View Full Version : Wizard Tower Defence

2020-03-02, 12:47 PM
So, I had an idea for a group of magic users trying to build a magic tower in inhospitable terrain.

Is there something like this? A module or something.

I don't really have a preference for edition.

I am thinking of starting them off at a high level(14). Mostly, due to cancelling a high level game.

But, I think this might actually work better at 9th level.

Any thoughts?

2020-03-02, 01:03 PM
I'd take a look at the stronghold builders guide (that's a splatbook). At the very least it discusses a lot of the logistics involved, as well as how magic can make things easier.

2020-03-02, 02:05 PM
Do you want to focus the game on resource acquisition and expenditure, logistical concerns and workforce, defense of the tower from waves of attackers, or more town-building with the tower at the center? These all form somewhat to very different games. You can mix and match elements to get varying experiences, and "all of the above" is valid, but you'll still want to think about what the primary at-the-table gaming activity of the players is to be.

What are you picturing, in one to a few brief vingettes, a given session looking like?

2020-03-02, 07:23 PM
For a tower defense game (like the tower defense type video games) I would suggest defense, workforce, and resource acquisition.

1. Have the party use the Stronghold Builder's Guide, and their preferred choice to copying it down. Spend a session deciding what they all want within the wizard tower (assuming it is for one of the party); or if it is for an NPC show them the "schematics" in character and ask if they have anything they would like to bring up.

2. I will assume that the party has the ability to cast Wall of Stone, but even with a wall of stone the mage may want the walls decorated or altered in some way, which will still require craft checks.
I suggest doing the Day by Day craft checks. 2-3 shifts per day of crafting. These are the blocks, have the players allocate where they will be spending their time in any of these blocks.
Obviously they will get to choose, but they should be able to do one of the following options:
High maneuverability, going around and seeing what is approaching. Effectively see how fast the character can consistently move over 8 hours of time (so movement speed), create a radius from the tower that they are able to scout with a penalty, a radius that they can effectively scout, and a radius that they can scout and defend. You may instead turn your radius into an arc. See how much radius you could do one of the 3 scouting types. So a 180 degree arc would allow you to scout twice as far away, but completely miss another 180 degree arc. Likewise a 90 degree arc would be able to scout 4x as far away from the tower, turning an effective scout radius of 1 mile into an effect scout radius of 4 miles, but missing 75% of things they could ever detect.

Spot/listen checks (or one check for the whole eight hours) vs the hide/move silently checks of anything that is approaching the tower. A creature not attempting to hide should just be counted as taking 1 with a -5 penalty (making it very easy to spot).

Scouts should also be able to find resources that gatherers can get with successful spot/search/knowledge checks!
Defenders do exactly as you'd expect, they defend the area. Give an area that the character can effectively defend, this is the area that a defender can defend and scout, any area past that they require a scout to tell them something is coming. I suggest something like a quarter mile radius for defending and scouting. If a creature enters their area then they make their spot/listen check, and if successful detect and are assumed to already be in the area that the creature is passing through.
Craftsmen craft. They are actively working constructing the tower, be it magical or mundane aid. These people require 8 hours of work to do their job effectively. If they are interrupted by combat then to do the work they were already doing increase the time it takes, either by 1.5x or 2x.
They can effectively scout the area that they are within with a penalty.
These people are the ones that are actively attempting to gather a resource. Be it crafting components, gold, or xp. It may be required that a gatherer is out for more than 8 hours doing this job. Generally they will need a scout to find whatever they are attempting to gather!
Obviously people need sleep without magical aid. Not everyone is an elf!
Go through each 8 hour block, make rolls, and if in a hostile environment know that certain creatures do not want a wizard's tower on their doorstep, and would very much be disinclined to let it be completed. The closer to completion, the more aggressive certain entities should become

2020-03-03, 01:32 AM
I can offer 2 options:

1) Mage’s Magnificent Mansion (via scroll)
The spell is what you want. The problem is the duration. If you want to make it permanent, either you have to find some method or homebrew a way. Could be a good plot to gather the materials and make a ritual around it.

2) The Creation Spells (Minor, Major, True)
Maybe use "Circle Magic" to speed up the results. Add a group of workers and your group should have enough to do over the building time while defending the place in the meanwhile.

2020-03-03, 02:34 PM
I can offer 2 options:

1) Mage’s Magnificent Mansion (via scroll)
The spell is what you want. The problem is the duration. If you want to make it permanent, either you have to find some method or homebrew a way. Could be a good plot to gather the materials and make a ritual around it.

2) The Creation Spells (Minor, Major, True)
Maybe use "Circle Magic" to speed up the results. Add a group of workers and your group should have enough to do over the building time while defending the place in the meanwhile.
Note that if they're talking Pathfinder, then you have the Create Create Demiplane line for the purpose.

2020-03-03, 07:13 PM
In addition to SBG mentioned above, I would recommend Heroes of Battle for ideas on how to set up the actual plot of defending...