View Full Version : Llama, Llama, Duck. (Game underway. Kill Ducks & Save Llamas)

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Raiser Blade
2007-11-14, 02:42 AM
((Everyone and their mother seems to have Pokemon Diamond...

...Which is why I have the Pearl version! :smallbiggrin:

I found the death scene amusing))

:smallconfused: Oh i'm sorry your in the wrong thread Llama, Llama, Pansy is down the list to your right.

Jontom Xire
2007-11-14, 03:30 AM
I guess I'll have to ignore these unless someone can link me to a completely web-based decoder program or posts the 'unlocked' version. Oh well. :smallconfused:

Here is quite a good link about PGP:


Beren, does it have to be a web based decoder? I have a really small program I can email you.

A web based decoder is a great idea though. I might write one.

2007-11-14, 03:32 AM
In the mean time can people just translate what it said?

2007-11-14, 03:38 AM
:smallconfused: Oh i'm sorry your in the wrong thread Llama, Llama, Pansy is down the list to your right.
:smalltongue: :smallannoyed:

Beren One-Hand
2007-11-14, 04:01 AM
Here is quite a good link about PGP:


Beren, does it have to be a web based decoder? I have a really small program I can email you.

A web based decoder is a great idea though. I might write one.

Unfortunately I'm unable to install anything on the computers I have access to, not even little things like the Google toolbar. :smallmad:

Raiser Blade
2007-11-14, 04:08 AM

It was just a joke... :smallsmile:

2007-11-14, 04:29 AM
:smallannoyed: just for that ????

i'm sorry, but that is just plain annoying, every single person has the rights to role play the way they want to

i feel hated :smallfrown:

I absolutely agree that you have a full right to play it how you want. I needed someone to point at, said it was a silly reason and stuck in the silly face. I was not being very serious or meant for you to take any offense. And you certainly aren't hated.

2007-11-14, 08:37 AM
:smallconfused: Oh i'm sorry your in the wrong thread Llama, Llama, Pansy is down the list to your right.

You have no idea how crucial is the Pearl Version in my effort to complete my dex! I really had a hard time getting those pokemon that are only available in that version!

2007-11-14, 08:54 AM
I absolutely agree that you have a full right to play it how you want. I needed someone to point at, said it was a silly reason and stuck in the silly face. I was not being very serious or meant for you to take any offense. And you certainly aren't hated.

:elan: thats allright, i feel relieved now
*sighs with relief*

Zar Peter
2007-11-14, 03:59 PM
The Fedora Llama steps on the stage again. A large duck is sitting on his hat, feeling quite comfortable.

Llamas and Llamettes! Since I'm clearly proven to be a Duck...


...Llama, of course, I'm now sure that my connections are, while being very accurate, soon dead.
So, if we all could lynch Raeden tomorrow I would be very thankful because he has a night kill action. Shadow is a Duck, too...


...but we don't need to lynch him soon.

2007-11-14, 04:03 PM
llama song. a classic of its time.


check that out. a remix of the classic fool we all know and love.

2007-11-15, 07:13 AM
Or just check one of the Lama sessions(ya know, the lama show on tv, the dutch one), its awesome!!! They have all of them also posted on theeee internet, check them, watch, LAUGH!(seriously, its funny).

And Zar, you could just be a duck that is setting up lamas to be killed........

I repeat my actions posted earlier, you know, the dancy fancy ones!

Zar Peter
2007-11-15, 08:58 AM
And Zar, you could just be a duck that is setting up lamas to be killed........


Look, you can lynch me tomorrow, than we see who's right and then you can begin to lynch the Ducks.


I have done my duty, my mason friends know now who they can trust, we know the identity of a lot of Ducks, there's no reason for me to stay alive. (Since I was already dead.)

2007-11-15, 10:10 AM
I can't believe Bill Gates is so rich. Just goes to prove that the truely talented never earn lots of money while the lying thieving deceitful con artists get ahead in life.

Shadow - we should open our own business...:smallwink:

2007-11-15, 12:40 PM
Look, you can lynch me tomorrow, than we see who's right and then you can begin to lynch the Ducks.


I have done my duty, my mason friends know now who they can trust, we know the identity of a lot of Ducks, there's no reason for me to stay alive. (Since I was already dead.)

Assuming you're telling the truth, how did you get the identity of "lots of ducks"? I'm not sure whether the DUCKS know who each other are. I'm just curious, as if you can find the identity of so many ducks so quickly, it sounds like a tactic worth knowing for future games.

2007-11-15, 12:44 PM
All shall be revealed in time Phantom.

For now lets just say we gots some mad skillz :smallbiggrin:

Inhuman Bot
2007-11-15, 03:05 PM
( sorry hosts if I dont post much. Iam just trying to figure the rules out better.)

Beren One-Hand
2007-11-15, 05:28 PM
( sorry hosts if I dont post much. Iam just trying to figure the rules out better.)

Don't worry about that right now... Unless I'm mistaken it's still night time - so we can't actually make any contributions yet.

2007-11-16, 01:49 AM
Shadow - we should open our own business...:smallwink:
Count me in! :smallwink:

Jontom Xire
2007-11-16, 03:48 AM
It seems to have been night time for quite a while.

I guess people aren't putting their night actions in. Huh, when I have night actions in games I get it PMed almost as soon as the lynch is complete.

Zeb The Troll
2007-11-16, 04:04 AM
And most people do. But this time you're dealing with the majority of players having a night action and many of the players in this game in particular are new/infrequent players. Not to mention that there is a level of night time coordination that has to go on between many of the players in order to get the best effect from the roles they. Patience, my good llama. :smallcool:

2007-11-16, 01:09 PM
As night falls, cannons are heard firing in the distance. Looking out over the sea, you see a ship with sails of dark orange and a hull of yellow. On it, are ducks, quacking loudly.

As the ship comes closer, a few of the Llamas take up arms. They head down to the beach and attack the ship to shore boats as soon as the small vessels reach land. It's Llama on Duck, and Duck on Llama.

Quack! Quack! Quack!



Bleat! Bleat!

After a fierce battle, as the sun rises, the Ducks rush back to their boats, anxious to get away so they can once again disguise themselves as Llamas to continue with the killing spree. There are a few casualties from the battle though, as many look upon the face of Jontom Xire, Freshmeat, and Banjo1985.

Jontom Xire looks as if he had taken on about three ducks at once. It seems the multitude of them was too much for him. Looking over his body, you discover that Jontom Xire had many of the same things that Jaykell had yesterday.

Jontom Xire was killed by the ducks. He was either the seer or the fool and on team Llama.

As the crowd looks at Freshmeat, they can see the feathers underneath the costume of a Llama. Further investigation reveals a dark black cloak and a scythe. A bullet had pierced the ducks head.

Freshmeat was killed by the Assasin. He was You're Friend the Reaper and on team Duck.

The crowd looks at Banjo1985, and they can see no traces of blood or injury. They search him and find a whisk and a chef's hat. An autopsy reveals that his inside organs had all turned to black, and for some reason his stomach had been replaced with a bottle of ginger beer.

Banjo1985 was killed by You're Friend the Reaper. He was the Chef Llama and sided with team Llama.

Day Begins and will end in 48 hours.

Andre Fairchilde
2007-11-16, 01:44 PM
The Stealth Llama pops out of a hunting blind (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duck_blind) cleaverly painted orange (Stealth llama is colorblind).

"It's Duck Season. Raedon, you were scried the first night by the scryer as the Dragon Duck."

2007-11-16, 01:53 PM
The punk llama looks at the body of Freshmeat.

Don't fear the reaper...

It turns to look at the dead body of Banjo, and Jontom Xire, staying silent. It then turns to look at Raedan, and Andre Fairchilde.

I'd rather trust a countryman than a townman,
You can judge by his eyes, take a look if you can...

Punk Rock turns away, looking at the dead bodies again.

I'd rather trust a man who works with his hands,
He looks at you once, you know he understands,
Don't need any shield,
When you're out in the field.

For now, the llama decides to not point.

2007-11-16, 02:08 PM
Bulletin Board Update

Nice job assassin! You've just killed our other assassin.

Thanks a lot.

Zar Peter
2007-11-16, 02:10 PM
The Fedora Llama points at Raedon.

2007-11-16, 02:31 PM
Your, not you're. Your Friend the Reaper. Unless you're doing that on purpose. Sorry, pet peeve of mine.

Hmm... apparently since it was night 3, abilities usable "Everty Xth night" means X is a minimum, not a constraint. That is, The reaper could kill the first time whenever, and then have a 5 day 'cooldown' before using it again instead of him being limited to killing on day 5, 10, 15, etc like I origionally thought.
Well pluh, there goes the lynchpin of my arguement, no pun intended. I shall have to reconsider the situation. Also did some math, and the odds of any resurected character being on a side is
origionally llama:
32.5% duck, 57.5% llama, 10% nuetral

origionally duck:
42.5% duck, 47.5% llama, 10% nuetral

origionally nuetral:
32.5% duck, 47.5% llama, 20% nuetral

These numbers might be useful if we have any more resurections.

PLUH! Both Seer and Fool Llamas gone. This is not good. Lucky shot or inside information?

2007-11-16, 02:42 PM
Bulletin Board Update

No problem! :D

- Your friendly neighbourhood Assassination league

Captain van der Decken
2007-11-16, 03:41 PM
The TiefLlama points a hoof at Raeden.

2007-11-16, 03:57 PM
Bulletin Board Update
I would like to request that the assassin llama please e-mail me at [email protected]

I have an intersting proposal for you.

The Valiant Turtle
2007-11-16, 04:01 PM
The SeaLlama points at Raeden

2007-11-16, 04:42 PM
*Pointing at Raeden

2007-11-16, 04:44 PM
After much consideration, the Punk Rock llama decides to Point at Raedan as well.

2007-11-16, 04:45 PM
Exachix "Joins the Bandwagon against Raedan

2007-11-16, 04:45 PM
"Readen is boring. Everyone is pointing at him. That's no fun."

The ghost llama crosses the room to pxp/valentine's llama.

"What do you think about all of this? I think it's quite lame. Let's have some fun already!"

2007-11-16, 05:20 PM

After the long night of freedom, a glazed look comes over the bobbleheaded llama’s eyes. It twists it’s neck, no longer sweating oil nor making noises of it being stressed out. It makes an experimental Bob towards Castaras, with a single tear breaking through the bond of ownership that falls to the ground, where it breaks apart into a thousand tiny droplets that reflect the light in a display of beauty and sorrow.

2007-11-16, 05:25 PM
The Rdracollama steps from her accustomed shadow to look over the assembled llamas.
You. You are a duck.
She sends a killing look off in Castaras's direction, before stepping back.

Andre Fairchilde
2007-11-16, 05:31 PM
"Casatras may very well be a duck, but the Dragon Duck (Raedon) was scried as the Dragon Duck and has another night kill.

The time for vote counting is not now, let us end the day and remove this Dragon from our llama city.

And what city doesn't need a bar?"

Stealth Llama builds a tavern with free wireless, a $2.00 cover charge, and free table dancing. 'What happens in the Llama Bar, stays in the Llama Bar!'

"Let this be a free bar to all members - Llama, Poodle, or Duck!"


Lizard Lord
2007-11-16, 05:47 PM
Zar Peter was right once already might as well trust him again. Point at Raeden

2007-11-16, 06:50 PM
shef lama ded?!

dam, ai dink dat raeden tolkd tu moch

2007-11-16, 06:56 PM
Looks like its time to go, Raeden...

2007-11-16, 07:07 PM
LLamaul points his lightsabre at Cassie

2007-11-16, 07:14 PM
Well, it seems I'm outnumbered.
rDracollama says from her shadow. She steps out and scrutinizes Raeden.
You don't look like a duck. But the scryer says you are, so you must be.

2007-11-16, 07:35 PM
*looks around wondering why nobody noticed he "unsuspiciously" disappeared*...

Inhuman Bot
2007-11-16, 07:40 PM
" guess something is wrong with Raeden"

Beren One-Hand
2007-11-16, 08:39 PM
Also did some math, and the odds of any resurected character being on a side is
origionally llama:
32.5% duck, 57.5% llama, 10% nuetral

origionally duck:
42.5% duck, 47.5% llama, 10% nuetral

origionally nuetral:
32.5% duck, 47.5% llama, 20% nuetral

These numbers might be useful if we have any more resurections.

Not exactly... I haven't double checked your math, but how can you know the number of available roles on each side? That would sway the percentages quite a lot.

PLUH! Both Seer and Fool Llamas gone. This is not good. Lucky shot or inside information?

Ummm... I thought it was Duck Seer/Fool and Llama Seer/Fool killed. So both of us still have a chance to scry.

2007-11-16, 08:46 PM
One Seer/Fool was autolynched yesterday, and the other tonight.

The math came from the game roster, which has %llama/duck/neutral left. In this case it's 55%/30%/15% with 55 players left. That goes to about 30 llamas, 17 ducks, 8 neutral. Add up the known roles of the slain, and you get the starting numbers on each side. Count up the unused roles on each side (we're assuming you can't res into a role previously held by someone else, and you can get the distribution of unused roles. It's straightforward from there.

2007-11-16, 09:42 PM
Pokes Raeden with a stick.

I don't think he's moved all game. Are we sure he's still alive to kill? Or is he really an opossum in disguise as a duck in disguise as a llama?

2007-11-17, 12:37 AM
"Readen is boring. Everyone is pointing at him. That's no fun."

The ghost llama crosses the room to pxp/valentine's llama.

"What do you think about all of this? I think it's quite lame. Let's have some fun already!"

The lovestruck llama nods at him and then notices his point. She checks behind her and realizes it is at her. She pouts a little and sighs, pointing right back at him.

"Is a fair trade point fun? I'm not sure..."

Beren One-Hand
2007-11-17, 01:11 AM
One Seer/Fool was autolynched yesterday, and the other tonight.

Just saw where my confusion was, I missed the auto-lynch of the seer/fool and thought you were meaning the actual lynch of the duck seer/fool.

I'll point to Raeden as well, no time to RP right now though. :(

2007-11-17, 01:20 AM
*point at Raeden*

2007-11-17, 01:24 AM
*point at Raeden*


2007-11-17, 01:24 AM
Pokes Raeden with a stick.

I don't think he's moved all game. Are we sure he's still alive to kill? Or is he really an opossum in disguise as a duck in disguise as a llama?

Raeden is clearly a duck pretending to be a llama pretending to be a opossum!
..or some order of the 3

2007-11-17, 01:45 AM
*Points at Raeden*

Duck season time.

Jontom Xire
2007-11-17, 04:04 AM
Oh Poot!

I was really starting to enjoy that. But that night did NOT go as expected.

Oh well.

Supagoof you never posted my BB post I posted just before day end of the previous day. The one where I asked myself to build a website to translate PGP signed messages.

Took me a whole day and half another to build that website. If anyone wants to give it a go, look at http://jx.dyndns.org.

2007-11-17, 05:33 AM
"Casatras may very well be a duck, but the Dragon Duck (Raedon) was scried as the Dragon Duck and has another night kill.

It makes an experimental Bob towards Casteras

(( Who is this Casteras and Casatras you're both talking about? :smallconfused: :smalltongue: ))

The Punk Rock Llama stays silent, watching Raedon, before turning to walk away from the crowds.

2007-11-17, 08:30 AM
(( Who is this Casteras and Casatras you're both talking about? :smallconfused: :smalltongue: ))

The Punk Rock Llama stays silent, watching Raedon, before turning to walk away from the crowds.


The bobbleheaded llama looks at Castaras curiously.

Fleeing Coward
2007-11-17, 08:53 AM
The reaper took our other chef? Guess it's up to me to supply food now.
The Chef Llama begins burning the already burnt toast before offering some to Raeden.
Want a bite Mr. Duck?

Zeb The Troll
2007-11-17, 08:56 AM
The Memorial LLama sees the crowd of people following along behind Raeden and thinks it looks an awful lot like a parade, so he joins in.

2007-11-17, 09:11 AM
Pulling a new crown from nowhere, since she appears to have forgotten to grab hers back from skippy, she bounds over to Raeden and places it upon his head. She looks about to break into a merry song, but then doesn't, instead turning and moving sadly away.

2007-11-17, 10:04 AM

The bobbleheaded llama looks at Castaras curiously.

The Punk Rock Llama looks back at Pwenet.

He's watching me watching you
Watching the trains go by...

Punk Rock nods to the bobble headed llama.


2007-11-17, 11:52 AM
Bum...I was enjoying that, oh well, I should have kept my first potion for myself :smallamused:

Enjoy, everyone!

2007-11-17, 12:08 PM
Riff Raff llama looks elevated.

Alright! We got the reaper. Without him, the ducks are in trouble. It was like this one time, where we were fighting this gang southside, you know by the concert hall? Yeah, so anyway they were a lot stronger than we were, and my guys were in a lot of trouble. They had this huge guy see, and he was swatting my boys left and right. So I just had the whole gang rush him K? We took him out, and in like a minute, they whole other gang was running as fast as their hooves could go in the other direction.

He chuckles.

Good times.

2007-11-17, 01:08 PM
Supagoof you never posted my BB post I posted just before day end of the previous day. The one where I asked myself to build a website to translate PGP signed messages.

That's because I received the PM after day had ended, and the bulletin board is not updated at night. :smallwink:

But to give credit where it's due, everyone should thank Jontom for the Bulletin Board. He suggested it, and we loved it. I'm just surprised no one has sent in anything where they attribute it to someone else, like for instance...

Supagoof, Atreyu and Gezina are the best narrators ever. And I'll be seeing you soon Andre! Hope the water's not to cold from your swim. :smallamused: I'll have another bottle of port ready. :smallwink:

Oops, did I put a thought into your heads. *mischevous grin*

Almighty Salmon
2007-11-17, 02:13 PM
*Points at Raeden*

Beren One-Hand
2007-11-17, 02:37 PM
Took me a whole day and half another to build that website. If anyone wants to give it a go, look at http://jx.dyndns.org.

Not sure if I did it right, but nothing happened when I clicked the button. :smalleek:

2007-11-17, 03:00 PM
"Ooh A bandwagon!" *Points at Raeden*

2007-11-17, 03:51 PM
Why does it look like so many people want to kill Raeden? Is there something stuck on his face that annoys them all so much?

Eek!!! What if something got suck on my face??? then everyone would be able to see me!!!!! Let's experiment.............

*sticks a Post-it reading Raeden on his face.*

GAHHHH!!!!!!!!! EVERYONE SEES ME!!!!!!!!!

2007-11-17, 04:53 PM
*The unmasked Llama peers out from the shower curtain.*

Hey Raeden! Could you please not turn on all the faucets 'round here? You're making the shower all hot!!

*ducks back behind the curtain*

singin' in the bathtub
la dee da dee daaaaaa...

2007-11-17, 06:11 PM
The llama of justice watches in confusion, but nods and follows the bandwagon to point at Raeden.

((Sorry, guys, but I'll be out of pocket this next week. I'll post if I can, but I don't expect it much if at all.))

2007-11-17, 07:39 PM
Bulletin Board Update

Bears suck!

Goblin Music
2007-11-17, 11:17 PM
((i point at Raeden))

2007-11-17, 11:25 PM
Buzz! Buzz Buzz Buzzzzz!

Translation: Yikes! I point at Raeden!

Raiser Blade
2007-11-17, 11:29 PM
The Llambie seems to be in a stupor.

Slowly he turns his head 180 degrees to look at Raeden.

With an audible pop he snaps his head back into place.

2007-11-17, 11:43 PM
The Pirate Llama stumbles off the ship, somewhat hungover and rum in...hoof I guess. Argh... what's all the ruckus goin' on 'ere? Avast! An angry mob! Run away! *stumbles and falls down* Wait, they're not after me... they're after Raeden! That sounds like fun. After him, 'ye buckos! Keelhaul him and throw him to the crocs!

Edit: Will be out of town for a week, will post every now and then with what limited net access I will be able to get a hold of. No fear of autolynch methinks. Just an FYI though.

2007-11-18, 02:48 AM
I'm told that Raedan knows the way to new Eriksonville!

2007-11-18, 08:56 AM
The LIamurai swiftly jumps towards Raedan and points his hooves towards him!

2007-11-18, 09:34 AM
The CW llama points a hoof at Raedon, just because all the cool kids are doing it.

2007-11-18, 05:27 PM
"Raedon, I feel like i should collect you very soon."

Lord Magtok
2007-11-18, 05:34 PM
Llamaul trots out from behind a dark shadowy place, and then wordlessly points his saber at Raedan.

2007-11-18, 05:50 PM
Observing from the llama shadows, the ninja takes note at the sudden hostility called a "bandwagonu" at raedan. The ninja llama writes on a ninja-star "らえでん (Raedan)" (inclusive of the "(Raeden)" as well), and tosses it in his direction.
Watching the ninja star fall short, the ninja llama walks awkwardly up to it, and nudges it closer to raedan with a single hoof. Nods. Then spits a smoke bomb out, and moves away in a cloud of coughs.

2007-11-18, 06:19 PM
I'm confused and I have a Hamlet paper.... >.>

Points at Reina so he doesn't accidentally lynch someone and cause she posted above him

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2007-11-18, 06:36 PM
All the llamas gather around Raedon and point angerily at him accusing him of killing their beloved king and his guard.

Lets shove him off the cliff.
No, if he's a duck, he'll just fly away. We'll need to do something different.
I've got a baseball bat. He's a pinata. I see a solution.

Many of the llamas find sticks and bats and descend upon the multi-colored paper-mache quadruped. After a few minutes of thwacks, eventually feathers begin to fly off along with the bits of paper.

No candy is discovered inside the pinata, instead money and gems fly out. Given the sheer number of them, they could only be from a dragon's hoarde.

The Pinata-llama AKA Raeden was lynched. He was the Dragon-LLama and he was a duck.

Night begins and will end in approx 48 hours.

Ducks, please PM your votes and actions to me.
LLamas, please PM your actions to Supagoof.
Eithers, please PM your actions to Gezina.

2007-11-18, 08:51 PM
Hey Atreyu! Why are you using my character as an avatar? Are you implying something?

2007-11-18, 09:02 PM
ezlo, you can't argue because of that, those belong to atreyu and ceika, so i wouldn't speak, i don't think he's implying anything

2007-11-18, 11:11 PM
Yes!!!!!!!!! Another one of those ducks is dead!!!!!!!!! WOO HOOO!!!!!!!

2007-11-19, 01:14 AM
ezlo, you can't argue because of that, those belong to atreyu and ceika, so i wouldn't speak, i don't think he's implying anything

You haven't been in enough Mafia's/Werewolf's, have you? Paranoia is win here. :smallsmile:

Jontom Xire
2007-11-19, 03:20 AM
Not sure if I did it right, but nothing happened when I clicked the button. :smalleek:

The full URL is: http://jx.dyndns.org/gpg_verify.php

Did you fill in both boxes correctly?

If not you should get an error message, but I didn't do much/any error testing, so you may get nothing but the same page back again.

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2007-11-19, 03:17 PM
(the night ends tomorrow evening regardless of how many duck votes I have, but, I know I don't have as many as I should. Get your feathers in gear and send those PM's in or Goof, Gez, and I will be forced to get creative. )

2007-11-19, 05:41 PM
My posting's going to be limited for the next week or so, so please don't autolynch me if I don't make it to the computer. :smallsmile:

Beren One-Hand
2007-11-19, 07:50 PM
The full URL is: http://jx.dyndns.org/gpg_verify.php

Did you fill in both boxes correctly?

If not you should get an error message, but I didn't do much/any error testing, so you may get nothing but the same page back again.

I'll try it again, but that is the link I was using. I did a copy/paste from the bulletin board post... using the begin/end descriptors, without the begin/end descriptors, and just the string of text (without the version tag). Each time I saw no changes, just the page sitting there with the text I input.

2007-11-19, 09:34 PM
Still calling all Llamas and Neutrals! We're going to lynch another duck tomorrow! Please contact Me, Zar or Andre the Lampire duck is going down!

Inhuman Bot
2007-11-19, 10:25 PM
"everyone remember to support andre, north and zar!"

2007-11-19, 10:40 PM
Yes! Support them all three!

Jontom Xire
2007-11-20, 03:49 AM
I'll try it again, but that is the link I was using. I did a copy/paste from the bulletin board post... using the begin/end descriptors, without the begin/end descriptors, and just the string of text (without the version tag). Each time I saw no changes, just the page sitting there with the text I input.

Did you click the "Verify/Read" button? If you click that, I think I coded it poorly, so no matter what the boxes clear out if you click that. So if the boxes don't go clear then you haven't clicked the button. Obviously if you don't click the button nothing happens!

Try this.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (Cygwin)

mQGiBEc6yPARBACuYOnVNTJ7fi490eFUVhB9CiQfCn43EDIeEx 1zRakqooCsXEMa
YaPGHyQlqWEeLEjgLdOd4iomDfhSXV7cScwo8LcfsaunvvBJwt biD7HFKwUWn8uq
3yHAAL0jojxxWJZkii8G9ayxmFWjvLIYUdWkv2ZiKI6gH6WZge vteBIglwCgk+ql
7j47nn3PNnqNc1Yran330W45lRuA2YmDwK6CeTC+c8hSUC12Br QkSm9udG9tIFhp
cmUgPEpvbnRvbVhpcmVAeWFob28uY28udWs+iGAEExECACAFAk c6yPACGwMGCwkI
gV558gsg+tria2czMiJ7IvDitjQPysmSeB3pvsH5E6W329vMOz gBzj30A4O0dDli
lgFiEHt4QdCiX9CObCo+ke8GOfaA2K4Fc18RVZIeVc3dj6ViOd 7Ap3HaluhjzSEI
5D4gxWvISD+kNyJlTCSBCj1FWshYAHQ7UZXCxlhzmwIuq3VIoW hLVm52WwhJfcpL
4LU+DKZPwX3D5D82JK43tW6ouP1RFgwFtwkJX3nmHJJ4igYkVp WHfA1XVLtqLFy0
W4lELE9y9dn6EzWidlFvIm2fR0mcGb8wiH35puj7V4WcLuRsYq LzzK+xDL8uQwy8
EFKmjIKuydDoOIJShJ6xkXDuhN6yFrIpVlUiVKLxxs6dGz4UWp FIM4SZruoL3YO4
X6z9O2tuLTIadwP1a3msidzBNKGq1pdrNMIy60ThchBrR6TwYL cXbvN2HXBvpZnc
r5LwcJhUMSiG71J2939tw6OWCxEMqAPbTzu+h+IVfWUkFqbWh+ NPpsNKYF8rwfaQ
O+2jwaNzivTZwKl9WtOWgbs9nlJSO0xu1hOCQkyPhzo8Zrs+tu cDGdYZLcSr34Vw
BiezbGVSfXAVuj+DQ1uvzwR7KFFI96UXzq49iV0SSKFafyy6QZ 25nPhVjtMbtApM
m6Vm7M4FhRditLS5Ag0ERzrKDhAIALwkaThL5sHBEIsIR2EG7n nET+uBky/ZojZf
c8pAsDj1qVoh+6dMa+8j65KugYgjT+mcWGFAqF2zKGWeUfq9Do tep/R3XE7W10EO
s6srAkM3afOfQIFOszBbqgcN8mQ0+mfvG73uhbaYlKQYC6+kc7 KwWyhvvcPa1kbT
QonR8A0BAQOEAf4oHDswgf0MtTzGq9L8TWAfdooT6r6c8yqWlX L/JmdG9/RAPQgq

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (Cygwin)

WWpRZlpmKkghUCYzPS+xpLQoVSExLwWmPxVuOBdXhz0zKwPIep jTBJkibBnm8D4P

Put the public key in the left-hand box where it says "Public Key". If you cannot figure out where the message goes, go stick your fingers in an electric wall socket whilst wet - you'll be doing yourself a favour. Then click the "Verify/Read" button. I have tested this and it works.

Zeb The Troll
2007-11-20, 04:29 AM
Jontom, I'm getting the same result the Beren is. When you click the Verify/Read button nothing happens. What was pasted just stays there. You also never answered the question about how much are we supposed to copy? Are we supposed to leave in the


stuff? The version stuff? Just the garble?

Is anyone besides JX getting this to work?

Jontom Xire
2007-11-20, 07:03 AM
Yeah, you need the "-----BEGIN" and "END----" bits as well.

What browser are you all using? It could be that IE handles forms differently to Firefox (which is what I use).

Does it look like it's trying to load a page?


IE sucks. I've modified the code for a more generically friendly submit style button. Try it again and it should work.

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2007-11-20, 11:09 AM
Andre walks along the night street, trying to think, but the clop-clop of hooves on the concrete keeps breaking his concentration. He stares holes into a piece of crumpled paper he'd received earlier. He is trying to read it by the dim light of mostly burned out street corner lamps and muttering to himself.

This note from the D.A says that the Maltese Falcon was left under left tire of the pink car on this street. There it is.

Glancing around for eyes watching him, he searches under the car and pulls out a package. Its wrapped in brown paper. The last time he'd found a present wrapped in brown paper it had been a cheap bottle of booze dropped by a drunk who was passed out. This package contained something much more valuable than liquor store clearance aisle alcohol though. As he unwraps the box and pulls out the statue, grasping it with his teeth, he mumbles* Hmmm...This is supposed to be it, but I'm not sure this is a falcon. The feathers are all wrong and the neck makes it looks more like a SHOCK! *He rears his neck back, ready to throw the booby-trapped duck, but BOOM it explodes in his mouth. Andre coated the alley walls in a display that would make Jackson Pollock jealous, but it was of little comfort to the llama God of New Life. No one was around to give him a second chance.

From the balcony, a ghostly llama floats down and surveys the scene. Well, if they are spoofing Mafia, there needs to be an appearance from The Shadow.

*While the ghost stands there, a llama dressed in brown steps out from an adjacent alley. In his mouth he holds a strange gun which fires a beam that zaps the ghost. Shadow begins to twist and squirm like a drunken ballroom dancer trying escape the beam's hold. The llama in brown kicks a small metal box on a cord out towards Shadow. The box opens up and starts pulling the ghost toward it, but before the spectral llama is trapped inside, the box closes. The llama in brown sees his ghost trap has been unplugged and the sound of hoofbeats in the distance lets him know that Shadow had a guardian angel, but who could out-think an assassin Ghostbuster?*

Andre was killed by the ducks. He was the God of New Life Llama and sided with team llama. He also made a rather messy stain on the wall.

Shadow was targetted by the assassin llama, but was protected by someone.

Day begins!!
Vote to lynch someone! Day may end in approx 48 hours, but that has it ending on thanksgiving and I know that I will be busy. I don't know what Goof and Gez are doing, so they may be able to take care of it.

2007-11-20, 11:17 AM
R.I.P. Andre :smallfrown:

Allright now its time for revenge.

Points at Curlykitgirl

This point has been brought to you by the greater llama alliance.

Good llamas and neutral llamas please help us destroy the evil duckpire by continuing to kill ducks! Please PM your roles to Me, ZP or Andre.

The only silver lining of his death is that it further proves our llamaness.

Andre Fairchilde
2007-11-20, 12:24 PM
(Ah well. The Stealth Llama opens his ghostly bar and begins to clean up from last nights popcorn fight.)

The Valiant Turtle
2007-11-20, 01:18 PM
I was wondering if that Bulletin Board message was for real...

Raldor points at CurlyKitGirl

2007-11-20, 01:28 PM
Hey Raldor! How's the great state of Indiana? Too flat for ya? :smallamused:

Pointing? What? Oh... right...

*the Unmasked Llama ducks hides back behind the curtain in the shower stall*

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!!! Someone was peeking! :smalleek:

*points at CurlyKitGirl*

It was you!!!

Raiser Blade
2007-11-20, 01:39 PM
*Points at curly

Good job Andre if we win (the Llamas) you will be the reason.

2007-11-20, 02:04 PM
Bulletin Board Update
((*sigh* - This one almost didn't make it past the narrator filter. :smalltongue: ))

Vikes suck!

Alas poor Andre I knew him well.

2007-11-20, 04:58 PM
The Rock Llama turns to watch Curly, silent. He then turns, disappearing into the crowds once again.

2007-11-20, 06:15 PM
Ai prei for de gots to eid jim in jis jorni to de after worl

Hey, you, Caesar! The Roman! Did you have something to do with it??

Zeb The Troll
2007-11-20, 06:27 PM

Erm, I point at Zeb.

2007-11-20, 07:10 PM
I point at Curlykitgirl
..uhm..why are we pointing at her? I feel sorta slow today
It seems the in thing to do though:smallamused:

2007-11-20, 10:49 PM
I'll point at Zeb cause I'm too confused right now to do something productive, and if I hop on the bandwagon, inevitably someone will say I did it to hide my inner duckatude or some such crap.

2007-11-20, 11:26 PM
Disturbo llama nudges Helgraf with his nose, and looks at him with eyes saying "I've been bad."

"Mmrrrphhh, hrrrmpphhhh....brrrrr"

2007-11-21, 01:00 AM
Disturbo llama nudges Helgraf with his nose, and looks at him with eyes saying "I've been bad."

"Mmrrrphhh, hrrrmpphhhh....brrrrr"

Leif Erikllama looks at the leatherbound llama, pulls his sword out with his teeth and tries to free the poor pathetic prisoner.

Beren One-Hand
2007-11-21, 01:13 AM
Rocking back and forth the Rocking-Llama starts to chant:
"CurlyKitGirl sitting in a tree,
is a D - U - C - K if you ask me.
First comes accusation,
then comes action...
And along comes Death,
no matter what faction."

2007-11-21, 08:28 AM
((WHat gave me away? The LOES which was created to kill Llamas? The fact Andre wanted me to write a death scene? (which wasn't included, but I understand. That was a great death scene) The fact Andre or someone said I was a Duck a while ago? The fact Llama has declared me an anti@Llama sheepist? The banner? Hmmm, the baner. *nods happily*))

"Alas poor Curly, whoever she may be; I knew her not, but the sheep this demi-Goddess hath gifted me spake soothfully. The Ducks wert a suitable a suitable team, yet what couldst one do against the ever manage 'gainst the deft figures of the Curly One, twisting me to her indefinable dance. E'en I, Llamius Caesar in all my glory cannot fly in the teeth of the Gods who control her daily life.
Off with my head!" Llamius trots up to the Duck Llama and says, "You have a Duck on your head you strange Llama." (ZP)
"Et tu, ZP? But now my one mystiful errand of my own desire and the bidding of the Godess of Curls hath shaped words not of my own hath been completed 'ere the sun grew to his pinnacle I shall await mine fate."

2007-11-21, 08:40 AM
*Points at CurlyKitGirl

2007-11-21, 08:42 AM
Alarra nods at the rest of the llamas and waves a stick at Curly.

2007-11-21, 09:00 AM
Bulletin Board Update


Eat Turkey, not Turducken!

Alpaca is a tasty treat.

2007-11-21, 10:01 AM
points at Curly, no time to post something more creative.

2007-11-21, 10:02 AM
Now depressed due to the long period of time until his holiday, llamantines llama heads off to the bar to drink away his woes...

2007-11-21, 11:21 AM
Good llamas and neutral llamas please help us destroy the evil duckpire by continuing to kill ducks! Please PM your roles to Me, ZP or Andre.

I sincerely hope that the ducks have been doing this as well, since you have had no way to know the truth of any claims....

Or maybe I know that they have....

Eat Turkey, not Turducken! Awesome!

The ghost llama glides past, stopping by the newcomer for a moment.
Who is this Leoman and where did he come from?

((don't worry dude. You won't get lynched from that.))

2007-11-21, 01:42 PM
points at curly

2007-11-21, 02:35 PM
((Upon being contacted by several 'ducks' or 'llamas in ducks clothing' I feel I might as well make a public appeal. Should any moles or ducks, or moles in ducks clothing wish to contact a similar circle of animals please PM me and I'll gladly forward them to the Duck Master.))

"Oh, my cruel mistress hath forced me to appeal 'gainst mine true nature. O! wouldst that Phoebus Apollo wouldst light my ords with his light so that all might see mine true intent. My Mistress of Curls wishth that all her brethren shouldst seek out her dimmed light and that her mighty cause should triumph. For the Sheep will defeat thy cute Llamish nature!"

V: Psst! Red colour!

Dr. Bath
2007-11-21, 02:45 PM
"What?! Curly's a duck! But she was helping with my enquiries! Does that mean that ducks aren't bovine quadrapeds? And I just spent two days tracking down their evil leader too! Why Curly? Why did you betray me. I guess I'll have to continue my investigations elsewhere. Ducks beware! Gogo Llama binoculars!"

The binoculars fly out of Inspector Llama's hat and hit him in the face, knocking him out cold.

((@^ Whoops, sorry!))

2007-11-21, 02:54 PM
*Points at CurlyKitGirl* "Duck must Die!

Zar Peter
2007-11-21, 03:13 PM
The Fedora Llama is confused.

Why is everyone pointing at Curly? She's my friend! I know her a long time! Don't point at Curly! Please, remove your fingers! PLEASE!

He starts crying.

The Duck on his head turns to Curly.

Llama iacta est!

Almighty Salmon
2007-11-21, 03:18 PM
The Original Llama Points at CurlyKitGirl

2007-11-21, 04:45 PM
Bulletin Board Update

Lonely Quacks Column:

DominatriLlama seeks the quiet type who likes to be taken for rides. Must like black leather and metal harnesses.
Must also be non-spitter between and likes taking riders for walks around the paddock.
Also, must consent to straps and the possibility of being published in a psychiatric journal as a case study.

2007-11-22, 06:58 AM

The bobbleheaded llama bobs its head at CurlyKitGirl, it's eyes clear as it weeps tears for poor Andre.

2007-11-22, 07:47 AM
George Llashington points at CurlyKitGirl.

2007-11-22, 07:58 AM
The LIamurai Lama points his Wakiwashi towards Curly, ready to execute her.

Lizard Lord
2007-11-22, 08:37 AM
points at curly

2007-11-22, 11:02 AM
wow. what a bandwagon. sighs the recovering dracollama.
I do hate bandwagons. what do you think, helgraf?

2007-11-22, 11:13 AM
"I dunno. Doesn't seem very sirius to me," he replied to Cult of the Raven.

2007-11-22, 04:13 PM
evnafets points at Helgraf

((If we can't kill you in that other game, maybe we can kill you here))

2007-11-22, 05:35 PM
The lovestruck llama points at Curly, hoping this will please her love as he watches the herd from up above.

2007-11-22, 06:39 PM
Huh? No! I like CurlyKitGirl! How could anyone possibly suspect that she would be evil enough to do anything like this??? Or that she's not a Llama? Of course she's a Llama......................

................................Except, of course, that she's a Duck.

Or what if she's both? She could be like....... a Llama-Duck! A Cross between a Duck and a Llama! It's Brilliant! She'll destroy both sides! EEEEK!!!! :smalleek:

I accuse CurlyKitGirl because I suspect her of being a Llama-Duck-Girl-Person-Thingy-PC!!!

2007-11-23, 09:46 AM
Waking up from her holiday stupor, the Lunny realizes there is more to the day than shoveling all the leftover radishes, mustard greens, carrots and other Llama favorites onto the table for a Thanksgiving clean-up meal. Hey You! CurlyKit! All this salad is not going to get tossed by itself!

2007-11-23, 01:43 PM
*point at Curly*

((I originally said Llama instead of Curly...))

2007-11-23, 10:12 PM
Hmmm.... who to point at. It's so hard, everyone is pointing in different directions. Lets pick Curly, completely at random of course.

2007-11-24, 11:56 AM
Points a hoof at Curly.

2007-11-24, 12:14 PM
I point at Ezlo, for no apparant reason except not to follow the bandwagon...

2007-11-24, 04:42 PM
The LoJ sprints back from Thanksgiving vacation and follows the crowd's advice, pointing at Curly.

((I still won't have net much until Monday, but I'm at least checking things again.))

Fleeing Coward
2007-11-25, 08:01 AM
So we're going to have duck for dinner again?
The Chef Llama begins to add herbs and spices to the boiling pot.
(Points at Curly)

2007-11-25, 11:57 AM
No matter how much she says it, I doubt it's curly, though it would be strange that a llama would try to lead other llamas into a ploy to trick other llamas into lynching her. Maybe she's insane, or genius....

2007-11-26, 09:13 AM
((Apologies to everyone. I had connection problems the past few days, And customer service is so great to work with on a holiday weekend in the states!

I will get caught up quickly with the points, and the long day shall end shortly. In the meantime))

Bulletin Board Updates

I'm a llumblebee and I'm okay,
I sleep all night and I work all day!

Scratched into the wood with a hoof
I'm your llama! I'm easy to find, just follow my bleats of pain

2007-11-26, 12:19 PM
As the points pile up, CurlyKitGirl decides that she would take matters into her own hands.

If you’re all going to just point at me, I’m going to write my own ending thank you very much!

So the llama sets down next to a tall tree in the meadow, the sun shining brightly in the sky sporadically thorough the clouds overhead. The sweet smell of daisies tulips roses gerbera daisies came across the winds like a gentle comfort to the dying crying eyes. As Curly sat there, pondering the thoughts of her last hours of life existence, she writes of old friend passing by playing merrily nearby. A group of them who were once close to her that hadn’t been seen in some time were tossing a Frisbee saucer near the cliff’s edge. The cliff’s edge, a place where she would soon find herself thanks to the reckless abandon of this crowd. BassetKing, HyramGraff, Lord FullBladder Master of Goblins, PirateMonk, Raistlin1040, and Therarde were tossing the disc too each other, unwavering in their game to stop and point at someone they thought might per chance be a pleasant, fun, friendly cruel and villainous duck. Perhaps they knew something, perhaps not, but the land world might never know, as a simple toss by HyramGraff sent BassetKing over the edge chasing it. As the llama of labor falls to the rocks below, he suddenly vanishes. A sickening crunch is still heard. HyramGraff, full of guilt over the toss, tries to fly after him. The llumblebee suddenly realizes as he jumps the cliff, that just because he looks like a llumblebee doesn’t mean he can fly like one, so he falls as well.

Curly stops writing at this point and looks and sees a crowd standing on the cliff’s edge looking over it. An idea pops into her head.

She continues writing that an argument between Lord Fullbladder and PirateMonk breaks out. The two are blaming each other for deciding to play so close to the cliff’s edge. As the simple rage fuels into something more, a fight fisticuffs break forth and the two llama’s raise on their hind legs and begin to pelt each other with their hooves. Lord Fullbladder takes a step back and draws his sword from it’s helm. He swings at PirateMonk but misses, slicing into Raistlin1040 and chopping cleaving the Riff-Raff llama’s head clean off. PirateMonk retaliates by shoving his tye-dyed hair into the master of goblins, but ends up pushing the wrong llama in all the confusion. A step later, Therarde in his well dressed outfit ends up falling off the cliff. The two stop fighting just momentarily, as the crowd becomes very angry with them for causing the death of other llama’s. They erupt is a noisy deafening roar.

Curly pauses to clasp her hands over her ears for a moment as the tranquility of her area is disturbed by a horrible noise. She is enjoying her story too much to stop writing at this moment, so she continues.

The crowd, angry with the death of the innocent, throw Lord FullBladder and PirateMonk off the cliff. Cheering boisterously as they do.

As the rowdy crowd near Curly cheers loudly, she stops writing and gets up to investigate. Who can write with all this noise she thinks. She walks over to them, and peers over the cliff. On the rocks below lie BassetKing, HyramGraff, Lord FullBladder Master of Goblins, PirateMonk, and Therarde. Looking to her side, Raistlin1040’s body lies there with it’s head severed. She suddenly realizes what had gone on, and a look of disbelief. As the crowd notices her standing there, they turn back to business of the day, and each grabs at her. She quickly scratches onto a notepad

…and the crowd let CurlyKitGirl live, as they were distracted by a strange spaceduck wearing 80s clothes and doing the moonwalk….

At this very moment, a pop beat sounding like it came from a casio keyboard distracts the crowd. A large duck screams “Hey you bunch of quadrapeds, look over here!” and begins to dance backwards. As the crowd turns, CurlyKitGirl runs away.

Summary: BassetKing, HyramGraff, Lord FullBladder Master of Goblins, PirateMonk, Raistlin1040, and Therarde were autolynched.

BassetKing was the Invisible Llama sided with team Llama.
HyramGraff was the Illusionist Llama sided with team Either.
Lord FullBladder, Master of Goblins was the Llamathrope and sided with team Either.
PirateMonk was the Day Baner and sided with team Llama.
Raistlin1040 was the Shadow Llama and sided with team Either.
Therarde was the Emperor’s Thumb Llama and sided with team Duck.
And CurlyKitGirl was to be lynched, but was saved by Howard the Duck.

Today's narration inspired by the movie Stranger than Fiction. (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0420223/)

Night begins.

Either's with night actions please PM them to Gezina
Ducks with night actions please PM them to Atreyu
Llamas with night actions please PM them to Supagoof.

2007-11-26, 02:44 PM
Well at least one duck autod with all the others :smalleek:

And this proves Curlys duckness for sure.

2007-11-26, 03:26 PM
Love the narration!

lets see if it works for me

The moonwalking duck, unfortunately not looking where he was going unintentionally moonwalks off the edge of the cliff as well.

* Looks up to see if it happens *

2007-11-26, 08:05 PM
Good movie, good movie.

2007-11-26, 10:06 PM
(Great narration. One of the better mass autolynchings I've read in awhile. *mutters about so many people getting autolynched*...shouldn't sign up if you don't want to play.)

2007-11-27, 09:48 AM
* Looks up to see if it happens *
((Can't resist))
The duck continues to moonwalk, but as he reaches the cliff, he turns to Evnafets and says..On my planet, we don't say die, we say... HEY! NOT MY SHORTS! I mean, uh, no one laughs at a master of Quack Fu! before taking off in flight.

2007-11-27, 11:09 AM
(( So for those of us who can't open the spoiler bracket, what all happened?))

2007-11-27, 11:34 AM
BassetKing, HyramGraff, Lord FullBladder Master of Goblins, PirateMonk, Raistlin1040, and Therarde were autolynched.

BassetKing was the Invisible Llama sided with team Llama.
HyramGraff was the Illusionist Llama sided with team Either.
Lord FullBladder, Master of Goblins was the Llamathrope and sided with team Either.
PirateMonk was the Day Baner and sided with team Llama.
Raistlin1040 was the Shadow Llama and sided with team Either.
Therarde was the Emperor’s Thumb Llama and sided with team Duck.
And CurlyKitGirl was to be lynched, but was saved by Howard the Duck.

((There you are. And also why can't spoilers be opened sometimes? I get it every now and then...))

2007-11-27, 11:36 AM
((There you are. And also why can't spoilers be opened sometimes? I get it every now and then...))

(( Dunno. Happens to me also. Refreshing the page normally solves it though... ))

2007-11-27, 02:50 PM
Well at least one duck autod with all the others :smalleek:

And this proves Curlys duckness for sure.

"Mrreeoow! What Duck. I like ducks. Purrrrrrrr. Let me eats them all ups."

2007-11-27, 02:57 PM

So many people died! And only one was a Duck!

Come on Llamas! We can do it!!!!

2007-11-27, 09:11 PM
i knew it!

Hercule Poirot never misses, mes amis

People don't call him Detective Magnifique for nothing

Ego vereor Romanorum , quod suum munia

I fear the roman, and their presents

(originally "timeo danaos et dona ferentes"
"i fear the greek, and their gifts)

2007-11-28, 10:25 AM
Night to go on for another 24 hours. People with night actions please send them in before then.

Bulletin Board Update
((But it's night? Bulleting Board Updates don't happen at night...
They do if the Narrators decide to post something on them.))

The narrators have become hungry for chalupas. Why, because Taco's are too awesome to satiate our hunger, and we promised insanity. The Chalupa sidequest will commence soon. Details to follow.

2007-11-28, 10:27 AM
((Oh, man! I'd love to participate in the Chalupa sidequest! Too bad I'm dead...))

2007-11-28, 11:52 AM
Night to go on for another 24 hours. People with night actions please send them in before then.

Bulletin Board Update
((But it's night? Bulleting Board Updates don't happen at night...
They do if the Narrators decide to post something on them.))

O.O Can I has Chalupas?

2007-11-28, 12:34 PM
i knew it!

Hercule Poirot never misses, mes amis

People don't call him Detective Magnifique for nothing

Ego vereor Romanorum , quod suum munia

I fear the roman, and their presents

(originally "timeo danaos et dona ferentes"
"i fear the greek, and their gifts)

You forgot to capitilize an I in there Poirot. Also, your right sideburn is 1/8 of an inch longer than your left. :smallbiggrin: You might want to talk to your barber about that.

Oh, and Challupa sidequest! Count me in!

2007-11-28, 01:02 PM
What exactly is a Challupa? :smallconfused:

2007-11-28, 01:11 PM
A chalupa is a tasty taco-like treat wrapped in a deep fried shell.
The infamous chicken chalupa supreme is pictured above,
It is artery clogging goodness from our friends at Taco Bell.

It can also be used as a projectile weapon! (http://www.usatoday.com/news/offbeat/2004-06-08-chalupa_x.htm)

2007-11-28, 01:40 PM
So that's what you think a Chalupa is? Ah well.

Here in Mexico, it is like a tiny tortilla. They put hot sauce on top of it, some chopped onion and a little bit of meat, and then it is deep-fried. Usually they serve you from four to six of them as a single portion. And they are tasty.

But it doesn't seem like what Shadow posted. Not at all. At least not here.

2007-11-28, 01:45 PM
Sounds exactly like what I posted if you take into account that Americans screw everything up in thier own unique way.

Make it bigger!
Make it fattier!
Steal the name from a similar food in Mexico!

Yup. Same thing. Just Americanized. :smallwink:

2007-11-28, 02:38 PM
Yours have veggies! They want the illusion of "healthy food", right?

Here it is pure cholesterol. Stop.

And in small portions to give you the impression you are eating just a little, so you can eat more!

2007-11-28, 02:48 PM
We have those as well, but around here you'll usually just find them in bars and pubs. They're called mini-tacos in that case.

Ain't got nuthin' on a chalupa!

2007-11-28, 03:17 PM
A chalupa is a tasty taco-like treat wrapped in a deep fried shell.
The infamous chicken chalupa supreme is pictured above,
It is artery clogging goodness from our friends at Taco Bell.

It can also be used as a projectile weapon! (http://www.usatoday.com/news/offbeat/2004-06-08-chalupa_x.htm)

Ahh. And that begs the question...What is a taco?

Yes, I've probably had and having a poor, deprived childhood here.

2007-11-28, 03:51 PM
You've never had a taco?! :smalleek:
You poor thing.

And no skippy, ours don't necessarily have veggies. The chalupas I have are fried shells with nacho cheese sauce and seasoned beef...nothing healthy whatsoever.

2007-11-28, 04:10 PM
Ahh. And that begs the question...What is a taco?

Yes, I've probably had and having a poor, deprived childhood here.

((Don't worry Cassie, neither have I.))

2007-11-28, 04:12 PM
((I like the taco shells over the interior, which is saying something as we have it them with chilli..))

The Llamathrope reads the OOC chat.

2007-11-28, 04:57 PM
You forgot to capitilize an I in there Poirot. Also, your right sideburn is 1/8 of an inch longer than your left. :smallbiggrin: You might want to talk to your barber about that.

Oh, and Challupa sidequest! Count me in!

me too

Chalupas for me!

and Monsieur Poirot has a Perfect Moustache

2007-11-28, 05:29 PM
Of course. That still is an awesome avataur. I need to get a new one for myself rather than this homemade thing. Bleaugh. But I do not feel like bothering anyone about it and I'm also lazy. *shrug*

2007-11-28, 05:40 PM
((Hahaha, this looks awesome. I can't believe someone actually picked one of the old dug-up Blood-Llama avatars! It looks like I've been coerced into lurking on these forums again... woe is me...:smallwink:))

2007-11-28, 05:53 PM
Ahh. And that begs the question...What is a taco?

Yes, I've probably had and having a poor, deprived childhood here.

What ? I had a far more deprived childhood where I had to walk both there and back to school, uphill both times and in the snow, every day and twice on Christmas day and my birthday, and I've still had a Taco.

I'll grant you it was while I was not living with the parents and round a friends house but I'm british and I've still had one.

Kids today...

2007-11-29, 12:15 AM
You've never had a taco?! :smalleek:
You poor thing.

And no skippy, ours don't necessarily have veggies. The chalupas I have are fried shells with nacho cheese sauce and seasoned beef...nothing healthy whatsoever.

Nacho Cheese!!??

I am happy to live in Mexico.

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2007-11-29, 04:22 PM
*The llamas are all excited because the moon is full and they are feeling wild. Sweet Rein is debating the awesomeness of ninjas with Helgraf, the viking llama. Helgraf tells tales of the many pirates he has fought against and their power. They decide that the only way to solve this is with a Western style gunfight. Since its night, they can't have a shoot-out at high noon, but a blazing gun battle at midnight sounds good.

The ninja llama seems to have an advantage as she's covered in black, but Helgraf isn't worried. The two will each take ten trots then turn and fire.
1 trot, the crowd quiets
2 trots, the duelers march steadfast
3 trots, a scared little cria starts crying
4 trots, the cria is taken away
5 trots, the crowd wonders who would bring a baby llama to a gun fight
6 trots, llamas begin to wonder how they are going to shoot guns with hooves
7 trots, Sweet Rein grabs some shuriken in her mouth and grins
8 trots, the two walk slowly, tensing up
9 trots, the crowd holds its breath
10 trots, as their hooves hit the ground, they turn and

Helgraf stumbles and falls, having never fired a shot. The crowd gasps, since Sweet Rein had noiseless shuriken. Who shot Helgraf?

As the distracted crowd looks around to see what's going on, the wounded Helgraf fires off a shot the hits Sweet Rein dead center, thus winning the duel before falling to his injuries.

Someone slips a note on Helgraf's corpse that reads "I win. My thanks to the assassin. No price was too high to ensure your death. The llamas are next."

Helgraf was killed by the assassin, he was a feuding duck.
Sweet Rein was killed by the ducks. She was the Sky-Watcher.

Day begins and will end in approximately 48 hours.

A heavenly chorus breaks the silence of the morning and the ghosts of Supagoof and Atreyu appear holding the ghost of Raistlin. Atreyu looks down at the masses and shrugs apologetically.

We made a mistake. This little guy wasn't dead yet.

Then they unceremoniously drop Raistlin's spirit into his body. The journey to the afterlife had a strange effect on poor Raistlin. His spirit is not quite the same.
Raistlin had cleared his absence with the narrators and we'd forgotten, so he's back, but with a new role. That's the joy of having 30+ roles left over.

2007-11-29, 04:57 PM
Of course. That still is an awesome avataur. I need to get a new one for myself rather than this homemade thing. Bleaugh. But I do not feel like bothering anyone about it and I'm also lazy. *shrug*

((i could help you out with that))

The Allamabus finds itself starting to speak french, and thus changes his speaking mod from Royal Blue toGREEN

Aaah, zat was in fact an intrresting duel, i zink zat de little Rock stag had zomthing to do wiz it

2007-11-29, 05:52 PM
Raistlin gets up, and shakes his head.

Jeez. Dying when you're not dead is not a pleasant thing. Imagine getting knockout punched in the streets by a gang of guys, and they waking up in a coffin. You just kind of freak out. Wooo. Anyway, it looks like there's a lot of suspicious people around here. I'll point at Castaras.

2007-11-29, 10:55 PM
(( Bah! Well, this game was too big for me to follow, honestly. So ttfn. Oh, and ... DUCKS FOREVER!!))

2007-11-30, 03:50 AM
The love struck llama waves happily at her love as he reappears. She blows him kisses and watches as Raistlin comes alive again.

2007-11-30, 08:22 AM
I point at raistlin, maybe he's some kind of undead now!

2007-11-30, 07:02 PM
^Santa-it your point, with RED!!
red is the best!!
RED ^ ^


2007-11-30, 07:06 PM

I missed the Taco-Chalupa Conversation!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-12-01, 02:17 AM
*cough* *weeze*
The night.. is so... pretty... ninjas are still greater than pirates...
One last disappearing move...
*nudges out a smoke bomb, it goes off, and covers the ninja llama in a puff of smoke*
*the smokes clears, the ninja llama didn't move, except to close its eyes and rest forever peacefully*

2007-12-01, 02:47 AM
The Llamathrope comes out and looks around, wondering what is going to happen today.

Zar Peter
2007-12-01, 06:47 AM
I point at Zeb the Troll, because i don't want to miss the day

2007-12-01, 09:08 AM
*cough* *weeze*
The night.. is so... pretty... ninjas are still greater than pirates...
One last disappearing move...
*nudges out a smoke bomb, it goes off, and covers the ninja llama in a puff of smoke*
*the smokes clears, the ninja llama didn't move, except to close its eyes and rest forever peacefully*

Aww. :smallfrown:

2007-12-01, 01:36 PM
*Points at Pxp*

The Rock llama watches Pxp.

Life is a map and it is quite confusing
The lights are up now let the play begin
She flies, she flies,
into the light she flies
No words like "just" in mind

2007-12-01, 01:47 PM
Points at Slaanesh, since I think he's in auto-lynch danger?

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2007-12-01, 02:01 PM
(We need votes guys. If you don't know, just take a guess. :smallbiggrin: There is no penalty for guessing wrong only not guessing at all.)

2007-12-01, 02:12 PM
*Points at cassie* I was waiting for infomation from our loyal llamas, but none seems to have arrived.

2007-12-01, 02:12 PM
The Llamathrope points at Atreyu.

2007-12-01, 03:34 PM
I'l tentatively point at..Cassie

2007-12-01, 04:02 PM
I point at the person who so currently refers to themselves as Exachix.

2007-12-01, 04:05 PM
...And why are people jumping onto a "lynch Castaras" bandwagon all of a sudden? What have I done? :smallconfused:

2007-12-01, 04:07 PM
There's a bandwagon against you? Oops. :smallfrown:

2007-12-01, 04:39 PM
The rDracollama sighs, and gets up from her post.
Well, that was interesting.
as for who to trow off the cliff today?
I've never liked that invisible llama. I see you there, Haruki-kun.

Beren One-Hand
2007-12-01, 04:46 PM
The Rocking Llama stays put (not that he can move very far) and keeps his glare upon Curlykitgirl

2007-12-01, 04:49 PM
I'm still in this thing?

Anyway, I'll point at cassie

2007-12-01, 04:55 PM
Look, can people at least tell me why they're all pointing at me? It would kinda help...:smallconfused:

If you're just jumping on the lynching bandwagon...then you're making a mistake.

2007-12-01, 05:41 PM
I've missed a few days of the game and have no idea what's going on so I'm going with the bandwagon. If it helps, I'll point at myself instead.

2007-12-01, 06:33 PM
*guesses at Curly*

2007-12-01, 06:52 PM
cassie, i dunno why it happened, i just pointed at you randomly
if it makes you feel better, let's change point towards CurlyKitGirl since it is well proven she is a duckie

2007-12-01, 07:43 PM
Points at Exachix. Why are you pointing at our fallen leader?

2007-12-01, 08:03 PM
The llama of justice looks nervously around at all the people pointing in odd directions. Why are people pointing at Cassie? That doesn't make sense... Then again, none of this makes sense.... Hm... I agree with your point, Stu. I will point at you too. Llama of Justice points at Stu42 for life, the universe and everything.

The LoJ then picks up the riding crop dropped so long ago and gives the Disturbing Llama across the flanks. You'd better pay attention! Don't make me get the cattle prod! Then again.... :smallwink:

Lizard Lord
2007-12-01, 08:10 PM
Something stinky is going on with the castaras bandwagon. No one has given a reason for voting for her, and I honestly have no reason to think she is guilty.

Raistlin's vote could have just been a random guess, but it is Dark Corax and Ariko that actually turned it into a bandwagon.

I shall vote for the third person to vote for Castaras, cause I think it is more likely that she was actually aiming for a bandwagon then the other two.

2007-12-01, 08:15 PM
not really. There just didnt seem any better choices with so few votes up.

Hm..I really dont want to see the rock&roll llama lynched anyway. As a randomly rolled point..Hawkeye
Now if your suspicions require go ahead and lynch me.though I'd like to hang on a few days, til I find..the other. I'm a llama but not a critical role. except maybe to one person.:smallwink:

2007-12-01, 10:20 PM
*unmasked Llama points back at CKG*

You may have slipped away like soap last time... but not twice.

2007-12-01, 10:45 PM
The DisturboLlama looks pleadingly at phoenixineohp with eyes that seem to be pleading for a little singed fur.

2007-12-02, 01:49 AM
The Invisible Llama now suggest that everyone looks at Stu42. Isn't it strange that he's just sitting there doing nothing but point at himself?

It's crazy! It's madness! I mean, I can point at myself too, but it wouldn't go red! *Points at himself* See? No red Ink!

Plus........ I don't like it when people do that. Sorry, that's just me........

2007-12-02, 02:50 AM
Points at Exachix. Why are you pointing at our fallen leader?

Now motions to Mountain_Faerie

"I don't know!"

2007-12-02, 05:14 AM
Hmmm...currently tied for lynchins...just an FYI to all those who haven't pointed, get your points in!

Bulletin Board Update

Life is like a hurricane, here in duckberg
Race cars, lasers, airoplanes, it's a duck blur
Might solve a mystery,
Or re-write history,
Duck Tales, ooOOooo....

2007-12-02, 05:17 AM
Points at Curlykitgirl

Zar Peter
2007-12-02, 05:26 AM
Point at CurlyKitGirl.

Ah yes, she wanted to die yesterday, why not try it again today.

2007-12-02, 08:11 AM

The Bobbleheaded llama, having been quiet as of late as it recovers, looks up with renewed interest and energy. It quickly bobs at CurlyKitGirl before bobbing around the area.

Almighty Salmon
2007-12-02, 08:12 AM
*Points at CurlyKitGirl*

2007-12-02, 08:22 AM
"Beware the Ides of March they say. I survived but wouldst they seek to rip through my feeble shell in this month of goodwill? Aye, for my mistress of Curls hath revealed unto me all. In mine opiated state she came to me; revealed the truth. My Curly Goddess will take me with her. And our blessed phalanx of sheep shalt take o'er this Llama haven. The llamas shalt perish. I have been told!
"Bewrae the Sheep of July!" The suicidal Llamauis proclaimed loudly, exhorting these blood lusting hordes to do their duty as a true Roman would.

2007-12-02, 09:27 AM
"How dare you accuse me of being a duck!" The CW llama points a hoof back to Ariko.

Shas aia Toriia
2007-12-02, 09:33 AM
points at curly

2007-12-02, 09:36 AM
The fool scampers over to Curly, realizing that she still has her crown. She leaves it there in hopes that maybe it will help others realize she is a throne stealing duck.

Captain van der Decken
2007-12-02, 09:37 AM
The TiefLlama points at DarkCorax.

"He has feathers!"

2007-12-02, 12:08 PM
"Anatidaephobia hast split through my mind. All about me in the darkome fields are the glowing orbs of the demons. Everywhere, th'orbs pierce through mine strongest heart made defences. My Mistress cannot help me for she hath plagued me with these Fiends. My soul cannot be saved from this hoary destruction. Please O Gods of mine believes; my heart and mind art in dire peril. I call upon you to save me from mine demons!"

Zeb The Troll
2007-12-02, 12:39 PM
Oh, the pain! The confusion!

Castaras, I don't like the cut of your jib.

((I'm totally lost here and grabbing a name out of a hat.))

Lizard Lord
2007-12-02, 12:46 PM
Curly Kit Girl

The Valiant Turtle
2007-12-02, 04:31 PM
No idea. There's a good chance Curly Kit is still protected, so I really don't know who to vote for. I guess I'll go with DarkCorax, but I don't have any real reason to.

2007-12-02, 04:49 PM
In my considered opinion, pointing at Curly is a mistake

She was protected yesterday by "Howard the Duck"
In all likelihood she will be protected today as well.

I think we are wasting our time with her.

evnafets points at Exachix, cuz thats what the llama always does.

2007-12-02, 05:00 PM
Hmm, I'm not sure, but I'll point at Curly Kit Girl to avoid an autolynch.

Lizard Lord
2007-12-02, 05:08 PM
In my considered opinion, pointing at Curly is a mistake

She was protected yesterday by "Howard the Duck"
In all likelihood she will be protected today as well.

I think we are wasting our time with her.

evnafets points at Exachix, cuz thats what the llama always does.

I am pretty sure howard can't protect the same person twice.

2007-12-02, 05:42 PM
I am pretty sure howard can't protect the same person twice.

What makes you think that? According to the roles in the first post:

Howard the Duck: Similar to the day Baner, this Duck can protect someone each day by pointing at them.

Nothing about who they can/can't protect. Unless you know more than we do somehow?

I'm going to go with this alternative bandwagon that seems to be gathering momentum: evnafets points at DarkCorax

Lizard Lord
2007-12-02, 05:49 PM
What makes you think that? According to the roles in the first post:

Nothing about who they can/can't protect. Unless you know more than we do somehow?

I'm going to go with this alternative bandwagon that seems to be gathering momentum: evnafets points at DarkCorax

I don't know, it just seems over powered if that were the case, especially since all he has to do is be part of the bandwagon. If all we went by is that little burp, then he basiclly makes ducks unstoppable since it doesn't say that howard can't protect himself by pointing at himself.

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2007-12-02, 06:12 PM
(Apologies for the length of the day. Atreyu's life is picking up steam. This also counts as an apology for the shortness of this post.)

*The llamas eventually decide that its like Atreyu always said* If at first you don't succeed succeed, try try again.

So the llamas attempt to string up CurlyKitGirl for a good old fashioned lynching, but they discover that the gallows have been sabotaged and the initials H.D. are carved into a piece of wood on the gallows.

ONe of the llama scratches his head and says in frustration you know, I don't think Atreyu ever actually said that.
CurlyKitGirl was protected by Howard the Duck again. That pesky duck is gonna be trouble for them courageous llamas.

NIght falls. Please send all llama actions to Supagoof, all Duck actions to Atreyu and all either actions to Gezina. The details of the Secret Chalupa Sidequest have almost been finalized.

Lizard Lord
2007-12-02, 06:14 PM
Hmmm, Guess I was wrong. What then is stopping Howard himself from being invincible?

2007-12-02, 09:18 PM
I have done some research, and have come to a conclusion.

CurlyKitGirl is Howard the Duck.
Howard saves someone from being lynched by pointing at them

Both times she was up for the lynch, she pointed at herself and was saved.
Of all the people who pointed at her both times, all of them had pointed at someone in the past who was lynched that day.
Curly has never pointed at someone who ended up lynched.

Therefore, Curly is proven to be Howard the Duck.

Therefore, the only way to kill her is by a night kill ability.

2007-12-02, 09:57 PM
Confirmed Mr PhantomFox. I came to the same conclusions you did.
So how do we put a contract out for the Assassin to target CurlyKitGirl tonight?

@V Grog! Grog! Grog! Grog!

2007-12-02, 10:43 PM
Um.... I have cookies?


Pirate cookies?
And booze. Can't forget the pirate booze.

2007-12-03, 11:06 AM
*Narrator Note*

Radikal Skippy lost his life despite Howard's attempt to save him. The reason for this is that google spreadsheet's don't always refresh the formulas correctly. We just wanted to make sure you analysis wasn't tainted due to the mistake.

2007-12-03, 12:10 PM
((Aww... Ah well. It'll be on the next game, then...))

2007-12-03, 12:29 PM
*Narrator Note*

Radikal Skippy lost his life despite Howard's attempt to save him. The reason for this is that google spreadsheet's don't always refresh the formulas correctly. We just wanted to make sure you analysis wasn't tainted due to the mistake.

So you're saying that Curly is NOT Howard, eh?

Hold on, recalculating...

The Valiant Turtle
2007-12-03, 12:34 PM
Well, this rules out Curly, since she pointed at Shadow that day.

Also there is this little bulletin board post to consider:

The one behind the curtain of the llama who speaks in bobs happens to be one that is curly and has a kit who happens to be female.

which implies that CKG may be the "Owner", and still a duck, but not Howard.

*Narrator Note*

Radikal Skippy lost his life despite Howard's attempt to save him. The reason for this is that google spreadsheet's don't always refresh the formulas correctly. We just wanted to make sure you analysis wasn't tainted due to the mistake.

2007-12-03, 12:48 PM
Research complete.

The only person that pointed at Curly both times she was saved, pointed at Skippy the day he was lynched AND has not pointed at anyone else who was lynched that day is....


List of those who pointed at Curly BOTH days:

izard Lord
Almighty Salmon
*Beren One-Hand

Here's the votes that cleared everyone but Timberwolf

Lizard Lord - androgial
Pwenet - androgial
Almighty Salmon - Raeden
Beren One-Hand - Raeden
Castaras - Raedan
smellie_hippie - Raeden
Haruki-kun - Raeden
North - Raeden

Timber also pointed at RadicalSkippy. QED. Quack esta dead-o
Also, I'm pretty sure Curly confessed to being a duck, but I guess she's not Howard.

2007-12-03, 01:04 PM
Phantom fox, you rock.

I sure hope you sign up for other werewolf games...

2007-12-03, 01:05 PM
I am offically confused. as always.

I fail to see how you get all this logic.

2007-12-03, 01:12 PM
The role "Howard the Duck" saves someone from lynching like the day baner, but Howard must point at the person to be saved.

It origionally looked like CurlyKitGirl herself was Howard until the Narrator pointed out that he (supa)goofed and that RadicalSkippy was to be saved by Howard.

So I go through the thread and look at who pointed at Curly both times she was saved. Then I see which ones on that list also pointed at Skippy. Then I go and see which of those have pointed at someone who ended up lynched. (Since that would prove that they are NOT Howard)

I ended up with only one name left at the end. Timberwolf.
It's quite elementary. Once Howard started acting, it was a matter of time until a sieve ferreted him out. Too bad there aren't other roles I can figure out the same way. :(

2007-12-03, 01:14 PM
Phantom fox, you rock.

I sure hope you sign up for other werewolf games...

It wasn't that hard to figure out honey.

2007-12-03, 01:36 PM
It wasn't that hard to figure out honey.

Meh. I'm not up for all the intrigue and strategy you all use, to be honest. :smalltongue:

2007-12-03, 03:14 PM
Quack quack quack boyo.

2007-12-03, 04:02 PM
Research complete.
List of those who pointed at Curly BOTH days:

Lizard Lord
Almighty Salmon
*Beren One-Hand

Sorry, going to have to disagree with you here.
Haruki-kun shouldn't be on the list - voted for Stu42 today (post #710)
However both Alarra and TheCrystalMage SHOULD be here
CrystalMage's vote wasn't completely obvious in #606 but the reference to "Caesar! The Roman!" is a point to CurlyKitGirl
Alarra: #615, and #720

So my list of who pointed at Curly on both days, and my reasons for discarding them from analysis.
Unfortunately I eliminate all suspects.

Discarded because

Alarra|Raeden Day4
Almighty Salmon|Raeden Day4, Didn't vote RS Day 3
Beren One-Hand|Raeden Day1
Castaras|Raeden Day4
CurlyKitGirl|Didn't vote RS Day 3
Lizard Lord|Androgial Day2, Raeden Day 4
Pwenet|Androgial Day2
Smellie Hippie|Raeden Day4
TheCrimsonMage|Raeden Day1, Raeden, Day4
Timberwolf|Raeden Day1

Timberwolf also voted for Raeden on Day#1 (Post #194), which means Howard should have saved him rather than Atreyu/Hippie.
If Howards action was ignored that day, we need to bring Beren One-hand back in as well as Timberwolf.

Assuming that, I am left with two names
Beren One-Hand

What do you think PhantomFox? (or anybody else)

2007-12-03, 04:08 PM
Sorry evnafets, I'm going to try to exonorate Beren One Hand here. I have no idea if he's a duck or not.

*does loop the loop in Howard the Duck costume before landing and commencing naked Howard the Duck dance*


And may the correct grammar and spelling police shoot me before I do that again.

By the way, I'd watch that Phantomfox, sure, he's spilled who I am but we've all played games where pawns (and indeed knights, bishops, rooks and queens) have been sacrificed. (I'll be watching for you Phantomfox, I look forward to returning ze favour... *strokes white cat and grins*)

2007-12-03, 04:09 PM
Beren voted for Raeden on day 4, and Raeden was lynched on day 4.

Edit: It looks like someone's ticked that I bothered to ferret them out and is trying to pin it back on me. Obviously you're trying to discredit me, and not doing a good job at that. Seriously, if I was a duck, why would you (who is a duck) point it out? If you seriously thought I was a duck, you'd keep mum about it and hope that I could mole something out. But no, you're attacking my reputation, so you think I'm not a duck. Which is true, I'm not a duck.

Thank you, come again.

2007-12-03, 04:18 PM
Nah, I'm not ticked. I had a good run and I did my best with the hand I had. I only get ticked when I get killed really early, when I'm the damn seer (last Mafia). Coulda done without Goof saying about RadikalSkippy but it's water under the bridge now. Anyway, good luck Young Phantomfox, you'll need it. Go with all the ducky blessings in the world and remember, trust no one.

(That was actually a compliment that in, what ? Your first ever Werewolf game, you've figured out how it works so well)