View Full Version : Tales out of Arthenhal: A Journey's First Steps

2020-02-29, 07:58 AM
Tales out of Arthenhal
A Journey’s First Steps


The journey has been a long one, but one relatively devoid of troubles. Besides some foul weather, muddy roads, and the occasional encounter with surly merchants heading the opposite direction, the journey has not presented the small group of adventurers with many difficulties. They have been able to find a small town or isolated farm to stay at most nights, and on nights they could not, camping off the road has proven pleasant enough. However, the journey has come to an end, and the trials of a troubled kingdom now lay ahead.

As the group crests a gently sloping hill, the road now dry and dusty at their feet, they get their first look at the valley kingdom of Arthenhal stretching out below them. The brown ribbon of the road winds its way through the mountain ass that serves as the only road into the kingdom, following beside the wide, calm waters of the Brisstone River. A dawn as gray as dishwater sheds light on a land of sparse trees and patches of dull grass beside the well worn road. There are clear signs of frequent passage along this route both on the road, and by water as even now a flat skiff poles it’s way down the river heading in the opposite direction.

A few miles down the road rise the stone walls of a city that has clearly seen better days. The walls show different colors of stone where repairs have been made, and large sections of the battlements have been replaced by wooden stockades where the workers could not get enough stone to complete the work. From behind the walls the shingled roofs of many buildings can be seen showing signs of patching and repair. Where once the gates of the city were likely a grand sight and a strong pillar of authority, they now seem a drab and sad reminder of better times. Disrepair can clearly be seen even at a distance, and the banners that once proudly hung from the walls are now weather worn and tattered. This is Gatecross, the gateway to Arthenhal.

As the group draws closer to the gates of the city, they find a small crowd of people awaiting entrance. Carts and wagons laden with goods stand in rows while guards in chain shirts and holding halberds address the merchants and traders. Off to the side of the gates and a few dozen feet from the city walls there appears to be a small tent city where a surprisingly large group of people are gathered and a dozen or more carts look to have been converted into make-shift stalls. No one here, whether they are in line to enter the city, milling about the encampment or even the guards look to be in very high spirits. A general gloom and aura of despair almost permeates the air.

2020-02-29, 11:39 AM
Plumeria came to a stop as she looked at the gates. Above her head, the holy symbol suspended on beads from her horns swayed gently with her motion and occasionally-gusting wind. The bold white-and-red of her robes seemed to have their colours leeched by the dun environment and cloudy grey sky. Dust from the road had stained brown against the dark of her hooves, and she shifted her weight. Tieflings were an uncommon sight at the best of times, and most were not as inhuman-looking as the divine soul. Her skin was a light red, the sclera dark; her unguligrade legs were furred with dark brown hair beneath her robes, and two magnificent horns rose unevenly from her temples.

"T-this place s-seems..." she trailed off.

The homeland of the Holy Maiden was a harsh place, but even closer to the deadlands, it had not looked so... beaten down. Even there, the people had moved with determination and vigour, speaking with boisterous voices that leaked from the beerhalls. Even though they were barred, windows had shone with light. The wilds had been alive with vivid flowers and thick-leafed plants, even if beasts hid amongst them. This place... everything from the ramshackle repairs to the walls to the despondent atmosphere of the peddlers and soldiers seemed like it was in the slide down.

So this was a place that had spurned God.

2020-02-29, 12:23 PM
"Up and coming?" Irden tried, as he looked out over the city up ahead. The half elf wore a wide-rimmed hat to keep the sun off his face, and though he did not have the strongest or sturdiest build, he was clearly used to spending long days on the road by now. A rapier and a dagger were sheathed by his side, not particularly threatening looking weapons, nor, from the looks of the man, ones that were used particularly often, but deadly enough in quick hands. Asides, his plain garb did not profess any particularly great wealth worth stealing.

"Aye, its a bit rough isn't it? Then again, I can't imagine that any of us would be coming here if it were a nice and peaceable place..."

It had been a long journey, and Irden was all too happy to see their destination finally in sight. The long lines did not seem particularly encouraging, but what was a little wait after so many days of travel?

2020-02-29, 12:28 PM
Amber Kane (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2133423)
Human Brute Fighter
AC: 18 HP: 13/13
PP: 11 PIv: 9 PIs: 11
Conditions: --

"Yes, what a lovely place you've brought me." Amber replies to Plumeria, clearly sharing her disdain for the sight of this place. Besides her unusual looking companion she seems almost at risk of looking too normal, despite her unusual eye color and heavy armaments.

She just gives Irden as shake of her head to indicate "no, I'm not buying that description of what's on display here".

Man on Fire
2020-02-29, 08:05 PM
"This place has seen better days." Ilsevel says under her breath. She gives a look to her companions. Two humans were easiest to study, she could appreciate someone of the fighting profession - a good skill to have if survival is on the line. She might consider having to take a few lessons from them if they'll meet strong enough opposition. Irden she knew before and was the one she trusted the most, if only out of jealousy for his optimism. Ironically the same trait was why she was unsure of the religious Tiefling, the Holy Maiden - a testament to how much prior acquaintance can shape the view of a person. Finally, Rinala - a Pixie. Did she need to say more?

The young half-elven maiden, so plan she looked outright forgettable, gave a critical look to the last two of her companions and then to the castle and town ahead of them. "Normally I'd suggest only one or two of us scouts ahead, but here we sit in the open like ducks. But I fear you may draw attention." She directs the last sentence at Rinala and Plumeria.

2020-03-01, 12:27 AM
Hovering just above the group as they walk along the road, Rinala flutters backward, reclining in midair as her wings propel her along. Happy as a lark and enjoying her day, the little pixie plays a merry tune on her pan pipes. When the group stops and begins discussing the scene laid out before them, she lowers her pipes and regards the city gates and the shanty town of tents and impromptu market.

One long ear twitches at Ilsevel's comment, and the pixie girl rights herself in mid air, "What do you mean?" svelt and toned as a velvet cobra, Rinala does a little pirouette, trying to look at her own backside. Sapphire hair streams around azure shoulders, and her athletic little body is covered by leathers that may as well have been painted on in liquid form. She gives Ilsevel a sly little grin, "Are you saying there's something wrong with the way I look?" the pixie plants little fists on her hips.

Giving a shrug, Rinala folds her hands behind her head and crosses her legs at the ankle as she flies backward, "Besides, are we really trying to be discrete here?" she raises a slender eyebrow, "If we are, I can go invisible, but Plumy should ditch the holy iconography. If the rumors are true, she might end up tied to a stake, and not in the fun way," the pixie girls spins around to face the city gates, "Personally, I'm more interested to know why it looks like only some people are being let into the city, and the rest are building a camp."

Coming over to Ilsevel, she sits her little bottom on the rogue's shoulder, "Come on, let's go check it out," she waves a hand like she's directing a herd of cattle and gives the half-elf a little kick with one dainty foot.

2020-03-01, 12:45 AM
"Ah, I expect the worst we'll face here is pickpockets and troublesome guards at the gate," Irden commented, as someone who had likely had to talk his way past his fair share of guardsmen looking to harass weary travelers, "But aye, might be best to be a bit discreet... And be ready to tell a good story about why we’re here. Perhaps we ought to speak to these fine folks in the encampment, eh? See what the holdup's all about."

2020-03-01, 01:51 AM
Amber Kane (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2133423)
Human Brute Fighter
AC: 18 HP: 13/13
PP: 11 PIv: 9 PIs: 11
Conditions: --

"If we're heading over there, keep your eyes open for pickpockets." Amber says, but looks to Plumeria for her opinion before going anywhere. As an afterthought she adds, "On second thought, that might be a good idea the whole time we're in this country if this is what the whole place is like.

2020-03-01, 02:41 AM
Orry's face betrays his attempts to hide his concern. He almost appears reluctant to be in the company of his recent acquaintances.
I'd be more concerned about the latter, Irden. The watch-folk 'ere are somewhat conditioned to be suspicious of arcanists and the like.
Orry glances at the ground as he mutters; half talking to himself, half opining quietly to avoid insulting his companions.
We'd best hope they don't take more than a passing glance at us anyway. We're clearly not merchants and some of us appear better equipped than the watch-folk.

Orry Ferjason (https://ddb.ac/characters/23782030/CF2jT7) - v.Human Barbarian

Ability Scores & Modifiers|Skill Proficiencies







Armor Class: 18 / Feats: Shieldmaster (https://5e.tools/feats.html#shield%20master_phb) / Rages Remaining ♦♦

Man on Fire
2020-03-01, 07:21 AM
"It is because only some people are being let in that we need to not attract attention. We would fail our quest if we were to be turned back at the first gate. We might have to keep a low profile or even sneak in" Ilsevel explains to Rinala. "You will be less of a problem, you can just hide in my hood." She puts the hood of her outfit over her head for a moment. "But you are right about Plumeria, these people don't tolerate gods and priests. They won't let her in. Or worse"

While listening to other's responses and ideas she takes a moment to sneak to Idren and whisper to him "How can one be tied to a stake in a "fun way"?"

2020-03-01, 09:11 AM
Glancing around, Orry hopes to spot a guard who is familiar- perhaps a watch-folk who is a little less adherent or attentive is on duty today.

Perception Check


Orry Ferjason (https://ddb.ac/characters/23782030/CF2jT7) - v.Human Barbarian

Ability Scores & Modifiers|Skill Proficiencies







Armor Class: 18 / Feats: Shieldmaster (https://5e.tools/feats.html#shield%20master_phb) / Rages Remaining ♦♦

2020-03-01, 10:58 AM
"Some people are into weird things," Irden muttered back, thinking this was especially true for fey and the priesthood.

Out loud, he said, "Aye, we clearly cannot claim to be merchants, though our armaments can make sense, given the troubles a traveler might face... Best we hide any priestly artifacts, though."

Assuming we get to the encampment, I'd like to make a perception check to see if I overhear anything about why folks seem to be having difficulties getting into town. If that doesn't work, I'd like to just straight up ask someone. Is there anything I'd need to roll for the latter?

Perception: [roll0]

Man on Fire
2020-03-01, 02:12 PM
"I'll never get things like these."Ilsevel shrugs at her friend's answer.

"We could acquire a wagon. Have Plumeria on it under Invisibility and Rinala hiding in my hood." She suggests. "But that would require some of us to slipt and try to acquire one while rest waits. And my gut reels at the thought of splitting up." She nods with the head at Irden and Orry when saying "some of us" to indicate she means them - their silver-tongued member and the one with prior experience of this place.

2020-03-01, 03:03 PM
"Is the Priestess able to turn invisible?" Irden asked, "Hiding on a cart though... could work, if we can afford to acquire one. Alas, my coinpurse is, uh, rather light of late. But, I'm sure we'll find some ideas about what's going on in the encampment, silver words and some silver coins might be enough to convince these people to let us in."

The half elf grinned at his compatriot and added, "It would be a bit of an anticlimax to this story, if we spent weeks rushing here ready to play the heroes, just to let ourselves be turned away at the gates."

Man on Fire
2020-03-01, 05:36 PM
"I assumed Rinala could cast it on her." Ilsevel explains

"How did you do that? I said the same thing about being turned back but you made it...better. More charming? Funnier." She asks Irden in another whisper after his last line.

2020-03-01, 06:10 PM
"Repeating old things in clever ways is my job, no? As much as blades and locks are to you," Irden said cheerily, "Every good story's been told already, somehow, somewhere. It is a certain flair for the dramatic that makes them new again."

2020-03-01, 07:39 PM
Tied to a stake? Not let in - or worse? Plumeria stared down at the gate uneasily. She knew that this was a country that had refused the Church, but... She reached up to touch the sacred disk that was suspended above her head, taking comfort from the cold metal of the segmented ring under her fingertips.

"I-I could t-take off my holy symbols for now, I-I suppose. Um- b-but I agree w-we shouldn't split up. P-perhaps we should s-see what s-some of the citizens outside of the g-gate have to say before we try entering? It m-might allow us to learn how best to g-get past the guards."

She looked to the party, then back at the gate and the little ramshackle market outside it. Remembering Amber's words, she checked the little money pouch hidden under her capelet. It was lighter than might be helpful for this, though the Church had been generous enough that it was not empty. She wasn't really sure how much a cart and horse would cost, but she couldn't imagine any of the merchants would be willing to part with theirs without a heavy price.

2020-03-01, 11:36 PM
Rinala gives Ilsevel a little pat on the ear from her perch on the rogue's shoulder, "Sorry hun, I can only make myself invisible. I'm no sorceress. I could make Plumy fly for a bit," the pixie giggles at the thought, "But I think that might be the opposite of what we're going for here."

Listening for a moment longer while the others talk of what to do, Rinala eventually gets a little bored and, completely ignoring Plumeria's suggestion that they not split up, flutters up off of Ilsevel's shoulder, pops herself invisible, and whirs over to hover near the gate guards, listening to what they are saying to the people trying to get into the city.

Stealth if it's needed: [roll0]

2020-03-02, 03:27 AM
Looking around, Orry fails to recognize any of the guards in the area. Most of them look to be on the younger side, possibly newer recruits than he was used to seeing back when he worked the river.

As the group draws closer to the make-shift tent city that has sprung up outside the gates, they get a few curious looks from the people milling around or waiting in line to enter the city. While Plumeria does seem to get a few longer looks from some of the people, no one appears to be overly concerned by the group of armed travelers. The group soon spies a few dozen equally armed and armored individuals among the merchants and other travelers, and there are even one or two other tiefling in the crowd. It is not so unusual for those traveling between kingdoms to be well equipped or to at least be accompanied by hired swords, so the group does not stand out as much as they might have expected.

Listening in on conversations, Irden doesn't catch much out of the ordinary. It seems to be mostly peddlers and poor travelers who are being turned away at the gate due to a lack of coin. The encampment is made up mostly of peddlers and merchants who couldn't afford entrance to the city and do not wish to return home with nothing to show for the trip, so they are selling their goods outside the walls, either to earn enough gold for entrance, or just to make some profit before returning home.

Hovering invisibly near the gate Rinala witnesses exactly what is going on. A traveler approaches, and the gate guards request a pass chip. If the traveler does not have one, which seems to be the case more often than not, they are asked to pay a five gold entrance tax. Most of the wealthier merchants and travelers pay the sum and are allowed into the city. Those who can't pay or refuse to are turned away from the gate and end up in the encampment or immediately begin the return trip south.

2020-03-02, 11:13 AM
Orry pinches coins within his purse.
2...7...10, I have enough fare for myself and another. It's the least I can do to assist. Unless there are some arts at our disposal, we'll need...Orry mumbles as he counts; merchants were the ones whose duty it was to ensure the goods were accounted for, never the farrier!...four more of you to pay the toll.

Offers 10 G

If accepted, Orry will have no more coin.

Orry Ferjason (https://ddb.ac/characters/23782030/CF2jT7) - v.Human Barbarian

Ability Scores & Modifiers|Skill Proficiencies







HP: 15 / AC: 18 / Feats: Shieldmaster (https://5e.tools/feats.html#shield%20master_phb) / Rages Remaining ♦♦

2020-03-02, 11:47 AM
Amber Kane (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2133423)
Human Brute Fighter
AC: 18 HP: 13/13
PP: 11 PIv: 9 PIs: 11
Conditions: --

"Plumy!" Amber responds to Rinala's response to Ilsevel and gives a snort of laughter, which might be surprising as this is literally the first time anyone in the group has seen Amber laugh. She gives Plumeria an amused look and mouths "Plumy" at her and chuckles to herself.

When Orry offers his gold, she gives him a small smile (also a rarity so far) and says approvingly like she's talking to a young apprentice she's in charge of, "Thank you Orry. I'll have to accept as I don't have a single copper to my name at the moment. I'll make sure to pay you back later. Hopefully the others have money?" she looks to Ilsevel and Irden.

2020-03-02, 11:49 AM
"Five gold, eh? Well that's... actually all the gold I have," Irden said with a sigh, "It's sounding to me like even if we get through the gates, we might not be able to afford to stay within the safety of these walls. Though, I suppose the plan was to just move on anyways?"

Man on Fire
2020-03-02, 04:39 PM
"I'm sorry, I do not know Pixies very well." Illsevel tries to shrug off the prodding from Rinala with not so well-convincing attempt at stoicism. As they come closer she analyzes the situation and hands Irden her own pouch. "I have fifteen, hold it for me. But something tells me that if everything is as priced in these lands, we will be better off trying to avoid the payment altogether." Having said that young Half-Elf starts going towards the gate. "Give me five minutes." She requests from her comrades. "By the way, there are other Tieflings here. I wonder if any f them had been denied entrance despite having the money." She glances at Irden and "Plumy", both of whom she considers much better with people than her.

Meanwhile, she attempts to disappear in the crowd and approach the gate at safe distance, find a spot to observe and try to look for anything out of the ordinary - weak spots in security, unusual behavior and anything else.

Stealth [roll0]
I don't know if it would be Investigation or Perception, but Illsevel has same bonus to both skills anyway [roll1]

2020-03-02, 05:10 PM
"Aye, we'll ask around, see if we can't learn anything from these folks. Good luck!" Irden said, accepting the offered coinpurse. He will then proceed to try and strike up conversation with those around him, in an attempt to see if he couldn't gather some information on the situation within the city, and what the criteria for getting in was. Mindful of the previous warnings against splitting up the group too heavily, he'll not wander off far from those partymembers who remained.

Not sure if I need to roll anything or not for this, but a persuasion check if it is needed:


2020-03-03, 01:25 AM
At the gate, the guards collect the coins and toss them into a large open barrel. The barrel is about half filled with coins, and one guard is always standing so that the barrel is between him and the city wall.

The guards mostly look bored as they repeat the same thing for every traveler that approaches, giving Illsevel the sense that these guards are probably always stationed here. There are no glaring weaknesses in the security. Four guards are stationed at the gate, two on either side. Travelers stop between them to be questioned and pay the tax, then they can move beneath the open portcullis. The whole process is very mundane and nothing looks unusual.

Irden's attempts at conversation with those around him gain only minimal responses. He learns that this tax has been in place for three months so far, and that fewer merchant caravans are coming north because of it. The only criteria for getting in seems to be paying the tax or purchasing a pass chip, which Irden learns costs three hundred gold and grants permanent access to the city. No one out here knows much about the situation inside the city.

2020-03-03, 01:54 AM
Amber Kane (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2133423)
Human Brute Fighter
AC: 18 HP: 13/13
PP: 11 PIv: 9 PIs: 11
Conditions: --

After Irden informs them about the situation Amber wonders aloud mostly to herself, "I wonder if Rinala could find and steal a few of those pass chips without getting spotted?"
Amber may be a honest sort, but she's also practical enough to forgo obeying predatory laws just because someone in charge declared them a law for their own personal gain or to cover their failings. Of course she's also sizing up the guards and their numbers wondering if they could just force their way through and give all the people stuck here in their tents some repayment for their suffering.

2020-03-03, 03:32 AM
Spying the barrel of coins, Rinala stares for a moment with hungry eyes. Gentle fluttering down to the edge of the barrel, the pixie carefully attempts to liberate as many coins as she can.

I know, this is probably a bad idea. Seriously regretting not going rogue with this character now that I'm playing her.
Oh well. At least if she gets caught they shouldn't associate her with the rest of the group and being able to fly and turn invisible should make it pretty easy to get away. :smalltongue:

Rin will attempt to take a minimum of 30g, more if she can get away with it.

Also going to roll Dex twice just in case being invisible gives me advantage? Please?

Anyway, fingers crossed...

Stealth: [roll0]
Primary Dexterity [Sleight of Hand]: [roll1]
Secondary Dexterity [Sleight of Hand]: [roll2]

Man on Fire
2020-03-03, 04:53 PM
Illsevell is about to return and plan her next move, but some hunch, a feeling of instinct, tells her to stick around a little bit longer. She has a bad feeling something is about to go wrong. She stayed a little bit longer, trying to observe the place more carefully.

Glitchy, ifRinala will turn out needing help, try to go towards Illsevel.

2020-03-04, 01:15 AM
The hum of pixie wings can not be silenced by simple invisibility, and the sound makes the guard standing beside the coin barrel turn to investigate. The look of utter confusion on his face is rather comical as he stares at the seemingly empty space, unable to see through Rinala's invisibility. His confusion only grows as she begins taking coins, as each one that comes into her possession seems to vanish into thin air as she takes it from the pile. The guard, a boy no older than eighteen and likely a fresh recruit, watches coin after coin float up and vanish without a trace, and his face slowly grows pale. After a few moments, the guard screams, "G...ghost!! Ghost!!" as he drops his halbred and flees through the city gate.

His outburst and flight from his post causes a commotion as other guards go on the alert, searching for the cause of their companions fear. Merchants and travelers either back away or are shoved back by the guards as confusion grips the scene. No one can seem to figure out what scared the fleeing guard, and in the general chaos and confusion that follows, Rinala is able to abscond with fifty gold coins before a lid is thrown onto the barrel.

2020-03-04, 01:50 AM
Amber Kane (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2133423)
Human Brute Fighter
AC: 18 HP: 13/13
PP: 11 PIv: 9 PIs: 11
Conditions: --

At the commotion and hearing the shouts of "Ghost!" Amber quickly heads over to the gate and says, "Did I hear someone say there is a ghost? Maybe I could fight it off for you...for the right price." Ending with a sort of mercenary grin.

2020-03-04, 02:01 AM
"I can indeed attest to the fact that my friend here would be an excellent ghost hunter!" Irden said, "There shall surely be grave consequences for any such spirit if she were hired!

Dunno if it helps at all:

Persuasion: 1d20+5

2020-03-04, 02:02 AM
Screwed up the dice statement in the previous post, let's try that again...

Persuasion: [roll0]

2020-03-04, 02:27 AM
Happily stowing her ill-gotten gain in her coin purse, Rinala hovers over to where Illsevel is standing and pops back into visibility. Affecting an air of total innocence, the little pixie lands on the half-elf's shoulder and puts on a confused look, "Oh gracious. Such a terrible commotion. whatever could have happened?" she then gives Illsevel a little mischievous grin and giggles.

2020-03-04, 11:37 AM
A smile slips from Orry's otherwise shocked expression. These adventurers are really something.
Once this camp is cleansed of its haunting, shall we procede?As he speaks, Orry passes the coins he offered to Amber with a nod.

5G to Amber

Orry has 5G

Orry Ferjason (https://ddb.ac/characters/23782030/CF2jT7) - v.Human Barbarian

Ability Scores & Modifiers|Skill Proficiencies







HP: 15 / AC: 18 / Feats: Shieldmaster (https://5e.tools/feats.html#shield%20master_phb) / Rages Remaining ♦♦

Man on Fire
2020-03-04, 03:50 PM
"You did something mischievous, am I right?" Ilsevel asks Rinala in a whisper, as the Pixie materializes next to her. "Not my place to judge but be careful, I'm sure everyone would be very sad if something were to happen to you."

2020-03-05, 08:40 AM
The remaining guards give Amber and Irden scornful looks, brandishing their halberds in the direction of the adventurers and other travelers lingering near the gate, "Get back!" they order, obviously not having any interest in employing the civilians in a ghost hunt. A period of hasty investigation follows the incident, with an additional six guards arriving from inside the city to help manage the crowds of on lookers and ensure no one passes the gate.

It takes a full hour before things settle down enough for the gates to be re-opened to travelers. The extra guards remain to enhance the security and help organize travelers back into an orderly line to wait for their turn to pay the entry tax.

Man on Fire
2020-03-05, 03:29 PM
"I think we should move from there." Illsevel whispers to Rinala. "When we will be passing the gate I suggest you hide, less the guards actually have someone smart enough to connect you to whatever happened out there."

2020-03-05, 05:16 PM
Plumeria couldn't keep the dismay at the notion of being nicknamed Plumy off her face, shooting Amber a betrayed look that she completely missed as the warrior turned to Orrey. She was a Holy Maiden, darn it!

As the cry of 'ghost' came up, she glanced around, surprised, and Rinala reappeared. Clearly the little mischievous sprite had done something. Finally the hubbub died down, order was restored, and she queued up to enter, holy symbol tucked away within her robe.

2020-03-05, 11:06 PM
The very picture of offended innocence, Rinala puffs up her chest as she looks at Illsevel, "Me? Do something mischievous? Honestly I don't know where you get these ideas," the litle pixie settles herself on the rogue's shoulder, tucking up under the woman's hood and adjusting her now much heavier coin purse. Illsevel's comment about not wanting anything to happen to her makes Rinala smile, "Oh, don't worry. I'm a pixie. No one touches the pixie!" she grins, "Now, let's get into this city and figure out how we're going to fix this kingdom liek the big damn heroes we are!"

2020-03-06, 12:37 AM
The group waits in line with the rest of the travelers, and when their turn comes they are asked for a pass chip and told to pay the tax. As it turns out though, the tax is only five gold for the group, not per person, and they easily cover the cost and pass through the gates into the city proper.

Inside the city gates, a wide avenue brings the group into a market square of cobbled stone where rivers of people teem and move like ants. The press of bodies makes it difficult to move freely, and the group must push their way through. The square is surrounded by shops, ale houses and taverns, each proclaiming its goods or services with simple painted signboards hung outside the doors. It smells rather unpleasantly of refuse, and a few stray dogs nose about in the gutters in search of scraps. The open space between the shops are dominated by a variety of carts, stalls and pavilions owned by traveling merchants, and the shouting of men and women selling all manner of goods carries even over the general noise of the crowds.

As the group idles in the market square they see several things at once.

A young boy, no older than twelve and dressed in the simple, homespun clothes of a farmer stands on the corner trying to get the attention of anyone who passes him. He seems to focus on people who carry weapons or wear armor, and he looks to be rather desperate.

At a large notice board a pair of guards are nailing up a new sign that appears to be a wanted poster.

Near the large fountain at the center of the square, a man dress in lavish colors is tuning a harp and looks to be preparing to give a performance as children gather around him.

A small group of people in red robes pass through the square wearing white masks that cover their faces entirely. Black glass lenses allow them to see out, and the face of the masks are extended away from their faces in a roughly bird-like fashion. People move quickly from their path as they walk past, and soon they have crossed the square and have disappeared down a wide causeway heading north, further into the city.

2020-03-06, 01:17 AM
Amber Kane (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2133423)
Human Brute Fighter
AC: 18 HP: 13/13
PP: 11 PIv: 9 PIs: 11
Conditions: --

Amber goes over to the notice board to inspect it, making sure Plumeria is nearby the whole time. Even if that means needing to hold her hand to make sure she stays close.

2020-03-06, 01:40 AM

Man on Fire
2020-03-06, 03:30 AM
Ilsevel subtly taps Idren's shoulder and quietly nods towards the boy. Then, without waiting approaches the kid, at first just listening to what he is saying to others.

2020-03-06, 11:47 AM
"Hmm?" Irden asked, tearing his eyes away from the performer, "Ah, yeah," he said, strolling over to the boy as well, to see what he had to say.

2020-03-06, 10:11 PM
Orry is a member of the performance's captivated audience.

2020-03-07, 07:57 AM
Ilsevel and Irden make their way over to where the boy is and watch as he all but jumps into the path of anyone who looks remotly capable and begins to babble, "Please, can you help me? I need warriors! The goblins took my sister! No I don't have any money to pay you, but please! I'll do whatever you want, just please save my sister!" he appears to be growing more and more desperate by the minute, but Ilsevel and Irden note that he never once approaches any of the guards patrolling the market.

Finding a spot near the performer, Orry listens in as the man plucks at a lute and begins telling a story. It is the tale of The Red Sparrow, the greatest hunter to have ever lived, so it is said. He hunted all manner of creatures, from owlbears to dire wolves, and he traveled across the known realms on his grand adventures. It was said he never failed in his hunts because of his magical bow. The tales say it fired magical arrows that could never miss, even if his prey were invisible. However, the tales ends with The Red Sparrow venturing into the steppe lands north of Arthenhal in pursuit of a creature known only as The Beast of Thorns. The Red Sparrow never returned from that hunt, and tales say that his restless spirit still wanders the steppes, searching for the beast so he can complete his hunt.

2020-03-07, 11:54 AM
"Ah, hello there," Irden said as they approached the child, "Whereabouts did all this happen?"

2020-03-07, 12:23 PM
Amber Kane (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2133423)
Human Brute Fighter
AC: 18 HP: 13/13
PP: 11 PIv: 9 PIs: 11
Conditions: --

"What's the story here?" Amber asks one of the guards as she points at the wanted poster.

Man on Fire
2020-03-07, 05:39 PM
"Talk to him, I'll get others." Ilsevel tells Irden and then comes to get Plumeria (and Rinala, if the Pixie has left her cloak), tell her "We have our first person in need. Come with me." and lead back to the boy. With Orry and Amber, she sees they're engaging people whose attention she doesn't want to draw or are drawing attention themselves, so she'll let them finish their businesses first.

2020-03-07, 07:03 PM
Plumeria had come along with Amber, following behind the brawnier woman as she parted the crowds with superior build to the slim tiefling. She looked at the scarred visage ion the poster.
"N-no name..." Plumeria muttered before Ilsevel came and fetched her. She nodded and came over to the despondent child.

A worthy task, to assist the vulnerable and the weak.

"H-hello, child," she said as she approached. "I-I am the H-holy Maiden Plumeria. W-what can you t-tell us?"

2020-03-08, 10:38 PM
The guards regard Amber like she must be the dumbest person in the whole kingdom. The older of the two guards, a man with rough gray stubble and graying hair, "That there is Gerald Blackmoor miss. Traitor to the crown and master of the Black Lanterns. Most notorious bandits in all Arthenhal they are," the man sneers as he explains.

Beside him the younger guard, another seemingly fresh faced recruit, speaks up, "He's a dangerous one he is Ma'am. He killed at least a dozen soldiers what were sent after him a month back, all on his own," Amber might be mistaken, but the young recruit almost looks impressed until a glare from the older guard makes the boy stare at his boots.

Meanwhile, Plumeria approaches the farm boy and introduces herself, drawing a bit of a shocked reaction, "H...holy maiden?" the boy asks, looking the tiefling up and down. Indeed, her words draw more than a few glances from other people passing by as well. Some look surprised, some look suspicious. The boy seems to shake himself out of his stupor after a moment, "Oh, um. It's the goblins Ma'am. They raided our farm, killed our farm hand, Mr. Elmo, and they took all our goats and my big sis," the boy's eyes are wide and wet as he hurries through the explination, "Carried her off into the hills. Would have killed me too I reckon, but sis told me to hide in the cellar and lock the door," it's very clear he feels guilty about hiding while his sister was taken and the farm was raided, "Please Ma'am. Can you help save her?" he looks from Plumeria to Irden and Ilsevel, "Our farm is three days ride from here. They've already had her for almost four whole days!" he looks on the verge of a full breakdown.

2020-03-09, 12:58 AM
"There now, you did the right thing," Irden said, "Fear not, I'm sure we'd be happy to track these creatures down."

He glanced at Ilsevel, considering that it might be something of a sidetrack from their original purpose, "...we would, right?"

Man on Fire
2020-03-09, 09:50 AM
"Goblins generally come in, kill anyone who tries to sotp them and rob the place for supplies. Kidnapping is not their usual modus operandi." Ilsevel talks out loud to herself and then takes a look at Plumeria, clearly expecting Holy Maiden's decision. "There is something sketchy here, may be worth investigating." She adds.

2020-03-09, 11:19 AM
Amber Kane (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2133423)
Human Brute Fighter
AC: 18 HP: 13/13
PP: 11 PIv: 9 PIs: 11
Conditions: --

Amber ignores the look from the guard who has clearly been working here long enough that he should have learned that people coming from outside this kingdom would be a common enough occurrence this close to the gateway as he's clearly just an idiot.
"Thank you for letting me know." she replies a bit hastily to the younger one as she's noticed Plumeria has wandered away from arm's reach and quickly heads after her.

Hearing at least a bit about goblins Amber opens her mouth to say something and then closes it and just visibly tensely waits for Plumeria's response.

2020-03-09, 07:41 PM
Plumeria's heart twisted at the poor boy's story. To be cast adrift, requiring the kindness of strangers for a hope fo salvation - oh!

She did her best to give a comforting smile, keeping her mouth shut so her fangs didn't show.
"W-worry not." She gave a quick glance to ensure the guards weren't listening in, then continued. "I have come here to help p-poor folk such as yourself. For God speaks: shelter the poor and the wretched, for thy fortress guards thy flesh, but thee who refuses safety to thy neighbours imperils thy soul."
While she spoke the canticle, the tieflings voice was firmer, more confident, as she recited the text from memory. She looked to the others. "W-we should help. W-what good would we b-be if we can't assist even the least here?"

2020-03-09, 10:46 PM
Amber Kane (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2133423)
Human Brute Fighter
AC: 18 HP: 13/13
PP: 11 PIv: 9 PIs: 11
Conditions: --

Amber smiles a slightly disturbing hungry smile and gives an affirmative nod.

2020-03-10, 12:31 AM
Rinala buzzes off of Ilsevel's shoulder and hovers over to the boy with a big smile on her face, "Of course we'll help! Not to worry kid, we're on the case," the pixie slaps the boy on the back with one tiny hand, "Don't worry about a thing. You've got real professionals working on it now. We'll have your sister back in no time. Trust me, I'm a pixie!" Rinala just beams with bright confidence.

She wings back over to her favorite perch on Ilsevel's shoulder and gives the boy a salute, "And lucky for you we're running a special this week only. Your first rescue is free!" she grins around at her companions, "Just be sure to tell your friends, and keep us in mind for all your goblin slaying needs," to the others she says, "Come on gang. We have work to do," and she gives Ilsevel a little kick to get her moving.

Man on Fire
2020-03-10, 10:00 AM
Ilsevel crouches down to be on the boy's level and puts her hand on his arm, trying to be as comforting as possible. "Can you show us how to get to your farm? And try to remember anything you noticed about the Goblins. Were they wearing or saying something that stuck out?" She says, calmly to not disturb the boy further.

2020-03-11, 08:03 AM
Orry rejoins the group, still musing about the performance.

2020-03-11, 12:01 PM
Amber Kane (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2133423)
Human Brute Fighter
AC: 18 HP: 13/13
PP: 11 PIv: 9 PIs: 11
Conditions: --

"How was the show?" Amber asks Orry, since she's not really needed to talk to the kid.

2020-03-12, 01:27 AM
The boy looks utterly shocked and awed by the appearance of a pixie and he stares, dumbfounded through her little speech, not seeming to comprehend what Rinala is saying. With some difficulty he tears his eyes away from the tiny woman to look at Ilsevel, "Oh...um...They...they had frogs with'em. Really big ones..." he stammers, "I...I can take you. To the farm...I mean..." he points vaguely toward the east end of the city, "It's that way. Three days outside the city."

Man on Fire
2020-03-12, 02:24 AM
"Do you have any relatives or family friends you could stay with?" Ilsevel asks the boy. She certainly is not willing to drag the boy with them to a place that will still bear traces of traumatic event for him. They could always ask locals for directions to the farm if they know how it's called. "what is your family name?" She asks.

2020-03-12, 09:23 AM
Orry glances up from the ground to Amber and speaks.
The act was fine- a little concerning though. In the tale, a seasoned hero with empowered arrows and magic bows got lost hunting his quarry in the north...
I can only think of how upset that hunter must be; his legacy in song is that he got lost.
He smirks at the irony of a master huntsment being remembered for getting lost; however, the spark of joy leaves Orry's face quickly: If the real heroes aren't surviving in their adventures, how will a ferryman fare?

Orry Ferjason (https://ddb.ac/characters/23782030/CF2jT7) - v.Human Barbarian

Ability Scores & Modifiers|Skill Proficiencies







HP: 15 / AC: 18 / Feats: Shieldmaster (https://5e.tools/feats.html#shield%20master_phb) / Rages Remaining ♦♦

2020-03-13, 08:48 AM
The boy shakes his head, "No Ma'am, I don't have no other family," he explains, "It's just me and Angie since mum and da died when I was little," he has to pause for a moment and think, "Farm''s called Willow Farm. But don't no one call us that. We're just Angie and Henry."

Man on Fire
2020-03-14, 06:59 AM
"You are very brave." Illsevel says after a pause longer than it should be, like if she struggled to find reassuring words before foregoing this idea entirely. She rises up and turns towards the others. "I do not suppose we can afford to find a place for him to stay. He'll have to come with us?" She asks.

2020-03-14, 07:13 AM
Rinala raises her hand up to get Ilsevel's attention, "Oh! I can set him up in an inn for a few days, as long as he doesn't want the royal suite or anything fancy," the pixie jingles her coin purse full of ill gotten gold, "What do you think a common room costs around here? A few silver a night? Can't be much more than that right," She opens the purse and counts out five gold, "There, this should be good for a week right?" she looks around at the others to see if anyone knows how much the boy might need.

2020-03-14, 11:03 AM
"Aye, setting him up in an inn for a few days sounds best. With luck, we'll have this all sorted by then," Irden agreed.

2020-03-14, 12:13 PM
Amber Kane (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2133423)
Human Brute Fighter
AC: 18 HP: 13/13
PP: 11 PIv: 9 PIs: 11
Conditions: --

Amber frowns at this because it doesn't sound like a particularly good solution and because she doubts they're going to actually get there, deal with the goblins, and come back within five days. But she doesn't say anything because she guesses that if they stop to try and house every wayward person they meet they'll probably never manage to get anything done given the state of this land.

Man on Fire
2020-03-14, 09:08 PM
"I'm so grateful for your mischievousness." Ilsevel comments on Rinala's offer. "How soon can we take off to the farm?" She turns to Plumeria with this question.

2020-03-16, 06:06 PM
Plumeria frowned thoughtfully.
"A s-small one should be able to live f-for some days on five gold. But p-perhaps we can take h-him some of the way? Surely there must be some c-coaching inn closer to his farm he could stay, where we c-could return to ask him questions if need be or b-bring his sister to him sooner?"

As Ilsevel turned to the tiefling, she met her gaze. The holy maiden blinked, glanced towards Amber and back, then shook her head.
"W-well, I feel like time may be important in s-saving this poor soul's sister... or at least n-not leaving him in the agony of ignorance. I-I think we should leave immediately, w-while there is still sun. We will have the chance to ask about this bandit on the road, perhaps, if we cross any wayfarer's inns." A little less enthusiastically, she added, "I am becoming used to camping, besides."

As a Holy Maiden who had found a relic, Plumeria had received not insignificant favoured treatment from the Church, including a proper bed (including lacking a headboard to scrape against her horns). Sleeping in a tent had become an unpleasant throwback to her early years, and the constant noises of night animals had often given her uneasy sleep.

Man on Fire
2020-03-18, 02:11 AM
Ilsevel nods at the Holy Maiden's words, clearly seeing them as their leader's decision. "We need to find a means of transport. Maybe a wagon or horses?" She thinks to herself out loud, calculating that this would be more effective than just going on foot. She looks to Plumeria and Idren again, as if awaiting either opinion or instructions.

2020-03-18, 03:32 AM
Rinala smirks at Ilsevel's comment, "Mischievous? Me? I have no idea what you're talking about," The pixie drops the coins into the boys hand then spins a little mid-air pirouette to face the group, "Alright! Enough dallying around. We have a job to do, and this city stinks," without waiting any further she flies off east, hopefully toward the eastern gate of the city where the boy had pointed. She'll keep an eye open for stables selling horses or carts, and also a sweets shop because she could really go for some toffee right about now!

2020-03-19, 12:54 AM
”Horses for everyone would be expensive, a wagon though... perhaps we have the gold for it?” Irden said, “If not, well, our own two legs have gotten us this far, eh? Oh, and she’s flown off...”

2020-03-20, 05:09 PM
Plumeria nodded.

"We s-should be able to afford a cart and a mule to p-pull it, at least, if Rinala spends the money she... liberated."

2020-03-30, 12:17 AM
Heading out to the farm following the boy's directions, the group has the option of buying a cart and mule for twenty five gold if they wish.

Leaving the city by the east gate, the group heads into the rolling countryside of Arthenhal proper. The land surrounding the city is mostly fields for the first few miles, with scattered copses of trees here and there and hedge rows of wild brambles. The road is hard packed earth, dry and dusty beneath their feet, and it winds around the hills in a lazy serpentine making for a relatively easy trek. It takes three full days of traveling to reach the farm, but the trip is largely uneventful. The days are quiet, but the nights are filled with the sounds of hunting animals. It's as if the wildlife in the region has grown more nocturnal, becoming more active after the sun sets.

It is noon on the third day when the group finally reaches Willow Farm. What they find appears much worse than what the boy had described. The farm has indeed been raided, but it also looks like the buildings were put to the torch and torn apart until almost no two stones stand on top of one another. The entire place seems utterly abandoned now, and only the foundation of the main house, a stone well, and what was either a large shed or small barn remain standing. The ground around the ruins is heavily disturbed by countless tracks and drag marks, and a handful of dark, almost black stains remain in the dirt and on the grass.


2020-03-30, 12:50 AM
Amber Kane (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2133423)
Human Brute Fighter
AC: 18 HP: 13/13
PP: 11 PIv: 9 PIs: 11
Conditions: --

Amber holds a hand up to stop the group and then looks around, trying to find the freshest tracks (other than their own of course).


Man on Fire
2020-03-30, 03:40 PM
Seeing Amber immediately starting to focus on tracking, Ilsevel decides to focus on keeping a watch for any potential dangers or suspicious things. While she doubts Goblins are still here, there is a possibility of something else, like bandits or potential survivors.


2020-03-31, 02:54 AM
Rinala spends most of the trip from Gatecross to the farm buzzing along the sides of the road and haring off into the bushes in search of wild berries and fruit. With the metabolism of a hummingbird she was always on the look out for something to snack on. When she isn't on one of her little hunts, she sitting on Ilsevel's shoulder and complaining about how bored she is, likely annoying the half-elf with bad jokes, worse riddles and trying to get her to sing a song with the pixie. Rinala has decided to claim Ilsevel not only as her favorite place to sit, but also taken it upon herself to make the rogue come out of her shell more.

When the group reaches the farm, the little pixie glides along a few inches above the ground, examining the tracks and looking for any indication of which way the goblins came from and where they went. She's also watching for anything they might have left behind that could give them more information. Broken weapons, scraps of hide or cloth, or any food from their pockets that might point to where they are lairing. She also looks for signs of the giant frogs they are supposed to have, those actually sounded kind of neat.

Perception: [roll0]

2020-03-31, 09:30 AM
”Well, they certainly did quite a number on this place,” Irden said sadly as they looked around.


2020-03-31, 05:44 PM
Plumeria whispered a prayer as they came across the burnt-out farm. It was as if the notion of the building remaining was offensive to the monsters, and they're striven to tear down every stone and timber. The air still had the faint tinge of ash in the breeze.
"H-how terrible."
She paused for a moment, as she looked around the scene from where she stood.
"The young boy mentioned t-the goblins had slain a victim, but w-where is the body? Should it be undevoured by beasts, he would at least deserve a b-burial, and a prayer to s-soothe his spirit's journey."

Plumeria offers the use of the guidance cantrip to anyone who needs it.

Man on Fire
2020-04-02, 08:09 AM
If Ilsevel ensured she does not see any threat, she nods to Plumeria and moves forward, trying to look for any remains of the dead servant or traces of it.

Don't know if it will fall for previous check or not. If it would fall under a new one, then [roll0] and +4 if it's perception or +2 if Survival. In latter case I wouldn't mind the Guidance Cantrip and immediately use it [roll1]