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View Full Version : how to survive the "Island"

2007-10-22, 04:51 PM
My dm has decieded to put are 3rd level characters on a mysterous island, are journey started to map out the island that was founded recently. We soon found out that the Island was inhabited by dinarsours, are boat of illuskans was destroyed by a ELASMOSAURUS we then got off the boat with crockidiles and sharks coming to the smell of blood.

we are a group of
a wood elf noble fighter--leader
me a gold elf genealist wizard
a kilorean druid
a human fighter

we saved from the wreak
30 days of food for 4 of us
carpenders tools
and 50 arrows

what should we do

2007-10-22, 04:53 PM
Build a raft.

Or, kill enough dinosaurs to learn teleport and warp out of there.

2007-10-22, 04:56 PM
If you've got people with decent ranks in Survival, food shouldn't be a problem. The DC to find food on a tropical island should be easy.

If you want to build a ship to get off the island, you'll need appropriate Craft skills, most likely. Otherwise it may fall apart at the worst possible moment.

In all likelihood, your DM has put a civilization of some sort on the island, too. Explore and find out what your DM has cooked up, eh? Save dubious projects like raft-building for when you've exhausted the possibility of finding a usable boat or other transport.

2007-10-22, 04:59 PM
1) Sew all of your rain coats together to make a giant balloon.
2) Use your ranks in Craft: Underwater basket weaving to make a gondola.
3) Apply fire (Adventurer's favorite part!)
4) Whomp Gilligan with your hat.
5) ???
6) Profit!

2007-10-22, 05:03 PM
*Plays the theme from Jurassic Park*


Alright, first priority is to find clean fresh water. Go seaching for a river, stream, brook, whatever. Set up camp here in the safest spot (treetops, beach, etc.) and try to keep close to the shore on the lookout for ships. Build a shelter first, then a fire. Make the fire big, and burn green, leafy things to make it as smoky as possible. Keep it burning 24/7.

Now for food. If you find the dinosaurs you kill to be edible, go ahead and cook them. Otherwise, be on the lookout for other wildlife and edible plant life. Also, never let anyone go off alone for too long, that's just asking for trouble. Above all, try not to stand out or make a big impact on the ecosystem. If the dinosaurs don't know you're there, they won't bother you.

For more tips, go watch Cast Away, the Jurassic Park series (3 gives some good survival tips), and read Lord of the Flies.

2007-10-22, 05:31 PM
Coolios, if the island is uninhabited then you could probably claim it. Max out Craft: Woodworking and Traps as well as Survival and throw a rank into Profession: Woodsman if your DM lets you use Profession to get raw materials.

Villages of natives(if any) will most likely be where the tallest trees are and where the rivers are at so they can travel by boat. Expect monstrous humanoids with a level adjustment.

If you decide to stay here, you'll either want a cave that big nasty dinos can't get into, and dug underground shelter(which will be good for your first couple nights but is bad cause you can get stepped on and being in it corners you instantly during an attack), or a really high tree-top shelter that you can add onto and is too high for anything except big snakes to kill you in.

Also, build some longbows for your arrows and make some more arrows and quivers. You'll want to also build a shovel, an axe of any type that isn't thrown, maybe a longspear, and probably a dagger if you don't have these already. Great tools/weapons that will serve for more than just bashing things to death. Use wood, stone, and bone if neccessary.

2007-10-22, 06:21 PM
Use carpentry to build a base of opperations, something with thick tree trunk walls to protect your squishyness from Dinosaurs and then start exploring the Island. Just short distances from "the fort" at first.

2007-10-22, 06:30 PM
Burn everything.

Nothing says "we're trying to wipe out the local mega-fauna" like a good wildfire.

2007-10-22, 06:33 PM
Well if your going to be leveling there I hope your DM does not want you to train your new spells cause if so your in deep trouble.

I would build a base if I were you, Build something off the ground in the largest highest tree you can find, in other words make your two elfs at home.

2007-10-22, 06:35 PM
Burn everything.

Nothing says "we're trying to wipe out the local mega-fauna" like a good wildfire.

A jungle doesn't burn well enough to make that a viable option. You also run the risk of pissing off some stuff that makes the dinosaurs look like small potatoes.

2007-10-22, 06:41 PM
A jungle doesn't burn well enough to make that a viable option.

I can't see anything that says it's jungle. Just that it's an island with dinosaurs and crocodiles.

You just have to make sure you set the fire "accidentally".

2007-10-22, 06:54 PM
The Druid-3 can get you a very definsible shelter with just two spells:

Summon Nature's Ally II (Dire Badger - your Druid can do this spontaneously, so no worries that he didn't prepare it) and Speak with Animals.

The Dire Badger has a nifty clause on it's burrow speed: It leaves a usable, 5-foot diamter tunnel; it has a burrow speed of only 10 feet, but get it to hustle, and in that three rounds you've got 60 feet of tunnel to work with. Speak with Animals is just to tell it what you want. You can put it just about anywhere (ideally, you want the side of a hill, or some other spot where water isn't going to be running into your shelter). The tunnel isn't a magical effect with a duration, so no worries about it vanishing with the badger. Reinforce it when you get the chance. This is also good for quick and dirty pit traps (Hmm... 60 foot drop, straight down....).

Goodberry can cover your food needs - assuming there's something with berries on the island - if the Druid doesn't have actual ranks in Survival. Or you can just cook up a dinosaur. Plenty of meat, there.

Beyond that, just do what you'd normally do on an adventure - explore the area.

2007-10-22, 06:55 PM
You have a Druid, so there is no reason to worry. Druids were practically built to win this situation. He can get food with Survival, summon food, heal, and use magic to stop the dinosaurs, mess with the forest, and win. However, some dinosaurs will have a high will save, and there are probably more things than dinosaurs on the island. Both you and the Druid are squishy, so it is actually quite good you have fighters to save you from getting squished.

You, on the other hand, have a different job than protector or survivalist. You have the spells to protect the campsite while the others sleep, buff the protectors, and help the big tough guys kill stuff.