View Full Version : Attcking with armor spikes and razors

2020-03-01, 09:07 PM
this has probable been asked but i couldn't find it. is it possible to attack with armor spikes and armor razors in the same turn? if so would they count as different weapons for TWF?

2020-03-01, 10:26 PM
Yes, yes. You're no more restricted from attacking with both than you are with a braid blade and a knee blade in the same turn.

2020-03-02, 12:10 AM
You just need to assign them as mainhand and offhand weapon and you are ready to go. It's just that you are always limited to two weapons with twf and have to keep track of their separate bonuses and attacks/round (e.g. main hand extra attacks for full attack from high BAB.)

2020-03-02, 08:18 AM
And if i had a great sword, armor spikes and armor razors?

2020-03-02, 08:58 AM
And if i had a great sword, armor spikes and armor razors?

You can reassign you mainhand and offhand every turn . Still only 2 weapons. You choose which two of the 3 you want to ready for each round.

If you want to add "other" attacks, you need natural weapons and can add em as "secondary attacks" all (if you have multiple) for -5 to your full attack routine. Investing into Multiattack feat reduces the penalty for all secondary attacks to -2. Note that each part/limb of the body can be only assigned once. So claws and weapons (used in hands) can't be used simultaneously with the same limb in a round (you could use a 1-h weapon and a claw, but that would still be wasted). So pick something with a bite, tail or tentacle attacks if you want to use regular weapons. Or go for claws + Armor Pickes & Razors.

e.g. Alter Self into a Lizard-folk for extra natural armor, a bite and claw attacks that come with free Multiattack. Now attack with mainhand Spikes and offhand razors and add your claws & bite as secondary.

2020-03-02, 10:17 AM
what about with MWF, say from "blessing of the girrilion" (spelling looks wrong but its 0100 here so i dont care)

2020-03-02, 10:48 AM
what about with MWF, say from "blessing of the girrilion" (spelling looks wrong but its 0100 here so i dont care)

If you have more than 2 arms, you can use Multiweapon Fighting. This enables you to have more than 1 offhand attack.
edit: imho still only with your arms as mentioned in the feat. still doesn't work welll with spikes & razors..

e.g. with 4 arms & a bite you could use MWF for 4 1-h weapon attacks and Multiattack for -2 bite

"Girallon's Blessing" is not for combat:

In a stressful or demanding situation, such as combat, the subject must make a Will save (DC 19) or take a -2 penalty on all attack rolls, saves, skill checks, and ability checks until the situation passes.
The additional arms do not allow additional attacks or several simultaneous physical tasks.

you need to use other means to get the extra hands. Poplymorph, Wild Shape, Alternate Form... bla.. I hope you get the point ;)

2020-03-02, 07:50 PM
Damn, there goes my vision of an anthro-pus disciple of dispater with 6 kukri's and all the armor X's with adaptive-lightning maces :P

2020-03-02, 08:55 PM
Damn, there goes my vision of an anthro-pus disciple of dispater with 6 kukri's and all the armor X's with adaptive-lightning maces :P

you are not the the first one to fall into that trap. your welcome, have a seat and maybe some tea?

I once had similar ideas, until I finally read the spell text to the end..

2020-03-03, 04:21 AM
It looks like you guys are reading the version of Girallon's Blessing as it appears in Savage Species. Are you aware it was reprinted in the Spell Compendium?
The new version is limited to two bonus arms, but the only language limiting attacks states that 'you cannot use normal attacks and claw attacks in the same round, and the subject does not gain additional claw attacks for a high BAB'.

See also the Battlearms spell in Dragon #356 p.48. It's like Divine Power, but instead of an enhancement bonus to Str you get up to four extra arms that can wield weapons.