View Full Version : Avernous input - spoilers

2020-02-26, 12:21 PM
I've started running Descent and the party is about to enter the dungeon of the dead 3. In one of the chambers there's a woman covered in blood that as written tries to fake being a prisoner. I've decided I'd rather have this encounter have a disturbing sexual theme where the naked woman covered in blood tries to seduce them over. Any thoughts on what she can be that will make her not a total pushover when they dont bite (I'm nearly 100% sure they will resist her)?

2020-02-27, 09:00 AM
When my group went through that encounter, our fighter and our hexblade both got charmed while in single digit hit points. So my sorcerer tossed a sleep spell and knocked all of them out. Rogue tied em up fast and gagged the woman.

If I was running it though, I would play her up as the "victim" and have her try to separate the party. Nothing sets players on edge more than initiative rounds out of combat.

2020-02-27, 09:04 AM
Good thoughts.

My desire is to use her to emphasize the devilish corruption of what is normally desired and pleasurable into something titillating but creepy and weird. I want to get their skin crawling.

2020-02-27, 09:11 AM
Just remember to play up that "cunning" devilish wit. This is a woman who made a deal with devils for her soul. She may not be very wise, but she's probably dam*ed smart. Maybe she rushes down a hallway, pulling the fighter by his hand, because she "knows a faster way out" or maybe she "has a friend that was kidnapped." Leads them directly into another encounter or into a trap. Although that really depends on how your players explored the dungeon.