View Full Version : Pathfinder Ways to increase Sorcerer's known spells?

2020-02-28, 02:32 AM
I might do a Pathfinder game some time soon, and I've been itching for a while to play a Sorcerer. Are there any ways to increase its number of spells known other than the human AFCB?

Kurald Galain
2020-02-28, 03:00 AM
Page of Spell Knowledge. It's pretty cheap.

2020-02-28, 03:17 AM
Also, while they aren't technically spells known, staves let you use your stats and feats so they might as well be, and they're even rechargeable in PF.

2020-02-28, 04:46 AM
A ring of spell knowledge also works. A couple of bloodlines (arcane & psychic that I remember) also add some extra spells later on.

Don't forget the shadow spells - besides shadow conjuration and shadow evocation & their successor spells, PF1 adds shadow enchantment and shadow transmutation.

2020-02-28, 08:58 AM
The optional downtime rules say that when you research a spell it's added to your spells known, and you can research spells that already exist. Obviously that only works if your DM okays it.

2020-02-28, 10:07 AM
The optional downtime rules say that when you research a spell it's added to your spells known, and you can research spells that already exist. Obviously that only works if your DM okays it.
They actually don't, but your GM can rule it that way. Otherwise, you must take your researched spell as a spell known like anyone else.

2020-02-28, 02:50 PM
The optional downtime rules say that when you research a spell it's added to your spells known, and you can research spells that already exist. Obviously that only works if your DM okays it.

Kinda. They dropped the 3.5 language that it explicitly takes up a spell known slot, but didn't say it becomes a bonus spell known.

2020-02-28, 03:10 PM
Kinda. They dropped the 3.5 language that it explicitly takes up a spell known slot, but didn't say it becomes a bonus spell known.

This - in the absence of any language saying otherwise, the sorcerer's spells known stay the same as they are in its class entry.

2020-02-28, 09:14 PM
Page of Spell Knowledge. It's pretty cheap.

The scaling makes them cheap... for low level spells. You will have problems affording more than a handful of them at the highest level you can cast.

2020-02-29, 04:32 AM
Thanks for the info, guys!

2020-02-29, 06:29 AM
The ways to permanently increase your limit rarely work.

Few DMs allow the "research on downtime" option. Even then it wasnt meant to work for Sorcerers but for Wizards that have no limit.

Pages of Spell Knowledge are not permanent solution, just a way to expand your options. Inb Theory you can have over a hundred Pages. However they have to be created by higher level spellcasters with lots of time and money so its unlikely to have them available.

The #1 most effective way is through Racial Favored Classes from the Advanced Race Guide. Human Sorcerers permanently add one Spell to your list of Spells Known or Spell Book for every class level in their Favored Class. a Level 20 Human Sorcerer has +20 more spells than a Non-Human.

2020-02-29, 08:47 AM
If 3PP is acceptable, the Arcane Endowmenrs (from RGG) allow you to trade a Feat for the ability to have a "sideboard" of spells you can swap in and out on a daily basis. It's on d20PFSRD.

There's also the Learned Sorcery archetype (publisher I can't remember) that allows you to trade your entire Bloodline for the ability to prepare (as Arcanist) 1 spell per spell level.

edit: Oh, obvious answer is obvious: Expanded Arcana feat.

2020-03-01, 10:02 AM
Pages of Spell Knowledge are not permanent solution, just a way to expand your options. Inb Theory you can have over a hundred Pages. However they have to be created by higher level spellcasters with lots of time and money so its unlikely to have them available.They don't, actually. While yes, a Page of Spell Knowledge (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/m-p/page-of-spell-knowledge/) has a caster level of 17 and construction requirements that include "creator must be able to cast the spell contained in the page"... this is Pathfinder. Per the Magic Item Creation (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/magic-item-creation/) rules, the caster level just sets the base DC, and missing requirements is just an extra +5 DC per missing requirement (other than the base feat, the level requirement for constructs, spell trigger, and spell completion items - a Page of Spell Knowledge doesn't make the exception list). So if you have Craft Wondrous Item, then not knowing the spell you want to make a Page of Spell Knowledge just makes it a DC 27 check. Which you can take ten on.