View Full Version : Roleplaying Parasitic fungi infested Warforged archaeologist, now a Spore Druid!

2020-02-26, 07:57 AM
Hi there friends!

I wanted to share with you the short backstory I wrote for a character I am going to play in case my current PC dies. I am currently playing a Celectial Pact of the Blade warlock with a bow, and I wanted my backup PC to be someone that can dish out some secondary heals too, but also have some battlefield control as that's what our current party lacks.

I had this idea about a Spore druid that is infected by a fungus, and took it as far as thinking I could RP the fungus controlling the character instead of the character himself (was inspired by the zombie ants from Planet Earth, and the Cordyceps fungi family).

In the end decided against the mindcontrolled PC, and instead thought it would be fun to RP a sort of symbiotic relationship between a sentient fungi and a warforged, so I sat down and wrote the following backstory. I'm thinking both the warforged and the fungus are neutrally alligned, but i've left it open so you all can pitch in! Please give it a read and tell me your thoughts, ideas, how well it fits with the DnD cosmology, and the different ways you would go about playing such a character!

Shovel [D1GB0T 2000/3393b] / Rosie [Cordyceps Rosea]

Shovel, or D1GB0T 2000/3393b as is its product name, is a warforged manufactured to execute basic teraforming jobs. D1GB0T 2000 was the first generation of unskilled labour warforged to present sentient abilites and an independent mind. Unlike other warforged, who were created with a specific specialization in mind, Digbots were primarily used as assistants to constructors, miners, archaeologists, farmers and other professionals who needed an extra hand with the management of dirt. Being one of the cheapest models to acquire or construct, they were often asked to perform hazardous tasks, and as a result many died in workplace accidents. This changed very fast when the 2000 model line was completed, as the sentient now Warforged Digbots were among the first to unionize and demand equal treatment.

Shovel, along with Pickaxe, Spade and Wheelbarrow, were all Digbots working for the infamous gnome "archaeologist" Dr. Loopmottin Jebeddo Timbers, most commonly refferd to by her nickname, Dr. Loop. They were all hired on the same day, as the good doctor was about to set out for her latest pillage spree. They were offered a hefty sum of gold, along with new equipment and a whole body repair upon completion of the tast at hand, which was way more than they were getting helping out old farmer Kalaba in his plantation, so they gathered what few things they had and left for lands unknown.
After about a year of moving dirt and soil around in this deplorable jungle, Dr. Loop's map proved not only real but surprisingly accurate, and the opening to an unpillaged tomb lay infront of them. One after the other, the warforged entered the tomb to retrieve what treasures lay within. A few minutes later, Wheelbarrow started screeming violently before a gasping sound signified his death , and Spade was never heard of again at all. The tomb was trapped, and very heavily so. Pickaxe turned around and run out, shoving Dr. Loop out of the way, stealing what provisions he could carry and disappeared into the jungle. Shovel stood there frozen, afraid to move further down, and unprepared to face the wrath of Dr. Loop, who was now spitting curses his way, reciting all the terrible things that she would do to him if he exited the tomb empty handed.

Shovel mustered his courage and pushed forward, being extra careful and evading numerous preassure plates. He ignored the impaled body of Wheelbarrow, who he didn't really like in the first place, and jumped over a deep trench, where he could barely make out the broken body of Spade laying on the jagged rocks at its bottom. He reached the final room of the tomb, which was filled with golden goblets, vases and urns, adorned with numerous precious gems. In the middle, lay a jade sarcophagus, of minimal design, with two red rubies where the eyes would be. He quickly inspected it for traps, and after making sure it was safe to do so, he pushed the lid to the side to reaveal its interior. A puff of smoke-like pollen enveloped his face, and that is the last thing he remembers.


Rosie is a sentient fungi of the Cordyceps Rosea family. She has been living inside a sarcophagus in a stasis for many years, more than she'd like to discuss with you. You shouldn't ask a lady her age, after all. She was grown inside the head of a king of old, and fondly remembers his wife, as she was the most beautiful woman she had ever seen. Rosie likes to think she is the only one of her kind that can appreciate beauty, or even speak for that matter, as most of the other fungi she ever met were just plain, boring decomposers. Rosie was also rather skilled in natural forms of magic. It was no coincidence that the king was famed for his power to control life, death and decay. If only Rosie wasn't stuck with him for all her life...
One day, out of nowhere, she sensed a weird being entering her chamber. The air around her changed, and felt as if trillions of particles were moving again, like they where before the old fool died. The day was finally here! The queen is dead and they will bury her here and I can be with her forever! She puffed up her sleepy caps, shaked her spores, and got ready to take to the air as soon as someone came close. The lid was pushed away, and in a quick puff paff piff, she propelled herself upwards, and into the mouth of a wooden construct with green malachite eyes.


Shovel opened his eyes, and found himself siting on a barrel outside the tomb, next to the dead and already rotting body of Dr. Loop, the sight of which he found surprizingly unbothersome. He felt dazed from what he guessed was ingesting those spores. He hadn't ever ingested anything, so he wasn't sure if it was even normal to feel that way, but the affect it had on his root-fibre muscles was debillitating. Rosie, on the other hand, had never encountered such a weird organism. This was no ordinary humanoid, but a stone, plant, root and fibre hybrid, held together by some sort of bloodlike juice. Unable to feed from its lifesource, she lashed out to the first living organism she encountered, a weird little creature that kept swearing and shouting as they walked close to her. It only took a few seconds until her spores entered that little devil's system and brought her to her knees, sucking every drop of her delightful meatjuice.

She could still not excert the same amount of control over her new host as she was used to with the king, and that baffled her. She could, however, feel her powers rushing through the construct's body, in a way that made her feel a euphoric rush, one that the king was never able to give her. Shovel felt that too. It was if the plants and trees around him suddenly had tiny incomprehensible voices, and so did the dirt he stepped on, the winds above, the moon and the sun, the birds, the insects. But it wasn't just them. He could hear life within the clusters of dead leaves in marshy puddles, and inside the rotting body of that badger by the pond. Louder still, he could hear millions of tiny fungi growing on the lifeless body of Dr. Loop, next to his feet. He felt the power of nature in all its instances, in life, death, decay and rebirth, and that's when he also felt Rosie talking to him from within his head.

"We are one now..."