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2020-03-03, 01:57 PM
The tensions in Kintargo have come to a head. It has not taken long for Barzillai Thrune to enforce his will, and even shorter for the city's residents to take umbrage with that fact. Between the bullying of the Chelich Citizens Group, the arson of several respected establishments, and his rigid Proclamations, the new lord-mayor has made himself many enemies among the citizens of the Silver City. Whispers of discontent have turned into shouting, smaller protests, and now to a mass of citizens that have gathered outside the Opera House - once a bastion of Kintargo culture, now the headquarters of Thrune's machinations.

Dozens of citizens line Aria Park, some with clothes still dripping wet from the shower earlier in the morning, some with signs of protest, others armed with simple words, and all of them butting their heads against the locked gates of the Opera House. But they're not alone; the Dottari, Barzillai's dottari stand vigil at key points, their weapons a reminder of what would happen should things go too far. But the idea that the spirit of rebellion can be exorcised so easily proves to be a false one, as several individuals go about their business in the largest protest yet...


Arodea stands out from the crowd without even trying. There are merchants present, those in fine garb, but none who stand like her, or talk with such grace. She finds it all too easy to get the protesters to share the things they've heard, and it's clear to her that they believe it...even if some may be more dubious than others.

"I hear that bodyguard of Thrune's, that woman Nox, is half-devil. She's too ugly to be just human, that's for sure!" a black-clad halfling tells her as she slips by.

"Clenchjaw's tavern has gone bad," a broad merchant with a finely-shaped beard happily lets her know. "I used to love drinking there; it was always a nice place to relax. Since the Night of Ashes, though..." He sighs. "The place is crowded and talk about politics has exploded - as has the number of brawls. We got enough fighting on the streets these days." He goes on, apparently quite pleased by the sound of his own voice. "Whatever's causing these brawls at Clenchjaw's has ruined one of the last places we have to escape the violence. Just a matter of time before the new government shuts the place down." His gaze drifts to a nearby Dottari, who looks directly in his eyes, and he coughs before making his excuses and walking off.

A little later, Arodea finds her sleeve being tugged by another human, a young man likely still in his teens with the eager cadence of someone who's heard some hot gossip and is eager to share. "I heard Lord-Mayor Bainilus didn't flee to Arcadia at all," he whispers conspiratorially. "Broke her neck falling down a flight of stairs, praying a bit too hard to Cailean, if you understand my meaning."

By the time the third hour rolls on, Arodea has noticed a pattern among the agitated crowd - they're not violent, but a few particular individuals are going around and hinting that it might happen. Things like "I reckon we've the numbers to take on a couple Dottari and be off before there's trouble." and "They can't identify all of us, can they, if something were to happen."...and she notices that all of the individuals doing so are wearing similar cloaks, with similar unusual bulges underneath them. An organized group, intentionally riling people up...


Fortuna has turned up to the protests with a particular goal in mind, to meet Strea, and people are more than happy to give the tiefling some berth to get a clear view of the crowd. A coupe of hours go by and she sees no sign of the woman she was so interested in meeting, in fact, she can't spot any tieflings other than herself. But what she does notice is a peculiarity among the protesters, in the form of a particular few of them clearly being armed and armored under their cloaks. An easy thing to recognize, from having grown up in the Devil's Nursery - more than a few tieflings take it upon themselves to carry something for self-defense. But that doesn't match what else she can tell from the crowd; they're agitated, yes, but not violent. At least, not aside from that one half-orc who seems to be attempting to rile people up for some property damage.

The third hour comes around and the crowd seem to have gotten the message that Fortuna isn't any danger, and they let her in on a few of their conversations.

"Looks like Thrune's bringing public excruciations to Kintargo. I can't imagine that'll increase his popularity around these parts, even if the criminals deserve it," a well-dressed woman shakes her head in obvious distaste. "This 'doghousing' thing sounds particularly frightening!" Before further questions can be asked, the woman is spirited away by one of her friends.

"I hear the dottari guard towers are so full of prisoners now they're keeping those they arrest in warehouses," she hears the friend saying as they shuffle away through the dense crowd."My cousin even said said they're putting prisoners to work in place like Sallix Salt Works."

"Scared for your livelihood, are we?" The woman asks her significantly more shabbily-dressed friend, who barks a laugh and shakes her head.


Kyra quickly makes her presence known at the protest, a woman who looms even above most of the Dottari, Even more effective, though, is her manner, as she goes about the crowd looking to silence a couple of groups who seem to be doing little more than aggravating the already-displeased crowd. people clearly making a fuss, as they openly talk about hoping a riot starts. She manages to convince them that, if the look in their eyes when they saw her was any indication, they would not be at all prepared for the dottari dotting the plaza. Any notion of a riot is dispelled...at least, openly.

The next group that earns the Aasimar's ire are a gaggle of proudly-Chelish individuals with the Chelish flag emblazoned across their clothing had spent the first hour attempting to get a chant started, harassing the concerned citizens, but all it takes is a few well-placed words from her to send their leader packing, and with him, the rest of them.

Unfortunately, her attempt to listen out for rumors doesn't bear much fruit by the time the third hour rolls around, with most folks apparently having talked themselves out and growing more tired by standing around in the damp weather.


Nyda has shown up to the protest apparently with the notion that she's going to make herself as big a nuisance as possible. In the first hour, she's treated with general wariness - perhaps it's her heritage, perhaps it's just the cut of her jib, but she has skill with getting people to do what she wants. Openly throwing rocks isn't what she gets, but that doesn't mean the crowd do nothing; they wait until the guards aren't looking before tossing their rocks. By the time the third hour rolls around, most of the people present know that she's around making the protest little more than waiting around, parting wherever she goes and helping her organize distractions for the guard to unleash mini-hails of rocks at the side of the opera house.

You get +2 circumstance bonus on all Charisma checks for the next 24 hours, so until about noon tomorrow in-game, and the crowd doesn't count as difficult terrain for you.


Lynera finds herself quite at home among the crowd of protesters, more than a few of which ask to borrow her sign when her arms get tired of holding it up. She finds herself pulled into a group of partisans who want to share their ideas with her, but they quickly descend into bickering over minutiae and discovering that they don't really get along at all. She unfortunately witnesses the end of a couple of acquaintances that day, but at least it gives her enough space to keep an eye out for her contact.

The third hour stretches on for quite a while with still no sign of any such person - right until the very end. She spots a man with a black glove on one hand, his other bare, and he's clad in a red and gold cloak, with tan skin and a trimmed brown beard. He's approaching from beside the water, but her vision of him is suddenly obstructed by the crowd surging and yelling...


Everyone hears the tolling of the bells at the Cathedral of Asmodeus, followed by the windows of the opera house's balcony being thrown open. Barzillai Thrune emerges, a giant of a man clad in red, orange, black, with an ornate breastplate that's emblazoned with the pentagram of Asmodeus and the cross of Cheliax. His face is marked with wrinkles, his hair cut dark and short, and in his hands is a mace ornamented with vicious spikes with only one apparent purpose - to make people suffer. He slams the hilt of the mace on the stone part of the balcony just as the lower doors of the opera house open. A similarly formidable woman steps out, clad in red chainmail with a deep black cloak, pale eyes, and blatant wear from battle and the passing of time.

"Ah, my adoring little chickadees," Barzillai sneers, his voice high, yet croaking. "I am sorry to say have not yet adapted to your quaint, country ways, being accustomed as I am to the sophistication and learning of Egorian. Nonetheless, know that I have heard your concerns, and that I appreciate your...valued feedback, and I know we shall eventually find a mutual understanding in the fullness of time." He smacks his lips. "I take pride in updating Kintargo's quaint, outdated laws to the modern standards the city deserves and strengthening its ties with the empire in these cruel times, but obviously I have approached my duties too aggressively."

He takes a moment to fondly rub his thumb over the hilt of his mace.

"You say you chafe at the presence of nonnatives in positions of power? That authorities not of this city have no place as its leaders? That you will not be yoked by intruders?" The tiniest smirk graces his lips. "Your lord-mayor hears you. And so it is with a heavy heart that I issue this proclamation, in response to your demands: All ships' captains are hereafter barred from leaving their vessels and setting foot on Kintargo docks or streets, under pain of...let's say..." He clicks his tongue. "Squassation! A word which here means very nasty torture by very solid rope'."

Rage ripples across the crowd at the proclamation that, for the first time, torture will be issued as punishment by the new lord-mayor. Nyda gets a very close look at the man beside her, who hurls one of his rocks straight for Barzilla. It strikes the lord-mayor's shoulder, startling the lord-mayor and causing the wine glass in his free hand to spill all over the front of his armor. More rocks follow, pelting the side of the building.

"Enough of this!" Barzillai shrieks as he grabs hold of the windows. "Nox, run them off, arrest them, kill them!" He slams the windows shut, The woman below gestures to the dottari who stand behind the gates, who draw their weapons, signalling to the dottari in the plaza to do the same. And as they do, they're accompanied by cloaked figures among the crowd that some of the party recognized before. Beneath, they wear the red armor of the Chelish Citizens Group, and maces fill their hands.

A riot has started.

Combat has started. Because some of you noticed the Chelish Citizens Group before the riot, the PCs get to go first. You're all close by each other, as proven by this here Roll20 Map (https://app.roll20.net/join/5915812/d_JwnQ). You may act in any order. The spaces with people in them count as difficult terrain.

2020-03-03, 02:54 PM
Nyda spits on the cobblestones as she stands int the crowd, the rough-looking Half-Orc noticeably more agitated than normal, her face a deep scowl as she looks over the mansion. "HEY" the half orc shouts, her voice loud enough to drown out a few of the other protesters "This Devil Worshiping, Bootlicking, Baby Eating, Dog-faced, Scar-Faced, Inbred, Incest-loving, psychopathic, Cheliax Bastard thinks that he can walk right into our home, our Kintargo and rule over it liek he was made king. SHacking up in the old Opera house while he lets the people suffer under his black steel boot so he can sit back and take a sip of his piss drink while he fawns over those mongrel dogs of his. I bet he thinks a couple of dogs are worth more then our lives put together! He thinks he can sit there and pleasure himself with our misfourtune, cooing at the thought of some poor kid getting sent off to one of his prison's because they had to gall to eat a mint? I cna think of a better place for a man like this to live. THe Harbor, enxt to where or sailors take there ****s!" She grinds her teeth, picking up one of the many rocks on the ground "Why dont we get his attention! Let him come out here and See what we think of his Proclimation. Here I'll my my own. Every second that Thrune stays inside his shanty little playhouse, We Break a window!" she says, turning and throwing a stone.

This sort of behavior goes on for hours. Nyda riling up the crowd with her words and actions in equal measure. Disorderly conduct in the highest regards. All till Thrune himself actually shows his smug face. Nyda grits her teeth a gain, cracking her knuckles as she looks up at that man. That Cruel taskmaster who's instituted all kinds of insane laws to punish the people for..whateer reason. The urge to not just throw one of her blades instead of a stone is a strong one. She even finds herself aiming her next shot right at the mayor's head...until another rock flies up, and hits him on the shoulder.

Nyda blinks, knocked out of her fiery trance as she looks to the man responsible for the thrown rock. She looks back, now seeing the many secret thugs revealing themselves...the wheels in her mind start turning. Thrune, or someone working for him, might have planned this. Planted various people in the crowd to rile them up, just to have justification for violence. Sure, she might have contributed to that but there was one thing that he may have miscalculated when he arme dand armed his guards for today.

Math. Mainly the number of people in the corwd, vs the number of thugs in the crowd.

Nyda turns, grabbing the man who threw the rock "If you want to live, Stick with me." She looks around "THe Mayor thinks he can supresses us witha few facist that got a chip on there shoulder! Well, if these bastards want to lick boots so bad, why dont we give them ours! TRAMPLE EM!" Nyda roars, as she starts running south

2020-03-03, 03:06 PM
The man beside Nyda, already enraged enough to toss rocks at the lord-mayor, is the first to start running, and he's joined by the nearest civilians as they run. They form a large group that attempts to trample the nearest Chelish Citizens Group member as they flee, but wild waves of his mace keep all of them, all noncombatants, at bay, leaving him mostly untouched. They are, at least, out of the way.

Nyda succeeded in clearing out a dozen protesters, freeing up some of the terrain surrounding the party, but they failed their check to Bull Rush the guard. This change is reflected on the map.

The Kool
2020-03-03, 05:57 PM
Arodea had mostly kept her mouth closed and her ears open, and it served her well. Rumors flow in with the simplest of suggestions, it's truly amazing how willing people are to talk about what's on their mind. Thrune, Nox, torture, prisoners, even the old Lord-Mayor were all hot topics tonight. Speaking of Barzillai Thrune, it appeared he had some speaking of his own to do. As soon as he he made his appearance, she retreated into herself just a bit, trying not to stand out. She gave a small laugh to herself at that thought. She was sure she didn't stand out as much as she used to, with how long she'd been away from home, accumulating grime.

Home... even the thought made her cringe. She hoped her servants had gotten away. The taste of ash resurfaced on her tongue, or perhaps it was simply the memory of ash, she couldn't tell. The devil-worshipper had struck while she was away, and all she has returned to was flames and ash. She hadn't lingered long, she couldn't, not even long enough to see if anything or anyone had survived. She clutched a blackened rose petal in her fist, then slid it back into her pocket to focus on the words of the Lord-Mayor.

The words nearly made her gag. Torture! This openly? He's no longer trying to hide his disdain for the people. What is he even after with this proclamation? Does he want to start a riot? The words rang in her mind, with images of the cloaks and whispers of the evening. It certainly sounded like he did, and the people were playing right into it. Screaming and yelling, rocks flying, and one struck the tyrant directly. Immediately she saw his face change, and he barked out his new proclamation. "Kill them!" rang loudly in her ears, seemingly echoed by "Trample 'em!" Things were bad. Civilians everywhere, many picking up rocks and stones, weapons being drawn throughout the crowd, but many more unwilling to fight, panic growing. A surge of motion as a half-orc led a charge against the thugs. This could turn into a bloodbath, and fast, if no one did anything.

Her mind worked quickly, and she found herself jumping up on the edge of the fountain and yelling out across the crowd. In her fist, she holds her sheathed longsword into the air. "People of Kintargo! Don't let yourselves be trampled by this tyrant and his dogs! We do not die tonight! Those with courage, stand your ground until those who would leave are safe! For our people! For our homes!"

Move: up onto the edge of the fountain
Standard: Stirring Monologue, affecting all my allies within hearing (+1 morale on saves vs charm and fear, +1 competence on attacks and weapon damage)

2020-03-03, 07:03 PM
Kyra does her best to be inconspicuous when she arrives at the protest. It doesn't work, not really, but at least her efforts result in her being the very noticeably tall, bulky cloaked figure, rather than the obviously armored one. Her polearm is in one hand, the obviously-martial end close to her closed hand, the wooden haft emerging from the fabric around her as what could probably pass for a large staff held at an odd angle. Maybe. Of course, even her best efforts quickly break down when it becomes clear that the protest includes various elements likely to cause more harm than good - though luckily, Kyra has an answer for that. A proper way to do it, to follow what she knows. So she gives a few good stares, places a few suitably-threatening words, and then spends the next hour unexpectedly devoid of company happy to talk to the big stranger who just scared off half a dozen people.

Barzillai's arrival changes things, though. His speech is odd (and incorrect; after running off the people who seemed to actually be supportive, she hadn't seen anyone adoring, not to mention the fact that Kintargo's laws were mostly similar to that of the rest of Cheliax, despite notable exceptions...) and his decisions baffling. Punishing ship captains for setting foot ashore? Bringing wine and a mace to the balcony? It's all very puzzling, but luckily it ends quickly, because a much simpler scenario unfolds a few moments later, as steel shines in the light and cloaks are cast aside. Kyra's hand is already shifting on her bec de corbin when the nearby crowd parts, and a woman rises from the mass of the crowd to speak. The words are...good. Kyra would nod, if she had the time. She would have to find a good way to describe the words later. For now, though...

Kyra pulls off her cloak with one tug, letting the old fabric fall to the ground as a shimmer of green light flows across the armor beneath, accompanied by the slightest glow from within. Her hands are on the bec de corbin properly now, pointing the dangerous end up at first as she snaps her gaze onto something simple. The man who had parted the rushing crowd with his mace. He had drawn his weapon, showcased intent to use it on unarmed folk nearby. It was simple, really.

Kyra steps forwards and brings her weapon to bear against the thug, thrusting the sharpened tip forwards.

Reach weapons, woo! Using Arcane Pool to enhance armor, "drawing" the bec de corbin, then stepping in to swing at the thug to the south.

A: [roll0]
D: [roll1]

2020-03-03, 07:07 PM
Fortuna takes a look at her reflection in a puddle from the recent downpour, fixing any blemishes in her makeup with prestidigitation before joining the protest.

She weaved between the crowd, eyes peeled for Ms. Vestori among the sea of Chelish faces. If she was here, she'd probably stick out, maybe not as much as Fortuna herself, but still.

She couldn't help but fumble with the sheaf of papers stuffed between the pages of her journal, reciting her 'lines' under her breath.
"Hello, Ms. Vestori! You probably don't remem-- no, we've met a long time ago but you may not remember me... Fortuna, that's... my name. Okay, now I just sound stupit," she paused and circled, almost hoping Strea is nowhere in sight. Only now noticing the crowd parting around her, she met eyes with the staring protesters surrounding her,"Mornin'!" She waved with a grin, before her eyes fall on a number of armed figures among the crowd. Curious, she focuses on one in particular before getting distracted by the half-orc rallying the crowd and whipping out her notebook to jot down any good lines she comes away with.

When Thrune makes his proclamation she didn't boo or jeer with the crowd, instead taking in his every word, memorising his demeanour and cadence. When the riot broke out she stared into his eyes and scribbled down 'Nox, run them off, arrest them, kill them!' Fortuna would see those words live on, a reminder to Kintargo's people where they stood in the eyes of the Thrunes, words that could bring the city together against them.

Fortuna will unravel her whip from her belt and hearing Arodea's inspiring call to action will move between her and Nyda, readying an action to cast Daze on the first enemy in range (25ft, Save DC 13) to strike at any innocents.

2020-03-03, 09:03 PM
Lynera is mostly exasperated by the proclamation itself - it makes her wonder exactly how much of that gross Ergonian wine he's been drinking - but as an excuse to order his guards to kill everyone it at least makes some degree of sense. Not much sense, but it's in keeping with Thrune's generally conceited and bloodthirsty attitude.

Anyway. Time to figure out a way to not die!

Sandwiched between two rich-looking humans, one rallying the crowd and one deploying stabs on its behalf, Lynera isn't in a good position to extricate herself and run after her contact at this point. A quick assessment of the crowd says that a CCG guy is blocking the protesters' escape route to the river, but these two seem to have gotten his attention.

She shouts to one of the civilians and gestures to the bisected assailant that Kyra left in front of her. "Hey! You heard her! Grab his mace and defend yourself!"

Inspired by the twin speeches of the noblewoman and the big hooligan behind her, she draws the old self-defense sword that her parents made her practice with. If the CCG wants a fight, they can come and get it.

Ready an action to attack a thug that gets in melee range:


(damage??) [roll1]

2020-03-03, 09:32 PM
Arodea's cry of co-operation draws the attention of thugs and civilians both, but energizes only the latter. There are a few further cries among the citizens, many of them emboldened in their riot even with the surrounding armed forces.

The thug who had so readily brandished his mace finds himself swiftly knocked down to the bottom of the food chain. Kyra's lunge slips clear through his defenses, a steel spike severing straight through his skull. He collapses to the floor with a sick thud, dead before he could even blink. Gasps, yells, and a rambunctious laugh fill the air.

At Lynera's cry, the civilian beside the freshly-slain man picks up his mace and hefts it in her hand. She stares at the nearest thug and gives it a couple of swings, nearly stumbling with the weight, but catching herself before she falls over.

"Get this bunch!" The thug to the South bellows, pointing with his mace before charging at Arodea. Apparently ignoring the woman who'd just armed herself, he gets to Arodea and feels the sudden thwack of a mace in the small of his back. He bellows a pained curse as the woman lets out a squeal of delight. The momentum of his stumble lets him just avoid Lynera's readied blow, but he rears back up and just barely managed to slam his mace into Arodea's breastplate and bruise the ribs beneath.

One of the thugs on the other side of the fountain charges forward to do just that, but he can't reach any of the group; he swings his mace at the human standing beside the armed woman as he runs. But, beofre he can land a blow, Fortuna lashes out with her magic and stuns him where he stands, leaving him wobbling and unsteady on his feet.

On the North side of the fountain, the thug apparently notices Fortuna's interference, and lunges through the crowd to swing at her. It's a swing that she manages to dodge with ease, despite the anger in his eyes at the sheer impudence on display.

All across the plaza, the riot continues, with some protesters fleeing while others choose to stand their ground. Even as the Dottari and the civilians start to engage, neither group seems to be getting much headway in their goals, as the iron fist of Thrune fires off warning shots and the protesters throw their relatively ineffectual stones and punches.

Arodea takes 6 damage.

You guys go again!

2020-03-03, 09:52 PM
Nyda smirks as people manage to escape, the area around her tuning into utter chaos. Guards being trampled, stabbed and attacked by the protesters. "Keep moving! Don't let them stop you! The Fancy Ladies right get out of here!" The orc Yells, trying to direct people through the thugs and away from the Opera house. The tiefling next to her, Fortuna, actually managed to do some good for her. Stopping the nearest thug with a quick spell! "Nice One. But fighting here is a waste. We need to move" she orders.

Throwing her hand in the air "Breakthrough them! They can't stop us all! she shouts again, running to the south, passing through the heavily armored Hexer and jumping over the body of a dead thug

Another Diplo roll to rile up the crowd! [roll0]

2020-03-04, 04:38 AM
Everything seems to be coming together. Kyra's last target is down, and it begins to become clear who she can consider a participant, with several others near her readying weapons. They play into the next decision - the thug to the north, who would otherwise catch her attention as an isolated opponent, is in perfect position to be surrounded by the whip-wielding tiefling and the elf with a sword. As such, another target comes to mind as she shifts, blood still dripping from her weapon, to attack again.

Attacking the thug south of Arodea.

A: [roll0] Remembering the bonus this time!
D: [roll1]

2020-03-04, 05:26 AM
"Aye, I was just thinking that!" Fortuna yelled to Nyda over the sound of battle as she ducked her attacker's swing. As surprised at her own agility as the thug, the tiefling spun on her hooves, almost bumping into Kyra. Fearing the thug would just chase her down, she twirled her whip overhead and lashed out at his ankles.

5-foot step to the square north of Kyra, then combat manoeuvre attempt to trip the thug north of Arodea: [roll0] (+1 CMB, +2 Chain Master, +1 from Arodea's Inspire Courage)

2020-03-04, 04:41 PM
Lynera smirks when her own lame brandishing accidentally leads to the CCG getting a mace in the back from another nameless face in the crowd, but her confidence is knocked back down a peg when he keeps attacking and beats down Arodea anyway.

She follows up and tries to get the injured CCG out of the way, then turns her thoughts to her own escape route. According to the one other riot cheerleader, it's time to go, and Lynera doesn't need to be told that twice.

Attack! With the bonus I forgot! [roll0]

Damage? [roll1]

If that's enough to drop him, she'll start winding her way to the south path with her move action.

2020-03-04, 05:14 PM
Nyda's rallying cry encourages the protesters surrounding her, including the one who'd just slammed her mace into the armed thug. They charge to the West first, knocking the dazed thug on his ass with their sudden movement, then dash South towards the park and their ultimate escape.

The thug to the South manages to dodge out of the way of Kyra's polearm, using the fountain to bounce to the side and balance himself without falling over. Meanwhile, Lynera's blade seems like it won't catch much of anything, but at the last second she finds firm footing, adjusts her angle, and her blade cuts a clean line through the back of his armor. He collapses from shock, his body half-hanging in the fountain as he starts to bleed out.

Fortuna's whip unfortunately finds little purchase, as the thug hops out of the way and chuckles to himself.

Kool still has to take his action.

The Kool
2020-03-04, 05:35 PM
"To safety! This way!" Arodea cried out to the crowd, a band of the most competent citizens gathering nearby. She turned to jump down and immediately felt the wind knocked out of her by a mace, causing her to stagger and almost lose her footing. The brawl continued around her in that moment however, and he quickly fell to another's swing before she could regain her composure. No! You trained how to fight, did you not? Lift your sword and defend yourself! You can't lead the people to safety if you're dead!

She jumped down from the fountain and her eyes focused on one of the Chelish Citizen's Group struggling to rise from the ground. A brief conflict ran through her mind, but she lifted her still-sheathed sword and brought it down upon him. If he stayed down, they would have one less threat to worry about, and a clear shot into the park.

Free action to maintain the inspiration.
Move action to hop down 5ft, standard to swing.
-4 to hit for nonlethal strike, +4 to hit because he's prone.
A: [roll0]
D: [roll1]

2020-03-04, 05:50 PM
Arodea slams the flat of her sheathed sword into the side of the fallen thug's head, knocking him out cold. The civilians around her suddenly realize they're not longer surrounded and babble, the sound of their stamping feet filling the air as they run into Aria Park.

All around them, the plaza is getting louder with the sounds of combat; yelling, screaming, stampeding, laughing. The thugs elsewhere seem to be holding out against the rioters, although not by much, but only the most trapped and surrounded protesters find themselves on the receiving end of the thugs' blunt strikes, The Dottari fare less well, perhaps surprised by the rebellion, as one even finds herself trampled to the West while her ally was distracted by flanking with thugs between a row of bushes, and don't manage to move much. Aside, that is, for one, who marks her target among the group surrounding the fountain and blocks Kyra's defensive blow with her shield along the way.

Fortuna feels the full brunt of the Dottari's blade, as it slams into her shoulders with a sickening thud. "Stay down," the dottari hisses in the wake of her blow.

The thug to the North, having noticed Arodea leaving Lynera's side, hurries up to take advantage of the opening, but Lynera is too aware of his incoming blow and manages to duck out of the way with ease.

Fortuna takes 9 damage.

Everyone, it's your turn again!

2020-03-04, 06:42 PM
Kyra's focus moves in a wide arc, passing over the various disabled targets and then to the two remaining. One is already too close for her polearm, the other -

"Stay down," the dottari hisses, and Kyra's polearm clatters to the ground a moment later, her own voice emerging from her helm, not to speak words, but instead intoning arcane syllables as her hands work within her armor.

Dropping the bec de corbin, defensively casting Rime Frostbite, and going for the cold touch. Then 5' step northwest.

Concentration to Cast Defensively: [roll0] vs DC 17 ; if it fails, the spell fizzles
Attack: [roll1] touch
Damage: [roll2] nonlethal cold ; if it hits, the dottari is fatigued until the damage is healed, and entangled for one round

2020-03-04, 06:46 PM
Nyda keeps up the pace. The Crowd around her seems to be doing a good job of escaping, with only a few getting some bumps and bruises along the way. She looks to her west, seeing a group getting pinned in by the Dottari and Thugs. She feels that urge. To run in and try and fight..but she knows it would be running into suicide. A good portion of the people near her is making it to safety though. She looks to the west, slowing down to wave her arms and get those rioters attention. "Hey! Over here! You outnumber them ten to one! Work together with your Kintaran brother and Sisters! Break through them! Trample them! Let those bootlickers taste your leathers! To the South! THey cant catch us all!" She turns again, running down toward Aria park "THRUNE DOSENT KNOW HIS FALCETTO FROM HIS ALTO!" she shouts loudly. She dosnet either, but she does know that opera fans hate it when you say that.


2020-03-04, 09:17 PM
The adrenaline and the sensation of impact rocked Fortuna before the pain of the Dottari's blow did. Gritting her teeth, trying to ignore the blood running down her back, she turned to her attacker.

Clawing a few fibres from her now bisected half-cape, she let out another flash of arcane energy, hoping it was enough to give her a chance to get away .

Concentration to cast daze on the defensive: [roll0] DC15. DC for Dottari to resist Daze is Will 13.
Regardless of the spell's outcome, if she is able/conscious Fortuna will attempt to move her entire distance south and away from the battle.

2020-03-04, 09:46 PM
Amid the battle shifting around her, Lynera hears a painful crunch behind her. When she turns to look, the tiefling looks like she's practically lost an arm, but somehow is still standing.

"Yep, time to go!" she says as she spins away from the guard that was presently on her. She moves to distract the Dottari, but she already seems pretty out of it, so that's good news.

Total defense, since she's slowing herself down to stick with Fortuna anyway.
AC: 19
Acrobatics to get away from Thugsm'n without provoking: [roll0]
(if it does provoke, oh well, that just makes Kyra's life easier)

The Kool
2020-03-04, 10:14 PM
Arodea turns around to face the fight behind her, still crying words of support to the crowd. Seeing a situation about to turn bad for the fighter behind her, she steps in to help take down the thug while the Dottari is dazed.

Move: step in
Standard: Swing longsword with both hands (-4 for nonlethal)
A: [roll0]
D: [roll1]

2020-03-04, 10:29 PM
The Dottari snaps away Kyra's attempted chilling with her shield, slamming it into the armored woman's wrist to keep her away. Her victory is short-lived, however, as she suddenly finds herself the victim of the very woman she just brutalized and stumbles where she stands, caught in a haze while the tiefling and the elf subsequently make their way South.

Nyda's rallying cry proves to have a huge effect on a significant chunk of the protesters, who take up a rallying cry of "THRUNE DOESN'T KNOW! THRUNE DOESN'T KNOW!" as the Southernmost protesters flee, while those to the Norht gather up in a surge that carries at many of them away, a couple even scooping up one of their knocked-out friends, as they trample one unsuspecting guard into unconsciousness.

Arodea steps up to swing her sheathed blade at the thug, and at the last minute manages to find a gap in his defenses that lets her slam the flat of her blade into his chest and knock the air out of his lungs. He wheezes with the blow, falling to half a knee before he starts to run towards the gate of the opera house like the devil is at his backe. A Dottari to the North rushes down to capitalize on the opening, but her mace finds no purchase in Kyra's armored hide.

The protesters have apparently heeded the words and deeds of Nyda and Arodea, as they wreak havoc all across the plaza. A horde of bodies rush past and through thugs all around, knocking them on their feet where they receive kicks from passing citizens, and another of the Dottari even falls along with the citizens group. Many make their escape, while others are confident enough to keep fighting - whether it's wise or not.

The answer to that questions comes immediately, in the form of the doors of the opera house opening and Nox re-emerging. She approaches the gate, holding the chain of a vicious, snarling canine whose fur is black as night, whose every breath seems to be accompanied by a burst of hellfire. A dozen dottari emerge with her, two going ahead to open the chained gate. It will take but moments for them to get through.

Your turns!

The Kool
2020-03-04, 10:39 PM
Arodea spares one glance for the gate and the snarling force of terror barely restrained behind it. "Time to go" she calls, turning for the park as the target of her last swing runs in the opposite direction.

One last round of inspiration, probably (forgot to mention last round).
Standard to swing again. Both hands (I'm remembering the +1 damage this time!), but still -4 for nonlethal.
A: [roll0]
D: [roll1]
Move to get the hell out of dodge.
Retcon to account for the retcon. No attack, spending both actions to move.

2020-03-04, 11:05 PM
Nyda smirks as the next of the guards are trampled by the many protesters, wheeling back as she starts to run through Aria Park. SHe's done her work. The Crowd is angry, riled up, and getting out of there "that's right! THrune Doesn't know! He definitely doesn't know what Kintargo does to Tyrants! LIve for today! And Tomorrow, we can tear down the tyrant! Thrune Doesn't Know! Thrune Doesn't Know his end will be the next tragedy they play in the playhouse. At least for him, for us! It will be our greatest Epic! Thrune doesn't know! Thrune Doesn't Know!" With those words, she runs through the park with the rest of the crowd

Running off the map and through the park!

2020-03-05, 11:15 AM
Kyra moves south, picking up her bec de corbin along the way.

Move south.

2020-03-05, 11:51 AM
Further up the battlefield, one bold rioter has tossed a dagger through the gate with a cry of "Thrune doesn't know!. It catches Nox, Thrune's bodyguard, straight through the throat. His whoop of delight is suddenly halted as she grabs it by the hilt and yanks it out. The flesh is knitting back together. Her victim has no such boon, as she tosses the dagger back with a glare. It sinks into the man's knee. He crumples to the ground with a scream.

Kyra darts back to the group, earning an attack from the Dottari at her flank that misses by a few inches.

Fortuna, Lynera, and Kyra can see the black-clad halfling leaning out from the bushes. Her laughter fills the air as she hunches over with the effort, she points to the East exist into Aria Park where Arodea and Nyda have headed. A white nimbus swirls around her other arm, faintly tinged with red, then forms fog as it flows off of her hand. It swiftly starts to fill the air around them.

Guns and AHalfOrc still have actions.

2020-03-05, 12:20 PM
Fortuna gritted her teeth and ran for the east exit as fast as she could, gripping her shoulder with her free hand.
"Well I'm glad to see you're enjoying yourself at least!" she grunted through the pain to the halfing as she passed her by.

Movement and action to move off-map

2020-03-05, 01:38 PM
"Well, she is covering for us, so... yeah?" Lynera says as she skedaddles alongside her... patient? Impromptu co-conspirator? New friend? Let's try New Friend. "I know a place where we can lay low for a while, if you need it. My roommate left a vacancy."

2020-03-05, 01:49 PM
With the fog covering their behind and the distance they've already made between them and the Dottari, the group manage to flee through Aria Park. The sound of the riot in the distance slowly fades, while the park itself empties of those who've already fled either by themselves or with unconscious allies. Despite the harsh and swift actions of Thrune's lackeys, their spirits seem to be in good faith as they laugh in either relief or excitement. This particular gaggle of individuals find themselves at the far Southwest of the park, and it seems like the Dottari aren't making any effort to leave the plaza, so they may be safe for now.

The halfling is among them, as well, her own laughter having died down in the sprint. She leans against the nearby wall, catching her breath from the all-too-recent sprint.

Combat is over. Talk among yourselves!

2020-03-05, 01:58 PM
Nyda chuckles to herself as she runs away from the ensuing chaos, a large billowing cloud of red smoke not far behind. it interests her, but for now, it's more important that they get away from the conflict. There were a few people she saw thereof interests. Those with abilities were a bit better than your average citizen. They were at least brave enough to speak there mind and fight back, sometimes with deadly force. The Armored one, The Horned Magician, The Quick Witted Elf, and the Inspiring Noble lady. Not a bad crew, that's for sure.

Her run slows down as the riot is now in the distance, for now, she meets up with the other escaped riot goers.

"Ahh. Seems as If Thrunes lapdogs expected us to shake in our boots from there maces. Looking up all scared and helpless. Showed them that was a mistake real quick, didn't we. Nice work all of you, Didn't think I had people in there who knew how to handle themselves in some deadly situations. Hopefully the people leave here tonight knowing that Thrune is rather unrable to failure. Name's Nyda, no last name. What about the rest of ya?"

2020-03-05, 04:09 PM
Fortuna looks over the group as she catches her breath. What an odd bunch of characters. She might have missed out on Strea's endorsement but was pleased to have found herself among such intriguing company. There were definitely stories to be written here.

"Hello there. Name's Fortuna," she puffs herself up, hands on hips. "Writer, actor. You may have heard of me, seen my plays? The Taming of the Tengu? A Midsummer Night's Drow? No? Nevermind. Different, y'know, social circles."

"So, that was violent. Did you see they ruined my favourite cape! It's my only cape! And did you hear that numpty, Thrune? 'Arrest them, kill them'? Over a winestain!"

2020-03-05, 05:50 PM
As the flight from the riot comes to an end, Kyra stays quiet, coming to a stop and resting her polearm against a nearby wall. The shine on her armor fades, and the last remnants of the blue-green frost which briefly covered one of her hands vanishes, dripping away as what seems to be entirely mundane droplets of water. After the others speak, Kyra slowly removes her helmet, almost hesitant, if only because of the implications that came with it. The fighting was over, which meant that the simplicity of what to do, how to respond, was gone. It was like finding oneself at the end of the road, needing to continue into the wilderness guided only by some half-remembered wisdom about which starts to follow or where the moss should grow. Without the steel and shadow to hide them, Kyra's emerald-green, gleaming eyes flash in the light, joined by the almost steel-like hair on her head. Between that and her skin, a shade darker than usual for the area, Kyra might stand out from the usual Kintargan, were she not a few feet away from a rather obvious tiefling.

Of course, removing her helmet is only the beginning. Kyra looks between the two that have spoken so far, lining up her words and preparing each response before opening her mouth. "Hello. I believe we did, yes. I am Kyra. I have a last name..." she pauses, then turns more towards Fortuna. "Hello, as well. I have not seen your plays. I have heard of you. I agree, your cape appears damaged. I did hear Thrune," she nods. Goes over everything silently. She didn't miss anything to reply to, did she? Probably not. Hopefully.

2020-03-05, 05:57 PM
"Are we sure we want to do names? Alright. I'm Lynera." The elf looks up at Fortuna from the edge of the lake. She's trying to rinse off her sword before she puts it away, lest the inside of her scabbard become unnecessarily gross and sticky. "And you're right! I was expecting Barzi to read off the usual emergency powers diarrhea and make some empty promises to get the crowd off his back, but instead he cooks up that pointless shipwreck of a proclamation. Like he can insult us like that and then act surprised when it doesn't go over well."

She puts her sword away, apparently satisfied. "Either he's completely incompetent, or he just wants to watch us squirm. Probably both. Either way, there's no sense making it easy for him, right?"

She starts glancing around the park, searching the fleeing crowd for signs of one-glove guy. He's probably long gone by now, but it's worth a quick look around. He shouldn't be tough to recognize now that she's seen him once.

The Kool
2020-03-05, 06:36 PM
"The riot was planned, make no doubt about that. The more people rise up against him, the more excuse he has to use force to put them down."
The noblewoman sighs. "More fool I, I played along. Don't think he's all bark and no bite though, the Night of Ashes painted a very different picture there. My name is Arodea Lerung, though the family name carries little meaning now." With the rush of the riot behind them, she places her sword at her side once more. "You lot seem to have come more prepared than the average citizen for the protests today. Were you expecting things to go this poorly?"

2020-03-05, 07:59 PM
"So you have heard about me? Nothing but great things, I hope." Fortuna smiles broadly at Kyra, her metallic fangs bared, looking a bit too large for her mouth. Seeing Lynera wash her weapon she casts her eyes to Kyra's polearm "Oh, let me take care of that for you," she says as she casts prestidigitation to clean the blood from it, "Don't want to be going around with that thing dripping with... people bits."

Returning her whip to her belt, she responds to Lynera, "He's already gotten more resistance than he was expecting, I reckon, what with the crowd being so well-stoked. Wonderful work by the by," she says, making a sweeping gesture to Nyda and Arodea, "If Thrune has any sense he'll think twice before pulling such a stupit stunt again."

2020-03-05, 10:59 PM
The halfling, having caught her breath, speaks up softly. "You were all very impressive," she says. "I hope you don't mind me accompanying you here; I found myself swept up all of a sudden and here I am. My name is Uly, if you care to know it."

Now that things have calmed down, you realize that you recognize the halfling from earlier. She was the one who told you the rumor about Nox.

2020-03-06, 02:52 AM
"Well, no, I wasn't really expecting any of this," Lynera says to Arodea after offering nods and smiles of acknowledgement to all present. "I was a little on edge, but that's because because I was meeting someone unrelatedly sketchy."

She sighs.

"I guess that's pretty much fallen through, though. Whatever my idiot roommate has gotten himself into, I need to start looking over again."

2020-03-06, 04:50 AM
Kyra is already composing her next set of answers when Fortuna replies, and as her polearm is cleaned - before she arranges the right words to make it clear that she could do so herself, which is a task she sets aside once its purpose seems passed. "Generally good, yes," Kyra nods. "Astrixa enjoys your writing, and finds your horns attractive." She nods again, but there's no rest because there are more things to reply to and she has to arrange the words and it's already happening immediately after the last ones. There's not even time to review the choices she made. But they were good, right? Surely she hadn't said anything inappropriate or unusual.

"I was not," Kyra replies to Arodea. She considers saying more, but instead turns to another.

"Thank you, Uly," Kyra says, looking down at Uly. Not that looking down at the people she's speaking to is something she hasn't been doing already. "I am not perturbed by your decision to follow me, or the others."

Excellent. This wasn't going so bad, after all.

2020-03-06, 10:50 AM
"Oh, she's far too kind," Fortuna runs a finger along the crest of one horn, in a way one might smooth their hair, "Though I did polish them specially for today. I was hoping to meet someone at the protest, y'see. Hadn't expected things to get so... heated."

"That cloud you made, Uly, was that some contraption or was it a spell? If so, I'd love to know how you do that."

"If your friend had a run-in with the dottari, I heard they've been forcing people into the salt works. Probably a wild goose chase but you might try there."she says with a sympathetic look to Lynera.

2020-03-06, 12:13 PM
"I draw power from the heavens," Uly answers Fortuna. "I also used it to grant some of you blessings, in the fighting. I hope you don't mind."

The Kool
2020-03-06, 12:52 PM
Arodea nods in understanding of the situation. This halfling helped them get away, and knew that Nox wasn't human before her display with the dagger proved it. "Well, you seem to know a fair bit about what's going on here. I don't mind the help of anyone." Turning to the group, she added, "We shouldn't stay here, we're too conspicuous. If they start searching the area they'll find us in no time. Does anyone know of a safe place we can go?"

2020-03-06, 01:15 PM
Nyda leans against the wall, listening as everyone introduces themselves. the Half-orc scratches her chin with an idle thumb. If Thrune was trying to use this as an excuse to react violently, it might have worked. Buuut...he might have underestimated just what the people of Kintargo were willing to do to fight back. Indeed..Thrune didnt know.

"Sorry Fortuna. But I'm not much for plays. Know that an unpopular opinion but I was never much for him. Life's enough of a drama, don't need other ones clogging up my headspace." Nydasmirks "And when people are angry, it's not hard to get them to act violently. Something I'm really good at actually.

She turns to Lynera and chuckles "When your so full of crap it's hard to stop some of it from spilling out of your mouth you know. It's almost like he wants this place to destroy itself slowly. Maybe Chelix needs an excuse for blood sacrifices huh? Either way, if he wanted to destroy Kintargo I don't think he'd need a justification, he'd just do it. Besides! We can't just lie down and let him put a knife to our throat. It's about time we decided to fight back against him and his thugs. Only a matter of time before a rebellion forms. Especially with all those people he's rounded up. If your room mate's missing and not dead, she's either there or skipped town like a wise person.

Kyra's odd tone confuses Nyda a bit. Not visibly though, just an arched brow. Almost like she struggles with the idea of just talking. Every word picked precisely as to be grammatically correct and portray a direct meaning. She's met some people like this before. Back when she was running with some orphans. They had the kid count the coming they collected. A bright mind, just bad with others."Hey, you were brave out there. Not everyone has the courage to cut down one of Thrune's men in broad daylight. I think your actions did some real good for some people." She smiles, nodding to the armored caster.

Nyda chuckles to Ardoea "Please, I'm always prepared if things go south, I've had enough knives pointed at me to know you need to prepare for the worse. Let Thrune flex his muscle and try and push us down. just His actions are like timberwood to the flame. Fuel. The more he pushes, the more we rise to meet him. Soon, he'll burn himself out, and be left in the ashes of his own tragedy. Night of Ashes was bad yea, but we'll show hi fires far beyond those." As Nyda speaks, there's almost a gleam in her eye. The gleam of ambition

"Thanks for the BLessings Uly. nice to know some gods care about us little people in the streets. Any help you can provide is much appreciated. especially if it serves against Thrune. You know how to throw fireballs? I know a certain opera house that could use one."

"And a Barracks...and a watchtower...and a prison...Hmm. You know. I'm just saying. I'd ont think things are going to get any better. I think Thrune's just going to keep making proclamations till everyone's in a cell, or dancing for his enjoyment. Likely on fire. That is...unless people of above-average skill decided to say..do something about it. I'm not much of an optimist. I don't think any kind hero is going to come by town anytime soon to slay an evil king. The only way this is going to get better is if someone from here does something about it. Someone told me that once in the past and i didn't listen to them. Stayed quiet. Being passive though didn't solve much. So! Say a few trouble makers who all might feel the same about said tyrant...and might have caused a scene at an earlier protest.... decided to get together..and think about ways to lossen the iron grip around Kintargo one finger at a time?

2020-03-06, 01:27 PM
Just as Nyda finishes speaking, the group hears the sound of steel clashing against steal, tumbling bodies, and the incantation of a spell coming from a nearby alley. It seems a fight has spilled out into it, as a lone man is practically tossed onto the ground, face-down in the alley. Lunging after him is a member of the Chelish Citizens' Group, and behind him is...at least one more, who stumbles dizzily before faceplanting.

You recognize this man. He has one glove, one bare hand...

2020-03-06, 02:00 PM
Uly has already been thanked like three times by the time Lynera gets around to it, so she just seconds the sentiment with another nod. She's trying to think of an answer for Arodea and Nyda when her own subplot suddenly shows up and dumps itself at her feet.

"Oh! It's you! Unrelatedly sketchy guy!"

Hoping that the in-joke will serve as enough of a signal to get the team up to speed, Lynera seizes the initiative and charges to get the CCG off of her contact.

I'm torn between modeling this as a bull rush or an unarmed strike. If she gets the sense that she can sneak attack him with a drop-kick, she'll go for it... so, I guess unarmed strike it is?

Charge! [roll0]

drop-kick damage? [roll1]

sneak attack? [roll2]

2020-03-06, 05:32 PM
Nyda's eye twitches as her speech is suddenly interupted by a few Chelish Group thugs. her eye twitches with annoyance as she slowly starts to draw her two jagged looking short swords out. There less swords and more like very large make shift knives. "You know, it's pretty god dammened rude to interrupt someone in the middle of a conversation. Now, I was not thinking I was gonna kill anyone today, but I might make an exception for an Inbred, Bootlicking, Devil Lover like you." the half-orc turns, rolling her neck "This? This is the wrong alleyway for you to be in today."


2020-03-06, 06:01 PM
Because she's not The Rainmaker, renowned Tian Xian performance combatant, Lynera charges in and manages to nail the Chelish thug with a significantly less silly punt to the chest that sends him stumbling back, wheezing for breath. His lungs sound like an exhausted church organ as Nyda approaches with both her blades drawn, and he immediately starts scrambling down the alley as fast as his freshly-fatigued body can manage. Now that they're deeper in, they can see that there are two other thugs, knocked unconscious around the alley's corner.

The man on the floor does his best to pull himself to his hands and knees, though every motion makes him cough and splutter. He manages to spot the group as he does so, his eyes widening briefly. "My thanks... Please...we have to depart..." He glances at the fallen thugs. "I know a safe place..." He has tan skin, with a dark goatee and head of hair. He wears a red and gold cloak over a waistcoat over a tunic; more layers than most people would know what to do with.

Beside him sits the unsheathed blade component of a sword cane, as well as the cane part further down the alley. It's obviously of decent quality, with a sleek coating on the cane and solid unstained steel on the sword.

2020-03-06, 06:30 PM
Nyda scoffs, putting her blades away as she makes her way down the alley, stepping on the Chelish thugs in her way as she picks up the man's scabbard. She returns to the man and crouches down, "Not bad back there. Two out of three ain't so bad." She pats him on the back "We were planning on leaving this place anyway. Where are we heading?"

2020-03-06, 06:36 PM
"For not being a fan of the theatre, you've one hell of a dramatic streak. Powerful. You'd be a good actor." Fortuna smiles at Nyda as she strides past. "I think you're more suited to stuntwork, Lynera. Nice kick! My place isn't too far, but maybe 'shady' here has a better place in mind."

2020-03-06, 10:41 PM
"Right, let's get out of here first, and work out the specifics on the way, okay?" Lynera helps one-glove to his feet and picks up his snazzy cane while she's at it. "I've been meaning to talk to you anyway, so let's go for your place."

The Kool
2020-03-06, 10:45 PM
Arodea jumps forward, hand on her blade, but the situation resolves before she can properly react. She looks back and forth with the banter, slowly relaxing. "Someone you know?"

2020-03-06, 11:03 PM
"My thanks, my thanks..." The man shakily tucks his cane under his arm and reaches into his belt as he's supported. He retrieves a corked red bottle and pops off the top with a flick of his thumb, A few gulps later, he replaces the bottle in his belt and a bruise that had been forming starts to fade. "Ah, that's better!" He draws his cane to his hand and flicks it, only to stumble forward and have to balance himself on his cane. "Perhaps not as much as I expected," he chuckles to himself. "Anyway, yes. I happen to know this lovely little bookshop just down Jarvis End; perfectly private, not too far, and, hopefully, not the sort of place these fellows will follow us." He looks at one of the unconscious men, who's starting to rouse, and his smile falters. "We...may have to run. I'm afraid my spell may not stick for as long as we'd like."

2020-03-06, 11:26 PM
Nyda scoffs, rolling her eyes at Fortuna "Please. These guys blow away like leaves in the wind once there alone. Not an actor! I just have a thing with getting people to do what I say, thats all."

Nyda sheaths her blades again, turning to the Man as he chugs a healing Potion "Could have just knocked them out a bit extra after the spell was cast. A quick kick to the ear tends to do the trick." Nyda smirks, thinking on doing that herself "Either way, lead on stranger."

2020-03-07, 09:47 PM
If anyone in the group isn't running away from the alley by this point, Lynera grabs them and starts pulling them away. "Yes! Let's go!"

Since she happens to live in Jarvis' End right now... Knowledge(local) to guess which bookstore he means?: [roll0]

The Kool
2020-03-07, 11:46 PM
Jarvis' End is on the complete other side of the city from where Arodea lived, so she has no clue where this bookstore might be. "Lead on" she says, following after whoever has the confidence to take the lead, which right now seems to be Lynera.

2020-03-08, 03:12 AM
Fortuna follows, always eager to get to a bookstore, even if it was to hide from armed militants.

2020-03-08, 07:50 AM
Lynera is familiar with the bookstore; Crissali's Fine Tomes is known for its arcane items, but also its apolitical owner, Nandy Crissali, who doesn't engage with such topics.

The man hurriedly leads the group through the streets of Jarvis End, until they find themselves standing in front of Crissali's Fine Tomes. It's a relatively luxurious storefront, with a painted sign up front and spotlessly clean windows, which provide a clear view of the simple but obviously expensive interior, with shelves lining every wall and a rich blue carpet on the floor. There are even scrolls set up behind the desk, and in front of them stands a human woman with tied back hair and a mildly age-worn face.

It takes little more than a few words with the man to get the group through the backdoor, a simple room with facilities for preparing beverages and a few comfortable chairs around a table. Unfortunately, there are no hallfing-size chairs, so Uly kneels at the end of the low-hanging table.

"Thank you again for that timely rescue," the man says as he practically sinks into the chair. "Truth is...our meeting was no coincidence. I noticed your actions in the protest earlier today and meant to follow you, but in the panic I lost track; I'd hoped to wrap around and find you once more. Which, most fortunately for my health, I did." He laughs, then winces a little at the remaining wounds. "Anyway. You proved yourselves to be people of uncommon skill, and I am a man of uncommon needs."

"My name is Rexus Vicocora," he introduces himself at last. "And, until last week's Night of Ashes, I was one of this city's nobles. My parents' estate burned to the ground that night," he recalls with a slightly faltering smile, "and I escaped simply because I was studying at the Alabaster Academy during the fire. There were other fires that night, as you know - fires that many believe were started by Barzillai Thrune or his agents in an attempt to squash any spirit of rebellion Kintargo might have had."

Rexus leans forward. "Now, more than ever, we need that spirit of rebellion to stay strong, but Thrune's actions have driven into hiding those who would stay strong and resist! Those who could once rally the city to a cause, such as Lord-Mayor Jilia Ilainilus and m parents, are missing at best, and are most likely dead. I cannot do this on my own, but with talented citizens such as yourselves, I have hope that we can." He looks everyone in the eye, one by one. "Will you aid Kintargo?" His voice grows more intense. "Will you save this city from the devil?"

2020-03-08, 08:44 AM
Kyra follows the others, bringing up the rear partly because of having to pause to retrieve her weapon, partly because of her slowed pace in her armor, and partly because she was sure to throw a glower at the most-recovered thug before following. As they go, her mind still circles on the end of the brief conversation from before, questioning whether supplying responses once they had arrived at their destination would be suitable. It's only when she's inside the bookstore that she shelves the idea. Entering a new building was usually a break point, which meant that a reply now would be too late.

Entering the private room, Kyra spends a moment depositing her chair and polearm before sitting down. The lack of a chair for Uly brings her to a simple conclusion, and after she's seated, she turns to the halfling. "Would you like to sit on my lap?" She asks quietly. Either way, once Rexus begins speaking she turns to him, providing her full attention. Luckily, what he says is all very straightforward, at least by the end. His introduction almost makes her think it's time for those again, but he keeps talking, and no one else pipes up, so she doesn't say anything either. By the end, Kyra nods.

"Yes," Kyra says, when Rexus looks to her. "I am prepared. Do we have pre-existing assets to make use of?"

2020-03-08, 08:52 AM
Uly looks up at Kyra as the question is asked and shakes her head. "No, thank you."

2020-03-08, 02:17 PM
"I suppose I can move some things around to fit in a little rebellion... Really don't like Fiends either... What the hell, I'm in! What's first?"

What had started as a disappointing day was showing promise in ways that Fortuna could never have expected. In a few hours a whole troupe of interesting people, all from different walks of life, united against a villain who ground their whole city under his boot, had fallen into her lap. Not only were they all rich in stories to fuel her imagination, but the chance to be part of this tale, not just writing about it, was too tantalising to pass up.

2020-03-08, 03:00 PM
Nyda chooses to stand instead of sitting, easier to fight back if your on both your feet! Not that she'll have to but..it's always a good idea to be ready in case there might be another. She smirks, chuckling to herself as she looks down at the well-dressed man "Well then! For someone who we found getting knocked around, you have a good head on your shoulders. See, I was already thinking about putting together a rebellion before you got thrown into us. Even had a little speech I was sayin. So yea, I was already planning on it. Lets Rebel. Hae any Plans? And the Armored gal is right, were going to need assets if you have em. I can always think up ways to get some but it's best just to have a few prepared already.""

The Kool
2020-03-08, 04:17 PM
The noblewoman looks around the bookstore in wonder. I hadn't realized there were buildings of such riches outside the noble portions of the city. She didn't let her wonder slow her down or become obvious, she had more decorum than that, but when the man started to speak with such passion she immediately found herself nodding in agreement with his words. "Few know the Night of Ashes as well as I," she says as she pulls aside her cloak to display the house emblem on her breastplate. "I was, fortunately, out of the house when the fires started. As to assets, I have none but what I had on my person at the time." She pulls her hand out of her pocket, running her thumb once more over the soot-blackened rose petal that she pulled from her garden. "I have long asked Iomedae why I was gifted with more talent than others, an ability to inspire crowds and to fight. I believed it was to help the people of my house, but now I see it was for a far greater purpose: to help the entirety of Kintargo. I will not leave until this city is safe again. You have my word."

2020-03-08, 09:47 PM
Nyda just raises a brow at the mention of things like fate, and rewards from the divine. She shakes her head "I just dont like fascists."

2020-03-09, 01:13 AM
”Well, I’m obviously in, even if we don’t know exactly what we’re doing yet,” says Lynera. ”’Collapsed noble house,’ seems to be going around lately. Did you give this spiel to Lukas a week ago, by the way? I’ve been looking for him and apparently you have mutual friends. Though, they neglected to mention your hideout was just down the street from our place.”

She glances around the bookstore. She’s been here before, and keeps worrying that the censors will come in and shut it down. ‘Historical objectivity,’ probably isn’t going to be good enough for Thrune with the bold mood they seem to be in now.

2020-03-09, 07:03 AM
"Lukas?" Rexus scratches his chin for a moment, then frowns. "Yes, I remember him, but I can't say I've heard from him either. I do have someone we can ask about him - someone who also happens to be the source of what is, unfortunately, one of the few assets I have." He reaches into one of the pouches on his belt and retrieves a letter, his thumb idly brushing over the seal. "It's a letter left to me by my mother, left in the care of a friend, not so long ago. You've granted me the trust of your companionship, and conspiracy, so here - read it, warts and all." He unfolds the letter and places it carefully on the table, then slides it across for whoever wishes to read it.

My dearest son,
If you are reading this, what I have feared has come to pass and I am dead. For many years, I have belonged to the Sacred Order of Archivists and have worked to free Kintargo from Chelish rule. I have learned much about Kintargo's secret history, and fear the time will soon come when the city needs the return of its Silver Ravens. You have likely not heard of the Silver Ravens - few have. Mentions of them have been redacted by the agents of House Thrune, but during the civil war, the Ravens worked to ensure Kintargo's safety. They were heroes in their day, and I fear that Kintargo needs their kind again. Do not believe the government's claims that Lord-Mayor Bainilus abandoned us! Darker things are afoot, and I fear that all who work against Thrune may find themselves in danger in the days ahead.
The Silver Ravens maintained numerous hideouts within Kintargo's walls, during the civil war. I have located one such site - the chambers below a building known today as the Fair Fortune Livery. If you are reading this, I was unable to seek further answers there myself. Gather heroes to your side, my son, and search below the livery. There, if my research is correct, you will find something to teach you more of the Silver Ravens and their legacy.
Do not let my death be in vain. Stand up for Kintargo. Bring the Silver Ravens back to life!

Once everyone has read the letter, Rexus takes it back and tucks it safely away. "Here is what I propose: We seek the hideout supposedly sitting beneath the Fair Fortune Livery and see what we can find there. As long as it is more than nothing, it sounds like a worthwhile trip to me. But I suppose I am biased in this particular scenario," he says with a smile.

Reminder that any reference to the Silver Ravens in the Player's Guide is bogus. This is the first time any of you have heard of them (Unless you'd like to make a Knowledge (History) check).

2020-03-09, 09:25 AM
Nyda looks over the note, nodding along as she reads it before passing it along. Haing a safehouse already set up for them to use sounds pretty good. Especially if it is isnt well known around Thrune and his men. "Well, if we're starting a rebellion that looks a good a place as any. Plent of Tieflings don't live in great conditions, so if we want to find a few people to recruit we might be able to get some there. Sure, let's get out there. Place proably needs to be cleared of giant rats anyway"

2020-03-09, 10:18 AM
Lynera reads it in silence.

"...so, your mom wrote this, huh?" At first, she wonders if it could be a forgery, but why set up a trap under a livery when you could have just snagged him wherever he found the letter? Why make up something about the Ravens and Archivists when you've gone to so much trouble pretending they don't exist?

Then again, why would someone write this letter to her adult child, who apparently shares her values and enthusiasm, and arrange for it to be delivered postmortem instead of just telling him and letting him help okay yeah never mind that part tracks. Moms can be weird like that sometimes.

"I guess it's true, then? About how the Archivists were shut down? I'm sorry," she says as she hands the letter back. "So, when do we leave?"

2020-03-09, 11:14 AM
Fortuna pores over the letter. The Silver Ravens were unfamiliar to her, but the part about Cheliax censorship definitely fit with what she knew. Plus, a group called the Sacred Order of Archivists sounded like the kind of people to have knowledge of such things.

The last part of the letter took her aback, "The Fair Fortune? So that old dump down the road from me has been hiding some secret society's underground vault this whole time. Really can't judge a book by its cover."

"Gathering tieflings to any cause might be harder than you think, Nyda. You might've noticed the protest wasn't exactly heaving with us. Y'see, **** rolls downhill to Devils Nursery, and we've been smelling it since long before Thrune arrived. Most of us don't take anything to do with what happens outside the Nursery because we're third class citizens at best regardless."

"That said, just because the noble houses are feeling it for a change doesn't mean the Nursery won't before too long. I've heard of what Cheliax thinks of us, they won't leave us along forever. If we're doing this we need all of Kintargo together, and if I've anything to say about it tieflings will have a far greater stake in the new Kintargo that comes after Thrune is gone!"

As she finished her speech, Fortuna realises she was pushed far forward in her seat, the arms straining against her clawed fingernails as they dug in. She chuckles and leans back with a grin as she crosses her legs into a more dignified pose.

"Oh look, I'm rambling. More to the immediate point, people say the livery is haunted, so we might have worse than rats to deal with. But maybe it's just a story the Silver Ravens made up to keep away the curious. Let's go find out! Uly, what do you make of all this? You're awful quiet."

Local Knowledge for Fair Fortune Livery? [roll0]

2020-03-09, 11:53 AM
The Livery was a slaughterhouse in Redroof's earliest days, but the now-dead Juliac family turned it into a thriving stable, believing in earning money from their care rather than their death. Fortuna knows that stray, feral dogs and other wildlife have been spotted staying in the building, and that the doors are all locked (Though old and likely loose, if animals can get in).She's also heard particularly nasty rumors in Devil's Nursery, with certain grisly fates like apparently random bloodsplatters and severed body parts being attributed to the haunted building.

"I think it's a good cause," Uly answers. "I hope we can find something at the livery."

2020-03-09, 01:01 PM
Chuckles to Fortuna "Listen, your explaining racism to a half-orc" she says, pulling her lip down to expose her tusks. "And the thing about a rebellion is that we don't need to reinstate the status qou. That never helped anyone. We'll fix thte new problems by bringing back the old ones? yea right sure. If were revolting were not just doing it against Thrune, were going to try and change Kintargo for the better."

2020-03-09, 02:40 PM
"Heh, I know it's not just tieflings that have it rough, that isn't what I'm getting at. Just that my neighbours are kind of a tough crowd, and it's going to take some convincing to make them see we're worth listening to before they take to the stage. But hey, you've got me, and they love me so that'll help!"

2020-03-09, 11:00 PM
"You can lead the way, then!" Lynera says to Fortuna. "Except, a few of us took some nasty hits back there, yourself included. So, I guess we should lay low, let you heal up, then go case the joint."

She's explaining that more to herself than anyone else. Something about this situation has put her in an overeager mood otherwise.

2020-03-10, 08:48 AM
Kyra listens quietly as the others speak. There's a lot to consider. Too much, really. The letter and its implications alone would need a bit of time to digest, but before that's done, and before she really has a chance to consider what the acceptable response is, there's more. Plans, then bits about tieflings, half-orcs, racial prejudice. Should she comment on that? It feels like the kind of topic that would normally warrant a shift, of the entire discussion, towards it. It certainly would be, at a family dinner. But this wasn't a dinner, or with family. Then there are replies to that, and - Kyra closes her eyes a moment, breathes deeply. Lets the growing strain dissipate for a few moments. Thinks about what remains. It's proper to concentrate on the big question, right? Probably. Hopefully. At least there's something easy to reply to now - she can just respond to that.

"I agree," Kyra says eventually, nodding to Lynera. "It is unwise to begin a new, potentially dangerous excursion while not entirely recovered from the last," she says, nodding again. "Are there any present with the ability to perform magical healing? That would shorten the required delay."

The Kool
2020-03-10, 08:56 AM
Arodea carefuly considers the situation for a minute before responding. "We should lay low for the night to let things calm down, but move as soon as we can otherwise. Your injuries, however, look like they would take several days to heal. Waiting that long would be problematic... Even a simple healing potion would help, but I do not have any." She looks around at the group hopefully. "Once that is resolved, I will follow you wherever it takes to get an edge in this situation."

2020-03-10, 10:23 AM
"I can heal," Uly says, "but I don't have the spells to do so today."

"I can't tell you how grateful I am to how willing you all are," Rexus says, as he starts to pull a series of items out from various pouches on him. "But hopefully I can show you. These are most of the contents of my inheritance - I offer them to you, to spend or else use to help with this path we find ourselves on. All I ask is that you don't get too fussy over who gets what - infighting has been the bane of rebellions all through history," he says with a wink. "The bracers are enchanted - they'll provide whoever wears them with a dash of protection, but just a dash. Sprints are worth far more."

On the table there sits a pouch of 150gp, a Victocora signet ring, a very finely made silver dagger, and a set of bracers with faint inscriptions on the straps.

Bracers of Armor +1 and Masterwork, for the specifics of the stuff.

2020-03-10, 10:43 AM
Looks down at the supplies, looking closely at the coins. "Hmm. I'd say I'm more interested in the coin than anything else. Though, It might be helpful to hold onto it. We might need it to help renovate this new base. Or recruit a few volunteers."

2020-03-10, 03:21 PM
"I'm good for armor and for sharp objects," says Lynera, "buuuut..."

She snatches up the pouch and counts out ten GP from it. "Since Lukas isn't here, someone needs to pay the rent on his flat, and it's one more place to crash with none of our names on it. Plus a little extra for snacks..." She pockets what she needs and drops the pouch back onto the table. "...and I'll be right back. Anyone need anything besides bread and tea?"

2020-03-10, 05:12 PM
"Tea would be lovely, cheers." Fortuna looks from Lynera as she leaves to the small hoard. "That dagger would look braw on my belt, but I think it's obvious I'm not very good at the violent stuff. The ring is beautiful, but isn't this a little personal, Rexus? Don't you need this, being the heir to your house and such?" She leans a little too far back in her seat and the sting from the cut across her back jolts her forward. Trying and failing to play off the reaction as a sudden burst of energy, she says, a little too loudly, "But whatever we do with these, I agree some recovery is in order, because- because I'm in immense pain right now, not gonna lie. Oh, I have some room at my place if anyone needs to crash. It's near the Livery too"

2020-03-11, 07:36 PM
With their path decided, the group departs. Rexus and Uly leave to find their own lodgings, while those without a home to go back to are able to stay at Lynera's place. The dagger and wand are exchanged at a shop Fortuna knows near Redroof, tiefling-run known as Devil's Threads and the owner is happy to hand over the coins they use to purchase a wand of Cure Light Wounds. A couple of charges later and Arodea and Fortuna are both good as new.

The party, Rexus, and Uly meet outside of the livery, an aged stone building that has been marked by years of decay, bird droppings and broken bottles, scraps of paper that have been blown away by the wind. It is rectangular, as basic as can be if not for the two smaller boxes that jut out from the South and East side. The East side has a crumbled wooden wall, which leads to a small door with an old lock. Around the pathway to the approach is a much larger set of doors with a similar lock. The mechanics have degraded enough that it looks like Uly could slip through, but the gap would be quite a squeeze for anyone bigger.

"I hope you don't mind if I stand back a little," Rexus tells the group as they consider their options. "I'm not too proud to say I'm not fit for the life of a warrior, but I'll happily be on hand to do what I can."

Uly stays leaned up against the wall by the front doors, peering inside from the corner of her eyes.

Arodea notices that the wall around the Southern side of the building seems particularly weak

2020-03-11, 09:41 PM
Nyda looks over the building, scratching her head at the less than stellar condition of the building. She steps up to the degraded wooden wall and looks to the door beyond it. "Bit of a fixer-upper to be honest." SHe takes hold of the lock and looks back to the rest of there motly crew "Anyone knows how to lockpick? Or have a big hammer?"

2020-03-12, 02:30 AM
"Yo," Lynera says, raising a leather-bound set of tools in her hand. Having observed Kyra's layered approach to fashion yesterday, she's changed into a brown cloak and breeches worn over what is blatantly a burglar's catsuit. She takes a brief glance around and doesn't see anyone, but lowers her voice anyway. "I just need to know which door we're trying first. Uly, see anything in there?"

2020-03-12, 06:00 AM
"Aye, a lot of the buildings around here ready to tip over at the next strong breeze." Fortuna looks up and down the street for anyone taking an interest in the unusual party. She flexes her now relatively pain-free shoulders. That's going to leave a hell of a scar.

"I wouldn't go anywhere alone, I've heard a lot of nasty sounding barks from this place at nighttime. There's also gruesome talk in the Nursery about missing people, bloodstains, body parts found centred on this place. So packs of strays, possible murder ghosts. 'Fair Fortune' pfft."

2020-03-12, 07:25 AM
"I see a soiled floor," Uly answers. "Would you like me to go inside?"

2020-03-12, 09:56 AM
Nyda glances down at Uly, shaking her head "Hmm. I think going in on your way might be a risk. I'd say let Lynera pop this lock so we can all go in at once huh? Don't need you getting your arms and legs chopped off.

The Kool
2020-03-12, 11:38 AM
Arodea gives the area a good scan, looking over the walls and the grounds in an effort to make sure the place was safe to enter. "It's probably best we stick together, yes, but let's try to keep away from that south wall. It looks like it could come down if we're not careful."

2020-03-12, 01:00 PM
Lyners kneels down to start working on the lock. "Okay, keep an eye out for me. I want to try the shed thing on the East side, too."

The group has a minute to talk while she's counting clicks and lining up pins or whatever it is she's doing.

Perception (for traps, given the talk of spooky disappearances): [roll0]

Disable Device (to open the lock): [roll1]

2020-03-12, 01:14 PM
The lock pops off like a wooden leg, falling to the floor with a hefty thump, and the doors easily open to reveal the interior of the once-slaughterhouse. The stables to either side of the group lean slightly, their wooden roofs tilting with age. The air reeks of stale urine, old blood, and torn flesh. Broken desks, scuffed tables, and torn chairs crowd the thirteen horse stalls, all of which are covered with a healthy layer of dust as the pale daylight seeps in. A grated-off alcove along the southeast wall seems to house the only relatively intact wares. Sprawled across the room are three corpses, those of dogs with patchy fur and snarling maws, all of which have apparently been torn open at their stomachs, their necks, and their skulls.

Roll20 map has updated. Combat hasn't started, but you can look at it for a better idea of your space.

2020-03-12, 03:09 PM
Lynera instinctively ducks behind the first stable on the left for cover. "Urgh, that smell... okay, so let's try to follow this. Some stray dogs slip in through that gap in the door, they sniff around until they get to that spot, and then... what?"

She scans the floor around the dead dogs from a distance, then turns her eyes to the piles of refuse in the stables and at the back of the room. "A trap, maybe, or some kind of dog-eating rubbish spider?" With that thought, she takes a look up at the ceiling, too. "Whatever it is, it must be guarding that cage over there."

More active perception? [roll0]

2020-03-12, 03:24 PM
As you peer about the room, you spot something nailed to the rafters above. It seems to be an old metallic signet ring, although she doesn't recognize the signet on it. It's clear it would take a slight difficult climb to get up there to retrieve it. She also spots what seems to be faint imprints of what seem to be clawed baby feet all around the corpses of the dogs. Other than that, she doesn't spot anything in particular amid all the trash.

2020-03-12, 03:46 PM
"Huh..." Lynera stares at the rafters for a few seconds. Someone who follows her gaze might see something hung from a nail and barely glinting in the light from the door. Happily, tiny rings are not dog-eating spiders, but how did it get up there? Was someone trying to hide it?

"Wait," she says before anyone proceeds too far in. She leans in from her cover spot, trying to examine something on the floor by the dogs. "What are those little bloody footprints? Goblins? Imps?"

2020-03-12, 04:29 PM
More to lift her own confidence than anything else, Fortuna unsheathes the old but well-polished rapier she wears for show and enters the livery. She averts her eyes to the gory sight of the slain strays.

"I don't think I've ever seen a goblin around here. Or anywhere, actually. And I think imps are more like devil bats than devil rats. Ratfolk maybe?"

The tiefling mutters an arcane incantation, glancing down at the magic words inked on one of her 'cheat sheets', a piece of cloth wrapped around her belt, "The Silver Ravens might have left some magic goodies, or traps, who knows. I'll take a good look." Holding the index finger and pinky of her free hand to her temple, she completes the Detect Magic spell.

Fortuna uses Detect Magic to scan for anything in the area

2020-03-12, 04:52 PM
Fortuna detects no magical auras.

Uly peers at where Lynera has pointed out the tracks and says nothing.

2020-03-12, 06:20 PM
Since the coast seems to be clear despite all evidence to the contrary, Lynera gauges the climbability of the rickety stable so she can resolve the mystery of the rafter shiny.

That moderate climb check: [roll0]

2020-03-12, 06:30 PM
Lynera attempts to climb up the stables, but accidentally grabs a weak piece of wood and falls flat on her rear.

2020-03-12, 06:38 PM
Kyra silently grimaces as she enters the former livery, hands on her bec de corbin as she scans for signs of...something. Imps, goblins, bats - whatever it might be, she's silently thankful for it giving her the opportunity to slip back into what she knows. The simple dynamic of a quiet search for a potential enemy, with its nice, simple, clear rules.

When Lynera falls, Kyra pauses in her sweep to step over and extend a hand silently.

2020-03-12, 06:48 PM
Nyda lets out a low whistle as the door opens up. The smell..well, it's a lot worse then the docks thats for sure. "Ya think Thrune offers the same bounty for dead dogs?" she says with a chuckle, slowly pulling ou her two jagged short swords. She watches as Lynera drops down after an attempt to climb up on the stables and she shake sher head "Maybe you should have dragged in a barrel to stand on." Carefully, Nyda steps inot the room "hey! If there's anything in here, we come in peace. Mostly. Unless you start pulling out blades to then we might get more violent"

[roll0] Diplomacy

2020-03-12, 07:28 PM
Her spell sensing nothing of a magical nature, Fortuna turns to the group and shrugs. Disappointing. Feeling a bit safer at the continuing silence, she ventures a litle further in, covering her mouth as she shuffles past the dead dogs to look through the grate, unconsciously wrapping her tail around one of the bars.

Perception: [roll0]

2020-03-12, 07:29 PM

Lynera takes Kyra's hand and brushes herself off after the noisy attempt. She's pleasantly surprised that Dottari aren't immediately bursting in to investigate.

"Thanks. I'm trying to get that ring up there," she says, finally pointing it out lest she seem completely out of her mind. "Maybe you can boost me up before I break something else?"

2020-03-12, 07:40 PM
Nyda finds herself met only with silence.

Fortuna steps up to the iron gate and sees that it has a similar lock to the ones outside, though a little less worn down. There's a wide opening in the middle that's roughly the same size as that of the gaps through the doors. Beyond the gate, she sees that another door beyond hangs slightly off of its hinges and is likely part of the building that protrudes from the South.

Another two rooms doorways are in the now-visible Northeast of the Livery, though she doesn't have a good angle to see much beyond them. The East door is now quite clear to her, as locked as it was before. When she turns back, the door hanging off of its hinges suddenly closes - as best such a door can.

2020-03-13, 09:27 AM
Fortuna spins back around to the source of the noise. No, she definitely hadn't imagined it, "Oi, everyone!" She stage whispers, pointing out the wonky door, "Something just slammed that door there. Lynera, once you've got that ring, can you work your magic with this lock so we can check it out?"

Seeing that it might take a moment for the party lockbreaker to respond, Fortuna clings tight to the bars, her face pessed up against them, eyes wide for any further sign of movement.

Another perception, if needed: [roll0]

The Kool
2020-03-13, 01:44 PM
Seeing that the dogs and the ring are being looked to, Arodea moves through the room slowly, kicking around dirt and straw in the stalls. They had said 'below' the livery, so it stood to reason that there might be a trapdoor of some kind in here. While everyone else examined the obvious things, she'd look for the less obvious, and see if it was hidden out here.


2020-03-13, 02:16 PM
Hearing that there was apparently movement, Nyda whirls around, swords ready. She glances around, not noticing anything just yet. She shrugs, moving closer to the apparently closed door. "I appreciate your want for shiny things, but maybe we should worry about making sure this place is nice and clear?" she steps toward the door, and knocks on it with the hilt of her blade.

2020-03-13, 05:36 PM
"Slammed the door?" Lynera echoes back before she and Kyra can coordinate any further climbing shenanigans. She hurries up to see what Fortuna is talking about, and upon seeing the door she kneels down to get to work. "Right, I'll get it open. Can you get that ring down while I'm doing this? I feel like it's going to be important."

Disable Device again: [roll0]

2020-03-13, 05:52 PM
The lock on the gate is unlocked with ease.

2020-03-13, 07:42 PM
Fortuna pries herself from the gate with a twirl to switch places with Lynera,"Aye, not sure why someone would put something like that up there," she and Kyra work out where Fortuna's spiked steel horseshoes are best placed to secure her climb up to the rafters, and she says, "Thanks, love. The Juliacs owned this place, so it could have been them hiding their valuables around their properties."
Fortuna reaches up, trying to lever the ring from its holding place.


2020-03-13, 08:20 PM
Uly reaches into one of her pouches and retrieves a length of twine. She unfurls a significant length of it, then snaps it with her hand and holds it out to Fortuna, who fails to climb much higher even with Kyra's boost.

"You can use a cantrip to wrap this around the nail a few dozen times, hold both ends, and pull it out," the halfling suggests.

Those who explore the Northeast section of the area find that the two doorways lead to what seem to be a pair of old offices, but each containing a desk, a chair, and some cupboards.

2020-03-13, 08:51 PM
"Good idea. Cheers, love," Fortuna takes one end of the twine from Uly and with an arcane gesture sends the other up to spool around the nail holding the ring, "Not too heavy, am I, Kyra?"

When the line is secure she motions to Kyra to lower her down. As she does so, Fortuna gives the line a good tug, hoping that it wouldn't break before the nail gave way.

2020-03-13, 08:52 PM
the nail is tugged out and the ring, at last, is free.

2020-03-13, 09:16 PM
Once Lynera is done with the lock on the gate - which turns out to be pretty quickly - she nods to the team behind her, slowly pushes it open and slips inside.

Perception (for anything interesting or dangerous in immediate vicinity): [roll0]
Stealth (to peek around the corner without being noticed): [roll1]

2020-03-13, 09:20 PM
Lynera finds herself looking into what seems to have been a workroom. Old slaughterhouse tools, veterinary equipment, and woodworking tools sit in a thick layer of dust that's criss-crossed with footprints much like the ones she saw around the dogs. Heavy mallets, crumbling ropes, and tools for restraining animals hang from pegs in the walls or rest atop leaning tables. To the southwest, a trap door sits ajar, propped open by a block of wood. Looking particularly closely, she can see that some of the mallets and tools have started to drip blood.

2020-03-13, 09:52 PM
...it's still dripping...

"Everyone! Get over here!" Lynera hisses. She probably bumps into a chair and a rusty chain on her way to the trap door and listens in while the rest of the group catches up.

The Kool
2020-03-13, 11:17 PM
Arodea lifts her head up from where she was examining the floor, and follows the call. "What did you find?"

2020-03-14, 04:04 AM
Kyra shakes her head at Fortuna's question, pausing a moment before remembering to add an auditory component so the tiefling can actually perceive her response without looking down from the nail. "You are not," she says. Then, the matter is dealt with and before long Fortuna is back with her feet on the floor - and a call from Lynera interrupts any potential comment or investigation of the ring, as Kyra follows, weapon ready as she comes into the room.

"This seems...unlikely," Kyra says quietly, prodding one of the blood-dripping tools with the end of her polearm.

2020-03-14, 12:22 PM
Nyda almost applauds Lynera when she finally gets the ring. Truly, the founding members of this rebellion are legendary. During there adventure in getting the ring, Nyda walks around the room, thinking about how this place could be fixed up into a new base for the rebellion.

Then, Lynera sounds out, and a new discovery. Fresh blood. She moves up with Kyra, her blades ready. She sees the trap door..still partly open. She gulps, and slowly moves over to it. She tries to pop it up open completely with her blade

2020-03-14, 12:38 PM
Nyda sees a ladder and a fifteen foot drop to the floor, which is all she can make out through the darkness, A faint groaning sound emerges from the depths.

2020-03-14, 02:45 PM
"Oh, very nice!" Confident that she won't be possessed or cursed by the evidently nonmagical ring, Fortuna gives it a quick polish and tries it on. As she walks over to join the group she examines it on her finger for any clues as to why it might have been hidden in such an odd place.

"Anything interesting?" She asks, standing on tiptoes (tiphooves?) to see over Kyra's chunky metal pauldron.

Appraise/perception to examine any details on the ring? [roll0] +2(appraise) or +3(perception)

2020-03-14, 04:11 PM

"Hear that? Someone's still alive down there!" Either Lynera's stating the obvious, or she means someone other than whatever's making the weird footprints. If no one else is on the ladder within two seconds, she leads the way down.

2020-03-14, 04:21 PM
Nyda narrows her eyes. It's times like these she wished her orcish blood was a tad stronger, then she might be able to see what was down there "That's...not great". She hesitates when it comes to going down there..until Lynera just jumps in! Quickly, Nyda hurries after her fellow scoundrel!

2020-03-14, 04:32 PM
Rexus wanders into the room after Nyda and Lynera have started descending and peers down the hole after them, blinking a couple of times. "I will stay here until we're sure it's safe. I don't want to get in the way," he says with a nervous laugh.

Uly utters some magic words and her glove suddenly lights up, illuminating the group's surroundings and saving Nyda and Lynera from dwelling in the dark as she follows them down.

They find themselves in a large room, where the stench they suffered from above is so much stronger. Nests made of chewed crates and barrels line the walls, while rusty knives and hooks cover the tabletops. Dozens of rat corpses litter the place, some fresh, some old, some with pieces lopped off of them, and some that seem to have been partially eaten. The groaning is louder, coming from the only other exit: The door to the west, which sits closed but with no obvious lock.

Will update roll20 tomorrow.

2020-03-14, 04:55 PM
Nyda squats down carefully, there might be light, but they might still be able to move quietly "I dont think thats a person. Stay low, and be quiet." She then steps foreward, trying to find somewhere to sneak around

[roll0] Stealth!

The Kool
2020-03-14, 09:17 PM
Arodea follows Uly down the ladder, ready to stay up front where she can help the most. "Not a person? What else would it be? I don't know of any necromancers around here..." She steps forward from the latter, approaching the door cautiously but with much less stealth than the others. She didn't see much point in being quiet at this stage.

2020-03-14, 10:04 PM
"Whatever it is, between that blood and Fortuna's haunting rumors, we want to get the drop on them. There's no real sneaking past this point, so... Ready?"

Lynera places her hand on the door and holds up three fingers. Then two. Then one. Then she throws the door open.

2020-03-15, 12:23 PM
Fortuna follows Arodea down the ladder. Seeing Nyda and Lynera at the door she waits with her rapier drawn and breath held, partly from nerves, partly due to the stench.

2020-03-15, 02:59 PM
The door opens to reveal a large room, the floor coated in dirty salt and sawdust. The light of Uly's glove illuminates the gloomy hall, revealing bits of masonry that have been chewed or clawed away on the wall and the narrow animal tunnels beyond. Steel rails are mounted in the ceiling, with a few lonely iron hooks dangling from them. A pile of stained pillows and moth-eaten blankets lie in a ten-foot square depression in the floor to the Northwest, which has some kind of chain-based pulley system beside it. They can make out the faces of at least four rat-faced creatures, no higher than a knee, skulking around, giggling to themselves. Something is attached to one of the hanging hooks - a creature with about the mass of a human, but shapeless, made of rolling flesh that bears nothing more than a mockery of a face. Its evil eyes blink up as the light starts to pour in.

Combat has begun. You folks start. Roll20 has been updated.

2020-03-15, 03:44 PM
Fortuna's blood runs cold as the door swings open to unveil the grotesque scene now before them, "What the hell is that... thing?" she utters breathlessly as it stares back at them. Is this what happened to the body parts that were never found? Had the rat creatures... created this thing?

"Y'know what, it doesn't matter! Don't be afraid- we made it through yesterday, we'll make it through today! Let's clean this place up!" Finding her courage, she tightens her grip on her rapier as she points it at the hooked monstrosity. Even if she couldn't fight like a real hero, she could at least act the part.

Standard Action: Bardic performance inspire courage. An affected ally receives a +1 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +1 competence bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls.

2020-03-15, 05:34 PM
These little wererat thingers would seem to account for the footprints. Having drawn her sword and opened the door at the same time, Lynera moves into the room just far enough to see everything, then sidesteps over to take a swing at the horrifying meat piñata. There's a word for this thing in Infernal, but she always mistranslated it as, 'lemur,' on her exams.

Including the +1 from Fortuna's bard song:

Damage: [roll1]
Sneak attack (it's hard to dodge when you're attached to a meat hook, right?): [roll2]

2020-03-15, 07:41 PM
Nyda hears some commotion in the next room, perking up she follow sin and well...she almost vomits "That...that is one ugly mother. Good gods. We're gonna need to wash this place out for weeks! Why does it always boil down to rats in basements!" She runs in, spinning her blade as she tries to stab the lump of flesh

[roll0] Attack with Bard song!

2020-03-16, 12:53 PM
Kyra grumbles something from within her helmet, but is silently glad for the rescue from the unending question of whether it was appropriate to continue silently following, or if she should have been speaking. She had assumed it was fine, but there was always that touch of worry...But now, it was back to marching forwards and killing things. Just as it had yesterday, a flash of green goes across her armor, and she moves forwards swiftly, placing herself such that her polearm threatens any of the odd rat-faced creatures that would advance into the melee.

Clomp clomp clomp it's the sound of 20 foot speed. Double-moving, activating Arcane Pool.

2020-03-16, 01:15 PM
Lynera's opening strike manages to tear a hole through the blob-like monster that's hooked to the ceiling, but Nyda finds that her blow practically sinks into the beast before simply sliding out. Arodea runs in after Kyra, moving into position to take on some of the rat-faced creatures in the room.

Uly shifts towards the doorway, her head just barely poking out. "They're," she says, her voice trembling, "Grimples." A few ragged breaths escape her lips as her mouth starts to twist into a grin. "They-" is all she manages to get out before she starts laughing joyously.

One of the creatures darts to the structure at the back of the room, giggling to itself as it points ahand at the group surrounding the hooked beast. They suddenyl find the floor beneath their feet coated in a slippery green ooze. Kyra finds herself about to fall flat on her behind, her legs taken right out from underneath her, but suddenly finds just the right position to keep herself up with the shaft of her polearm. Lynera manages to keep her feet, as does Nyda, while the Dretch doesn't seem to have lost its balance at all.

A second, near the wall, suddenly darts through one of the tunnels and emerges a little ways away.Its body jitters, then lurches forward, as a stream of vomit shoots out of its maw and splatters Nyda, Lynera, and Kyra - two of them manage to hold their breaths, but the stench overwhelms Nyda, who finds herself Nauseated.

One of the others attempts to gnash at Arodea, but she's able to deflect the attempted bite from the tiny creature by a hair's breadth. The other attempts to toss a rock at Fortuna, which nails her in the shoulder, but it doesn't hurt a great deal. The last one does nothing aside from start to tug on the pulley system, muttering something to itself.

The chained monster fruitlessly attempts to claw at Lynera, finding nothing but air as she dips out of the way.

Fortuna takes 1 damage.

Nyda is Nauseated for 4 rounds.

Your moves!

2020-03-16, 05:28 PM
Fortuna doesn't know what the 'grimple' at the pulley is trying to do, and she really doesn't want to find out. Turning her blade to it with a glare, she bolts forward and with a spin blasts her go-to daze spell at it.

"Oi, no you don't!"

Move action to move to within 25ft of the pulley-wielder.
Daze save DC 13.
Free action to maintain bardic performance

2020-03-16, 06:24 PM
"GriIIIimples??" Lynera says as she catches herself slipping on the slick green stuff. "They... cast the most annoying spells in the world, apparently?"

She ducks and slides under Kyra's polearm to more effectively gang up on the bait monster, having noticed Nyda's trouble hitting this thing's weak spot.

This probably provokes, but it also helps both rogues overcome its DR with sneak attacks, so...
Acrobatics to not slip: [roll0]
Attack: [roll1] (includes flanking bonus and bard song)
Damage: [roll2]
Sneak Attack: [roll3]

2020-03-16, 08:55 PM
Nyda turns a very diffrent shade of green as she clutches at her stomach. That..thing. It was just awful! She'd prefer dousing herself in fish guts then this! She puts a hand over her outh, and takes a step back from the fight!

Taking a 5ft step back!

2020-03-17, 06:49 AM
Entirely content to stay in the stable position she was able to find, Kyra brings her weapon to bear against the odd, blob-like creature to the south.

Just not going to move right now.

A: [roll0]
D: [roll1]

2020-03-17, 10:17 AM
Lynera's blade nimble strike mauls the tethered beast, leaving it reeling back with an inhuman shriek just as Kyra manages to jab it through the center of its blobby mass. The groan turns to a wheeze, as the creature falls still, black ichor pouring from its wounds.

Arodea attempts a swing at the creature that tried to bite her, only for the tiny creature to hop over her blow with another cackle.

The chain-pulling grimple suddenly halts as Fortuna's finger falls upon it, swaying unsteadily on its feet.

The rest of them shout something to the others at the sight of the hooked monster falling, One points at Lynera - her weapon suddenly becomes coated in a slippery substance, but she manages to keep her grip with ease. Another points at Arodea, causing the armored woman's weapon to slip from her grip and clatter to the floor. Kyra manages to do the same, despite her weapon becoming similarly coated.

The only Grimple not to have attacked moves up beside the dazed one, grabs a rock from the nest in the depression, and chucks it at Fortuna. It slams into her other shoulder.

Fortuna takes 1 damage.

Your moves!

2020-03-17, 12:56 PM
"Alright! Let's send these wee beasties to the afterlife alongside their pet!" Fortuna exclaims as the chained creature goes limp. Especially that little sod with the rocks, she thinks, trying not to flinch as the second stone hits with a crack.

Rather than strut upto the trio of grimples alone, however, she instead runs to strike at the one harassing the disarmed Arodea.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Maintaining Inspire Courage

2020-03-17, 02:55 PM
Lynera smiles triumphantly as Kyra finishes off the meatball despite the rats' greasiest efforts.

She slides back on her heel until her boot catches the sticky filth on the floor behind her, which sends her tumbling into a backwards somersault. She springs back up on the other side of Fortuna's sparring partner and secures a flanking position with a horizontal flunge.

Acrobatics to not provoke an AoO as a result of this physical comedy: [roll0]

Attack! (includes flanking and bard song) [roll1]

Damage! [roll2]

Sneak Attack! [roll3]

2020-03-17, 08:53 PM
Nyda looks down at the corpse of the flesh blob, still reeling from the disgusting smell that had hit her. She puts a hand to the pillar next to her, trying her best to keep her footing while she stops herself from vomiting everywhere "Gh...I..dont feel so good"

2020-03-17, 09:14 PM
Kyra moves forwards...or tries to, at least, stepping carefully along the slick floor.

Not carefully enough. As she slips to the ground, she braces against her polearm and stands again.

Just movin'.

Acrobatics: [roll0]

Failed that, so she falls down. Then uses another move to stand up.

2020-03-17, 10:02 PM
Arodea scoops up her weapon and manages to keep a tight grip on it as she makes her way around the depression in the floor and gets to the other side of the grimples.

The Grimple by the pulley recovers from its dazing and starts pulling again, this time fulfilling its task as the platform it was holding up through a hole in the ceiling falls to the floor, covers the hole, and reveals another of the groaning, fleshy beasts. The three remaining grimples cackle with delight at the sight of it rushing to attack the first target it sees... Lynera is not too fast this time, as she feels its claws slash across her shoulder.

Lynera finds herself losing her grip on her greast wepaon as she reels from the blow. It clatters to the ground at her feet, leaving her unarmed in front of it.

Lynera takes 3 damage. Her blade is on the ground and she will provoke an AoO if she tries to pick it up.

The grimple at the far South of Nyda lunges for Nyda, it tiny snapping jaws lashing out at her arms, but she just barely manages to deflect the biting teeth of the mangy mouse. Arodea manages to keep the ones just West of her at bay with a few swings of her sword. But the third that had been stuck there darts behind a table just west of Lynera.

You guys go again

2020-03-17, 10:12 PM
Nyda might be sick, but she isnt helpless. Spying the rat creeping up on her, Nyda raises her blade. As it's jaws attempt to clamp down at her arm, she jams the hilt into it's snout. "Keep your Dista..ugh.."

2020-03-18, 03:48 AM
"Ow! Dammit!" Lynera turns to stare down meatball number two after her sword slips through her fingers. She really doesn't have the martial arts chops to fight this thing unarmed. "Tuna! Help!"

She tries to dodge the lemur's claws as she scrambles to secure her sword and maybe set up a flanking position.

Using Full Defense for the round, so AC goes up to 19.

Reflex to get a grip on the hilt: [roll0]

2020-03-18, 08:02 AM
"On my way, Lil!" Fortuna hops around the dead grimple and thrusts at the monsters back.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Maintaining Inspire Courage

2020-03-18, 06:50 PM
Kyra, back on her feet, tries to move forwards once again.

Moving up and attacking, unless I fall again. :smalltongue:

Acrobatics: [roll0]

Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2020-03-18, 07:04 PM
Fortuna's early blow draws the creature's attention to her, thus exposing its back to Kyra, who takes full advantage of the opportunity and skewers it straight through the head. It crumples to the floor, no less blobby in its death. Four Grimples remain, two just West of Arodea, one West of Lynera, and the other South of Nyda.

2020-03-19, 11:00 AM
Nyda keeps her blades up "Gh~ Good job guys! Really..messing them..woof, not gonna drink for a.b..bit after this. Gods...my stomach is not feeling well."

2020-03-19, 11:48 AM
Uly's laughter isn't much of a balm for Nyda's gut, but it is, at least, a constant. Some people take comfort in that sort of thing.

Arodea takes a swing at the nearest Grimple and slays it where it stands, its giggling cut just as short as the blobby beast below.

The remaining three grimples look about at the chaos surrounding them, their slain comrades and traps, and let out a gibbering series of words followed by an attempted escape. The one Southwest of Arodea just barely manages to duck another blow, managing to run all the way to the door where Uly blocks its exit.The one around the table tries to dart past Lynera, but her blade cleaves it in twain before it can so much as take two steps. Nyda is unable to even take a swing at the one that had just attacked her and runs upwards, joining its companion at the blocked doorway. The halfling, though still crippled by her own apparent delight, gives a warning slash of her dagger that doesn't hit, but dissuades them from rushing her. For the moment.

Your moves! Two Grimples left, both by the door you came in through.

2020-03-19, 02:15 PM
Holds herself on her knees, waving her hand in the general direction of the runnin rats "Yea! You better run! I was...huh...this close to ripping your spine out your tail! Yea...oof.."

2020-03-19, 03:09 PM
Kyra moves again, heading towards the grimples fighting Uly.

Move and swing, with flanking, assuming Uly threatens.

A: [roll0]
D: [roll1]

2020-03-19, 03:12 PM
Shocked that she actually hit something, Fortuna tries and fails to pull her rapier out of the creature's corpse. Instead she leaves it firmly planted where it is and runs to support Uly with her whip. As she lashes out she screams in Infernal, "You think we'll just let you run after what you've done?!?"

Trip attempt against the Grimple west of Uly: [roll0]
maintaining inspire courage

2020-03-19, 03:21 PM
Kyra skewers the Grimple she targets, its tiny body falling where it stands, while Fortuna knocks the one just West of Uly onto its butt with a lick of her snagging whip. Arodea darts forward to take advantage of the opportunity, just barely managing to keep a grip on her blade before she stabs it through the fallen thing's gut. It falls silent.

Combat is over.

2020-03-19, 03:50 PM
Nyda shakes her head and stands straighter "Well. Good job guys. We cleared a basement of rats and blobs. Gues we can make this place the start to our little revolution huh?"

2020-03-19, 04:07 PM
Lynera right behind everyone else in the rush to the door. "Are you okay, Uly? That's the last one?" She looks back into the room to check. "Nyda! Are you good back there?"

2020-03-19, 04:08 PM
Nyda rolls her neck, and gives a thumbs up "Never better! Just..getting my footing you know?"

2020-03-19, 04:18 PM
"I certainly hear that," Lynera says, watching the slippery green stuff gradually evaporate from the floor and from her blade. The smell, unfortunately, does not seem to be going anywhere.

"So! Moving on. The archive that Rex's mother was writing about has to be down here somewhere, right?" She walks over to the pit/plate/pulley system that the grimples were playing with and looks up to see the rigging to which its attached. "I don't spend much time in butcher shops... Are these pit things normal?"

2020-03-19, 04:21 PM
"Phew! Oi, great blob-slaying, Blob Slayer!" Fortuna raps her knuckle on Kyra's plates as she returns to retrieve her rapier, swirling prestidigitation along the way, "I'll try a trick to see if we can improve the smell, or at least clear the air a bit."

2020-03-19, 04:54 PM
Uly's laughter continues for a little while as she leans up against the doorframe, her breath steadily returning to normal and her lips to their default state.

"I'm fine, thank you," Uly says as she sheathes her dagger and walks into the room proper. "I think the pits are to move large animals above and below. That creature must have been trapped in the space between floors." From what Lynera can see, there does seem to be enough space between floors to do that.

Fortuna's prestidigitation does a good job of clearing out the smell, but it won't be gone unless they can get rid of the corpses. Or put them all in a corner, at least.

There are some stairs to the Southeast that the group can get a better look at now that the fighting is over. A rusty grating, complete with lock, blocks access to them. A door sits at the bottom of the stairs, one that fortunately doesn't seem to be locked.

2020-03-19, 04:56 PM
Once the fighting ends, Kyra relaxes for just a moment before thoughts swirl again. She nods, quietly thanking Nyda before being surprised by a knock on her armor. "Oh. Thank you. I did not specifically train to slay blobs, however they did seem vulnerable to the typical methods of removing threats...You did well, as well," she says with another nod after a moment, as she shuffles to the side when she realizes she's blocking the doorway.

2020-03-19, 05:08 PM
"Cheers, love!" Fortuna says with a wink, yanking her sword from the blob monster, "Never actually, y'know used this before. So we can ride up to the top using this chain? Anyone want to give it a pull, I'll stand on the plate?"

2020-03-19, 05:56 PM
Lynera tries to work out where upstairs this elevator would correspond to. The next step is probably to go to the lower level, but curiosity gets the best of her and she stands ready to turn the crank. "Yeah, okay, hop on. Between floors seems like a good place to hide something. Just be careful, we still don't know why that blob thing was up there in the first place."

2020-03-19, 06:05 PM
Fortuna struts onto the metal plate, "Alright! I'll stomp once for 'stop', twice for 'up', and a frantic racket for 'oh no there's more of them!' See you in a minute." Stomp stomp.

2020-03-19, 06:13 PM
Lynera has a pretty easy time of pulling the crank and Fortuna soon finds herself swallowed by what would be darkness for a non-tiefling. She disappears from sight as the ceiling seems to go nowhere, until she reaches a certain point and it opens in two pieces over her head. Lynera has a little trouble with the last few cranks, but but eventually it opens up and Fortuna finds herself standing in the middle of the stable above, with two trapdoor halves on either side of her...as well as the three dog corpses that had been placed on top of them until they were pushed aside by the rising platform.

2020-03-19, 06:49 PM
Nyda takes a quick walk around the room, trying to figure out how to make space for there latest operations "I'm thinking we should get a few crates to put around here. For storing stuff and sitting. Maybe a big map of Kintargo as well? Might also be best to leave the upper part in ruins, which might make our base more hidden. Think there's any way to see if we can get access to a sewer down here? Maybe a few tunnels under the city?"

2020-03-19, 07:39 PM
A private lift, how luxurious! Just let's nevermind that it's a slaughtervator. When it reaches the top, Fortuna steps off and calls out, "Oi, Rexus, you still up here? Your lordship's chariot awaits! Driven by a beautiful she-elf no less!"

While she's up here, she decides she might as well have a quick search of the two rooms they skipped over on their first pass. "Rexus? You in here? Find anything?"

2020-03-19, 07:45 PM
Rexus emerges from the room with the trapdoor that the group originally descended from. "Oh, you're alive, wonderful!I I was worried when I heard the noise..." he says, as Fortuna starts to search the offices. She discovers a single key in one of the desks in the Northwest, but little else of note.

2020-03-20, 04:05 AM
"Yeah, we could do all of that," Lynera says to Nyda, still standing next to the pulley in case of emergency, "or, maybe, we could spend our time somewhere other than the bloody basement of a decrepit slaughterhouse? I guess it was a good enough hiding spot for the Archivists... but we don't actually know if their archive is still here, do we? I hope those monsters didn't eat all the books or something."

2020-03-20, 05:52 AM
Kyra uses the opportunity granted by the others' exploration of the lift's functionality to muse over her responses a bit, before taking a look through the room, searching for clues as to whether the room holds remnants of the old hideout.

Kyra is great at searching! [roll0]

I think the only notable thing in the room is the pile and potentially the stairs further down (which are behind bars, if I'm interpreting the map properly), based on the map and the description at the start of combat.

2020-03-20, 06:12 AM
Kyra finds her feet, but not much else.

The grease on the ground and on the group's weapon has started to dissipate.

2020-03-20, 11:53 AM
Nyda extends her arms "It's only bloody for now! We can clean it. besides, it's kind of spacious don't you think? And no one noticed a bunch of weird rat things and flesh blobs inside it. It's free real estate"

2020-03-20, 06:29 PM
"Aye, it was wild down there. Safe now, bit smelly though. You coming? Nyda's already brainstorming her preferred upholstery I think." Fortuna will return to the lift with or without Rexus and stomp down three times to signal Lynera.

The Kool
2020-03-20, 08:42 PM
"True, if no one noticed the presence of these monstrosities, they are likely not to notice our presence as well. We will need to be careful about our comings and goings though." Arodea takes a moment to clean her blade before returning it to her side, then moves to get a closer look at the door. "Can you perhaps work your magic on this lock as well? Your tools made short work of the last one," she calls over, indicating the grate. "If this archive is down here, there's more yet to be explored. We may find it further in."

2020-03-21, 01:42 AM
"Huh? Oh, sure!"

Disable device! [roll0]

Again if it fails? [roll1]

2020-03-21, 07:43 AM
"Certainly, I'm glad to come," Rexus says as he steps onto the metal plate and is lowered to the ground floor. He taps his foot as he waits and winces only a little when they reach the ground floor. "Oh, that really is quite nasty, isn't it?" he laughs as he averts his eyes from the bodies and locks them on the grate.

Lynera manages to disable the lock on the gate as easily as she had the others and the door on it opens with a rusty creak. A set of double doors, unlocked, waits for them at the bottom of the stairs. It is silent.

2020-03-21, 03:00 PM
Kyra advances down the stairs, holding her polearm with one hand as she uses the other to open the double doors, ready to face further threats.

2020-03-21, 03:18 PM
Uly follows Kyra down to bathe the room in light.

Beyond is a circular room and at the center of it sits a fifty-foot-diameter pool of rancid, brown flurry. Chunks of plaster have fallen off of the walls, leaving ragged patches all over them and the ceiling both, as well as covering the floor. What wall space remains is decorated in crude drawings and symbols of sinister form. Greasy-looking chains ru between the four stout pillars rising from the much and anchor to various points on the wall. A dried trail of the vile liquid leads up the doors Kyra just opened.

Far on the other side of the pool there seems to be a corridor.

Fortuna recognizes the scribbles on the wall - some are written in Infernal and she recognizes that the runes seem to have been an attempt to open a portal to Hell via the pool. They no longer seem to have any magic in them, however.

2020-03-21, 05:13 PM
Lynera slips in right behind them. When she sees the trail of gross devil-ichor, she looks examines the door and looks up to see where it leads.

"I don't think giant hell-pools are in the Order of Archivists charter. It seems too advanced for those grimples, too."

Assuming the trail up the door and wall doesn't lead anywhere, Lynera looks at the chains to see what purpose they might serve. Are they holding up the pillars?

2020-03-21, 05:31 PM
Lynera recognizes the pool as something from Kintargo's history; it's a relic of before the council raised the street level to control flooding. It seems like this one was a fountain. The chains seem to be about as old as the rest of it, so chances are they served some architectural purpose that's likely fascinating to somebody with reservoir expertise.

2020-03-21, 06:06 PM
"The writing would all be knee-high if it was the grimples as well. I guess these portal runes were put here after the Archivists already left- it would take too long for attackers to do this during a raid. Maybe their enemies found this place and brought those things here to keep them from their supplies?"

Can Fortuna further examine the symbols to see if there are any clues as to who made it, the diabolist's name used as part of the incantation etc? Would that be a linguistics check?

If so, [roll0] Linguistics

Otherwise, Fortuna will just copy some of the non-harmful runes as potential tattoo designs.

2020-03-21, 06:33 PM
Lynera voices her recollection of the architecture's origins.

"That would make this area the old street. Rex's letter did say the site we're looking for was here for a long time, right? So, that matches up."

She proceeds carefully to the Southeast corridor to inspect it for hazards. "We can get around this way if we want to avoid the meatball camouflage zone."

2020-03-21, 07:11 PM
Nyda follows the rest down the stairs, nodding as they speak as she looks around "Wow. Just keeps proving my point this place isn't so bad if we're looking for a hideout. If anything, we can use those big meatballs for some plans..im thinking we put them in crates labeled 'dogs' and deliver them to the barracks."

2020-03-21, 08:06 PM
Fortuna looks up from her journal to Nyda, "It looks like whatever power these runes held is gone, m'afraid. Interesting idea though, maybe we should've wrangled those grimples. Let's just be glad this portal's dead and we don't have to fight anymore."

2020-03-21, 08:10 PM
Fortuna is unable to make out any kind of name among the runes.

2020-03-21, 08:25 PM
Nyda raises a brow, "Unless we could get them working again..."

2020-03-22, 02:58 AM
"Just quit while you're ahead this time, Nyda," Lynera says. "Those runes are infernal, and the bad guys are diabolists. Our best bet is probably to dismantle it as soon as we have time. But first: the archive!"

Lynera carefully creeps along the East wall to peek down the northern hallways.

2020-03-22, 08:17 AM
"Ah, we're discussing hideouts?" Rexus asks as he wanders in after the group. "I actually have a place in mind, if I may be so bold. A friend of my mother's runs it and she's been particularly amenable to my ideas thus far."

Lynera finds that the rooms to the North have mostly fallen into disrepair, the walls in a similar start to the room with the reservoir. Scattered furnishings that once outfitted bunkrooms, a kitchen, and even an armory lie scattered about in states of complete disrepair and doors hang from hinges in the crumbling archways that lie between the tightly-packed chambers.

There doesn't seem to be much of note, though the group notices three small crates (One with a lock) almost hidden by the rubble in one corner, as well as a small nest in another. Rexus' smile falters as they enter these fallen chambers, but only for a second.

2020-03-22, 09:01 AM
"I would consider it unwise to reveal our presence as an organized force, or one with the ability procure such things, at this stage," Kyra says quietly, even as the exchange between Lynera and Nyra ends. She pulls the crates into the center of the room as they're found, carefully opening the unlocked ones while considering the most appropriate response to Rexus' offer. "Considering alternatives is wise," she comments. "Especially if would offer more...immediate utility."

2020-03-22, 11:17 AM
Nyda nods Yea, forgot about that bit. Devil worshipers controlling devils. But, yea, Lets see what other hideouts you have to offer Rexus...but lets not forget about this place. Good to have back ups you know?"

2020-03-22, 03:12 PM
In the crates that aren't locked, Kyra discovers a composite shortbow, a finely-made hand crossbow, a silver morningstar of similar quality, a particularly fine cloak, and a pouch containing a dozen pearls, as well as a suit of particularly pleasant-looking leather armor. The third contains six statuettes depicting ravens, cast in silver.

2020-03-22, 03:46 PM
"Aye, messing about with fiends and portals is how people end up with a pair of these," Fortuna pings one of her horns with a finger, "That kind of thing will definitely come back to bite us. Should we just take all these crates to your mum's friend's place and sort it in a less... fragrant setting?"

Fortuna sidles up beside Nyda, "You know how you were wanting to recruit people in the Nursery? Well, if we were to bring proof that we cleared this place, a place widely believed to be responsible for numerous deaths... You get what I'm getting at here?"

While the others deal with the crates, Fortuna will examine the nest to try to tell if it's another grimple nest.
Nature check?: [roll0]

2020-03-22, 04:06 PM
Fortuna has no idea what kind of nest it is. Probably not an elephant's, though.

"We certainly can." Rexus nods. "It oughtn't look too conspicuous. Would you like mt to take one?" He asks, as he starts stretching his arms.

The locked crate is actually an open crate, but it has a locked coffer in it. My bad.

2020-03-22, 04:53 PM
Lynera glances around the armory for anything still lying around. If it's completely cleaned out, that makes the presence of the crates and the coffer extra suspicious. But it does have a lock on it, and based on previous experience that makes it hers. If Fortuna told her about the key she found, Lynera has already forgotten about it.

Perception to see if the coffer is trapped: [roll0]
Disable Device: [roll1]

2020-03-22, 05:57 PM
Lynera fails to open the lock on the coffer.

"I think the key my mother included in her own coffer may open that," Rexus says as he notices the lock's stubborness and pats one of his pockets.

2020-03-22, 07:55 PM
Nyda slowly nods "Hmm..youre right. Showing the people were on their side could be a good way to start recruiting. Should we announce it? Or...leave a symbol? Some kind of graffiti on the side with a 'message'. Something like 'Your Welcome'. Or "By a Raven's Grace' Or even 'The People Know who not to thank'. Nothing too obvious maybe."

The half-orc then looks to Rexus "What do you think is inside? Maybe a demon-killing knife?Either way, it's your mom's key. Maybe you should open it?"

2020-03-22, 09:06 PM
Rexus steps forward, inserts the key into the lock, and...it doesn't open. He tries a couple more times before stepping back. "Er, my mistake. I suppose it would be foolish to expect a secret society to have universal keys, wouldn't it?" He scratches his beard. "Ah well. We can always try the skulduggery route again late. What say you all to meeting my mother's friend?"

2020-03-22, 10:26 PM
"Right! Let's keep moving." Lynera puts her tools away to resume the search for the archivists' hideout.

2020-03-23, 03:05 AM
"I don't know if enough people pass by this building to see a message but we could do that. 'Justice flies on wings of silver', I'm a big fan of your 'Thrune doesn't know'. We could end up with the whole city tagged up. Also, in all the adventure tales I read as a wee bab the barbarian hero would present the monster's severed head to the King or whoever. It's a bit grisly, but we could take those grimples to the Cloven Hooves. They could spread the word. But aye let's talk about all that when we're at the next stop."

Fortuna, in her brainstorming almost forgot something," Oh, key! I found this in the room upstairs. It's probably just for that wonky entrance door but here." She passes the key to Lynera

2020-03-23, 10:10 AM
With their course decided, the group leaves the Livery with crates and coffer in hand and make their way to Villegre, just Northeast of the park that just yesterday hosted the riot. Business seems to have returned to its usual state, perhaps because Thrune wants to keep word of the riot down, given how poorly it went for him. They find themselves entering the Long Roads Coffeehouse, a popular establishment known for its excellent halfling fare (It's even known for delivering desserts to nobles) and it's boisterous proprietor, Laria Longroad.

They enter to the rich aroma of coffee mixed with the sweet scent of dozens of desserts. The interior is not so different from a fancy tavern, with sets of cushioned chairs set around polished tables, lightly-painted walls, and light provided by a handful of Ioun Torches hanging from the ceiling. Given it's just before noon, the coffeehouse isn't too stuffed, just a handful of people minding their own business and sipping their drinks.

The group manages to make it a few steps in before they're approached by a stout blonde halfling, clad in a green tunic with a black jacket and a warm smile.

"Ah, you're here at last," she says as she rubs her hands together. "Well, you know where my office is - scuttle over there and I'll be present with your usuals as soon as I can get the next pot brewed. Off you pop." She pats Rexus on the rump and he laughs as he leads the rest of the group through the building and a door at the back of the room, behind the counter. It's as simple as offices get, with plenty of drawers no doubt holding dozens of papers, various pots of ink, quills, stamps, and, of course, a desk and plenty of chairs to go around it. It's halfling-sized, so only Uly sits at the appropriate height for it, even though there are chairs big enough for everyone.

"I hope you don't mind the wait - but trust me, the food will make it worthwhile," Rexus informs the group.

The halfling emerges in the office a few minutes later, during which time Lynera has managed to pop open the coffer with her tools. The woman is carrying a tray stuffed from side to side with coffee and various desserts. "Sorry for the ruse - it's not every day you get a gaggle of armed individuals looking for lunch," she says as she places it on her desk in front of the group. "Take your pick, but leave some for your friends, Rexus. So! My name is Laria Longroad. What can I do for you all?"

"We actually just left the Livery," Rexus informs her as he helps unpack the contents of the coffer. Inside are a stack of documents, hundreds of pages, and a small set of scrolls. "And..." His face falls as he looks over the documents, because it's quite clear to anyone who looks that it's gibberish. "Our bounty is ciphered. I suppose you'd expect as much from the Order of Archivists."

"The Silver Ravens," Laria corrects.

"The...oh, yes, of course!" Rexus laughs and scratches his head. "It's difficult to keep track of all these secret societies. The Silver Ravens have done a very thorough job, apparently." He taps one of the pages before him. "I can see at least three languages being used here already..." He grabs another page and pulls it in front of him, inspecting it closely.

"Ah, now we've got him reading." Laria smirks and looks to the group proper. "So. I forgot to ask your names, didn't I?"

2020-03-23, 11:12 AM
Kyra moves along with the group, once again cloaked so that she sticks out as the very large cloaked person, and not the large one in obvious armor. As they get to the coffee house, she steels herself for what's to come - and is immediately grateful for it, as Laria rushes in with a flurry of activity that leaves Kyra grateful that it at least ends with an obvious instruction. As the group settles into the room, she takes off her helmet, setting it on the table which she studies for a few moments, silently considering it and its size. Her mind goes back to the group's previous meeting around a similar table, the day before - that one human-sized.

When Laria enters, Kyra spends a moment looking at the food before leaning forwards to take something small, biting into it while Rexus begins to speak. She turns towards him when he mentions multiple languages, only for Laria to speak and grab her attention.

"That's right. I would have reminded you earlier, but I was worried that it would be inappropriate. I am Kyra Vintora," she says, with a nod.

2020-03-23, 01:03 PM
As they move out, Nyda takes the time to tag the sid eof the building with "Justice flies on Silver Wings" as well as "Thrune Doesn't Know". She smiles at her work and keeps going with the rest of the group.

As they step into the cafe, Nyda warily looks around. She hasn't been to a coffee hous ebefore, her usual environment being tavern's and run down bars. Being in a place that was so..clean? It was odd. Hey, food smells nice so far so I can wait."

Nyda takes her seat, looking over the various sweets on offer, she grabs herself a Chocolate looking one. "Names Nyda. Just Nyda. Don't have any special last name." she looks to Raxus "Seems these Archivists had a thing for names. Now there the Silver ravens. Did your mom never take you to work? Or does she have another secret diary to look at?"

2020-03-23, 01:18 PM
"Hmm? Oh, none that I know of, I'm afraid." Rexus pulls his eyes away from the document. "But I think...yes, I'm quite sure I ought to be able to decode this. Celestial, Elven, and Strix are the languages they've used and I just so happen to be fluent. Mostly fluent."

2020-03-23, 01:32 PM
"Strix is an unusual choice," Kyra says, turning to Rexus. "I am also fluent in those languages, with some experience in codes. I can provide assistance if it is required or beneficial."

2020-03-23, 02:00 PM
Fortuna follows with a little added spring in her step as they head to the coffeehouse. Was that a quest? Had they quested? Her first brush with adventure, though a mere stone's throw from her attic, had given her a rush that lasted until well after the food arrived.

"Fortuna, pleased to meet you. Sorry for the state we're in, it feels like we should've bathed before coming from that moldy old livery." She downs her coffee while it's still hot and leans over to glance at the documents.

"Don't think I'll be much help here. I guess it makes sense that people fighting against Cheliax would avoid using Infernal script. Strix is an odd one. Maybe the Archivi- I mean Ravens, whoever, had Strix allies? Hmm, I wonder what kind of things Strix write about..."

Holding a biscuit in one hand, she gestures with the other and casts Detect Magic over their loot, including the documents.

2020-03-23, 04:42 PM
"Lynera," says the elf with a wave. Now that Rex has taken over the coffer responsibilities, she sits cross-legged on the floor to put her eyes more or less at the scale of the room. "Pleasure!"

On the subject of Strix, "They probably just tried to mix in a language that hardly anyone speaks to make it harder to intercept. I could cheat and read it with a spell, but if it's also in code I don't think that gets around it."

"So! The Silver Ravens. I guess they used to be some kind of secret police? How long have you been researching them?"

2020-03-23, 04:51 PM
Nyda shrugs. She isn't much for other languages, unfortunately "I've carted around messages before. Sometimes people just use obscure languages no one might know as a means of making their messages harder to read. We should consider that honestly. Something like Goblin, people already think what they have to say is nonsense."

She looks to Lynera "Maybe they were a bunch of bird people? I mean, ravens, strix letters. Not that far off?"

2020-03-23, 05:26 PM
"Me?" Rexus asks. "Oh, not for very long at all. I didn't have a reason to until, well, you know."

"I know a thing or two" Laria offers. "They were a group of rebels in the days of Chelish Civil War, about eighty years ago, and Thrune did their best to wipe out all knowledge of them. Porcia managed to find clues about that cache, so let's hope it has something useful, hm?"

"It will! I'm sure of it," Rexus comments as he peers over another page. "I didn't learn Strix for fun! Well, actually, I did, but I'm glad it's useful regardless."

Fortuna identifies the leather armor as being +1.

The cloak has an aura of Illusion.

The silver raven statuettes are Silver Raven Figurines of Wondrous Power. Each one can turn into a Ravern on command and bear a message as if by the Animal Messenger spell. It can maintain its non-figurine form for 24 hours per week, and it doesn't have to be continuous.

She also detects an aura of magic on one of the documents, but can't identify its aura.

2020-03-23, 06:16 PM
"I see." Seeing the crate loot spread out alongside the coffer contents, Lynera picks up one of the pocket ravens and twirls it in her fingers. "If that letter is what we're going by, that makes us the new ravens, then?"

Seeing that Fortuna is already scanning everything, Lynera doesn't feel the need to cast detect magic herself, but she'll use read magic on the document if it's brought to her attention.

2020-03-23, 06:54 PM
Fortuna mutters away, mostly to herself as she isolates all the auras coming from their new toys, "Bird people. Flying around at night, doing secret stuff. Kintargo could be filled with them and we'd never know. I've never seen a Strix around here, have you?"

"Well, we may not have wings, but we've got the next best thing," she says, holding up one of the figurines. "This will turn into an actual raven and back with a word, and can send messages. Nice way to keep in touch over distances."

She starts separating the items as she explains, "This is just a nice leather outfit. A little more protective than, say, what I'm wearing. The cloak has an illusion enchantment. Not sure what exactly but it won't harm anyone who tries it on."

"Now this," She taps the document, "Has a bit of magic, but I can't tell what kind, which is exciting." Fortuna will also attempt to read it, unless it is also in code or the script itself is arcane.

2020-03-23, 07:24 PM
The document with an aura seems about the same as the others, with similar script, and Lynera's attempt to read the magic on it finds nothing. She does, however, manage to read the scrolls that also came in the box. They are scrolls of Misdirection, Pass Without Trace, Undetectable Alignment, and Whispering Wind.

Once Fortuna shares what she knows, Uly casts a spell and her eyes briefly glow white. "It is a Cloak of Elvenkind. They're elven, usually used to blend in with the wearer's surroundings."

"You know, there are some Strix nearby, in Ravounel Forest," Rexus mused aloud. "That's why you're not meant to go wandering about by yourself, you know - apparently they have a vicious distaste for anything that vaguely resembles a human."

"You'd like to be the new Silver Ravens?" Laria asks the group, following Lynera's comment. "Now that's a novel idea. Why would you want to?"

2020-03-23, 08:47 PM
"That would be a question for Rex," Lynera replies. She's borrowed an inkpen from the desk and is now writing write the names of the spells on the back of each scroll for easy reference later. "It was technically his mom's idea."

2020-03-24, 01:49 PM
"Because Thrune must be defeated," Uly answers softly.

Laria nods and looks to the others.

2020-03-24, 01:56 PM
Nyda chomps into her chocolate, looking into the black, swirling liquid that is her coffee. her eyes narrow, and her grip tightens around the handle, the fine porcelain almost cracking. Her red eyes dart upward, back toward Laria "Because Thrune needs to Die"

2020-03-24, 03:00 PM
Kyra looks at the table and her own hands for a few moments. "Barzillai's arrival and subsequent actions have placed me in a position in which I am philosophically compelled to act, in order to improve the situation and bring an end to the current injustices being committed," she says. "This is the purpose for which I have been prepared for, over the duration of my life."

2020-03-24, 03:18 PM
Fortuna pours herself another cup, "It's the story of our time, isn't it. People, all different, coming together to resist a tyrant threatening everyone's way of life. Make the city better. Can't turn that down."

2020-03-25, 05:42 AM
Lynera gazes thoughtfully at her silver raven figurine as she listens to everyone else's acceptance speeches. "Yeah. I guess someone has to do it, right? I can't just sit around and wait for the adults to work it out anymore." She pockets the expensive magic item. She's a member of the group it belongs to, now. "Alright! Let's free Kintargo!"

2020-03-25, 10:17 AM
Laria blinks and leans back at Lynera's declaration. "Well, that was more of what I was expecting from one of Rexus' companions," she says with a smile.

"I told you I'd find good allies, didn't I?" Rexus asks, looking up from the documents.

"That you did." Laria nods. "Allow me to share a little something with you, and yes, it unfortunately is going to involve..." She leans in. "Another secret organization! Apparently systematic oppression of all but one race and class makes for a lot of angry people and clandestine behavior. I am a member of the Bellflower Network; we specialize in freeing slaves, especially halfling slaves. from their would-be masters. There isn't as much of it here in Kintargo - my job is helping the ones who get this far to get out of Cheliax entirely, sometimes after my associates have guided them here, sometimes if they've found their way here and need someone to find them before their old masters do."

"As such, I take it upon myself to know what's going on, and know my neighbors, clandestinely speaking, like the Sacred Order of Archivists, and now the Silver Ravens." Laria gestures over the group on the other side of her desk."I'd love to help you, and I will, but...Thrune has burned through most of my information network." Laria takes a snack from those she brought up and quickly chews through it. "So most of what I can offer is space. There's a hideout, some secret tunnels, under this coffeehouse, the Wasp Nest, that I use to smuggle fugitives, colleagues, and occasionally stolen goods. You're welcome to it, and the bunkroom here in the Coffeehouse."

Rexus holds a hand to his heart. "Laria, you're too kind! I'm tou-" The man is cut off by a raised finger.

"But you will have to do something for me," Laria says with a wink. "You see, the Wasp Nest is occupied. I let an old smuggler friend of mine, name of Nan, in recently, to check on the Varisian textiles I've been storing for him. But he hasn't emerged in a few days, and I've been hearing...unusual noises. I haven't had time to check on him with Thrune dismantling my networks, running the Coffeehouse, and so on. If you can make sure Nan is safe, the space is yours to do with what you will."

2020-03-25, 10:40 AM
"Oh, damn, no time to waste then! Noises sounds bad, I hate noises! Let's divvy up this stuff quick and get to it." Fortuna stands, gulping down her coffee and pocketing one of the raven figurines, "Will Kyra and Nyda have room to fight down there? Halfling hideout sounds cramped and they're... big."

2020-03-25, 10:49 AM
"It's a series of basements from before the street level was raised," Laria explains. "More than enough room for everyone."

2020-03-25, 01:12 PM
Nyda's eye twitches at the mention of the Belflowers. That name..sounds a bit familiar to her but she can put her finger on where she's heard it before. She shakes her head and listens to what their newest task might be. "RIght, seems simple enough. I'll sharpen my blades just in case we find there's another pack of rats down there though. Besides, it sounds like we might have found another safe house. Three in a day, I think that's some good work on our part."

The Kool
2020-03-25, 08:53 PM
The noblewoman sits in peaceful meditation, eyes mostly closed, ears taking in the sounds of conversation around her. Quietly enough that it may have easily been missed in the commotion, she speaks her own proclamation. She speaks more to herself and her goddess than to those around her, but she does speak aloud. "I have nowhere left to go. I have nothing left to do to avoid this fate. This... calling? I cannot leave, not while the people of the city still struggle. I cannot abandon them. Iomedae grant me strength, Milani grant me fervor. I will not abandon these people in their time of need. I will not abandon these people to this tyrant. I will not abandon my people to burn. This I swear."

As she finishes her passionate (yet quiet) speech, her eyes open once more. With purpose, she relaxes the tension that had built up in her body, her hand falling open once more to reveal the blackened rose petal that she's been carrying this past week. "I will go. I see no need to delay, are there any objections to checking on this Nan fellow immediately?"

2020-03-26, 10:21 AM
"No objections," Kyra says after a pause. "This exchange shall be fruitful."

Then, as soon as someone else makes a motion to, she stands, ready to get going, pausing only to finish a pastry she'd picked off the tray.

2020-03-26, 10:47 AM
"I'll stay here, if you don't mind. I can't wait to find out what secrets these pages hold!" Rexus says with a grin.

"Come along, then. I'll show you the way." Laria gets up from her desk and leads the group out of her office, then into the room next door. A trapdoor leads to the basement, which is illuminated by a glowing stone like the coffeehouse above. The dry cellar contains numerous crates of cooking ingredients, sacks of coffee beans, and other supplies needed to maintain a thriving business. Laria steps up to the Northwest wall, hooks her fingers around a particular part of the shelf there, and pulls it open to reveal a dark corridor beyond. "This is where I leave you. Be careful around the middle - there's a reservoir and you don't want to take a tumble, trust me." The sound of her climbing back up the narrow stairs can be heard as they enter the Wasp Nest proper.

Uly's glove lights up, revealing the room beyond. It is a long, damp hallway that stretches far to the South and opens to the southeast into a large reservoir of calm, dark water. A wooden pier extends twenty feet into the water, while another twenty feet out rises the top half of a statue of a beautiful elven woman. A foul smell, like that of rotting meat, comes from somewhere near the pier. TWo holes have been knocked into the West walls, creating a kind of makeshift stairs to another set of rooms, while to the South sits a set of proper stairs. The ceiling is roughly ten foot tall, with extinguished torch sconces lining the walls.

Exploring time! Roll20 has been updated to new map.

2020-03-26, 11:30 AM
Nyda follows as everyone goes down the tunnel. As they pass by the coffee beans, Nyda decides to try and pick one up and pop it into her mouth..only for some immediate regret at the flavor. She doesn't spit it out..she just slowly swallows.

Nyda winces from the smell as she descends into the secret space at the end of the tunnel "And here I thought we would at least be free of stench. That was too much to ask for. Should we start calling for him?"

2020-03-26, 01:05 PM
Lynera sniffs the air and groans noncommittally. "Ugh... if that's what I think it is, then calling won't do any good."

She draws her sword again, just in case, and approaches the pier to inspect the underside for stuck corpses or other anomalies.


2020-03-26, 01:19 PM
Lynera finds the rotting corpse of a man floating in the still water, his limp body partially folded against one of the stands. He matches the description Laria gave on the way down to the basement, with the addition of a set of long scratch marks across his back, gouging deep into his flesh, as well as several bruises. She also notices that despite the assorted bloodstains and water damage on his clothes, his leather boots seem completely undamaged, and that there isn't any blood near the pier other than that which is stuck in his clothes.

2020-03-26, 02:24 PM
"Alright, I guess we've found him," says Lynera. Having been warned about falling in the reservoir, she pauses to think up a way to pull him out without going wading. "Hey, Kyra, you have that polearm, right? Can you come help us fish him out?"

2020-03-26, 02:28 PM
Squinting at the sudden 'aroma', Fortuna looks around the chamber and immediately takes an interest in the statue. After spending a moment trying to freshen the air around the pier with prestidigitation, she stands at the edge to get a good look, "Hey, at least this stinky den comes with a nice statue. That puts it a step above the last one. Wonder who it is..."

Knowledge on statue: [roll0] +3 for all except Arcana (+7), and Local (+8)

2020-03-26, 02:34 PM
Fortuna thinks that the statue is...real pretty.

2020-03-26, 03:49 PM
Nyda frowns when the news of Nan's fate is shared "Well..Damn. Thats not great. Either way, it would be a good idea to look around for what killed the guy. Want to make sure this place is clear before we make it into a potential safehouse"

2020-03-26, 04:39 PM
Kyra grimaces at the smell, though it's hidden by her helmet, so she appears more stoic as she comes forwards with a nod at Lynera's request. Using the bec de corbin, she tries to pull the corpse out onto the floor, keeping distance to avoid dirtying anything more than what's necessary.

2020-03-26, 04:41 PM
At the merest suggestion of an attacking beast, Lynera looks up and scans the ceiling for spiders. It's a habit.

"Based on these claw marks..." she rolls up her sleeve and checks the shape of her own injury from earlier. "Maybe it's more of those grimples, or the melty devil-lemur things? I don't know how widespread they are in the undercity."

2020-03-26, 04:59 PM
The claw marks on the body, which is safely retrieved, don't seem to match Lynera's.

2020-03-26, 09:11 PM
Nyda takes a glance over to the direction of the corpse "Yea, those claws look a bit bigger than a rats. Might be something else...something bigger"

2020-03-27, 08:47 AM
Fortuna turns to face the group, and the corpse of Nan. Intently focusing her gaze on anything other than the body she says, "Oh, dead guy! Maybe we should get off this pier. Y'know what, aye, I'm going to go. And check... somewhere else."

Taking a deep breath as she hops around the body, eyes on the ceiling and trying to keep a straight face, Fortuna squeezes through her companions and heads for the hopefully less stomach-turning south stairs.

2020-03-27, 09:00 AM
Fortuna heads to the Southern stairs and sees a wide open room. Stacks of unopened crates - some draped in moldering tarps - fill most of the space, creating a maze. Two tables sit at the center, scattered with playing cards and a smoking, unlit lantern. Around the table are four crow-like humanoids with broad beaks, taloned fingers, and coats of black feathers. They immediately spot Fortuna, their black eyes narrowing on her as the ones who didn't notice her are alerted by the others leaping up from their chairs, their feathers ruffling and their gazes fixed.

Combat hasn't started.

2020-03-27, 09:47 AM
Stopping dead in her tracks, Fortuna darts her eyes between those of each of the strangers in turn. "Bird people! Doing secret stuff!" She hisses under her breath. With a smile that she hopes looks confident enough to mask her shock, she says, a little louder than necessary, "Oh, mornin'! Or afternoon. We weren't expecting to find anyone else down here. I'm Fortuna, you may have read my work, probably not, who are yous?"

2020-03-27, 01:20 PM
Nyda glances toward Fortuna's direction. People are here already then? Still, now weapons have been drawn just yet...so Nyda decides the best course of action might be to stay quiet. She keeps to the wall, and slowly tries o move closer to Fortuna


2020-03-27, 03:54 PM
"'Bird people?' Come on, we were just talking about Strix."

Of course, that was the same conversation where Lynera herself said nobody speaks it, so maybe she shouldn't be the one to talk. Also they might actually be Kenku or something. She suspends her examination of the body, takes cover at the corner of the stairwell, and peers around to see.

She notices their talons.

Stealth because she's on needlessly-sneaky autopilot: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]

The first two questions she wants to answer with active perception:
- Are those the kinds of talons that killed the guy?
- Are there living things inside the crates?

2020-03-27, 07:14 PM
One of the birdfolk steps forward, her talons clicking softly against the floor as she does so. Just as she's about to speak, another pipes up.

"I-I see you! In the shadows!" One of them behind her points out right at Lynera, right at Nyda. "Get out of the shadows! Out!"

The woman at the front lets out a noise not far from a growl. "What are you doing here? Why are you sneaking around? Tell me!" she snaps, one hand drifting closer to the kukri attached to her belt.

Lynera notices nothing out of the ordinary, but the talons of these birdfolk don't seem big enough to do the damage that Nan suffered.

2020-03-27, 08:04 PM
Nyda sighs, ans steps out of the shadows, her hands up "Hey now, Hey now. No need to start reaching for your blades. We were just down here investigating his area. We came, and saw that there was a dead guy over there..wouldn't happen to know anything about that would you?"


The Kool
2020-03-27, 09:09 PM
Arodea spares a glance for the commotion to the south, but as it doesn't seem to be a fight, she spares a moment for the deceased first. Approaching the corpse, she lowers herself to one knee and straightens his body, closing his eyes and placing his arms at rest. "I am no priest, but I have seen their rites many times. May you rest at peace in your afterlife." She takes a few more moments to softly speak a funeral prayer over his body.

2020-03-28, 02:38 AM
Having been thoroughly called out on her nonsense, Lynera steps the rest of the way around the corner to make herself visible, leans against the wall and keeps her mouth shut as she watches the conversation.

2020-03-28, 03:30 AM
Seeing Lynera slip away quietly, Kyra decides to stay put for the moment, reasoning that spoiling her ally's stealth with the sound of her armor would be pointless, and the arrival of someone fully armored and armed could spoil potential negotiations. So instead she stands by as Arodea speaks, standing straight in a fashion directly inspired by the memory of honor guards standing beside the fresh graves of important individuals, the only role she can find for herself in this impromptu funeral rite.

2020-03-28, 07:50 AM
The woman who'd stepped forward pauses for a moment, glances back at her companions, then Nyda and the group. "We may know...something," she says, softer than before. "Tell us first what you are, why you're investigating."

2020-03-28, 08:38 AM
Fortuna's stance relaxes, less poised to run, and puffs herself up a bit. It seemed unlikely Thrune would have tengu working for him, and they clearly hadn't been waiting to ambush them. Taking a slow step forward to address the leader she says, "Not dottari if that's what you're wondering. Far removed, in fact. This is Nyda and Lynera, we've got three other friends here with us too. We're looking to establish a safe house here away from Thrune's prying eyes, we were asked to look for that fellow, Nan, while we were here. Not here to arrest anyone. Or break up your card game there."

She holds a hand out in an offer to shake. "Nice to meet you. Can we talk?"

2020-03-28, 12:12 PM
Nyda glances down at the card game "Yea, Nothing wrong with gambling in my eye. Besides, what ya plain? Might want to hop in myself."

2020-03-28, 02:39 PM
"My name is Korva. These are Jay, Maggie, and Treep." She gestures to the other three, who stand no less wary of the group. "We were more, but they were lost along the way," she says with concentrated control. "And...one other. Our sister, Chough. She...is the one who killed Nan."

2020-03-28, 03:54 PM
Fortuna gives a smile and nod to each of Korva's siblings as she gived their names, which falters when she sees the difficulty she has at the mention of Chough. Dropping her hand she asks, "Do you know why?"

2020-03-28, 04:19 PM
"She has a fierce temper," Korva says, "and she is not like us. We thought she was when she was born, but...she is not. We were scared, and Nan told us that we would have to wait, after we lost sisters already, and...Chough was the one who killed him, she attacked him from behind, and we did not know what to do. We have been stuck here, locked her away, but..." She shrugs.

2020-03-28, 04:35 PM
Nyda..smirks. An Idea coming to her mind "Don't worry. Were reasonable people ya see. We won't turn you in or tell anyone about your friend's accidental murder. But...we can't do it for free. In trade for our service, you can give us your service? See were starting a little enterprise. A gang of sorts and we need a few members who bring interesting skills. We fix your situation here, and you'll join our crew. Sound fair?"

2020-03-28, 06:18 PM
Most of Korva's speech passes by while Fortuna thinks of her words on Chough. A family member born different, prone to lashing out with violence, was a familiar story, "What d'you mean 'not like us'? She a tiefling tengu? A tieflengu, I guess."

2020-03-29, 03:24 AM
Lynera shoots Nyda a suspicious look to let her know that she's coming on way too strong. Then again, Lynera doesn't like proposing plans in general, lest people know they were her idea.

She waits for the birds to answer Fortuna's portmanteau-based question before pursuing her own, though it sounds like their sister went berserk for some reason.

2020-03-29, 08:05 AM
Korva goes quiet following Nyda's words. "Perhaps we could do that," she says uncertainly, then looks to Fortuna. "No, she...she is broad, strong, vicious, but not devilish"

2020-03-29, 03:15 PM
Nyda folds her arms "So she's got a hankering for killing folks then? or was she scared? And more importantly, what direction is she and what do you want us to do with her?"