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View Full Version : The Perfect fit?

2007-10-22, 09:35 AM
Howdy Folks,
I typically DM for the group I am part of, but I've been given the special treat of being able to play for a session while one of my players flexes his DM muscle.

After a brief discussion with the player turned DM, we've decided to squeeze in a one-off of his own creation before I kick off the major arc in the story, so we'll be using the characters already created minus the now-DM's character.

My group currently consists of:
Goliath Fighter 1 / Barbarian 1
Dwarven Cleric of Hanseath 3 (he'll be DMing)
Human Rogue 1 / Swash 2
Human Monk 2 / Sorcerer 1

Now, because I'll only be in the game for a session, I'd rather not steal the spotlight from anyone in the group. As such if you guys could help me come up with some cool concepts that will be fun to play in a one off.

I'm allowed to use all the Complete Series as well as the Races, all the Regional FR books, The PHB & PHB 2.

Current concepts i'm kicking around are a
Dwarven Berserker
specialist wizard (conjurer)
halfling cleric of mask / rogue
Paladin of some good god.

anything you can suggest would be usefull.

2007-10-22, 09:59 AM
Howdy Folks,

Paladin of some good god.

Do this and pull a Miko.

2007-10-22, 10:06 AM
I should also state that both the rogue /swash and the goliath are NE.

2007-10-22, 10:45 AM
A pit fighter who can grapple nearly anything he touches (see this buld (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=60698))

Random chars, culled from ones I've had fun with in the past:

A high-AC, swashbuckley duelist-man

A Jack Sparrow-type, high-Bluff, high-Diplomacy, high-SenseMotive, high-SleightofHand, Feinting frenzy (my current char :) )

A sword-and-board protector Knight person

A high-stealth Rogue/Scout sniper dude

A Russian-accented Lizardfolk (or anything, mine was Lfolk) tank with a giant hammer(possibly Maul of the Titans)

A Mewtwo-type telekinetic manipulator dude, either Psion or Master of the Unseen Hand ("Gravity? That doesn't apply to me, kthxbai. *levitate* Your weapons? Why would you need weapons? *disarm* Silly human, why bother swinging a sword at me when I can just make you fly into the nearest wall?" *wham*)

Your mileage may vary, but I think they're pretty neat.

2007-10-22, 10:49 AM
For a single session +0 LA Planetouched Dwarven Barbarian - 1, F - 2 with the Spellfire Wielder feat from MoF.

Rogue - 2, Cloistered Cleric - 1 +0LA Planetouched Halfling with a wand of fast healing/vigor 1.

+0 LA Planetouched Beguiler -1, Conjurer - 2 with the Bastard of Azoun regional background on page 22 of Champions of Valor and a member of House Wands from Waterdeep City of Splendors with a Chaotic alignment so you are at odds with Maskar Wands. That single level of Beguiler will give you a lot of options at this level along with light armor proficiency 6 + con mod hit points and lots of skill points. Taking a flaw will give your PC the ability to take a feat to wear light armor without ASF as a conjurer.

+0 LA Planetouched are from PGtF.

2007-10-22, 11:13 AM
Well, if the game is only lv.3 or so, it'd be kinda hard to steal the spotlight.

The best I can say is at that level, don't multiclass. That being said, I've always found melee guy's......entertaining.

2007-10-22, 11:24 AM
Well, of your stated four options, the dwarven berserker is definitely going to steal some of the goliath's thunder. The cleric of mask will steal some of the rogue/swashbuckler's thunder, and the paladin's going to inevitably clash with the two evil party members.

So, of those four, I'd definitely take the conjuror specialist. It's powerful enough to contribute to several battles, even at level three, and if you give yourself the rapid summoning option (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/specialistWizardVariants.htm#rapidSummoning), it won't leave you as quite as much of a sitting duck.

A cloistered cleric will also give your group some good healing and knowledge-based support without making you tempted to step up with the front line melee-ists.

Bard would also give you some minor healing, and the ability to support without out-shining (except perhaps in social situations, as you almost certainly become the spokesperson for the group.)

Have a blast!

Azerian Kelimon
2007-10-22, 11:28 AM
I'd play a paladin of slaughter or tyranny, 'cause the group is evil. It'd be pretty fitting, and, for ending the session, the evil pally double crosses his party members.