View Full Version : Cesar Palaise's Dream

2020-02-23, 04:50 PM
You wake up to find yourself still asleep. Your body isn't your own. Or maybe it is, but it's utterly fused with your armour.

You seem to be in a featureless, dark plane, but quickly you notice that you're standing on a hill. The hill is black, the valleys around are black, the horizon is black, and the dragon and rider that are barreling towards you are also black. Oh hell...

Your body reacts with speed that is not your own, but it's no use. Before you can act, mount and rider charge towards you.

The rider takes out of his blade and mutters an incantation: suddenly, the dragon looks even more terrifying than it did before. A second incantation attempts to strip away your life force, and as he draws his blade, you feel as though you're about to die. Then, his dragon crashes into you and starts ripping into you.

First off, if you're not immune to death effects, please take a DC 267 fortitude save. Success indicates that you take [roll0] damage instead of dying.
Second, take seven negative levels unless you're immune.
Third, take 104 points of bludg/slash/pierce damage and a DC 15 fortitude save against Red Ache, 70 points of slash, 65 points of slash, 66 bludgeon, 71 bludgeon, and finally 113 bludgeon.

If you survive, the dragon's floating 20 feet away from you.

2020-02-24, 12:17 PM
"It's only a dream!" Cesar tells himself as a heads up display shows itself before his eyes. Even with the torn armour and mangled flesh he can see that the systems of combat are alive and ready to engage. "Combat systems?! What the hell kind of dream is this?"

Reflexes he has no idea existed in him spring into action and he hurls harpoon after harpoon at the beings in front of him.


HP: 54/543

Fort save: [roll0]

To Hit [roll1]
To Hurt [roll2]
Wrathful Healing, Lucky, Fleshgrinding

To Hit [roll3]
To Hurt [roll4]
Wrathful Healing, Lucky, Fleshgrinding

To Hit [roll5]
To Hurt [roll6]
Wrathful Healing, Lucky, Fleshgrinding

To hit[roll7]
To Hurt [roll8]
Wrathful Healing, Lucky, Fleshgrinding

To Hit [roll9]
To Hurt [roll10]
Wrathful Healing, Lucky, Fleshgrinding

To Hit [roll11]
To Hurt [roll12]
Wrathful Healing, Lucky, Fleshgrinding

To Hit [roll13]
To Hurt [roll14]
Wrathful Healing, Lucky, Fleshgrinding

To Hit [roll15]
To Hurt [roll16]
Wrathful Healing, Lucky, Fleshgrinding

If it deals damage, the harpoon lodges in an opponent who fails a Reflex saving throw (DC 10 + the damage dealt). A harpooned creature moves at only half speed and cannot charge or run.

At the beginning of each round, each harpoon that struck deals damage to the tune of 1d10+48.
Pulling it out without a Heal check deals that damage again.

Wrathful Healing
Half of the damage dealt by the harpoon returns to Cesar in the form of positive energy healing.

Permanently in effect: 10 Essentia Invested Modified Attack +42
Chakra Bind (Hands): While wielding a melee soul weapon if you are attacked by a weapon (including natural weapons, soul weapons, and ranged attacks) you may attempt to block it as an immediate action. If you choose to use this ability, you must declare that you are using it after your enemy successfully hits but before the DM announces damage or effects of the attack. Make a melee attack roll (including any bonuses from essentia invested in the soul weapon). If your modified attack roll is higher then the enemy’s modified attack roll, the attack is negated. If your modified attack roll is 5 points higher then your enemy’s modified attack roll, then the attack is deflected against the enemy. Resolve the attack against the enemy’s AC as if the enemy had attacked themselves.

If you have 4 or more points of essentia invested into this soulmeld, you may also use this ability to block (and potentially reflect back) attacks made against you by ray spells and effects (such as Scorching Ray and Disintegrate), following the same rules for doing so stated above.

Evasion and Mettle

Eagle Eyes: The Marksman now threatens anyone within the first range increment of his weapon.

Master Marksman (Ex): A peerless marksman possesses unrivaled skill with ranged weaponry. He or she gains the distant shot epic feat, even if he or she doesn’t meet its prerequisites. In addition, the peerless marksman doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunities when making ranged attacks. The peerless marksman can make attacks of opportunity when using ranged weaponry, threatening the area within one normal range increment with that weapon. Lastly, the peerless marksman adds twice his or her class level to the number of attacks of opportunity he or she can make each round and to damage rolls when making a ranged attack roll. 28 AoOs within 130'.

2020-02-24, 12:30 PM
The harpoons lobbed at the dragon bounce off its impossibly tough hide, but the ones that hit the rider find purchase. He scowls, and covers himself in power before lashing out with his sword.

You gain 110 hit points.

Before I resolve the dragon's actions again, I'd like to confirm whether or not you have any good response to taking 7 hits dealing 77, 61, 47, 36, 36, 36, and 40 points of damage and disintegrating you on-hit, DC 271, each time? I'm gonna guess not, but you might have an immediate that can save you.

2020-02-24, 12:36 PM
Nope. That'll do me in pretty well. Hahahaha!