View Full Version : The Wyrm Is Dead, Long Live The Tribe! [IC]

2020-03-04, 12:12 PM
It's been about a day since Aranthakas was killed. The last (or close to it) of your tribe has come out from the various hiding holes. You can feel their eyes on you-they don't know what to do.

What will you do?

2020-03-04, 11:51 PM
Brix goes to survey the damage done by the invaders and catalog any missing tombs.

She had spent much of her life caring for the books in Aranthakas' library. It was a constant battle against the moisture in the caves to keep the books free of mold. If any of them were taken she will whatever it takes to get them back.

Chas Kramer
2020-03-05, 02:58 AM
Yirrs feels a taste in his mouth... something he has never felt before. The sudden feeling that, if he wanted to breathe a different air that those of the caves, all of a sudden, he could. If he would like to eat an entire sheep, rather than licking the leftover bones, all of a sudden, he would not be killed for it. He can't describe it: the world "freedom" is unknown to him and it doesn't come to his mind.
Yet he feels it and, somehow, he recognizes it.

He inhales deeply, assuming a taller, confident posture. His tail with the charred tip vibrating, as if electrocuted. He looks at all the eyes, staring from the dark of their hideouts. "Out" he says "out, brothers! Let's see what food and materials they have left."
He has always been a weirdo, and probably not the best one to try and calm the others...but someone had to do it.
Looking for food, probably not the biggest dream of glory...but somewhere you need to start, to put home back in order.
"...OUR home ? ..." he says loud.

2020-03-05, 11:23 AM
Brix goes to survey the damage done by the invaders and catalog any missing tombs.

She had spent much of her life caring for the books in Aranthakas' library. It was a constant battle against the moisture in the caves to keep the books free of mold. If any of them were taken she will whatever it takes to get them back.

Looking in the library, you see they're mostly there. The books are scattered about, as if someone had rummaged through them with no care for their proper placement, but they seem to be all there.

Except for a few-the books that your wyrm refused to allow you to ever see, the books that he himself maintained. They're gone. All five of them.

Yirrs feels a taste in his mouth... something he has never felt before. The sudden feeling that, if he wanted to breathe a different air that those of the caves, all of a sudden, he could. If he would like to eat an entire sheep, rather than licking the leftover bones, all of a sudden, he would not be killed for it. He can't describe it: the world "freedom" is unknown to him and it doesn't come to his mind.
Yet he feels it and, somehow, he recognizes it.

He inhales deeply, assuming a taller, confident posture. His tail with the charred tip vibrating, as if electrocuted. He looks at all the eyes, staring from the dark of their hideouts. "Out" he says "out, brothers! Let's see what food and materials they have left."
He has always been a weirdo, and probably not the best one to try and calm the others...but someone had to do it.
Looking for food, probably not the biggest dream of glory...but somewhere you need to start, to put home back in order.
"...OUR home ? ..." he says loud.

The others stare at you, nervously. They're definitely gonna take some prodding.

2020-03-05, 12:42 PM
Greytail squints and tries to get a head count from his perch atop a stone he plopped himself down on. His old bones were tired with the chaos of the past few days, and he hazarded to guess the others weren't in top shape either.

2020-03-05, 12:46 PM
You've got a little under a hundred kobolds, of varying ages and shapes.

2020-03-05, 01:08 PM
Mal took a deep breath and stood up to assess their numbers for a moment. "Alright people, we need to get an idea of what we've got left. We can come back from this, but it might be rough-going for a bit. See what food and supplies we've still got and report back here!" she put out in as authoritative a voice as she could manage.

Persuasion: [roll0]

2020-03-05, 01:10 PM
They look at each other, then at Mal. Some of them voice agreement, and head to the stock rooms, while others are still too petrified to do much.

2020-03-06, 01:50 AM
Brix goes to address the tribe "The great Aranthakas is dead, yet we live. We should honor his memory with a feast, they we will hunt down those that did this foul deed and punish them."

Chas Kramer
2020-03-06, 03:31 AM
Yirrs-Yirrs-Yirrs walks next to the kobold named Mal. He knew her for being one of those who didn't lose hope. Actually one of those who could even give a bit of hope to others in dire times. Her methods needed a bit of extra kick, though...only someone as important as Yirrs-Yirrs-Yirrs whould know what it really takes.

"MOVE! YOU SCALY BASTARDS!!" a fiery cantrip bursts into reality almost spontaneously. A fire bolt hits the roof of the cave with a loud bang, doing little damage other than upsetting a flock of bats.
"You heard the gal...food, we need it. Water, we need it. Do you wanna starve? Come out here, report, and count ourselves, then we'll organize searches and hunting. Move, move MOVE!"

2020-03-06, 12:15 PM
A decent amount more kobolds, after a few moments of panic, start heading for the stock rooms.

Eventually, on their return, you're able to appraise your situation. You've got a good amount of water, stored from the rainfall-enough for a month. You don't have as much food, though-maybe a week, if you ration it well.

2020-03-09, 01:42 AM
While the rest of the tribe is taking inventory of supplies Brix spends a few minutes putting away the books in the library.

Chas Kramer
2020-03-10, 08:41 AM
After seeing the amount of food and water that is left, Yirrs thinks he has seen worse. But it will not hold for long.
He gives dispositions to ration it. He is good in telling people what to do. He is not good in making people feel happy about his orders though...However, he hopes that Mal would back him up, in case.

"Arright, folks...looks like we be needin' some huntin'... Fresh meat" he slurped in anticipation, and noticed (but maybe he just imagined) that others did too. For some used to scrap some meat off the bones, the perspective of a decent meal looked like a most precious treasure. "Come on, let's gather the weapons that we can find" He raised his own crossbow and waved it around. Then we could go out and see what we can see...

2020-03-10, 10:21 AM
Greytail contemplates on the current season and availability of food.

What season are we in? Is hunting a sustainable option?
Nature, if required: [roll0]

2020-03-10, 12:43 PM
It is the middle of summer. You know that without having to make a check.

As for whether or not hunting can sustain you all... That's a much tougher question, one you do not have the answer to. You know that with your wyrm's assistance, there's plenty of meat, but he hunted BIG game. The kind that would tear you to shreds.

2020-03-15, 12:00 PM
Brix locates her two assistants and gives them a rundown of what what she expects them to while she is away.

She then goes and starts preparing to head out.

2020-03-15, 12:09 PM
The day winds on. You hear some mumbled complaints as you put them to work-voices that would never have dared raise themselves when your wyrm still lived.

What will you do, as the sun lowers itself in the sky?

2020-03-15, 04:20 PM
Greytail secludes himself to consult the stars and their wisdom. Should we have more kobolds on watch than usual?, he wonders.

Casting Augury

Chas Kramer
2020-03-16, 02:44 AM
Yirrs-Yirrs-Yirrs is concerned by the mumbles he heard. He notices that the situation would quickly drift towards chaos, if left un-managed. Should he hard-punish those who raise their voice?
What would that newfound freedom be for his folks, if it lasted less than one day? Plus...he is not the Wyrm, he forced himself to remember, in a rare moment of modesty. He would not have the sheer power to keep them in control with force.

However, he spends the rest of the evening appraising the work of his fellow kobolds, checking the weapons and the goods that they collected. He gives compliments and friendly taps where is due, and yells and snarls in disappointment in other cases. Either way, he makes sure that HE is the one dictating the good and the bad.

Intimidation: [roll0]
Persuasion: [roll1]

2020-03-16, 11:43 AM
Your family's not scared of you-they know you're stronger than any one of them, but maybe not any two of them. Whereas the old wyrm... He was scary no matter how many kobolds you threw at him.

But, they respond well to your encouragement. They seem comfortable with you in charge, and are settling down a bit from the panic of before.

2020-03-16, 07:42 PM
Greytail secludes himself to consult the stars and their wisdom. Should we have more kobolds on watch than usual?, he wonders.

Casting Augury

Woe is what you get.