View Full Version : Lurker Patron Warlock

2020-02-24, 09:47 AM
So I am looking at this, and my first impression is that it is similar to a GOOlock, but more nautical themed. The abilities are similar, but are more specific and targeted towards aquatic themes rather than mental ones. So I decided to test it out.

What do you lot think would make sense for a Lurkerlock familiar though? If I went chain pact, the four list options just...don't *fit.* There is always the octopus, crab, and quipper familiars, but those are pretty weak for a chainlock. What would be a good fix for a more aquatic themed chain pact familiar for this subclass?

2020-02-24, 12:53 PM
Ideas for a familiar:
-mini chuul (use whatever statblock, I'd say quasit makes sense, or make your own)
-ice/mud mephit, depending on what kind of sea theme you want, if your patron is more merman and less Dagon
-swarm of quippers would be cool&unusual, though you'd need some intense homebrewing
-animated kelp (animated shrub)
-gazer (reskinned as something else or not)
-a boggle is not unbalanced (tried it myself) and could be reskinned into some kind of small aberration.

P. G. Macer
2020-02-24, 08:24 PM
Maybe the poisonous snake? It has a swim speed.

2020-02-24, 09:24 PM
Imps can shapeshift into animals, you can ask your DM if he'd allow one to shapeshift into a crab or octopus or maybe a parrot.