View Full Version : Mithraic mystery cult

2020-03-02, 11:13 PM
i'm trying to figure out what a good prestige class would be for the mystery cult of Mithras {Scrubbed}.

Most of the converts were secular soldiers, so paladin would not be the most appropriate starting class; converts would likely have started with the fighter class.

Gary Gygax states in the player's guide to the wilderlands that his domains are Fire, Good, Healing, Law, Protection, and Sun. It seems likely that he would also possess either war or strength as another one of his domains. His religion of origin {Scrubbed} also put a great deal of emphasis on astrology, if that is relevant.

2020-03-03, 07:49 AM
Metamagic Mod: please ensure any discussion on this topic is restricted explicitly to the fictional character found in the book referenced above, or to the general parameters described.