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2020-03-02, 12:18 PM
Lotipac City stands as a shining example of light and balance. Those who live within the city are members of the government, their families, and any assistants (slavery is illegal) and household staff. Heads of the 9 churches of the 9 ancients have their headquarters here and most clerics do a pilgrimage at one point in their life. Most of the major guilds have an office here as well.

Guards keep the peace in the city and poverty is almost nonexistent here, though there is a definite class system in place.

This summer is coming to an end and its been long and hot with little to no rainfall all summer, the air seems heavy and still, with fall and the harvests just weeks away, many are looking forward to cooler temperatures and snowfall that will bring some moisture to the land. For now, merchants are offering cold drinks, and light clothing for sale, though crops are smaller and more withered than normal causing food shortages. This is a problem all over the world not just in this city. Even the mountain tops in the northern lands that have snow on their tops all year long have seen melting, and the great elven forests that are almost always green except in deep winter, have seen trees dying from lack of rain.

There is little activity going on in town as you arrive in early afternoon as people escape to building to escape the unbearable heat for this late season, even the guards don't move around as much.

2020-03-02, 02:19 PM
Alyndra Aramiar - Elf Wizard (5) - HP 30/30 - AC 14


Lotipac. It wasn't so bad for such an important city. Not as good as her own woods of course, but then again nothing was. At least there weren't that many people and it was reasonably clean. The heat though was almost unbearable and she was ready to bet the local would complain about it endlessly, without once thinking about all the trees that had been chopped down to make some room for their city. Granted, the trees in her own forest weren't faring all that well themselves, but still…

When she entered the city itself, Alyndra was riding an horse-like creature with smoke colored, insubstantial hooves that made no noise on the streets' pavement. A donkey was following the horse, looking completely disinterested by what was going on around it. While it didn't seem to mind the saddlebags - they didn't look all that heavy in the first place - it seemed to be hot and probably wouldn't refuse to stop for water. The young elf herself was wearing some nice - but light - clothes showing quite a bit of skin, with a colourful scarf around her neck and a large white hat on her head.

When she finally arrived in front of the building where the council's chambers were located, Alyndra directed her mount to the nearest guard. “Good afternoon. The council is expecting me.” She showed the letter and her guild's stone. “If you could direct me, I would appreciate it. Oh and where can I find some shade and water for Jasper here?” She indicated her donkey whose ears perked at the mention of water.

2020-03-04, 02:20 AM
Casmir meanders into town, slowly, but purposefully trudging towards the city. His brown hair in a half up/half down style, and his backpack heavy one his shoulders.

He dabs his brow with a already very damp handkerchief in an attempt to get rid of the sweat that is building up near constantly, though he still has a wide smile on his face, which doesn't appear to be leaving. He keeps himself to himself, but moves through the town with purpose, looking for someone to direct him.

"Hello sir, could you please point me to the Council Chambers?"

The guard looks up at the weary looking traveller and frowns, as if not certain that this man standing before him is the right sort who should be meeting the Council. Casmir moves his hand with a practiced deftness and produces both the letter, and a blue gemstone that indicates his good standing. The guard nods, and gives Casmir directions. Who immediately begins trudging off towards where the council meet, easily putting both the letter and the gemstone safely away.

As he approaches the building the Council are supposedly meeting in, he takes out the handkerchief one more time and dabs it across his forehead, and realising it's already full of sweat, he attempts to wring it out, before patting his forehead with it again.

He then knocks on the door, and waits.

2020-03-04, 07:33 AM
When both of you present yourself to the council chambers, another guard asks for your letter and stone again, this time touching the gem to one built into a bracer on their wrist. instead of turning the clear stone that anyone else touching it would happen to, it instead flares to a brighter color before a symbol flashes through it for just a brief moment. With a nod, they open the chamber door and allow you entry into the chambers.

This large room could easily hold hundreds of people in tiered seating facing down towards a large stone table behind sit 8 chairs flanking a large and extravagant chair sitting at the center table. Though neither of you has ever been in this room, you know that most government meetings are open to the public at any time.

Sitting in the center chair looking tired and very old is Almira, head of the world government (also a god on this world), shes shuffling papers in front of her and shaking her head. As you both enter, she looks up and smiles with a warmth that touches your soul and makes you feel very comfortable.

standing she speaks and gestures to some seats near her, "Thank you both for coming...I cannot stress the importance of this mission that I am to be sending you both on. The balance of our world is off, the elements that control our balance are not intuned with each other...I am sending out small groups of adventurers to find out what is going on while we and others in the Mages' guild search for ways to get everything back in balance."

She walks towards you and says in a deeply weary voice, "We came to this world long before your ancestors were born to find peace...if this balance isn't brought back together, our world will be destroyed. We do not wish to cause a panic though...you will be reporting to myself or one of my assistants on your progress, and be paid as per your standing with the guild. I cannot stress enough the importance of keeping this under wraps for now, we do not want to cause a mass panic. Do you have any questions before I give you your first mission? And please, speak freely."

She stands waiting hands folded before her, a scroll of paper in her hands.

2020-03-04, 11:36 AM
Alyndra Aramiar - Elf Wizard (5) - HP 30/30 - AC 14


Alyndra nodded to Casmir in greetings, and the way she did it, it seemed that she knew who he was. She cocked an eyebrow at the check the second guard performed on her gem but didn't say anything, curious but not intrigued enough to ask about it. She was however quite surprised to be received by Almira.

She went to the indicated seat as she listened quietly to what the government's leader had to say. While trying to find the cause of whatever imbalance made sense to her, trying to have the Mages' Guild find a solution sounded a bit premature: if you didn't know the cause of a problem, how could you try to fix it? Though maybe those efforts were focused on addressing the symptoms of the problem for the time being. That would make sense she supposed.

Asked if she had questions, Alyndra nodded. “Who are those assistants we can report to?” She eyed the scroll in Almira's hands curiously. “You mentioned others were on similar missions, I suppose any communication is to go through you or your staff? Finally, can we request the guilds' help if needed? I know Casmir here is competent,” even if he was barely more than a child she thought, “but depending on what we need to do to get the answers we seek, just the two of us might not be enough.”

2020-03-06, 08:13 AM
Casmir returns the greeting of his apparent new partner, a smile playing across his face and lips.

Casmir remains silent, his brow furrowed in a thoughtful way, as he considers, he doesn't say anything for a while, allowing Alyndra's questions to be asked, and answered.

Afterwards he speaks. "Where are we going, and what do we know about it? After all if this whole world is dying it must be somewhere... else. It would be good to know if we DO know anything at all, so we can prepare for it."

2020-03-06, 10:54 AM
"I will introduce you to my primary assistant, a delightful halfling by the name of illidari. He reports only to me, and is good about keeping his mouth shut.....well in regards to private matters....he should be here shortly to be introduced."

"As for guild assistance, I would rather you go through myself or illidari, we would keep this knowledge among a small group for now. If the need arises, I can bring needed assistance."

"I am sending you to the northern ranges where an ancient temple dedicated to shantu. Has been used in centuries, but it's one of the keystone's of our world. You are to investigate and report back anything that seems off about it."

2020-03-06, 07:36 PM
Alyndra Aramiar - Elf Wizard (5) - HP 30/30 - AC 14


“Illidari?” Alyndra nodded. “Understood. For the guilds, I wasn't planning on giving any details. I was more thinking of…” The young elf spent a moment to think about it. “Well, if we'd need to deal with a group of bandits because they're sitting on information we urgently need for example. Or because we'd need someone to…acquire…or reacquire should I say…something without making a fuss. The sort of things that don't imply giving anyone any information about the over all situation, but where waiting for a request to reach you and the answer to come back would be impractical.” Alyndra stretched her hands to the side with a moue. “Maybe there won't be any such situations, but it's always best to be prepared.”

“Anything that seems off?” Alyndra seemed a bit doubtful. After a second though, she grinned and looked at Casmir. “Well, it looks like that one will be on you. You're far more likely to notice suspicious things in an old temple than I am.”

2020-03-07, 06:41 AM
Casmir looks mock offended.

"Shantu's temples are never dangerous! They're merely... designed to restrict access..."

He smiles widely.

"It'll be exciting!" He turns to Almira. "Where is it we'll be going? Do we have any information on it at all? Or are we..." he indicates himself and Alyndra. "... the first to go exploring."

2020-03-07, 07:30 AM
"you two will be the first up there that we have known for over 5000 years, I cannot promise it is entirely empty. It lays beyond the northern most clan borders at the foot of an ancient volcano. Some recent earthquakes may have disrupted some of the structure, and any number of creatures may have moved in."

She holds up the scroll to one of you, "these are the original plans from when the temple was originally built. It may have been altered, shantu is known as a bit of a trickster....you are a cleric of his, you should know it all to well."

"This is a simple search and bring back information, the two of you should be sufficient....if the temple is no longer a viable place for the balance, bring us word as soon possible. Once we have a better idea of things we will see what can be done."

She holds out her hand and asks for your guild gems, momentarily.

2020-03-07, 10:29 AM
Alyndra Aramiar - Elf Wizard (5) - HP 30/30 - AC 14


Alyndra nodded. “We'll look into this.” She took the scroll but didn't bother opening it yet as they'd have time for that on the way and handed her gem in return, curious to see what Almira was going to do with it.

She briefly considered asking about her book, but quickly decided not to: were would be the fun in that? Instead, she started to think about what she knew of the region around the temple and plan the best route to get there as soon as possible.

Knowledge (Geography): 19 (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24388948&postcount=811)

2020-03-08, 04:32 PM
Casmir nods and hands over his gem.

"This is going to be exciting... I'm always up for an adventure!"

He watches and waits to see what she does with the gems.

2020-03-08, 06:11 PM
Raidah jogs up to the guard in front of the Council building. Despite the heat, she's barely sweating, despite her gleaming armor and the heavy pack on her back. Her red gem is mounted on her right shoulder, and her black hair is tied in a tight bun. She reaches into her pack and pulls out a binder, rifles through it, and pulls out a letter.

"Raidah, I'm here for the meeting. If I could just get by..."

She smiles warmly, inviting the guard to smile with her.

2020-03-08, 06:24 PM
The guard's face is as immovable as if carved from solid granite, looks at the letter then holds out his hand for your gem as well. Like the others, it flares briefly with a strange symbol flashing for just the briefest of moments. The guard nods then stand aside and hold open the door for you indicating to enter and hand you back your gem and letter again.


Almira holds both of your gems in her hand and fidgets with them briefly before her attention is drawn to the sound of the door opening in the chamber behind you. She smiles and welcomes the newcomers and gestures you to come down to join them.

Before she can open her mouth to speak further, another door opens from behind her chair and a tall stack of papers and books walks into view with a pair of leather-clad legs under the papers.

"Lady Almira. I'm so sorry I'm late! Hope I didn't miss meeting the new kids!!!" The high pitched voice from behind the stack sounds childish, but a well-dressed halfling sets the stack on the table and bows formally to the group in general, hands behind his back rocking just slightly in his eagerness. His clothes are well worn but still elegant in appearance. His jet black hair his stylishly cut in a modern fashion and his serious demeanor are offset by a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Almira closes her eyes and takes a deep breath (you can ALMOST hear her rolling her eyes) before she smiles and gestures to the group.

"I believe there is one more expected, Lady Elva is not one to keep us waiting if she can help it. I did not think she would be able to come, but..." She gives a small shrug. "Why don't you introduce yourselves to each other while we await her arrival."

2020-03-08, 06:31 PM
Elva hurried through the streets of Lotipac, all the while cursing the feline that had delayed her so much. How had it even managed to get that high up into the clock tower anyway? And couldn't those kids have kept a better eye on their cat in the first place? And for that matter, couldn't she have just ignored their request in the first place? 'Chronic hero syndrome? No, you've got chronic hero syndrome' she muttered to no one in particular.

She arrived at the council building gasping and just about ready to collapse. "Hi... *pant* sorry, one... *gasp* second." After taking a moment to catch her breath, she addressed the guard again "I'm Elva, My presence was requested here?" She pulled a letter from her blue tunic, together with a small pendant set with a black stone and presented both to the guard.

2020-03-08, 06:37 PM
The guard takes your gem and goes through a similar thing with checking the gem, before nodding and opening the door just as Almira is saying about waiting for you.

2020-03-08, 06:47 PM
"I'm so sorry for being late! There was a... actually, never mind." Elva quickly caught herself. She didn't want to sound like she was making excuses, and being late to the meeting because she had decided to rescue a cat from a tower along the way was a pretty poor excuse to begin with. Instead, she quickly straightened her blue tunic and tried to restore a modicum of professionality to her bearing.

2020-03-08, 07:14 PM
Alyndra Aramiar - Elf Wizard (5) - HP 30/30 - AC 14


Alyndra looked up in Raidah's direction, then turned to Almira's assistant, Illidari she supposed. She cocked an eyebrow at the mention of the "new kids", pretty sure that - excluding Almira herself - she was older than all of the others combined. In fact, she knew perfectly well that barely a few years ago, Casmir had only been a baby. Granted, she was young for an elf, but still. Kids…

None of that prevented her from answering to the halfling's bow with a polite nod, but before she had the time to say anything, someone else arrived a bit out of breath. “Well, it looks like my questions about the guilds' help was a bit premature.” Turning to the two newcomers, she added. “I'm Alyndra, this is Casmir.”

The young elf seemed to hesitate for a second as she glanced at Almira, but in the end simply decided to stop there and let her brief the two humans females about what would be their mission. Plus, it allowed her to focus on her stone in Almira's hands.

2020-03-08, 08:28 PM
Raidah shows no indication she has even noticed that she's late as she smiles at Alyndra.

"Good to meet you. I'm Raidah. I assume you'll be the one keeping us safe from all manner of magical nastiness?"

2020-03-09, 04:17 AM
Casmir simply makes a gesture from the top of his head with two fingers by way of saying "hello" since he's been introduced, though he wonders how the elf knows who he is... as he doesn't remember meeting her, but that's not in of itself odd.

He looks to the newcomers, and smiles genially, and wants to put them at ease.

"Looks like we'll be visiting my god's temple. It should be exciting! If it's not been used in 5,000 years it will be quite a change!"

2020-03-09, 06:31 AM
"An old temple? Those are always interesting! Though..." A frown crossed Elva's brow. "I do hope traps aren't literally part of your god's portfolio? I was once asked to retrieve some old scroll from an old abandoned fane dedicated to a minor god of traps and vaults and such. That was ...exciting... but not exactly something I'd like to do again."

2020-03-09, 09:00 AM
Alyndra Aramiar - Elf Wizard (5) - HP 30/30 - AC 14


Alyndra tilted her head to the side - and a bit upward considering her size - as she considered Raidah. “I don't know about keeping you safe, but I can try to make sure the other guy suffers from more 'magical nastiness' than you do.” Though neither were really her specialties…

At the mention of traps, the elf grimaced, obviously not finding the idea particularly exciting. After a brief glance at Almira, she added. “The temple is a 'keystone' ensuring that the world remains stable. Said balance has been disturbed recently - the current heat wave being one of those disturbances I suppose - and it may have to do with earthquakes in the vicinity of that temple. We're being sent there to see if the temple has been impacted - or if anything there seems 'off'. It apparently hasn't been used in 5'000 years, but the earthquakes could have weakened the structure and allowed local creatures to wander in.” She paused for a second, making sure she had gone over all the main points, then concluded. “We're merely to gather information and report back.”

Alyndra waved the unopened scroll. “Those are the original plans of the Temple. It might not have much to do with the actual layout, but…” She shrugged. “It's a start.”

2020-03-09, 11:37 AM
"Heh, I had been wondering if something was off about the weather. But then again, I wonder that just about every summer." Elva shrugged. She really didn't like the hot weather much, preferring the colder temperatures of spring and autumn.

"If this temple really is so important then we'd best get going as soon as possible. You.." at this, Elva nodded towards Alyndra "...and Casmir can fill us in about the particulars on the road, right?"

2020-03-09, 06:55 PM
"5,000 years with nobody coming by once a week to water the plants? Yes, the place could be a bit run down by now."

Raidah looks around more nervously than her jovial tone would suggest.

"Well, no time like the present. Unless there's anything more you have for us about what we're walking into?"

She looks expectantly at Almira and Illidari.

Also, Knowledge:History for anything Raidah knows about this temple or why it's been abandoned for so long:

2020-03-10, 04:38 AM
Casmir shrugs, a smile on his face.

"I can try... but as you can probably guess it's a little older than me, and so I won't know much about this specific temple. However I can perhaps fill you guys in on generic stuff."

((Knowledge (Religion) - [roll0]))

2020-03-10, 05:42 AM
Almira gestures everyone to sit, first asking the two newcomers to give her their gems.

"10,000 years ago, your ancestors settled this world when our old one died from a magical war. When we settled this world the gods decided we did not want a repeat of history and created 5 magical locks on this world to keep the outsiders from finding us in our new home. Shantu, Alturist, Kol'nari, Lamatu, and I each took one of our temples in the corners of the world and used them as keystones of the world and grounding points for the wards. We felt it best to not draw attention to these places and removed all personnel beyond a caretaker."

"I will be sending you as close as I can...roughly a one day hike up the mountain. Direct teleportation is forbidden due to the magical nature of the temples. Despite the heat in the lower altitudes, I'd suggest gathering some warmer clothes, nights up in those ranges can drop quite quickly this time of year."

as shes talking them gems in her hands, she has been rolling around almost in a nervous gesture, though nothing in her posture or manner suggests otherwise. As she finishes she opens her palms with 2 gems in each hand, and they begin to glow hovering above her hands and spinning rapidly. She does have a moment of surprise when a symbol flashes from each of them that lasts only a mere heartbeat before vanishing again. When she hands them back to each of you, you see her symbol has now been etched into the gem with elegance. (her symbol is a tower with 2 dragons entwined around it). ShadowImmor, yours is only slightly different, incorporating Shantu's symbol into that design.

"These have now been marked with my personal blessing. When you return to report, this will allow the guards to know that you are under my orders to be seen without a formal appointment."

Most of Shantu's temples are the same with some minor variance, he is a god of travel and mediators, so often his temples resemble inns and courthouses. Often travelers of any religion can request a room for a small donation to the temple, and they provide local support to the local law enforcement.

Almira pretty much explained what you might of known, but these temples were never fully given a public reason why they were abandoned, so you now know more than whats commonly known.

2020-03-10, 02:23 PM
The gravity of their job was slowly starting to sink in for Elva as she received her pendant back from Almira. This was sounding more and more like a job with some very high stakes riding on them. Still, she wasn't going to let that get her down.

"Ehm, Lady Almira? you mentioned something about a caretaker being left at each temple? If something was going on, shouldn't the caretaker have send out some message by now? And if he couldn't what would it take to incapacitate them? I don't think the caretaker for a place like this would just be some crusty old hermit or something."

2020-03-10, 10:02 PM
Alyndra Aramiar - Elf Wizard (5) - HP 30/30 - AC 14


“Hmm, sure.” Alyndra nodded to Elva. “Though at this point I think we went over pretty much everything we both know.”

The elf smirked at Casmir 'supposition' that the temple was 'a little older' than he was but didn't say anything about that. The story Almira told wasn't anything new to her of course, but hearing it from her directly was something else entirely of course, but while she really wanted to ask questions about that, it didn't seem to be the right time so she could only hope to be able to some other time. When the goddess explained she'd teleport them, Alyndra mumbled a “Nice.” That would certainly take care of most of the trip.

She seemed fascinated by what happened to her gem when she was given it back, trying to pierce its secret for a moment, barely paying attention to what was said next. After a moment she placed the gem back where it belonged, then asked once Almira had answered Elva's question she said with a look at the others. “So I suppose we'll come back tomorrow just after dawn to be sent there? We should have the time we need to prepare clothes and whatever we need before night fall, right?”

2020-03-11, 04:35 AM
((sorry guys, I thought I posted before I went to bed last night))

"We don't know why the caretakers have suddenly stopped reporting to us, they are fairly reclusive, to begin with. Shantu's caretaker is named Albright, a human of rather interesting background....he should still be tending the grounds and keeping the locals entertained."

"I've booked you all rooms at the Dire Rat here in town down near the city center," Illidari speaks up, "report to me tomorrow morning after breakfast, and I'll get you on your way."

The range they are describing can only be situated at the base of the Dragon's Breath Volcano, an ANCIENT volcano that hasn't seen activity since before your known history, occasional rumbles of earthquakes are not uncommon in that mountain range (mild plate tectonic activity, but that's a foreign concept to your character). Mostly settled by Dwarves and gnomes with a RARE human settlement in that area.

2020-03-11, 05:09 AM
Casmir nods, his face breaking out in a bright smile as he takes his gem back, he looks at it with bright interest for just a moment, before putting it away and clearly resolving to looking into it later.

"It sounds like a wonderful adventure, and free room and board. Very good! Albright, excellent. Sounds like a smart fellow..." He waits to see if anyone gets the joke before continuing. "Either way, a nice bed and some good food definitely wouldn't go amiss. I'm sure this inn will provide us room and board worthy of Shantu."

He stretches in place.

"Is there anything further we need or you can tell us before we head off for the night?"

2020-03-11, 07:25 AM
Something in Almira’s latest statement made Raidah jump, but she just buckled down and returns to the matter at hand.

Well, this all certainly seems well-planned. Certainly nothing for me to worry about except smacking the occasional starving wolf on our way there and back. Let’s go get that free dinner.

She takes her gem back and slots it into the mount attached to her armor, where it glows for a moment against the polished steel.

2020-03-11, 01:50 PM
Alyndra Aramiar - Elf Wizard (5) - HP 30/30 - AC 14


One of Alyndra's eyebrows rose noticeably when she heard the name of the inn: it wasn't the kind of name she'd have given an inn in Lotipac, that was for sure. After a second, she nodded to the halfling. “Alright.”

Her thoughts turned to the geography surrounding the temple, Alyndra hoped the current troubles wouldn't escalate to the point were the volcano blew up… or at least, not while they were anywhere near it. She was drawn from her thoughts by Casmir's pun about Albright which made her roll her eyes. “Nothing that comes to mind, no, but unless you don't need to get anything like clothes for a cold night, it'd be better to take care of that before going to bed. Good thing that it's early enough.”

She nodded at Raidah. “But it probably wouldn't hurt to check-in at the inn at least.” Turning back to Almira, she bowed slightly but respectfully. “We'll do our best.” To Illidari, she said. “See you tomorrow then.”

After that, she started to walk back up to exit the room.

2020-03-11, 01:59 PM
Those who go clothes hunting or warm weather gear hunting:

You won't have to much issue, a few funny looks from merchants who's have mostly summer wear out still. Nothing fancy but easily obtained. (Half cost of whatever is in the dmg, there's no demand for it right now).

The dire rat:

You are wondering if this building is even safe to enter. The two story building looks like a sneeze would knock it over and the grimey windows hardly let any light through. Once you enter though, the place is amazing. Easily 7 or 8 stories tall, marble floors kept perfectly clean, laughter and music coming from a set of wide open double doors off to one side (a quick glance shows a tavern setting with drinks and live music). A young human male stands behind the check in desk and smiles warmly at your entrance. Featured prominently in this entry way is a huge tapestry, showing a group of obvious adventurers the orc holding up by it's tail an unmistakable dire rat. Featured also in the piece is a red dragon sitting on it's haunches, an elf, a dwarf, a human, and a halfling.

The human behind the desk smiles warmly and asks how he can assist you?

2020-03-11, 04:26 PM
Elva had to suppress a smile on seeing Alyndra's response to the name of the establishment they'd be staying at. She'd visited the Dire rat before, and despite outwards appearances, it was nothing like the name would suggest. Still, as much as she wanted to see the elf's response when she saw the Dire Rat's interior for the first time, she really wasn't going to ignore the excuse to pick up some new clothes first.

"I'm going to do some shopping first. I'll see the rest of you at the inn!" She said, as she hurried for the exit.

2020-03-11, 04:36 PM
Alyndra Aramiar - Elf Wizard (5) - HP 30/30 - AC 14


As soon as she exited the council's building, Alyndra went to get her Jasper, her donkey. When she rejoined the others, they could notice that the donkey wasn't the only one she had fetched: a black cat was sleeping on the back of the donkey, lazily opening its eyes to look at the strangers before closing them again. Surprisingly, anything more than a cursory glance allowed to notice that this cat had feathery wings. It seemed perfectly unperturbed by the movements of its mount.

At the shop Alyndra had accompanied Elva to, she bought a change of clothes: she didn't think she needed it, having two already to walk in the forest, but it wouldn't hurt to have another one, especially for the night. She placed her purchases in the donkey's bags, then headed to the tavern.

Barely a couple of steps in, she mumbled “Uh, that'll teach me to judge based on apperance…” She shook her head then stepped to the desk, studying the tapestry on the way. When she reached her destination, she nodded and said. “Good evening. We should have rooms already booked for the night?”


I think I already know what the tappestry is about, but…
Knowledge (History): [roll0]

2020-03-11, 09:54 PM
As soon as they left Almira's chambers, Raidah started walking faster, mentioning 'packing to do' with a wave. She showed up at the Dire Rat just before dinner, slipping her beltpurse inside her tunic before she walked through the door. That brought her to a stop, and she turned to take in the full view before approaching the desk.

Hi, yes, I believe a halfling made a reservation for me?

Knowledge: History for the tapestry as well.

2020-03-12, 05:43 PM
Casmir also quickly shoots of too collect some cold weather gear, better safe than sorry, and better not to rely on magic if it can be avoided, leaving the magic available to do other things.

He joins the group as they enter, and waits to see what the human says, a big goofy looking grin on his face.

2020-03-12, 07:31 PM
This is very obviously the group of heroes that helped find and settle this world (according to the history books). You've seen formal paintings of them before and this seems to more a candid thing they did for laughs. There is no public knowledge of why that orc, who is so famous, is holding a dire rat by the tail, or any stories of him and dire rats, so you can safely assume there's an inside joke somewhere. The halfling you SWEAR looks like Illidari that you met earlier today, but since this was 10,000 years ago, you might shrug it off as maybe he's a descendent of him...all halflings look alike anyway right?

The young human asks for each of your names before consulting a book before him, a slight frown creasing his face. Then he brightens and picks up 3 sets of keys, and asks if you have any mounts that need stabling or any luggage that needs carrying to your rooms. He rings a small bell and you feel a presence stand near each of you (unseen servant spell). He leads you to a set of rooms near each other and opens each door with a simple iron key that he presents to you. Each of your rooms is uniquely different, literally your ideal room (hard or soft bed, lavish or simple furnishings, etc). He explains that the evening meal, and the morning meal and unlimited drinks are included down in the tavern and the meal would be served in a few hours. He would be on shift till 3rd watch if they needed anything and to feel free to ask if something can be arranged.

He then bows formally and leaves you to your own devices.

2020-03-12, 09:03 PM
"Thank you, this is all perfectly acceptable."
Raidah leaves a tip with the clerk and almost removes her pack, then hesitates and reshoulders it to carry it to her room. Once there she unpacks a couple key items and sets them on a nearby table, unrolls her bedroll on top of the mattress, and calls for a bath.

Maybe an hour before dinner she heads down to the bar, wearing another set of her working clothes(sleeveless tunic, sturdy pants, no armor or pack), but with her black hair loose and basic makeup on. She orders a quality, but not actually expensive, white wine and looks for anyone she recognizes.

2020-03-13, 04:42 AM
Casmir removes his backpack and places it on the ground, breathing a soft sigh as he is no longer carrying the weight. He allows his belongings to be taken up to his room and looks dumbstruck by it.

"I have got to find out how they did this, Shantu would love us to be able to do this sort of thing!"

He spends a bit of time sorting himself out and utilising the room and it's books before realising he should head down for a drink and food. He heads down to the main drinking area, book under his arm so he has something to read if no one else turns up. He orders a nice flavour filled ale from the bar and sees Raidah and heads over to her.

"Good evening! You decided to avail yourself of the free drinks too I see?"

He is wearing relatively plain clothes, but embroided on the breast in a shield shape is the sigil of Shantu.

2020-03-13, 05:03 AM
Elva arrived at the Dire Rat a couple of hours behind the others, having taken her time to put together a cold-weather outfit that wouldn't just keep her warm, but that also looked good, at least as far as she was concerned. Which meant clothes that where both elegant and functional, with plenty of pockets, and most important of all, they where all in various shades of blue.

After putting away her pack in her room and swapping her street clothes for a fashionable blue dress, she went down to the bar to join her companions-to-be.

"So, nice place, isn't it?" she greeted Casmir and Raidah with a smile.

2020-03-13, 07:26 AM
Raidah smiles at both of them.

”This place is excellent. I wish we could really take advantage of it, but with work in the morning, that would be such a bad idea.” Raidah takes a drink and sighs with regret. ”Definitely a bad idea.”

Raidah glances around to see if there’s anyone listening.

”So, just how much do you think our new boss isn’t telling us?”

2020-03-13, 08:50 AM
"Not much, I think. At least nothing that directly relates to our job." Elva shrugged. She expected anyone hiring people from the adventurers guild to have the common sense to not leave out vital details. Stuff like that always blew up in your face, after all. "I'd have liked to learn more about that caretaker, but that's all."

"She probably left out all the details of that long ago war on purpose, but that doesn't really relate to what we have to do, and I personally don't really care to know that much. I mean, I'm a bit curious, of course, but its not like knowing will really change anything."

2020-03-13, 09:01 PM
Alyndra Aramiar - Elf Wizard (5) - HP 30/30 - AC 14


Alyndra mentionned Jasper, her donkey, in need of a stable for the night. She took care of that, then went to her room carrying the saddlebags, preceded by the winged black cat, grumbling a bit under her breath. There, she looked around, hitching to try to understand the spells that allowed the inn to function like that… and having no doubts that it was way, way beyond anything she could understand.

After a quick bath, the elf went back down to eat. Seeing her companions to be around a table, Alyndra ordered her dinner then went to sit at the same table. She nodded at Elva's answer regarding how much Almira had told them, but added with an amused smile. “Nothing that she thinks doesn't directly relates to the job. Which might be different to what really relates to the job. Though we can trust her to be well informed…” She was a Goddess after all…

“Or,” She added regarding the long ago war, “she supposed we already knew what we needed to know about the war. And you should care about it I think. What happens now is a consequence of what happened then. If you do not undestand the past, you're missing vital elements to understand the present which could in turn lead you to fail to extrapolate the consequences to the future.”

2020-03-14, 03:59 AM
Casmir shrugs.

"She's not telling us loads. After all she knows far more than us, but as relates to the job, I don't see any reason for her to hide anything from us. After all, she wants us to succeed."

He listens to what the others have to say, sipping his ale.

"So what do you think the past tells us about what to do now then?" he asks Alyndra.

2020-03-14, 10:21 AM
Alyndra Aramiar - Elf Wizard (5) - HP 30/30 - AC 14


Alyndra smiled, but before she could answer got distracted by a brief battle to save part of her meal from the claws of her cat. A battle she lost. She grumbled for a moment, then shook her head. “Right now, it's not so much that it tells me what to do, than providing some context to the whole situation. She smiled, amused. “But I'll let you know if that changes.”

2020-03-14, 12:13 PM
Elva nodded at Alyndra's words. She made some sense, of course, but there was a flip-side to looking too much at the past as well. "Right, right, context can be useful. Not repeating the mistakes of the past and all that. But you also need to be careful not to remain stuck in the past. Learning from mistakes is nice, letting them haunt you for the rest of your life isn't. That war was 10 millennia ago, so at this point the only lesson is 'don't have a big destructive magical war'. I mean, it's not like anyone is still holding a grudge over it at this point, right?" While talking, Elva had been absent mindedly gesturing with a skewer of meat from her plate. It was only as she finished that she realized that the tip of the skewer was leaning precariously close to falling off, and she quickly put the end of it in her mouth to save her food.

2020-03-14, 12:17 PM
Raidah holds her hand out to the housecat/griffon so it can sniff her fingers.

"As long as someone is keeping track, I'm happy. I just don't like trusting only one source of information. They really need to have some way of monitoring these temples other than depending on an old caretaker who can break a hip on the stairs."

She takes another drink of wine, and chews her pheasant thoughtfully.

"So, I've seen your badges, but what do you actually do?"

2020-03-14, 02:10 PM
"A bit of everything, really. Sneaking, talking, finding things, opening things, closing things, occasionally shooting things. Just don't ask me to sing." Elva responded to Raidah's question with a smile. "I even know a bit of magic for when my more mundane skills don't quite cut it."

2020-03-16, 04:48 AM
Casmir chuckles.

"I don't really do much, I'm halfway decent with a weapon, but most of my power comes from Shantu, he blesses me with spells to help with magical things and travel things. Makes for quite an exciting life sometimes."

He settles down and begins eating, in completely silence, unless asked another direct question.

2020-03-16, 03:08 PM
Alyndra Aramiar - Elf Wizard (5) - HP 30/30 - AC 14


Given Alyndra's expression, it was pretty obvious she was hesitating between being serious or saying something funny. Or that she found funny anyway. In the end though, what she said was, “I'm a student of the arcane, a diviner you could say.” Well, not quite, but close enough. “Don't ask me to read your palms though. And I'm almost as far from being a master as it's possible to be and still be on that path, so don't expect too much either.” She didn't seem really bothered by it though.

“Anyway,” She opened the scroll on the table, “It's probably a good idea to get an idea of how the temple is supposed to look like, so let's take a bit of time to familiarize ourselves with this, it can't hurt.”

2020-03-16, 08:24 PM
Raidah gets very serious for a minute.

"Hey, no. You're good enough to be picked for this mission, so do not doubt your skills. I may not trust Illy or the boss, but the guild doesn't give this" Raidah pokes Alyndra's gem "to just anyone."

Raidah smiles and downs the rest of her drink.

"Besides, if I have to headbutt an ogre, I'd like to know the caster who has my back has something clever cooked up. That definitely seems like you. Now, let's see this ruin."

2020-03-17, 04:03 AM
Casmir nods and leans in to look at the scroll.

2020-03-17, 06:21 PM
Alyndra Aramiar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2105376) - Elf Wizard (5) - HP 30/30 - AC 14


“Damn. Now I'll have to really try my best.” The way Alyndra said that, it was pretty much impossible to determine if she was serious or not. After a while, she shrugged. “I know a thing or two that could be useful in combat. It is not something I focus on though,” And there she did sound perfectly serious, “and there isn't a hint of any kind of modesty there. I won't be creating rains of fire or stuff like that any time soon.”

2020-03-18, 06:21 AM
The plans of the temple would look like modern-day architectural plans, with precise measurements and several views of the layout. These were obviously not crudely drawn.

That said, they look like most temples to Shantu, a large main chamber with smaller ones leading off to "offices", multiple levels for dorm-style rooms for people requesting to stay a night or two, larger chambers for "court" style proceedings. The plans say this temple should be several levels (3-4 at least), and 2000 square feet per level. This would have been a very LARGE building even by any standards. If the final product is any indication, this is no local temple, this would have been a large and sprawling complex.

2020-03-18, 04:37 PM
Alyndra Aramiar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2105376) - Elf Wizard (5) - HP 30/30 - AC 14


“Uh…” Alyndra grimaced. “You could hide anything in there, it's much bigger than I thought…”

The elf stretched back, leaving the scroll on the table. “I guess we'll see tomorrow what's what, but we'd better plan on spending a few days there unless there's something obvious.”

2020-03-18, 05:25 PM
"So, this is what I don't get." Elva shook her head as she looked over the map. "This place is basically a giant inn and meeting place. Yet unless I misunderstood lady Almira's explanation, it was basically build to function as a keystone, and then to be abandoned to avoid attracting attention. But then, why build it like this? Why not make it a sturdy fortress or whatever. It seems pointless to make such a grandiose place if you're planning on not using it."

2020-03-18, 05:28 PM
Alyndra Aramiar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2105376) - Elf Wizard (5) - HP 30/30 - AC 14


Alyndra shook her head. “I'm pretty sure those Temples don't come from this world, and in fact arrived at the same time as our ancestors…and Almira, Shantu and the others. It was brought here as a keystone, but it wasn't built here.”

2020-03-18, 10:14 PM
Raidah leans over the plans, tracing entrances and routes that don't involve the main chamber.

"I'd put money on them bringing it over as a show of wealth, then figuring out how to secure it later. They could have brought a fortress or dumped it in the back of some cave, but this was made for people, lots of people, to wander freely. Do that, and some child is going to play ball with whatever glowing crystal they've got the world tied to. They probably held services there for, like, six weeks, before something went wrong enough for them freak out and abandon it."

Raidah takes a bite of her second pheasant and looks down again, clearly routing paths through the temple for when they arrive.

2020-03-19, 06:19 AM
Casmir shakes his head.

"These keystones are provided by, or for the gods they represent right? So think about it, they are linked to each gods aspects, and probably built to the gods specifications, either other worldly or here, they are based on the gods they're here for. Shantu's temples are all like this. They are supposed to be both keystones and temples, I imagine so that the gods can use the faith generated at the temple to reinforce the keystone, but that didn't go according to plan. There would be no reason to keep it defensible as it's supposed to be a temple."

He shrugs.

"At least that's my thoughts on it..."

2020-03-19, 08:20 AM
"I suppose that makes sense?" Elva responded to Casmir's explanation. "I'm not exactly an expert on faith and divine power, so If you say that it's important for the place to do what it's supposed to do then I won't argue."

2020-03-21, 12:38 AM
Raidah sighs, looking over the plans again.

"Well, I suspect we're not going to be able to guess anything too useful before we arrive there, it's never that easy. At least the food was good. Unless anyone has anything else to bring up, we should probably retire. It's an early morning tomorrow, and I'd prefer everyone here get 8 hours of rest."

Raidah smiles at the casters after saying that, then finishes her drink.

2020-03-21, 04:27 AM
"But I always spend the entire night awake before a tricky and dangerous mission!" Elva said with a smile to indicate that she wasn't serious. "In all seriousness though, we probably should get some rest, unless anyone else still has something important to share?"

2020-03-21, 02:32 PM
Those who stay up, there is music and even some light comedy going till the wee hours of the morning. When the final call is made, everyone either leaves the building entirely or goes to their rooms, with surprisingly little to no fuss.

Those who retire before final call, your rooms are near soundproof (remember this is your ideal room, if you want city noise filtering in, its there, if you want peaceful forest sounds, its there, etc.)

Next Morning:

There are a few guests downstairs eating breakfast and while simple fair its amazingly delicious. A massive orc stands behind the bar this morning greeting everyone who enters by name (and none of you have met this guy before in your life). Despite his size and bulk, he is light on his feet and always ready with a joke or a story. He brings your group out breakfast personally and asks what brings you to town.

2020-03-21, 05:38 PM
Elva smiled at the orc, both in appreciation of the breakfast and to give herself a moment to consider how secret their mission probably was. lady Almira hadn't really specified, but given how important the mission seemed, it was probably best not to go into too much detail.

"Oh, you know, adventurer guild business." She responded to the orc's query. "Someone important probably needs something found or retrieved or something like that. We'll know more in an hour or so when we get told the when, where, what and who."


2020-03-22, 06:30 PM
Alyndra Aramiar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2105376) - Elf Wizard (5) - HP 30/30 - AC 14


Alyndra went to bed reasonably early: they'd likely have a busy day ahead of them, one she really didn't want to be tired for, and that was even if they didn't find anything. As it was… Well, something whispered to her that things wouldn't be quite as simple as that.

In the morning, after a comfortable night lulled to sleep by the noises of the forest, Alyndra went downstairs for breakfast at a reasonably hour, enough that she'd have the time to eat without rushing and be in time for the meeting with Almira's assistant Illidari. Well, if nothing happened anyway.

As she ate - mostly fruits and cereals - Alyndra quietly listens to the conversations around her, simply curious to learn more about the patrons and what they had to say. Asked about what she was doing there, she considered simply answering with a “Just some Guild Business” or something along those lines, but since Elva had mostly taken care of that, she simply nodded and didn't add anything on the subject. Instead, she asked a question of her own, as much to change the subject as because she was curious. “So, how did you come to get a job here?”

2020-03-23, 08:16 AM
His face turns thoughtful at the question, and his mellow voice is highly articulated not common in orcs (think semi upper-class British but without the British accent). He pulls a blood-red stone shaped into a clenched fist and sets it on the table before you before he answers. Guild stones formed into a specific shape are only ever given to the highest-ranking guild members not in management, they pulled off such an awesome feat of heroism that it's worthy of notice to people anywhere....any yet he's hiding it while working in a bar. "My many times over great grandfather was one of the heroes who found this world, he found this bar when this city was little more than 100 people who were just wanting a peaceful place. He wanted a nice place for adventurers to get a hot meal and a comfortable bed before traveling again, and not spend most of their fortune. This is....was.....his stone.....My name is Alvec, of the blood fist clan"

(knowledge history if anyone wants knowledge of the blood fist clan, this guys name doesn't mean anything to you guys)

2020-03-23, 09:52 AM
Alyndra Aramiar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2105376) - Elf Wizard (5) - HP 30/30 - AC 14


“Oh. I see.” After a couple of seconds, Alyndra nodded. “That makes sense.” The young elf looked at the tapestry - her gaze lingering on the elf for a second - then looked back at the orc. “So tell me, what's the story behind the dire rat?”

Knowledge (History): [roll0]

2020-03-23, 10:01 AM
you know there's something more important about that clan, but right now your history brain is still half asleep and can't remember what it was.

He looks startled for just a heartbeat before letting out a deep belly laugh slapping the table. "Back when this town was little more than a cow pasture, my ancestor starting building this tavern....which became infested by dire rats...seemed no matter how many he killed, they came back 100 fold....according to the stories anyway, and one day one of those rats is sitting as calm as you please right over there, " he points to where the check-in desk currently sits, "up on its hind legs and looked ready to just move in! Funnily enough, after he let that one live, they never had an infestation problem ever again, and since he didn't speak dire rat, the family named it after that rascal."

2020-03-23, 03:54 PM
Alyndra Aramiar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2105376) - Elf Wizard (5) - HP 30/30 - AC 14


Alyndra chuckled. “That's a nice story.” Granted, it wasn't likely to be true. Or much embelished at any rate but did it truly matter? So much time had passed anyway that even for elves what remained was more myth than history. Unless one could talk with those who were there and still around, but there weren't that many and they weren't exactly the kind you talked to every day…

Finished with her breakfast, she sighed. “I almost don't want to get on the road with all this…”

2020-03-23, 08:41 PM
Raidah has finished her own plate of more eggs than seems reasonable, as well as a bit of bacon and a roll.

"We'll need the energy later, no doubt. Hopefully we at least get a hike before anything stupid happens and you need to run."

Knowledge: History: [roll0]

2020-03-25, 04:19 AM
After having finished her own breakfast, Elva got up from her chair and stretched. "Nothing better than a hike after a good breakfast. Better not keep the client waiting, right?"

2020-03-25, 05:41 AM
Casmir wakes up late and rushes down.

"Very sorry! I've not been able to sleep in a proper bed like that for quite sometime... it was far too comfortable!"

He quickly wolfs down some food, only pausing briefly for indigestion.

"So what next? Heading off?"

2020-03-25, 03:11 PM
After checking out of the hotel, you find the meeting spot with Illidari, dressed today in a handsome tunic and leggings. He hands Alyndra a scroll with intructions on how to use it to return once they were done (simple enough spell focused on the scroll without using a spell slot). "Since time can be of the essence this will bring you to just outside the city gate, report to me as soon as you know anything, I don't care what time of day or night. If they say I'm in a meeting, show them your stone, that should shut them up."

His face contorts into a weird grimace, and he mutters about how important he is and they should listen to him.....dang tall people......grumble....., then he smiles and asks if you are ready to begin the journey, another scroll in his hand already unfurled.

2020-03-25, 03:45 PM
Elva Adjusted her Navy-blue scarf once more, then nodded. "I'm ready to get out of this hot weather and on the road, thank you very much!" The warm clothes where really uncomfortable in the city, but she knew she'd be happy to have them the moment the the teleportation happened.

2020-03-25, 10:07 PM
Alyndra Aramiar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2105376) - Elf Wizard (5) - HP 30/30 - AC 14


Alyndra had gone through the stables to get Jasper, who was once again carrying her saddlebags. Granted, she probably would have been able to leave most of it there, but you never knew. It was better to be prepared for anything after all. Her Tressym familiar was sitting on the donkey, observing the surroundings and giving the impression that it was following the conversation.

When she was handed the scroll, Alyndra opened it to study it: not really to learn the spell - not that she would have been against that mind you - but simply to make sure that she would be able to cast the spell when required. “I must confess I thought we'd have to take the long way to come back here. It's nice to have that.” After a small pause, she added with a grin, “And that's another good reason to keep me safe if you don't want to walk back from the temple.” Her eyes sparkling, she glanced at her companions.

After a couple of seconds the elf made sure that Jasper was standing just next to her then nodded to Illidari. “I'm ready yes.”

2020-03-25, 10:41 PM
Raidah looked suspiciously at the last comment Illidari made, before turning to Alyndra.

"Yes, I really don't want to have to carry everyone back through a forest; once was enough. Let's try to keep the scroll safe."

Raidah is absolutely not dressed for cold weather, and looks downright comfortable in the heat. She also doesn't seem to notice the weight of her pack, and despite resting the butt of her glaive on the ground, isn't putting any of her weight on it(since the chipped and rotting wood looks like it would break if she did).

2020-03-30, 03:33 AM
((OoC: Sorry for the lack for replying recently, I've had to be quarantined, and just starting my second week, it's throwing my normal cycle of checking the site off! I'll do better moving forward.))

Casmir strolls up, in cold weather gear, but most of it not on properly yet, wrapped around his waist, tied through the loops on his backpack that sort of thing. So it can be donned at a moments notice, (i.e.
once they teleport) but not before.

"I'm always ready for a journey. Y'know I'm kind of glad we have this cold weather gear, it saved me from asking Shantu for an Endure Elements spell this morning. Means we have that spell slot for something else!"

He smiles brightly and waits patiently, clearly very excited.

2020-03-30, 09:39 AM
((Hey life happens! long as its just a quarantine, and not something more serious :) keep in touch))


he instructs you to stand close, he opens the scroll and begins chanting. You feel the swell of magic surrounding you, washing over your skin, a bright light engulfs your vision, then as it fades, the first sensation you notice is a noticeable change in the temperature. While not freezing cold after the hot temps from all summer, it is a nice change.

The forest is a hardwood forest, well maintained (elf would feel right at home even if the trees are different from their native woods). It has the feel of a natural forest but stumps indicate that some forestry has taken place, not entirely knocked over from storms or other natural disasters. The various ages of the trees indicate that the forestry was done responsibly (replanting after cutting down trees).

The Spell put you down in the middle of a noticeable path running in different directions, up and downhill as well as in various directions. This clearing has the feeling of a central camp of a logging camp, but abandoned. While not entirely silent there is still a strange feeling in the air like you're being watched.

2020-03-30, 09:53 AM
"Well, that's a lot better!" Elva said to no one in particular after getting her bearings.

"Sooo, anyone remember which way to go?" she added after a moment. While she spoke she looked over her surroundings carefully, trying to determine the source of the feeling of being watched.


2020-03-30, 11:15 AM
Alyndra Aramiar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2105376) - Elf Wizard (5) - HP 30/30 - AC 14


Alyndra sighed, obviously pleased, half-closing her eyes, face up, and taking deep breaths. She nodded emphatically when Elva mentioned how much better it was there. After a few seconds, she opened her eyes and looked around with a frown. After a couple of seconds, she asked, “Am I the only one feeling like someone's looking at us?”

With a brief gesture accompanied with a whispered “Simethoti”, Alyndra looked around once more, though slowly this time.

Perception: [roll0]
Alyndra casts Detect Thoughts (DC 17 Will Save to negate). She's only interested in finding if there's anyone at this point, so she focuses at a new spot every turn.

2020-03-30, 11:22 AM
For a few moments, all you sense/see are various woodland creatures, almost no intelligent life. After a moment though, coming down the path from uphill, you see an OLD human male, wearing comfortable cold-weather gear. His bearing and demeanor are that of someone well-bred, his face while old and craggy holds a sense of class. a cloak draped around his shoulders is held closed by a pin that upon closer inspection shows the mixed mark of Shantu and Almira.


"Good Afternoon, Welcome to the territory of Shantu's Temple."

While he seems solid and full form, you detect no intelligent thought.

2020-03-30, 11:41 AM
'Well, he's not a crusty old hermit.' The thought passed through Elva's mind as she saw the man she assumed was the caretaker for Shantu's temple approach them.

"Thank you for the welcome and a good afternoon to you too!" She said with a smile. "Mr. Albright, I presume?"

2020-03-30, 10:39 PM
Raidah smiles brightly and steps forward, placing herself between the rest of the group and the newcomer.

So good to see a friendly face. Do you know where we're going? I'm more of a city girl, myself, just useless in a forest like this.

She's not in a combat stance, but she does keep her hands on her weapon rather than offer to shake.

Also, just a general roll to see if anything's up. Perception: [roll0]

2020-04-01, 01:42 PM
Alyndra Aramiar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2105376) - Elf Wizard (5) - HP 30/30 - AC 14


“Uh.” Alyndra tilted her head to the side for a second. “Well, that explains it.” If he was the temple's caretaker, she was not surprised at all to not detect him at all. A bit miffed that she had burned a spell for nothing, but definitely not surprised.

Briefly shaking her head, she nodded to the man. “Good afternoon.”

2020-04-03, 05:16 AM
Casmir nods to the man and smiles, after seeing the merged symbol.

"Well met friend! It's good to see another worshipper of Shantu here. Are you the chap we're looking for?"

2020-04-03, 05:23 AM
The old man nods his head, before gesturing you to follow him, turning his back to you. You see the end of a long-bladed weapon peeking out from his back (it's strapped to his back its not stuck into his back).

a 10-minute hike with little conversation from the old man leads you through dense hardwood trees, going up a well-defined path. The temple comes suddenly into view, 4 stories tall, made of gleaming granite and pure white marble. The building is in surprisingly good repair, some minor damage to the outside of the building, but otherwise fairly clean and well maintained. A once-grand fountain stands empty and dry in front of the temple, the pitcher that water would flow out of cracked and smashed almost beyond repair.

There is almost a deafening silence over the area, and the old man continues walking into the temple itself, starting to remove his cloak as he goes.

2020-04-03, 09:47 AM
The temple as a whole looked a lot better than Elva had feared. There was some wear and tear, sure, but whatever was responsible for the key-stone being knocked off balance was clearly more subtle than the collapse of half the temple or something like that. She hoped that meant things would be easier to fix as well.

"Soooo... Albright, what does a devotee of Shantu do here all day?" she asked "I can't imagine there being lot left to learn or do in the temple after the first century or two."

2020-04-04, 01:54 PM
Alyndra Aramiar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2105376) - Elf Wizard (5) - HP 30/30 - AC 14


Alyndra followed silently, content to walk in the forest out of the heat found in the south. She led Jasper by the leash while her Tressyn familiar flew away, probably to hunt something.

2020-04-05, 11:38 AM
Casmir just looks at the temple in awe, he's clearly very impressed and looking forward to going inside and exploring it, in fact, he seems like he's positively buzzing with excitement.

2020-04-05, 11:45 AM
the inside of the temple glows from tall windows allowing natural light to enter this amazing building. the main entryway is huge with dozens of doors leading off in different directions, and a tall staircase leads up to the upper levels. in the middle of the main room however is a very dead body, that of the old man who greeted you at the drop off-site. If you didn't know any better, you'd of thought he was asleep. A broken glaive lays in 3 pieces near the body, and multiple stab wounds are piercing the armor, the but final blow must have been the crushed skull.

the entire building is disturbingly quietly, and no movement is seen anywhere in the building.

2020-04-05, 03:18 PM
"Oh, crap." Elva froze up for a moment as she saw the corpse. Then as no sudden threat materialized, she carefully approached the corpse, while willing a trickle of power into her eyes so she could more closely observe the flow of magic around Albright's body.

Cast detect magic, start observing Albright's corpse

2020-04-05, 03:19 PM
((actually the guy you followed disappeared soon after he walked in the building))

2020-04-05, 03:27 PM
((noted, editing my post now))

2020-04-05, 03:47 PM
Raidah seems to relax slightly upon seeing the corpse, finally on more familiar territory. She holds up her hand to stop anyone else from approaching.

"This could be an ambush. I'll back up Elva, you two please keep the escape route clear."

Raidah begins to follow Elva in, staying directly behind her, weapon ready.

As they get closer, she mutters "...huh. Wasn't he carrying a sword earlier?"

2020-04-05, 04:15 PM
Casmir frowns.

"This does have a not so good smell about it..."

He stops in place, but draws his weapon and shield just in case.

2020-04-05, 05:22 PM
detect magic results:

the remains of the glaive are glowing with magic but its fading. the wounds contain trace magic but the skull damage is all physical damage.

The entire building fairly pulses with magic itself, the walls, the floor, but there is almost a stream of magic flowing from under the body and pulsing down. The different schools of magic make it nearly impossible to trace any specific school.

(give me some perception checks please)

2020-04-05, 05:32 PM
Perception: [roll0]

2020-04-06, 02:27 AM
"Hmmm, I wonder..." Elva was relieved to see no clear signs of a necromantic binding on the corpse. Still there was definitely a connection of sorts with something deeper in the building.


2020-04-06, 06:52 AM
Perception roll1


2020-04-06, 02:06 PM
Alyndra Aramiar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2105376) - Elf Wizard (5) - HP 30/30 - AC 14


“Well...” Alyndra looked at the body for a moment. “That certainly counts as disruptive...” The young elf frowned. “And definitely not something caused by random natural events... Someone might be trying to mess things up, for one reason or another...” She grimaced. “And if something's missing, we're unlikely to notice it...”

2020-04-06, 05:15 PM

The layout of this temple feels....off. The main area like this in a temple this large would have some sort of area for "reception" normally about where this dead body is located. The temple doesn't feel desecrated or anything (no bad or evil feelings about the place other than an obvious murder). You know an important place that anything of religious value would be located in the primary chapel (easy to find its location with the floor plans you were given).


something feels off about this murder....for the damage (crushed skull and at least a dozen or so stab wounds), there is almost no blood on the floor. in fact the floor is almost sparkling clean aside from minor dust.

Everyone but NotaSpiderswarm:

There are small shards of a weird black....well it's not metal, it's not stone, and it's not glass, but it looks like an oily sheen on whatever material it is made from. These are mostly hidden under the body and a piece an inch or so long protrudes from a nasty wound to his belly.

EVERYONE roll me a balance or reflex check please.

((sorry for the delay guys, work has been insanely busy, back to back calls, and people waiting 40+ minutes to speak with us))

2020-04-06, 08:57 PM
"Maybe the ghost decided to mop up af...whoa"

Balance: [roll0]

2020-04-06, 10:02 PM
Reflex: [roll0]

2020-04-07, 04:05 AM
reflex: [roll0]

2020-04-07, 04:38 AM
Reflex roll - (Dice gods don't fail me now!) - [roll0]

2020-04-07, 06:31 AM
the ground is suddenly rolling underfoot, an earthquake? right as you start to regain your balance, a STRONG push of wind from somewhere further in the temple pushes Shadow and DeTess completely off their feet, sprawling onto the ground.

Something is definitely wrong...

2020-04-07, 06:53 AM
"Oof..." Elva only just managed to avoid landing right on top of Albright's copse, and the awkward fall had knocked the wind right out of her.

Once she'd gotten her breath back, her new perspective did reveal a rather interesting sight. "Hey Raidah, could you help me turn over this corpse? There's something stuck in its belly..." She said, as she carefully got back to her feet.

2020-04-07, 07:11 AM
Raidah steps forward quickly, using her glaive for balance as she puts herself between Elva and the temple, preferably blocking the direction the wind came from.

”I can, but is now the best time? Whatever set this up knows we’re here, and is probably going to drop on us from the rafters any minute now.”

Raidah looks at Elva and sighs, crouching next to the body, still facing the larger temple.

”Fine, let’s be quick about it.”

She reaches down for the body’s shoulder with one hand and lifts, grimacing as she touches him.

2020-04-07, 08:21 AM
"If whatever did this comes at us, we're going to have to run either way, might as well have something to show for it." Elva said as she carefully picked up the largest piece of the weird black material, wrapped it in some spare cloth and slipped it into a pouch on her belt, making certain to not touch it with any bare skin as she did so. A cold shiver ran over her spine as she did so, and she was happy about the precautions she'd taken. Whatever this material was, it was not good news. Still, all the more reason to bring a sample back to the city.

"Allright, got it. And thanks, Raidah."

2020-04-09, 04:50 PM
Alyndra Aramiar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2105376) - Elf Wizard (5) - HP 30/30 - AC 14


“Well...” Alyndra turned in the direction where the wind had come from, frowning. “Something is definitely wrong. A body with bloodless open wounds, an earthquake, wind indoor...” The young elf shook her head.

“At this point, we have two choices... We could leave now. We know something is wrong here, that's definitely something we should report. But... It's a bit light, and we don't have the shadow of an explanation. Which, of course, is something we could only try to learn by remaining and exploring the temple a bit more... maybe to find the source of that wind... but that comes with risks of course.”

She looked at the three humans, “What's your opinion on this?”

2020-04-10, 05:35 AM
"If something had already tried to chew our faces off, I'd be all for leaving and reporting back. As it is, all we've got to report on is Albright's death and a shard of one of the weapons that did it, which is... something... but not much." Elva considered for a moment, looking off thoughtfully in the direction the blast of wind had come from. "I'd say we continue on carefully for a bit. But then again, I've got the option of going invisible and running if we encounter something that we can't take down, and I don't think that's something all of you can do."

2020-04-10, 06:23 PM
After a ghost, a murder, and what seems like the region breaking down? No way we leave. Maybe later we call the boss, if things go bad, but we only get to move up if we show initiative. She grimaces. Besides, Casmir doesn't earn his pay unless he brings me back from death's door at least twice before we head back.

Satisfied that nothing is going to chew their faces off at that moment, Raidah kneels down to inspect the broken weapon, setting her own glaive down next to it. She makes sure she doesn't touch the body again while she does so.

Perception(what's the deal with this weapon): [roll0]

2020-04-11, 11:04 AM
Something feels.....familiar about this weapon... (the glaive). while it is broken into 3 pieces, its an almost clean break rather than something shattered it (like someone cut it apart with a saw rather than just cracking it apart over their knee). It also feels familiar like you've seen it before but you have no idea where or when because you've never been to this temple before or know who this man is.

2020-04-11, 12:05 PM
Raidah pulls a sack out of her pack and places the fragments of glaive in it, wrapping them securely before putting them in her pack.

"That said, I feel like this place is odder than we realize. Let's move deeper before something decides to come find us."

2020-04-11, 12:09 PM
"What, literally as old as this world isn't old enough for you?" Elva said with a smile in response to Raidah's statement. "In all seriousness though, if we're continuing our exploration, shall I take point? I'm not altogether terrible at the whole 'sneaking around' thing."

2020-04-12, 11:19 AM
Alyndra Aramiar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2105376) - Elf Wizard (5) - HP 30/30 - AC 14


“Alright then, onward it is. Let's be careful though, whoever killed him,” Alyndra indicated Albright's body, “must be way more than we can deal with.”

“Older actually,” The young elf added after Elva, “It wasn't built here. Anyway, sure,” She waved forward, “Sneak around. Just don't go too far ahead that we can't help quickly. Or that you can't come back quickly if something comes from behind.”

2020-04-12, 12:22 PM
"Don't worry, Alyndra. I'll remain within line of sight. She responded to the elf. For a moment, she considered pointing out that once a building is older than the rock it stands on, another century or two won't matter, but then she thought better of it. This wasn't the time for a discussion about that sort of stuff.

Casmir, is there anywhere in particular, we should start?" Elva asked the priest.

2020-04-13, 03:32 AM
Casmir sits up, having recovered from being knocked off his feet.

"This is very odd... I would probably start in the tavern-y area... most temples have like a bar area where patrons could gather and relax. That would probably be where there would have been the greatest level of activity before whatever happened... happened."

He gets himself and dusts himself off, clearly a bit embarrassed he was so easily knocked from his feet.

2020-04-13, 05:15 AM
"Alright, we'll start there then." Elva started heading off in the direction indicated by the priest, sticking close to the walls and making sure to remain as quiet as possible.

hide: [roll0]
move silently: [roll1]
perception: [roll2]

2020-04-13, 05:58 PM

As you creep along the empty hallways, the plans close to your nose, you think you're doing a masterful job of sneaking along towards where the cleric thought to try looking first.

Rest of the group:

While her step is light and nary a sound is heard......you still watch her walk down the middle of the hallway in plain sight of Gods and country.


Closer inspection of the plans reveals a small room off of what is labeled as the high priest's private quarters. It's labeled as a private study and meditation room but feels oddly central to the entire building. It's on this floor and easy enough to find, you're about 100 feet from where the plans say the room is located.

2020-04-13, 10:05 PM
Raidah looks over at the two remaining casters.

She...she can cast invisibility, right? The guild wouldn't stick us with a fake rogue...would they?

Despite that, Raidah follows Elva, staying about 50' back and making no particular effort to stay quiet or hidden.

2020-04-14, 03:41 AM
Elva considered the map for a moment longer, and then took a right to head towards the private sanctum after a quick wave to those following her to indicate that she was aware that she was changing course from where she had initially been going. As she did so, she noted some odds looking coming from her companions, but she paid them little mind, focusing instead on getting where she wanted to go without getting seen.

hide: [roll0]
move silently: [roll1]
perception: [roll2]

2020-04-14, 04:17 AM
Casmir chuckles.

"I don't think so, but it would be quite a good prank..."

He's clearly talking in jest as he slowly follows along with the others.

2020-04-14, 11:42 AM
Alyndra Aramiar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2105376) - Elf Wizard (5) - HP 30/30 - AC 14


“Uh... Maybe it's something that only affects other people and not us?” Alyndra answered Raidah, albeit not particularly convinced that this was the case.

She followed too, looking around curiously, more to see if there were any interesting things around that because she hoped to spot any danger before anyone else did.

2020-04-14, 12:14 PM

You find the door before you find the room you're looking for, it has literally been ripped off its hinges. Inside you hear a voice loud and clear, though what it's saying you have no idea (I've looked at everyone's known languages). Though the words are meaningless to you, they DO have a chanting rhythm to them, and MAYBE a couple of repeated words that sound like a name.

Inside the room:

A tall man dressed in all black armor and clothing, carrying a shattered remnant of a weapon that looks similar to the shard pulled out of the dead guy's belly. right as he shouts a final word he strikes out with the weapon which shatters a massive crystal hovering above the ground. The resulting burst of energy shatters all glass in the building, knocks stones out of the building work, the ground shatters.

Sudden darkness overwhelms all your vision as you are all knocked back again walls, or thrown to the floor from the concussive blast from this blow.


Time Passes:

Full dark has fallen on the region by the time each of you find the energy to open your eyes. The crystal that was hovering in the middle of the room, is now barely an inch above the ground, and the inside is missing a large piece (there's a part in the middle that has a definite clean shape that something was stored inside). While each of you is mostly unharmed, aside from scrapes and bruises, you have an odd feeling like you had a dream while you were unconscience but can't remember it. The man who was in the room is long gone, and the chill wind of evening is cooling any exposed skin.


Your cat familiar is pacing around nervously, they too seem unharmed. It keeps pawing around the broken crystal and making the strangest noises (whatever mewing type noise they make but sounding with obvious distress).

2020-04-14, 12:27 PM
"Uuugh..." Elva slowly forced her battered body to stand up. "Uhmm, is that what I think it is?" she gestured towards the broken crystal, as a feeling of dread settled itself in her stomach.

2020-04-14, 06:19 PM
Casmir's eyes roll open after a little while, and his hand goes to his head.

"Did we have a party and get blackout drunk? Because my head is POUNDING"

He sighs as he looks around to take in what's going on.

2020-04-14, 10:05 PM
Ugh...ugh Raidah's hand gropes for her glaive, then uses it as a crutch to lever her to her feet. She opens her eyes to take in the scene. Panic and rage flash across her face.

Wait...we screwed up. We really screwed up. But the world didn't actually end. So we have to live with this. But we screwed up. What do we do now?

Raidah scans the room again.

2020-04-15, 02:13 AM
"It wasn't us that messed up. I got to the room right as this... man... fiend... whatever, finished a ritual meant to shatter the crystal, so this is on him." Elva took a deep breath as icy rage warred with her naturally sunny disposition.

"Alyndra, as soon as you're ready to cast the spell from that scroll we need to travel back to the capital to warn Lady Almira. I doubt that villain will leave it at just one temple."

2020-04-18, 07:17 PM
"Do we not want to do more investigating before we use that scroll? I mean we don't really know what happened here, what that crystal was or why he destroyed it, or how we survived. Seems a bit odd to report back that some guy broke a crystal and then we all woke up from unconsciousness, and using the scroll that quickly may not be the best plan."

Casmir pauses and smiles.

"Not saying we don't use the scroll, just wanted to play devil's advocate for a moment, look at the other options, so to speak."

2020-04-18, 07:28 PM
Alyndra Aramiar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2105376) - Elf Wizard (5) - HP 30/30 - AC 14


“Ngh...” Alyndra grogilly lifted a hand to her forehead, calling Midnight to her and stroking her furr with a few soothing words, as much for the Tressym than for herself. Shaking her head, she stood up and considered the sphere for a long moment without a word.

“I have no idea what you're thinking about.” She shook her head after a moment, answering Elva's question. “Other than bad news now that it's broken and whatever was inside taken. Probably something that was involved in stabilizing everything I guess, but other than that...”

“And I'm with her on that,” she nodded to Elva, “There's nothing we could have done that would have made a difference. It's not like we paused to pick some mushrooms on the way.” And she had seen a few of those!

She hesitated next, not sure using the scrolls right now would be the right move, “I kind of agree with Casmir... What happened, happened. Odds are, Almira already knows about the gist of what happened. At this point, it's pretty much a damn if you do, damn if you don't situation: waiting could be a bad idea, but leaving now could mean missing something important.” She shrugged, “And since we're here... I'm not saying we should spend a week here, but at least wait for noon tomorrow. Maybe with the morning's light we'll see something we'd miss otherwise.”

As an afterthought, she added, “Plus, odds are that if we went back right now, we would have to wait quite a bit before we managed to see anyone...”

2020-04-19, 12:49 PM
Raidah stands up straighter, taking a couple breaths to center herself, before nodding.

Smart, both of you. This place shouldn't take too long to search if we don't really push it. We stay, see if there's anything obvious that we can figure out, then go from there. Casmir, in the morning, could you preserve the body? I don't want to bury him without more info, but we can't just ignore it either.

2020-04-20, 03:50 AM
Casmir nods.

"Yeah I can preserve it. I'll see what I can do for now too."

He goes over to the body to see what he can do for it now.

((OoC: Mythweavers isn't letting me look at the sheet so rolling Heal from memory! [roll0] to see if he can do anything to help preserve the body without magic for now))

2020-04-20, 05:43 AM
"Aah!" Elva clutches her head in her hand as she stumbles away from the remains of the crystal. A sudden urge to take the weapon shard out of its pouch comes up, but she manages to suppress it, more or less.

She sinks down against a wall some distance from the broken crystal, making sure to keep her hands away from the pouch. "Ehm, any of you happen to have a lead-lined box?" she asks the others in a small voice. "That weapon-shard isn't nearly as inert as I thought it was."

2020-04-20, 10:39 PM
A few minutes of digging through her pack later, Raidah comes up with an empty sack and a set of metal tongs.

Apparently not, which is deeply disappointing. I could wrap it in chains and lock them if we're desperate, but all of my containers are too thin to block anything. I don't think we should leave it behind, either. Are you good to keep carrying it?

2020-04-21, 02:12 AM
"Ehm, yeah give me a moment." After taking a moment to steel herself, Elva quickly takes the belt pouch with the weapon shard off her belt and chucks it into her back pack, making sure to stack some of the other goods she's carrying on top of it. "There, now at least if it does get the upper hand I can't get to it as easily.". She still sounds a bit shaky, but some confidence has returned to her voice.

2020-04-24, 06:31 AM
a few minor (barely rattle anything) earthquakes punctuate an otherwise silent night. Even the night sounds of birds and insects seem to be silent as if mourning the loss of the old man in this temple.


The body is surprisingly well preserved, you have NO idea how long ago he died, and if it weren't for the caved-in skull, and multiple stab wounds to the chest and belly, he looks as if he could be asleep.

a complete search of the temple reveals little, most of the rooms are empty, completely stripped bare (possibly when this site was abandoned). You find this man's private quarters easily enough, this is the only room with some thought put into it. A lavish room, with a comfortable bed made to military neatness, a writing desk full of books and journals, as well as a few other shelves full of more books and journals. A thin coating of dust covers everything, which shows he may have been dead a little longer than you originally think.

2020-04-24, 06:38 AM
"Hmmm, I wonder..." Elva looks over the dust-covered room left behind by Albright. "Could Albright's death have been the start of this destabilization that we've been send to investigate?" After a moment more of thought she shakes her head. "No way to tell, I suppose, but lady Almira might know."

2020-04-24, 05:30 PM
Casmir nods.

"A good thought! Though whether his death triggered it or not, I don't know how it could help us stop it, unless of course it turns out he was some sort of keystone keeping this whole place in order!"

2020-04-24, 08:40 PM
Raidah goes over to the desk and looks through the various journals lying on it.

"Well, not like we have anything else to go on. Maybe he wrote down 'John Q Smith in the village threatened to kill me with a giant black spear' somewhere in here."

She picks up whichever one is the most recent(based on his bed, he absolutely dates them), and will start reading at a week before the final entry, noting the date as well as if he mentions anything unusual.

2020-04-24, 10:27 PM
Raidah jerks back from the table, dropping the journal she picked up. She glances around a bit, looking at the others, then looking everywhere but at the others, before taking a breath and straightening up.

Okay, warning to all of you, I have started having visions of the caretaker's last days. So far they seem to be transmitted by touching his things, but I don't know what else might happen. If I start expressing an interest in attending services or mopping, it's not me, run. And I would really prefer if we got out of here soon.

She sighs, pulls out her tongs, then mutters. It's never easy. Why can't I just kill minotaurs and get paid for it? It's always got to be messy.

2020-04-25, 02:09 AM
Elva bows down to pick up the journal that Raidah had dropped, and slips it into her pack. "Unless there's anywhere we haven'te checked yet, I'd say we get back to the capital. Both for Raidah's sake, as well as my own, as that weapon-shard hasn't exactly stopped whispering either."

2020-04-27, 06:03 PM
Alyndra Aramiar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2105376) - Elf Wizard (5) - HP 30/30 - AC 14


Alyndra had spent most of night holding her familiar, and it wasn't quite clear who was trying to comfort the other. Regarding the timing, she could only shrug, “We have no way of saying when he died - unless we're able to extrapolate it from his journals? - so it's difficult to say which led to what.”

“Regarding the keystone though...” The young elf grimaced, “Odds are it was in the sphere, and now in the hands of that mysterious man. Which is not exactly good news, gods know what he might be able to do with that.” After a small pause, she added, “But I guess we're going to know a lot more about that soon enough...”

She cocked an eyebrow at Raidah's reaction, obviously quite interested, but nodded after Elva expressed her desire to go back, “It's probably for the best. Let's take the journals though, who knows...” She frowned slightly, clearly considering saying something more as she looked at Elva, but shook her head. “We can go as soon as I get back to Jasper - my donkey. It wouldn't do to leave him here.”

2020-04-27, 09:44 PM
Raidah pulls out a sack with and uses her tongs to drop books in. She's going to make sure she gets all the journals, anything else that looks interesting, and if she grabs anything extra she won't worry about it, but she's making no effort to retrieve the various academic works or similar. She is being extremely careful not to touch any of the books with her hands, or even to let them brush the inside of the sack where her gauntleted hand is holding the outside. When done, she holds the open sack towards Elva.
If you don't mind? I don't think the journal and the weapon are linked, but I'm worried about one person carrying both. She hesitates. And are we sure we searched this room fully? I don't want to spend any more time here than we have to, but I really don't want to come back because he stored a bunch of deeds of sale under his bed and the boss wants them.

2020-04-29, 06:08 AM
Elva adds the books she'd picked up to the stack Raidah had gathered. "Well, it can't hurt to be extra sure." She says in response to Radiah's question, before making another sweep of the room, bringing in a bit of magic to make sure she misses nothing.

perception check: [roll0]
Elva also casts 'detect secret doors' and 'see invisibility' to help with the the search.

2020-04-30, 06:53 AM
Casmir frowns.

"That is not good... and is somewhat worrying... at this point going back may be a better option, this is too much for myself to be able to fix."

He looks over as they gather up the books, and has a quick glance at the academic papers, trying to get some into his backpack as well, again, without touching wherever possible (either using his weapon or his tent roll to sweep them into his backpack.)

"You never know when these will come in handy... it may be something he was investigating which may lead to what was going on."

2020-04-30, 08:36 AM
Between the 4 of you, you almost manage to get 90% of the books in the library of his room.

46 journals
18 history books (different races)
4 different world maps books (these were interesting cause NONE of them were of this world)
various religious texts
2 books that flared magic when looked at
4 books containing humorous stories (barbarians advice to a rogue from 30 feet away (see OOC channel) among them)
and various odds and ends

Detect secret doors reveal a small trap door under the bed in which is a small iron lockbox that weighs too much to be empty. Also tucked under the bed is an OLD battered, patched, and frayed looking backpack....but when Alyndra looks at the room in general with "detect magic" this thing flares as brightly as a noon day sun in high summer. (ANYONE looking inside of it shows a black empty hole, but if anyone reaches in roll a D100)

The candle on the desk is still brightly burning no matter how long you stay in the room and any attempts to blow it out fail, but putting your hand to it reveals no heat (think ever-burning torch with a candle).

Clothes in this room are neat and tidy and only a few lay in a corner that might be dirty.

there is an armor stand in the room that looks like it had some use but currently sits empty.

a brief glimpse of the journals reveal these have been kept up almost meticulously for many many decades, the earliest ones show dates from when this old man must of been a much younger man and just starting his adventurer/military career.

2020-04-30, 09:41 AM
"Now, what do we have here." Elva purs as she lifts the small lockbox into view. After looking over the box thoughtfully, she gets her thieves tool out of a belt pouch and sets to work on opening the box.

I'm just going to take 10 on open lock if that's okay, which'll get me a total of 20 (8 from dex+skill ranks, 2 from masterwork tools, and 10 from taking 10).

If that fails, Elva'l hit the box with the knock spell to open it anyway.

"Okay, nothing on four, three seems set, two is binding..." Elva mutters to herself as she works through the lock. Then, with a small *click* the lock turns and the box is open. A quick rummage through the box reveals an assortment of coins and gemstones, as well as a piece of paper that appears to be the deed to some property. After finding nothing of immediate interest, Elva closes the box again and slips it into her pack.

"I suppose we should ask Lady Almira if Albright had any next-of-kin this should go to." She says to the rest. "Otherwise, we can split the contents between the four of us."

2020-05-18, 07:31 AM
Alyndra Aramiar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2105376) - Elf Wizard (5) - HP 30/30 - AC 14


While initially mostly interested in the documents found in the room - and not showing much reaction when Elva revealed the content of the chest - Alyndra's attitude changed a bit when she noticed the aura the apparently simple backpack produced. “Oh?”

She turned the backpack around, trying to see what it did and how it worked. Sure, she could use the spell that did just that and aptly named Identify, but it took quite a bit of time and no one wanted to stay too long around here, especially when she could just as well do it back at the inn. When she saw the "content" of the backpack, she frowned. After a brief hesitation, she made sure it was safe - by sticking something in it without letting it go - then reached in with a hand if nothing happened.


2020-05-18, 07:40 AM
When nothing happens when you stick something in the bag and your hand pulls out only feeling cold (not freezing...think you stuck your hand in a deep freezer for a few seconds) but still safely grasping whatever you stuck in...

As you reach your empty hand in the bag and rummage around you feel something hard and odd shaped....with a pull.... You very briefly pull out by the nose horn.... A very confused looking blue dragon head.....and yes you can safely assume there's a body attached since before anyone can react the head pulls itself back into the bag.

2020-05-18, 01:44 PM
Alyndra Aramiar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2105376) - Elf Wizard (5) - HP 30/30 - AC 14


Alyndra froze. Not because of the cold, but because of shock. Was that a dragon? Had she actually pulled a dragon out of this bag? “Was that..? Did you see that!?” Her eyes wide open, she considered the backpack. She had heard of storage spaces such as this...but never something able to store living things! Or big enough for a dragon for that matter.

One way or another, it was better to not touch it again before they were back at the inn. And there, she'd start with identifying the backpack before she tried to pull anything out of there. Hopefully (!?!?), the dragon would be the only thing in there, but... Maybe she'd start by talking to Almira about that...

2020-05-20, 06:19 AM
Elva turned around at Alyndra's surprised exclamation, just in time to see the dragon's head retreat back into the bag. "I think I saw that?" She said, her voice a bit higher than usual from the surprise. "Also, Maybe we should leave the bag-dragon alone for now? I'd prefer not to add 'fried by a dragon' to things that happened to us here, even if it was only a little one."

2020-05-21, 12:49 AM
Raidah rubs her temples.

I'll decide whether I saw that once we're back in town. There's been too many odd things happening here already, one more might push us over the limit. Lets go get your donkey before it grows wings or something.

Checking that her pack(and the load of books) is secure, Raidah heads for the door.

2020-05-22, 02:43 PM
Alyndra Aramiar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2105376) - Elf Wizard (5) - HP 30/30 - AC 14


“Uh... Yes, it's probably for the best.” Alyndra carefully held the backpack, looking like she was afraid it would start to pour dragons at her feet.

The young elf turned to exit the room and walk back to where she had left Jasper, her donkey, obviously deep in thoughts as she wondered what the backpack was exactly and how it worked. Once back with Jasper, she made sure everything was in order then took the scroll given to her by Illidari. “Everyone's ready?”

As soon she got confirmation, she cast the spell.

2020-05-22, 09:55 PM
As you all walk outside the temple something feels....off.

You can't place your finger on it and while hunting down your donkey (he'd wandered off to look for grass and shade), a light rain begins to fall (the first all of you have seen all summer) and a small tremor rumbles beneath your feet as another small earthquake rumbles on, but more of an aftershock then a full-on earthquake. The rain falls straight down and nary a breath of wind stirs the leaves dying on the trees.

As you activate the scroll, the magic seems....faulty....like it's struggling to power itself, then like a twig snapping it finally takes hold and you all appear just outside of Lotipac. The weather is still almost unbearably hot, more so unless you took off your cold-weather clothing before activating the scroll. Though the clear blue sky is starting to show rain clouds forming in the far distance, though no one seems excited since this has happened many times this summer with no rain.

2020-05-23, 03:48 AM
"I suppose we don't have time to drop by an inn to change into clothes more suited for this weather?" Elva asked, already knowing the answer. "Yeah, I didn't think so either. Come on, lets go report our findings." She started making her way to the council building.

2020-05-23, 03:34 PM
Raidah is still in a light shirt under her armor and hasn't mentioned the weather once.

We're reporting bad news, let's just get it over with so I can go somewhere and pretend this never happened. She looks around at the populace going about their daily lives. They don't seem to have noticed anything odd. Maybe that globe was a souvenier from his trip to the fair and the actual keystone is hidden in the kitchen under the flour.

2020-05-25, 12:30 PM
Alyndra Aramiar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2105376) - Elf Wizard (5) - HP 30/30 - AC 14


Alyndra rolled her eyes when she finally managed to find Jasper, but she was glad he hadn't gone too far. At least donkey's being unfazed by default at its use. She frowned as she felt the earthquake's aftershock, unable to remember when the first one had taken place. After a few seconds, she shook her head and focused on the scroll in her hands.

There too things were...strange and even when she stood outside of Lotipac she frowned, curious - and a bit worried - about what had happened. Quickly though, she was brought back to the present by the temperature for which she wasn't wearing the right clothes. She sighed and agreed with the two humans. “Yeah, let's go find Illidan. At least we'll be in the shade...”

Like the first time, Alyndra walked to the council building where she started by placing Jasper in a stall with plenty of water. Then, she walked to the guards to be given access and get to Illidari for their report, holding the backpack as if she were expecting it to go up in flames at any time.

2020-05-26, 03:31 PM
The guards check your gems first then are given an escort directly to the council chambers. Inside you hear voices, speaking, in mostly calm voices. A guard opens the door and gestures you inside...

Inside stands Almira talking with gestures to Illidari and a dwarf (fairly young looking, with the dress and demeanor of clans from the southern islands (I'll post in OOC some more information about this since its fairly common knowledge).

She stops talking with a flashing look of irritation of being interrupted before she recognizes your group, her smile is a bit forced and it's obvious that she's not angry at you, but at whatever set her off before all these interruptions...

"I must apologize, I need to take care of something. Illidari will take your report, I understand that your first cleric stayed behind...I have found a replacement...Illidari will fill you in." She nods her head to each of you before turning and gracefully leaving the room, while she isn't stomping out there is a definite angry set to her shoulders and body language.

Illidari stands before you looking just as ruffled as Almira does look like someone just kicked a puppy in front of him.

"I understand that there isn't much in the way of good news to report? Tell me what's going on and we'll tell you what we've found out as well."

2020-05-26, 04:58 PM
Ka'imi (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2219280)

As the others enter, Ka'imi had just finished asking Almira a handful of questions. An expression of deep concern lays over his face which vanishes to a more friendly and open expression upon turning to the others entering. As the goddess and ruler leaves, he bows to appropriately show his respect and humility, but does not delay her exit any further.

The man, tall for a dwarf and not as compact as the ones from the north, turns to the entering group, and slightly bows while guiding his right fist to his heart. He wears linnen clothing in bright natural hues, contrasting his tanned skin and dark dreadlocks and short, neat beard. While he is unarmored and unarmed at the moment, his physique hints that he might be able to hold his own in combat. Between different kinds of archaic jewelry (mostly made from carved bone, animal teeth or seashells, held with leather bands or affixed to his hair), one object sticks out: A silver and artful symbol of Shantu -- a perfectly balanced set of scales, with some stylized waves as background decoration.

As he speaks, there is a slight accent of the southern clans in his speech: "Greetings. My name is Ka'imi of Clan Glo'tac. It is nice to meet you..." He swiftly gives the newcomers a friendly wink, "... and working with you, I presume?"

2020-05-27, 03:09 AM
Elva tries to give the newcomer a friendly smile, but it takes some effort. The situation isn't exactly good, and it wasn't reassuring that Almira looked as harried as Elva felt.

"Right, so, the short version is as follows..." She started her explanation. "Albright's dead, and had been for a while before we arrived. His body looked like he'd been in a fight. Multiple wounds, wasn't pretty." Elva grimaced. She didn't really want to go into too much detail on the corpse, but depending on what Albright had been capable of in life, the amount of damage might be relevant. "There where shards off some odd black blade in one of his wounds. Very magical, maybe sentient. I've got that bit with me, but I'd prefer not to pull it out any more than necessary."

Elva took another deep breath, then continued on. "We investigated deeper into the temple, and we found some kind of man or man-shaped being in one of the rooms. As we arrived he was finishing some kind of ritual on a big floating crystal, and then stabbed it with the remains of his sword, breaking it. The blast of that knocked all of us out, and by the time we woke up again the man was gone. That sword was probably the weapon I found a shard off."

"Anyway, after all that we gathered all the samples and books we could, including some of Albright's diaries, and then came back here to report on what we found. We also found his financial reserves, or inheritance or something, is there a next of kin this should go to?" Elva's voice tapered off as she realized she'd just gone through the entire story with but a single pause for breath. She looked back at the others, hoping that they could take over and fill in anything she missed. She really hated the 'report your findings bit', even when she had actual good news to share.

2020-05-28, 09:59 AM
Illidari listens with a thoughtful expression on his face, scribbling something on a piece of paper. his pen pauses at the mention of the man in the dark then gets right up to your face when you mention a weapon and pieces of it.

"you have a piece?! let me see it!!!"

while a bit frantic he pulls a pair of leather gloves out of his pocket and slips them on very carefully, holding out his hands for the piece. he mumbles, "no one ever said it was sentient.....but.....it can't......"

as he receives it, a very undignified squeak is emitted from his mouth... "By the ancients that protect us!! TORKEL!!!!"

A large man wearing the council's guard's uniform strides in weapon drawn his eyes scanning the room with a very practiced look, he scans each of you before lowering the weapon and striding towards illidari.

The man's face goes noticeably pale, nods his understanding, takes the piece, and leaves the room.

"That is exactly what we didn't want...Please sit and let me explain...."

He gestures each of you to sit then begins pacing back and forth as he speaks, his hands fluttering with annoyance.

"Back in the first war, a race of outsiders invaded our world, wanting to destroy our world. They were set on building a tower made of material of that sword you just brought us. That piece is made of pure antimagic....its meant to break through anything made of magic. They ripped apart our world to the point it nearly destroyed us....thats when we sent heroes out to find a new home and to keep us safe, the ancients built more magical protection around this realm to keep those....things out. For 10,000 years we've been safe, but some signs are showing themselves again. The weather abnormalities, the earthquakes will keep getting worse as time goes on. The fact you said someone broke a crystal up there and took something from the center has me worried...each of the keystones had a center that was made of the essence of the element it embodied. I know the council wants this kept quiet, and I know they don't want to have to move us again...so we are authorizing your group to take any means necessary to keep the other 3 keystones from being subjected to this same thing. We do NOT need a repeat of the first invasion..."

He closes his eyes and takes a long breath, "I'm going to prepare some teleportation scrolls to get you to each of the 3 other temples....time is of the essence. Magic will start struggling more if each stone gets compromised. I actually want you to properly open the keystones and bring them back to us. If we can protect them we can keep this from happening again... You are authorized to do this by any means necessary, if someone attempts to stop you, you are to restrain them or kill them. We must assume that the other caretakers are either compromised or dead, if they are alive, bring them along with the core. Time is of the essence, do you have any questions?"

2020-05-28, 02:02 PM
It felt like a weight had lifted of Elva's shoulders as she handed over the weapon-shard. That didn't last long as Illidari launched into his explanation. By the end of it, her head was swimming with the flood of information and apocalyptic implications. She had to fight down the urge to laugh as he asked if they had any questions. It wouldn't have been a good kind of laugh.

After taking a moment to master herself, she responded. "For this mission, I've only got three questions. Well, two questions and a request. How do we open these crystals to get to the center, what do we need to know to safely handle these essences, and could you provide us with some kind of token or letter to prove to anyone we encounter at the temples that we've not gone completely mad and are in fact authorized to take the thing they were supposed to protect for the past millennia?"

2020-05-29, 04:26 AM

Hearing the news, he silently mouthed Albright?, clearly shocked. If one of the guardians had fallen, the situation was indeed dire. When the report had finished, he sought for the right words a tad too long, and Illidari jumped in, anyway. His revelations turn out be even more distressing. He felt a sudden burden being placed on his shoulders.

Elva's questions however encourage him. Clearly, those were the questions of professionals. He would need to get some equipment quickly, as he was traveling with light pack only, and surely this was not a boat trip they were looking at here. He is in thought for a moment while waiting for the questions to be answered.

2020-06-04, 06:22 AM
Casmir shakes himself out of his fugue state, having followed the others through by reflex. Apparently being knocked unconscious did more than he thought.

"I'm so sorry... my head still hurts, what did I miss?"

He rubs his head and closes his eyes as if willing away a headache.

2020-07-05, 04:13 PM
Josiah looked up from his map at the walls of Lotipac City. A week’s worth of hard marches had gotten him here--well, two week’s worth of what lesser-trained adventurers would have called hard marches. Josiah was a monk of the Order of the Open Palm, and for a monk, 25-30 miles in a day, compared to the average 15-20, was a hard day’s march. He found the guards at the gate and showed them his writ, and the red gem affixed to his simple robes.
"I am Josiah of the Order of the Open Palm, recipient of the Gem of the Adventurer's Guild. I am here on urgent business."

2020-07-05, 04:46 PM
You are directed to the council chambers where again you are politely asked for your gem where the guard touches it to a bracer where it briefly flashes a symbol. The guard nods and hands it back to you before opening the door right as the halflings is finishing his story, and Elva asks her questions.

"Yes we will......oh good they sent someone.... Come on down here young man."

The halflings gestures you to join the rest of the group.

2020-07-05, 06:57 PM
Josiah gawks at the guard, then moves toward the hobbit and party, confused.
"Hello..? I am Josiah of the Order of the Open Palm, Member in God Standing with the Adventurer's Guild. I have a Writ of Summons, and that... guard did something odd." The young boy, average, forgettable, holds out the piece of vellum in his hand.

2020-07-06, 02:36 AM
Elva looked the newcomer over curiously. Apart from his young age, he looked completely unremarkable. He wouldn't be a member of the guild if that impression was true, though. She manages to conjure a friendly smile for him, though it takes considerable effort given the news she just had to absorb. "It's nice to meet you, Josiah. I'm Elva Shadelark, also with the guild."

2020-07-07, 06:29 PM
Alyndra Aramiar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2105376) - Elf Wizard (5) - HP 30/30 - AC 14


Alyndra was mildly surprised by Almira's exit, but didn't linger much on the issue, maybe because it was at that point that the newcommer introduced himself. She nodded in his direction, both to acknowledge his greetings and to offer her own, but didn't say anything at that time as it wasn't the moment. In fact, she barely listened to Elva's report, obviously distracted by something else.

She did however pay more attention to Illidari's instructions, one of her eyebrows rising in obvious surprise towards the end. She started to ask a question, only to be interupted by yet another arrival, to whom she nodded before she finally asked her question. “Hmm, you say the guardians - well, caretakers I guess - might have been compromised. By those outsiders I suppose, but... Hmmm... Not that I want to belittle us, but how do you expect us to dispose of people who have millenia of experience, and probably weren't random schmusk even before that?”

2020-07-08, 12:03 PM
"So to whom do I give this Writ of Summons?" Josiah looked honestly confused and bewildered.

2020-07-11, 12:18 AM
Illidari waves Josiah closer and holds out his hand for the letter, scans it briefly then nods.

"I understand your concern, right now we just need to get a handle on things. I hope murder isn't the outcome for those guardians, they are some very proud people. Maybe they can still be reasoned with. If they are in their right minds, they will understand the need since their attunement will tell them something is wrong especially if Albright is already dead. I'm honestly surprised Grotak hasn't come pounding on the chamber doors yet demanding an audience." He pauses here a brief moment as if honestly excepting another interruption when nothing happens he breathes a tiny sigh of relief and continues.

"Young Josiah here is in need of further training by his masters at the monastery, he is a fully ordained member of his order as well as the guild. He should be a valuable asset."

He turns to Elva, "You said you found some papers in albright's quarters? maybe his journals too? If you don't mind passing them over to me I'll make sure the correct people are given them....I believe his sister had a cousin that married....thats not important....he has living family. we can pass anything along."

2020-07-11, 03:36 AM
"Sure, I've got them right here." Elva roots through her pack and digs out a bunch of books, as well as the small chest containing Albright's inheritance. "I don't actually have the key for the chest, but a half-decent locksmith should be able to open it again. Just make sure that it's an honest one."

As she handed the books and chest over to the halfling, a realization struck. "Ehm, Illidari? you haven't actually answered my question about safely handling the essences and a letter of recommendation or something like that."

2020-07-11, 08:18 PM
Josiah smiled, "Every locksmith is an honest locksmith; until they find the lock in front of the big enough prize."

2020-07-11, 08:25 PM
Illidari looks thoughtful for a moment... "Stay a night again at the Dire Rat, see me in the morning, I'll see what I can arrange for safe transport, and credentials."

2020-07-12, 05:57 AM
"Maybe so." Elva replies to Josiah. "But an honest one will need a far larger prize than a dishonest one."

"Yeah, I do think I could use a night's sleep to think the entire situation over." She replies to Illidari's suggestion. "I suggest we get going then, unless anyone else still has something they need here?"

2020-07-15, 05:47 PM
Alyndra Aramiar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2105376) - Elf Wizard (5) - HP 30/30 - AC 14


Alyndra didn't seem particularly convinced: her problem wasn't on how to deal with guardians who would listen to reason, but those who wouldn't. She certainly wasn't going to pretend that she didn't know a thing, but there was quite the difference between knowing a thing or two and having millennia of experience, like the Guardians had. Still... Well, she supposed she could understand Illidari's reluctance on the subject.

She certainly didn't mind spending the night at the Dire Rat in any case, that was for sure. Though before she left for there... She said to Illidari, “Among the stuff we found in the Temple, there was a... Well, a sort of bag you could say I suppose. The one time I tried to see what was inside, I ended up catching the head of a blue dragon. It seemed a bit...confused...then went back in the bag. Depending on who are Albright's family members though, it might not be a good idea to give that to them though, who knows what's inside...”

“I was planning on studying the thing for a bit, maybe we can return to the question when I know more about it?”

2020-07-15, 05:51 PM
Illidari sounds excited at the mention of the bag and asks to see it directly, fairly bouncing with excitement. When presented with it he gives a rather undignified squeak and mumbles something that sounds like...."is it....wondering" before jamming his hand into the bag and fishing around for a moment.....


There's a great amount of metal clanging as he struggles to pull something from the bag, then with a shocked grunt, a stunning set of full plate armor comes tumbling out crashing to the floor (medium sized armor made for human).

"I though this thing a myth....w.. they always called it a bag of wondering.... Because they never knew what would come out next. No I think this could be something useful for your group. Take it, this is something that no one's ever figured out how or why it works or even everything inside it...."

2020-07-16, 08:29 AM
"That's..." Elva shakes her head in bafflement at the demonstration. "... well, I suppose it might be useful when you're cornered and have nothing else to fall back on, or if you're looking for something to do while on the road." She can't keep a smile off her face as she imagines the kind of imagination the item's creator must have had. "Or if you suddenly realize you forgot to get someone a birthday present or something."

2020-07-16, 01:44 PM
Josiah kept his mouth shut, fully expecting the routinely terrible wheat-colored water his fellow humans try to call "beer" to be the only alcohol on this "Dire Rat Inn"s menu. When Illidari pulled the suit of armor out of the bag, however, Josiah swore, "By the Ancestors! What-?! Where-?! How-?!"

2020-07-17, 06:29 PM
Alyndra Aramiar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2105376) - Elf Wizard (5) - HP 30/30 - AC 14


Alyndra considered Illidari's excitation with a bit of surprise, especially when he said that they had called it a bag of wondering. Still, she wasn't going to pretend she wasn't glad to keep the bag: she doubted it would be all that useful - until, or unless, she learned to pick what she needed - but she was really curious about it. Granted, given that they hadn't ever been able to figure how it worked, she doubted she would be able to get very far but it didn't mean that she wouldn't learn anything by studying the bag.

She glanced at Josiah, then at the armour, and shrugged, “Magic. And it's not the weirdest thing in there.” Turning to Illidari, she asked, “Can we put it bag in, or once out it's for good?”

2020-07-17, 08:18 PM
"um....putting things back in can work...but since they never learned the capacity of it we didn't want to risk breaking it....something's stay....and one thing they learned was the 3 dragon's heads that DID come out ..much like you saying the blue dragon....are generally attached to the closest one to the proximity of the bag..."

He shakes his head in thoughtful contemplation, "I'm not saying you couldn't put somethings in there, I'm just not sure what it's capable of holding."

2020-07-18, 03:40 AM
"...attached to the closest dragon?" Elva shakes her head in bewilderment. "I don't know if that's better or worse than the alternative. Well, at least now we know that if we get another dragon peeking out, it means we might get a curious or angry scaly visitor sooner rather than later."

2020-07-18, 11:57 AM
"Is anyone else hungry, thirsty, or tired? I personally could go for a draught of dwarven stout and a good lamb stew," Josiah mentioned, trying to not be too intrusive.

He truly needed to be on the good graces of these people, and their employers. The Adventurer's Guild had taught him that with real world lessons the Order had taught him the majority of his life had made less-than-concrete. These people had not yet invited him on their quest, if they even had reason to do so. No, most likely, this was some sort of test the Order had arranged in order to further test him for some sort of Master's Technique, or a rank-standing, so Josiah needed to maintain diplomatic ties with these people and forever watch how he reacted about them. Having received notice of failing one form of test or another set by the Order through the Adv. Guild, Josiah knew he needed to be on his toes for anything that could be another Mastery test. If anyone was a Master of the Order in hiding, it would be the woman with the bag, and/or the hobbit.

THE ONE thing his Master had never been able to quite teach Josiah, however, was the line between one-beer-too-many and I'd-like-another-but-I-need-to-stop-now. The problem was worse when the libation was full-bodied and delicious. Josiah had spent many an hour in training with a massive hangover from a night blacked out by alcohol.

2020-07-18, 12:46 PM
"I'd say Josiah is right. We can speculate on what that bag does and why it does what it does just as well over some good food." Elva considered making a comment on the boy's mention of alcohol, but decided against it. Josiah probably knew his own limits best, and Elva wasn't even certain he was as young as he appeared

2020-07-22, 04:27 PM
Alyndra Aramiar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2105376) - Elf Wizard (5) - HP 30/30 - AC 14


Alyndra briefly hesitated, “Uh, alright...” She considered the plate at her feet, but started answering to Josiah and Elva, “The inn is fine by me.” Though she had no intention of drinking: she really wanted to know at least aa bit more about the bag before they left in the morning.

Looking around, she asked, “Anyone needs a full plate armour? I sure don't...”

2020-07-23, 03:13 PM

The whole fuzz around the Bag of Wondering pulls the ranger's attention away from the dire situation and the foreboding task that lay ahead of them.

"That's..." Elva shakes her head in bafflement at the demonstration. "... well, I suppose it might be useful when you're cornered and have nothing else to fall back on, or if you're looking for something to do while on the road." She can't keep a smile off her face as she imagines the kind of imagination the item's creator must have had. "Or if you suddenly realize you forgot to get someone a birthday present or something."
Her last sentence lets the dwarf chuckle happily, and he sends Elva a warm glance.

"Is anyone else hungry, thirsty, or tired? I personally could go for a draught of dwarven stout and a good lamb stew," Josiah mentioned, trying to not be too intrusive.
He turns to the other newcomer. "This stuff they make in the north, eh?" He asks with a playful, slightly disgusted face. "Well, it's a start I suppose." He adds with a wink. "It will also be a great way to get to know each other a bit."

Alyndra briefly hesitated, “Uh, alright...” She considered the plate at her feet, but started answering to Josiah and Elva, “The inn is fine by me.” Though she had no intention of drinking: she really wanted to know at least aa bit more about the bag before they left in the morning.

Looking around, she asked, “Anyone needs a full plate armour? I sure don't...”

"No, I prefer to travel lightly." He responds. "But I'd assume someone around here would have use for it?" he asks Illidari.

2020-07-23, 03:32 PM
Illidari smiles down at the armor, "I can find a use for it, I'll get it appraised and leave the money at the inn for you to divvy up as you please."

2020-07-24, 10:22 AM
"Thanks, Illidari. I'm certain we'll find some use for the funds!" Elva responds, her smiles coming more naturally again.

2020-07-24, 10:56 AM
The dire rat hasn't changed much in the 2 days you've been gone. The orc isn't in the tavern but is still buzzing with activity.

Your rooms are still available, and the tavern is welcoming as before with drinks and food and music.

2020-07-24, 05:55 PM
Josiah shrugged to the dwarf and said conversationally, "I prefer my beer to be, as the northern dwarves say it, "flüssiges Brot" or "liquid bread", but that's just me and what I grew up with at the Order."
In the event my Google Translate German is ever in need of correction, PLEASE let me know!!

2020-07-25, 05:37 AM
"I think I'll stick to something lighter. Getting teleported halfway across the continent is tough enough without the added complication of a hangover." Elva waves a server over to the table she and her companions are sitting at so they can order. "I'd like a bowl of lamb stew and a flagon of light ale. What would the rest of you like?"

2020-07-26, 12:21 PM
"Lamb stew and a flagon of your darkest, most dwarven beer, please," Josiah was trying almost too hard to be polite, as if it were an effort.

2020-07-31, 10:39 AM
Alyndra Aramiar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2105376) - Elf Wizard (5) - HP 30/30 - AC 14


Alyndra had readily agreed to Illidari's offer to sell the armour. Not that she really needed the gold - though it never hurt of course - but it would certainly be easier than walking around with the armour.

After that, while she had followed to the Dire Rat, the young elf headed straight to her room, apparently not interested in drinks or even food, and she stayed there for a few hours, possibly taking a nap.

When she came back down, she was pensively playing with a brass ring. She ordered some food with a glass of juice, then looking at everyone she put the ring on the center of the table. “I've been trying to understand how the bag works, or at least to pick stuff I need and not completely random stuff.” She grimaced slightly, “I can't say I've had much luck with that. But, I got this.”

She took the ring, put it on one of her fingers, and a small wall of force shaped like a shield appeared on her arm. Given how freely she moved it, it was pretty obvious that it was probably weightless. “It's not exactly worthless to me, but I figure one of you would find it much more useful than I.” She cocked an eyebrow, looking around, “Any taker?”

It's a Ring of Force Shield (https://dndtools.net/items/dungeon-masters-guide-v35--4/ring-force-shield--77/) (can be wielded as a heavy shield, +2 Shield AC, no penalty, no arcane spell failure).

2020-07-31, 01:40 PM
"Maw' tok'jay'!!" Josiah blurted in amazement. "I've heard of those, but never seen one. Wow. I've never caught the ACTUAL name of those, but I'd call it a ring of force shield. Wow, that bag is... something."

2020-08-01, 04:45 AM
"That's a pretty nice ring indeed. I doubt I need it more than you do, though." Elva's face takes on a pensive look. "Though if you're planning on experimenting with the bag some more, it might be a good idea to have someone else watching your back, just in case another dragon or something else potentially problematic pops out."

2020-08-09, 07:41 PM
Alyndra Aramiar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2105376) - Elf Wizard (5) - HP 30/30 - AC 14


“Uh... As good a name as any I suppose.” Alyndra seemed to hesitate for a moment. In the end, she shrugged, “Alright, I'll keep it for now. Let me know if you change your mind.” She placed the ring on her finger, then tapped the table with the tip of her fingers. Looking at Elva, she added, “And I'll try to keep that in mind yes. Though... well... considering the nature of the bag, anything could happen so... It might actually be safer if I did that alone.” She grimaced wryly, “Well, safer for anyone but me of course.”

After a second or two, Alyndra shrugged. “Anyway. So... I doubt you've had any great revelation as to what's to come in the morning and how we should deal about it?” Considering how little they knew, or at least how little they knew that would allow them to prepare for anything, it was no surprise that she didn't wait for an answer. Looking at Josiah and Kai'mi, she asked, “I suppose you've already done the whole introduction things, but since I wasn't there, do you mind telling me...well, who you are and what you're bringing to the table?”

2020-08-14, 09:45 PM
Josiah lifted his mug in a toast and said, "Josiah of the Order of the Open Palm, and Member in Good Standing of the Adventurer's Guild. I bring my fists and agility to the the table."

2020-09-03, 08:30 AM
Alyndra Aramiar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2105376) - Elf Wizard (5) - HP 30/30 - AC 14


“I see.” The young elf glanced at the fists, then looked up. “Nice to meet you.”

After a small pause, Alyndra asked the waitress for something to eat, then turned back to the table. “I don't think there's much we can do to prepare for tomorrow,” after all, they - at best - only had the dimmest idea of what was waiting for them, “except take it easy for the rest of the day and call it an early night. So unless any of you has a bright idea,” she cocked an eyebrow, pausing for a second, “I'll spend the afternoon studying and call it an early night in order to be fresh in the morning.”

2020-09-03, 11:35 AM
"That's not really the worst idea. Studying, I mean." Elva chipped in. "We know very little of our opponent, and though I doubt the library or archives will have much, it should still be better than nothing."

2020-09-08, 03:55 PM
Alyndra Aramiar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2105376) - Elf Wizard (5) - HP 30/30 - AC 14


Alyndra opened her mouth, closed it, then said “The library, yes. It'll be better than nothing.” And not at all what she had been planning on doing, but it was not a bad idea. “From what I know there are a lot of books in there though, so even if there are some we'd be interested in, finding the right ones could be problematic. Worse, there are parts of it that require special permissions and if there's anything to find at all, it'll be in those sections. I don't doubt we'd be able to get one considering, but...” The young elf tapped her fingers on the table for a second, then asked “May I ask one of you to go see Illidari or Almira to ask for that permission and bring it back to the library while I start looking at things over there?”

She paused, looking at the stairs to the bedrooms with clear hesitation as she mumbled under her breath. “I don't believe anyone would want to steal the bag in here, much less succeed, but given its nature I suppose it'd be best if I kept an eye on it. Who knows when that dragon will want to get out...” Not that she would be able to do anything about it of course, but...well...at least she'd know it was happening, it'd be a start.

Not seeing any reason to wait, Alyndra finished her drink then went to her room to grab the bag then went to the library while someone else went to the government building to get that permission.

At the library, Alyndra asked to talk with someone reasonably high in the food chain. “Good morning. I am on a mission,” she showed her guild's insigna, “and I need some information. The kind that is likely to be in the most restricted areas of the place. A permission signed by Illidary,” though it could also be from Almira, who knew, “is coming as we speak, but I'd like to get started by at least telling someone what I'm looking for. Time is of the essence.”


2020-09-09, 02:27 PM
"Well, it was my idea, so I might as well go and get the permission." Elva got up from the table. She didn't really mind the errand, as she could do with a bit of light exercise anyway.

A couple of minutes later she arrived at the council chambers, only a little out of breath this time. "Hi, um..." she presented her crystal to the guard as means of identification. "If possible, could you point me to where Illidary is? I've got a quick question with regards to my current mission."

2020-09-10, 10:03 PM
((shakes phone and computer confusedly over new posts but no notification))


You are politely given directions to a small office on the ground floor, no guards stand outside but a light tap on the door has a voice inside bidding you to enter.

The room is probably good sized, however books, maps, scrolls, and various magic and mundane instruments of known and unknown usage litter almost every square inch of this room dim light filters in through high windows also stacked with various things.

Illidari sits at a large (even for a small sized creature) table paging through a book while making notes in another. He has a frown on his face as you enter, then slips easily into a broad smile. He marks the page with a scrap of paper before closing it carefully but makes no effort to hide the book (from what you can see with a quick glance it's either an extremely complex math book, or something more arcane).

"I loose track of time to easily...it's not morning already is it? I'm not quite done....but I may have a plan of action....where are the others?"

You don't think he's normally absent minded, this room however is the epitomy of organized chaos, the books are stacked everywhere and there's a walkthrough through everything but you wonder how he manages to get anything done in here.

2020-09-11, 11:22 AM
"Ah, no, it's not morning yet." Elva responds, looking around the room in amazement. "Alyndra and me just decided it might be a good idea to do a bit of research before we leave, but we also suspected that we'd probably need special permission to get to the useful books, so that's why I came here." Her gaze slides over the massive collection of knowledge scattered around the room. "Though now I'm wondering whether we should have skipped the library and archives and come straight here for some light reading instead."

2020-09-11, 06:06 PM
He looks thoughtful for a moment then points to a stack of books behind you.

"Third pile, 6th book down from the top, old world history. That should give you an idea of what events lead up to the resettling of this world."

He thinks some more while you pull out a rather impressive sized volume, easily 600 pages.

"Not much written record regarding that bag sadly, we never fully figured it out. Here take this..." He hands you a loosely rolled scroll, "give that to your mage to study, it's a ritual to open up each of the locks properly without causing a major disruption. I'll have some sort of devices to contain the essences properly tomorrow."

He pulls a scrap piece of parchment out from under a tottering pile of scrolls, somehow without spilling anything, he writes for a few moments before scrolling it tightly, dripping some melted wax on the edges and pressing his ring into it, the entire thing glowing briefly, then hands that to you as well.

"Permission for your group to have access to everything in the mages library that isn't more the darker side of magic....can't promise everything will be in there but can't hurt to try."

2020-09-12, 12:51 PM
"Thank you!" Elva carefully put the book and scroll away in her pack and put the permission slip in a pokcet of her coat. She then swallowed a suggestion for Illidari to take it easy. Though he appeared overworked, now wasn't exactly the time to give anything less than a 100%. So instead she simply said "We'll see you tomorrow" and headed for the library.


At the library she quickly confirmed Alyndra's claim with Illidari's permission slip and then headed in to find the wizard.

2020-09-12, 10:16 PM

You're greeting with cautious welcome, and while they do check your guild gem, the older man wearing a tunic in a deep blue color frowns slightly and raises an eyebrow at you. "Not seen you around the college before where did you study?"

You have never met this human male before in your life, but his bearing and demeanor show someone of high rank. A gold pin in the shape of a bird in flight is pinned to his shoulder (knowledge history or knowledge arcane).

He does grudgingly give you entrance to the library and points you in the direction of some books that he thinks might help, he scoffs openly at giving you access to the more restricted areas ("bring me this proof and I'll consider it") but does leave you to your own devices.

There are people of various ages wandering the stacks and though they look at you curiously (mostly humans no elves), they leave you to your own devices unless directly asked a question.

Before elva arrives though as you wander the shelves again (you've found very little beyond what you've been told or know from world history), you accidently bump into someone carrying a large stack of books the top of their head just visible. A few books tumble to the floor and as this person begins stammering out apologies you notice right off the bat that this is a creature of oddity.

While they have the broad squat face you associate with humans in the early teenage years of life, the ears strike you at once....they are pointed like an elf's but not nearly as long as your own (the first half elf you've ever met in your life, and these are an incredible oddity to begin with, as most of elven kind don't like to acknowledge their existence).

She glares at you for a long moment before folding her arms over her chest, the books forgotten on the floor for the moment. (If she were human she wouldn't be much older the 16 or 17).


You are greeted by the same surely human at the desk that alyndra was greeted by, he takes the scroll from your hand with a look of absolute disgust (you're not a mage in his eyes). He breaks the seal and reads over it, raises an eyebrow at something that is written then let's out a huge belly laugh that goes on for at least 20 seconds, causing several people to stare openly at the two of you.

After he pulls himself together, he shakes his head and looks down at the desk waving his hand over it briefly before nodding. "I believe I know where your friend is, I will personally escort the two of you to the areas permitted if she is finished with her current search....please follow me."

He stands up (easily 6 feet tall and burley, he's no 98 pound weakly wizard), and he walks with an obvious limp and uses a long walking stick to help. He leads you to the general area alyndra is, just as the two bump into each other.

2020-09-13, 03:12 PM
Josiah finished his mug, paid, and followed the others

2020-09-14, 03:50 PM
Alyndra Aramiar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2105376) - Elf Wizard (5) - HP 30/30 - AC 14


“Where did I study?” Alyndra blinked a couple of times as she considered the man, not really seeing why he needed to ask that. Not that she had anything to hide of course. “I had everything I needed at home so...” She shrugged, then tilted her head then as she considered saying more, but... Well, she didn't want to draw attention to herself...or her teacher.

Given entrance, she nodded her thanks and started pouring over the books: she was pretty sure she wouldn't find anything truly interesting and much less important, but maybe she'd be able to find something to point her towards things she ought to look for once in the restricted areas. She certainly wasn't particularly bothered by his scoffs, pretty sure that she'd get access soon enough anyway, nor did she pay too much attention to the fact that she was the only elf in the vicinity: and in that case, it was more a case of not noticing than anything else.

As the books spilled on the ground, Alyndra grimaced slightly and began to stoop down to help pick them up. Mid-movement she stopped though, looking at the girl's face, obviously puzzled for a bit. Tilting her head to the side, she detailed her for a moment, then straightened, “Hmm, sorry.” Her cheeks reddened a bit at her blunder.

After a few seconds though, noticing the crossed arms and the glare, she frowned. “Something wrong?”


2020-09-16, 11:54 AM
Elva looked at the...confrontation?... between Alyndra and the half-elf in surprise. She didn't know that much about the elf, but she hadn't struck her as the kind of person to earn the kind of icy reaction the girl was giving her. After a moments consideration she decided it'd be best to try not to get bogged down with whatever this was. "Alyndra, I've gotten the permission, and some other information besides. We've only got a couple of hours, so..."

2020-09-17, 12:16 PM
Seeing what looked to be brewing trouble, Josiah walked over to the other two and asked politely, "Is there something the matter, my Friends? Surely this is only a simple misunderstanding that doesn't need to get any worse? I mean, our patron here doesn't wish to be tied up for hours writing reports that expose her own failures; does she? Nor do we wish to be banned from a vast and great resource like this library, either; correct? Certainly we might find the middle ground and the humility to accept the mistakes which have been made--on BOTH SIDES--and work past them, right?"
Josiah looked to the girl, and said with a smile, "It would be a shame if such a simple misunderstanding were to lead to the Order of the Open Palm rescinding any agreements with the Great Library to share in a textual exchange, correct? I mean, the Great Library would be forced to be renamed "the City Library" were such a simple act as toppling a few dozen texts by accident to lead to an Unwarranted Incident that were to reach the Order by myself to Master ((gives his Master's name))."

Diplomacy roll... real life D20 as I cannot remember how to do it in post... I am NEVER going to be able to prove this, but a nat 20.

2020-09-17, 03:18 PM
The girl glares at all of you before a stern look from the human wizard, has her mumbling a vague apology than with an expression that looks almost pained she makes a come hither motion with her hand palm up at almost the same time something glows faintly from around her wrist. Much to everyone's surprise the books that were in her arms hover above the ground, wriggle and fall again slightly, before glowing again and stacking into a neat pile back in her arms, and the man gives her a warm smile.

"Good monk, I know of your master quite well, Altira has a bit of a chip on her shoulder but she's mostly harmless. A bright mind, but stubborn. If you will kindly follow me?"

He leads you to a locked door on the first floor that is flanked by two people standing with the stiff posture of obvious guards, though they wield no weapons. He says something to them gesturing towards the lot of you. They nod and the one on the right turns their back to you and knocks sharply on the door, which then just dissolves into nothingness.

"Someone will come when it is time for closing, otherwise you have free reign to use any material within this hall...nothing may leave this room, but parchment and writing materials are freely used to make copies. When you're ready to leave if no one has come for you, just knock on the door again and you'll be allowed to exit."

The room beyond is easily 4 stories of floor to ceiling bookshelves, books as thin as 5 or 6 pages, others almost as large as the book Ilidari gave Elva. Other people are in this room as well, some sitting at large tables, while others wander the shelves. These people are older than the ones outside and must be the more advanced students of the college. A few glance your way when you enter but no one really says anything. Almost all of them wear robes of a deep blue or green, except a few in robes of pure white.

An elderly human woman sits behind a desk with a sign on it that says "help desk" (in about 7 different languages: common, elven, draconic, halfing, orc, dwarven, gnomish), and smiles at your entrance. She's not wearing robes, but a simple tunic and leggings, a large dog of some sort lays curled up next to the desk beside her, snoring softly. its tail thumps a couple of times at your entrance, but makes no move to rise. piles of books line her desk as well as tightly coiled scrolls of parchment.

2020-09-18, 12:32 PM
Elva looks around at the room. It was at the same time more and less than what she'd expected from the place the library kept their important books. It was less, in that it felt like any other part of the library, jsut more library-ish, but it was also more in that there where other people walking around and studying. Keeping books locked away because someone just liked having them had always seemed like a waste to her, but she'd seen more than a few private collections that where just that.

She quickly fished the scroll Illidari had given to her and handed it over to Alyndra. "Illidari gave this for you to study. It's a procedure for safely retrieving the essences." She kept her voice down, both because of the sensitivity of their mission, and because this part of the library exuded that inimitable air of...library-ness... that made people naturally lower their voices.

After handing over the scroll she looked for a free desk and started studying the history she'd gotten.

2020-09-19, 05:19 AM
Alyndra Aramiar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2105376) - Elf Wizard (5) - HP 30/30 - AC 14


As she followed, Alyndra paused for a last look at the half-elf. She didn't seem angry, just puzzled at the reaction she had had. Surely it could be about the books, at best they were both at fault. But if it wasn't that, she couldn't think of anything else... Or was it because she was an elf? Probably some kind of not too happy family thing then, but... Well, no matter.

Shaking her head, she focused on her own business and left the half-elf behind, both literally and figuratively. She paused briefly to consider the golden bird-shaped pin on the man's shoulder, nodded to acknowledge that she understood the rules, then looked around the room, her eyebrows raising noticeably when she noticed the dog. Tilting her head, she studied the people inside for a moment, wondering what signification the colour of their robes had.

Before she could do much of anything though, Elva handed her a scroll to study. She looked around with a sigh, obviously desiring to look around more than study a scroll, but she took it and nodded, “Thanks, I will.”

Before she did though, she went to the "help desk", and asked the woman, “Hello, could you tell me what's the signification of the robes they're wearing?” With a movement of her head, she indicated the rest of the room.

2020-09-19, 05:21 AM
(Duplicate, ignore)

2020-09-19, 06:56 AM

The dog raises its head and stares at you rather intensely as you approach, but a touch of the woman's hand on his head has him thumping his tail a couple more times before lying its head back down. She smiles at your question and explains that the robes indicate where a student's speciality magic lies, Green are conjuration, Blue was abjuration, white was divination, red was enchantment, black was evocation, illusion was plaid, black was necromancy, and purple was transmutation.

Although her look at you is curious she asks no questions why you are allowed in here, and asks if you have other questions.


All the tables have a varying number of students at them, so you look for a fairly uncrowded one. One, in particular, amuses you since its a bunch of humans and a single halfing in such close huddle with occasional chuckles and quickly suppressed laughter (they too are trying to maintain the quiet in this room), that if this were a high school you'd almost think they're up to some sort of mischief. The entire group is wearing purple robes (though unless you heard the woman's explanation would mean nothing much to you).

As you set your book down on the table they glance your way a little guiltily, before going back to the close huddle. occasional words catch your ear "...so mad..." "but so worth it...." "won't he....".

2020-09-19, 07:27 AM
Josiah just wandered within the distance of a harsh "SSHH!", looking at the spine titles on the texts.

2020-09-19, 07:37 AM
Alyndra Aramiar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2105376) - Elf Wizard (5) - HP 30/30 - AC 14


“Oh, I see, thanks.” Alyndra's gaze lingered a bit on the white robes - she supposed that should she have to wear one, it would be one like that - but otherwise didn't pay it too much attention.

After a brief hesitation, the young elf glanced at the scroll in her hands and went to sit at the nearest available chair - not caring at all who was at the same table - and started to study what Illidari had given her: while she really wanted to know more about the whole situation, being able to do whatever the scroll would afford her to would be more important in the short term.

As much as she regretted it, she didn't need to personally know everything there was to know about the whole situation - at least for now - but since she was the only one able to learn what was on that scroll, it only made sense. Though she certainly hoped to be finished long before the evening...

As a matter of fact, barely ten minutes later, Alyndra rose and put the scroll away: she had expected a spell, but instead it was only a series of instruction that, as complex as they were, she only needed a few minutes to memorize.

Now with plenty of time, Alyndra walked back to the help desk, started to ask something but stopped before half a word had gone through her lips. She looked around with a frown, then took a scroll and scribbled a few things before handing it to the woman. “This is what I'm looking for.”

On the scrolls, there were only a few items: Ancient History, the Exode from the previous world to this one, particularly anything regarding the ancient enemy who caused it. The heroes of the time and the four temples anchoring the world.

2020-09-19, 10:02 AM

The woman frowns slightly at the list presented, but you get the impression it's more in thought than displeasure at your topics.

She stands and says something quietly to the dog laying beside the desk, who yawns mightily (way to big a mouth and way to many teeth for this to be a normal dog) but it gets up, stretches, shakes itself then sits down on its haunches and watches the room with an almost bored expression.

The woman leads you through a maze of shelves pulling ones out seemingly at random, stopping occasionally to answer a students question, but otherwise focusing on you and your request.

By the time you leave the stacks you have a half dozen books in your arms that she thinks might be helpful, and promises to see if there is anymore that she can't think of right this moment. She politely points to the paper and ink available to use and just reiterates that none of these books are allowed to leave this room.


You actually find several books written with names that you've heard around the monastery. Mostly history, a few of more lore, and most maps, though some of the maps you don't recognize at all.

You run into other students who are politely respectful, and pass by the table that Elva is studying at as well. An old dusty time sits in a corner of a bookshelf, the name of the author is faded to almost illegibility, and you don't know what causes it to catch your eye especially since it maybe a dozen or so pages long.

2020-09-19, 01:32 PM
At first the students whispering close by where a major distraction to Elva as she slowly pushed herself through the tome, alternating between skimming through chapters and making notes, and straining to hear what the humans and halfling where talking about. After a while though, the history really started to grab her, and distractions like the students started to fade away. It wasn't that the text had suddenly become less dry, but she started to see the pattern and shape of the events that led tot he exodus, and she didn't like it one bit.

The enemy was patient, given that their assault on the old world had taken place over a span of millenia. And they where methodical. They'd started by going after the humans with a disease, then the orcs with some kind of curse, then the elves with another disease, never going so far that the various races would try to create a united front, or that they would even realize that they where collectively under attack in the first place. In fact, though the book didn't mention it, she suspected that this enemy had utilized existing rifts and conflicts between species to ensure whoever they where currently attacking stood alone. This suggested a ruthless and intelligent enemy that worked form the shadows, not the slavering hordes of demons she'd imagined before.

And there was something else as well. Bits in the latter chapters suggested that there had been a rift of sorts between the survivors, with some blaming magic itself for everything that had happened and apparently going off on their own to find a world without magic. Only... That doesn't make any sense. That's like blaming a murder on iron, or a hangover on the existence of alcohol... She flipped back through the book to see if there was an explanation but she couldn't find any, and she could feel her focus starting to slip again.

Elva closed the book with a sigh and looked over her notes. The two major things she'd kept track off were the enemy's methods, and those cryptic comments near the end. The bit about blaming magic looked very off to her, but she doubted she'd be able to do much with it. The enemy's way of attacking on the other hand...

She got up from her seat and went to the help desk. "I'm sorry, could you help me with finding some books, please?" She asked the woman manning the desk. "I'd like to find a history covering the last couple of centuries, maybe up to a millenium back? Focusing mostly on large-scale events like natural disasters, conflicts and diseases if that's possible."

2020-09-19, 02:02 PM

The woman frowns slightly at your request, and you see her eyes shift completely out of focus and her lips move though no words come out.

Her eyes slip back into focus and she smiles, "yes...recent history....." She stands and the dog sitting upright again.

She leads you to some books in the back of the library, not far from where josiah is looking around as well. She gestures to 3 book cases filled with dusty times, she explains they are organized by region and race depending on your preference. Then leave you to your own devices.

2020-09-19, 02:12 PM
Elva purses her lips as she looks voer the bookcases. She got her history alright, but now she wasn't sure where to start. After a moments deliberation she stepped over to the human section and started pulling out a couple of books. The enemy had begun with the humans last time, so they might do or have done that this time as well. She knew she didn't have the time to read more than a small section of the books here, so she got some parchment and ink to start working out an overall timeline instead. The enemy hadn't exactly been working on a small scale last time, so if she could build up an overall timeline there might be a pattern indicating the start of another attack. And if there wasn't, well that'd be something too, wouldn't it?

2020-09-19, 02:44 PM
Josiah cocked his head at the tome, and gestured to it in a "May I?" manner. When it was apparent he did indeed have permission, the young martial artist picked up the volume and began to read.

2020-09-19, 03:53 PM
Alyndra Aramiar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2105376) - Elf Wizard (5) - HP 30/30 - AC 14


Having gone through most of the books she had been given, Alyndra stretched as she considered everything she had learned. It didn't answer all the questions she had, it raised a few new ones, but it did make a few things clearer at least. The problem however was that she hadn't learned anything that could help if they once again met... Well, whoever had been at the Temple.

The enemy didn't have a face, didn't even seem to have any agent of note. It was a glaring hole in the stories that had been compiled, as if up until the very end, nothing had been determined of the one responsible for the eradication of 99,96% of a world's population.

And if you didn't know what was against you, the only possibility was to flee... And hope. Now though, that enemy seemed to have come finish what he had started.

If it hadn't changed its modus operandi, they had time to try and identify what they were up against. But time might not be something they had if something as simple as messing with a few stones would be enough to doom them all.

With a sigh, the young elf rose, grabbed the books she had gone through and brought them back to the help desk as she had no idea where they were supposed to go. “Thanks for your help.”

She looked around then, trying to find her companions, both with two and four legs.

2020-09-22, 08:54 PM
Josiah opened the tome and found it was a journal, badly weathered and damaged, but highly legible. The handwriting looked oddly familiar. Turning the pages, Josiah discovered the last entry, which made him take definite notice.
"After 3 days I may have found the entrance to the (badly spoiled part of the page, water damage maybe). If I'm right that may solve a lot of the crowding problems (more damage). She spoke so highly of it I wonder if it wasn't a fever dream. Tomorrow I will venture forth

2020-09-22, 09:16 PM

The book you hold is obviously damaged, water and what might be blood stains cover many pages, and even many more are missing. There seems to be a story that is following these pages, but since so many are missing its nearly impossible to make it out. What you DO know though is the writer was caring for someone who was sick who told them of.....a place? the journal is missing many pages of what you assume is the travel to find this place, with the last pages telling of the writer being close to finding whatever the place was, but no further information.


Your pet has been all over this library, either wanting pettings from anyone who will vaguely pay it attention or trying to entice the big dog at the help desk to play. You've not seen it for hours when you finally finish your research and find it curled up napping on the back of the big animal, both of whom barely twitch an ear at you. The woman behind the desk doesn't seem to mind at all, almost as if this is a semi regular occurance.

2020-09-24, 05:01 AM
Alyndra Aramiar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2105376) - Elf Wizard (5) - HP 30/30 - AC 14


Alyndra looked at Midnight - her Tressym familiar - for a moment. “So that's where you were…” she snorted, a bit amused. “Slept all day have you?” Good thing much like cats, Tressyms could sleep so much, otherwise she'd be impossible that night…hopefully.

After looking around for a bit to see if her two companions were still around, the young elf shook her head and added, “Alright, I'm done here for today, let's go out.” Hopefully it would still be early that they'd be able to see a bit of the city…and tire Midnight enough that she'd be content to sleep.

And in any case, she was planning on eating at the inn, where she'd be able to share what she had learned with the other two.

2020-09-24, 12:24 PM
Elva yawned as she put down her pen, then stretched. She wasn't sure how long she'd been busy going over the histories, but her body was definitely complaining, and she'd started feeling hungry. It hadn't been a complete waste of time though... Or rather, it had been, but at least that meant she'd sleep better coming night. Her fear that the enemy had already gotten started decades, if not centuries, ago had proven unfounded. With a groan she got up from her chair, picked up the books she'd consulted and returned them to the shelves. She then headed for the exit.

On the way out, she ran into Alyndra, who was in the process of retrieving her familiar from its soft-looking perch on the dogs head. "I need some food first, but lets compare notes afterwards?" She said to the elf as she joined hor on her way back to the inn.

2020-09-25, 07:29 AM
The city outside is starting to come to life as the late afternoon sun begins its nightward journey. Guards wander the streets, bars and taverns are starting to come to life, and everyone seems to be moving with more life as the day starts to cool down. There's even faint dampness in the air that almost promises rain.

food vendors waft tantalizing aromas of cooking foods of all kind, sweet, savory, and exotic. There seems to be a good attitude in the air, and everyone seems relaxed. There are talk and frequent laughter and while there's no official holiday happening today, there seems to be a celebration just from the heat being lessened from the oppression of all summer.

2020-09-25, 09:33 AM
While everyone was eating and drinking, Josiah ate only half of his meal, having "accidentally" borrowed the journal and was taking very careful notes to send back to Master Liandra. [roll0] SURELY she'd know SOMETHING about this book's subject matter; right?! He was so engrossed in being meticulous about the exactness of his copy and how he phrased his own request for information that he failed to realize he'd just done something the others would notice as a bit odd.

He didn't touch a single drop of alcohol.

Finally finished, he stuffed the journal into his pocket--for return the next morning--and the copies and letter into an envelope to give to the postmaster. Something was there, at the back of his mind, niggling at him... like a sound just on the edge of hearing.

2020-09-28, 09:22 AM
Alyndra Aramiar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2105376) - Elf Wizard (5) - HP 30/30 - AC 14


“Sure.” Alyndra nodded to answer Elva's suggestion. Looking at the sky for a moment, she added, “I was thinking of walking a bit in the streets if you want, It's my first time here after all. Well, second if you count last time, but… Anyway, you could grab things to eat on the way as it's a bit late for lunch but early for dinner.” The way she looked at the few food vendors she saw stated perfectly clearly that it was definitely something she was considering doing herself.

Which was exactly what she did overt the next hour or so, buying a few bites here or there, sometimes for herself, sometimes for Midnight. In the last case though, she never handed the food directly to her familiar but instead threw it in the air - and not always straigt up - for her familiar to catch in flight, something that it did quite agilely. Except for once anyway and it wasn't because the Tressym failed to catch it, simply that she didn't even want to: too much green and not enough meat.

As a result, the pastry fell on the bald scalp of a portly bystander with a “plop”. At least it wasn't that hot, but still… “Damn it, Midnight!” Alyndra cursed low but with feeling, looking mortified and unable to decide if she should pretend she didn't know anything about any flying pastry. Midnight snickered however, apparently finding that to be the best joke of the week.

2020-09-29, 01:26 PM
Elva smothered a laugh at the antics of Alyndra's familiar by taking a bite of the food she'd bought. it was some kind of meaty stew contained in flatbread. She didn't know what kind of meat it was, but it was pretty tasty, all things considered.

Between bites, she started talking about the research she'd done. "Illidari was kind of enough to lend me an abridged history of the world before this one. It seems that the enemy is a lot more subtle than I expected. I mean, they literally made a mountain range disappear at one point, but at that point they'd been attacking the world's inhabitants for several millennia without anyone noticing. They used diseases, and massives species-wide curses and similar to isolate and attack only one group." She grimaced again at the sheer ruthlessness it would have taken to commit atrocities like that. "They seem to be a big fan of 'divide and conquer strategies'. In the previous world, they first hit the humans with a disease, then made the orcs all go berserk, then hit the elves with another. Then they framed various races for bloody attacks against others and so on. It seems no one even recognized these events as part of a coordinated attack until they wrecked an entire dwarf-inhabited mountain range." She sighed. "I'd been imagining some kind of slavering horde of demons and valiant clashes between good and evil. This is way worse."

"Well, there's one bit of silver lining, I suppose. I checked some modern histories afterwards, and there were no signs that they've been up to the same tricks. So maybe we really are getting in on all this early enough to prevent worse."

2020-10-02, 08:23 AM
Alyndra Aramiar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2105376) - Elf Wizard (5) - HP 30/30 - AC 14


As the man turned in her direction, ready to blow up, Alyndra swiftly moved her fingers and grumbled a draconic word to cast Prestidigitation, making the pastry fall on the ground and leaving the scalp shining. Almost literally. Maybe because he didn't have anything to complain about anymore, or not wanting to mess with a Wizard of unknown powers, the man grunted and turned away after a dark look.

With a relieved sigh - and a dark glare of her own aimed at her familiar - Alyndra focused on Elva. “That's mostly what I have learned too yes. But I'm not sure I agree with your conclusion. It feels to me the enemy, whoever - or whatever - it is, proceeded slowly and in the shadows because it both lacked the power for more direct confrontations and had the time for it. Scheming in the dark like it did was thus the best, and maybe the only, way for it to reach its goal no matter how long it took.”

For a moment, the young elf looked up, pensive. “Here - and now - however, the situation is different: first, there aren't as many powerhouses as there were in the past. I mean, even without knowing how many there were then and how many there are now, even if in percentage there are ten times as many now as before, when you compare the total population we do not come out of it ahead.” She paused, pensive, “Which leads me to think that the enemy is probably relatively weak in direct combat. Identifying it could be the same as stopping it.”

“Anyway.” She shook her head to focus back on the rest of what she was saying. “More importantly, it didn't have then a way to achieve its goal in a short time: it does now. Mess with the temples, mess with the foci and everything could come crashing down.” She grimaced. “Even if we manage to prevent that at the other three, there was a reason the temples and the foci were placed there. If we take those out… It's not quite doing the enemy's job for it, but it's a close thing. Which means the world could come crashing down around us and it leaves us with little time to do anything about it, especially with the enemy doing whatever it can to prevent us from fixing the problem.”

2020-10-02, 08:46 PM
As you wander the town, there's an air of excitement and talk of the caravans coming for the harvest festival (if asked it's occuring in a week's time).

You do find an open shop of spell supplies (parchment, scrolls, most common spell casting ingredients, etc).

The shop is disturbingly clean and very organized, scrolls are in color coded bins clearly written labels show what's inside.

Behind the counter sits an older wizard (human male) with a very clean appearance, stark white robes, and his hair and beard are very nearly combed and trimmed. You don't think there's a speck of dust in the entire place, and even the counter is perfectly organized.

As he raises a hand in greeting, you notice he too has a bracer/bracelet of stones that gleam whitely and sparkle just slightly. He introduces himself as tommic and asks how he can assist you.

2020-10-03, 12:34 PM
"The one we encountered killed that temple guardian though. Maybe there aren't enough of them to wage war in the open, but that's not the same as being weak." Elva thought back to their short encounter with the enemy back in the temple. "And don't forget those dwarven mountains. I don't think anyone who can casually disappear an entire mountain range can be called weak." She shook her head. "I understand what you're saying, Alyndra, but don't confuse patience and long-term planning with weakness. For all we know, these monsters are immortal, and a plan taking 6 millenia to come to fruition is like no time at all to them."

"Maybe I'm overestimating what they can do in the same way that I think you're underestimating them, as we just don't know enough. But if you don't know your opponent, its better to assume they're strong than to assume they're weak."

2020-10-03, 01:35 PM
Alyndra Aramiar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2105376) - Elf Wizard (5) - HP 30/30 - AC 14


Alyndra blinked in surprise as she hadn't been specifically looking for such a shop. As she looked around, she answered Elva. “Maybe you're right but...” she shrugged “Let's take the dwarves' mountain. Can we be absolutely sure it was done by that enemy? Maybe it was someone else taking advantage of the chaos to do that without being blamed for it. Though of course the enemy could have instigated it without having to do anything directly.”

She sighed “One way or another, its true that we need to know more, but we shouldn't hope for much considering that despite what happened in the past, next to nothing came out of it. Well, we'll see tomorrow. If we're lucky we'll learn more.”

Turning to the shopkeeper, the young elf nodded. “Good afternoon.” She paused, thoughtful. “Well, I'm looking for a few scrolls of low-level Divination spells. Appraising Touch, Arrow Mind, Comprehend Languages, Magecraft and Spymaster's Coin should do it.” She tapped her lips for a couple of seconds. “Oh and I'll take the materials to copy all of those in my spellbook of course.”

2020-10-03, 02:14 PM
The man grins a big toothy grin, and with a pointing finger the gems around his wrist glow softly and steadily, and several scrolls lift themselves out of various bins around the store, and land in a neatly stacked pile in front of him on the counter. With another thoughtful look, he points his finger again and various supplies lift themselves from the shelves and come towards him on the counter and settle themselves neatly into a box.

"Are you with the mages guild?" The question is asked politely with no hint of distaste that you received in the library, more polite inquiry. He notices your adventurers guild badge on your shoulder and smiles, "ah my apologies young lady, you are with the other guild...those were the days...I could tell you stories! but you probably don't want to hear the wafflings of an old man." He grins at both of you and shows his own older but still spotlessly clean badge, that's so polished you can almost see your own reflection in it. He turns to Elva and asks if she is in need of anything as well, and quotes you 600 gold for the entire lot of supplies and scrolls.

"Forgive my intrusion, but I couldn't help but hear you speak of the dwarven range collapse? that was so long ago even for an elf, that's beyond your own age...are you a history buff?"

2020-10-04, 03:54 AM
Elva idly browsed the shelves for a moment, but then shook her head when the shopkeeper asked her if she needed anything. "Scroll are Alyndra's area of expertise, not mine." She resondend with a smile.

When he asked them about their topic of discussion,s he silently cursed herself. She should have been a bit more careful about discussing all that in a shop where the owner was likely to overhear. "We where actually researching a more recent magical accident, but you know how the library can be. One moment you're just looking for some further clarification in the references of a book, the next moment you've got a dozen books open and you've moved on to a completely different area of interest. Only ending up a couple millennia in the past on the same general topic, rather than 'properties of spidersilk armor made from greenwood spidersilk' or something like that actually made it a surprisingly small deviation." Though she wasn't being truthful in this case, she'd gotten distracted like that in the library before, so it was an easy enough story to come up with.

2020-10-05, 07:11 AM
Alyndra Aramiar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2105376) - Elf Wizard (5) - HP 30/30 - AC 14


As the shop-owner "grabbed" the scrolls she had asked for, Alyndra tilted her head to the side while she considered his wrist. When he was done, she thanked him, paid and politely smiled when he answered his own question about which guild she was a member of.

“I can't say I'm an expert no…” The young elf shook her head after Elva had "explained" things, “Otherwise I would have learned about it a long time ago wouldn't I?” She looked a bit… puzzled… at Elva for a second, then focused back on the old man.

“It might be a bit too inquisitive of me so my apologies in advance, but… does that bracer of yours mean something? Beside its obvious use anyway. I recently met someone else with one like that so I'm curious…” Someone who didn't seem fond of her for some reason. She had paid it much attention, but she certainly hoped that half-elf had less gems than he did on his own bracer…

2020-10-05, 07:19 AM
He tilts his head slightly gazing down at his wrist and shakes back his robe sleeves to show similar stones on both wrists.

"A long time ago when I was a much younger man, I ran into a dragon that was nearly obsessed with not touching things and being as neat and clean as I am....he didn't tell me where he got them, something about time and space, but he gave me a few and told me how to use them....it basically allows me to "touch" things without touching them but still manipulate the world around me."

He grins, and as he moves your money behind the counter from payment, he looks at you thoughtfully.

"Here," he pulls one gem off and places it in your box of supplies as well, "maybe your younger generation can figure it out. Would you like this delivered to your inn or do you have a residence in town? Or would you just like to carry this with you?"

2020-10-06, 09:17 AM
Alyndra Aramiar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2105376) - Elf Wizard (5) - HP 30/30 - AC 14


“A dragon, eh… I've heard that one…” Alyndra mumbled. Oh, the story was different, but then again, the same story had been different every time she had heard it, the only two things remaining more or less immutable being the dragon and the stones. Or at least the presence of the dragon had been, details about it changed with each retelling, or so it had seemed at times anyway.

All at her thought about said story, who else had one pretty close to it associated to the same stones and what link there could be between those two and the woman in the library, Alyndra distractedly took the offered gem and answered the question with a “It's alright, I'll just take it now.”

Finally, as her mind went over what she had barely paid attention to, she looked at the gem in her hand. “Oh, uh… I can't possibly accept this!” She shook her head, obviously flustered.

2020-10-13, 08:07 AM
He shakes his head with a chuckle, as you feel only the tiniest jolt of something tingle up your fingers, "once you've touched it from a person freely giving it to you...it has bonded. It doesn't like being given away to much....see it just turned black..." He points to it grasped in your fingers.

"Don't worry it's not gonna start whispering to you, but try it out, learn the wonders it can do!"

He glanced out the shop window and sees the sun starting to set and begins to politely but firmly usher you out the door with your box of supplies and a tidy satchel of the scrolls.


You stretch and arch your back from several hours of cramped writing and see you've done a first rate job of copying the book you "borrowed", as your eyes roam around the inns tavern, you notice it starting to fill up with the usual evening crowd. There's a sudden hush then an excited murmur through the room as a hulking figure of a man siloettes himself in the doorway.

As curiosity gets the better of you, you see it is a massive (even for an orc) orc standing in the door way. A gleaming battle axe strapped to his back, his armor, hair, and general appearance are quite well kept, and a mark of one of the churches is pinned to his shoulder. (No perception check, it's fairly small and you're to far away to see it in full detail).

The room starts clapping as he enters and you swear you almost see a blush as he saunters over to the bar and sits down, his back to the room, and the room goes back to its cheery demeanor.

2020-10-15, 10:56 AM
Elva hurriedly made her way back to the inn after leaving the magic supply. The filled flatbread had been nice, but she could do with a proper dinner as well. Studying tended to make her really hungry.

The inn was its usual cheery self, and Josiah seemed to be holding down a table for them, so she quickly made her way over there. "Hey Josiah, everything okay here while we where away?" She asked him while flagging down a waiter to order some food.

2020-10-15, 04:50 PM
Josiah had been thinking about going off to introduce himself to the orc, when his companions arrived. "Oh, hi... Yes, all was fine. I just... just saw an orc come in."

2020-10-16, 11:48 AM
"Heh, he does look like an interesting guy." Looking closer now, she saw people occasionally steal glances in his direction. The overall mood wasn't in any way tense though, so she figured he might be some kind of local celebrity. "I'd like to get some proper dinner first, but I might go and have a chat with him later as well."

2020-10-16, 03:17 PM
Alyndra Aramiar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2105376) - Elf Wizard (5) - HP 30/30 - AC 14


“Uh…” Alyndra looked at the gem in her hand as if it was about to bite her. In the end though, not having many more options available to her - she wasn't going to throw it away after all - she nodded. “Alright.” At least, between that and the bag, she'd have a lot to study and wouldn't risk being bored.

She took her purchases, almost putting them in the bag before realizing how bad of an idea it could be, then leisurely followed Elva towards the inn, not in any particular hurry herself. Once there, she joined the others and sat, curiously looking in the direction of the orc and the reactions he got. “Uh, do you know what this is all about? Someone I should know or something?” She tilted her head to the side, “Maybe he's a relative of the owner?”

2020-10-17, 07:19 AM
Josiah shrugged and stood up, his alcohol utterly untouched, and his meal paid for. "I'm about to go ask, Aly."
So saying, Josiah walked up to the or and sat down next to him. "What's a nice well-known fella like you doing in a rough and tumble place like this?" This close, Josiah could easily spot the symbol on the orcs armor.
Perception(aka Spot/Look/HeyListen) [roll0]
Knowledge Religion [roll1] ((this is to recognize the religious order... presuming the orc is from one of the dozen or so well-known orders in this world))

2020-10-17, 07:25 AM
you EASILY recognize the holy symbol on his chest....a smithing hammer with 2 spears crossed behind it (Mal'turia), though its of low quality indicating he is maybe a novice or low ranking. The orc turns his face to you and the FIRST thing that you notice is one of his two lower "canines" (the typical jutting lower teeth common in orcs) is completely missing, and from the slightly sunken apperance of his mouth you think this was fairly recently (as compared to a birth defect).

In answer to your question, he grunts something about just getting a drink before new orders, then goes back to nursing a massive mug of ale infront of him, that kinda smells like paint stripper its so strong.

2020-10-22, 12:35 PM
Ever the sucker for an alcoholic beverage, Josiah asked, "Mind if I join you for a beverage?"
Without waiting for an answer, Josiah ordered, "I'll have what this fellow is having."
When the beverage arrived, Josiah lifted his mug in toast, then drank.
Constitution [roll0]
Fortitude [roll1]