View Full Version : Player Help Level 7 character for a small oneshot is skullport

2020-02-26, 03:36 AM
Hello guys :)

My group is going to do a one shot of a group of the force grey going into skullport to do some invitation and maybe fight a beholder.

I am planning on making a barbarian (probably Zealot) or a Fighter (I consider Champion and Samurai, I don't want EK).

I am planning of taking the magic items:
Eversmoking Bottle
Flying Broom
I may have more money for an extra uncommon item.

I also consider a AT rogue and Gloomstalker.

I am planning of taking GWM or SS for the fighter or barbarian or Ranger and have no idea for the rogue.

I will like to know what you think will be fun to play.

2020-02-26, 04:00 AM
One shot

Vs a beholder. 18 AC

You need evasion and dex save proficiency

No magic... rogue or monk

Tough fight.

2020-02-26, 04:06 AM
One shot

Vs a beholder. 18 AC

You need evasion and dex save proficiency

No magic... rogue or monk

Tough fight.

The eversmoking bottle do give immunity to the beholder eyerays because he will not be able to see me.

The problem is that it shut off the rogue SA.

2020-02-26, 11:11 AM
One of the player bring a Centaur spear fighter.
I am going to ride him and we think it will be fun being an invisible kobold that ride him.
I am thinking about gloomstalker with CBE for it.
(I will like SS too but level 7 keep me out of a second feat.)

What will you make for a kobold fighter riding a Centaur?

2020-02-27, 02:10 AM
Is an eversmoking bottle magical ?

It does have a command word?

AFB. Just find out if his antimagic ray will suppress this or not?

I think it's up for debate.

On the other hand... real smoke should be fine.

2020-02-27, 06:04 AM
Is an eversmoking bottle magical ?

It does have a command word?

AFB. Just find out if his antimagic ray will suppress this or not?

I think it's up for debate.

On the other hand... real smoke should be fine.

If he suppresses the smoke he still can't use eye Rays on you. Those are also magic. So he can either see you and not be able to target you, or not be able to see you (and obviously still not be able to target you)

Also just a sidenote even though you're not playing a caster, don't underestimate the power of Earthbind on a Beholder! They have no speed other then flying. Remove their fly speed and they just sit there waiting to die. Their anti-magic eye can't look at themselves to break it and it only allows a single save, against the Beholder's weakest save to boot! Then simply walk up to him, surround him with smoke from your ever smoking bottle and he is forced to make disadvantaged bite attacks, or do nothing, until he dies.

Beholder's are weak if you know you'll be fighting one and prepare according to their massive weaknesses.