View Full Version : The Artificer's ( Alchemist ) flight potion seems extremely powerful

2020-02-25, 02:16 AM
I've seen a lot of talk about the Artificer being a disappointing class, but I must say that at least as a multi-classing option, dipping 3 levels into Alchemist seems very potent, especially thanks to the flight potion. You have the ability to expend a 1st level spell slot to create any potion you choose, which means that if you select flight, you essentially get a concentration-less Fly, for the price of a 1st-level slot, as early as 3rd level, which you can create as many of them as you've got 1st-level and above slots to spare and drink them yourself or give to others at any time. That is some absolutely insane value, there's a reason why Fly is a concentration spell and the Aarakocra race is considered optional due to free flight - because being able to fly without concentration opens the doorway to some very powerful stuff ( If you're a spellcaster MC particularly ), and not only that - with the potion, nobody can even dispel your flight.

Yes, I know, it's just 10 feet of movement, right? But that's easily circumvented. Just 1 Longstrider spell ( Which the Artificer has access to straight off the bat ) and anything that gives you 10 extra feet of movement ( Be it Mobile feat or any class attribute ) and you're already back to 30 while airborne. A spellcaster with Haste for concentration will be up to Fly's 60 at base, and 120 with a Dash hasted action.

And because the Alchemist enables you to create a limitless amount of potions irrespective of your class levels as an Artificer by wasting spell slots for them, you get access to more, and more and more portions of any kind that can all be drank in overlapping fashion as you gain more spell slots as a spellcaster. You could probably grant flight to your entire party very easily by level 7 or something. And on top of it all, you gain access to Cure Wounds and Healing Word from the artificer's spell list, which means your MCer can now heal too.

Honestly that makes the Alchemist 3/X 17 Multiclassing one of the most appealing to me currently, if only for a free concentration-less flight by level 3.