View Full Version : Star Wars Saga Edition - Inspiration for a new character

2020-03-02, 09:04 AM
I'm playing in a Saga Edition campaign at the moment and my character has died.

We're one year after the end of the Clone War and into the rise of the Empire. My deceased character was a defected (defective?) Clone Trooper who watched the Republic fall and decided that he would continue to uphold his standing orders and bodyguard the two Jedi PCs in the party until such a time that he could help see the Republic reinstated.
This came to a head this week when, fleeing a Sith hit-squad, we saw the Fist of Vader appear in the sky above us and drop-pods of Storm Troopers started landing nearby. In order to help the PC party get away, my character elected to lead a squad of his fellow Clones in an ambush to buy them time - apparently we decimated the 501st in a glorious last stand, but we were no match for Vader himself when we forced him to intervene rather than chase the party.

It was heroic and poignant, mourned by the party despite the bittersweet circumstances and I'm very happy with how he went out and how the GM handled it. No angst here, I promise. :smalltongue:

The problem is... What do I do next?

XL-2120 (known affectionately as "Axel" to his comrades) was 10 Soldier/1 Elite Trooper with feats and talents built around close-quarters ranged combat and squad support - Exotic Weapon: Flamethrower, Charging Fire, Stand Tall, Bodyguard's Sacrifice, Cover Fire, that sort of thing to tank hits for the squishy Jedi, look out for people stood nearby, and hand out free attacks for his friends - but really that's just an excuse for me to play in the Star Wars toybox, cycling through the weirder blasters and whatever vaguely military-related gear I could find. :smalltongue:

Now that he's gone and I've got the 'silly gizmos' gimmick out of my system, I'm utterly stuck for a character concept. There's a few niches available for party roles and no one really minds if there's a bit of cross-over, but I'm looking for a *character* to strike my fancy not just a list of stats and damage dice.

What have you played in Star Wars that was a lot of fun? What memorable characters have you encountered in your games? What concept would you LIKE to play, or see played, because you haven't seen it before? Please regale me with your ideas - we have most of the books between us, and the wiki for whatever we don't, so I have the GM's permission to try anything that sounds like fun. :smallsmile:

Spoiler for length: The rest of the party, for comparison, all level 11.
Clone Soldier - Me, the Heavy Weapon Guy and the only one with a gun bigger than a pistol.

Human Scoundrel - Our ship's owner and pilot. Quick on the draw with pistols, and has grand ideas for starting his own organisation to rival the Resistance.

Miraluka Technician - Force Sensitive and good with gizmos, also our resident 'ranger' who loves chasing after the vicious alien creatures we encounter and making kissy-kissy noises at them.

Miraluka Jedi (Force Acolyte) - An old man who doesn't even carry a lightsabre, but is immensely powerful in the Force while dispensing disarming wisdom and boiled sweets.

Nautolan Jedi (Sentinel) - Young, acrobatic and determined, she's mildly traumatised by the destruction of the Jedi Temple, the turn to the Dark Side of her Master, and the recent death of her unexpectedly loyal bodyguard.

Twilek Noble/Crimelord - Owed a LOT of money by our Scoundrel but stuck with us for support after her crime empire was usurped, she likes to stand at the back and demand "Don't you know who I am!?" at enemies until their brains turn to porridge.

Sentient Droid Soldier - Basically a forklift truck with vibrogloves and a soft spot for children and smaller droids.

Grey Guard
2020-03-02, 11:13 AM
Well, not sure what to tell you. As far as your team comp is concerned, Heavy Weapons guy filled a niche. Since nobody else uses anything but a pistol, you could make a Sniper? CT Killer builds a very effective. At both one-shotting baddies, and getting the GM to throw books at you. :smalltongue:

2020-03-02, 11:50 AM
One of the concepts I had in mind was a Level 6 Scout/5 Assassin, investing into Outlaw tech for a beefy rifle, picking up the +Damage Talents and making a really reliable sniper. Level 6 Soldier would work a bit better, but I'm wary of going down the same route if I don't have to. Good to know that I'm not completely off-base, if someone else has the same idea. :smallsmile:

Any species that you'd recommend? I think one of my big sticking points at the moment is that I find a lot of the Star Wars races to be a bit samey - said the guy who just played as a Clone! - and I'm not sure how I feel about White Skinned Yellow Eyed Humans instead of a Blue Skinned Red Eyed Human.

...Maybe I'll go for a Replica Droid and continue my theme of being the Good Guy while everyone is suspicious of me. That and it'd give our Technician something to tinker with. :smalltongue:

Grey Guard
2020-03-02, 12:17 PM
One of the concepts I had in mind was a Level 6 Scout/5 Assassin, investing into Outlaw tech for a beefy rifle, picking up the +Damage Talents and making a really reliable sniper. Level 6 Soldier would work a bit better, but I'm wary of going down the same route if I don't have to. Good to know that I'm not completely off-base, if someone else has the same idea. :smallsmile:

Any species that you'd recommend? I think one of my big sticking points at the moment is that I find a lot of the Star Wars races to be a bit samey - said the guy who just played as a Clone! - and I'm not sure how I feel about White Skinned Yellow Eyed Humans instead of a Blue Skinned Red Eyed Human.

...Maybe I'll go for a Replica Droid and continue my theme of being the Good Guy while everyone is suspicious of me. That and it'd give our Technician something to tinker with. :smalltongue:

If you're worried about being a little samey, might I recommend the Gand? They look very different from everyone, and they can aim 1/encounter for only one swift action, making them a good sniper.

2020-03-02, 04:28 PM
(Gand) can aim 1/encounter for only one swift action, making them a good sniper.

Where are you getting this from, please? I've looked up the species in Scum & Villainy and it doesn't mention it. Gand are the ugly guys who regrow limbs and can make any gun do Stun damage, apparently?

Similarly, have I misunderstood you in thinking that "CT Killer" stands for "Crit Threat"? It sounds like something I'd like to look into, but I'm really struggling to find more than like, 2 things to increase it; one Feat and one Elite Trooper talent. Have I missed something?

Grey Guard
2020-03-02, 05:07 PM
Where are you getting this from, please? I've looked up the species in Scum & Villainy and it doesn't mention it. Gand are the ugly guys who regrow limbs and can make any gun do Stun damage, apparently?

Similarly, have I misunderstood you in thinking that "CT Killer" stands for "Crit Threat"? It sounds like something I'd like to look into, but I'm really struggling to find more than like, 2 things to increase it; one Feat and one Elite Trooper talent. Have I missed something?

Sorry, that was my bad. The Gand is cool, but it's not what I meant. I meant the GRAN race. 3-eyed dudes.

CT Killer stands for Condition Track Killer. You can build a character that emphasizes lowering people down on the Condition Track, rather than downing them with HP damage. It's possible to make a character where, with one hit, they can knock someone down 3-5 points down.

2020-03-03, 04:07 AM
Ah, thank you - that sounds interesting, a "One Shot One Kill KO" build is kind of what I'm looking for.

It's probably less feat-intensive than a crit-fishing build, too. I was dabbling with that to see if there was a way I could squeeze it into 11 levels; Getting 15+ crit threat is doable, but it requires the bonus feat from being Human, and some slightly suspect use of the Charging Fire Feat so it specifically doesn't work for a long range Sniper character. It also requires 10 Soldier/1 Elite Trooper, which I've just done and I'm hoping not to be a one-trick pony.

Out of curiosity, what's your *favourite* species for fluff reasons, if you have one? I'm trying not to be a Power Gamer, despite what it sounds like above, and I think some non-mechanic recommendations for species might be a good way to start :smallsmile:

Grey Guard
2020-03-03, 10:21 AM
Ah, thank you - that sounds interesting, a "One Shot One Kill KO" build is kind of what I'm looking for.

It's probably less feat-intensive than a crit-fishing build, too. I was dabbling with that to see if there was a way I could squeeze it into 11 levels; Getting 15+ crit threat is doable, but it requires the bonus feat from being Human, and some slightly suspect use of the Charging Fire Feat so it specifically doesn't work for a long range Sniper character. It also requires 10 Soldier/1 Elite Trooper, which I've just done and I'm hoping not to be a one-trick pony.

The CT Killer is mostly a one-trick pony in a fight. Usually it involves picking up Dastardly Strike from Scoundrel, Hunter's Mark from Bounty Hunter, Debilitating Shot from Gunslinger, and the Steadying Position feat. You spend a lot of feats and skills for just pre-requisites, though. I warn about flying books because it's considered to be REALLY good in this system.

Out of curiosity, what's your *favourite* species for fluff reasons, if you have one? I'm trying not to be a Power Gamer, despite what it sounds like above, and I think some non-mechanic recommendations for species might be a good way to start :smallsmile:

My favorite for fluff reasons? I'm a big EU Old Republic fan, so that's probably Miraluka or Zeltrons. An entire race of blind, but force-sensitive near humans always seems awesome, and brings up some uncomfortable questions during the Dark Times, if Papa Palps would try and control or genocide them.

Zeltrons are always a blast. Sure you can focus on their sensuality and attractiveness, but I like their thrill-seeking. They're social butterflies that are out there trying to live life to the fullest- whether that's dancing half-nude and drunk in the streets, or picking up a blaster and smuggling some spice, because that's -exciting-.

2020-03-03, 03:13 PM
The CT Killer is mostly a one-trick pony in a fight. Usually it involves picking up Dastardly Strike from Scoundrel, Hunter's Mark from Bounty Hunter, Debilitating Shot from Gunslinger, and the Steadying Position feat. You spend a lot of feats and skills for just pre-requisites, though. I warn about flying books because it's considered to be REALLY good in this system.

I spent an hour mapping it out while it was quiet at work. You can *just about* squeeze it into a Level 9 Human and get all the key CT Kill abilities, however you're lacking some other important feats that you can technically live without, but probably shouldn't - bonuses to hit for example, and it would be significantly improved by one level of Elite Trooper in order to pick up Greater Devastating Attack to make sure you beat the DT reliably.

I might try and split the difference. Instead of a CT Killer, I think I can stack Flèche with Charging Fire, Triple Crit and Extended Critical Range off'f Elite Trooper (just can't seem to get away from those guys...) - while still doing gross damage to anything that gets in the way, it won't quite be the same sort of guaranteed One Hit Kill.

Zeltrons are always a blast. Sure you can focus on their sensuality and attractiveness, but I like their thrill-seeking. They're social butterflies that are out there trying to live life to the fullest- whether that's dancing half-nude and drunk in the streets, or picking up a blaster and smuggling some spice, because that's -exciting-.

Zeltrons are indeed very cool. I was thinking of either them or Wroonian - something a bit boisterous and sociable, as opposed to the control-chipped, brain-damaged Clone that I was before.
I'll probably flip a coin between them or Nautolan. We've spent several months on Tattooine so an amphibious squid-man makes perfect sense, but I love the "dreadlock" look. :smallsmile:

2020-03-03, 10:41 PM
As far as race goes, I'm a fan of Zabrak. Near-human and determined to a fault. Some of the really early space explorers. Darth Maul is cool obviously, but he's just one example of a cool people.

It helps that mechanically they're versatile and can be good for all kinds of things,

2020-03-06, 09:30 AM
It's a short thread - as Grey Guard said there's not much to say about a group whose Heavy Weapon Guy died and now they still need a new Heavy Weapon Guy - but thank you all for your suggestions so far. I think, with your help, I've decided on what I will be playing next.

Admittedly it's not a great change - I'm doing 8 Soldier/3 Elite Trooper as opposed to 10 Soldier/1 Elite Trooper, but the details make all the difference!

XL-2120 was a Clone Flametrooper, so he was quite one-dimensional; follow orders, offer tactical advice, and when a fight breaks out then just hose everything with napalm. In my experience, very few Sith bother with wimpy powers like Energy Absorption, not when there's lightsabre-ing and force choking to be done, and frankly it worked out even better than expected in that regard. That's what happens when you turn up to a fight dressed in silly, flammable, burlap robes, I guess. :smallbiggrin:

For my new character; If you're seen The Mandalorian, you'll recognise his friend Cara - she was a Drop-Trooper for the Rebels, and their job was basically Space Commandos who, following the death of Palpatine, stayed on with the military and went around kicking in doors and burning out Imperial Moffs who were trying to set themselves up as petty warlords and local tyrants.

My new character is a former Republic Drop-Trooper; a Space Commando who was quite likely was made semi-redundant by the appearance of the Clone army. Having spent years working for the Republic army, he's been across the galaxy and fought his way through various warbands and pirate empires only to be told that he wasn't up to the task of taking on the Droid army, and kind of went adrift when the Clones supplanted his role. Now that the Clones have shown their true allegiances, it's time for the 'Old Guard' to return and put the galaxy right again....

He's middle-aged and has been in the army longer than most Clones have been alive, but since he's Wroonian he still has a sense of humour and a bit of bravado that might possibly verge into Ace Rimmer (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXYfnWRp1Q0) territory, but only insofar as he can back up his words with some heroic deeds. Makes a nice change to the guy with a control-chip implanted in his brain to keep him in line!

He excels at heavy blasters, and uses a jet-pack (a nod to his former life doing high-altitude jumps into fortified territory) to get into a good position to use it effectively so he's kind-of a sniper, albeit not so heavily reliant on lying prone and picking enemies off from extreme range. He's also somehow ended up with a WILL save of about 32, with two additional ways of shrugging off a fear/force effect even if that somehow fails him so he has plenty of potential to live up to a reputation of brave, gung-ho assault expert.

Should be good fun, hopefully he can find himself a happy role in the group. :smallsmile:

2020-03-16, 05:39 PM
Apologies for the double-post, but I've been going around in circles trying to decide on my last perk for this character and I'm no closer than I was to begin with.

So far the build looks like this:

Race: Wroonian (+2DEX, -2CON, +2WILL - nothing else of note)

Level 1: Soldier 1 (Talent: Weapon Spec/Rifles)
BONUS Feat: Weapon Focus/Rifles
Level 2: Soldier 2 (Feat: Rapid Shot)
Level 3: Soldier 3 (Talent: Warrior's Determination)
BONUS Feat: Point-Blank Shot)
Level 4: Soldier 4 (Feat: Charging Fire)
Level 5: Soldier 5 (Talent: Armoured Defence)
Level 6: Soldier 6 (Feat: Martial Arts I)
BONUS Feat: Flèche
Level 7: Soldier 7 (Talent: Jet-Pack Training)
Level 8: Soldier 8 (Feat: Triple Crit)
Level 9: Elite Trooper 1 (Talent: Extended Crit Threat)
BONUS Feat: ????
Level 10: Elite Trooper 2
Level 11: Elite Trooper 3 (Talent: Flurry Attack)

The plan is to take a Heavy Blaster and then run at people. When this happens, Charging Fire + Flèche + Extended Crit Threat means that he crits for x3 damage on 16+, and because he has a Jet-Pack he can pretty much charge at anyone wherever they happen to be at the time. His damage roll is something like [4d12+8]x3 when he crits - more, if I can weasel a bit of Outlaw Tech out of my GM.

It's slightly min-max'd but I don't think it's a broken build. He'll certainly out-DPS anyone who isn't a Jedi that's rolling 40+ on their Use The Force dice every turn, but even that comes with the caveat of only happening 1/4 times and under specific circumstances and meanwhile he's not a slouch at normal shooting which is what the group needs. The questions is, what would be a good feat to take at level 9?

My previous character took the Elite Trooper talent Bodyguard's Sacrifice and combined it with the Feat: Stand Tall so that if anyone shot at his friends he'd dive in the way to take the hit, and then everyone would get to attack the guy who hurt me, but since he was the ranged DPS guy on the team it wasn't particularly impressive so I won't do that with this new character.
Stand Tall remains the benchmark for the sort of thing I'm after - not used often, but when it is it has an effect and other people get to enjoy it apart from just myself.

I'm tempted by a few ideas:
Zero Range (+1 to hit and +1 dice of damage when adjacent to the enemy, for potentially ~5d12+8)
Reoccurring Success (To reuse the Elite Trooper's Delayed Damage ability)
Collateral Damage (When I land a ranged attack, I can shoot again at another enemy within 2 squares for half damage)
Unstoppable Force (+5 WILL and FORT against Force Powers and Fear affects, for a grand total for 42(!) and 38 respectively)

Unfortunately I can't find any feats that affect a jet-pack, which seems like it would be very in character. I'm also wary of just making myself nigh-immune to force powers - the last character had that schtick because we were expecting to play through Order 66 and I thought it would be funny to be a credible threat to the Jedi in the party. It never came down to PvP - Axel was loyal to the Republic - but the 'tension' it caused created some great role-playing.

That all aside, I'd love to hear any other suggestions. There's always old reliable choices like Quick Draw and Sniper of course, but I'm mostly looking for more original ideas (even subjective ones) that will be fun when they get used rather than something dull yet consistent. Anyone have anything they could recommend, please? :smallsmile:

Grey Guard
2020-03-18, 04:08 PM
It's hard to offer advice when I'm not sure on the nature of your guys' campaign. All of your initial ideas sound fine. I'm a fan of Desperate Gambit, if I'm finding it difficult to hit things.

I'm glad you mentioned Unstoppable Force, because almost all of the NPCs I design, I try and get that feat in there. PCs, too, if possible. It's so easy to have a force-user rag doll you for oodles of damage with Move Object, or Fear or Mind Trick you. Force Users can take rebuke to defend themselves, but that's not something you can do as a non-force user.

Other than the solid choices you've already brought up, I still really like Steadying Position. Unless you're intending to be in melee range all the time, having your opponents be Flat-Footed against your ranged attacks is golden, especially since lightsaber-wielders can't use Deflect while Flat-Footed (which I think is dumb, but whatevs).

2020-03-21, 02:08 PM
Our campaign is pretty middle-of-the-road - we roleplay and goof around most of the time and while it's not too combat heavy we tend to have one big fight every other session, so when we need to fight it can get tricky if we're not ready.

So with that in mind, I think you have sold me on Desperate Gambit. I already have Warrior's Determination and Delay Damage to ignore Force Effects if I want to, and a WILL save of 37 is above average for the group - there's a small chance I can get Force Thrown across the room, but I'm prepared to take that risk if only because it's more entertaining than simply ignoring whatever the DM is trying to do to me. He needs to have fun sometimes, too :smallbiggrin:

Meanwhile; Since my character is the new Heavy Weapons Guy and there to fish for crits, rerolling misses makes good sense to ensure that he doubles his chances of landing them. I also like the characterisation it creates - he's got well over 140hp so I don't care too much if I get shot one or two more times, but I like to think of him as being a bit reckless and full of bravado, so running headlong into a fight and being a big damn hero sounds like what I was after! :smallsmile: