in with us." she purrs, smiling winsomely. The pair splits, both headed to their respective points of entry.

At the curtain, Axel freezes. For a long moment, it looks like he's going to back down, but he sees Mordaine stepping through her own entrance across the way with poise and confidence and something stirs within him. Shouldering his cloak like the antagonist in a silent movie, He thrusts into the well-lit circle, and casts his hands wide in a show of mock villainy.

The pair actually make a surprisingly good duo. Despite her egotistical outlook, there are many moments where the minutes tick by and there's not actually that much to watch as Mordaine escapes from ever-increasingly complex traps. During such moments, Axel's pigeons flit about- sometimes close enough for an audience member to reach out and catch, were they quick enough, causing squeals of delight from the youngsters in particular.

@DarkOne feel free to RP an introduction if you'd like. @all, Axel's trick is essentially the same as the Flamboni's- only with less excitement produced from a success. +8 vs DC15. Mordaine's is a bit more complicated: Her trick has the injury trait, and as such critical failures are... bad. There is a backup flat DC 15 check (which serves as a saving throw vs the injury), but if injured, she is done for the show- and possibly the next one as well.

How many checks do you want to roll?

2020-03-05, 10:42 PM
"Where could this many snakes possibly have come from? It's like he got dipped in them!" Pip exclaims to Vorgrok. Then after pausing to think for a moment, "Maybe he squashed one or two on his way down for us to get a look at, help me roll him over." Before Vorgrok even has a chance to reply Pip's focus has already switched to a different idea, "Oh! And lets check his pockets for clues!" he says, hands already reaching into Myron's clothes.

When Pip pauses to think, he is trying to recall if there are species of poisonous snake native to this area, and if so, what he knows about them.
Recall Knowledge (Nature) [3] (rolled in OOC thread)

2020-03-06, 01:22 PM
Turning from his fruitless scrutinizing of the environs back to Myron's body, Vorgrok grunts noncommittally before stooping to shift the fallen man's body with casual ease. Once satisfied with the results of their search, he cups his chin between a thick thumb and forefinger to contemplate.

Recall info about Nature: [roll0]
Circus Lore (if relevant to the snakes??): [roll1]

2020-03-06, 10:31 PM
As Giggles' introduction ends the Kanbali family makes their way up to the tightropes suspended twenty feet above the ring. The Feather-Fall Five begin with a series of simple tricks performed by individuals before beginning to coordinate with each other. As the crowd gasps and claps for them, they get ready for the first of two challenging tricks involving the entire family. Papa Kanbali takes a position near the middle of one tightrope and carefully lifts his wife, a lithe and dexterous woman only slightly larger than her daughters, onto his shoulders. As the muscular man strains and balances, one by one their daughters flip and bounce towards their parents before nimbly climbing up their father's bent legs and arms. With the eldest daughters settling on his broad shoulders the three women get ready to catch their youngest sister, who gracefully dances across the tightrope towards her family and then leaps up into her mothers arms, spotted by her sisters.

The applause from the audience is enthusiastic, with gasps and cheers from many of the onlookers. As the Kanbali family dismounts they begin to prepare for another daring, collaborative formation. However, shortly before they begin the more dangerous tricks the middle sister takes a tumble, off the tight rope line. When she sticks the landing on the floor below she strikes a pose and with a flourish grins at the crowd, but her parents can tell that the fall frightened her. At a sharp whistle from their father the other daughters deliberately flip off their respective platforms, tumbling and prancing to their sister's side. Then the two parents follow suit, both with impressive leaps into the air first. The family ends the show without succeeding at their last trick, but from the audience's reaction it isn't noticed much.

"Please, give it up for this fabulous family, the Feather-Fall Five!" calls Giggles as he strides confidently back into the center ring, clapping for his friends as they make their bows and dash out of the ring. While the riggers begin to take down the platforms and tightropes around him, the blue gnome buys them time to setup with a joke.

"So, in the little village where I was born, our chieftain's wife gave birth to a white skinned child - which was quite odd given his dark, nearly black, coloration and her lovely shade of violet. Well, Chief Tumblertree quickly figured that the doctor from Cheliax might be to blame. So the chieftain asked the doctor to talk with him in his burrow.

Chief Tumblertree said, 'Today my wife gave birth to a white child. She and I are darkly colored. You are pale, nearly white! It doesn't take a doctor to figure out what happened. What do you have to say for yourself?'

The doctor remained calm and replied, 'The answer lies in the genetics. Some genetics have recessive traits, which are not apparent to the parents but may be passed on to the child. For example, last week one of your sheep gave birth to a black sheep.'

Well, the chief thought for a moment before replying. 'I tell you what. You say no word about th black sheep and I say no word about white child!"'

Comedy? [roll0]
As the adults in the crowd laugh or gasp in shock at the bawdy joke, Gigglespit continues, "Well, the good news is that you don't have any reason to doubt the pedigree of our next two performers. In his first performance with the Circus of Wayward Wonders, we are proud to present Axel and his Amazing Aviary!" The gnome gestures grandly to Axel as he enters the ring, queuing the audience to clap politely.

"And in the other ring you will see the lovely Mordaine, the Magician. A centerpiece of our show, the beautiful lady will amaze you with daring escapes and brilliant tricks performed entirely with skill - no magic at all! Please give her your attention and welcome her to the ring!"

2020-03-10, 10:00 PM
The next act does not go well for Circus of Wayward Wonders. Simultaneously both Axel, who is understandably nervous, and Mordaine, who is probably over-confident, loose control of things in their own ways.

Axel starts by releasing his trained birds, who seem shocked by the large crowd. For several seconds it looks like he is about to get them all under control, but in the end most of the doves seem too frightened to perform and instead find a safe place to perch, hiding in the uppermost portions of the bigtop. He is able to get a couple of the pigeons to perform, but by this time he is so shaken that he actually ends the act prematurely. He takes the sweets hidden in his cloak and tosses them out into the crowd before turning and walking back out of the ring, barely remembering to bow on his way out.

Mardaine, on the other hand, begins her act by demonstrating the apparent integrity of the shackles and other bindings that will hold her when she goes underwater. Once submerged things look like they are going as expected until the last lock, with which she apparently starts to have some trouble. As the moment pass and things look like they are about to get dicey for the woman, Giggles, who is watching closely for her sign for "help," sees her give it and calls out in a loud voice, "What a show, what a show! And now, let's send back in the clowns!" ushering in the troupe to distract the audience. A moment later Mordaine breaks the surface of the water, takes a deep breath, and finally gets the cuffs off, but not with the panache and flair expected. She maintains her composure as she bows and exits the stage, though anyone nearby can her her cursing under her breath in anger.

As the clowns continue to entertain the crowd, Giggles rushes out of the spotlight and asks, "Aright, we need the next act to really be a whopper - who is it going to be? They need to really knock the audience's socks off!"

2020-03-11, 09:49 AM
Keshkaru looks at Axel's and Mordaine's combined performance with dismay. As Axel dejectely leaves, she catches him just outside of the ring for a quick, whiso encouragement. "Do not worry, young man. The first time is always hard, and we put you on the spot on the worst possible night, right as Myron's gone. Still the show must go on, and it will. With you in it, I promise." The laughter generated by the clowns' antics covers any further words.

She then runs towards Giggles. "Yes, the next act! The Dwarven Throwers, are they ready?"

2020-03-11, 02:41 PM
Pip and Vorgrok continue their own investigation, while the show goes on nearby. Pip has trouble recalling anything useful about the various snakes he's heard are native to this area and can't shake the nagging thought that he's mistaken, anyway. Vorgrok, for the moment, proves wiser- First in that there's no normal way to get this many snakebites. Vipers tend to strike either out of defense or hunting. When hunting, they would hit once and leave the animal to perish before eating it leisurely. When defending themselves, there would be no way for someone to accidentally get surrounded, but he bites cover the front and back of Myron's legs. Somehow, someone did this to him.

Also, while it's perfectly typical to have snake charmers working in a circus, it's very rare to have actual vipers. The flashy, wide-cowled cobras popular for their visual appeal have fangs that lack a hinge- and are therefore shorter. These puncture marks are swollen into large mounds, indicating a deeper puncture- the kind that a normal (relevant in this context for being drab in color and difficult to tame) viper would cause. So it's highly improbable that the bites came from animals one would find in a circus.

2020-03-11, 04:10 PM
Vorgrok glowers down at the sod and the fallen ringmaster's legs, covered in grotesque wounds. "Weren't no wild thing. No show snake, neither. Too many bites, too deep." The dwarf's gruff voice barks over the roar of the crowd, dulled somewhat by distance and the ambient noise. "Musta been delib'rate."

Standing, he eyes the surroundings suspiciously before looking up to the wagon's locked door. With a sidelong glance (and the hints of an apologetic shrug) toward its deceased owner, Vorgrok marches up to the door, pulling to test the lock's strength and looking for any dishevelment of its window-coverings.

Just looking to see if there's obvious danger inside the wagon? Probably aiming toward busting the door if there's no obvious signs of danger.

2020-03-11, 07:28 PM
Pip's face lights up as Vorgrok explains his reasoning, why hadn't he thought of that? "I had reached the same conclusion! Great minds think alike eh? Who would have so many snakes though? Seems like it would be mighty hard to transport them here unnoticed."

"OH! WAIT! Maybe they were summoned by magical means! When I lived in Escadar there was a story about a man in a black cloak who would murder fishermen and then summon magical rats to eat the bodies and hide his crimes. I always thought there was nothin' to it, but one night when I was out hunting pigeons I could have sworn I saw him with my own two eyes walking the street below...
...Anyway, like I was saying maybe we should be on the the lookout for a wizard."

Seeing Vorgrok tugging at the lock Pip begins rummaging around in the satchel of tools at his waist. Finally pulling out a large sewing needle, he ascends the stairs of the wagon and, without hesitation, begins fiddling with the lock.

According to the rulebook it's up to the GM if improvised lockpicks are effective on a given lock, so the check below if for if you allow it. The roll below includes the -2 penalty for using shoddy (improvised) tools.

2020-03-12, 01:51 PM
At first glance, Vorgrok doesn't notice anything immediately untoward about the late ringleader's wagon. He's known for valuing his privacy, so the drawn shades and locked door don't strike either of the circus workers as out of the ordinary.

However, on second glance (and thought), the Dwarf spies a faintly tinted coloration to the curtains. Stepping away from the locked door, he peers closer and can just make out a fine mist of tiny motes drifting in the minimal space between the curtains and the windows. Something is very off, here.

As Pip mentions rats, it spurs the pair's memory as well: many of the previously unrecognized tracks seem rodent-like- though once again, the density of their tiny footprints seems... dramatically unnatural. And the patterns suggest that several individual creature scampered over the same area multiple times, as if they were deliberately tracking through the same vague path repeatedly, before scattering away from the fallen man.

Pip gets to work on the lock, and both Goblin and Dwarf reach a similar conclusion: this is probably something they'll want help to investigate further. Despite the casual appearance, whatever's going on in Myron's wagon is not normal.
Pip's first attempt is a partial success- He has placed the first pair of tumblers appropriately in the lock, but will need more time (and another successful check) to finish the job.

Unrelated, the hint is deliberately heavy-handed. You two don't want to go in there without more backup. There miiiiiiight be relevant things going on in the show, though. ;-)

2020-03-12, 02:12 PM
Suddenly, Vorgrok shoves one thick-fingered hand between Pip and the door as the latter twists and prods with his sewing needles inside the stubborn lock, firmly discourging further effort in that vein. "Wait- summat's off. See?" Jabbing a finger pointedly at the discoloration and the drifting motes, the dwarf glares with narrowed eyes at the strange phenomenon. "Could be... dangerous. Oughtta get more hands."

After a moment spent cracking the knuckles on both meaty fists, the stocky dwarf vents his frustration in a dismissive grunt before turning his attention to poor Myron. With a sad expression, he reaches down in an attempt to arrange the fallen ringmaster in a more dignified, sitting position, leaned up against a wagon wheel. "Don' worry. We'll get 'em." he says, in a soft tone despite the gravelly quality in the gruff dwarf's voice.

With a quick jerk of his toward the main tent by way of explanation to Pip, Vorgrok lumbers back toward the show.

2020-03-12, 07:43 PM
Pip's initial displeasure with the interference is soon outweighed by the sense in Vorgrok's words. Something was definitely not right about this whole thing. Satisfied that they would soon return, he tags along behind.

2020-03-14, 06:50 PM
Gigglespit looks at Keshkaru and says, "No - not the throwers. You! You're ready, right? You and the raptor?" At the reptile's nod he smiles broadly and continues, "Then we need you both to make this happen. Build it up big, and we can send in several team tricks at the end and still win over this crowd. Let me go introduce you, and then knock 'em out!"

A moment later the gnome is back in the center ring, the riggers setting up Keshkaru's act. When the spotlight hits him he grins at the crowd and motions for quiet. After several seconds of waiting he begins the introduction, with a stage whisper at first, and steadily growing to a triumphant shout: "Parents - hold your children close. Husbands, hug your wives tight! This next act features a truly awesome - but frighteningly dangerous - pair of our finest performers. Tonight we present to you the reptilian duo, Keshkaru the iruxi and Ozkrak, the vicious velociraptor! Keep your hands to yourself or you might loose one! Behold as Keshkaru confronts the fierce and conniving hunter!"

2020-03-14, 11:23 PM
Deliberately, the tall, powerfully built iruxi walks into the ring, clad in her impressive scene garb, all reptile leather and strongly contrasting light-and-dark tribal motifs. Her salutes to the audience are silent and solemn, establishing an atmosphere of suspense tinged with just the right amount of dread as the audience's chatter abates to a barely audible whisper. Slowly, Keshkaru wanders around the ring, taking possession of her environment, checking the perches, stands, and hoops that the helpers have carefully placed in their set positions.

Seemingly out of nowhere, she produces a long whip - CRACK! A sharp motion of her muscular arm, a loud, dry noise. A few gasps can be heard in the crowd. At this signal, an animal darts into the ring, running at a pace no human can hope to match. It's a dinosaur, three feet tall maybe, with leathery skin, a long, horizontally held tail, and powerful legs that propel it at a dizzying speed and agility. The children and a good number of their parents cry out in shrill cries of terror and delight, marveling at the long talons and ferocious fangs, gone bare with a snarl and a high-pitched roar. It rushes at Kesharu in an apparent attempt to run her down, but an imperious crack of the whip and pointed arm stop it in its tracks. The raptor backs down, and after a few rebellious lashes of her beak, she settles on the designated perch.

Keshkaru begins the routine with a few classic moves, getting Ozkrak to jump from perch to perch, crouch, run around the ring at lightning speed... She then stops, another whip move indicating to the raptor that she is to remain in place. The iruxi backs down a few paces, her eyes never leaving the beast. She points a clawed finger in the direction of one of the raised hoops. A ray of fire materializes, lighting a large metal hoop aflame. The whip is heard again, several times, as Ozkrak seems reluctant to proceed. At last, in a mighty leap, the raptor flies through, to land right at her mistress' feet before turning away from her and running to stay on a different perch.

Keshkaru waits for the applause to die down. Then - one, two, three waves of her hand, three hoops erupt with fire. The whip again. But this time, Ozkrak balks, seemingly frightened. Keshkaru insists, forcefully, the whip misses the animal's back by inches. Ozkrak hisses and snarls, her beak wide open, and advances on her mistress with a snap of the jaw! Keshkaru, undaunted, stands her ground. More hisses, another snap. Keshkaru doesn't flinch. Suddenly, with a low flourish, she casts the whip aside, to the audience's horror! The iruxi goes down on all fours, and opens her mouth in a snarl in turn! The two face each other, both growling, the raptor's beady eyes locked on her opponent's gaze in a terrifying combat of wills!

... And all of a sudden, the iruxi seemingly doubles in volume, flaring her neck frill to full, all bright red and enormous, while her amber-colored dorsal spines rise and wave in a threatening dance. The raptor jumps back, suddenly terrified, and runs out - Hop! though one flaming hoop! Hop! The next! And the last, the smaller one... No. At the last moment, Ozkrak darts aside, and goes just under instead of through. The dinosaur is a blur as it rushes for the exit at top speed, while Keshkaru begins her bows and salutes all around before finally taking her leave.

Let's try for something not easy. I understand the DC is reduced by 1 due to the Feather Fall Five's initial success.
Nature check #1 [roll0]
Nature check #2 [roll1]

Technical note: Keshkaru uses Produce Flame to light up the hoops, and the Threatening Approach action, from her Frilled Lizard heritage, for effect in the pretend confrontation with Ozkrak.

2020-03-15, 07:49 PM
Just as Keshkaru and Ozkrak leave the center ring and Pip and Vorgrok are returning to the backstage area, a shrill scream erupts from the center of the bleacher seats, near the front row. A young woman trips over a seat or perhaps another circus-goer in her haste to escape from something. In the dim lights, from backstage, it's hard to make out exactly what's happening, but the woman's fear proves contagious. Within a few moments, the crowd has begun scrambling from their seats, frantic and afraid.

As you move to approach, you find four vipers stirred up and rattling their tails aggressively. They've formed a small pile of reptilian flesh, now just in front of the first row of bleachers. For the moment, it seems they haven't bit anyone, but unless they're dealt with quickly or the crowd disperses, it's only a matter of time.

In PF2, initiative is managed by either perception or an appropriate skill, as determined by: me! So we're gonna go with perception, this time, 'kuz reasons.
[roll0] nope ropes

Kesh: [roll1]
Pip: [roll2]
Giggles: [roll3]
Vorgrok: [roll4]
Tess: [roll5]

All but Tess and Vorgrok get to act before the snakey bois.

Map updated (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1T1fcZMfowBlBfpdJvPCV2eZM2tbSCqRtLJwIv5wpkKM/edit#gid=0)

2020-03-15, 10:06 PM
Thinking quickly, Keshkaru lifts one of the still burning hoops on its stand, and lays it down on the ground, trying to encircle the vipers with fire. "Quick! Move away! This won't hold them for long!"

Action #1 grab a flaming hoop
Action #2 walk towards the vipers
Action #3 lay the hoop on the ground in such a way to have as many vipers inside it as possible.

2020-03-16, 10:47 PM
Giggles, seeing that Keshkaru seems to be trying to contain the snakes without killing them, pulls a whip from his belt and watches for one to get free of the circle of fire... "Ladies and gentlemen! Please take your seats - several of our reptilian beastmaster's companions seem to have gotten loose! This will only take a moment!"

I think I need a move action, a readied action to attack, and a Deception check. If this is wrong, please forgive me...

Readied attack - Whip [roll0], [roll1] non-lethal damage

Deception [roll2] (or Performance at an additional +3, if allowed)

2020-03-19, 10:24 AM
Keshkaru and Giggles, both already in the main performing area of the tent, are quick to react to the obvious danger. Its location made clear by the suddenly-scrambling audience members, the druid has no difficulty locating and assessing the risk. Perhaps fortunately, the acting ringleader made no guarantees as to the lack of magic involved in Keshkaru's act, as no mundane forces could adequately explain what happened next.

The snakes writhe and rise up, obviously prepared to strike anyone or anything that gets too close. As they've unintentionally wriggled towards the ring (better to get away from the masses of the population piled upon the bleachers), almost the entire audience is well positioned to see what transpires. Whip in one hand, flaming ring in the other, Keshkaru advances upon the snakes. Giggles unintentionally draws all the eyes forward with his cries for calm. Little by little, the druid presses closer, calling upon the snakes to focus upon her to the exclusion of the rest of the audience. Almost immediately, Keshkaru recognizes their plight: drawn from their homes by some other force, the snakes have "come to" in a location very much unfamiliar and uncomfortable. The noise and lights further agitated them, leading them to rise uneasily beneath the bleachers. With a soothing voice, oddly made more-so (to the snakes) by its lisping accent, she utters nonsense words of calm and comfort. Almost immediately, the snakes lower their bodies, letting the coiled up tension release. The seats immediately behind them still vacant, Keshkaru gently coerces the snakes forward, back beneath the bleachers. As she climbs into the first row of stands, the crowd parts- awestruck by the spectacle of control and poise. The vipers follow her guidance further back, through the parting crowd, under the folds of the big top and into the relative peace of the empty fields and bushes behind the tent.

All the while, the crowd remains hushed- stupefied and awed by the demonstration, and more than willing to believe it to be all part of the spectacle. Keshkaru breathes her relief, and the crowd erupts in applause- having completely forgotten Ozkrak's unwillingness to leap the final obstacle. Cheers and cries of "bravo!" come from all sides as the druid returns to the ring on her way offstage.

Obviously, there were plenty of ways to manage that danger, but you had access to the most thrilling method!
New Excitement: 9
Anticipation: still 15

With 2 "team" tricks lined up for the final act, they will get a bonus of +1 excitement for a successful check.

Keenly aware of the crowd's building (and perhaps peaking?) enthusiasm, the time has come for the finale. With few acts remaining, the riggers have already begun to set the side rings for the Flamboni Sisters and the Dwarven Throwers. The only question remaining is who will take the center ring between them?

2020-03-19, 11:35 AM
As far as Pip is concerned, his suspicions have been confirmed. The potential scenarios for those snakes showing up by conventional means are getting further and further fetched, it had to be magic. But at what range? Had the culprit been sitting in the front row that fled or were they even in the tent at all? As Keshkaru masterfully leads the snakes out of the tent, Pip scans the faces of the crowd near where the snakes appeared, looking for anyone whose actions stand out from the others.

Pip would like to do something along the lines of the sense motive action on the portion of the crowd mentioned above. The PHB says that the GM should roll the perception check, Pip's modifier is +4.

2020-03-19, 11:39 AM
Pip's got a good vantage point from the edge of the curtain to witness the audience and gathered actors without being subjected to much scrutiny himself. Still, as Keshkaru returns to the backstage area, and everyone in the audience gradually settles (some more dubiously than others) back into their seats, no one stands out as behaving oddly. There are many varieties of awe and skepticism, but everyone present's actions are reasonably explained by appreciation for "the act," or concern because they don't think it was just part of the act.

2020-03-19, 03:21 PM
"What a performance by our resident dinosaur and snake charmer, Keshkaru! Let's give her another round of applause for her incredible display of natural power and grace! And thank you, as well, for your patience - even the best of performances has a bit of risk to them, and your calm and measured response to our little surprise helped ensure a safe and enjoyable show. Give yourselves a hand!" proclaims Gigglespit as the scene returns to normal, doing his best to stroke the ego of the assembled audience and smoothly transition back to the normal flow of acts.

Once back in the center ring, Gigglespit takes only a brief moment to catch his breath and bring his heart rate back under control before loudly cracking his whip to gain the attention of the crowd again. "The Circus of Wayward Wonders wishes to thank you all for your attention tonight - we hope you have had a wonderful time and will tell your friends and neighbors about our little show. You have been a wonderful audience and we have enjoyed performing for you.

But first, before you all leave, we have three final performances for you. In the outer rings we have two of the finest teams of acrobatics and skill you may ever see. To my left you will see the Dwarven Throwers tumble and perform acts of incredible strength and coordination as they form living catapults and launch their members into the air!

To my right you will see the lovely Flamboni Sisters perform daring feats of grace within the intense heat of a raging inferno as they juggle fire itself! Keep back - it's going to get hot in there!

And finally, in the center ring we have the exotic dark elf Tessara, using mystical powers from the Darklands she will display control over blades to rival that of the finest warriors. Using her own magical targets she will fling knives and daggers with only the power of her mind in a dazzling show of concentration and power!"

Bowing as he steps out of the way, Giggles makes his way back out of the spotlight and gathers the attention of the remaining performers. "Something is up - I need your eyes! I know how great these acts are, but we cannot watch them this time! We need people at each entrance to the tent, up in the rafters, and all around. If something else happens we need to see if coming! Go, quick! And keep your eyes peeled! Don't let more sabotage surprise us again!"

2020-03-19, 11:13 PM
As Gigglespit's introduction subsides, Tessara takes a deep breath behind the curtain and begins weaving her first spell. In the tent, the audience begins the hear the sound of whistling, piercing wind although the air inside is still. The sound of the wind begin faintly but soon crescendoes into a volume almost painfully loud. As it does a trio of colored lights float out from behind the curtain and begin spinning in the center ring - first red, then blue, and then joined by green. Round and round they spin in ever faster and more complicated arcs, intensifying in tandem with the rise of the shrieking wind! As lights and sound reach their apex they suddenly cease - and the crowd sees Tessara standing at the end of the ring.

"People of Abberton!" she intones as she steps forward, her voice much louder and deeper than usual. She wears an almost laughably ornate gown of black and dark purple whose defining characteristics are two long rods protruding back from the shoulders. Between them is arrayed a patchwork trail of white lace fashioned to look like "spider silk" - a labor of love that took Pip nearly three weeks to complete. "What you call 'magic' barely scratches the surface! There are spells deeper than you know, in the sunken depths where mortals dare not go!" She reach the center of the ring and gestures dramatically in time with her words, looking every inch the exotic drow matron. As she speaks, rustabouts begin wheeling five archery targets into semicircle arranged behind and around her.

"Spells to find true love!" She pulls a throwing dagger from her belt and tosses it high into the air. At the apex of its arch she speaks a command word and it suddenly flies off to thunk loudly into one of targets. "Spells to conjure fabulous wealth!" Another dagger goes up, followed by another thunk. "Spells beyond your wildest dreams and imaginings!" This time two daggers go up into the air, and are sent flying in rapid succession into targets on opposite sides of the circle. The crowd erupts in applause and Tessara basks in it for a moment, grateful for the chance to catch her breath after so many nonstop spells. And now for the grand finale...

"But the most important spells of all..." she cries, letting the audience savor the suspense a moment, "are the ones we use to defend. From! EVIL!" As she cries the final word the last archery target disappears, replaced by the spectacle of a young black dragon! It is frozen in the rictus of terrible "roar", the sound of which quickly follows as Tessara weaves the last illusion spell of the act. A few spectators in the front rows visibly flinch from the sudden sight and sound of the apparent threat. Before the audience can pick up on the "dragon's" immobility she whirls around, drawing her final throwing knife. This one she lets fly from her fingertips and it speeds true, straight through where the beast's heart would be. As it does the illusion vanishes, revealing the dagger quivering in the center of the final target - bullseye!

I'm taking some creative liberties with the effects of ghost sound, dancing lights, mage hand, telekinetic projectile, and illusory object. :smallwink:

Attack roll from OOC was a 26 :smallcool:

2020-03-20, 02:07 PM
Vorgrok parts the tent flaps, entering the main tent just in time to see Keshkaru seize the attention of their unexpected reptilian guests. As she (and they) exit the tent, he releases the breath he hadn't realized he was holding, and he scans the crowd with a suspicious glare.

"Something is up - I need your eyes! I know how great these acts are, but we cannot watch them this time! We need people at each entrance to the tent, up in the rafters, and all around. If something else happens we need to see if coming! Go, quick! And keep your eyes peeled! Don't let more sabotage surprise us again!"

With a wordless grunt of agreement, the stocky dwarf exits the tent, circling to the front entrance and striking a vigilant pose, aiming his dour expression at any and all avenues of approach.

2020-03-21, 07:28 AM
As the not-yet-really-a-party spreads out, to gain better vantages to observe the audience and seek the culprit of their apparent sabotage as well as Myron's death, Tessara gives herself wholly to the performance. Putting all thoughts of subterfuge and deception aside, excepting those involved in her performance, she begins a dazzling display of arcane and athletic acumen. In all the right places, the audience's responses echo her mystical dance, simultaneously giving her appreciation and encouragement for the next step of the show.

From the sides of the tent, raucous cheers erupt as the Dwarven Tossers and Flamboni Sisters wow the audience with their own demonstrations. As Dwarves soar with stunning grace, more and more flaming batons occupy the space between earth and sky. It quickly becomes apparent to the people of Abberton that it perhaps doesn't matter where they look- fascinating sights and marvels can be found in all three rings of the Circus of Wayward Wonders! The cheers reach new heights as the Dwarves finish their routine. All eyes on Tessara, the applause is thunderous when the illusory dragon fades to reveal a perfect throw! The crowd demands more, yet there is nothing more to give. The show has ended, and all that remains is to show their appreciation.

And show it, they do. One by one, Giggles calls out the performers to the center ring. Even Axel is graced with a polite and steady rain of cheers and applause. The crowd hollers louder and louder as Mordaine, Keshkaru, the Dwarves, and the Flamboni Sisters return to the limelight, but the applause could be mistaken for thunder when Tessara receives her final bow. As the riggers dash through the tent, lighting previously dormant torches to bring light back to the "house" area, the performers retire to backstage where their compatriots in the circus wait to shower their own praise. Perhaps unsurprisingly, Axel is the greatest recipient there, as stresses of rookie performances are shared by almost all gathered, at least vicariously.

From his vantage outside the tent, where other carnie workers mull about as well, Vorgrok isn't able to identify anything unusual, but he is present to witness first hand the lingering appreciation of the people of Abberton. Smiles and excited glances are the expression of the hour. Everyone leaving the tent seems pleased, maybe even hopeful that there will be a repeat performance in the coming days. Any disappointment from how the show started has long since been eclipsed by the finale and feature act that preceded it. The people return to their evening activities, obviously exuberant.

Backstage, the Professor approaches Giggles, and the rest of the gathered workers take a polite silence. "Giggles and Keshkaru have done masterful work, have they not?" he says, his voice still wispy and thin due to his past injuries. A quiet, polite round of applause comes from the coworkers- with more than a few glances for Tessara and the others who took a more hands-off role, as the mood suddenly turns dour. "but lest we forget, there was unhappy need for their efforts. Please, be cautious, especially tonight. In the hours following a show, the murderer may attempt to strike again, assuming we will be too unfocused for vigilance. Stay together- in larger groups. Watch out for each other, lest we share poor Myron's fate."

The circus cast and supporting crew begin to disperse, staying more or less together as they return to their carts and wagons to change out of costumes and find food. The Professor pulls Vorgrok and Pip aside as they come together backstage, saying "I saw that you two were searching Myron's wagon. Did you find anything noteworthy?"

2020-03-21, 04:46 PM
For several minutes, Vorgrok nods curtly at the grins and waves that are sent his way by exiting members of the audience. The sheer positivity of the happy throng begins to tug at the tension in the stocky dwarf's frame, and he begins to subconsciously relax. His furrowed brows lift, and the wrinkles that give evidence to his habitual squint briefly disappear. He seems even in danger of smiling when the last few stragglers make their way through the exit, and he strides off to the expected "all hands" meeting after the show.

"I saw that you two were searching Myron's wagon. Did you find anything noteworthy?"

His dour scowl having quite recovered from his immersion in the happiness of the crowd, Vorgrok lets out an irritable grunt. "Snakes. More'n have any reason t'be here. And... somethin' ain't right in the wagon. Felt like we oughtta get more eyes on it 'fore waltzin' in." The dwarf looks around at those assembled, clearly scrutinizing the performers that remain for any ability to hold their own in a fight.

2020-03-21, 08:15 PM
"Well, we cannot just leave poor Myron there and we need to see what happened. I will go with Vorgrok and Pip to investigate further," volunteers Gigglespit with an uncharacteristically serious look on his blue face. "We did well to save the show tonight, but I don't think the night is really over yet..."

2020-03-23, 11:44 AM
Pip quickly chimes in to elaborate on Vorgrok's brief description, going over what happened in much more detail than is likely necessary or desired.

"...And that is why I'm convinced that some foul magic is at the root of our snake related problems this evening! Now that we have backup lets quit wasting time and get back over there. I already got a few tumblers set on the lock so we should be into the wagon in no time!"

2020-03-23, 01:12 PM
"I'm coming too!" Tessara chimes in. "Just let me - uphm! - here..." She shrugs out of the ornate mantle to lessen her encumbrance. "Snakes, did you say? Keshkaru, that sounds like what we saw in the tent! Do you have any idea what could have made them so agitated?"

2020-03-24, 08:58 AM
"Well done, everyone. That was a hard night without Myron, and we pulled it off! Even though, I'm sure, someone wanted us to fail, and badly. Rats biting off the nets - not natural. Vipers showing up out of nowhere - not natural. And of course, Myron's death. These things were not accidents..." Keshkaru doesn't take a long time to bask in the team's success. She walks with the others towards Myron's wagon, for further inquiry. On the way, she gives an appreciative glance towards Tessara. "That was amazing. You were our star tonight, don't let anyone tell you otherwise."

The tall iruxi goes down on her knees to examine the body of the deceased. "Snakes. Are these snake bites really? Let me check."

Any rolls needed? Or are they secret rolls?

2020-03-24, 01:38 PM
As Iruxi makes her own quick investigation, Vorgrok and Pip overlook her shoulders, describing their own findings. It's a simple matter to confirm their suspicions and add another layer of certainty to the idea that Myron was somehow murdered by a significant number of oddly-behaving snakes, and then moved by a significant number of oddly-behaving rodents. Pip remains focused on the locked wagon, while Keshkaru consider's Tessara's question.

Ultimately, the answer seems obvious to the druidess: another druid with ill intentions likely coerced the local wildlife into acting with unnatural hostility. This is well beyond even what a trained animal handler like Elizia could do.

Now the questions remaining are who? and why?

2020-03-24, 02:49 PM
Giggles watching the proceedings for a couple of moments before yawning. "All this investigation is pretty important, but it is sure taking a long time..." he mutters as he watches. When Pip looks over in his direction the blue gnome perks up and asks, "So...you were picking the lock, huh? Mind if I finish it?"

Not waiting for a real answer, the distract-able little man saunters over to the locked door and begins working the tumblers, demonstrating some competence with the tumblers and tools as he does (+6 Thievery modifier if a roll is needed).

2020-03-25, 09:14 AM
Almost before he's put a pin in the lock, Giggles finds the handle responding to his touch. With quick prods, he notes Pip's previous work and nods with quick acknowledgement of its accuracy. He probes the remaining tumblers, and finds all but one already in place. With a nearly inaudible click, the final tumbler falls into place, and he shoves the door inward.

Begin combat!

Nearly immediately, a hazy cloud of thick air pours out of the now-open door. Dark orange motes, individually almost too small to perceive flood out, carrying a dank scent of musk and earth with them and making the interior of the wagon almost impossible to perceive. Just a heartbeat later, a greenish clump of goo hurls out as well, just over Giggle's left shoulder. It splatters harmlessly to the ground several paces behind him, spreading thickly over the earth with goopy effusion.

The cloud of spores leaves the inside of Myron's wagon clouded. It's impossible to tell what, precisely, launched the slimy globe at Giggles without getting into it.

Map updated (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1T1fcZMfowBlBfpdJvPCV2eZM2tbSCqRtLJwIv5wpkKM/edit#gid=688306301) At current, the interior of Myron's wagon is thick with obstructing "mists."

2020-03-25, 09:41 AM
"What is that, now?" Keshkaru responds to the surprise assault with apparent calm, but without hesitation. Holding her breath, she walks forward, right into the orange cloud, and looks for the source of this attack.

Action #1 Stride in, holding breath (using her Control Breath feat to get a +1 vs inhaled poisons and such).

If she sees an attacking creature:
Action #2, claw Strike [roll0] damage [roll1]
Action #3, claw Strike [roll2] (agile) damage [roll3]

If she doesn't see anything:
Action #2, Seek (secret check)
Action #3, as above if she sees a creature, or Seek again if not.

AC 13 (unarmored, no shield)
HP 16
Fort +3
Refl +3
Will+ 9
Perception +7

2020-03-25, 02:31 PM
"Whoa! Look out!" cries Giggles as he hops backwards away from the gas-filled wagon. "Shield yourselves from harm and try to take whatever it is alive!" he calls out with a commanding voice, occult magic lacing the words as he draws his whip.

I don't think I can take a 5-ft step and do all this, but if I can add the 5-ft step out of the way to the following three actions:

Cast Shield (https://2e.aonprd.com/Spells.aspx?ID=280)
Cast Inspire Courage (https://2e.aonprd.com/Spells.aspx?ID=386)
Draw whip

2020-03-25, 07:54 PM
"Yuck! What is that?!" As Giggles stands firm and Keshkaru rushes into the wagon Tessara hangs back a bit, looking around for any other signs of trouble.

I don't see Tessara on the map but she'll stay put for now.

Action #1: Seek for enemies or other signs of disturbance around the wagons.
Action #2&3: Readied to cast telekinetic projectile against any hostile creature that becomes visible
attack [roll0], damage [roll1]

AC 15
HP 14
Fort +3
Refl +3
Will+ 5
Perception +3

2020-03-26, 11:17 AM
Pip dashes backward away from the wagon's door in order to have as much time as possible to react should something emerge from the fog-obscured interior. He unstraps his bow and nocks an arrow in preparation for whatever may be coming.

Action 1: Stride back 15 ft from, but generally still in front of, the wagon door.
Action 2: Take out shortbow
Action 3: Ready an attack with the shortbow against anything that comes through the door. Attack [roll0] Damage (if applicable) [roll1]
AC 18
HP 19
Fort +3
Refl +5
Will+ 5
Perception +5

2020-03-27, 01:42 PM
Mitts recoils from the glob of... whatever, for a moment, as Keshkaru nonchalantly strides into the mist that obscures the wagon's contents. Brows furrowing in suspicion and annoyance, the dwarf hops up the first few steps, raising the heavy mallet he carries in a readied position over one shoulder. Squinting into the mist, he takes a deep breath before following the lizardwoman into the interior of the wagon.

1) Ready weapon
2) Stride into the mist
3) Seek (Perception +7) for enemies to smack!

Active effects: Inspire Courage: +1 atk/dmg/saves vs fear

AC: 15
HP: 24
Fort: 7
Reflex: 5
Will: 7
Per: 7

2020-03-27, 02:35 PM
The thick, cloying air inside the wagon doesn't seem to be immediately threatening, so much as gross and moderately uncomfortable. As Keshkaru and Vorgrok enter the space, it quickly becomes clear that the threat is... unusual. There's simply nowhere in the wagon big enough for much of an enemy to hide, yet nothing threatening immediately becomes apparent. In her haste to find an enemy, the Iruxi brushes against something squishy. A sound not unlike a belch comes from the thing, and a thick glob of greasy goop slams into her face at point blank range (Keshkaru takes 10 poison damage). She grimaces, as much of the slop makes its way into her eyes and ears, but manages to continue holding her breath- avoiding what could have been even more unpleasant.

In almost the same moment, she bumps into Vorgrok, sending the Dwarf stumbling into the other wall- where he finds a similar squishy tube. He fares slightly better, taking the ensuing belch on his upper chest instead of face (Vorgrok takes 4 poison damage), and in stoic, Dwarven fashion, he inhales deeply of the hallucinogenic pollen- but his sheer fortitude overcomes its clinging spores.

The cloudy interior of the wagon remains, for the moment, almost totally opaque in the rapidly-dimming sunlight, and for now the details of the threat remain somewhat unknown.

map updated (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1T1fcZMfowBlBfpdJvPCV2eZM2tbSCqRtLJwIv5wpkKM/edit#gid=688306301)
Players to act!

2020-03-27, 08:56 PM
"What is in there? Guys, are you alright?" asks Gigglespit as he carefully walks back, avoiding the glob on the ground and watching carefully to strike something with his whip. "Stay brave, but be careful!"

Step (https://2e.aonprd.com/Actions.aspx?ID=87) to X11
Seek (https://2e.aonprd.com/Actions.aspx?ID=84) an enemy to attack.
Cast Inspire Courage (https://2e.aonprd.com/Spells.aspx?ID=386) again.

2020-03-28, 06:29 AM
Keshkaru hears Gigglesplit calling out to them, but she keeps her mouth firmly shut. She lashes out at the thing randomly a few times as she shakes her head in an attempt to rid herself of some of the dizziness from the toxic grease, but this only makes things worse. On wobbly legs, she walks out of the wagon. "Not... At my best... Right now..." she says weakly, as she steadies herself by leaning against a nearby tree.

#1 attack, claw [roll0] (includes Inspire Courage), flat check DC11 [roll1] damage [roll2]
#2 attack, claw [roll3] (agile, includes Inspire Courage), flat check DC11 [roll4] damage [roll5]
#3 get out

AC 13 (unarmored, no shield)
HP 6/16
Fort +3
Refl +3
Will+ 9
Perception +7

2020-03-28, 06:59 AM
"Keshkaru! You're hurt!" Tessara cries out in dismay and moves to help her friend. Peering into the wagon, she casts one of her spells from the show to illuminate the interior. "Vorgrok, what do you see?!"

Cast dancing lights (https://2e.aonprd.com/Spells.aspx?ID=58) within the wagon to try and make the foe(s) more visible.

AC 15
HP 14
Fort +3
Refl +3
Will+ 5
Perception +3

2020-03-29, 05:43 PM
Pip silently watches Keshkaru's unsteady exit trying to determine what might have caused such a reaction. There were no obviously visible injuries, so maybe it was that unnatural smoke? An idea starts to form in his head and he dashes over to the stream, dropping his bow along the way. Tearing off a section of his shirt he dampens it in the water and ties it around his face, covering his mouth and nose with the makeshift mask.

Action 1: Move over to the water.
Action 2&3: Prepare the facemask.

If you think this would take more than one round I can continue this task in the next round.

2020-03-30, 07:47 PM
Mitts lets out a grunt of pain that suddenly swells into a roar of anger! Grasping his makeshift weapon in both hands, the dwarf spins it angrily in the direction of the strange, squishy threat!

1) Activate Rage: +3 temp HP, +2 damage, -1 AC
Action 2: Attack! [roll0] vs DC 11 to locate, [roll1] (with basically all attack types, unless weapon is Large sized). Damage is for whatever this weapon counts as, plus 6.
Action 3: Attack again! [roll2] vs DC 11 to locate, [roll3], damage remains plus 6.

AC: 14 HP: 20 (+3 temp HP)
Fort: 7
Reflex: 5
Will: 7
Per: 7

Active Effects:
Inspire Courage: +1 atk/dmg/saves vs fear
Rage +3HP, +2dmg, -1AC

2020-03-30, 08:31 PM
With the space outside the wagon, it's hard for most of the group to be of direct use. Giggle's encouragement rings true, and both Vorgrok and Keshkaru manage to strike their foes accurately, both noting the impact of fleshiness instead of wagon walls. Vorgrok is rewarded with a second noise- like rotting vegetables impacting a stage, as his target falls to the space near his feet. Immediately thereafter, the Druid retreats, leaving more space inside.

Unfortunately, the dancing lights do little to permeate the "fog," as the thickness is a consequence of a dense cloud of pollen motes, rather than dimness or vapors. Pip uses a few seconds to douse a piece of cloth, cleverly crafting a makeshift mask to help him avoid breathing in the cloying cloud.

The use of claws and Keshkaru's familiars leave her quite sure that what she just struck is a plant- not an animal or person.

For the moment, the interior of the wagon is silent. The cloud continues creeping forward, no longer fully enclosed by the wagon's walls.
Map updated (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1T1fcZMfowBlBfpdJvPCV2eZM2tbSCqRtLJwIv5wpkKM/edit#gid=688306301)

2020-03-30, 08:52 PM
"Keep it up! It looks like you hit something!" cheers Gigglespit as he keeps stepping away from the expanding fog of spores. Swinging his whip around, he continues to watch for a threat to appear from within the cloud.

Step (https://2e.aonprd.com/Actions.aspx?ID=87) to W10
Seek (https://2e.aonprd.com/Actions.aspx?ID=84) an enemy to attack again.
Cast Inspire Courage (https://2e.aonprd.com/Spells.aspx?ID=386) again.

2020-03-31, 09:28 AM
"It's a kind of plant... Try fire?" The iruxi looks to put her own advice to the test. She begins an incantation in a language none of her friends understands, and the orange spines on her back begin to move in a rhythm along with her words:

"L'Esprit de la flamme-mère
Âme du feu primal
Vient à moi, pur et fier,
Brûler ce végétal!"

A small ball of flame appears at the tip of her claw, and with a flick of her wrist, she hurls it inside the pollen cloud.

#1 Seek (if unsuccessful, she will aim at the approximate area where she found the plant last round)
#2 and 3 cast Produce Flame, attack [roll0] (with Inspire Courage), flat check [roll1], fire damage [roll2]

2020-03-31, 07:20 PM
"Did you say - a plant?!" Shocked, Tessara ceases her concentration on the near useless lights. Instead she picks up one end of a branch from the fireplace, and casts a spell to send it crashing into the wagon besides Vorgrok.

Action 1: Seek for a foe [roll0]
Actions 2-3: Cast telekinetic projectile (https://2e.aonprd.com/Spells.aspx?ID=334) to attack with some burning logs from the fireplace. Aim at square Y12 unless the Seek reveals a better location:

concealment [roll1], attack [roll2], damage [roll3] bludgeoning (or maybe fire?)

AC 15
HP 14 / 14
Fort +3
Refl +3
Will+ 5
Perception +3

2020-04-01, 03:36 PM
By the time that Pip's preparations are complete, the others have begun their fiery barrage. Not wanting to get hit by the projectiles he dashes up to the side of the wagon, drawing his small rapier and waiting to see what effect the flame will have.

Action 1: Draw rapier
Action 2: Step adjacent to wagon door (careful not to cross the line of fire)
Action 3: Seek for enemies using the spores as cover to leave the wagon.

2020-04-02, 12:56 PM
"Oi! A'm still in here!! Ya cracked??" bellows out the dwarf as various flaming projectiles zip past him in the enclosed space. Using his makeshift weapon, Mitts prods the area, looking for some evidence of additional enemies to attack...

Seek: Perception is +7
Step (if necessary) into range
Attack: [roll0] vs hidden-ness, [roll1] attack roll, [roll2] bludgeoning damage.
Second Attack (if no movement was required): [roll3] vs hidden-ness, [roll4] attack roll, [roll5] bludgeoning damage.

AC: 14 HP: 20 (+3 temp HP)
Fort: 7
Reflex: 5
Will: 7
Per: 7

Active Effects:
Inspire Courage: +1 atk/dmg/saves vs fear
8 rds: Rage +3HP, +2dmg, -1AC

2020-04-02, 02:48 PM
In a matter of moments, lots of things change.

Giggles steps a bit further from the ruckus, continuing to provide magical encouragement to the rest of the entourage.

Keshkaru hurls a glob of magical fire into the wagon. Perhaps miraculously, it doesn't seem to set anything alight. Instead, she's rewarded with another squishy thud; a repetition of the same sound Vorgrok caused a moment prior.

Tessara uses a few burning sticks as flaming projectiles. It's probably for the best that her aim is a bit off, as Vorgrok remains both a thoroughly obstructing presence and for the moment, unsinged. The Dwarf, for his part, manages to prod precisely the right place. He returns to the spot with more force, and the sledge encounters the sturdy wooden frame of the wall- just after smashing a third fleshy/planty thing into a squishy mess.

Finally, thanks in part to the various incendiaries, the air inside the wagon finally clears out enough to do better than make out vague shapes. The drawn shades on the interior of the windows come into focus, and a fourth (and final) huge, bulbous plant is revealed- attached somehow to the far wall. Three similar plants- lie in various states of destruction on the floor of the wagon, their almost 2-feet of length now oozing some kind of pollen-y pus onto the floor.
Think this thing- except about 2 feet long from top to bottom:https://www.dmbotanicalgarden.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/IMG_0734-667x1000.jpg
Map updated (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1T1fcZMfowBlBfpdJvPCV2eZM2tbSCqRtLJwIv5wpkKM/edit#gid=688306301)

2020-04-02, 04:36 PM
"What in the world is that?!" exclaims Gigglespit in a mix of horror and fascination. "I've never seen such a weird looking thing - is it a plant or an animal"

After an incredulous moment he realizes that they still need to remove the threat of the...gourd? "Hit it again, hard!" he directs, his occult influence still empowering his friends' strikes as he draws a dagger to throw at the monstrous foe.

Cast Inspire Courage (https://2e.aonprd.com/Spells.aspx?ID=386) again.
Draw a dagger.
Strike with the (thrown) dagger: [roll0] attack, [roll1] damage

2020-04-02, 06:51 PM
"Who cares what it is! Kill it!" Following her own advice, Tessara does her best to strike the creature again with the fire logs, hoping for some of accuracy she displayed in the ring to come back to her.

Attack with telekinetic projectile (https://2e.aonprd.com/Spells.aspx?ID=334)
attack [roll0], damage [roll1]

2020-04-05, 08:25 AM
For the first time, the unlikely group of performers and support workers gets to see how the threat operates in truth. Giggles flings a dagger, and the gourd turns towards him. Between the impact of the dagger and Tessara's attack, the plant belches forth a thick glob of pollen-y goop. It streaks towards Giggles, with bizarrely accurate targeting. It splatters all over the Gnome's face (Giggles takes 6 damage). As Vorgrok and Keshkaru experienced, Giggles finds motes and phantom images flickering about in his peripheral vision. With an effort of will, he focuses and dispels the illusions.

In the same heartbeat, Tessara bludgeons the now-damaged plant with a few flaming logs. Even as they further clear the air of its obscuring spores, they dislodge the gourd. It falls to the floor of the wagon with a squish, and nothing moves inside the wagon.
End of combat.

As the seconds pass, the remaining pollen gently wisps into the evening air, dissipating harmlessly once it exceeds the confines of the wagon. You begin to investigate, taking enough time to be sure you're not overlooking something important. The most noteworthy thing is how well-organized his wagon remains. Myron must have been killed outside the wagon, and his belongings weren't even ransacked. In a small (unlocked) chest beside his simple cot, you find a lesser bravo's brew in a crystal vial and a bearskin hat marked with a golden leaf. An everburning torch is mounted on the wall, bearing an inscription "See what you want to see" on the handle. Finally, pinned across most of one wall is a cape once worn by a famous animal trainer named the Great Fortunato. He was a friend of Myron's before he was robbed and killed several months ago. Ultimately, the only noteworthy clue is perhaps the presence and nature of the trap left by your unknown adversary.

2020-04-05, 01:06 PM
Vorgrok spins from his assault at the strange plant creatures to cast a frenzied glare about the motley group. "Ya'd best be glad ya missed me!" he barks behind him, clearly unsure of exactly who might have been behind the various projectiles that had been whizzing past his head. To punctuate his point, the dwarf repeatedly raps the thick mallet head of his improvised weapon into one open palm with a meaty thwhack, fingers bulging from the still-dissipating rage.

After several seconds, the dwarf's muscles seem to relax, and he hops heavily down the wagon's steps to breathe deeply, resting his hands on his knees as the others step up to investigate the wagon. Re-mounting the wagon's steps, he glares into the space with one eyebrow raised in questioning suspicion.

Try to recall info on the plants? Medicine is +5, Nature is +2, Survival is +5.

2020-04-05, 01:17 PM
Tessara gulps and pretends to look the other way as Vogrok glares at party. "Just what was that!? Giant gourd-plants that spit some kind of venom? And this is after the rats and the snakes behaving oddly... what on earth is going on around here? Oh, Giggles! You're hurt!" Her attention turns to the diminutive now-ringleader and she kneels to help him scrape off the goop as gingerly as she can.

2020-04-05, 01:27 PM
As his adrenaline slowly subsides, Pip turns to the others and asks: "Have any of you seen anything like that before? I haven't left the city much myself and I haven't even heard of a... plant... like this!" As he talks, he absentmindedly looks around the wagon, eyes finally settling on the Great Fortunato's cape. He seems to recall something about a robbery, maybe one of the clowns had mentioned it to him? Scrunching his small brow he tries to recall the story.

Try to remember any additional details he may have overheard or been told about the what happened to the Great Fortunato: recall knowledge society (1d20+6)[24] (rolled in ooc thread)

2020-04-05, 02:06 PM
"Gah! Oh, that hurts! Ugh! It's in my mouth...ew Ew EW EW!" exclaims Giggles as he frantically tries to wipe off the plant matter from his face. With Tessara's help he is able to get it all cleaned off, but he is so distracted by this that he misses several moments of investigation before looking to the others to see what is happening. "Thank you, Tessara - that helped! Was that it, then? Good. So...what have you all found?" he asks as he stands up. "And who all is hurt? I can get the out the first aid kit and see what we can do for everyone that got hit by that thing..."

I am offering to use the Treat Wounds (https://2e.aonprd.com/Actions.aspx?ID=57) action on anyone who needs it.

For Gigglespit (self-applied): Medicine check [roll0] vs DC 15 for [roll1] HPs (or [roll2] with a critical success or [roll3] additional damage on a critical failure) (normal failure).

I may cast Soothe (https://2e.aonprd.com/Spells.aspx?ID=291) on myself unless anyone else can do something useful to heal our HPs...

2020-04-07, 08:11 AM
Vorgrok is fairly sure that plants like this aren't natural. Keshkaru confirms his suspicions, verifying that in some what the scene has been magically manipulated.

Other than the already-mentioned valuables, there's only a few things to determine from Myron's wagon beyond what you already know. He was not killed there, but just outside it (no signs of struggle). The killer or an accomplice must have had access (wagon was locked, but the inside was trapped- the key was not found on his body). Myron was killed by someone with direct control (or who had an accomplice with it) over both regular animals and now apparently the ability to make plants much larger and more dangerous. Masses of rat tracks cover the ground, masking any more useful tracks.

While most of the performers and riggers gather around the fire, huddled together for safety as much as anything else, it falls upon you all to investigate further to ensure the circus is as safe as can be.

Map updated with notations (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1T1fcZMfowBlBfpdJvPCV2eZM2tbSCqRtLJwIv5wpkKM/edit#gid=688306301)

2020-04-07, 09:50 AM
"What criminal uses animals and plants in this way for murderous purposes... We must put a stop to this." Keshkaru's mind is calm and determined, but her body falters. She sits, next to Giggles. "The first aid will be much appreciated, friend. But let me also call on the spirits' help at this juncture, if no one minds, please gather round?"

As all those hurt by the murderous poisoned plants get closer to her, she crosses her legs, grasps a small bag that hangs from a leather lace around her neck - a bundle of dried marsh reeves, and her most sacred memory from her native home. In a whisper, she chants along with the mystic gestures of her arms pointing at her companions one by one:

"L'esprit de la source
Toujours guérit nos corps
Comme une main très douce
La douleur il endort."

A wave of healing energy flows out of her hands, granting all around her a renewed vigor.

The deed done, she says a word of grace, this time in the common language: "We thank you, spirits of nature, for your unending blessings." As she stands, she now feels much better.

"The tracks here lead nowhere. We should search the whole camp, for any trace of who may have done this." She walks away, to look for anything unusual, starting with the vicinity of nearest wagons.

3-action Heal, for [roll0] hp for everyone who got hurt.

For the purposes of searching, her Perception is +7 and Survival +4.

2020-04-07, 07:14 PM
"Yes you're right!" Tessara chimes in. "Should we split up to search more quickly? Or, maybe in pairs? If we encounter another batch of those... things I'd rather not be on my own. Pip, will you come with me?"

If the young goblin agrees, the pair stride back towards the wagons near the animal pens and acrobatics practice area, looking for clues.

Perception +3, Survival +0

2020-04-07, 11:51 PM
As Keshkaru's magic washes over him, healing his wounds, Gigglespit nods in thanks while tossing the first aid kit to the side. As he sees several of the more capable circus members look for clues and a sizable crowd of frightened onlookers forming he shakes his head and makes a face. Then, raising his voice he says, "Back it up, everyone! Professor? If you would come help me, we need to get everyone back to work doing something productive while we keep them out of the way..." and starts to corral the other members of the show away from the spectacle of their dead friend. "No good will come from too many people tramping around...You there, would you please get a couple more people together to set Myron's body aside for a proper, respectful burial? We cannot let it stay around to attract scavengers...Yes, it was a good show, but we need to make sure no one else gets hurt tonight...I think setting up a watch around the perimeter is an excellent idea - please get a couple of people together and make it happen!"

I am guessing Diplomacy (+4), Performance (+7), and/or Society (+4) would all help here. I am not sure how to mechanically do it, but the basic idea is to clear the area so an investigation can happen, keep people safe, and try to start getting most of the circus back to the routine.

Gigglespit would expect the Professor, as the...owner?...of the circus, to help him get things moving in the right direction.

2020-04-08, 08:41 AM
The group splits up somewhat, hoping to find more information without stumbling upon too much danger.

While Giggles talks with The Professor, the blue-skinned Gnome discovers an odd problem: the "usual" course after a show like this is revelry and abandon. Anything resembling order will be a drastic change from the norm, even if it's necessary. As such, at The Professor's urging, they settle for encouraging some celebration, but restricting it to the gathering around the fire and pond. Hopefully, keeping some of the more adventurous sorts in the company of families and youngsters will serve the dual purpose of keeping them safe. For now, that's probably the best they can accomplish.

Meanwhile, Keshkaru and Vorgrok inspect the wagons immediately around that area. With the help of each wagon's owners, it's a quick and easy task to verify that each one is clear. Whether the consequence of random luck or a specifically-targeted attack by your unknown assailant, it seems that Myron was the only person injured, and that none of the other wagons were even burgled.

Finally, Tessara and Pip head off to begin inspecting some of the further wagons. At first, it seems these wagons have likewise gone unmolested, but nonetheless the duo intends to be thorough. When they get close to the wagon where Bardolph (the grizzly bear partner of the late Great Fortunato) lives, the wagon begins to shake vigorously. No doubt, the shaking is Bardolph's doing- he's more than big enough to rattle it around, but he's usually quite docile. As recently as a week prior, he was performing tricks with some of the kids leading him, so the agitation is noteworthy.

Before we press on with any further actions, I need a clear statement of who recovered what from Myron's cabin, and what was done with it all. You're welcome to leave it, carry it to be dealt with later, or take it to keep.
I just need to know what was done, and who's carrying what.

2020-04-08, 10:30 AM
As Giggles and the Professor try to keep everyone calm, the little blue gnome finds himself in an odd role reversal. Usually one of the most rambunctious members of the troope, Giggles knows exactly who to target to keep them in line, promising to make it up to them later. Once things look to be moving in the right direction his gaze returns to Myron's wagon and he tugs at the Professor's sleeve. "I think we need to lock up his wagon and make sure nothing gets moved - once we know everywhere else is safe we can return to study those plants and things more closely, but no one should mess with it until then - don't you think?"

Giggles will ensure the wagon gets closed and locked with a new lock, as well as asking a couple of his more crazy friends to set up a (calm) game like cards or dice or something nearby where they can watch it. He will then make it a point to check on it every ten or fifteen minutes or so to be sure nothing is disturbed.
After the wagon is locked down he wanders about, seemingly aimlessly for several moments as he lets his mind grapple with the unexpected excitement of the night. It isn't until he is standing in a particularly shady part of the grounds that he realizes that he is crying, the heavy sobs shaking his small frame. Standing there for a minute or two he lets the grief flow and purge the intense feelings from him before wiping his face and walking towards the wagon where Bardolph the bear is making quite a racket...

2020-04-08, 11:13 AM
Pip gamely tags along behind Tessara, eye's flitting too and fro as they walk between the wagons. Nothing initially catches his attention, but as they draw closer to Bardolph's wagon, the bear's unrest becomes more and more apparent. Remembering the snakes in the ring, Pip wastes no time dashing over to the wagon and hoisting his small frame high enough to peep in through one of the barred windows.

If there are no windows I can edit this accordingly

2020-04-08, 01:23 PM
As Pip weasels his head against the bars, he glimpses a few narrow openings in the curtains. Inside, he can see Bardolph rocking on his feet in agitation. Periodically, he paws at the door, the sound grating if familiar. When Bardolph catches a glimpse of Pip through the same opening, the bear lunges. The glass pane holds, however, and other than a sudden shriek of surprise, Pip is left unhurt by the shock.

Bardolph has never attacked a member of the circus. Or anyone else, that any of you can remember. He sure looks like he's ready for a fight now, though- and may not be too picky who it's with.

2020-04-08, 05:48 PM
"Oh no, Bardolph! Something's wrong - quick, someone go get Keshkaru! Easy there boy, easy..." Tessara does her best to try and calm the riled-up creature, though she doesn't have much confidence. "First the rats and snakes, now Bardolph - what is going on with the animals around here tonight?!"

Does PF2E have an equivalent of the "Handle Animal" skill? I haven't found one...
Nature +0, Diplomacy +4 if either are relevant.

2020-04-08, 09:07 PM
Vorgrok's obvious irritation eases significantly as Keshkaru's ministrations ease the minor pains of the plants' assault; his typical, rather impassive expression returns as he eyes the wagon's contents.

When the suggestion is made to fan out and search the circus, his first destination is to retrieve a few items from his own pack, particularly his traveling leathers and a rather large sledge, frequently used for all manner of con- and de-struction as required for the building up and tearing down of the tent and equipment. Hefting it appraisingly in both hands, he sets out to walk the perimeter, eyes keen for any sign of something out of sorts.

Perception is +7, Nature mod is +2, Survival is +5. Looking for tracks or any other evidence of value.

At Pip's sudden shriek, the dwarf spins on his heels, considers the angle of arrival, and lumbers off to investigate.

2020-04-08, 09:22 PM
Hearing Tessara calling out for her, Keshkaru rushes towards Bardolph's wagon. "What's going on?" She doesn't wait for an answer and immediately goes to look through the bars, trying to assess the bear's condition. She then engages in a series of bear-like grunts, accompanied by soothing gestures, hoping to get the animal to quiet down.

Either Perception (+7) or Nature (+7) to assess if the bear is uncomfortable due to some external irritant factor.

If I understand correctly, Bardolph is not friendly right now, so Command an Animal will fail. Keshkaru needs 1 minute to Make an Impression to try to improve his attitude. Thanks to Wild Empathy, she can do that with Diplomacy [roll0] (if she needs to get inside the wagon for that, she will do so).

2020-04-08, 10:05 PM
Upon hearing the cries of surprise and concern from Pip, Giggles starts to run in that direction before stopping as an idea comes to him. "The cape! We may need the cape from Myron's wagon!" he yells as he turns in midair to dash back towards the wagon and tries to get someone to open the locks he has had placed on the door...

2020-04-09, 07:56 AM
For several tense moments, Keshkaru attempts to communicate through the bars and window. For a time, it seems like she is making progress, as Bardolph's agitated thrashing lessens and he seems to be actively giving the Iruxi his attention.

Apparently, Keshkaru said something wrong, though. Without warning the bear suddenly lunges at the bars once more. This time, he manages to crack the glass and continues to savagely tear at the obstructions to try and reach you. As Giggles runs to Myron's wagon and back, Bardolph's anger only seems to mount. In point of fact, before the Gnome returns in earnest, Bardolph has turned his attention to the door. Perhaps unfortunately, he knows full well how to get in and out of the wagon (the handles were long-since replaced with heavy, knotted ropes that Bardolph himself usually uses to pull the door (open from the outside and closed from the inside)). Fortunately, a simple wooden latch serves to keep the door closed during travel.

If nothing changes, and Bardolph's animalistic rage holds up, it's only a matter of time before he breaks through the latch. Then, there's no telling what he'll do.

2020-04-09, 09:35 AM
As the noise from the wagon gets more worrisome Gigglespit tries his best to hurry, calling out, "I've got Fortunato's cape - it might help calm him down! I'm coming!" as he runs in the direction of the bear and the party as fast as he can.

2020-04-09, 06:18 PM
"Hurry!" Tessara calls to Giggles across the field. "Keshkaru - it isn't working! Here, I'll try to distract him..." She furrows her brow in concentration as she traces her fingers through the lines of a spell. Suddenly the air within Bardolph's cage erupts with the snarls and roars of even more bears, although their source is nowhere to be seen.

Cast ghost sound (https://2e.aonprd.com/Spells.aspx?ID=132) to create the sounds of additional bears around Bardolph, trying to distract him from battering down the door.

2020-04-10, 08:03 AM
Bardolph stops short for a moment, pulling a swing that would have been yet another terrible impact on the wooden beam that feels, to you, narrower and narrower by the moment. He snarls, looking to both sides and spends a moment sniffing the air. After a long 3 or 4 seconds, he resumes tearing into the door, having dismissed the sounds in favor of more tangible goals.

Mechanically, I'll say he spent a round interacting with the illusion.
This will allow the party an extra round to prepare before he beats the door open.
I am tracking rounds, though not overtly. Everyone will have roughly the same amount of time to do whatever you want to prepare.

2020-04-10, 01:06 PM
"Good idea! Here! Let me try it!" Keshkaru grabs the long, flowing cape out of the gnome's hands, and drapes herself in it, in the faint hope that a little bit of the old master's commanding presence rubs onto her. Just as she does, the wooden door burst open in a shower of splinters! Now if there ever was a time to show any performance talent...

"L'esprit des forêts calmes
Appelle de sa voix tendre!
Loin de tout ce ramdam
Raison il fait entendre!

She steps forward, boldly erect, weaving the cape in a broad, deliberate flourish. "Come on, Bardolph dear! You are among friends, let's sit, grab some food and be happy together shall we?" A calming gesture of both hands, cape extended, tries to underscore her appeal to peace.

Casting guidance. Then, Diplomacy / Wild Empathy [roll0] including the bonus from the cantrip.

2020-04-10, 09:13 PM
Vorgrok looks at the others, alternating between bear-like growls, flinging the cape around, and otherwise... stewing. The dwarf looks from those assembled to... the wagon (and its hidden inhabitant), with his typically impassive face looking distinctly drawn. He looks from the wagon to the heavy sledge in his hands, and up toward the rapidly weakening door. Gritting his teeth, and with a deep sadness in his eyes, he raises the sledge, holding it readied across his chest.

2020-04-11, 05:33 AM
She steps forward, boldly erect, weaving the cape in a broad, deliberate flourish. "Come on, Bardolph dear! You are among friends, let's sit, grab some food and be happy together shall we?" A calming gesture of both hands, cape extended, tries to underscore her appeal to peace.

"Food! Good idea!" Tessara dashes off as Keshkaru's words inspire a sudden idea. She goes to the wagon used for hauling the animals' feed and rummages about for a couple of dried fish, a steak, anything that Bardolph might eat! When she finds something suitable she rushes back to the others and presents it to Keshkaru. "Here, maybe this'll help!"

2020-04-11, 03:29 PM
"I really don't want to have to fight Bardolph - if he has gone wild, do we try to let him go without hurting anyone?" asks Gigglespit as he looks about the area. Seeing the onlookers he begins shepherding them away from the wagon, warning them to get clear so no one gets hurt who can avoid it.

2020-04-12, 07:03 PM
Pip's surprise causes his grip on the window ledge to lapse and he topples backward onto the waiting ground. Luckily, strong bones run in his family and, dusting himself off he confirms that he hasn't suffered any real injury. The others are starting to arrive, a flurry of activity aimed at avoiding the furry mayhem which is about to ensue. While Pip is optimistic that his compatriot's efforts will calm Bardolph, he begins to prepare for the worst.

Pip eyes up the wagon assessing the easiest way to scale it. Probably getting his feet to the window sill then hauling himself onto the roof... Putting his theory into practice, he carefully clambers up the wall, pausing and holding on tightly each time Bardolph's violent impact with the door shakes the wagon. Once on the roof he retrieves a coil of rope from his bag and fashions a large loop with a slipknot. Stationing himself above the door, he makes eye contact with Vorgrok on the ground below as they silently wait for the door's inevitable collapse.

Climb check (athletics) rolled in OOC thread (1d20+3)[20]. If that's not good enough to get on the roof let me know and I'll edit the post.

2020-04-12, 08:03 PM
For a long, tense minute, Keshkaru continues to try and calm Bardolph. It's not an effort of speech, exactly, as the Iruxi's druidic wiles and primal influence are channeled through calming gestures, subtle tones and gentle cascades of spoken rhythm. Almost like clockwork, every few seconds her words are interrupted by another bang as the enraged grizzly bear continues to try and batter through the wooden door. His efforts don't seem to lessen, as the moments pass, and the wooden beam begins to fail.

The heroes stand ready, poised in various states, with Pip atop the wagon, Vorgrok nearby ready to interpose, Tessara having just returned with some dried fish and Giggles trying to get the curious circus-goers further from danger.

Finally, it seems Bardolph must be tiring. The blows come a little further spread, and less loudly. With one final, shuddering effort, the wooden beam strains and snaps, the sound of failing supports piercing in the evening air. With a growl, Bardolph leaps to the ground (about 2 feet beneath the floor of his wagon), and pants. His glare is crazed, agitated- almost like the docile creature you've all scratched around the shoulders has become possessed by another being. After a tense moment, his eyes settle on Keshkaru, and he tenses to attack.

Begin Encounter
So Bardolph succeeded at his athletics check to break down the door on the final check before a minute lapses. He has acted for this round, and you are all free to act. He still seems hostile, and possibly hurt or fatigued. At the very least, he just tore down a wooden door by main strength, over the course of a full minute.

2020-04-13, 07:32 AM
"Oh no!" Tessara cries out in dismay as the door finally gives way. "Try not to hurt him!" Following her own advice, she looks around for an inanimate object she can fling at the bear without causing too much damage. As he tenses to pounce against Keshkaru, she begins casting a spell...

If there is a loose bit of fabric lying around, like a spare tent canvas or a performer's dress, Tessara will cast mage hand (https://2e.aonprd.com/Spells.aspx?ID=177) and try to levitate it over Bardolph's face (hopefully blinding him for a round - maybe he would get a Dex save to avoid it?).

If there aren't any suitable targets for that, she'll cast telekinetic projectile (https://2e.aonprd.com/Spells.aspx?ID=334) to fling one of broken support beams at him. She'll take a -2 attack penalty to attempt nonlethal damage (https://2e.aonprd.com/Rules.aspx?ID=348):
atk [roll0], dmg [roll1]

2020-04-13, 05:14 PM
Seeing his chance, Pip brandishes his makeshift lasso and prepares to pounce, quickly trying to gauge the best angle. There is no time for hesitation and he leaps from the roof his small fists spread, holding the loop as wide open as he can. He plummets downward, much more gracefully than one would have expected from looking at him, landing squarely on the back of the unsuspecting Bardolph's neck. He has no trouble clamping his knees tight to hold himself in place while he attempts to collar the massive creature.

Acrobatics to land the jump successfully, rolled in OOC (1d20+7)[24]
Athletics check to try to get the loop over Bardolph's head [roll0]

2020-04-13, 08:27 PM
Gigglespit Baderiggo Humbleback (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2120124)
Chaotic Good Gnome Bard, Level 1, HP 16/18, Speed 25 ft.
Small Humanoid (Fey Touched Gnome), Circus Born
AC 17, Fort 5, Ref 6, Will 5, Perception 5
Abilities Str 8, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 18
Conditions: None
"Whoa! Alright, no more kidding - get away from the bear!" directs Gigglespit to any remaining onlookers before he turns and encourages those in the thick of it with his magic. "You can do it, guys! Hold him!"

Final action to try and get onlookers out of the way of danger - Diplomacy (or +3 more with Performance if allowed) [roll0]
Move close enough to support the party in the fight
Cast Inspire Courage (https://2e.aonprd.com/Spells.aspx?ID=386) to give everyone +1 status bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, and saves against fear effects.

2020-04-13, 09:47 PM
Teeth gritted and bared against the crazed friend, Vorgrok steps up, swinging his mallet in comparatively measured strikes, aiming for the bear's softer spots in hopes of stunning more than smashing.

Taking -2 on all attacks in hopes of dealing nonlethal damage.
Edit: Obviously ceasing if/when the bear is unconscious or otherwise stops fighting.

Move if required to get into melee range. Otherwise, as many as 3 attacks:
Attack: [roll0] for [roll1] nonlethal damage
Attack: [roll2] for [roll3] nonlethal damage
Attack: [roll4] for [roll5] nonlethal damage

2020-04-14, 09:06 AM
Unflinching, Keshkaru faces the angry bear, still trying to soothe him as best she can.

I don't know what else to roll, so I'll let Bink adjudicate the outcome.

If and only if Bardolph attacks somebody, then Keshkaru will resort to non-lethal attacks with her tail:
#1 [roll0] non-lethal bludgeoning [roll1] (includes +1 for Inspire Courage and -2 for non-lethal)
#2 if applicable, [roll2] non-lethal bludgeoning [roll3]

2020-04-14, 09:30 AM
As Bardolph crouches, picking his target, the heroes burst into activity. Given the circumstances, they had plenty of time to prepare.

Pip leaps onto Bardolph's shoulders, prompting a grunt of impact and a confused glance upwards as the bear tries to figure out what's happening. The gestures makes it easy for Pip to attach his makeshift lariat, adding a reliable handle to his encumbering presence.

In the next moment, Tessara uses her magic to fling a cloak over Bardolph's face. He reacts predictably, lunging forward and snapping at the empty space from which the obstruction appeared.

Finally, as Vorgrok steps up to bear the brunt of any violence and Giggles lends encouraging magic to the scene, Keshkaru raises her voice. With a sharp word carrying the unmistakable tones of command, she insists that Bardolph pay her attention. Restricted primarily to scent and sound, and weighed down by the combined efforts of Pip, his injuries, and fatigue, the the bear turns towards her and lumbers forward, with caution in his steps instead of intensity. For a wary heartbeat, Vorgrok stands by, allowing Bardolph to pass.

Finally, Keshkaru presses her hand to his muzzle- still separated by the thick fabric of the cloak. With a heavy sigh, Bardolph settles to the ground. Within moments, Keshkaru can feel something leave him, and heavy, whimpering sighs herald the onset of sleep so deep the bear almost immediately begins to dream.

2020-04-14, 09:48 AM
Outwardly, the iruxi woman doesn't display a great deal of emotion. Her companions, those who have known her for a while, aren't surprised, this being something her kind is known for. But she turns to them, and says simply:

"Thank you, all. I have to say... I was frightened to death, right here. But there was something in your voice, Gigglespit, that told me to carry on. Genius idea, the cape, too. And you all, Tessara, Vorgork, Pip, you bought me the time I needed to get through to him. Still... It was close."

She pats the sleeping bear's shoulder. "Sleep, friend, you need to... I think we shouldn't try to get him back into the cage until he's well rested and fed."

She looks again at her friends. "This was not natural. Something... Some force... Took him over for a minute. I think we have an enemy who's trying to kill us, the circus. Not just poor Myron."

A heavy silence follows her words.

2020-04-14, 11:29 AM
Staying his weapon mid-swing as the others' efforts seem to take effect, Vorgrok thumps the business end of the heavy sledge to the ground, and steadies himself with one thick hand about its haft as he slides heavily down to one knee. The typically impassive dwarf looks up at the outwardly expressionless iruxi with tears of relief cutting through the grime and sweat of the evening's unexpected exertions on his earthy cheeks. After several seconds, he stumps over beside the collapsed bear, reaching out to scratch gently between its furry shoulders.

2020-04-14, 07:46 PM
Tessara puts a hand to her chest, breathing heavily as she waits for her heartbeat to slow down. "Thank the gods! Good work, Keshkaru. Whatever foul magics did this, they seem to be gone. None of this makes any sense, though - how would something - or someone - be manipulating all of the animals around the circus? And why did it - or they - stop just when Bardolph had broken through the cage?" She paces fretfully back and forth as she walks, shooting relieved glances at the now-slumbering bear.

"Now, what were we- oh! Right - looking for clues! Wait, you don't suppose it's connected, do you? Pip and I walk over here to investigate and it's that exact moment that Bardolph decides to go crazy?"

2020-04-14, 09:52 PM
Gigglespit takes a deep breath before turning away from the scene and continuing his effort to clear the area. "Alright, everyone, go on, go on...Yes, we will make sure Bardolph gets medical attention...No, I don't think he's badly hurt...Yes, if you see anything weird, speak up, especially tonight! Too much has happened to be coincidence, but there's no point in panicking. Hey! I said no panicking - calm it down, breathe...that's right..."

Every so often he looks towards the other PCs, his face a mask behind which they can see a very stressed performer doing his best to keep everyone moving forward...

2020-04-15, 01:32 PM
For a long moment, nobody dares move. After several seconds pass, it seems probable that Bardolph has been freed from whatever influence compelled his hostility. Now he rests- not silently, but heavily, and the party is free to act.

For now, the questions seem to be piling up, but they're painting a clear image. But who fits the mold?

2020-04-15, 03:57 PM
Pip breathes a sigh of relief as he feels Bardolph's muscles gradually relax. Gingerly he slides down to the ground, leaving the makeshift rope collar where it is, just in case. Whoever did this may do it again. He brushes off his torn shirt and glances around unsure what to say. He hasn't been at the circus as long as many of the others and thus doesn't known Myron, or Bardolph for that matter, as well. What he does know however, is that the night is probably far from over. As Tessara had pointed out, there was a good chance that Bardolph's... affliction, had been timed and that the perpetrator is still close by.

At this point Pip is reasonably confident in the group now standing around the bear. They had proven their trustworthiness several times now. The rest of the workers, well, that was hard to say. He didn't want one of them to be behind all this, but he couldn't rule it out either.

2020-04-16, 06:52 AM
"Well, it's more important than ever to get to the bottom of this! But we should stay within earshot and nobody wanders off alone - what if this happens again? Somebody should probably also stay with Bardolph, to make sure he isn't disturbed."

Tessara frowns and pushes her fingers into her forehead, trying to think. "Just who, or what, could be behind this? Nobody in the circus that I know of, unless one of the rustabouts is secretly a powerful wizard!" She chuckles weakly at the thought. "This all started tonight, with our debut performance in Abberton - someone in the audience, perhaps? But who would attack the circus? Who would want it to fai-..." The blood suddenly drains from her cheeks, an odd effect against her purple-gray skin. "Madame Dusklight! She's hated this troupe from the moment it started luring performers away from the Celestial Menagerie. If anyone wants us to fail, it would be her - and on our opening night, no less! You don't think she could be behind this, do you???"

2020-04-17, 10:18 AM
Gigglespit, looking exhausted and wide-eyed from his efforts to keep the crowd of other circus-folk away from the worst of things sits down with a deliberate plop on the ground beside Tessara. Looking up he says, "Aren't there three things needed in most courts to build a case against a person accused of a crime? Means, motive, and opportunity, right?" Ticking off each on his fingers, he continues, "For 'means' they would need magic of some kind - while Dusklight may not be so inclined herself, she has the money to get such help if the old circus doesn't have someone already on staff who could do it... 'Motive' is obvious - she hates that we got out from under her thumb... 'Opportunity' is also pretty clear. Our first performance as an independent circus is critical. If we had flopped tonight - and it came close - we'd be bleeding performers back to her already.

I think it could be her, yeah. But how do we prove it? And how do we protect ourselves until we can prove it?"

2020-04-18, 09:39 AM
"This is a possibility, I hadn't thought about that... But for immediate purposes, there's nothing we can do to prove it, or to react against it. I move that we finish a thorough search of the camp for more clues. Hopefully, no more traps and tricks, but if there are any, then we must find them earlier rather than later." With that, the practical-minded Keshkaru goes back, this time to explore the area around the families' wagons.

2020-04-18, 09:00 PM
With a shrug Giggles hops up and follows Keshkaru, looking around for anything out of the ordinary. "So...how do we know we are looking at a clue?" he asks the reptilian humanoid, not wanting to be too distracting but genuinely curious as to what she is looking to find.

2020-04-18, 09:16 PM
"No idea. Something out of the ordinary? The presence of magic? I think what happened to Bardolph cannot be otherwise explained. Unfortunately, I failed to pray for the spiritual strength to seek for magical auras... I didn't expect our show this evening would necessitate divining powers. That leaves our mundane senses to find if anything untoward is around."

2020-04-19, 03:50 PM
"I guess you're right..." Tessara nods and turns to reconsider the group of wagons that were her original goal. "Come on, Pip - let's finish checking the wagons around the animal area. Then perhaps we can walk the perimeter of the camp before turning in for the night."

Tessara plans to look around the wagons in the "animals & acrobatics" area first, followed by a counter-clockwise loop around the campgrounds (passing by the "moderately-wooded outskirts").

2020-04-19, 09:40 PM
Vorgrok says nothing as the others speculate about the source of the mayhem, but his fingers grip the handle of his sledge with white-knuckled intensity at the mention of "Dusklight". His brows start to bristle, and it is only with a deliberate effort (and some visibly deep breaths) that he contains his ire while continuing to gently stroke the unconscious bear.

"'ll stay with Bardolph. Might need a hand up." grunts out the dwarf. "But I'll be list'nin'."

2020-04-20, 10:57 AM
Pip joins Tessara to continue their search, his only complaint a barely audible mutter: "Went so well last time."

Pip remembers the mess of animal tracks that he saw previously and will thus be paying more attention to the ground as they search.

2020-04-21, 11:03 AM
Vorgrok waits with Bardolph, who to all appearances seems to be sleeping deeply. The bear's dreams send tics through his legs while he chases phantom prey in his minds eye. The scene is actually kind of comforting- it's reminiscent of many happy exhaustions from the past.

Meanwhile, Keshkaru and Giggles make their way through the camp towards the quieter portions of their site. They pass near to the fire, and witness an uncomfortable sight: no one is hurt, but the gathered groups of actors, families, and supporting laborers huddles closely for fear of whatever awaits in the night. Instead of the traditional and pleasant sights of revelry and abandon typical of an after-show party, everyone seems subdued, frightened. A few encouraging glances flick their way, but by and large the circus you've come to know as family is legitimately scared.

Tessara and Pip take a few minutes to investigate the rest of the nearby wagons. The other animals seem less agitated (though the other animals are all "prey," and less naturally prone to violence?), and the various spaces and tools set up for acrobatics practice seem to have gone unmolested. They begin to work their way southward, carefully stepping across the dry surface of partially-submerged stones just outside the camp's outskirts. As they prowl onward, Pip suddenly discovers the faint impression of animal tracks.

It's hard to tell, as the relatively thick grass outside the camp has masked much of the passage, but a mask of rat tracks similar to the scuffs left around Myron's tent crosses their path here- leading to the camp from the nearby woods (or from/to, it's impossible to be sure). As he looks up, a pair of the roustabouts steps lively out of the woods, carrying a sizeable pile of freshly-collected firewood, each. With a sudden yelp, one of them jumps, dropping his load, and scampers out of the woods. A pair of vipers are hot on his heels, snapping forward with oddly-coordinated looking attacks.

Begin combat! The players and vipers are both not surprised, and can act as normal, beginning with players. Map updated (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1T1fcZMfowBlBfpdJvPCV2eZM2tbSCqRtLJwIv5wpkKM/edit#gid=688306301)

2020-04-21, 11:26 AM
"Over here!" Pip shouts as he draws his rapier. Wasting no time he charges the vipers, hoping to distract them from the hapless roustabouts.

Action 1: Draw weapon
Action 2: stride to space in front of v1
Action 3: Take a stab at v1 with the rapier: [roll0], damage: [roll1]
If Pip is attacked he will use his reaction on nimble dodge (+2 AC against that attack)

2020-04-21, 11:37 AM
Gigglespit Baderiggo Humbleback (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2120124)
Chaotic Good Gnome Bard, Level 1, HP 16/18, Speed 25 ft.
Small Humanoid (Fey Touched Gnome), Circus Born
AC 17, Fort 5, Ref 6, Will 5, Perception 5
Abilities Str 8, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 18
Conditions: None
"What is it? We're coming!" yells Giggles as he starts running towards the commotion. Once out of the light of the campfires he mutters, "I wish we had some more light!" as one of his gloves begins to glow brightly like a torch.

One action to get to V15. Two actions to cast Light on one of the gloves of his ringmaster costume.

2020-04-21, 01:04 PM
Vorgrok's head jerks upward from his watchful gaze on the sleeping Bardolph toward the cries of his friends. Wordlessly, he lumbers their direction, swinging his sledge into a readied position...

Not sure how many actions this takes. As many Stride actions as it takes. Should he manage to get to melee range, attack:
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

AC: 18 HP: 24
Fort: 7
Reflex: 5
Will: 7
Per: 7

2020-04-21, 08:51 PM
"Keep running! We'll help you!" Tessara calls out encouragement to the rustabouts as they flee the vipers. Casting a spell, she sends one of the discarded firelogs spinning at the nearest viper, trying to knock it back.

I think you've got "T" and "K" mixed up on the map - Tessara was walking the perimeter with Pip :smalltongue:

Move to S/13 and cast telekinetic projectile (https://2e.aonprd.com/Spells.aspx?ID=334) targeting viper v2:
attack [roll0], damage [roll1]

2020-04-21, 09:42 PM
Hearing the ruckus, Keshkaru reacts immediately. Turning on her heels, she hustles to a position where she can survey the scene, and begins casting.

"L'esprit du feu furieux
Vient à notre défense
L'ennemi mystérieux
Aura sa récompense!"

From her claw, a fiery ray erupts, to strike at the nearest viper.

MuffinMan is correct, Keshkaru was with Giggles looking at the families' wagons. I take it she begins in Y13.

Stride to W13 W16, cast Produce Flame.

Attack fire damage [roll]1d4=4 EDIT: damage rolled in OOC: 5. If this is a crit, damage is doubled + the viper takes 1d4 persistent fire damage.

2020-04-22, 08:15 AM
The heroes rush to act, with mixed success. As Pip closes the distance, both vipers warily slither back into the underbrush (they have a reaction that allows quick retreats and denies AoOs). The Goblin, for the moment, is left with nothing to strike.

Vorgrok lumbers towards the fray. Delayed slightly by the slick stones crossing the creek, he continues to approach using the "better safe than sorry" method.

Giggles casts the scene into an eerie light, greatly increasing the visibility and revealing one of the vipers' new hiding place (the other is outside of cover).

Tessara flings a telekinetic projectile, but just misses the tiny snake. It lets out a warning hiss which rapidly turns pained as Keshkaru sears it with a sudden burst of flames.

The vipers respond with... unusually ferocious and sound tactics. They swarm forward, rapidly lashing out at Pip in a quick series of strikes. In a sudden mass of violence, Pip is struck 3 times by the little snakes. If it weren't for the wracking pain of his muscles contracting violently at the influx of venom, it might not even hurt much (Pip takes 5 physical damage and 11 poison damage).

Round 2 Map updated (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1T1fcZMfowBlBfpdJvPCV2eZM2tbSCqRtLJwIv5wpkKM/edit#gid=688306301)
For mechanical reasons having a lot to do with the PBP medium, you were essentially denied a third action last round. Consequently, you get 4 actions this round. It's not worth the complication to have your first action happen prior to the vipers taking their turns, so you can simply act from here. If you choose to strike multiple times, both your first and second attacks will resolve free of multiple attack penalty, this round only.

In addition, Pip is currently afflicted by viper venom. He'll take 1d8 poison damage on the viper's turn, if he fails a DC 16 fort save.
You can roll that save if you'd like, or I will, on the viper's turn.

2020-04-22, 09:46 AM
Round 2

"Pip!!!" Tessara cries out in alarm as her friend is swarmed by the biting vipers. Furrowing her brows, she weaves an even greater spell. Suddenly three tendrils of pure arcane energy appear behind her, hovering in midair for a second before crashing into the pair of vipers with great force!

3 actions to cast magic missile (https://2e.aonprd.com/Spells.aspx?ID=180) for 3 missiles

1 missile against v2: [roll0] force damage
2 missiles against v1: [roll1] force damage

2020-04-22, 10:32 AM
As quickly as it began, it's over. Tessara's magical bolts strike unerringly, and snuff both vipers from the mortal coil.

End Combat.

2020-04-22, 12:06 PM
"Pip! Come here I have something that will help soothe those snake bites..." cries Giggles as he runs towards the goblin.

Giggles doesn't actually have to be closer than 30 ft to use it but he is concerned for his friend - he casts Soothe (https://2e.aonprd.com/Spells.aspx?ID=291) targeting Pip, to heal him for [roll0] HPs.

2020-04-22, 11:05 PM
"Please take care of him! I'll try to find what causes these..." The iruxi doesn't finish her sentence, instead charging into the wooden area, looking for something... someone, responsible for these attacks. She walks among the trees and bushes, all the while asking the spirits for help in her search.

She'll use her Guidance cantrip a few times, to boost her Perception bonus to +8.

2020-04-23, 08:06 AM
Seeing that Giggles is taking care of Pip, Tessara goes after Keshkaru. "Wait, don't go alone - I'm coming too!" She follows her friends into the woods, feeling distinctly out of place in the remnants of her performing dress.

2020-04-23, 04:05 PM
Pip winces as he feels the burning of the snake's venom slowly subside. He looks gratefully at Giggles "Thanks! I thought I was a goner for sure there. Wasn't expecting the bastards to be so darn fast. On the bright side, looks like our search is on the right track. Lets hurry before we get left behind!" Pip prod's gingerly at the bite wound as he follows the others.

2020-04-24, 01:36 PM
Growling in frustration at having failed to assist his friend more quickly, Vorgrok wordlessly charges into the underbrush after the others, sledge readied and eyes narrowed as he scans for some sign of danger or foes...

Perception is +7; Survival roll (tracking?) [roll0]

2020-04-25, 01:44 PM
Pip feels an echo of the initial wracking pain as his body masters the dose of viper poison. It's a sting he won't soon forget, but for now it has passed. Thanks in part to Giggles, he's already feeling quite a bit better.

The two roustabouts take their time recovering the dropped wood. They bow and nod and apologize gratuitously. One looks for a moment like he might be sick, having probably never witnessed such violence, though all of his friends appear to have handled themselves and are safe. They both return to the bonfire with all reasonable haste, wanting less than nothing to do with anything like that.

Keshkaru steps into the underbrush and receives... absolutely nothing noteworthy from the spirits. Woods always have spirits lurking about, of one sort or another. She strides forward several paces, discomfited by the sensation, the utter silence of her thoughts serving as a distraction all its own

It's fortunate then, that Vorgrok barks out a "There!" when he does. Ignorant of the inexplicable wrongness of these woods, Vorgrok's keen eye has spotted another viper- this one much larger, about 5 feet in front of Keshkaru. It is coiled to strike, and stares at the druidess with reptilian apathy, waiting patiently for her to take two more steps.

Map updated (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1T1fcZMfowBlBfpdJvPCV2eZM2tbSCqRtLJwIv5wpkKM/edit#gid=688306301). There is the potential for renewed hostilities- roll perception for init if you choose to attack.

2020-04-26, 04:07 PM
Keshkaru is completely thrown off by the lack of response from the spirits. Voices from beyond the grave have become like family to her over the years. Losing contact is more than just unexpected, it is deeply unsettling. What is this place? She takes a step back, too shaken to take any aggressive action at that point. With worry, she notes the unusual size of the viper.

I would try to Recall Knowledge here. Are vipers this big natural?

2020-04-27, 09:47 PM
At the side of the enormous viper, Tessara clasps a hand over her own mouth to stifle a scream. Keshkaru's calm demeanor is the only thing keeping her from bursting. "Kesh, look out!" she whispers urgently, trying to alert her friend without antagonizing the serpent.

2020-04-28, 09:08 PM
"All right, let's see if I can convince this one to go away..." Still a bit shaken, Keshkaru begins an undulating movement of her whole body, a mesmerizing motion intended to ingratiate herself to the serpent.

Wild Empathy / Diplomacy [roll0]

2020-04-29, 11:29 AM
Giggles follows Pip and the others, stopping as he sees Keshkaru's undulating motion. Following the lizardfolk's gaze he sees the large viper and gasps. Going still and silent he waits to see the results of Keshkaru's efforts...

2020-04-29, 11:44 AM
Keshkaru begins entreating the viper, an odd display at best to the gathered circus folk. Still, the huge coiled creature watches her intently, and over a few moments begins to relax. The change is almost like an ice block melting as the tension flows out of its coils and its head lowers. It continues to stare with reptilian intensity- one Keshkaru knows by nature is no longer violent but remains disquieting to the others.

The druid notes an odd change in behavior, however. The snake's attitude has changed too much to be a simple consequence of her efforts. Not only has she appeased to its nature (it isn't actually hungry or threatened), but it's noteworthy to realize how far from its nature it was behaving. The thought occurs to her that- with enough effort- she could probably convince the snake to attack passers-by as a matter of course.

For the moment, however, the viper is appeased. No longer interested in the party, it slithers into a deeper portion of undergrowth- the better to avoid unwanted confrontation near the game trail the roustabouts were using to forage for firewood.

The game trail itself shows significant signs of recent disturbance. You know laborers have been using it, so anyone else might, also.

2020-04-29, 01:32 PM
"What is going on tonight?" asks Giggles to no one in particular as he watches the snake slither away. "We need to get everyone safe so we can sit down and start to figure this out...my head feels like it is about to explode! I'm supposed to be the biggest troublemaker around here, but I never hurt anyone!"

2020-04-29, 04:20 PM
"I think we have a decision to make. Do we want to plunge ahead before the trail grows cold, or do we want to wait for the relative safety of the daylight to see where this leads us?"

2020-04-30, 10:14 AM
Keshkaru pauses, taking her time to think the matter over. "I think we first need to finish our survey of the grounds, and check if there are any other traps or other dangers at large. I wouldn't like to go to sleep without first making sure all of our friends are safe."

2020-04-30, 06:58 PM
Tessara nods in agreement with Keshkaru. "I think so too! Let's see... the only place we haven't checked on our circuit is those rocks by the family wagons," she points. "How about we check there first and then we can come back to this trail? It shouldn't go anywhere in the next five minutes!" She chuckles a little too nervously.

2020-05-02, 12:33 PM
Giggles follows the others, staying close as his nerves start to get to him. He keeps an eye out for anything unusual and does his best to manage his discomfort..."I'm going to need a strong drink after this...and not because I got to be ringleader tonight..." he mutters unhappily.

2020-05-02, 05:49 PM
"Yes, let's do that. Then I'd like to check out this rocky area, and we can leave the trail for last." Thinking aloud, Keshkaru adds, "I want to understand what's going on, there. But first..." The iruxi starts on a sprint, towards the animal cages. There, she finds Ozkrak, the raptor. "Come here, little girl... The show's over, but I still need your friendship and help." Eager to get out, the toothy dinosaur gets out, and nearly runs ahead of her mistress as she goes back to the wagons.

2020-05-03, 12:41 PM
The ragtag band returns to the relative safety of the wagons before heading to the southern fringes to investigate the family wagons. Moreso than the area where the acrobats and animal handlers ended up, this portion of the camp is almost totally silent. None of the families with kids felt safe to return to their wagons- not even to change out of their performing costumes. They remain gathered by the campfire, waiting for word that the campsite is safe again.

As such, the party is by far the loudest and most distracting part of their own search. Spreading out to go around a few wagons, Ozkrak suddenly stops short, looking to the south. At the same time, Pip happens to glance over and sees a curtain settling into place on the Kanbali's wagon. You just saw everyone from that acrobatic family at the campfire, so who or whatever is in their wagon- it isn't them.

Map updated (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1T1fcZMfowBlBfpdJvPCV2eZM2tbSCqRtLJwIv5wpkKM/edit#gid=688306301)

2020-05-04, 01:53 PM
Normally Pip would think nothing of something as seemingly trivial as this, but this night certainly wasn't normal. Pip silently waves his arms to get the attention of the others before pointing to the wagon and miming someone looking out from behind an object. He approaches slowly, putting his ear to the wooden wall and listening intently.

2020-05-04, 05:26 PM
"Careful, Pip!" whispers Giggles as he sneaks around to the front of the wagon. The blue gnome sneaks up and quietly tests the door handle to see if it is unlocked.

Stealth [roll0]

2020-05-04, 09:08 PM
Vorgrok glowers at the disturbance to the Kanbali's wagon. With bared teeth, he tiptoes as best he can behind the quieter members of the makeshift security squad, his heavy sledge ready for use...

Perception is +7
Stealth: [roll0]

2020-05-04, 10:00 PM
Raptor in tow, Keshkaru moves closer to the wagon, trying to see what's going on inside.

Perception is +7, or +6 for Ozkrak (who has Scent as well).

2020-05-05, 08:10 AM
Tessara starts to exclaim something at Pip's pantomiming but then thinks better of it, following her companions to take a position near the door to the wagon...

2020-05-05, 11:27 AM
As soon as Giggles pulls on the latch to the Kanbali's wagon, the door bursts open- pressed from the inside!


A huge mess of rats pours out of the door- several having just muscled it open of their own accord. They swarm over Giggles, piling out of the wagon and onto Keshkaru, Ozkrak, and Pip- biting and gnawing as they go. One unreasonably large rat seems to serve as a kind of focal point for the swarm. It snaps at Giggles from the open doorway, but the colorful Gnome is easily able to turn and deflect its jaws away from his person.

Giggles took 3 damage from the swarm, Keshkaru 4, Ozkrak 4, and Pip 6.

I rolled secretly for the various exposures to filth fever, the rat's disease. I'll let you know as it becomes relevant #schemesfordays.

We're taking the same perception and stealth checks I previously rolled as initiative.
Ozkrak and Pip to act. I may reassess at that point, but I think the enemies will act in a block on that initiative.

2020-05-05, 02:11 PM
Pip is ready this time and as the door bursts open he springs forward, adrenaline overpowering the pain from the bites.

Action 1: Draw rapier
Action 2: Move next to the door
Action 3: Attempt to stab the big fellow (1d20+7)[17] to hit (rolled in OOC), [6] damage
Reaction: If I get attacked, use reaction for nimble dodge, +2 to AC for that attack

2020-05-05, 05:01 PM
Grateful to Ozkrak when the raptor's sharp senses warn her of an imminent attack, Keshkaru is nonetheless surprised when the mass of disgusting little mammals reaches this far, this fast. It washes over her, biting and scratching... No words are necessary between them: Her furious animal friend is already in full retaliation mode, all bites and claws. The iruxi's powerful tail wipes a dozen of rats off their feet and throws them against the wagon's wheel nearby, while her clawed hand reaches for another group attempting to climb up her leg.

Keshkaru (HP 6/16)
#1 Command Ozkrak to attack
#2 tail swipe [roll0] damage [roll1]
#3 claw strike (agile) [roll2] damage [roll3]

Ozkrak (HP 10/14)
#1 bite [roll4] damage [roll5]
#2 talon strike (agile) [roll6] damage [roll7]

2020-05-06, 08:02 AM
Round "1a"

Keshkaru, Ozkrak, and Pip leap into the fray with the ferocity that only pain can inspire. In a moment, the strong Iruxi lashes out with a broad, sweeping strike of her muscular tail. The rats are utterly unprepared for such an assault, and a huge number are crushed beneath the blow and scattered beneath the nearby wagons where the scamper off to seek safety. As Ozkrak lashes out with fury, it's immediately apparent that the raptor's sharp teeth and rending claws are dramatically less effective. She slices a few rats into ragged pieces, but so many still remain.

Pip ignores the swarm entirely, preferring to focus on the larger rat with focused precision. He lunges forward and drives his rapier deep into the rat's flank. It bleeds, squeals, and squirms, but remains on its feet for the moment.

That's when a voice from inside the wagon calls out, "I had hoped to murder more of you while the whole town was watching, that would have frightened away the poisoners for good!" Suddenly, the grass trampled under so many feet and wagons wheels springs up, twisting around ankles and calves and threatening to throw you to the ground.

Pip is the only one in a position to see the raggedly-dressed Halfling woman who just shouted and cast a spell. She was hiding in the wagon, with all the rats.

The marked area on the map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1T1fcZMfowBlBfpdJvPCV2eZM2tbSCqRtLJwIv5wpkKM/edit#gid=688306301) is now considered difficult terrain- where the wagons don't leave it impassible entirely.
In addition, everyone will need to start their turns with a DC 21 reflex save, or else have their movement speed further reduced by 10 feet. On a critical failure, you will be immobilized entirely.

In the interest of managing close space without too much headache, I had Pip shove Giggles out of the way to make his attack (which also has the convenient effect of removing Giggles from the swarm, for now).

All except Keshkaru and Pip to act.

2020-05-06, 10:41 AM
Gigglespit Baderiggo Humbleback (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2120124)
Chaotic Good Gnome Bard, Level 1, HP 13/18, Speed 25 15 ft.
Small Humanoid (Fey Touched Gnome), Circus Born
AC 17, Fort 5, Ref 6, Will 5, Perception 5
Abilities Str 8, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 18
Conditions: None
"Ouch! Why would you send rats against your friends?" cries Gigglespit as he walks to a spot where he can see the new speaker and directs his occult magic at her.

DC 21 Reflex Save - [roll0] or entangled for -10 ft movement speed. (fail)

Actions - 1. Move to a position where Giggles can see the halfling druid. If he has to get into the swarm's space to do it he would prioritize casting over avoiding the swarm.
2 and 3. Cast Charm (https://2e.aonprd.com/Spells.aspx?ID=34) DC 17 on them to try and stop them from continuing combat.

2020-05-06, 02:10 PM
"Grrrr-ah!" grunts Vorgrok, the shorter-than-average dwarf finding himself suddenly caught up in the grasping foliage. Snarling out his frustration, he tries his best to muscle through the suddenly treacherous terrain, swinging his sledge at any vermin unfortunate enough to find themselves within its reach.

Reflex Save failed in OOC, leaving the dwarf at effective range of 5 feet on a Stride action.
Action 1: Activate Rage: +2 damage, -1AC, +3 temp HP, 1 minute duration
Action 2: Stride (if necessary to reach a foe, including the swarm) or Attack
Action 3: Same as action #2

As many as 2 potential attacks:
Attack 1: [roll0] for [roll1] bludgeoning
Attack 2: [roll2] for [roll3] bludgeoning Edit: Does not include -5 for second attack, FYI

AC: 17 HP: 24 (+3 temp)
Fort: 7
Reflex: 5
Will: 7
Per: 7

Rage: +2 damage, -1 AC, +3 temp HP, 1 minute duration

2020-05-06, 02:40 PM
"Eeeek! I hate rats!" Tessara lets out a squeal of terror at the sudden swarm. Instinctively she weaves her most powerful spell, and just as with the vipers three magical projectiles rise out of midair and slam against the vermin.

Stay put and use 3 actions to cast magic missile (https://2e.aonprd.com/Spells.aspx?ID=180):
2 missiles against Dire Rat: [roll0] force damage
1 missile against Rat Swarm: [roll1] force damage

2020-05-07, 07:33 AM
Just as suddenly as the assault began, it comes to a screeching halt. Vorgrok struggles against the vines for just a moment before giving up and bringing his sledgehammer down on the swarm of rats. Much like Keshkaru's tail, the damage is catastrophic, dispersing the remaining vermin with devastating efficacy. Tessara's spell has similar results on the now-lone giant rat. It shudders and collapses under her magical assault.

Finally, as the vermin die all around her, Giggles' spell grabs hold of the Halfling's mind. She blinks a few times, stares blankly for a moment, and then wonders aloud, "I- I don't know! I'm sorry, friend!"

End of combat

2020-05-07, 11:44 AM
Vorgrok turns his frenzied gaze from the dispersing swarm of vermin toward the darkness within the wagon... but the sudden change in tone from the speaker gives him pause. Still breathing heavily and with a suspicious scowl on his face, he moves to stand just to one side of the entrance to the wagon, his sledge resting on one shoulder.

2020-05-07, 04:03 PM
"Everybody STOP!" yells Gigglespit, his tone full of authority (if a bit too high-pitched to have the impact one might hope). "I want everyone to take a moment and breathe, calm down, and put away your weapons. I need to speak with my friend here and see if we can settle down and see what is wrong. Can someone please ask the Kanbali family if I can use their wagon for several minutes?"

Turning to the halfling, Giggles smiles warmly as he walks inside the wagon. He leaves the door open a bit so others can listen discretely and says, "Hi! I'm Gigglespit Baderiggo Humbleback, but you can call me Giggles. I know we're friends, but do you mind telling me your name?"

"Um, I'm Nemia Bramblecloak."

"Hello, Nemia. It's plain that you're upset about something, but I think you might have made the wrong decision - hurting or killing people isn't the way to get everyone on your side. What is wrong? How can I help?"

"Oh, I don't want everyone on my side. I want the poisoners from Abberton dead or frightened away! That's why I had the snakes kill your ringleader and attack during the show. I didn't expect you to stop me, though!"

"Oh...I see...What do you mean by poisoners? Have the people of Abberton done something wrong?"

"Of course they have! They are part of a town, and people like them are always hurting nature and the animals and plants near their towns. They're noisy, greedy, and they deserve what's coming to them!"

"Wow...alright. It sounds like you don't much like civilization, huh?"

"Nope. And since I can stop them and no one else can or will, I have to do something about it."

"I think I see. Well, can you help me make sure no one else gets hurt tonight, at least? We have good people in the circus - including some children - and I am sure you don't want to really hurt them when they haven't done anything wrong, right? Especially if they can be convinced to be part of the solution..." Giggles puts extra emphasis in this question, making it clear that everything else hinges on Nemia's answer.

Nemia seems to take a moment to think about Giggles' request before answering. "I guess I can stop...the little ones didn't really do anything to deserve me killing them, but I'm not so sure about the adults. How can they help? People usually hurt nature, not help it...I mean, I came here to kill people and scare them away!"

Giggles gulps audibly as he struggles to try and understand this perspective. Taking a deep breath he continues to try and argue away from violence, saying, "Do you really want to kill people? Or just stop the poisoning of the land? If they can help clean up and stop hurting animals and plants, you would have allies..."

With a snort Nemia spits, "Not likely - I can't even get the druids to help me. No one wants to be nature's ally except me."

"Wait a minute! I could be an ally - do you trust me enough to let me try and make this happen without killing any more people?"

After a long moment of Nemia looking at Giggles seriously she nods. "I believe I could trust you enough. Do you really think you can help me save this area without me killing anyone else?"

Giggles nods firmly, looking squarly at the halfling and demanding, "I can help you, but there's a condition. You have to come to me before making any rash decisions, like hurting people or sending animals or plants to hurt them. Deal?"

"Alright - deal. So, how do we start?"

"Well, first we need to turn tonight around as best we can. If everyone is scared of you they won't let me work with you. Is there anything else around here that you have set up to hurt the circus people? We found Myron - that's the ringleader you killed, the bear, and the snakes in the woods. Is there anything else?"

"No, that's everything I've done. Well, that and the rats, but they won't be a threat anymore either."

"Alright, then here's what we are going to do: I am going to introduce you to the folks right out there. We are going to tell them that you came here to hurt people, but I've convinced you to stop. Some of them are likely to be angry - Myron was a really nice, good guy. Everyone liked him. I don't know what they are going to do, but I will stick beside you to try and help make this right. Ready?"

At Nemia's confirmation Giggles walks to the door and opens it to his allies. "This is Nemia - she's here because she thought the only way to protect nature was to hurt people. I think I have convinced her otherwise. We need to try and help make this all as right as we can, but I don't want anyone hurting her any - she wasn't a friend before, but now she is and I think we can make this better with her help..."

2020-05-10, 07:15 AM
"Everybody STOP!" yells Gigglespit, his tone full of authority (if a bit too high-pitched to have the impact one might hope). "I want everyone to take a moment and breathe, calm down, and put away your weapons. I need to speak with my friend here and see if we can settle down and see what is wrong. Can someone please ask the Kanbali family if I can use their wagon for several minutes?"

Tessara nods and rushes off to find the Kanbalis, and so misses all but the end of other Giggles' exchange with the halfling woman. When she hears his proposal she nearly loses it. "A friend!? Giggles, are you out of your mind?!?! She murdered The Thunder!!! Not an accident, not self-defense - murder! She admitted it and she doesn't feel bad about it! She tried to do the same to all of us! The only reason she's talking now is that you tricked her with a spell! None of us will be safe tonight while she's on the loose - you know what we have to do!" Tessara is trembling and breathing heavily, the uncharacteristic sternness piling onto the stress of the bizarre situation.

2020-05-10, 10:13 AM
Keshkaru listens to Gigglespit's exchange with the halfling druid with no apparent emotion, but inside her, Nemia's story stirs up a storm of memories. Stories of her tribe losing their fishing grounds to encroaching humans, fishermen maybe, but the kind that come with swords and bows. Twice in her parents' lifetime, having to relocate to less favorable places deeper in the marshes. The fires in the forests she traveled in. The destruction wrought by this dwarf alchemist, on a quest for a rare marsh flower for whatever concoction she was researching. Yes, civilization can be deadly for nature. Still.

She steps forward, her legs and tail covered in oozing blood from the rat bites she sustained. "I share the faith you have in nature and the desire to defend it, Nemia. There are many ways to be its ally." Behind her, Ozkrak hisses, baring blood-covered fangs. She snaps at a stray rat, chews it once, and begins to devour the back-broken rodent. "Violence won't help. Believe me - my people, they tried. They won victories, they made killings. But eventually, we always had to retreat, after much suffering. And innocents suffered the most, on both sides. Peace is the better way, no, the only way to share this world between people and animals, people and plants, people and the land. In any other path, lays death for you, death for others."

The iruxi turns to Tessara. "Of course it would be the safe way, the easier way... But, taking one more life won't bring the Thunder back, you know that, my friend. Can we at least try to avoid further bloodshed? I realize Giggles only won us a short truce. If there's a chance to turn it into something lasting, isn't it worth an attempt?"

2020-05-12, 08:20 AM
At Nemia's confirmation Giggles walks to the door and opens it to his allies. "This is Nemia - she's here because she thought the only way to protect nature was to hurt people. I think I have convinced her otherwise. We need to try and help make this all as right as we can, but I don't want anyone hurting her any - she wasn't a friend before, but now she is and I think we can make this better with her help..."

Pip watches quietly to see how the others will react to Giggles's proposition, but does not put away his rapier. His judgement on this individual was settled long before they met face to face. Giving murderers a second chance was a luxury that had never been available to him. Besides, a lifetime of zealotry is not reversed in a day, they should end her now while it would be easy.

Still, as a relative newcomer, Pip does not act on his feelings. This is not his decision to make.

2020-05-12, 10:35 AM
The scowl on Vorgrok's face deepens, but there is no exterior change to his posture or demeanor as the "conversation" continues. He breathes deeply and slowly, readied for any sudden change in the character of the encounter.

2020-05-12, 11:50 AM
Giggles' expression goes from cautious hope to despair as Tessara speaks. At Keshkaru's words some of that hope returns, but the expressions on Pip's and Vorgrok's faces don't give him much. "I just don't want to kill anyone, and I think we should try doing this a different way," he says, quietly, as he looks down to the floor of the wagon. "Myron was my friend too. He always laughed at my pranks and never got angry with me when a joke went wrong. I'm going to miss him too!"

Nearly in tears, the blue gnome sits down on the short ladder steps into the wagon as his emotions begin to overwhelm him. "Hurting or killing Nemia isn't going to bring him back, though! I won't help you kill her - she may deserve it, but I won't help do it."

2020-05-13, 06:21 PM
Tessara crosses her arms and sighs as both Keshkaru and Giggles present a united front against her suggestion, while Vorgrok and Pip are keeping their opinions to themselves for the moment. "Well if you're not going to listen to reason..." she begins in exasperation.

"How can we keep everybody safe? Will she promise not to hurt anyone else? If she does, can we believe her? Do we need to have someone guarding her around the clock? Just how much confidence do you have in that magic trick, anyway?" She crosses to a camp stool left vacated by one of the performers and sits, placing her head in her hands. "I don't want to kill anyone, either - but the safety of the circus comes first!"

2020-05-13, 07:46 PM
Giggles looks up at Tessara and replies, "It's no trick anymore - we talked and I think I have convinced Nemia not to do things this way. There is a real problem that she is trying to fix, but she shouldn't have done it this way...As for the rest, I don't really know. Maybe Nemia can stay with me and Keshkaru until you feel safe...?"

2020-05-14, 08:40 AM
Tessara looks up and stares at Giggles for a long moment, inwardly reflecting on their short but meaningful time together at the circus. Finally she sighs and her posture relaxes, a look of resignation on her face. "It'll have to do, I suppose. I hope you you're right, for all our sakes..." The sidelong glance she sends towards the halfling woman makes it clear that she still harbors mistrust, and a great deal of it.

2020-05-14, 10:21 AM
"Me too...so...What are we going to tell everyone else? The truth?"

2020-05-14, 02:05 PM
"'The truth will out,'" grunts Vorgrok, his brow-furrowed gaze still fixed on the maker of the night's mischief.

2020-05-14, 04:05 PM
Keshkaru takes a moment before she reacts. She looks at Gigglespit with her unblinking (or at least, not visibly blinking) reptilian eyes.

"I don't think we have a choice. We owe our companions the truth about what happened to the Thunder. He was our leader and friend. It's true I don't know how they will react."

She pauses, a long, heavy silence that's probably awkward for everyone but her. The same cold eyes look at Nemia.

"In my experience, most humans, elves, and little people appreciate an expression of regret for acts that pained them. Would you be prepared to tell them you are sorry and won't do something like this again?"

2020-05-15, 07:54 AM
Nemia looks up as she is beckoned from the wagon (she waited inside dutifully, at Giggle's request, while the party discussed the immediate nature of what to do with her). She eyes Keshkaru with a steady gaze that manages to seem familiar to the Iruxi. The druids are keen enough to immediately realize that they have more in common than either does with the vast majority of their friends and companions. Nemia ponders her response, recognizing its importance.

She scowls deeply, struggling with the thoughts, the words. "I... I want only what is best for the land and the animals in it... If these people really are friends to nature, I... I am sorry to have hurt them." Her face takes on a flinty, hard expression. Rigid with determination, she continues more harshly. "But if I am betrayed, I would do it again, and worse! I must find peace for the wilds, above all else!"

She immediately realizes that she has both agreed and not, to Keshkaru's request. "I don't know how else to say it," she admits, perhaps a little ashamed.

2020-05-15, 06:53 PM
"It's going to have to be alright," Giggles says, from his seat on the ladder into the wagon. "Nothing any of us can do will change the past, but we can make the future better. Besides - we're a circus, everyone here is a bit of an outcast or weird or something. We can help heal nature and the wilds and you can find some peace here with us.

It's probably not obvious, but I'm usually a pretty happy, crazy guy. I probably get in more trouble in one afternoon than most of the rest of the crew gets into all week! Though tonight started off with a tragic mistake, let's start having a better time. Come on - we should introduce you to the Professor. He will know how to go about talking to the rest of the carnies." Bouncing up from his seat, Giggles takes Nemia's hand (oblivious to any social norms or lack thereof) and begins to all-but drag her towards the Professor's wagon. "After that we can have something to drink and try to relax from all this..."

2020-05-15, 08:48 PM
Vorkgrok raises one bushy eyebrow at the semi-apology, but at the lack of overt hostility being displayed by the halfling druid, he relaxes somewhat, resting the business end of his heavy sledge against one burly shoulder.

He falls into line as Giggles begins to lead their "guest" to the Professor. His readiness to do so suggests that he's not confident it will go as smoothly as Giggles seems to hope.

2020-05-16, 08:45 AM
"The Professor... good idea!" Tessara nods. "I'll go let the other performers know that danger has been dealt with, and that the Professor will make an announcement soon with the specifics. Go on, I'll meet you there!" She hurries off to begin reassuring the circus' other members that the immediate threat has passed, although she avoids giving specifics and to "Wait for the Professor - just a few minutes!"

2020-05-17, 11:40 AM
The iruxi thinks long and hard before he answers Nemia. "You... Are a defender of nature. All of us here, we are defenders of our friends and families. The circus is our livelihood, too. I'm sure you understand, if you take the harshest view, and don't try to compromise, we will find each other in battle again.

The circus, you know, we play with animals. Like Ozkrak here. She's my best friend, and also my helper. We have pretend fights, and tricks, to make the children laugh. That's the circus. That doesn't mean we treat the animals poorly, quite the contrary. In fact, I hope you can help me with that. Sometime people make mistakes, intend no harm. Speak your concerns, before resorting to violence. That's the way of peace."

2020-05-17, 08:00 PM
The party returns in their own way to the rest of the circus family. A few people offer wary glances at the newcomer, but Tessara's proclamation of safety runs through the ranks like wildfire. Eager to hear good news, most of the families, workers, and performers race to their wagons to change out of costumes, prepare post-performance victuals, and otherwise go about their own way of celebrating a fantastic show or mourning the loss of a good man. Within a few minutes, the scene around the campfire of terrified refugees huddling together for safety erupts into activity and an on blend of mirth and mourning. Children laugh as they gambol about in the fringes of the firelight; adults commiserate and share stories over flagons of ale, whiskey or other libations; a few young couples share meaningful glances before wandering off to find privacy. "It's just what Thunder would have wanted," The Professor can be heard, reminiscing with another old friend nearby.

Loathe to interrupt the merriment, Giggles nonetheless feels compelled to immediately take the situation to The Professor for guidance. Within moments, a few harsh whispers and angry glances are directed at the druidess, but The Professor quickly takes stock of the situation and rises. "Friends, who of you never regretted an action? Jessop, I know you hate the story of your first wife. Sandy, we've talked for days over that seamstress you wronged. If Myron were here, I know what he would do. He would open his arms, and welcome our new companion. He would forgive lapses of judgement, made without good advice. I am not happy with her actions, but neither will I turn away someone who wants to be better- certainly not someone who lacks a home elsewhere." The whispers are quelled and many of the glances turn introspective. Nods and mutters replace condemnation, and before long a small queue is made, as old-timers approach patiently to make Nemia's acquaintance.

For her part, the Halfling is stunned into silence. As the Kanbali patriarch approaches to introduce himself, she looks frightened. When it's one of the Flamboni sisters, she seems confused. By the time half the troupe of Dwarven Throwers make their arrival, tears stream quietly down her cheeks. For probably the first time, she is witness firsthand to forgiveness, and in the immediate aftermath of her crimes, she struggles to maintain any composure at all. Sometime near the middle of the line, Giggles feels the magical aura wane and dissolve.

Nemia doesn't seem to notice.

2020-05-18, 11:34 AM
Giggles watches things with Nemia for a while - much longer than his usual, short attention span would suggest likely. As things get tense he finds himself all-but hiding in the shadows, afraid the other carnies' anger could include him. When the Professor turns things around, though, he smiles and comes out to watch the scene more openly. When Nemia doesn't react to the end of his spell he sighs in relief before turning to get two plates of food and a couple of drinks to share with the halfling woman. As the stream of new companions trickles down he slips the plate and drink next to her, being sure she sees it before stepping back to give her some space to address her emotions.

After finishing his plate he looks for the Professor again, this time to say thank you and address Myron's body. "Thank you, Sir. I wasn't sure I had done the right thing, but didn't want more bloodshed tonight. I'm not sure I could have handled it...

What shall we do with Myron's body? Do you think we should bury him in the local graveyard? Whatever we do, I think I would like to compose something to say...will that be alright?"

After his conversation with the Professor the blue gnome yawns and stretches, the night's experiences finally catching up to him. "I think I am going to go find a place to set up my hammock and sleep now. Goodnight!" he says as he wanders in the direction of the clown wagon. Once there he quietly removes his stuff and finds a place in the open air to string his hammock and make a nest for himself. He is asleep within breaths of laying down.

I am not sure where Nemia should sleep, but I figured it would be good to have several of us as PCs make overtures to her. Giggles fed her, so maybe someone else can help her find a place to rest...?

2020-05-19, 08:04 AM
During the festivities, Tessara catches Vorgrok, Pip, and a few of the other rustabouts for a quiet word. "Let's all keep an eye on our new guest throughout the night, yes? The Professor seems to trust her, but she's still an outsider. The last thing we need is her wandering over to the equipment or animal cages and getting herself - or anyone else - injured."

Returning to the main campfire, she approaches Nemia as the revelry of the evening begins winding down. "You must be tired," she begins, trying to make her voice as pleasant as possible. "Myself, I feel like sleeping beneath the stars tonight. You can use my wagon tonight, if you want."

Whether the halfling woman accepts her offer or not, Tessara arranges her own sleeping bag on the ground within eyesight of wherever Nemia chooses to sleep. She finally lays her head down to rest, but sleep is a long time in coming...

2020-05-19, 10:59 AM
Keshkaru remembers her days as the apprentice shaman for her tribe. From her old master, Aveshmet, she learned how the role was not just that of a healer and intercessor to weather, animals and plants, but also as a keeper of people's unity, especially after something very wrong happened between them. With that thought, she comes to Nemia, offering a share of the night's meal. We need to establish links, and above all, she shouldn't stay alone.

"I think the two of us have stories worth sharing, Nemia. Please allow me to sit with you, and to eat together with you. If it is OK with me asking... Where are you from?"

2020-05-19, 12:16 PM
"Why Giggles, of course that would be alright!" The Professor explains with a smile. "We're his family. If the people of Abberton will have him, we'll inter him here, and if not, we'll find someplace on the road or at the sea that's suitable for a wanderer like us." The "old" man smiles fondly as Giggles wanders off, finally demonstrating a little bit of his trademark flightiness.

Meanwhile, Nemia is markedly more reserved than any of you might have expected. Despite Giggles' confidence and the good results so far, this is clearly a difficult time for her. She's distinctly uncomfortable for most of the evening, though it seems to be largely a result of expectations being misaligned with consequences. She speaks with Tessara, Keshkaru, and the dozens of other circus members with short, curt (but not impolite) responses, never really offering more than simple answers. She even some things to herself, not wanting to speak much of her past or herself at all, really.

2020-05-19, 04:15 PM
Vorgrok stoically marches a few paces behind the newcomer; only the most perceptive observer would notice the worry lines in the corner of his slightly-narrowed eyes as the situation is explained to the Professor, and at the first ripples of gossip that begin to spread. The Professor's words of welcome seem to capture the dwarf's full attention, however... and soon the forest-green eyes in his earthy face are glimmering with tears as the circus welcomes the halfling. His mind goes back to the day he found a place among the wanderers and misfits that have become his family... and the corners of his bushy orange beard tug upwards, hinting at the smile beneath.

After a few moments of watching adults and children alike filing forward to greet the increasingly emotional halfling, Vorgrok's gaze turns to the heavy sledge still resting, forgotten, against his shoulder. With a rueful chuckle, he tosses the handle up as though the enormous tool is merely a juggling club, catching it with a swift reach around his own broad back. "Won't be needin' this," he grunts to himself before trotting off to leave it with the rest of the tools for the night.

2020-05-22, 06:41 AM
As the hush and immediate worry of Myron's death is put to rest (though certainly not the fallout), the circus returns to something much more like its traditional post-performance attitude. Celebrations and libations abound, though a hair more subdued than normal. The odd counterbalance between celebrating a life, mourning a death, and welcoming a newcomer (similar in attitude to a baby shower), leaves a great many people perhaps reluctantly cheerful.

One way or another, the hours pass. When dawn's first light peeks over the horizon, the small campfire is still burning steadily- someone has been manning it periodically, even in the wee early-morning hours. The heavy aromatic evidence of roasting bacon permeates the camp with pleasant insistence. Whether still awake, or just rising, a small group of roustabouts talks quietly around the blaze, adding and removing meat as another batch sizzles merrily.

Less than an hour later, an unexpected guest arrives. The mayor of Abberton, one Jae Abber, begins asking about the camp. A rather bland-looking man, well into his fifties with thinning brown hair and a close-cropped beard sprinkled with salt, Jae Abber is asking, specifically, for Gigglespit Baderiggo Humbleback- while utterly failing to conceal some bemusement at the name.

2020-05-22, 02:46 PM
(Giggles will require waking - he is totally sleeping late this morning! :smallbiggrin:)

2020-05-22, 03:54 PM
Keshkaru, as always, finds it difficult to maintain a festive activity for long after a long, hard day like this one, and she finds herself lying on her cot a few hours after sunset. On the flip side, she's up early, and in a fresh state of mind. She greets the major politely. "Yes, naturally, Lord Mayor, I'll go ask Mr Humbleback to join you promptly. If you will be take this seat and wait just a minute..."

She goes straight to the clown wagon, and spots Giggles' hammock in the nearby trees. She comes to give a gentle shake to the gnome. "Morning, Giggles. You have a visitor waiting for you."

2020-05-22, 09:19 PM
Giggles' descent from his hammock is perhaps the least graceful thing anyone watching has ever seen. The gnome cries out in surprise at the gentle shaking, twists himself into a bundle, the bundle spins violently, and as it unwinds he lands on the ground with a loud "Ooof!" on his back. With the wind suddenly knocked out of him the blue man can only whine in a high pitched, pained "Eeee..." for several moments.

When the world stops spinning and he gets his breath back, Giggles shakes his head, immediately regrets it, and then slowly rises. "A what? A visitor? For me? Uh...ok...I haven't even been into town yet, so I know I didn't do anything to get in trouble...Any idea who it is or what they want?"

At Keshkaru's answer Giggles' expression grows even more confused, if that's possible. "I guess I should look halfway decent then, huh?" he mutters as he looks for a basin of water to splash into his face. After taking about a minute to get his appearance in some semblance of order (his hair is still a complete disaster, swept to the left and sticking up at about a 45 degree angle) he approaches the mayor and bows grandly, introducing himself. "Your mayorship! I am Gigglespit Baderiggo Humbleback. How can I be of service this fine morning?"

2020-05-23, 08:10 PM
Pip gradually awakens to the sounds of the camp stirring. He rolls out from beneath his cot and wincing a little at the bruises from the night before. Old habits die hard and more often than not he prefers to leave his pack under a blanket on his cot while he enjoys the relative safety of the floor. It had taken several hours of observation before Pip was comfortable enough with Nemia's supposed change of heart to finally go to sleep.

A little ways away he can hear Giggles's distinctive voice. Dressing himself, he exits his tent and heads over to see what's going on.

2020-05-24, 07:27 AM
Tessara is awake but not yet ready when news of the mayor's visit reaches her. It sends her into a flurry of straightening her dress (this morning a practical cotton affair, not the gaudy silks of the night before) and brushing her hair, pausing only long enough to make sure that Nemia is still being monitored. Somewhat breathlessly she hurries over to observe, just in time to hear Giggles' introduction. "Pssst! Giggles - your hair!"

2020-05-24, 11:33 AM
With a start Giggles looks at Tessara for a moment. "My Mayor? No, Tessara, he's the mayor of Abberton," he responds, still oblivious of his unkempt appearance.

2020-05-24, 12:40 PM
"I think she's referring to your hair, Giggles." This is said with great earnestness. But, coming from the hairless iruxi, this correction is somewhat incongruous, and Keshkaru herself doesn't look like she's sure of her understanding of the subject.

2020-05-24, 12:46 PM
Giggles looks even more confused. "My hair? What's..." as he runs his fingers through his hair he realizes it is a mess. "Sorry, one moment..." he says as he turns to the side. With a furious motion he does what he can to make it better, only to turn back to face the Mayor with hair that looks even worse! "Your mayor-ness?"

2020-05-24, 09:39 PM
Vorgrok looks over at the developing scene from his position near the fire, where he deposits a load of gathered deadwood for fuel. Dabbing the end of his bushy beard at the corner of one mouth to wipe away some stray fat from the first round of bacon, he watches impassively.

2020-05-28, 12:54 PM
The mayor and Giggles meet, near the camp's central fireplace. He removes his hat, and inclines his balding head respectfully, holding the brown bowler gently in both hands. "Thank you so much for meeting me so early. My name's Jae Abber. I'm the mayor of Abberton, since my mother passed me the job almost 20 years ago, now. I- err.." He glances around, at the many many eyes appearing from the wagons and clears his throat quietly, awkwardly.

"Is there somewhere we could speak, uhh perhaps a bit more privately?"

2020-05-28, 05:12 PM
Giggles' expression goes from sleep-addled to confused to thoughtful to concerned over the space of about five seconds as he attempts to comprehend the mayor's request. "Um...is something wrong, sir? If so, I would appreciate the counsel of several of our finest members. Will that be alright? If so, perhaps we can use the Professor's wagon...?" he asks, looking to the PCs nearby for some help making the mayor comfortable while still having level heads (or at least, more level than his) around to hear what the mayor has to say.

2020-05-28, 08:31 PM
Jae Abber nods, understanding. "Of course, of course," he assents. "I just... ahh, the issue is one for which I would prefer some discretion, though ultimately that is of less import than getting aid, whatever is needed..." He gladly accompanies Giggles, and the slow but steady addition of the rest of the party on the way to the Professor's wagon. The man is awake, and seated outside when you arrive, and gladly offers the use of the circus' largest non-cargo vehicle.

"Much obliged, thank you all so much." The mayor seems genuinely appreciative of the gesture, and much more confident in a context that doesn't involve dozens or a few hundred extra eyes.

"Though I found your performance last night positively riveting, my visit this morning is based on information I just received: that you and your companions were attacked last night- either by someone from Abberton, or otherwise loca" He frowns, a little ashamed at the implication.

"The situation is dire, here in Abberton," he admits, gravely. "My hometown has been terrorized of late, since a few weeks before you all arrived. I'm... sorry that it seems to have caught up with you as well."

"I don't see how any of my friends and family here could have become involved in such villainy, but the only other option is a nearby hermitage- and they are likewise a peaceful folk. The hermits are kind, humble, pious servants of Gozreh. They are led my a fellow named Harlock Hamdeel, a fine man- loves animals and nature of course, but honestly it's impossible to imagine him allowing anything like what has happened in town lately or here at the circus grounds last night."

He pauses thoughtfully. "We have not always been in agreement with the Hermitage, of course. There have been a great many challenges lately: last season the rain was particularly sparse, and the heat caused much of our crops to wither. We had a late cold snap this Spring which froze most of what survived that far. The wind has grown biting, scattering topsoil into dust storms, and many of the wells have run dry." He frowns, clearly upset by the difficult season. "I've never seen the streams so low, in thirty years. Some have vanished completely. I know nature passes in cycles, and many of the farming folks are hearty- 'we just need to be patient,' but now some of the hermits have begun to blame us, somehow! For.. what, I don't know. We're just farmers! They must think we've done something, but I don't even know what we could have done!"

He sighs, clearly reaching the crux of the issue. "Things have gotten really bad, lately. One of my folks got attacked by a wild boar in the street a few days Ago. The miller's family has gone missing. I wouldn't blame them for leaving town, but I fear they've been driven away, instead. I'd ask the sheriff for help, but no one's seen her in two days, either! I- I heard you were able to protect all your friends and other innocents here, last night... and... I... I thought maybe, you could do for us what you did for them? If you could, I'd gladly talk to Harlock about the woman who attacked you all. I can probably even get you into the hermitage to meet him so you can see for yourselves that he's harmless in all this...." He finally lapses into silence, clearly hoping for an affirmative response.

2020-05-29, 11:22 AM
Giggles listens to the mayor as well as he can, though frequent yawns and rubbing of eyes suggest he is struggling a bit. When the man finishes the little blue gnome takes a moment longer to respond than might have been entirely proper before awkwardly saying, "Well...please do not worry about last night. We captured the person responsible and are handling their actions ourselves. They aren't from Abberton, so please don't worry about that."

Putting his chin in his hand in a thoughtful pose, the little man continues, "I don't know much about nature and seasons and all, but it can't hurt to talk to people. Keshkaru here," he gestures to the reptilian druid, "may be able to help more than me, but we will need to do some looking around town and the countryside nearby. Will that be alright?" he asks, looking to everyone in the wagon for confirmation.

2020-05-29, 08:57 PM
From his position near the wagon's entrance, Vorgrok holds his peace, but beneath furrowed brows his eyes turn to rest their gaze on Keshkaru as well.

2020-05-31, 06:50 AM
Tessara nods in agreement. "It sounds like this... Harlock is someone we ought to meet. Followers of Gozreh should be more qualified than us to comment on the unusual weather, so we can start there. You said the sheriff was missing, too? Any additional information you can give us would be helpful: where he was last seen, known associated, that sort of thing."

2020-05-31, 07:00 AM
Keshkaru, as is her habit, does not respond immediately. She listens, and ponders in her mind what is said. Seeing her companions look to her, she speaks at last.

"The Winds and the Waves sometimes show Their displeasure with sudden bouts of bad weather. But, as far as I know, Abberton folk didn't do anything to displease my god. You told us so, and we don't doubt your word, Lord Mayor. Now, animals attacking people in a town, that has nothing to do with divine intervention. That's not Their way.

Yes, I shall go and pay my respects to Harlock Hamdeel, and I hope that you, friends, we join me. Perhaps he will be able to explain why there's been such a falling out between the hermits and the town lately."

2020-05-31, 05:33 PM
"Oh, thank you! Thank you! Ahhh..." At first, Abber seems almost overcome with relief. As he considers your words and questions, he quickly comes back down to earth. "Well, it will take some time, at least, to secure audience with the hermits. They're fiercely protective of their little corner of Golarion, and I wouldn't dream of causing undue offense by barging in without following their preferred protocol. I'll send word to Harlock of our uhhh hopeful remedy, but in the meantime if you wouldn't mind looking into the Millers' disappearance and Oldlin's Orchard- that's where Old Miss Hemmema was attacked by the boar, that would be an awful big relief to me."

He considers Tessara's words for a moment. "Uh, well, she-... uh I last spoke to her at the little jail in town, almost a week ago. I could get with some contacts and piece together who saw her most recently... I don't rightly even know where to begin searching for her, to be honest." He's obviously a bit embarrassed by the unhelpful response, but hopeful that you'll be able to find something useful at the other sites while he speaks with the townsfolk.

2020-06-01, 08:38 PM
With a surprised yelp Giggles suddenly squirms up from his seat. It appears that his familiar, a snake as bright blue as he is, has tickled him badly as he tries to settle back down. "Sorry about that, Mr. Mayor. Um, sure - we can look into things at the orchard. Can you give us directions? Maybe we will get lucky and find the lady sheriff there too...?"

2020-06-02, 07:48 AM
"Wild animals attacking without provocation sounds awfully familiar." Pip chimes in, turning his head slightly to glare in the direction of Nemia's resting place for the night. "We should make a stop on the way there to have a chat with our new friend"

2020-06-02, 09:24 AM
"Right, good idea" Tessara nods in agreement with Pip. "We can ask what she knows about this hermitage. She said she was acting alone, but maybe she know of others who were close to acting... aggressively. Giggles, it might for her to hear the questions from you. Would you do the honors?" She gestures towards Nemia's wagon, preparing to follow with the rest of the group.

2020-06-03, 02:15 PM
"Um, sure!" replies Giggles, looking relieved to be about to get out of the wagon. "Mayor, if you will excuse me..."

2020-06-11, 09:10 PM
The taciturn Vorgrok cracks a few knuckles as he turns on his heel, leaping down the wagon's steps with unexpected agility for his broad and brawny stature. Offering a large hand up to assist the rather-average-looking mayor down the stairs, the contrasts between their profiles could not be more stark.

Satisfied with the mayor's exit from the wagon, the dwarf turns to follow the others toward their newest acquaintance's lodgings, his bland expression entirely unreadable.

2020-06-20, 01:57 PM
Seeing Nemia eating some fresh bread by herself, Giggles walks over and sits down. "So...what's up with the hermitage nearby? The mayor was just telling us about some missing townfolk, and we offered to help him try and find them. You don't think the hermits had anything to do with that, do you?" he asks as he takes some dried fruit out of his pack. He splits it in two and offers half to the halfling as he waits for her answer.

2020-06-22, 09:21 PM
Kesharu goes to feed Ozkrak her ration of fresh meat, as she does every day before her own breakfast. She then helps herself to a leftover of the beans and bacon from last night's dinner, and comes to sit with Giggles and Nemia. After bidding them good morning, she eats silently, ready but in no rush to join the conversation.

She'll use her Perception (+7) to try and assess Nemia's mood.

2020-06-22, 09:33 PM
Nemia eyes Giggles warily, still obviously uneasy around all these... people. For a long few moments she says nothing, equally obviously uncomfortable with direct, intentional company. "The hermitage... has been troubled, of late. Hamdeel, the damned fool. He knows something... but he sits in his tower, pondering nothings while the whole island withers and dies!" She slams one small fist into an open palm, clearly more than a little upset by the apparently raw emotions. She shakes her head angrily and looks down for a moment. Sullenly, she grunts. "No, I don't think they did."

2020-06-23, 07:34 AM
Standing behind Giggles, Tessara crosses her arms sternly. "Hamdeel, the leader of the hermitage? What is it you think he knows?"

2020-06-23, 01:28 PM
Giggles listens and watches Nemia a bit uncomfortably, but when she looks down he asks, quietly, "Do you know what happened to the townfolk? Can you give us some direction to how we might find them?"

Giggles is trying to gently ask if Nemia had a hand in their disappearance or knows something about it that would look bad. He doesn't want to expose her and is trying to show her empathy as he tries to help her open up and fix her previous errors in judgement.

2020-06-24, 09:47 AM
Pip listens carefully from a safe distance, not wanting his personal opinions of Nemia to ruin their chances of obtaining useful information.

2020-06-24, 03:00 PM
"He knows something!" Nemia exclaims. "The whole island is dying before our eyes, and he's supposed to be the one protecting it, not me!" She leaps up from her chair, stomping emphatically, a zealous and simultaneously terribly hurt expression on her face.

Turning towards Giggles, she screams, "I don't know anything!" Almost entirely lost in her emotions, she begins scampering away towards the relative cover of the disorganized wagons, shaking her head and crying loudly.

2020-06-24, 03:32 PM
Vorgrok allows one eyebrow to raise at the halfling's expressions of temperament... but he makes no move to impede her escape from the tense social situation, turning furrowed brows instead back to Giggles, their apparent makeshift leader.

2020-06-25, 07:44 AM
Tessara sighs and uncrosses her arms. "Well, that was about what I expected. Useless... Anyway, should we go pay this hermitage a visit? It sounds like it could be connected to the missing people, and to... whatever her problem is."

2020-06-25, 12:17 PM
Giggles sits, uncharacteristically silent, as he watches Nemia leave. His expression is pained, and it is clear he has never had to deal with such passionate unhappiness and that he feels sad for the departing halfling woman.

After a moment he looks up and says, "I'm ready to go anytime," before turning to watch the camp some more.

2020-06-25, 12:36 PM
Kesharu's reptilian face doesn't show any emotion, but but her voice sounds sad when she answers. "You're right, Tessara. Let's go. Maybe that will help, maybe not. But it's our only lead at this point."

2020-06-26, 09:37 AM
"Let's go!" Pip agrees, "for something like this we've got no time to waste."

2020-06-26, 01:18 PM
With a curt nod, equal parts assent and approval, Vorgrok shuffles over to the tool wagon to retrieve his heavy sledge.

After hefting it approvingly in both hands, his eyes scan through the various tools and materials, finally settling onto some leather straps. Looping them around his torso with slack left in the back, he flicks the sledge (no small feat in itself) to catch the handle very near to its business end, lifting it up over his head to slide it into the slack. With its sizable head now resting behind and just above one shoulder, the dwarf grunts in a satisfied manner before trudging off to regroup with the investigatory band.

2020-06-26, 03:11 PM
As the party considers their options, the Professor approaches. "If I may," he begins quietly. "I took the liberty of asking our friends in the sideshow to spread some inspiring tales of your bravery, last night. I suspect it is for this reason that word has reached the mayor, and of course, they brought back news themselves. Rather than risk misinterpreting, I would ask them to share with you directly?" At your acquiescence, some of the least-weird sideshow acts you've ever heard of process forward to speak with you.

First, Hesper and Meitas Jaxis, "the Unjoined Twins," approach. Identical twins in their mid 30s, they often amuse small gatherings with tales of their separation at birth and ignorance of the other's existence prior to meeting at the circus. It's an unabashed lie, as they grew up together happily causing trouble for their parents with an endless supply of antics and mostly humorous tales. They confirm, in astonishingly-smooth dovetailing speech that the matronly grandmother who reported the boar to the sheriff was thankfully able to escape, and further that the boar appears to have brought her brood of equally ill-tempered piglings!

Second is Tahala Roadwatcher, "the Tattooed Woman." A middle-aged Shoanti, Tahala is a striking figure in a region populated with virtually zero of her heritage and quah. Bald, fit, and covered with complex tattoos, she is a gifted storyteller, equally capable of entertaining with fantastic tales of the significance of each tattoo and educating with morals of reverence for ancestors and stewardship of nature. She comes to you now having already looked into the miller's home. The building appears to be functional from afar, but the whole area was infested with wasps and was unable to get too close. It seems unlikely that they would have abandoned it.

Third is Gidarron Elbus, "The Bearded Man." Alongside the Professor, Gidarron amuses and entertains with an astonishing bevy of well-curated accents and mannerisms. Depending on the day, he will present as an "exact double" of one of several possible political figures, forced to conceal his identity for fear of rival agents and assassins. He informs you that many of the townsfolk often refer to a group of petty thugs and strong-arms, the "Muggers" (not a self-assigned title, nor one they appreciate. Given in part because they tend to congregate at a roadhouse outside of town called the Mad Mug). Apparently, they and the sheriff have had a long-running rivalry, and she has tried many times to break up the gang. Perhaps they might have become brave or reckless enough to do something about her?

And finally, "Cubby, the Dog-faced Dog" paws forward. The large Beagle was just a puppy when a particularly unlikely awaken animal ritual granted him human intelligence and the ability to speak. He has been the professor's best friend for years, and certainly forms the keystone of the sideshow's antics. He performs a fairly simple routine of tricks and tasks (trivial for an animal of human intelligence), and then astonishes the crowds with his own spoken commentary- a jestful rebuttal countering The Professor's lavish praises for Cubby's bravery, humility, and pluckiness. He sits on his haunches for a few minutes, reporting on the local religious scene. The church (he initially investigated thinking that it might be connected to the hermitage) in town is enshrined to Abadar, not Gozreh, but he took a few minutes to nose around anyway, since he was there. Something around the back fence struck him as unusual, unpleasant, and possibly dangerous: the unmistakable scent of rotting flesh. Perhaps Cubby's sense of discretion is better honed than his bravery, as he chose not to poke around any closer....

2020-06-30, 09:13 PM
Giggles listens to each speaker in turn, his usual cheer and high energy starting to return as he hears both news and some good fortune. After hearing all the reports he turns to the other PCs and says, "Wild pigs and wasps sound weird, but not necessarily sinister, right? Like, there could be bad juju there, but it might just be some wild animals misbehaving..." As someone gets ready to interject about Nemia's actions the previous night he continues, "I know, I know! It might be more bad druid juju, but I'm going to be hopeful first. Let's check those two spots out first, starting with the miller's home. We might be able to help them out, if they are still there, and that way we aren't dealing with any bad people, including bad dead ones...What do you all think?"

2020-07-01, 06:39 AM
Tessara shudders at the thought. "I hate wasps..." she complains. "Tahala got a good enough look at the house, right? Do we have any way to get through a swarm of those things?"

"Rotting flesh on the other hand sounds like a real clue - Cubby's nose doesn't lie! I think we ought to check out the church. And these 'Muggers' sound like trouble, but maybe we can avoid them until we've followed up on the other leads?"

2020-07-01, 11:09 AM
"I'd also like to see what the rotting flesh is!" Pip chimes in, "If it's just carrion then we won't have wasted much time at all. As for the wasps, I think I have an idea. Back in the city the rooftop beekeepers would wear baggy cloth suits to protect themselves while they harvested the honey, maybe we could do something similar? Possibly re-purpose one of our smaller tents as a mobile wasp shelter? I could use some of the costume lace to make safe windows to see where we're going." Pip trails off into largely incoherent mumbling as he mentally goes over the particulars of his idea.

2020-07-03, 10:42 AM
After listening to all the stories and opinions, Keshkaru chimes in, nodding in approval to Pip. "That sounds like a good idea. But I'm not sure we should worry about the miller first. All this provides us with several leads, and for a mystery like this, I feel we will need to check them all out. Nevertheless, I think we should begin with the church. The other incidents might have natural causes, but a smell of rot in Abadar's sanctum is definitely not normal."

2020-07-05, 08:53 PM
With now 3 votes in favor, the party begins to make their way towards the local church. Cubby points you in the right direction, and offers to accompany you into town, but seems more than a little shaken by the whiffs he got the night before, and isn't eager, exactly. There aren't many people out and about this morning- it is still a little early, but you might have expected to see someone on the streets.

Still, it's not hard to find Goldenlaws Church- as the locals call it. Formally the "House of Gold and Laws," Abadar's local temple is Abberton's primary place of worship, and doubles as the town's only facility of money-lending. A sprawling, fenced cemetery is clearly visible beside and behind the sanctuary, filled with rows and rows of neatly managed headstones intermingled with ornate monuments. On closer inspection, the headstones aren't that neatly managed- here and there, signs of wear can be noted among the facades, and some of the grounds are beginning to be visibly in need of mowing.

From the street, the heroes look up to a raised porch, as wide as the sanctuary behind it. Two stained-glass windows face the road; one of Abadar, the Master of the First Vault, and the other depicting dozens of gold keys. Both windows are broken in several places, causing the dim early-morning sun to reflect strangely on the underside of the porch's covered roof.

You guys are gathered on the street immediately east of the church. The porch is the upper portion, the entrance to the graveyard below.

https://i.ibb.co/CQxdCFF/Street-view.png (https://ibb.co/hVp5Qvv)

2020-07-06, 07:43 AM
"Thank you, Cubby. If you like, I think we will take it from here," says Giggles to the awakened dog, his eyes never leaving the dilapidated church grounds. "Looking at this place makes me nervous - I'll bet it doesn't smell any better..." He takes a long look at the grounds before mumbling, "Creepy graveyard and church falling apart - what a morning..."

Then, with a deep breath he smiles and says, more loudly, "Well, nothing for it! Let's get started. I'm going to take a walk around the grounds, see if I can see anything...what am I looking for? Do we have any idea?"

2020-07-07, 12:53 PM
Vorgrok interrupts his silent inspection of the church facade to grunt nondescriptly at Giggles. Reaching one meaty fist over his shoulder, he draws his heavy sledge up to rest on his broad shoulder. He begins to saunter around the property, but his eyes are scanning both the building and the grounds for further signs of disturbance.

Let's say moving clockwise around the building, quietly looking for... anything unusual:
Stealth: [roll0]

Perception: [roll1]
Survival: [roll2]

2020-07-08, 08:25 AM
"We're looking for whatever Cubby smelled! Which, I think he said it was behind the church? Tessara answers. As the group begins to pick its way towards the graveyard she notices the neglect and wear. "This place has seen better days - don't they have someone to do repairs. For a church of money you'd think they could spare a few silvers for a handyman... cheapskates."

2020-07-09, 07:39 AM
Pip carefully scans the cemetery ahead as he proceeds forward with the others, looking for any signs of movement. There had been more than enough surprises yesterday to last him a good long while.

Perception (1d20+5) [6] rolled in OOC thread

2020-07-11, 11:06 AM
"It's not in its ideal condition, yes. Let us move with care." With Ozkrak close to her, Keshkaru moves in with the others as they explore the outside perimeter of the temple.

I think in PF2 terms this is the Investigate exploration activity? In case of need, some Percetpion rolls:
Keshkaru [roll0]
Ozkrak [roll1]

2020-07-18, 12:19 PM
As the party begins surveying the grounds, they take a clockwise course just outside the fence. For the most part, the grounds seem.... recently unkempt, but not horribly so. The cemetery is small by some standards, but holds over a hundred graves, arranged in neat rows divided by well kept paths. Headstones mark each plot, as unique as the lives over which they stand sentinel.

Some distance from the road, a pair of men stand over a series of open graves, yawning towards the sky. Several mounds of dark, fresh earth lie piled around the gaping holes. The two men- both apparently suffering from substantial swelling and equipped with shovels- are working in the graves. Hunched over in their labor, they're hard to see from the fence, until one of them suddenly stands upright, hefts his shovel to his shoulder, and calls out to you. "Keep back, good masters!" he cries, through a handkerchief tied over his mouth and nose. "I wouldn't come no closer. This one's all ripe with the plague, and they say she's contagious. One whiff and you could turn black as pitch and be deader than old Tar-Baphon!"

Map updated (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1T1fcZMfowBlBfpdJvPCV2eZM2tbSCqRtLJwIv5wpkKM/edit#gid=1731257279)

2020-07-18, 03:29 PM
Grimacing at the talk of plagues and the obvious physical condition of the gravediggers, Vorgrok squints, peering over at the men.

Medicine check to assess the situation? [roll0]
Perception check vs. potential deception? [roll1]

2020-07-18, 09:12 PM
"The plague? Good sirs, we haven't heard about any plague - can you tell us about it? We were coming around to try and find out anything about the Hermitage nearby. I know the church is Abadar's, but maybe the clergy can direct us towards the leaders of the other faith...?" calls back Giggles, his high-pitched voice rising with an implied question as he finishes.

2020-07-19, 07:00 AM
Tessara crosses her arms to ward off a sudden chill that has nothing to do with the weather. "That's a lot of new graves for a town this size!" she observes. "Has some calamity befallen the village?"

2020-07-19, 09:10 PM
Silently, Keshkaru observes the men, and their unusual condition. Are they sick? Cubby smelled rotting flesh... I wonder... She turns towards Ozkrak, watching for any signs of unease in her animal friend.

Keshkaru kinds of worries if the gravediggers might be sick, maybe even undead. I'd like to use a Seek action, maybe with Ozkrak's assistance? She has a +7, Ozkrak has a +6. I guess this would be a secret check.

2020-07-21, 04:57 PM
"Aye, the plague!" Calls back the same man. "Don't rightly know more'n that about it. One stroke's bad as another when you get it deep in yer bones!" He turns back to the plot, shuffling awkwardly with his shovel gripped tightly.

You're quite sure that these two aren't telling the whole truth. Something in their movements is too forced and inexperienced to truly be the work of laborers. As you watch for a few moments, it becomes apparent that they're both going out of their way to keep your group in front of them- never quite fully turning around to deposit soil behind them, despite how it would reduce the effort. Further, the movements aren't just stiff or uneasy, but specifically the sort of straight-jointed movements you might take to try and conceal something- they're disguised to appear like laborers.

2020-07-21, 09:15 PM
Pip can feel the hair standing up on the back of his neck, something deep inside of himself sending a warning. This all just doesn't quite add up. Pip casts his eyes to the ground in order to focus his thoughts. What did they know? He quietly mutters as he lists the information to himself:

One... The mayor made no mention of a plague. Such a detail would certainly be relevant given the other information he had shared.
Two... The number of open graves implies a much larger number of living yet infected townsfolk.
Three... A large portion of the town was in attendance at the performance the previous night with no signs of disease apparent.
Therefore... There is no plague here, not one on a large scale at least, these men are lying to us! Now what's the reason behind their deceit?
Four... They have many graves open at once, but there are no visible bodies waiting to be entombed, no forms wrapped in old cloth.
Five... They don't want us to come any closer to them and/or the graves.
Six... Cubby had smelled rotting flesh around the back fence while these fresh graves are much closer to the front and would have been apparent to him without having to enter the graveyard.
Conclusion... The men are either grave robbing, or hiding something in the graves. More likely robbing since they would probably fill them as they went if they were hiding things inside.

I think they're grave robbers! Pip quietly hisses to those standing next to him.

2020-07-22, 09:40 AM
Tessara is beginning to nod in satisfaction at the man's explanation when Pip hisses his warning. "What?! Graverobbers?! Are you sure??" She quickly glances back and forth between the tailor and the "laborers", trying to conceal her shock. "What should we do? We don't have any proof!"

2020-07-22, 12:30 PM
"Um...don't look at me! The Mayor may think I'm in charge but we all know how bad of an idea that would be..." responds Giggles quietly. "If they are grave robbing, shouldn't we check with the authorities...? Oh, right, the Sheriff is missing...right...So, maybe someone with some authority speak up? Challenge them...? Is that person me?"

2020-07-22, 03:59 PM
The tall iruxi woman bends down to place her mouth near the gnome's ear, in an attempt to comfort his self-confidence. "Yes, I'm looking at you, my friend. Of all of us, you're the one who can best conjure up a convincing story. Maybe you tell them this looks strange and suspicious and we're going to report this to the city's mayor unless they show us what's happening in those graves? Or something on those lines?"

2020-07-23, 04:51 PM
"Oooooh kaaaaay...ok ok ok ok ok..." whispers Giggles as he mentally prepares himself.

He calls out to the two men digging, "No one else in town has complained of a plague - your story is suspicious, sir. Who is in charge here? We would like to speak with them and see what they have to say about this so-called plague! Where are the bodies? How do we know you aren't doing something you shouldn't and making up a scary reason we shouldn't look closer?" His tone is serious, the pitch deeper than usual as he attempts to present his words as tough and intimidating in spite of his own lack of confidence.

Performance (if allowed) [roll0]. Apply -3 if Intimidate is necessary instead.

2020-07-24, 08:42 PM
"'Course they haven't- they've kept their distance!" The first laborer calls back, beginning to sound somewhat exasperated. "Look, you wanna off yerself, come on in an' check it out! Or go inside and ask Father Drend, he'll set you straight!" The two share a glance for a moment, while the silent companion stands up and stretches.

Both men are now openly watching you, any pretense of continuing their work set aside for the moment. They stand a bit hunched, with their hands resting on the shovel handles- points in the dirt.

2020-07-25, 09:38 AM
""I could go check on this 'Father Drend'... Tessara suggests, looking towards the church building. "But maybe I shouldn't go alone? I don't want to let these three out of our sight yet, either..."