View Full Version : Explosive amnesia IC

2020-03-05, 10:26 AM
A distant sound rouses you from your slumber. Moments ago your world was only darkness and silence, now your consciousness has something to grasp onto, to pull you in a direction. The sound is high pitched and repetitive. You feel cold along one side. You are against a cold hard firm surface, on the opposite side you feel warmth. The sound is heard again, you know it but can't remember what it is. You take a breath and the smells of grass and pine fill your nostrils. You are outside, the sun is shining on you. Again you hear the high pitched wail. Why are you laying out here on the ground. Again the sound, a baby is crying but why? You begin to open your eyelids.

A pudgy halfling wearing a white buttoned up shirt and cloth pants with a drawstring. He tightly clutches a small baby boy, the child is small and delicate smaller than any human child with pointed ears and reddish blond hair.

Embraced in each others arms are a female halfling with rust coloured hair and a male with long pointed ears and long white hair tied in a ponytail.

A dark haired elfish is tied to a large charded log. She is tightly bound by black ashy ropes around her lays ashes and the occasional glowing ember, she has soot smeared upon her face but otherwise appears unburnt.

A large human male sits up across his face is a slash of blue ink. The ink makes thick curvy lines accented with strange symbols. The lines make a single diagonal line traveling from above his left eye, over his nose and under the right eye.

A giant of a man finds a delicate chrome colored chain in his hand. From that chain sits the top of a circle made of dark blackish metal. Welded upon that circle is a dark reddish shape, unfortunately you can't make out of what as the shape ends in a dark black char mark. Whatever the symbol was is no longer visible.

A human female red hair is presently held in a round bob by a simple hairband. Her heavy white and blue apron is torn and its pockets empty. She wears a single heat-resistant glove on her left hand. Her right hand holds a sharp looking knife, its end dripping blood. For the time being, her face is red and scrunched up in frustration from having lost her memory. When she relaxes, her freckled face and piercing blue eyes express a focused and analytical nature.

A female elf with dark red hair sits up and looks around, her left arm is missing under the elbow. A old wound by the looks of it. By her side sits the remains of a shattered wooden hand.

An unpleasant looking human male lays prone on the ground, still unmoving his body lies in sharp contrast to the others. At his side is a large wound, blood steadily dripping from it.

edit: link to the ooc (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?607922-Explosive-Amnesia-OOC&p=24384515#post24384515)

2020-03-05, 12:30 PM
The tattooed man rises slowly to his feet, looking around at the scene. His broad face and big blue eyes are a picture of confusion. Who... are you people? Where am I? What happened? he says slowly, his voice deep and resonant. His eyes focus on the tied woman and he seems to snap out of whatever reverie he was in. Oh! I'm sorry! Can I help you?

He moves towards her. If she doesn't object, he will try to break the ropes. His hands are still unsteady, and he has a hard time getting a grip.

STR check, right? [roll0]

2020-03-05, 01:14 PM
The pudgy Halfling slowly opens his eyes and winces at the sound of a crying baby. He feels a weight in his lap but his eyes dart all around the room first, scanning the area. The people looked strange but seeing the bleeding man in the middle, he couldn't keep looking. So his attention dropped to the crying weight in his arms. A baby boy...But where did this baby come from? Moreso, how had he gotten here? And why could he not remember anything? His adrenaline starts to rise as he becomes more and more anxious, but making eye contact with the baby made him do nothing but smile. The halfling almost forgets that he's woken up with so many strangers while tickling the little one's nose. "Come now, little one. There is no need for years. We can figure this out, yes I'm sure we can."

He then hears one of the strangers speaking. Offering to help? Well at least it seems some of these people aren't horrid. He tries his best smile as he addresses the tattooed man, "I'm sorry sir, but I'm afraid I'm as clueless as you. I don't even know why I am holding a baby. I've never had had a child.....at least I don't remember having one. Can't even remember my name..." He scrunches his eyes in a terrible conundrum before looking back at the man, "Just uuhhhh, call me Willeby. Yeah I like that. What could I call you, besides sir?"

Talking to each other and working together will be much easier without a crying baby XD so here goes nothing
Diplomacy Vs Baby: [roll0]

2020-03-05, 01:37 PM
The elfish woman awakes with a slow exhale. Her red eyes flash open, her pointed ears twitch, as she takes in everything around her. Crying, talking, the scent of ashes, the sight of strangers mutilated and injured, something rough touching her face and wrapped around her limbs. She inhales, ignoring the words of the man closest to her. Her bonds...she tests them, just loose enough, just so she can do something. How she knows she can do it, she doesn't know, but she does. She just needs an inch. She focuses on the position of her arms, her legs, her abdomen and, with one sudden movement, breaks her bonds. She can feel the snap, the chafe against her skin, but she's free.

She pulls herself to a seated position on the log in time to see the others introducing themselves. She furrows her brow, searches for a memory of this place or anything that came before it, but there's nothing. She reaches for the bandages wrapped around her arm and uses some of it to wipe the soot from her face as best she can, the same motion coming with an instinctual adjustment of her hair to cover her pointed ears. They have to be hidden, because...she does her best not to frown. Another oddity.

"Greetings. My name is Maboroshi," she says as she rises to her feet, then bows her head. Her weight feels...off somehow, like something's missing.

Just gonna take 10 to beat the DC 12 with 14.

2020-03-05, 02:29 PM
The big man stops and looks at Willowby for a moment, blinking in confusion. He speaks slowly. I'm... not sure. I don't remember who I am. Duncan. My name is Duncan... He trails off, trying to remember more. I think there's more to it, but I can't remember. It is nice to meet you both. All three, I suppose.

He smiles broadly at Willowby's baby.Hello, little man. I don't suppose you know any more than your dad and I, do you? What a sweet lad.

2020-03-05, 03:05 PM
"Uuugh..." The one in the blue apron slowly checks herself as she comes to. Her head feels like it's caught in a vice, her gloved hand feels clammy, and her right hand is clutching something she can only imagine is important...


Her eyes go wide. That is pretty important.

"W-wha?!" She gives herself another quick once-over as she stands up. No injuries, but her clothes certainly show signs of a struggle. A quick glance around... did she already kill someone? How did that happen?

She raises her dagger in panic and points it at a few people in turn, unsure of who had started this... whatever this is. She settles on shakily hovering it in the general direction of the huge dude with the necklace shiv. "Stand back! What's going on?! Why are we..."

At first, she imagines that she is just disoriented from whichever danger had driven her to pick up the knife and subsequently left her unconscious. Now that she has a good look at the state everyone is in, though, and having overheard that a couple other people aren't remembering either...

"Why can't I..."

...she soon reaches the conclusion that any fighting that was going on has been suspended indefinitely. She lowers the weapon and raises her gloved hand to her temple as her mind struggles to piece together an explanation.

2020-03-05, 04:56 PM
The halfling woman shoots up out of the arms of the man. Where am I? Why am I in another persons arms. She backs away. The white haired elf casually gets up, Good question.

On the opposite side of the charred remains the one handed elf sits up. Her elbow bends as if she is rubbing her face with an invisible hand. She then looks down with a startled expression before quickly switching to her other hand and rubbing her face. You can almost see her brain reprogram to her missing arm.

"He is bleeding" the halfling woman screams and runs over to the limp body. She frantically puts her hands over the limp figures wound. The one armed elf simply stands and walks over, she deftly unties her sash, wraps it around the body twice and pulls it tight. The blood red circle quickly stops growing. Always willing to lend a hand. The elf smiles to herself.

The white haired elf points to the human female holding up the knife. She has a bloody knife! Be careful.

2020-03-05, 05:23 PM
Duncan moves to stand between the knife-wielding woman and the unconscious man. A fair point. Did you stab him? Why?

2020-03-05, 06:13 PM
"The child...must...the child..." Maeryan groans and clutches his wound. He is a big man, powerful. The callouses on his knuckles and scars on his face betray a familiarity with violence, his face puts on a scowl like an old hat. He tests the wound gingerly, you get the impression that this is something that has happened before. He tries to rise, but stumbles back to the ground, he winces, it is deep. He sucks in a breath, composing himself and his eyes narrow to slits, scanning the assembled accusingly.

"Alright, which one of you bastards stuck me!?"

2020-03-05, 06:32 PM
"I don't know! I just woke up! But if it was me..." She faces the unpleasant stab victim and takes a defensive step back. Her knife arm can't stop shaking. Whoever she is, this doesn't really seem to be her cup of tea. "How long was I out? If you're still bleeding, it can't have been more than a few minutes, right?"

2020-03-05, 06:52 PM
Maboroshi steps over to the developing scene and steps up beside the panicking woman, but not so close that she'll draw the point of the knife. "You don't seem a warrior to me. Nor a person who'd stab a man like that from anywhere but the back," she points out to the rest of the group.

2020-03-05, 07:07 PM
Willeby quickly comes to the knife wielding woman's defense, "None of us know anything it would seem. So I can't image she would know if she stabbed the man anyways. Like honestly I don't even know if this is my baby" He exclaims in surprise while holding the baby so to show everyone.

The injured man trying to get up distracts him however and he replies to him, "We are currently trying to figure that out sir. But if I may...You said something about a child...Do you mean this one?"

2020-03-05, 07:15 PM
"I don't know what in frozen Hells is going on here, but I don't normally spontaneously sprout stab wounds, and YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE HOLDING A KNIFE FRECKLES!!!" The man begins to roar, but is interrupted by a fit of coughing and hacking, a bit of blood runs down his chin.

2020-03-05, 07:18 PM
Willeby quickly comes to the knife wielding woman's defense, "None of us know anything it would seem. So I can't image she would know if she stabbed the man anyways. Like honestly I don't even know if this is my baby" He exclaims in surprise while holding the baby so to show everyone.

The injured man trying to get up distracts him however and he replies to him, "We are currently trying to figure that out sir. But if I may...You said something about a child...Do you mean this one?"

The man calms a bit. "I uh...don't know?"

2020-03-05, 07:20 PM
"Behave yourself, Ser, or you'll find yourself at the hands of a woman who does know how to handle a knife," Maboroshi warns him with a firm stare.

2020-03-05, 07:49 PM
Duncan stands his ground between the angry man and the rest, raising both his hands. He speaks firmly, but not unkindly.Let's all calm down here. Maboroshi, he's upset because he's been stabbed. He's not being nice, but it's understandable. There's no call to threaten to stab him again.

Ser, she doesn't seem like a hardened warrior. And if she wanted to kill you, she'd have slit your throat while you were out. Who are you, anyways? None of the rest of us remember why we're here or who we are, really.

2020-03-05, 07:55 PM
"Beasts ought to behave if they don't want to be put down," Maboroshi replies, staying where she stands.

2020-03-05, 08:04 PM
"Wild beasts ought to behave if they don't want to be put down," Maboroshi replies, staying where she stands.

Maeryan smiles at the woman with bloody teeth, his own stare is pure tombstones, the threat of death does not move him.
"Your kind would strike a man while he is down." He spits, pointedly,
"Go ahead, make yer move, sweetie, it's the best chance you'll ever get, show everyone what a stone cold killer you are and put down a half dead man in front of a child."

2020-03-05, 08:06 PM
Maeryan smiles at the woman with bloody teeth, his own stare is pure tombstones, the threat of death does not move him.
"Your kind would strike a man while he is down." He spits, pointedly,
"Go ahead, make yer move, sweetie, it's the best chance you'll ever get, show everyone what a stone cold killer you are and put down a half dead man in front of a child.""As opposed to intimidating a tiny woman frightened out of her wits?" Maboroshi shoots back with a glare. "I'd gladly sever your neck for that, scum."

2020-03-05, 08:34 PM
"Threatening a tiny little knife wielding maniac with what exactly? Bleeding all over her knife some more? Crushing her when I collapse on her?" Maeryan rolls his eyes and extends his hand to the overly protective woman. "Come on now, I am in no shape to threaten anybody, be a good lass and loosen your girdle and help a fallen soldier up"

2020-03-05, 09:26 PM
Duncan grabs the man's hand and hauls him upright.There you go. Easy does it. Still haven't told us who you are. Not that you're likely to remember much, it seems. He pats him on the back, then turns to face the group.

Well, we're not getting anywhere here. Let's look around, see if we can figure out where we are. Something happened here, and maybe someone saw it. He's careful to stand between the injured man and the murderous elf. He keeps a close eye on Maboroshi, especially if she moves towards the injured man or the baby. Something about her, the bloodlust and joy of killing, the eagerness to harm those weaker than her, unsettled him.

2020-03-05, 09:34 PM
"A bandit or a murderer, more likely," Maboroshi scoffs and gazes off into the distance. It seems to her there's little but fields around them.

Captain Jak
2020-03-05, 11:13 PM
"Are we just about done here?" Coming from such a large man, the voice is surprisingly a middling baritone rather than a rumbling bass. "Given what everyone has been saying, regardless of who may or may not have done what to whom nobody here knows what is going on," he says pointedly, if not precisely diplomatically.

"We are all in the same boat, and any grudges or score settling that anyone thinks they might have can just...please...wait until we figure out what is going on, yes?" He's not making threats, but the sheer size of him and the way he doesn't seem put off by the number of people who might disagree with him carries a weight all its own.

He had woken up abruptly, having been on the ground long enough to have grown chilled because if it and having no idea how he knew that fact, given the he didn't seem to know much of, well...anything. A lot of bluster and chaos had erupted, and it had very quickly become clear that everyone else was in the same state he was. Taking a quick inventory of himself, he was in simple woolen trousers, a linen shirt with the sleeves rolled up, plain leather shoes, and a heavy leather, burn-scarred apron. So...a tradesman of some sort?

The chain in his hand is...troubling, for some reason, but when the knife-wielding woman turns her blade his way he slips the chain over his head for safekeeping and rises to his full height. The scent of metals and char is...comforting. Familiar? Upgrade tradesman tentatively to 'blacksmith'.

"Everyone is alive, and we should take pains to keep it that way," he points out. "I'm sure there's a common enemy to blame for all of this, but until we find out who that is, we are allies -- we have to be! For all we know, getting our memories back relies on all of us being together. So if we can please stop arguing with each other and instead start trying to figure out what happened to us, we might actually start getting somewhere."

Letting out a breath, he rolls his neck and shakes out his hands, dispelling the lingering stiffness. He's not as young as he used to be, after all.


"Ah. Call me, um, Johan," he belatedly introduces himself. That seems...right, for some reason.

2020-03-05, 11:29 PM
"I am content with no arguments if people are content with not giving a reason to have them, Johan." Maboroshi spends the next few moments stretching out her limbs. It's clear that walking will be involved whatever they spot next.

2020-03-06, 02:29 AM
Freckles' grip on tightens until her knuckles turn white as Maeryan looms over her, but luckily the rest of the group is keen on getting him to back off. Maboroshi's assessment of the matchup feels correct, too; there's no way she could have taken this guy down in one stab unless she was murdering in him his sleep, and whatever else the circumstances may imply...

She takes a deep breath, lets it out and sticks the knife in her apron's one functional pocket. "...right. I'm not here to fight anyone. We need to fix this!" She starts pacing back and forth. While she no longer needs fear for her life, she doesn't seem too happy about it. "Most of you came up with names. Is there anything else you remember? Anyone else here seem familiar? Does this place ring a bell?"

She takes a look around herself. Is this a forest clearing? A featureless amber plain? The middle of a well-used road?

2020-03-06, 11:46 AM
You look around the clearing, green grasses of about ankle height predominate the area. The grass is cleared and trampled flat around the wooden log one of your number was recently bound to. The embers have now cooled and the smoke has cleared. Off in the distance you see giant mountain peaks. The surrounding woods seem full of life.

Off in the near distance you see a plum of smoke, not unlike the ones you have seen from hearth fires in the past.

Following the smoke you see the top of a chimney, and now knowing where to look you see the tops of three or so building not to far from here.

Your attention is caught else where, around the head of the dark haired elf you spot movement. A small grey stone seems to be flying by her, as if planet orbiting around her.

2020-03-06, 12:04 PM
With the situation defused, Duncan relaxes and looks around the group. Not to me. Although I don't even look familiar to myself, Sarenrae knows. He shakes his head ruefully. He perks up and points off in the distance. Look there! Smoke, and buildings! We should head there and see if anyone knows what happened.

He prepares to set off, hand unconsciously moving to secure something at his side that isn't there. For some reason, invoking Sarenrae calmed his nerves. He looks around the clearing, making sure nothing is coming and that the other warriors are close to the injured and civilians in case of trouble. Other warriors? The thought is gone as soon as he tries to seize it.

2020-03-06, 12:22 PM
"I remember little," Maboroshi answers the freckled woman. Spots the plumes of smoke as well and starts striding towards the buildings in the distance.

2020-03-06, 01:33 PM
Based on the mowed grass, Freckles theorizes that this clearing was set up as a gathering space. She's too wrapped up in her own head to notice anything else of interest.

Well, okay, there is one thing of interest.

"Your arm!" she says to the elf who isn't Maboroshi. Freckles' eyes dart from her to the strange contraption on the ground. She moves to scoop it up and examine it if its apparent owner hasn't already. "It must be a prosthetic, right? Is it-"

She freezes for a second and then winces as her train of thought slams into a Wile E. Coyote-style brick wall. She was definitely going somewhere with this, but whatever formed the basis of this inquiry has been lost to the same fate as her memory.

She hands it back to the one-armed woman. "Ugh, here! Sorry. Let's just go!"

Captain Jak
2020-03-06, 01:41 PM
Johan had spotted the fires almost immediately, of course, but he had somehow missed the buildings the others spoke of. Rather than admit it, however, he merely holds his tongue and accompanies the rest while keeping an eye on his surroundings. Not that he has any reason to suspect anything to happen...but at this point, he doesn't have many reasons for anything, so prudence seems wise.

2020-03-06, 08:04 PM
"A bandit or a murderer, more likely," Maboroshi scoffs and gazes off into the distance. It seems to her there's little but fields around them.

Maeryan considers this insult, testing it, feeling if it fits. Am I? He ponders to himself. Not likely, too easy, you are more than the quick judgements of others. Let them label you, their simplistic underestimations will be their undoing.

Maeryan takes the big lugs hand up and thanks him for the support with a nod. Big sum bitch, let him go first and take the heat.

Lost in his head and a little dizzy from blood loss, Maeryan doesn't see what everyone sees, but when they point it out, he states what to him is the obvious.

"Just because there is a fire, doesn't mean it is friendly. We should use quiet caution and evaluate the situation before diving in."

2020-03-06, 08:52 PM
Willeby overhears the group talking about smoke and buildings but only heartily replies, "Well if there is smoke, I sure hope they are cooking something yummy...I'm getting famished." As he cradles the baby in his left arm and pats his belly. Clearly not starving by any means yet.

His attention was however elsewhere. As he walked with the group he kept noticing a tiny movement near Maboroshi's head. Was it a bug? he thought to himself. Noooo. There it is again...It's..a rock?...revolving around her head?? The discovery was quite perplexing to the halfling. Does she know it's there?? He was hesitant though to speak to the dark haired elven woman. She didn't quite seem mean but she definitely seemed deadly. One wrong word could be the end of his now lost life.

But his curiosity got the best of him...So as he continued walking with the group he hustled over to Maboroshi's side. These big people and their long legs. Don't they know every one of their steps is two for us? He swats his hand up toward her as if to swat a bug away, knowing full well there is no way his little arms will reach the woman's head. So is probably interpreted as trying to get her attention.
"Excuse me ma'am...er-Maboroshi was it? Not sure if you know this, but you appear to have a rock spinning around your head like a ladle in a cauldron...Are you feeling alright?"

2020-03-06, 09:04 PM
Maboroshi slows her walking once she realizes Willeby is trying to catch up with her, then bows once he's next to her. "Maboroshi is correct," she says, then blinks at the words that follow. "Aside from a lack of memory, I feel well." Nonetheless, she attempts to spot the stone for herself.

Captain Jak
2020-03-06, 10:15 PM
Johan nods at the other man’s words. "Quiet. Caution. Evaluate the situation. Can do." Those are all sensible things – that totally sounds like him, he likes to imagine. Surely he is a sensible, even-tempered, successful smith, after all?

The exchange between the little person and the sooty woman catches his attention, however.

"You have a flying pet rock?" he asks incredulously. "Is that...normal? Hellfires, for all we know that’s normal," he adds with exasperation, clenching a fist for a moment before flexing his fingers.

He has to marvel at the conditioning of his body as he walks, however, making the muscles of his forearm arm dance as he flexes them. Naturally, a blacksmith would have to be in great shape, right? All that pounding of metals and such things – of course his hands are callused from hard work.

"I wonder if any of us know – knew – each other," he wonders aloud, glancing aside at the mismatched couple who had been embracing when everyone awoke. Are there loved ones out there frantically wondering where he is? Are those loved ones here?

Does he, perhaps, just not have anyone who cares about his well-being?

Sobering thoughts.

2020-03-06, 11:08 PM
"I've no idea of any rock or what it might be doing on my person," Maboroshi clarifies, still trying to glimpse it.

2020-03-06, 11:53 PM
Maboroshi waits patiently and the stone curves into her view and then quickly leaves it again. As the party continues walking forward a small village comes into view at about the same time Johan's words sink in. Is the Ion Stone normal, well it doesn't feel overly odd.

2020-03-07, 01:42 AM
Map of town (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yFnQli72LIpM5Vakx9RIQv4wTS603HBNwDfWF_f_gIA/edit#gid=0)

The village sits in a small glade, not too dissimilar from where you just where. The place has several small buildings and two larger buildings of about two stories. (B1,B4) An outcropping of rock grows to encase a tunnel just at the end of town, the mountain slowly growing behind it.

The doors open up into a large room with two tables lined by long benches. The room is meticulously clean, a broom sits in the corner by a large keg sitting on a stone table. Two other barrels sit nearby. On one side of the room lies a large stone hearth a fire burning down to embers in it but still warm and smokey. A giant black pot hangs from a hook that appears to be able to swivel onto the fire with little effort. Looking inside seems to be a stew of some sort.

A set of stairs sits in the back corner. Upstairs you find five rooms. Three of the rooms are simple with a bed, a table, and a lamp. One room has an additional chair and a hope chest. The bed is unmade and some clothes sit on the floor. The final room has a simple double bed and a crib. It has a dresser full of clothing of different styles and sizes. This room is very well kept with all clothing being neatly folded and the bed carefully made.

You find yourself asking 'was this my home?'

A number of tongs sit near an anvil. A clay and stone forge sits near leather bellows. The forge is not currently lit. Iron ingots sit neatly arranged in a corner, near a mold and a furnace. A barrel of water sits there next to a barrel of darker more viscous fluid and a bucket of ash. Along the interior wall sits a number of exotic tools used for exotic jobs, and a more mundane selection of hammers and mallets.

First person to open this make a reflex save dc 11. You have bumped a fishing pool and tackle box that where sitting on a table near the door. Success means it doesn't make a mess on the floor.
Now acutely aware of the fishing gear, you let your eyes look over the rest of the room spying a collection of steel weapons. A number of cured furs sit on top of the bed. A simple chest sits in the corner and in it you find a mix of clothing, including several thick leather aprons.

You find yourself asking 'was this my home?'

A faint smell of sulfur fills the room, as dose the stench of vats of tanning hides. Some how the smell doesn't overpower you, as if home has always smelled this way. The walls hold a number of antlers, skins, and other hunting trophies. A number of short and long bows line the walls and a pair of quivers holding a dozen or so arrows. A crossbow rests on one wall, seems to need a new string. On a table sits a large skinning knife and a whet stone. At the far back is a large double bed opposite of a simple wooden crib. An armoire sits between the bed and crib. Inside you find a few outfits, some good for hunting and some for more comfortable events. A few swaddling clothes, and some rags to change a baby. In a corner far from the crib sits a plate of black powder and some cups of other powders. Along with a sack of metal spheres.

You find yourself asking 'was this my home?'

Traveling to the side of this structure you find a pile of wooden planks. Next to that is a large collection of axes and saws of different sizes and shapes. Everything one would need to make such fine wooden planks. At one side sits a soft looking cross cut of a log, many deep gashes and nicks in it. At the center of the log a throwing axe is deeply embedded into it. On the wall you see another three throwing axes, clearly a popular pass time.

Going to the second floor you find a large double bed finely crafted and carefully made, probably by the same owner of the tools on the floor below. A nice little table sits by a window facing out to the village, two chairs sit adjacent to the table. A cupboard is along the wall. You fined iron forks, wood plates, and wooden cups. A dresser is along the wall opposite the table, inside you find a mix of clothing for men and women of various sizes and styles.

You find yourself asking 'was this my home?'

Yep this is a shed. Its left wall is lined with shelves full of rope, buckets, shovels and other communal tools. The right wall is lined with dried goods, nuts, seeds, tanned hides, iron ingots, and other odds and ends.

You find yourself asking 'was this my shed?' :smallbiggrin:

Opening this hut a dry musty smell assaults you. The room is lined shelves full of books. From the rafters hang herbs. A desk with sits in the corner with a quill and ink next to parchment. The light of the windows falls down onto a small shrine. this shrine is dedicated to Sarenrae. Near the shrine is a small brass mirror. Opposite side of the hut has a well kept bed, a ledger sits upon it.
The ledger seems to have records for the number of trees cut down, pounds of meat dried, the amount of iron smelted and mined, and the number of hides tanned. It seems to balance all of this against dried fruits, grain, beer, shells, cloth, salt, and dried fish.
A locker sits at the foot of the bed it is full of clothing of different styles and sizes.
You find yourself asking 'was this my home?'

2020-03-07, 05:41 AM
Duncan makes his way to the hut with the fine windows. It feels right, somehow, as he turns the handle and walks in. Although he can't place the shrine, something about it seems comforting. He touches the shrine, then his forehead. He looks up at the books. She always loved reading. The thought is odd. He can't remember who she was, or why he knows that, but she always loved reading.

He picks up a mortar and pestle from the table. A flash of memory, standing behind a woman grinding herbs, reaching out to hold her by the waist, smelling her hair as he hears her laugh. "Duncan, I'm trying to prepare the poultices. You're incorrigible!" A sense of warmth, of love and loss. He sits down on the bed, momentarily overwhelmed.

Duncan looks through the clothes chest. It's a mix of men's and women's clothing, mostly the sort of sturdy clothes you'd need for rustic living. Near the bottom, a fine doublet and hose, sized for a large man, and a delicate white dress. They're neatly folded, and look like they haven't been worn in some time. Beneath them, he finds a well-worn gambeson. He pulls it out and examines it, running his hands over it. The original blue is mostly faded, though the symbol over the left breast is still vibrant yellow. An ankh with wings? A haloed woman? It looks similar to the shrine, feels...right, somehow. Duncan pulls it on over his clothes. A flash of memory, standing before a broad-shouldered man, both holding sticks. "The armor will keep your guts in, lad, but the gambeson keeps your skin on. Let's have you practice with it on, get used to having your movement restricted." A sense of pride, of duty and honor.

Duncan decides to look around the house thoroughly, seeing if anything else sparks a memory...

Captain Jak
2020-03-07, 12:01 PM
The village that opens before them is small but well laid-out, and most excitingly is either inhabited or has been so very recently, based on the smoke rising from the chimney of the largest building. Quietly, cautiously, eval—

Oh, who are we kidding?

Johan's long legs carry him swiftly to the central green that is the heart of the village, and he turns about in place to get a look at each building in turn. Then hurries to the stone building near the mouth of the mine, eager to confirm his suspicions, if he can.

The scent of the forge, even cold, feels like...home, somehow, and he runs callused fingertips gently along the smooth top of the anvil. The ghostly echo of steel ringing brightly against steel seems to fill the open forge for a moment, and one corner of his mouth quirks in a smile.

He's perhaps a bit...overzealous in opening the door to the building's interior, and only what turn out to be impressively quick reflexes keep a fishing pole and tackle from scattering across the floor. Fishing gear? He fishes? Or perhaps does it belong to someone else in his life?

The room is a treasure-trove of information that is as frustrating as it is tantalizing, in its own way. What could be examples of forgework hang on the wall; spear heads, short swords, a heavy flanged mace and an assortment of daggers from heavy, broad bladed fighting knives to delicate poniards.

Hanging over the back of one of the room's chairs, however, is a tangle of leather and steel that turns out to be a soft leather sheath that would wrap around the forearm, holding a pair of slender daggers that appear balanced for throwing. It's with a decided bit of bemusement that Johan straps it onto his left arm with deft motions that belie a lot of practice at doing just that.

What a weird feeling.

The clothing in the chest is mostly more of the same as what he has on, but beneath the heavy leather aprons he finds a set of clothing in dark browns, from boots to vest to hooded cloak to...mask? Why would he have clothing like this? Does it, too, belong to someone else?

A little more disturbed than excited now, he begins to methodically search the room for more clues that might tell him just who he is as a person...and hopefully what has happened to him.

2020-03-07, 05:11 PM
Maboroshi snatches the stone from the air around her head and tucks it into her pocket. Leaving it there would have left her...uneasy. As they reach the town proper, she first heads to the main building, the still smoking, and finds nobody there. She drifts through the town, feeling all too much like a stranger as she does so. She finds comfort only when she spots the buildings with a weapon-lined wall. She spends some time feeling the weight of them in her hand, how they swing, what stance feels natural... Her focus comes to her more clearly with some, and those are the ones she straps to herself. A bastard sword at her hip, a swordbreaker dagger kept just as close to hand, a shortsword to spare...and a butterfly knife that she tucks into her sleeve.

She feels more at ease than she has since she woke up. Still missing something...but more complete all the same. She peers into the other buildings, silently wondering where the residents must have gone as she does so...and finds little to occupy her. So she heads to the shed and starts packing some food. If people show up to claim it...well, she'll have to hand it back over, but this place seems abandoned.

2020-03-07, 09:24 PM
Maeryan goes from building to building, briefly examining each one in turn. In the inn, he grabs a sheet and tears it into strips to bind his wound. He pauses at the crib, examining it, smelling it and seeing if there are any hairs inside to match the child at hand. He pauses at the well long enough to take a long drink and look down the well. In the "smithy", Maeryan barely pauses, what he is looking for is not here. He slips and small blade in his boot and grabs a mace off the wall, just in case. He sees the tannery, and rushes in. He searches it it as quickly as his wounds will let him. The knife is snatched up and sheathed behind his back, horizontally. The crib is inspected and smelled again, and he absentmindedly stuffs some swaddling in a satchel for the child they do have. He looks and looks for something that is missing. "The gun or the babe, Maeryan, the gun or the babe." But there is no gun, and there is no babe. He takes some rags, and some logs from the hearthside, wraps them and dips them in some pitch from the chemical supplies. The powder and steel shot go in a whiskey flask and a couple of tindertwigs are pocketed. With a groan and a bit of spotting on his bandage, he moves a barrel of lye. Under, he pries up some floor boards. Underneath, a bundle is wrapped in a linen embroidered with flowers. Opening the bundle, there is a long sword in a scabbard, a pair of brass knuckles, and a sap. The sap and knuckles go in pockets, the sword is peace-bonded with a white silk ribbon. He holds the weapon before him, pauses, and breaks the bond. "Sorry" he says, he doesn't know why, but he is. Armed to the teeth, Maeryan goes back to the group.

He looks grim as Fell Reaper himself, and yet somehow he eyes look pleading.
"We are missing at least one child. None of you women appear to have born any children, so we are missing at least two mothers as well. We have been everywhere except for the mines. I am going in. I am wounded. I would ask that those of you that have any concern for those unaccounted for accompany me."

2020-03-07, 09:25 PM
"Hellooo-ooo! Is anyone here?! Please?!"

Freckles follows the other explorers through the empty inn, half expecting to find someone tied up or dead behind every door. There seems to be no desk or papers around. "Did you notice the cooking over the fire? Whoever lives here wasn't expecting to be gone long." She takes another glance at the fire itself. "Willeby, how long would you say this has been sitting here unattended?"

She's not sure why she thinks the halfling with the infant would be an authority on this. It could be an ingrained behavior from a previous life where she knew him, or it could be a thoughtless racial stereotype. She's not sure which would be more disturbing.

Regardless of his answer, it isn't sufficient to start theorizing yet. Freckles drops by each building turn and calls into it, eventually confirming that the tiny village is uninhabited save for us amnesiacs. She doesn't really jump in and explore any of them yet, though she does call out to Willeby and the other halflings to point out the crib in the hunters' house.

She comes to the windowed building last, to find Duncan already sitting on the bed.


On some crazed instinct, she marches straight to the shrine, kneels down, closes her eyes and stutters out a plaintive prayer to heal her mind. She stays there on the floor for a moment in silence and tears, then concludes with a sigh and stands up. "Sarenrae. Not surprising, if this house belongs to a healer. It's nice to see, but it's not helping my memory at all. How about you?"

By the time the team regroups, she's also had a look through the ledger and the supply shed, neither of which contained any stunning revelations to report.

"Unless someone suddenly remembered everything, I'd say we're all still unaccounted for. I'm in, but do we have any idea where to start looking?"

2020-03-07, 11:18 PM
Duncan stands up as Freckles walks in. Hi, Freckles. Come on in. He waves her in. At her words, he freezes, his hair standing on end. Sarenrae? He pauses, something just below the surface on consciousness, then moves to kneel at the shrine. His hands go to to the side, opening a latch, and the shrine swings open. He pulls out a worn metal shield with the same symbol etched into the front, a pair of gauntlets, and a longsword attached to a sword belt. He slips his hands into the gauntlets and buckles the belt on in a practiced movement, the sword hanging reassuringly at his side. The weight feels right, his hand resting naturally on the pommel. Duncan murmurs to himself softly, without hearing what he was saying. The Aegis of the Dawnflower. Iron without, to guard the embers within. She always hated to have weapons in the house. A reminder of too much violence. He buckles the shield to his left arm and looks back at his companion. I'm not sure what I remember. Too much and too little at the same time? This place is familiar, but I don't quite know how. We should go find the others, see what they've found.

He rejoins the group and listens to what they have to say. That's a good idea, Maeryan. Let's go check it out.

2020-03-07, 11:54 PM
In his slow and methodical check of the blacksmiths hut, Johan finds a box hidden under the bed. In it he finds a finely crafted axe, far superior to the comparatively crude tools around him. It seems perfectly balanced and made for his hands. A smile of pride comes to his face.

2020-03-08, 12:16 AM
Willeby is immediately entranced by the smoke rising from the chimney. He assumes it must mean food but could be so much worse seeing as no one has found anyone in the village. Thankfully it was food! Clutching the baby to his chest he dips his pinky into the stew. "Hmm I'm not quite sure how long it's only half cooked, but it sure needs some nutmeg! Odd that I know that haha"

But the stew does spark an idea to Willeby. He scoops out a chunk of carrot that seems fairly cooked, then mashes it between his fingers and feeds a bit to the baby. Waltzing toward the other buildings he sees little to prove who they were or where the people who lived here were. Would that really mean these were their homes? No, not enough information to jump to those conclusions.

Willeby however does scrounge a few items after waiting for all the large folk to be done. He first enters the small shed and is elated to see that it has a small dry pantry. He even found some nutmeg he thought the stew should have! Good add a good light sweetness. He pockets the container of nutmeg and continues toward the long building with the deer skin where he finds many weapons that feel more his style. What's was his style??? Things that let him stay away from large enemies worked for him. So he slings one of the short bows and a quiver over his shoulder. Ugh he couldn't hold a baby while shooting a bow....Well one of the other Halflings was a woman and at this point he had to trust everyone here. So he introduces himself then asks, "Ma'am I don't know if you would mind...But there seems to be a few cribs around. Could you keep an eye on the little one? He's already eaten a bit but if he's like me he'll be hungry after awhile. I'll go get that stew going and you can have the first bowl for helping me!"

Safely putting the child in the crib near the changing rags Willeby makes his way back to the large building. In front of the fireplace he sets the pot the begin cooking and he adds a couple dashes of the nutmeg then stirs it in. "Ahhh when this stew is done it'll be perfect!" He exclaimed proudly to everyone then answers Maeryan, "Well I for one would like to find this babe's mother. So count me in buddy!" and gives the big man a salute

2020-03-08, 12:20 AM
"We are missing at least one child. None of you women appear to have born any children, so we are missing at least two mothers as well. We have been everywhere except for the mines. I am going in. I am wounded. I would ask that those of you that have any concern for those unaccounted for accompany me."

The white haired elf looks at the man. "How can you tell none of these women have born children?"

The one armed elf rushes over. "Don't antagonize him, he is injured."

"I am not antagonizing him! I just feel he is jumping to some conclusions, after all a little while ago all of us where saying how we remember nothing and now all this."

The elf seems to ignore him and is already focusing on Maeryan. I understand your urgency Mae I do, but we really should treat your wound. I think I saw some healing herbs in the building with all the book shelves. Maybe we can bandage you properly before we go exploring a dark cave." She tries to lead Maeryan off in that direction.

The white haired elf is stunned. "I am just saying you look like you could of had a baby." The elf then storms off in the direction of the mess hall.

All the while the halfling woman watches and seems to take great offense to the white haired elfs behavior.

As Duncan enters the square. The halfling turns to him whispering under her breath "Why was I holding such a man. Why were any of us like that. Why was a woman tied to a burning steak, and how is she unharmed. The walks into the room with all the books.

This leaves Duncan, the one armed woman, and Maeryan alone in the square.

Any one in the square roll perception.

2020-03-08, 02:31 AM
The muttering halfling walks into the scholar's house to find Freckles examining the bookshelves.

"Hm?! Oh, hi. I'm checking these books to see if they might point to anything, like some local phenomenon that might have caused this... how about you? Did you and your boyfriend turn up any clues?"

2020-03-08, 06:23 AM
"We are missing at least one child. None of you women appear to have born any children, so we are missing at least two mothers as well. We have been everywhere except for the mines. I am going in. I am wounded. I would ask that those of you that have any concern for those unaccounted for accompany me."

The white haired elf looks at the man. "How can you tell none of these women have born children?"

The one armed elf rushes over. "Don't antagonize him, he is injured."

"I am not antagonizing him! I just feel he is jumping to some conclusions, after all a little while ago all of us where saying how we remember nothing and now all this."

The elf seems to ignore him and is already focusing on Maeryan. I understand your urgency Mae I do, but we really should treat your wound. I think I saw some healing herbs in the building with all the book shelves. Maybe we can bandage you properly before we go exploring a dark cave." She tries to lead Maeryan off in that direction.

The white haired elf is stunned. "I am just saying you look like you could of had a baby." The elf then storms off in the direction of the mess hall.

All the while the halfling woman watches and seems to take great offense to the white haired elfs behavior.

As Duncan enters the square. The halfling turns to him whispering under her breath "Why was I holding such a man. Why were any of us like that. Why was a woman tied to a burning steak, and how is she unharmed. The walks into the room with all the books.

This leaves Duncan, the one armed woman, and Maeryan alone in the square.

Any one in the square roll perception.

Maeryan winces, why were these people making him talk so damn much.

"I didn't mean anything by it, it just the sense I have, I'm fine, we are wasting time WHY WON'T YOU PEOPLE HELP? YOU! BIG MAN! Help them...help me help them...help me...maybe...maybe...a salve and some more bandages...then I'll go, I don't need you, I DON'T NEED ANYONE, I'll go in that hells blasted cave myself and...and...I'm coming...I'm coming...it's alright, it's okay, I'm coming...I'm..."
Maeryan seems frantic, the word "help" comes out choked and vulnerable, it seems like a word he is unaccustomed to, but the toll of the wound has come due, he sinks to his knees and then collapses again.

Perception: [roll0]

2020-03-08, 11:46 AM
Duncan pulls Maeryan up and grabs him underneath the arm to steady him. Easy does it, friend. You're no good to them bleeding out. A broken shield is no shield at all. Let's get you treated. He walks the other man towards the house, arm around him and with Maeryan's arm around his shoulders. Let's get you to the healer's to get patched up. You'll be right as rain in no time.

A flash of memory. A busy battlefield, carrying a comrade. "Don't leave me here to die, Duncan. Help me." So much blood. The wound was bad. Let's get you to the healers. They'll get you patched up. Wounded men on the ground, robed figures moving between. A woman with dark hair. He taps her on the shoulder, and she turns. The memory fades before he can see her face. The first time he saw her.

Duncan snaps back to reality. Sorry. Thought I remembered something. Let's get you sorted out. He takes the ledger off the table and lowers Maeryan onto it. Are any of you healers?

2020-03-08, 01:56 PM
Willeby had completely forgotten about Maeryan's wound. He had said he was going with such confidence that Willeby was eager to help. He was then very caught off guard by the man's yelling and the others rushing toward him. Scared, he slowly backs away from the commotion and scampers off; going to and from the baby's crib and the pot of stew.

2020-03-08, 02:47 PM
Maboroshi eventually emerges from the shed, after having packed some food, and looks about the square. The others seem to be acting like they plan to stay a while, while she finds herself unsure of just what to do...


2020-03-08, 03:46 PM
"Huh?! What happened?! Did his wound open back up?"

Freckles puts away the book she was looking at - it turned out to be some ancient alchemist's memoir - and goes to examine Maeryan for signs of internal bleeding.

"Gods, I hope I didn't... someone, go get him some water! I saw a well across the square." She applies pressure to the wound and starts scanning the herbs in the rafters. Knowledge starts rushing back to her, identifying the plants and tools in the room and their potential uses and combinations. "It's practically a pharmacy in here, but I'll need time to put together something effective."

Heal: [roll0]

Vena still doesn't quite realize or understand it, but she is a pretty good healer. She can make an effective poultice from the materials in this building, even on a failed craft roll, but it will take half an hour. We just need to stabilize Maeryan until then.

Craft(Alchemy): [roll1]

2020-03-08, 04:36 PM
Moroboshi spots a small rock orbiting Duncan's head.

2020-03-08, 04:48 PM
"Excuse me. My rock is floating around your head," Maboroshi points out to Duncan as he passes.

Captain Jak
2020-03-08, 06:42 PM
Straightening with the axe in his hands, Johan realises that ‘axe’ is almost a misnomer. Pole-axe, maybe, or possibly some other name for some of the less typical weapons. The blade itself is two feet long and attached to the haft in two places, the aforementioned haft being five feet of stout, worn oak.

It feels...right, in his hands.

The ruckus being raised from outside catches his attention, and he hurries back out into the green to see what might be happening. As he moves the axe haft comes up to lie along his forearm, the butt rising just over his head while the axehead points down with the tip perhaps six inches from the ground. The movement is so smooth and natural that he doesn’t even notice it as it occurs.

Emerging into the daylight again, he spies a number of his fellow amnesiacs escorting the injured fellow – drat, he’s awful with names apparently, he’s forgotten already – who doesn’t look to be too steady on his feet.

Following, he ducks his head inside to see a hasty scrambling of people about the injured man.

"Is he all right? Is he going to make it?" he inquires, concerned.

2020-03-08, 09:55 PM
Yes ma'am! Duncan takes off running to the well and brings back a bucket of water. He pops back out to see Maboroshi.

Oh! Yes! Sorry Mabo. I didn't even see it there. Interesting that it floated off like that. Does it do that often? Here, you can grab it if you want. It's a little faster than me. He inclines his head towards her.

2020-03-08, 10:00 PM
"Thank you." Maboroshi plucks the stone out of the air and regards it in her hand. "I do not know what it does or why. I put it in a pouch and then it somehow found its way to your head. I suspect magic is afoot; aside from the obvious sort."

2020-03-08, 10:34 PM
Duncan nods. Probably. Magic does odd things. Do you remember the stone from before? Did it spark any memories? I wonder if it always did this.

He looks back up at Johan. I'm sure it'll be ok. She's a great healer, always has been. One of the... best... His voice starts off proud, then trails off as he hears himself. Sorry, I don't know where that came from. I think I was thinking of someone I used to know. Not that Freckles is bad! She's probably a good healer too! Duncan looks deeply confused.

2020-03-09, 02:55 AM
"Seriously?!" Freckles has by now already piled up a collection of roots and leaves on the table, and is starting to eyeball measurements into the mortar and pestle she found in a drawer. "Duncan, keep talking! Even if it's vague, or feels like a dream. Every memory counts!"

She glances over at Maeryan, trying to keep up with everyone's concern. "I think he's okay? I'm working on it. Just make sure he stays hydrated and tell me if anything changes color."

The DM would tell me if he's still bleeding out, right?

2020-03-09, 06:42 AM
Maboroshi shakes her head at Duncan's question. "I cannot imagine why I would want a rock that floats around my head." It makes her uncomfortable enough just to know that her ears might poke through her hair; something so blatant as this would be like a beacon. "Or why anyone would."

2020-03-09, 02:28 PM
Duncan shrugs. Maybe it has other powers you don't remember yet? At the very least, it stands out and attracts attention. Might make enemies focus on you over our weaker friends.

2020-03-09, 02:55 PM
Maeryan's breathing is stable, seems like he passed out from the pain but is not actively bleeding out. Freckles feels she has time to make her salve which should greatly aide the healing and more importantly numb the pain so he doesn't collapse again.

Outside the mystery rock takes to the air again, it circles Mobroshi one time and then leaves her orbit heading into the woods.

2020-03-09, 03:08 PM
"Perhaps." Just as she considers that possibility, the stone starts floating off on its own. She contemplates it for a second, then looks to Duncan. "Please tell the others where I'm headed. I doubt I'll die, but there is always a chance." With that, she follows the stone, drawing her bastard sword as soon as she steps into the woods.

2020-03-09, 10:59 PM
We shouldn't split up. Maybe it's guiding us to some answers! Duncan leans back through the open door. The floating magic rock is guiding us somewhere! Looks like the woods for now. Let's go check it out! He follows Maboroshi, shield ready and sword loosed in its scabbard.

As they get into the woods, he looks at her sheepishly. Ummm... are you any good at woodsy things? Like tracking, and foraging, and...other woods stuff? Because I don't think I am. I don't have any memories of being a scout or a ranger or anything. I think I was... a knight, or something? Maybe a guard? I don't know how, but I know I'm good at fighting in armor with a shield, defending people, or leading men into battle. Woodsy things, I'm not so sure about. What about you? Is anything coming back?

2020-03-09, 11:26 PM
"Floating rock?! What?!" Freckles leans out of the door to see what they're on about, but they're already marching toward the woods. She huffs and slams the door as she ducks back inside. "Rrgh! I can't leave this alone, or the clear stuff will evaporate and I'll have to start over. I can't ask them to wait up for me, or they'll lose whatever they're chasing!" She fumes as she continues mashing together the various pollens and liquids she's teased out of the herbs. "Past me, what did you get yourself roped into...?"

Captain Jak
2020-03-10, 12:06 AM
Still virtually in the doorway, Johan has to duck out of the way when the equally massive man – Duncan – bursts in with his report of wayward enchanted stones before rushing back out again.

"…what?" he echoes in response to Freckles, shaking his head. "You keep doing what you're doing, keep him comfortable," he suggests. "I'll go keep them out of trouble." The fact that he might just stir up further trouble instead never occurs to him.

Heading back outside, he stretches his long legs to catch up with the others pursuing the stone, which turns out to be Duncan and the sooty Elven lass.

"Let's not just go running off wild here," he says with a wry smile. "I mean, I doubt it's too dangerous, we all seem to live right here after all, but getting lost on top of everything else strikes me as a bad idea." He's amused by the readying of weapons by his companions; one hopes they're not about to be assaulted by a terrifying covey of rabbits or the like.

2020-03-10, 11:10 AM
"I do not know," Maboroshi admits to Duncan. "These blades feel proper, I'd feel safer with armor, and that is all I can tell from what we've seen. We will tell if I am fit for ranging sooner rather than later." She certainly feels like cutting down anyone who'd pose a threat, but the same could be said of anyone who's experienced combat outside of a common soldier; no, they tend to dread it if they've any experience.

When Johan goes to follow, she shakes her head. "There's little reason to suspect we live here. Our fashions do not match, nor our voices, nor our races. There are not enough dwellings for everyone, but full houses for some - would we have raised a diverse vlllage for ourselves, but forbade certain members their own domains?"

2020-03-10, 03:54 PM
The three of you run off into the forest, some with swords drawn. The stone flies fairly straight through the woods with little regard for the terrain under it. The party has to jog to keep up with it. Around ten minutes later they arrive at the same clearing they first woke up in. In the middle of the clearing the white haired elf from before is on his hands and knees searching in the ashes. The stone flies to him and orbits around his head and he seems not to notice.

He picks up and object and stands. He turns to the group and seeming to notice you for the first time. "Why are all of you armed and out of breath?" In his hands is a small object of jagged metal with black char around its edges.

2020-03-10, 04:01 PM
"The stone sought you out," Maboroshi replies as she watches the metal-holding elf cautiously. "We followed and found you doing this. Why did you sneak out of the village, what is it you're holding, and why did you think it would be here?"

2020-03-10, 06:23 PM
Willeby pokes his head out the door of the chimney'd building. "Is everyone done yelling now??" He walks outside to realize that a portion of the group was missing. "Hellllooo? Where'd everybody go?"

2020-03-10, 06:45 PM
Sneak out? I was yelled at by that damn halfling woman. If you call walking out of town pissed off sneaking out. Now please but down the sword, I am unarmed. he holds up his arms only holding the blackened metal.

I figured let all of you search the town for who you are, this is the only place I know I've been. So here is where I will find clues, and look I was right. He shows the metal shard.

2020-03-10, 09:14 PM
That sounds pretty reasonable. Sorry for scaring you. Duncan seats the sword firmly back in its sheath. What's going on with the metal shard? Did you find out anything from it? He'll approach and take a closer look at it.

Perception [roll0]

2020-03-10, 11:15 PM
Freckles leans out the door and points towards the woods as she calls back to Willeby. "They went that way, chasing after some kind of flying rock? I'm throwing together some medicine for Maeryan. Could you bring me a couple of cups, by the way? There should be some near that dining area."

2020-03-11, 09:39 AM
Honestly I am not sure what I found, but I assume it is a clue. This metal shard is here for a reason. He holds up part of a black circle, maybe a quarter of such on object. The metal in the middle is charred along its edges, but the center is strangely free of such ware, the oposite side has a much more even layer of soot on it. It would seem what ever was on top of the circle is no longer attached.

The book Freckles had been reading was an interesting store of knowledge. Freckles had picked it based on how the author signed her name, Sarah Who Would not be Forgotten. Thus far you had found the information on medicine strangely comforting to read but you also looked forward to later chapters that seemed likely to catalog the authors journey around the valley.

Some distance off you feel you can hear the sound of a wolf howling. It is faint and sounds like it is coming from the direction the road travels in.

Captain Jak
2020-03-11, 10:15 AM
Johan’s gaze sharpens as the small bit of metal is brandished.

"Can I see that for a moment?" he inquires, fishing the chain out from the neck of his shirt as he steps forward. He’d nearly forgotten about the charred necklace that had been in his hand when he had awoken, but this looked like it could very well be the missing part to it.

Flipping the haft of his extra-long axe around, he grounded the butt and hooked one arm around it to hold it steady while he compared the two pieces. Huh.

Not sure what roll might be appropriate here, so rolling 1d20 and add any modifiers as per skill as might be appropriate. :P [roll0]

2020-03-11, 11:15 AM
Johan can tell the two pieces go together. He can even see the reddish black metal welded on the black sphere of his own piece continues, however he still can not make out the shape that was supposed to be on it. All together he now has about half of what he is starting to feel is a holy symbol.

2020-03-11, 05:32 PM
Willeby was slightly shocked by the discovery. "Wow they had to chase them down? Well that's definitely strange. But sure I can get those for you!"

Willeby scampers off once more toward the dining hall. He quickly picks a few cups and heads back outside toward Freckles. "Here you go!" He says in his usual chipper tone, holding the cups out.

However his voice suddenly drops as he continues, "So it seems you're the residential healer amongst us. I don't wanna put any more pressure on you...but do you know anything about babies? I sure don't know the first thing about 'em but it seems I've taken the responsibility upon myself especially since others assume it is mine." His cheeks blush as the obviously embarrassed Halfling rattles off the information.

2020-03-11, 06:08 PM
Interesting! Looks like a holy symbol of some sort. I suppose you might have been a priest, or a paladin? Do you have any sense of who your god is?

Duncan turns back to the elf.That's a good find. Where was it?

2020-03-11, 06:35 PM
Freckles immediately takes the cups to the table, drips some runny yellow liquid into one and scrapes some heterogeneous goop into the other. "Thanks. I think I'm almost done," she sighs. "I don't know. I'm not even sure I'm a healer, really. I know what I'm doing, but I don't know what it's called, or when I learned it, or what exactly I learned it for. It's all just... shapes, and colors, and abstract principles of interaction."

After a few seconds of reloading the mortar and mashing up the next ingredient, she unwinds enough to get back to Willeby's actual question. "What is there to know about babies? You feed them and change them and keep them out of trouble until they figure out how to talk. The kid is a halfling, right? I just kind of assumed the other two were their parents..."

Of course, one of those other two is currently in the room, still. She's probably not a fan of such speculation. It's just as well; the full version of her theory still has some kinks to work out.

"Where is the kid, anyway? Do you know if they're a boy or a girl?"

Captain Jak
2020-03-11, 09:20 PM
A rolling laugh is shaking Johan before he realises it. "Ludicrous!" he exclaims, shaking his head. He’s not certain why he finds the idea so laughable, but there’s no doubt in his mind that he serves no god.

"No, I’m afraid there’s nothing holy about me, symbol notwithstanding," he denies. "Perhaps it belongs to one of the rest of you, and I took it from you?" A workable theory, although why he might have done so is, of course, unknown.

"This doesn’t look to be all of it, yet," the big man observes, examining the still-incomplete circle. "Perhaps if we find the rest, it might tell us something." He begins casting about, looking for any remaining scorched and shattered bits.

Perception: taking 20 to exhaustively search the area until pieces are found or something dire interrupts. 23

2020-03-12, 10:47 AM
The white haired elf points to a spot at his feet where the ash is no longer present. I found it right there. He then points over to the side 15 or 20 feet away. That is where the injured man was, or I assume because of the blood on the grass. If I recall right the freckled chic with the knife was only a little ways away. He points to Maboroshi. You were tied to that steak, surrounded by all this white ash. He looks at the chard pole in the ground, the top of it has fallen over, the burnt structure unable to support its own weight. Why did you not burn? He pauses Or were you simply going to be our next victim? He seems lost in thought.

... in town...

My child? I don't know. I suppose as one of two halflings, it would have to be mine or... his child, if it is a halfling. He was holding child, I was holding... something else. She points to Maeryan. He seems to think I am not a mother. However the elf said I could be. I just don't know. She turns and holds herself. And, aren't mothers supposed to just instinctively know of love their children?

2020-03-12, 10:55 AM
Maboroshi feels like admitting she doesn't know if starting to become a habit, so she doesn't say it. She approaches the stake that the white-haired elf has pointed out, all too aware of her recent bond with it, and examines the rope. She's no witch, she knows that much, and she's relatively sure she's not fireproof.

Does it resemble any rope in the shed?

2020-03-12, 07:40 PM
Not mine, I think. I keep my symbols of Sarenrae a little more practical. Duncan hefts his shield to demonstrate. I'm a warrior, not a priest.

He pauses a moment. He's not sure how, exactly, he knows that. But he knows it, knows it like he knows his name or how to walk. He searches the part of the clearing where he awoke, looking for answers.

Take 20 on perception for a 26.

2020-03-12, 07:45 PM
Maboroshi lets the rope fall back to the floor and approaches the stake proper. She investigates the point where it's buried in the ground, trying to judge how easy it would be to move.

2020-03-12, 11:36 PM
He seems to think I am not a mother. However the elf said I could be. I just don't know. She turns and holds herself. And, aren't mothers supposed to just instinctively know of love their children?

"I wouldn't know," says Freckles. She says it lightly, like a generic neutral response, but freezes for a second after she hears it. The statement seems more telling and sad the more she dwells on it, but then maybe she's just overthinking it? She already knows how easy that can be for herself, and that's from direct observation...

She shakes her head and snaps back to reality. "Well, if you don't remember having a kid, we won't force you be a mother if you don't want to be. We'll work it out somehow, okay?"

She pours the contents of one cup into another, adds some water from the bucket, and stirs it with her finger. It tingles a bit. "This should be it! Now just to apply it..."

Freckles spreads the salve over and around the wound, allowing it to soak in and infuse the tissue with stimulant, mild anesthetic, and a nourishing restorative matrix. The effect is instantaneous.

Mae recovers 8 HP!

2020-03-16, 09:26 PM
Freckles returns back to her book.

I write this log to ensure some record of our town continues to exist. I have seen the southern ruins and examined all that could be found there. I have talked to both sages in our world and found that the world we live in consumes history. The date is inaccurate at best, some centuries ago in the time of my mother's morther's mother all memory was consumed. People left void of all they were and what they had achieved.

However I have found records kept in the sages huts that date back before this event, or so I suspect. They do not agree with oral tradition or with each other. Thus I suspect that this may of happened more than once, possibly a great many times. To support my theory I have traveled to the southern ruins looking for some evidence. I will not say what I found there but I now write this "history" to keep my thoughts alive.

Astrid who Will Not Be Forgotten

2020-03-17, 03:31 AM
Upon reaching this latest page, Freckles starts flipping back and forth between pages. She has the look of someone frustrated with a puzzle, or perhaps in the middle of reading a very insulting letter.

"She changed her name!" she says suddenly, probably the first thing she's said aloud since she put away the alchemy stuff. "That, or someone stumbled on an earlier version and added to it..."

She immediately thinks to check for a date on the cover, but that's no good considering she has no idea of the current date. So, instead she flips to the end and finds several blank pages. There's no doubt about it - this book was a work in progress.

"If this is someone's journal, then it would make a strong case for the author being one of us, but there's nothing to indicate that it was made particularly recently." She shakes her head, arguing with herself. "It's too convenient to be fiction. If it's old, it just means that the phenomenon it describes has been around for quite some time."

At this point, Maeryan and the halflings could be forgiven for having no idea what on Earth the red-headed healer is on about. She'll read the relevant passage aloud when asked.

2020-03-17, 03:16 PM
Sifting through the ash and the grass on the ground Duncan finds a wood and leather pacifier. It is starting to seem finding the rest of the metal amulet may take days. Looking up in frustration he notes another interesting discovery. The floating stone no longer seems to be with any one here.

Moroboshi mean while concludes 2 people could move the pole she had been tied to, depending on how deep into the ground it goes. The soil around seems surprisingly well packed. The pole now looks fragile enough to break if people were to try and uplift it.

A distant howl of some animal can be heard. It is getting late, if every one leaves now they can make it back while it is still day light.

2020-03-17, 08:52 PM
Duncan holds up the pacifier. The poor lad probably wants this. I'll hold on to it for him. Hey, Mabo, your pet rock is gone again. Did you put it away?

He stands up straighter. We should head back. It's getting dark out. Let's see how the others are holding up. He starts walking back towards town.

2020-03-17, 08:57 PM
"I did not. I am beginning to think it is related to whatever stole our memories," Maboroshi answers Duncan. Seeing that others are heading back to town, she starts to do the same.

2020-03-18, 07:05 AM
Maeryan, wakes up, slowly, he takes his time, evaluating his wound, he feels great! The halfling woman, presumed to have stabbed him, is prattling on about some book, she smells strongly of medicine, as does he, Did she heal him?

"Whaat? Whoo? Who changed their name?"

2020-03-18, 12:54 PM
The human woman with the book explains.

"The author! Authors. They Who Will Not Be Forgotten. The title and the first chapters about the valley are attributed to Sarah, but this passage about memory loss is signed by an Astrid." She flips back to that page and picks up reading it aloud, then moves on hoping to find an entry about what Astrid found.

Once the Woods Team returns, she gathers everyone to the square and shares her findings.

"According to the book, Astrid found evidence of this being a recurring phenomenon all over the world, and set out to find the cause. She mentions following a lead in The Southern Ruins, so I think that might be our best lead, too."

So, I should probably ask OOC, just to be sure - is this book bound for posterity, as you'd typically find in a library, or does it have blank pages at the end, as one might expect from a log book in progress?

Captain Jak
2020-03-18, 11:02 PM
Johan abandons the fruitless search with the rest and keeps a wary eye out on the return trip to the village; from the sound of things there are beasts about, and he has no idea if they might be inclined to attack a group their size or not.

Once their motley group of amnesiacs have been assembled once more, he listens with interest to what Freckles has discovered, an uncharacteristically (at least, so far) sombre expression upon his bearded features.

"It certainly sounds like these ruins to the south are the place to start looking for our memories," he agrees. "Excellent work! All we managed to do is lose the magic floating rock and find a pacifier," he admits wryly. He's leaning on his long-handled axe, one forearm nestled neatly inside the upper curve of the axe head like it was made to do just that.

"Unless someone has a better idea," he goes on, and his tone makes it clear he finds that eventuality to be highly unlikely, "I say food, sleep, and tomorrow we go see what we can find out. Agreed?" He glances about their small gathering for said agreement.

2020-03-19, 11:22 AM
Duncan hands the pacifier to the baby when they get back. Here you go, little man. Enjoy. He listens carefully to Freckles as she discusses the book and They Who Will Not be Forgotten. Something tugs at his mind. A flash of memory. Looking down at her. "Don't you go forgetting me, you big lug!" Her tone is playful, but an undercurrent of worry. She punches his arm lightly. He draws her in and hugs her tightly. How could I forget you? He snaps back to reality.

Agreed. We should head to the Southern Ruins first thing in the morning. I don't like not knowing who I am. For now, rest and food are in order. It sounds like there are beasts about, so let's not start wandering off.

He gets a bowl of stew from the inn, then retires to his house. The healer's house. Her house? None of this makes sense, but the house feels more comfortable. He sits at the table and finishes his stew, then lays down to think. What can he remember? Who is he? She was always the deep thinker, not him. Who was?

2020-03-19, 11:03 PM
The book is hand written and while neatly bound in leather, the back has several blank pages. The hand writing is consistent through out the whole of the book, in as much as any ones hand writing is. The group all retire to various beds, some of you feel comfortable in them others do not.

OOC: Please post any actions you take before bed.

2020-03-20, 01:08 AM
Hours in the past, but not many, a healer with red hair flips to the end of a book she's reading and determines that it is, in fact, a work in progress.

She eats dinner with everyone else, using the opportunity to discuss plans for the morning. "We don't know how far South we have to go to get to these ruins, or how dangerous it might be. We already know that there are wolves or coyotes or something around, so we need to watch the baby especially carefully. I think at least two of us should stay here with him." She looks out the window facing the road. "We should keep watch for anyone else who might come this way, too. Whoever lives here must have traded with someone regularly, if that ledger is anything to go by. Any volunteers?"

After she resolves who is going and who is staying behind, she finishes reading the logbook and instinctively heads to the apothecary's house, only to find that Duncan has already taken up residence and possibly taken his shirt off. Embarrassed, she apologizes for intruding, borrows another book at random and leaves to secure her own sleeping arrangements. She volunteers to watch the baby halfling for the night if Willeby hasn't claimed that task already.

2020-03-20, 06:18 AM
Maboroshi listens to Vena's explanation quietly before heading off to do her own thing. This includes a patrol of the village before heading back to one of the rooms in what must have been an inn. There, she eats a meal prepared from some of the dried food from the shed, brings a tub of water up, and bars her door with the help of a chair. She cleans herself and arranges most of her weapons by her bed before sleeping.

2020-03-20, 01:22 PM
Duncan volunteers to take one of the late watches before retiring for his solitary meal. He's sure to take his boots and dirty overclothes off before laying on the bed. She hated it when he wore dirty clothes to bed. After deciding that laying down and thinking wasn't helping, he gets off the bed and kneels before the altar, a half-remembered prayer coming to his lips. Sarenrae, give me the strength to protect the weak. Dawnflower, help me bring the light in dark places. Sarenrae... He sighs. There's more to it, he's sure. The prayer feels familiar, he knows it's incomplete, but the rest of the words won't come. Who am I, Sarenrae? Heal my mind. Help me to remember, to know who I am, who "she" is, any of this.

His meditations are interrupted by his comrade opening the door. Oh! Freckles! He scrambles to his feet, then remembers that he's only wearing smallclothes and rapidly puts on a shirt. Sorry about that. Sure, take any book you want. I'm not the biggest reader.

When he's alone again, he undresses, taking new clothes from the chest and folding them neatly on the chair for later. The shield and sword he leaves by the bed, in case he should need them suddenly. He lays back and prepares for sleep, mind still struggling to understand what was going on. The bed is cold with her gone. He has to sleep before his watch. The thought anchors him. A flash of memory. Laying on a bedroll, his cloak as a blanket. A man in mail stands over him. "Get some rest, Duncan. I'll take first watch, then you wake Edwin after yours. Have to make sure they're not coming back. The Dawnflower protects." He drifts off to sleep...

2020-03-20, 09:08 PM
As Maroboshi's patrol drifts into the darker parts of the night she finds a since of foreboding. Turning around she spots 3 wolves that had walked into town. The wolves having been spotted pause for a moment giving her the first action.

OOC: here (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yFnQli72LIpM5Vakx9RIQv4wTS603HBNwDfWF_f_gIA/edit#gid=0) is a map. For outside combat we are going to be using ten foot squares just so I don't need to remake the thing.

2020-03-21, 07:24 AM
"Wolves! By the library!" Maboroshi bellows across the town as she figures out her plan of action. Three of them could easily flank her, surround her. Best option: Bottleneck, but none of the doors are open. There is, however, a well. She withdraws deeper in the town, planning to set up a bottleneck by the well where others can flank them if they give chase. The others, at least, have doorways to do the same.

Withdraw action to N5, which shoudl be just Northeast of the well.

2020-03-21, 02:51 PM
Since Maeryan and Willeby have tucked in the kid in the hunting lodge, Freckles takes a room in the inn next to Maboroshi's.

Upon hearing the commotion outside, she grabs a long walking stick, the closest thing to a weapon she's comfortable wielding after the knife incident, and closes the door behind her as she steps out to investigate.

2020-03-21, 05:04 PM
Duncan snatches up his sword and shield and stands in the doorway. They're just hungry animals. If we make a lot of noise and show we're willing to fight back, they'll likely flee. Make sure the baby and civilians are behind closed doors. He clashes his sword against the shield. Boo! Run away, wolves!

Captain Jak
2020-03-21, 08:09 PM
Partaking of the stew that is apparently being made available for the group, Johan retires to the smithy after making it clear he has no objections to anyone else picking that building to bunk down in if they so desire. He spends some time going over the long-hafted axe, admiring its craftsmanship, before propping it up beside the door and preparing himself to sleep. Shoes, apron and shirt come off, but he feels a certain...reluctance to undress further. Something about the yet-uncertain situation makes him want to be partially ready for....

Well. He doesn't really know what, actually.

Despite his preparations – and the bed is certainly comfortable enough – sleep eludes him, as he lies staring at the ceiling as the night slowly passes, worrying at the blankness that is his memory like a pup trying to move a heavy blanket. Just as overmatched, and just as intent at doing so anyhow.

Thus, he is a little fuzzy-headed but still awake when the outcry arises outside. Adrenaline jolts through him, and a moment's frozen immobility turns into a roll off the bed and darting to the door in bare feet. He grabs the smooth haft of his bardiche on the way out, and bursts out into the cool night air armed, bare-chested, and apparently ready to do battle in the defense of others.

2020-03-22, 09:41 PM
The hungry wolves round the corner of the library but Maboroshi has a large lead. She kicks up dusty ground trying to reach the safety of the well.

OOC: The wolves move as do those who are awake enough begin to grab arms.

Duncan, who is naked?, can roll intimidate in round 3. Ancient still can move for the previous round. Maboroshi can also go in round 2.

Johan and Maboroshi can roll perceptions.

current map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yFnQli72LIpM5Vakx9RIQv4wTS603HBNwDfWF_f_gIA/edit#gid=0)

2020-03-23, 08:59 AM
"If we take position between the library and the inn, we can prevent flanking and stop them getting deeper into the village," Maboroshi suggests to Johan as she contemplates her next move.

2020-03-24, 08:29 AM
Maeryan snaps to at the alarm and swings himself off the cot, feeling amazingly better. He grimaces, his gear is a tangled mess at the foot of the cot. He grabs the sword and a torch. And motions to Willeby.

"Take care of the little one", he growls as he moves to the door.

2020-03-25, 05:08 AM
(OOC Note: I believe that everyone is following the sleeping arrangement I laid out in the OOC thread. I've edited my earlier post to account for this. As such, Maeryan is currently situated in the hunting lodge in the spot currently labeled 'fr' there, while Vena is in the Inn in the spot labeled, 'Fr.')

2020-03-25, 04:12 PM
The gray beasts sprint in different directions each hunting a different piece of prey. One dashes by the open tavern door allowing Freckles a brief moment to attack. A second wolf quickly replaces the first attacking her. [roll0] [roll1] The wolf that dash passed the door catches up to Maboroshi and lunges at her white slobber dripping from its face as it comes forward to bite. [roll2] [roll3]

The last wolf looks oddly at the large naked man banging a sword on a shield. Before going for a bite at Duncan. [roll4] [roll5]

OOC: Freckles can roll an AoO, and every one can act now. Edit: Duncan also gets an AoO because of the nat 1, says something for being naked in battle.

map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yFnQli72LIpM5Vakx9RIQv4wTS603HBNwDfWF_f_gIA/edit#gid=0)

2020-03-25, 05:26 PM
(OOC: Vena and Freckles are the same person. Sorry, I feel like I'm causing way more problems than I'm solving at this point...)

"Hey! Stay back!"

Freckles holds out the stick in a faltering manner, quickly enough to perhaps poke the wolf before it sinks its teeth into her ankle, but not with nearly enough strength to stop it from doing so.


She grabs the door frame to steady herself, barely maintaining her balance as the big dog thrashes around with her helpless leg. It takes a few more harmless bonks to the head to get the wolf to let go, at which point the clumsy healer falls back into the inn and kicks the door closed.

Blood stains the hem of the loose beige frock she found in one of the houses. Whatever other skills she has locked away in her head, she doesn't seem to share the combat prowess of the other amnesiacs. The best thing for her to do right now is stay inside.

Captain Jak
2020-03-25, 10:30 PM
Johan's eyes widen with alarm as the huge grey and tawny beasts lunge forward out of the dark to attack his companions. Spine-chilling snarls are swiftly joined by the coppery scent of blood in the air that is as much taste as odour.

With a wordless outcry, he rushes forward to support Maboroshi, embroiled with the wolf that seems intent on eating her while still alive. He brings the head of his bardiche around in a powerful blow that, unfortunately, has more enthusiasm than skill behind it as it comes nowhere near the carnivore's agile form.

2020-03-26, 08:31 AM
Maboroshi prepares her blade to attack the wolf and does so just as it arrives.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + 1 Bleed

With that done, she charges to slay the next nearest wolf.

Damage: [roll3] + 1 Bleed

2020-03-26, 10:12 AM
A lunging beast is vulnerable in the moment it strikes. As the wolf leaps at him, Duncan sweeps his shield up and to the left, knocking its head up. In the same motion, he lunges forward, plunging his sword into its belly. The motion is easy, practiced; he's done this countless times before. Easier with a dumb animal than a worg or hellhound. He doesn't have time to interrogate that thought, as he hears Freckles scream.

He turns and sprints towards the wolf attacking her. I can't be too slow to save them. Not again. He has to protect the healer. A flash of memory. Charging down a hill with his comrades, the thunder of steel-clad warriors filling the air. Swords raised high, ready to die for a brighter dawn. For the Light! Dawnguard, chaaaarge!

Charge attack [roll0] damage [roll1]

2020-03-27, 08:50 AM
Maeryan sees the healer get ravaged by the wolf and rushes forward at full speed to assist.

Double move to L9

2020-03-27, 11:07 AM
Maboroshi rushes forward and slashes the wolf across its shoulder as Duncan closes in and with a heavy swing the nude man dispatches the final wolf.

The group finds themselves awake, their chests pounding with adrenaline from the excitement. They stare at each others with various instincts seemingly to take hold in their identities. After a moment the silence is broken by a babies hungry cries. The group looks at the three dead lumps that were once wolves.

2020-03-27, 01:40 PM
Duncan opens the door and rushes in to check on the healer. Freckles! Are you ok? It's only once he realizes she's alive that he takes note of the fact that he is extremely naked and holds the shield strategically in front of himself. Er, um, sorry... Do you need any help? He looks highly embarrassed.

2020-03-27, 04:57 PM
Freckles looks up briefly at the enormous man when he opens the door, then returns her attention to cleaning her leg. She already saw him earlier, so the shock has kind of worn off.

"I should be okay. This is nothing that can't wait until morning. How is everyone else?"

2020-03-27, 10:15 PM
That's good to hear! Everyone else is ok. I think you were the only one who got bit. I'll leave you to it then.

Duncan goes back outside, wipes his sword on the grass, and crouches by the dead wolves. Sorry that it ended this way. I know you were just hungry, but we couldn't let you hurt them. Here, I'll take you back out into nature where you belong. Isn't right to just leave you here. He picks them up and takes them into the woods outside town, then lays them respectfully on the ground. He closes their eyes. May your spirits find peace in the next life. You were good wolves. He walks back to town, washes the blood off with well water, and retrieves his sword before going back "home." After carefully wiping the blade with a cloth, he puts his armaments down and the gambeson on. He steps back outside.

That was nasty. Everyone feeling alright? Nice swordsmanship, Mabo.

Captain Jak
2020-03-28, 12:56 AM
Although the heavy axe failed to make contact with its intended target, the very act of swinging it in adrenaline-fueled earnest seemed to blow a cool wind through his mind and Johan stiffens slightly for a moment.

"Were they acting...odd, to you?," he asks Duncan as he assists the other man in the moving of the carcasses. "I mean, that doesn’t seem right, wolves to come into a settlement like that, just attacking people at random and with no coordination." That doesn't seem like wolves at all.

2020-03-28, 11:55 AM
Duncan considers it. I haven't. You're right, that's very unusual. Wild animals don't normally come into towns, or attack a group of strong, healthy people. War beasts, sure. But not wild animals. Unless they were starving, and even then...

Perception to see if the wolves look particularly emaciated. [roll0]

2020-03-30, 08:13 PM
Maboroshi frowns in contemplation as she wipes her bloody blade clean on the wolves' fur.

"Thank you," she says, sheathing her bastard sword. "But please call me Maboroshi."

With the wolves being moved next, she decides to finish off her patrol before heading back to her room to finish her activities for the night.

2020-04-02, 07:08 AM
Maeryan examines the wolves and then the healer's wound, he is analytical and professional, but somehow the focus seems to take away some of his usual gruffness.

"Mind that bite, possible these wolves were diseased."

Knowledge (Nature): [roll0]
Heal: [roll1]

2020-04-02, 11:16 AM
Maeryan doesn't see any signs of infection. Shortly after conversations once again slow and then stop and every one sleeps except when on their various watches.

Damn comes and the day begins uneventfully, until a little before noon. At which point some jolly singing can be heard at a distance. It gets steadily louder and a heavy cart loaded with goods can be seen comming down the road. The driver singing loudly to himself.

2020-04-02, 12:56 PM
Maboroshi spends her morning eating from some of the dry goods, washing in a fresh tub of water, and getting into a clean change of clothes. She dons a cloak so her weapons aren't as immediately obvious to any who see her before heading downstairs.

At the sound of the approaching wagon, she considers hiding - but the other amnesiacs would not know her plan, so there would be no point. Instead, she heads towards the source of the song.

2020-04-02, 07:35 PM
Duncan sleeps in a little, wanting to be fully rested before beginning the journey. When he gets up, he puts on new clothes and his emblazoned gambeson. He practices with his sword and shield, working through combat exercises that come naturally. He still feels too light without armor, but the exercise clears his mind. He packs a backpack with clean, sturdy clothes from the chest, then goes to the smithy for a sturdy belt knife, a whetstone, and a backup shortsword. He liked the weight of his sword, but a prepared warrior always carries a backup weapon.

When he hears the singing, Duncan walks over to investigate. He stands in the middle of the road, cheerful and welcoming. As soon as the driver comes into view, he greets him. Hello there!

Captain Jak
2020-04-02, 09:00 PM
The combination of the adrenaline of the fight and a sudden wash of half-familiar sensations and impulses heads off any possibility of Johan getting back to sleep, and so he spends some time putting together a little 'go bag' of clothing and foodstuffs that will be ready to hand should they need to move suddenly for some reason.

He's in a discussion as to the merits of exploring the mine before heading south to the ruins when the sound of a visitor approaching arises, and he makes his way over to Duncan's side to greet the newcomer. His bardiche is back by the smithy, but he doesn't feel particularly concerned. Whoever he used to be, he must have been confident in his ability to handle himself.

2020-04-03, 05:38 AM
While Maboroshi is occupying herself with the inn's washtub, Freckles starts the day by bringing back an array of items from the shed, spreading them out on the bar and letting her mind continue the slow process of recovery that had started with a deep night's sleep.


That's what she heard in her sleep. She doesn't know whether it was a memory of her mother, the imagined voice of a goddess, or her own voice calling out to some loved one. Whatever it was, it is easily a better name than Freckles.

She mixes two more servings of healing salve, each even more potent than the version she made for Maeryan last night. The added practice, combined with last night's harrowing experience, reminds her of another recipe ideal for fending off gangs of hangry wolves. Her sleepy smoke bomb is a volatile and dangerous thing to work with, so she only makes one.

This process takes about an hour and a half, and Maboroshi hears Vena talking to herself the entire time. She asks her materials where she knows them from and what they're for. Frustratingly, they don't answer.

Vena lights up at the prospect of someone who might. She runs out along with the rest and wastes no time interrogating the newcomer.

"Hello! Sorry, who are you? Do you recognize us?"

2020-04-03, 12:23 PM
The jolly man pauses his song and stops a fair distance away. He looks wearily at the armed men.

"Are you expecting trouble?"

Before the men can answer Vena rushes out and asks her pair of questions.

"Oh that is why your on edge. I was worried I was the only one with no memory yesterday. Figured with the cart I must be a trader. Figured you with the weapons must of been bandits, now I am thinking town guard. So may I come in and trade?"

2020-04-03, 12:35 PM
Duncan laughs. My apologies for scaring you, friend. We are no bandits. We were attacked by wild animals last night, so we are keeping weapons close at hand. Please, come on in. It seems you are suffering from the same problem as us.

He steps aside and lets the man through. He speaks to him as he walks alongside the cart. Where did you wake up, and how? Have you remembered anything? We're all trying to figure out what's going on. Sorry, forgot to introduce myself. I'm Duncan. He reaches up to try to shake the man's hand.

2020-04-03, 02:17 PM
Maeryan sleeps fitfully, he should be somewhere, something is missing...something...


Maeryan rolls off the bed with a hefty thud. Falling on the floor, he looks under the bed and spies something, but was it what he was looking for?

2020-04-03, 04:03 PM
Maeryan spies a musket under the bed.


The cart man says "woke up laying next to this cart. Decided I should just keep heading the way it was facing, so I did that." He smiles "Last night I heard some wolf howls, they had me worried but seemed to be getting further away. "

"Any how this is my first ever trade, as far as I know. So let's see what you got here."

2020-04-03, 05:01 PM
Duncan shrugs. Fair enough! We've got a bunch of metalwork and weapons in the smithy, cured furs and tanned hides, some hunting bows, wood planks, iron ingots, and all manner of common supplies. What do you have to trade?

2020-04-03, 06:01 PM
Maboroshi clears her throat. "We do not own anything but some of the clothes on our backs. We woke up near this village, but we do not own anything here and do not have the right to trade it. Especially considering we have done nothing to find the village's residents."

2020-04-03, 06:16 PM
"That's true," says Vena, nodding with Maboroshi's assessment. "Besides, you've lost your memory! That should be a prerequisite for doing business! Do you even know what you're supposed to be trading for? Or where you're taking it back to?"

She taps her foot. Vena doesn't want to make this a priority, but her brain automatically tries to make it work anyway.

"Well, theoretically... we could check the town ledger we found, find entries for the kinds of things you brought, and work out what you've traded for in the past. It's not an exact solution, but it could give us some insight on who you are and who lived here."

2020-04-03, 06:23 PM
Duncan looks at Maboroshi levelly. Speak for yourself. You may not believe you lived here. This is my sword and my shield, and my clothing. They are familiar to me. The house feels like my home. I understand some of the others feel the same way. We will go to the mines, as we talked about yesterday, and see if there is anyone else there. Perhaps we are mistaken, and they will have full memory of living here and us not being here. If not, I don't see why we wouldn't have been the people here. Makes as much sense as him waking up by the cart and assuming it's his.

2020-04-03, 06:38 PM
"Feel as you will, but you know nothing, and have not yet made any effort to see if an alternative is true. Until you have done so, you have no claim to the goods in this village," Maboroshi replies in the most even, balanced and goodly way it's possible to be, like wow you wouldn't believe how patient she is. God, she's amazing. I want to run my fingers through her hair, and I'm just prose!

2020-04-03, 07:15 PM
Interesting. You're wearing a fresh change of clothes. You weren't carrying any when we woke, so what gives you the right to those? Or your swords? And this guy woke up next to the cart with no memories, just like us. Do you intend to tell him he can't keep it because he doesn't have any proof of ownership?

2020-04-03, 08:22 PM
"I intend to return these to the villagers, should we find them, and pay for any food I've eaten through work or another appropriate form of compensation. It is an imposition, I admit, but a reversible and easily-corrected one. That is not the case when something is bartered with a merchant. As for him, I would advise him the same way I have you."

2020-04-03, 09:20 PM
The merchant smiles. "I didn't expect to have people fighting over me today." His grin turns into an open laugh.

"As for what I am trading, I supose it is stuff in my cart for stuff not in my cart. However if you have a ledger, that may make our deals all the more accurate." He runs a hand through his hair. "As for who owns it, I really hope I didn't wake up and steal some one else's cart and horse. I did wait for maybe an hour before I decided the horse was impatient and needed to go. Either way the ledger may offer us a fair way to do business. The town apparently trades often, I hope with me, let us do our normal trade and if you find others they will likely not complain that their business was concluded while they were away."

The white haired elf made himself known from the corner by the tavern by calling out "Trader you sound like an idiot." Having satified himself he walks away doing what ever it is he does. Thus far every one has discovered he doesn't like to share his plans and that when he does share it seems to be only to display what an ass hole he is.

The trader watches him. "Not the nicest sort is he?" He turns back to the others. "Well if you have an open bed, maybe I could spend today and tonight here. After that I assume with this being the end of the road that I have to go back that way." He points back in the direction he came.

2020-04-03, 09:59 PM
"I've no issue with conducting the usual dealings," Maboroshi says, then looks to Vena. "Please ensure that the any transactions go smoothly. I am going to see what our white-haired compatriot is doing, Farewell." She says it to everyone, but bows in particular to the merchant, then goes to do as she said: Follow the white-haired elf. Openly, so she can catch up with him.

2020-04-03, 10:55 PM
The elf notices he is being followed but doesn't slow down, if anything he speeds up. "What do you want?" He goes into the hunters lodge and moves toward the wall of arrows and bows.

2020-04-04, 03:02 AM
"Right! Duncan, you start browsing this guy's inventory. I'll go get the ledger."

Vena heads back to the library to enact this plan. When she spots Maboroshi following Mr. White into the lodge, she pauses and raises an eyebrow. Part of her really wants to see what's up. Another, more reasonable part of her tells her to shrug it off and get back to work.

She brings the ledger back to the cart and flips it open to the most recent page of trades. "Okay, what do we have?"

Captain Jak
2020-04-05, 07:05 PM
Rather than joining in on the bickering regarding habitation and the rights of possession and ownership, Johan instead assists the presumptive trader in getting his cart and beast settled.

"I wonder if the horse lost its memory as well," he muses aloud. "And whether it matters to a horse even if it did." Life might be simpler, as a horse. Probably not as interesting, however.

"My apologies for the...somewhat abrupt welcome," he tells the trader with a rueful smile. "Do you perchance have a preference for what we call you? I am, at least for the moment, Johan," he introduces himself, offering one large, callused hand to shake.

2020-04-06, 10:30 AM
Maboroshi, who explicitly told Vena what she was doing, replies to the white-haired elf. "I was curious to see what you were doing."

2020-04-06, 10:05 PM
The elf looks at the other elf, and then at the man laying on the ground by his bed with a fire arm. It is obvious some of you are good with weapons and have little inclination of just living life in town. You idiots are going to leave, and your going poke the bear as you go. I am going to be armed and ready here when the bear comes a knocking. He picks up the bow and a quiver of arrows. The halflings, the one armed fellow and I... we just want to live and if here is where we can do it. He walks out seemingly not finishing that sentence.


With the ledger in hand trades go quickly. The short of what happens is you trade iron, weapons, wood, nuts, and hides which were in abundance in the storage shed for smoked fish, salt, dried fruits, root vegetables, shell beads, hemp rope, and items that were rare or even missing in the shed.

The large man smiles "It is almost as if this set of trades was planned. You want to plan out the next round of trades? Anything you know you need or want delivered to..." he trails off. "Okay I admit I got no clue what is down that road."

2020-04-07, 12:21 AM
"Neither do we," says Vena as she writes in the last of the transactions. "We do not even know what the inside of that mine looks like. I'd assume that that's where all the iron ore came from."

She looks down the road. It stretches East for what must be a mile until the forest swallows it up.

"Wherever you came from, you weren't worried about finding your way when you left, right? If you trusted yourself to make the trip here alone, you should be able to get back just as easily."

Vena instantly doubts her own words of encouragement. In his state, Trade Guy could follow the road precisely and still be confounded by the first fork he finds. Still, he'd be more qualified than anyone else here.

"If you want, we could check our library for a map. Well, someone's library. The mayor's, I think."

2020-04-09, 11:35 AM
"We should definitely investigate the mines," Maeryan grumbles, gingerly testing his former stab wound, "But it seems you lot are dead set on checking the ruins first."
"I will assist you, but I want your help when I explore the mines."

"A map, what a good idea!"

2020-04-09, 12:48 PM
Let's check the mine while we're here. The ruins sound like they're a fair ways away, and the mine is right nearby. There could be people there that need help.

2020-04-10, 11:11 PM
OOC: Sorry if I cut any one off, but to get things moving again. Mine Shaft!

The halfling, Willibey offers to go find a map. The rest of the party moves into the mine shaft. The shaft dips into the ground at a fairly fast rate but for the moment seems to be going fairly straight. There is track on the floor at this point for a mine cart. The tunnel is fairly tall and most of the stone seems to be cut wide enough that it doesn't feel too claustrophobic.

Captain Jak
2020-04-10, 11:40 PM
Johan frowns.

"I…can't imagine why there would be anyone hiding in the mines," he says slowly, "but I suppose there's no harm in checking before we set out to the south," he admits. "Do we have torches, lanterns, something of the sort – it's going to be as black as the inside of your boots in there," the large man points out.

2020-04-11, 11:55 PM
"Well, if whoever works in this mine had any sense, there should be some torches and lanterns around. I think I saw some in the shed."

2020-04-13, 09:05 PM
Vena returns shortly with a lantern. The shed has ample oil now that it was restocked by the trader. The group travels downward with an occasional turn for about half a mile. At that point the shaft opens up into a massive slanting slope. This is obviously where the iron deposit is, and from the looks of it this deposit has been mind for some time.

2020-04-14, 03:25 AM

Vena calls out into the mine, holding the lantern in her left hand and cupping her mouth with her right. It's probably safe to say there's no reply aside from an echo. "There, satisfied yet?"

2020-04-14, 10:20 AM
In response to the shout a cacophony of chirps can be heard and a swarm of tiny bats takes flight they go right past the group biting and scratching on there way outside of the mines.

Every one in the mind takes [roll0] damage and starts to bleed for 1 damage. Feel free to roll perception, however the bats are leaving the cave now.

2020-04-14, 06:24 PM
The angry response from the bats fails to stop Vena from making noise. She covers her head and makes a frustrated yelp for each squeaking rodent that touches her. Once the swarm passes, she hisses through her teeth and pulls out her salve to staunch the bleeding on her arms.

"Freaking bat spit... everyone hold on, we need to clean and cover the wounds so they can clot properly."

I forget the DC to stop bleed damage with heal, but I suspect that she can do it by taking 10 at this point?

2020-04-14, 10:12 PM

Ow! That hurt. Thanks, Freckles. If anyone was in here, they'd probably be pretty hurt. Lets take a quick look around, make sure there's no one injured.

Captain Jak
2020-04-16, 12:54 AM
Johan had joined the party searching the mine – underground areas had their own, special blend of dangers he was certain, and it would do little good to lose people they knew about in the search for others that might not even be there.

When the main shaft was reached, he reflexively eyeballed the slope to figure out just how steep it was, and whistled softly.

"If—" he began, just as Vena yells out and triggers a bat swarm. Cursing and swatting at the numerous small bodies as they boil past, Johan was left feeling rather annoyed and uncomfortable as he examines one of the myriad small bites and scratches that continue to ooze as he waits his turn to be tended.

"Let's not try that again, shall we?" he muttered, albeit not too loudly. "Really don't know how likely it is that we'll find anyone just hanging out in here," he observes, his eyes roving over the hewn stone walls and ceiling.

Taking 10 on Knowledge: Dungeoneering: 17
Perception: [roll0]

2020-04-16, 12:22 PM
Blasted flying rats!

Maeryan attends to his wounds, and assists any that need help as well.

"Can't say as I will be satisfied til we actually see was is in here"

Heal Check (Take 10): 15

2020-04-16, 11:25 PM
The party casually looks around and finds the iron ore that was most recently being worked on. However they do not find anything else of interest down there. The bats seem mostly harmless as long as a miner does not stand in front of the exit while making a loud noise.

2020-04-17, 11:06 PM
Well, good to know no one was stuck down here. Duncan looks satisfied. Freckles, do you have a map? How far are we from the ruins?

Captain Jak
2020-04-18, 03:30 PM
Now that the immediate curiosity about their surroundings has been satisfied, Johan returns to the smithy to change into less blood-and-guano smeared clothing and prepare for a trek to the the south. Finding the ruins could be a challenge, but for some reason he doesn't feel particularly daunted by the prospect of a trip through the wilds filled with unknown possible dangers.

Perhaps the person he was when he had memories was a little crazy....

2020-04-22, 12:22 AM
The party sets off south of town bringing with them basic supplies from the town. It takes them the better part of the day to find the river eluded to in the book. The area is heavily forested and now they can begin to see distant mountains to the south. They seem almost equal distant between the mountains up north and those to the south. The river flows mostly from the east to the west, with a slight southern direction.

Captain Jak
2020-04-24, 11:19 PM
Johan has taken to the walk handily, using the stout butt of his bardiche like a walking stick, the heavy head flashing in the intermittent shafts of sunlight making their way through the trees. As they finally discover the promised river, he runs his gaze up one length and then down the other before turning to Vena.

"Well, you uncovered our quest here," he observes, nodding to where she has the book stowed. "Any idea which way to go from here?"

2020-04-26, 11:27 PM
"I don't know," Vena admits. "I don't see any sign of a bridge. I guess we follow the river downstream until we find either a place to cross or an ocean."

2020-04-29, 10:30 PM
The group travels down river for several miles, the trees become less dense as you go and you get the filling that you may be in a clearing by tomorrow. Unfortunately the weather begins to turn and the first few drops of rain tell you this will be a wet night. The rest of the night passes uneventfully although you swear you could hear some distant noises in the night. The group packs up camp and heads down the river which is noticeably wider than the night before, and the current has picked up as well.

As the day moves on you begin to see muddy tracks
The tracks are of a heavy hoofed animal that lives in a group. Likely horses, ponies or donkeys.

Among the horse tracks you find some clawed foot prints, something is hunting them. The size and the non retractable claws, would suggest a wolf. However it seems to be alone.

2020-04-30, 03:20 PM
While she's darting around gathering herbs to replenish her alchemy supplies, Vena kneels down to examine the tracks. "Interesting! I think there's another wolf out here, alone. It seems to have enough to eat, though." She examines the tracks of the prey animals second, since they don't stand out as much. "Wait. These are horse tracks, aren't they? I wonder if... no, our town didn't even have a stable, did it? That would mean that either they're wild animals, or some traveler lost them the during The Event. Probably the former?"

2020-05-01, 05:25 PM
I don't remember a stable. Let's keep moving, but pay attention. Those last wolves were weirdly aggressive, so we don't want to get caught off-guard. Hopefully we find a place to cross soon.

Captain Jak
2020-05-02, 04:08 PM
Focused more on their surroundings, Johan doesn’t do more than take a cursory glance at the tracks.

"We know nothing about this area, there could be numerous other settlements that horses could have come from," he observes, sliding his hand absently on the long haft of his bardiche. "We just need to keep a watchful eye out; wolves, brigands, who knows what." That’s why they’re all under arms, of course. It’s a strange, dangerous world out there that none of them are familiar with. Best to treat it like it’s trying to kill you.

: Survival: 9

2020-05-04, 06:18 AM
"Looks to me like young horses or ponies, being followed by a lone hunter, possibly another wolf."
His certainty struck him, it was all so familiar, like he had seen it before...Maeryan's eyes narrow, and he checks the load in his musket.

2020-05-04, 10:40 PM
The group moves away from the wooded area and enters a long flat grassy plane. Off in the distance they can see the edge of a large lake. They will likely be at its shores by sun down. However there is little wood between here and the lake. The grass it quite tall and more than enough for a predictor to hide in. Off in the western distance they see a herd of horses, to the south a group of bison. No sign of a predator.

2020-05-05, 07:26 PM
"No ruins... no docks or anything, either?" Vena sighs. "I suppose I shouldn't be this surprised... I somehow had this grand idea of a sprawling civilization that had something everywhere, but that doesn't really mesh with reality." She looks at the sky and then back up the river. "The sun does still set in the West, right?"

2020-05-05, 11:25 PM
As far back as I remember! Course, that just means it has for the past few days. Duncan laughs.

2020-05-06, 03:19 PM
The party continues heading toward the lake, as the directions we to reach the lake and cross it. As you move through the grassy plains an island starts to come into view in the middle of the lake, a gray and green thing outlined in white sand. It grows steadily as you approach and what at first appeared to be the gray granite stone mountains starts to take shape as ancient stone walls. What else may be on the island is hard to say.

Not far from the beaches on your side you can see some deep green bushes and shrubs. The island is a good mile or more of currently rough water, no ships to be seen. No quality timbers can be seen here but about a half day back the forest sits full of quality timber.

OOC: Does the group push onward and hope to find a ship, maybe just the materials for a raft, or head back and easily find the materials to make a raft. The river has thus far had no rapids since leaving the forest and appears not to have any ahead either. It is however still raining.

Link to ooc (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?607922-Explosive-Amnesia-OOC) if any one needs it again

Captain Jak
2020-05-07, 10:22 AM
Gazing out across the water, Johan shakes his head.

"Whelp, better head along shore and see if we can find a boat stashed somewhere," the tall man observes. "That would be one heck of a swim, and we’d have to leave pretty much...everything here. Not a good plan. If our guidebook got over there, there’s likely a boat somewhere – you tend to leave boats at lakes rather than take them home, I’d imagine." There is still so much he doesn’t remember, but he can’t fathom people loading a boat into a wagon and dragging it home for some reason.

2020-05-07, 04:33 PM
Vena nods. "Okay! Let's keep looking. Worst case scenario, we can make rafts out of some logs and reeds."

2020-05-07, 08:03 PM
"Indeed, a boat being here isn't the craziest idea I've heard today."

Maeryan says, he eyes scanning the horizon, keeping an eye on the herd animals. If the predators were present, the prey beasts were likely to detect them before they.

2020-05-08, 12:52 PM
Makes sense. Course, they might not have made it back, so the boat might be over there. No harm in looking though.

2020-05-13, 02:09 PM
The group travels far to the east around the lake and then swings back to the west. They find at least one other river in the east feeds into the lake traveling from the north. Between the two rivers are the roughly 10 miles you searched. You found a fair number of resources to build a raft but no boats. The rivers and the lakes are all bare with only the odd leaves, branches, and occasional water fowl on it. You did however see the materials needed to make a raft with some effort. Your occasional look at the ruins do display, that they are in fact ruins, crumbling and covered in ivy. Durring this trip the Ioun stone has steadily held itself over Vena.

2020-05-14, 03:54 PM
Well, guess they never came back. Or the boat sank after. Let's start making a raft then. I don't seem to know anything about how to lash one together, so I'll just start gathering supplies and follow directions from there. Freckles? Johan?

Duncan starts dragging big logs to the beach, trying to line up a raft-size collection of ones of similar size. He hums contentedly as he goes, happy to have a clear task at hand.

2020-05-15, 07:07 AM
Maeryan thinks it over, somehow, this doesn't seem that all odd, it is almost as if he has done it before. He gets some sense of swimming next to a raft, its cargo more important that the people guiding it.

"Right, let's get to it."

Despite a feeling that they may be being watched, Maeryan begins helping gather timbers.

Survival: [roll0]

2020-05-15, 04:04 PM
"Johan, did you say you were a carpenter? No, wait, I think we decided you were a blacksmith, right?"

Vena sets to work pulling tough strands of reeds and twisting them together to tie the wooden pieces together. She only has a vague idea of the result she's looking for, and has probably never done this before, but her general creative acumen should serve the project well nonetheless.

Craft(untrained): [roll0]

2020-05-18, 10:24 PM
It takes a few hours but the group seems to have made a serviceable raft. It floats, seems to be held together, and sits above the water line. The group quickly sets off to the island ruins.

Long have a I journeyed to these ancient ruins. My travels now have me at the very edge of the world. Though my path was simple enough. I headed south from our small town, which we had discovered was once called Pancake, (though I know not why.) We came to a river and followed it west until we came to a lake. Building a raft we headed south across the lake so I could find the ancient ruins. We found them half submerged in the hot sands.

These people had perfected the art of the archway and even of the dome. The entrance and much of the structure was an ached ceiling that lead to a central dome. From there it shot off into fur directions. Each a large arch ending in a smooth dome. The inside had tables covered in numerous glyphs and runes some of which I will describe later in my journal. What I wish to describe right now is the strange feat. These rusted ruins seem to be made mostly of iron and glass in a way that seems foolishly expensive and difficult to manufacture. Perhaps these people were worried of some outside assault and needed walls even stronger than stone. I will continue to speculate as I further more research on the subject. For now I left wondering where the people of this metal city went and why no one remains in these ancient hollowed halls.

... it continues on...

edit: Feel free to make a Dex check to keep the raft heading where you want it to go.

2020-05-20, 02:30 AM
Vena pushes the raft along with her stick until the water is deep enough that the group has to paddle, at which point she mostly gets in the way and has to be shooed to the center of the raft. She's not too worried about it. The book didn't mention any problems with the lake, and she can't imagine the biome introducing anything too dangerous since it was written, so she keeps her eyes on the goal - the strange walls rising from the beach in the distance.

She had spent a good part of the trip here reading that journal. The jury is still out on whether it was from was her past self, or a relative, or Duncan's lover. However, it now seems certain that whoever wrote about this did apparently come from the same place we did, and saw fit to return at the end. If she found anything pertaining to the memory resets, it wasn't enough for her to fix them.

Whatever. Vena has to try. She can't rest until she's seen it for herself.

I assume that the book entries are a sort of narration that you'll reveal as it becomes relevant to our exploration, even though Vena has already read it all before this point.

2020-05-23, 12:30 AM
As the raft drifts the group begins to see logs just under the surface of the water. Before long however some one spots the subtle eyes of a crocodile just under the surface of the water. However the trip to shore is otherwise fairly uneventful as the have little interest in the raft.